orClsnluebseii Guidelines
orClsnluebseii Guidelines
Ggngeit orClsnluebseii Generql Recommendqtions on Elections & Guidelines -2014 ,fffi\, lWry HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION OF SRI LANKA D T @roO 6@o@ oaor@ed coorO Oorfiorc roeo?p 2-rfomoon ogoxrrdigg @ @oaDr @l,6O6fir oenq 66o{cn 2014 gotoc @mO 6@a@ oar@ed eoorO Oordroro roofp P-rforuocfr ogaoerrdigg @ HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION OF SRI LANKA @e6Odplc goo qcglo g@)60@ oo)q 6C,odo : 2014 6 eoot @mO 600@ ool@oel eooD ryro,165, 606 0)6, oop@ 08. oreooo ooDool eooto 0r6A6ED oo:q S0oeo @ @oD) OmO 6@n@ ffiel 6ry1 o6o eoor OmO 6@m@ ooDoo eooD 86o Or5O6m Ofioojoo(o 6 ilt 6qo odel o€dao 6 @oo) gOlom@o mOrOrQ, 6o1666 06CI 1978 @oo) pedQpO OnOdOD goldO 8@ooo ooQOc odooo grd or ODO or6@o@o'q oomi 6 OGd o0e6Oo eooSo oO qe6 dootO eoq 6oJ€6 gom 5Oo@ q65ooe oqoopo oOeeOe 6qood 6doOo0 q65ooe Sqod o) q65oo 8@o6. c0)A)6ED 0r5O6pnom0 gz5 6Eoo o) 6)A)0ED 0e6Odpno 6Eo) E65onj Oo god OrSOdpnonj oeoorGo o16 OrSOdpll 55 6@gooooot OrgroOOO 8@oeeo qq 0r6Odpm oo)e 66oqo mo @tooiooqoOg gOronoDo @ goot OmO 6@o0 ooEoo oolO o,qotooo Ero. orOroOo@Q, 5ocoe6 d)60 5@OOo geaio nd o50o @eSOdpll oOoOo orc 60D qg qc6 0o o16 OrSOdpn 55 eCj@ooood OgdO: or50O gEtg odroo oe6 55 gSo4ooo qrqgo orct @oOooo oOo0o0 moot gr5 000 OcSOdpll oo)e ,56oEo eooOtoo)ooqo Or6Odpn dtdofiOe 6qq dfr SeOfoO 0oojoor6 Oq qeo. oOq,, OTSOOED d)6o)OOe Seod or mflldan OeSOdpn 965o ooQOu oCeO qgo dOo dootOoo gd)oo@O)e e65o ooQ6r oO ro5@o: OOm Eoot@ OmO 6@o@ mom'oa6oo oOtdo qg ooflo_r6@0 E, oO@ OrSOdem oo4 56oeo eooOtooJooqo gOoe 0q qeor6 6 @oa) @m0 6@o@ ooEoo moto Eodapr m66. IV @l,6o6ptu @ goan 0l oo4 56o{o OaO 6@aO oanOsoi aorc6 66o{o :- 6 @oo) OmO 6@m@ ooDoo ooD 06o gotooO oo mg @t6O6o O6ooloo{or e00ooAo6o: o@ oe@6cjeaj ooj qeg @oDl6o oomr6@o ooi oeordorOOaj ooj OtmcO@d o0 o0 0o exDQO@ omomorcO 9Go eOOoffim@ o0600o oo: OeOor 0Oe6 q650ffio@ oOO0 m@OorOooo o)dD 6ea)Oo/qfiaoo SeOOo Oo6OO oOo od o5@o OqoO 06cqO 0oo SoOO qr0O @om0o 600 EOg Ooo OeOfio 06o mg QQo. 02 ogDdd q6Oc6oo eoo 0ooo gOcoror m6o qeoeoo: o0o 0ooo gOOroroo oop o60o soe OADdom rjomcoo 600 6qoe Qq6, 03 gOden mOeq eooOOmo 600 OgoOt or500 EOrsn 6oe 8o06 oo ee6. Orj orOq@ oo)9, oo)e oOg€mrd, gOto 016o p@o ol 0)6o odm od @rSodpn go)ds! cf6o0 06o dootooo oQoop oogSo oOeeOeO OOr Ec6 Oor OeOor @Ol 80 ooi CLdO@ olet 0e5 eiom OcSOdpn C[,trj0@ OeO ocorct oe6OO eOoroO0 og Qq6. o4 I *o*, 60eq oOqoOo 65ooo e0@6) Er6 gSo4ooorO oO0ffidO o@ Oor qom gEbooo 600 eoEot oolErooor Opmtd gO)dED ooeq (Omoa6 oD qO6r/0o:e go)dor oD gO6e) qE oo4r oe50 omq Eoodom6oO qOffipoo oOo0 eoOffio€ CIp soe6 goxs 5O@O ODDo OeOo dOe6 oOee OgoOmeSO EoOd 60 ee6, 0e50dall gOtdo o,Ouri*lr - 6 @o{D) ooo 6060 ooF@d 60)0 www.hrcsl.lk d6od ooflor6@/Omo qEo 0c6O6€D go)dsl @Droo o@m oorp or50 OgoOmz6O or ddoo or oose@D oo)e gOmo OmoO@ oo4r ge6 O8tuml6oo' OrSOdpll gOl6an OgoOme6OO oOee og eq6. 06 pot6ooo oorcoqo go)dEfl 60ee, mr66@ mo 0r5O6pm Eom 60 oqoorco oooOe gOl6o ooooo orj, o60o mo ObroO@ gq6oo:c,: o6o pmldoo SOdopno Oo. o0o@m rjOoFo o6mdoO or6Oo qroDod gOldo oOee 69,80 OegrajO@ eoqor gOcor Ooor Q EoOd oo ee6. 07 moee mqor gOmd @O) e 5Q gODo orcocoo gorqdrO e6ooo qc0q0 oo onO odQO(sms) 060 6e5OO OtgemO@ mqor qOon Ooror Q SoOO or5@ eoo o0 80Oe eoOmcoo 0e@ mooero SoDo ooDmO 60 eOoOCI oeoOr m@eoo mOm@ oOo 6qo 600 og eeo. 08 gOfenoO oOSo gOoO goor6ooO o5@o coOe Oomo oo:p oEol o6 mo6o moqbcoo orOro0O 6g0@ Orjom 0o6o 8Ot 6qO@ qoo 600 mgot 00 Doee 0)@016 60o0 qqq rjooFo oOmdoO o16 Oo Oe506pn gOt6o OrSOdpm EoOd o160. gE€ Eod6@aoo ooq, ooryO qrqCiO@ Oo d Oo 00 gore gE)6 6000 oc@pn 60o omq ooq, qroooorccd Sgomo 60:0o Er6 00. do@orO gSoao SoojSooo oc@60 Oo corOdo:O oooOoo q, 66Orpllo 0o oe6o. OOcOor g0€6 mgor gQOoo Oo: Eooooo6o soe, oo)g oOo (Oq/qro gole6 90)6 ado gOdOto oe6) qred8O eo@OoOO orOo eogor Or@o qqo. ooErj OcSOdmoo go:oo0 ooodo D)@ 60D oqotoo@oqO 6o dtdolO DOee oOSor 556 600CI 6eog ee 6@9oooo o6o q€oeooO 00660 56o EoO Oe506trr 6OrdeO @onOo o0@o OcSOdpp ooDmtOmO6ot OEo qog eg 66 eeq Sooj@o@ 60 o)eoo 60o0 p0oOqoo ooEdoSOdo ot omOdt od mod'og QQ6. 