4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics Club
4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics Club
IntheSection About4‐HExplodingBaconRoboticsClub, Team1902 Mission Anon‐profitgroupthattrainsyouthinSTEMandbusinessfields History Ourmissionistoinspireyouthusing4‐Hprinciplesalongwiththetenets ofgraciousprofessionalismtoexplorescienceandtechnologythrougha mentorbasedprogram,whichdevelopsleadershipandlifeskillswhile encouraginginnovationandcreativesolutionstoengineeringand technicalchallenges. Current Situation Market Analysis Market Needs Changes In The Market Target Market Marketing Strategies Competitive Advantage Team Development and Growth Resources Future Plans SWOT Risk Analysis Organization and Structure Team Budget Financial Statement F.I.R.S.T.(ForInspirationandRecognitionofScienceandTechnology)has 4levelsofprogramsthatprovideever‐changingchallengestoencourage problemsolvingandteamworkthroughhandsonexperiencesinthespirit ofgraciousprofessionalism.ExplodingBaconworkswithvolunteersto maintainasmanyteamsundertheseprogramsaspossible. 1902isaFIRSTRoboticsCompetition(FRC)Team.Studentsaregivensix weekstodesignandbuildarobotwiththehelpofprofessionaland collegementors.Theserobotscompeteinsportlikeeventsonalliancesof threevs.three.ButthatisnotallaFRCteamdoes.Inordertospread wordoftheorganizationandinspireasmanystudentsaspossible,teams competefortheChairman’sAward.Itisthemostprestigiousawardthatis offeredtoteamsforgoingaboveandbeyondmakingapresenceintheir localcommunitiestoimpacttheculturearoundthem. Our4‐Hrelationshipnotonlyprovidesuswithfinancial/liability supportandnon‐profitstatus,butalsoallowsustoacceptstudentsfrom anyschooldistrictincludinghomeschoolerswithoutworry.Thistiesin withouroriginalfoundinggoaltocreateanactive,successfulteamin whichanystudentmayjoin. Combiningthesetwoyouthorganizationsimprovesleadership,technical, andlifeskillsinstudentsandprovidesthemwithadvantagesinfuture educationandcareeropportunities. History CurrentSituation FirstCompetitionSeason:2006 Veteranteaminour9thyear Atthefirstmeetingin2005,therewereatotalof sixkidsandthreeadultmentorsforanFRCteam. Bykickoff,theteamhadgrowntotenkids,from fourdifferentschoolsaroundOrlando,FL. FRC FoundingMentors: WendyAustin–NEMO MichaelColman‐Electrical/FIRST KellyAustin‐Media JenniferColeman‐NEMO/FIRST DougLeppard‐TechnicalLead SarahPlemmons‐NEMO/FIRST DanRichardson‐Mechanical MikeWalker‐Programming GeorgeWallace‐Strategy/Driving RobbyWallace–Mechanical RyanLeitch‐NEMO Ourmainchallengehasalwaysbeentofinda permanentbuildspace.Inthefoundingdaysthe schoolwestartedwithdidnotprovidemuch support.Partneringwith4‐Hhashelpedprovide somestabilityandclassroomspacebutnever anythingwithexclusivestorage.Thus,wehave movedalmosteveryyear,buildinginmentor’s garages,barns,unoccupiedbuildings,andafew yearsatLockheedMartin. Sincemovingawayfrombeingaschooloriented teamanewchallengearose,recruitingstudents. Wemetthischallengebyfocusingheavilyonfilling upFIRSTLegoLeague(FLL)teamsandwhenthose studentsbecameofagemostwereecstatictojoin theFRCteam.FromBacon’sfirstLegoTeam,aka BLT,oureffortshavestemmedintoatotalof5FLL Teamswesupporteachyear. Forthefirsttwoyearstheteamreliedheavilyupon Siemens’donationtocompete.In2008,thedays beforeabusinessplan,Siemensdroppedall fundingasasponsoronemonthbefore competition.Theteamscrambledtogettogether thefundinginsmallerincrementsfrommany differentsponsors,whichisthemodelweuse today. 20%female,80%male 23studentsfrom9schoolsplus homeschoolers In6counties:Orange,Seminole,Osceola,Lake, PolkandHillsborough. 35%ofFRCstudentshavepreviouslybeenon anFLLteam FLL 39studentson5teams,twoofwhicharefrom St.Luke’sLutheranSchool Mentors 11collegementors,4ofwhomwereformer baconstudents SeveralProfessionalMentorsfrom‐Electronic Arts,Disney,LockheedMartin,BAESystems, Simsol,etc. Tosustainthislargeofanorganizationa budgetiscreatedfortheclubandincludes detailspertainingtoeachindividualteam(see attachedsheets) Butfirstwewouldliketoacknowledgethe companiesthathavesupportedusthisyear: LockheedMartin MagnusHi‐Tech EASports FluidPowerSociety PTC BAESystems DisneyVoluntEars FirehouseSubs StageEquipmentandLighting(SEAL) PublixCharities Simsol EliseCronin‐Hurley,WebandGraphicDesign MarketAnalysis ChangesInTheMarket MichelleMorella(U.S.NewReporter) CentralFloridaHighTechCorridor “About1in4ofallhighschoolers(are)excited aboutpursuingaSTEMmajororcareer,(but)close to60percentchangetheirmindsbygraduation.” Asearlyasmiddleschool,kidsareformingideasof whatisconsideredcool,likebeinganathleteora rockstar.ThisiswheretheneedforSTEM extracurricularactivitieslikeFIRSTRobotics comesin.FIRSTcreatesthoseconnectionsbetween scienceandmathinschoolandhowthoseconcepts canbefuntoapplyinrealworldsituationsthat translatesintofuturecareers. ABrandeisUniversitystudyofFIRSTPrograms wascompletedin2005andisbasedoffofalumni from2003andearlier.Thestudyconfirmedthat FIRSTimproveseducationandstudentmorale. 90%ofFRCstudentssaytheylearned practicalorworkrelatedskills 80%ofschoolsreportedSTEMintegration intotheclassroom 88%ofalumnigotocollege 4xaslikelytopursueacareerin engineering Morethantwiceaslikelytogetajobinthe fieldtheystudy MarketNeeds Easterncountries(likeIndiaandChina)have6x moreengineeringgraduatesandasfounderDean Kamenknows,theU.S.isfallingbehind.TheU.S. hasbeenlivinginthedigitalageforawhilenow andmanyspecializedengineeringjobsoftengo unfilled.Technologyandengineeringarewhathas ledthiscountrytobealeaderinthepastandwhat liesinthefuture. KelseySheehyaU.S.NewReporterknows“Inthe nextyearalone,nearly3.7millionnewjobs(will emerge)inSTEMfields(upfromthe2012totalof15 millionemployees).”Butonly70,000peoplewill graduatefromcollegetofillthosepositions.Clearly thereisagap,andunemploymentratetomatch, whatskillspeoplehaveandwhatskillspeople need. Thelargestgrowingindustryis creativetechnology Techie.comnameOrlandoasanational techhubtowatchin2014 Orlando’sleadershaveavision:totransform ourcityintoaglobalcenterfordigital innovation.Thatvisiontranslatesto downtownOrlando’sCreativeVillage,which maybethenextSiliconValley. Orlandohasbeenquietlyfosteringastart‐up communitywiththeformationoftheCoLab,a co‐workingspacethatrentsoutofficeand deskspacetoindividualsandsmall businesses.ThismakesOrlandoagreatcityfor collegestudentswithfournearby(UCF, Valencia,Rollins,andFullSail)thatcollege mentorsandbaconstudentshopetoattend. AlsoadocumentarycalledOrlandoRising recentlypremieredaboutthegrowing industryrighthereinExplodingBacon’s backyard. TargetMarket ExplodingBacontargetsstudents(ages6‐17) intheOrlandoandsurroundingregionsthat showmildinterestinscience,technology, robots,performing,design,andmost importantlylearning! MarketingStrategies Howwerecruitstudents 1) Wordofmouth‐invitingfriends, siblings,talkingabouttheteamatschool andsharingpictures/videosonline (Facebook). 2) SocialMedia‐heavytrafficonTwitter (withthehelpofcompanieslikeThink Geek),YouTube,andthewebsite. 3) SupportingFLLteamseveryyear,talking aboutFIRSTprogramsandExploding Scienceinschools. 4) RobotdemosthroughoutCentralFlorida, withanemphasisonhighschoolsas mostdonothaveanyFIRSTTeams. 5) Fundraisersinthecommunityarehow wereachamajorityofpeopleandnew sponsorswhohaveneverheardofFIRST. CompetitiveAdvantage Ourbrandisaniconicname,pigonarocketlogo,andOinkOinkBoomchantthatrepresentsusasa teamthatlikestohavefun,getourhandsdirtywithscience,andhelpmorethanjustbaconexplode. TheteamhashadsomegreatFemaleRoleModelsfromthestartincluding: FoundingMentors‐WendyAustin&SarahPlemons Currentleadmentor‐JoyceWalters Founder/Animation/FormerNEMOlead‐RyanLeitch Website/MediaLead‐EliseCronin‐Hurley CollegeMentors:BethanyMcCabe,AshleyKosikandKellyWildermuth Andmanyotherparents/mentors Outreach 83eventsinthepast3years HostingandvolunteeringatFLLtournaments BroughtFIRSTto: Approximately13,000professionalsat Conferences ChildrenatNASASpaceCamp&Dreamflight (forill/disabledkids) Otronicon(OrlandoScienceMuseum) OrlandoMiniMaker’sFaire CreatedPackagesfor:RonaldMcDonaldHouse, holidaycardstotroops,fooddrive,andBacon alumniincollege ExplodingScience 4modulesfullofexperimentsforelementary agedstudents‐Physics,Chemistry,Alternative Power,andSimpleMachines SummerCamp OneweekofExplodingScience,Lego Mindstorms,andteamworktocompeteinamini tournamentfor2nd‐8thgraders. Awards 3 2 6 5 RegionalDean’sListWinners –past3yearsinarow(Marissa Walters,KatieAustin,KrisWalters) RegionalChairman’sWinners 2010and2013 RegionalWinners/Finalists OffSeasonWinners RookieYear2006 ‐RookieAll‐Star,HighestRookieSeed/Finalist (OrlandoRegional) ‐RookieInspiration,HighestRookieSeed (TexasRegional) ‐FinalistonArchimedes(Championship) TeamDevelopmentand Growth St.LouisWorldChampionships2013 Nomatterwhathappensweplayhardand workhardasateam Justspendingtimetogethereachweekand meetingtheyoungermemberseachmonthhelps usgettoknoweachotherandformtightfamily‐ likebonds.Whenthenewofficersareelected,they goonaminiretreatasdotheseniorsattheendof theyear.Weplansocialeventswithintheteam suchasLightupUCFtoengagestudentsduring off‐season. Aftereachregionalevent,theteameatstogether andcelebratesthehardworkandexcitementof competition.AftertheregionalwheretheDean’s ListandWoodieFlowersAwardnomineeswere submitted,theauthorsreadtheessaysaloud beforedinner. Education/FRCTraining Duringtheoff‐seasonourtechnicalmentorshaveorganizedtutorialsforareassuchasprogramming andCAD.Thesafetyandmachinetestworkinasimilarfashion.Beforecompetitionourteamplaysthe Chairman’sJeopardyTriviagame,createdbytheawardsteamtosolidifyanindepthunderstandingof Baconforallteammembers. Resources