Rudy`s Critters
Rudy`s Critters
R Rudy's Critters Tel: 765-327-0125 Daily Availability List I8480 I8373 I8522 Coral Frags I7003 Crab I3384 I3424 I3460 3/17/2014 Ricordea Blue (Fl) Mushroom Ricordea Green (Fl) Mushroom St Thomas Blue Mushroom ULTRA Vietnam Shrimp 15.99 I5170 I5230 51.00 I5240 I5250 34.50 I5280 Frags Apet Cultured Asst 18.50 I5380 Crab Arrow Crab Emerald Crab Hermit Blue Leg Special Prices 50 I3477 I3462 Invert Anemone I0038 I0010 I0041 I0190 I0194 I0250 I0280 I0310 I0373 I0372 I0371 I0424 I0470 I0480 I0640 I0680 I0790 Cephalopods I3939 Coral I7263 I7345 I7592 I8098 I8094 I8304 I8487 I8484 I8482 I3560 Anemone Bubble Green Anemone Bubble Md Anemone Carpet (Atl) Anemone Carpet Green Md Anemone Carpet Maxi Mini Anemone Condy Haiti Pink Tips Anemone Corn Fire Anemone Curlique Anemone Long Tentacle Lg Anemone Long Tentacle Md Anemone Long Tentacle Sm Anemone Octopus Anemone Rock Flower (Atl) Anemone Rock Flower Red Anemone Sebae Md Anemone Sebae Sm Anemone Tube Colored (I.O.) Cuttle Fish Eggs(no guarantee) Coral Clavularia Briareum Coral Dendronephthya Coral Goniopora Green Coral Sft Finger Chili Md Coral Sft Finger Md Coral Zoanthus Color Vietnam Mushroom Rhodactis Ultra Mushroom Ricordea (FL) Per Pol Mushroom 35.00 22.50 I3610 I3634 18.50 41.00 I3660 18.95 I3670 12.95I3730 I3750 15.50 I3814 11.50 I3840 25.50 Cucumber 34.50 I3870 23.50 Feather Duster 22.00 I3968 18.00 36.00 21.50 18.50 24.00 12.00 I3990 I3970 I3962 Gorgonian I8328 Jelly Fish I4050 Lobster I4120 Mangrove 31.00 I4212 Plant 27.00 I4292 I4470 36.00 Rock I4594 30.00 31.00 Sand Dollar I3940 25.031Scallop I4750 15.99 31.00 Sea Slug 18.00 I5071 Crab Hermit Halloween (Haw) Crab Hermit Red Leg Cortez Special Prices 50 Crab Hermit Scarlet Crab Hermit W/ Anemone Crab Hermit Zebra Special Prices 50 Crab Horseshoe Md Crab Horseshoe Sm Crab Porcelain Crab Sally Lightfoot Crab Spider Crab Strawberry (Haw) Cucumber Pink (Hot Dog) Haw. Feather (I.O.) Feather (Phil) Feather (I.O.) Feather (Haw) 9.95 I5530 8.25 I5490 1.79 I5500 I5511 0.99 I5572 6.95 Snail I5611 1.79 I5680 I5776 0.99 I5794 2.75 6.50 I5576 1.79 I5842 22.00 I6551 10.99 Urchin I6657 15.99 I6710 I6740 24.00 I6770 I6842 18.00 I6850 12.99 Plant Seagrass Plant Shave Brush 9.99 12.00 Rock Tukani 50# Box 149.50 Page 1 1.99 6.45 2.25 50 Snail Tropical Abalone Snail Turbo Black Special Prices 1.29 15.89 2.25 1.79 19.00 9.50 6.95 Mangrove Pod Sea Slug Rabbit Hare Brown Snail Bumble Bee Snail Cowry Md Snail Nassarius (Phil) Snail Trochus Special Prices Starfish Blue Starfish Brittle Starfish Chocolate Chip Starfish Maroon Starfish Red Fromia Starfish Sand Sifting Starfish Serpent Starfish Serpent Banded Starfish Thorny Red 