Laos Church Report
Laos Church Report
LAOS CHURCH REPORT {Hay 19AB) Souvanh Kounpanya S_ggy".h Ko.npanya is the' ysl'taS__}(h!!g_Et lEr e{hE has just come to Vientiane tE-EEFFy--6uf, a province-wide ministry to the Khrnu. just During our meeting at the church, Souvanh explainrd nhat that entails the ssid that Sionh had written asking him what he does). Ag agsigtant to Bee Thao and se'cretary to the Vientiane Frovince church, he does office work. He also visits with peopleHe goeg tc villages and wisits the people, and gathers information. His {irst trip But lasted 13 days (during this trip t w o f a m i .l i e s believed and burned their spirit thingrl trip , and his most^Fecent lasted 4 days. The people sieem to really apprecia visitsi apparently it is something which has }ong been ed. has had just many people ask him to lead them ts trhrist; thi week he ta1 ked to a l*lorrnon r.'rho was very i nteres Ei ts trl the villages the people' request help tofics: Bibl€', singing, hymnE, ti S(]uvanh. Bee Thao'g asst stan days a neek--for the chur1:,h( Heeli-support himself), is fi th has had. The church si Souvanh prepar i n g church l ead the past. Con{erence ano 5. in "i l-d": This process of for village they have had in 1 n the *tg:,a'Ie gl (]n sE ongEr than b1,3Y. At the ai rp hone gave me a Letter to mail tp" East Germany containihg the filled out forme for thern to attend the con{erence in East Germany. Khamphone said that Haha Khamtan was goinE tt] Eagt 6ermany, and that he wsuld check into the confeFence while there. he iE in If he nakes the arrang€rments while Eerrnany, thst shtruld help the church to leaders to get perrnissit:n p e o p l e f l r r . K h a n t a n i n g t h a t t h e w a s u n d e r t h e m i s u n d e r s t a n d 90. who are arranqing the conference in September are the siatne peoFlt r+hs invited hin to visit Eut when I was in LaBs in East Gerrnany. +ron February, the head sf the Department of Religious Affairs East Gerrnany was staying in the Lane Xang Hotel , and Khamtan's visit is Frobably a resFsnse to that visit. CONFIDENTI AL ************ LAO CHUFCH - page - 2 May 19EB CONFIDENTIAL *{.********** Contact with the Soviet Union: Dave l"lerchant informed us that the Director o+ the Department of Feligious Affairs of the Soviet lJnion recently visited Laes, and did nt:t make contact with the church until he drove past the church a.nd asked about it. He was then given an opportunity to talk to Kharnphone and Fee Thao. Neither thE, Protestants nrrr the Catholics Herel Bn his official itinerary--only the Burddhists. He was also given an opportunity to talk to Hhamphone directly in Enqlish besause the translatoF r+as having tr le nith the religirlus vocabulary. Khamphone was quite egged f,hat when they parted he cal led him his "brotherl susoects that mrans that he is a believerThe Rel ati onshi p of Church and Stat .expl ai ned The church leaders church and state in Laog'vari hetr4een In Vi ent i ane the. th the gtrvernment ad (and some gevernment be hi erarchi cal l \, vi11tsge levei aut church has not l evel s--provi ryele qfi{, r6i I I churtrh"":Y "i"*fln 1n ::-.5 l;i' s.r,"\t#r*"h$ih sood rel a{.i onshi pE q\!* .Thby (]nl y have two ay -' se of this the Vientiane h the Savannakhet Chur€h. ls .) y otral ea5yi and the church has very soverilment, In difficult it is jr-rst the opposite--very year no wor=hip services for the chur this are permitted in churches at It roughout Hhamphone Luang Prabeng Province. recently met even in Luang Prabang, and Boun Fli said that he has rtopped they feel that having worship servirrs. However, Peto is probahly stilL having worship seFvices in Houai Thao village--likely The reason the BnIy place in the r.rhole province. party for the restrictiong is that the Luang Prahang Province chief is very strict, and has recently ernbarked on a massive program of province-r,lide social change, of r+hich forbidding services that rrorship is only one part. Khamphone suggested issue Brganizations thtst provide aid to Luang Prabang raisEr this CONFIDENTIAL **+********* LAO CHURtrH - page - s l'lay l9Eg trONFIDENTIAL *********{c** with the authorities! because the authorities are very interested in receiving aid and increasing the aid they are receivingI agreed to write to Eoger Wal!-. ol l4orld Vi who has projects in Luang Prabang to r+i-s6 thl s issue in Luang Prabang, the next time he is there: He should a=l< about churches innocrntly in Luang Prabang, and if they are gtill spen +oF wsrshipHe should alsc] ask if he can wrrrship l.