Supporting One Another on the Journey


Supporting One Another on the Journey
the Journey
Summer 2013
Volume XVI, No. 2
Supporting One Another on the Journey
Newlyweds Thank Donors
for Granting Mother’s Wish
Hospice Care offered Donnell House’s Great
Room, allowing the couple a more traditional
wedding. All the typical arrangements were
made on short notice – dress, veil, hair, nails,
bridesmaids, bouquet, and minister.
Hospice Care staff was just as excited as
the family was and helped Deby get ready
with her hair, nails, and make up. When it
was time, they wheeled her hospital bed into
the Great Room. Matt said that she looked
“My mom wouldn’t have missed
the wedding. It was the only
thing that brightened her up,”
Matt explained. “Without Donnell
House, we would not have had
that opportunity.”
Matt and Hilary Veltri after their wedding at Donnell House.
After twelve frantic hours preparing for their
wedding, Matt Veltri and Hilary Patterson
Veltri were married March 1 at Washington
Health System Hospice Care’s Donnell
House, giving Matt’s mother Deby a special
gift – seeing her last child married.
Deby was moved to Donnell House after
she had been diagnosed with terminal
cancer and given a month to live. While the
medication she took for her severe pain also
caused her to sleep for days, Deby was up
and about that March morning. So Matt and
Hilary made the decision to get married that
Matt and Hilary first thought that they would
have a small ceremony in Deby’s room. Then
Matt said that his mother “knew how to do
life.” Deby was a “California girl” (from the
state) when she met her husband Michael
and moved to Washington. She worked
as a seamstress at Veltri Cleaners for 20
years, enjoyed spending time with her family,
especially her grandchildren, and loved the
outdoors. Matt described his mother as a bit
of everything, accepting everyone, nurturing,
stern, and fun. She loved to joke. When
Hilary was running late at the wedding, Deby
told her family, “She better hurry up. Doesn’t
she know I don’t have much time left?”
Hilary shared that she lived 24 hours a day
at Donnell House, eating and sleeping there
during her mother-in-law’s stay. Hospice
Care staff did whatever they could to
accommodate Deby and her family, and
“Sometimes, reaching out and taking
someone’s hand is the beginning of a
journey. At other times, it is allowing
another to take yours.” – Vera Nazarian
Terminally ill patients and their families, faced
with the challenge of their lives together
coming to an end, need physical, emotional,
and spiritual support. Your community
hospice, Washington Health System Hospice
Care, walks with them on their journey.
Washington Health System Hospice Care
staff and volunteers support them, provide
compassionate care, and enable patients to
both live their last days and die with dignity.
You may not realize it, but patients and families
can only experience that support and care
because friends like you give generously to
Hospice Care and Donnell House. When you
make a gift, you reach out and take the hand
of a hurting patient or family member. Even if
you don’t know them, you are helping them on
their journey.
Many of us know someone personally who
has received Hospice Care, sometimes family
members or friends. Someone likely took
your hand, gave you a shoulder to lean on, or
walked with you when you needed support.
Often, our thoughts turn to how we can give
back what we received, and many families and
friends commit to donate to Hospice Care and
Donnell House.
Hospice Care patients and families thank you
for supporting them on their journey.
continued on page 2
Give Online to Hospice Care
Visit Washington Health System Foundation’s online giving page at
Hospice Care
155 Wilson Avenue
Washington, PA 15301
Give Online to Hospice Care
Visit Washington Health System Foundation’s online giving page at
Share Your Story
If you’ve been touched by Washington Health System Hospice Care and want to share
your experience with others, please send your story to [email protected].
Calendar of Upcoming Events
The Journey Staff
• Loss, Grief and
Adjustment Support Group
Weekly beginning Monday, October 7
• Fall Hospice Care Phonathon
Gary B. Weinstein
President & CEO
Washington Health System
• Service of Remembrance
Monday, November 5
Monday, September 23
• Memorial Snowflake Tree Reception
Wednesday, December 4
Contact Hospice Care staff at
(724) 250-4500 or (724) 627-8118
for information about our support group,
volunteering, and these special activities.
Tuesday, September 17
Thursday, September 19
Wednesday, September 25
Sally Stitt
Executive Director
Washington Health System Hospice Care
Tuesday, October 1
Contact the Foundation office at
(724) 223-3875 for more information
about our Fall Phonathon.
Like us on Facebook:
Follow us on Twitter:
Richard J. Mahoney
Executive Director
Washington Health System Foundation
Ken Elliott
Development Coordinator
Washington Health System Foundation
the Journey
Summer 2013
Volume XVI, No. 2
Supporting One Another on the Journey
Newlyweds Thank Donors
for Granting Mother’s Wish
Hospice Care offered Donnell House’s Great
Room, allowing the couple a more traditional
wedding. All the typical arrangements were
made on short notice – dress, veil, hair, nails,
bridesmaids, bouquet, and minister.
Hospice Care staff was just as excited as
the family was and helped Deby get ready
with her hair, nails, and make up. When it
was time, they wheeled her hospital bed into
the Great Room. Matt said that she looked
“My mom wouldn’t have missed
the wedding. It was the only
thing that brightened her up,”
Matt explained. “Without Donnell
House, we would not have had
that opportunity.”
Matt and Hilary Veltri after their wedding at Donnell House.
After twelve frantic hours preparing for their
wedding, Matt Veltri and Hilary Patterson
Veltri were married March 1 at Washington
Health System Hospice Care’s Donnell
House, giving Matt’s mother Deby a special
gift – seeing her last child married.
Deby was moved to Donnell House after
she had been diagnosed with terminal
cancer and given a month to live. While the
medication she took for her severe pain also
caused her to sleep for days, Deby was up
and about that March morning. So Matt and
Hilary made the decision to get married that
Matt and Hilary first thought that they would
have a small ceremony in Deby’s room. Then
Matt said that his mother “knew how to do
life.” Deby was a “California girl” (from the
state) when she met her husband Michael
and moved to Washington. She worked
as a seamstress at Veltri Cleaners for 20
years, enjoyed spending time with her family,
especially her grandchildren, and loved the
outdoors. Matt described his mother as a bit
of everything, accepting everyone, nurturing,
stern, and fun. She loved to joke. When
Hilary was running late at the wedding, Deby
told her family, “She better hurry up. Doesn’t
she know I don’t have much time left?”
Hilary shared that she lived 24 hours a day
at Donnell House, eating and sleeping there
during her mother-in-law’s stay. Hospice
Care staff did whatever they could to
accommodate Deby and her family, and
“Sometimes, reaching out and taking
someone’s hand is the beginning of a
journey. At other times, it is allowing
another to take yours.” – Vera Nazarian
Terminally ill patients and their families, faced
with the challenge of their lives together
coming to an end, need physical, emotional,
and spiritual support. Your community
hospice, Washington Health System Hospice
Care, walks with them on their journey.
Washington Health System Hospice Care
staff and volunteers support them, provide
compassionate care, and enable patients to
both live their last days and die with dignity.
You may not realize it, but patients and families
can only experience that support and care
because friends like you give generously to
Hospice Care and Donnell House. When you
make a gift, you reach out and take the hand
of a hurting patient or family member. Even if
you don’t know them, you are helping them on
their journey.
Many of us know someone personally who
has received Hospice Care, sometimes family
members or friends. Someone likely took
your hand, gave you a shoulder to lean on, or
walked with you when you needed support.
Often, our thoughts turn to how we can give
back what we received, and many families and
friends commit to donate to Hospice Care and
Donnell House.
Hospice Care patients and families thank you
for supporting them on their journey.
continued on page 2
Give Online to Hospice Care
Visit Washington Health System Foundation’s online giving page at
Hilary’s parents Anna and Lennie Patterson, Matt’s parents Deby and Michael Veltri, Hilary, and Matt
Newlyweds Thank Donors for Granting Mother’s Wish
continued from page 1
some of the smallest things were the most
thoughtful and meant the most. Hilary said
that the nurses would paint Deby’s nails,
something small that made her feel good.
