Complete Program Schedule - Society for Research on Adolescence


Complete Program Schedule - Society for Research on Adolescence
Society for Research on Adolescence
14th Biennial Meeting
March 8-10, 2012
Complete Program Schedule
(Updated February 23, 2012)
Vancouver Convention Centre, East
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Event Numbers (0-000). The first number begins with 1 on Wednesday--the preconference event
day--and each session is assigned a sequential number (1-001, 1-002, etc.) for that day. Thursday's
event number begins with 2, and each session is assigned a sequential number (2-001, 2-002, etc.) for
that day. Friday sessions begin with 3, and Saturday sessions begin with 4. Missing numbers represent
sessions that have been cancelled or posters that were withdrawn.
Wednesday ........................................................................................................................... 3
Thursday .............................................................................................................................. 8
Friday ................................................................................................................................. 49
Saturday ............................................................................................................................ 85
Author Index .................................................................................................................... 121
Wednesday, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
articles and papers and 12 books on the subjects of
adolescent medicine and the effects of television on
children and adolescents, including Adolescent
Medicine: A Practical Guide (with R. Brown,
Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins, 2nd ed., 2006) and
Adolescents and the Media (Sage, 1995), and
Children, Adolescents, and the Media (with B. Wilson
& A. Jordan, Sage, 2009). Dr. Strasburger received
the Adele Delenbaugh Hofmann Award for
outstanding lifetime achievement in Adolescent
Medicine from the American Academy of Pediatrics in
2000 and was the first recipient of the HolroydSherry Award for media advocacy work. He was
awarded the Society for Adolescent Medicine’s Adele
Hofmann Visiting Professorship in 2007 and lectured
at Sydney Children’s Hospital in Australia. In 2009,
he served as the AAP Council on Communication and
Media’s first Visiting Professor and did Pediatric
Grand Rounds at Duke, UNC, and Wake Forest.
(Event 1-001) Invited Workshop
East Meeting 12
Wednesday, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
1-001. Internet Bullying, Facebook
Profiles, Kim Kardashian, and Lady
Gaga Goes Gaga: How Teenagers Are
Affected by New and Old Media
Leaders: Victor Strasburger, Ed Donnerstein
Abstract. An intensive look at the impact of media
on teenagers, including media violence, sex, drugs,
obesity, social networking, the Internet. Do the
media cause problems or merely reflect the "real
world?” The entertainment industry would say that it
is merely mirroring what is currently happening in
society; the media research tends to disagree. But
media research is not easy to do, and we will discuss
some of the important aspects of how it is done and
its significance. We will use examples from TV,
movies, and the Internet to illustrate current areas of
concern and will propose a variety of solutions,
including the role of clinicians, teachers and schools,
the entertainment industry, advertisers, and
Biography. Ed Donnerstein’s
major research interests are in
mass-media violence and
mass media policy. He has
published over 225 scientific
articles in these general areas
and serves on the editorial
boards of a number of
academic journals in both
psychology and
communication. He was a
member of the American
Psychological Associations
(APA) Commission on Violence and Youth, and the
APA Task Force on Television and Society. He served
on the Surgeon General’s panel on youth violence as
well as on the Advisory Council of the American
Medical Association Alliances violence prevention
program. He is a Past-President of the International
Society for Research on Aggression. In 2008 he
received the APA Division 46 Award for Distinguished
Scientific Contributions to Media Psychology. Dr.
Donnerstein was primary research site director for
the National Cable Television Associations 3.5 milliondollar project on TV violence. He served as Dean of
the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the
University of Arizona from 2002-2009. He was also
Dean of Social Sciences at the University of
California-Santa Barbara as well as the Rupe Chair in
the Social Effects of Mass Communication. Dr.
Donnerstein, Department of Communication,
University of Arizona, has testified at numerous
governmental hearings both in the US and abroad
regarding the effects and policy implications
surrounding mass media violence and pornography,
Biography. Victor C.
Strasburger is Chief of the
Division of Adolescent
Medicine, Professor of
Pediatrics, and of Family and
Community Medicine at the
University of New Mexico
School of Medicine,
Albuquerque, New Mexico. He
graduated from Yale College
where he studied fiction
writing. He then went to
Harvard Medical School and did
his pediatric residency at Children’s Hospital in
Seattle, Children’s Hospital in Boston, and Paddington
Green Children’s Hospital in London. Dr. Strasburger
completed an Adolescent Medicine Fellowship at
Harvard Medical School. He has served as Chair of
the AAP’s Section on Adolescent Health, a member of
the Committee on Communications, and a consultant
to the National PTA and the AMA on children and the
media. He has been featured on National Public Radio
(NPR) and in Newsweek, the NY Times, and USA
Today and has appeared on “Oprah,” “The Today
Show,” and “CBS This Morning.” Dr. Strasburger has
lectured widely and is the author of more than 150
for collecting data. These designs are sorely
underutilized in research across the social sciences
despite the tremendous benefits of using them. I’ll
then address some general techniques related to
modeling when missing data are estimated using
multiple imputation vs. full information maximum
likelihood estimation.
including testimony before the US Senate on TV
violence. He has served as a member of the US
Surgeon General’s Panel on Pornography and the
National Academy of Sciences Subpanel on Child
Pornography and Child Abuse. He has had numerous
invited presentations dealing with the issues of mass
media violence and policy.
Biography. Todd D. Little,
Ph.D. is a Professor of
Psychology, Director of the
Quantitative training program,
Director of the undergraduate
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Methodology minor, and a
member of the Developmental
training program. Since 2010
he is the Director of the Center
for Research Methods and
Data Analysis (CRMDA) at
University of Kansas. Dr. Little
is internationally recognized for his quantitative work
on various aspects of applied SEM (e.g., indicator
selection, parceling, modeling developmental
processes) as well as his substantive developmental
research (e.g., action-control processes and
motivation, coping, and self-regulation). In 2001, he
was elected to membership in the Society for
Multivariate Experimental Psychology. In 2009, he
was elected President of APA’s Division 5 (Evaluation,
Measurement, and Statistics) and in 2010 was
elected Fellow of the division. Prof. Little founded,
organizes, and teaches in the internationally
renowned KU ‘Stats Camps’ each June (see for details of the summer training
programs). He has edited five books related to
methodology including the Oxford Handbook of
Quantitative Methods and the Guildford Handbook of
Developmental Research Methods (with Brett Laursen
and Noel Card). Dr. Little has been principal
investigator or co-principal investigator on over 15
grants and contracts, and he has guided the
development of over 10 different measurement tools.
Wednesday, 11:30 am - 7:00 pm
(Event 1-001.5) Preconference
Marriott Vancouver Pinnacle Downtown Hotel
Wednesday, 11:30 am - 7:00 pm
1-001.5. Peer Relations Preconference
Contacts: Christina Salmivalli, Rene Veenstra
Abstract. In this year’s peer relations preconference,
we provide you a buffet of different research
frameworks, designs, and methods that will help you
to plan and realize your study, analyze your data,
and interpret your findings. The four keynote
speakers will provide insights into genetics,
experimental studies, physiological measurements,
and intervention research, and how each of these
areas have contributed and could potentially
contribute to understanding adolescents’ peer
relations. During parallel teaching sessions, you will
have the opportunity to learn about recent advances
in the developmental research methods. Last but not
least, you can foster your own peer relations and
become a member of new networks! Organizers:
Christina Salmivalli (University of Turku, Finland) and
René Veenstra (University of Groningen, the
Wednesday, 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
(Event 1-002) Invited Workshop
East Meeting 12
Wednesday, 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
1-002. On the Merits of Planning and
Planning for Missing Data*
(Event 1-003) Invited Workshop
East Meeting 13
Wednesday, 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
*You're a fool for not using planned
missing data design.
1-003. Culture and Positive
Leader: Todd Little
Leader: Nancy Guerra
Abstract. In this workshop, I will cover the general
issues related to unplanned missing data and how
best to prepare (plan for) missing data (as they will
inevitably occur). I will then turn the attention to
details of how to use planned missing data designs
Abstract. This workshop focuses on the impact of
context on youth development, with a specific focus
on culture as a developmental context. First, the
issue of “core competencies” as markers of
developmental adjustment will be discussed,
including whether we can identify a set of common
competencies that are important for positive
development across cultures. Potential indicators
include positive sense of self, self-regulation,
decision-making skills, moral system of belief, and
prosocial connectedness (Guerra & Bradshaw, 2008).
Recent findings with at-risk (male and female) youth
in Jamaica will be presented as an example of crosscultural relevance of these competencies. A second
focus of this workshop is on how culture impacts
assessment and intervention to promote positive
youth development, including consideration of
surface structure (e.g., language) and deep structure
(e.g., cultural norms) impact on what we study and
how we study it. As an example of assessment
challenges, pilot data from a new World Bank study
of social-emotional competencies and labor market
outcomes in China, Sri Lanka, and Bolivia will be
reviewed. Finally, issues of culture and intervention
outcomes will be highlighted with findings from a
replication of an evidence-based practice, Families
and Schools Together, with immigrant Latino families
in Southern California and a subsequent follow-up
study of a newly-developed program, Child
Development Parent Training, targeting unique needs
of these children and families.
(CDPT), a home visitation program for parents of
children and teenagers. She has co-edited several
related recent books including Preventing Youth
Violence in a Multicultural Society (APA Books, 2005),
Treating the Juvenile Offender (Guilford Press, 2008),
and Core Competencies to Prevent Problem
Behaviors and Promote Positive Youth Development
(Jossey-Bass, 2008). She also has served on
numerous study groups, panels, and advisory
committees including the President’s Council on
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Her
efforts have involved projects in the U.S. and
internationally, including work in Jamaica, Trinidad,
Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, and Chile.
Biography. Nancy G. Guerra
is a Professor of
Psychology at the University
of Delaware, and Associate
Dean of Research in the
College of Arts and Sciences.