Engagestudentsbyparticipatinginevery outreachopportunitythatcomesourway. Conferences/Conventions‐PTC,SLAS, Otronicon, o MaiseLearningwhereastudentwas abletomeetBillClinton o Robotdemosatlocallibrariesto STEMDayatthestatecapital Studentsactasmentorsduringsummer campsandonFLLTeams Introducingpeerawardsmadefrom students’CADdesignsforthe3Dprinter InspireOthers HandingoutFIRSTbrochuresatrobot demonstrations Businesscardswithcontactinformation andupcomingevents LegoMindstormkits‐supportFLLTeams, summercamps,andminicompetitions ExplodingSciencemodulesatelementary schools BigBaconTheoryofImageand Marketing SpreadingMessageandIdealsofFIRST Promotionalfoamflyingpigsaregivenaway.OnelittlepigtraveledtoNewYorkwithFRCTeam180 SPAMandappearedontheMacy’sThanksgivingParadebroadcast. Atlastyear’sbuildspace,wespreadtheFIRSTprogramtonearbybusinessesbyhostinganOpenHouse. ThesameyearwesharedthespacethroughouttheseasonwithFRCteams665,4833,andteams1592/ 801usedourbuildspacetostartrebuildingtheirrobots. Relationshipswithsponsorshaveledto Themostvaluableresourcewehaveistime, resourcessuchasthe4‐Hcenterwherewe: whichourmentorshaveusedtovolunteer aboveandbeyondtheExplodingBaconagenda. Meetother4‐Hteamsandadvertise OurClubLeadisaprimeexamplethathaseven throughbannersinthelobby leftthecountrytovolunteerandhasreceived HostanFLLtournamentandFRCkickoff thanksfromstudentswhowereinspiredtogo eventwithstrategyworkshops. tocollege. FuturePlans Continue Searchingforapermanentbuildspaceby askingthosethatareleasingorbuildings thathavebeenemptyformanyyears HostingFLLTournament,SummerCamps Communicatingwithour“exploding”Social MediaPlantoincludesponsorappreciation Team Moredemonstrationsathighschoolsand highschoolagedhomeschoolgroupsin hopestoincreaseFRCmembership ExpandBig/LittleprogramwithJr. FLL/FLLandFRCbyplanningmore activitiesatmonthlymeetings FindcoachtostartanExplodingBaconJr. FLLteam SponsorsandPartnerships RockwellAnimationaftertheywonthe Fouder’saward Continuedevelopingourrelationshipwith theMelroseCenteratthelibraryby participatinginmoredemos Expandcommunityevents,conferences,and industryshowswedemonstrateatforour sponsors HelpingFIRSTgrow:CommunityOutreach ExpandExplodingScienceprogramby presentingmoreworkshops,creatingbetter documentationofeachmodule,andcreating asimplemoduletosendtodisadvantaged kids Reachout/startmoreindependentFLL teamsinmiddle/elementaryschoolsinthe areaincluding3ofourFLLteams CreateFLLTeaminaBoxforeasyteam creationtargetedtowardsparents PresentingBigBaconTheoryattheSouth FloridaRegional SWOTAnalysis Strengths Abletorecruitstudentsfromanyschoolor county Strongsocialmediapresence Nearmanycolleges Reputationforimageandmarketing Weaknesses Lackofapermanentbuildspace Noschooltorecruitfrom Lownumbersofactiveprofessional mentorsfromlargecorporations Opportunities Manyprofessionalconferencesinthearea presentchancestomakeprofessionalcontacts andmeetpotentialsponsors. WearelocatedintheCentralFloridaHigh TechCorridor,whichhasledtosponsorships fromcompanieslikeEA,LockheedMartin,and 3DPerception,whohavebothprovidedbuild spacesinthepast. TherearemanyhighschoolsinCentral FloridaandnotallhaveFIRSTteams,giving ustheopportunitytospreadFIRST,starting withFLL,duetotheoverwhelmingnumberof elementaryschools. Threats/Risks FindingaBuildSpace LossofSponsors Threatlevel:High Impactlevel:High Wenetworkwithcompanies whomayhaveaspaceorfunds theyarewillingtodonate.Asa lastresort,webuildata mentor’sgarage,whichhasled toopportunitiestospread FIRSTinthecommunityto nearbyneighbors. Threatlevel:Low Impactlevel:Medium Inthepastwehavelostour onemajorsponsorsowehave learnedtospreadour resources.Wereceivefunds fromavarietyofsponsors, includingmentorswhodonate volunteerfunds. LossofExperienced Members Threatlevel:High Impactlevel:Low Wefindnewstudentsthrough word‐of‐mouth,socialmedia, FLL,andathighschooland communitydemos.Students’ parentsthenoftenbecome mentors. FinancialStatement Income CorporateSponsors Dues FLL FRC TotalDues Fundraising $22,973.00 $4,150.00 $3,000.00 $7,150.00 Concessions BaconBlizzard Expenses Administration Fundraising BaconBlizzard SummerCamp Lightbulbs SponsorDinner TotalFundraising FRC Registration Robotparts,tools,&supplies BuildSpace Off‐SeasonCompetitions SpiritItems StressBall‐FlyingPigs(squeezypigs) Pins TotalFRC FLL Registration&FieldKits(5) Tournament(9) Regional(2) State(1) T‐shirts(50) TotalFLL TotalExpenses SummerCamp LightBulbs TotalFundraising IndividualDonations Operations OtherReimbursements TotalIncome $899.15 $1,178.05 $4,600.00 $115.00 $6,792.20 $422.38 $10.76 $37,348.34 $803.25 $359.80 $558.54 $36.00 $565.31 $1,519.65 $9,000.00 $5,741.08 $248.49 $100.00 $900.00 $192.71 $16,218.28 $1,706.21 $675 $200 $125 $837.50 $3,543.71 $21,281.64 In the Section Outreach and Robot Demos Recruitment Flier Our Summer Camp Exploding Science Paper Airplane Marketing Packet FRC Awards Our Sponsors Sponsor Contributions Sponsor Dinner Invite Outreach, in our community 2006 to Present $20,000 of coupons to Japanese Navy Base 4-H Events, Kickoffs, & Demos - Eco-Saves Day Exhibitors - Lego robotics camp (Summer) - Central Florida Fair Exhibit Booth - Central Florida Fair LEGO Showcase - Consumer-Choice State Event - County - State Competition / Extravaganza - District Event- State Event Participants and Judges - Share-the-Fun - Kick-off - Meet & Greet - Lockheed Martin Volunteer Recruitment Annual Cattleman’s Breakfast Fundraiser Astronaut Scholarship Foundation’s Astronaut Memorabilia and Signing Show Attended, NASA Lunatics Mining Competition Back to school Boy Scout Banquet Demo Boy Scout Vex Tournament , Hosted Boys and Girls Clubs of Pine Hills. Bread of Life – food delivery program in West Orange County Breakfast and Movie – (Exploding) Bacon served up breakfast & team videos to 2 BAE Systems offices. Bubbalous BBQ FRC Team Social 2009 California Pizza Kitchen Fundraiser Demo Car-Wash Fundraiser Cattlemen pancake breakfast Central Florida Fluid Power Society Chick-Fil-A thanksgiving baskets Chick-Fil-a spirit nights Chick-Fil-A participated to make over 100 bags of food for kids local elementary schools Dreamflight Demo EA Sports Sharky Awards Video Edgewood’s Children’s Ranch Demo Exploding Science Florida State Capital, STEM Day Florida State Fair Exhibitors Florida VEX State Competition Fluid Power Society presentation Fox Am News FreeScale Technology forum Fluid Power Society Demo Gator Robotics Showcase, University of FL Girls and Boys Scouts Girl Scouts, Hosted The Central Florida Lego Challenge, a ‘Mini’ bot tournament Good Shepard Catholic School, our robot attended 3 science classes and passed! INCOSE IRI NASA's Kennedy Space Center - Exploding Bacon introduced our FTC bot to many astronauts! - Space Camp Demos - Astronaut Scholarship Foundation AAMS Demo Kiwanis Club LAN parties Learn 2010 Expo Learn 2011 Expo Learn 2013 Expo Light Up UCF Living Well Expo Lockheed Martin “take your child to work day” Lockheed Martin Bring daughter to workday Lockheed Martin E-week Lockheed Martin Tech Day Lockheed, Bring Your Child to Work Day Indra Systems, met with personnel and got to experience their simulators Magnus Hi-Tech Demo Makin’ Bacon Scholarship Workshop Maitland City Farmer’s Market demos Math tutoring to Middle School students Menchie’s Downtown Orlando Fundraiser Mini-Maker Faire NASA KSC, Lunabotics National FPS Demo NDIA (National Defense Industries Assoc) Otronicon, Orlando Science Center for Lockheed Martin Orange County Library - Lego Contest Demo - Melrose Center Technology Grand Opening - Melrose Center for Technology – Tech Talk Outback Steakhouse Restaurant Pigging Fundraiser- planting front yards with foam pigs Publix Supermarket Fundraising Research Park Open House Robots In Action! Rolls Royce, Tour Ronald McDonald House Tour Shuttle Launch Siemens Volunteer Fair SLAS - Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening Special Olympics Emcee and Spirit Section Sponsor Thank You Dinner St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Summer Camps TNT, Fun-Time Coordinator UCF Outreach for Elementary Education Viral Video Project Great Fun! Wacky Olympics Waterford Lakes Education Fair Exhibitor WinterFest Glenridge Middle School Exhibitor 2013-2014 Season Outreach Robot Demos in our community 2006 to Present Aloma Methodist Church Summer Program BLAST Showcase Boy Scout Banquet Demo Boy Scout Badge and Boy Scout Day at the UCF Arena. Teamed with BAD to staff a booth and demoed to thousands of Scouts. Bubbalous BBQ Cub Scouts Disney Demo, D&E Project Showcase Dreamflight Economic Living Edgewood Children’s Ranch, Lockheed Day of Caring Edgewood’s Children’s Ranch STEM Day at the Florida State Capital Fluid Power Society Demo Girl Scouts Summer Lego Camp (Citrus Council) Girl Scout Discovery Days Lake Highland Prep School, Teacher Library presentations Magnus Hi-Tech Demo Maitland City Farmer’s Market Mission Mayhem NASA KSC, Lunabotics NASA Kennedy Space Center, Space Camp National FPS Demo Orange County Downtown Library Orange County Library System, Melrose Center for Technology Grand Opening OCLS Melrose Center for Technology – Tech Talk Orange County Library System, numerous branches Orlando Mini-Maker Faire Otronicon, Orlando Science Center Playground Lake Eola Rockwell Automation Fair – FRC robot, ‘Bacon Strips’, performs for over 10,000! School Demos & Events - Arbor School Open House - Central FL Aerospace Academy - Cheney Elementary Demo - Cypress Creek HS - Hamilton Elementary - Homeschool Elementary - MountVerde Academy - Ocoee High School Demo - Orlando Home Educator - Orangewood Presbyterian School - Pineloch Elementary - Winter Park HS Main Campus and 9th Grade Center 2013-2014 Season Outreach Outreach 2006 to Present Big Bacon Image Workshop at FIRST World’s Championships, Trinity Prep Mock Kick-off, Tempest-n-Tampa (TNT), South Carolina Robotics Invitational and Workshops (SCRIW), and FRC Kickoff (Central Florida) FIRST LEGO LEAGUE (FLL) Colonial High School FLL tournament gave presentation and showed them our FTC Bot FLL Mall Madness Lego Tournament (Hosted) FLL team mentoring FLL tournament unofficial scrimmage FLL coaches workshop at Lockheed Martin hosted Exploding Bacon FLL tournament, Colonial HS volunteers FLL Bacon Blizzard Qualifying Tournament FLL Central Florida Regional Tournament, Hosted FLL State Championships, Tournament Sponsor Harmony Dark Sky Festival FLL Helpers Helped FLL teams with set-up, programming and strategies. FIRST ROBOTICS COMPETITION (FRC) FRC Kickoff (Central Florida) hosted with 4 Workshops including Big Bacon Image Wksp FIRST TECH CHALLENGE (FTC) FTC Central Florida Kick-off Host FTC Kick-off FTC Lake Nona mentoring FTC State Championship sponsor FTC State Championship volunteers FTC Florida State Competition Host FTC Scrimmage at FIRST Assisted FIRST at the Florida State FTC Championships with volunteers and clean-up. DEMOS IN COLLABORATION WITH FIRST Astronaut Scholarship Foundation AAMS FIRST Collaborative 11, Technology and Applications Forum for the Oracle Community IBM Learn 2010 2011 & 2013 PTC Users Convention, FRC, FTC and FLL robots Siemen’s Volunteer Fair SLAS - Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening You will always see plenty of Exploding Bacon members volunteering at FIRST events. 2013-2014 Season Outreach 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics Team A HIGH SCHOOL ROBOTICS TEAM Scholarship Travel Volunteer Hours Deadline to register for the 2013-14 season is January 11, 2014 Annual Registration is $150/student member. Join us Monday nights at the 4-H Building. 6021 South Conway Road, Orlando, FL 32812-3604 Check the forum, via explodingbacon.com for current meeting information 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics Club Expands to 5 FLL Teams after Providing 2-Week Long Summer Camps for St. Luke's Presbyterian School Zach, senior, "It gave us a new perspective on how our mentors worked." Exploding Bacon has had an FLL team and been mentoring Central Florida FLL teams since our inception in 2006. Over the course of the years we added two new teams. After, a demo at St. Luke's Presbyterian, Bacon was asked to provide 2-week long summer camps for their Summer program. We provided one week for 2nd -5th graders and another for 5th-8th graders. Both were filled to capacity and so successful we developed 2 New Bacon FLL teams bringing our total to 5 and we were asked back to St. Luke's for Summer 2013. The summer camps were built on the basis of our Exploding Science program and FLL Robotics. In the early hours we focused on one of our science modules and in the afternoon students "I loved being able to learned programming, strategy, robot design and even named convey my knowledge to their team and developed a cheer. On the Friday of each week, kids. I got so excited about we created a mock FLL tournament for the camp kids and the teaching them and sharing robots they had been working on all week. my passion with kids." Our team's students served as mentors in all of the science Sarah, Sophomore activities and developed and presented the lessons on FLL robotics. Bacon students learned the challenge of being a mentor. Standing back, guiding students, encouraging, and not 'doing' for them. They learned the value of mentoring younger students as well as the value of the restraint shown by their FRC mentors and gained skills they will use for a lifetime. It was a truly rewarding experience for both the camp students and our team students. Exploding Bacon's 5 FLL TEAMS Baconators Bacon Builders BLTs Return of the Bacon XplodingBrix Phillip, 8th grader, "I was proud and excited to see my group excelling and It was amazing knowing I had a roll in their achievement." Exploding Science Exploding Science was created with the goal of introducing the worlds next generation of scientists and engineers to the scientific principles in the world around them, and fostering their growth into innovative thinkers and industry leaders. Exploding Science is for elementary schools around Central Florida. There are four 1.5 hour sessions which are centered on 4 modules containing basic proponents of science. The modules are Physics, Chemistry, Alternative Power, and Simple Machines. Sessions Physics: Cloud in a bottle, Table cloth trick Momentum canon, Bernoulli's principal Chemistry: ICE CREAM!!!, Slime Invisible Ink Wind power: Building Boats, Balloon rockets Pinwheels Simple Machines: Levers, bridges, other simple machines as demonstrated by Lego kits To Sign up -Contact : 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics Club [email protected] About Exploding Bacon 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics is a FIRST ( For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition (FRC) team based in Orlando, Florida. Adults serve as mentors to guide the student members in team management, engineering, computer programming, and essential leadership skills. The goal is to inspire students to pursue degrees in science, technology, engineering and math while teaching them gracious professionalism. Dear Sir or Madam: I would like to introduce you to an amazing group of Central Florida students known as the 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics Club. A 4-H club that among other things, participates in FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics programs for students aged 6 to 18. These students working along side professional and college mentors learn engineering, computer programming, time management, presentation, teamwork and leadership skills essential in any career. The goal is to inspire and support these youth members to continue on to college in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields and who will in turn, inspire and support others in the community and eventually become productive employees and future leaders. If you believe that an infusion of innovative engineers is essential to the success of your company, and vital to keep America in the technological forefront; you will agree that supporting youth technology programs like ours is crucial and worthwhile. Sponsoring 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics is an investment in the future. We do more than build robots, this year our club’s FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) team has a program called Exploding Science that caters to 3rd to 5th graders teaching them about Chemistry, Physics, Simple Machines and Alternative Energy. They offer to teach four, 1.5 hour lessons at no charge to after-school programs in the community. We also mentor Jr. FIRST Lego League teams (Jr. FLL), FIRST Lego League Teams (FLL) and hold a Central Florida Qualifying FLL Tournament along with many other community service projects. FRC alumni are... 10 times as likely to have had an apprenticeship, internship, or co-op job in their college freshman year (27% vs. 3%) More than twice as likely to expect to have a science or technologyrelated career after college (45% vs. 20%) Four times as likely to pursue a career in engineering (31% vs. 8%) (According to a Brandeis University Study, when compared to students with similar backgrounds and achievement in high-school math and science) It is easy to become a sponsor of 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics. Some companies write a check, others provide mentors, services, products or meals for the team. Your donation is tax-deductible. Invest in Exploding Bacon and invest in a program that has a large impact on our youth and community. We need your support to make the mission of the 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics a reality for more young people in Central Florida. Sincerely, Joyce Walters, Club Lead, 321-354-4614 (c) For more information visit explodingbacon.com MARKETING PACKET Bacon Partnering with our Community and Sponsors FIRST sponsorship benefits: Strengthens company reputation in the community Builds a technologically literate work force Creates a pipeline for interns and future employees Provides rich employee volunteer opportunities Provides renewed inspiration to company engineers and employees Provides employee team building and training opportunities and increases positive feelings for employers How your sponsorship benefits the community Exploding Science program for 3rd-5th graders in after school programs Partnering with local organizations to promote STEM Summer and Day Camps Inspiring young people to pursue STEM careers Increase awareness of robotics programs in Central Florida starting at age 6 Build cool robots How we give back to our sponsors Demo our robot at company celebrations and picnics Represent sponsors and FIRST at local tradeshows Partner with sponsors in their community service efforts. Promote sponsors on robot, websites, promotional materials and social media What else can we do for you? Our mission is to inspire youth using 4-H principles along with the tenets of gracious professionalism to explore