Spending so much time together at Donnell
House, Hilary and the family built great
relationships with the staff. Many off-shift
workers even came in to see the wedding,
the first one ever in Donnell House.
Two weeks after she saw Matt and Hilary
married, Deby passed away in Donnell
House. The story of Matt and Hilary’s
incredible gesture of love for his mother
received local, regional, and national news
Reflecting back on their wedding and their
experience with hospice, Matt and Hilary
offered these words to the donors who give
to Hospice Care and Donnell House.
“Thank you for supporting Donnell House
and making our wedding happen, and keep it
up,” Matt urged. “Having someone at Donnell
House redefined my understanding of ‘health
care,’ and the people at Donnell House
definitely care. They are phenomenal people,
and they have to be hard to find.”
Hilary added, “There is so much value in
letting people die with dignity. If you’ve seen
or experienced hospice, you understand that.
Before this, I never would have thought of
Hospice Care as a cause I would support.
Now I can never underestimate its value.”
for Patients
In February 2013, Meghan Wuycheck, social
work major from California University of
Pennsylvania, and members of the campus
social work association made blankets for
Donnell House patients. Meghan wrote about
her decision to give these gifts in appreciation
for the care her granmother received at
Donnell House:
“For the first fifteen years of my life, I was
blessed with the opportunity to love and be
loved by my ‘Nana’, Carol Kniess. The majority
of my childhood memories consist of watching
butterflies swarm the bushes in her front yard,
California University social work students display a finished fleece blanket for Donnell House patients.
xx | Washington Health System Foundation
Hospice Care: Exactly
the Help We Needed
“We each have only one mother,” Ellan Toothman
wrote in a thank you letter for the care her
mother, Katherine Toothman of Waynesburg,
received while a patient of Washington Health
System Hospice Care. Katherine was the wife
of the late Judge Glenn J.R.T. Toothman, Jr.,
past president judge of Greene County, and
mother of four. She loved sewing and knitting
and taught home economics at Central Greene
School District for over 25 years. After retiring,
Katherine opened a retail fabric and sewing
store in Morgantown. She was a Hospice Care
patient off and on for three years until she
passed away in 2012 at age 92 in her own
home. In her letter, Ellan shared her thoughts
about her experience of Hospice Care.
Katherine Toothman
spending hours sprawled out on a quilt in
her living room, and getting to pick a Beanie
Baby out of her cherished collection every
time I visited. As elementary school turned
into middle school, my Nana remained one
of the only constants in my life. She listened
to my problems, and to this day, her phone
number is one of the only ones I have
memorized by heart.
When I reached high school, I began to
notice subtle changes in my Nana. She
started using a walker and had a chair lift
installed on her staircase. It did not occur
“My mother
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Ellan Tooth
to me how sick she really was, though, until
she put her house up for sale to move into
an assisted living facility. My Nana was
suffering from a form of Parkinson’s disease
which progressed very quickly. After a
short stay in her assisted living facility, her
condition required more attention than the
staff was able to provide. She was eventually
separated from her husband and sent to a
nursing home.
As much as I loved my Nana, visiting her
in the nursing home always warranted
a lot of persuasion. The facility seemed
dark, the shared rooms were cramped, and
there was an ever present smell of chicken
soup. Needless to say, it was a less than
welcoming atmosphere. However, I knew
that my days with my Nana were likely
numbered, so I visited her as much as I could.
Over time, I watched her body tire. She was
eventually limited to spending all day in bed
when her mind started slipping. During our
visits, she would go into detail of her long
afternoon spent walking outside, and the
nice little red panda who would occasionally
continued on page 4
The Journey, Summer 2013 | 3
feeling. My only impression of hospice was
that it was the last step. However, on my
first visit, my expectations were immediately
shattered. I had assumed that Donnell House
would be just as depressing as her nursing
home. I was shocked when my family and I
pulled up to an absolutely beautiful, clean, and
somewhat secluded facility. I felt welcomed
as soon as I walked through the door. I was
not scared or sad, rather pleasantly surprised
that my grandmother was being so attentively
taken care of. She was the only person in
her spacious room, and she was watching
her favorite television show. She seemed
more alert than she had in months, and I felt
for a second like I was back in her home.
My Nana eventually became well enough to
leave Donnell House. I still credit the staff
for bringing her comfort, providing her with
a newfound quality of living, and for quite
possibly extending her life.
Blankets for Patients
continued from page 3
“Nana” Carol Kniess, Meghan Wuycheck’s grandmother
visit through her window. It was oddly
comforting to know that she was experiencing
more than her depressing surroundings.
When I learned that she was being
transferred to Donnell House, I had an uneasy
My Nana passed away in 2008 as a result of
her illness, several months following her stay
in hospice. I continued on to college, where
she was never far from my mind, even five
years after her passing. In my sophomore
year, I was honored with the title of President
of the Bachelor of Social Work Association.
This title brought the opportunity to make
a difference in the lives of others. My first
thought was how much of a difference
Donnell House made in the lives of not only
my grandmother, but my entire family. It
became my goal to give back to them.
My fellow officers and I organized a day to
assemble simple cut and tie fleece blankets
to distribute to the patients of Donnell House
with the hopes of mirroring the comfort and
warmth offered by their staff. We purchased
fleece with colorful patterns, and I made
sure to incorporate a butterfly fabric which
reminded me of the countless hours spent
watching butterflies with my Nana. Roughly
twenty girls came to the first BSWA meeting
enthusiastic to begin the project. Five
blankets were made in total and graciously
received by Donnell House.
It still amazes me that during
what could have been one of the
saddest times in my fifteen year
old life, I was presented instead
with hope - the hope that my
Nana’s condition could improve
and also the hope that good
people still exist. I will forever
admire the work of Donnell
House, and I can only hope as an
aspiring social worker to make
such a positive impact.
Thank You to All
Hospice Care Donors
For your convenience, Washington Health System Hospice Care has
placed memorial envelopes in funeral homes in Washington and Greene
Counties. If the envelopes are not on display, please ask the funeral
director about them.
Every effort has been made
Memorials can also be sent directly to:
sometimes occur. If your
Washington Health System Foundation
155 Wilson Avenue
Washington, PA 15301
name has been omitted,
Memorials are published in this semi-annual newsletter. All other donors
who contribute more than $100 are recognized in Washington Health
System’s annual report. All donors receive a written acknowledgement.
Along with trained staff and volunteers,
donor support plays an important part
in our ability to provide compassionate
care to patients, their families, and
to ensure the accuracy of the
donor lists. Errors, however,
spelled incorrectly or listed in
an improper category, please
notify Washington Health
System Foundation at
(724) 223-3875 so that the
record can be corrected.
In Memory Of
January 1, 2013 – June 30, 2013
Mary P. Hickman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Rankin
Loved Ones
Karl and Judith Kirschner
Greg and Judy Caldwell
Jean M. Adamson
Anna R. Schulmeister
A. J. “Ollie” Alexander
Lyn R. Alexander
George Pete Alexas
Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Andy
Ms. Linda L. Burgdolt
Mrs. Sondra L. Carmichael
Cokeburg Moose Golf League
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Daniels
Mr. Donald D. De Angelis
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Donston
John and Romaine Duskey
Mr. and Mrs. Joe A. Falascino
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Fanning
Green Valley Packing
Company, Incorporated
Mrs. Frances A. Lazek
Ms. Janet M. Little
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. McAnallen
Robert and Marcia Montgomery
Mrs. Carol A. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Myers
Ms. Mary C. Narrigan
David and Launa Post
Post 639 Ladies Drill Team,
Claysville, PA
Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard B. Pruskowski, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Sargent
Shorty’s Lunch, Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Sonson
Family of Took Stephens
Irene and Lisa Vincenty
Jeff and Lynn Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Bert J. Williams
Peter J. Alexas, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin H. Henry
Sarah Allegro
Mary Jane Ashmore
Ms. Elizabeth Insana
Edna Mae Chambers Aloia
Gross Industrial Construction Company
Judith Grover
Mr. Scott W. Horne
Mrs. Louann Reed
Pamela Thomas Antonio
Mr. and Mrs. Harry I. Spencer, Jr.