Prior to this, she was a
Professor of Psychology at the
University of California at
Riverside and Director of the
Academic Center of Excellence
on Youth Violence Prevention
funded by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (2000-2011). She is an outgoing
Associate Editor of the journal, Child Development,
and current editor of Journal of Research on
Adolescence. Her work emphasizes translational
research focused on understanding and preventing
youth aggression and violence, at-risk, vulnerable,
and marginalized youth, and integrating positive
development and core competencies with prevention
of risk behaviors. She has published numerous
research articles examining predictors of aggression
and has developed and evaluated several preventive
interventions. These interventions include the
Metropolitan Area Child Study multicomponent,
school-based program, Viewpoints cognitivebehavioral program for juvenile offenders, Positive
Life Changes (PLC) for at-risk youth based on core
competencies for risk prevention and positive youth
development, and Child Development Parent Training
Abstract. Cultural neuroscience is a research field
that examines how cultural values, practices and
beliefs affect neurobiological processes underlying a
range of psychological mechanisms and behavior
across multiple time scales. Recent advances in
cultural science demonstrate a tremendous gap in
our knowledge about where culture arises from and
how culture is transmitted and persists. Additionally,
advances in neuroscience show the importance of
understanding how the mind and brain mutually
constitute each other and what kinds of psychological
capacities and behaviors are malleable, and to what
extent, as a function of dynamic interaction with the
environment. In this workshop, Dr. Chiao will discuss
the aforementioned issues, and describe some recent
advances in the field examining how culture affects
neurobiological processes across development. Dr.
Pfeifer will address why it is important to consider
how culturally-constructed i) definitions of
adolescence and ii) dominant neuroscience
approaches to adolescence may constrain our ability
to truly understand the neural foundations of
adolescent development within and across cultures.
She will argue that perhaps adolescence should be
investigated as a period of high cultural plasticity,
especially in the social domain, enabled by rapid
brain development and the social reorientation fueled
by puberty. Dr. Pfeifer will also present an example
derived from her work on the neurodevelopment of
self-appraisal and mentalizing processes, from a
series of fMRI studies conducted in the USA and
(Event 1-004) Invited Workshop
East Meeting 14
Wednesday, 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
1-004. Why Culture Is Critical to the
Social, Cognitive, and Affective
Neuroscience of Adolescence
Leaders: Joan Chiao, Jennifer Pfeifer
interplay between networks that react to emotions
and those which regulate them, especially as
influenced by pubertal development, and (iv)
characterizing how social experiences (such as
inclusion and rejection) influence decision-making
and risky behavior at the neural and behavioral
Biography. Joan Chiao is an
Assistant Professor of
Psychology at Northwestern
University is an affiliated
faculty member of the
Neuroscience Institute
(NUIN) the Cognitive Science
Program and Asian-American
Studies Program. Dr. Chiao
received her doctoral degree
from Harvard University in
2006, and her undergraduate
work at Stanford University
graduating in 2000 with a B.S. in Symbolic Systems.
Dr. Chiao's research interests include social affective
and cultural neuroscience as well as integrating
psychology and neuroscience research with public
policy and population health issues. She currently
serves on the Editorial Board of six peer-reviewed
journals and has received grant support from the
National Science Foundation, National Institute for
Health and Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science. She is the Co-Founder and Co-Director of
the International Cultural Neuroscience Consortium
(ICNC) an organization dedicated to building an
interdisciplinary, international research network in
cultural neuroscience to address pressing questions
in population health disparities and public policy in a
global context.
Wednesday, 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
(Event 1-005) Preconference
East Meeting 9
Wednesday, 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
1-005. Romantic Relationships
Contact: Manfred H. M. van Dulmen
Abstract. This event aims to bring together
researchers interested in adolescent romantic
relationships. Similar to previous romantic
relationship preconference meetings, we will have a
diverse program including junior scholar perspectives
on future directions, speed-dating with senior
scholars, and break-out sessions on innovative
methods. The scientific portion of the program will be
followed by a social get-together.
Biography. Jennifer Pfeifer is
an Assistant Professor in
Developmental Psychology at
the University of Oregon, and
PI of the Developmental Social
Neuroscience Lab. She
received her Ph.D. from UCLA
in 2007 and B.A. from
Stanford University in 2000.
Dr. Pfeifer is on the editorial
board of the new
Developmental Cognitive
Neuroscience journal, and has
received funding and grant support from NIMH and
the Oregon Medical Research Foundation. Her
research addresses several broad topics in social
cognitive and affective development from middle
childhood to late adolescence: (i) examining
developmental changes in the neural bases of selfevaluation processes, including direct and reflected
self-appraisals, self-conscious emotions, and crosscultural differences in self-construals, (ii)
understanding the development of neural systems
that support advanced perspective-taking and social
comparison abilities, as well as the more basic
mentalizing mechanisms that facilitate our
understanding of other individuals' inner states
(including via shared neural representations of our
own and others' emotions), (iii) exploring the
(Wednesday, continuedon next page)
Wednesday, 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Wednesday, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
(Event 1-006) Preconference
East Meeting 11
Wednesday, 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
(Event 1-007) Emerging Scholar Session
Lobby, Marriott Vancouver Pinnacle Downtown
Wednesday, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
1-006. Preconference Meeting of the
Society for Research on Identity
Formation (SRIF)
1-007. Emerging Scholars Welcome
and Social Event
Emerging Scholar Representatives: Laura WrayLake, Carolyn Spellings
Contact: Janet Gebelt
Start the Biennial Meeting off right by joining the
Emerging Scholars of SRA for a social event! This is
an informal opportunity to learn about what events
and resources are available to you during the
Biennial Meeting. It also provides you with an
opportunity to meet other students and new
professionals. Meet Laura Wray-Lake and Carolyn
Spellings in the lobby of the Marriott Vancouver
Pinnacle Downtown between 6:00pm and 7:00pm
and transition to an off-site location for a casual,
social evening.
Abstract. The Society for Research on Identity
Formation (SRIF) will meet to exchange theoretical
and research ideas on the role of identity in
psychosocial development. The session will begin
with a roundtable exchange describing the current
activities of individuals attending the session. This
will be followed by brief reports by SRIF officers on
organizational acitivites, including planning for the
2013 SRIF Conference. The session will conclude with
poster presentations. The session is open to anyone
interested in identity. A fee of $10 for students and
$20 for professionals will be collected. For further
information about SRIF and this preconference
meeting, please email us at [email protected] or contact
either of the individuals listed below: Andrew White,
SRIF Program Chair [email protected] Janet
Gebelt, SRIF Secretary [email protected]
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
published a number of books, paper and reports on
topics ranging from poverty reduction strategies and
labor markets to conflict, health reform, education
and decentralization. Her current activities include
membership of the World Economic Forum’s Global
Advisory Council on Benchmarking Progress and
Advisory Board on Sustainability and
Competitiveness, and she is a fellow of the Human
Development and Capabilities Association. She holds
a Ph.D. in Economics from the Australian National
University. She also has graduate degrees in
development economics, as well as in law, from
Oxford University where she was a Rhodes Scholar.
(Event 2-001) Invited Keynote Address
East Ballroom Salon B
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
2-001. Health, Wealth, and Happiness:
Measuring the Many Dimensions of
Chair: Niobe Way, Department of Applied
Psychology, New York University
Speaker: Jeni Klugman
Abstract. Living a long and healthy life. Having
access to knowledge. A decent standard of living.
These are well-accepted ingredients of wellbeing in
any society. It is equally well recognized today that
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a commonly used but
unidimensional measure of wellbeing, does not
capture its many dimensions. We will review
alternative measures of wellbeing that are in popular
use, with a focus on the Human Development Index
(HDI), the best-known multi-dimensional index of
wellbeing. We can draw insights for thinking about
youth's wellbeing and associated public policies. Not
all youth (especially young women) have the
opportunity to make a healthy transition to
adulthood. There are large challenges in many
developing countries around the world, especially in
countries that have faced conflict. We review key
lessons from on-the-ground efforts to improve the
wellbeing and life chances of adolescents and youth
in low income countries—with a focus on girls—
efforts focused on helping them make a successful
transition to the labor market and a productive
(Event 2-002) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 15
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
2-002. Understanding the Relationship
Between Peer Victimization and Mental
and Physical Health Problems
Chair: Jennifer M. Knack
 Effects of Peer Victimization on Cortisol
Reactivity and Physical Health Reports Differ
by Sex
Jennifer Knack, Lauri Jensen-Campbell
 Does Being Bullied Influence Health and
Biological Functioning Over Time?
