Nutrient status and fertilizer responses of oil palms on
Nutrient status and fertilizer responses of oil palms on
Nutrient status and fertilizer responses of oil palms on different soils in the forest zone of Ghana H. A. M. VAN DER VOSSEN Oil Palm Research Centre, Crops Research Institute, P.O. Box 43, Kade, Ghana SUMMARY Climatic requirements and topography restrict economic oil palm production in Ghana mainly to the Forest Oxysols and Forest Ochrosol-Oxysol Intergrades developed over granites, LowerBirrimian rocks (phyllites) and a relatively inextensive area (520 km2) in the extreme south-western part of the country of Oxysols over Tertiary sands. 8-12 years' yield records of seven 25 and 24 factorial fertilizer trials (planted in 1954-57), together with foliar analysis data taken from these trials and other experimental fields, have shown P and K deficiencies in oil palms on soils of all three geological formations. Consistent and highly significant yield responses of 30-35 % to phosphate fertilizer applications were found in an experiment on soils over Tertiary sands (Aiyinasi) and in one trial on soils over granites (Assin-Foso), while both experiments also showed a significant K effect in some years. A PK interaction by which responses to potash fertilizers became highly significant (20% yield increase) in presence of added P was found in another trial on soils over granites (Pretsea). Incidental N effects, KMg and other interactions in various trials are discussed. The sharp yield decline after the 5th-6th year of production in the experiments at Aiyinasi (Tertiary sands), in contrast to more stable yield levels at Bunso (11-15 t/ha) and other stations, indicates that under conditions of light soils, and excessively high rainfall special precautions have to be taken to preserve a satisfactory fertility status of these soils. Tentative recommendations on type, rate and frequency, time and method of fertilizer application are given. Original scientific paper. Received 30 Apr 70; revised 13 Jun 70. RESUME H. A. M. VAN DER VOSSEN: Qua/ites nutrltlves et reactions d l'emploi d'engrais pour les palmiers d huile en divers sols de la zone forestiere du Ghana. Les necessites climatiques et la topographie limitent la production economique du palmier a huile au Ghana principalement aux Forest Ochrosols et Forest Ochrosol-Oxysol Intergrades sur les granites, roes Lower Birrimians (phyllites) et a une zone relativement peu etendue (520 km2) a l'extreme partie sud-ouest du pays d'Oxysol sur sables tertiaires. Des resultats portant sur huit a douze ans de recoltes de sept essais d'engrais ayant des factorielles de 25 et 24 (implantees de 1954 a 1957), ainsi que des donnees d'analyse foliaire provenant de ces essais et d'autres parcelles experimentales, ont revele des deficiences en Phosphore et en Potasse parmi les palmiers a huile cultives sur les sols des trois formations geologiques. Des reactions de productivite stables et hautement significatives de 30 a 35 % a l'emploi d'engrais phosphates ont ete constatees lors d'experimentation sur sols a base de sables tertiaires (Aiyinasi) et lors d'un essai sur sol a base de granite (Assin-Foso), alors que les deux essais ont egalement revele un effet significatif a la potasse pendant certaines annees. Une action reciproque Phosphore/Potasse au cours de laquelle les reactions aux engrais potasses (20% d'augmentation de productivite) en presence d'un apport de Potasse fut constatee lors d'un autre essai sur sols a base de graIiite (Pretsea). Les reactions fortuites de I'Azote,du Potassium /Magnesium et autres actions reciproques lors de divers essais font l'objet d'une discussion. Le declin brutal de productivite apres la 5eme ou 6eme annee de production durant les essais d'Aiyinasi (sables tertiaires), contrastant avec les niveaux constants des recoltes a Bunso (11 a 15 t/ha) et dans les autres stations, prouvent qu'avec des sols legers et une pluviometrie excessive, il faut prendre des precautions speciales pour maintenir un etat satisfaisant de fertilite avec de tels sols. Des recommandations faites a titre de suggestions sont formulees concernant Ie type, Ie taux et la frequence, l'epoque et la methode d'apport d'engrais. Accra: Ghana Universities Press I H. A. M. van der Vossen (1970) Ghana Jnl agric. Sci. 3, 109-129 Introduction Exploratory oil palm fertilizer trials of a 25 and 4 2 factorial design were established at various agricultural stations and on one oil palm plantation in the forest zone of Ghana between 1954 and 1957. The results of these experiments, together with available soil and leaf analysis data, are discussed below in an attempt to assess the major nutrient requirements of oil palms grown on different types of soil and under various climatic conditions in the forest zone. The forest zone which covers a third of Ghana (or about 82 000 kmz) in the southern part of the country is divided, according to its original vegetation, into (1) a rainforest zone (CynometraLophira-Tarrietia association) of about 7000 krnz in the extreme south-west; (2) a moist semideciduous forest zone (Celtis-Triplochiton association) of about 48 000 kmz including a narrow transition zone between the latter and the rainforest; and (3) a drier semi-deciduous forest zone (Antiaris-Chlorophora association) to the north and east of the moist semi-deciduous forest zone, continuing in a comparatively narrow stretch northwards into the Volta Region (Lane, 1962). These vegetational zones reflect the climate, in particular, total rainfall and its distribution over the year. The climatically suitable areas for oil palm cultivation are, therefore, mainly within the first two zones. The soil parent material in the forest zone consists for about 99% of Pre-Cambrian rocks, predominantly Lower Birrimian formations (phyllites with occasional greywacke, tuffs and associated schists) and granites (Bates, 1962). The topography over these two geological formations is normally gently rolling. The Upper Birrimian formations (volcanic rocks) have a much steeper relief, while the belt of Tarkwaian rocks is much more rugged with very steep slopes (Brash, 1962). The soils developed over Lower Birrimian rocks and granites are thus from a topographical point of view considered the more suitable ones for oil palm development. Brash (1962) remarks that the topography of similar geological formations is always more strongly dissected in the south-western part of the forest zone where rainfall is highest. Deposits of Tertiary sands are confined to a small area of about 520 kmz in the extreme south-west. The fairly flat upland is here dissected by steep valleys (Ahn, 1961). These Tertiary sands are a continuation of similar deposits which cover the southeastern part of the Ivory Coast where the main oil palm station ofIRHO (L'Institut de Recherches pour les Huiles et Oleagineux) and some of the larger industrial oil palm projects are situated. The geological formation of a small area around Jasikan and Akaa (Volta Region) which is climatically just suitable for oil palm cultivation is PreCambrian Arkosic sandstone. The soil texture of the major upland soils derived from phyllite is clay to silty light clay with frequent to abundant quartz gravels and ironstone concretions in the subsoil. Upland soils over granites are sandy to gritty light clays frequently with gravels in the subsoil. On both geological formations the colluvial soils, relatively inextensive, are free from gravels