11.95 Scallop Flame Electric 5.50 9.99 15.95 12.99 18.00 Lobster Slipper Dollar Sand 25.50 6.99 Sponge Moon Sponge Red Ball Lg 9.99 I6633 Jelly Fish Upside Down 19.95 I5895 I5990 8.50 Starfish 8.95 I6150 I6191 12.50 I6210 22.00 I6460 I6510 9.00 Duster Duster XL 9.99 50 I6560 10.99 I6552 Duster Red 6.56 23.95 20.95 16.95 18.95 0.99 10.00 Sponge Duster Gorgonian Asst (Atl) -Price and availability subject to change without notice. I5310 Shrimp Camel Shrimp Cleaner Lg Shrimp Cleaner Md Shrimp Cleaner Sm Shrimp Clown Harlequin Shrimp Coral Banded Shrimp Coral Banded Golden Sm Shrimp Fire Shrimp Monkey /Buffalo Shrimp Peppermint Shrimp Pistol Red Shrimp Sexy 15.95 6.99 18.50 Urchin Green Urchin Pencil Urchin Pin Cushion (I.O.) Urchin Pin Cushion Md Urchin Purple Urchin Short Spine 0.99 10.99 11.00 12.95 8.99 9.95 18.00 9.95 5.99 11.95 9.95 11.95 10.95 Daily Availability List Tel:765-327-0125 M0780 M0804 M0840 M0895 M0954 M1014 M1020 M1080 M1091 Angler M1175 Anthias M1226 M1227 M1232 M1230 M1258 M1257 M1300 M1301 M1330 M1344 M1347 Bass M1382 M1386 M1401 Basslet M1458 M1430 M1485 Marine Fish Angel M0084 M0120 M0126 M0180 M0288 M0342 M0354 M0372 M0391 M0408 M0436 M0501 M0522 M0546 M0552 M0558 M0606 M0624 M0654 M0678 M0691 M1518 Angel Bi-Color Angel Black Md Angel Black Sm Angel Blue Face Juv Angel Coral Beauty Angel Eiblii Angel Fishers Angel Flagfin Md Angel Flame Angel Flameback (Afr) Angel Goldflake Angel Half Black Angel Imperator Adult Md Angel Imperator Juv Lg Angel Imperator Juv Md Angel Imperator Juv Sm Angel Lemon Peel (Haw) Angel Maculosus Md Angel Majestic Sm Angel Melas (Keyhole) Angel Midnight M1529 19.95 46.00 M1524 35.00 65.00 M1539 19.95 21.00 35.00 43.00 38.00 35.95 M1560 M1572 Batfish M1584 M1608 205.00 M1632 19.95 Blenny 94.00 M1659 56.00 M1680 50.00 M1715 M1720 41.00 M1728 36.00 M1746 M1771 95.00 M1830 109.00 M1866 19.95 M1770 M1876 21.00 3/17/2014 Angel Potters Angel Pygmy (Atl) Angel Regal (I.O.) Lg Angel Rock Beauty Md Angel Semicirculatus Sm Angel Six Barred Md Angel Six Barred Sm Angel Xanthurus Angel Yellow Angler Pink 38.50 M1884 20.00 109.00 M1886 M1896 41.00 Bream 28.25 M1380 Butterfly 33.00 M1938 31.00 M1988 41.00 M1980 21.00 M1986 56.00 M2030 Anthias Bartlett's Anthias Bicolor (Haw) Anthias Carberyi Anthias Dispar (I.O.) Anthias Green Anthias Huchtii Anthias Pink Square Female Anthias Pink Square Male Anthias Randall Anthias Squamapinnis (I.O.) Anthias Squampinnis (Afr) 34.00 41.00 M2076 Bass Chalk Bass Harlequin Bass Lantern 19.50 Chromis 18.50 M2839 18.00 M2840 Basslet Diadema Basslet Neon Dotty Back (TR) Basslet Orchid Dotty Back (TR) Basslet Pseudo Bicolor Basslet Pseudo Double Stripe Basslet Pseudo Elongated