0)@6 i 1l eg 00)@660 0r5O6s! 6rdofiod 6eq 6tda SeOEomqO Oqooo dtdolOoO ODr Oo 66e Elotdod Oeoz0nj/o66ooo oo)mg QQ Eod 0or5 Oeoz@ odo gdoeoo oOoom odmOO ooDel 56o ei0O @omOo 60@0 EoOd oo QQ6. .; i E/oog : 609 o@ddfioOol O6Qdc Ooeo'o ql6.6. oooCdl eoorc5 , , odoOog ooAO dOGGj ooDeofid 0.6. glexugd>dl ooDeotOei ooO€e ObeD)O q, oolBeol ooDeofim ErO666 96o1 Ooxtt@odO: ooDeo:Od @l,5O6m l. @cSOdpluoO ood O$ooloo{o @rSOdpp eood ot go oe 6eOo OrSOdan Boeoooo 8@O€oe@6@ o16 oz6@o, O06oom 6000 @ gooroO exDQOO OrOdOrcO 12 Oot OooSo gor6O og ee6. 0O OooSo 06o, 6oe0 g€oeoo 55o gQOoo eoOm OOo, 55ocj 6oqO gqogooO Q@o q65oaj qzd OOo 80ro5oo@ oc06eed oCIOoOO Eeg @ol Ot6co ootorS@o ooJ amt6 ocO0o ooj OoorOOd o0 o@ 9@o qAOOffioOaj o0600 mOOdOooo 01506o 6eOOo/qtdooo qoo SgOOo 0o600 oOoOq geo. o0 2. CLoOdpno ee6OO oOO or@6@ m@Oo)O 006oo ooopffi ooDo qroDooo @on@o og ee6.oersorco OeoeO ooqoOor ooj oOoo 8@oo oomr6 ooiqOd 5m Q o@ 80Oe Q oror6 orO@ 6 @omr qrolQpO OrOdOrcO 12 Oa OrooSo eeeooooaj o@eo eoegoo. 55 m6O mfll6pnO EoqO qeoeoo oOqoOo @onOn og ee6. Eog o€oot@ot ooo, rjOffior @r5O6pll gODo ot eo0Oo:O 6 opnOmO @oo) gta)QpO OnOdOroO 12Q) ga>6O mOmO mcgSo eq 60 0or0, 66o@ qdOe6ooq 06oo, gto@, orctO, ee6, dO g6eo orOo, oEoolgo Ooo ooJ eoot ejomo, oot ooq 0o ooj go mO6 Q ooqom 0o ooJ oOodnOmO ooj OocioooO 0)606 ootOo goooo. 0oooooo €rsorco @oo ooqoOo: qm0m0 meg6O oot oOoo ooD mrg6O 6 eoot @EDQ@O OnOmDrcO 12 4. OooSo 6@gooot6 6006. Oomo oop mgot qOmO o@ eOt Q,Oo 0r5O0pD C[600 oeOro8Oo 65o0 EeO 6e 0o qqo. 0oooooo 1981 goo 0l e6pn ot6@0004 @e5o6o oooo 68 (2) ooo:5o gqo o@0 oCIq, 0ro60 gQ ootffiOO e@@o6o6 6005. 6 eool qtsiQOO OrOmOrcO 12 Oa OooSo 5. OrSOdpr mOocj orOrooOo oo6oe6 mgot 65o0 gqO qOeod gOt eo qeo.oo6oc6OCj mqor Ogop 6 eoo) qtsUQO@ OrOeiorcS 12 at 14 Ooo:5 9o:60 eOl e,o ee 6. 14(l) Oe6 Ooo6o EQO oloaroo' 6qom, eoDoD ddSo@ 6eoeo, mOmOocj 6qom, OaoSom Seoo 800 Sqoo or oD6o@ Sqom qfo edoot 00. Eo o€mr, oojejOb,Eodooaoooo d>ot6eo, moooo, oot6 eoo Orob gEbooo 600 Or6Odo 55o qOO 6eDo ee 6. o066 oooooO ooj oapOmOnO 0ooo o196@ gco0O 6 @oo) ersJQoO OaOejDrco 12 Oa OooSo edeoooro 7. 600o ooEo otOor 600@ E66o ee@o6o6 n6o oO. qeoeoo o@OoOooo OrSOOpr 6eOfio/Odmoo goo SgOtOo qrEO 55o @onOo mg gqo. 000 @ot@t6o qqoOoo oormOooo o;;CI 9oo CcCI q oOQ, Oo @ goo) qtenQOO OrOejotoO 12 at 14 (l) OooS s@so6oe 6006. 6oe, oo)@Oe mo oeoq m'om mgot OrSOOED O@A)Oo/qfoom qoco 6gOOo g@rolOo gtdoolod eOe6 ee EcDO, 600 oOSot 65o qeoOom odOo Sqorj o> mOtdo @c5O6pnoo ocOeo8O mqor 6o90 eoomoo qcOo qq o. oeoorco ooo ooj qeoeBo @e5O6plc 65 ecieooslo 006 o0 Oqooo oooOo ooj odoorco Oeo oo)oo) 65o O0o ooo66 mOroO @omOn Dg ee6. 6dod Omo, oroDor6@ ot eoDto 016 oo)q, oeoeOeO or5 odo ooj EAe o@eo oOodoo o6o qeoe6oO 0od6O qr6 oeeo 65o @omOo 600 OrSOdpn 6eDOoj/e6oom goo 69Ot6oroo 6Eol0Oo Osr6O Ooooo. 10, OrSOdpn 6ooooo Ered OrSOdpno o) m@OoO gOolOoOoo Ocg6O 0r6Odse 6eO0o/Etdajoo qoo SgOtOo ooOn mq 0o606. oq6o 9o916@ qeO oeooteo Oeo 9@o @6m' q66Ot6o0 6@gooot6 Oot qdqoO OrSOdsn 6omooo eoqot oo4r ooor OO oooo.oCI ooqoOo OcSOdan SeOfioiEtdajon qoo 6gOOo 65ooo 6o0 oO Er6 0600looo got6o g@o q66Offio@ ecj@oooo 00 OrgcajOOO gOor 6oe 8o06oo oo Qq 6. ll. 6etuOo/pdnjoo goo SgtuOooo g@ooOo Oo ooj o0oo ofioOoo'oo oogO6O Oo ggoeoo Oq6oo ooJ oaa6 q0p6o qOOo 6600 eocgdCjeO oroooto eeOOoO oOo 600 EredO 56e eoDoo 6oeoooo0 Or6O6pn 5eO0CI/E)6doo Eo6 5eO)0o eoool6 ooEo gqo. OrSOdpn Ggngsil Glgnununar 6lungt& dlunflsseir aa tDmrnrl.o -e orOenuuebaeir 2014 @oo] @mO 6@o@ oor@ed coorO Oorfioro uofgl 2-rforuoon ogomrrdigg @ HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION OF SRI LANKA Gpirgeb Glpnr-irunar 6lun5t& dlurflaseir rDpULb eirg!snr-lebaeir glgpu6luLl : 2014 Glarofiuf@ : @a:rircna ,"ffp e-fl6iDroscir +anarralgq4r @o 165, dl6iT$ a9$, Glongrbq 0B 6unlgenu&srb . 