Stanley F. Bartnick
Mrs. Rebecca S. Altieri
Ralph Early Armstrong, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Darl R. Lochinger
Barry Clark Barto
Mrs. Alyce R. Barto
Mary C. Aloisi
Mr. and Mrs. Rod C. Dewitt
Madeline Ashcraft
The Men of Metaltech
Maintenance Department
The Men and Women of The Techs
David Duffy Barto
Mrs. Alyce R. Barto
Caroline Harpula Alonzo
Charles H. Amend, Sr.
Mrs. Dolores A. Amend
Ann McAlister McGowan Andrew
Dr. and Mrs. Keith A. Waddle
Gertrude Lillian “Penny” Andrews
Mrs. Marlene J. Braden
Mrs. Rita E. Craig
Frank Andy, Jr.
Mrs. Debora S. Andy
Frank J. Angotti, Jr.
Richard and Grace Angotti
Becky and John Golden
William P. Angotti
Richard and Grace Angotti
Beatrice M. Barnhart Ankrom
Doug and Chris McNeely
John Antonetti
Mr. and Mrs. John Antonetti, Jr.
Mrs. Marlene Antonetti
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Antonetti
Ms. Susan A. Bartoletti
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Benedict
Calgon Carbon Corporation
The Chelf and Civerolo Families
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gavatorta
Natalie Kittrell and Marilyn Kerkes
Rich and Judy Lounder
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Mitchell
Ms. Dorothy L. Morris
Sunrise Commercial
Contracting, Incorporated
Jim and Nancy Tidball
University of Pittsburgh P.E.T. Facility
University of Pittsburgh P.E.T.
Faculty and Staff
Dan and Ryan Yeager
Louis Augustine
Mrs. Margaret Augustine
Clifford E. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Baker
John S. Banco, Jr.
Mrs. Paula S. Albright
Ms. Katherine C. Caldwell
Mr. Paul K. Cox
Robin McMullin Deyo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Koffler
Mr. Theodore J. Marchal
Mr. John R. McGuire
Ms. Virginia A. Peacock
Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Perkins
Dr. Charles D. Pruett
Mr. and Mrs. Tullio A. Ramella
John Rush and Joyce Elkins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Smith
Ms. Betty J. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Warden, Jr.
Ewing M. Barb
Mrs. Constance Barb
Joseph F. Barbarossa
Mrs. Martha Barbarossa
Rachel Langley Barbour
Mr. and Mrs. Andre R. Aiello
Charles L. “Bud” Bard
Mrs. Lois C. Bard
Paul A. “Adi” Barnes
Merle W. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Frank, Sr.
Donard Barney
Ms. Olive Barney
Candy Battista
Mr. and Mrs. Regis P. Mucha
Lydia Battistone
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnson,
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Johnson,
and Stephen Johnson
Naomi Ruth Jeffers Bawell
Mrs. Kathleen L. Jones
Charles E. “Chuck” Beatty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Beatty
Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Garrison
Paul W. Becker
Mrs. Marjorie W. Becker
Maxine Kaye Pettit Beecham
Clarice Killen and Family
Harold Kenneth Bell
Deborah Abrams
Dominic John “Dee” Bellotti
Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Naser
William (Butch) Bender, Sr.
Mrs. Sue Bender
John T. Benedict
Alma Jean Marisa
Remo and Margaret Bertugli
Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Mylan
George G. Bigler
Capt. William W. Bigler, U.S.N., Retired
Walter R. “Kane” “Putsy” Bilitski
Rose Luongo and Lucille Frank
Henry P. Bills
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Muzopappa
Lonnie L. Barnhart
Mr. Charles A. Barnhart
The Journey, Summer 2013 | 5
Edward George “Butch” Black
Dora M. Black
Cecil “Bud” Blake
Mrs. Jodi L. Noble
Frank Blumer
Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. West, Jr.
Betty S. Bobick
Robert and Ellen Bobick
Zigmond J. (Ziggy) Bokat
Mrs. Mary Bokat
Edward J. Borkowski
Mary Jane Ashmore
Bernice Borkowski
Walter “Fuzzy” Borkowski
Bernice Borkowski
Katherine L. Bowman
Mrs. Dorothy M. Clutter
Donald Ross Braden
Mrs. Marlene J. Braden
Helen “Patsy” Bukovinsky
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Chase
John Edward Breen, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lyle
Virginia Viehman Brezinski
Mr. Walter E. Viehmann
Ryan R. Bricklemyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hinerman
Kay L. Briggs
Shirley W. Briggs
Marie S. Bryner
Terry and Peggy Phinney, Terry
and Kristy Phinney and Family
and Meghan Phinney
Dennis M. Bull
David Hart
Angelina M. Bundy
George R. Bundy, Sr.
Cheryl Dawn Grilus Bundy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kotchman
Mr. and Mrs. Nickolas R. Nuccetelli
Bob and Nancy Paul
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Weiss
Bob Burns, Sr.
Ms. Jeanne H. Ramsey
Daniel Burrough
Ms. Mary Evelyn Carter
James Cadez, Sr.
Ms. Rose M. Cadez
Kathleen Campbell
Keith and Christie Campbell
George Milo Cannon
Ms. Leslie L. Lockoski
Mrs. Denise L. Smith
John C. Carl, Sr.
Irene and Pam Carl
James W. Carlisle, Sr.
Mrs. Dolores C. Loughry
Willene S. (Petey) Carlson
Mr. Barry J. Tekavec
Gerald M. “Tubby” Carter
Sarah Porcaro
Ralph Miller Briggs
Ramona Lemmon Bice and
Taco Bella Briggs
Richard Castagna
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ferrari
Lorena Brigich
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. Schulz
Carl E. Chadwick
Melissa and Todd Thompson
Brenda Brinker
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Iams
Gerri Chaney
Mr. Paul Alphonse
Martha Ann Brova
Family of Gabriel Brova (Uncle Dino
and George, Paula, Nathan, Sara,
and Mike, and Linda and Jeff)
Peter Cherok
Mr. Peter J. Cherok, Jr.
6 | Washington Health System Foundation
Alvin B. Chipps
Virginia Lee Chipps
Vincent Stanley Chmel, Jr.
Ms. Amelia K. Answay
Annette E. Elias
Ferro Corporation
Ms. Jeanette Anna Floss
Merle W. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Frank, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Hadix
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hollick
Mrs. Frances R. Hudak
Mrs. Margaret B. Johnston
Ms. Linda L. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Sechrist
Ted, Vicki, and Hunter White
Guy R. Cole, Sr.
Caroline Cole
Harold DeWayne Christopher
Ms. Jeanne H. Ramsey
Thelma Conklin
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hanko, Jr.
Jeanette E. Ciabattari
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Cunningham
Norma Jean Conrad
Kenneth Conrad
Subdeacon Leroy E. Cimino
Mrs. Esther M. Cimino
Delmar L. (Del) Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hinerman
Newton Clark
Ms. Jane C. Clark
Gladys Lorraine Cook
Mrs. Gladys B. McIlvaine
Ms. Elizabeth J. Richards
Forrest B. Clarke
Mrs. Susanna Caldwell
Bernell C. Clayton
Mrs. Mary C. Wichterman
Sarah Margaret Varner Closser
Mrs. Lois A. Espenshade
Ms. Marjorie J. Fox
Mr. Thomas M. Headlee
Lisa McVay Hook and David C. Hook
Mrs. Martha W. McMillen
Mrs. Lois L. Westmoreland Riggs
The Staff of State Rep Santarsiero
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Williams, Jr.