apart from an occasional stoneline at 100-120 cm depth between subsoil and weathered substratum (Ahn, 1961). The deep and uniform sandy to sandy light clay soils developed over Tertiary sands are usually free from gravels. The soils in the forest zone are for the greater part free-draining Latosols. The forest Latosols were divided by C. F. Charter into two Great Soil Groups, Forest Ochrosols and Forest Oxysols, each with a characteristic reaction profile (Charter, 1955; Brammer, 1962). The distribution of the Oxysols coincides with the rainforest in the southwest, where rainfall exceeds 1800 mm per annum. These soils are strongly leached and have a very acid surface horizon (pH below 5). The Ochrosols which have a near neutral to moderately acid topsoil reaction (pH over 5·5) are the most widely distributed group of soils in the forest zone of Ghana. There are broad transition zones of Ochrosol-Oxysol intergrades with intermediate characteristics. Mature Forest Ochrosols are generally more fertile than Oxysols, mainly because they are less leached of their exchangeable bases. While the majority of the cocoa in Ghana is produced on Forest Ochrosols (Charter, 1955), successful oil palm cultivation depends to a lesser degree on the inherent fertility of the soil. The oil palm is in fact very tolerant of soil acidity (Tinker, 1962). Those areas climatically favourable for oil palm cultivation (van der Vossen, 1969) actually coincide largely with the distribution of Forest Oxysols and Ochrosol-Oxysol intergrades. Description of the experiments Design, site and soil data for each of the seven experiments have been summarized in Table 1. The fertilizer trials at Aiyinasi (801-1) and Bunso (810-1) were planted with the direct advice of the West Mrican Institute for Oil Palm Research (WAI FOR, now NIFOR) while the experiments at Assin-Foso (809-1), Kwadaso (821-1), Bechem (822-1) and Akaa (831-2) were originally laid down by the Ghana Department of Agriculture but incorporated also in NIFOR's programme of fertilizer trials in 1959. The Oil Palm Research Centre (OPRC) took over the control of these six experiments in 1965, although weekly yield records continued to be submitted to NIFOR. Experiment 805-1 was laid out in 1959 in a 1957 planting of the oil palm plantations at Pretsea with advice from PAMOL (Cameroon) Ltd. The OPRC took over the control of this experiment in 1965. In all these experiments the elements N, P, K and Mg and, in the case of 801-1 and 810-1, Ca as well, are tested at two levels (0, 1) in simple factorial designs. The statistical design of experiments 809-1, 821-1 and 831-2, a single replication of a 24 confounded factorial, is in fact unsatisfactory as it leaves only 4 degrees of freedom for the 'error' variance. Only very striking treatment effects can be detected. The treatment plots of all the experiments are surrounded by complete guardrows and are arranged in blocks of eight plots by confounding the interaction(s) of highest order with blocks. The six WAIFOR experiments were planted with dura X dura extension work seed from that Institute, the planting distance being 8·8 m (29 ft) triangular (147· 8 palms per ha). Planting material in experiment 805-1 at Pretsea is (Deli) dura X pisifera e.w.s. from PAMOL (Nigeria) Ltd. The planting distance is here 9·1 m (30 ft) triangular or 138·1 palmsjha. Method of fertilizer application. Fertilizers were applied according to the 'pound-per-palm-peryear-of-age' principle at Bunso and Aiyinasi up to 1960 (6 years after planting), at Assin-Foso and Kwadaso up to 1961 (6 years after planting), at Bechem and Akaa up to 1962 (5 years after planting). This principle involves applying t lb at planting, 1 lb during the 1st year after planting and so on until the 6th year when each palm receives 6lb of each fertilizer (according to plot treatment). At the advice ofNIFOR, frequency of fertilizer application was then changed to a triennial schedule for P, K, Mg and Ca, while N continued to be applied annually. In years of complete fertilizer applications each palm received according to treatment: 4 lb sulphate of ammonia (N), 10 lb single superphosphate (P), 5 lb muriate of potash (K), 6 lb Epsom salts (Mg) and, in the case of experiments 801-1 and 810-1, also 7lb lime (Ca). In the two subsequent years only 4 lb sulphate of ammonia per palm were applied in the N1 plots. The application of fertilizers did not follow a regular pattern in experiment 805-1 at Pretsea. All the palms received in 1957 and 1958 a PKMg fertilizer mixture as the actual fertilizer trial was started in the 2nd year after planting. The following fertilizers were applied per palm according to plot treatment in 1959, 1960 and 1963: 2 kg sulphate of ammonia, 2 kg superphosphate, 2 kg muriate of potash and 1 kg kieserite. Fertilizer applications were resumed in August, 1968, after an interval of 4 years due to the unavailability of fertilizers. In all the experiments fertilizers were broadcast in a broad ring around the palms in May, i.e. at the beginning of the main wet season. Results and discussion Some of the earlier results of the six WAIFOR fertilizer trials have been published in the annual reports of that Institute (NIFOR, 1958-1966). Because of indications that errors might have been made in compiling the records, it was decided to re-analyse all the data after recompiling the yield records from the original weekly field notebooks. Statistical analysis was carried out on the annual and triennial yield totals, both for number of bunches as well as total bunch weight. The coefficient of variation was greatly reduced by averaging yields over more years. The climatej treatment interaction, which plays an important role in the annual yield variation but in the statistical analysis of variance forms part of the error variance, is apparently reduced considerably by taking running means over some years. In accordance with earlier observations by Haines & Benzian (1956) and Chapas (1961) of the existence TABLE Data on Experimental Site Station I Region Expt no. Aiyinasi Western 801-1 1954 6 Pretsea Western 805-1 1957 11 AssinFoso Central 809-1 1955 4 Bunso Eastern 810-1 1954 Year planted Ha Previous history of area Av. annual rainfall (mm) I I \ Palms per plot Statistical design I II Single repl. of 25 confounded factorial,4 blocks of 8 plots 15 Two repl. of 24 confounded factorial, 2 blocks of 8 plots per repl. 24 1750 Scattered cocoa and food farms Single repl. of 24 confounded factorial with 2 blocks of8 plots 16 1670 6 Old secondary forest 25 as 801-1 15 1850 2 Young secondary forest 24 as 809-1 8 1560 16 1420 15 1530 Young secondary forest Bush regrowth I 2370 I I Kwadaso Ashanti 821-1 1955 I Bechem BrongAhafo 822-1 1957 4 Old secondary forest 24 as 809-1 Akaa Volta 831-2 1957 4 Medium aged secondary forest 24 as 809-1 I of distinct 3-year cycles in oil palm yields, over 3 years were taken. The analysis of of total bunch weight gave equal or higher significance for treatment effects compared I I averages variance levels of with the analysis of bunch number, and the latter did not give much additional information either. The results are therefore presented in the tables as total bunch weight in kgjhaj annum averaged over 3-year periods. Climate Soils I Mean annual water deficit (mm cv %) I Parent material I I Great soil group 221 90 Tertiary sands Oxysols 326 46 Granites (Dixcove type) I OchrosolOxysol intergrades I Soil type (local series) Texture References