4ryfl(956 @o lil eos roaff g e-fl6noa 6iT e[crramrs 6qgar5]emnoil Gphpeil Glpnr-hunem Glun5l& Sunrfaaor @a: d: ene roafi g e-rflen ros Glarorflu5luuu@rb Gphpo il cir q6en a.r euin& qgqgeril gflsnL-r--a:oeir arnei: e{dl(pErb +ireuGge Loeflp p-rfleoLoseir erllqgr6lulnfusqy&Gs$u Steurireoougair 1978 alLb +ou,irqafi g4ryEureuenrouL5lei-rgeiLGlernql L5lqengu4b or:nsoofl&1gLb s-rflcrrLo, gqqflulei-r pr--or:r-qserruu5lcfu +p$$qLono m$)u@arpSgrb LoDErrb dSlq,i, *p$$4onem Gpirpgssne.m e_fileoLo Gunairpeurenou e-g$uu@pguuL-@eirong erahupeoem @eurierra B6npnuro Gene6r5le 15rqu-lq86,ir 1g7B gLb +eoiirqair gyqslureueoLonlJl6,ir ecrl-rer aaraLdg;fi sdlpgl. +g$$ryLonem ropErLb S$u..rnem Ggirga-rnemg .glcp oss(oneoL_u..r giL-n$gLb Gungt Gpirpcir efpglLfpcfuG6o6n p@ruupDCg r5lairu$pruuL- Ga.rcminqu Gpirgeil Glpnr--irunem Glungts Eunffaoeir opErb orglunL-L-eiserrenoeflg e-rflerrLoaeir gcoemslgllg e-rfleoLournqqrb Goueo^ron4qgGgirgeoeu qgfluL5lL-uur-@eiron 44 fl gos u u GtF 6l q uirongl ap$$7-Lonem $$unem Gpirpeneu e-E$uu@$gl6ug6ir (r6DLb AO prl-r+6lTgl LossGmerrL-u-t g6rrpru6 s-filenLoccru oCIf$uu@$geupDCgLb roeflg e-flerrLo oeunuenqperrg egls$gf sgeir 6L_t+Clu-.rqguqoupDCgLb @$pGgirgeil GlpnL-iruneo Glungre flunffaseir LopU rn or rflsqLb gls nL-L-ebaeir uugJ6nL-uJgrTG gqerrLoqG[oem gaoeorrE; 15(g G(Dgldlp51. IV roaffp e-rfle.oLoseir Ggirgstl Glpnuirunan 6lungt& Clunflaseir @alrileurs roouflE s flarroeeir ggancunrBgCp Slunrfls 6leurotgt: '1. $oriens Lodlp e-fferrLosoir qSerredor.h(5q9o,llarneu enl-qs6ir2 Gl g nL-riu n o 6r'Gg@ Lb igreopuun@soir 4l16bal51 pL-ourqaensseir er@ssuuL-nenLo 4>i6u6Dgl sL-$peu e{6t6Dgl qgl&aamflBeuuL-eb 6rGp@6 @ qE u Li 6,ir =9151 g>l rE ureu ur nu r-5lair 41 rqu u err L- e-fleo'lios6n6n dEr,b gqg GleuronaB uqlpuu@oupemneu g1$peoau-L e-rleoio Gl or erfl u5l L-u u r-L- Ggf geir argfl G)pnr-iruns Ggnga; e-$$Gulna$girsoit ungiurur-1 e-$$Gurno$grieerflair Glunguq e'pgls(g e-r-u@$$ gleurioqg&1g o$qna s@Lb gqgeen$E pr-orr-qsarea6o6r lgfl u LSIL-L- g qgaansE 91$ s nrlseir G LoPGe n eiren Geueodr@ Lb. r-Egrebseir SlGryogL- r5lrleogseir Lopgrb erllGel- Ggaoo:aeir s-eiron puriaeir r-Egr erJlGeL- seueurb Gl"grpSl aun&eafluq $leoeuurri:oenon 4>lerrLo6seuuL-cu Geueuir@rn. @gahGun51 Gluqgroonerllonem urqsel-@{hoerfleb 6/dl or:n6serfluq $leo^ra:u.rris@oCO L5lqGoufluug$anem $leoaleoLoseir Gune,irgreusenp perrln $gcfu Gereriir@Lb. glairpnr- Gleu:Sun@o@&19 @erltSgl 6/1}uGLb eueooulet flrysenTmseoen GropGlsneiro.:6og Glun51LoBuoflair peflripgr Gloneirelp$snen ss6u pL-elr.qaeoes@Lb cr@ssuuL-eu Goreoiir@Lb. uoilgrfluq $lerroul16:seir, Gungt e$e'arpeoir Lllrygnem olf$aeir, 4l{pgll-6iT erbu$guuL-Lgt6o60r'f erf$seir crairuou$errp Lodlpg Ggripeil L5lTesnq pL-eur-qseoar56D6n GLopGlsneireu$anneb elgl Looserflair 4>1 air gl nL- ou ri$ & err e & Cg 6 elr L- gE orll ear onefl u L-r gt L-ah Gp rip eil %r'*<il -d""i*eir - @onlmo odp rrflooooir +6@61q(g www.hrcsl.lk r-5lleenq plarrq&enss@&15 erlleoenr-unL_@ aoLognemniroeir, GsuGunri s'uris6ir crahuar$enp uu:ahu@$g arah 4. ug r--air gl1 g6n 6n esue g arSl$p goqu-.llb g rb Ga.r aiir @ rb. Ggrigci: r-5l1eenq pL-otrg&erras@esns er_L_$$orrnei; GlsuruJuuL-Geir* 6Jfun@s€D6(g Gleuorfla:nflurne grogt uflOul 6f6[0T56D6IT snL-Sluu@$gerpfsna uu:ahu@$guu@rb Gpr+rupp