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PDF - Fixed Ops Magazine
Exclusive protection. Powerful business programs. Responsive, local services and support. Let’s get started. Taxi-Tested Tough™ Oils Give everyday drivers the oil proven to fight wear in all conditions—Kendall® GT-1® with Liquid Titanium® protection additive. We tested it in New York City taxis and got dramatic results, including a 63% improvement in engine wear over conventional oil. Programs To Grow On We’ll help you grow your business without all the growing pains. Get access to branded promotions, incentive programs, business builders and online tools—all easy to understand, implement and administer. World-Class Service & Support We’re poised to help you every step of the way. Local Marketers to lean on for brand support and marketing. Training to get you up to speed quickly. Savvy technical support hotline. Plus easy access to branded point-of-purchase and marketing materials. Ready to make Kendall your go-to oil? Contact us today. Let’s grow together. For more information, call Phil Sontag at 832.765.2149 KendallMotorOil.com © 2014 Phillips 66 Company. Phillips 66, Kendall, GT-1, SealMax, the Two Finger logo, Liquid Titanium, Long Live the Engine and their respective logos are registered trademarks of Phillips 66 Company in the U.S.A. and other countries. TABLE OF C ON TEN TS N o v e mb e r / D e c e mb e r 2 0 1 4 | | F i x e d O p s M a g a z i n e p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. 10 18 24 VHS Tapes and Measuring Total Customer Pay ELR Today They’re Bo th Comple tely Use le ss Get Ready to ENGAGE The Fut ur e Suc c ess of the Au to In d u stry Starts at the 201 5 NA DA Conve n tion & Expo Right Hand, Meet the Left Hand When Sales and Service Share In formation , Everybod y P r o fit s Keeping It Together 30 Today’s A dvance d Ve hicles Requ ire Chan ges in Coll isio n R epair At tac hment Method s 36 Taking Advantage of Advancements in Touchless Car Washes 42 Tap Into the World’s Number One Parts Marketplace 48 54 62 p. 72 p. 78 p. Cleaning Up Withou t a Tou ch How to Sell Parts On e Bay Retaining the Connected Customer 6 C o mpa n i es to S ee At t h e N AD A E x p o p. 68/70 20 15 How Will Conne cted Ve hicle Te chn ology Aff e ct Se rvic e R et ent i o n? p. 100 Accessories as the Next Profit Center for Dealers… p. …A nd a Big Deal for Se rvice De partmen ts 102 Hiring & Developing Detail Personnel p. 104 Hail Damage: Loss and Pain or Profit and Gain? Retai ning Ever y Dollar of Profi t While M ain tain in g Qu a l i t y R epair s p. 106 The Service BDC Dr ive Repair Or d er Cou n ts, M aximize Efficien cy an d Cre at e C ustomer Loyalt y p. b o dy s hop C o ll i si o n R epair S h o p s B r a c e f o r C h a l le n ge s o f A lu mi n u m B o d y wo r k a dmin i s t r at i on T h e Imp o r ta nc e o f P erso nnel F i l es: F i l e Va l u e , O r ga n i z ati o n a nd A ud i t i ng p r i c i n g s ur vey Oi l C h a ng es a nd A i r F i lt er s 8 I n dus t r y N ew s & E ven t s 109 Adver t i s er s Di r ec to r y Service Advisor Accountability 90 How Service Department Tire Sales Impact Vehicle Sales p. 94 Seeing the Opportunity Clearly p. 98 Who’s Failing Who? p. pa r t s depa r t m en t W h o l esa l e Pa r t s M a r k et i ng : D ea l er S er v i c e s a n d To o ls 108 84 p. s ervi c e depar t m en t W h y A r e Y o u S t i l l U nd er p erf o rmi ng ? (Pa r t 2) Building Your Te am p. p. l et t er f r o m t he p ub l i s h e r Ar e My Employe es Followin g the De ale rship ’s Processes? Customer Ret ention vs. Cu stomer Acqu isition Windshield Repair the Ri ght Way p. 109 N ew P r o duc t s Wher e’s t he Service Ad visor Train in g? p. 113 M a rket p l a c e letter from the publisher November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine As we count down the weeks to the 2015 NADA Expo in San Francisco, I’m excited by what I believe we’ll be seeing on the show floor in January. Over the last several years, the NADA exhibitor line-up has been gathering strength in the increasingly-important area of Fixed Operations – our primary focus. We’ve seen more companies, bigger exhibits, new products, services and technologies, and a wider variety of dealership solutions presented for our review. And these companies cover every possible facet of the Fixed Ops world: - Accessories - Capital equipment, Service equipment and Body Shop equipment - Car washes - Climate control equipment - CRM providers - DMS providers - Finance and credit - Inspection processes - Loaner vehicle management - Lubricants and fluids - Marketing and social media - Parts providers - Parts management and parts sales - PDR and Service drive body repairs - Protectants - Ratings and referrals - Service technology - Technician work areas and storage systems - Testing systems - Training, education and consulting - Warranty administration - Web-based tools - Wheel repair There are loads to see. And this doesn’t even include the many educational and energizing seminars that you’ll be welcome to take advantage of. 1 7 8 5 3 S a ntia go Blvd., St e. 107-467 Vil l a Pa r k, CA 92861 P h o ne 7 1 4 -803-5476 F a x 7 1 4 -2 7 6-0255 Info @ F ixed OpsMag.com w w w. F ixed OpsMag.com P ubl ish er / Edito r ial / Advert ising Nick West Phone: 714-803-5476 Fax: 714-276-0255 Nick@FixedOps Mag.com Ar t Dir ector Ma r ia P usparan i [email protected] Fixed Ops Magazine is published by Prism Automotive, LLC, 17853 Santiago Blvd., Suite 107-467, Villa Park, CA 92861; phone 877-349-3367. Subscriptions are free to qualified subscribers in the U.S. who are active as fixed operations directors or service managers of franchised automobile dealerships. Additional subscriptions are available at: $30/year/US; $45/year/Canada; $90/ year/other foreign. Single issue price, $10. Periodicals Bottom line? This event has something for everyone. And something for you. postage paid at Fort Worth, TX. POSTMASTER: A quick review of the Expo website has confirmed my seat-of-the-pants show floor impressions from the last several years: of the 537 companies listed in the 2015 online show directory, approximately 110 are either operating squarely in the Fixed Operations world or have a strong connection to our #1 interest. And I’ll bet there could be another 50 companies that touch on the Fixed Ops area in less direct but still-valuable ways. Send address changes to: Plan now to take advantage of this cornucopia of information. Our “Companies to Visit at NADA” listing on pages 68 and 70 of this issue is a great place to start. And please stop by the Fixed Ops Magazine booth to say hello! Fixed Ops Magazine, 17853 Santiago Blvd., Suite 107-467, Villa Park, CA 92861. Reproduction or use, without express written permission of publisher, of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Fixed Ops Magazine or Prism Automotive, LLC. The appearance of advertisers does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured. All rights reserved. Nick West / Publisher Ph on e : 7 1 4 - 8 0 3 - 5 4 7 6 E-mail: N i c k @ F i xe d Ops Ma g. c o m p. 6 To v iew th e Digital Edit ion of F ixed Ops Ma gazine, visit: www.FixedOpsMag.com SELL. SERVICE. REPEAT. NEXT GENERATION TOOLS TO GROW YOUR DEALERSHIP. ONE VENDOR. ONE PLATFORM. COMPLETE LIFECYCLE MARKETING. Precision targeted multi-channel customer engagement Automatic equity mining and real-time quote generation Engage Comprehensive solution for all incoming and outgoing calls Book Flexible, customer-enabled service scheduling Smart Lane Wireless mobility and connectivity in the service lane Targeted personalized messaging and delivery VISIT AUTOLOOP AT THE 2015 NADA CONVENTION & EXPO www.AutoLoop.com [email protected] BOOTH #5758W 877.850.2010 In dus t r y N e w s & Event s November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Rotary Lift assistPRO™ Service Expands Digital Offerings to Meet Growing Demand VW Selects OEConnection Online Mechanical Repair Parts Ordering & Fulfilment Technology Rotary Lift’s free assistPRO™ professional facility planning assistance service is being expanded to give customers additional options for creating custom shop layouts. The expansion comes as demand for the free service hits an all-time high, with more shops now utilizing assistPRO than ever before. OEConnection LLC, the parts e-commerce technology leader for original equipment manufacturers (OEM) distribution networks, has announced that Volkswagen Group of America has selected RepairLink, an internet-based, all-makes-and-models Parts ordering and fulfillment solution, for the automaker’s network of U.S. wholesale Parts dealerships and their independent repair facility (IRF) customers. The agreement allows VW to promote their mechanical Parts wholesale channel through RepairLink, enabling dealers to more effectively compete with non-OEM parts suppliers for the sale of Genuine VW Parts. RepairLink offers a rules-based pricing engine and other technology capable of automating and managing an OEM’s wholesale Parts marketing program, from identifying eligible Parts and presenting discount opportunities at the transactional level, to instantly validating the sale and compiling real-time data program-wide. The number of shops taking advantage of the program has more than doubled over the past five years as the economy has improved. Available to any Rotary Lift customer, assistPRO helps maximize shop efficiency and technician productivity by determining the optimal number, placement and arrangement of vehicle lifts for a new or remodeled facility. Rotary Lift’s in-house assistPRO team works with individual customers and architects to create custom facility layouts. “Dealerships and independent shops have recovered from the recession and are starting to invest in their facilities again,” says Larry Kendall, assistPRO Technical Information Specialist and Facility Planner for Rotary Lift. “No matter if they are expanding, moving into new buildings or just upgrading old equipment, it pays to utilize assistPRO. When you include lifts in your shop layout upfront, there is less of a chance you will need to go through a costly redesign and delay the project.” “We are excited and pleased to be working with Volkswagen Group of America to provide their U.S. dealerships and IRFs with a better Parts ordering and fulfillment experience,” said Ron Coill, Sr. Vice President, OEConnection. “As a result of our exclusive technology, which is designed to help both buyers and sellers increase efficiencies and improve margins, RepairLink is used by almost 25,000 repairers today to purchase OE parts.” Xtime and Dealer Tire Bring Tire Selling to the Service Drive Dealer Tire and Xtime have announced a new partnership that puts tire selling at the fingertips of Service Advisors. Dealer Tire’s digital selling solution and inventory information is now accessible through Xtime’s tablet-based Service lane solution, Check-In 7. The integration places Dealer Tire’s eServices tire catalogs into Xtime’s Check-In 7 via a tire selling interface designed specifically to blend seamlessly with the Xtime design. Service Advisors can present customers with vehicle-specific, comprehensive tire recommendations and pricing, check inventory for availability and enable an immediate purchase. Dealers retain the customer’s business at the point where consumers often first take their vehicles to the aftermarket, while consumers get a transparent, convenient method for maintaining their vehicles. Continued on Page 114 EVENTS Jan u ary 2015 19-22 / National Biodiesel Conference and Expo Fort Worth Convention Center, Fort Worth, TX 573-635-3893 / www.BiodieselConference.org 22-25 / NADA Convention and Expo Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA “The integration with Xtime’s Check-In 7 makes it easy for Service Advisors to sell tires on the Service drive,” said Dealer Tire Partner and Chief Sales Officer Cindy Stull. “We are excited to be working with Xtime because we’re really in the same business: helping dealers retain customers while increasing Service and Parts revenue.” 703-821-7000 / www.NADA.org “Dealer Tire shares our dedication to helping dealers deliver the best Service experience to their customers and we’re pleased to bring this new functionality to our mutual dealer customers,” said Xtime CEO Neal East. “This is just the beginning of what Xtime and Dealer Tire can accomplish together.” April 23-25 / The Car Wash Show Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV 312-321-5199 / www.CarWash.org p. 8 CarGuy85 posted a one star review. 3 out of 4 shoppers just moved on to your competition. -CarGuy85 01/12/13 6:23 p.m. PST Your specialist monitors your online reputation across the entire web, investigates and formulates responses to negative reviews, and encourages customers to post positive reviews. Advertising Reputation Management Mobile SEO and Social Targeted Marketing with a twist 888.841.8130 | nakedlime.com/drm Protect your customers. Get more of theirs. Web Featu r e November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine VHS Tapes and Measuring Total Customer Pay ELR T o d a y T h e y ’ r e B o t h C o m p l e t e ly U s e l e s s B y L e i g h S i l v e r Total customer pay Effective Labor Rate (ELR) is misleading and completely useless as a KPI. There…I’ve said it. So now let’s see if I can prove it. VHS tapes have been around a long time, dating back to the mid-1970s. They were eventually replaced with more advanced and cost-effective technologies. Paying Technicians on a flat rate system and measuring Effective Labor Rate (ELR) has been around even longer. We won’t delve into the pros and cons of the flat rate systems, but acknowledge that dealerships primarily live in this world. It’s common knowledge that a dealership’s Service operation has three distinct types of customers: • Customer 1: The Sales Department (Internal) • Customer 2: The Factory (Warranty) • Customer 3: The Retail Customer (Customer Pay) Because of the uniqueness of each these three customers, it’s obvious that they need to be measured and managed differently. For example, pricing Service work and paying Service employees on internal and warranty work jobs is simple. These two customers have specific needs and you work backwards to make everything pencil. Everyone knows that growing this part of the business is quite difficult, but for those who periodically forget or decide to fight “Sales” or “The Factory” they typically end up playing for a different team. p. 10 So why am I highlighting this common industry fact? Because while it’s recognized that a dealership’s Service operation has three distinct customers, it’s NOT recognized that the Customer Pay business actually offers three unique categories of Service that require individual measurement and management practices of their own. Now that you got rid of VHS for digital HD quality it’s time to get rid of the pre70’s way of managing your Customer Pay business. Here’s a story (an actual business case) to help drive this home: “The Case of the Two Honda Dealerships” Chapter 1: The Fight Two Honda dealerships within the same dealer group were duking it out to see who would have the better ELR in December 2013. December CP ELR is highlighted in Exhibit A; Dealership 1 sitting at $91.53 and Dealership 2 right behind at $90.98. The difference was a mere 55 cents. November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine sick days and management headaches. Thousands of systems at convenience stores and independent carwashes. Hundreds of factory-trained LOCAL service technicians. Now our SoftWash DF makes our superior cleaning performance and high reliability affordable for car dealers. Find out more by calling 800-525-8248 or visiting www.markvii.net. p. 11 November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine “Now that you got rid of VHS for digital HD quality it’s time to get rid of the pre-70’s way of managing your Customer Pay business.” Chapter 2: The Twist Highlighted in Exhibit B November 2013 is added. The difference there was a whopping $9.07! In November Dealership 1 was at $95.67 and Dealership 2 was at $86.60. How did Dealership 1 have such a decrease while, at the same time, Dealership 2 enjoyed such an increase? Chapter 3: The Assumptions (and you know what happens when you assume…) Here are some typical answers to this twist: • Answer 1: Dealership 1 decreased because they gave away the farm with discounts • Answer 2: Dealership 1 decreased because their big hitter Advisor was out • Answer 3: Dealership 2 increased because they raised their rate / prices • Answer 4: Dealership 2 increased because they hired the big hitter away from Dealership 1 Chapter 4: The Facts Now here are the facts around what really happened with these two dealerships: • Dealerships 1 and 2 sold all their service work at exactly the same prices: o Oil change prices exactly the same p. 12 o Same maintenance package pricing o Same door rate • The amount of discounts they gave were exactly the same: o Same from dealership to dealership o Same from November to December • No employee changes from November to December Chapter 5: The Big Question How could CP ELR have varied so much from month to month without any changes in pricing structure? Chapter 6: The Big Answer Customer pay work mix! The reality of a Service operation’s customer pay business is that it’s actually three unique categories of business, all rolled into one type of customer. This requires separate measuring and managing of each category! Anything less and you’re managing a Service Department with VHS-level technology! Here are the three unique categories: 1. Super Competitive Oil Change Business • Defined as LOF’s sold at cutthroat prices because of aftermarket competition and customer perception. Technicians of this skill can be found everywhere. 2. Maintenance Business • Defined as mileage or wear based maintenance work that must continuously be performed. This work is sold at discounted prices because of aftermarket competition and customer perception but it’s only slightly discounted. Many Technicians have the capability to complete this work, but only skilled ones can do it both quickly and effectively. 3. Repair business • Defined as diagnosing, fixing and repairing broken or malfunctioning items sold at your door rate. There’s a shortage of Technicians that fit this threshold of skill and the industry has a foreseeable problem. Once a manager come to grips with this reality, a light bulb comes on: “If I sell more hours at my oil change rate it will drive down my total CP ELR. If I sell more hours at my door rate it will increase my total CP ELR.” Another question should immediately come to mind; “How much does my total CP ELR naturally fluctuate because of work mix changes in my shop?” November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Chapter 7: The Yo-Yo (Exhibit C – take this one in slowly) Looking back at our two Honda dealerships let’s look through the lens of work-mix to understand how these fluctuations actually occurred. In December both dealerships had a similar work mix (Exhibit C): 1. Super Competitive Oil Change Business o Dealership 1 sold 7.6% of its total CP hours o Dealership 2 sold 9.2% of its total CP hours o Both sold these hours at the same rate of $50 per hour 2. Maintenance Business o Dealership 1 sold 60.5% of its total CP hours o Dealership 2 sold 58.9% of its total CP hours o Both sold these hours at the same maintenance rate of $86 per hour p. 14 3. Repair Business o Both dealerships sold just under 32% of their total CP hours o Both dealerships sold these hours at the same door rate of $112 per hour From November to December each dealership had a change in their work mix (Exhibit D) 1. Super Competitive Oil Change Business o Dealership 1 had an increase in hours sold from 2.8% to 7.6% o Dealership 2 had a decrease in hours sold from 17.1% to 9.2% 2. Maintenance Business o Dealership 1 had a slight increase in hours sold from 56.2% to 60.5% o Dealership 2 had a slight increase in hours sold from $56.9 to $58.9 3. Repair Business o Dealership 1 experienced a large drop in hours sold from 41.0% to 31.8% o Dealership 2 experienced a nice in- crease in hours sold from 26.0% to 31.9% This example proves that even when a single dealership keeps consistent pricing and discount policies in-place, the total CP ELR will move up and down naturally because of work mix. “While it’s recognized that a dealership’s Service operation has three distinct customers, it’s NOT recognized that the Customer Pay business actually offers three unique categories of Service that require individual measurement and management practices of their own.” Vi Bo 201 sit ot 5 N us h A at #2 D 44 A 1S November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Finally, an EPC with the power to drive your parts business. Turbocharge your productivity with Microcat LIVE! >> With advanced search technology and an intuitive user interface, the Microcat LIVE electronic parts catalog has everything your parts department needs to boost productivity. The cloud-based platform provides the most up-to-date OEM data available, so your department will be more efficient, more productive and more profitable then ever. Add to that our industry-leading support staff and unique, no-contract policy and it’s easy to see why Microcat LIVE is the most sought after parts selling system in the industry! Call 888-929-5599 Today for Your Free 30-Day Trial! or visit microcatlive.com for more information Watch the Video @infomediaLtd FROM LEADERS IN PARTS AND SERVICE SELLING SYSTEMS FOR 24 YEARS p. 15 November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Chapter 8: The Conclusion Total CP ELR is misleading and useless because it varies by work mix and because it can be manipulated by bad behavior. WARNING: including total CP ELR in a pay plan can have bad, unintended consequences. The easiest way to have total CP ELR increase is by avoiding sales at a lower rate. This disincentive for selling LOFs and gravy maintenance work was not the desired goal. The second-easiest way to drive total CP ELR is arbitrarily overcharging customers or -- even worse -- intentionally overcharging them. In all cases a surface increase in total CP ELR shows that something good has happened when in reality that is the farthest thing from the truth. p. 16 “Total CP ELR is useless if you can’t easily and independently measure each of the three unique categories of CP business (LOF, Maintenance, and Repair) that drives the overall CP business.” Here’s the bottom line: total CP ELR is useless if you can’t easily and independently measure each of the three unique categories of CP business (LOF, Maintenance, and Repair) that drives the overall CP business. This means that for each unique category of CP business you must have a clear strategy (“What am I doing to grow each business?”) and a clear policy (“How am I managing my people to execute?”) to ensure that positive moves are actually being made. Only one question remains: do you stick with the VHS ways or go digital? Acknowledgements Acknowledgements to the Keeps Corp. team members for helping clarify this important message: Ray Branch, Les Silver and David Stonham. Thanks! Leigh Silver is Senior Vice President and General Manager of the KEEPS Corporation, developers of the ROAMS technology. Prior to his tenure at KEEPS, Leigh worked at Service Repair Solutions (SRS) specializing in business development and advanced repair order analytics. SRS was the parent company of MPI where Leigh spent over eight years working in the field helping sell, implement and consult to the MPI EDGE solution. November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine SAN FRANCISCO | JANUARY 22-25 NADA/ATD CONVENTION & EXPO 2015 YOUR MIND at the 2015 NADA/ATD Convention & Expo 115+ workshop sessions 500+ exhibits spanning 600,000 sq ft 24 franchise meetings with the manufacturer leadership Keynote speakers Jeb Bush and Jay Leno Inspirational program with Dr. Beck Weathers, survivor of the Mt. Everest disaster The Automotive Industry Event of the Year Attendee Registration and Housing is now open www.nadaconvention.org p. 17 Featu r e November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Get Ready to ENGAGE T h e Futu r e Succ e s s o f t h e Aut o In d u s t r y St a r t s a t t h e 2 0 1 5 N ADA C o nv e nt i o n & E x p o By Connie Mikels Known as the “Automotive Industry Event of the Year”, the upcoming NADA Convention & Expo is heading to San Francisco’s Moscone Center January 22-25, 2015. The Expo dates are January 23-25. “This must-attend annual event is where the entire automotive industry comes together to build, renew and nurture business relationships as we plan for the future”, says Steve Pitt, NADA’s Vice President of Conventions & Expositions. Thousands of automotive decisionmakers will be on hand to network with peers, shop the industry’s largest marketplace of products and services and learn and grow with a top-rated educational program. ENGAGE To Expand Your Knowledge NADA University is considered to be the leader in education training for the automotive industry and the 2015 workshop program is gearing up as one of the best ever, offering 53 total workshop topics presented by 82 speakers. The six workshop tracks planned for the San Francisco convention include the following topics: - Dealer / Executive - Human Resources - Digital Marketing - Legal & Regulatory - Fixed Ops - Variable Ops (includes Sales) p. 18 NEW for 2015! -- Technology Town Halls “Technology Town,” aka Silicon Valley, is a “tweet” away from the Moscone Center. So this is the perfect time to have top executives from Google, Facebook, eBay and Twitter answer your questions on how their emerging technologies can help you sell more cars. The Technology Town Halls will be held Sunday afternoon, so be sure to extend your stay in San Francisco through Sunday evening so you can take part. Workshops are led by NADA University approved experts and the NADA guarantees that you’ll go back to your dealership with innovative ideas and new practices. Here’s a snapshot of the workshop sessions that specifically target the Fixed Ops audience. (For the complete list of scheduled workshops go to www.nadaconvention.org) Body Shop Profits: Time is Money Cut costs and increase profits in the body shop by optimizing personnel, improving accuracy and lowering overhead. Also to be discussed: using apps and management software that bolsters efficiency, streamlines decision-making and reduces cycle-time. Presenter: Scott Rome, Rome Technologies, Inc., Pasadena, MD November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine FIXED OPS ADVANTAGE The CARQUEST® Fixed Ops Advantage Program is designed to align and support today’s dealerships aftermarket “All Makes & Models” services philosophy. • Quality Products (OE Exact Form, Fit and Function) • Rebate Program and E-Ordering Incentive • Unmatched Product Availability and Service • Customized Training (Selling Services • Consolidated Supplier (Products, Supplies, and Technical) Collision, Tools & Equipment) • Consumer Education Tools. • Aggressive and Consistent Pricing Across a Nationwide Footprint Great people, great products, great prices!SM CARQUEST.com p. 19 November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine offer maintenance solutions and ask for the sale. Dealers would never tolerate a car salesperson who won’t sell cars, so don’t tolerate a Service Advisor who won’t sell Service. Presenter: Charlie Polston, BG Products, Inc., Oklahoma City, OK Develop Profitable and Efficient Parts Managers Help experienced and new Parts Managers become more efficient and profitable by using a Parts Manager training program that improves job descriptions and measures performance qualitatively and quantitatively. Presenter: Mike Nicholes, Mike Nicholes Capital Management, Inc., Portland, OR Ivy League Financial Formula for Success in Service With the quality of vehicles up and Service appointments down, learn all about the Ivy League Financial Formula, with innovative pricing strategies to increase the effective-labor rate, specific tools to boost retention and RO counts, and a new approach to deciphering the financial statement. Presenter: Chris Collins, Chris Collins, Inc., Los Angeles, CA Let Your Social Media Sell Your Service Discover the secret to building a relevant online community of new- and used-car customers, nurtured into perfect prospects for Fixed Ops incentives. Presenter: Amol Waishampayan, Stream Companies, Bridgewater, NJ p. 20 Proven Fixed Ops Marketing Tactics You’re Not Using Discover how top dealer groups use video, staff pages, testimonials and other digital content to boost Fixed Ops marketing, SEO and analytics for both online and mobile applications. Presenter: Jeff Clark, DealerOn, Inc., Derwood, MD Service Drive: Your Other Sales Floor! Learn effective strategies to teach Service Advisors how to educate customers, Six Simple Changes for a Record Year in Fixed Ops Add 40 percent or more to your gross profits with six key steps, such as increasing Service traffic 10 percent or more by removing Service Advisors from the appointment process (and using appointment coordinators), identifying hidden profit opportunities lost due to non-performance-based pay plans and recruiting non-automotive personnel to become top-producing advisors. Presenter: Don Reed, DealerPro Training Solutions, Gahanna, OH Upselling Is Not a Dirty Word Discover eight proven ways to increase the sales of needed repairs and services, including how to identify factors that keep Service Advisors from maximizing upsell opportunities and implementing ideas that give Advisors immediate profit growth and increased customer loyalty. Presenter: David Martin, The Mar-Kee Group, Daphne, AL November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine BIG INNOVATION COMES IN SMALL PACKAGES AUTOPOINT DELIVERS ANOTHER INDUSTRY FIRST AutoPoint is the industry expert in service department improvement since 2003. Come to NADA and see our latest innovations. FREE OAKLEYS PRE-SCHEDULE YOUR AUTOPOINT DEMO FOR NADA AND RECEIVE To schedule a personal demo call us 888.503.8040 or visit autopoint.com/nada2015 FREE OAKLEY SUNGLASSES. 