science and technology through a mentor based program, which develops leadership and life skills while encouraging innovation, creative solutions to engineering and technical challenges. For more information visit explodingbacon.com FRC Team 1902 Exploding Bacon Where can you find state of the art technology, cheerleaders, pigs on rockets, dedicated professionals, rubber chickens and thousands of inspired and excited high school students all in one place? The only answer is a FIRST Robotics Competitions (FRC). FIRST, formed by Dean Kamen combines the excitement of sport with science and technology to create a unique varsity Sport for the MindTM. FRC helps high school students discover the rewarding and engaging world of innovation and engineering. The game is announced the first Saturday in January and each team receives a kit of parts. From that point, each team has a rigorous six week build period to design, build and program a fully functional up to 5 foot tall, 120 pound robot to compete with and against other teams. There are 77 Regional events held around the world, culminating in the World Championships. During the 2013 FRC season we are registered to compete in the Orlando Regional and South Florida regional and aiming for World Championships in St. Louis in April. We are lucky to have the Orlando Regional right here at the UCF arena March 8 & 9th 2013 and encourage our sponsors to come out and enjoy the competition. 4-H Exploding Bacon students participate in many community outreach events throughout the year in association with 4-H and our partner sponsors. They give library demonstrations, coach younger students in Jr. FLL and FLL, participate in the Central Florida Fair, and have instituted the Exploding Science, a program of hands on science experiments for 3rd to 5th graders. All of this along with being on school athletic teams, in chorus, band programs and keeping up good grades in advanced classes. Bacon Bits: Skills Our Students Learn: Design Engineering Computer Programming Manufacturing CAD Animation Teamwork Leadership Organization Time Management Marketing Business Planning Corporate Speaking Writing Fundraising Self Confidence Woodie Flowers, MIT Professor says: “...It’s like life. You never have enough information. You never have enough time. The kit of materials may be what you have in the warehouse. There are always people doing competing things and you must have a strategy. We’ve created a microcosm of the real engineering experience.” For more information visit explodingbacon.com 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics Club Our FRC team, FLL and Jr. FLL seasons are all under way. Our club is busy reaching out to the community for support in the form of money, tools, and services to allow us to continue in our pursuit of technical excellence. We estimate we will need approximately $79,000.00 for our club to be successful with all of our teams this year. The money will be used for: Completing the FLL and FRC Robots Tools, equipment, software, building FLL fields and machine time for fabrication of parts for our FRC robot Competition registration fees for Jr FLL, FLL and FRC events Travel costs Spirit wear and food during competitions To restock our Exploding Science modules. Exploding Bacon Jr FLL Teams Exploding Bacon’s Jr. FLL Team is focused on building an interest in science and engineering in children ages 6-9, Junior FIRST® LEGO® League (Jr.FLL®) is a handson program designed to capture young children's inherent curiosity and direct it toward discovering the possibilities of improving the world around them. Jr FLL® features a real-world challenge, to be solved by research, critical thinking and imagination. Guided by adult coaches and the Jr.FLL Core Values, students work with LEGO elements and moving parts to build ideas and concepts and present them for review. Team Members get to: Design and build challenge solutions using LEGO elements Apply real-world math and science concept Research challenges facing today’s scientists Learn team building and presentation skills Develop Show Me poster Exploding Bacon FLL Teams Exploding Bacon’s 5 FLL teams introduce younger students to real-world engineering challenges by building LEGO-based robots to complete tasks on a thematic playing surface. FLL teams, guided by their imaginations and adult coaches, discover exciting career possibilities and, through the process, learn to make positive contributions to society. Elementary and middle-school students get to: Design, build, test and program robots using LEGO MINDSTORMS® technology Apply real-world math and science concepts Research challenges facing today’s scientists Learn critical thinking, team-building and presentation skills Participate in tournaments and celebrations FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/explodingbacon1902 TWITTER : https://twitter.com/FRCBacon1902 Or visit our website for more information and to connect to all of our social media. For more information visit explodingbacon.com Exploding Bacon’s FRC Awards 2013 Kamen Family Imagery Award at World Championships 2013 Orlando Regional Quarter-finalists 2013 Orlando Regional, Engineering Inspiration Award 2013 South Florida Regional, Alliance Winner 2013 South Florida Regional, Chairman’s Award 2013 Kris Walters (2011-14 Co-President), Dean’s List, South Florida Regional 2012 Orlando Regional Semi-finalists 2012 Orlando Regional, Imagery Award 2012 South Florida Regional, Engineering Inspiration Award 2012 Inaugural South Florida Regional, Semi-finalists 2012 Katie Austin (2011-12 Co-President), Dean’s List, South Florida Regional 2012 Panther Prowl, Finalist 2011 Orlando Regional, Finalist 2011 Orlando Regional, Governor’s Award 2011 Animation Award, Orlando Regional (see video above) 2011 Palmetto Regional, Semi-finalist 2011 Gracious Professionalism Award, Palmetto Regional 2011 Marissa Walters (2010-11 Co-President), Dean’s List, Orlando Regional 2010 Orlando Regional, Chairman’s Award 2010 Orlando Regional, Imagery Award 2010 North Carolina Regional, Alliance Winner 2010 North Carolina Regional, Industrial Design sponsored by General Motors 2009 Orlando Regional, Animation Award 2009 Johnson & Johnson Gracious Professionalism Award 2009 Florida Regional, Autodesk Visualization Award 2009 Connecticut Regional, Alliance Winner 2009 Kissimmee Robot Rodeo, Alliance Winner 2009 Tempest In Tampa (TNT), Alliance Winner 2008 Orlando Regional, Entrepreneurship 2008 Bayou Regional, Motorola Quality Award 2008 Indiana Robotics Invitational (IRI), Team Spirit 2008 Mission Mayhem, Champions 2008 Tempest In Tampa (TNT), Spirit 2007 World Championships, Champion – Galileo 2007 Orlando Regional, Imagery 2007 Orlando Regional, Regional Finalist 2007 Nevada Regional, GM Industrial Design 2007 Indiana Robotics Invitational (IRI), Team Spirit Award 2007 Tempest In Tampa (TNT), Finalists 2007 Tempest In Tampa (TNT), Best Autonomous 2006 Orlando Regional, Rookie All-Star Award 2006 Orlando Regional, Highest Rookie Seed 2006 Orlando Regional, Regional Finalist 2006 Texas Regional, Rookie Inspiration Award 2006 Texas Regional, Highest Rookie Seed 2006 World Championships, Finalist – Archimedes 2006 Mission Mayhem, Judges’ Award For more information visit explodingbacon.com Schools Our FRC Students Attend: Bishop Moore HS Hagerty HS Homeschool Lake Highland Prep Winter Park HS and more... Where Our Alumni Learn: Auburn University Brigham Young University Clemson University Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Florida Gulf Coast University Florida Institute of Technology Georgia Tech Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mississippi State University Olin University Palm Beach Atlantic Seminole State College University of Central Florida University of Florida University of South Florida Vasser Valencia College Wellsley Washington University at St. Louis Worcester Polytechnic Institute Where our mentors work: BAE Systems Electronic Arts IR3 Kennedy Space Center Lockheed Martin Magnus Hi-Tech Microsoft Nature’s Table Stage and Equipment Lighting University of Central Florida University of Florida (Orange County Extension) Walt Disney World Donations to 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics Club All mailed donations should be addressed to: 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics Club c/o Joyce Walters 5727 Bible Camp Road Groveland, Florida 34736 Please make checks payable to "4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics Club" 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics Club is a not-for-profit organization with full 501(c)3 status. This means that, in most situations, your donations may be tax deductible. (please consult your tax preparer to be certain). As an official team sponsor, you are entitled to several benefits in return for your contributions. Name: $1-499 - Piglet Listed on Website Invitation to Sponsor Dinner Our un-dying love and gratitude! $500-999 -Squealer All of the above, plus Listed on T-shirts Company name on marketing materials Link on team website Invitation to Sponsor Dinner, framed thank you Company/ Organization: Address: Phone: $1K-4,999 - Big Bacon All of the above, plus Company name or logo (Small) on T-shirt and Robot Email: Amount: Sponsor Levels: $ Additional Sponsor Options Exploding Science Sponsor - $50.00 Build Season Dinner for 35 - $120.00 Tournament Lunch - $150.00 Squeezey Pigs - $1,000.00 (500 pigs) Full FRC