Lauri Jensen-Campbell, Priya Iyer
 Are Some Bullied Adolescents More
Susceptible To Depression? Influence of the
Genetic Polymorphsism 5HTTLPR on The
Victimization-Depression Link
Priya Iyer, Lauri Jensen-Campbell
 Longitudinal effects of peer victimization on
depression in early adolescence
Amanda Krygsman, Heather Brittain,
Christine Blain-Arcaro, Steven Arnocky, Eric
Duku, Patricia McDougall, Tracy Vaillancourt
Biography. Jeni Klugman is
the Director, Gender and
Development, The World
Bank. Prior to taking up this
position in August 2011, Jeni
was the director and lead
author of the three global
Human Development Reports
published by the United
Nations Development
Programme, on human
mobility (2009), pathways to
human development (2010)
and equity and sustainability (2011). She first joined
the World ank in 1992, focusing in particular on
poverty, inequality and human development in low
income countries in Africa, Europe and Asia. She has
(Event 2-003) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 17
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
Families with a History of Parental
Kelly Watson, Jennifer Thigpen, Jennifer
Potts, Rex Forehand, Bruce Compas
2-003. Epidemiology Meets Etiology:
Integrating Diverse Datasets to Gain
New Insights Into Adolescent
Substance Use and Psychopathology
Thursday, 10:00 am - 11:30 am
(Event 2-005) Poster Session 1
Exhibit Hall B
Thursday, 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Chair: Julie Maslowsky
Discussant: Pamela Davis-Kean
 Combining Mother and Father Reports of
Children’s Negative Affect Using Integrative
Data Analysis
Andrea Howard, Daniel Bauer, Ruth
Baldasaro, Patrick Curran, Andrea Hussong
 Improved Mental Health Mediates Parent
Support's Protective Effect on Black
Adolescents' Alcohol Use: An Integrative
Julie Maslowsky, John Schulenberg, Lisa
Chiodo, John Hannigan, Mark Greenwald,
James Janisse, Robert Sokol, Virginia
 Does Marijuana Use Lead to College
Dropout? Longitudinal Epidemiological and
Daily-Level Insights
Jennifer Maggs, Jeremy Staff, Deborah
Kloska, Megan Patrick, Patrick O'Malley,
John Schulenberg
(Event 2-004) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 18
Thursday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
Vagal Tone During Parent and Child
Interaction as a Protective Factor for Future
Adolescent Depression
Emily Patton
Childhood Abuse and Menarche: Findings
from an Ethnically-Diverse Sample of Young
Julianna Deardorff, Maria-Elena Young,
Katherine Stearns
The Moral Faculty in Adolescents:
Investigating Age Differences in the
Application and Justification of Three
Principles of Harm
Paul Stey, Daniel Lapsley, Mary McKeever
The Role of the Past: Time Frequency and
Time Attitudes in Adolescents
Laura Finan, Zena Mello, Frank Worrell
An Exploration of the Changes Associated
with Pregnancy and the Meaning of
Parenthood Among Hispanic Adolescents
Ani Yazedjian, Michelle Toews
Using Sexual Communication Intentions to
Distinguish Parents Who Have Not
Discussed Sexual Health With Their Young
Heather Sears, E. Sandra Byers
Mutual Influences Between Coparenting
and Adolescent Adjustment
Elizabeth Riina, Susan McHale
A Model of Positive Family and Peer
Socialization Processes in Adolescence
Lela Williams, Elizabeth Anthony, Nicole
2-004. Parent Contributions to
Adolescent Responses to Stress
Chair: Martha Wadsworth
 Prospective Contributions of ParentAdolescent Relationship Quality and
Socialization of Coping to Early Adolescents’
Reponses to Stress
Jamie Abaied, Karen Rudolph
 The Relations of Multiple Socialization
Modalities to Adolescent Adaptive Coping in
the Face of Poverty-Related Stress.
Hannah Bianco, Martha Wadsworth
 Observed Parenting and Child Coping:
Cross-Sectional and Prospective Relations in
The Developmental Trajectory of African
Americans’ Family Conflict in High School:
Effects on Adaptive Functioning in
Daniel Choe, Marc Zimmerman
20 Voice, Gender and Gender Stereotypy in
Classroom Interactions
Patricia Waters
21 Socially-Derived Goals as Predictors of
Young Adolescents’ Social and Academic
Goal Pursuit
Sandra Baker, Shannon Russell, Kathryn
10 All in a Day’s Work: Maternal Employment
and Adolescent Aggression
Phoua Yang, Mary Saczawa, Julia Graber,
Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
22 Dispositional Hope as a Moderator of the
Link Between Social Comparison with
Friends and Eighth Grade Students’
Perceptions of Academic Competence
Joanna Bissell-Havran
11 Two Parents are Not Always Better Than
One: The Case of Fathers With
Externalizing Problems
Margo Gardner, Anne Martin, Jeanne
23 Predicting Science Career Commitment: A
Mediational Relationship Between Science
Support Experiences, Self-Efficacy, and
Rachael Robnett, Martin Chemers, Eileen
Zurbriggen, Barbara Goza, Sergio Queirolo
12 Parenting Among Grandparent Caregivers
and Teens: Role of Parents and Impact on
Grandparent/Grandchild Relationship
Kimberly Kopko, Rachel Dunifon
13 Immigrant Chinese Mothers, Fathers, and
Youth: The Roles of Family Relationships
and Cultural Values on Youth's Happiness
and Self-Esteem
Fanli Jia, Susan Chuang, Adrian
Pasquarella, Alexandra Gottardo
24 Latino/a Youth Apprenticeship of Civic
Engagement: A Case Study of High School
Learning Environments
Fe Moncloa
25 Required Community Service: What
Features Affect Civic Attitude Change?
Parissa Jahromi, Christy Buchanan
14 I Say You Say: Sibling Disclosure and
Associations with Relationship Quality and
Kelly Bassett Greer, Nicole Campione-Barr
26 Youth Gangs: Scare Tactics That Work
Brooke Knowlton
27 Parental Acculturation Gaps and
Coparenting Among Immigrant Chinese
Canadian Families with Adolescents
Lauren Chance, Catherine Costigan, Bonnie
15 Exposure to Violence Moderates Family and
Peer Influences on Adolescent Antisocial
Kristen Jacobson, Pan Chen
16 Coping with Racism: Mediators and
Moderators of the Discrimination—Distress
Link among Mexican-Origin Adolescents
Irene Park, Crystalia Sulaiman, May Kim
28 Locus of control and peer relationships
among Caucasian, Hispanic, and Asian
Hannah Kang, Chuansheng Chen, Ellen
17 School Engagement and Academic
Performance: The Mediating Role of
Intrinsic Motivation
Stephanie Wormington, Jennifer Corpus
29 The Relation Between Discrimination and
Depression among Filipino American Youth:
the Moderating Role of Ethnic Community
Tzufen Chang
18 Activity Engagement as a Predictor of
Adolescent Successful Development
Heather Lawford, Michael Busseri, Linda
30 Does gender prejudice of the parents
influence prejudice in their offspring? A
study with family tetrads
Sara Alfieri, Elena Marta
19 Effects of Academic Peer-reputation on
Madhavi Menon
31 A Dual Systems Model of ADHD:
Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory and
Executive Functioning
Hector Lopez-Vergara, Craig Colder, Larry
41 School Bullying: Risks and Protective
Maya Peled, Annie Smith, Colleen Poon
42 Prevalence and Impacts of Bullying
Lyndall Schumann, Lindsay Reynolds,
Wendy Craig
32 Protective and Risk-Related School Factors
Affecting Alcohol Consumption: A
Developmental Perspective
Stephanie Wormington, Kristen Anderson,
Sandra Brown
43 Disclosure of Peer Victimization
Experiences: Who Do Adolescents Tell?
Annette La Greca, Whitney Herge, Lisa
33 Characteristics of Best and Worst Drinking
Experiences Among College Students and
Impact on Drinking Decisions
Tracy Herring, Christine Lee, Barbara Leigh
44 Peer Victimization Profiles Among
Whitney Herge, Annette La Greca,
Sherilynn Chan, Betty Lai
34 Latina Preadolescents' Body Shape
Preference and Perceived Messages from
Mothers and Friends
Rebeca Mireles-Rios, Laura Romo
46 Dating, Parent-Adolescent Conflict, and
Depressive Symptomatology in MexicanOrigin Adolescent Females: Examining the
Fabiola Alvarado-Koperberg, Mayra
Bamaca-Colbert, Jochebed Gayles, Emile
35 A Qualitative Analysis of the Perceptions of
the Causes of Eating Disorders According to
Individuals with Eating Disorders
Elizabeth Blodgett Salafia, Mallary Schaefer
47 Friendship Quality, Self-Disclosure to the
Best Friend and Well-Being in Italian
Lesbian and Gay Adolescents
Roberto Baiocco, Fiorenzo Laghi, Cecilia
Pace, Ilena Di Pomponio, Giulio Zavattini
36 Measuring Risk and Resilience Among Early
Adolescents Living in Poverty
Elizabeth Anthony, Kristine Hickle
37 Goal Oriented and Risk Taking Behavior:
The Roles of Multiple Systems for
Caucasian and Arab-American Adolescents
Cheryl Somers, Joshua Tynan, Jina Yoon,
Barry Markman
48 Preferential Attention to Emotional Stimuli
Predicts Adolescents’ Susceptibility to Peer
Influence: A Pilot Investigation
Katharine Buck, Natalie Kretsch, Yarden
Ran, Kierstin Thornhill, Kathryn Harden
38 Peer Pressure, Attitudes, and Behavior: A
Meta-analysis of Three Types of Peer
Influence on Adolescent Sexual Behavior
Daphne van de Bongardt, Ellen Reitz, Maja
49 Contemporary Bulgarian and Macedonian
Emerging Adults: Generation Growing Up in
the Period of Social Changes
Zornitza Ganeva, Andromahi Naumovska
Naumovska, Dimitar Bonevski
39 Young adult smoking in peer groups: An
experimental study
Zeena Harakeh, Rutger Engels, Rick Van
Baaren, Wilma Vollebergh
50 Aggressive and Playful Relational
Behaviors: How Wrong are They and Why?
Kayley Bloss, Alec Stinnett, Ericka
Newcomb, Amy Luckner
40 Working Memory Ability Predicts
Trajectories of Early Drug Use: The
Mediational Role of Impulsivity
Atika Khurana, Laura Betancourt, Nancy
Brodsky, Wei Yang, Daniel Romer, Hallam
51 Other-Sex Friendships, Parental Monitoring,
and Substance Use Over Eight Years:
Testing a Mediation Model for Boys and
Anne-Sophie Denault, Francois Poulin
61 Relationships Between Suicidal Ideation
and Depressive Symptoms and Substance
Use: Results from the Raising Healthy
Children Project
Jenna Elgin, Charles Fleming, James Mazza,
Robert Abbott, Richard Catalano
52 What Type of Friend Reduces the Risk of
Peer Victimization in Socially Withdrawn
Versus Aggressive Early Adolescents?