21 *Appointments are limited. Restrictionsp. Apply. November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Your Parts Inventory: Treasure or Trash? Traditional methods of reducing idle and obsolete inventory stock are changing rapidly. This workshop will focus on how to: (1) identify and manage idle inventory realistically; (2) forecast future obsoleteinventory growth; and (3) explore methods for reducing idle inventory and obsolete inventory growth on a consistent basis. Presenter: Chuck Hartle, Partsedge, Inc., San Diego, CA “Here’s a snapshot of the workshop sessions that specifically target the Fixed Ops audience.” ENGAGE In Your Total Convention Experience Come and shop the industry’s largest marketplace of products and services during the 3-day NADA Expo, where you’ll find more than 500 companies covering over 600,000 square feet of exhibit space in three separate buildings – Moscone North, South and West. These companies offer the latest technologies, products and services in the marketplace today, providing the cutting-edge solutions that can help attendees accelerate their business to a higher level of success. The NADA Expo is your one stop shopping solution for all of the products and services you’re looking to buy. And to make it even easier to search for specific companies and product categories, NADA offers the “myNADAplanner” online resource tool that connects buyers and sellers before, during and after the show. p. 22 NADA’s award winning Mobile App (“NADA2015” – available in early December 2014) will help attendees create their ideal schedule, download presentations and handouts, view speaker bios, take notes on your device, select from more than 500 exhibitors to visit and navigate your way around the Moscone Center using the maps within the App. No need for paper or pen! Back by popular demand, this year’s convention will once again feature the popular Social Connection Zone located inside the Moscone South Expo Hall. This is the area where you’ll find the following activities geared to keep you on track with the latest tech trends: NADA social media wall, Genius Bar, rapid charging stations, complimentary coffee, pedometer contest score board and check-in, trained technicians to assist you with all your tech and social media questions, and daily Social Media sessions focused on using a variety of tech tools in your dealership. The Lifestyle Experience is a one-of-akind opportunity for convention attendees to focus on their mind, body and spirit with a variety of activities located in three separate areas of Moscone Center. “Beauty & Fashion” with Bloomingdales that includes a Men & Women’s Accessories Boutique and Professional Head Shots. “Mind, Body & Spirit” health screening services including Healthy Heart screenings, Bone Density screenings, and COPD Lung Function screenings. “Relax” stations with Massage Therapists and Hand Reflexology. These recreational activities are offered to help rejuvenate and energize attendees. Come see what all of the buzz is about! ENGAGE Your Personal and Professional Success... The NADA Convention & Expo is the best place to network with your colleagues, get access to top rated education sessions, shop the Expo ranked in the Top 100 U.S. Tradeshows, enjoy high-caliber keynote speakers and connect with your OEM representatives. You can register online for the 2015 NADA Convention & Expo and get the latest news and updates about the show at www.nadaconvention.org. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to grow both personally and professionally while having a great time in San Francisco! Connie Mikels is the Director of Expositions at The National Automobile Dealers Association. November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 23 Featu r e November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Right Hand, Meet the Left Hand W h e n S a l e s a n d S e r v i c e S h a r e In f o r m a t i o n , Ev e r y b o d y P r o f i t s Even a casual look at a dealer’s ledger shows that both Variable Ops and Fixed Ops are vital to the success of a dealership. The most successful dealers have Sales and Service teams that work best in tandem: Sales delivers new customers to Service, providing them the opportunity to grow a long-term relationship with those customers and eventually bring them full circle when they’re ready to repurchase. Throughout the ownership lifecycle, both departments benefit, and both bring in revenue. Everything works together, or at least it should. So what happens when a disconnect occurs? Sometimes Sales and Service seem like totally different animals. They’re both part of your revenue stream, but they function in completely different ways: Salespeople work on a commission and/or bonus basis and their goals p. 24 B y C h r i s W i l l i a ms can be driven by numbers and dollars. Fixed Ops personnel, on the other hand, benefit most from repeat business, so they may be more focused on providing good customer experiences. Neither approach is right or wrong, nor are they mutually exclusive. They can, however, cancel each other out if either department’s immediate goals supersede those of the dealership. Here’s an example: let’s say a sales rep is desking a young couple right on the verge of signing. They’ve chosen a sparkly red sports car, their financing has cleared, everything is a go … but they want a luggage rack. Nothing similar on your lot has a luggage rack -- and the couple is leaving on vacation in the morning. It’s not hard to predict what the Sales- person wants to say: “I can have a luggage rack installed on the car you want this afternoon!” From a Sales perspective, it’s the only move that makes sense. Ideally, of course, the rep would have already asked Parts if the appropriate luggage rack was available, then made sure the Service Department had time in its schedule for an installation. In the real world, however, chances are that didn’t happen. Maybe that particular luggage rack isn’t in stock, so there’s a mad scramble to locate one. Or the Service bays are full that afternoon, meaning another customer gets bumped. And even if the part and the manpower are available, even if the customer signs the deal and drives away happy, Service can still feel slighted: “Sales doesn’t care what hoops WE have to jump through, as long as they get what they want!” John Jackson 38 years of service Gale Liter 37 years of service Steven Smith 28 years of service That’s not just a lift—that’s a bold example of American ingenuity. Add to that rigorous testing and superior engineering and you have a lift that stands above the rest. Learn more at rotarylift.com/raised-in-madison/fo November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine On the other hand, it’s unlikely that Sales is deliberately trying to antagonize Service. Sometimes Salespeople get so caught up in the sale they don’t think to call. Perhaps they’re afraid the Service Manager will say no, which could lead to dickering in front of the customer. And what if no one on the Fixed Ops side even answers the phone? So which side is right? While you can make a good case either way, that’s entirely the wrong question. Instead, you should ask, why are there sides at all? The answer: information. Rather than “us vs. them” the issue is more the right hand knowing what the left hand is doing. Everyone in your organization should be willing to ask for appropriate information if necessary and share information when asked. The data exchange must be so integral to your operation that no one department can function without it. Getting good communications out of bad communicators The importance of interdepartmental cooperation becomes most evident when p. 26 it’s not there. When departments aren’t sharing information, resources and a common goal, both Sales and Service may have entirely different assumptions about deadlines, priorities and responsibilities. For maximum overall performance, everyone has to see the forest as well as the trees. Of course, simply telling Salespeople and Technicians to “communicate better” isn’t going to dramatically change your information flow. Communicating is a bit like driving: we all think we’re really good at it -- it’s everyone else who can’t get it right. Still, there are a number of ways to increase understanding between Variable and Fixed Ops (or any other departments) that will lead to better overall efficiency. Start at the top The typical dealership information flow lacks efficiency and could benefit from some positive changes. The idea here is to put in effort up front to make your operation more efficient in the long run. Once changes are in place, your people will take their cues from you. Dealership principals need to ensure that department heads are on board with the pro- gram. Department heads, in turn, need to be role models for their people. Get everyone on the same page One person not following established guidelines is enough to break down communications. Therefore it’s imperative to make sure everyone knows and understands whatever guidelines you put in place. Encourage employees to contribute ideas that might help. And while the final decisions need to come from management, avoid making it too mechanical: posters and regular announcements are helpful, but face-time is essential for developing real team spirit. When defining your expectations, keep in mind the Three S’s: Short, Simple and Specific. A book full of long, elaborate company policies will never get read. Flowery or overly formal wording can easily lead to misunderstandings. And words that are relative or open to interpretation can mean different things to different people. For instance, “Always answer the phone by the third ring” is more concrete and understandable than “Always answer the phone promptly.” November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Speak the same language This is an age in which dealerships have access to almost unfathomable amounts of data on the vehicles they sell and on the customers who buy them. Used properly, your CRM can be a treasure trove of information to use for marketing and sales. The possible downside to this “big data” is that the amount of information can be so overwhelming that each department may end up tracking only its own little subset. This creates its own complications. Sometimes information that comes from one department is actually more useful for another: data gathered by Fixed Ops over the lifecycle of a vehicle, for example, could be utilized by Sales if the vehicle were traded in. The solution is to make sure both departments know what information is gathered and how to access it, with great care taken to ensure that data entered in one place is correctly read and copied elsewhere. Strict regulation from management is the most obvious way to achieve this, but customer engagement software can also be a big help -- and that brings us to our next point: Use all your resources Technology doesn’t just provide infor- p. 28 mation about your customers -- it has the potential to alter every aspect of your dealership, from greeting customers to processing vehicle information, from conducting vehicle walkarounds and writing repair orders to follow-up and ad sourcing. The impact of technologies -- especially information solutions -- on the industry will continue to escalate. Already, some dealers have gone “paperless,” storing as digital data the piles of paperwork required for selling and servicing vehicles. The clear advantage here is that everyone is working from the same data files. Paper-free systems have revolutionized the health care industry by providing access to patients’ records at any approved point. In the same way, a dealership has various departments which need the same information, and the ability to access the same data in real time dramatically boosts both efficiency and accuracy. We can see how this works by going back to the couple that needed the luggage rack. An integrated scheduling software platform would have eliminated the need for a phone call, since the Salesperson could have logged directly into the Service ledger, checked the Parts inventory, and seen if the Service bay was understaffed, overbooked or had a vacancy… all with a few clicks of the mouse. Scheduling the installation would have alerted both Parts and Service, all dynamically and all in real time. Naturally, even the most powerful information systems by themselves cannot do all the work. It’s important to remind your people that no one can succeed alone. By providing them with the most effective resources and by leading through example, you can permanently end interdepartmental bickering… and watch your whole organization reap the benefits. Chris Williams’ 17-plus years in the auto industry began as a car salesman when he was still in college at the University of Alabama - Birmingham. After completing school, he went on to excel in Sales and Operations Management. In those positions, he implemented strategies for Fixed Ops and Sales teams to work effectively toward the goal of customer retention. Having worked for OEMs, dealerships and auto marketing companies, Chris brings a broad range of experience to automotive operations. He is currently the Director of Operations at Clearwater, FL-based AutoLoop, a marketing engagement company, where he oversees communication between the Sales and Operations Departments. Featu r e November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Keeping It Together T o d a y ’ s A d v a nc e d V e h i c l e s R e q u i r e C h a n g e s i n C o l l i s i o n R e p a i r Att a c h m e nt M e t h o d s Collision repair professionals are no different than any other professional – we’re resistant to change. It took many years for repairers to make the switch to “MIG welding” for welding early unibody vehicles. (For this article we’ll use the term gas metal arc welding (GMAW) metal inert gas (MIG), or GMA (MIG). More on the reason, later.) It was a technology that was unfamiliar to many and there wasn’t a perceived need for change. History would prove otherwise, as there may not be a collision repair business in the country that doesn’t have a GMA (MIG) welder. In this first of a two-part series, we’ll take a look at some of the attachment methods required for today’s collisiondamaged vehicles. We will focus on steel and aluminum welding. In part 2, we’ll take a closer look at adhesive bonding and some of the mechanical fasteners that are going to be required for repair. Steel GMA (MIG) Welding GMA (MIG) welding has been a staple p. 30 in the collision repair industry for many years. Steel GMA (MIG) welders offer collision repair professionals a number of benefits: modest price to own, ease of use, readily available training, minimal maintenance and Technicians that are familiar with the equipment. When steel GMA (MIG) welding started its rise, it was often referred to simply as MIG welding. While this term is widely known, it’s not really accurate. MIG stands for “metal inert gas” and is accurate when making welds using an inert shielding gas, such as 100% argon. However, for most collision repairs, we use a shielding gas that is 75% argon, 25% carbon dioxide (often called 75/25, or C-25). Because carbon dioxide is an active gas, the correct term would be MAG welding. Regardless, if a technician is doing MIG welding, or MAG welding, both processes are gas metal arc (GMA) welding methods, so I CAR®, the Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair, and others, made the switch to GMA (MIG) when referring to Pa r t 1 o f a 2 - pa r t s e r i e s b y: J a s o n B a r ta n e n the process – GMA, to be technically accurate, and MIG to help with its recognize-ability. Simple enough, right? November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Chris Cady Managing Partner Scott Clark Toyota Matthews, NC “ Our average accessories sale is $650 per car sold.” Part of Reynolds Retail Management System… transforming the way consumers experience your dealership. reyrey.com /addonauto | 888.853.2617 © 2014 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company. All rights reserved. 1006517-8 10/14 p. 31 November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Push Method Because steel GMA (MIG) welding has been prevalent in the collision repair industry for so long, we won’t spend a lot of time on it in this article. However, there are a few important items that we do need to touch on. For the majority of unibody welding, we will likely be using a 110V machine, with 0.6–0.9mm (.023– .035”) ER70S 6 electrode wire, and C-25 shielding gas. For welding on truck frames, we may still be using ER70S-6 electrode wire, with C-25 shielding gas, but we’ll need a 220V machine and 1.2mm (.045”) electrode wire. Also, be aware that some vehicle makers do require ER70S 3 electrode wire for some welding applications. As always, it’s important to refer to the vehicle maker’s instructions for any part replacement and welding requirements. A recent example of a new vehicle maker requirement for welding is the announcement by Honda that ER70S-6 wire only be used on steels with a tensile strength of 440 MPa or less. For any steel on Honda vehicles between 440 MPa and 980 MPa, Honda now requires p. 32 Bosch’s DS980J electrode wire. I-CAR, through the I-CAR Repairability Technical Support Portal, has a copy of the requirement from a recent Honda Body Repair News publication. Aluminum GMA (MIG) Welding A lot of people tell us that aluminum repair isn’t difficult, it’s just different. But when it comes to welding, it’s a lot different. Unlike steel GMA (MIG) welding, aluminum welding is truly MIG welding. Because 100% argon shielding gas is used, the “inert” moniker is completely accurate for aluminum welding. There are also a number of other differences between steel and aluminum welding. While steel welding affords Technicians with the option of either the push or pull welding technique, the push technique must be used for aluminum. The push technique allows for the shielding gas to clean the weld area and reduce weld contamination. The welding transfer method also differs between steel and aluminum welding. For steel, short-circuit transfer is still the transfer methods of choice. However, for aluminum, most vehicle makers are now requiring pulsed-spray arc transfer. Unlike short-circuit transfer, where molten electrode wire “breaks off’ when it contacts the base metal, pulsed spray forms a droplet of molten electrode wire that is pushed across the arc into the weld puddle. Because the concept is easier to show, than explain, check out these slow motion videos from Miller Electric, for a comparison of the two transfer methods: Short Circuit: http://bit.ly/1vHu1mp Spray Pulse: http://bit.ly/1oJRlMc Another difference between steel and aluminum welding is electrode wire selection. While there’s a nearly universal electrode type for steel, aluminum electrode requirements vary, based on the alloy of the base metal and the vehicle maker’s recommendation. It’s imperative to refer to the vehicle maker’s instructions when selecting aluminum electrode wires. Some common types you may run into include 4043, 4047, 5356 and 5554. November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 33 November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Squeeze-Type Resistance Spot Welding (STRSW) Not since GMA (MIG) welding first made its way into collision repair facilities across the country, has there been a repair attachment method gaining popularity as much as spot welding. A quality squeeze type resistance spot welder has become an essential piece of equipment for collision repair businesses. Not only does STRSW duplicate the OEM appearance, but it also allows for a significantly smaller heat-affected zone that doesn’t damage many of the high(HSS) and ultra-high strength steels (UHSS) found on today’s vehicles. Some vehicle makers have gone as far as requiring STRSW for welding HSS and UHSS on their late-model vehicles. In the July/August issue of Fixed Ops Magazine we took a closer look at some of the considerations for investing in this type of equipment. If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to take a closer look at making an investment into this type of equipment. (You’ll be glad you did.) We also covered MIG brazing in the previous article and you may also want to consider adding this piece of equipment to your facility. Multi-Function Welders One trend that we’re beginning to see from welding machine manufacturers is machines that integrate a number of welding processes into one machine. There are a handful of machines now on the market that you can make steel GMA (MIG) welds, MIG braze welds and aluminum GMA (MIG) welds without making modifications to the machine each time you change welding processes. These machines offer three welding torches and the ability to house three types of electrode wire, in the same welding machine. The machine can carry 100% argon shielding gas and C 25 shielding gas. You don’t even have to “tell” the machine which welding method you’d like to use. When you squeeze the trigger on the steel GMA (MIG) welding torch, the machine switches, automatically, to steel welding mode and provides C-25 shielding gas to the nozzle. p. 34 Squeeze the trigger on the MIG brazing welding torch and, again, the machines switches automatically and sends 100% argon to the nozzle. Some of these machines even allow for conversion to Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding and stick welding. Stay Current with Tools, Equipment and Training Automotive technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace. As technology evolves, collision repair processes will continue to evolve as well. It’s important to continuously refer to the vehicle maker recommendations for attachment methods. While steel GMA (MIG) welding will continue to be used for the foreseeable future, STRSW and MIG brazing will continue to rise in popularity and will be required for certain collision repairs. As aluminum-intensive vehicle production increases, aluminum GMA (MIG) welding will also continue to rise. It’s important that you not resist change in order to keep up. You need to equip your facility with the proper tools and equipment to perform complete, safe and quality repairs and it’s imperative that your Technicians have the most up-todate training on how to leverage each of these technologies. I-CAR offers a number of courses on attachment methods. To see which classes are available in your area, visit www.i-car.com. In addition to I-CAR training courses, the I-CAR Welding Training & Certifica- tion™ program includes instruction on welding theory, a hands-on evaluation by the Instructor of the facility’s gear, equipment and infrastructure prior to the in-shop training, practice and the industry-recognized certification test. More information on all of I-CAR’s welding courses (Steel GMA (MIG) Welding, Aluminum GMA (MIG) Welding and Steel Sectioning) can be found at i-car.com/ welding. Pricing for welding training has been reduced to make it more affordable for every Technician to have the handson training needed to complete a proper weld. A growing number of OEMs use I-CAR Welding Training & Certification in their network programs, including Acura, Audi, Chrysler, Ford, GM, Honda, Infiniti, Jaguar, Land Rover, Lexus, Nissan, Porsche, Scion, Toyota, Volvo and Volkswagen. In the next article, we’ll take an in-depth look at adhesive bonding, rivets and rivet bonding and other mechanical fasteners. Jason Bartanen is the I-CAR Director of Industry Technical Relations and is responsible for the I-CAR Repairability Technical Support initiative, at the I-CAR Tech Center in Appleton, WI. He has over 25 in the collision repair industry, the last 18 with I-CAR. Prior to his current role, Bartanen served several roles at I-CAR; as an Instructional Designer, Technical Development Manager and most recently as the Technical Director. Bartanen also assists in managing I-CAR’s specialty training development and delivery programs for a number of vehicle manufactures. Bartanen is a member of the SkillsUSA Collision Repair Technology committee. November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 35 Featu r e November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Taking Advantage of Advancements in Touchless Car Washes C l e a n i n g U p W i t h o ut a T o uc h Nirvana for the auto dealer is the customer who enters the showroom, points at a vehicle and announces, “I’ll take that one” with no negotiating, no test drive and no questions asked. While this scenario may actually play out on exceedingly rare occasions, everyone knows that the vehicle-buying experience is really a precise process that involves large amounts of research, time and negotiation, all crucial components in the search for that oftentimes elusive, but extremely satisfying, “this-is-theone” feeling. of car-wash technology: a friction-style system that relies on 1960’s-era hydraulics to operate its many wash, polish and dry components. In fact, car dealers themselves often encourage their prospective customers to shop around, to go out and visit different dealers or test drive different models, knowing that the highest level of customer satisfaction will only be achieved if the customer is convinced that he or she did everything in their power to find the right vehicle. Isn’t it ironic, then, that auto dealers who operate Service and Maintenance facilities at their sites can be quick to settle for one specific type The Right Touch = No Touch While most auto dealers have staked their vehicle-wash lot on friction systems that feature brushes or soft-cloth strips that actually contact the vehicle in order to remove any dirt or grime and apply all polishes and waxes, a better option may be the touchless in-bay automatic wash system. In fact, the results of a number of recent industry surveys indicate that drivers actually prefer touchless vehicle washes, which they say provide a more p. 36 While friction washes may be the default technology of choice for the auto dealer, in reality there are a variety of vehiclewash options available on the market. So, in an industry that extols the virtues of “shopping around,” it behooves the auto dealer to do just that when the decision has been made to install an onsite car wash. By Tony Smith “While friction washes may be the default technology of choice for the auto dealer, In reality there are a variety of vehicle-wash options available on the market.” November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 37 November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine “Rather than brushes that actually contact the vehicle, touchless systems feature an overhead bridge design that moves around the vehicle’s exterior with high-pressure efficient high-quality wash than frictionstyle systems without the worry that vehicle damage caused by the system’s brushes or other moving parts may occur during the wash process. Regarding the actual washing of the vehicle, foam brushes or cloth retain at least some of the dirt and grime from previous wash cycles, meaning that at the end of a busy wash day, a vehicle may be getting the filth from numerous vehicles spread across it. Rather than brushes that actually contact the vehicle, touchless systems feature an overhead bridge design that moves around the vehicle’s exterior with high-pressure nozzles applying wash chemicals, polishes and rinse water in order to get the vehicle clean. Today’s touchless wash systems offer a simple design that results in easy operation with lower maintenance and equipment costs for the operator. The technology of the touchless in-bay automatic wash system has also advanced to the point that sensors located in the wash components can “read” how the vehicle p. 38 has been positioned in the wash and then make adjustments to safely move around it so that washing efficiency, effectiveness and safety are optimized. The open-bay design of most touchless wash systems also eliminates the driver’s concern of positioning the vehicle in the tracks of a treadle, which can cause consternation and stress during the loading process. Additionally, the “virtual treadle” design of touchless inbay systems can be beneficial for auto dealers who offer a wide array of vehicle types and sizes to the buying public— from the smallest sub-compact to the largest SUV, including dually trucks with their wider four-wheel rear axles. This broad array of vehicle types demands a wash system that is flexible enough to safely and efficiently clean all varieties of standard production vehicles. Many next-generation touchless wash systems are now being powered through electronic variable frequency drives (VFD). This removes the need for hydraulic systems that can be prone nozzles applying wash chemicals, polishes and rinse water in order to get the vehicle clean.” to leaks and breakdowns, which result in higher maintenance costs, revenuesapping downtime and the frustration inherent in both. VFDs also enable the wash operator to optimize the use of electricity since only the necessary amount of power is required to operate the machinery. Also, as water usage and disposal costs continue to rise, touchless wash systems have been designed to minimize water consumption and can need as little as 21 gallons of water per wash, with much of that being able to be reclaimed and reused, if desired. November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Dealertrack ASR Pro. The professional approach to additional service recommendations. Get the most out of every customer visit to your service department with ASR Pro. Our powerful web-based multi-point inspection and shop optimization software keeps you on the cutting edge in every aspect of your operations. With seamless integration with your DMS, ASR Pro helps you take control of your department processes, enhance upsell opportunities and improve customer service. Call 888.579.3803 or visit go.dealertrack.com/asrpro to learn more. p. 39 ©2014 Dealertrack, Inc. All rights reserved. November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine systems will require additional labor expenses that touchless in-bay automatic systems will not. “Touchless wash systems also benefit from recent advances in wash-control systems technology.” Conclusion For an industry that advises its customers to do their homework before making a purchasing decision, auto dealers can sometimes be lax when choosing which vehicle-wash technology to install at their stores. The days of “that’s the way we’ve always done it” are long gone, so those auto dealers who have continued to turn to friction-style washes for their operations need to realize that there are more options available to them. Touchless wash systems also benefit from recent advances in wash-control systems technology. These systems use a Web browser that can be accessed via personal computer, tablet or smartphone without the need for any special software, which gives the operator realtime access to all key operating functions of a site’s wash equipment. Additionally, if operators are physically away from their facility they can remotely configure wash packages, program machine functions and monitor sales or wash activity at the touch of a button over the Internet. p. 40 Larger dealerships with plenty of acreage may choose to build a tunnel car wash on their property. There are also numerous drawbacks to the use of this wash technology. First, the initial cost of building a tunnel wash can be prohibitive. Second, tunnel washes require a treadle system that pulls the car through the wash. As mentioned, these treadles can be difficult to position the vehicle in, which can lead to damage to both the vehicle and wash system. Next, tunnel washes require the use of much more water and electricity to operate, leading to higher utility bills. Finally, tunnel While friction washes may have their benefits, the advances in touchless vehicle-wash technology should not be overlooked. Today’s touchless washes offer performance, safety, cost-consciousness and reliability. And, most importantly, they get cars clean without damaging them. So take your own advice: do the research and survey the options, realizing that a touchless vehiclewash system may turn out to be the best choice for your operation. Tony Smith is the Vice President of Sales, Auto Dealer Sector for De Pere, Wisconsin-based PDQ Manufacturing, Inc. PDQ Manufacturing is recognized as the technological leader in vehicle wash systems, providing superior quality, outstanding support and products that contribute to its customers’ profitability. Brands include LaserWash® and ProTouch® In-Bay Automatic Vehicle Wash Systems, SwingAir® and MaxAir® Dryers, Access® Wash Activation Systems, Cortex and WALS. Products are sold and supported worldwide through an extensive distribution network. November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 41 Featu r e November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Tap Into the World’s Number One Parts Marketplace H o w t o S e l l P a r t s On e B a y The way dealerships sell Parts is changing. According to Forrester, U.S. online retail sales will hit $370 billion by 2017. eBay Motors, the No. 1 online marketplace for automotive Parts, can help you take advantage of this growing trend by establishing your online presence and increasing Parts sales. They can help your dealership create an online store, where your inventory will be available to a nearly