r-5lryeenry pr_ar4Beosoaflair ClunqgL-@ eg$$L-l Gluurri ueuensseir / unffu: Llll&enq Cluurriuuoeosseir GunairpouSenp uu.rairu@$$ 6r6D6dTur Gour-unonrtc@&O ungorb 6rpu@Lb ropErb ^tlgpdlnU or nss nonf s@otO progt o: n&Clanan au npfl emro no 6t @a.r gp(g 6en.UE erEu@rb o.rensLLl6b Gleurpu@a:eng g@uugsenem puorq&enoseir o@&su ulei; Goteuiir@ Lb. sL-uL-ria6h/ornoemrioeir oahuotseop Ggrigcn r-1lq&enq puarqBeosa@ssnem engemri:eerrns uurairu@$puu@ouerrg p@$pcn LopELb glt[s LopUrb paffilurnri eunoemrisaflgLb Glung annsemrisoflgrb e_oiror uebGarEur-r-- CI7&en7 e-$$eerron p@&s pL-ourq&aoa er@&ouut- Go.reurh@rb. =9Us 6. @u:gana @pglo15 un$uq erEuOLb efipgdlni) uei-rGorEur-L- r5lryeenryri:seir, Genrquq&e6ir, ueilGorEuL_L_ aurienrrus6ncn uuairu@$$ oeuiirocir LDpgLb ^llgrq or-dloorflair r-5lqeenpe gfluf@seir crairuorseop 44rySlu:eb LoryisaflgLb uneopaaflgLb snL_Euu@p516u6np 41eupnaff&o @+pgl6ir6ngJ. Sei.rorng @urpeoa gpgts(g un$uq etEuGtpglb r-5lryeenq puorrq&eo6s6n6n 6lUpp e-L66r+ plo.rrg6ene o@&suuu Gateuin@Lb. 7. Gpripci: r-5lpeenl puanrg&cnse(on&ene 4llg1ro$l arpni:euul-q(Dpp r-5lry&enq& eno$$ah r_Slairewri ClgnenarGudl glenpuq6seir, gg$paouelsoir (sms) e6nl-rs r5l p& e nryril seoren Gro$ Cl enoireu errp pOs s Gpeoou uu'em pL-ourq&ao^r566n6r o@uugtr-air 651 GlpnL-riunem p$gauflqsenen Clpneneu$GlpnL-irq gqgru6u@$grLb genemrsgqglqsCOrb Clpneo'reuGe6o6rr66o6r-r elpnilqgLb e16n6nu greorirsofl p 19 Lb gll @l u r5l eoo.r$peil Ger eriir@ rb. Gpngen r5lqe+nq$glssnem ounuruqae6o6ru uuairu@$$ unffu: ge5lGlugsdlueir erairuou$errp uu-.rairu@$$l 6l-* $legle8seoon pr-pgrpair (p6DrDn6 Lo6sqg&g 6IEuOLb @aireneilseoon gerrglsgrb 6u61166DrT6nsL-@uu@$pgssnem e-rfl 9. ur pleu q& ensserror Grof Glenehen Geu euiir@Lb. eun&oofluq Gour-unenrioeir p6lerreuurrioeD€(o glpairGung ernssofl&s at$$gsqgLb air ag$$ r$51 s Cq 41g ryCI1 orllerrenerll& dl *pgt. r-Slr1Geu$luugemnei.r o: nssnenrisofl g>lpgtl-6n o$ritsar-Sl Gei:L-unonris@Lb ouqgLbGungt dlssonen $la'leuenrooeir eJ$uL-a:nLb. a-emGat, Gu nr-rquil @ Lb Gar L-u nonriseir eu ns soflu q $l erra; ur Gprige5lci.r ri sqg & qg (pnLb a.rnaaoflogLb eppriuuLb goflrisg) rSllGer$luugl Glgnr-huna uf6ldr@Lb +[rur Gorlaiir@rb. Gprigcilaeir .gSlarll&auuui- snooL-L-ggrs19eir Glune6loru $coe0ineo6nlb plDgl BL-6nlDG6D6rr p6rrL-(!D6Dpule6lgolgLb +L-L-$gl&1g €l16nlDtrr etCpei:u@pp Geraiir@Lb erairugtL-air Ggripcir eut_rus6o6r r-EEuorrisqys6 er$7ns el-L-rus6o6n effu:nen glenpulcil p6nl-(p6opuu$lgdl Gprigeir +co6umuJronflannei-r gSlurIlL-L- sna.rereileneu*Ouit Cl u ne6lenqg* Cg p(gpp ar $l genpGl u.r naireopr Gl u neSlai-r nff $gc;ir Geuaiir@ Lb. pu rn ropg rb sL-@ u u @$51 rb ron g$ u 19 L-air satpg eo yuinq sL-L-erronull @ 11. Gprigeb sueomsafleb r.r@u@6 4lgs e-pdlGurns$pris@og auaoLos(ernsqg 4qa:risengl 6t-.SE erlleoonofl&lgLb 4q1glspraroeoonGu:n/4q+*E$peilaerronGurn EqGundl$geit +6n5t erairugtL-air g4efuernpnem 9l(gggriserron purisqgs6 er$ryns 4>louriaongt ay$pai:errpqLb ClunlgL-u@$gngr 50Lb sL-LLSlqGurndl&glb pL-ourq6enso6ncrr er@$peb Gouaiir@Lb. euudl e-uir 64oairp6dleur r-5lffupp +ir..f. goaireornsn' fpflurqeir GluGryn pofilenonir Gpeu$gr Glgor$ron @abLonu$cir q,erremruJn6[iT $O + r+. -Zfemggryngn -?Leoarru:nenir aoa.r$$u:ir Guireurniu p Glenuren -q+,61160oru-ln6nir sax$l$I. r-Ilr1$un LogDnemnoGpD6un -+,erreuuru-.rnonir Ggngsir angflanir-ebssir clr8u:eu gqeoLouL5lair e-Euq6n[ -?bL-uqgLb eL-L-$$air "856u slD66rn6n6uiTs6ir ropELb unglonuL5lfrgrb goom g[D6TTIT6OT +r-L-$$e.mnei-r 12 g6,iT ul+ e-rfl$5teoL-u-rerlhs6rrrerrh" @pemrquu6nr-u5la-r Ggirggolg ruoeiremnnem. Gshsa; dlemLb LorirrnrLb Gsirseursrs r-Jlairemnnoor sneuuulg$ulleir $tr-LbGluELb Ggirgeb el$E6Glonoiror:gr-air grarrpuun@56o6r Gluu-ru-rL-ruL-gLb Garemir@Lb. GLo$ur.