Caroline Doramajian, Megan Wood,
Jonathan Santo, Felicia Meyer, William
62 A Panel Study of Prevalence and Risk
Factor of PTSD Among Adolescents After
the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
Fang Fan, Yuhong Zheng, Shan Cheng,
Yanyun Qin, Shixiu Sun, Lu Zhang
53 Emerging Adults' Perceptions of Diversity
and Multicultural Attitudes
Andrew Bower, Christian Scales, Teri
Tanaka, Mixue Xie, Adrienne Nishina
63 A Moderated Mediation Model in the
Relationship Between Materialism and Wellbeing in Late Adolescents
Chengfu Yu, Wei Zhang, Shujun Wang, Jieting Zhang, Hao Li
54 Psychometric Properties of Prosocial
Tendency Measure in Three Different
María Richaud, Gustavo Carlo, Belén
Mesurado, George Knight
64 Antecedents of Adolescent Help Seeking For
Mental Health Difficulties
Genevieve Monaghan, Darcy Santor
65 Planned Missing Data Designs for
Longitudinal Research
Mijke Rhemtulla, Todd Little, E. Whitney
Moore, Kimberly Gibson, Wei Wu
55 Family Predictors of Mexican-Origin
Adolescents’ Romantic Relationship Quality
Fanita Tyrell, Lorey Wheeler, Nancy
Gonzales, Larry Dumka
66 Efficacy of a School-Based Motivational
Enhancement Intervention for Adolescent
Substance Abusers
David Stewart, Kelly Serafini, Christopher
Arger, Jenell Effinger, Ben Felleman,
Leandra Shipley, Dylan Athenour
56 Longitudinal Impact of Sexual Victimization
on Romantic Experiences
Charlene Collibee, Wyndol Furman
57 Predicting Adolescent Loneliness and Social
Anxiety: Examining Multiple Support
Alyson Cavanaugh, Cheryl Buehler, Jinni Su
67 Effect of Joint Parent-adolescent
Communication about Sexuality Education
Program on Parents and their Adolescents
Kunlakarn Apiwattanalunggarn, Boonserm
Hutabaedya, Prakairat Patrathiti
58 “She Would act Like a Queen at Ressice
and Think she Would Rule the Fort”:
Cultural Voice and Early Identity
Alice Davidson, Marsha Walton, Regan
Humphrey, Caitlin Campbell
68 Proactive and Reaction Functions of
Relational Aggression and Internalizing
Symptoms: Peer Mechanisms of Influence
Nicole Lafko, Dianna Murray-Close
59 Profiles of Suicide Behaviour Among
Adolescents Admitted to an Inpatient
Psychiatric Unit
Cintia Quiroga, Christine Aucoin, Stephanie
Greenham, John Lyons
69 Investigation in the relationships between
proactive-reactive aggressiveness and
psycho-social maladjustment in Japan
Yoshikazu Hamaguchi, Masayasu Ishikawa,
Megumi Eguchi, Yasuyo Honda, Takeshi
Fujiwara, Mariko Obana, Chiaki Kuwabara,
Yuichi Sekiguchi
60 Investigating the Potential Relationship
between Substance Use Age of Onset and
Depression and Anxiety in Emerging
Megan Shaine, Richard Lanthier
70 Earned Security from Adolescence to Early
Lee Raby, W Andrew Collins
71 Adolescent Characteristics and Peer
Influence as Predictors of Antisocial
Benjamin Goodlett, Christopher
Trentacosta, Daniel Shaw, Luke Hyde
81 The Effects of Racial Identity on AfricanAmerican Adolescent Well-Being: A
Clarification of the Research and Metaanalysis
Corinn Elmore, Noni Gaylord-Harden, Jelani
72 The Emotional Lives of Early Adolescents:
Best Friend Emotion Socialization,
Friendship Quality and Emotion Regulation
Melissa Simard, Megan Wood, Marie-Eve
Dubois, William Bukowski
82 Parental Influences on Ethnic Identity
Development among Immigrant
Background Adolescents
Nathaly Pacheco-Santivanez, Ariana Ayvar,
Claudia Castaneda, Ravreet Cheema, Janet
73 I know how you feel: distinct forms of
empathy and emotion recognition accuracy
in a late adolescent sample
Rachael Lax, Mandi Burnette
83 Sexual Identity and Well-Being: Person
Centered Analyses of Sexual Health
Jenifer McGuire, Erin Chapman, Marsha
Turnbull, Paula Adams, Jennifer Whitney
74 Personality and Loneliness in Late
Eveline Teppers, Theo Klimstra, Luc
84 Prosocial Personality and Aggression
Predicting Perceived Movie Violence
Deanna Opal, Arielle Deutsch, Gustavo
75 Contextual Differences in How High School
Seniors Accept Responsibility for Their
Theresa Thorkildsen, Nicole Reed, Shakari
Laws, Ashley Bailey, Kuan Xing, Persis
Driver, Amanda Herte
(Event 2-006) Government and Foundation
Exhibit Hall B
2-006. Funding Opportunities With US
Government Agencies and Foundations
76 Predictors of Psychopathology in waraffected Ugandan youth
Kathryn Hecht, Peter Ralston, Nicki Crick,
Dante Cicchetti
Remains on display: Thursday, 10:00 am –
Saturday, 5:00 pm.
Session on Friday, 12:15 pm – 1:45 pm to
meet with agency and foundation
representatives at their posters.
77 Developmental Differences in Subliminal
Priming with Goal Pursuit Feedback: An
fMRI analysis
Allison Detloff, Christine Rivera, Dana
Rosen, David Smith, Timothy Strauman
G1 Funding Opportunities at the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Sarah Bacon
78 An Empirical Examination of Spirituality as
an Internal Developmental Asset During
Anthony James, Mark Fine, Linda Turner
G2 Competitive Grant Programs available
through the National Institute of Food and
Suzanne Le Menestrel
79 Fifth Graders’ Psychosocial Adaptation as a
Function of Gender Typicality
Karen Kochel, Cindy Miller, Kimberly
Updegraff, Richard Fabes, Carol Martin,
Laura Hanish
G3 Interagency Working Group on Youth
Programs: Working Together to Improve
Youth Outcomes
Sarah Oberlander
80 I Cut Therefore I am: Non-Suicidal SelfInjury and Adolescent Identity
Andrea Breen, Stephen Lewis, Olga
G4 Adolescent Developmental and
Translational Research at the National
Institute of Mental Health
Julia Zehr, LeShawndra Price
G5 Funding Opportunities at the Eunice
Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development
Valerie Maholmes
(Event 2-008) Roundtable
East Meeting 1
Thursday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
G6 Research on Adolescent Development at
the National Institute on Drug Abuse
Cheryl Boyce, Aria Davis Crump, Kathy Etz
2-008. Ethical Considerations in
Engaging Vulnerable Populations in
Self-Harm Research
G7 Alcohol Abuse and Adolescent Brain
Development: Research Funding
Opportunities at the National Institute on
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Mariela Shirley
Moderator: Janis Whitlock
Panelists: Mitchell Prinstein, Graham Martin,
Matthew Aldridge, David Klonksy
G8 Jacobs Foundation - Research and
Innovation for Children and Youth
Simon Sommer, Gelgia Fetz
(Event 2-009) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 10
Thursday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
G9 Spencer Foundation Funding Opportunities
Susan Dauber
2-009. Longitudinal Associations
Between Stress and Self-Regulation
During Adolescence
G10 William T. Grant Funding Interests and
Grant Programs
Kimberly DuMont
Chair: Elizabeth Cauffman
Discussant: Elizabeth Cauffman
 Stress Exposure Disrupts Emotion
Regulation During Adolescence Resulting in
Increased Risk of Internalizing
Katie McLaughlin, Mark Hatzenbuehler
 Stressful Life Events Shape the
Development of Self-Regulation During
Kevin King, Carolyn McCarty, Ann Vander
Stoep, Elizabeth McCauley, John Baer
 Exposure to Violence Disrupts Adolescent
Development of Psychosocial Maturity
Kathryn Monahan, Kevin King, Elizabeth
Cauffman, Laurie Chassin
Thursday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
(Event 2-007) Paper Discussion
East Ballroom Salon B
Thursday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
2-007. Families, Classrooms and
Schools: Exploring the Proximal
Contexts of Civic Development Among
Diverse Youth
Chair: Erin Godfrey
Discussant: Connie Flanagan
 Fostering Marginalized Youths’ Political
Participation: Longitudinal Roles of Parental
Political Socialization and Sociopolitical
Matthew Diemer
 Racial/ethnic and Gender Differences in the
Relationship Between Classroom Climate
and Civic Attitudes Among US Adolescents
Erin Godfrey
 The Effect of School-Based Practices upon
the Social Responsibility Attitudes of Urban
Scott Seider, Sarah Novick, Jessica Gomez
(Event 2-010) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 11
Thursday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
(Event 2-012) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 13
Thursday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
2-010. Identity and Education: How
Adolescent Racial Identity Interacts
With Context to Influence Achievement
and Motivational Outcomes
2-012. Bidirectional Influences of
Family Relationships and the
Development of Stress and Sex
Hormones in Adolescence
Chair: Amber D. Williams
 Racial Identity and Academic Achievement:
The Influence of School Racial Composition
Bridget Richardson, Robert Sellers
 How School Racial Climate Moderates the
Relationship of Racial Identity to Academic
Christy Byrd, Tabbye Chavous
 The Role of Gender in the Relations Among
Racial Socialization, Racial Identity, and
Academic Outcomes
Amber Williams, Robert Sellers
 The Dual Role of Social Class and Racial
Identity in Predicting African American
Adolescents’ Academic Beliefs and Outcomes
Felecia Web, Tabbye Chavous
Chair: Kristine Marceau
 Paradoxical Links Between Stress and Sex
Hormones in Adolescents
Elizabeth Shirtcliff, Jamie Hanson, Karen
Rudolph, Paula Ruttle, Seth Pollak
 Covariation of Cortisol, DHEA, and
Testosterone Across Early Adolescence and
the Impact of Early Life Stress
Paula Ruttle, Elizabeth Shirtcliff, Jeffrey
Armstrong, Marilyn Essex
 Stress and Sex Hormone Reactivity Predict
Family Problems in Early Adolescence
Kristine Marceau, Lorah Dorn, Elizabeth
 Observed Family Conflict Moderates the
Association between Pubertal Timing and
Adolescent Depressive Symptoms
Nicholas Allen, Janet Tong, Sarah Whittle,
Julian Simmons, Orli Schwartz, Michelle
Byrne, Lisa Sheeber
(Event 2-011) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 12
Thursday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
2-011. Beyond Family Structure: The
Influence of Parental Relationship
Instability on Adolescent Well-Being
Chair: Jennifer L. Carrano
 Family Instability, Early Pubertal Timing,
and Adolescent Romance
Shannon Cavanagh
 Family Instability and Educational
Paula Fomby
 Lifetime Family Structure Patterns and
Adolescent Psychosocial Functioning
Rebekah Levine Coley, Jennifer Carrano,
Heather Bachman
(Event 2-013) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 14
Thursday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
2-013. Youth-driven programs:
Involving adolescents in leadership
and governance in youth programs
Attending to Bullying: A Psychophysical
Approach to Understanding Peer Aggression
and Victimization
Wendy Craig, Chelsea Heaven, Catherine
Jee, Monica Castelhano
(Event 2-015) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 17
Thursday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
Chair: Tom Akiva
Discussant: Ben Kirshner
 Involving youth in running youth programs:
How common and what does it do for youth?