limitless audience. With the growing popularity of mobile devices, online Parts selling is the ideal place to grow your Parts business. Here are some answers to common questions dealers ask before trying out online Parts selling with eBay Motors. Why eBay? • eBay is the number one online marketplace for automotive parts; every second of every day two parts are sold • You can create and personalize your own online store to market to a global audience • With search engine optimization (SEO) and mobile phone and tablet compatibility, it’s the perfect place to increase your online presence What selling options are available? Option 1. Do-it-yourself (DIY) - Create one listing at a time: add your own titles, subtitles, descriptions and images, then list the Parts - Once a month, you will need to renew p. 42 each listing, if the part is still available By Kyle McKee November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 43 November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Option 2. Use a Listing Service - They provide all the information needed to list your Parts; simply use their tool to activate your Parts listings, resulting in several hundred or thousand Parts online right off the bat - All Parts listings renew automatically What does this mean to my business? • With DIY, it will take time to create listings individually • A listing service will help you save time and list all the Parts on your shelf, giving you more time to sell Parts, service clients and pack boxes What’s the setup process like? • With DIY, it’s “learn as you go” … navigating through eBay, as they explain how to list Parts yourself one at a time • A listing service gives you specific instructions on how to set up an eBay account, link it to PayPal and set up your store to handle mass listings Is there support? • With DIY, eBay and PayPal have several layers of support, which differ based on how many Parts you sell • A listing service usually assigns a support team for dealers selling any number of Parts, along with a higher level of support from the eBay Motors staff and the Merchant Support organization from eBay How do I learn how to operate eBay? • With DIY or a listing service, eBay sends you informative e-mails, as well as gives you access to user-driven help features and eBay University to search for answers • Most listing services offer training on how to get started in addition to ongoing training and webinars from eBay Motors, designed specifically to help you succeed What kind of manpower does this involve? • One employee should be responsible for your eBay business in addition to their other duties; depending on your volume, it is likely not a full-time job, but DIY will require more time and effort • Your eBay coordinator should monitor p. 44 eBay sales, access client support, manage listings, work closely with shipping companies and perform other duties necessary to manage your increased online sales business How do I get paid? • For both DIY and a listing service, just sign up for a PayPal account and link it to your eBay account • To create a PayPal account, you only need an e-mail address and credit card or bank account Is it safe? • PayPal offers both seller and buyer protection • Don’t take my word for it -- check out PayPal’s website to learn about their specific security measures Do you have any insider tips for success? • With DIY, you’re in complete control and free to create your own path to success – the only downside is that you need patience to build your business • With a listing service, you have just as much control, but also will be able to access a user-friendly interface – which helps you manage your inventory and plan your strategy – and additional training and support to will help you avoid pitfalls “eBay Motors, the No. 1 online marketplace for automotive Parts, can help you take advantage of this growing trend by establishing your online presence and increasing Parts sales.” November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Increase Your Profitability 20 % You can with NADA 20 Group. Dealers who join NADA 20 Group increase their profitability 20% within the first year! Upcoming Fixed Ops Manager Meetings You can too. Attend an upcoming meeting and discover your profit potential. ALL IMPORTS January 14–16 Fort Lauderdale, FL CHRYSLER November 16–18 Orlando, FL FORD February 18–19 Orlando, FL GENERAL MOTORS January 8-9 HONDA February 9-10 MERCEDES BENZ January 13–14 New Orleans, LA Las Vegas, NV Carolina, PR nada20group.org 800.557.6232 p. 45 November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine What tools will I need? • With DIY, you will need exceptional organizational skills and Excel spreadsheet training, as well as a person who can keep track of the Parts and pick/ pack and ship • Listing services have the tools (i.e. an online portal) you need to efficiently sell more Parts with proven titles, subtitles, descriptions, fitment information and images for listings; and to save you more time, some vendors even integrate with your DMS “Your eBay coordinator should monitor eBay sales, access client support, manage listings, work closely with shipping companies and perform other duties necessary to manage your increased online sales business.” p. 46 eBay seems easy. Just list each part and go, right? • It’s a common misconception that once someone enrolls in eBay, it’s just “set it and forget it”; however, this isn’t the case -- you have to maintain your listings to be successful • Here’s the easy part: - eBay’s Global Shipping program – eBay takes the hassle out of shipping items to a different country by allowing you to send items to its warehouse and then eBay takes care of customs, damages and issues that come along with shipping the package to the final destination - Selling Manager Pro – This free feature, available through some listing services, lets you create your eBay store with your dealership look, feel and branding Which method will help me grow my online presence faster -- DIY or a listing service? • DIY is a slower growth model based around individual listings built one at a time • After the initial setup with a listing service, you can grow your business fairly quickly -- certainly faster than DIY • Regardless of which model you choose, it’s important to know that the growth depends on someone at the dealership guiding your business forward Give it to me straight … how hard is it, really? • Do your homework like you would on anything else, but don’t be afraid to get started! • Starting a new extension of your business can always be a difficult endeavor, so it’s important that you explore your options • DIY offers some good options based around learning as you go, spending time slowly building your brand and getting a feel for whether eBay is right for you • A listing service makes it easier to quickly list a large amount of Parts online, gives you specific tips along the way and helps you ramp up quicker What’s the first step I should take? • For DIY: - Go to ebay.com - Click Help & Contact on the top of the screen - Type “start selling on eBay” in the Search box - Or visit one of these links: •http://pages.ebay.com/help/sell/sellgetstarted.html • h t t p : / / p a g e s . e b a y. c o m / h e l p / a c count/gettingstarted.html • For a listing service, do your research and contact one of the many different services designed to help you list parts on eBay If you choose the do-it-yourself method, you will most likely find yourself spending more time learning how to get started than you would like. By using a third-party listing service, you will be on the fast track to listing your entire Parts inventory. Either option can help your dealership increase revenue. Just remember, make sure you have a dedicated person who can provide superior customer service, keep everything organized and be ready to pick, pack and ship! Kyle McKee is the Operations Manager for CDK Global’s PartsVoice, Cash Discovery Program and eBay Made Easy solutions. He has over ten years of combined Fixed Operations experience working for CDK and in Service for two franchise dealerships. $ FRONT GROSS PROFIT TODAY ACTIVE AVERAGE CALLS DEALERSOCKET COMPLETED PER USERS WALK-IN PROSPECT SERVICE APPOINTMENTS BEING CREATED THROUGH THE DEALERSOCKET CUSTOMER PORTAL AT ANY GIVEN TIME $ $ TOTAL GROSS PROFIT TODAY BACK GROSS PROFIT TODAY 80% OF SALES ARE MADE ON THE 5TH TO 12TH CONTACT TODAY X ACTIVE DEALERSOCKET USERS OUTBOUND CALLS COMPLETED TODAY VISITS SOLD FROM INTERNET LEADS TODAY’S BEBACK BUS SERVICE APPOINTMENTS CREATED PER MONTH THROUGH DEALERSOCKET FOR EVERY 1000 CUSTOMERS CAMPAIGNED TO, DEALER GROUPS AVERAGE $55,000 IN SERVICE REVENUE LOYAL SERVICE CUSTOMERS ARE 25X MORE LIKELY TO PURCHASE A CAR THAN LESS LOYAL SERVICE CUSTOMERS WE ARE AUTOMOTIVE GROUPS USING MARKETPLACE SOCIAL REPORT A 300% INCREASE IN ONLINE REVIEWS WeAreAutomotive.com TM EMPOWER PRECISE DECISIONS WITH PROACTIVE SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY. Schedule a demo today to discover how our product suite can identify service opportunities from your existing database. DEALERSOCKET.COM 866-441-9664 p. 47 Featu r e November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Retaining the Connected Customer H o w W i l l C o nn e ct e d V e h i c l e T e c h n o l o g y A f f e ct S e r v i c e R e t e nt i o n ? In the first article I wrote for Fixed Ops Magazine (back in the March/April 2011 issue) I discussed the importance of first Service visit retention and transitioning Sales customers into Service customers. A lot has changed in those three years, both in terms of the technology in vehicles and the expectations of consumers who are now digitally-focused. However, the principles of customer retention remain. Ensuring that customers return for the all-important first Service at your dealership is crucial to your success. Delivering a top notch experience during and after the Sales process is the best way to do just that. In the recent September/October 2014 issue, I discussed how connected vehicles will change the Service process in the near future. With that in mind, there’s no reason to think that the connected car revolution won’t similarly affect the Sales-to-Service transition and bring with it new opportunities for superior customer experience and retention. p. 48 A recent study from eMarketer noted that 79% of the new vehicle buyers they surveyed were more likely to purchase a vehicle that had the combination of connected car features and vehicle management services. The ability to review vehicle diagnostics and driving data was noted to be one of the highest draws from the respondents. These “digital native” people (who have grown up in this completely digital world) and “digital immigrant” buyers (those of us who have learned the new technologies) are customers who expect, yet appreciate, being empowered with information. Connected cars are brimming with the potential to deliver information and insights that can enhance the driving experience, extend the life of the vehicle and maximize fuel economy. “If car companies can connect with their customers…, they can build a permanent lasting relationship,” Patrick Salyer, CEO of Gigya (a leading Customer Identity Management provider), noted in a recent article. By Gary Kalk In fact, our feedback has shown that dealerships that can utilize technology to deliver a more personal experience with the customer have more success building trust and increasing retention. Customers also appreciate the “attention-to-detail” benefits that technology provides. Features such as knowing their Service history, the dealership having their details prior to arrival and showing the exact maintenance requirements specific to their vehicle are all important. “There’s no reason to think that the connected car revolution won’t similarly affect the Sales-to-Service transition and bring with it newopportunities for superior customer experience and retention.” Believe it: you can make more money per job with 3M™ Window Film! Offering 3M’s higher quality, higher potential profit window tinting to your customers is a great way to shift your accessories program into high gear. We would know—we invented window film over 45 years ago—and we would love to share our latest innovations with you. For example, our Crystalline series gives you an option to offer your customers the benefits of window tinting without the tint. Our full range of dealership program installation options makes it easy, so get started today! 3M is a trademark of 3M. © 3M 2014. All rights reserved. Find a sales rep near you at 3M.com/autodealers or call 1-844-860-4164 to learn more. Scan this code on your mobile device to find your nearest sales rep. p. 49 November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine These personal touches also apply to ensuring customers return for Service at your dealership. If you provide valueadded experiences along with amenities and conveniences that customers appreciate, they will remain loyal. To do that, ensuring that your dealership has a process in-place that is bought into by both Sales and Service staff is essential. Every new vehicle buyer should receive the same experience. Your Sales rep or delivery specialist must familiarize customers with the technology offered by their connected vehicle and your dealership. In the same way that connected vehicles will change the Service process in the near future, the Sales-to-Service transition will adapt to the advances in technology. The following strategies could be employed to deliver an exceptional aftersales experience for tomorrow’s customer. Delivery When J.D. Power and Associates released its 2014 Initial Quality Report in June, David Sargent, Vice President of Global Automotive at JDPA, said that automakers are trying to roll out many new features in today’s technology-driven vehicles. “However, almost all automakers are struggling to do this flawlessly, with some consumers indicating that the technology is hard to understand, difficult to use, or simply does not always work as designed,” he said. With so many features now available on a connected vehicle’s head unit and the options to connect and integrate with the customer’s smartphone, vehicle delivery can no longer be considered a quick walk-through. It’s important that you schedule sufficient time to guide customers through the new features of the vehicle. It’s even more important to set expectations with the customer beforehand so they are aware to set aside adequate time. p. 50 It’s also essential that your delivery specialists (or Sales reps) are experts with the new technology. They should be able to easily explain the capabilities in the connected vehicle, the apps that integrate with it, and be able to answer how the dealership will be handling and supporting the new features that telematics will bring. “Features such as knowing their Service history, the dealership having their details prior to arrival and showing the exact maintenance requirements specific to their vehicle are all important.” Equip the Customer’s Connected Service Journey New technology brings new opportunities to equip and engage your customer so they get the best experience from their new connected vehicle. Customer feedback on Fiat Chrysler’s wiADVISOR program has shown that their ability to pull vehicle diagnostic data using their microPod technology is a feature that is highly regarded. Being able to view their warranty status, recalls, flash updates, tire pressure, etc. directly on the Advisor’s tablet gives customers a personal experience and the feeling they aren’t just another customer on the drive. This step in the Sales-to-Service process provides the ideal opportunity to introduce a companion app for the customer’s smartphone. The app would integrate with their connected car to provide them with insights into their vehicle’s health and their driving habits, putting information they value in their hands. The delivery specialist would be tasked with guiding the customer through downloading and accessing the app on their smartphone and how to navigate within it. This not only gives them a more personal experience with their car, but information that can help maximize the life of their vehicle and ultimately build a greater level of trust. As I mentioned in my previous article, owners are more likely to accept diagnostic information received directly from their vehicle as opposed to hearing about it for the first time from their Service Advisor. LOOKING FOR A LITTLE MORE REACH? WHI CAN HELP. If you’re looking to expand your reach to more customers, we’re here for you. Whether you sell parts to businesses, consumers, or on eBay™, our unified platform solutions help you sell to more customers easily and efficiently. Streamline your wholesale customer relationships by offering integrated real time ordering on all makes and models with our catalog configured to your brands. Sell directly to individual customers who want your parts and accessories. WHI’s Nexpart solution provides SEO-friendly web stores complete with our parts & accessory catalog. We make it easy to sell on eBay. We create automated listings with vehicle fitments and diagrams. Plus, pricing, shipping, and order fulfillment data can be integrated directly with your management system. eCommerce and inventory management solutions, all in one place. Find out more at whisolutions.com, or call us at 1.888.844.9083 p. 51 November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Introduce Customers to the Service Department Despite the advances in technology, it’s still important to execute portions of the Sales-to-Service transition the traditional way. Walking the customer over to the Service desk, introducing them to Service Department staff and showing the dealership’s conveniences are still keys to a successful transition. “Walking the customer over to the Service desk, introducing them to Service Department staff and showing the dealership’s conveniences are still keys to a successful transition.” The difference here is that you can schedule their first Service visit through online scheduling (also available on their owner’s site and in-vehicle head unit) as a way to demonstrate how they can book appointments in the future. If you want to take it to the next level, you could also give a quick overview of your Service process, one that ideally flows similar to the Service experience of the future outlined in the previous issue. It’s critical that the customer is aware that the dealership is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and diagnostic tools to service the connected vehicle. Then, the customer can feel confident in their Service center decision for all of their after sales needs. This is also a great time to show these tech-savvy customers the amenities that p. 52 they will appreciate. For example, giving them access to your WiFi network, where device-charging stations are located or showing them how they can get alerts on their smartphones detailing the vehicle’s Service progress. “We offer our weekly technology bar to add value for our customers, help them get the most out of their vehicles and to simply be a resource if they have technology-related questions about their car.” Create Your Technology Help Desk By educating and equipping your customers during the vehicle delivery, you can give them an exceptional customer experience to begin their connected Service journey. Ensuring that your Sales-to-Service process not only highlights the benefits of their connected vehicle, but also empowers them with the maintenance insights to maximize the life of their vehicle, will be a critical step to engage tech-savvy customers. The goal is to encourage them to return for the first Service visit and show them the kind of experience they can expect at every Service visit thereafter! A technology “help desk” that’s staffed by your technology experts is another way to keep customers engaged and give them a positive experience with your dealership. Dealerships like Win Kelly Chevrolet Buick GMC in Maryland offer a “Technology Bar” to help their customers get better acquainted with the technological components of their vehicle and the connection to their smartphones. They run a regular, weekly session or customers can schedule an appointment to address any concerns. “As in-vehicle technology continues to evolve and smartphone integration increases, it can be difficult to cover all of the functionality offered by a connected vehicle or have the customer fully understand it in a short time period,” said Kevin Bell, Win Kelly’s Dealer Principal. Gary Kalk is President and CEO of Dealer-FX. Dealer-FX specializes in marketing and software solutions for the automotive industry including Service write-up and appointment management systems and also provides social media and digital marketing consulting for both Sales and Fixed Operations. November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine ULTIMATETM PAINT PROTECTION FILM YOUR MOST PROFITABLE ADD-ON. FILM, TRAINING AND SUPPORT FROM ONE SOURCE. XPEL’s integrated, consultative approach to Paint Protection Film guarantees long-term success, high gross profit and top customer satisfaction. Contact us today to start a new program or to enhance your existing offering. 1-800-447-9928 | WWW.XPEL.COM | [email protected] p. 53 Featu r e November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Accessories as the Next Profit Center for Dealers… … An d a B i g D e a l f o r S e r v i c e D e p a r t m e nt s By Sidney Haider A Ford Pinto sold for $3,500 in 1974 and had an $800 profit margin for dealers. The average price of a new car has gone up nearly ten times in the four decades since, but the profit margin for dealers has not. In fact, according to recent State of the Industry Reports by the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA), in spite of the industry’s overall sales pace since the recession, the profit on new car and truck sales is not growing. And Service Department profit has declined five of the last six years and is at 20052006 levels. In the past 40 years, the F&I Department is probably the last new true profit center that most dealerships have added to their stores. Think about that: dealers haven’t added a new profit center in four decades. In today’s retail landscape, four days is a long time to not add any profit, let alone four decades, especially when the profit is there, ripe for the taking. p. 54 “Forty-billion dollars from accessories sales is a mountain’s worth of cash. Guess how much of that mountain is hiked annually by new car dealerships? Five percent.” November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 55 November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine “The accessories business typically booms when new vehicle sales boom – and new vehicle sales are booming now.” Accessories: The New Profit Center Look at the floor of the car. Look at the windows, the paint, the trim. That’s where to find your new profits – for the dealership and for the Service Department. Consumers spend roughly $40 billion a year on vehicle accessories – everything from floor mats, window tint and custom paint and trim to remote start systems, interior illumination, video screens and DVD players. Forty billion is a mountain’s worth of cash. Guess how much of that mountain is hiked annually by new car dealerships? Five percent. With new vehicle sales projected to reach pre-recession levels this year, the opportunity for higher profits is there. Now. But, as the NADA report points out, it’s more likely than not that a dealer is selling p. 56 But dealers are only selling accessories to one out of ten people and that one person is asking about accessories. If you’re only selling to people already asking for something, you’re already at a competitive disadvantage. more vehicles but making less money per new vehicle through that sale. It’s one of those head-scratching, Catch22s in today’s economy. When faced with similar dilemmas, dealers consistently have turned to incorporating new technologies or processes to improve profit. Dealers have seen results when they adopt new technologies in F&I, in Service and in their customer relationship management tools. That’s where accessories and the right accessory sales solution come in. Accessories are a hot commodity among consumers. Nine out of ten will buy something that’s considered an accessory for their vehicle; sixty percent of consumers spend at least $500 on accessories; most buy accessories within the first 90 days (that honeymoon period between owner and new car); and 75 percent prefer to buy accessories at the dealership. This is a sizeable missed opportunity for dealers and their Service Departments. Today, accessories are a completely fragmented business and money goes to a lot of different places – a small business down the street from the dealer or a friend of a friend who tints windows in his backyard. That fragmentation should allow dealers to make easy in-roads with customers not wanting to go down the street to a specialty shop. The accessories business typically booms when new vehicle sales boom – and new vehicle sales are booming now. Combine that with the fact that consumers are keeping their cars longer, which means they’re looking for ways to increase the life span and functionality of their vehicle, make the vehicle itself more enjoyable and protect their financial investment. The time is certainly now for dealers to capitalize on this fragmentation and opportunity. November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Who depends on the safety of your lifts? Protect your technicians, your customers and your business. Have all your lifts inspected annually by an ALI Certified Lift Inspector. Don’t trust your lift safety to just anyone. ALI Certified Lift Inspectors are proven qualified to inspect every lift in your service department to determine if they are functioning properly. Annual lift inspections are required by health & safety officials, ANSI standards and local regulations. But even more importantly — taking care of your lifts means taking care of your team. Their safety is riding on it. To find an ALI Certified Lift Inspector in your area, visit www.autolift.org/inspection Inspect to Protect™ Your business is riding on it™ p. 57 November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine “AIDA” Dealers can profit in the accessories business when they adopt best practices and the right solutions. The problem is – and has always been – that accessories are an enormous market that dealers don’t always know how to wrap their arms around. And the dealers that have tried to sell accessories haven’t always seen the best results, often due to inconsistent processes and ineffective solutions. The film “Glengarry Glen Ross” features a scene in which a Sales Manager attempts to motivate his salesmen with some clever acronyms. While the ABCs of selling – Always Be Closing – is the more famous of the two acronyms in the film, the other – AIDA – is the one that dealers should have interest in right now: • • • • Attention (Awareness) Interest Decision (Desire) wAction What “AIDA” represents is the sales and marketing process between consumer and retailer. First, consumers must be aware of your product. Second, they must have interest in your product. Third, they must desire your product and make a decision based on that desire. Finally, they must act on their decision and purchase your product. The dilemma that most dealers face is that making consumers aware of accessories options has been the biggest hurdle. There’s little awareness of accessories when the consumer walks into the dealership, nor is there a convenient and compelling way for consumers to learn about their accessory options at the same time they’re purchasing vehicle. Yet, as I’ve noted in other articles, the days when consumers walked into a dealership with just standard options packages in mind are long gone. The ideal combination of options and features no longer exists. That makes the opportunity to offer accessories in the dealership that much more attractive. A New Frontier for Dealership and Service Department Profit Accessorizing a vehicle has always been somewhat of an underground or out-ofthe-mainstream trend. The specialty shop down the street from the dealership has stayed in business because of this. Now, these businesses are taking more and more of dealers’ potential profit because the accessorizing trend has gone mainstream. How can you tell? Look at things like the Consumer Electronics Show and the Specialty Equipment Market Association’s (SEMA) annual trade show. In-vehicle technology is a trending topic at both shows, with OEMs unveiling plenty of new electronic features. Gen Y has now entered the new vehicle market, putting a different set of pressures on dealers. They’re the group that’s helping to change the retail game by demanding a personalized, frictionless consumer experience across the retail landscape -- and they’ll be driving 75 percent p. 58 of vehicles on the road a decade from now. A recent report from J.D. Power and Associates also points to the overall influence of Gen Y on accessories for vehicles – from OEM-added accessories to aftermarket products that personalize the vehicle and make an individual statement. Consumers are clamoring for a more personalized, customizable experience in all facets and aspects of their lives and their vehicles are the next frontier. That’s also the next frontier in profit for dealers and Service Departments. Like most new frontiers, crossing it takes the right approach to selling accessories and the right technology tools and processes to deliver results. It was just yesterday that the auto industry was selling 16-plus million new vehicles a year, but 22,000 dealers did that. The industry is projected to hit that number again this year, but with 18,000 dealers. Each dealer is likely to sell more vehicles than before the recession and the opportunity to layer on the additional profit-per-vehicle from accessories sales is even more compelling. There are proven best practices and technologies that will enable dealers to capture their share of the virtuallyuntapped vehicle accessories market and establish a new, long-overdue profit center. This new profit center can help meet the accessories needs of the dealership’s customers and help establish a new profit channel that supports continual, long-term business success in the dealership and in the Service Department. Sidney Haider is the Vice President and General Manager of AddOnAuto, an accessories point-of-sale solution. He has served in leadership roles at several automobile retailers before founding AddOnAuto in 2008 in response to a need for better tools to help automotive retailers sell vehicle accessories. Today, AddOnAuto is a Reynolds and Reynolds company. November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Fluid Rx Diagnostics™ The Science of Good Business - Proof It’s Time to Change. Reveals the True Condition of: Motor Oil Power Steering Fluid Transmission Fluid Gear Lube Brake Fluid Check ‘em All. p. 59 © 2014 Cars.com, LLC™. All rights reserved. p. 60 November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine PUT YOUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT WHERE CUSTOMERS ARE SEARCHING. 