|ith them. Throughout Laos the provincial authorities have considerable autonEmy in determining with Htlwever as relations the trhurch. pointed Sirivanh sut these relationships dcr not only depend on the prr:vincial authoritieF, they also depend on the church leaders. prc:blems in their O+ten the church leaders themselveg cre€te with the government. . \ trlhile the gowernment does exercise influence the govtrnment dses riot really dictate the pr of the church In Laos there i s r.e,al I y nc! adershi Ehurch outside the church itself. Sirivanh explained that (which was retspons;ible +trr a net4 policy +or religions standardE and Euggerti on within Lao soci etyeven though the Dep the l'li n of Ed , t ln f rel church, and actl wi ti es t r of o r t h e $'"t; c e t i Ln 5 ; y ' -o f F d uucht at a{rti me) up *\f peop I e gi on s e t , and I t]nger under E.nt] nal pol icy. angel ipm i s ..not permi tted ta the Lord; but they come ristians. Hence "Eal t " and ant today in Laos.. This v\\F'e.Y y, E May, in Hhampht:ne's sErmon (he was emFha5rvrd on conrept preached on I Fet ?{1; verse I? . l.iharnphone sai d that have--thev descri.beg the kind ives believers in Laos ghould Christians. should be "salt and liqht" It The church at a1l in LaosHowe.,rer4$p primarily becau , of off td{e t$e }i"w lives )i1 t.|{e "light" t r h r i g t i a n g,yi\pvery policy, can religions to the religious the various According but own locations; pursue their own religious activities in their prior permission. lrlhen askedr the church nowhere else vrithout prcrgratns said that they have never asked to have religious leaders f e l t w o u l d b e t u r n e d d o w n . el=ewhere, because they they CONFI DENT IAL ************ LAO CHURCH- May 1988 page - 4 CONFIDENTIAL ************ The church leaders al1 agreed that the government and people sf Laos view trhristianity as an imperialist religionHowever they said that the Neo Hom (the l.'lational Front Reconstruction for of Laos) o{ficials say that there is no true Lao religionThey people are naturally believe that all bad, and that the purpase of religion is to make people goodAccording ttf their understanding al I religiclns teach people how to be good. Stati sti cal Informati on: -4 Sirivanh =aid that he has heen working on gafiferln|. \'has statistical information for Vientiane Proving;{ but it been p e o F l F , ratheF difficult recently. He explained )fi5t Rany v irllllaaggeess and churches have recently m o y) rd€6d, , a .qFd€ l hheegl hhaass n (oftt.. , bbeeeenn able to find aIl the neH locations- , z S o r y 1 f o f f , t i f t - e "p e q p d d ; . h { v e f l e d ' to Thai I and as wel I Thi s relc'c96on.f,4p$EL 6+ tt{h.. eenerllnent s plan to get the people y +rggl",llwiAden out of-,lfi'e gfr\aSs', ap$w\ cultivation. He did say t!.x'E t!6S,,{r foe- recg{vBjvhiany gdquests Vehicles f or ,tt the s .r.12\ c-hrdrch4-''-':lrl -. ' .b'P ,,' f*.. '... The rhe church churc-h'6ou1# 6""1uaitr3i ! \"-*+ otorb,flle for Souvanh to use sE vi v i fI lfaaqd.qlf qAe,.f n Vt frtftrlttice. aFe ltroliing into -Zhey used s e dd S Suz uzu[i${8,8'c,c ng>{orbike in Thailand, h,hich they a u q g o e s te h e goes to p u r ccchasinq hhaassiinngg thoueht mien\ ..=:^F3\3 \ -.f, \ .f\\ The church \+Sll= Nal:hon Phanom. \They arrangements Bibl es in reg\rdifg tssoo>'so. \- -/ i n the Land Rover eu,gr4==a an i nterest Bz6mised to try to make the netressary holr tc get it to Laog befr:re we left in Laos. Thai I and I'hamphone said that when he met !|getr| ) at the trhurch o{ Christ Somkit tChinese elder from in Tffid him that he had IO,OAO Lao Eideon New Testaments which he troul.d hawe. Khamphone Eaid that he would worl: out Eome Eystem for getting them over to Laoso and asked me to ask Soml:it to call him in Vientiane. CONFIDENTIAL ***********+ LAO trHURCH - f'lay l9BA page - CONFIDENTIAL ****{******** Sornsani th: Sawat's ta BibIe school-trained Hhrnu in Sayabouri Frovince) son is going to marry Strmsanith in August. Ss,nsanith, {rorn younq perscrn this Savannakhet, is the sliarpest church has. She has an importaffie position in the mr:st well-known high school in Vientiane, and is rrspEnsible for the children's and young peopl€r's prc'grams in the church. trhurch Servi ce {g I'lay ) - They have finishrd putting in a plywaod ceiling area underneath the church. where they have fellowship cei I ing FreventE dirt.,From falling through the cratrkg tables and fsod. - They are PrePar 1ng lor ,el eEti ons - A Vietnamese Christian chursh had a Biece trf wosd wlro is a get into h '\" nofBe. - Some of the people - Lung S i i f r to thE, Stat to h i m h o w I ong for id he thought y e a r . a - Twcr young n Champassak Pravi ncel trne is Nya is Ta-Oi and something eI se, - Tws ol der o a r e i n t h e procErss of movi ng Vi entiane wi th their vill rgm Somey|nElre I n western Province to Phou tihao Hhwai, - The rnan who found trhrist in the Na Fho carnp and then returned to Vientiane to serve the Lord in Laos (c{. previous Church Report). sslnv# trtrNFIDENTIAL ************ 5 f irl EHURtrH - l'lay 19EB .. page - 6 li, n*'*- " Other ' ,*uut* Rel i gi Dave .and carne to ctfnnecti strong c truesti ons sorne Austr br t{HB that whB recentl th twith no they are veFy GlrGl Eietern:; to they flot to Laos. organization- CONFIDENTIAL *l******.lt**** be a They claim I of y of t o b e wi th