+ erairgoeogl LlCI6nnur6r.l greopuun@eeir GlpnL-irL5leil pL-eurq&eoa er@&angorllL-eil g>l6i6ugl garllir$pcit €4quu6nl- s-tflaoLo,-6pg"O eua; Gghpcfu e-$$Guns$ghseir / ungrsruqu Lllrflq / Glunefloru e-$$Gurne$phocir -tLdlGunir Gl 2. u nE u q eo L-6nr.DU-.1 6oL- - urou ryne.unir. grerrpuun@ GlpnL-irunelr qoemnurarneogt u&e&eniruSgl goenglullefu pL-n$guuL-eu Geuadr@rb. clr8u-.reit pa'roufL-rqemneu 44eiarg 6IGp@Lb opg&Clunoiren (gqurp 5n[6U0rru56ITtI6u er@&onLoeborllueit DL-6tll+56D5 g4q8uroenLouLSlair e Erur-l6ru 12 @-* d$lurgnoGou og$$$Glsneirenuu@Lb. 7 Gpirpet L5lq+enq$g1l-6,ir ClgnL-irqenL-u-r el-ulb srDtDtTE L5lTGurndl&euuL-eil Gorafi@Lb. 44q8u:euenLouLilair o EtuL-.16D[ 12(2 gcil GlLong!, 1g$luLllL-uuL-L-6ungi "erSp r-SlperrgqLb @anLb, en$, uneu, 4178urei: glL5luL5lrynurib ro$ELb el6D6Dgi erGpglrLb 4leieunqnenGlgnahflfr IDpLb, LSlpuL5lL-6 g er$rns unlur-eLb oniueunsngl) Sg$uerrLou-r &€Bal 9166lu-Lei,r ou$lsoir ropgLb gqg&ueir $LDr.DrrcE pL-n$puuL-eil Goraiir@Lb. 1q$luune erGpgLb g4ry8ureil glL5luL5lTnurLb Clpnr-hL5leb eLoLo$p snlluulei; pL-n$g]eoa gl6b6Dgl unryuleb r-f$lurpna 4>1q61u:areoLouLllah e-Otul.{6o[ 12 6*e* Cleuofluu@$guu@Lb. 4. rDrsn6rurs6oUg Ggngeil eL-L-$$$g €l16nr.Dur ge6lGlugadl urI6u6D6dT LopUib Gghgen a'ulriaqg&15rflu gllg1lodl er:pri:auuL-ei.: Gereuiir@rb. $laar-uunl-q6n6dT g[6mruu0$gnorllL-L-pair orilerrenernarg 44 q8u-LeueoLouilah s grru qeoT 12 r-6"puularna @qgs1gLb. 5. Ggirpc;ir enar$$air Gun5t €)1 6ar r.D6u ns g4arfleuguq Gpirpc;i: a'L-L-$$lSqg aX gr Lo$ s s u u L-eb Gor anir @ Lb. 91 erofl er.r 1q u LII$ s nem 44g1ro$urn'arg1 e Etut-.16o[ 12 LopgLb 14, o Eruqeny 14fi) eleoemGurnqg6nl-ur, Gu&e s,ppSlflb, gairga.'L-eb, g19rlr(g Ger6t, Glgngilcfu LDpEb pr--ronL-ei.l e-$gpor npu o. u @pdl efil$lGu-.r ndlos Gor eredruaoeir euiir@ Lb. ganir@uLSlpapb, aouGlryL-rq LDpElri GolL-unenhsaflair qerrsuuL-Lb, 6Sluf@seir, Glsnrqsoir ropELb ugn6ngs6n6fi enL-8uu@$geil Gpirgcn eL-L-$$Sg g4gro$&auuL-oi; Geuaiir@Lb. erGpgrLb ol-E €).l6or.Dru e.l6b6ugl Cgqg6rilpq5 $lpuqrflerrLoulrquuenr-uSleil Gleur@uL-L-ne! gl{gl 4>lq8urerrLonlil6,ir e Etul.16o[ 12 6lerr* rdflulpnss Glsnoironuu@Lb. elerremGurnrflah eunssofl&qgLb e-fl6nlD6our l.fgrrb ,DUir GlgnL-hLrn'em sL-L-$$e,oelr eoeu Gghpc;b e-$$Guns$pireeir / urTgtsnuL-.lu t5lfrq /Glunesleri; e-$$Gurna$ghsoir .ZbdlGurnh uemirrquuno p6nl-(lD6npuu@gp Gor:eriir@Lb. 6tgl gt Cpcfu u Gp gu uL-norlli-ueit e-Elul.160y 12 LopgLb 14(1) el5 Saoem g4rySluleueo^rrour-5lair rfflurgns gleoroqrb. eoeu Ggirgefu e-$$Gu-.lns$ghoeh/ungtunuL-.1 u L5lfilq/ Gluner5loir o-$$Guns$ghsoir -?LdlGurnir GungtLonem ungrsnuflerren orn&safluq $lerreuulrioeir LopELb 6/6n60Tur oilpnemnileoflSlg oupri.rgergtL-air, pnL-rqair +L-L-$$!qg €)l6nrour $$u-rnangrLb +pp$ryLonemgtrDrT6,6r Gghgcil p6oL-(p6op60rur orgluu@$gl -errpp(g gelGlarnqg gru$EqLb cr@&s Geraih@Lb. 9. Gpirpcir el-unirs6iT r-fELbGungr glr8ueu sl-8s6ii g.l6bdgl puhserflair gyLb gcila'l5l 4l$anqrirseUog cr$1ns sLDLDns el-L-rila6iT p6ol-(p6npuu@$gcit Gauenn@Lb. 4ll[s e-6ol-6nlD{Earren G+gLo n&ooir gl{ 6D6Dgl 5 giuhuerflpg a-$qns erg r-11 ffi una Lb Gl eul q Lb ocoiirquunem eil-rirs6n6rr glCpciluGrp5torgt IF{E6D Gghgefu e-$$lGu:ns$Sirooir I u rTgt Gnu Ll u CIrf1q/Gl u na61ail e-$$Gu na$phseir -zbdlGur nrflair u i-errLour 16 6. o.pnqeolrlb : 4q qen'ri s o: nsemri soir, eL-r-qL-ri scir LopULb er:ornsriLseir. '10. Gghpgla1q L5lair anrynem eloirgoeopseir p-eironL-ri56nrs Gpirgcil G)gnL-hunen erairg:errpeou-t p@uugp(5 st56D Gghpcn Glune6lar: e-$$Guna$phsoir /ungtsnuqu r-Jlfilq / e-$$Gurns$piruoir -?',dl G rl nh Gl unE u Llleoem Gl uneofi @eironemh. sr Dpano 4>1g1uourilsufipCg €I6DtDtx 44p$luleu g4$enqriach 4>leleunpnan pL-eur-q&errsooflair Gun51 L5lrlGu.rndlBuu ur[Aeireirst. 