DcoM - Ιδρυματικό Αποθετήριο Α.Ε.Ι. Πειραιά Τ.Τ.
DcoM - Ιδρυματικό Αποθετήριο Α.Ε.Ι. Πειραιά Τ.Τ.
Dc oM ~NGSTON / Lf_5 U NI VE RS I TY SQL INJ ECTION Dissertation submitted for the Degree of M ~ιs te r of S cίence ίη Networking ~1nd Data Co ιnmunications By PARASKEV AKIS EMMANOUIL SUPE RVISOR PANAGIOTIS KOTZANIKOLAOU KI NGSTON UNJVERSIT Y, SCHOOL O F COMPUTING AN D INFORMAT ION SYSTEMS Τ ΕΙ O F PIRAEUS, DEPARTM ENTS O F E LECTRONICS AND AUTOMAT ION J ULY 2009 Τ ABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ......................................................... .... ..................... 3 1 INTRODUCTION ................................. .......... ........................ 4 1.1 SQL comn1ands and possible exploitations ........................................... .4 1. Ι . 1 SELECT ............................................................................................... 4 1. 1.2 UN ION SELECT ................................................... .............................. 5 1.2 Penetι·atio11 attacks .............................................................................. 6 2 METHODOLOGIES FOR PENETRATION ATTACKS ........... 8 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 Aιιthenticati on Mechanism shortcomings in Web applications ................. 8 Penetration testing techniques for web applications ......................... 9 CΙ'oss Si te Scl'ipting: .......................................................................... 1Ο DATABASEATTACKS ...... ....................... .................. ....... ... 13 3.1 Different penetration attack techniques .......................................... 13 3.1.1 Obtaining lnformation Using Ειτοι· Messages ................................... 13 Acqιιiring Furtheι· Access .................................................................. 18 3.1.2 3.1 .3 S to ι·ed Procedιιι·es .............................................................................. 19 3.1.4 Second 0Γd e1· SQL Inj ection.............................................................. 19 3.1.5 Weak input validation ........................................................................ 20 3.1.6 PΓivileges wl1en connecting to databases ........................................... 21 3.1.7 Dynamic queιΎ inteι'faces .................................................................. 23 3.1.8 Canonicalisation eιτοι·s ...................................................................... 24 3.1.9 Diffe1·ences between databases .......................................................... 25 4 TOOLS FOR ATTACKS IMPLEMENTATION ........................ 27 4.1 Tools classitication .............. .... .. ..................... .... .............................. 28 4.2 4.3 4.4 Evaluating tJ1e Results ....................................................................... 28 Vulnel'abi lity scanning tools ............................................................... 29 Common tool featιπes: ...................................................................... 30 5 LESSONS LEARNED, wΑ YS το PROTECT FROM SQL INJECTIONS ............ ........ ...... ........ ................................ ....... ...... 34 Gene ι·al steps towal'ds SQL injection pι·evention .................................. 34 5.2 lnput sanitization .............................................................................. 35 5.3 SQ L lnjection Detection, database pal't ................................................ 39 5.4 Standaid SQL Injection Testing .......................................................... 39 5.5 Union QιιeΙΎ SQL In_jection Testing .................................................... 40 5.6 Blind SQL In.jection Testing ...... .................... ..... .................. .. .... ...... .41 5.7 S toι·ed Pι·ocedu!'e lnj ection ........................................................ .. ....... 44 5.8 Data Validation Stl'ategies ................................................................ .44 5.8. Ι Accept known good ........................................................................... 44 5.8.3 Reject known bad ............................................................................... 45 5.8.3 Sanitize ............................................ ................................................... 45 5.1 6 7 CONCLUSION .................. ...... ..................... .... ..................... 46 REFERENCES ................... ......... ............ ....... ........................ 47 2 ABSTRACT J11 tl1i s tl1esis the SQL injection conceιηing exploiting SQL weaknesses By ιηeans of data or vulneι-ability will bc the access and exaιηi11ed ιηodification executίon systeιη cοιηιηaηds of high privileged opeι-ations aspect execution. Tl1e (penetι·ation vulneι·abilities ίn sorne cases exaιηined will be exaιηined in the san1e Μοι·eονeΓ, a pι·esentation of the tools tl1at have been invented to just to dctennine tl1e opeΓatίng by tl1e web attacks or interface application specific and tl1e SQL asρect. Defcnce ιηodilication on tl1e database (i.e. sl1utdown), staten1ent οι· of SQL tables. of SQL injectio11 tl1e exploitation of sensitive database data, recovering contents of files in the database system and inteι-face wl1ich consists of ιηechani sιηs and tl1ei1· application possibilities will be manneΓ: Inteι'face degΓee application specific and SQL specific. of vulnerability a database ίs pι·event sιιcl1 attacks exposed to, will take place. Α su ιηιηaΓy "Lessons of tl1e ιηetl1ods leaι·ned" chapteΓ, to avoid SQL injection attacks will follow analysing the possible defence attacks. 3 ιηecl1anisms ίη tl1e for sucl1 INTRODUCTION SQL injection is a very common way to attack databases mostly tl1ose l1aving web inteι-face data tΓans l ated to inpιιt. SQL quel'ies, could bccome dangeΓoυs fοι· the database ι·eveal i11foπη ati o n This form contωl Most of the tin1es malicίous code via http qucι·ies, whicl1 when to unautl101·ised ο[ attacks useΓs. becaιιse is possible and daιa planes. Despite being ηιιιη eιΌu s pιΌ dυction systeιηs integι·ity, οι· just in SQL ιl1eι·e is no disιincιion between ι·elati vely sinψle connected to tl1e ln teπ1et to pIΌtecι agai nst, tl1eΓe aι·e that aΓe vιιlneΓable to tl1is type of attack. The n1ain consequences aΓe: Confιdentiality: F reqιιent pLΌblem, • especially to these databases where sensitive data aι·e being held. Authe11tication: If ηο co nιpetent SQL sanitization is used to cl1eck ιιseΓ nan1es • and passwoι·ds, hacking ίnιο databases is possible. · • Autl101·izatίon: Aιιthoι·isation al teΓed via exploitation • Integι·ity: lnfo tl1ωιιgl1 stoι·ed ίη info stoΓed in a SQL database might be read or a SQL injection. a SQL database caould be eitheι· ιη οd ίίί ed ΟΓ deleted .. The above mcntioned issues aι·e platfoιη1 (on wl1ich ιhe SQL is ωns 011) independenι. There aι·e n1any n1eans of defence against SQL injection attacks: • lnptιt • lnput validati on/sanίtί sati on of the SQL tι·anlslated input via SQL pιΌceduι·es • Access 1·igtl1s management validation/sanitisation on tl1e aplicatio11 side Το ωaintain secuι·ity fοι· applied ίη ιηean s a rcl1itectιιι·e, ηοι 1.1 to of ίη with SQL SQL ΓOιιtines and pΓoceduΓes SQL databases all otl1er νίιυs sca ιυ1ing, foΓget inteΓactin g tl1e physical secιιΓity measιιΓes have to be IDS systems deployment, safe secu ι·ity netwoΓk appl i catίo n. SQL con11nands and possίble exploίtatίons 1. 1.1 SELECT SELECT qιιeι·ies ai-e used to ι·etΓi eve in foιη1ation fιΌrn injection, all tl1e at'gιιments sιιbmitted wiJI be used 4 ίη a database. Ιη a diΓect the SQL qιιery. If an 'ΌR" οι· a WHERE s tate ιη ent is appended to tl1e paΓaιη eteι- 's legitimate va l ιιe and this inpιιt produces an eιτοΓ, direct injection is likely to take place. by expoiting tl1e e πΌι· messages e.g. = "SELECT GivenName, SιιJ"Name, lϊtl e FROM E ιηpl oyees WHERE Eιηpl oyee = " & Eιηp l oyee I D SQLStι-ing MoreoveΓ a SELECT queιΎ can be dangerous if coιηbi ned witl1 an "always tιυe" statement UNION SELECT 1.1.2 SELECT qιιeries aι-e usually used by many web applications using νaΙ"i ab le content. These kind of qιιeΓi es aΓe condition, wl1ich ίf trιιe ιη anipιιl ation sensitive in the WHERE clause, 111aΓki11g tl1c t\1e SELECT queιΎ s l1oιιld give resιιlts. WH ERE claιιse ιηay be altered to pΙ"Ονίde Γesults diΠeΓent than the ones SELECT con1n1and injected into tl1c ίηpιιt Γequested by ιιsing a UNION fields. This way many SELECT qιιαίes will be execιιted by one singlc s tateιη ent: SELECT Fiι·mJd FROM FROM Thίs Custoιηeι·s Vendoι·s WHERE 1 = 1 UNJON ALL SELl3CT Finηld WHERE 1 = 1 gives back as a resιιl t tl1e Γecoι·ds is ι·equiΓed Searcl1 fοι· sο ιηe fιιnctions f1Όη1 fiι·st qιιeι·ies a\togetheΓ. and second ALL SELECT DISTINCT stateιη ents to be bypassed. may be usi ng SQL queries containing LIKE clauses, i.e. SQLStΓing = "SELECT Fiι·stName, LastNan1e, Title FROM Enψloyees WHERE LastName LIKE ' %" & stJ"LastNameSearc\1 & "%"' % is a wildcaΓd , so ίη the coιηn1and above WHl3RE wotιld s t1·LastN an1eSea ι·cl1 appeaι·s ίη ι·eturn tιυe always whe ι·e LastNan1e. If tl1e queιΎ sl1all not be sending ι·ecoι·ds, tl1e val ιιe sl1all not be contained in the LastName append a peι·cent sign and single quote, ΟΓ fιeld. UsuaJly web applications parentl1esis. The appended chaΓacteι·s shall 5 be rηirrored in tl1e WHERE paran1cter·s LJKE "%%" ίt will lead to all the script is execιιted vaι·iables aι·e