Tom Akiva
 The Role of Advisors’ Assistance in YouthLed Programs: As Seen by Youth
Reed Larson, LaTesha Washington, Aisha
 The Creation of Youth-Driven Spaces
Through Organizational Intervention:
Benefits Reported by Youth
Laurie Van Egeren, Jamie Heng-Chieh Wu,
Meenal Rana, Mariah Kornbluh, Amber
Duddy, John Weiss
2-015. American Indian and Canadian
First Nations Adolescents: Substance
Use, Mental Health and Culturally
Informed Prevention
Chair: Nancy R. Whitesell
 Substance Use Among Young American
Indian Adolescents: Relationship of Stress to
Early Initiation
Nancy Whitesell, Carol Kaufman, Cecelia Big
Crow, Christina Mitchell
 Mental and Substance Use Disorders from
Early Adolescence to Young Adulthood: An
Eight Year Panel Study of Indigenous
Les Whitbeck, Melissa Walls
 A View from Within: First Nation
Adolescents’ Descriptions of Racial, Ethnic,
Cultural Identity
Barbara Gfellner
(Event 2-014) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 15
Thursday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
2-014. Attentional Processes in
Adolescent Peer Status and
Aggression: New Evidence from EyeTracking Studies
Chair: Antonius H. Cillessen
 Take a Look at Me Now: The Effect of
Popularity on Automatic Attention in Early
Tessa Lansu, Antonius Cillessen, Johan
 Attention to Dynamic Scenes of Ambiguous
Provocation and Aggression in Youth: It’s
Not Just What They Look at, It’s When
Wendy Troop-Gordon, Laura Vogel-Ciernia,
Robert Gordon, Elisabeth Ewing Lee, Kari
 Eye-tracking Assessment of SocialPerception Biases in Boys with Behavior
Bram Orobio de Castro, Tako Horsley,
Menno van der Schoot
(Event 2-016) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 18
Thursday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
2-016. Adolescent anxiety symptoms:
Developmental trajectories and
relationship to adolescent identity and
Chair: William W. Hale
 Developmental Trajectories and
Heterogeneity in Developmental Trajectories
of Adolescent Anxiety Disorder Symptoms in
an 8-year Longitudinal Community Study
Stefanie Nelemans, William Hale, Susan
Branje, Quinten Raaijmakers, Tom Frijns,
Pol van Lier, Wim Meeus
 Social Anxiety Trajectories during
Adolescence and Relations with Cognition,
Social Competence and Temperament
Anne Miers, Anke Blöte, Mark de Rooij,
Caroline Bokhorst, Michiel Westenberg
 Is the Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Symptom of Worry Just Another Form of
Neuroticism?: A Five-Year Longitudinal
Study of Adolescents from the General
William Hale, Theo Klimstra, Wim Meeus
 Characterizing the Self-System over Time in
Adolescence: Internal Structure and
Associations with Internalizing Symptoms
Seth Schwartz, Theo Klimstra, Koen Luyckx,
William Hale, Wim Meeus
Reproductive Risk and Wellbeing in the
Adolescent Children of Adolescent Mothers
Natacha De Genna, Cynthia Larkby, Marie
Trajectories of Sexual Behavior in
Adolescence and Sexual Health Outcomes in
Early Adulthood
Arielle Deutsch, Kristin Moilanen, Lisa
(Event 2-018) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 2
Thursday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
2-018. Integrative Approaches:
Prosocial Moral Cognitions, Emotions,
Motivation, and Behaviors
Chair: Drika W. Makariev
Discussant: Gustavo Carlo
 Does Engaging in Prosocial Behavior Make
You See the World Through Rose Colored
Glasses? Links Between Prosocial Behavior,
Empathy, and Social Information Processing
Deborah Laible, Gustavo Carlo, Mairin
Augustine, Tia Panfile
 The Moral Identity Q-Sort and Prosocial
Behavior in Emerging Adulthood
Courtney Ball, Daniel Lapsley, Paul Stey,
Patrick Hill
 Children’s Reasoning about Prosocial Moral
Dilemmas: Differences by Age and
Intergroup Relations
Drika Makariev, Kristin Lagattuta, Liat
(Event 2-017) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 19
Thursday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
2-017. More Than a Feeling:
Psychosocial and Health Outcomes of
Sexual Behavior in Adolescence
Chair: Kristin L. Moilanen
Discussant: Brian Wilcox
 How Late Adolescents Feel About Their First
Experiences of Kissing, Touching and Four
Other Sexual Behaviors
Sara Vasilenko, Eva Lefkowitz, Jennifer
(Event 2-019) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 3
Thursday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
(Event 2-021) Invited Roundtable
East Meeting 8
Thursday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
2-021. Invited Book Authors'
Roundtable - Identities and Purposes
in Youth: The Intersection of
Development and Culture
2-019. Intergenerational Storytelling:
What does it do for the Identity
Development of Adolescent Offspring?
Chair: Avril Thorne
 Moms Telling Tales: Maternal Disclosure
With Adolescents in Conversations About the
Personal Past
Kate McLean, Sarah Morrison-Cohen
 The Elusive Construction of Identity: Traces
of Mother-Adolescent Conversations in Their
Narratives About the Offspring’s Life
Tilmann Habermas
 Individual Identity Constructed Through
Intergenerational Narratives
Robyn Fivush, Widaad Zaman, Theo Waters,
Natalie Merrill
Moderator: Alice Schlegel, Frances McClelland
Institute for Children, Youth and Families, University of
 William Damon (New Paths to Purpose in Our
Time (Free Press, 2009), Stanford University
Phil Hammack (Adolescence and the Politics of
Identity: Lessons From the Field (Oxford University
Press, 2011), University of California-Santa Cruz
Carol Markstrom (Culturally-Based Rituals as
Mechanisms of Impact in Adolescent Development
(University of Nebraska Press, 2009), West
Virginia University
Abstract. Adolescents are presented with
multiple possibilities for the formation of
identities, as they venture from the certainties
of the home base into the larger world. In
traditional cultures, this was gaining a deeper
understanding of one’s culture and how to
behave as an adult within it. In modern
societies the issues are more complex as the
possibilities have greatly expanded. The
members of this roundtable will address issues
of adolescent identity formation and choice of
life goals and purposes, focusing on their
special cultural areas of research: For William
Damon, American culture; for Phillip Hammock,
the intersecting cultures of Israeli and
Palestinian youth; for Carol Markstrom,
American Indian cultures.
(Event 2-020) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 7
Thursday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
2-020. Advances in Culturally and
Contextually Relevant Measures for
Adolescents of Color
Chair: Kathryn Grant
Discussant: Martha Wadsworth
 The Hopelessness Scale for Children in
Ethnic Minority Adolescents
Jocelyn Carter, David Meyerson, Kathryn
 The Parental Schoolwork Support Measures:
Scale Development and Psychometric
Antonio Polo, Kristen Zichinski, Katrina
 Urban Norms as Risk or Protective Factor?:
Development of the Urban Youth Norms
Esteban Cardemil
Biography. William
Damon is Professor of
Education at Stanford
University and Director of
the Stanford Center on
Adolescence. Prior to
coming to Stanford, he
was University Professor
and Director of the Center
for the Study of Human
Development at Brown
University. For the past twenty-five years, Dr.
Damon has written on character development at
all ages of human life. His books include The
Moral Child (1990); Some Do Care:
Contemporary Lives of Moral Commitment
(1992) (with Anne Colby); Greater
Expectations: Overcoming the Culture of
Indulgence in Our Homes and Schools (1995);
The Youth Charter (1997); Good Work: When
Excellence and Ethics Meet (2001) (with Howard
Gardner and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi); The
Moral Advantage (2004); and The Path to
Purpose (2008). Dr. Damon was founding editor
of New Direction for Child and Adolescent
Development and is editor-in-chief of The
Handbook of Child Psychology (1998 and 2006
editions). He was elected to membership in the
National Academy of Education. Dr. Damon is
working with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and
Howard Gardner on a large project seeking to
foster good work in key domains of American
society. The domains include politics, law,
journalism, business, the sciences, higher
education, and philanthropy.
an ever-shifting political context for sexual
identity development in the United States.
Professor Hammack has presented his research
across the globe, including in Turkey, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Israel, France, Germany,
Ireland, Spain, Canada, and at numerous
settings in the United States.