for description of soil series Coarse material in subsoil Sedentary (Tikobo) Sandy loam to sandy light clay No gravels Ahn,1960 Sedentary (AgonaNkwanta) with colluvial soils at one end (NtaAkroso) Sandy to gritty light clay Frequent ironstone concretions and gravels in sedentary soils Purnell, 1960 223 35 Granites (Kumasi type) Ochrosols Sedentary (NsabaSwedru) with minor section over colluvial soils (NtaAkroso) Silty to gritty light clay Frequent ironstone concretions and gravels in sedentary soils Asamoa, 1964 192 38 Lower Birrimian phyllites OchrosolOxysol intergrades Colluvial (Kokofu) Silty clay No gravels except for a thin layer of quartz stones at 90-120 cm Obeng,1959 254 32 Granites (Kumasi type) Ochrosols Sedentary (KumasiAsuansi) with minor section over colluvial soils (Akroso) Sandy to gritty light clay Occasional to abundant quartz gravel i ) I I I 377 30 Granites (Dixcove type) Ochrosols Sedentary and colluvial Sandy to gritty loam Occasional quartz gravel 313 17 Arkosic sandstones of Buem formation Ochrosols Colluvial (Afeyi) Sandy loam Occasional pieces of subangular Arkosic sandstone below 70-80 cm Leafsamples were taken in 1962, 1965, 1969 and analysed by NIFOR. The foliar analysis data, which are presented in the tables along with the yields, indicate the nutrient content as a Mould, 1957 percentage of dry matter for leaf 17. Critical levels referred to in the following pages are those used for mature palms by IRHO (1962) and NIFOR (1963). H. A. M. van der Vossen (1970) Ghana JnJ agric. Sci. 3, 109-129 2 TABLE Expt 801-1 (Aiyinasi). Effect of N, P. K, Mg and Ca Fertilizers on Yield and Leaf Nutrient Content for the Period 1958-1969 Leaf nutrient content 0 dry matter leaf 17) Yields total bunch weight (kgjhajannum) Level of fertilizer I 1958-60 No N1 Po P1 Ko K1 Mgo Mg1 Cao Ca1 (';< 1964-66 1961-63 12037 12228 10562 13703*** 11844 124221) 12302 11963 12106 12160 8190 8036 6823 9403*** 8244 7982 8130 8096 7992 8234 7761 8211 6953 9018*** 7572 8400* 8009 7963 8020 7952 I 3821 4380* 3559 4642*** 3965 4236 4229 3972 3918 4283 1965 av.16 plots 1962 av.5 plots 1967-69 N P K Mg Ca 2·25 2·79 I 2·91 2·27 i 0·134 0·133 0·139* 0·150 0·82 0·87 1·07 1·09** 0·36 0·31 0.36 0·34 0·93 0·95 0·97 0·97 Interactions:see (2)and (3) LSD P = 0·05 P = 0·01 P = 0·001 cv % 773 1078 1510 870 1213 1700 12 9 614 856 1200 508 709 993 10 16 \ (1) K main effectand PK interactionsignificantat P<0·05 in 1962 (2) Effect of phosphate fertilizerapplications on leaf K and Ca I Po P1 0·93 0·82 1965 1969 1·08 0,88** 0·96 0·79** I 1962 1965 1969 0·88 0·99 0·91 1,00*** 0·67 0·68 I 2·44 2,54* * ** Significantat P<0·05 Significantat P<O·Ol *** Significantat P<O·OOl LSD cv 0·35 0,30*** = leastsignificantdifference = coefficientof variation 0·44 0·39*** 1969 av.16 plots 2·42 2,55** 0·138 0,147* 0·75 1,01*** 0·41 0·42 0·67 0·68 Experiment 801-1 at Aiyinasi The results of this experiment, in which production started in 1958, are summarized in Table 2. Yield responses to phosphate fertilizer applications, always highly significant, have been about 30% throughout the whole 12-year period. The effect of potash fertilizers on yield was statistically significant in 1962 and over the period 1964-66, while there was also an indication of a positive PK interaction (significant at P<O'l) in 1962. Phosphate and potash fertilizers combined gave over the period 1958-69 a yield increase of 37% Applications of nitrogenous fertilizers resulted in a significant and positive yield response during the last 3-year period only. Yields over the first 5 years of production, especially in the P1K1 plots, were high by usual standards, as can be seen from the diagrammatical presentation of the effect of phosphate and potash fertilizers on annual yields in Fig. 1. The spectacular and persistent yield decline, in the fertilized as well as in the control plots, from the 6th year of production is in total contrast to the earlier promising results. Supervision in the oil palm section at Aiyinasi has been adequate throughout the whole period. It is therefore very unlikely that poor harvesting and yield recording practices are major causes of the yield decline in expt 801-1, as has definitely been the case in some trials at other stations (notably expts 821-1 and 831-2, see page 123). The healthy appearance of the palms indicates that incidence of diseases and pests does not play a significant role either. No outbreak of the leaf miner pest (Coelaenomenodera elaeidis), which poses real problems to the oil palm plantations at Pretsea and Sese, only about 100 km to the east of Aiyinasi, has been observed as yet. The rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes spp.) although somewhat more abundant at Aiyinasi than at other stations, probably due to intensive coconut cultivation in that area, has caused only occasional light damage in the oil palm experiments. An explanation must therefore be sought in a very deficient and unbalanced mineral nutrition aggravated in some years by an unfavourable change in climate. The foliar analysis data (Table 2) indicate that, in order of importance, P, K and N are the deficient X 103 KG/HA /6 E·S· HRS/A-... 1900 1958 C 1959 C 1960 eN 1961 1962 N 1963 eN 1964 1965 N 1966 eN 1967 1968 C I969YEAR C Fig. I. Expt 801-1 (Aiyinasi). Mean effect of P and K fertilizer applications on total bunch weight per annum. Applications of all fertilizers (C) or sulphate of ammonia (N) alone has been indicated for each year at bottom of graph. £.5. = effective sunshine over the corresponding period, i.e. 28 months before year of harvesting. nutrient factors. Leaf P, although significantly increased by phosphate fertilizer applications, could not be restored to above the critical level (= o· 15%) after 1962. Potash fertilizers also increased leaf K significantly. The significant negative effect of phosphate fertilizers on leaf K is explained by the fact that yields are much higher in the PI plots. Large quantities of K are immobilized in the bunches (Werkhoven, 1966) and the increased exportation of K by higher bunch production will be at the expense of the leaf K content when not sufficiently compensated by the naturally available K in the soil or by potash fertilizer applications. The leaf K figures for 1969 given below demonstrate this effect clearly: the leaf K content remains under the critical level (= 1· 00%) in the PI K1 plots. Po Ko: 0'81% PI Ko: 0·67% (averages over 8 plots) Po KI: 1'11% PI KI: 0·90% Leaf N was at a very satisfactory level in 1962 while applications of nitrogenous fertilizers restored the leaf N content significantly to above the critical level (= 2· 50%) in 1969, this being reflected in a positive yield response. The very low leaf N levels for 1965 are in fact in no relation with the leaf analysis data of 1962 and 1969, and there is no explanation other than that errors might have been made during sampling or analysis work. The positive effect of phosphate applications on leaf Ca is likely to be due to the Ca content (18-21 %) of the single superphosphate. The common antagonistic effect of potash applications on leaf Mg is demonstrated again by these data, while the positive effect of potash fertilizer applications on leaf N is in accordance with the existence of a positive correlation between leaf N and leaf K as reported by Forde, Leyritz & Sly (1968). Leaf Mg remained above the critical level (= 0·24%) even in the KI Mgo plots. Leaf Ca decreased gradually in the course of the years but always exceeded the critical level (= 0·60%). It is therefore not surprising that the interactions PCa and KMg were not reflected in the yields. The leaf analysis data show that the phosphate and potash fertilizer applications have been inadequate to maintain a balanced mineral nutrition. Sunshine and rainfall distribution are normally sub-optimal for the oil palm in West Mrica and form limiting factors for maximal production. Sparnaaij, Rees & Chapas (1963) demonstrated the existence of a high and positive correlation between yields and effective sunshine (E.S.), defined as total amount of sunshine hours during periods of soil moisture sufficiency 28-30 months earlier. However, from the graphs in Fig. 1 it can be seen that the fluctuations and downward trend in E.S. are not reflected proportionally in the yields. The correlation coefficient for E.S. and yield averaged over the PI KI plots for the period 1962-69, being o . 