and the given witl1 fonηs inpιιt fιelds ceΓtain code code is inserted into strings fοι· execιιtion. Usιιally asking ίη tl1e displaying. malicioιιs passed to an SQL instance ser·ve1· Web sites takes place by injected string. It' πο value is added ι·ecoι-ds 1.2 Penetr·ation attacks SQL injections at"e attacks ίπ whicl1 lateι· ίπ fοι· ιιsen1ame stΓings validation of ιιseΓs are οη ίπpιιι. Α login queΓy vaΓiables. Ι [ tl1ese and password are given as SQL ιl1at tl1ey can bypass tl1e database secιπity giving access to unauthoΓised 3rd paΓties ΟΙ' even woΓse allow the ιηodifιcation and/oι· deletion of the database contents. The example bellow shows an unaιιthorised registΓation atteιηpt (MS Access DB being used for this):. ιιseι· == Request.forn1 ("useι·") pass == Reqιιest. forn1("pass") Set Conn = SeινeΓ.Cι'eateObject('ΆDODB.Connection") Set Rs == Seι·νeΓ.Cι·eateObject("ADODB.Recoι·dset") Conn.Open (dsn) SQL = "SELECT C=COUNT(*) FROM useΓs wheΓe pass="' & pass & '" and user-111 & LΙ Sel' & '"" ι·s.open (sql,conn) if ι·s.eo f ΟΙ' Γs.bofthen ι·esponse.wι·ite "Database Εποr" else ί f ι·s("C") < 1 then Γesρonse.wΓite "[nvalid Credentials" else Γe spo nse. wι·ite "Logged Jn " end if endif [5] 6 ln ιl1is case validity. uscι·: input i.e. T11eι·e s hoυld ιη anipιιlate s ιιbn1it ιl1e ιιseι·name and password variables is not cl1ecked bc checks on tl1e inpιιts, even thoιιgh foι any aιιacke ι- is ab le to HTML con1n1ands can bypass these Γestι·iction s. If so ιηcone was to the following ίηpιιt: test' Ο R 'Ι '=' 1' pass: test tl1e SQL tl1at would be ι·ea l y executed woιιld be: SELECT * FROM useΓs wl1ere pass='test' and ιιseΓ='test' OR 'Ι' = '1' This stΓing sends tl1e following comιηand to the database: "access the data for which the following conditions are tnιe: ιιser and pass equal to 'test', οι- 1 equal to Ι ." Tl1e 1= Ι condition is always tιυe i.e. tl1e attacker wi ll be sιιccessfully logged ίη. 7 2 METHODOLOGIES FOR PENETRAΤΙΟΝ 2.1 Authentication Α Mecl1anis1η shoι·tcon1i ngs ίn Web applications n1ain vulneJ"abili ty of Web based applίcati on s is tl1e inability fο ι· stωn g aιι then tication mechanisms. Web application envi1Όnn1en ts i.e. ΗΠΡ , 1-ITML, CSS, .JavaSc Ι"i pt do not pι·ov ide sufficient secιιι·i ty. Ιη ΑΤΤ ACKS The Η ΤΤΡ pωtoco l p ιΌvides both cases the steΓeoty pe Ι"espo nse fo 11ηs two A u thenticatί on (cli ent side) takes place. ln Bas ίc ΗΠΡS , mec l1a ni s ιηs fο ι· aιιthen ticat i on of autl1entication: Bas·ίc and Diges·t request (se ιΎeι· side)- Λιιthenticatίon autl1entication plain tcx ι is used. Ιη tl1e Diges·t aιιthenιicat i on scl1ema enc ιγpΙ"ίοη ίs used ί η teιη1s of a hasl1 value, wl1ich is t ίιη e dependant (nonce), cιγptogι·aphi c key ge neΓated by tl1e se ι·ve ι-. bellow a typical database/useι· coιηponen t d i agι·am is pΓesen ted: Fιrewall ~ ~.-.--. _ . tnιp.//(oo,com/show.jsp?l0<Jιn~doc&ρass,.xyι ~ [3 1] Database/useJ" coιnponent d iagι·aιη 8 Web Ιη tl1e F i gιι!'e Penetι·ation 2.2 Ιη οι·deι· app li cat ίon • shalJ be υ sed. language testing techniques fo1· web applications to succeed all the enν iιΌnιηen tal penetι·atίon for a defιned systen1, web an seι·νeΓ softwaΓe, sαipιin g This kind of inforn1ation can be Γetrieved by : HEAD and OPTIONS in ίη cases, opeΓating i.e. paΓaιηeteΓs fο ι· hιtp ι·equests. HeadeΓ of sucl1 Γeq υ ests, in ιηοs t tl1e SERVER stΓing ΟΓ anotheΓ sin1ilaI" stΓing, state the version web seιveι· and othcΓ ί f the paran1eters sυcl1 as opeΓa6ng systen1 or scι-i pt envi1Όn111ent. • Analysing eιτο r messages. Special inteι·est is attΓacted for specific erI"OΓ messages pΙΌνided by specifι c application, helping to ι·eco gn i se t\1e application itself and possibly it's ve ι·s ion . • Looking υp fοι· a ceΓtain cΓeate • a different diι·ecto Γy SoυΓce Ιηpιιt stΓuctυΓe fοΓ known and ιιιιkηοwη file types. ιφ so that can be detenηined. eηνίΙΌηιηeηt: Catalog - ΙΕδ. 1 Fίle web seι·vices below νaΓiabl c (lteιη lD) has an eιτatίc valιιe on ly to exposc tl1e application • Sοιηe feed witl1 ίnvalίd data so that scΓipting eιτοΓs can be manίpιιlated. !η the Fίguι·e 1 of diΓectoιΎ structυre. code analysing. Speci fιc code sωηgs aΓe being looked softwa Γe veΓsions • patteι·n Edit Address \ Vlew · Faνorίtes Tools Help http: //wν~w. example .com/shop. asp?ItemID=52; 1 Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800a000d' Type mismatch: 'CLng' /shop.asp, line 792 [2J • TC P/IC MP and Servicc the peneιι·ation testeι"/attackeΓ apρlication e ηνiιΌ ηιηeηt Αιηap and Fin gerprintίn g: FingerpΓinting tools ex ist which allow to deteΓn1ine wl1icl1 opeΓating systeιη and whicl1 is rιιηηίηg. Tools sιιcl1 as such as Ν ιη aρ and WebSeι-veι·SP. ΝΜΑΡ and Qιιeso ιιse infoΓmation t'ΙΌm 9 Qιιeso, t\1e specific l1ost TCP/f P to dΓiνe conclιιsions about tl1e opeι·a ting syste ιη , tl1e version of tl1e k eιηe 1 a11d the patchset of whe web application. Those tools exan1ine ιιsιιally tl1e seι·ve!' ΗΤΤΡ headeι·s to ι·etΓieve s ιιcl1 ίnΓο ηηatί οη. B l ~a c kb ox Testing Metliod: • applications ίη tenηs Exception condίti on s a\'e pωvoked of giving specific inputs, sucl1 as special SQL scΓipting cοιηιηaηds οΓ Γequests in an invalid ι·esponses CιΌss 2.3 Web cl1aΓactcι·s, spaces, Web application a\'e tl1cn being analysed. Site Sαipting: Cι-oss-site scι·ipting send foιη1at. fΊΌη1 ιηalίcίοιι s (XSS) aιιacks οccιιι· wl1en an attack eι· uses a web application to code, useΓ[28]. Numeωus geneΓa ll y ίη tl1e fοπη of a bJ'Owsel' side sc ι·ipt , to a diΠel'ent cnd coding eιτοι-s allowing attacks of this kind can be found along Web applications. fn sucl1 cases SCl'ipts containing ιηatίcίοιιs code a ι·e being sent to end u seΓs, lead ing ίn the possible l1anding of session tokens, cookies, ΟΙ' even tl1e wl10\e accessed web page content. Tl'lls is possible distingυish whethel' the scι·ipt is to be tnιsted XSS attacks can geneι-ally Ο Ι' becaιιse bωwseΓs can not not. be categoι·ized as stored οι· retlccted. Ιη Stored attacks t\1c code in,jectecl \1as been stoΓed anywl1eι·e ί.e. not nacessaι·i\y only fonιm οι· elwheι·e. ίη Γeplace database bιιt ίη message accessing tl1ose sites acq uiι·e also tl1e ιηa li c i oιιs in tl1e attacked seι·veι·s End users scl'ipts, togetl1eι- witl1 tl1e inf·o ι·equested. Ιη Retlected attacks the injected code can be contained in seΓνeι-, i.e. in eποΓ messages, seιΎeι·s to affect, by Tl1ese infections sιιbmi tting Γesυlts ι·outes sιιch Γeq ιιiΓe ιηessages con1i ng frοιη tl1e of a qιι e1Ύ etc. Reflected attacks ι·each the as email links or any otheι· tl1e useΓs "coopeΓati on" in tenηs f0Γn1 of communication. of fo llowing a link οι· a fοπη , whicl1 wil l then inject the malicioυs code in t\1e web seι·νeΓ to be "taken". Tl1e bωwsel' then executes tl1e code as it came Γωιη a ' trusted' As Ι·a ι· seιΎe\'. as consequences aι·c conceι11ed, it is indiffeι·ent whetheι· attacks a ι·e stored ι·eflectcd, ίt inΓectcd οι· is only a n1attel' of "ωutc" used, also "Read only" sites aι·e as can be also by XSS attacks. The session coockie - a cookie used to identify the private session and maintain state, between a useι· and a web application - ί s one of the Γavoul'ite ta Γgets of XSS 10 attacks. In such cases the seesion cookie is stolen and the attacke ι- can take over tl1c session. By XSS attacks also all thc classic dangeι·s can occuι- sιιch as ν ίηιs installation, rediι·ection to another web page, content rnodification etc. Ιη οι·deΓ to be rnoι·e difίicult code, using si ιηpl e ι-ul es, fοι· sιιc\1 tl1e web application owners to ίίlteι- out ιηalicious as fιlteι·ing < ο ι· > symbols, attackeι·s "hide" tl1e rnal icious code by rnaking the ι-eqιιests ίη Unicode or using ve.-sions wl1ich do not necessaΓily ι·eqιιίι-e <ο ι- > syιηbo l s. Usιιa lly ernbeddcd Javascι-ipts a ι·e being ιιsed, buι one can not exlιιde any active content sιιch as ActiveX, VB scripts or Flasl1. Tl1is policy against sιιcl1 attacks should expected, tl1an Ιη filteΓing many cases si ιηple known seι·veι· eιτοι·) Γeqιιested Ιη ίs pages. be fιlteι·ing the ι-eason why the defence out anytl1ing deviating n1essages fl'O tl1e web application tl1e seινeι·s, sιιcl1 infonηation ι-egaι-ding those cases the eχpοsιιι·e to a reflected ίη l'Ι'Οιη of n1alicioιιs code. can be ussed to convey l1igl1. Many tools exist whicl1 vulnneΓabilities patteιηs ΗΠΡ eιτοr tl1e 500 (inten1al ι-atheι· ίs cιΌss as the site scripting attack any case coιιld assist attackeι·s to exloΓe ιl1e of a web application and exploit the1111·igl1t afteι· ιηaking injection attacks. Cοιηιηοη XSS J avascΓipting tecl1niqιιes[29]: • e ιηbeciing nested quotes: One can use escape quotes as follows \' ο ι· \" or the coιτesponding ιιnicode chaΓacteι·s \ιι0022 and \ιι0027 • keywoι·d filteι·s allowing al l javasCl'ίpts to execute e.g.: a='na ν ί '; b=' gatoι-. ιιseι"Agent' ;al eι-t(eval (a+b)) • E111bedded block scι·ipting coιηbined with insufticient ίηpυt lengtl1 can lead to gι-ec:ιt exposιπe to ιι sed fοΓ • Ιη haι-mful SCl'ίptin g if if the code to be the sc ι-ipting can be wι·i tten in a single sc.-ίpt soιπce . cases SSL is being ιιsed, in web pages, wa.