Raymond N. “Bull” Clutter
Members of the Canton Township
Planning Commission, Supervisors,
Solicitor and Office Staff
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hildreth
Mrs. Rita Mawhinney Mossor
The Congregation of North Buffalo
Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Supler
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Supler
Trinity Area School District
Board of Education
Mr. and Mrs. James Coakley
Jeanne C. Beethe
Frances Collins
Ms. Karen L. Cropp
James D. Collins, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Collins
Ruth Ellen Comfort
Mrs. Eveline G. Reihner
Mack Edward Conkle
Mrs. Lois Conkle
Marcella Pearl Cooper
Mrs. Betty Lou Engle
Antonio Ronaldo “Ron” Corrado
Mrs. Anna Marie Corrado
Andrea L. Cowden
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Kreminsky
Earl and Helen Neely Cox
Rand Kerr Eakin and
Nancy Donel Eakin
Robert and Ida Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Tournay
Andree Considine Craig
Mrs. Rita E. Craig
David C. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Craig
Frank G. Craig
Mrs. Rita E. Craig
John S. Craig
Mrs. Rita E. Craig
Louis A. Craig
Mrs. Rita E. Craig
Colleen Belle Sherman Cramer
Mrs. Marlene J. Braden
William C. Crockett
Audrey Crockett
Ernest D. Crouse
Mrs. M. Teresa Roberts
Bertha Cummins
Mario and Betty Sacco
Kenneth W. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Wheeler
Norval “J.R.” Cunningham, Jr.
David Cunningham and Family
Richard A. Custer
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Chrobak
Ms. Cheryl A. Collins
Larry L. Day
Mr. Jon D. Lackman
Chiquita Wardle
James “Durb” Durbin
Leroy and Patty Durbin
Dora P. DeBlasio
Ms. Gina E. Lingerfelt
Mary Jane Durbin
Mr. Thomas M. Durbin
DeFrancesco and Gilmer Families
Mrs. Margaret DeFrancesco
Betty S. Duskey
John Duskey Family
Helen L. DeJohn
Mr. John M. DeJohn
Edith Kerr Eakin
Rand Kerr Eakin and
Nancy Donel Eakin
James Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Phillips
Alfred A. Delucia
Mrs. Eleanor J. DeLucia
Sanford J. “Sandy” Dalglish
Mrs. Evelyn V. Dalglish
Ms. Catherine M. Enerson
Bill and Ann Gahagan and Family
Mrs. Betty J. Gdaniec
Mrs. Lois F. Menzies
Mr. Richard A. Menzies
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Menzies
Dennis Paul Delvecchio, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holland
Mary Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Daniels, Sr.
Nellie Hart Devore
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Krepps
Clement John DaPra, Sr.
Mrs. Violet M. Bender
William H. Dhayer
Ms. Patricia J. Dhayer
Carol Davey
Ms. Patricia J. Lunden
Ms. Sarah Louise Regester
Mr. and Mrs. William Dickson
Ms. Donna L. Dickson
Edna Davidson
Mrs. Virginia L. Canan
Elmer Davidson
Ms. Elsie L. Myers
Shirley Davidson
Mrs. Rose Ann Angott
Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Angott
Robert R. Davis
Mrs. Susanna F. Davis
Cheryl A. Day
Mr. Thomas J. Day
The Betty McAdoo Family
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery T. Taylor
Ethan Day
Don and Fern Tennant
James DeSantis
George and Dolores DeSantis
Daniel C. and Donna Lee DeVitis
Mrs. Mary A. DeVitis
James J. DiNardo, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. David R. DiNardo
Virginia Donel
Rand Kerr Eakin and
Nancy Donel Eakin
William “Bill” Dugan
Mr. Shawn M. Hamlin
Joy Global
James and Sheryl Leckie
Mr. David G. Palmer
Mrs. Theresa M. Schmitt
Desanka “Desa” Dugas
Ms. Tina Winovich
Joseph G. Durain
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Roberts
Edna McCarty Durbin
Mrs. Janet L. Wood
Shan M. Eakin, Jr.
Rand Kerr Eakin and
Nancy Donel Eakin
Dorothy Church Edgar
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Edgar
Boyd and Lillian Elder
George and Sheryl Lammay
Joan Marie Elliott
Kenneth Bane Elliott
Ronald D. Elliott
Mrs. Denise C. Elliott
Marilyn C. Emery
Chiquita Wardle
William E. Emph, Jr.
Mrs. Marlene J. Braden
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Capane, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Dernoshek
Ms. Judith A. Henderson
Mrs. Susan Koehler
Mrs. Karen A. Nafziger
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pleskovich
Mario and Betty Sacco
The Family of Dorothy Sorice
Elizabeth Martha Ewig
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Pastor
L. Richard Fabian
Mrs. Patricia A. Fabian
Anthony Faiella, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Andy
James J. Faiella, Sr.
Debra Costello
William J. Fargo, Sr.
Mrs. Sylvia A. Burke
Mrs. Helen Micsky
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Micsky
Specialized Medical Services,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Filbey
Mrs. Susanna F. Davis
Dante T. Filipponi
Carol Filipponi
Mary Louise Finley
Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Mason
Roy D. Fischer
Phyllis Fischer and Children
Anthony and Maria Flaskos
Kal Flaskos
Karl R. Fodor
Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Chome
Dorothy Fowkes
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Ford
Helen R. Frazee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Withrow
John J. Encandela
Medical Education at Yale
School of Medicine
Ida E. Froats
Jack Dagg and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Giacometti
Mrs. Frances R. Hudak
Marion “Libby” Eshbaugh
Joan Clark
Rev. Dr. Nathaniel and Grace Roe
Harry G. “Chick” Fullerton, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth L. Fullerton
Jay M. Espenshade
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Brown
Ms. Elizabeth S. Kelly
Nellie “Dolly” Estep
Mrs. Ruth A. Corso
Ruth Evans
Fairhill Manor Christian Church
Antonette Gabster
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Zampan
Mary Kay Durko Gambino
Mrs. Carol P. Durko
James (Jim) W. Gardner, Sr.
Don and Betty Moore
The Journey, Summer 2013 | 7
John T. (Jack) Gaskill
Mrs. Patsy B. Gaskill
Nancy M. Geary
Mr. and Mrs. John Wemmitt
Karen Lee Andrews Georgetti
Mrs. Rita E. Craig
Dorothy Gilmore
Vicki Brinkman
Richard and Frances Shrontz
Joseph A. Gisoni
Alphonse and Shirley Gisoni
Edward F. Gladden
Rebecca S. Gladden
Daun Golden
Becky and John Golden
James A. Goodwin
Ms. Mary Kay Goodwin
Mary Smith Goodwin
Ms. Mary Kay Goodwin
William “Bill” Gostic
A. A. Gostic
Elizabeth Jean Greely
Janet Fabiszewski Family
Doris G. Grice
Mr. and Mrs. Smittie J. Brown
Mrs. Doris Kathleen Colborn
Ms. Amy K. Korman
Mrs. Vanessa S. Sciortino
Joyce A. Guzel
Mr. and Mrs. L. Edward Bayer
Richard and Carolyn McVay
and Family
Margaret Guzell
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gavatorta
James Hagar
Ms. Jeanne H. Ramsey
Raymond J. Hagerman
Mrs. Carol A. Hagerman
Sonja L. Hamilton
Mr. Richard E. Hamilton
Mary Thelma Harris
Jim and Sherry Osborn
8 | Washington Health System Foundation
Jean C. Haught
Betty Hodgens
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Hodgens
Janet B. Hays
Susan and Lang Marks
Nell Heisler
Ms. Carol H. DeWitt
Ms. Norinne H. Pacific
Mary Lou Lyke Henderson
Ms. Jeanne H. Ramsey
Reed Eugene Hickman
Mr. Donald P. Hickman
James H. Hildreth
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hildreth
Andrew Leonard Hilk
Mrs. JoAnne A. Hilk
Patricia D. Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Hopkins
Robert Marshall “Skip” Hornickel
Bob and Maxine Steiner
Bernetta Mary Margaret Hotrom
Mrs. Meryl W. Gabriel
Kurtz L. Houser, Jr.