Biography. Carol A.
Markstrom, Ph.D. is
Professor at West Virginia
University (WVU) in the
Department of Technology,
Learning, and Culture in the
College of Human
Resources and Education
where she coordinates the
Child Development and
Family Studies program.
She also teaches and
supervises students in Native American Studies,
as well as Women’s Studies. Her academic
background includes an undergraduate degree
in Family Relationships from the University of
Minnesota, a master’s degree in Child
Development and Family Relations from North
Dakota State University, and a Ph.D. in
Developmental Psychology from Utah State
University. Topics of some of her publications
span rituals and rites of passage during
adolescence, identity formation, ego strength,
adolescent participation in adult-sponsored
activities, and spirituality and religiosity. Her
2008 book, Empowerment of North American
Indian Girls: Ritual Expressions at Puberty
offers an integration of her multidisciplinary
interests in adolescent development, cultural
anthropology, Native American studies, history,
and women’s studies. She is currently Past
President of the Society for Research on
Identity Formation and is a member of the
Society for Research on Adolescence, the
American Anthropological Association, the
Native Children’s Research Exchange, and the
National Congress of American Indians.
Biography. Phillip L.
Hammack is Assistant
Professor of Psychology at
the University of
California, Santa Cruz. He
received his Ph.D. from
the University of Chicago
in 2006 and has published
widely in social, cultural,
and developmental
psychology. He is the
author of Narrative and
the Politics of Identity: The Cultural Psychology
of Israeli and Palestinian Youth (Oxford, 2011),
co-editor of The Story of Sexual Identity:
Narrative Perspectives on the Gay and Lesbian
Life Course (Oxford, 2009), and co-editor of the
book series on Sexuality, Identity and Society
published by Oxford University Press. Professor
Hammack’s research examines identity
development in social, cultural, and political
context. He uses multiple methods to
interrogate the relationship between person and
setting. In one line of work, Professor Hammack
highlights the identity dynamics involved in
settings of intractable political conflict, with a
focus on Israeli and Palestinian youth. In
another line of work, he studies the narratives
of youth with same-sex desire as they navigate
(Event 2-022) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 9
Thursday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
Thursday, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
(Event 2-024) Poster Session 2
Exhibit Hall B
Thursday, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
2-022. Transitions From High School
up to Employment: The Influence of
Ascribed and Achieved Characteristics
Psychophysiological responding to 2D
versus 3D film clips
Daniel Bride, Sheila Crowell, Chloe
Skidmore, Caitlin O'Connor, Tammy
Nguyen, Erik Hansen, Jeanine Stefanucci
Does Neighborhood Environment Affect
Girls’ Pubertal Onset? Findings from a
Cohort Study
Julianna Deardorff, Molly Fyfe, John Paul
Ekwaru, Lawrence Kushi, Irene Yen
Latent Profile Analysis of Future Orientation
Related to Education Among Contemporary
Chinese Adolescents
Fengjie Yu, Wenxin Zhang, Shufang Ren,
Hongyu Chen
(Event 2-023) Paper Discussion
East Ballroom Salon A
Thursday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
Time Attitudes and Risk Behaviors among
Adolescents and Young Adults in Nigeria
Samuel Oladipo, Zena Mello, Laura Finan,
KrisAnn McBroom, Carmen Gutíerrez, Frank
2-023. Longitudinal Research
Examining Stability and Change Over
Time in Adolescent Sexual Orientation
and Mental Health
Parenting during Toddlerhood and
Adolescence as Predictors of the Timing of
the Transition to Parenthood
Morgan Bobo, Lee Raby, W Andrew Collins
Family Boundary Patterns, Sibling Warmth,
and Adolescent Adjustment
Sonnette Bascoe, Patrick Davies, E.
A Process-Person-Context Model of
Children’s Social Competence: A Test of
Some Hypotheses Based on
Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory
Godwin Ashiabi, Keri O'Neal
Family Resilience and Filipino Immigrant
Families: Navigating Adolescence
Jacqueline de Guzman, Donna Lero, Susan
Family Health History Communication and
Cancer Worry in Families of Latino Young
Rosalie Corona, John Quillin, Vivian
Rodriguez, Joann Bodurtha
Chair: Tabea Schlimbach
 Transitions From School to Vocational
Training for Low-Qualified Pupils
Birgit Reissig, Tabea Schlimbach
 The Relation Between Extraversion and
Social Capital in Job-Searching: Sequential
or Multiplicative?
Pieter Baay, Marcel van Aken, Denise
Ridder, Tanja Lippe
 PISA Competences and Transitional
Pathways: Results From the Swiss TREE
Sandra Hupka-Brunner, Thomas Meyer,
Barbara Stalder, Anita Keller
Thursday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
Chair: Michael P. Marshal
Discussant: S. Bryn Austin
 Individual Trajectories of Depression and
Suicidality among LGB Youth
Sarah Dermody, Michael Marshal, JeeWon
Cheong, Chad Burton, Mark Friedman
 Longitudinal Latent Trajectories of Sexual
Orientation Identity
Jerel Calzo, S. Bryn Austin, Katherine
Masyn, Hee-Jin Jun, Heather Corliss
 Longitudinal Relations Between Same-Sex
Attraction and Mental Health Outcomes in
Teenagers: Depression and Suicidality
JeeWon Cheong, Mark Friedman, Michael
10 Young adults who live at home: The
precocious events that lead them there
Leslie Haughey, Michael Merten
21 Grade Grubbing May be Hazardous to Your
Health: High School and Student Goal
Orientations and Associations with
Academic Stress
Sarah Miles, Amy Alamar, Denise Pope
11 You Can Do Better: Longitudinal Links
Among Parents’ Competitiveness and
Adolescents’ Depressive Symptoms
Toi Sin Arvidsson, Bao Ho, Jeffrey
Cookston, Delia Saenz
22 A Longitudinal Examination of Academic
Identification in African American
Tanee Hudgens, Akilah Swinton, Elizabeth
Adams, Beth Kurtz-Costes
12 Longitudinal Associations between
Interparental Conflict and Social Skills and
Loneliness in Adolescence
Benjamin Feld, Laura DeRose
23 Facebook and the Social Transition from
High School to College
Melissa Wurster, Melissa Witkow
13 Risky Behaviors in Chilean Female
Adolescents: The Role of Mother-Daughter
Erin Darlington, Benedict McWhirter, Ellen
24 Examining Diverse Expressions of Civic
Engagement: The Role of Contexts
Michelle Sloper, Laura Wray-Lake
25 “My actions do make a difference”: Urban
Adolescents’ Perceptions of Themselves as
School Change Agents
Alexis Harris, Amy Syvertsen
14 The Role of Family Climate in Sibling
Emma Espel, Julia Dmitrieva
15 Perceptions of Neighborhood as Predictors
of Aggression in Urban African American
Youth: A Multilevel Analysis
Edna Romero, Maryse Richards, Patrick
Harrison, Devin Carey
26 Stressful events of young offenders in
southern Brazil
Débora Dell'Aglio, Fernanda Nardi
27 The Development of the Mexican-American
Bicultural Scale
Camille Basilio, George Knight, Megan
O'Donnell, Mark Roosa, Adriana UmañaTaylor, Marisela Torres
16 Perceived Discrimination among Asian
American College Students: The Role of
Emotion Suppression and Ethnic Identity
Crystalia Sulaiman, Irene Park
28 Perceived Discrimination and the
Development of Mexican American
Adolescents’ Prosocial Tendencies:
Examining the Moderating Role of Cultural
Megan O'Donnell, George Knight, Aerika
Brittian, Gustavo Carlo, Adriana UmañaTaylor, Mark Roosa
17 The role of relationship quality in
Community Service in Adolescence
Gabriela Christoph, Burkhard Gniewosz,
Heinz Reinders
18 Game On: Sport Participation as a
Protective Factor for Adjustment Among
Affluent Adolescents
Amanda Ward, Nicole Arola, Lea Travers,
Amy Bohnert, Edin Randall
29 Emotional Response Profiles to Racial
Discrimination: Does Racial Identity Predict
Affective Patterns?
Shawn Jones, Enrique Neblett
19 Boys Think They are Better at Math and
Science, But Girls Will Take the Classes
Anyway: Sex Differences in Taking
Advanced Classes
Blake Nielsen, Anna Gordon, Joan Barth
30 Adolescent and Emerging Adult Women’s
perceptions of Heterosexual Scripting in
Music Videos: Associations with Sexual
Kathleen Rodgers, Stacey Hust, Thomas
20 Problematic Internet Use and Adjustment of
Chinese Adolescents Problematic Internet
Use and Adjustment of Chinese Adolescents
Guanqi Hang, Paul Stey, Daniel Lapsley
31 The Joint Influence of Maternal Stress on
Mother and Teacher Ratings of ADHD: A
Multivariate Response Model
Daniella Biondic, Dillon Browne, Judith
43 Interpersonal Peer Victimization: Unique
Contributions to Adolescents’ Symptoms of
Social Anxiety and Depression
Annette La Greca, Sherilynn Chan, Ryan
Landoll, Rebecca Siegel
32 Exploring a Possible College Drinking
Motive: Defiance
James Harter, Michael MacLean
44 Adolescent Defending and Secondary
Aggressing: Contrasting Peer Roles Across
Traditional and Electronic Bullying
Heather McCuaig Edge, Wendy Craig,
Ashley Murphy-Legate
33 Teens who Drink: Risk Factors that Predict
Alcohol Use
Amy Baykey, Kyle Matsuba
45 Can Family Cohesion or School Support
Moderate the Effect of Peer Victimization on
Latino Youth’s Development?