Student Scholarship - $1,200.00 May vary based on travel costs Donation of marketable goods and services are welcomed. Please contact us at [email protected] to discuss any questions you may have regarding these or any other aspect of donations. $5K-9,999 - Power Pig All of the above, plus Company name or logo (Medium) on T-shirt and Robot Logo Displayed in pit $10K and above - Boss Hog All of the above, plus Company Name or Logo (Large) on T-shirt and Robot Company name on marketing materials Sincerely, 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics Club For more information please contact: [email protected] or call Joyce Walters @ 321-354-4614 For more information visit explodingbacon.com PARENTS GRANDPARENTS FRIENDS OF BACON 2014 Aerial Assist Sponsor List Sponsor Financial Product/ Service Mentors Outreach Lockheed Martin NASA 4‐H BAE Systems Electronic Arts Magnus Hi‐Tech Industries PTC Central FL Fluid Power Society Walt Disney World Volunteers Firehouse Subs Stage Equipment and Lighting Menchies, Orlando Host, Inc. Elise Cronin‐Hurley Web and Graphic Design Simsol Publix Charities Let’s fill this up with piggies! In the Section Digital Media Business Cards Press Release List Press Release Regional Invitation list Regional Invitations Newspaper Clippings Magazine Clippings Bacon in the News Thank You Letters from FIRST Florida Strategy: Exploding Bacon's marketing strategy is to utilize popular and up and coming digital channels to spread the message of FIRST and Exploding Bacon to our fans, students, sponsors and community. Using creative, engaging and relevant marketing techniques we aim to increase public awareness and involvement in FIRST. Channels: Twitter is the most current and up to date social channel of Exploding Bacon. Here the team directly engages with the FIRST community and allows our fans to follow our activities in real time. We have seen an abundant increase in our followers and their interactions with the team. Our team uses our cheer #oinkoinkboom to track who is talking about us and make our mark on the twitter world. www.twitter.com/FRCBacon1902 YouTube gives the team a platform to produce and present content that is visually interesting to our community. Match videos, weekly Vlogs, outreach and fun videos are just a few of the uses of our channel. Our videos are designed to share our team’s experience in FIRST and out passion for STEM. www.youtube.com/user/ExplodingBacon1902 Branding is an integral part of our marketing strategy from our shirts, pit and robot to our online presence. Our logo and colors consistently identify us as Exploding Bacon, wherever we are. Exploding Bacon Team 1902 Page 2 Facebook is our way to interact with our community in a enduring and archived format. Using the Timeline feature to document our teams history, news, accomplishments, and interactions with our community. We have seen steady growth in the size and engagement on our Facebook page over the past years. Since last year we’ve gained 250 new page ‘likes’, bringing the total up to 1,094 at the date of this submission, and as a result we have seen our reach and interaction continually expand. Multiple users and admins of our various accounts, allows for the opportunity for our presence to be updated regularly and often. www.facebook.com/explodingbacon1902 Our website is the one-stop-shop for Exploding Bacon information and is the standard of our consistent branding style. All of our social media sites are linked through the website as well as team specific event and registration information. In addition we keep our website updated with fun bacon and robotics content for our fans and bacon connoisseurs. www.explodingbacon.com LinkedIn is another one of our platforms. We use our group to allow our students and college mentors to network with our professionals mentors and professionals they meet at events and conferences as well as our sponsors. http://www.linkedin.com/groups? gid=4813522&trk=hb_side_g Orlando Regional Making it Loud. Exploding Bacon distributed 1,000 business cards in Florida, including the places below to Make it Loud for the Orlando Regional March 2014 Orange County Library, Melrose Center Grand Opening Florida State Legislation at STEM Day in Tallahassee Walt Disney World Skycraft Parts, Orlando Firehouse Subs FLL State Championships, Bacon's Lego Team (BLT's) Our Students' Schools Orlando Science Center Lockheed Martin Friends and Family Media/Press Release Distribution List March 2014 Magazines The Bunk Room Robot Magazine TV/NEWS Channels WESH (Channel 2) WFTV (Channel 9) WKMG (Channel 6) News 13 Fox 35 WUCF Radio Stations Clear Channel Orange County Newspapers Orlando Sentinel Orlando Weekly Orlando Business Journal Apopka Chief UCF Winter Park Observer Seminole County Newspapers Seminole Chronicle Heritage Florida Jewish Lake County Newspapers South Lake Press News Leader Daily Commercial Osceola County Newspapers Osceola News Gazette Polk County Newspapers Daily Ridge The Ledger Hillsborough County Newspapers Tampa Bay Times SunSentinel 2014 Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: FIRST Orlando Regional: Where Our Pigs Fly Orlando, Florida February 25, 2014 On March 14th and 15th 2014, high school students from 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics will be competing with 61 teams in the Orlando Regional Competition, a FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) event held at the University of Central Florida’s CFE Arena. More than 67,000 high school students around the world competing on more than 2,700 teams will compete in the 2014 FRC game, Aerial Assist. Teams of three robots each, known as an Alliance, will face off on a 25’ x 54’ field that is straddled by a five foot tall truss. The objective of Aerial Assist involves cooperation between alliance members to shoot as many 2-foot balls into the goals as possible during a two minute and 30 second match. Each team of students had just six weeks to design, build and program their robot for competition, with assistance from STEM mentors. FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) is a non-profit organization that promotes STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) to 6-18 year olds with exciting robotics competitions. These competitions not only inspire students to learn more about science and technology, but also prepare them to be future leaders in STEM industries. 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics is a 4-H club that helps students explore STEM by combining the principles of 4-H and the tenets of FIRST’s Gracious Professionalism. The Exploding Bacon Robotics program develops leadership and technical skills through hands-on experience with professional mentors. Exploding Bacon’s members range from ages 6-18 and participate in various levels of FIRST programs. In addition to competitions, Exploding Bacon demonstrates their robots at various events, including the Orlando Mini-Maker Faire, the Orlando Science Center's Otronicon and the Grand Opening of the Orange County Public Library's Dorothy Lumley Melrose Center. In total, Exploding Bacon has participated in over 83 events in the Central Florida area over the past 3 years. Please come out and cheer on Exploding Bacon and our fellow FIRST teams on March 14th and 15th at the UCF CFE Arena as we compete in FIRST’s 2014 FRC game, Aerial Assist. Opening ceremonies begin on each day at 9am and the competition runs until the closing ceremonies, which is around 5pm. You can download pictures for print use at www.explodingbacon.com/orlando-regional/ If you would like pictures of our 2014 robot that will be competing in Aerial Assist at the 2014 Orlando Regional, please join us for a sneak peek on March 10th 2014, at 7:00pm at the UF/IFAS Extension Education Center at 6021 South Conway Road, Orlando 32812. For more information about 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics, please visit www.explodingbacon.com or contact us at [email protected]. For more information about FIRST, please visit www.usfirst.org. ### Our Regional Invitation Distribution List March 2014 Our 2014 Season Sponsors Government Leaders 4-H Robotics Agent 4-H Director for Florida LMCO Mangus EA FPS Firehouse SEAL Simsol Elise Cronin-Hurley Web Design Host, Inc Publix US Senators for Florida Florida Governor FL State Senators FL House of Reps Local Congress Orlando City Mayor Oviedo City Mayor Team Members Schools Seminole County Commissioners Seminole Business School Board Chamber of Commerce Bloomingdale High Winter Park HS Lake Highland Prep Bishop Moore HS Hagerty HS Lyman HS International Community School Miscellaneous: UCF Incubator Team Orlando NDIA-Central Florida Jen Vargas, Google Glasses Documentarian ASCE IEEE ASME SWE Orange County Commissioners School Board Chamber of Commerce Lake County Lake Commissioners School Board Chamber of Commerce Osceola County Osceola Commissioners School Board Chamber of Commerce Polk County Polk Commissioners School Board Chamber of Commerce Hillsborough County Hillsborough Commissioners School Board Chamber of Commerce Sincerely, Sarah Parker Student Board Representative 4‐H Team 1902, Exploding Bacon Please RSVP at [email protected] as soon as it is convenient. Sincerely, Sarah Parker Student Board Representative 4‐H Team 1902, Exploding Bacon We invite you could attend this competition and see the results of students’ hard work. Please RSVP at [email protected] as soon as it