Janet and LeRoy Skinner
Charles (Chuck) Donovan Howard
Ms. Linda Hammond
Martha Hrutkay
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Hrutkay
Willard Michael Hudak, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard M. Hudak, Jr.
Jean Hughes
Ms. Pam McCartney
Mary Lou Hughes
Ms. Mary Kay Bails
Mr. Harold B. Grimes
Ms. Diane Louise Hughes
Mr. R. Eugene Hughes
Glenn Jacobs Family
Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. McFeely
Mrs. Martha W. McMillen
Ms. Lucille M. Parker
Mr. James T. Phillips
Mrs. Marilyn Pietras
Ross Mould Co-workers
James William Hull
Mrs. Sylvia K. Altieri
Frank B. King
Ms. Sandra K. King
Carmella “Carmie” Hulpa
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hulpa
Libby King
Mrs. Marlene J. Braden
Janet A. Hultz
Mr. Thomas H. Hultz
Mrs. Kathleen M. Kosanovich
John C. “Jack” Kingan, Jr.
Ms. Donna S. Huffman
Gandolf and Elizabeth Interval
Mr. Paul V. Interval
Patricia Ann Severine Jacanin
Mrs. Altabella Severine
Joseph A. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Jacobs
Marjorie Barnhart Kissell
Lloyd and Judi Sprowls and Family
Ronald D. Klinedinst
Mrs. Martha A. Klinedinst
Thomas G. Klopack, Sr.
Mrs. Mary Klopack
Earl Jenkins
Marie Jenkins
Joyce D. Korica
Mr. William E. Fatigati, Jr.
Mr. Peter Korica, Jr.
Donald and Martha Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Williams
Sylvia M. Ergen Kostelic
Gary and Sharon Shannon
Roger L. Johnson
Mary Ann Johnson
Michael Kovach
Victor and Esther Kovach
Theo & Leona Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Williams
George and Ruth Kramer
Ms. Linda M. Kramer
Wanda L. Johnson
James and Paula McDaniel
Alan George Krugh
Mr. Louis A. Stella
Charles R. “Butch” Johnston
Max W. Mueller, Jr.
John and Nellie Krupzig
Mary Ann Darney
Betty J. Jordan
Mr. Robert W. Jordan
Julia Harpula Krzeczowski
Bill and Carole Hemphill and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Homitz
Rich and Judy Lounder
Juanita Mroczkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Rodriguez
Mrs. Marida Rodriguez
Mrs. Shirley Romestan
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Thomas
Helen Yingling Joyce
Mr. James T. Joyce
Lois A. Donel Keener
Rand Kerr Eakin and
Nancy Donel Eakin
James E. Kelly
Case Management of
St. Clair Hospital
Jacqueline M. Kidd
William Kidd
George Kupar, Jr.
Mr. Paul J. DeVenzio
The Doncals Family
Mr. Michael E. Scalzitti
Pauline Stewart Kielbasa
Mrs. Paula A. Golle
James Francis Lantz
Mr. and Mrs. W. David Good
Mrs. Nancy R. LaBella
Jack Howard Killen
Mrs. Clarice V. Killen
Brandon Lanzy
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas F. Koupiaris
Anthony “Terry” Law, III
Paul and Sally Bissett
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Bucchianeri
Janet Burt
Mike and Judy Campsey
Paul and Kathy Day and Karina
and Rico Day
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Foertsch
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Ghilani
Mrs. Dorothy J. Ghilani
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne S. Hammerstrom
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Harvey
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Hinchliffe
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Kabay
Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Lazzaro
Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Lewis
Susan Milvet and Family, John and
Beth Milvet, Michelle Milvet, and
Melissa and Tim Shaner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Moccia
Ms. Maria Moccia-Wolff
Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Monaghan
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Nardone
Ms. Kathleen E. Neal
The New Jersey Cousins: John, Joan,
Anna Mae, George, Joe, Charlotte,
Catherine, and Don
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Papak
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar N. Simmen
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stehney
Ms. Pauline P. Territo
Pauline Smith Lemmon
Ramona Lemmon Bice and
Taco Bella Briggs
Tom Lemmon
Ramona Lemmon Bice and
Taco Bella Briggs
Henry B. Levith
Ms. Dianne M. Crummey
Opal Lippencott
Mr. and Mrs. William Barnhart
Mary Lee Scott Crouse Livingood
Mrs. M. Teresa Roberts
John and Agnes Livolsi
Mary Elizabeth and Norman Boroch
Pauline Loar
Dr. Linda L. Loar
Lisanne Lobozo
Wesley and Daralyn Campbell
Viola M. Clark Logsdon
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil R. Clark
Stephen R. Markovich
Mrs. Irene F. Markovich
Jeanne J. Lorenzato
Mr. Emil J. Lorenzato
Mildred H. Marra
Samuel Marra and Kathleen Morris
Dr. Robert John Loughry
Mrs. Dolores C. Loughry
Ross Marra
Sarah Porcaro
James Lovetere
Mrs. Verna M. Lovetere
Sam and Agnes Marra
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Cunningham
Frances C. Lytton
Mrs. Shirley C. Phillips
Lois A. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Minor
Deceased Members of the
Magnone Family
Rose Magnone
James Martino
Ms. Betty L. Turcaso
Judith Lynne Majeski
Vince and Missy Yevins
Morris M. Maksemetz
Dolores Maksemetz and Family
Charles “Dude” Maletic
Mrs. Darla J. Maletic
Frank and Sophia Malinosky
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pleska
Mandus and Balzama Families
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Balzama
Estelle Manes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Raymond
Sheryl M. Marceau
Robert A. Bartusiak, D.M.D.
Mr. Dewey Carlile
Ms. Megan E. Jun
Mr. Gerard J. Marceau
Ms. Jenny Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Nylund
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Roberts
Silgan Plastic
Ms. Kelly A. Spratt
Mrs. Jessica J. Talley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Trau
Jody Wheeler, Gail Taylor, and
Tammy Meyers
David L. Mark
Ms. Elaine H. Wood
Vicki J. Marker
Ms. Kristy Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Hay, Jr.
Ms. Mae Herceg
Ralph, Peggy, and Jeff Mason
Mr. Zachary L. Mason
Joseph A. Massack
Ms. Gloria F. Capozzi
Mrs. Agnes M. DeJohn
Mrs. Caroline Massack
Harry E. McArdle
Mrs. Frances McArdle
Lucille Elma Irwin McCartney
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Montgomery
Richard L. “Dick” McGary
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Baptiste
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory F. Belcastro
Alan and Donna Ferris
Jennie and Phil Hamilton
Skip and Joyce Hood and
Tony and Jennifer Hood
David Johnson, Bill and Eva Lu Johnson
and Family, Charles and Annette
Johnson and Matt, Jessie and
Judy Lindsey and Family, and
Frank and Lois Meyer and Family
Tom and Cindy Lenco
The McGary Family
Mr. and Mrs. Ted C. Meals
Ms. Diana Morris
Clara Rine and Family
Dr. and Mrs. George C. Schmieler
Leah, Darlene, and
Charmaine Thomas
Mr. Robert E. Yohn
Margaret French McIlroy
Pete and Patty Brooks
Marilyn Seibert McMillen
Mr. and Mrs. Barry F. Beels
Nancy, Keith, Zack, and
Bethany Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. James H. McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laird McLean
Doris Thomas McCarty
Mrs. Janet L. Wood
Cynthia Prall McNeely
Olga Latek
Mrs. Margaret L. Prall
Carol Ann McClain
Rev. and Mrs. Clare W. McClellan
Melinda Grace Patterson McNeely
Mr. James F. McNeely
Wallace McConnell
Mrs. Donna J. Zuzek
Wallace E. Bud McVay
The Pelkey Family
Mark Wayne McCracken, Sr.
