September - South Milwaukee Yacht Club


September - South Milwaukee Yacht Club
101 Marshall Avenue
South Milwaukee, WI 53172
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September 2012
Inside this Issue:
Photo of the Month
 Commodore’s Comments
 Event Calendar
 Celebrators
 Pig Roast Thank You and
 Slip Shot Pictures
 Steak Night Thanks and
Revelers celebrate the Gilligan’s Island themed Pig Roast and Open House weekend.
Jon Haag
Jan Ruggles
Bill Wheatley
John Groth
Lynn Ussel
Karen “Kiki” Kilman
Mike Strzok
Patti Cardarelle
Michael Cieczka
Rick Klamrowski
Bob Sandretto
Tony Karwacki
Randy Kempowski
Bill Wheatley (Bar Manager)
Mary Jo Haag (House/Hall Manager)
Cheryl Rybka
Mike Gengler
Mike Strzok
Jon Haag
Tony Karwacki
Randy Kempowski
Debbie Smith
Bob Sandretto
Barb Nowak
Linda Daly
Mike Cieczka
Patti Cardarelle
Paula Modlinski
Kyle Brunk
Kyle Brunk
Bob Smith
Commodore’s Comments
Congratulations to all of our SMYC family on a very successful Open House Weekend. We put on a great party!
Every facet of the weekend went well. Barb and Mickey
Nowak’s Steak Night was a great success. The Junior’s Saturday Picnic was fabulous. Team Kilman and
Modlinski’s Pig Roast was amazing. Finally, Bob
Smith’s Breakfast on Sunday was the perfect finish to
the weekend. Dona and Mike Cieczka did another
amazing job of decorating for the weekend. I also want
to thank EVERYONE else for their pitching in all weekend long. Many
members put in a great deal of time. I was extremely appreciative of all of
the new members participation. It is a great way to meet all of your fellow
members and give back to the Club. I know I say this too often, but it is
amazing what we can accomplish when we put our minds to a task! Even
with our date change, our numbers were very positive.
I must admit that I really enjoyed Labor Day weekend…even with Hurricane Isaac’s influence on the water conditions!
The Fleet Captain is beginning the preparation for Haul Out. Now don’t
get down on Mike Strzok – he is good but he can’t control the calendar.
More information will be made available at the General Membership
Meeting, September 17th. In the mean time, Steve Steinhaus has put
together a Rendezvous at Reefpoint Marina the weekend of September
14th. Information is available and located on the Club Bulletin Board. We
might as well take our party capability a couple of miles south and enjoy
every second available before Haul Out.
Our Club elections for the Officers and Board of Directors are coming up
after the October General Membership Meeting. It is extremely important
that WE support our Club by getting involved. The strength of this Club is
the diverse group of individuals that come together to form the backbone
to our success. There are 6 Officer positions available and 2 Board Member positions. Chuck Cottrill (email address: [email protected]) is
the Chair of the Nominating Committee. If you are interested in assisting
in continuing the success of the Club, please contact Chuck as soon as
Finally, as you all know we lost one of our SMYC family members last
month. Rick Reifschneider passed away after a long and courageous
battle. September 21st is the celebration of Rick’s life. Please put this date
on your calendar and come down to the Club to gather with Rick’s family.
One of Rick’s requests was to have a 50/50 raffle with the proceeds going
to Pancreatic Cancer research. So be prepared the “wingspan” tickets are
coming your way!
(414) 617-3438
[email protected]
Pig Roast Recap and Thanks
Ahoy there Castaways! Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate, eat, drink, and dance with us at South Milwaukee Yacht Club’s second annual Gilligan’s Island Pig Roast on Saturday, 8/25. As you know, the membership voted to move the Pig Roast/Open House to the weekend before Labor Day. The change in date makes it
possible for everyone to enjoy the long weekend with family and enjoy some of the many other events occurring
around southeastern Wisconsin.
We are happy to report that we served roughly 280 dinners Saturday, the same number as in the previous few
years. We are especially grateful to the visiting yacht club members for their continued support of this event.
Our hearty fare was planned, prepared and served by many volunteers.
The warm, sunny weekend was appreciated by all. The Gilligan’s Island theme was unanimously carried over
from last year with more Island paraphernalia added to the grounds and clubhouse by the Dona & Mike Cieczka
decorating crew. Stoneship Eden, a classic rock band, played under the pavilion and was enjoyed by all ages.
Many people came up to thank us, which we share equally with all the teams involved. This event would not
have been possible without the help of Debbie Brunk who stayed behind the scenes with her apprentices in the
kitchen, Heidi Moshinski & Karen Puetz, and worked as hard as ever. Thanks to Steve Steinhaus and his pig/
chicken roasting crew of Allen & Steve Hock, Kurt Bruck and Jeff Mueller; Mike Strzok, our harbormaster,
and his dockhands; Wayne Gestwicki, Charlie Baltutis, Seth Yust and crew for grounds clean-up and Bob
Smith and his crew for preparing a much needed breakfast on Sunday morning.