83% of shoppers are likely to look online for service and repair information.1 Cars.com puts your service department in front of customers looking for service. Show how your offerings stack up against the competition and get customers to consider you when it matters most. Get in front of customers before it’s too late. Learn how at dealers.cars.com. C+R Research, April 2013 1 p. 61 Featu r e November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Hiring & Developing Detail Personnel B u i l d i n g Y o u r T e a m Dealerships struggle with hiring and retaining good employees for their detail departments. But it can be done. Read carefully… Orville is an outstanding employee who is well-respected in the dealership. His passion for cars shines through in his detail work. It’s easy to see that he enjoys everything about his job; the cars and the challenges. Although Orville is only 29, he has worked for four different dealerships. His length of time with each employer ranges from six months to 4 years. He recognizes the fact that job-hopping does not look good on a job application, but he has never had a problem finding a detailing position. He has never been fired from any dealership; it has been his choice to move on to a better position. Orville began working in the detailing business at age 18. He was fortunate when he made friends with a person who worked for the local dealer in his town in the Detail Department. The dealership welcomed Orville and recognized his talent. While there, Orville learned everything he could about detailing, how to work with used car Salespeople and how to work with suppliers. Eventually, he was managing the five-man department after his friend left. Orville had become the key man in the Detail Department. However, because the dealer did not offer any chance for p. 62 advancement, he left to work for another larger dealer in the next town. Orville actually missed working for the first dealer but felt that he needed to continue to develop his skills so he could advance. He was convinced there was nowhere else to go at the first dealership and the dealer gave him no indication he could advance beyond the Detail Department. The new dealership offered more money and bonuses; more benefits, more vacation time and allowed him to sit in on weekly meetings with other managers. After six months at the dealership, Orville was performing well in his position, but he was unhappy with his supervisor’s “my way” management style. As a result, Orville’s attitude began to deteriorate because he was putting so much into the job to perform well, but was again not getting any recognition. Had the first dealer recognized Orville’s desire to move up and better develop his skills, he could have done a number of things to show him that he was valued and what opportunities he had in the dealership. However, the dealer did not bother to pay attention to such a good employee. As well, the second dealer was not aware that Orville’s supervisor had a management style that was a turn-off to Orville and others in the department. B y B u d Ab r a h a m “Had the dealer recognized Orville’s desire to move up and better develop his skills, he could have done a number of things to show him that he was valued and what opportunities he had in the dealership.” November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 63 November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Who Are Key Employees? They are those who consistently achieve and exceed their responsibilities. They fit into their employer’s culture and do whatever it takes to get the job done. Fellow employees may go to them for advice and help with job duties because they have the answers and can always be counted on. Do you have any “key” employees in you Detail Department? If you don’t, there’s a problem. If you do, are you taking care of them? How do you know? Have you asked them what their goals are? Where they want to go in the dealership? Developing Key Employees Identify those employees in the Detail Department that you want to develop into “key employees”. Try to understand the qualities and behavior that make them key to yours and the dealership’s success. Once you have identified them, work with them to create a development path. This could include giving them more responsibilities that will give them more exposure, participating in meetings at the dealership, attending training seminars and even trade shows. p. 64 Retaining Key Employees What a key employee wants more than anything else is to be a part of something great while being appreciated for his contributions. Of course, they expect to be paid fairly and rewarded for their hard work, as well. Here are some suggestions for retaining key detail employees (or any employee for that matter): • Communicate the vision of the dealership so that employees can see, feel, taste and touch their growth potential. This is especially important for smaller dealerships. It’s difficult to compete with a dealership that has employees who share the vision and understand their part in the long-term growth of the dealership. • People leave managers – they don’t leave companies. So before you advance a superstar employee to a management position, be sure that they have or can develop good management and leadership skills. The detail skills are not important; it’s their management skills. Provide regular management and leadership training for the person in charge of the Detail Department. Research has shown that employees want their supervisor to know how to manage, as well as be a leader. This is what dealers lack in Detail Departments -- LEADERS. Most all of them have only detailers and pick one to be a manager, whether they’re qualified or not. “Key employees are those who consistently achieve and exceed their responsibilities. They fit into their employer’s culture and do whatever it takes to get the job done.” November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 65 November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine • Have high-performance expectations. Do this by having performance reviews for compensation, as well as bonus and rewards programs. One way to pay for top performance is to allocate a higher salary increase percentage to employees who exceed the job expectations over those employees who simply meet the job expectations. For example, if you use a performance review system with a one-to-five scale, with five as excellent and one as poor performance, pay those employees who receive a five the highest percentage increase, those who receive a four the next-highest percentage increase, and those who receive a three a little more than a cost-of-living increase. • Regularly review this key employee’s development plan. That way you can ensure that a regular discussion will occur regarding the employee’s growth within the Department. This will keep you in the loop with your key employees. • Whether you are a small, medium or large dealership, pay competitively within your market. If you cannot do that, provide other incentives that reward your detail employees. p. 66 • Consider giving your key detail employees profit sharing. This can be accomplished a number of ways consistent with your dealership program and personal philosophy. • Promoting from within is one of the best ways to show your employees that you care about their development. If you have an open position, and a key detail employee has the personality and most of the skills to do the job, ask them to apply. Let it be known that you will hire the most competent person for the job. You may want to interview other candidates as well. However, let it also be known to the key detail employee that you believe they can do the job. Remember, you will not have to train your existing employee about your dealership’s philosophy, processes and policies. • Have competent human resources professionals help you develop your “people programs”. Many good intentions can turn into programs that look and feel like favoritism or discrimination, or are just poorly developed and end up costing the dealership a lot of money in the end. Had the first dealer been aware that Orville was looking for more than a paycheck, he could have taken steps to prevent him from leaving. Moreover, as Orville developed further in the dealership he could have moved up into car sales or perhaps could have become a Service Advisor. With a vision of the future, Orville could have seen his growth potential and understood that the dealer truly did value him as a key employee. Dealers really need to pay more attention to Detail Department employees instead of complaining about them or listening to complaints from the GM, Service Manager or Used Car Manager. After all, who’s in charge of things in your dealership? R.L. “Bud” Abraham is the Owner of Portland, Oregon-based DETAIL PLUS Car Appearance Systems. DETAIL PLUS is also the only company that offers comprehensive training programs in all phases of the cosmetic car care business. Bud has nearly 30 years of experience in the cosmetic car care industry as an operator, manufacturer and consultant. He was the Founder and Executive Director of the International Detailing Association. Bud consults with auto dealers all over the world who want to improve the operation of their Detail Departments. November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 67 Co mpanies to See at th e 20 15 NAD A E xp o November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 68 3M / 6558W DealerPro Training Solutions / 3428N AutoLoop / 5758W DealerSocket / 5708W AutoPoint / 2615S Dealertrack Technologies / 2219S AutoZone - Alldata / 6358W EBay Motors / 4528N BG Products / 2001S ELead1One / 501S Borroughs Corporation / 3635N Fixed Ops Magazine / 3838N CarCareOne by Synchrony Financial / 5316W Fluid Rx Diagnostics / 6656W Cars.com / 3003N Hunter Engineering / 1001S Castrol Motor Oil / 4029N Infomedia / 2441S CDK Global / 2101S and 4291N JohnDow Industries / 3737N Chief Technologies and Elektron / 2419S Mark VII Equipment / 5752W Dealer-FX / 5546W Mighty Auto Parts / 2601S DealerMine / 6128W MOC Products / 700S November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Get Fixed. How do you sell your product, service, technology or program to the new vehicle dealership fixed operations audience? With Fixed Ops Magazine. - Fixed Ops Magazine is the only publication that is focused 100% on the needs of fixed operations managers. - Fixed Ops Magazine is the only medium of any kind that reaches virtually 100% of this hard-to-reach audience. - Fixed Ops Magazine has the largest fixed operations circulation and readership of any automotive industry publication. - Fixed Ops Magazine is read by the managers who have the authority to recommend and purchase products and services. Bottom line? Fixed Ops Magazine is the only way to efficiently reach and sell to virtually 100% of America’s dealership fixed operations managers. Call or e-mail today to start your sales-building ad campaign in Fixed Ops Magazine. The Auto Dealer’s Original Fixed Operations Resource Telephone: 877-349-3367 7 1 4 -8 0 3 -5 4 7 6 E-mail: [email protected] p. 69 Co mpanies to See at th e 20 15 NAD A E xp o November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 70 NADA / 1301S Rome Technologies / 5628W NADA University / 1301S Rotary Lift / 2519S Naked Lime Marketing / 527S Rousseau Metal / 5616W National Biodiesel Board / 5257 Service Dynamics / 5600W NCM Associates / 4422N Terra Clean - CPS Automotive / 5438W NitroFill / 5510W Tire Profiles / 6023W PDQ Manufacturing / 2535S TSD / 4051N Pflow Industries / 5218W WHI Solutions / 4528N Phoenix Systems / 6205W Wildeck / 5703W Power Pusher / 4125N Wynn’s - AutoEKG / 3334N Protex by Bardahl / 6707W XPEL Technologies / 5427W Reynolds and Reynolds / 535S Xtime / 5028W Get Fixed. Digitally. November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine You’re already holding in your hands the industry’s #1 Fixed Operations information resource for new car dealership Directors and Managers. But there’s more. Fixed Ops Magazine has several free online online resources. And if you and your associates aren’t already receiving them, well...you should be. - Fixed Ops Weekly Fix E-Newsletter: Every Friday, keep up on the latest Industry News and New Products from the world of Service, Parts and the Body Shop. - The Fixed Ops Magazine Digital Edition: Read your favorite publication in print or online wherever you like. And sign up an unlimited number of your fellow Directors and Managers to receive the magazine, as well. - Special offers from leading companies: Sign up for free webinars, learn about new products and services, or receive advance information that will help you and your dealership. How? Just do this: Send an e-mail to [email protected] with your name, title, dealership name and e-mail address. In the subject line put, “Sign me up!” That’s it. But there’s a bonus... Send us that same information for your Service Manager, Parts Manager, Body Shop Manager and General Manager and you’ll all be signed up for these free online extras. (You can even take the credit...) Sign up today! It’s all free. But it’s all valuable. p. 71 Featu r e November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Hail Damage: Loss and Pain or Profit and Gain? R e t a i n i n g Ev e r y D o l l a r o f P r o f i t W h i l e M a i nt a i n i n g Qu a l i t y R e p a i r s The aftermath of a single hailstorm can be incredible, often damaging tens of thousands of vehicles as it rolls over an area. In a dealership information bulletin sent out by Ally Insurance in 2012, Ally states that, “Losses due to weather are among the most frequent and serious type of losses that affect automobile dealership inventories.” Rather than looking at a hail event as a complete catastrophe, the goal is to turn this event around into a positive situation that will create even more sales opportunities for your team. By advance planning now, you can ensure that you will be able to maximize your profitability, while at the same time mitigating the impact to your normal day-to-day operations as much as possible following a hailstorm. p. 72 By Jeffrey Smith November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine The Right Partner is Key The right hail partner can help you manage the repair process to profit as much as possible, but this can be a difficult situation if you don’t have a previous relationship already established. Generally, within a few hours after a hailstorm, you will magically have several paintless dent repair (PDR) companies trying to get an audience with you in your office. Apparently, these out-oftown companies you’ve never heard of “have the best group of Technicians in the USA and they promise to perfectly repair your cars lickety-split at a price you can’t refuse.” If you’ve been through a hailstorm, you know exactly what I’m talking about. You might feel extremely pressured with your entire inventory damaged and also damaged “sold” units that need to deliver. “By advance planning now, you can ensure that you will be able to maximize your profitability, while at the same time mitigating the impact to your normal day-to-day operations as much as possible following a hailstorm.” The 70’s called. They want their spreadsheets back. When Motorola’s Martin Cooper made the first cellular call back in 1973, it started a revolution. And the telecommunications industry never looked back. So why, all these years later, are dealerships hung up on using practices from the 70s? Multimillion-dollar enterprises, still relying on manually generated reports – when 21st century technology is readily available. Say hello to the software that aggregates data automatically and delivers complete visibility to your dealership operations in seconds. So you can quickly assess, adjust and control your bottom line. Say hello to NCM® axcessa®. Schedule your demo today at axcessa.com or call 844.699.7271 and ask about our iPhone 6 offer! p. 73 A word of caution: making a quick reactive decision about who will lead the repairs to your damaged inventory after the hail strikes is much more dangerous than making a hail partner decision in advance. Additionally, choosing a hail partner based solely on price often leads to numerous dealer headaches. In order to keep cost down, many PDR companies cut corners on the repairs, such as drilling holes in inappropriate places on the vehicle to increase repair speed. They may skip applying corrosion protection, or they may not even do simple things like washing hands before removing headliners resulting in leaving fingerprints that can stain brand new headliners. You may also discover that they cannot really scale quickly enough to get your cars repaired in a reasonable amount of time, costing you time and money. Many PDR companies also suffer from not having an effective QC process. This results in failing to inspect your units for missed or unfinished dent repairs and failing to p. 74 inspect the vehicle interior, making sure that the map lights work and that no plastic trim has been broken. All of these issues will cost you in terms of time, money and reputation. Advance Planning Will Ensure the Best Results In order for you to achieve your desired outcome, you will want to focus on the three primary components of a successful hail event: speed, profit and reputation. Speed – You need your inventory repaired as quickly as possible. Every day that a vehicle remains on your lot it continues to cost you money. Usually the entire sales operation comes to a halt because the sales team and operations staff do not know how to move forward or what to tell customers until a plan has been outlined. The right hail partner will have a repair process protocol customizable for your dealership. With that in place, your mis- sion-critical employees will be able to keep their focus and not be taken away from their day-to-day programs by hail repair operations on the lot. If possible, try finding a vendor who offers real time electronic reporting and invoicing. This will help you better manage your business during the process and let “The right hail partner can help you manage the repair process to profit as much as possible, but this can be a difficult situation if you don’t have a previous relationship already established.” November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine you know the status of any and all repairs at all times. Profit – This is really where advance hail partner selection and planning comes into play. You should be able to look to your hail partner to share with you how to profit from every component of the storm, not just offering you a discount on repairs. “Now when hail hits, your hail partner can begin right away even without waiting for repair prices to be established. Your sold units can be repaired and delivered and your inventory repairs can begin as well.” Consider the differences in profit potential in the following two examples: Scenario #1 (no hail plan): Your entire inventory is damaged. Your insurance company arrives and begins estimating your inventory. 25 different PDR companies visit you within 48 hours with prices ranging from $400 per unit to $1,600 per unit, and they’re all telling you the same thing in terms of repair speed, repair quality, and so on. How do you choose? Maybe you select a vendor on price because of the pressure to have clean inventory to sell. Maybe you wait it out a week until the insurance company numbers are in, and you use that to help set your direction. But how do you know that the insurance company wrote your vehicles correctly? Once you get your numbers, you find that you are ONLY getting an average $1,000 per unit and that’s BEFORE your aggregate deductible is factored. Now you’re limited and have to go with a cheaper vendor in order to not lose money. This causes headaches, delays and poor workmanship -- all at a cost to you. Scenario #2 (advance hail plan in place): During these next few winter months, you align yourself with a hail vendor who consistently performs high quality repairs and has the scale to fit your needs. Together, you and your hail vendor create a repair process protocol specifically customized for your dealership, complete with details about where the repairs would be performed at your location, what kind of staffing would be available, how quickly and who would be responsible for what. Your hail partner should also take this opportunity to p. 75 show you how to drive even more profit through retail hail repairs, hail sales and other local hail repair programs. It’s best to negotiate a fixed percentage discount for the repairs. This way the economics of the repairs are set in advance, your exposure is limited and your profit level is guaranteed. Because the hail partner is now working at a set percentage, you can benefit by allowing them to work directly with your insurance companies on site to ensure that the insurance company does not miss key components in the estimating process. Something as simple as overlooking aluminum panels, missing oversize dents or extended roof panels, can mean a significant amount of money taken from your pocket, sometimes 20%-30% per unit. Now when hail hits, your hail partner can begin right away even without waiting for repair prices to be established. Your sold units can be repaired and delivered and your inventory repairs can begin as well. p. 76 “long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed” November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Because a significant volume discount was agreed to in advance, you are not waiting on your insurance company and there’s no high pressure to select a vendor or guess about whether or not you will be losing money. Reputation – At the end of the day, it’s your name on the door and any repairs done to your inventory will reflect on you and your good name in the community. Be sure that the vendor you choose will stand behind their repairs with a written warranty. Ask if they have national “brick and mortar” headquarters where any issues can immediately be addressed. Finally, make sure that they have sufficient insurance coverage and the legal right to work in the country. Surprisingly, this is becoming a major issue in the PDR industry. At the end of the day, their compliance will reflect on you. As you can see, you don’t have to let repair quality suffer simply to gain speed and profit. If you have a plan of operation and a solid PDR partner, you will yield all three, without sacrificing in one to gain in another. powerpusher.com • 800-800-9274 “long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed long por or additional image needed” There are several months between now and storm season to construct your customized hail plan. When a hailstorm hits, you want to be ready -- and you want a proven performer in your corner. By doing a bit of research before you are faced with a hail event, you will not only save yourself a tremendous headache, but also being prepared will save you from accidentally leaving a chunk of your change on the table when the deal is over. Jeffrey Smith develops national dealer accounts for Tulsa, OK-based Hail360 Catastrophe Services, a multinational hail repair company that operates in the USA, Australia and New Zealand. Jeffrey believes in true partnership and helping people achieve their best results. Pushes 18,000 lbs up a 5% grade Safe for use on plastic bumpers Variable Speed–Soft Touch Control Built-in 115V charging system p. 77 Featu r e November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine The Service BDC D r i v e R e p a i r O r d e r C o unt s , M a x i m i z e E f f i c i e nc y a n d C r e at e C u s t o m e r L o ya lt y Pa r t 1 i n a s e r i e s By Kolbe Meier With new vehicle sales on target to reach 16.8 million units in 2014 and the industry rebounding from one of the worst recessions in decades, dealers and Fixed Ops management are now focusing their efforts on driving repair order counts and building customer loyalty. After the economic downturn, many dealerships were forced to cut all nonessential personnel just to keep the business alive. Service and Sales business development centers (BDCs) were viewed as an expense that could be eliminated – and one of the first to be cut. Now, with business on the rise, times have changed and seasoned dealers are looking for ways to increase customer-pay repair order counts and build market share and retention. In this article -- the first in a series dedicated to building and operating a highly successful Service BDC -- we’ll start by looking at the essential fundamentals, which are paramount to building a department with a solid foundation. p. 78 November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine BDCs are becoming more of a necessity, owing to the millions of recalls that Service Departments are dealing with today. Fixed Ops Directors and Service Managers are turning to them to manage increased call volumes and to give their Service Advisors more quality time to spend with customers in the Service drive. “Fixed Ops Directors and Service Managers are turning to Service BDCs to manage increased call volumes and to give their Service Advisors more quality time to spend with customers in the Service drive.” If approached in the right manner, a Service BDC can be a critical asset and pivotal department for strategically growing your business. Managing and creating demand are both essential when looking to maximize return on your investment. With 20 years of experience in building and managing Service BDCs, I’ll share what we have found to be some of the critical elements that must be included when outlining your strategy of building a world class Service BDC. Four Key Elements of a High Performance BDC 1) Key Personnel Staffing your department with a talented Service BDC Manager is the first step. Understanding the skills, aptitude and experience that top level BDC Managers must have is paramount when looking to land the right candidate for this crucial position. Your staffing decisions rank as most critical when looking to build a unit that will have the greatest influence on your Service business, and it should be deemed as priority number one. When evaluating the skills that a successful BDC Manager should have, the first is leadership. The person you choose needs to be able to take a group of people and lead them in harmony to specific goals and objectives. A gifted manager knows how to “rally the team” and motivate each staff member to reach his or her full potential. They are a critical role model who should be self-assured and able to draw out 47 More Customer Visits Per Month $41 More Per Repair Order $23,000 Per Month In Incremental Revenue Only Xtime gives you the proven ROI and increase in profitability that more than 6,000 dealerships experience today. Unlock your potential with Xtime! Schedule a demo at www.meetxtime.com! © 2014 Xtime Inc. All Rights Reserved | www.xtime.com | (888) 463-3888 p. 79 “In a recent survey, 88% of Service Managers operating a dealership with a Service BDC, said they were dissatisfied with the results that their BDC was producing.” every ounce of talent that your team possesses. Leadership can be learned, but rather than try to teach this ability, it’s much easier to find a manager who is already a skillful authority figure. Second in importance to leadership are communication skills. The ability to provide written, verbal and non-verbal feedback is critical for leading, managing and training a team. Coaching staff members, and investing time into giving constructive feedback, helps to achieve desired outcomes. Your manager must boast excellent telephone skills with ease, beginning with their ability to master the inbound and outbound call guides. If they’re average or below-average when it comes to handling phone calls, their ability to model will be compromised and their effectiveness to teach, coach and train their team will be greatly diminished. It’s tough to teach others how to become outstanding at something if you’ve not mastered it yourself. Without exception, your manager must be an excellent communicator. Finding and hiring your Service Coordinators is the next important aspect of building a highly productive team. Look for associates who have already per- p. 80 formed specific job duties successfully and have displayed the competence in executing those responsibilities consistently. For us, their number one requirement is the ability to consistently handle an average of 120 calls per day. If they don’t enjoy spending day after day taking and making phone calls, they’re not the right candidate for the position. As important as communication skills are for the Service BDC Manager, Service Coordinators must also excel in this area. Service Coordinators have to be able to deliver and execute a series of different call guides, with a desired outcome of maximizing appointments. They must be coachable, with a positive attitude and a desire to provide exceptional service to customers. 2) Continuous Training Once you have assembled your talented team, training will be a crucial element of building a high-powered, productive department. Teaching your team what, when, how and why to say something is paramount for converting calls into appointments and offering amazing November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine world-class service. From professional telephone etiquette and basic selling skills to techniques on how to close an appointment, continuous training is vital -- especially if you are committed to building the ultimate Service BDC. For example, rather than asking a customer when they would like to bring their vehicle in, proper strategic scheduling accounts for the vehicle’s mileage, the job type and transportation options before an appointment time is offered. Grading and scoring inbound Service calls must also be part of the training you provide. It’s an essential step to take if you’re going to be a market leader it comes to managing and creating demand for your Service operations. So when a client is requesting an appointment to bring in their low mileage, late model vehicle, the Service Coordinator should lead with a late afternoon appointment time. Why? Because what are your “up-sell” opportunities on a 2014 Toyota RAV4 with 9,958 miles? Virtually none. Regularly sitting with Service Coordinators to provide continuous coaching is a key part of the manager’s job. 3) Shop Loading Strategy Executing a specific scheduling plan is another fundamental step to running a well-orchestrated Service BDC and your Coordinators must have the ability to understand and execute fundamental shop loading strategies. Proper shop loading strategy leaves smaller, quicker jobs for the end of the day, giving continuous work to the Technicians. Older vehicles offer more upsell opportunities, so high-mileage, older model vehicles should be scheduled earlier in the day, even when they’re just coming in for an oil change. Allow your Service Advisors to sell those opportunities and provide the Technician with adequate time to complete the necessary “If you implement these proven practices, you’ll have a solid foundation for building a department that can help you accomplish many of your Service goals.” Engage customers SMARTER and put your service-marketing on AutoPilot! Send the RIGHT Message to the RIGHT Person at the RIGHT Time. Introducing... • Online Service Scheduler • Service Lane Application • Online Payment Tools • Workflow Dashboards • Comprehensive Reporting • Dynamic MPI Tools • Live Calls • Automated Calls • Automated Text Messaging • Targeted Email • Targeted Mail elead-crm.com We will revolutionize the way you do business in the service drive! 888.486.5595 © Data Software Services, L.L.C. 2014 p. 81 services or repairs within the same day. This is one of the keys to improving customer satisfaction. 4) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) No matter what the business or department, a clear set of performance indicators are essential to determining opportunities for improvement and evaluating success. When auditing existing Service BDCs, this is most often one of the areas that I see being under-evaluated. If you haven’t established key metrics, it’s difficult to gauge your department’s needs and successes and hard for you to hold your BDC Manager accountable. Let’s start with KPIs centered on phone call counts. Total inbound calls, the average time taken to answer them, the percentage of those calls abandoned and average talk time of our Service p. 82 “After the economic downturn, Service and Sales business development centers (BDCs) were viewed as an expense that could be eliminated. Now, with business on the rise, times have changed and seasoned dealers are looking for ways to increase customer-pay repair order counts and build market share and retention.” November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Coordinators are just some of the essential metrics when gauging the performance of your BDC. In addition, the conversion rate of appointments created and completed from outbound calls are important when measuring the department’s ability to “create demand” successfully. Lastly, individual Service Coordinator KPIs must be measured. For instance, the average number of calls received, outbound dials and the total number of appointments created and completed should be used to evaluate each Service Coordinator’s performance on a weekly basis. . customer retention. This is how dealerships will continue to flourish. Several other key strategies are important to getting your Service BDC operating at the highest level, and we’ll look at those later in this series. Remember: if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. And if you can’t manage it, you can’t improve it. Kolbe Meier, Founder and CEO of Irvine, CA-based Blueprint, Inc., BDC Architects, has studied team performance and behavioral patterns of dealerships and clients for the past 20 years. Kolbe has built, measured and improved client-centric, revenuedriven contact centers for the nation’s most successful dealerships, groups and OEMs. Today, Blueprint’s research, software and comprehensive BDC solutions are used in hundreds of dealerships nationwide. “BDCs are becoming more of a necessity, owing to the millions of recalls that Service Departments are dealing with today. Fixed Ops Directors are turning to them to manage increased call volumes and to give their Advisors more quality time to spend with customers in the Service drive.” If you implement these proven practices, you’ll have a solid foundation for building a department that can help you accomplish many of your Service goals. In turn, the Service BDC will become an asset to you and your business. DESIGNED, E NGINEERED & M ANUFACTURED BY R OUSSEAU Even with automotive sales on the rise, building client loyalty and delivering superior, strategic Service increases repair orders, maximizes efficiency and drives p. 83 Featu r e November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Service Advisor Accountability Are My Employees Following the D e a l e r s h i p ’ s P r o c e s s e s ? By Ed Meyers Service Department where software is not enough. Question: How do we hold our employees accountable for the processes, tasks and responsibilities of their role? As the old standard goes: We need to inspect what we expect. Repair Order Review There’s critical information on every repair order that will identify how Service There are many areas of supervision that need constant monitoring and so little time in each day to make sure that our employees are doing what they should be doing. Have you ever asked a Service Advisor: “Are you making sure that you’re offering every customer the minimum required maintenance on their vehicle?” Every Service Advisor I’ve ever asked has told me that they are definitely asking for that Service. Supervisors should never rely solely on what an employee tells them. So the question remains, “How do I make sure that all of my employees are following the dealership’s processes?” REPAIR ORDER # Advisors and Technicians are doing when it comes to following processes. A repair order review is something every Service Manager should be doing on a regular basis. Here’s an example of a repair order review log: WA LKA ROU DAT ND SHE EOF ET W 1ST FUL ITH USE L CU DAM AN STO AGE LICE M ER D OPEN NOT NSE REC INFO ED A P ALL LAT RM EM A ND PRIN E A # TION SIGN IL A TOU DDR ED I N T AT C. U CON ESS TAC P DAT DI TI HED ON, ED N WA CAU UM RRA BER SE, NTY COR S IN SUP OPC REC DM POR TION ODE S TING , FA C LEA CUS I L D E R D PA OCS LY S TOM ATT TAT RT & ER A ACH ED TIRE WA UTH ED ( RRA AND SIGN PRIN NTY BRA A ROA T T C OUT URE KE R D TE S, SU ODING OR EAD ST D VER COM ING BLE DEC O B T IN S PLET ALA CUM IN S LINE VOI UTH ED TOR ENT DO C ES, E ED A Y DOC PCO M IL TC.) EAG DES UM SNE E EOU WIT EDE NTA EST D H T TION DES REA IMA CIPI DIN TE M TION G MU ATC AND LTI H E SIN POI EST NT I VOI IMA WA CET NSP RRA TE I ECT OTA N ST NTY I O L ORY / EX N CO TEN MPL DED ETE WA D RRA NTY ADD ONS SIGN ED B Y SE RV. MG R. “Accountability breeds response-ability.” -- Stephen R. Covey NOTES Managers need tools and information to be able to inspect departmental processes and performance. As a Service Manager, I’ve always tried to find the best way to inspect processes. Technology has definitely helped us keep track of certain performance metrics but there still are some limitations. Here are some ways to inspect several key areas of a p. 84 DATE:_________________ REVIEWED BY:____________________ SCORE:_______ OUT OF_______ CORRECT SERVICE ADVISOR_______________ I HAVE REVIEWED THESE REPAIR ORDERS WITH MY SUPERVISOR: X___________________ November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Performing repair order reviews on 5-10 repair orders per week per Advisor will give you a very good idea how well the Advisors are following your processes. Going back to the question I asked about the Service Advisor in the beginning of this article: “Are you making sure that you’re offering every customer the minimum required maintenance on their vehicle?” Here’s a great way to make sure that’s being done with every customer. First, create an op code that states something along the lines of: “I have been advised of and declined the factory required maintenance due for my vehicle at this time: X____”. (Note: The wording can be slightly different but the message to the customer must be the same.) Next, require your Service Advisors to add this op code on every repair order where the customer declines the factory required maintenance. Have the Advisor request that the customer initial after the “X” to acknowledge that they want to perform less than the factory required maintenance. Lastly, add a col- umn on your repair order inspection log to verify that it’s being done when doing repair order reviews. This small process will hold your Service Advisors (and also your customers) accountable on performing required maintenance. The process will also keep your customers from blaming the dealership for not recommending required maintenance when they have maintenance-related failures such as lack of oil changes, tire rotations, etc. I cannot tell you how many times I have had angry customers come in with worn out front tires after 20k miles and I had to explain to them that it was due to lack of tire rotation. Their typical response was: “I only do the service that you guys recommend.” It made the conversation very easy when I was able to show them their Service history with the declined maintenance op code used on every previous visit. “There’s critical information on every repair order that will identify how Service Advisors and Technicians are doing when it comes to following processes.” p. 85 Your Advisors may say to you that following this process will cause CSI issues since it’s very negatively perceived by the customer. I completely understand this and it must be delivered very carefully. And if a customer asks, “Why are you putting that on the repair order” have your Advisors respond, “This is how my boss knows that I’ve recommended the needed Service on every vehicle.” Another benefit of this technique is that about 20-30% of the customers will just have the required Service performed anyway after being asked to initial. Shop Supplies Holding all personnel in the Service Department accountable for shop supplies can be very difficult and, without the right process in place, can be very financially draining. I’ve found that the best way to keep track of shop supplies being given out (while also holding each employee accountable) is to create a monthly “Shop Supply Repair Order.” This RO will be opened on the 1st of every month and closed on the last day and will have a line for each Technician, Porter, Service Advisor and anyone else that uses shop supplies. All shop supplies that are handed out to Technicians and not sold on a repair order will be charged on the shop supply repair order on the line of that person receiving that supply. Also, the person charging out the supply should make a note, on that Part line, if it’s out of the ordinary. This will allow the Service Manager to inspect how much and what supplies are being used by each individual person. See the example: Repair Order # 249201 “Require your ABCAutomotive 9999 Main St. Fastville, NC. 12345 888-123-4567 Service Advisors to add this op Color Gray code on every Line A Year 2012 Make/ Model Chevy Camaro Opcode Description Steve Prince #521 repair order where the B John Small #632 customer declines the C Carl Bright #753 factory required maintenance.” p. 86 D Jim Glass #856 Part# Service Advisor: Allan Smith VIN Mileage IN/ OUT 1ABCD23589C123456 30890/ Tag 5121 Part Qty Part Description Total Each 12345 4 Parts Wash $ 3.99 $ 15.96 225588 2 Gloves $ 6.25 $ 12.50 76543 1 Silicone Lubricant $ 7.30 12345 2 Parts Wash $ 3.99 $ 7.98 76543 1 Silicone Lubricant $ 7.30 225588 2 Gloves $ 6.25 $ 12.50 91915 2 Cotter Pin $ 0.45 12345 4 Parts Wash $ 3.99 $ 15.96 225588 4 Gloves $ 6.25 $ 25.00 456987 1 Shop Light Bulb $ 4.99 12345 76543 225588 3 1 3 Parts Wash Silicone Lubricant Gloves $ 3.99 $ 11.97 $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 6.25 $ 18.75 Total: $ 7.30 $ 7.30 $ 0.90 $ 4.99 $ 148.41 November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine At the end of every month, the shop supply repair order needs to be reviewed for accuracy. A labor type can be created to direct the expensing of the repair order to the correct account or the business office can make an adjustment after the repair order is closed. You will be amazed what will find its way on the shop supply RO. You will be able to use the information on the repair order to hold all employees accountable for the shops supplies they use. Service Advisor Tracking There are many great electronic tools that keep track of specific Service Advisor performance metrics. These different software tools can track your Advisors’ sales performance, multi-point inspection performance and other specific areas that need to be monitored. After running all the different reports, you will have four or more different documents that make it difficult to ascertain how an individual advisor is performing as a whole. Having a single document, created on a regular basis, that shows all critical Service Advisor metrics, will let you know how the Advisors are doing in all the areas that need to be tracked. “Managers need tools and information to be able to inspect departmental processes and performance. As a Service Manager, I’ve always tried to find the best way to inspect processes.” Repair Order Analysis & Management System Spot the Difference Can you help Sherlock ROAMS spot the 8 differences between these 2 Service Manager offices? For example, every Service Manager wants to know how their Advisors are doing in effective labor rate, hours per repair order, sales, gross profit and many other sales-related items. There are many programs that do a great job reporting that information but what about CSI, multi-point inspection performance and other areas that are not available from the DMS? A Service Manager should take all needed data from the DMS, 3rd party reporting software, electronic multi-point inspection software and manufacturer’s customer satisfaction reports and compile it on a regular basis (daily or at least bi-weekly) into a tracking document that’s distributed and reviewed with Advisors. This is a great tool to make sure that there are no surprises at the end of the month. 10 Service Managers/Directors will each win $100 cash! Correctly identify and submit your answers by October 29th, 2014 To submit, please visit www.ROAMSdata.com/FixedOps Winners will be announced and paid on October 31st, 2014 Making Service Management Easier & More Profitable 800-948-9377 | ROAMSdata.com p. 87 Setting goals for each Service Advisor at the beginning of every month will give each Advisor something to strive for and will also be a map for you to understand how the Service Department will reach its financial and other performance goals. This process requires that you input the initial data of how many days an Advisor will work and what you think the advisor will do for that month. Regularly input the current data from your DMS, 3rd party software or other sources and then you can track and train as the month progresses. I’ve found this process invaluable when it comes to improving Service Advisors and also figuring out the formula on how I will reach my goals each month. Here’s an example of the tracking sheet I’ve used for years. Service Advisor Tracking Then put in total hoursgoal using estimated daily hours average multiplied by days scheduled Start with # of daysscheduled Month/Year # OF DAYS WORKED Set your minimum CP ELRand CP oursper RO standards Date: Current Hours Tracking Hours 1.8 MIN 90.00 MIN Avg. daily hours C/P Avg. needed to hit HOURS PER RO forecast Daily hours Forecast Hrs ELR C/P CP ROS HOURS ADDL. HRS IF AT 2.5 HRS/RO Advisor 1 days Hours #DIV/0! Hours #DIV/0! Hours Hours #DIV/0! Hours - Advisor 2 days Hours #DIV/0! Hours #DIV/0! Hours Hours #DIV/0! Hours - Advisor 3 days Hours #DIV/0! Hours #DIV/0! Hours Hours #DIV/0! Hours - Advisor 4 days Hours #DIV/0! Hours #DIV/0! Hours Hours #DIV/0! Hours - Advisor 5 days Hours #DIV/0! Hours #DIV/0! Hours Hours #DIV/0! Hours - Hours #DIV/0! Hours #DIV/0! Hours Hours #DIV/0! Hours - Hours #DIV/0! Hours #DIV/0! Hours 0 Hours #DIV/0! Hours - Advisor 6 9 days 10 days 36 3 TOTAL Entire Benchmark Mpi Process 90.20 94% Min. SPSI Tires - On a daily basis, enter in # of daysworked, current hours, CPhoursper RO and ELR, # of CP ROs, Ros, Tires, Tires,CSI CSI& &MPI MPI % %and andyou youwill willend endup upwith… with…… … Service Advisor Tracking JUNE 2014 # OF DAYS WORKED Advisor 1 17 days Advisor 2 18 days Advisor 3 10 days Advisor 4 16 days Advisor 5 18 days Advisor 6 17 9 days 10 days 8 Date: 6/16/2014 Avg. Current Hours Tracking Hours 241.60 Hours 513.40 Hours Avg. Daily hours Forecast Hrs 30.20 Hours 475 Hours daily hours needed to hit 25.93 Hours 1.8 MIN 90.00 MIN C/P HOURS PER RO 2.28 ELR $ 95.67 ADDL. HRS C/P IF AT 2.5 CP ROS HOURS HRS/RO 122 219.00 26.84 24 93.52 96.85 129 271.10 45.15 18 90.56 94.50 39 115.10 1.95 12 92.20 97.20 69 136.50 20.70 16 90.46 96.54 114 188.80 49.02 24 88.30 93.10 76 127.51 33.44 9 93.81 95.41 549 1,058.0 192.15 103 91.64 94.45 $ 93.20 9 290.50 Hours 581.00 Hours 32.28 Hours 550 Hours 28.83 Hours 2.15 $ 102.12 5 36 137.30 Hours 274.60 Hours 27.46 Hours 300 Hours 32.54 Hours 2.45 Tires Entire Benchmark Mpi Process 90.20 94% Min. SPSI $ 93.08 7 10 163.10 Hours 205.90 Hours 372.80 Hours 370.62 Hours 23.30 Hours 20.59 Hours 420 400 Hours Hours 28.54 Hours 24.26 Hours 2.20 2.07 $ 95.67 $ 103.95 7 3 152.01 Hours 369.17 Hours 21.72 Hours 360 Hours 20.80 Hours 2.06 $ 95.25 TOTAL p. 88 26 13 1190.41 Hours 2380.82 Hours 91.57 Hours 2505 Hours 101.12 Hours 2.15 November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine “Another benefit of Finding ways to hold our employees accountable is critical to our success as supervisors and leaders. We are only as good as our employees allow us to be. Here’s to your success and to building the Service and Parts Departments that everyone admires. this technique is that about 20-30% of the Ed Meyers has spent the last 26 years mastering dealership skills in most Fixed Operations positions from Service Technician to Parts and Service Director. He has a history of transforming dealership Fixed Ops Departments to perform amongst the best in the industry. Ed has recently transitioned to consult and train in Service and Parts Departments and has also joined the Redondo Beach, CA-based Fixed Ops Group as the Director of Dealer Service. WWW.BORROUGHS.COM • MADE IN THE USA. NADA BOOTH #2372 customers will just have the required Service performed anyway after being asked • Iron-Clad Warranty • All Steel Construction • 400 lb. Capacity Drawers • Tip-up, Slide-in Upper Cabinet Doors • Swing Doors for 100% Accessibility on Lower Cabinets Workstations, Toolboxes, Mobile Carts, & Racks Easy to Configure Optimizes Floor Space Retrieve Tools Quickly to initial.” p. 89 Featu r e November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine How Service Department Tire Sales Impact Vehicle Sales C u s t o m e r R e t e nt i o n v s . C u s t o m e r Ac q u i s i t i o n In my article in the previous issue of Fixed Ops, I provided a cost / benefit analysis spreadsheet that shows what an investment in tire merchandising displays will generate in terms of sales, revenue and customer retention, based on the actual results achieved in hundreds of dealerships during the past two-anda-half years. (Note: If you did not get a copy of the spreadsheet, e-mail the Publisher and he will make sure you get one.) While doing my research for this current article, I came across the NADA Data Annual Financial profile for 2014. In this latest report is the number $616. That’s p. 90 the average advertising expenditure, per vehicle, across the nearly 18,000-dealership base. Stated another way, the average dealer pays $616 for each customer who buys a vehicle. The actual cost for each NEW customer is actually higher, because this average advertising cost number does not account for referral customers or existing (retained) customers who purchase a vehicle, ads notwithstanding. The cost of retaining an existing customer is providing customer service, which should actually generate revenue and not require the expenditure of hardearned cash. B y C h u ck d e M a r t i g n y “The average dealer pays $616 for each customer who buys a vehicle.” November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Total expenses were up 5.4%, but declined as a percentage of sales to 11.2% from 11.5%. Based on the above, a one-time investment of $5,100 in a billboard or newspaper ad should generate an average of 8.27 vehicle sales. The math is simple: divide the $5,100 ad cost by the $616 average cost per vehicle = 8.27 vehicle sales yield. Add to that, Parts and Service sales were up in 2013 by 4.8% over 2012, but sales in 2012 were down 1.7% from 2011. Compare that to overall dealership sales which increased by 8.8% in 2013. Even with this lagging performance, Parts and Service still generated almost 40% of the gross profit for the dealerships. Why is this important? Because when you plug in the numbers into my spreadsheet, here’s what you’ll find: A $5,100 investment in an ad campaign will generate one-time 8.27 vehicle sales A $5,100 investment in a good tire merchandising display will generate: 1. 8.4 additional vehicle sales this year 2. Plus $27,360 in incremental gross profit this year, 3. Plus return your $5,100 investment within 3 months 4. Then continue to deliver these results for many years to come at no additional cost. How do tire sales sell more vehicles, you may ask? It’s quite simple really. Your Service customers are 10% more likely to purchase their next vehicle from you. Therefore, if you lose ten customers because they left the dealership to purchase tires from a competitor, you lose one vehicle sale. If, on the other hand, you retain ten customers by convincing them to purchase tires from you, you’ll gain one vehicle sale. The spreadsheet calculates that the $5,100 display retains seven customers per month, which is 84 customers per year, resulting in 8.4 additional vehicle sales in addition to all the other benefits. Why Invest in Your Service Department Now? New vehicle sales are booming for 2014, reaching pre-recession volume of 16.6 million for franchised new car dealerships, up from 15.5 million units in 2013. So GMs are more focused on selling cars than on Parts and Service. However, total dealership gross margins fell further in 2013 to 13.4% of total dealership sales from 13.7% the previous year. A 2013 NADA study on factory-mandated auto dealership image programs showed that expansion of a facility, especially the Service Department, offers a positive return on investment, while investing in modernizing a store is hard to justify and standardizing dealership formats seems to have no benefit at all. “The good news: significant tire sales growth has been accomplished in car dealerships for a number of years. The bad news: it’s nowhere near enough and many dealerships are still missing the boat.” FIXEDOPS.pdf 1 5/9/2012 1:42:11 PM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K p. 91 mean a 50% share of tire sales. A 50% retention rate could show a 25% share. If the dealer base doubles its share to 15%, the customer retention rate would grow to 30% from the current 15%. Is it possible? Absolutely! And it’s already happening in some dealerships. The average dealership sold approximately 5,500 vehicles in the last five years. National studies show that 15% of these vehicles need tires today. That’s 825 vehicles per store. That’s about 2,300 tires you could sell to your own customers right now. How many will you actually sell this month? 100? 200? Own Your Customer – Double Your Retention Tire dealers vs. car dealers Both are making noise but only one is way up in market share. savvy shopper expects -- especially women, who represent more than 50% of the clientele. Is it any wonder that in some dealerships, less than 50% of new The chart shows some good news: significant tire sales growth has been accomplished in the car dealerships for a number of years. The bad news is that it’s nowhere near enough and many, if not most, dealerships are still missing the boat. Dealerships continue to bleed customers, with 85% lost each year to the independents. The number one defection point is tire sales. So where are your customers? vehicle customers even turn up for their first Service appointment? This is only the tip of a huge iceberg, representing either a potential disaster or a huge opportunity, especially when you consider that once your customer leaves the dealership to shop for tires, they take their Service business with them and they don’t come back. With the focus on new car sales, dealerships are not spending the time and money to make the Service Department a destination, with compelling point-ofsale displays, exciting product selections, up-to-date signage and all the other retail accoutrements that today’s Consider this: OEM dealerships sell almost half of all vehicles sold to retail customers each year. OEM dealerships will sell about 16.6 million new vehicles and about 10 million used vehicles (25% of total used vehicle retail sales). A 100% retention rate for Service could p. 92 The Opportunity Here are some ideas worth considering that can help transform your Service experience from drudgery into a destination. 1- Update the Service drive (You only have one chance to make a good first impression) 1. Add tire displays, posters and signage 2. Add electronic wheel alignment diagnostics 3. Add express service or quick lane if you don’t have it 2- Update the Interior Service area (Friendly, inviting, professional service) 1. Add point-of-sale posters and signage 2. Add CSI reminders 3. Provide iPads to Service Advisors “With the focus on new car sales, dealerships are not spending the time and money to make the Service Department a destination, with compelling point-of-sale displays, exciting product selections and up-to-date signage.” November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine 3- Update the Parts counter (Think like a high-end retail store) 1. Add a gift boutique and accessories center 2. Improve product selection with an eye to women shoppers 3. Add professional store displays 4. Hire a merchandiser – preferably a woman with merchandising experience “Once your customer leaves the dealership to shop for tires, they take their Service business with them -- and they don’t 1. 2. 3. 4. Clean, late-model, comfortable van Pick-up and drop-off by appointment Local mall service More than one, if required 7- Plan on-going events (Make it an event worth going to) 1. Hair and nail day / spa day 2. Technical clinics 3. Defensive driving course / skid course 10 - Engage and train all Service staff (Everyone is part of the customer retention team) Rethinking and reinventing your Service experience may seem like a daunting task. But it’s worth doing. It can’t and won’t happen overnight, so take it step by step. 8- Add a Parts and Service Loyalty Rewards Program (Membership has its rewards) 1. Special offers 2. Incentives 3. Tickets to events 4. Club membership Start today with a tire display. It’s already proven to be the #1 customer retention tool. It works and it pays for itself. Then each successful step you take thereafter will help convince your management and co-workers to support you as you continue on this path to earning and owning your customers’ loyalty. 9- Photograph everything and everyone (If you’re proud of it, show it off!) 1. Make a professional brochure to give to every customer 2. Add all photos to your website 3. Add Service to your social media campaigns 4. Send photo postcards to every customer from the last 10 years Chuck de Martigny is CEO and Founder of Clearwater, FL-based Jungle Cat Marketing, a marketing and manufacturing company that specializes in innovative point-of-sales marketing initiatives for OEM car dealerships. His extensive consumer marketing and retail merchandising background includes a winning track record of major consumer product marketing launches. Most recently Chuck has focused on tire merchandising, helping dealerships achieve sales growth and increased customer retention through replacement tire sales. come back.” 4- Update the customer lounge (Think like a high-end hotel) 1. Make it part of the boutique 2. Add high-end refreshments and snacks -- then maintain it 3. Add quality magazines, brochures and gift catalogues 4. Provide kid-friendly play space in close proximity 5. Internet, Wi-Fi, Movies 6. Add point-of-sale signage 5- Hire a hostess or concierge (Guest services coordinator) 1. Introduce hostess as part of the Sales-Service handoff 2. Hostess to manage the Service appointments 3. Hostess to manage customer shuttle 4. Hostess will take special orders for gift shop 5. Manage Service social events 6- Update shuttle service (A chauffeur, not a taxi) p. 93 Featu r e November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Seeing the Opportunity Clearly W i n d s h i e l d R e p a i r t h e R i g h t W a y By Josh McCooey Windshield repair or “rock chip” repair has been around for nearly 40 years and now we’re seeing a trend in the automotive Service industry. The concept is simple. Windshields have two panes of glass held together by a laminate film. When a rock chip impacts the windshield it creates an air gap between the panes and a proper repair replaces the air with a UV cure resin that prevents further damage. This service is here to stay. The question is, how do we do it right? There are tents on corners, attendants at carwashes, tire shops adding the service and thousands of dealerships around the country that have realized that glass repair isn’t just a fad, but a viable addition to their Service mix. As you’re developing your glass program within your dealership, there are a few things to take into account. Throughout this article we’ll outline the best auto dealership practices. The allure of substantial additional profit is promising, but let’s look a little deeper into the windshield repair business and the opportunity available: • Insurance companies pay, on average, $57.00 for a windshield repair and they are happy to waive the deductable because a repaired rock chip prevents p. 94 the need for a replacement. In turn, this mitigates the risk of a rust damage claim later because of a poor replacement. • The repair takes 10 minutes and can often be performed while other cleaning or repair services are underway. • Customers need windshield repair. One in every seven cars on the road has windshield damage and 100% of chips will crack, whether it’s in two hours or two years after impact. • It fits into the flow of the dealership and adds value to the customer. It’s great to hear a customer say, “Wait, you mean to tell me you can fix that chip today without any extra time out of my day, it will save me time and money in the future and my insurance company covers the repair?” YES!! Weigh the pros and cons before adding glass into your Service Department. “Windshield repair or “rock chip” repair has been around for nearly 40 years and now we’re seeing a trend in the automotive Service Industry.” November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Pros • Rock chip repair is a ten-minute service • $1.00 in the cost of goods with an average sale price of over $50.00 • Simple to learn and perform repairs • Clean service; little to no prep work and it takes only mobile equipment • Plenty of demand (one in seven cars has rock chip damage) • Promotes customer loyalty and repeat customer ratios; most people get at least one break on their windshield each year • Customers already trust their dealership and would prefer a professional repair over a repair by a guy with a tent on the corner • Eco-friendly. Most windshields wind up in the landfill, but each time you repair a windshield it prevents the customer from having to replace the entire piece of glass that’s often not recycled • Cost Savings. The repair Technician can repair used vehicles on your dealership lot instead of paying an outside company to fix broken windshields before resale “The repair takes ten minutes and can often be performed while other cleaning or repair services are underway.” Cons • Windshield repair isn’t a sexy service and customers often don’t like having bad news pointed out to them • Depending on equipment and training, “perfect” repairs can be tricky to perform on a regular basis • Technicians don’t like to add services to their task list • You have to make a five minute call with the customer if you decide to offer insurance processing as a payment option to your customers • The break never disappears 100% At dealerships we pride ourselves on providing a positive customer experience. The money is right and we’ll definitely earn customer loyalty by servicing our clients’ glass needs, but do we want to bring it in-house or sub the work out to a reputable repair company to work in our Service Departments? p. 95 As one Chevrolet dealership told us, “We added glass repair because we have a captive audience that trusts us with their vehicle. It would be irresponsible of us to let the car drive away with a small break that we could have fixed at no cost to them, but left alone could cost them hundreds of dollars and headaches when it cracks out and a replacement is needed.” If your dealership averages less than 40 cars a day through the Service Department, it doesn’t make sense to bring in a third party to offer windshield repair. Many times, outside glass techs have to meet a repair quota in order to make ends meet and the customer could feel pressured if you don’t have complete control over the customer interaction. In this scenario, it makes sense to offer the repair with the Service Advisors and have a porter or Technician perform the ten-minute repair. If your store averages more than 40 cars a day, it might make sense to either hire a fulltime person to run the glass program in-house or hire a reputable glass repair company to maximize your sales and customer experience. If you decide to partner with a third party, make sure they have the same customer mindset that your company has and don’t charge rent. In lieu of rent, it’s best to design a revenue share contract that ensures you both win together. Rent scenarios tend to have a expiration date because the glass Technicians only care about sales and undoubtedly someone will feel pressured into a repair, the dealership will lose control over the experience and you’ll churn through outside Techs until you give up on the service all together or decide to hire an internal Technician. p. 96 “If your store averages more than 40 cars a day through your Service Department, it might make sense to either hire a full-time person to run the glass program in-house or hire a reputable glass repair company to maximize your sales and customer experience.” November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine “Customers already trust their dealership and would prefer a professional repair over a repair by a guy with a tent on the corner.” *Average industry costs outlined As a Fixed Ops Director, you might be asking yourself if windshield repair is right for you. Maybe you’ve already decided that rock chip repair isn’t a service you want to offer because you’ve tried it in the past, had a bad experience, or a customer has told you how much they hated to be bugged by the “glass guys” at another facility. In one article I won’t be able to explain all the ins and outs of windshield repair, but I can hopefully give you some insight into current trends and opportunities. 