Mrs. Mary E. McCracken
William McVay
Ms. Jeanne H. Ramsey
Jane Wallace McCreight
Nancy A. McCreight
Floyd Clifford Melone
Mrs. Connie L. Hornyak
Mrs. Rose M. Morgan
Mrs. Christy S. Paddick
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley P. Pliska, Jr.
Mrs. Geraldine M. Smith
West Jefferson Hills School District
Robert L. McDaniel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Bonus and
Daniel McDaniel
Donna J. McDowell
Mr. and Mrs. Byron E. Schrader, Jr.
James B. McDowell, D.D.S.
Bruce McDowell
Martha Bray McDowell
Bruce McDowell
Robert J. Meneely
Mrs. Doris P. Riggle
Mike and Margaret Menhart
Linda and Lynn, John and Cassie,
and Mike and Anita
Michael Midler
Mrs. Mary Midler
The Journey, Summer 2013 | 9
Mike Midler
Mrs. Mary Midler
Frank Ola
The Ola Family
Pearl King Mikolay
Michael A. Jacobs, Pharm.D.
Justice D. O’Neil
Alva and Kenwyn Dorsey
Lawrence Wilbert “Bruz” Miller
Maxine Miller
Sandra Lynn Onstott
Mrs. Marlene J. Braden
Magdalene “Meg” Miller
Edward L. Miller
Stanley Pajak
Jeffrey and Sarah Reinstadtler
Nancy (Sara) Miller
Mrs. Leslie R. Fonda
Zita Pakisz
Mr. Casimir Pakisz
Mary Louise Milliken
George and Beverly Philabaum
Betty Jane Paletta
Lisa Paletta
Dora M. Molinaro
Merle W. Frank
Joseph B. Pantuso
Mrs. M. Joanne Carlton
Jeannine C. Montecalvo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bigley
Katherine V. Pastovich
Mrs. Leslie R. Fonda
Don Verholtz
Jennifer A. “Jen” Moore
The Jennifer Moore Family
Joseph F. Mosley
Mrs. Jeanette M. Mosley
Burton Mounts
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hinerman
Pauline Moze
The Moze Family
Linda Mucho
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Sistek
Bruce Muehlman
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Rose
David Lawrence Muhleman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Teter
Evelyn Woodene
“Deany” Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald O. Van Horne
James Wells Patterson, Sr.
Bill and Barbara Biddle
Bon Ton Stores, Incorporated
Vicki Brinkman
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cline
The Danley Family
Paul and Sandra Harton
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Knierim
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Scott
Mrs. Lola Sage Spence
Marvin M. Paul
Lois Ann Paul
Mildred Nakoneczny
Mr. and Mrs. Alex J. Nakoneczny
George J. Pecharka, Sr.
Penny and Paul Miller
Rose Wrubleski
Thelma “Sissy” Newell
Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Mylan
John Pennline
Mrs. Kathleen L. Spataro
Aldene Lemmon Nicholls
Mr. and Mrs. S. Earl Buckingham
Allan, Lonnie, and Dorie Nicholls
Mr. and Mrs. Dave J. Wiley
Charles E. Nicholls
Mr. Allan R. Nicholls, Sr.
Virginia K. Noren
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Snee
10 | Washington Health System Foundation
Mary Ann Penvose
Jane Dubois, Ray Dubois,
and Alan Dubois
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Fee, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Giacometti
Patty Kesneck and
Dave Burt and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. LaRosa
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John Orbin
Mrs. Mildred L. Orbin
Gerald and Betty Paraska
Mrs. Rena M. Patrick
Mr. Raymond G. Penvose
Robert P. Penvose, Sr. and Family;
Robert P. Penvose, Jr. and Family;
Kristie L. Coppola and Family
Libby and Sandy Politan
Ms. Marjorie R. Reynolds
Mr. Thomas Reynolds, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Santillo
Joann Sayre and Fred Wilkinson
Mrs. Jane L. Verno
Jerome Pompei
Morgan Excavating, L.P.
Shellie Popeck, Kris Lesnock,
Susan Dudas, Don Kuhn,
Dorothy Zupancic, Barb Stultz,
Donna Bradish, Kay Jo Fischer,
Michele McIntire, and Rita Palaisa
Lawrence and Stella Peternell
Dr. and Mrs. Peter A. Martina
Deceased of the Pulaski Club
Pulaski Literary and Athletic Association
Estella “Tippy” Petrisek
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Carson
George Rager
Ms. Lina M. Rager
Ben Petrock
Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Andy
Larry E. Ramsey
Mrs. Wilda M. Ramsey
Mrs. Carol D. Young
Alice Pevarnik
Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Michalik
Norma Jean Philabaum
George and Beverly Philabaum
Wayne Philabaum
George and Beverly Philabaum
Betty Jane Phillips
Mr. Lawrence O. Phillips, Jr.
Bonnie Lee Pilcsik
Ms. Mary E. Arnold
Ms. Janet B. Blair
Rose Rubis Pogoreltz
Mrs. Rose Skariot
Alex and Mary Polasky
Frederick Polasky
Kenneth Politan
Ms. Elizabeth Politan
Carmen D. Porcaro
Sarah Porcaro
Melvin R. Povich
Mrs. Gloria F. Jamison
Billy Prata
Mr. and Mrs. William Prata
Edward E. Progar
Mrs. Mary Lou Progar
Joseph and Anna Pruce
Ms. Carol A. Pruce
Stanley W. “Stan” Pruss
Mary K. Pruss
Ralph Quinton Ramsey
Mrs. Wilda M. Ramsey
Mrs. Carol D. Young
Thomas H. (Tucker) Rankin
Mrs. Margaret Rankin
Charles R. Ream
Ms. Patricia Bartnicki
Mrs. Gail A. Cover
Ms. Tania Cover
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas W. Demaso
Mrs. Ellen Deutsch
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forebaugh
Island Dunes Oceanside II
Condominium Assoc., Inc.
Ms. Marie W. Kittel
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Lavelle
Ross, Earle & Bonan, P.A.
Ms. Barbara R. Shappell
Ms. Angela M. Stasik
Dr. Peter F. Stracci
Tershel and Associates
Paul and Roma Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rogers Kossler
Paul Reardon
William and Dolores Reedy
Mrs. Cynthia L. Reedy
Raymond E. “Crash” Reese, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Withrow
Shirley Ann Rose
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Moore
and Family
Ms. Carol A. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ryan
and Family
Robert L. Williams
Anna Milkovich Schrader
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Bucenell
LuAnn Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Dudas
Mr. Donald D. Schrader, Sr.
Donald D. Schrader, Sr. and Family
John and Marlene Smith
Westland Offroad
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Zofchak
Gladys Virginia Skariot
Mr. and Mrs. Alex George
Mrs. Rose Skariot
Matilda Mafalda Bianchini Skarupa
Mrs. Jean Scruppi
Rose Skarupa
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Nicola, Jr.
Mrs. Jean Scruppi
Merle E. Reihner
Mrs. Eveline G. Reihner
Janice M. Hart Ross
Dr. George and Mary Alice Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Kip Larson
Judy H. Osborne
Mona L. Richey
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sewock
Janet M. Rutan
Mr. Harry L. Rutan
Stephen Ridosh
Mary Ann Reck
Wilbert L. Rutan
Mrs. Saundra J. Rutan
Shirlene Brun Scott
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lefebvre
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Nuss
Ms. Doris M. Sawhill
Mr. David M. Scott
Opal Ries
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holland
Thomas Ryczek
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Angelini
Delilah Scritchfield
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Tennant
Lois E. Riffle
Mr. Todd A. Barnhart
Kim and Mary Lou Bell
Mr. Hubert D. Bissett
Mrs. Deborah C. Dobbins
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Ferry
Mrs. Marie M. Frye
Ms. Kathryn L. Haley
Mrs. Jacquelyn L. Hutchin
Rodell and Dick Lewis
Mrs. Marjorie Ullom
Joseph J. Salandra
Mrs. Patricia K. Salandra
Dorothy M. Seik
Mrs. Helen I. Ruhl
Andrew and Anna Salat
Richard and Frances Shrontz
John D. Severine
Mrs. Altabella Severine
Tim E. Salsberry
Mr. Chauncey E. Frazier, II
Helen M. Severini
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Bobko
Jennie Theresa Salvadori
Ms. Emma M. Serish
David L. Shamitko
Mrs. Nancy J. Shamitko
John H. Riggle
Ms. Mary Jo Pendeville
Sarah Porcaro
John Robert Salvadori, Sr.