-nings in case a script's Ol'igin is not defence in ι·egaι·d tl1eι·e aι-e ιιsιιally tnιsted , giving a linc of witl1 tJ1e oι·igin of the code to be executed 11 (supposi ng that tι-ustcd OΙ" igins l1ave not been taken ονe ι') Tl1is can be bypassed ίf images οι· e,g, .txt files can be uploaded 011 those files conιain javascι·ipt comιηands tl1e SSL orίgίn be bypassed and possible input lengtl1 • JavasCΓίpts can be used to Γead tilteι·ing entiι·e a scι·νeΙ". If waιηίng can can be bypassed too. web page contents and cl1ange torn1 e l eιηents. • In1pωpeΙ" qιιotes syntax vιιlneI"abilities can be exploited e.g. it'we do not use any " Ο Ι"' in_jected is tΙ"anslated as a \" and \' Ι"espec ti ve l y . T11is adds anothe ι· complexity factoΙ" if big scι·ipts Γunctionalities aΓe to be used. 12 involv ίng conψlex DA Τ ABASE 3 Ι η tl1ίs cl1apter tl1e Α ΤΤ ACKS vulneι·abi lίty paι·t ίη 011 tl1e database "injectjon" attacks wί ll be examined. The databases vulnerability by ιηany tools -ιηοst ι·egarded should be targets. Meta ίn sιιch attacks could be easily detected, and exploited, of theιη ca11 bc downloaded wίtl1 as "safe" even the ones cl1aracteι·s are used as ίηpιιt ίn fοι· ΙΙ·ee fΓοιη the l nteιηet. Νο impoι·tance οι· Jeast ίnterface fonη s, the web site traflic can be ίιηpleιηe ηt to tl1ose attacks. T11ose cl1aι-acteι·s will be tι·anslated as con1n1ands in thc coιltt'ol plane, as SQL does not have sepaι·ate control and data planes. Any contωl chaΓacteι· ίnseΓted ίη as data filteι·ing takes place sendίng code oveΓflows, pΓOblem accoιιnt tlπoιιgh to gain is having pΓivileges to is conveyed to be befoΓe οι· ίη and many penetι·ation The ίηpιιt legitin1ate data channels, otheΓ flaws, ίnvolve dynaιηic ιιsing cοιηιη aηd as an SQL ot' a pιΌcess no the use of execυtion, injectίon pι·oblem s η10Γe otl1eΓ ιηοΓe need only ιηay be e l iιηinate alte Γed by bιιffeΓ t\1an a single cl1an11el fοΓ tl1e data to be adeqιιate saΓegυaι·d s, vιιlneι·abilitίes attacks aie: ηο paΓsed. thι·oιιgh an example, if an application's login l1as a database, tl1en witl1out ίnjection (if means. Wl1ile severe if an application is connected to the database administΓatoΓ Γights. FοΓ to SQL Execιιt ion between). migl1t be able to do so. Con1mon sιιsceptibl e execιιted ηο attackeι that make data access code insιιffιcient valίdatίon constn1ction of SQL stateιηents witl1 an of tl1e saniti sation of tl1e inpιιt daιa, inpυt paΓan1etcΓs, connection to the database thωιιgh an accoιιnt witl1 οeΓ pι·ivileged ι-ights . 3.1 Diffeι·ent penetΓation attack techniqιιes 3.1. l Obtaining l nfonηation Using Erroι· Messages • Case 1 ρlain SQL commands ΙΓ tl1e database data is to be alteΓed, the attacker needs to know tl1e stnιctuΓe of it's tables (at least tl1e basic ones). FοΓ exaιηp l e, ίη t\1e case bellow tl1e 'ιιseι-s' table could !1ave been Cl'eatcd as fol lows: 13 cι-eate table usel's( id int, u se1η an1e varcha ι·(255), vaτchar(255), password pι·ivs ίηt ) having the ιιseι·s bellow created: in seι·t into useι·s values( Ο, 'adιηin ', Ί·OOtrOx!' , OxfTfT) in seι·t into inseι·t into usel's values( Ο, 'clπi s', 'password', OxOOff) in seι·t into useι·s values( Ο, useι·s valιιes( Ο , 'guest', 'gιι est' , ΟχΟΟΟΟ) 'fι·ed', ' sesaιηe' , ΟχΟΟΠ) [5] If an attackeΓ is to create a new of tl1e 'users' table. lf eιτοl' fοι· ASP, tl1e s tnιctω·c info provided by those useι· accoιιnt, ιηessages occιιl' he/she will l1ave to know the , whicl1 is tlιe expected thing to l1appen of tl1e whole database can be worked eιτοι· stιυcιu ι·e ο ιιt , by exploiting tl1e messages. f f also, knowing the database's attacke1· J1as cΓeated an account (even a low pΓiνileged one) !1e/she can stntct uΓe, haνe tl1e access to any database val ιιe, that this account that 11as been CJ'eated, has access to, thΓoιιgh tl1e ASP application Γega ι·ding ιιsed to connect to SQL tl1e steps tl1at aΓe SeιΎel'. The examples bellow aΓe typical followed so tl1at an attacker can gain contl'OI οΓ a database. FiΓst tlιe of al 1, tbe database' s stnιctιιτe has to be explored. Το Α 'select' statement υsing '11avi11g' claιιse coυld be ιιsefυ l fοι· tlιi s. Useιηame:' By tl1is having 1=1-- ίηpιιt tl1e following e ιτοΓ is extΓacted fιΌηι tl1e (Μίcι·οsοΓι: fοΓ tl1is case) database: Micι·osoft OLE DB [Micl'OsoΓt][ODBC ΡΓον ίdeΓ fοΓ SQL ODBC DΓi νeΓs eιτο r '80040el4' SeιΎeΓ Dι·iveΓ)[SQL Serveι·]Co lιιιnn 'υ seιηanιes.id' is invalid ίη tl1e select list becιιιιse it is not contained ίη an aggΓegate function and theι·e is no GROUP ΒΥ clause. /pΙΌcess_ ιιserlog.asp, 1ί ne 27 14 Tl1is eιτοι· ιηessage gives away tl1e table and colun1n naιηes of tl1e fίι·st co luιηn of t11e qιιeιγ: Α "GROUP BY"caluse can be ιιsed to Useι-name: 'gωup by useι·naιηes.id ι·etΓieve ίηfοηηaιίοη about the otheΓ colιιms: having 1=1-- The e ιτοΓ tl1at fo llows gives away anotheι· table element: Microsoft OLE ΟΒ Ρι·ονίdeΓ for ODBC Oι·iveι·s eιτοΓ '80040e 14' [Micωsoft)[ODBC ίη is invalid SeΓνeΓ Oι·iveι-)[SQL Seι·νeΓ] Cο lιιιηη 'useπ1aιηes.useπ1aιηe' SQL the select list b eca ιιse ί t ίs not contained ίn e i theΓ an aggΓegate fιιnction or the GROUP ΒΥ claιιse. /pJΌcess_ιιseΓl og.asp, line 27 Element by element tl1e tables are being passwoΓd 'gι·οιιp eχploΓed to the point that tl1e ιιseπ1an1e and table stnιctuι·e is known: by ιιseιηames.id , ιιseι·ηaιηes.ιιseιηaη1e, ιι seιηames.passwo ι·d , ιι seΓnan1es .pι·ivs having 1=1-... wl1icl1 pΙΌduces ηο eιTo r, and is fιιncti on a ll y equivalent to: selcct * °f'l'Om u seι·s useιηame wl1ere =" ln οιιr case, ιιp to now the attackel's know that the only table affected is tl1e "useΓs" table rega ι·ding tl1e colunιns : id, useιηaιηes, passwol'd and Το peΓfοπη the typc of eacl1 ι·i g ht qιιeΓies colιιmn In tl1is case SQL Γeqιιiι·es ι·etι· i eve data ΟΙ' to to the cο lιιιηηs the as follows : select s uιη (u se π1an1e) eχecιιtes "sum" with tl1e equity of tl1e two fΓΟιη ιιseΓnam es-- pι·ioΓity oνeJ' the restΓicting paι·a1ηetet' wl1ich ιΌwsets. T11is takes advantage of tl1e fact that SQL seιΎe r befoΓe deteπηining oνeΓWl'ite valιιes shall be detected. Tl1is can be easily done with tl1e use of a 'type co11νeΓsio11' eΙΤΟΙ' ιηessage U se111aιη e : 'ιιηί ο η to pΓiνs. wl1ethel' the ηιιιηbeΓ atteιηpts to apply tl1e of fields in tl1e two ιΌwsets is 'sιιιη' claιιse eqιιal. This would Jead in tl1c following eηΌι· message: Mi cΙΌsoft OLE 08 [MicΙΌsoft][O D BC opeι·at ion ΡΙΌν ίdeι· fοι· SQL SerνCI' ODBC Οι·ίνeΓs e πο ι· '80040e0T Driver][SQL Seι·veι·]T11e ca1111ot take a va ι·chaι· data type as an aΓguιηent. /pIΌcess_l og in. asp, line 27 15 sum ΟΓ aνeΓage aggregate Indicating tl1e type ot· the "ιιseι·nan1e" field i.e. "va ι·cl1 a ι"'. Α way to calculate the data type of anotl1eΓ with a ΙΌwset Γelevant erιΌr Usernaιηe : havi ng type " nιιmeΓical" ι·owset If tl1e is to tιΎ to add otheΓ ωwset etc. nιιmeι·ical tl1e is not message will appea1-. ' union select sιιm( ίd) fΓο ιη ιιse Γs-- Micω soΓt OLE DB ριΌνίdeΓ fοι· ODBC [Micι-osoft][ODBC SQL ServeΓ 0Γi ver][SQL Seι'VeΓ]A ll qυeι·ies ίη containing a UN ION taι·get οι· n1υltip l y opeΓatoι· ιηιιsι DΓiνel'S eιτω· have an '80040e \4' eqυa l numbcι· an SQL sιateιηcnι of expι·essions in tl1ei1· lists. /pΙΌcess_l ogin.asp , AttackeΓs line 27 can exploit any info1η1at ion given out of conveι·sion. lf one attempts eιτοι· ιη cssages aboυt tl1e database. One ιη essage ι·elates integeι-, to type the e ιτοΓ message to follow will used, such a case ι·eveals Γeνeal conveΓting a stι·in g into an tl1e whole stι"ing. In the eχam ple SQL the operating systeιη - even it's patchset level- tl1e veι·sion of the SQL seι·νeΓ, Useι·nan1e: ' ιιnίοη Mίcrosoft select @@veΓs i on , 1, 1, 1-- OLE DB Pι-ovid er fοι· [Microsoft][ODBC SQL nva1·cha1· value 13:15:04 Wίndows ΝΤ Seι'Veι· (c) 1988-2000 Χ86) 2000 - 8.00. 194 (Intel .July 6 2008 Mi cΓoso ft Coφorat i on En teφΓί sc to covel't tl1e "@@ve1·sion" constant to intege ι· in tl1e ' useι·s ' table is ί11tegeΓ. ΑΙΙ valιιes • SQL the Edition οη line 27 coιηn1and tΓi es cοlιιιηη '80040e07' 5.0 (B ιιild 2 193: Service Pack 2)' to a colυmn of data type ίηt. /pιΌcess_login.asp, This DΓivers e ιτοΓ SerνeΓ Oι·iver][SQL Seι·veΓ]Synιax eιτοr conveι·t in g ' Mi cωsoft Copyι·igl1t ODBC in all database's tabl es can be Γead using the same way. Case 2 Web ίn te ι·faced SQL injectίo n ν ί a 16 bttp as tl1e fiΓst anotheι· αιse !11 suppose web connccted database refeπing to wι·iteι·s, books, etc. accessible fιΌm the web, in wl1ich tl1e URL coιιld be used as input to execute SQL coιnιηands. Α typica1 URL to read a story οιιt of this site woιιld be tl1e following: Ιι t tρ ://stιι ίHΙ/l101ncl1nsι:/rn1cticn 1/ί nιl~x .ί1sp'?stoσ= 1 Ιη a qιιeιΎ wheι·e nationality could be ιι sed a URL could look like: l1ttp://stιιaΓlll101neLxιςc/pnlCt icnl/iηιlς:χ_ co ιιηιιγ.asρ'!