Red Basslet Pseudo Splendens Basslet Royal Gramma Basslet Swissguard Batfish Orbicularis Md Batfish Pinnatus Md Batfish Teira Sm Blenny Algae Eating Md Blenny Bicolor Blenny Forktail Blenny Grammistes Blenny Midas Golden (Afr) Blenny Molly Miller Blenny Red Marble Dragonet Blenny Sailfin Black Blenny Scooter Blenny Scooter Red Blenny Smiths -Price and availability subject to change without notice. Page 2 34.00 M2492 18.00 M2514 21.00 M2532 20.00 M2543 22.00 28.50 M2556 M2701 18.00 Cardinal 18.00 M2784 M2800 28.00 M2820 M2826 M2874 15.00 M2905 24.99 Clown M2952 15.00 M2963 24.99 18.00 M2980 18.00 M2998 M2988 31.00 M3085 12.95 M3040 55.00 M3048 M2999 24.00 M3138 51.00 M3120 M3169 24.00 M3170 16.50 M3165 12.50 17.50 M3228 17.50 M3390 30.00 Cow Fish M3480 12.95 M3564 31.00 Damsel 18.00 M3582 9.00 M3595 20.50 M3606 16.50 M3618 Blenny Snyder Weever Blenny Starry King Blenny Tiger Golden 12.50 21.00 15.00 Bream Banana Fish 21.00 Butterfly Assorted Md Butterfly Auriga (Haw) Butterfly Auriga Md Butterfly Auriga Sm Butterfly Blue Head (Klein's) Butterfly Copperband Sm Butterfly Pearlscale Red Butterfly Pebbled Butterfly Punctato Butterfly Raccoon (Afr) Butterfly Raccoon Md Butterfly Vagabond (IO) 21.95 Cardinal Banggai Cardinal Blue Eye Cardinal Pajama Cardinal Red Striped 18.00 12.99 9.25 8.99 Chromis Bicolor Chromis Black & Gold Chromis Green Chromis Vanderbilt Haw 41.00 21.95 18.95 21.95 21.95 21.95 21.95 21.95 27.00 24.95 21.95 12.39 3.25 3.25 15.95 Clown Allardi (Afr) Clown Black Ice (TR) Clown Cinnamon (T.R.) Clown Clarkii (TR) Clown Clarkii Md Clown Maroon (T.R.) Clown Maroon Gold Stripe (TR) Clown Maroon Md Clown Ocellaris Caramel (TR) Clown Percula (TR) Clown Percula Md Clown Percula Picasso (TR) Clown Percula Platinum (T.R.) Clown Percula True (TR) Clown Sebae Clown Tomato Sm 18.00 55.00 Cow Fish (ATL) Cow Fish Thornback 16.50 20.95 Damsel Allen Damsel Assorted Damsel Beau Gregory (Atl) Damsel Blue 12.99 12.99 15.00 12.99 12.99 21.99 21.99 12.99 15.99 33.00 45.00 12.99 15.99 12.99 6.95 3.25 5.50 3.25 Daily Availability List M3642 M3648 M3750 M3754 M3792 M3798 M3840 Eel M3959 M3961 M4050 M4128 M4152 M4202 M4201 File Fish M4302 M4305 Flounder M4368 Foxface M4388 Goby M4444 M4449 M5308 M4530 M4536 M4560 M4578 M4591 M4638 M4648 M4494 M4662 M4686 M4721 M4756 M4645 M4854 M4865 M4878 M4926 M4944 M4953 M4962 Grouper M4978 M5106 M5166 M5262 Grunt Tel: 765-327-0125 Damsel Domino Three Spot Damsel Electric Blue Damsel Orangetail Damsel Red Damsel Striped Four Damsel Striped Three Damsel Yellowtail Eel Garden Eel Grass Eel Moray Black Edge Eel Moray Zebra Lg Eel Ribbon Black Eel Snowflake Md Eel Snowflake Sm File Fish Green (I.O.) File Fish Matted