6p* erllenenq Jxquu6nl- s-filcolD vr-fglatsonngLb. €).ll+uu6'arL- e-flaoo rflpeuserron gOuugp(5 er-L-$$emnei-r pnr5&s u u L-L- EiL-u r+grarpserfl $(9 gl6oLD GlunEuunem ur-qgrerrgloerrenqLb 666u e-$$lGurna$ghseh / ungtsnuqu CIflq / tlr s56r) Gpirpcil Glune6lou e-$$Gu"r no$pirseh -2bdlGur nir ar@&s Ger adr@ Lb. 1'1. soa; Ggirpe;i-r e-$$Gu-lno$gireoir Glune$laru / ungtsnuqu tilflq t e-$$Gurno$phooir -2bdlGunir euLDrt; ClgnL-&eeil 4>ia;6Dgl 6r6D6rTur ou$loorflair e-$grq&a6olDtll purfleoeur 8$$qoreo^rp Glen$4onem, Loerfl gnr-5lLonemLopgr LDpgLb $5!ouns pL-n$ggcit g.l6i6Dgl geuirL-eoem e-eirorL-ra:senns puhocir g.l6b6ugl e-coL-6nlDotflpCg o$1no 6rp5 r-fglci-rsaflgllb es6u Gghgcir e-$$Gu-Lns$ghaeh r-5lflq / / eu6o5un66T ungtsn'uqu Gluneslao e-$$Gurnu$pirueir -2bdlGurnir urir(5 Glsneirensa''L-ngt. Generol Recommendotions on Eleciions & Guidelines 2014 gotor @mO 6@a@ oar@ed coorO 6ordrorc roo?g; 2-rforuoen oSorarrtiigl.g @ HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION OF SRI LANKA General Recommendations on Elections & Guidelines First Published Published by : 2014 : Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka No l65,KynseyRoad, Colombo - 08. lntroduction Genral Recommendations on Eelctions issued by the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka i t, Election Guidelines issued by the Human Rights Commission of SriLanka lntroduction The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka recognizes the right of every citizen to vote, to freely engage in political activities and the right to free and fair elections enshrined in the (1978) Constitution of Sri Lanka and recognizes by other relevant legislative enactments passed by the Parliament of Sri Lanka. A free and fair election is considered a peoples' right. To ensure protection of this right the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka has further come to learn the necessity of a set of General Recommendations on Election and Guidelinesin order to prevent violations of election laws that could take place when conducting a free and fair election. This set of guidelines has been formulated in all three languages. lt is intended that these General Recommendations on Election and Guidelines provide State Officials engaging in election duties directions so as to prevent violations of election laws. *i ln order to ensure democratic society and promote a better human rights culture in the country the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka wishes to issue these General Recommendations on Election and Guidelines in the hope that it will immensely benefit the State Officials engaging in the election process. ilr General Recommendations on Elections Sri Lankan Human Rights Commission recommends that: 1. j 2. Sri Lankan Human Rights Commission has issued a set of "Election Guidelines" 3 based on the fundamental rights violations guaranteed in the Constitution. lf any complaint against such violations or inaction, neglect or omission is found it amounts to violations of the fundamental rights in Constitution. Therefore the relevant disciplinary authorities should take all measures against all state officials /police officials responsible for such violation of fundamental rights. to mobility and protection for persons with special needs and pay special attention to senior citizens when establishing polling Take all necessary measures to ensure access stations. 3. 