is convenient. Sincerely, Sarah Parker Student Board Representative 4‐H Team 1902, Exploding Bacon FIRST is: For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology, an organization that promotes science, technology, engineering and math to a younger generation. pening ceremonies begin on each day at 9am and the competition runs until the closing ceremonies, which is around 5pm. There is no admission charge to attend this event; it is open to the public, however there is a $5 charge for parking. We would like to add you on the VIP list and offer you a tour of the pits and explain the game. 4‐H Exploding Bacon Robotics Club, a FIRST Robotics team, cordially invites you to attend the FIRST Robotics Competition Central Florida regional at the University of Central Florida. The regional is on the 14th and 15th of March. Over 2 days, 62 teams will compete against each other in exciting 3 versus 3 robot matches. development of our current high‐tech industries and the innovators who will spur the next generation of technology. Luckily, More than 67,000 students around the world competing on more than 2,700 teams have been working hard to ensure a bright future for us all, and 62 of those teams will be putting their hard work on display at the UCF CFE arena. Our student from SCHOOL is ________. All our students have been working hard for the last 6 weeks to design, program, and build a robot. We would be grateful if you could attend this competition and witness all the students' hard work. FIRST is: For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology, an organization that promotes science, technology, engineering and math to a younger generation. 4‐H Exploding Bacon Robotics, a team consisting of students from 10 schools (including Hagerty High School and Lawton Chiles Middle School), as well as other schools and home‐schooled students from four different counties, cordially invites you to attend the FIRST Robotics Competition Central Florida regional at the University of Central Florida. The regional is on the 14th and 15th of March. Over 2 days, 62 teams will compete against each other in exciting 3 versus 3 robot matches. Opening ceremonies begin on each day at 9am and the competition runs until the closing ceremonies, which is around 5pm. There is no admission charge to attend this event; it is open to the public, however there is a $5 charge for parking. The future of our society depends on the growth and development of our current high‐tech industries and the innovators who will spur the next generation of technology. Luckily, More than 67,000 students around the world competing on more than 2,700 teams have been working hard to ensure a bright future for us all, and 62 of those teams will be putting their hard work on display at the UCF CFE arena. Dear ______________ For more information about FIRST visit www.usfirst.org For more information about Exploding Bacon visit www.explodingbacon.com Please RSVP at [email protected] as soon as it is convenient. We invite you to attend this competition and see the results of the students’ hard work. FIRST is: For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology, an organization that promotes science, technology, engineering and math to a younger generation. 4‐H Exploding Bacon Robotics Club, a FIRST Robotics team, cordially invites you to attend the FIRST Robotics Competition Central Florida regional at the University of Central Florida. The regional is on the 14th and 15th of March. Over 2 days, 62 teams will compete against each other in exciting 3 versus 3 robot matches. Opening ceremonies begin on each day at 9am and the competition runs until the closing ceremonies, which is around 5pm. There is no admission charge to attend this event; it is open to the public, however there is a $5 charge for parking. The future of our society depends on the growth and development of our current high‐tech industries and the innovators who will spur the next generation of technology. Luckily, More than 67,000 students around the world competing on more than 2,700 teams have been working hard to ensure a bright future for us all, and 62 of those teams will be putting their hard work on display at the UCF CFE arena. Dear ______________ Invite for Politicians/ Invite for School Board Invite for Principals: Dear _____________ Government Offices Members: The future of our society depends on the growth and 2014 Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Local 4-H Robotics Team - Brings Home the BACON! April 6th, 2014 Over the past weekend (April 3-5th) , local students on a 4-H robotics team (4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics) competed in the FIRST Robotics South Florida Regional and won the Engineering Inspiration award, the second highest honor bestowed upon a team at this level. This award also qualifies Exploding Bacon for the FIRST Robotics World Championship event held in St. Louis in late-April. The team, consisting of middle school and high school students from Orange, Seminole, Osceola, Lake, Hillsborough, and Polk counties, spent the first six weeks of this year building a robot to compete in this year’s unique game called Aerial Assist. The robot performed well over the three day event, eventually getting knocked out in the Semi-Finals. The Engineering Inspiration award celebrates outstanding success in advancing respect and appreciation for engineering within a team’s school and community. By winning the this award, 4-H Exploding Bacon has qualified to compete in the FIRST Robotics Championship event with 400 other FRC teams from around the world. ABOUT 4-H EXPLODING BACON ROBOTICS 4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics is a FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition team based in Orlando, Florida. Adults serve as mentors to guide the student members in team management, engineering, computer programming, and essential leadership skills. The goal is to inspire students to pursue degrees in science, technology, engineering and math while teaching them gracious professionalism. In addition to the competitions the team demonstrates their robots at various events, including the Orlando Mini-Maker Faire, the Orlando Science Center's Otronicon and the Grand Opening of the Orange County Public Library's Dorothy Lumley Melrose Center. In total, Exploding Bacon has participated in over 83 events in the Central Florida area over the past 3 years. For more information, please visit www.explodingbacon.com or contact us at [email protected]. ABOUT THE FIRST ROBOTICS SOUTH FLORIDA REGIONAL On April 2nd to 5th 2014, high school students from five states and Mexico competed in the FIRST Robotics South Florida Regional held at the Broward County Convention Center, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. This was the event's third year and featured 47 different teams. ABOUT FIRST ROBOTICS FIRST was founded in 1989 to inspire young people's interest and participation in science and technology. Based in Manchester, NH, the 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit public charity designs accessible, innovative programs that motivate young people to pursue education and career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math, while building self-confidence, knowledge, and life skills. For more information about FIRST, please visit www.usfirst.org. ### Sent to local media, principals and sponsors features 20 ALMOST NATURAL Robots and humans live under one roof at the Caris Laboratory —by Eagle Gamma 26 DONT CALL HIM "JEEVES" THE NAME IS "HERB" An interview with Siddhartha Srinivasa Director, personal robotics lab, Carnegie Mellon University —by Rebecca A. Hill 32 THE COMING ROBOT TSUNAMI Whether automatons will be a mixed blessing is a vital question —by Marc T. Liu 38 CHIBOTS SRS ROBOMAGELLAN 2013 SPRING COMPETITION Exploration knows no bounds —by Salvador Garcia 44 ARES ETHOS Affordable multirotor fun! —by Harry Mueller Page 66 edu bots 66 FIRST REGIONALS Flying Frisbees and Hanging Bots —with a smile!