68 and significant only at P < 0 . 1, indicates that the E.S. yield relation is less pronounced when other yield-limiting factors, in this case P and K deficiencies, become prominent. As a consequence of Liebig's law of the minimum a significant positive correlation can be expected between leaf content of a nutrient and yields when this nutrient is both deficient and at the same time the most important yield-limiting factor (Prevot & Ollagnier, 1961). Phosphorus was thus the dominant deficient factor in 1962/63 and 1969, as can be inferred from Table 3 below. The sample number for K in the PI plots (n = 5 in 1962 and n = 16 in 1969) is unfortunately too low to show significant correlations but the correla3 TABLE Correlation between LeafP, K and Yield in Expt 801-1 1--I Leaf factor _______ P (all plots) K (all plots) K (Pl plots) .__ I 1965 1962 0·73* .. -0·12 .. 0·61 •• 1 1 0·75* (n -0·05 0·63 = 10) (n=10) (n = 5) I 0·12 -0·31 I 0·35 i 1965/66 0·29 (n = 32) 0·26 (n = 32) 0·35 (n = 16) Nutrient status and fertilizer responses of oil palms in Ghana 117 TABLE 4 Analytical Data of Surface Samples (0-15 cm)from Tikobo Soils at Different Sites (a) and in Expt 801-1 after 10 years Oil Palm Cultivation (b) I I I Sample Reference I (a) 1955 (b) 1965 Exchangeable bases m. e./l00 g .. . '1 Ahn,1961 Forde, 1966 K C.E.c·l I Mg I 0·09-0·12 0·04 4-5 2·13 1 tion coefficients at least indicate that K will be the second important yield-limiting nutrient factor, once the leaf P status is corrected. The dominant limiting factor in 1965 and 1966 appears to have been the very low E.S. (1422 and 1341 h resp.) over the corresponding periods, and this suggests a reason why there was a total lack of a significant correlation between leaf nutrient levels and yields, although leaf P and K were certainly deficient. Ruer (1966) demonstrated that significant correlations between leaf K or leaf N and yield disappeared in years with a corresponding E.S. below 1600 h per annum. A composite soil sample taken in March 1965 from the top 15 cm in the 16 Po plots in expt 801-1 was among the 17 samples from various parts of West Mrica used in a pot experiment at NIFOR to study the phosphorus status of these soils (Forde, 1966). Available P determined by various extraction methods was extremely low for the Aiyinasi soil sample, about the lowest of the 17, thus indicating the very low P status. Total P was only 96 ppmjlOOg soil. When comparing also the other analytical soil data for the 1965 soil sample presented by Forde (1966) with averages of nine surface samples of the same Tikobo soil series taken by Ahn (1961) at different sites within the Tertiary sands area at the time that expt 801-1 was established (see Table 4), it is clear that the soil in this fertilizer trial has now a much lower nutrient status than would be normal for comparable soils in that area. The major cause must have been a considerable loss in organic matter content of the topsoil, since cation exchange capacity, P and N content, already low in these highly leached sandy soils, are closely related to the amount of organic matter (Ahn, 1961). The nutrient status of the soil was apparently sufficient to support high yields during the first I 0·24-0·47 i 0.12 I C Ca 0·30-0·35 0·74 I 0" I I ,0 1·06 0·70 I_~ pH 1 _~_I 0/ I 0·07 0·07 ___ - I I 4·6-4,9 I 5 years of production, especially when the major deficient nutrient factor P had been corrected. The development of a very extensive root system, favoured by the light texture of the soil, enabled the palms to exploit large volumes of soil, thus compensating for an initial loss in soil fertility. The sharp drop in yield since 1963 suggests that, due to the consistent decrease in organic matter content and depletion of available nutrients by root uptake, leaching and P-fixation, the nutrient status had deteriorated to below a minimum required to support high bunch production. This downward trend in production was accentuated further by the negative effect of low effective sunshine especially for the years 1965, 1966 and 1968. In a recent review on the role of trace elements in the nutrition of the oil palm, Forde (1968) showed that significant responses to applications of micro-nutrients have been infrequent and highly variable. Definite critical levels or well defined symptoms for micro-elements are not known for the oil palm. It would therefore be highly speculative to suggest that the downward trend in yield of this experiment was due to deficiencies in one or more micro-elements. Although fertilizer applications gave significant yield responses, it is clear from the sub-critical leaf P and leaf K levels after 1962, even in the plots receiving these fertilizers, that the triennial method of application is unsuitable for these acid soils with an extremely low C.E.C. A part of the applied nutrients was apparently leached out, or fixed in the case of phosphorus, before it became available to the palms. A more balanced mineral nutrition for these soils might perhaps be achieved by a change to annual applications of all fertilizers and also by a shift of the time of application from May to August TABLE 5 Expt 810-1 (Bunso). Effect of N, P, K, Mg and Ca Fertilizers on Yield and Leaf Nutrient Content over the Period 1958-1969 I I Leaf nutrient content Yields total bunch weight (kglhalannum) Level of fertilizers 1958-60 1961-63 (% dry matter in leaf 17) 1964-66 1967-69 1969 avo 16 plots I No N1 Po PI Ko K1 Mgo Mg1 Cao Cal Interactions LSD P cv % = 0'05 I I I 9443 9797 9463 9776 9269 9708 9513 9727 9820 9419 (2) I I I 1091 I 15 I I 13101 13543 13464 13180 13044 13600 13078 13566 13277 13367 12304 12936 12648 12592 12387 12853 12404 12836 12766 12474 11463 120561) 11662 11858 11463 12056 11733 11786 11845 11674 710 1097 1033 7 12 12 I I I II I 2·41 2·37 0·142 P 0·145 0·83 K 0'93* 0·39 Mg 0.41 0·51 Ca 0·55 (3) N I I (1) There was a significant (P<O '05) positive N main effect in 1967 (2) KMg interaction was positive and significant (P<O '05) for 1958-60 9791 9235 8747 10707 I LeafK Po PI 0·93 II 0·83* 9269 9708 LeafMg Ko K1 0·42 0'37* I to avoid excessive leaching of the more soluble fertilizers during the month of June when rainfall is very high (in some years > 700 mm). The low content of exchangeable Mg in the soil in later years (see Table 4) indicates that Mg may become deficient if not added because of the antagonistic effect of potash applications. The leaf Ca status is satisfactory and extra doses apart from the Ca already applied together with single superphosphate are apparently