4. Take all necessary measures to prevent organizing of election propaganda which cause hindrances to the day to day lives of the public. Consider encouraging the use of play grounds or meeting halls to conduct political rallies, as meetings near bus stations, public markets and across main roads cause hindrance to the daily activities of the public. Take all necessary measures to prevent various forms of indirect propaganda activities (boards displaying Project names large propaganda name boards, etc.) which are used to display the preferential voting number of candidates contravening the legal provisions on propaganda activities related to elections as it would be disadvantageous for other candidates in addition to being an obstruction to people to cast their vote freelY. / ' Eb.,i"" Gr'd"firres issued by HRCSL, www.hrcsl.lk 5. to prevent the use of government buildings / vehicles as a medium of political propaganda and to prevent the use of various propaganda cut-outs, posters, stickers that are displayed on public and private transportation and use of public transport vehicles both private and government in election campaigns. 6. Take all necessary steps to avoid various forms of political propaganda which cause serious harm to the natural environment. Avoid all Propaganda on preferential voting numbers and symbols displayed on trees, rocks and roads and any such actions that harm the natural environment. 7. Take all necessary steps to prevent engaging in political propaganda activities using the short message service (SMS) and telephone calls after the time frame allowed for election the campaign and directives should be issued Telecommunication Regulatory Commission and other agencies providing telecommunication services. Ensure that all steps should be taken to 8. Ensure that measures be taken to minimize the disturbance caused to the public by the large scale use of loud speakers to hold musical shows using the opportunity provided for election campaigns. 9. 10. Consider that laws be introduced to prevent election candidates from entering polling stations, other than for the purpose of casting their votes.The arrival of candidates from opposing political parties can lead to situations of tension and problematic situations. Take all necessary measures to ensure law and order at a time that an election is declared and that the Department of Police performs its duties promptly. Measures should also be taken to adopt a proper mechanism to carry out election laws accurately after deliberations with the Commissioner of Elections and lnspector General of Police. 11. Take all necessary measures to implement laws against persons who engage in any illegal act or threaten or attempt to commit an offence against Election laws by obstructing the duties of an officer of elections. Such persons should be brought before the law and strict action taken against them irrespective of their position or status. Sgd. Justice Priyantha R.P. Perera Former Judge of the Supreme Court of Chairman Deshabandu Jezima lsmail Commissioner Mr.T.E. Anandarajah Commissioner Dr. Barnad de Zoysa Commissioner Dr. Prathibha Mahanamahewa Commissioner Sri Lanka Election Guidelines 1. 2. 3. Complaints regarding pre-election, Election Day and post-election violence shall be accepted and investigated in terms of Article 12 of the Constitution,which declares that"all persons are equal before the law and are entitled to the equal protection of the law" Electoral Officers/all Security Forces/Police Officialswill be held liable for violations of fundamental rights and for any inaction or omission with regard to entertaining such complaints. lnvestigation regarding complaints shall be conducted in a strictly impartial manner.lnaction due to political influences or any other unacceptable reason will amount to a breach of Article 1 2 of the Constitution. The law which relates to election propaganda shall be applied equally.All political parties and groups shall be treated equally according to Article 12(2) of the Constitution, which declares "No citizen shall be discriminated against on the grounds of race, religion, language, cast sex, political opinion, and place of birth or on any one of such grounds'lAny unequal treatment or discrimination, especially on political opinion, will be an express violation of Article 12 of the Constitution. 