Leatherjacket 3.25 M5310 Gurnard 6.50 M6522 Hamlet 11.95 M5370 3.98 Hawk 3.25 M5454 3.25 21.00 24.95 31.00 M5490 M5520 81.00 M5528 38.00 M5538 15.50 Hog 15.50 M5602 M5601 12.50 M5652 M5712 12.50 Jawfish M5748 15.99 Foxface Magnificent 65.00 Goby Aurora (Africa) Goby Banded Sleeper Md Goby Citron Gummy (Haw) Goby Clown Assorted Goby Clown Yellow Sm Goby Diamond Md Goby Firefish Goby Firefish Purple Goby Gold Head Sleeper Goby Gudgeon Blue Goby Gudgeon Blue Green Goby Mandarin Blue Goby Mandarin Spotted Green Goby Prawn Brownstreak Goby Rainfordi Goby Six Spot Sleeper Goby Stripe Engineer Goby Tangaroai Goby Twin Spot Goby Watchman Tiger Goby Watchman Yellow/Blue Goby Yasha Goby Yellow Rose Grouper Argus (Haw/Afr) Grouper Dampiera Grouper Panther Sm Grouper V Tailed Grunt Smallmouth Hamlet Butter Hawk Flame Tahiti Special Prices M5780 M5808 Leaf Fish M5868 33.00 Lionfish 19.50 M5886 24.00 M5934 5.95 M5910 5.95 M6006 19.50 Lookdown 12.98 M6067 27.75 Parrot M6168 20.00 M6204 M6210 12.99 M6217 12.99 Pipe Fish 16.85 M6299 16.85 Pompano M6301 21.00 Puffer M6342 12.69 19.50 M6392 6.95 M6390 18.95 M6420 18.00 M6478 24.00 M6468 16.25 M6438 31.00 M6444 21.95 Scorpionfish 65.00 M6500 M6502 17.95 21.25 Seahorse M6545 18.25 M6566 Hawk Golden Tahitian Special Prices 1 Hawk Hawk Hawk Hawk 9.95 M6612 17.66 M6590 Sea Robin 1 3.25 M5480 Flounder 3/17/2014 Longnose Red Red (Haw) Ring Eyed Hog Coral Md Hog Coral Sm Hog Diana's Sm Hog Spanish Sm 21.00 Shrimp Fish M6740 44.00 Snapper M6770 Squirrel Fish 38.30 M6852 260.00 Stingray M6901 198.00 25.00 Sweetlips 19.50 M7002 24.00 19.50 M7038 Jawfish Blue Spotted Jawfish Spotfin Jawfish Yellow Banded 20.95 M7044 16.95 21.00 M7062 26.00 Tang 65.00 M7128 M7572 24.00 M7187 19.50 M7604 Leaf Fish Yellow 35.00 M7605 Lionfish Antennata Md Lionfish Dwarf (Venomous) Lionfish Dwarf Fuzzy Md Lionfish Volitan Black Md 31.00 M7206 M7212 24.00 M7219 M7230 24.00 M7236 M7254 31.00 M7255 Lookdowns Lg M7265 75.00 M7268 Parrot Parrot Parrot (Atl) Parrot (I.O.) 21.95 M7321 41.00 21.00 M7350 M7344 41.00 M7393 Bicolor Sm Green Princess Princess Pipe Fish Sargassum 12.95 M7392 M7391 Pompano (Afr) 21.00 Puffer Dogface Med Puffer Porcupine Lg Puffer Porcupine Sm Puffer Sharpnose Puffer Star & Stripes Md Puffer Valentini Puffer Webb Burr Md Puffer Webb Burr Sm 30.00 M7458 Scorpion Fish Sm Scorpion Toad Brown Seahorse (Atl) Seahorse Colored Henry -Price and availability subject to change without notice. Page 3 M7440 45.00 M7466 21.00 M7502 16.75 M7501 51.00 M7530 18.00 24.00 M7554 20.85 M7585 M7582 M7584 21.00 M7588 18.00 M7667 M7632 45.00 65.00 M7656 Seahorse Tiger Tail B&W (T.R.) Seahorse Yellow (T.R.) 41.00 Shrimp Fish 21.00 Snapper