1. Decide whether windshield repair fits for you and your customer Average capture rate for windshield repair at a dealership is around 13%. (Using a daily car count of 100 cars and an average price of $50, that’s nearly $650 extra a day or $16,250 a month.) 2. Purchase quality equipment with integrated training. Focus on your core competency at the dealership and your glass techs have all tools they need to succeed. Just like any equipment, the price for systems can vary, as does quality and support, so be sure to team up with a windshield repair equipment company with all tools you need to scale and recertify your Technicians. Most equipment providers will include information about insurance processing, but there are some recent advances in technology that allow a technician to capture signatures and bill the insurance company right from their phone, tablet or Service Department point of sale, avoiding the extra overhead and processing costs. 3. Commit. Whether you have a full time Technician or just a sign to “text for a repair”, commit to your customer through education, marketing, consistency and even a free car wash with repair if you’d like. Who wouldn’t give up a dollar of wash costs for a $50 dollar sale? Commit to your staff through incentives, competitions and accountability. If you can help the sales force have a mindset of “If I don’t offer chip repair service, I’m doing the customer a disservice be- cause all chips break”, it will be easier to help them look for breaks and offer the service. Josh McCooey is the COO of Glass Mechanix Solutions. Mr. McCooey received his business degree from Westminster College in Salt Lake City and is actively engaged with various boards in the PDR and detail industry, providing insight as a nationally certified glass technician and supporter of the reconditioning industry. Before entering into the glass industry, Mr. McCooey built and operated a chain of high-end carwashes and understands that glass repair can be tricky without the right plan for implementation, training, processing and marketing solutions. Special Offer Top Sign Included $5,100 Freight & Tax Extra 2 Posters & Snap Frames Included Rolling Quad 4 Custom Toppers, Inserts & Overlay Stickers Included Tire Display Included Free Custom Design & Mock-up MODULAR LOCKABLE INDOOR-OUTDOOR DISPLAYS www.TireMerchandising.com p. 97 Featu r e November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Who’s Failing Who? W h e r e ’ s t h e S e r v i c e A d v i s o r T r a i n i n g ? I have a friend who called me up in late June and asked me for some help. His daughter, who had graduated from college the year before, was having trouble finding a job. He knew I’m in the automotive industry and wanted to know if there might be an opportunity for his daughter. Knowing Tammy, I was thrilled to think that this bright young woman would have an interest in an industry that I love so much. Although her collage had been paid for, Tammy, not one to be idle, worked a part time job as she went to school. She worked at Starbucks for a while, but worked the bulk of her collage years at an electronics and appliance store. She started out in customer service but quickly moved to the sales floor as the managers saw that she had a work ethic and personality more suited for Sales. After making that move, Tammy earned more than her share of spiffs and small awards for her ability to work with and sell to customers. This didn’t surprise me, as I had always known Tammy to be a happy outgoing type of person -- the type that could one day be a great salesperson if that’s where her heart lead her. Anxious to help, I recommended she give writing Service a try. I told her how p. 98 she could earn an income of $50K plus annually and, over a short period of time, 50% more than that. I explained to Tammy all the benefits of the job, explaining that although it might be tough, it could be a very rewarding career choice for her. Being the motivated hard-working person she is, she immediately started applying at dealerships in her area. She was hired within one week of looking. Tammy started at a GM dealership in July. This particular dealership has about 50 vehicles visiting its Service Department every day. The pay plan she showed me was one that would allow her to make the $50k plus annually, just as I had told her, with a decent benefit package. She was stoked, to say the least. With this job, she could accomplish her dream of being totally independent and on her own. As I write this, it has been just over three months since she started. And it has been nothing short of a disaster. She’s averaging about $1,700 a month in gross income with no big upswing visible in the near future. Everything I had portrayed the job to be has not panned out. What went wrong? Well – several things: By Jeff Cowan 1. In three months’ time, she has received one hour of training. That training came from the factory rep. He happened to stop by the dealership 35 days after she started. He was kind enough to spend an hour with her to show her some “tricks” on her computer. 2. With it being July and right in the heat of the summer, the Advisors she shares her day with were supposed to help her learn the job. They did not. My assumption is that either they did not have the time, simply did not want to, or most likely, did not know how to do the job themselves, since their numbers are ridiculously low as well. 3. Her Service Manager, who always seems to be missing or putting out fires, has spent zero time with her beyond normal chit chat and monthly team meetings where he talks about the importance of better numbers; ‘talks about’, yet gives no instruction on how to get these better numbers. The General Manager, however, taking a liking to Tammy and seeing her struggle, bought her a copy of the book “Gung Ho!” He felt by her reading it, it would help improve her survey scores. why they don’t. Just like an untrained Salesperson will run your customers off, any business that doesn’t train their employees will run those employees off. As far as Tammy goes, she’s now talking about leaving the car industry, not because she wants to, as she sees great potential in it. She’s leaving it because her whole reason for going to school and working is not being met -- the need to be independent and live without a handout, or the aid of others. What a shame. I thought that young, educated people were what we wanted and needed in our industry! If it truly is, we will never attract and keep them with our current approach. I did give Tammy access to my training, but as I was not able to be with her on the drive every day (living 2,000 miles away), I could not show her how it worked and coach her the way she and the rest of the staff needed to be coached. 4. Morale is understandably low since no one is making anything close to the money they were told they could make – and that they would make with some training. What’s even more demoralizing for the Service staff and for Tammy, is that they witness every week how the vehicle Sales staff get endless training, endless spiffs and have regular Saturday auto sales contests with hundreds of dollars in cash being handed out. I have Service Advisors write and call me all the time with similar stories. And although I’ve always felt for these Advisors, it never quite resonated with me until I saw it happen firsthand. I know that not all dealerships are like that, but by my best guesstimate, I believe that somewhere between 30 and 50% are, just based on the communication we have daily with dealerships that are seeking us out to improve their Service profits. “In three months’ time, she has received one hour of training.” Personally, I don’t get it. Why would someone go to the trouble of finding the land, building the facility, inventorying it with millions of dollars of materials, spend thousands to get people to walk in the door and then stop short by a very few thousand dollars to train their employees to be prepared for their customers. We in the auto industry cry and scream for people to come and join our employment ranks. We’re stunned that more would not want to, with all the industry has to offer. Yet it’s easy to see All this is to say…if you’re wondering why your Advisors or Service Department are not meeting your goals, here are a couple of things to think about or address: 1. Do you actually have a solid and ongoing training process for each Advisor hired at your store? Veterans and rookies alike? 2. Does your Service Manager hold daily and weekly meetings where they coach, critique and role-play? 3. Do you have clear, concise goals for your staff to meet? 4. Do your managers themselves understand the profession of selling? 5. Do you as a Dealer, General Manager or Fixed Operations Director fully understand the opportunity missed by not having a fully trained staff, prepared to meet and handle any situation in a proactive way? Jeff Cowan is Founder and President of Jeff Cowan’s PRO TALK, Inc. Jeff is recognized as the creator of the modern day walk around and training processes for automotive Service Departments. Jeff Cowan’s PRO TALK, Inc. is known for delivering some of North America’s best training for Service Departments everywhere. p. 99 SERV I C E D E PT. November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Why Are You Still Underperforming? (Part 2) In the first installment of this article I spoke about some factors relating to your team. Now it’s time to talk about you. We know that as the leader of a team, you’re ultimately responsible for the results of the team. So I’m going to use some of the obstacles that I’ve personally stumbled on as well as obstacles that I’ve overcome. It’s taken me a long time to realize that, sometime throughout the course of a day, the reason that I wasn’t “100%” was because of what I was doing to myself. My breakfast was two smokes and two coffees. I was jacked at 7:00AM, had great ideas and sent out a ton of e-mails about the agenda for the day. I reviewed appointments for the day and had an action plan in place. Sadly, by 10:00AM.... not feeling too great...running out of gas. More coffee, more smokes and working on a second wind. The smallest obstacles have now become mountains and the rest of the day is firefighting. (The best laid plans...) It was very easy for me to look at the day’s events and blame them for my p. 100 feelings. Work was tough, employees were underperforming and the car business was just crazy. Customers were a pain. There had to be a better way to make a living. Now, in any experiment, you need to have a control group. You need to have something that’s the constant and at this point in my life, other people weren’t where I was going to start. I was going to start with myself. The nights of coming home and sitting on the sofa reflecting on the day and blaming my guidance counselor for not getting me into another career were over. Sofa time became learning time. When I thought of how I got into the car business, it was the same as for many of you. Some us started in the shop, some of us on the sales floor. You showed a little initiative and the next thing you know, you’re promoted. And after that, your responsible for possibly hundreds of people and the next thing you know... Learning time means becoming a student. You may ask, “a student of what?” and the answer isn’t the car business -the answer is “yourself.” Now, before I get too philosophical, you need to know yourself, and you need to know how to learn. You need to have the desire to be better. By Rex Weaver When I think back on my early days, I was burning the candle at both ends. For things to get done, I was leaving all I had on the floor of the shop everyday and when I got home, there was nothing left. I was just getting by. I was burning myself out. I fought my way through every day and I knew it couldn’t keep going like that and so learning began... again. I started by searching -- searching for the best in the business. And not just our business -- in every business. Whether it was Steve Jobs or Cesar Ritz, John Wooden or Abraham Lincoln...they all had so much too offer. And I began to realize that my job wasn’t that hard -- I just wasn’t ready for it and now it was time to be ready. The morning regimen became getting myself ready. Making sure my nutrition was right and that I was ready to completely immerse myself in the day. Working out in the morning, some days mediating or listening to a motivational book on tape -- anything that made me learn something new. A new technique to manage, a new way to diffuse a client situation or just a new way to breath and make sure that when things got hot, I stayed cool. November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine day wasn’t taking me -- I was taking charge of the day. It was strategic and focused and I became effective in what I was truly accomplishing. Every day was a new challenge, not a new problem that needed to be dreaded. Now, of course, Dr. Covey is just one example of hundreds that can provide “brain food” to make you a better manager and a better leader. But I just want to stress the fact that you need to want to be better. You need to want to perform at a higher level and you need to want to change. Instead of eating breakfast out of the coffee pot or snack machine, I was now ready. Packing a lunch and snacks that made a better performer became a must and, when I was feeling better, I was performing better. The same situations that made me crazy now just became a part of the job. I know that nutrition may seem pretty basic but we are talking about car business people. And making sure that your filling your head with the right things may seem pretty basic. I’m going to start sharing techniques and literature that changed my life and made me a top performer in my field. One of the first books that changed the way I saw things (and which is certainly a classic) was “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey. This book gave me the chance to not only change the way I saw work, but also life. And the better I became, the better I became for my team. Now the There are so many trainers and so much access to information. But the first thing you need to do is to want to learn. You need to become a student of life and once you start that, you can become a student of your business. I know it’s difficult to think that you’re a student and this is especially hard for those of you that have been doing what you’ve been doing for a long time. But life is meant to be a learning experience. I’m going to use the analogy of your body and mind as machine. You need to feed the machine the right fuel and once you have some parts of it running right, the diagnosis can begin. I remember starting my latest adventure at my current dealership. We were missing on all fronts. As I’ve shared in the past, I was never at a dealer that missed everything. CSI was low and so was cash flow. The owners weren’t happy and neither were employees. The building was old and everyone was defeated. and GM were all in and the diagnosis began. But it started by putting all our efforts into one front -- getting the CSI scores where they needed to be. And making our customers happy. Let’s get that part down and then we can get the other components in order, one by one. “I remember starting my latest adventure at my current dealership. We were missing on all fronts.” Your life is in the same situation. Get one part right. I don’t care if it’s your health or your attitude; you need to get something in order. Once that’s in place, we can start looking at everything else. - Be approachable. - Be steady and make your decisions consistent. - Be motivational. - Be ready. - Be ready for things to be great. Look forward to becoming a student again and look for a learning opportunity every chance you can. Make yourself right. Then start making other things right. Then the reinvention began. I was in the middle, but we started to change and things started to change. A new building project began and the DP Rex Weaver is the Service Manager for Rothrock Motor Sales in Allentown, PA. p. 101 PA R TS D E PT. November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Wholesale Parts Marketing: Dealer Services and Tools Wholesale Parts Marketing Services Employing a wholesale Parts salesperson to spend their days on the road wooing shops to become customers and persuading customers to buy more is expensive – too expensive for many dealerships. And most dealerships must cover this cost with Parts sales from a few makes (not so for Aftermarket (AM) parts suppliers serving all makes). An alternative to employing your own sales representative for wholesale Parts is to outsource wholesale Parts marketing to one of the nearly two-dozen wholesale Parts marketing firms that connect dealers and shops. (Wholesale Parts marketing firms can also supplement rather than replace your own sales representative.) These firms thrive by building relationships in the wholesale buyer community – in one or more geographic regions and then spreading the costs of selling and customer support over multiple dealerships covering all franchises. (In a future article we’ll cover the firms and services implementing and supporting vehicle-manufacturer wholesale Parts marketing programs.) p. 102 Advanced Logistics Dealer Network One Elite Extra Elite Sales / E-Brands JLS Marketing King Wholesale Marketing Minacs OE PartsDirect OPA (Overnight Parts Online Payment Hotshot deliveries, delivery alliances N. America & Int’l Florida Alabama/Georgi a National Because these firms reduce the burden on shops to find (and manage) a superior set of Parts suppliers to cover allmakes (and sometimes provide a rebate to MSOs), some shops may suggest (or require) that your dealership work through a particular – preferred – Marketing Services firm. While outsourcing wholesale Parts marketing may be cost-effective, accurately measuring the ROI can be challenging. Whether utilizing outside marketing services or employing your own sales person, it’s useful to know the net actual impact on retaining and growing existing customers, as well as acquiring new accounts. By aggregating wholesale transactions and providing analytic reports, A “Dealer Parts Group” company Regional Alabama Expected national roll-out ROI analysis: selling & marketing programs U.S. & Canada Regional Comments Drivers, Vehicles, Routing – Dedicated/Shared DMS integration; ETA in eCommerce Nearly National Geographic Range Northwest N. America & Int’l Regional – South Driver Solutions WE Logistics CRM AdvantageData Alliance) OPS (Overall Parts Solution) SCI (Summit Consulting, Int’l) eCommerce Summary Chart Marketing Services Delivery Management Routing/Tracking Introduction My recent research in support of writing about wholesale Parts eCommerce (in the last few issues of Fixed Ops Magazine) drew my attention to the importance of adjacent products and services: wholesale Parts marketing, Parts delivery and more. For many dealerships, these wholesale Parts products and services present an opportunity to hold down costs while improving customer satisfaction and maintaining (or growing) revenue from their wholesale Parts trade. By Ted Fellowes U.S. Online ordering starting 2015 a.k.a., NAPCO Reporting tools that support ROI analysis Hotshot deliveries, other support Building ShipTrack tool; OPA is dealer Coop DMS Integration; Deliveries are regional only Adopted by Autonation, other dealer groups Northeast a CRM system may allow monitoring productivity and sales – thus, enabling dealers to determine the effectiveness of new tools and programs. Parts Delivery Services Once parts are sold to wholesale buyers, the parts must be delivered. Some dealers maintain a fleet of delivery trucks and a team of drivers – an expensive proposition and one that may limit delivery frequency. Dealers may reduce the burden (management time / focus, administration and liability) by using a dedicated service. Dealers can further reduce delivery costs with shared delivery services, while possibly increasing delivery frequency (and thus customer satisfaction). GPS-based routing / tracking services are a significant improvement (15% in crease in efficiency and 5% reduction in fuel, fewer / smaller delivery delays and buyer access to ETAs) and are available for dealers’ own delivery fleets, some dedicated contracted fleets / drivers and some shared delivery fleets. GPS routing / tracking for dealer Parts deliveries will grow from low adoption to high adoption in coming years. “Dealerships are not only lowering cost, liability and management distractions, they are growing their wholesale Parts business faster.” An entirely different type of Parts Delivery Management solution optimizes dealers’ selection of transportation companies for Parts orders not being picked up by the buyer or delivered by the dealership’s delivery fleet. The solution identifies restrictions (hazmat, dimensions, weight) and can select the least expensive alternative. Such solutions typically print shipping labels and documentation, as well. Digital Integration Parts eCommerce solutions (via integration with routing/tracking solutions) may now provide shops with delivery ETA’s for their Parts based on real-time GPS location of the delivery vehicle, route and current traffic. In coming years, embedded real-time ETAs will become (nearly) universal in Parts ordering solutions (as dealers pursue the time-savings and higher shop satisfaction). Soon firms will begin combining (or integrating) vehicle GPS with shipment management – even Dispatch Management. Integrating CRM and delivery management solutions is also emerging and will provide outside sales staff key information regarding customers’ buying trends and delivery times, as well as provide optimal routing of customer visits. More Services Several firms deliver additional value by: (1) running twice-a-day deliveries; (2) making emergency hot-shot deliveries; (3) assisting with returns; (4) facilitating credit approvals – of shops they bring to the dealer; and (5) training in the adoption and use of new technology such as parts eCommerce. On a related note, solutions are now available to aid dealers in selecting the best shipping option for express (UPS / FedEx) and LTL as well as truckload shipments for their wholesale Parts business. Choices See the summary chart for a representative (but not comprehensive) list of the many options available to dealers. Additional Considerations - Dealerships may form co-ops to provide wholesale marketing and delivery services - The wholesale Parts trade has two distinct markets: (1) collision-repair shops and (2) mechanical-repair / maintenance shops and fleets. Marketing and delivery services may serve both or only serve one very well (or at all) - Supporting wholesale Parts requires more than selecting the best service providers. Dealers must have knowledgeable, dedicated staff and the right inventories, as well as other core capabilities - Finally, the individual delivering the service makes a key difference; performance will vary with the individual representative(s) working with dealers and shops Summary / Conclusion For dealer wholesale Parts marketing and delivery, the number of solutions (and providers) as well as the performance of these solutions is continuing to expand impressively. Dealerships are not only lowering cost, liability and management distractions, they are growing their wholesale Parts business faster. One network of dealers reported 90% growth of dealer wholesale revenue over five years resulting from outsourcing marketing and delivery. Given the new and improved potential cost-efficiencies, dealerships that are serious about building or sustaining a wholesale Parts business should consider again if these services could be provided by a partner. Use this article as a checklist for your assessment. My thanks to the many folks in the industry that helped with this article – too numerous to list, but you know who you are. A follow-up article will fill in some of the gaps, including: - OEM Programs (including incentives) - CRM - Wholesale payment (invoicing) - GPS solutions - Portals (order archive, performance metrics, returns) During 30 years focused on Service Parts systems and information services from the dealership, vehicle-maker and buyer perspective, Ted Fellowes has been a leader in dealer systems innovation – first EPC, first dealer Parts e-commerce and first web Parts locator. He has served in executive roles with Bell & Howell (now, Snap-on) and OEConnection. Five years ago he launched Fellowes Research which now has clients in North America, Asia and Europe, including vehicle manufacturers, consulting / investment firms, DMS providers and Fixed Ops solutions providers. Fellowes is the leading expert on automotive Service Parts e-commerce. p. 103 BOD Y S H OP November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Collision Repair Shops Brace for Challenges of Aluminum Bodywork With Ford’s 2015 F-150 pickups’ highstrength, military grade, aluminum alloy body and bed saving up to 700 lbs. over the previous model while increasing mileage and towing-hauling capacity, body shops have been preparing for new challenges that aluminum body repair work will entail. At the top of the list: the proper handling of messy and potentially explosive airborne dust caused by grinding or sanding. The aluminum body revolution is an industry game changer and its impact will only increase in the years ahead. General Motors has already signaled that updates of its Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra pickups will feature weightsaving aluminum bodies in the fall of 2018. By 2025, “Seven out of ten new pickup trucks produced in North America will be aluminum-bodied” and “every leading automaker will have several aluminum body and closure panel programs,” according to a 2015 North American Light Vehicle Aluminum Content Study by Ducker Worldwide, a premier consulting and research firm. To meet the coming demand, body shops will need to adapt to the challenges of working with aluminum with dedicated tools, equipment and training. Failing to do so may mean missing out on one of the fastest growing markets in the next decade. p. 104 “All aluminum bodies from Ford’s Fseries to Chevy and GMC are going to have a major impact on the collision auto body industry in the next few years and it’s going to grow from there,” says Gary Gardella, Jr., co-owner and production manager at County Line Auto Body in Howell, N.J., a high-production, Ford-certified, collision repair shop, that repairs about 50-70 vehicles per week, generating about $5 million in annual revenue. “We’re preparing now because we want to be ready for the opportunity.” Ford, for its part, is at the forefront of setting the guidelines and requirements for working with aluminum bodied vehicles for both Ford dealership and independent body shops. Through Ford’s National Body Shop Program and its 2015 F-150 Collision Repair program, the company has been addressing the full range of aluminum issues: from isolating aluminum vehicles from traditional steel repairs with a separate room or curtain system to dealing with aluminum dust to dedicated aluminum welding, riveting and dent extraction systems. Ford’s National Body Shop Program enables dealerships and sponsored independent body shops to become officially certified or recognized by Ford and Lincoln. Among the requirements for Ford’s program, administered by Assured Performance, for instance, is a “dedicated aluminum dust extraction system with wet mix technology.” B y D e l W i l l i a ms Ford’s 2015 F-150 Collision Repair program, created by Ford to assist dealers and independents, further stipulates a dedicated aluminum wet mix air filtration system, which can be portable or a central installed system. While collision repair body shops have always performed sanding, grinding, welding and cutting to produce dust, fumes, spatter and sparks, this was just a nuisance when the industry revolved around steel vehicles. But the recent introduction of mass-produced aluminum bodied vehicles like the Ford F-150 has brought this dust into the spotlight, as the dust has created problems and hazards ranging from cross-contamination of metals to combustible dust fires and even explosions. “Aluminum dust must be safely captured at its source to prevent quality issues like peeling paint or adhesion problems,” says Gardella, who has several auto body technicians participating in Ford’s F-150 Collision Repair program. Cross-contamination occurs when aluminum dust in the air settles on steel panels or iron oxide dust settles on aluminum panels, prior to primer or paint. This contamination will result in poor adhesion and quality problems months and years after painting a panel. This can pose a real business risk to a collision repair shop that’s forced to deal with warranty issues and customer comebacks. aluminum dust at its source for over a decade. “The transfer of safe, high efficiency, aluminum dust capture technology from aerospace to auto body collision repair is going to make our industry safer, cleaner and more efficient,” says Gardella, who is testing several of the vacuum and airpowered units around his shop. Isolating aluminum repairs with curtains or dividers can help prevent cross contamination, but it does little to prevent the risk of fire or explosion. In shops doing aluminum bodywork, aluminum dust can settle on overhead pipes, rafters, walls and shop equipment, creating an environment ripe for disaster. To eliminate the concern of aluminum cross-contamination and dust combustibility, and to present a clean “dealership feel” to their body shops, more owners are looking to vacuum extraction. They’re finding inspiration in other industries that have successfully used the technology. Aluminum dust poses a combustion hazard in high concentrations and is particularly combustible -- even explosive -- when airborne and finely separated. If a typical vacuum containing dry aluminum dust were to draw in a grinding spark or even experience the spark from static electricity, it could