Alexander Reid, Artin Baghramian, Paige
Seegan, Scott Plunkett, Andrew Behnke,
Carolyn Henry
34 Dysfunctional Individuation, Perfectionism
and Disordered Eating Attitudes
Erin Reilly, Daniel Lapsley, Paul Stey
35 Fathers’ Direct and Indirect Effects on
Adolescent Girls’ and Boys’ Disordered
Eating Behaviors
Elizabeth Blodgett Salafia, Amanda Bulat
46 Gender Differences in the Co-Perpetration
of Bullying and Teen Dating Violence
Jeff Temple, Patricia van den Berg, Melissa
Peskin, Susan Tortolero
36 No nonsense Parenting and Sexual
Resilience: Mediators in the Relationship
between Cumulative Disadvantage and
Academic Outcomes
Antoinette Landor, Leslie Simons
47 Corumination Within Multiple Relationships
in Emerging Adulthood
Catherine Bagwell, Michelle Schmidt, Beth
Kelly, Katelin Peterson
37 Adolescent mechanisms in the relationship
between experiences of sexual abuse and
adult sexual risk behavior.
Mugdha Galande, J.Bart Klika, Todd
48 Relationship Qualities' Associations with
Late Adolescents' and Emerging Adults’
Ambivalence about Sexual Intercourse
Julie Hill, Julia Graber
49 Perceptions of Housing Services and
Utilization Among Homeless Emerging
Tiffany Ryan, Sanna Thompson
38 Traditional Gender Roles, Educational
Beliefs, and Condom Attitudes in a Latino
Adolescent Sample
Rosalie Corona, Vera Lopez, Raquel Halfond
50 Mediating Effect of Emotional Intelligence,
Self-efficacy and Self-esteem Between
Perceived Emotional Warmth and Life
Rita Zukauskiene, Oksana Malinauskiene,
Rimantas Vosylis, Rasa Erentaite
39 Gender Differences in the Psychosocial
Effects of Stressors on Multiethnic Urban
Amitte Rosenfeld, Cassandra Stanton
41 Longitudinal Investigation of Popularity and
Adolescent Cyber Social Behaviors
Yan Li, Michelle Wright, Linda Camras
51 Direct and indirect peer influence of
adolescent non-suicidal self-injury: The role
of friends’ depressive symptoms and
Matteo Giletta, William Burk, Ron Scholte,
Rutger Engels, Mitchell Prinstein
42 Peer Victimization and Birth Date: The
Relative Age Effect on Being Bullied
Christine Blain-Arcaro, Amanda Krygsman,
Cindy Do, Jennifer Hepditch, Shelley
Hymel, Patricia McDougall, Lesley
Cunningham, Kathy Short, Tracy
52 Social Networks and Psychological WellBeing among Multiracial Early Adolescents
Yiyuan Xu, Puanani Hee
63 When Life Hands you a Lemon: Learning
Cognitive Reappraisal Through
Intergenerational Storytelling
Lauren Shapiro
53 Resource Control as an Organizing Feature
in Adolescent Friendship Networks
Kathryn Stump
64 Protective Factors Moderate the Association
Between Children’s Daily Mood and Daily
Intrafamilial Aggression
Allison Maxwell, Brian Baucom, Gayla
54 Correlates of Prosocial Behavior of
Ethnically/Racially Diverse Youth: School
Community and Cross-Ethnic/Racial
Asha Spivak, Samantha Simmons, Sandra
Graham, Jaana Juvonen
65 Development of a New Measure for Culture
Vanja Lazarevic, Marcela Raffaelli
55 Romantic Experiences of Homeland and
Diaspora South Asian Youth: Westernizing
Processes of Media and Friends
Amrit Dhariwal, Jennifer Connolly
66 The Effects of Three Interventions on
Delinquent Behaviors Among Homeless
Yunhwan Kim, Natasha Slesnick
56 The Role of Sexual Activity in Peer
Attachment Formation
Harry Freeman, Jillian Logan, Alison Irvine
67 Developing Core Competencies in At-Risk
Adolescents: Piloting the Positive Life
Changes Intervention in an Alternative
Carly Dierkhising, Ariel Williamson, Misaki
57 Relations of Detachment and Separation
with Adolescent Maladjustment:
Relationship Quality With Parents and Peers
as Moderators
Justin Jager, Marc Bornstein, Diane Putnick,
Charlene Hendricks, Cynthia Yuen
68 The Role of Close Intimate Friendship in the
link between Reactive Aggression and Child
Depressive Symptoms
Teresa Preddy, Paula Fite, Michael Vitulano,
Alden Gaertner
58 Acculturation and English Literacy Skills in
Immigrant Chinese Adolescence
Fanli Jia, Kateryna Synyak, Adrian
Pasquarella, Alexandra Gottardo
69 Designing and Evaluating Implicit
Association Tests for the Assessment of
Dayton Richards, Mandi Burnette
59 Adolescent Authenticity: Associations with
Parent Authenticity and Youth Mental
Rachel Lucas-Thompson, Amanda Wenzel
70 Exploring the Safe Haven and the Secure
Base: New Insights in the Relation Between
Parenting, Attachment and Adolescent
Stijn Van Petegem, Wim Beyers, Bart
Soenens, Maarten Vansteenkiste
60 Gender Invariance of the Children’s
Attributional Style Questionnaire in a
Community Sample of Low-Income Minority
Alyx Kesselring, Noni Gaylord-Harden,
Daniel Dickson, Kathryn Grant
71 Expression of Self-Conscious Affect: Age
and Gender Differences across Adolescence
Dianna Lanteigne, Jenny Glozman, Alessia
Milano, Michael Tung, Serena Wong, Tom
61 Another Venue for Problematic
Interpersonal Behavior: Effects of
Depressive and Anxious Symptoms on
Social Networking Experiences
Brian Feinstein, Vickie Bhatia, Rachel
Hershenberg, Joanne Davila
72 I Just Can’t Stop Feeling Upset: Parent to
Child Aggression and Emotion Regulation in
Larissa Borofsky, Darby Saxbe, Sandra
Elmgren, Michelle Ramos, Xiao-Fei Yang,
Gayla Margolin
82 A Retrospective Exploration of Stress and
Trauma Experienced by Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender Adolescents
Stephanie Lyon
83 Health Consequences of Racist and Antigay Discrimination for Multiple Minority
Brian Thoma, David Huebner
73 Adolescents’ Facial EMG Responses to
Dynamic Emotional Expressions
Jolien van der Graaff, Susan Branje, Minet
de Wied, Anton Van Boxtel, Wim Meeus
84 From Love to Sex: Popular Music Lyrics
Brittany Hearon, Andrew Smiler
74 Relationships of Loneliness, Social Support,
and Problem Behavior for Taiwanese Junior
High School Students
Yuh-Ling Shen, Tai-Lung Wu
Thursday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
75 Autonomy-Supportive Middle School
Classrooms: A Qualitative Study of Eight
Alexandra Skoog, Rob Jagers, Nicholas
(Event 2-025) Paper Discussion
East Ballroom Salon C
Thursday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
76 Emotions Following Moral Decision-Making
and Adolescent’s Prosocial Behavior
Maria Chaparro, Tina Malti, Marlis
2-025. Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Social Influences on Risk-Taking in
Adolescence and Early Adulthood at
Neural and Behavioral Levels
77 Parental Closeness Predicted Effortful
Control and Executive Functioning in
Emerging Adults
Kelsie Hendrickson, Maria Wong, Kendra
Chair: Jennifer Pfeifer
Discussant: Laurence Steinberg
 An fMRI Study of Familial Influence on
Adolescent Risk Taking
Eva Telzer, Andrew Fuligni, Matt Lieberman,
Adriana Galvan
 Risk-Taking, Social Exclusion, and Peer
Influence in Adolescence and Early
Adulthood: From Behavior to Brain
Shannon Peake, Jennifer Pfeifer, Elizabeth
Stormshak, Thomas Dishion
 Neurocognitive Buffers of Social Influence on
Risky Driving in Adolescents
Emily Falk
79 Negative Religious Messages and
Separation from Religion among
Transgender Youth
Jno Glenn, Jenifer McGuire
80 Links among Adolescent Recognitions of
Childhood Family Atmosphere,
Disobedience toward Parents, and Current
Ego Development
Madoka Mogaki
81 Racial Identity among Chinese and Malay
Adolescents in Singapore
Tick-Ngee Sim, Glanies Ng
(Event 2-027) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 10
Thursday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
2-027. Stability and Change in
Adolescents’ Civic Attitudes: Findings
from Germany, the United States, and
the Czech Republic
Short and Long Term Prospective Effects of
Neighborhood Risk on Youth Adjustment
Lyndsey Moran, Liliana Lengua, Maureen
Zalewski, Cara Kiff, Nicole Bush
(Event 2-029) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 12
Thursday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
Chair: Jan Serek
Discussant: Connie Flanagan
 Stability and Change of Socio-Political
Attitudes in Adolescence: The Influence of
Internal and External Motivation to Respond
Without Prejudice
Katharina Eckstein, Peter Noack, Thomas
Martin, Burkhard Gniewosz
 Stability and Change in Domains of U. S.
