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Summer 2014/15
News from The Dame Malvina Major Foundation
We set up The Dame Malvina Major
Foundation in 1991 to enable young
performers of talent to achieve their
potential. It was about giving back what I had
been given as a young singer to allow me to follow my
dream of becoming an opera star. Today my vision to “Share
the Dream” continues to underpin everything The
Foundation does to support young New Zealanders across
the whole spectrum of the performing arts.
Our involvement goes much further than signing a cheque
and wishing these young artists well. Where we see talent
we offer not only financial assistance, but professional
guidance and support in their emerging careers. Many of
the young artists in whom we saw early promise are today
making names for themselves and for New Zealand on the
world stage – among them Sol3Mio’s Moses Mackay and
Pene and Amatai Pati, and ballet dancer Tasman Davids, the
first New Zealander to train at the Vaganova Ballet Academy
in St Petersburg.
I am indebted to my fellow Trustees and the regional
committees for their generosity, passion and tireless energy.
It has been another busy year with concerts held across the
country to showcase and support our young artists, many at
Ryman Healthcare Retirement Villages. A highlight was the
magnificent concert organised with Friends of the Opera
Wellington at Government House in June.
We have been delighted to once again award first prizes at
the NZ Aria in Rotorua, as well as in regional competitions in
Wellington, Dunedin and Christchurch, and runner up prize
in the Lexus Song Quest. The Greenlea Foundation Trust,
through Peter and Joan Egan, has generously awarded
grants for outstanding music students at Waikato University
as well as providing prizes in the Waikato University Aria
competition. I am hugely encouraged by their support.
And this year our Arts Excellence Awards have recognised
emerging artists from across the performing arts – among
them two violists, a violinist, jazz guitarist, flautist, clarinet
player, pianist and a number of talented singers.
As a charitable trust, we rely on and hugely value the
support of donors, sponsors and partners. I urge you all to
share my dream by helping the Foundation continue to
support New Zealand’s young performers through your
donations, memorial scholarships and legacies.
Three regional Dame Malvina Major Foundation Aria
Competitions were held in 2014, with the winners going on to
compete in the NZ Aria held recently in Rotorua.
Congratulations to soprano Isabella Moore (pictured below)
who won not only the Christchurch and Dunedin competitions,
but took out The Dame Malvina Major Foundation first prize
at the NZ Aria. Congratulations also to baritone Christian
Thurston who won the Wellington Aria.
The Foundation also provided the runner-up prize in the
Lexus Song Quest, which was awarded to baritone Benson
Wilson, and, through the Greenlea Foundation Trust, prizes in
the Waikato University Aria competition.
“For these talented young performers, the opportunity to
perform and participate in these prestigious competitions is
invaluable as they prepare for a professional career. For The
Foundation, it is very rewarding to invest in the next generation
of aspiring young opera singers,” says Dame Malvina.
NZ Aria 2014. Photo: Tony Whitehead
Dame Malvina was awarded a Lifetime Achievement award at
the Women of Influence Awards 2014 in Auckland in October.
Dame Malvina’s award recognises her success as one of New
Zealand’s finest and most loved opera singers and a tireless
worker in the community. Judge Dame Rosanne Meo said she
had been a giant figure in New Zealand and abroad in the Arts.
“Not only has she been one of our finest cultural exports, but
she has been a tireless and selfless supporter in nurturing the
generations that have followed her path. She has also raised
literally millions of dollars in over 30 years of charitable work.”
In his speech, Prime Minister John Key congratulated Dame
Malvina, endorsing Judge Meo’s comments on her life and work.
Current Freemasons Dame Malvina Major Young Artist and
recipient of a range of awards and scholarships from The
Dame Malvina Major Foundation, mezzo soprano Rachelle
Pike returned from New York over winter to perform in La
Traviata for NZ Opera and in the fundraiser concert at
Government House. Here, she shares her path to success.
How did you get into opera? I started singing with my school
choir as a way to avoid my PE classes! From there I went on to
university where I saw and heard my first opera. It took me a
while, but eventually I fell deeply in love with it.
How has The Dame Malvina Major Foundation helped
you on that path? The Foundation is the reason I made
it on to the path! Firstly, as an Emerging Artist and then
through their support of various competitions and awards.
The Foundation’s financial support was part of a small
village of supporters that it took to get me overseas. It is an
overwhelming task if you don’t come from a wealthy family,
but I was lucky enough to make up my own family if you will!
What has been your career highlight to date? The night
I got to stand in for Carmel Carrol in one of the final dress
rehearsals in NZ Opera’s Lucia di Lammermoor while I was
an Emerging Artist was magical. I remember putting on her
costume, how it made my skin tingle, getting to sing with the
lead soprano in my arms as she was going crazy, and how
I had to hold back tears of joy to be singing on that stage.