ignite and cause a fire or explosion. Vacuum extraction of aluminum dust, in fact, has been standard in aerospace for decades, as lightweight aluminum has long been used as a primary manufacturing material. Now, similar technology is being used in the automotive industry to control aluminum dust. “When dealing with aluminum dust, a high, safe capture rate is important to prevent potential fires or even explosions,” says Gardella. The collision repair industry has long been viewed as a dirty business, bringing to mind the image of a technician hunched over a vehicle, with a plume of sanding dust being launched into the air as he finesses a body panel back into shape. In recent years, however, shop owners have sought to reach out to customers with a cleaner, dust-free environment. “Younger techs and the public don’t want to breathe a plume of dust, aluminum or otherwise, in auto body shops,” says Gardella. “They want a cleaner environment and that requires better equipment.” In wet mix technology, one challenge is that a wet aluminum sludge remains at the bottom of the vacuum. This needs to be emptied on a daily basis as part of proper maintenance to ensure safe operation. While some units require the user to drain the fluid, then extract the remaining sludge with a squeegee, this method fails to fully remove the sludge caked on the sides of the unit. This allows a potentially dangerous build up of aluminum to accumulate. Other units involve a gravity feed drain with a funnel-shaped bottom and water spray-down system inside. This enables a safer, full-system flush out of aluminum sludge and facilitates daily maintenance. A dedicated aluminum wet mix air filtration system, such as that stipulated by the Ford F-150 Collision Repair program, for instance, safely captures aluminum dust within the body shop at its source while using water to ensure potentially explosive aluminum dust particles do not become airborne within the unit. The aluminum sludge, in turn, must be properly filtered to satisfy regulation before the discharge can be emptied into the public sewer system. Aluminum dust vacuum units are designed to filter out such aluminum residue as it exits the unit, so it can be safely discharged into public sewers. A wet mix air filtration system, also known as an immersion separator, essentially brings in the aluminum dustladen air stream through water contained in the vacuum. As collision repair shops prepare for the lucrative new business that aluminum bodywork such as Ford’s F-150 will bring, outfitting their shops with the necessary equipment will position them for a profitable ride. One such system, for instance, directs the air stream and aluminum dust through a series of air filtration baffles that bursts the air bubbles and thoroughly wets the dust before the air exits the vacuum. While Ford’s specific requirements call for an immersion separator, dry collection vacuum systems have been used in aerospace to capture Del Williams is a technical writer based in Torrance, California. He writes about health, business, technology and educational issues. Del has an M.A. in English from C.S.U. Dominguez Hills. Some of the source material for this article came from Lakewood, NJ-based Clayton Associates, a company specializing in collision repair products and supplies. p. 105 A D MI N I S TR ATI ON November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine The Importance of Personnel Files: File Value, Organization and Auditing B y K at h r y n C a r l s o n Not only are there Federal laws regarding the contents of personnel files, but there are also individual State laws, as well. A well-organized personnel file program will ensure that your facility is compliant, able to effectively manage your employees and help to protect you against employment lawsuits. There are many considerations to take into account when creating a personnel file for each employee. First and foremost, for each document placed within the file, consider if the dealership will need the particular document to justify decisions if they are sued. Would the document be necessary in a court of law? There’s a fine line between including important documentation and providing too much information that may create further issues in an employment lawsuit. The debate over whether a document will be valuable in a court of law may lead many employers to put too much information into a personnel file, but keep in mind that managers should never put opinions or personal thoughts into a personnel file; only factual information should be included. It’s best to have employees sign any document that will be included in the file. This signature acknowledges that the employee is aware of and has read the document, not to note that the employee agrees with the contents of the document. The confidentiality of personnel files is of great importance. Personnel files must p. 106 be stored in a locked, fire-proof file cabinet in a locked location that is only available to Human Resources staff. While most documents are kept within personnel files, confidential information, I-9 Employment Verification forms and medical / leave records must be kept in folders or binders that are separate from personnel files. Confidential information refers to any documents that include: • Date of birth • Medical information • Marital status • Religious beliefs • Social Security information It’s very important to keep your personnel files up-to-date for them to be a true asset in the event of a legal dispute. An ideal time to audit personnel files is during annual reviews. Prior to a review, take the time to confirm that all files are accurate, up-to-date, properly separated and complete. During the annual assessment, ensure that the following items are completed within each personnel file. Hiring • Is the employee’s job application, offer letter and resume included? • Is the job description included in the file? Has it been signed by the employee? • When was the last time the job description was reviewed? Is it pertinent to the employee’s current position? Does the job description include enough information to determine if the employee is exempt or non-exempt? • Is the employee handbook acknowledgement and other policies signed by the employee? • Is there a signed Acknowledgement of Receipt of company equipment? • Is there a completed checklist indicating issues covered during new hire orientation? “Outside of the legal reasons to maintain personnel files, they can also help you make important management decisions.” Performance Management • Are all performance appraisals signed by the appropriate individuals? • Is performance appraisal documentation attached? • Are the performance appraisals completed on-time in accordance with company policy? • Do the performance appraisals contain appropriate language and identify appropriate development requirements that need to be addressed? • Are disciplinary action notices (counseling sessions, written warnings, performance improvement plans) signed by the supervisor and is supporting documentation attached, if applicable? Do the notices include future expectations with deadlines and consequences for failing to meet the expectations? • Are termination letters or letters of res- ignation placed in the employee’s file? Training & Development • Is mandatory training documented in the file? (Customer Information Security, F&I, Red Flags Rule safety, OSHA, harassment prevention) • Are all applicable licensures copied and included in the file? Payroll • Are time sheets maintained for each employee and are they completed and signed by the employee and supervisor? (They may be contained electronically in your payroll software program.) • Have employees signed the appropriate documentation for deductions to paychecks (insurance, 401k contributions, union dues, charitable donations)? Form I-9 Employment Verification (kept in separate folder or binder) • Is there a completed Form I-9 for each employee hired after November 6, 1986? • Is each Form I-9 completed within three days of the employee’s start date? • Is the Form I-9 filled out accurately? Medical Records / Leave Requests (kept in separate folder or binder) • Are all current benefit enrollment forms, beneficiary forms and benefit claims included? • Is there any leave-of-absence documentation (FMLA and non-FMLA), dis- ability or WC documentation to include? Outside of the legal reasons to maintain personnel files, they can also help you make important management decisions. Personnel files can help managers track employee turnover rates, create training and development programs and can also help them make salary revisions, allowances and other benefits related to salaries. Personnel files are a vital piece of any dealership organization and, if properly managed, can both support the dealership as well as protect against legal liability. Have you considered using electronic storage for your personnel files? Having the information online can make access easier and help you stay organized. From full-scale online HR management software platforms to using a basic document storage solution, there are many options to eliminate having to maintain paper files. Kathryn Carlson is the Vice President of HR Management Products for Lafayette, Colorado-based KPA. She has more than 25 years of human resources management experience and is a certified HR professional. For the past 13 years Kathryn has focused on developing HR software and programs to improve efficiency, reduce risk and ensure compliance for companies ranging from small businesses to international corporations. p. 107 P R I C I N G S U R VEY November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine THIS ISSUE: Oil C h ang e s a n d A i r F i lt e rs Nassau-Suffolk, NY 2012 Chrysler 200 S, Sedan, 3.6L, V6, Auto, FWD National Competitor National Competitor National Competitor Dealer #1 Dealer #2 National Competitor National Competitor National Competitor Dealer #1 Dealer #2 National Competitor National Competitor National Competitor Dealer #1 Dealer #2 National Competitor National Competitor National Competitor Dealer #1 Dealer #2 Engine Air Filter (Part) Installation of Engine Air Filter Brand of Engine Air Filter Conventional Oil Change Engine Air Filter (Part) Installation of Engine Air Filter Brand of Engine Air Filter Conventional Oil Change Engine Air Filter (Part) Installation of Engine Air Filter Brand of Engine Air Filter Conventional Oil Change Engine Air Filter (Part) Installation of Engine Air Filter Brand of Engine Air Filter Conventional Oil Change $6.44 Free FRAM $25.00 Free Purolator $10.99 Free Pro Line $21.95 Free Chrysler $24.95 Free Mopar San Jose, CA 2011 Volkswagen Jetta, Base Sedan, 2.0L in-line 4, Auto, FWD $40.00 Free NAPA $20.00 $20.00 MicroGuard $29.99 Free Pro Select $20.50 $58.00 Volkswagen $25.00 $39.95 Volkswagen Grand Rapids-Muskegon-Holland, MI 2010 Ford Mustang GT, Coupe, 4.6L, V8, Auto, RWD $25.00 Free $38.00 Free $24.99 Free $19.95 Free $19.95 Free Tulsa, OK 2010 Toyota Tacoma Pre-runner Double Cab, 4L V6 $12.99 $25.00 $14.00 $29.95 $25.74 Free Free Free Free $12.95 NAPA CarQuest Purolator Motorcraft Motorcraft Purolator Purolator FRAM Toyota Toyota $31.88 $26.99 $31.99 $34.95 $29.90 $18.95 $44.00 $24.99 $49.95 $69.95 $24.95 $22.95 $34.49 $28.50 $36.43 $34.75 $37.49 $34.00 $34.95 $46.00 Brand of Oil/Filter Pennzoil/FRAM Kendall/Purolator Pennzoil/Pro Line Chrysler/Chrysler Citgo/Mopar Brand of Oil/Filter Valvoline/NAPA Shell/MicroGuard Kendall/Pro Select Castrol/Volkswagen Castrol/Volkswagen Brand of Oil/Filter National/NAPA Kendall/Car Quest Kendall/FRAM Motorcraft/Motorcraft Motorcraft/Motorcraft Brand of Oil/Filter Valvoline/Purolator Kendall/Purolator Shell/FRAM Mobil/Toyota Mobil/Toyota InteliChek shops local, regional and national competition for automotive dealerships, providing market intelligence to improve customer retention, identify new trends, conquer new business, analyze competitive activity and identify areas of improvement. For this month’s feature, InteliChek contacted a selection of independent retailers, mass merchants and new vehicle dealerships to obtain current pricing on Oil Changes and Air Filters. Four markets of varying size were selected. InteliChek requested and verified retail prices via phone calls, using specific vehicles, and vehicle services. In that way, direct and useful comparisons can be made. While InteliChek allows the retailer to suggest a brand of Oil Changes and Air Filters, efforts are made to steer the retailer to providing prices for major brands to allow for accurate pricing comparisons For more information on InteliChek, visit www.intelichek.com. p. 108 N ew p r od u c t s November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Royal Purple Max ATF Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid Max ATF is a synthetic, high-performance, automatic transmission fluid. Its low co-efficient of friction and high film strength help dramatically reduce heat and wear. Additionally, this premium ATF fluid gives longer fluid life because it’s more oxidation-stable than other transmission fluids. A longer lasting synthetic transmission fluid can result in a number of advantages. Most often, Royal Purple customers report crisper shifting, improved fuel economy and increased power with Max ATF. Max ATF is scientifically engineered to extend the life of the transmission by reducing the amount of heat and wear on the transmission system. Automatic transmissions generate a great deal of heat and depend upon the transmission fluid for cooling and protection. More than 90 percent of all automatic transmission failures are caused by overheating; a 20°F reduction in fluid temperature can double the life of the transmission. Get Speed and Accuracy with New John Bean V2300 Imaging Wheel Alignment System The new John Bean® V2300 Imaging Wheel Alignment System is one of the most advanced products available today. With patented, high-resolution imaging technology, easy-to-use features and the awardwinning AC400 Touchless Alignment Wheel Clamp, the V2300 will provide shops with accurate, real-time measurements that improve performance and productivity, while at the same time enhancing the bottom line. Fully featured, the John Bean V2300 Imaging Wheel Alignment System is unlike anything offered in the marketplace today. The XD technology enables highly accurate results, while the XD target system is lighter and takes up less space than previous designs and provides a new small-pattern, single-plane design. In addition, the extensive OEM specifications allow for quick and precise vehicle selection. The high resolution camera produces exact, live alignment readings and diagnostic data while the passive front and rear XD targets improve durability with no electronics to damage. The V2300 also gives the user advanced dimensioning as the cross-diagonal measurements identify frame or structural damage while the rolling radius identifies mismatched tire sizes, a potential cause of vehicle pulling and driver complaints. Protect Tow-Behind Vehicles with XPEL(tm) TRACWRAP Temporary Paint Protection Film Before your customer hits the road, protect their motorhome or tow-behind vehicle investment from debris damage with XPEL(tm) TRACWRAP, an affordable, temporary paint protection film. Designed to prevent rock chips and other paint damage, TRACWRAP can be easily self-installed for one-time use. TRACWRAP was first created to protect vehicles at race tracks and is a great solution to preserve the finish on all sizes tow-behind vehicles. TRACWRAP is an 8mil thick urethane film, which provides robust protection for paint, unlike other extremely thin protection films on the market, and it will not harm a vehicle’s finish. Tracwrap is available in two sizes: eight inch by 40 foot size will cover the hood, bumper, leading edge and rear end of a car, as well as the front of a motorhome or truck. An eight inch by 100 foot size is designed for larger motor coach applications. Advertisers Directory 3M Automotive Window Films Pages 49 and 113 AutoLoopPage 7 Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) Page 57 AutoPointPage 21 AutoZonePage 29 Bardahl / Protex Page 95 BG Products Inside Back Cover Borroughs Corp. Page 89 Carquest Auto Parts Page 19 Cars.com Pages 60 and 61 CDK Global Page 13 Dealer-FXPage 43 DealerMinePage 75 DealerPro Training Page 93 DealerSocketPage 47 Dealertrack / ASR Pro Page 39 EcoPower / Safety-Kleen Page 113 eLead1OnePage 81 Eneos / Nippon Oil Page 91 Fluid Rx Diagnostics Page 59 I-CARPage 27 Infomedia / Microcat Live Page 15 Infomedia / Superservice Back Cover Kendall Motor Oil / Phillips 66 Inside front cover and page 3 Mark VII Car Wash Equipment Page 11 Mighty Auto Parts Page 37 NADA Convention and Expo Page 17 NADA University Page 45 Naked Lime Marketing Page 9 NAPA PRO Link / NAPA Auto Parts Page 113 NCM Associates Page 73 NitroFillPage 65 PDQ Vehicle Wash Systems Pages 33 and 113 Pedego / Ford Electric Bicycles Page 67 Pennzoil / Shell Oil Products Page 113 PowerPusher / NuStar Pages 77 and 113 Reynolds and Reynolds Page 31 ROAMS-KEEPSPage 87 Rome Technologies Page 85 Rotary Lift Page 25 Rousseau Metal Pages 83 and 113 Royal Purple Page 23 Simoniz USA Page 5 SmartDealer Technologies Page 55 Synchrony Financial Page 41 TerraClean Products / Uview Page 35 TireMerchandising.com / Jungle Cat Marketing Pages 97 and 113 TSD Rental Management Software Page 63 WHI Solutions / eBay Page 51 XPELPage 53 XtimePage 79 p. 109 n ew p r od u c t s November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine BG Big Dawg® II Power Flush and Fluid Exchange System BG Big Dawg® II is built tough for large vehicle transmissions and can handle small vehicles easily. It can exchange 42 quarts of automatic transmission fluid in as little as two minutes. The Big Dawg® II is a professional-use transmission exchange machine specifically designed to remove old automatic transmission fluid from large transmissions while simultaneously adding new fluid such as BG Universal Synthetic ATF or BG Universal Synthetic CVT Fluid. The simultaneous exchange method permits no intermixing of new and old fluids, meaning the new fluid will last significantly longer than in traditional methods. Once the fluid exchange is complete, additives such as BG ATC Plus or BG Universal Synthetic CVT Fluid Conditioner, can be installed through the machine. Display Wheels and Wheel & Tire Packages Securely on the Service Drive Jungle Cat Marketing, industry leader in point-of-sale tire merchandising systems and displays, has introduced their new Wheel and Tire Display system. This rack is the perfect addon to your current tire merchandising program. Now you can securely add wheels and / or wheel & tire packages to your Service drive displays, even in an open drive. The system is modular, lockable, weather-resistant and fully compatible with the company’s popular modular tire merchandising displays. All racks are galvanized, then powder coated DOT steel. The wheel and tire version features an adjustable height, lockable wheel fitment that’s hidden behind the assembly. The product is super strong and can be shipped anywhere by UPS. Graco SD Series Cord and Light Reels All Graco cord and light reels feature an innovative slip ring design that promotes long life and durability. The spring is completely enclosed for protection and is easier and safer to repair with access on the open side of the reel. The sturdy, heavy gauge steel frame won’t flex or bend. Internal components meet UL355*, CSA22.2 No. 21 and IP44 standards for general, commercial and industrial grade use. - Durable frame in two sizes to fit into more applications - Choose from 35, 50 or 95-foot cord lengths - Lighting options include fluorescent or LED with optional tool tap receptacle - Cord options include single industrial receptacle or duplex GFCI receptacle - Flexible positioning of the guide arm allows for mounting on bench, ceiling, wall or utility truck TRICO NeoForm Wiper Blades TRICO NeoForm® beam wiper blades give you the original factory quality you can depend on, with the value-added performance of Teflon® wiper blade surface protector for a smoother wipe and longer life. Features and benefits: - Original Equipment quality for the same fit and function as when the vehicle was new - Exclusive Teflon® surface protector - Memory Curve Steel® beam provides uniform pressure for the clearest wipe - Exclusive dual-point coupler helps eliminate streaking - Extreme weather durability – from sun and rain to snow and mud - Wiper blade size – available in lengths from 14” to 28” p. 110 PEAK Global Lifetime Full-Strength Antifreeze & Coolant PEAK® Global LifetimeTM Antifreeze & Coolant features a patented, advanced organic acid technology that provides guaranteed LifetimeTM protection for as long as your customer owns their vehicle. Patented inhibitors provide maximum protection against damaging rust and corrosion in all automobiles and light trucks worldwide, regardless of make, model, year or original antifreeze color. Specific benefits include: - Provides guaranteed LifetimeTM protection when a complete cooling system flush and fill is performed and specified maintenance is followed - Formulated for use in all American, Asian and European automobiles - Features a patented non 2-EH formula that is phosphate-free and silicate-free - Can be used to top-off any color of automotive antifreeze including green, yellow, orange, fuschia, blue and red - Amber color will not change the current antifreeze color when used for topping off - Meets ASTM D-3306 and ASTM D-4340 Lista Offers ListaWorks CustomConfigurable Process Lista now offers the innovative ListaWorks™ service, which provides the highest-quality, custom-configurable solution that precisely fits dealerships’ unique space requirements, free of charge. With ListaWorks, experts survey current and future storage and workspace needs, then propose solutions that provide the highest density and greatest productivity. The detailed, customized plan for individual workspace and storage needs is guaranteed to maximize efficiency and flexibility while optimizing space and profitability. Service and Parts Departments are major profit centers and Lista’s customized workspace and storage solutions are ideal for increasing efficiency and productivity. Dealership customers are attracted to the clean, organized and professional appearance that comes from Lista’s contemporary product design. Rotary Lift Updates Light-Duty Four-Post Lifts for Better Productivity and Durability Rotary Lift has updated its SM series of 14,000 lb. capacity four-post lifts to provide greater productivity and durability through a higher rise height, improved drive-on ramps and a new powder-coated hammer-tone paint finish. The features make the SM series four-post lifts more capable for facilities that service a variety of vehicles, including cars, light trucks and vans. The Rotary Lift SM series four-post lifts now come standard with 78.75 inches of rise height, which is five inches higher than previous models. The resulting extra under-runway clearance makes it easier for technicians to walk under the lift to access drivetrain, exhaust and other under-vehicle components. For improved traction, louvers have been added to the lifts’ drive-on ramps. The bottom of each ramp has also been fitted with polymer rollers instead of protective strips. This allows the ramps to smoothly roll along the floor as the lift is raised and lowered, to reduce floor gouging. The ramps, runways and posts are finished with a powder-coated hammer-tone paint finish for improved durability and easier maintenance. N ew p r od u c t s November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Enhanced Hunter TC3700 Center-Clamp Tire Changer - Tilted ergonomic design - Complete operation performed from one position - Bead press arm assists mounting difficult assemblies - Directs bursts of compressed air to easily seat the bead - Moveable rear column handles up to 50-inch diameter tires - 850 ft-lbs of torque - PowerOut bead loosener - Polymer mount / demount head Martins Industries Premium Tire Cart The premium tire cart (MPTC) reduces handling, the number of trips and helps avoid work stoppages and workplace accidents, particularly back injuries. Your employees will greatly appreciate this tool, especially when working with larger, heavier tires. The MPTC carries tires of up to 38-1/2” in diameter and can move up to 8 tires at a time. It’s easy to use: simply open the clamps of the cart with the handles, slide it under the stack of tires, close back the clamps and lean back the cart to move the tires around easily. The premium tire cart is adjustable at a 45 degrees angle to transport the tires easily and effortless due to the back wheels that can handle the maximum weight capacity of 440 lbs. The cart can be position in an angle of 90 degrees (horizontal) to be used as a working plan. Bosch S6 Platinum Series Ultra High Performance AGM™ Battery - PureLead Technology provides more active material inside the battery for maximum power and longevity - 28 times more vibration resistance than conventional batteries - 100% maintenance free under normal operating conditions - Sealed and 100% leak-proof in any position; also for passenger compartment use - Substantially higher cycling endurance for start / stop applications - Engineered for greater energy capacity, excellent conductivity and maximized life - 4-year free replacement - Free roadside assistance Update Your Frame Rack with New Holding Package From Chief Modern vehicles manufactured with aluminum and other “exotic” materials require an updated approach to collision repair. The new Structural Holding Package from Chief Automotive Technologies allows collision repair shop operators to use their existing frame racks to properly repair these vehicles. The package is included in the Ford 2015 F-150 Collision Repair Program. The package includes more than 50 components that can be combined in a variety of ways to secure a vehicle at a wide range of holding points. Vice clamps are included for use on frame-based trucks and vans, while unibody vehicles can be secured at their suspension mounting points or upper rails with bolt-on surface plate attachments. The entire contents of the Structural Holding Package come neatly arranged on a rolling tool board to keep everything organized and easy to move. Phillips 66 Lubricants Kendall® VersaTrans® LV ATF and Kendall® CVT Fluid Phillips 66 Lubricants has announced the addition of two new products to its Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) line with the launch of Kendall® VersaTrans® LV ATF and Kendall® CVT Fluid. The lubricants are designed for use in passenger vehicles with conventional automatic transmissions and continuously variable transmissions, respectively. The specially-engineered, full-synthetic Kendall VersaTrans LV ATF is formulated to help ensure long service life and to provide consistent shift performance for the life of the fluid. Additionally, this low-viscosity fluid results in less frictional drag for improved transmission efficiency, thereby offering the potential for improved fuel economy. Kendall VersaTrans LV ATF is licensed as Ford MERCON LV® and GM DEXRON® VI ATF. It’s recommended for use in the newer Ford, GM and Toyota passenger car and light truck automatic transmissions, which require use of modern, low viscosity ATFs. Kendall Motor Oil’s new CVT Fluid offering is designed with carefully balanced frictional properties to meet the unique requirements of passenger cars with belt-driven continuously variable transmissions. Compared to conventional all mineral fluids, this new synthetic fluid provides enhanced performance in oxidation stability, wear protection and service life. Kendall CVT Fluid is recommended for use in most Honda, Jeep, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Subaru and Suzuki vehicles with CVT transmissions, under all operating conditions, including extreme temperatures. Mobil 1 0W-40 Full Synthetic Motor Oil Mobil 1™ 0W-40 is an advanced full synthetic motor oil designed to help provide exceptional cleaning power, wear protection and overall performance. Mobil 1 0W-40 keeps engines running like new in all driving conditions. Mobil 1 0W-40 (European Car Formula in North America) synthetic oil is engineered for the latest gasoline and diesel (without diesel particulate filters or DPFs) engine technology delivering excellent all-round performance. Mobil 1 0W-40 is recommended for many types of modern vehicles where it will help provide unsurpassed performance even under very demanding driving conditions. Thanks to extensive cooperative development work with major manufacturers and the application of the latest lubrication technology, Mobil 1 0W-40 synthetic oil is recommended for many types of modern vehicles where it will help provide unsurpassed performance even under very demanding driving conditions. - Latest engine technologies including turbochargers, direct injection, diesels (without DPF) and hybrids - High performance engines - Most operating conditions, from mild to extreme WeatherTech DigitalFit® FloorLiner™ Digital laser measurements of interior surfaces offer a consistently perfect fit. A patented tri-extruded composition allows for a rigid core for strength while offering surface friction to the carpet, as well as tactile feel to the surface. The FloorLiner™ advanced surface design has channels that carry fluid and debris, away from shoes and clothing, into a lower reservoir. The lower reservoir uses additional channeling to minimize fluid movement while driving. Once fluids become trapped in the reservoir, they are easily removed from the WeatherTech® FloorLiner™ over the door sill…No muss – No Fuss! p. 111 n ew p r od u c t s November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Petra Shield Professional Grade Car Care Products and Cleaners Houston-based Petra Oil Company, a leader in aftermarket automotive maintenance products and programs, has launched Petra Shield, professional grade interior and exterior car care products. The full product line includes the following: Cherry Soap, Genesis High Performance Polish, Genesis High Performance Compound, Pro Interior Dressing, Glacier Dressing, Leather Conditioner, Red Fury Degreaser, Upholstery and Carpet Cleaner, Super Sheen Tire Dressing, Ultra Wheel Cleaner, Petra Spray Shine, Paint Protector and Glass Cleaner. Coats Vero V200 Wheel Balancer The Coats® Vero Series™ V200 wheel balancer reduces balance related comebacks with Coats’ exclusive Direct Drive technology and innovative ProBalance Technology™. The V200’s Direct Drive technology holds a 10-year warranty. ProBalance Technology™ is a unique balancing algorithm and unbalance correction methodology that minimizes both static and couple unbalance. The industrial-grade touchscreen interface standardizes wheel balancing into a step-by-step process and boasts an intuitive “No Touch” interface. This helps technicians perform 85% of wheel balances without ever touching the screen. The V200 reduces comebacks and helps you do the job right the first time, every time. Bardahl All-U-Need Fuel System Treatment The complete fuel system treatment that reduces emissions and guarantees you’ll pass emissions test. It’s not enough to just clean injectors. To maintain total engine efficiency it’s necessary to clean injectors, intake valves, combustion chamber and the emission system. One bottle of All-U-Need in a full tank of gasoline provides fast one-tank clean-up of all these areas. This unique blend of detergents and dispersants allows Bardahl to offer the first and strongest emission test guarantee in the industry. For best results add one bottle of All-U-Need to a full tank of gas every 5,000 miles. There’s no better emissions product on the market today. - Cleans emission