ι;οιιιΗ ιγ laos and tl1e coπespo ndin g SQL qιιeιΎ woιιld be: SELECT a,alD,a.aNarne FROM aιι th or a WI IERE a.aNational ity=ΊaΌs' In a MS-SQL 2000 database this staternent would the caιιse an eιΤΟΙ' ιηessage becaιιse of ιιnclosed qιιotation rnaι-k: Eπoι·Type: Μ icrosoft OLE ΟΒ Ρι·ονideΓ fοι· ODBC DΓiνeι·s (Οχ8004 ΟΕ 14) [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Seι·ver Driver][SQL Server]Unclosed qιιotation ιηaι·k be foι-e H1e cl1aι·acteι· stι·i11g' AND a.aiD=s.alD'. /l101η ebase/pracιica Vindeχ.asp, Α aΓe a. and s. line 20 being ιιsed as table aliases have been ιι sed Next step fοΓ aη 'ΆΝ D a.aID=s.aID in1plies that 2 tables for this page and tl1at aID defιnes tl1e Γelationship between the tables. attackel' woιιld be tl1e finding of the actιιal na1ηes T11is kind of job can be perfoι·med ιis ing the paiameters GROUP or tl1e tables ιιsed . ΒΥ or HAVfNG e.g. l1ttp://stιιaι-t/l10111ebase/pι-actical/index.asp?sto1Ύ=3%20HA VING%201 =l-- %20 is tl1e Unicode cl1aι·acter of space, -- is used for comn1enting out anytl1ing appenιi ed to tl1e SQL stateιηent fωιη tl1is point and tΓanslated ίηtο foι·wa!'d. the following SQL statement: SELECT s.s1D ,s.title, s.blu ι·b,s.stoιΎ ,a.aNan1e FROM sl0=3 This way the URL is ΗΑ VJNG stοιΎ s, aιιthOI' a WH ERE 1=1-- AND a.aID=s.aID Staten1e11t wi ll cause the following eποΓ: ΕηΌΙ' Type: Microsort OLE 013 Providcr fοι· ODBC Driveι-s (Οχ80040Ε14) [Micι-osof't][ODBC SQL Seινeι· Dι·iveι·][SQL Serveι·]Colι1mr1 sclect list because ίι is ηοι contained in an aggregate GrωυΡ ΒΥ c la ιιse. /1101ηebase/practicaVindex .asp, Ιίι1e 15 17 fιιnction 's.slD' is i11valid and tl1ere is 110 ίη tl1e By tl1e eΙTor tl1e attacker gets tl1e ίη infonηation tl1at a colun1n naιηed s.sl D is contained tl1e database. This eιτοι- l1as aι·isen becaιιse used, groιιping all tl1e fιelds ιιntil tίe lds. of the ιιse of HAVING - a GROUP ΒΥ, shall also be Tl1e only tl1ing tl1e attackeι· shall do is look aαoss tl1e tl1e eιτοr ceases to ex ist. This is l1ow tl'ιis coυld be peι·foπηed: htt r://s1 ω.11·υl101η~bas~/1πn~ti ca 1/i nclcλ .a~φ·.>sιory- 3%20~ l'Otl ρ~'~20l)ynιό20s. sl υ~'ό20h~ι νiιψ%20J = J-- in wl1ich case the s.sID fιeld is inseι-ted within tl1e URL, whicl1 will cause the next eιτοι·. Ειτοι· Type: Micι·osoft OLE DB (Micι·osoft][ODBC select ΒΥ lίst bccaιιse l)ι·ovideι· fοι· ODBC Dι·iveι·s (Οχ80040ΕΙ4) SQL Seι·ver Driνer][SQL Server]Colιιrηn 's.title' is invalid in tl1e it is not contai11ed i11 eitl1 eι· an aggι·cgate fιιnction ΟΓ tl1e GROUP clause. /hoιη ebase/pι·actica l /i11dex.asp, li11e 20 by which the attacker is in-foι·med that next to s.sID is the column s. title. This piece of infoι-mation can now be inseι·ted ίη tl1e URL again: 11ttp;//st ιιaι·ι/J1on1cl)ί\SC/ρn1cl ic:1J /j ιι dι•x . asp'?sloιγ =3%20gl'Otιp%2()by%20s . s !1) ,S. Iί [ 1~ ~ί,2οtι<Ίνi ng%20 l- l- whicl1 once again pωduces an "infoπηative" eιτοι·: Micωsoft OLE DB Provider fo r ODBC Drivers (Οχ80040ΕΙ4) [Micι·osoft][ODBC selecι Ιist becaιιse ίι ΒΥ SQL Seινeι· Dι·iveι·)[SQL Serveι·]Colιιιηn 's.blιιι·b' is invalid ίι1 tl1e is not co111ained ί11 eitl1er a11 aggι·egare Γιιηctίοη ο r rl1e GROUP clause. /l10111ebase/pn1ct ical/i11deχ.as p , li11e 20 Wl1ich tl1en ι·eveal s tl1e next's co luιηn naιηe and so οη and so t'oι·th. 3.1.2 Acquiring Further Access Usually attackeΓs taι-geting to tl1e database paΓt do stop in ι-ead ing aηd/οι- alteι·ing tl1e database of a netwoΓk, bιιt ιιsιιally tιΎ to gain further access to it. Having access οη the database paι·t gives easy access on tl1e seι·veι· tl1is database is nιnning on. Attackers can either· ιιse the command sl1ell to ι-uη con1mands on the seι-veι· οι- tl1e ι-egi st ιΎ editoι- to i-ead οι· alteι- tl1e ΓegistιΎ keys οη tl1e ser·veι·. Given tl1e fact ιl1at the opeι·ating system οΓ the seι·νeΓ is usιιally known tl1is gives a gΓeat poweι- 18 on the attacker to do almost what l1e/she wanιs to tl1e seινeΓ. Sοιηe ot l1eΓ kinds of ιηίsιιse coιιld be the nιnning of qιιeι·ies to otheι· seΓveι·s οι· the execιιιion of pιΌceduΓes stoι·ed ίη tl1c seινeΓ itsclf. Mostly dangeι·ous is tl1e fact t\1at ActiveX applications can be cι-eated to ιηakc aιιtomatic scΓipts which will be tl1en execιιted fιΌm tl1e seινeΓ. This can be peι·foι·med by the ιιse ofOACreate, sp_OAMethod and sp_OAGetPropeΓty systen1 stoι·ed pωcedιιι·es. Of cοιιΓse cι·eation/deletion/editing of fi]es οη tJ1e seΓνcι· is one οΓ tl1e ιηοsι con1111on tl1ings to be done in sιιch attacks. 3.1.3 Stoι-ed Pωceduι·es T11e use of stoι·ed pIOceduΓes , peι·Γοι·m. qιιcιΎ ιιsua lly ιηakes SQL injection attacks 1110Γe difficult to This depends of couΓse οη the implen1entation of the scι·ipting. wit/1 paι·aιηeteΓs, and taking ca ι·e of tl1e secuΓity CΓeaιing ofΊ l1e υseι· sιιpplied a value assigning to those paι-an1eteι·s, it is difficult to inject so ιη eι l1ing in the database ιhcιι coιι ld be execιιted ίη ι·esu lts (witl1 Jin1ited tl1e contΙΌ I plane. The only possibi lity tl1en fοι· an SQL injection thougl1) coιιld be tl1e n1anipιιlation of tl1e ηοη data paτts. 3.1.4 Second Ordeι- SQL Injection Α Ιίηe off defence against web application inpιιt attacks is the limitation of tl1e lengt/1 of the inpιιt otheΓ "syntax be tl1at νeιΎ ιηιιcl1 coιιld be possibly oΓiented" sιιch sιιbιηitted in a qιιeιΎ. as limiting of tl1e single This liιηitation along witl1 qιιote cl1aΓacteΓ ιιsage eff'ective by tl1emselves, as tl1ere aΓe ways fοι· an attackeΓ to can not oveι·come those obstacles. If the ιιseι· inpιιt is being Γeu sed also elsewheΓe ίη t11e application tl1en the injection danger ι·emains. This kind of injection is called second οι-deΓ injection. Thcι·etoΓe database paι·t Ι in1iting anιi ι-equiι·ed inpιιt tl1en all tl1e "syntax o ι-iented ιηeasιιι·es shall be applied also to the application that aΓe paΓt being used such as inpιιt fοι· t11e length single qιιotes ιιsage lin1iting. fn case mιιltiple οι· long ιιseι- inpιιt is to ιhe dangeι· of input injection is pι·esent as an attackeι· ιηay exploit tl1e data lengtl1 available to wΓite injection code. As an example of a sigle quote limiteι· tl1e VBSαipt Ί·ep lace'(3] can be ιιsed tοΓ sanitising fιιnction ίηpιιt data: escape( inpυt = ι·eplace(input, escaρe = inpιιt ίι1pιιt ) 11111 , """) end f ιιnction 19 3. 1.5 Weak input validation Ιη a database exρecting ηιιιηeΓica l values as ' ; DROP ΟΑ TABASE ίηpιιt sιιppose the following inpιιt: pubs -- The dynamic SQL staten1ent executed could lookl like tl1is: SqlDataAdaptel' n1yComn1and "SELECT au_lnan1e, = new SqlDataAdapteΓ( au_fna ιη e FROM auιl10Γs WHERE au_id = "' + SSN.Text + ""', n1yC01111ectio11); T11e developeι·'s intention was that when tl1e codc geneι·ates tl1e followίng stateιηent ιυηs, it inseι·ts tl1e ιιseΓ' s input and in SQL. SELECT aιι_lname, au_fnaιηe FROM autl10Γs WHERE au_id = ' 123-12- 1234' lnstead, the code gener·ates the following querγ: SELECT au- lname, aιι- fnan1c FROM aυthoΓs WHERE au- id ΟΑ TABASE pιιbs --' Ιη = "·' DROP tl1is case, the ' (single qιιotation 111ark) cl1aΓacte1· tl1at starts the input teι·n1inates the cuιτent stΓing liteι·al ίn following paΓsed the SQL staten1ent. It closes the cιιιτent statement only ί f the token does not make sense as a continιιation of' the cιιΙΤeηt statement, bιιt does ιηake sense as the stal't of a new statement. As a resιιlt, the opening single qιιotation maJ'k cl1aJ'acter of the inpιιt Γesults in tl1e following stateιηent. SELECT aιι_lname, au_fname FROM aιιthoΓs WHERE aιι_ίd = " 20 The semicolon suggests t11at t11is ιη alίcίοιιs Γollowed by tlie ΟΑ TABASE pυbs necessa ι·ity ι·equi ι·ed The sen1icolon is not dependent on SQL the e11d of tl1e statement, SQL code bellow: ; DROP cl1aι·acteΓS ιs vendo ι· οι· cause a SQL sepaΓate SQL s tateιηents . in1plementation. Finally, the -- (double dash) is a SQL con1n1ent tl1at tells SQL to ignoΓes to i gnoΓe t11e closing ' (single quotation maJ·k) T11is is seqιιe11 ce of tl1e rest of tl1e text. Jn this case, cl1aι·acteΓ, whicl1 woιιld o tl1eΓw i se p a ι·se r eιτοι-. 3. 1.6 Privileges when connecting to databιιses Dιι c to the hieΓa Γchica l gΓanted inl1eΓitance to othe ι· ω l es, a ιι se Γ could 0Γac le tl1eΓe MicΓosoft' s is no speciίic inl1 eι·it ι·o l es, wl1ich can in privilcges t11ey sl1oιιld n eνc Γ tuιη be be gΓan ted. Jn DENY state ιηent ίη tl1e basic pΓίv ilege comιηands. SQL SeΓver l1as the abi lity to specifically DENY a Role Ο Γ a privilcge to a ιιsc ι· bιιt Oι·acle does not. secuι·ity at of pΓiνileges thωugh 0Γacle's database pι·ivi lege stl'UctιιΓe was designed befoΓe tl1e database was of gΓeat concern. 1t is essential to enu111eΓate tl1e pΓiνileges of al l ιιseΓS and Roles paying special attention to the PUBLIC ΓOle wl1ich has many object pΓivίleges granted to it wl1ich aι·e not always "ΑΝ Υ" ΓequiΓed. privileges are to be avoided when possίbl e; such as CREATE ΑΝΥ PROCEDURE wl1ich gives tl1e ιιseι· tl1e abi lity to create a pι·oceduι·e in anothcΓ ιι seι" s schema. PLSQL pΓOcedιιι·es, by defaυlt, Γun with the pΓίνileges of the schema within whicl1 tl1ey aΓe cι·eated 110 n1atteΓ wl10 invokes tl1e pΓOcedω·e. In ΟΓdeΓ tοΓ a PLSQL package to ηιη with invokeι·s rights AUTHID CU RRENT_USER has to be explicitly wι·itten into the ρackage. Bellow an exanψle of ltfindι-ecset.sq l LT.FINDRECSET exploit and tίιnction can be foιιnd: CONNECT ΜΑΝΠl(ίΕR@ΟΙιcι SET SF.RVEROUTPUT ΟΝ Cf{ EΛTE OR R[l)LΛCE l' UNCTION MYFUNC rι ETURN VARCI 1Af{2 AUTHID CURR F.NT_USΓ:R IS Ι'l{Α(ίΜΛ ΛUTONOMOUS TJ{ANSΛCTΙON: 13ECJIN - DRMS_OUTl'UT.PUT_LINE('l11 fι111cιio11 .. .'); , εχι:c:υΤΕ ΙΜΜ ΕDΙΛΤΕ 'GRANT DΒΛ ΤΟ ΜΑΝ : CΟΜΜΙΤ; 21 ΓH:TURN 'STI{'; END; Ι Α low pΓi vileged becaιιse useΓ ί s abl e to grant themselves DΒΛ p ι·i v i l eges . Thi s can be done tl1e SYS.LT.FIN DRECSET pιΌcedιιre does nο ι ρaι·se οιιt ιι seΓ i ιψutted SQL. Εχ ι;c SYS. l .T. 17JN Dl{ I CSΙ:T('AΛ .ΛA''llMΛN.MYl'UNC)--','Bl31313'); SQL> sclccι • liΌ111 v$vcrsio11; 13ΛΝΝΕR Onιcle Daιabasc 1Og E11tcrprisc ι:Ξdίιίοι1 l{clcas.: 10.1 .0.2.Ο - 64bi f>USQL l{clcnsc Ι 0. - 1>rodιιctio11 cο ιυ: 10. 1>rυι/ ιιcιίοι1 TNS for Solaris: Vcrsio11 Ι - J>rodιιcιioιi NLSRTL Versioιι - 1>rοdιιcιίοι1 SQI.> co1111 ΜΛΝ/tίgerιίι)ΩπιgοΙ : Co1111ccιcd. SQI > SET SEl{VEROUTl'UT ΟΝ CΙΗΞΛΤΕ OR Rt:Ι>LAcε l'UNCT!ON MYl'UNC RJ::TURN VARCllAR2 AUT! llD CURRl::NT_USEI{ IS l ' l{ ΛGMA Λ UTONOM OUS Ti{ANSAC.TION: BF.CilN l)BMS OUTl'UT.l'UT Ι.