not required. Annual application started in August 1968 and the design of the experiment was altered in 1969 to a 4 X 23 factorial (NPKMg) with K at 4 levels by leaving out the Ca factor. It is expected that by a regular application of fairly high doses of the major nutrients the yields in the fertilized plots will be raised to the 1963/64 levels or slightly higher (9-11 t/ha/annum) in years with corresponding effective sunshine exceeding 1600 h. Yields may not be restored to the high levels of 1961/62 even in climatically optimal years, because of the irreversible loss in organic matter which influences the nutrient storage capacity in these sandy soils. Experiment 810-1 at Bunso In contrast to the fertilizer trial at Aiyinasi a high level of production was maintained in expt 810-1 over the whole 12-year production period, with no significant main effects except for a significant positive K effect in the presence of added Mg during the first 3-year period (Table 5). There are no soil analytical data available, but the nutrient status of this clayey colluvial soil (Forest Oxysol-Ochrosol intergrade) derived from Lower Birrimian phyllite was apparently good enough to support these high yields for many years even without added fertilizers. Leaf samples were taken only once in 1969. These foliar analysis data at least indicate that there has been a gradual depletion of some of the major nutrients and that this was insufficiently compensated by the current method of fertilizer applications. Leaf N, P and K were below the critical level also in the plots receiving that particular fertilizer. Only potash applications had significantly raised the leaf K content. There was a negative effect of phosphate applications on leaf K, although less pronounced than in expt 801-1: Po Ko: 0·86% PI Ko: 0·80% Po K1: 0·99% PI K1: 0·87% The absence of any significant correlation between leaf N, P or K and yields probably indicates that none of the deficiencies was severe enough as yet, or that the leaf nutrient levels have only recently started to become sub-critical and that correlations will exist with yields in 1970 or 1971 (Ruer, 1966). There is nevertheless already a considerable drop in yield in 1969 (see Fig. 2) which is probably a first reflection of the lower nutrient status. When viewed separately the 1969 yield data showed already an indication of a positive K and Mg main effect (significant at P <0· 1). The available climatical data do not suggest an unfavourable change in effective sunshine as a factor causing the yield decline in 1969, as has apparently been the case for the 1966 yields. X 103 Ko/HA 16 15 1958 C 1959 C 1960 eN .961 .962 N 1963 eN 1964 1965 N 1966 eN 1967 1968 N 1969YEAR C Fig. 2. Expt 810-1 (Bunso). Mean effect of K and Mg fertilizer applications on total bunch weight per annum. Cor N dressings (see caption of Fig. I) are indicated. 4 6 TABLE Expt 805-1 (Pretsea). Effect ofN, P, K and Mg Fertilizers on Yield and Leaf Nutrient Content for the Period 1961-1969 Yield total bunch weight (kgjhajannum) Level of fertilizers No N1 Po PI Ko K1 Mgo Mg1 Leaf nutrient content (% dry matter leaf 17) 1961-63 1964-66 1967-69 1969 avo 5 plots 8764 8531 8201 9094t 8560 8735 8803 8492 9451 9260 9075 9636 9021 9690 9753 8958 8584 9250 8400 9434 8118 9715* 9043 8791 (1) (2) 2·35 2·42 0·151 P 0·159 0·61 K 0·74 0·48 Mg 0.51 Ca 0·57 (9 plots) 807 978 1340 986 1195 1636 1112 1347 1845 15 17 16 Interactions N LSD P = 0·1 P = 0·05 P = 0·01 cv % ! 9468 8575 8683 10698 9075 9636 8182 8069 8634 10815 8400 9434 Frequency and time of application have been altered in a similar way as for expt 801-1, with effect from 1969, while also the design was changed to a 4 X23 factorial experiment with K at 4 levels. Experiment 805-1 at Pretsea Planting density of this experiment is 138 . 1 palmsjha. The yield data as presented in Table 6 and Fig. 3 are, however, production figures converted to 147· 8 palms Iha to facilitate comparison with other trials. There was an indication of a positive P main effect (P<O'I) for 1961/63 and the K main effect was positive and significant (P<0'05) in 1967/69. The positive PK interaction is very interesting: responses to potash fertilizers became highly significant (P<O '01) with added phosphate fertilizers for the period 1967/69 and significant (P<0·05) in 1964/66. The P effect was significant (P <0· 05) in the presence of K for the whole of the period 1964/69 (see Table 6). Since fertilizer applications were resumed only in August 1968, after an interval of more than 4 years, at least part of the yield responses during the period 1967/69 must be attributed to the long residual effect of potash fertilizers (Forde et al., 1968) but also of phosphate fertilizers on oil palm yields. Mean bunch production increase of the 16 PI KI plots over the 16 Po Ko plots for 1962-1969 was almost 20% (Fig. 3). Foliar analysis data for 1969 samples, from 10 plots only, showed leaf K to be very deficient. X 10' The potash fertilizer application in August 1968 did not yet restore the leaf K content to a satisfactory level. The highly significant correlation between leaf K and yield (Table 7 below) indicates that K is apparently the dominant deficient factor. TABLE 7 Correlation between Leaf N, P and K and Yield in Expt 805-1 0·52 0·09 0,82** ** Significant at P<O ·01 The level of production, already not unsatisfactory when taking into consideration the suboptimal climatic conditions (mean annual water deficit 325 mm, see Table 1) is likely to be raised significantly by regular applications of the major nutrients NPKMg, with emphasis on potash fertilizer applications. KGIHA 16 15 14 13 12 II 10 9 8 7 0-0=0 •. --e= 6 5 P x---x. IC 6-A= P+K 4 3 2 1960 C 1961 1968 C 1969 YEAR C Fig. 3. Expt 80S-I. Mean effect of P and K fertilizer applications on total bunch weight per annum. C or N dressings (see caption Fig. I) are indicated. TABLE 8 Expt 809-1 (Assin-Foso). Effect of N, P, K and Mg Fertilizers on Yield and Leaf Nutrient Content for the Period 1960-1969 Leaf nutrient content Yields total bunch weight (kg/ha/annum) Level of fertilizers No N1 Po PI K. K1 Mg. Mg1 Interaction (% of dry matter of leaf 17) I 1960-63 1964-66 1967-69 2834 3479 2713 3601* 2807 3506* 3173 3141 8955 10232* 8568 10619** 9153 10034 9574 9613 8258 96871) 7549 10396* 8439 9507 9030 8916 1131 1875 1871 3103 1962 2·78 2·81 0·138 P 0,151** 1·14 K 1·06 0·30 Mg 0.31 Ca 1·11 (av. 16 plots) N I (2) I I I I 1969 2·68 2·71 0·134 0'155** 1·25 1'3~ 0·30 0·32 0·79 LSD P P = = 652 1071 0·05 0·01 I I cv % I 15 9 15 I I (1) N main effect significant (P<0·05) in 1968 (2) KMg interaction negative and sign (P<0'05) 1960-63 2457 3888 Experimental 809-1 at Assin-Foso Notwithstanding the unsatisfactory design (single repl. of 24), the results have given some very interesting information about the major nutrient requirements (Table 8). This experiment had, however, a very slow start as can be seen in Fig. 4. Production started only in the 5th year after planting and yields were very low also in the two ensuing years. Responses to phosphate fertilizer applications were nevertheless consistently significant over the whole period 1960-69 and amounted to about 36% yield increase over these 10 years. The foliar analysis data of samples taken in 1962 3158 3124 2807 3506 and 1969 show that phosphate fertilizer applications have adequately restored leaf P, which is very deficient in the Po plots, to above the critical level. Phosphorus is apparently the dominant yieldlimiting factor as is indicated by the significant correlation coefficients for leaf P and yield: 0,60* (n = 16) for 1961/63 and 0,81*** (n = 16) for 1968/69. Leaf N and leaf K are considerably above the critical level even for the No and Ko plots in both years of sampling. The positive N main effect on yield which attained significance at P <0' 05 in 1964/66 and 1968 as well as the positive K Nutrient status and fertilizer responses of oil palms in Ghana TABLE 9 Expt 822-1 (Bechem). Effect DIN, P, K and Mg Fertilizers on Yield over the Period 1961-69 No significant main effects. Average production in kg/ha/annum main effect, significant (P<O '05) in 1960/63, would suggest that the critical levels (= nutrient value in the leaf above which one does not expect yield responses to fertilizer applications) are not always defined exactly. 