4. lssuing permits to use loudspeakers and for election meeting shall be in accordance to the law, especially in terms of section 68(2) of the Parliamentary Elections Act No. 1 of 1981.The non-fulfillment of this obligation will result in violation of Article 1 2 of the Constitution. 5. Parades during the election period shall be permitted according to the law. lssuing permits for parades shall be according to Articles 1 2 and 14 of the Constitution. Article 14(1) guarantee among others, freedom of speech, assembly, association, occupation and of movement. Display of leaflets, posters, a nd photog ra phs of the ca nd idates, symbols, flags and banners shall be permitted according to election laws. lf any party or a group is given privileged treatment, it will be a violation of Article 1 2 of the Constitution. 7. Electoral Officers/all Security Forces/Police Officials shall strictly enforce the law with regard to persons who violate the right of others to vote. lf this were not implemented, it would be a violation of Articles 1 2 and 14 (1) of the Constitution. 8. Electoral Officers/all Security Forces/Police Officials shall provide adequate security to polling centres and other related places and make every effort to facilitate the conduct of a free and fair election in accordance with the law of the land. 9. The law shall be equally enforced against political parties or persons irrespective of their status or powers if in breach of election laws. Thus, it shall be the duty of Electoral Officers/all Security Forces/Police Officials to enforce the law strictly against all persons who misuse or cause damage to public property, e.9., government vehicles, buildings and premises. 10. Electoral Officers/all Security Forces/Police Officials have a responsibility to prevent election related violence including post-election violence. According to past experience, political power is used to commit such acts of violence,which results in violation of fundamental rights. Electoral Officers/all Security Forces/Police Officials shalltake all necessary steps according to procedures established by the law to prevent violation of fundamental rights. 11. Electoral Officers/all Security Forces/Police Officials shall not participate in the preparation of any type of violence against persons or property, including subjecting persons to torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, on their own initiative or at the behest of any other party. + ru * l l,irt ', ....+ s:.i..,,_ri. *.lT;--li . li?!r't-r t'-;-:,1,;, :i;:r..r .-a-.?.. 'o t t;":-'':i'i/ ,...,r,:!.:..,. .r r S',LLlirqrl( '? . I,, 1, I 'l-i ..r, 1 j: *iri6B.+;irq cr J i "J; ] i r ir fr .* '':r-'1 '* 6 eo6t gJ6O 6000 o31l$6d 6339xg eot3 165. 6dB s)0. gIDrC@ - 08. Smirmo mdp P-rfooaefi o5omdirgg .dbJb n,rJed I GonanoGudll 0112-694925. Telephone J go 2685980, 2685981,2685339 no6o g0q0 g{EuEIr 165. dsi4l er!$. 6orgLbq Gsraneu5ae; Fax 08 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSIONOFSR! . 1 I 0112-694924 ) g{6oguq Hot Line LAI{KA No 165, KynseyRoad, Colombo E-mail - 08, : [email protected] web : 'w!wv.hrcsl.lk L996 Funded by : UN Progromme on Human Rights in Sri Lanka 'support to the Human Rights commissian
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