ΙΝΕ(Ίn fu11ctioι1.'): εχεcϋτε ΙΜΜΕDΙΑΤΕ 'Ul{ΛNT Dl3A ΤΟ ΜΑΝ': COMMIT; ΙωΤU Ι{ Ν 'STI{'; F.NI); Ι SQI> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 f'ι111 cti o11 crC<llCιl . SQL> sclecι • fro111 uscr_rolc_J>rivs: GΙ{ΑΝΤΕο_1ωιΕ USEl{NAME ΜΑΝ ΜΛΝ CΟΝΝΕιΤ /HΞSOUl{Ci.Ξ ADM DL:FOS_ ΝΟ YESNO ΝΟ vεs ΝΟ SQI,> Ι:ΞΧΕC SYS.LT.l'INDRICSET('AA.AA"l/MAN.MYFUNC)--','131313B'); 111 Γι111cιίο11. Λ Α.ΛΛSΤI{ f> Ι JSQL ρroccdιιrc sιιccessΓιi lly coιnρlctcd. SQL.> scl ccι • Ιrοι11 ιιscr_rolc_J1rivs 2 : Gl{ΛNTED_ιωιr: USEl{NΛMI:: ΛDΜ DEFOS_ --..................................................... ---···------------·-··-··----- ...... ...... --Μ ΛΝ ΜΛΝ CONNF.CT ΜΛΝ RESOURCE DBA ΝΟ YES ΝΟ Ν Ο YES ΝΟ ΝΟ YESNO ΤΙ1 e pωcedυΓe SYS.LT.FINDRECSET ιυηs witl1 DefιneΓ pl'ivil eges tl1eι·efoι·e code ηιη in thi s ρackage is nιnning with tl1e pΓiνileges of the accounι tl1at owns the pc1ckage. Α cοιηJηοn ιηethod to get contωl of ~ιn 0t"acle database is to exploit a wcak passwoι·d accoυnt and escalate ρι·i νilege to DBA νίa PLSQL injections. 22 Dynaιnic queIΎ 3.1.7 Stoι·ed proceduΓes aΓe interfaces used as a data interface between the u se Γ input and the SQL database. This way tl1e data tl1at ι·each the database aι·e being "checked" validity and access been fοΓ s tnιctιιι·e Γi g l1ts a\'e being adjusted. a lor1g tin1e tl1e most effιcient way fοΓ giving inpιιt is called ''locked down database" In this case tl1e access tl1e database l1aving (and tl1e length tl1is to StoΓed pιΌceduΓes wo ι·k , soιηet im es) tl1e sto Γed befoΓehand ot' the validated tJ1e inpιit pΙΌced ω·es ηοι Ιη be tl1eι·e n1etl1odology l1as to databases. Tl1is kind of s toι·ed pΓocedιιΓes inpυt, pΙΌvided can only that tl1e type aJlows tl1is validation to be fιιnctionaJ. Fοι· and the database tables need to have tl1e saιηe type of' access 1·igl1ts οη tl1e database via oν.ιnerS'hiρ cfιaίning. is not a ρι·οccdιιι·e i.e. fοι· theiι is ηο owneΓ defined. Ιη Howeveι· dyna111 ic SQL tl1is case tl1e owneι·sh i p cl1ain can fιιnctional. SQL 2005 this issue is resolved with tJ1e use of a ceι·tiΓιcate to sign a pΙΌcedure ιιsing dynan1ica SQL as a process. This ceΓtificate is assigned to a useι· maki.ng again tl1e owneι·sl1ip chain possible and functional. Another way to ovcrcome that obstacle is making tl1e EXECUTE AS clause have ιιser peι·n1issions which theι·efoΓe can be chaiηed. Bellow tl1cι·e aι·e two examples οη l1ow to wΓite a stoι·ed ηaπι e pιΌcedιιι·e that takes a table as its ίηpιιt(ΙΟJ: Cl{EΛTE J>Ιωc.:ΙωU ιη~ gc11cn1J_selcc11 @tb l narηe sysrntrne, @kcy vaι·cl1ar( 10) AS υα: ι.Λιω ftEsι1 ι 11ν<tl'cΙΗιι·ι4οοο) SEIH..: T f!!,s<ιl = ' SF.ιECT col Ι. co12, col3 '+ ' πωΜ dbo.' + φ101c11ame(@tbl11aιηe) + ' WI Ι ΕΙω keycol =@key' EXL:.C ψ_eχecutesql r&sql, N'lί!,,kC)' varcl1ar( IO)'. @kcy ι:ιωΛΤΕ J>ιωcι;υ υ ι{ Ε gcncral_select2 @tblnaιne nvarcl1ar( 127). l(tkey varchar( 10) ΛS LαEC('SE l .ECTcol I. col2. col3 ι: ιωιvι · + ~1blr1 ;1111c + · WI Ι ΕΙω kcycol = "' +@key + "") [ 161 In thcse examples table nan1es are given as parameteΓs, wl1icl1 is something to avoid in geneι·a l . Thoυgl1 aικi ιl1i s cο ιιlιi the Γιι·st procedιιι·e is gΓanted dbo Γight s, bc a pι·obleιη in tl1e case of dynan1ic SQL. 23 the second one does not 3.1.8 Canonicalisation eποι-s Canonί(;afi.'iation is conveι·ting inpιιt chaι·acteΓs into !1exadeci ιη al ΟΓ Unicode. This fοηη is called in ASCJI 1 Yo2f ίη hexadecimal %2f οι· 1Voc0% af ίη Unicode set of characters cases ίs fοιη1s tl1at can be ιιsed fοι· it's are tl1e fo llowing \ Α i.e. ASCI, canonicalfoι-n1. E.g. fοι· ι he \ (backslash) tl1e 3 diffeΓent canonjcal ι·eρι·esentation theiι· standaΓd fοηη usιιally suspect fοι· SQL injection and blocked ίη n1ost of the URL DiΓec toIΎ Tι·ave ι·sa l .. / Αη exaιnple coιιld be thc 1-'ollowing: lι ttp :// 1 0. 1 54 .1 93. 2 1 9/m a n/../../../ ..Λν inn t/systeιn 32/cιηd .exc?/c+dir T11is URL woul<I bc blocked by a server because ίt has ../ cha racters but the following form could be a ll o,νed ίf no canonicalization convertion is made bcforc filterin g. f1ttp: // J 0. J54. 193.2 19/man/ .. %1c0% af·.. %c0 % ~\ f'.. 1 V<)cO %a f". ./\V ί11nt/systeιn 32/cιnd . cxe?/c+dir Otl1eΓ Canonical fοπη injection possible chaι·acteι·s can be found ίη the tables bellow: Table 11-1 : The Different Types of Overlong UΠ-8 Characters Possίble for Ι and \ Escape Comment %c0%af 2-byte overlong UTF-8 escape %e0%80%af 3-byte overlong UTF-8 escape %252f 1 Double-escape; %25 is an escaped % character --~--·- %%35c Oouble-escape; %35 is a11 escaped 5 character %25%35%63 Oouble-escape, ~vhere eνery character in %5c is escaped %%35%63 %. theΓι escaped 5 and escaped c %255c Escape %, then 5c %u005c 2-byte Unicode escape ι ι ΊJ 24 Table 11-1 : The Different Types of Overlong UTF-8 Characters Possible for Ι and \ 1 Escape Comment %c0%af 2-byte o/oe0%80o/oaf 3-byte overlong UTF-8 escape %252f Double-escape; %25 is an escaped % character overloπg UTF-8 escape %%35c ' Double-escape; %35 is an escaped 5 character %25%35%63 . Oouble-escape, wl1ere every character in %5c ίs escaped %%35%63 %, the11 escaped 5 and escaped c %255c Escape %, the11 5c %u005c 2-byte U11icode escape [\ 7] 3. 1.9 Di ITerences between databases Diffel'ences between diffeι·ent databases in ι·egaΓd wiιh chal'actel's inteφι·etation and runcιions suppoι·ted: Some differences MS SQL T-SQL Concaιenaιe 1 ' + '1 Access concat (" ""&ιι ιι ", ιι ••) Strings Null replace MySQL Oracte PL/SQL DB2 Postgres PL/pgSQL '11 ' 1111+1111 , Ί /', 1 1 Ifnull() Iff(Isnull()) Ifnull() If null() COALESCE() Position CHARINDEX LOCATE() InStr() InStr() InStr() TEXTPOS() Op Sys xp_cmdshell setect into outfile Ι dumpfile #date# utf_file import from export to Call Νο Νο Νο Yes Yes Isnull() interaction Cast Yes OWASP [2 1J 25 f') Η More differences... MSSQL MySQL Access Oracle DB2 Postgres UNION Υ Υ Υ Υ Υ Υ Subselects Υ 4.0 4.1 Ν Υ Υ Υ Batch Queries Υ Ν* Ν Ν Ν γ Default stored procedures Many Ν Ν Many Ν Ν Linking DBs γ γ Ν Υ Υ Ν Ν Υ OWASP {;) (2 1] 26 J~ 4 TOOLS FOR ATTACKS IMPLEMENTATION Manυal testi11g fοι· SQL υsed to be the only way to determine the vulnel'ability Ievel of a database. Testing took great effoι-t parameteι· Ιη eποι· on tl1is kind of testing. n1essages exploίting to be peι'fonηed gιιess ί ng on the database possible weaknesses, knowing the code which l1ad been Γesιι lt, big coding pι-ioΓity. eιτ01·s Since then peΓfonηing SQL to be aιιacks ίη tester to database paΓt. ρcι'fοrιη. impleιη ented. st nιctures and This l1ad as a as tl1e functionality was not always the fιrs ι SQL injection tools have been developed, a syste1ηatic way, cl1ecking not only the newly developed tl1Γeats bυt 'Ίegacy" th Γeats n1anιιal oveΓsee11 ιηaι1y aυtomated weΓe stnιcking eΙTors ν ί cι n1any cases testel'S or through wild and luck was always a as well, ίη a bιι lk that woιι l d take too ιηucl1 effo ι·t fοι· a Those scripts can test both the web application and tl1c Usually such tools ρeι·fοιη1 a fi1·st level of l1aΓmless testing cι·eating cιttacks tl1at wi ll not destl'Oy anything οη tl1e system, pΙΌνίdίng the user with input to coιτect "easy to see" probleιηs. Γ-οι· cxaιηplc, a sinψle qιιeιγ οη a telephone diι·ectoιΎ. Havi ng tl1e URL lonηat: Ι11ω://ιηysiιe.coιn/diι-ecto1-y.asp?lastnaιne=paι·askevakis&fiι·st11aιne=n1anolis Tl1is Uf~L coιιld Iead ιο the SQL code execuιion: SELECT ρl1onc 1-ϊ~ΩΜ cl iι·ccto ιΎ WHEf{t lastnaιηe = 'paι-askcvHkis' anιl liι·st11nιne= 'n1a11olis' Α slightly nltcι·ed vcι·sioι1 of the "corrcct'' URL could be the following: hιιρ://ιηvsite.coιη/diΓectorv.asp?Iastnan1e=ρa1·askevakis&lirstnaιηe=ιnanolis'+ΛND+ (sclect Ι-co ιιnt(*)+l'iυn1+fHke)+%3eO+O R+' J '%3ιi' 1 lc<1ding ιο thc cxccιιtion οΓ tl1e SQL codc beellow: . ~ ι ι .Εt'Ί 11Ιω11.: Ι ·Ί~υtνl dir.:cωrv \VI ΙLΙΗ: lίl\!11ίΙ;Ι1.: = 'parnsk.:ν:ιkίs' :ι11d fίr.;t11:11ηc='11111nolis' 27 ΛΝI) (s~Ιcι·ι \.'ΟUιΗ(*) Ι'ωιη 0 1{ li1J..c)-• Ο Ί'=' 1' URι-Unicocle va ι·inbles aι·c 111 this cxampl c tl1c i.c. %Jd to" '='. Saιηpl in g aιιacks replaced by ιΙ1eiΓ ASCll cψ1i vale11ιs ιl1e one above can not pl'Oνicie a systeιnatί c and ίιιll attacks nιnnin g diffcι·ent ρattcιη s οΓ pΙΌviding cithe ι· info πηation tl1at a vιιlnenιbility is cx isting οι· likc Γuncιiontllity scc ιιι·ing so lιιtίon. Aιιton1ated attacks sl1al l bc ηιn. cvc11 san itizatio11 solιιtίo11s. 4.1 Tools classification Database attack tools can be classified depending on tl1e use indented Vυl11erabίlity • Web Application • ΒίnaιΎ • Web Services Too ls • Static Analysis Secιιrity Tools • Netwoι·k fοι· as: Tools Analysis Tools Sca11ner Tools [24] Depending οη app Γoacl1 and fιιnctiona li ty: • Life Cycle Pι·ocess ( Γeqιιirements, design) • Αιιtοιηatίοη ( ιηanual, seιηί, aιιton1atic) • Λppl'Oacl1 (pΓeclιιde, dctect, n1itigate, ι·eact, appι-aise) • Other (pΓice, platform, languages, ... ) 4.2 Evaluating the Results Ι 11 ι\1c cxHnφle ιιscd bef(H·c: l1ttp://1ηysite.coιη/di1·ec!o1Ύ.asp?l astnaιne=ρan1skevakis&fii-st11aιηe=n1anolis'+ΛND+ (sclect+coι111t(*)+fl'Oιη+ fake)+%3e0+0R+' 1'%3d' 1 Thc web rφplication slH1 ll 1·en1ove tl1e single quotes. ΙΓ tl1is is not do11e ιlιeη tl1e cl aιat')<ιse νν ί!Ι eχecιιte tl1e SQL coιηιηancls too togetl1eΓ witl1 tl1is queIΎ. 1ι· tl1is is clone tl1c11 an eποι· n1essage will appear: Ι ·: 1Το ι-: Νο ιιscΓ Γοιι11ιi witl1 naιnc n1n11oli s+ ΛN D +(sc lcct+cou 1H(*)+ f1Όιη + fal.-.e)+%JeO+OI~+ 1%3d Ι ρaΓa s kevn l<is! 28 1t' ιl1e sωtcn1e11t ιηay <ιp11ca.