control systems - Designed in response to strict I\M 240 emissions test requirements - Reduces tailpipe pollutants up to 60% - Concentrated fuel system treatment Havoline ProDS Full Synthetic Motor Oil A full synthetic motor oil formulated to provide exceptional wear protection in hot or cold operating temperatures. Provides protection for extended oil drains, heavy loads and for vehicles requiring a synthetic motor oil. Customer benefits: Easy cold weather starting Minimizes engine deposit and emissions Promotes long engine life due to extremely fast lubrication during starting and outstanding wear protection during all other engine operating conditions. New Oil Eater Brake Washer The new Oil Eater professional brake Brake Washer is an energy-efficient washer that needs no electricity to function. Powered by air, it thoroughly cleans through the gunk and dirt found on brake parts. Included with the washer is a cover that catches any debris that might otherwise fall on the floor while washing. It’s designed for use on alignment lift / ramp lifts or on the floor and can also be used as aportable parts washer. Eco-friendly Oil Eater Original cleaner / degreaser is included. It’s non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-flammable and biodegradable. Hanel MP-Link Dealership Management System Interface MP Link establishes a valuable connection between Hänel units and DMS systems creating improved productivity and increased inventory accuracy. The Hänel MP Link was developed specifically for applications at automotive, truck and motorcycle dealerships. While initially these customers embrace Hänel units for recovery of floor space, the benefits of increased inventory control and improved Parts Department employee productivity become apparent. Parts Department personnel process all transactions through the established DMS systems just as they did before installing Hänel units. Once the transaction is completed on the DMS system, it’s sent to the Hänel unit and parts can be stored and picked from one centrally located ergonomically correct position. In other words, parts are brought directly to the operator instead of the operator having to walk to the parts. p. 112 Rousseau Spider® Shelving with Drawers Gone are the days of poorly-lit and under-used shelves and losing objects because of inadequate storage. Rousseau’s drawers (with a 400 lb. per drawer capacity) are the ideal solution for storing your small parts as well as high-turnover items. They will allow you to store a large number of articles while keeping them all within easy reach and reducing picking time. Rousseau drawers can be installed in Spider® shelving as well as more than 35 different brands of shelving available on the market. It’s therefore possible to keep installations that are already in place while still taking advantage of considerable space gains. Plus, with the many shelving and drawer accessories available from Rousseau, the number of configurations is limitless. Car-O-Liner Quick 42 Frame Alignment System Quick 42 is a phenomenal, multi-functional bench designed to manage every type of damage productively and accurately. When used together with one of the Car-O-Tronic Measuring Systems and the EVO Universal Anchoring and Holding Fixture System, Quick 42 easily handles not only cosmetic but also structural repairs of damaged vehicles. A quick repair process guaranteed. Fast set-up, easy access, on-wheels measuring, quick anchoring and adjustable working height are some of the Quick 42 features that measurably decrease repair time. Cosmetic repairs can be made while the vehicle is still on its wheels. And if structural damage is discovered, the repairs can begin immediately without changing benches. MA RK E TP L A CE November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine SUPERCHARGE YOUR TIRE SALES! See us at: www.TireMerchandising.com 3M™ Automotive Window Film Crystalline Series 3M.com/autodealers p. 113 I N D US TR Y N E WS November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Continued from page 8 Steel vs. Zinc: BADA ‘8 Reasons’ Campaign Backs Up Steel with Facts BADA, a leading U.S. manufacturer of wheel weights, has launched a campaign highlighting the advantages of steel wheel weights. The campaign, known as “8 Is More Than Enough”, highlights eight reasons for steel’s superiority over other alternative materials. “Our industry understands that lead wheel weights will eventually be phased out across the U.S., so naturally the next question is ‘what is the best alternative to lead?’” said Kevin Keefe, Vice President of Marketing for BADA’s parent company, Hennessy Industries. “With this campaign, we relied on straightforward facts to tell the story of why steel wheel weights are a better choice than zinc wheel weights, the other emerging alternative to lead.” “The independent lab found the tested zinc wheel weights had inconsistent weight due to porosity, which occurs during the casting process when pockets of air are trapped inside the wheel weight body and make it lighter than designed,” said Keefe. “Porosity isn’t an issue for BADA steel wheel weights because our weights are formed from a solid piece of steel rather than cast in a mold, resulting in a more accurate weight, every time.” Study Finds Reputation of Service Department a Key Factor in Car Buying Decision Cars.com, the leading online resource for buying and selling new and used cars and a comprehensive digital marketing resource for car dealerships and manufacturers, has announced new research reinforcing that the majority of consumers seek out online reviews about dealership Service Departments making car buying decisions. In an independent Harris Poll commissioned by Cars.com, 64% of inmarket shoppers indicated that a Service Department’s reputation is a factor when choosing where to purchase a vehicle. Furthermore, the research revealed more than half (57%) of shoppers would seek out a dealership’s Service Department reviews before purchasing a vehicle. “These new findings show that reputation management can’t be limited to the sales floor; it needs be embraced throughout the entire dealership, especially in the Service Department,” said Jack Simmons, Manager of Dealer Training Cars.com. “Car shoppers read online reviews for both Sales and the Service Department before buying because they want to know that the dealership will be a reliable, long-term partner for the entire life cycle of their new car. For dealers to earn shoppers’ trust, they must build their Service Department’s brand presence online and effectively communicate their positive reputation through a variety of digital channels, where today’s consumers are shopping most.” p. 114 MarketPlace Loyalty Promotes Service Retentions DealerSocket is introducing a new product that promotes Service retention during F&I and Service opportunities. MarketPlace Loyalty is a prepaid maintenance product linked with executable strategies through e-mail, phone and direct mail reminder campaigns all from DealerSocket CRM. Over 65% of customers that purchase a new or used vehicle never return to the dealership for Service. MarketPlace Loyalty grants dealerships more opportunities to promote multiple Service packages, during key moments, which benefit that specific dealership and guarantee customer loyalty. In addition, dealerships that implement MarketPlace Loyalty have seen a dramatic decrease in their marketing expenses by an average of 61% thereby allowing dealerships to focus their marketing budgets on greater opportunities such as returning or new customers: - Dealerships can utilize MarketPlace Loyalty as a differentiator to promote customer loyalty. - Over 46% of gross profit margin is at risk with ineffective planning for Service retention. - Proven to retain and capture 36% more customers servicing at the dealership. Asbury Enviromental Service to Showcase Fluid Rx “Instant Lubricant Diagnostic™” Fluid Rx Diagnostics™ by Magna-Guard has announced that it has reached a strategic alliance with Asbury Environmental Services (AES) to distribute a private label of its instant fluid testing and analysis tools. This program could reach over 13,000 automotive service centers, oil change facilities and new car dealerships in California, Arizona and Nevada. “This is a very exciting partnership for Fluid Rx Diagnostics™,” said MagnaGuard, Inc. President, Ron McElroy. “AES has been a leader in the automotive waste fluids industry for over 75 years. The fact that they recognize the reputation of Fluid Rx Diagnostics™ and the integrity of our diagnostic tools compliments their long-standing position of excellence is very gratifying,” he added. With the introduction of manufacturer-specific lubricants and so-called “lifetime fluids” the complexity of fluid preventative maintenance has significantly changed. Relying simply on OE time/mileage recommendations may not be good enough or in the best interests of many vehicle owners and operators. And what are the recommendations when the warranty runs out? Fluid Rx Instant Lubricant Diagnostics™ provides both the Technician and customer with the information needed to make an informed decision on when fluid services are needed. Showing the test results to your customer puts them in the driver’s seat, identifying needed services ups ticket averages and bolstering customer loyalty and retention. NitroFill™ Dealers & Customers Team Up to Plant More Than 100,000 Trees NitroFill is looking to replace oxygen in vehicle tires as quickly as possible with the superior performance of NitroFill nitrogen. NitroFill is just as serious about returning more oxygen to the environment via the company’s Plant-a-Tree Program, a sustainable reforestation campaign, enhancing the environment one tree at a time. Since January 2014, NitroFill has been partnering with its extensive dealer network to plant one tree for every NitroFill conversion service sold. Customers who purchase a NitroFill service, or a vehicle equipped with NitroFill, receive a free membership in the NitroFill Auto Club, a customer benefit program that includes tire repair and replacement coverage, roadside assistance and other valuable benefits, which now include the planting of a tree in their honor. When customers register and activate their membership online at they are prompted to dedicate their trees to the person or cause of their choice, and receive a personalized “Dedication Certificate” via e-mail. “Our dealers are always excited to promote NitroFill because of the many benefits it provides motorists including better fuel economy, longer tire life, enhanced safety and a reduced carbon foot print. The opportunity to connect these advantages with the environmental stewardship of a tree planting program makes the experience even more positive,” stated Jay Lighter, President of NitroFill. “This program energizes everyone and we’re receiving a great deal of positive feedback.” Car-O-Liner® Improves Efficiency with WorkShop Facility Planning Solution Car-O-Liner®, a leading global provider of collision repair equipment to the automotive aftermarket, offers WorkShop facility design planning as a free, value-added service through local authorized Car-O-Liner Distributors. Through this service, shops address challenges posed by limited space or awkward building layouts by designing a concept for how equipment will best fit to optimize work flow, thereby providing confidence that their equipment investment will maximize both Technician productivity and shop profitability. After consulting on the objectives of the facility, the Car-O-Liner distributor will work with shop operators and their architects to plan and visualize the most effective layout from a top view in 2D. The unique footprint of the building is accurately represented to include structural attributes such as garage bay openings as well as doors, windows, lighting and more. Equipment can be rotated and moved, in real time, to determine optimal placement with consideration for vehicle flow restrictions, safety and other requirements of the space. At any time, the design can be viewed in 3D from any angle with the ability to save and print high-resolution drawings and specifications. Phillips 66 Lubricants Extends National Supply Agreement with American Honda Motor Company Phillips 66 Lubricants, one of the largest finished lubricants suppliers in North America, has announced that it has signed a three-year agreement to continue manufacturing and supplying service-fill lubricants for American Honda Motor Company, Inc. (AHM). With this agreement, Phillips 66 Lubricants will remain the exclusive provider for most Honda Genuine and Acura branded engine oil, lubricants and other vital fluids to dealers throughout the U.S. Phillips 66 Lubricants began supplying lubricants to AHM in late 2010. By extending the relationship, Phillips 66 Lubricants and AHM are committed to providing Honda and Acura dealers with high-performance products and service. “Our association with the great team at AHM has been highly effective over the past three years because of our shared commitment to developing Honda Genuine and Acura branded oil programs that complement the quality service provided at their dealerships,” said Bryan Faria, Manager, Finished Lubricants. “We value the relationship and will continue to support AHM and their dealers with genuine Honda and Acura products and service that enhance the ownership experience for AHM’s customers.” AutoLoop’s SmartLane Integrates with Dealer Tire to Help Dealerships Drive Profits Through Tire Sales AutoLoop’s SmartLane is a service app that provides mobile access to key information in AutoLoop’s Book scheduling software, streamlining the Service lane check-in process and making inspections easier, faster and more reliable. Dealer Tire is the only national firm exclusively dedicated to helping original equipment automobile manufacturers design, implement and manage profitable tire programs for their dealerships. “SmartLane is a powerful and useful tool for the dealership,” said Matt Rodeghero, AutoLoop Chief Product Officer. “Integrating with the Dealer Tire software adds another facet of functionality and another service that dealerships can offer their customers.” According to Rodeghero, Dealer Tire software is accessed during the vehicle inspection. If the tires are found to be worn, cracked, or otherwise in need of attention, SmartLane seamlessly provides all relevant options from the Dealer Tire site, including recommended replacement tires, pricing, current rebates and incentives. Results are then added to the SmartLane summary page. “We’re excited to work with another company that specializes in proactive automotive services,” said Rodeghero. “Dealer Tire and SmartLane together are an effective solution that benefits both the dealer and the end user.” p. 115 I N D US TR Y N E WS November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine NADA Launches Major New Initiative to Promote the Benefits of Franchised Auto Dealers The National Automobile Dealers Association has rolled out a new “Get The Facts” initiative to inform the media, opinion leaders and consumers about the numerous benefits of America’s franchised new-car dealer network through a website and variety of multimedia resources. The centerpiece of the project is a two-and-a-half minute animated video detailing the benefits of the franchised dealer system. Other resources include a 30-second video, a fact sheet on the consumer benefits of dealers, a longer informative FAQ, a document explaining the reasons for state franchise laws, an infographic and other materials. In June the NADA released a new report by renowned auto industry analyst Maryann Keller on the consumer benefits of the dealer franchise system. “Franchised new-car dealers provide the best, most efficient and most cost-effective way to sell and distribute new cars in America and we’re proud of our businesses and business model,” said NADA President Peter Welch. “NADA’s efforts will set the record straight about the benefits of the dealer franchise network for consumers, manufacturers and local communities everywhere,” Welch added. “New car dealers provide the best and most efficient way to buy and sell cars for both consumers and manufacturers, despite the misinformation and misconceptions that have surfaced over the last several months.” Castrol® Expands Castrol Protection Plus Program, Featuring a ‘Forever’ Engine Warranty Castrol Protection Plus (CPP) is only available to franchised new car dealerships that sell Castrol products. CPP is designed to provide a unique advantage for dealerships to differentiate their used vehicle inventory from local competition, by offering a ‘Forever’ limited engine warranty simply by installing and performing regular maintenance with Castrol EDGE® Professional full-synthetic motor oil every 6 months or 5,000 miles. Plus, by doing so, used car-buyers also receive 24-hour emergency roadside assistance from Nation Safe Drivers (NSD), which is extended for 6 months every time they get a Castrol EDGE Professional oil change. Owners of these vehicles receive e-mail reminders to schedule their Service appointment at the selling dealership to keep their coverage active. Castrol EDGE Professional – Castrol’s most advanced oil – is exclusively available to franchised new car dealerships. It contains a UV dye, a recognizable signature of authenticity, and is micro-filtered to the standard required for factory installation by automakers, giving it superior performance and engine protection. Castrol EDGE Professional is recommended by world leading car manufacturers: Audi, BMW, Bugatti, Jaguar, Lamborghini, Land Rover, Mazda, MINI, Rolls-Royce, Volvo and Volkswagen. Dealertrack Acquires ASR Pro Infomedia Announces New Agreement with Hyundai Canada for Microcat® Auto PartsBridge™ Global automotive industry software developer, Infomedia Ltd (IFM) has announced that it has entered into a non-exclusive licensing agreement with Hyundai Auto Canada Corp. (HACC), to produce and supply Microcat® Auto PartsBridge ® (APB) to Hyundai dealers and body shop customers within Canada. APB is the highly commended B2B version of its Microcat® Electronic Parts Catalog (EPC). As a specialized SaaS (Software as a Service) business solution for OEM dealers and their important collision repair customers, APB is the most comprehensive and effective system for the management of competitive conquest sales available in the Parts field today. Karen Blunden, CEO of Infomedia Americas said: “We are excited about the opportunity to offer the APB system to Hyundai dealers in Canada. APB is an affordable and innovative application that helps dealerships conquest a higher degree of genuine Parts sales.” Hyundai now joins Honda, Acura, Chrysler, Toyota and Kia in adopting APB in support of their wholesale Parts programs. p. 116 Dealertrack Technologies has announced the acquisition of substantially all of the assets of ASR Pro, a leading provider of web-based electronic multipoint-inspection and Fixed Operations services for automotive dealerships. Launched in 2004, ASR Pro software is designed to help maximize workflow efficiencies and increase profitability for automotive Service and Parts departments within dealerships. ASR Pro, which is based in Raleigh, North Carolina and employs approximately 35 team members, helps track, measure and manage Service sales and utilization for dealers to create additional Service opportunities, increase profits, improve customer satisfaction and grow their customer base. “The acquisition of ASR Pro will augment our existing integrated suite of Fixed Operations offerings. With the proper management and control of the Service lane and shop, we feel that the opportunity for capturing additional Service revenue for dealers is tremendous,” said Raj Sundaram, Executive Vice President, Dealer Solutions, Dealertrack. “The powerful combination of our dealer management system (DMS) and ASR Pro will help dealers transform their Service business and benefit from the rapidly-growing Fixed Operations marketplace.” According to Fred Fordin, Chief Executive Officer, ASR Pro, “The joining of our organization with Dealertrack’s resources and expertise will help more dealers create a sustainable and profitable Service and Parts business, while significantly improving customer satisfaction and retention. We look forward to being part of Dealertrack and continuing to bring innovative solutions to the Fixed Operations market.” Recall Angel from Zonic Design Accelerates OEM Recall Notifications for Dealers Recall Angel, a SaaS-based vehicle recall notification dashboard from Zonic Design, helps auto dealers quickly communicate OEM recall notifications to their customers so they can service those recalled vehicles effectively to ensure motorist safety. The Detroit News reported recently that “25% of recalled cars in the U.S. aren’t fixed despite notice.” The newspaper noted that, “Some car owners mistake safety recall notices for junk mail and toss them without opening them. In some cases, owners may not think a recall is serious and opt not to get their cars fixed right away — or at all.” “Zonic Design’s Recall Angel is a timely solution for all auto dealers whose customers are being impacted by OEM vehicle recalls,” said Brian Ramphal, Zonic Design CEO. “We have created a tool that greatly improves communication efficiency with consumers and helps dealers qualify their information with a user-friendly interface. OEM’s don’t always make recall records easily accessible to their dealers.” As a BDC-centered dashboard tool, Recall Angel ensures that detailed recall information is communicated using personal telephony outreach to subscribing dealers’ customers. Telephony ensures that these vital messages are delivered. Recall Angel drills down to specific makes, models, trim levels and model years covered by a broader recall, giving dealers specific, detailed recall and Service data. I-CAR® Celebrates 35 Years of Serving Auto Collision Repair Industry Xtime Wins Best Automotive Application at 2014 Annual Telematics Update Awards Known for its advanced connected car capabilities, Xtime took home the honor for Best Automotive Application at the 2014 Annual Telematics Update Awards. Among a selected group of winners from more than 500 nominations globally, Xtime was recognized for ServiceTelematics, a component of its industry-leading Scheduling 7 solution that is in use at over 6,000 new car dealerships in the United States, Canada and Australia. Xtime’s ServiceTelematics seamlessly connects a vehicle with the automaker’s dealer network. When alerted about needed maintenance or repair, the driver can use the in-dash telematics system, mobile application or vehicle diagnosis email notifications to quickly schedule Service directly with their preferred dealer. Xtime’s ServiceTelematics then transmits Service details to the selected dealership and confirms the order, and the information is used by the preferred dealer’s Service Advisor to check in the customer upon arrival. The result is an integrated and quality experience that values the driver’s convenience. “Xtime takes great pride in being at the forefront of the connected car movement and creating platforms that represent the ultimate customer experience,” said Neal East, Xtime CEO. “We are elated that the telematics community recognizes our innovations and that an increasing number of major automakers are looking to Xtime to power their in-car Service scheduling.” Automotive Compliance Consultants Offers Tips for Handling Toxic Troublemakers Terry Dortch, President of Automotive Compliance Consultants, has stated that dealers who permit toxic troublemakers – often a business’ top performers – to run riot unchecked could put other employees at risk and damage dealership reputation. I-CAR®, the Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair, has observed its 35th anniversary of improving the quality and safety of collision repair to benefit the industry and consumers. The organization was formed in 1979 when leaders convened to create a technical focus on collision repair education in order to address a significant shift in vehicle technology -- the advent of the unibody. It’s not likely a dealership will become a mass shooting scene, but human behaviors can too frequently strike on a smaller, less lethal scale. Bullying, abuse and other actions toward others in the workplace can leave behind victims, sorrow, distrust and anger. Toxic behaviors include gossip, unconstructive criticism, drama, bitterness, bullying, constant complaining or blaming others. “I-CAR has worked hard over the years to expand our relevance to the collision repair industry with a focus on building the knowledge and skills necessary to support complete, safe and quality repairs,” said John Van Alstyne, I-CAR President & CEO. “We believe in excellence and we are committed to the ongoing success of our industry. Thus we are helping prepare the industry for the accelerating period of vehicle technology change we are just entering, we are encouraging industry-wide commitment to the Learning Culture this technology shift requires, and we are focused on better educating the consumer. On this important anniversary, I want to extend my gratitude to all those who embrace the I-CAR vision and mission, especially all our volunteers and instructors, which without their support our work would be impossible.” “Where these characteristics are identified in any employee and they tend to be habitual characteristics, heed the warnings,” notes Dortch. “These individuals may present with transient work histories, a history of substance abuse, an expectation of being owed, narcissism, explosive outbursts, and manipulative, caustic, dishonest and passive-aggressive behaviors. These individuals are often more concerned with what they get from their position than what they can contribute.” “Often the toxic personality is a high performer for the dealership, making it difficult for management to know how to handle the situation,” Dortch said. “Don’t allow any one employee to get away with unacceptable behavior just because they produce. p. 117 I N D US TR Y N E WS November / December 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine CCC Information Services Inc. and WHI Solutions to Provide eCommerce Suite CCC Information Services (CCC) has announced that it has reached agreement with WHI Solutions, an eBay company, to offer eCommerce services that streamline the process for aftermarket suppliers to present and sell their Parts to collision repairers and mechanical repair shops. The eCommerce suite will support direct sales to active buyers and provide listing support services through eBay Motors. WHI Solutions is the leading provider of on-demand e-business solutions to the automotive and heavy truck industries. “We’re excited to work with WHI Solutions to bring services to the aftermarket industry that will make it easier for WHI Parts suppliers to gain exposure to the collision repair community,” said David Boden, VP, CCC Parts Services Group. “CCC works with thousands of collision repair facilities that purchase millions of dollars in parts each year and are always looking for quality suppliers. By working with WHI Solutions we’ll be able to offer another option for suppliers interested in connecting with repairers in an easy and efficient way.” Bryan Murphy, Managing Director of WHI Solutions added: “CCC is a leader in the collision repair marketplace and we’re very excited to begin working with them. We shared news of our relationship with CCC with members of the Auto Body Parts Association (ABPA) recently and received a great response. We look forward to our future work and bringing services to the marketplace.” TimeHighway.com Announces Partnership with CIMA Systems to Bring Best-of-Breed Service Technologies to Dealers TimeHighway.com, a premier real-time, online Service appointment-scheduling tool for auto dealerships, has announced a partnership with ownership marketing leader CIMA Systems. This strategic partnership will bring the best of both companies’ products and services to dealerships to help them drive more business. “Over the years I’ve looked at just about every automotive marketing vendor and CIMA Systems offers one of the most comprehensive and robust solutions I’ve seen,” said TimeHighway.com President Karen Dillon. CIMA Systems, the patent-pending automated customer interaction tool for the automotive industry, has been the highest-rated Ownership Marketing Company for the past five years on DrivingSales.com, as voted by dealers. “We are honored to partner with TimeHighway.com to offer dealers the most advanced Service marketing and scheduling system solution on the market today,” said CIMA Systems President & CEO Gary Nixon. p. 118 Gratis Solutions Introduces Service-Pay-On-Line Gratis Solutions, the producers of autoWALL, is proud to announce another revolutionary tool added to its arsenal of client care; SPOL or Service-PayOn-Line is now released and successfully operational. Service-Pay-On-Line makes the lives of customers and Service personnel much easier and payment of a repair quicker. autoWALL’s core functionality is focused on addressing the needs of the everyday user of dealership services and SPOL makes that customer experience easier and more seamless. Rather than waiting to pay at a dealership cashier or Service Advisor, SPOL users will be able to pick up their vehicle and go. Service Advisors will already have been notified of the online payment having been made. Or the customer can show their receipt on their mobile device, retrieve their vehicle and drive off. Saphura Safavi Long, President of Chattanooga, Tennessee-based Gratis Solutions, indicated that this one tool has brought more attention to the company in a short period of time than any other of the tools available within the autoWALL Interactive Customer Community. She attributes this success to a need in this vertical that is being addressed easily and with as few human interactions as possible. “We all know that Service Advisors and accounting professionals at the dealership are busy and a process that makes their life easier only adds to employee productivity and dealership bottom line,” she said. The autoWALL declined Service functionality, along with its reputation management capability, delivers higher Google scores for a dealership, which is a requirement for today’s millennial consumers. It also delivers an increase in organic leads and improvements in unique visitors. All this, along with appointment setting capabilities and developing the branding of a Service Department. Monthly Service Sales & Profit-Building Courses for Advisors and Managers Offered at New Don Reed Training Center The Don Reed Training Network is proud to announce the Grand Opening of the DealerPro Don Reed Training Center, conveniently located just a few minutes from the Columbus, Ohio airport. Every month, Service sales-building courses will be led by the DealerPro training team. All are designed to increase Service gross profits by up to 40%: Service Advisor Training 101 (2 days) -- Increasing Repair Orders and Hours per RO Service Advisor Training 201 (2 days) -- Maximizing CSI and Customer Retention Service Management Team Training (3 days) -- How to Achieve 100% Service Absorption These state-of-the-art interactive courses feature complete training manuals, role-playing and test certification. Managers also get profit calculators, a Service Sales Menu template and financial statement analysis insights. V Bo 201 isit ot 5 us h NA a #2 D t 44 A 1S CAPTURE MORE SALES WITH THE POWER OF PHOTO AND VIDEO INSPECTIONS 1 2 3 Build trust and improve customer satisfaction CAPTURE Add photo and video evidence to your vehicle inspection reports. 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