1961-63 Experiments 821-1 at Kwadaso, 822-1 at Bechem, 831-2 at Akaa These three experiments, all of the same unsatisfactory design (single repl. of 24), have given less information on major nutrient requirements than the previous four. Experiment 822-1 showed only for the period 1964-66 a positive NP interaction: response to phosphate fertilizers was significant in the presence of added nitrogen. Production level, fairly well maintained over the whole 9 years (Table 9), is good when taking into account the sub-optimal climatic conditions prevalent at Bechem (see Table 1). Due to all sorts of circumstances yield recording of the experiments at Kwadaso and Akaa was carried out inaccurately during the last few years, thus making the production figures very unreliable. Av. 16 plots cv % I 7712 17 1964-66 1967-69 11332(1) 8 9496 14 I (1) NP interaction posltlve and significant (P<O '05) over the period 1964-66. No N, Mean Po PI Mean 11907 10282 10884 12256 11395 11269 11 094 I LSD LSD I 11570 between any two means in body of table P = 0·05: 1887 between any two means at same border of table P = 0'05: 1334 See footnotes to Table 2. XIO' 16 KG/HA IS 6. 1'~ __ 6 1>\', )~---_.~ \ \~ d1/'// /0 \><--- o----O=-=-=~ 0-iJ .: 0 \ / ""~ ~_x_ --x "~ ti.lf// 1'- II /~ /// '/ 0 0-0=0 /~~ // I::>V~/ l(--~ .-_ .• = = p K 6-6: P. K 0 ~ll ~~":/o i~ 1959 c 1960 1961 C eN 1962 1963 N 1964 eN 1965 1966 1967 N eN 1968 1969YEAR C Fig. 4. Expt 809-1. Mean effect of P and K fertilizer applications on total bunch weight. Cor N dressings (see caption of Fig. I) are indicated. H. A. M. van der Vossen (1970) Ghana Jnl agric. Sci. 3. 109-129 TABLE 10 Expt 821-1 (Kwadaso). Effect ofN, P, K and Mg Fertilizers on Yield over the Period 1959-67 Yields total bunch weight (kgjhajannum) Level of fertilizers 1959-61 No N Po PI Ko K1 Mgo Mg1 1955 2522 2136 2341 2492 1985 2228 2249 l I I I 1962-66 I P = I 0-05 cv % 7390 6747 6284 7575* 6554 7305 6642 7217 7068 6791 (1) 6855 8226 7054 8027 8070 7011 7416 7665 Interactions LSD 1965-67 5895 7687 719 1580 23 15 6642 7217 The yield records over the period 1968/69 for expt 821-1 and 1967/69 for expt 831-2 have therefore been omitted. Experiment 821-1 showed some interesting responses to fertilizer applications over the period 1965/67, viz. a significant N main effect as well as positive and significant KMg and NMg interactions (Table 10). Yield levels are not high. The positive and significant yield response to potash fertilizer applications in expt 831-2 was persistent over the first 6 years of production (Table 11). A positive N main effect was significant only over the first 3-year period. The level of production over the first 6 years was satisfactory, when the sub-optional climatic conditions are taken into consideration (see Table 1). 1107 I 11 I 6981 7157 5588 7994 6284 7575 Nutrient status of oil palms in non-fertilizer experiments and other plots Apart from four fertilizer trials, various other oil palm experiments at Aiyinasi, Bunso and the OPRC (Kade/Kusi) as well as a 6-acre farmer's plot near Kusi and samples from scattered subspontaneous palms in a 100-acre block at the OPRC near Kusi just before clearing and planting were sampled by leaf analysis early in 1969. The averages of 2-6 bulk samples, each containing leaf samples from 10-12 palms, per experiment or plot, are summarized in Table 12. The extension work seed comparative trials, 802-1 and 811-1, and the spacing-and-intercropping experiments, 803-1 and 812-1, at Aiyinasi and Bunso respectively, did not receive any Nutrient status and fertilizer TABLE responses of oil palms in Ghana crops in the earlier years. Both experiments showed also a marked drop in yield after the 6th year of production. However, disregarding the usual annual fluctuations, yields continued to be at the same level in both experiments at Bunso. Foliar analysis showed that all major nutrients were in adequate supply except for P in expt 812-1. Both experiments were established on well drained light clay soils developed in river terrace material (Birim series) over Lower Birrimian phyllite. The areas sampled at the OPRC are all selection fields which received annual fertilizer applications of sulphate of ammonia (up to the 2nd year after planting) single superphosphate and sulphate or muriate of potash. Quantities are increased with age of the palms up to the 4th year when annual applications of2·3 kg (5Ib) single superphosphate and 1·4 kg (3Ib) muriate of potash per palm are started. The satisfactory leaf nutrient content for all major elements indicate that fertilizer applications have been adequate. It should be noted that in the young field K1 leaf 9 was taken. Critical levels for leaf 9 in young palms are fixed somewhat higher (Bachy, 1964). All fields at Kade and Kusi are established on sedentary and colluvial soils developed in Lower Birrimian phyllite. Under the influence of the fairly high rainfall-about 1700 mm per annum with a mean water deficit of 205 mm-the reaction profile of these soils is similar to the Ochrosol-Oxysol intergrades. 11 Expt 831-2 (Akaa). Effect ofN, P, K and Mg Fertilizers on Yield over the Period 1961-66 Yields total bunch weight (kg/ha/annum) Level of fertilizer 7183 7841* 7748 7277 7212 7811* 7401 7623 No N I Po PI Ko KI Mgo MgI 8417 9004 8755 8666 8291 9130* 8581 8839 LSD P = 125 0·05 fertilizer applications. The foliar analysis data thus reflect the natural nutrient status of the soil. The experiments at Aiyinasi, both on soils similar to those of the fertilizer trial 801-1, confirm the earlier conclusions that P and K are the major deficient nutrients in the soils developed over Tertiary sands. The low N leaf content in expt 803-1 might be due to inter-cropping with food TABLE 12 Leaf Analysis Results of Bulk Samples Taken in 1969for Various Oil Palm Experiments and Other Plots I Leaf nutrient content in % of dry matter Station Expt or Plot N Aiyinasi Aiyinasi Bunso Bunso Kade Kade Kade Kusi Kusi i [ I I I Kusi I '[ 802-1 (1955) 803-1 (1956) 811-1 (1955) 812-1 (1956) 851-1 (1961) 852-1 (1964) 853 (1966) K1 (1967) Farmer's plot (1962) K3 semi wild palms K P 2·53 2·33 2·50 2·50 2·62 2·81 2·74 2·77 0·137 0·143 0·152 0·140 0·150 0·152 0·157 0·165 2·45 0·128 I 0·143 I I 2·67 I I . 