-: is passed tοι· eχecιιtion tυ 011e dctailed, passing Microson ο ιΕ l)J) the SQL then infoπnation 1>1·0,'ίιlcι· Γσr oυuc l)ri\"CΓS crror '80040c37' one gcncric like: 500 Ιι11 eι1111Ι Seινeι· ~rι·οι· s tatcιncnts ιnean s toι·eιi prυcedu.-es ι.ιι·c that an SQL vulncι·ability exists 011 the application not bcing ιιsed 011 tl1c SQL ρaι·ι. • DatavalidHtion • Liιηitation οΓ aJI ίιφιιt, coπtaining qιιeιΎ that to l1e taJ<en: data type and lengtl1. tl1c bette1-. 1Γ tl1e accoιιnt docsn't l1avc peιη1issio11 to executc Use ston.~d C:oιιnteπηeasuι·es paι·t οι· of accoιιnt peπηi ssion s execιιting dntab<1se qιιeι·ies. ΊΊ1e Jess ρι·ί vi lcgcd ιι scl' accoι1nts aι·c • 11<11nc 'H1kc'. li11c 29 Ληd Botl1 kind of eιτο1· 1ηessHges 011 tl1c attackcι· Jil\e: (Micro~o11 JJ Ol)IJ(; Sί,)I , Sι.:ι·,•cι· υri νcΓ(JSί,)L Sc:rνι:ι· JΙ11 vcι li<I ob.iccι /ιli rι:cιοΓ)'.cι~ρ. tννο pl'Oceduι·e inteι·faces. ίι ιιsed to cχcctιtc thc it wi ll 11ot s ιιccecιl! to act bctννeen tl1e applicatio11 and tl1e SQLpίΙ Ι't. Vulnerability scanning tools Tl1eι·e aι·c many tools ιιsed Γο.- SQL in.jection attacks eithe.- developed fol' hacking 4.3 ριιφοses οι· fοι· secuι·iιy evalιιation puφoses, fΓcewa1·e. SQL injection i ssιιe has been addι·essed by many majoι· software conψanies, ( ΙΒΜ) wl1ich are eit\1eΓ coιηn1el'cial ΟΙ' wl1ich have pl'Oνided solιιtions like: AppScan ΟΕ by Watcl1fiΓe, Jnc. (U RL: νvww.ibn1.com/software/awdtool s/appscan/), Hailstorm νvww.ιηίCl'osoft.coιη/p.-csspass/Γeatιι Γes/200 Ι /η1a ι·Ο1 /03 -1911ailstoιη1.111spx (U RL:_w3Hf'.soι11·ccfoι·ge.ncύ), GΓabbeι· ΡΗι·οs (URL: SΡΙ ), WJAr (URL: www. Γgaιιcl1 e1-.info/l)cta/gl'abbe1· ), (URL: www.pal'Ospωxy.01-g/fιιnctio11s.shtιηl ), N-Stealth Secιιι·ity Scannel' Ι11ιρ;/Λ.vww.11 s talkeι-.coιη/eng/p1Όdιιcts/nstealtlΊ/), Vιιlne1·ability (URL: Acunetix Ltd.'s Web Scanner (URL: http://www.acιιnetix.com/vυlneι·Hbility-scanneι"l) and Dynan1ics (ΗΡ) Weblnspcct http://'Λ'\.Y\ν.s pidynHmics.coιη/pl'OductsΛνcbinspect/indeχ.html). Fι-ee (URι: tools like Wikto (URL: l1ttp: //wνvw.scnsepost.coιη/ι·eseaι·cl1/wikto/)can often fιnd t\1ese vιιlne!'abilities 29 as well. Anotl1er tool is SJeutl1 (URL: J1ttp://sandspt'ite.con1/Sleuth/ιiownloaιi.11t111!) cquipped witJ1 an SQL injection pJιιg-in. WebGoat[27] is a deJibeι·ately insecιιι·e J2EE web application ιηaintained by OWASP designed to teacl1 web applicatio11 secιιι·ity lessons. ln eacl1 lesson, useΓS n1ust deιηonstrate theiΓ ιιndeι·standing of a secuΓity issue by exploiting a ι·eal vulneι·ability ί11 tl1e WcbGoat aρρlication. Conimon too/ f eat ιιre!;: 4.4 • Aιιtorηatic • SQL i11_jection and • Visual macro ι·ecol'der makes testing web foιms and password pΓotected al'eas JavaScript analyze!' allowing CΓoss fοι· secιιrity testing site SCΓipting testing easy • RepoΓting faci lities • Aιιtomatic application • Flash content, SOAP and AJAX context analysers. • Autl1e11tication and access contJ'OI weaknesses, Path eηΌι· VISA PCI coιηpliance repo11s langιιage detection manipιιlation, Ιηψι-ορer l1a11dli11g Detection of tl1ese iιηpoι·tant ιο inclιιding web vulneι·abi l ities ΓequiΓes vιιlneι·ability a sophisticated detection engine. What is scanning is not thc ηιιmbeι· of attacks that a scanneι can dctect, but the conψlexity and tl101Όιιghness with the scanneΓ laιιnches SQL injectίon, CJΌss Site SCl'ίptίng a11d otheι· attacks. Anotl1eΓ issue is Google Hacki11g Database: Tl1e Google Ι lacking Database (GHDB) is a database of qιιeΓies l1ackeι·s ιιsed by to ide11tify se11sitive ιiata 011 yοιιι· website sucl1 as poΓtal logon pages, logs witl1 nctwoι·k secuΓity i11foπηatio11, and so 011. Some of tl1e tools laιιnch the Google l1acki11g database cμιeι·ies onto tl1e C!'awled content of a web site and identi Γιes sensitive data οι· exploitable taι·gets befoΓe a "seaΓch engine hackeΓ" does. T11ese tools can aJso offeι· (depends οη tl1e manufactω·eι· and tl1e edition) • ΗΤΤΡ Editoι· se Γνeι· to easily constιυct HTTP/HTTPS rcsponse. 30 ι·eqιιests and analyze tl1e wcb • Ι ΙΠΡ Sni ffeι· (like wiΓeshark (URL: www. wiι·esl1aΓk.01·g) to and ιηodify all ΗΠΡ/ΗΤΤΡS ιι·affic and Ι"evea l all dιιta inteι·cept, Ι οg sent by ιι web applί cιιtίο η. ΗΠΡ Fυzzeι· - PerfoΓming sophistίcated • ίηpιιt validaιίon. C ι·eating • Detectίng Specific sl1own ρ,.;., ••·~ ... .....' .••. . if dangeι·oυs can ιηίηυtes. ΗΠΡ ίη of two diffeJ"ent SQL thc Γιguι·e metl1ods aι·e enabled on your web seι·ver ίnj ect ion vυlneι·abίlίtίes dί scovered by Weblnspect bellow: ~Ι\λι:Ι'ο • '"Ι 11 ~ct1·n( 0) s • ~ 1 1.,,._ι.Jn("~) • Ι ι""><Υ~...f /,άΡι«J.ι - - - .. $tνo-~rfrι(\'f""'~~ 11 peι-fonη manυally custon1 attacks ΟΙ" ιηodify ex i stίng ones. :. ~W'( overflows and ιools cl1aΓacterί stics Αη exa ιηple ίs bυffeΙ" Tests tl1at woυld have taken days to tl1is way take only sο ιηe • testing for ~~ ........ ~ ........._ • ~'r'J&",:Jt Αιtι.-:- ~ ρ.,~s. ι:οι;Ι~ Oftr~,~ lss.v: • ι ι; ~\<Y"J ~'\Ι Ι'i",.Υι ;ι~(f(>~ ΙΡ ΑΙ>'Ί 11$$ ι."<'ΙΙι.r' • ~•e<tυy("' J-1rι} • (y,..-•.-.-; ~IY•"7'J • :..,:"'' (uι>Ι~},j [22] Steρ Ι: Βegίιιιιίιιg ο/ SQL ίιιjectίοιι Once ίt has been deteι·mίned wl1etheJ" οι· not a system ίs vulnerable to SQL injectίon, tl1c next sιep ίs to caπy out tl1e SQL injection pωcess. T11is has to be done ίη a way wl1ίcl1 wil Ι ηοt haπη tl1e actual database e.g. by dΙΌpping tables. The tools to execιιte aιιιomated tesιs sl1all not only be able to find secuΓity holes bιιt as well pΓevent daιηHging tl1e clatabases wl1ίle testίng. Such tool fοι· automating tl1e actual SQL injectίon pι·ocess is SPI Dy11an1ics1 SQL InjectoΓ (wl1ich co ιηes as paΓt of the Wcblnspcct). Also tl1e Absintl1e tool can be used (URL: l1ttp://www.Ox90.on1Λeleases/absίnthe/ ), shown in the figure bellow: 31 Absintl1e tool is ιιsed to aιιtoιηate SQL injection analysis. Fl~ Tools Hι:lp ht-$t !nf<>rrMtioo ι>Β 5<hernσ DοΛr.ιο.sό Reι;.or!ds Etploιt Τ ΊΡ<:: SP.iect the t~·pe of injection: () Blrιd Tnie-:tion ί,~) Etroι B.ased Select T11e Tcirget DG~abase: v] Corιrιc.:tion: T~QeL URL: hιtp :// Coι1rιectιcr1 r•1oth::>d:(.; Get Ο COΓ(ιrns-nt En(! Qf Query () Post ::J useSSι :J Aι;pend te~t to e~ of ς~ιy Αυί.~ ,~· ιtιι:_,ι...<, U Uso Αυt~;,\ic.:ιtίσΊ l~Mιc: Edt Dcfδ'J~ V~: [] lnJe<tol>'ι: Pdfarn~ter [ l•dd P.ararneter ] ι Αι!d Coo~ie ) < [gvcrify SQL ScrγerVcrsιc•• lniti.~lιz() tnjectron L.-------------------....J [22) Botl1 tools allow testing fοι· blind and basic SQL inj ection flaws. Of coιιJ"se bot\1 types of injection testing aΓe necessaιΎ. T11ose tool s ιιse al so an autonΊated Γepoι·ting inteι·face, pωv iding logs at tl1e end of eacl1 ηιη. Anotl1e1· tool is SCΙ"awlΓ, developed by the ΗΡ Web Secιπity ReseaΓc\1 Gωιιp ίη co0Γdi11ation witl1 the MSRC, is sl101·t fOI" SQL InjectoJ" and Cι·awleΓ. ScΓawlΓ will CΙ"awl a website w\1ile siιηultaneously analyzing tl1e paΓa111eteIS of eacl1 individιιa\ web page fοι· SQL Inj ection vulneι·abilities. It can pΓovide the type of backend datHbase ίη ιιse Hnd Η list of avHilable table nHn1es. 32 Techni cal details fol' Scι-awlr VeΓbo se [26) SQL In.jection vu lneι·abilitie s in URL paiaιη e teι-s • ldentify • Can be co nfι gu red to • Will idcntify tl1e type of SQL se ι-veι· • Will exιι·act table names (verbose only) to guaΓantee ScΓawlΓ ιιse a Ρωχy to access the web s iίe ίη ιι se ηο false positives does have sorηe lin1itations: • Will only Cl'awls ιιp to 1500 pages • Does not sιφpοι·t sites • Does not pel'forη1 Blind SQL injection • Cannot ι·etΓieve database contents • Does not sιιppoι·t .JavaScΓipt ΟΓ flash • Will not test fonηs for· SQL lnjection (POST Pa Γan1eteΓs) ι·eq uiι·iηg aιιthenticatio11 paι·s ing lssues wi th web appl ication sca1111ing tools: Tools a ι·e li n1ited ίn scope (co ιηpanies sell se!'ν ice as opposed to selling tool) • Speed veι·s us Deptl1 (in-deptl1 testing takes tίιηe) • Diffίcιιlt to Γead outpιιt Γepor·t s (typically log files) • False-Positives • Tuning νe !'sus default n1ode 33 LESSONS LEARNED, WΑ YS 5 ΤΟ PROTECT FROM SQL INJECTIONS 5. 1 The Geneι·al fiι·st step peι·toπηed SQL injection pι-evention SQL injections is to deteπηine the data excl1anges tl1e database and tl1e Web application in: • rοΓ u seι· • towaι-ds ίη pΙΌtecting fωm usιιally fοι· steps autl1entication puφoses. Ιη containing rηali cio us Sl Γings whicl1 Scaι·c/1 cngines. In tl1ίs paι·t. Sιιch tl1is case the coιιld data excl1aηges takc place ίηpιιt data l1as to be cl1ecked cause code injection to the database. case the usually long queιγ lengl1tts pose a secuΓity bl'eacl1 possibility, because when the le11gth is big enough, malicious code, that can be i11jectcd to tl1e database can be pι·esent. • E-Com ιηe!'ce sites. The san1e pιΌblem as fοι· databases applies to the e- coιηmerce sites as well. Big queι·ies, containing many paι·ameteι·s (ιιsually pωduct names and characteι-istics). Sanitising the data pΙΌvided in the SQL and secuι·ing the applications interfacing between ιhe end useΓ and the dalabase is tl1e way to avoid SQL injections. MeasuΓes l1ave to be taken ίη both tl1e database and tl1e inteι·face paι·t. Ιη the FiguΓe bellow an ίηpιιt sanitίzί:1lion scl1ematic diagΓam is sl1own (made toolkit -Λmnesia [31)) 34 fοι· a specific sanitization Statlc Phase {Static Analysis) AMNESIA Toolset ι lnstrumontation Modulo --------- - Wob Applicatίon c::) Wob Application 1 m8"umcmoo Analysis Modulc ------ - - -------- - Dynamic Phase {Runtlme Monltorlng) -- URL ~ ~ ".. lnstrυmcnjod Wob Aρplication HTML / .. 