—by Collin Berry 46 FLOWSTONE WORKSHOP 11 Servo Erector Set Part 1 —by Carl Owen 52 RAPIRO! Exciting new humanoid robot kit debuts via Kickstarter! —by Lem Fugitt 56 RASPBERRY PI ROBOTS & IMAGING PROCESSING Latest Tech at the Robofest 2013 Competition —by Aviral Pandey, Rohan Wagle and Barry Brouillette 60 BOTLABS EDUCATION Guidance on Robotics Programs and Degrees! —by Thomas Marsh how to 36 WHAT WILL YOU BUILD WITH A VEX ROBOTICS DESIGN SYSTEM? Join us in the fun of designing and building bots! —by Tom Atwood Page 20 N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2013 5 E D U B D T S by Collin Berry FIRST REGIONALS: Flying Frisbees and Hanging Bots—with a smile! ducation is key." That phrase was repeated to me by direct their attention to solving problems in the world around almost every single volunteer and team mentor I them. The Senior division has a similar goal. These students are spoke to at the FIRST regional robotics competition, challenged to design, build, test and program rudimentary robots co-hosted by the University of Central Florida (the event was held using LEGO Mindstorms technology. in the UCF arena) and NASA. One of the volunteers at check-in The high school level is when things get exciting. Each year a was a retired teacher, who had taught "every grade from game is crafted to test students' abilities to design and build a kindergarten to junior college." She firmly believes that this type robot to compete in the game. The students work with of competition is the most important type of education a student professional engineers, who serve as mentors. These mentors can receive, due to the hands on nature of the event. provide advice, aid in design, and help build; however, the FIRST (which stands for For Inspiration and Recognition of emphasis is on student involvement. This process is as close to Science and Technology) was founded in 1989 by Dean Kamen, an real-world engineering as most high school students can get at entrepreneur and inventor, with the aim of fostering a love of this point in their lives. science and technology in students. The competitions are broken down into stages, from elementary school ULTIMATE ASCENT to high school. Elementary children can This year's game is called Ultimate participate in the FIRST LEGO League. Ascent. Two alliances, consisting of three The LEGO League is divided into two robots, face off against each other in a divisions: Junior (grades K-3) and Senior game that resembles Frisbee golf and (grades 4-middle school). In the Junior soccer. Each side of the field has a number competitions, kids ages six through nine of goals, each worth a varying number of use LEGOs to construct moving parts with points ranging from one to five points. In the goal of solving problems. This a two minute match, robots launch program is designed to capture the natural Frisbees into these goals. For the first curiosity of children this age, hoping to Crazy outfits help teams cheer on their robots! fifteen seconds, the robots must be 66 ROBOT MAGAZINE Team Robots Garage takes the direct route in scoring. completely autonomous. During this period, points scored are doubled. Teams are given the option of collecting loose Frisbees on the floor, or driving to loading zones, where a "human player" loads four Frisbees into the hopper. At the end of the match, robots then attempt to climb and hang from a pyramid for additional points (each level of the pyramid has different amounts of points). If that came across as somewhat confusing, imagine watching it. The game is completely bonkers. It's a chaos-filled two minutes with Frisbees flying everywhere, often escaping the arena and flying into the crowd. But it's a beautiful and entertaining game, with the most intense part being the pyramid climb. Towards the end of the match, teams start their climb. It's a dramatic few seconds. As the robots begin climbing, there's constant fear that the robot will slip and fall. Most stick to the first level, so the crowd springs to life when a robot The robot from Team Exploding Bacon, right after a test on the Frisbee loader. tries to reach the upper levels. Andy Marks provides teams with free parts from his online store, www.andymark.com, (teams just pay shipping), so almost every team uses these parts in their robots. TRIUMPH IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY Cooperation is another key element FIRST tries to instill in participants. This year the cooperation was brought up to another level. Two teams from Merrill Island and Cocoa, Florida (Bionic Tigers and Horsepower), were involved in an auto accident prior to the c o m p e t i t i o n ' s s t a r t . The trailer transporting the two robots from each team was rear ended at a stop light, destroying both robots. This, however, did not end their time at the competition. Both teams kept their spirits high and got back to work. The teams salvaged what they could from each robot, and other teams pitched in any spare parts they could. They worked through the night and were able to complete their robots. Both teams were I able to make it to the quarter finals. Horsepower finished ranked number 22 out of 61 teams. Bionic Tigers finished with the AM that's left of Bionic Tig_ tenth overall ranking. after a car accident. SHARK ATTACK The first team I talked to was Team Shark Attack, from Westminster Academy in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. This team has participated in FIRST since 2002 and is sponsored by Apex Machine Co. The team's robot had a fixed-angle Frisbee shooter, hoping to hit the high point goal on top of the pyramid. Their robot possesses the ability to hang, but that aspect of their robot was unsuccessful in their practice round. The most ingenious aspect of their robot is an aiming system they devised. The robot uses a camera to find the goal. The team then takes a picture of the goal — w h e n the picture and what's seen in the camera line up, they know it's time to shoot. NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2013 67 E D U B O T S GO BANANAS centered on that speed. They Colonial High School (Go Bananas) was one can either collect Frisbees of the more student-centered teams that I from the floor or zoom over talked to. They've had fewer mentors this to the human load zone. With year, which allows the students to take a just a few seconds left, they more active role in designing and building fly to the pyramid and use their robot. What this gave them was a tankpneumatic claws to catch the driven robot with an aim-able Frisbee bottom rung of the pyramid. launcher. Their method for climbing the pyramid was the simplest I observed, but also CONCLUSION one of the more creative. In a strategic move, The winners at this regional Left: Shark Attack team member makes an adjustment on his winning robot they chose to abandon the points of the upper Right: Team Stealth Tiger's machine climbs up the side of the pyramid. were the Brazilian Trail two pyramid levels in order to ensure that Blazers (Gravatai, Brazil), they get some points. Their method involved two hooks made out of Team Krunch (Tarpon Springs, Florida), and Shark Attack (Ft. wood. The hooks would catch on the bottom level, suspending the robots Lauderdale). With an event like this, the best way to gauge the success in mid-air. is through the reactions of the participants. And, the participants at this event could not have been any more enthused. From the downEXPLODING BACON time they spent trading buttons with their team logos to chanting and One of the most impressive looking robots came from team Exploding cheering for their teams in the practice round and even working on Bacon, of Winter Park, Florida. This team is comprised of members of a their robots, everybody who participated had permanent smiles on local 4H program, so they are able to draw from several area high their faces. And that's what should be taken from this competition. ® schools. When I spoke to them, they were testing the intake system—the Links way the robot collects and reloads Frisbees. At the time I spoke to this AndyMark, Inc., www.andymark.com, (765) 868-4779 team, there was too much bending in the piece used to collect, but it was FIRST, www.usfirst.org, (603) 666-3906 an easy fix as they just added more rigidity. Their robot was one of the For more information, please see our source guide on page 81. fastest, ranging from five to twenty feet per second. Their strategy Custom-Milled Robotics Parts, Control Panels. & Enclosures Create professionally finished parts for all your robotics applications quickly! KfiT SCOPE ft fewest pifce WORLD'S SMALLEST world's smallest MSO! This Dip-sized 200kHz 2-ch scope includes a spectrum analyzer and Arbitrary Waveform Gen. Measures only 1 x 1.6 inches in size! XPROTOLAB (PHONE SCOPE • Cost effective prototypes and production runs with no setup charges • Powder-coated and anodized finishes in various colors • Select from aluminum, acrylic or provide your own material • No minimum quantity required. Standard lead time in 5 days or express manufacturing in 1-3 days You design it We machine it Just 4 easy steps to create your own custom robotics parts Visit us online to learn more FRONT PANEL EXPRESS 5MHz mixed signal scope adapter for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch! The FREE iMSO-104 app is available for download from the Apple App Store. IMSO-104 $296.99 3OMHZ SCOPE Remarkable low cost 30MHz, 2-ch 250MS/S sample rate oscilloscope. 