I thought it was the best day of my life! I chase that tingly
feeling every day now.
Their musical talents have seen them hone their crafts in
different corners of the world, but Christchurch siblings Todd
and Bryony Gibson-Cornish always love when they can
perform together.
21-year-old violist Bryony and 19-year-old bassoonist Todd
last had the opportunity when they performed at a Dame
Rachelle Pike in the 2014 NZ Opera production of La Traviata.
Photo: Neil MacKenzie
What are you dreams for the future? This. I want to be living
this exact life. Ideally I’ll remain based in New York, and be
able to travel home and other places from there. Singing
in strange places, meeting new people and making this
beautiful music. And, I’d like to be able to comfortably pay my
rent every month!
Rachelle returns to perform a lead role in NZ Opera’s
production of La cenerentola (Cinderella) by Rossini in 2015.
Malvina Major Foundation fundraiser in Christchurch last year.
A 2014 and 2012 recipient of The Dame Malvina Major
Foundation Christchurch Arts Excellence Award, Bryony is
a former student of the Pettman National Junior Academy
of Music in Christchurch, where she was mentored by Dame
Malvina. She is currently completing a Master of Music at the
prestigious Juilliard School in New York and plans to audition
for its doctorate programme in February. Last year she was
one of only 19 students to be invited to attend the Taos
School of Music in New Mexico as 2013 Young Concert Artist
and is the Auckland Philharmonia’s Young Soloist of the Year
for 2014.
Todd received a Dame Malvina Major Foundation
Christchurch Arts Excellence Award in 2013, towards his
study for a Bachelor of Music (Honours) at the Royal College
of Music in London where he received the Queen Elizabeth
the Queen Mother Scholarship. Todd has toured with the
New Zealand Symphony Orchestra and most recently has
played with London Symphony Orchestra and Philharmonia
Orchestra – an outstanding achievement for someone so
We would like to communicate with you by email.
This would include sending future copies of our Rhapsody newsletter and other news and information
about the Foundation. Please send your email address to:
[email protected] and include your name and postal address. Thanks!
Five emerging talents have been handpicked for NZ Opera’s
internship programme as Freemasons Dame Malvina Major
Emerging Artists for 2014/2015.
Each will spend up to six months with NZ Opera, taking part
in productions and getting vocal, stagecraft and language
coaching along with a range of other opportunities.
“The Emerging Artists programme is, in my view, world class.
It gives young artists performance, repetiteur, language and
understudy work at a level not replicated anywhere,” says
Dame Malvina.
The Auckland Committee has had a busy year beginning with
a stunning concert featuring Dame Malvina at Massey High
School. This was a resounding success and raised in excess
of $7,000. Our next venture was the Arts Excellence Awards
held in August. The standard was extremely high so choosing
the three finalists was a tough decision. Our adjudicator,
concert organist and composer John Wells, awarded the
prizes to soprano Madison Nonoa ($3,000), pianist Jane Koo
($1,000) and violinist Lauren Bennett ($1,000).
In August, Dame Malvina and students from Waikato
University performed in a concert at the Sir Edmund Hilary
Ryman Retirement Village raising another $4,000.
Emerging Artists 2014/15 - from left, back row: baritone Jarvis Dams,
tenor Filipe Manu, baritone Christian Thurston, front: sopranos Emily
Scott & Chelsea Dolman. photo: Oliver Rosser
artists, Rachelle Pike, Oliver Sewell, and Sarah-Jane Rennie,
with close to $12,000 raised in total. In July we held an
afternoon showcase at the Malvina Major Ryman Retirement
Village with Dame Malvina performing alongside Bianca
Andrew and Christian Thurston. Former Chief Executive of the
NZSO Peter Walls and former Manager of the New Zealand
String Quartet Rose Campbell adjudicated our recent Arts
Excellence Awards, awarding $5,000 to Alice McIvor, violist.
The Christchurch Committee held a showcase in April
featuring a range of young artists, all of whom are successfully
pursuing their careers.
The Waikato Committee recently announced its Arts
Excellence Awards for 2014, giving $2,000 each to three
young talented performers: soprano Eliza Boom, baritone
Jonathan Eyres and violinist Olivia Francis. We recently held a
fundraising concert at Rannoch House in Auckland featuring
some of the University of Waikato’s most outstanding
A major focus for the Wellington Committee this year was
the joint fundraiser with Friends of the Opera at Government
House in June. The event was wonderfully supported and
guests were delighted with Dame Malvina and the young
April showcase, from left: Tony Lin, pianist, Cheuky Chan, accompanist,
Polly Ott, soprano, Andrew Grenon, tenor and Thomas Eves, trumpeter
In July, with support from The Canterbury Community Trust,
we awarded a total of $20,000 to five worthy recipients
of 2014 Arts Excellence Awards – Samuel Blakelock, jazz
guitarist; Bryony Gibson-Cornish, violist; Andrew Grenon,
tenor; Marcus Norman, clarinetist and Hugh Roberts, flautist.