1ιegιιιmaιe ~I < Daιa In tl1e database part a qιιote shoιιld be ρι-eίίχed and appended to all tl1e data ί s nιιιneι-ίc. T11e rights of tl1e database ιιser shall also be of tl1e syste n1 -st0 Γed pΓOcedιιΓes sl1oιιld of useι·-defιned test and evaluate u seι· (sccu ι·e netwoι·k 5.2 Databaso ~ -- [3 1J sο ιη e w-i --::::=-_J - Modol ~ ϋ Daιa Users SOL-Ouo'Y Aunlimo Monitoring Module Browser Ι Applίcatlon => Ι nριιt pΓO cedιιΓes. inpιιt useι· ίηριιt, liιnited. Access to all not be gt·anted if that useΓ needs access to Tools and automated pιΌcedure sl1all be used to and database integrity. Also all other security topo\ogies, fOS even if" fί \teι·s, antiνinιs Scan neΓS) ΓuJes shall be applied. sanitization I npυt saniιizaιion ίη ιl1e Conclιιsions aι·e case of ΡΗΡ applications will be cons ideΓed ίη tl1is cl1apteι·. applicable to otl1e1· appl ications also. Sanitisation is Γemoving f"l'Om tl1e ιιseΓ ίηριιt all the possible haπηing code and Validation is tl1e cl1ecking of the data i11put in ιem1s can at least αιιιse of forιηat. unecessaι-y UseΓ i npιιt data tl1at l1asn 't been validated ΟΓ sanitised database load, because ιηany of tl1e queΓies that Γeach 35 the database issιιe Ιη woιιld J1ave otl1erwise been ι-ejected is the secιιι·ity one, in te1η1s befoι-ehand. of SQLinjection and the case of u seπ1aιηe/passw0Γd input, a simple ΡΗΡ J1eadeΓ Of couι·se tl1e other big injection. i ηριιt fοηη code woιιld look like: <'?plφ 11 connectiorι to ιΊ-lySQL seι-νιtι· Πl)1sc1Ι_connect('locall1os1' . 'user11<1111c' . 'pίΙSS\νord') : 1nysc1l_sclccι_ιlb('dnHΊl>asc') ; // u~·eι· ίιφιιt $ιιscrr1 nιηc = $_rosη·ιιscr11nιηc' Ι : $ρaSS\\'Ord = rηd5($_POST('paSS\VOrd']) : 11 (.:οιιstι·ιιι·t ωιc/ rιιιι φιeιy. $sql ·sειε<.:Τ $rcsιιl ι = id Ι'RΟΜ uscrs WΗΕΙΗ:: ιηysql_φιcry($s<1I) ιιscrnιιιηe="' . $uscr1Hιn1c . "' AND pι1ss\νoι·d='" . $pnsswoι·d . "" ; : // l/tlιeι·e is α ιι~·eι·, log t/ιeιιι ίιι. ί φηys<1 Ι_ιηι n1_rο1νs($rcsιιJ1) $_S12SSJON/'login'J > Ο) true : // l~e(/ίl'(!CI to ιιdιιιίηcμ l1ca<lcr('Locnιio11: l111p://son1csiιc.coιn/adr11incpf) : clsc <lic('J11correc1 ιιscrηιιιηe or ρasS\VOrιl.') : '?> [30/ ΊΊ1c coιJl' ίtbove cl1ccks ιιser11nn1c Hnd passwoι·d ίη ι11c r nccoι·di11gly. Ι ιhc ιιscιηruηc fί~Jd becaιηe: qucι-y tιιιηs database and loggs ίι1 ιιseΓs '" ΟΗ. pnss,.voΓd LIKE "%" -- ' tl1e11 tl1c to: sr:ιECT ί ιl ι:rωΜ ιι scι·s WHEl{E tlSCΙΊlίll11C="" Ω Ι~ pHSS\VOΓd ιικ~ "%" -- "AND J111SS\VOΓιl "'"9αl 111439c7876e703c307864c9l67H15" [301 Tlie ι·es ιιlι 0Γιl1e qιιeιγ aboνe is tliaι LIKE "%" rnatclies all rows and -- coιnments eνeιγthing bel1i11d ίι. i.e. all ιιseι·s aι·e reιr·ieνed a11d ιl1erefo1·e can log in successΓully in the database, ι·egaι-dless of tlie 36 ιιserι1aιηe and password. Α firsι coι1nterη1eas ι1re for this is striping ' and - - out ofthe SQL q ιιeιγ. SQL fιιηcιίοηs likc 111 ysq l_real_escape_sιri11g() can be ιιsed . By 1/1ose means 1/1e ίηpιιt be /lo\ν: <'!ρl1ρ 11 coιιnection ιο ι\.ly8QL .reιϊΙeι· 111ysι1Ι_co11 r1cct ( 'l oc11l hos1' , 'ιrscιη arηc' rηysq l_scl cι:t_d b('da ιa bHsc') , 'ρass1νo rd ') ; : // u~·er iημιιι $ιrscrr1arnc = 111ysq l_real_cscιφc_sιring($_POST['user11urηe'1 ) : // saιιitise(/ ίnpιιι $fHΙ ss1νord = rnιl 5($_POST['pass1νord'j) ; 11 afready sa/e dιιe to ιιιc/50 11 Cοιι.1·1ι·ιιcι αιιd ηιn qιιeιy. Ssql = ·sειεcΓ id ι:ι~ΟΜ uscrs ~' l IERE uscrnarnc="' . $uscrnarnc . '" AND passwor·d="' . $rcsιι l ι = 111ysq l_q ιιcry($sql) $ρass1νor·d . "" ; ; ll etc... '?> 130] finaly ι·each es the database Sl2LECT id FROM AND ιι sers ίη the fοπη : WHERE ιιsei-name="\ " OR passwoi-d LIKE \"%\" -- " passwo Γd = "9cd fu439c7876e703e307864c9 1 67a l 5" T11is in pιιt is now h a 1η1 l ess fο ι· [30) SQL. Passwoι·d has not been sanitized by ιηysql_ι·eal_escape_s tι-ing() becaιιse the vaΓi abl e $passwo Γd is hashed. The $ passwΓd will be sani ιi zed by tl1e (MDS foι· ι11i s case) l1ashing a l goι·ithιη . As the only valιιes ι·etιιιηed cl1a1·actcΓ by l1asl1ing algoΓi thms aΓe (fο Γ tl1e n1ost) Ι1eχ ones, 110 SQL inj ection pι·o n e to execιιte SQL comιηands can be i nseι·ted (hex values a lphanιιn1e ι·i c va lιι cs). 37 inc lιιde 1-0 and a-r· Anotl1eΓ sanitization fοιη1 is typecasting. Fοι· a qιιeιΎ to allow υseΓs inseΓt an offset fοΓ data displaying: <?plφ 11 coc/e... $scιl = 'SELECT id.title FROM $resιι l t = rηys<1Ι_qιrcry($sql) : 11e\νs LIMIT' . $_GET['oΠset'J . ', 10' ; 11 ιιιοι·e code... ?>(301 $_ GET vaι·iable, can be sanisited tl1e sa111e way tl1e pΓeνίοιιs qιιeΓy was saιιitised, but as tl1is νaΓ iab l e is of in tegeι· νa l ιιe, we can ιιse tl1is to i ιηpose a ιυ le that eνeιΎ ίηριιt for tl1is variable will have to be integeι·, before the queιΎ is passed οη to the database. T11is f0Γn1 of' sanitisation is called typecasting. The intval(). Function can be tl1is pιιφοse . Jntval takes a νa Γi ab l e, and intege Γ nιι mber 15. Anything besides a Γetu ι'!1s ηιιmbe ι· ιι sed fοι· its in tege Γ "15" will be Γet ωηed as will take tl1e νalιιe of Ο. <?plφ ll code ... $sιιΙ = ·sαεcτ id,ιiιlc πωΜ 11e\νs LΙΜΙΤ' $rcsιι l t . i11ινal($_GETL'oflsc1'J) . ', 10' ; 11 :;aιιitised ίιφιιt = 111ysql_φ1e1·y($sc1Ι) : // ιιιοι·e code... ?> 1f the o υtput οΓ a queιΎ is to be ιιsed as an data will l1ave to be sani tised as well. Α called "nan1e", tl1en οιιtpιιt scι·i pt i11j ect~ιl ίη anotl1e1· queΓy tl1en tl1e outpιιt that has as an input a $_GET variable ''Hello, [nameJ!". If both sanitised, ιηa lίcίοιιs code cηι1 be Ι η ΡΗΡ ίηpιιt fο Γ inpιιt tl1c ηeχι quσ1 and outpιιt are not ίη pιιt. a function for data sanitisation l1as been developed, named l1t111lspecialcl1a ι·s(). Τ11ίs ι·cspec tive funct ion ι·eplaces SQL pΓOne cJ1aracters like < witl1 thei Γ HTML Eηιities. Ιη this case < would be tΓan sαipted as <. Usage syntax ο Γ tl1e Γιιηctίοη can bc seen bellow: 38 <'?p lφ ccho 'Dear, ·, htιηlspecialct1ars($GET[' inpιιt '], ENT_QUOTES), '!'; ?> 5.3 ΑΙΙ SQL In.iecti on Detection, database paι·t possible SQL injection thΙ"eat s have to be tested seper·ately, include them kinds of queries ar1d pιΌνοke (stι·ing te ιΊηίηatοι') ο ι· ; possible eιτo l's. Fiι·st ίn many in the l'aw a ι·e cl1 aracteΓs like' (e11d of a queιΎ) . Also the coιη111ent οιιt -- cl1a1·acters a ι·e to be tcsted. Ouring tl1e testing proceduie all cxcept one test ίng paι·aιηetel's sl1all be constant wl1ile al l va Γi at i ons of tl1e one tested sl1all be tι·i ed. POST, AND, OR c l aυses aι·e vaι·iable ί s 5.4 whί l e ίηριιt to be tested too, type sl1all be examined in any case where the ίnput a ηuιηbeΓ. Standard SQL f njection Testing Cons ίdeι· the fo ll owing SQ L qιι e ιy SELECT * ι::RΟΜ Useι·s WHERE ((Usc1ηan1e='$ιιseιηaιηe ') AND (Passwoι·d=MD5('$passwoι·d'))) [ 1] Jn cases Jίk e the one above the que1Ύ wίl l not be coiηpleted unless a valιιe ίs ι·etιιrned as a passwoΓd. 1f tl1e vaι·iables declaΓation ίs as follows: $useιηaιηe = 1' οι·' 1' = '1 '))/* (./* used as a con11ηent οιιt syιηbo l) $passwo ι·d = 123 cve1Ύt l1ίn g afleΓ tl1e ιι se ι·ηaιηe va lιιe will be con s ideι·ed as a coιηment i.e. in a SQ L qιιcιΎ fοπη: SCI.ΛΞCT * FROM Useι·s WHERE ((Useιηam e='l' or Ί ' = Ψ))/*') AND ( Passwoι·d=M D 5('$passwoι-d'))) Thc URL fοπη wίll be: 39 http://www.anysite.any/index.php?useιηa1ηe= Ι '%2001-%20'1 '%20=%20' J '))/* &passw OΓd = J 23 t/1is queιγ is actualy Γeturning Γesιιlts. Ιη cases wheΓe applicable we /1ave to veΓify also tl1e nιιιηbeΓ of tl1e outpιιt Γesults, especially if that nun1be1· is 1. TJ1is can be peΓfoΓmed using the opeι·ation LIMIT. The previous exaniple would look like: $useΓname = 1' οι·' 1' = 'Ι ')) LIMIT 1/* $passwoι·d = 123 Coπespond ing URL: l1ttp://www.a 11ys ite.any/ind cx.ρl1p?useΓna ιη e= 1'%2001-%20' 1'%20=%20' Ι '))%20LIM I Τ%201 /* &passwoι·d= 123 5.5 Union Query SQL Injection Testing UNION opeΓation fιιnctionality l1as to be tested to fοΓ possible SQL injection attacks vιιl11cΓabil iti es . By tl1is opeΓation testeΓ out whetl1eΓ an attacker coιιld Ι1e shall fίnd is sιιpposed to qιιeιγ perfoι-m Γesults of two qιιeι-ies aι-e meι-ged. ι·etrieve moΓe Α SQL injection values than tl1e queι-ies allow, wit/1 the injection of UNION commands. Α siιηple like tl1c onc bel low SELI::CT Name, Tel, Addι·ess FROM Useι·s WHERE Id=$id Can be $ίd= Ι n1odiΓιed if the νaΓiable $id is co111bined with UNION SELECT UNION ALL SELECTAccoιιnt,1,1 FROM Cι-editCarTabl e wl1icl1 will pΙΌvide tl1e queιγ: Sl2LE::CT Νaιηe, Tel, Addι·ess FROM UseΓs WHERE Id= I UNION ALL SELECT Accoιιnt, 1, 1 FROM AccoιιntTable T11e qιιeιγ above will pωvide apaΓt f1Όη1 ιιseι·s Αccοιιnι 11ι11ηbeι-. Na111e, Telepl1011e and Address, also tl1e All tl1is seaι·ching ι·quiι·es knowledge of tl1e databse na1ηing 40 vonventions and stιυctιι.-e, bιιt ιl1is as we l1ave seen ίη ιl1e 5.6 is so ιηetl1ing tl1at can be obtained by an attackeΓ p.-evious cl1apleΓ Blind SQL Injection Testing Ι f attackeι·s pe.-foιη1ing SQL injection attacks have no otheΓ clue to l'each a database e.g. tl1e eιτοl' ιηessagcs do not give a11y (In cases jιιst a 500 ιηοst peι-foΓm Inteωal serveι· eηΌΙ" at all message) aboιιt theiΓ the database stιυctuΓe only option is to blind attacks on the database. The n1ethod consists in caπying out a seΓies of booloean ιηcaning infonηati on qιιeries of such to tl1e seι·νeΓ, obseΓνing tl1e answe!'s and tinally deducing tl1e answeι·s[ 1] Supρosly a database contains the ρaraιηeteι· id. The fol!owing U.RL: !1ttp: //www.anysite.any/index.ρlψ?id= Ι' could (sιιpposly) result to tl1e following queιγ: SELECT name, addι·ess, tel FROM UseΓs WHERE Id='$Id' Whic\1 acco.