Ms. Arlean Christman
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Greco
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hixenbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W. Zeszutek, Sr.
Shirley Jane Shaw
Mrs. Lois W. Koci
John Joseph Sands
Mrs. Manus Sands
Katherine R. Shrader
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Shrader
Ruth Smith
Greece Central School District
School Nurse
Mr. Bruce W. Smith
Elsbeth E. Santee
Robert E. Santee
Thomas and Olive Shrontz
Richard and Frances Shrontz
Russell C. Snyder, Sr.
Mrs. Kathryn E. Snyder
Robert B. Roberts
Mrs. Jean H. Roberts
Jennie Sarnicke
Donna Sarnicke
Ralph and Evelyn Shunk
Mrs. Bobbie Shunk Gaunt
Jacob Sonson
Ms. Carla D. Sonson
Helen G. Rockwell
Max W. Mueller, Jr.
Margaretha Sawyer
Mrs. Clarice Killen and Family
Lucian J. Spalla, Sr.
Charles and Luann Carnahan
Donald W. Rogers
Mrs. Ferne W. Rogers
Dr. David K. Scarborough
Jacqueline E. Scarborough
Deceased Members of the
Sicchitano and Bovetsky Family
Duaine P. Sicchitano
Carla Riggs
Mr. Philip Moses
Phyllis A. Robak
Fred and Sarah Landenwitsch
McDonald Pharmacy
Catherine (Jean) Moran
Dominic Romano
Mrs. Eilene Romano
John R. Romano, Sr.
Mrs. Virginia F. Romano
Todd Wayne “Unc” Schwab
Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Schwab
Norma Shephard
Don Verholtz
Reva Darlene Simpson
Robert R. Simpson
George “Pappy” Sirakos
Mr. and Mrs. Sirakos
Tom Sivek
Mr. and Mrs. John Wemmitt
Dallas and Mildred Slagle
Dennis and Lynn Slagle
Carolyn Fullerton Smith
Mrs. Ruth L. Fullerton
G. Wayne Smith
Mrs. G. Wayne Smith
Janet L. Ansley Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin F. Bechdolt, Jr.
Mr. Edward L. Forney
Ms. Carol J. Jaworski
Mr. Franklin J. Lefevre
Mrs. Susan D. McMillen
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Morningstar
Ms. Joan H. Nichols
Mr. Lyle S. Smith
Ms. Sandi Tincher
Ms. Janice K. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Williams
Raymond Nathan Smith
Phyllis M. Smith
Ruby Smith
Mrs. Margaret Rankin
Sarah (Maw) Dunn Spiker
Browell Family
Pete Spino
Mrs. Yolanda Spino
Jean Sprowls
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Phillips
The Journey, Summer 2013 | 11
Rev. Louis A. Sprowls
Ms. Sara M. Sprowls
John and Anna Suwak
Bob and Edith Suwak
Ruth Virginia Sprowls Stagg
Ms. Vivian L. Tustin
Marilyn C. Swantek
Ms. Betty L. Turcaso
Lillian Gloria Standiford
Jon and Cynthia Ault
Bethany Class ~ Fairhill Manor Christian Church
Vicki Brinkman
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Dague
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hammond
Mrs. Karen L. Hinerman
Lori Ann Riggle - Matthew and Katie
Mr. Robert D. Riggle
Lois Shaw and Sam and Betty Andrew
Elizabeth “Zetta” Taczak
Miss Dorothy Taczak
Ruby N. Wilson Taylor
Stan and Sharon Bostjancic
William F. Urbanik
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lucatorto
Mrs. Janice T. Urbanik
Bill and Elsie Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Mancinelli
Helen A. Nabozas Terretti
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Williams
Denise Vallet
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Vallet
Nancy J. Davison Stewart
Ms. Patricia A. Cambest
Mrs. Connie L. Dulaney
Jim and Sharon Davison and
Gaynell Davison Lapinski
Friends and Edna May
Mrs. Joan T. Galant
Ms. Lynne Hamil
Stephana Iannetti
Ms. Bernadette M. Kalinowski
Mr. Lloyd J. Lorenzi, Jr.
Mrs. Shirley L. Marini
Mr. Albert W. Partozoti, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Schultz
Mrs. Frances J. Stewart
Mr. Lawrence R. Stewart
Ms. Danielle R. Webster
Mr. and Mrs. R. Blaine Weinel
Jennie A. Tershel
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Tershel
Holly S. VanCuren
David W. and Shirley A. Moore
Janet Lei Thistlethwaite
Debbie Walker
William Carol VanDruff
Lee and Cristy Wise
Mildred Louise Polen Thomas
Harold Hat Thomas
Debra Ann Veltri
Ginny and Allan Adamsky and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Bawell
Mary Ann and Jerry Berty and
Sylvia Yoskey
Mr. and Mrs. Linn Brookman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Cain
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. DeLong
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jennings
Anna Patterson and Matilda Spino
Ms. Amy L. Pawuk
Mark, Shellie, and Anthony Popeck
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Richardson
Ms. Gail L. Solari
Matilda Spino
Debra and Ron Tiano, Joseph and
Rebecca Spino, Don and
Adele Rasel, and Samuel and
Kimberly Spino and Families
Sandra Todaro
Betty Marie Stiles
Anna R. Schulmeister
Jacqueline M. “Jackie” Stimmel
Lyn R. Alexander
Murrysville Machinery Company, LLC
Mrs. Sally A. Putt
Charles and Alice Ranegar
Mr. Timothy A. Sheets
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Stimmel
Ms. Stella Stimmel
Thinking of You Fund from the
St. Clair OR Staff
Doyle Stockdale
Lyn R. Alexander
John Strosser
Mrs. Eleanor B. Strosser
12 | Washington Health System Foundation
John Taczak
Miss Dorothy Taczak
Norma Jean Ruetschi Tarr
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kimberland
Ruth M. Thomas
Mrs. Shirley R. Everett
Bonnie R. Throckmorton
Mr. Ronald W. Throckmorton, Jr.
Shirley A. Tiernan
Mr. Roy Tiernan, Sr.
Gladys Ruth Ford Tomazin
Mike and Beth Smith and
Michael and Sarah
Jean Marie Trunzo
Thomas R. Trunzo
Rudy Turcaso
Ms. Betty L. Turcaso
Beth Cowden Tustin
Shirley H. Atkinson
Beth and Randy Curtis, Justin and Levi
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 22
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Garner
Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Libert
Kurt McElhaney Family
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Plants
South Strabane Township Employees
Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Vowcheck
Carl Alfred Tustin
Vicki L. Tustin and William and
Wendy Tustin
Joseph J. Tworzydlo, Sr.
Mrs. Helen M. Tworzydlo
Mildred Inez LeCorchick Tworzydlo
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Augustine
Mr. Walter Tworzydlo
Henrietta L. Tylak
Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Cimarolli
Mary Wafulko
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Yurchick
Robert W. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Willey, Jr.