0·71 0·73 1·06 1·11 1·21 1·32 1·44 1·55 1·06 1·09 I i i I I Number of bulk samples Mg Ca 0·47 0·49 0·39 0·36 0·27 0·37 0·33 0·30 0·68 0·72 0·66 0·60 0·65 0·64 0·76 0·62 4 0·29 0·72 4 0·34 0·75 5 6 4 5 5 2 2 3t The farmer's plot near Kusi is planted with dura xpisifera e.w.s. from NIFOR. The leaf samples of this plot, which was established on similar soils to those of the experimental fields but never received any fertilizers, showed a strong P deficiency. The fairly good leaf nutrient status of the sub-spontaneous palms in field K3 is probably misleading, as these palms produce very little and exportation of nutrients by bunch production will be negligible. Leaf P is, however, also in these palms below the critical level. The last two sets of samples strongly suggest a low P status of the soils developed over Lower Birrimian phyllite. The leaf samples from the selection fields of the OPRC demonstrate, however, that this P deficiency can be corrected by regular applications of phosphate fertilizers to the palms. Conclusions The above data have given ample evidence in some instances of economic yield responses to phosphate as well as potash and occasionally to nitrogenous fertilizer applications, while there are frequent indications of a P deficiency. When the highly significant P effects which have been reported from various fertilizer trials established in Nigeria after 1959 (NIFOR, 1965-68) have been taken into consideration, it can be concluded that oil palm yield responses to phosphate fertilizers are more common than has been generally assumed for soils in West Mrica (Surre & Ziller, 1963; Werkhoven, 1966). The results of the fertilizer trial at Aiyinasi are in fact in complete contrast to results obtained by IRHO in the Ivory Coast on soils developed in similar Tertiary sand deposits and under comparable climatic conditions. The data reported are almost solely based on one 25 factorial fertilizer trial planted at the IRHO main station at La Me in 1946 (Bachy, 1968; 1969). While there is a total lack of a phosphorus effect, the yield response to annual applications of 2 kg muriate of potash/palm/annum are very spectacular indeed: over the period 1958-68 an average yield increase in the K1 plots of 59% over the Ko plots which produced an average of 9 t bunches/ha/annum. This may indicate that the soils at Aiyinasi are not typical of the Tertiary sand areas as a whole. Aiyinasi station is actually sited at the eastern edge of the deposits of Tertiary sands where they thin out and are underlain by granite-derived material (Ahn, 1961). The results of the oil palm experiments at Aiyinasi indicate in any case that one has to be careful in presuming that the soils developed over Tertiary sands in south-western Ghana would be highly suitable for oil palm cultivation. Economic oil palm production for many years on these light soils combined with very high rainfall can be obtained only on the conditions that (1) the land is derived from primary or old broken forest for an optimal organic matter content in the soil; (2) a leguminous cover crop is established immediately after clearing to preserve as much as possible the original fertility status of the soil; (3) phosphate and potash fertilizers are applied regularly in fairly high doses supplemented with nitrogenous and magnesium-containing fertilizers when necessary. Soils developed over Tertiary sands are, however, restricted to an area of about 520 km2 and considerable parts of it are already subject to intensive coconut and rubber cultivation. The area over Tertiary sands is thus of minor importance and oil palm development in Ghana will have to be concentrated mainly on the soils developed over granites and Lower Birrimian rocks within the climatically suitable areas. As already remarked in the Introduction, the Upper Birrimian formations and the belt of Tarkwaian rocks have to be eliminated because of the generally unsuitable topography. The nutrient status of Ochrosols and OchrosolOxysol intergrades developed over granites and Lower Birrimian phyllites is apparently good enough to support satisfactory oil palm yield levels for many years without fertilizer applications when the area is derived directly from heavy forest, as was the case at Bechem and Bunso. The higher yields at Bunso must be due to the more favourable climatic conditions as well as to the fact that the oil palm experiments are planted on colluvial and alluvial soils. Twelve years of continuous high production in expt 810-1 have apparently depleted the soil nutrient reserves, as can be deduced from the leaf analysis data, and responses to adequate fertilizer applications can be expected in the years to come. However, when the land has been cropped previously, K and P deficiencies soon appear and Nutrient status and fertilizer responses of oil palms in Ghana economic oil palm yield responses to potash and/or phosphate fertilizers can be expected even during the early years of production. The fertilizer trials at Pretsea and Assin-Foso have demonstrated this for soils developed over granites. The leaf analysis data from the farmer's plot near Kusi and from the sub-spontaneous palms in field K3 of the OPRC indicate that this may also apply to the soils over Lower Birrimian phyllites. The leaf samples show only a P deficiency, but the high production level of good planting material will probably soon induce a K deficiency unless potash fertilizers are applied. The nutrient status of the Forest Oxysols over granites and Lower Birrimian rocks in the southwestern part of the country is lower as these are strongly leached. Economic responses to fertilizer applications, notably phosphate and potash, are therefore likely to occur soon after planting even when the area is derived from heavy forest. From the limited information gathered from the fertilizer trial at Akaa it would seem that on Ochrosols developed over Arkosic sandstones in that area K is the main nutrient requirement for the oil palm. The major nutrient requirements for oil palms on various soils in areas climatically suitable for oil palm cultivation have thus been assessed to some extent. However, exact knowledge about the actual doses of each fertilizer to be applied to obtain maximum economic responses can only be derived from more complicated trials, preferably of the 4n design. One such experiment, comparing N, P, Kat 4 and Mg at 2 levels, was established at the OPRC in 1969, but more experiments of this type will have to be laid down on different types of soil. In the meantime, recommendations on rates and frequency of applications are largely based on experience of other oil palm research institutes in West Africa (Werkhoven, 1966). The following remarks may, however, serve as a guidance in determining an oil palm fertilizer policy in Ghana. (1) The root system of young palms is not yet sufficiently developed to exploit a large soil volume. An annual application of N, P and K is therefore recommended for a vigorous vegetative growth during the first 2-3 years after planting at the following rates (adapted from NIFOR advice). yrs after 3 planting Sulphate of ammonia 0 .250 0·500 1 - kg/palm Muriate of potash 0·200 0·250 0·500 1 kg/palm Single superphosphate 0·200 0·500 1 1 kg/palm (2) The nutrient status of mature palms depends on type of soil, climate, previous history of the land before planting, the level and number of years of production. Regular foliar diagnosis is now essential to detect any nutrient deficiencies sufficiently in time to restore a satisfactory nutrient status by fertilizer applications. (3) Nitrogen deficiency is not likely until after the 12th-15th year of production provided a leguminous cover crop has been established immediately after clearing. About 1· 5-2' 0 kg sulphate of ammonia per palm per year may give economic yield increases when leaf N is below the