-ding to what l1as been analysed in the SQL injection vιιlneΓabilities. CeΓtajn ιιscιηame fίeld. ιπeνiοιιs chaptel' can be pΙΌne to SQL functions need to be used to exι ι·act tl1e In this case tl1e pseudo-fιιnctions: SUBSTRING (text, staΓt, Jengtl1): Retuιηs a sιιbstι·ing staΓting f1Όn1 tl1e position "staι·t" of text and o-f lengtl1 'Ίe11gtl1". If sta.-t > Jength 11otl1ing is being ι·etιιιηed. ASCIJ (cl1ar): LENGTI 1(text): T11ose tΊιnctions ι·etιιιηs Γetιιιηes ASCII valιιe of input. the le11gth od the inpιιt. will be iteι·atively execιιted revealing the ιιseιηame cl1aracter by cl1aΓacte.- i.e. one cl1aΓacter at a time will be selected witl1 SUBSTRfNG, tl1e cl1aracteι· wi!I be tJ1e11 ι·eplaced wiιh tl1e coπesponding ASCII va!ue, using tl1e ASCII functio11, and ιl1 e ι·esιι!t will be coιηaΓed witl1 the desiΓed va!ue. If tJ1e value ofϊd=44 tl1e sιι·ing ιl1at ca11 be executed is $/d= I' AND ASCII(SUBSTRING(use111a111e, l, l))=44 AND '1'='1 wl1icl1 executes the fol!owing SQL: 41 SELI3CT name, addΓess, tel FROM Users WHERE Id=' Ι' AND ASCI I (SUBSTR fNG(usernaιηe, 1, Ι ))=44 ΛΝΟ ' Ι '=' J' 1f tl1c ASCII of the cha1·acte1" contained in the field id is eqιιal to 44 then the stateιηent is tιυe tl1eι·efoι·e tl1e fi Γst cl1a!'acte ι· of id, has been found , if not we will move tl11Όugl1 tl1e next ite!'alion, Α question tl1at aι·i ses is l1ow the test tl1at J1as canied a tιυe νalιιe, fι·οιη the one that has canied a lalse value is diffeι·entiated. In ordel' to ιηake tlιis we peι·for111 a qιιeιΎ fol' the field id wl1ich is always false. $ Ιd= Ι ' AND '!' = '5 wl1icl1 leads to tl1e tollowing SQL: SELECT ηaιη e, addι·ess, tel Ff{OM UseΓs WHERE fd=' 1' AND ' Ι' = '5' T11e an sweι· will be false, and thi s is su-fticient to confirn1 tl1at the value obtai ned frοιη the iteration is the scιme as tl1e one pl'Oduced by tl1is qιιeιΎ . Ending of tl1e itel'ation procedιιl'e is a Cl'ίtical paι·aιηeteΓ to be defined. In case we have !'eacl1ed two sιιbsequent Ο outpιιts of' tl1e ASCTI function, this means tl1at notl1ing is ι·etιιιηed fl'Om tl1e fιιnctίon (the case of the chaι· Ο t1as been exlιιded if tl1e Γunction ιυη s twίce) Ιη 0 Γde1· chaΓactel'i st ic test will of tl1e SUBSTRING function and the LENGTH .-eιuιη ιt1en tl1at we hHve analyzed ιηeaη one Wl1en oul' that we l1ave ended to n1ake intel'ence, or tl1at tl1e eΠect i vely ch a racte ι·s contains the valιιe ηιιll. l f i =11 ιι111be1· ofid $Id= I' ΑΝΟ LENGTH (ιιsername)=i Wl1e ι·e ί fιιn ction. υse a tιυe value and we wou ld l1ave used an ASCII code eqιιals to Ο (tl1at is the val ιιe ηιιll), va lιι e to υndeι·stand wl1en we have ended, we will found so far, The qυeιΎ becomes: AND '1' = '1 is tl1e n ι1111 beι· of ct1aΓacteι·s analysed so faΓ SQL will look Jike tl1is: 42 SELECT nan1e, addΓess, tel FROM Useι·s WHERE Id='I' ΑΝΟ LENGTI I (useι11arηe)= i Wl1icl1 is been Ι'οΓ tnι e Ο Γ ΑΝΟ Ί' = Ί' false dependίng οη whetheΓ the complete lengtl1 of the id ί nseι·ted ί η v~ιι·iable ί . Ι f not anotheΓ ί teΓation valιιe l1ad is neede. tl1is kind of SQL ίnjection attacks a laι·ge numbeι· of queι-ies is necessaι-y, meanίng attacks that woιιld ίf the amount of Γeques ts possible per useι· coιι ld be lίmited, suc/1 be n1ore difficult to implement. Jt also means tl1at aιιton1ated tools aι·e ncede for detection and protectί on against these attacks. -, ::l~JJ!f~Jll ' . t . 4~~~J Url: ΓQιιρ://ννW#. example. corη/indeχ. php?id = 2 OQUERY Que rν: ~~~ fϊNJECTίON AND ·1·-=. '1 -= -- -·- Ο.ιΙ el)" lde11tifie1: rg,uE'3Y. Fil e to durηp: ~ιc/pass'Wd -== Ιnj ection Ιderιtifie r: r;ϊ-ιJΕϊiΊοΝ_ ;<'·= =================! 1! ta11 Durηp J Τrγ ctιar·acter: z rοοι 'Jt: ΓRΙNG(LOAD_FILE('f etcf pass\1\ld'),4,1))= 110%2 0AND%20'1'%2 0=%2 0'1f:'. ,Γ RI NG (LOAD_ FILE('/ etcf pa sS\1Vd'),4,1)) = 111%2 0AN D%2 0'1'%2 0= %2 0'1 ΓRI NG (LOAD_ FILE(' f etcf passwd'),4,1))= 112%2 0AND%20'1'%2 0=%2 0'1 = ΓRΙNG(LOAD_ FI LE('/ etc/ pas swd'),4,1))= 11 3%2 0ΑΝ D%2 0'1'%2 0 = %2 0Ί fRING(LOAO_FILE('/ etcf paSS\ι\Ιd'),4,1)) = 114%20AND%2 0'1'%2 0=%2 0'1 fR ING (LOAD_ FILE('/ etc/ passwd'),4,1)) = 11 5%2 0ΑΝD%2 0'1'%2 0= %2 0Ί ... ι~J_ ~ --- - - - - 111 ~ (12] 43 5.7 Stot"ed Procedure In_jection Stoι·ed pιΌcedιιι·es aτe tlioιιght thoιιgh to be tl1e so lutio11 to the SQL injection this is not tωe. Dynan1ic SQL within SQ L attacks. If the input of s toι·ed inj ection attacks can be easily When ιι s ίηg sanitize tl1e pΙΌcedιιι·es is also tl1e to is not propeΓly sanitised tben SQL pιΌceduΓe, the application n1lιst pιΌpeι·Ι y input to eliιηinate the risk of code injection. If not sanitized, tl1e could enteΓ n1alicioιι s SQL that will be execιιted within the stoΓed exanψ l e vuJneΓablc iιηpJeιηented. dynan1ic SQL witl1in a stoJ"ed ιιseΓ stoι·ed proceduι·es probleιη, ιιseΓ pιΌcedιιΓe. Fοι· pιΌcedιπe: Cre<ιtc rποcι:ιlιιrc ιιscr_logi11 @!icld 1 νίιrcl1ar(20). @field2 Dcclarc fa$ι1Ιsιri11g νarcl1ίtr(250) νarcl1ar(20) Λs Scι rt1sι1Ιsιri11g = · Sclccι Ι Wlιcι·e lrom ιιscrs liclcl 1 .. • + @lield Ι + · ω1ιl licld2 = · + @fielιl2 cxcc(@sι1Ιs1t·i11g) Go ln tl1is SJ>tl1e input is not san itised and tl1e Γesults will be affected accoJ"dingly, The san1e is valid fοΓ the following procedιιΓe too: Cr-caιc ρl'Οccιlιιι·e gct_Γeport @liel<l I νιιrcl1ar(7900) Λs Declare ίιglίιn ν;1rc l1 ar(8000) - · Sclccι · + @lίcld Ι + · Γrοιη lίcldTcιbΙc· Seι ri~ΙΊ.111 cxcc(ft_!Jfι111) Go DHta Yalidation 5.8 T11eΓe aι·e fouι· Stι-ategies stl'ategies fοι· validating data(32), and tl1ey sl1ould be used ιη this OJ'deΓ: 5.8. 1 Λccept known good 'f11is stΓalcgy is also known as positive validation i.e. n1eaning l11at if tl1e input value is nol conιained ίη the "whitelist" of known valιιes it shoιιld be rejected. ln ordeΓ fοΓ this nιl e ιο woι·k valιιes sl1all always • Have ηο typing eιΤΟΓS • 1lave l11ei1· lengtl1 cl1ecked • f Ot"ll18t and type cl1ecked jf the νalιιe ΪS 11Ut11eΓίC 44 • fοι· syntax eποι· befoι·e Checked validation fοι- tl1e fiΓst tin1e. lf a plate numbeι· is expected tl1en validation for a postcode (type, length and syntax) sl1al l be peι·toι·med: ριιl1Ιίc Sι ring is(S tΓing pl111c11) { reιιιn1 (ρ l ίllcn != nιιl 1&& Paιιcr11 .1η<11cl1..:s("Λ(((218!9)\d{2} )/((02Ι08Ι09)\d{2} )/([ 1-91\d {3} ))$". ρlaι..:11)) ? pla1Ct1: "": } Cod ing shoυld ιηake νisible possible inpLJΙ fron1 ι111ιrιι sted soιιι·ces as in 1Ι1e eχanψle bellow: Sιring 1ai111Ι>fatcn = rcqιιcsι.geιl'ιιrdn1cιer( "platen"); Vnl idιιιio11ε11gi nc vnl icltιιor = nc1ν Val ίι1aιίο11Ε11gί11c(): boolcnn isVι1lidpl<1Ιc11 = νιιlid<1101'.isplatc11(tιιi111plaιc11); 5.8.3 Re.iect known bad Tl1is st ι·ategy, also known as "negative" validation. Less efticient tl1an posιtιve validation as the con1binatio11s are i11fιnite and can only ι·ely 011 a pattern basis, e.g. suspicious c l1aτacteι·s aι-e to be ι·ejected. Of cοιιΓse like all the technίqιιes of tl1 is kind the patteΓns (ΟΓ known bad) database shall be ιιpdated 011 a Γegu l a ι· basis. 5.8.3 Sanitize Like any οΙl1eΓ ιιpdated ofιe 11 to pattern like tecl1nique sanitisation of ιηa inta in it's efTectiveness. sρecific MoreoveΓ sιιch appιΌaches to incoιηplete pΓOtection, as someth ing is always missing. 45 chaiacters needs to usually lead 6 CONCLUSION Το avoid SQL injection attacks saniti zation and data input validation shall be performed ίη botl1 the database paι·t and the web inteι·face application. Metl1ods such as sιoι·ed pr·oceduΓes that used to be en oιιgl1 for database sccιιrity son1c tίιη e ago aΓe ηο ίn longer eι1οιιgl1. an application en1bedded Secιιι·ity ΟΓ and tι·eated ίη tl1e whole n etwo Γk and not speci tically a database. Special caTe shall be applied to execιιtion of p1Όgran1s gι·eat dangeι· sl1all be ΓοΙ" tl1at find tl1is tl1eiΓ ι·easo n Antivinιs, Fiι·ewalls, corτect way to tl1e network thι-ough tl1e input fields is a all networking secιι ι·ity coιιnteιη1easιιι·es e.g. network topology, ΝΑΤ etc, l1ave to be applied. 111 any case tl1e database pa1·t of' an application is deep inside the netwoι·k. TJ11·eats sl1all not be al lowed to Γeacl1 the database. T11e defense line sl1all be the netwoΓk. Extra care shall be applied for the inteι·faces ίη faΓ m01·e higl1eΓ level ίη between database and appl ication paΓt. Jntι-ud eι·s can as well manipulate tl1ose inteι-faces too. And οΓ cοιιΓse a tl·eqιιe11t ιιpdate of all tl1e patteιη based tools (SQL injection vιιlneΙ"ability detecto ι·s, Antivinιs, Γ-ϊrewall s, sanitization tools etc.) sl1all be peΙ"fOΓmed 011 a regιιlaJ" basis ίη ιnai11te11a11ce wί11dows, jιιst any other ι·egulaι· ιηaintenance proceduι·e. T11e geneι·al secιιι·ity aspect: "accept known good, Γ~ject known bad, sanitize" shall be followed ίη any case. 46 7 REFERENCES [Ι] 11ttp://WW\.v.secιιΓityfocu s .com/inrocus/ J 709, Applications (Part Two) Jody Melboιιrne Penetration Testing fοι· Web and Dαvid .!οπn 2003-07-03 , accessed 011 03/08 [2] http://ww\.v. secιιΓit yfocιιs . con1/infocυs/ l 704, Penetι·ation Testing fοΓ Web Applications ( Pa Γt One) .Jody MelbouΓne and Daνid Joι·n1 2003 -07-03 , accessed 011 03/08 [3 J l1ttp: //www.sg l secιιΓity.co111 [4] http://www. sgl-server-peΓfoΓmance.con1/ accessed [5] [6) οη , accessed 011 03/2008 , SQL seι·veι· Γel ated articles, 03/08 http://www .11 ex tμe n ss.co 1η/paρe1·s/ειdva 11 ce d sgl lnj ection rn SQL SeΓνeι· Applicaιions , An ley tchTi s@ngssoftwaι·e.con1) ChΓis i11j ection.pclΓ Advanced SQL l 1ttp: //www.sρyιi ynan1ic s.co 1η/ι')~φe Γs/S QLJ 11jectio11 WhitePapeΓ.pdi" Αι·e yοLΙ Γ web applications vιι ln eι·able? 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