All the Raffles (Junior 50/50; Inside Raffles, Meat Raffles) once again proved successful due to the generous
donations of so many members as well as area businesses (see Thank You Donors article). It is incredible how
slabs of bacon can make money appear out of nowhere - thanks to Randy Kempowski who had some big
shoes to fill as our outdoor "auctioneer". He did a spectacular job!
Others who helped see this event through to fruition and deserve recognition are: Mary Jo Haag, Kathy Manna,
Debbie Smith, Bill Wheatley, Jon Nowicki, Mike Pawelski, Steve Roberts, Pete Russo, Linda Daly, Al Peterson, Greg Zielinski, Patti Cardarelle, all of the prep people, servers, clean-up crew and the countless people who asked “What do you want me to do?” We thank you all.
-KiKi Kilman
-Paula Modlinski
Many Thanks to the Pig Roast Donors!
The SMYC Pig Roast/Open House Raffles would not be possible without the contributions made by so many of
our generous members, as well as donations from our favorite businesses in the area. Please be open with
your praise when visiting the following local establishments.
Slick Willy's - S. Milw.
Erv's Mug - Oak Creek
Jack's of All Trades - S. Milw.
Mike LaSusa's - Oak Creek
Papa Luigi's - S. Milw. & Cudahy
Salty Dogs - Plankinton Ave. Cudahy
Southwind Marine Boating Center - E Becher St
diCarlo's Trattoria - Oak Creek
LaLa's Place - Packard Ave. Cudahy
Discount Liquor - Milw.
China Chef - S. Milw.
Sentry Insurance - Patti Cardarelle/agent
Adamczyk Foods - Cudahy
Dobie's Restaurant - St. Francis
Badger Distributing
Pig Roast Photos
Nominating Committee Notice
The nominating Committee is now soliciting nominations for all eligible positions including Commodore, Vice
Commodore, Rear Commodore, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and 2 3-year
board positions. If would like to nominate someone for one of the above positions, contact Nominating Committee chairperson Chuck Cottrill by e-mail (mailto: [email protected]) or phone 414.425.5114.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Anniversary!
Kris Klamrowski 10/2
Andrew Cozad 10/3
Nick Schmidt 10/5
Sheryl Hurula 10/8
Dottie Minch 10/8
Rita Buchholz 10/10
Mike Gengler 10/12
Donna Conant 10/15
Robert Behling 10/16
Jim Schlichting 10/17
Scott Wisniewski 10/17
Sharyn Hock 10/18
Moe Landry 10/19
Bill Saxler 10/20
Sharon Kempowski 10/22
Patrick Minick 10/23
Tom Peterson 10/23
Kandis Hock 10/25
Pat Hofrichter 10/26
Adam Miller 10/26
Tammy Behling 10/28
Mickey Nowak 10/28
Bennett Andrew 10/30
Bob & Christine Behling 10/2
Bob & Bobbi Sandretto 10/2
Jeffrey & Heather Holmes 10/11
Bob & Pam Spenner 10/12
Steve & Debbie Steinhaus 10/18
George & Pat Slominski 10/23
Jeff & MaryBeth Johnson 10/24
Rick & Mary Klamrowski 10/28
Clark & Kathy Chiaverotti 10/31
If you don’t see your birthday
here, please email [email protected]
Steak Night Thanks
A Great Proposal!
We had a great start for the Pig Roast Weekend. We
didn’t sell out dinner tickets however; we did end up
selling just about every steak by the end of the evening. We had a fantastic crew in the morning and we
were done prepping within a few hours. The evening
crew was just as fantastic and we were told that everyone had a great time working. Lots of laughs and fun
was had by all. Thanks to the two “grill masters” for
the great job on the steaks. It’s the constant support of
our members and friends that makes this event successful year after year. Mickey and I have been running Steak Night for 12 years now and have had a lot
of fun and thank all of you. Final profit for the evening
was just over $1,100.00
Krissy Klamrowski and Jarod Schroeder became
engaged Saturday August 25th before a crowd while
Krissy worked selling tickets for the meat raffles. Short
and sweet, it went like this:
Barb & Mickey
Jarod: Krissy.............Krissy...........Krissy, turn around.
Krissy: OHHH My Gosh!
She said yes once she was coached that an actual answer was in fact required. CONGRATULATIONS and
thanks for including many of us in on the moment.
Slip Shot Photos
Pig Roast Photos (cont.)
101 Marshall Avenue
South Milwaukee, WI 53172
South Milwaukee
Yacht Club
Election of Officers
and Annual
October 15th at
Your vote Counts!