critical level. (4) Phosphorus deficiency can be expected sooner or later on most soils in the forest zone. Annual applications of 2·0-2·5 kg single superphosphate per palm will then be required to maintain a good level of production. (5) Potassium. The generally known need for potash fertilizer applications to maintain high oil palm yields has been confirmed again by most of the fertilizer trials in Ghana, although potash fertilizers may not be needed during the first 10-12 years when the area has been cleared from heavy forest. Annual application of 1,0-1,5 kg muriate of potash per palm may be more effective in case of K deficiency especially on Oxysols, than triennial applications of higher doses as advised by NIFOR. In case of a very severe potassium deficiency, an initial 'shock' application of about 3 kg muriate of potash may be needed. (6) Magnesium deficiency may be induced by potash fertilizer application when the soil Mg status is already low. When leaf Mg content is deficient, 2·0-2·5 kg kieserite (or 4-5 Epsom salts) should be applied per palm biennially (NIFOR advice). (7) Time of application. The wet season in the forest zone of Ghana is characterized by two distinct rainfall peaks, the first and major one in June and a second minor peak in October, with a drier period of :::;;100 mm/month in August. It would therefore be advisable to apply fertilizers in August rather than in March, as has been normal practice, to avoid leaching of the greater part of the more soluble fertilizers soon after application due to the heavy rainfall in May-June. Especially in the south-western part of the country rainfall can be excessively high in June. (8) Method of application. Studies on the horizontal distribution of the root system by Ruer (1967) confirm that the density of the feeder roots is highest near the base of the palm. It decreases rapidly with increasing distance from the base and becomes very low beyond the leaf tips. For a maximum uptake of the fertilizers by the roots it is, therefore, important to broadcast over the whole surface from near to the base to under the tips of the leaves. The radius of this circular surface will increase from 2 m for 2-year old palms to over 4·5 m for adult palms. Cleanweeding of the ground cover beyond the normally maintained ring of about 1·5 m radius in mature plantations prior to fertilizer application is not recommended. Acknowledgements Thanks are due in the first instance to the Agronomy Division of NIFOR (formerly (WAIFOR) which controlled the six WAIFOR trials for many years, to the NIFOR Plant Nutrition Division for analysing the leaf samples and to the staff of the then Department of Agriculture of Ghana at the various stations who supervised the establishing of the experiments. The OPRC is also indebted to the Statistics Division of the Institute of Horticultural Plant Breeding at Wageningen for carrying out part of the statistical analysis of some of the fertilizer trials. The author is very grateful to Mr A. Nantwi, who assisted in the leaf sampling in 1969 and also in part of the statistical analysis, and to the staff of the record section of the OPRC, in particular Messrs S. W. Ohene- Tutu and C. S. K. Kanda, for their assistance in compiling the yield records. To be mentioned as the last, but not the least, are the field staff at the various agricultural stations on whom depended the maintenance and yield recording of the fertilizer trials. REFERENCES The soils of Aiyinasi agricultural station and their relationship to the soils of Nzima, Western Region. Kumasi: Ghana Ministry of Agri- Ahn, P. M. (1960) culture, Scientific Services Division, Use Survey Branch. Tech. Rep. 26. Soil and Land- Ahn, P. M. (1961) Soils of the lower Tano basin, southwestern Ghana. Kumasi. Ghana Ministry of Agriculture Scientific Services Division, Soil and LandUse Survey Branch. 266 pp., figs., phots., maps. Mem.2. Asamoa, G. K. (1964) Soils of Assin-Foso. Kumasi: Soil Research Institute. Tech. Rep. 68. a Bachy, huile. A. (1964) Diagnostic foliaire de palmier Niveaux critiques chez les arbres jeunes. Oleagineux 19,253-256. Bachy, A. 1'I.R.H.O. (1968) Principaux sur la fertilization Oleagineux 23 (1), 9-14. resultats acquis par du palmier a huile. Bachy, A. (1969) A propos d'un cas typique de carence potassique du palmier a huile en Cote-d'Ivoire. Oleagineux 24 (10), 533-540. Bates, D. A. (1962) Geology. In Wills, J. B. (ed.) Agriculture and land use in Ghana, ch. 3, pp. 51-61. London: Brammer, OUP. H. (1962) Soils. In Wills, J. B. (ed.) Agriculture and land use in Ghana, ch. 6, pp. 88-126. London: OUP. Brash, Helen T. (1962) Geomorphology. In Wills, J. B. (ed.) Agriculture and land use in Ghana, ch. 6, pp. 77-87. London: OUP. Chapas, L. C. (1961) Plot size and reduction of variability in oil palm experiments. Emp. J. expo Agric. 29, 212-224. Charter, C. F. (1955) The nutrient status of Gold Coast forest soils. Int. Cocoa Conf. 1955 pp. 40-54. St. C. M. (1966) The phosphorus status of some soils of West Africa. Benin: Nigerian Institute for Forde, Oil Palm Research. (Conference paper.) Forde, St. C. M. (1968) The trace element nutrition of oil palm seedlings. Jl niger. Inst. Oil Palm Res. 5 (17), 77-88. Forde, St. C. M., Leyritz, M. J-P. & Sly, J. M. A. (1968) The role of potassium in the nutrition of the oil palm in Nigeria. Jl niger. Inst. Oil Palm Res. 4 (16),33-369. Haines, W. B. & Benzian, B. (1956) Some manuring experiments on oil palm in Africa. Emp. J. expoAgric. 24, 137-160. IRHO (1962) 245-254. Vingt ans d'activite. Oleagineux 17, Nutrient status and fertilizer responses of oil palms in Ghana Lane, D. A. (1962) The forest vegetation. In Wills, J. B. (ed.) Agriculture and land use in Ghana, ch. 10, pp. 160-169. London: OUP. Mould, A. W. S. (1957) Report on the semi-detailed soil survey of Akaa Cocoa Research Station. Kumasi: Division of Agriculture, Soil and Land-Use Survey Branch. Tech. Rep. 27. NIFOR 1968. (formerly WAIFOR). Annual reports 1958- Obeng, H. B. (1959) Report on the detailed soil survey of the University College of Ghana, Agricultural Research Station, Kade, Eastern Region. Kumasi: Ghana Division of Agriculture, Soil and Land-Use Survey Branch. Tech. Rep. 32. Purnell, M. F. (1960) Report on the detailed soil survey of proposed oil palm plantations at Pretsea Avebro and Sukusuku Estates. Kumasi: Ghana Ministry of Agriculture, Scientific Services Division, Soil and Land-Use Survey Branch. Tech. Rep. 39. Prevot, P. & Ollagnier, M. (1961) Law of the minimum and balanced mineral nutrition. In Plant analysis andfertilizer problems,pp. 257-277. American Institute of Biological Sciences. 129 Ruer, P. (1966) Relations entre facteurs climatiques et nutrition minerale chez Ie palmier II huile. OUagineux 21, 143-148. Ruer, P. (1967) Repartition en surface du systeme radiculaire du palmier II huile. Oliagineux 22 (8-9), 535-537. Sparnaaij, L. D., Rees, A. R. & Chapas, L. C. (1963) Annual yield variation in the oil palm. Jl W. Afr. Inst. Oil Palm Res. 4 (14), 111-125. Surre, Ch. & Ziller, R. (1963) Le palmier d huile, pp. 229. Paris: G-P Maisonneuve & Larose. Tinker, P. B. H. (1962) Some basement complex soils of Calabar Province, Eastern Nigeria. Jl W. Afr. Inst. Oil Palm Res. 3 (12), 308-328. van der Vossen, H. A. M. (1969) Areas climatically suitable for optimal oil palm production in Ghana. Ghana Jnl agric. Sci. 2, 113-118. Werkhoven, J. (1966) The manuring of the oil palm. Hannover.: Verlags-gesellschaft fUr Ackerbau MBH. 51 pp.