Frank and Louise Waltl
Mr. David F. Waltl
Roberta D. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Evans
Carmella Antonucci Washlack
Ms. Sue Anne Antonucci
Ms. Joyce A. Clohecy
Friends of Carmela Washlack
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. DiGesu
Mrs. Marianne Ferris
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kirsopp
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Kiss
Paul and Carol Love
Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Marthinsen
Mrs. Frances McElroy
Ms. Tami L. Paulick
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ramsey
Mr. Joseph P. Ravasio
Ms. Carol K. Russo
Mrs. Donna L. Santoro
Mrs. Christine Sezawich
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Skriba, Sr.
U S C Coterie
Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Weinman
Doris Eakin Watt
Rand Kerr Eakin and
Nancy Donel Eakin
Mary Alice Bartnick Wehlage
Marian A. Kruczek
Richard F. Weishner
The Family of Richard F. Weishner
Lillian G. Westerman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Westerman
Theodore Vergnola
Mrs. Linda D. Katrencik
Martha H. Whipkey
William D. Whipkey
Celie Verholtz
Don Verholtz
Garnet White
Mrs. Lois A. Mocniak
Margaret Voytasek
Anna R. Schulmeister
Charles Whitfield
Friends and Family
Joseph Frank Vucic, Sr.
Elizabeth J. Vucic
Walter and Helen Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Williams
Jesse B. Wilson
Ms. Beth Wilson
Helen Schultz Yoders
Mr. and Mrs. Blair Yoders
Paul and Robert Wilson
Mrs. Elva Dee Wilson
Jo Anne Yoney
The Honorable and
Mrs. Gustave Diamond
Supporting Families:
Grief Support Group
Frances J. Zacour
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hammond
Dr. and Mrs. Peter A. Martina
Hospice Care will hold a ten-week educational support
Sarah Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Jorn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Perry, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Wilson
Virginia Cox Wise
Rand Kerr Eakin and
Nancy Donel Eakin
Darryl R. Wisthoff
Pamela Church
Ms. Betty A. DeGiovanni
Ms. Deborah L. Dolanch
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Muzopappa
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Rechichar
Ms. Judy Weiss
Mrs. Debra M. Womack
William A. Withrow
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Withrow
Lola Wolfe
Ms. Rayna D. Wolfe
Ralph Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Alex George
group series on Monday evenings beginning October
Dominick and Viola Zampini
Mary Rose Liberatore
7 from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM. Led by Alice Teagarden,
Donna Zayas
Indian Springs Rod and Gun Clu
explore the emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of
Mary P. Zeman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Uriah, Jr.
of a loved one. Please contact Alice at (724) 627-8118
Frank Zerla
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cox
Ms. Betty L. Horsky
Counselor and Bereavement Coordinator, the group will
grief, as well as coping with the holidays after the death
or (724) 250-4500.
Susan M. Zoog
Mrs. Gladys B. McIlvaine
Roy J. Zoog
Charles J. Zullo, III
Mr. Charles J. Zullo, Jr.
Eleanor Zullo
Mr. Charles J. Zullo, Jr.
Syl Wrubleski
Rose Wrubleski
In Honor Of
January 1, 2013 – June 30, 2013
Paul Briggs
Ms. Jeanne H. Ramsey
Nancy Foringer
Ms. Jeanne H. Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Chapman
Ms. Martha S. Mazak
Jean Silvers
Ms. Jeanne H. Ramsey
Bill and Jean Cline
Billy and Sara Schumacher
Ann Swartzfeger
Ms. Jeanne H. Ramsey
Shirley Fielder Davis
Ms. Jeanne H. Ramsey
Ms. Betty J. Whitman
Marilyn L. Urbany
Duskey Family
John and Romaine Duskey
Snowflake Tree
During the holiday season, Hospice Care will continue
its tradition of displaying a Memorial Snowflake Tree
in Donnell House’s lobby. A reception will be held
December 4 at Donnell House for families to decorate
and personalize snowflake ornaments with their loved
ones’ names.
The Journey, Summer 2013 | 13
Volunteer at the Fall Phonathon
Hospice Care needs your help this autumn.
Every year, we hold our biggest fundraiser,
our Fall Phonathon, to ask over 6,000 past
donors and family members to support
current and future hospice patients. We
can’t talk with these friends of Hospice Care
without volunteers, people just like you.
Each night, we need 20 volunteers to call
our donors, share why they give personally,
and explain how we need their continued
support. We’ll provide dinner, and then our
Foundation staff will explain everything
first time volunteers need to know to make
effective phone calls.
Every renewing donor makes a difference
in the lives of hospice patients and their
families, so every call and every caller make
a difference, too. 20 callers each night help
us reach as many of our 6,000 past donors
as possible.
Tuesday, September 17
If you are able to help, please add these
dates to your calendar. Calling will be from
6:00-8:30 each evening, with dinner at 5:30.
Tuesday, October 1
Thursday, September 19
Monday, September 23
Wednesday, September 25
For further information or to sign up
as a volunteer, please contact the
Foundation office at (724) 223-3875.
Volunteers are an important part of
our Hospice Care team. They provide
compassionate support for patients
and families at home and at Donnell
House and assist the office staff. Our
The Fallettas, Gaye, Trevor, Bethanie, and Lisa, volunteered together during the Spring 2013 Phonathon.
Gaye shared, “We volunteer because my late husband and Bethanie and Trevor’s father was a recipient
of great hospice care. Hospice took care of the family as well.”
caring volunteers come from all different
backgrounds with different interests and
abilities. We always need and welcome
If you would like to volunteer,
please contact Sherry Franks at
(724) 250-4500.
Forty-eight volunteers, including forty-one callers, participated in the Spring 2013 Phonathon nights.
Many called for the very first time to honor the memory of loved ones who received Hospice Care
and plan to help again this fall.
14 | Washington Health System Foundation
“Pink-Out” 2013 for Donnell House
Members of Trinity High School’s Varsity Swim team participated in a “Pink-Out” Night fundraiser to benefit Donnell House.
In March, the Trinity High School Varsity
Swim Team’s Booster Club presented
Washington Health System Hospice Care
with a $150 donation to Donnell House.
Amy Hrutkay, President of the Booster Club
wrote, “During our swim season, we held
Donnell House features a Commemorative
Garden of inscribed bricks to give family and
friends a way to recognize their loved ones
for years to come. With your gift of $100 or
$250, you may honor a loved one with a brick.
New commemorative bricks, for gifts made
before July 1, 2013, will be installed in
October 2013. We will send letters to inform
donors once the bricks have been placed.
Bricks reserved after July 1 will be installed in
late summer 2014.
a ‘Pink-Out’ night and sold t-shirts to help
philanthropic organizations that were close to
our own hearts. On behalf of the coaching
staff, the team, and the boosters, we would
like to make this donation to Donnell House.
We appreciate all the love and care that you
give to the patients in their final hours. We
know that, with our donation, you will do
great things. Again, thank you for all that
you do.”
Hospice Care
155 Wilson Avenue
Washington, PA 15301
Give Online to Hospice Care
Visit Washington Health System Foundation’s online giving page at
Share Your Story
If you’ve been touched by Washington Health System Hospice Care and want to share
your experience with others, please send your story to [email protected].
Calendar of Upcoming Events
The Journey Staff
• Loss, Grief and
Adjustment Support Group
Weekly beginning Monday, October 7
• Fall Hospice Care Phonathon
Gary B. Weinstein
President & CEO
Washington Health System
• Service of Remembrance
Monday, November 5
Monday, September 23
• Memorial Snowflake Tree Reception
Wednesday, December 4
Contact Hospice Care staff at
(724) 250-4500 or (724) 627-8118
for information about our support group,
volunteering, and these special activities.
Tuesday, September 17
Thursday, September 19
Wednesday, September 25
Sally Stitt
Executive Director
Washington Health System Hospice Care
Tuesday, October 1
Contact the Foundation office at
(724) 223-3875 for more information
about our Fall Phonathon.
Like us on Facebook:
Follow us on Twitter:
Richard J. Mahoney
Executive Director
Washington Health System Foundation
Ken Elliott
Development Coordinator
Washington Health System Foundation