In September we held a benefit concert for Andrew Grenon
to support his studies in Wales. We are planning another
fundraiser for 28 November at Diana Isaac Ryman Retirement
Village. Our most exciting news is that we are to host a Gala at
the fully restored Isaac Theatre Royal on Saturday 11 July 2015
– mark your diaries.
Dame Malvina with (from left) Oliver Sewell, Sarah-Jane Rennie and
Rachelle Pike
The Dunedin Committee was proud to sponsor Elizabeth
Mandeno to play the role of Jane Kendall in Opera Otago’s
production of This Other Eden. Elizabeth was a 2013/14
Freemasons Dame Malvina Major Emerging Artist with NZ Opera.
• Freemasons Dame Malvina Major New Zealand Opera
Young Artist programme: Rachelle Pike, soprano
• Freemasons Dame Malvina Major New Zealand Opera
Emerging Artists programme: Filipe Manu, tenor;
Jarvis Dams, baritone; Christian Thurston, baritone;
Chelsea Dolman, soprano; and Emily Scott, soprano
• Arts Excellence Awards
Auckland: Madison Nonoa, soprano; Jane Koo, pianist;
Lauren Bennett, violinist
Christchurch: Samuel Blakelock, jazz guitarist; Bryony
Gibson-Cornish, violist; Andrew Grenon, tenor; Marcus
Norman, clarinetist; Hugh Roberts, flautist
Wellington: Alice McIvor, violist
Taranaki with support from the TSB Community Trust: to many
individuals and groups associated with the performing
• Prizes in vocal competitions
Dame Malvina Major Foundation Aria,
Wellington, first prize: Christian Thurston
Christchurch, first prize: Isabella Moore
Dunedin, first prize: Isabella Moore
New Zealand Aria, Rotorua, first prize: Isabella Moore
Lexus Song Quest runner-up prize: Benson Wilson
Waikato University Aria Competitions (Greenlea
Foundation Grants): first prize Oriana Kershaw, second
prize Chelsea Dolman, third prize Felipe Manu
• Scholarships
Dame Malvina Major Mina Foley Scholarship: for
Madeleine Pierard, soprano, to return from the UK to
perform in NZ Opera’s La Bohème in Christchurch
Sir Howard Morrison Vocal Scholarship: Oriana
Kershaw, soprano
Cecily Maccoll Memorial Scholarship: Harry Grigg, tenor
Alice Cole Piano Scholarship Auckland: To be awarded
Peter Lees-Jeffries Memorial Scholarship: To be
awarded late 2014
Greenlea Foundation Grants Waikato: Oriana Kershaw,
soprano; Jarvis Dams, baritone; Elisha Hulton, mezzo
soprano; Chelsea Dolman, soprano
• Sponsorships
For Patricia Hurley’s Masterclasses for New Zealand
Opera Singers and concerts in France and Italy: Polly Ott,
soprano; Rosel Labone, soprano; Moses Mackay, baritone;
James Ioelu, bass-baritone (France) and Christie Cook,
mezzo soprano; Daniel O’Connor, baritone; Julien Van
Mellaerts, baritone (Italy)
French study tour Le Quesnoy, France, May 2014, from left: Ouri Bronchti,
vocal coach and pianist, Polly Ott and Rosel Labone, sopranos, Moses
Mackay, baritone, James Ioelu, bass-baritone
For NZSO Understudies, The Creation by Haydn:
Elizabeth Mandeno, Andrew Grenon, James Ioelu
For Elizabeth Mandeno, soprano, to perform in Opera
Otago’s production of This Other Eden by Antony Ritchie.
You can play a vital role in helping aspiring young talented performers get professional guidance in their field of expertise.
All donations go towards a programme or scholarship to help the Foundation do more for our young performers.
Donations are tax deductible. The Dame Malvina Major Foundation is a registered charity under the Charities Act 2005,
registration number CC10225.
A bequest or legacy in your will is a valuable and enduring way of assisting in sharing the dream of Dame Malvina.
Email [email protected] or call Trust Administrator Patricia Hurley on (04) 384 9745 if you would like
us to send you or your lawyer information on how to make a bequest or legacy.
I would like to donate $ ............................... to The Dame Malvina Major Foundation.
I would like to pay by:
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(please deposit into our account The Dame Malvina Major Foundation 060594 0077477 00 with your surname as reference)
cheque (please make payable to The Dame Malvina Major Foundation)
Please return (with cheque payment if appropriate) to: Trust Administrator, The Dame Malvina Major Foundation,
PO Box 9976, Wellington 6141. Thank you!