8-in color TFT-LCD and Autoscale function. Includes FREE carry case and 3 year warranty! SDS5032E $299 £2ffl FrontPanelExpress.com 68 R O B O T MAGAZINE 1(800)FPE-9060 Hj&flH Bacon in the News Experiencing Florida’s First STEM Day (Excerpt from article http://www.teamorlando.org/experiencing-floridas-first-stem-day/) By Benn Aaronson, Team Orlando STEM Advocate On March 5, I saw the Florida State Capitol rotunda transformed into an interactive demonstration of the importance of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) for Florida’s first “STEM Day at the Capitol,” bringing together students, science centers, industry and STEM advocates to inform and educate the state’s leadership. As Team Orlando’s STEM Advocate, I wanted to talk with some of the students participating as exhibitors. One of the FIRST Robotics students I visited with, I suggested with his skills he should contact a local business about an internship. He replied, “I turned one down.” And when I asked him why, he said, “I’m only thirteen.” (Nathan Walters of Exploding Bacon, Team 1902) Another FIRST Robotics student was a young lady who was the project information lead responsible for the information and marketing for which the team received an award. With these talents, I presumed her plan was to pursue a marketing or business major. When I inquired, I was wrong. She wants to become a microbiologist. (Sarah Parker, Exploding Bacon, Team 1902) Joining the Orlando Science Center in this inaugural effort were Team Orlando, Lockheed Martin, Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI), Florida State University, STEM Sim Ex and FIRST Robotics. “We thank all of our industry partners who support the Orlando Science Center and our mission,” said Newman. Participants in STEM Day participants had the opportunity to share their demos and projects with the Lt. Governor, legislators and staffers, as well as the visiting public, demonstrating examples of successful STEM projects and echoing the continued need for their support of STEM in the State of Florida. Exploding Bacon, Team 1902 named as FIRST in Florida Showcase team for our for the exemplary outreach and Gracious Professionalism in 2013 https://sites.google.com/site/firstinstem/home/what-snew/congratulationstoourfirstfloridafirstshowcaseteams FIRST Robotics Competition 2013, By Nick Normal, Posted 2013/05/11 on the blog MakeZine.com. 1902′s 2013 robot in the slideshow and the video. http://makezine.com/2013/05/11/first-robotics-competition-2013/ Pineloch Elementary FIRST robotics demonstration 05/07/13 Wow – What a great response the Pineloch kids had to today’s FIRST robotics demonstration. Practically every kid raised their hand interested to become a member of a future robotics team! Can you imagine the growth and development this inner city Pineloch school would gain if this became a reality. I left with a smile that just won’t stop. Giving these students fun hands on challenges where they can apply their book lessons could open so many doors and give hope for these kids. Each one of them has an amazing story to share. Opportunities, like FIRST robotics, given by inspiring community teachers, mentors and partners, can lead them to profound and amazing chapters in their lives. It’s going to take a lot of volunteer coordination and some stimulus to get this growing, but the accomplishing results could be a grand payback for this area. I commend the Pineloch staff, St. Luke’s IMPACT partners and Orange County Schools for supporting this venture. FIRST is a great investment into these children’s future. Good job to the Pineloch robotics team who showed such intuitive solutions for their Senior challenge. How exciting for them to show their computer robotics abilities to their schoolmates. They had fun programs and they even had team buttons – that floored me because it shows how much they have taken FIRST to heart. Your students enthusiasm really made everyone grin. If only we could bottle that entertainment value to show potential sponsors, coaches and volunteers the potential and abilities these kids have for learning robotics and sharing their love for it. Thank you John, Jim and everyone involved for your dedication, hard work and organization. You made it happen. This was a wonderful showcase of achievements and the benefits FIRST robotics can bring to all students willing to engage their time and energy into an educational team sport of the mind. Great job with your first FLL team. Obviously the seed has been planted and we can’t wait to see what the next season brings. Joyce and Team Exploding Bacon, all I can say is “You Rock”! Thank you for your community outreach today as you shared your love of FIRST with Pineloch’s students and faculty. The video, presentation, robotic demo and Q&A with the kids was a fun loving eye opener. There was so much interest, we could have taken many more questions had time allowed us. The depth of your team’s ability never fails to amaze me and I commend you for all your accomplishments on the competition field, but more importantly, those off. It’s the hard work, planning and commitment behind the scenes that makes your presentation, awards and competitions flow so abundantly. Keep up the impressive work and thank you for all that you have done inspiring and supporting this Pineloch team and those upcoming. I’m just glad I could be a part of today’s robotics demonstration celebration. It was my first visit to Pineloch and everyone was so friendly and welcoming. Please let me know if more marketing information is needed to get more partners and supporters on board. (I’ve already started networking on your behalf with some contacts.) I also welcome everyone involved to attend the FRC Orlando FIRST Robotics Regional which is held annually at UCF in March. I’m your key contact to set up free guided tours for student groups and interested parties to see the behind the scenes team pit workshops and view the competition. So mark your calendars for December or January 2014 to email me and coordinate your groups tour. Believe me the “WOW” factor at this “Varsity” level robotics regional is huge. The robots are incredible, but even more remarkable is seeing these motivated youth who now possess great knowledge, strong values, talented skills and leadership beyond their years. They are the hope of our future. I do hope each of you can join us for next year’s Orlando FIRST Regional, and don’t forget to invite some friends! Thanks to each of you for your passion to ignite young minds to reach their full potential. Your continued positive contributions and belief in them, gives these kids valuable life skills, opens future opportunities and leads this generation to become the successful contributors of tomorrow. Today many children were encouraged, thanks to you! Blessings, Janette Volz Orlando FIRST Robotics Committee Ambassador Chair http://www.floridafirstregional.com/ Hi Joyce, We can’t thank you and your team enough for coming to Pineloch today. The level of interest and excitement you guys created today was amazing. We really do appreciate the amount of extra effort it took for you to get Exploding Bacon to come and put on such a great show for so many children who need this kind of encouragement. I hope this is just the start of us working together to get robotics to spread to other schools in Orange County. All I can say is “Oink, Oink Boom!” Thanks again, John St. Luke’s United Methodist Church Educational IMPACT Math and Science Chair Person SLAS Conference Demo January 16, 2013 Hi Joyce and Wendy, I just wanted to express my gratitude for all the great outreach Exploding Bacon provided over the three days of the SLAS conference. As always, your students are great! It’s always a pleasure to work with team 1902. See you again, soon. Warm regards, Terri Willingham Regional Director FIRST ® Central Florida For more Bacon in the News - visit explodingbacon.com and visit the Bacon in the News page under the About Us page. Automotive Recyclers Association October 26, 2012 Dear Exploding Bacon Team, Thank you so much for sending 3 of your teammates and your award-winning robot to the Automotive Recyclers Association’s Annual Convention & Expo in October. ARA’s partnership with the FIRST Robotics Program is an important priority for our association, and it was so valuable for our members to have the opportunity to meet a local FIRST Robotics team and interact with them in person. I cannot tell you how many compliments I received about the robot and especially the students – how articulate, bright, and personable the kids were. The Exploding Bacon team was a wonderful addition to our convention and a highlight not only for our association members, but vendors attending the expo and staff as well! We appreciate you taking the time to travel and spend the afternoon promoting the FIRST program. We look forward to many more years of partnership with FIRST Robotics teams. Jessica Thomas Director of State Government & Grassroots Affairs Automotive Recyclers Association Transforming our culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people dream of becoming science and technology leaders. - Dean Kamen, Founder It’s the Hardest Fun You’ll Ever Have!! October 25, 2013 Joyce Walters FRC Team 1902 Exploding Bacon Orlando, FL Dear Joyce, I wanted to thank you and the awesome team members of Exploding Bacon for your help at the Orlando Mini Maker Faire on October 5th. As always, Exploding Bacon members did a wonderful job representing FIRST, and helping OMMF visitors see the value and fun of FIRST programs. Please pass along my gratitude to them, and please know how grateful we at FIRST are for you continued support of these great young people, and of FIRST in Florida. Wishing you every success this season and always! Kind regards, Terri Willingham ® Regional Director FIRST Central Florida V 813-792-7411 E [email protected] W www.FIRSTinFlorida.wordpress.com / www.usfirst.org Transforming our culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people dream of becoming science and technology leaders. - Dean Kamen, Founder It’s the Hardest Fun You’ll Ever Have!! November 7, 2013 Joyce Walters FRC Team 1902 Exploding Bacon Orlando, FL Dear Joyce, I wanted to the great students of Exploding Bacon for their fantastic outreach at the Masie Learning 2013 conference November 3 and 4th, in Orlando. As always, Exploding Bacon members represented FIRST with class and professionalism. Please pass along my gratitude to them, and please know how grateful we at FIRST are for you continued support of these great young people, and of FIRST in Florida. Wishing you every success in the 2014 season and beyond! Kind regards, Terri Willingham ® Regional Director FIRST Central Florida V 813-792-7411 E [email protected] W www.FIRSTinFlorida.wordpress.com / www.usfirst.org