Blueline 25.00 Squirrel Fish Sm 17.99 Stingray Md (Atl) Special Prices 63.00 1 Sweetlips Md Sweetlips Md Sweetlips Sm Sweetlips (I.O.) Md 41.00 55.00 Oriental 20.99 Spotted 26.00 Spotted 24.00 Striped 24.00 Tang Achilles Tang Blochii (Haw) Tang Blue Hepatus 1.2" - 1.5" Tang Blue Yellow Belly 1-1.5" Tang Blue Yellow Belly 2-2.5" Tang Brown Md Tang Brown Sm Tang Chocolate Tang Clown Md Tang Clown Sm Tang Convict Tang Doctor Fish (Atl) Tang Imperfect Tang Lavendar (Spot-Cheeked) Tang Naso Blonde Md Tang Naso Md Tang Naso Xl (Haw) Streamer Tang Powder Blue Lg Tang Powder Blue Md Tang Powder Blue Sm Tang Powder Brown (Phi) Tang Purple (R.S.) Md Tang Ringtail (Haw) Tang Sailfin Veliferum Md Tang Sailfin Veliferum Sm Tang Shoulder (Haw) Tang Sohol (R.S.) Md Tang Tennetti Tang Thompsoni Tang Tomini Tang Unicorn Tang Whitebar (Haw) Tang Yellow Eye (Kole) Tang Yellow Md 155.00 31.78 31.00 31.00 41.00 21.00 20.00 31.00 24.00 21.00 20.99 35.00 12.00 24.00 45.00 38.00 185.00 56.00 40.00 40.00 25.95 129.00 28.00 26.00 22.50 41.00 109.99 51.00 71.00 28.00 24.00 51.00 27.00 28.99 Daily Availability List M7662 Tilefish M7675 Trigger M7746 M7802 M7801 M7824 M7866 M7891 M7956 M8012 M8070 M8076 M8118 Trunkfish M8178 Wrasse M8208 M8250 M8282 M8268 M8301 M8300 M8320 M8334 M8328 M8430 M8538 M8562 M8606 M8616 M8622 M8625 M8628 M8630 M8646 M4346 M8700 M8724 M8810 M8826 M8984 M9062 M9090 M9104 M9181 3/17/2014 Tel: 765-327-0125 Tang Yellow Sm 25.99 Tilefish Purple 35.00 Trigger Bluejaw Fem Md Trigger Bursa Md Trigger Bursa Sm Trigger Clown Md Trigger Huma Huma Sm Trigger Niger Odonus Sm Trigger Pinktail Md Trigger Rectangulus Md Trigger Undulated Md Trigger Undulated Sm Trigger Whitetail Md 41.00 Trunk Fish (Atl) Md 22.00 Wrasse Assorted Wrasse Bird Black Md Wrasse Bird Green (Haw) Wrasse Bird Green Md Wrasse Bluehead Wrasse Bluehead Sm Juv. Wrasse Carpenters Flasher Wrasse Checkered Marble Wrasse Checkered Marble (Afr) Wrasse Cleaner Wrasse Coris Green Wrasse Coris Red Sm Wrasse Debelius Fairy Wrasse Dragon Md Wrasse Dragon Sm Wrasse Eight Line Red Sea Wrasse Exquisite Wrasse Exquisite (Afr) Wrasse Flame Male (Haw) Wrasse Flasher Filamented Wrasse Hardwicke (Afr) Wrasse Hebraicum (Afr) Wrasse Lubbock Wrasse Lunare Thalassoma Sm Wrasse Radiant (Afr) Wrasse Ring Pastel Wrasse Six Line Wrasse Solarensis Wrasse Yellow 23.00 21.00 24.00 21.00 65.00 19.95 20.00 34.00 24.00 24.00 21.00 24.00 45.99 28.00 15.50 11.00 24.00 18.99 24.00 9.99 15.99 15.00 24.00 22.00 21.00 51.00 24.00 33.00 139.00 33.00 25.00 34.00 18.00 15.99 37.00 24.00 19.60 28.50 18.00 -Price and availability subject to change without notice. Page 4
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