Emerging Adults’ Civic Attitudes during a
Co-Curricular Community Service
Sara Johnson, Preston Britner
 How Easy Is to Become Alienated? Stability
and Change of First-Time Voters’ Civic
Attitudes over the Election Year
Jan Serek, Zuzana Petrovicova, Petr Macek
2-029. Examining the Complexity of
Teen Mothers’ Lives: Resources,
Support, and Parenting
Chair: Sarah Kendig
Discussant: Ariel Kalil
 Teenage Mothers’ Utilization of Health
Benefits: Influences of Social Support
Kelly Purtell, Sarah Kendig, Rob Crosnoe, Liz
 Teen Mothers’ and Fathers’ Accounts of
Coparenting Relationships and DecisionMaking Before, During, and After Pregnancy
Stefanie Mollborn, Janet Jacobs
 A Longitudinal Examination of Social
Support and Self-esteem Interacting to
Inform Mexican-origin Teen Moms’ Parenting
Adriana Umaña-Taylor, Amy Guimond,
Kimberly Updegraff, Laudan Jahromi
(Event 2-028) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 11
Thursday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
(Event 2-030) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 13
Thursday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
2-028. Putting DevelopmentalEcological Models to the Test:
Mediators and Moderators of
Neighborhood Risk on Adolescent
2-030. Developmental Trajectories of
Positive Affect Systems and Rewardrelated Circuitry During Adolescence: A
Focus on Risk for Depression
Chair: Elisa M. Trucco
Discussant: Patrick H. Tolan
 Risky Neighborhoods, Parents, and Peers: A
Cascade Model of Early Adolescent
Substance Use and Reciprocal Influences
Elisa Trucco, Craig Colder
 The Costs of Active Coping for Youth
Residing in Urban Poverty
Kristin Carothers, David Meyerson, Jocelyn
Carter, Kathryn Grant
Chair: Dana L. McMakin
 Positive Affect in Early Adolescence Predicts
Volumetric Growth Trajectories in Right
Caudate Between Early and Mid Adolescence
Meg Dennison, Sarah Whittle, Murat Yücel,
Nicholas Allen
The Rewarding Nature of Peer Acceptance in
the Adolescent Brain
Amanda Guyer, Justin Caouette, Clinton Lee,
Daniel Pine, Eric Nelson
Neural Response to Maternal Praise in
Adolescents at High and Low Risk for
Jennifer Silk, Kyung Hwa Lee, Ronald Dahl,
Greg Siegle
Neural Aspects of Positive Affect in Late
Adolescents with a History of Depression:
Ventral Striatum Connectivity during
Response to Monetary Reward
Erika Forbes, Nikhil Kurapati, Daniel Shaw
Gender Differences in the ‘Costs’ of Going to
College: Distancing and Alienation from
Family in Asian and Latino Emerging Adults
Margarita Azmitia, Kimberley Radmacher
Sex Differences in Parental Conditional
Regard, Parents and Peers Intimacy Among
Arab Youth
Fadi Ayoub, Ruth Sharabany
Vulnerability to the Experience of
Conditional Parental Regard in the Academic
Domain: Gender Differences and Possible
Avi Assor, Anat Shavit Miller, Anat Moed
(Event 2-031) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 14
Thursday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
(Event 2-033) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 17
Thursday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
2-031. Adolescents' Experiences of
Music, Media and Popular Culture:
Exploring Contexts, Engagement,
Emotional and Personal Meanings
2-033. Development of Moral
Emotions and Moral Personality in
Chair: Tobias Krettenauer
 Do Moral Choices Make Us Happy? The
Development of Adolescents’ Emotions
Following Moral Decision-Making
Tina Malti, Marlis Buchmann
 Differential Relations of Guilt, Shame, and
Sympathy to Prosocial Moral Reasoning,
Prosocial and Aggressive Behaviors
Gustavo Carlo, Meredith McGinley,
Alexandra Davis
 Personality Traits and Moral Emotion
Attributions as Predictors of Antisocial
Conduct in Early Adulthood: Findings From a
20-Years Longitudinal Study
Tobias Krettenauer, Jens Asendorpf, Gertrud
 Age and Personality Differences in
Adolescents’ and Emerging Adults’ Empathic
and Non-Empathic Life Narratives
Kendall Soucie, Ty Pattridge, Michelle
Wright, Michael Pratt
Chair: Susan A. O'Neill
 Adolescents’ Personal Meanings of Music in
Real-World Contexts: An Exploratory Study
of Youth Activity Engagement and Emotional
Susan O'Neill, Sandra Bosacki
 Ubiquitous and Interconnected: Adolescent
Multimodal Experiences and Engagement
with Music and Digital Media
Deanna Peluso, Susan O'Neill
 Admiring, Aspiring and Becoming: Exploring
Early Adolescents’ Real-World Music
Learning Experiences
Yaroslav Senyshyn, Susan O'Neill
(Event 2-032) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 15
Thursday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
2-032. Gender Differences in
Response to Parental Conditioning
Regard, Perceived Value of Education
and School Adaptation of Adolescents
Chair: Margarita Azmitia
(Event 2-034) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 18
Thursday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
(Event 2-036) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 2
Thursday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
2-034. Contextual Influences on the
Effectiveness of Interventions
Conducted with Youth:Evidence from
Three Meta-Analyses
2-036. Rumination and Depression in
Adolescence: Pathways, Predictors,
and Processes
Chairs: Lauren B. Alloy, Amy Mezulis
 Rumination Mediates the Association
Between Anxiety and Depression in Late
Adolescence for Girls
Gretchen Gudmundsen, Molly Adrian, Ann
Vander Stoep, Elizabeth McCauley
 Executive Function, Cognitive Vulnerability,
and Depressive Symptoms: A Multi-Method,
Prospective Study
Benjamin Shapero, Lauren Alloy, Lyn
 The Role of Maternal Depression in the
Intergenerational Transmission of Cognitive
Olga Obraztsova, Nicole Newton, Denise
LaBelle, Lauren Alloy, Lyn Abramson
 Emotional and Physiological Reactivity
Predict Cognitive Reactivity to Induced
Marissa Rudolph, Amy Mezulis, Katherine
Davis, Tyler Laney, Kara Pegram, Sarah
Chair: Kathryn Grant
Discussant: David DuBois
 Meta-analysis of Mentoring Interventions to
Affect Juvenile Delinquency and Associated
Peter Lovegrove, Patrick Tolan
 The Effects of Coping Interventions on
Psychosocial Functioning in Youth: A MetaAnalytic Review
Noni Gaylord-Harden, Sophia Duffy,
Jacqueline Doxie, David DuBois, Kathryn
Grant, Lindsay Nolan
 Community-Based Mental Health and
Behavioral Programs for Low-Income, Urban
Youth: A Meta-Analytic Review
Farahnaz Farahmand, Sophia Duffy, Megha
Tailor, David DuBois, Aaron Lyon, Kathryn
Grant, Jennifer Czarlinski, Olivia Masini
(Event 2-035) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 19
Thursday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
(Event 2-037) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 3
Thursday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
2-035. The Internet as a Tool for
Positive Youth Development: Benefits
and Risk for LGBT Youth
2-037. How do we Understand
Narrative Identity? Three Principled
Approaches With Methodological
Chair: Michele Ybarra
 Online and Offline Bullying and Social
Support: Predictors of Mental Well-Being for
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
Emily Greytak, Joseph Kosciw
 Technology-mediated Benefits and Risks for
LGBT Youth versus non-LGBT Youth
Kimberly Mitchell, Michele Ybarra, Josephine
 Online Threats to Positive Youth
Development: Online Behaviors Related to
Sexual Risk Offline
Josephine Korchmaros, Michele Ybarra,
Kimberly Mitchell
Chair: Tilmann Habermas
 Merging Monologic and Dialogic Methods to
Capture Narrative Identity Development
Avril Thorne
 The Thematic Life Story Interview as a
Method to tap Identity Formative Processes
Elli Schachter
 Small Story Telling Practices in Adolescence
Michael Bamberg
(Event 2-038) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 7
Thursday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
2-038. Moving Beyond Selection and
Influence Processes in Adolescents’
Social Networks: Unraveling the Roles
of Different Behaviors, Networks, and
Creating Youth Systems to Transform the
Lives of Young People in Low-income
Jonathan Zaff, Elizabeth Jones, Forrest
Moore, Andrew Wagoner, Emily Lin, Ernest
Bihm, Jingtong Pan, Elizabeth Shuey,
Jennifer Prescott, Keren Elkayam
Thursday, 12:45 pm - 1:45 pm
(Event 2-041) Emerging Scholar Session
East Meeting 16
Thursday, 12:45 pm - 1:45 pm
Chair: Jan Kornelis Dijkstra
Discussant: Mitchell J. Prinstein
 Peer Effects of Aggressive and Prosocial
Behavior in Early Adolescence: An Empirical
Test of Selection and Influence
Andres Molano, Stephanie Jones, Joshua
Brown, Lawrence Aber
 Popular-Aggressive and Popular-Prosocial
Youth: Selection and Influence Processes in
Friendship and Affiliative Networks
Handrea Logis, Hai-Jeong Ahn, Philip
Rodkin, Scott Gest
 The Effect of Status Norms on Selection and
Influence Processes in Adolescents’
Antisocial Attitudes
Tobias Stark, Ashwin Rambaran, Jan
Kornelis Dijkstra
2-041. Emerging Scholars Event Coffee & Conversation I
Moderator: Andrea Finlay
 A Day in the Life of an Assistant Professor
Jeffrey Cookston
 Mentoring Undergraduate and Graduate
Eva Lefkowitz
 Work-Life Balance
Vonnie McLoyd
 Applied and Policy Research
Stephen Russell
Thursday, 1:45 pm - 3:15 pm
(Event 2-039) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 8
Thursday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
(Event 2-042) Poster Session 3
Exhibit Hall B
Thursday, 1:45 pm - 3:15 pm
2-039. Communities collaborating to
promote positive youth development:
Theory, practice, and research
Chair: Forrest Moore
 Community Youth Development Initiative:
Promoting Youth Engagement through
Lisa Westrich, Amy Gerstein, Maria
 Say Yes to Education in Syracuse
David Osher, Rebecca Herman
 Communities that Care: Using Prevention
Science to Prevent Drug Use and
J. David Hawkins, Richard Catalano
Neural Correlates of Incentive Processing in
Adolescence: Insights from Social Phobia
and Early-life Behavioral Inhibition
Clinton Lee, Justin Caouette, Koraly PerezEdgar, Nathan Fox, Monique Ernst, Daniel
Pine, Amanda Guyer
Assessment of Inattention and
Hyperactivity in Youth with Spina Bifida
Utilizing the SNAP-IV: Influence of Illness
Severity and Gender.
Lauren O'Hara, Grayson Holmbeck
A Longitudinal Research on the Relations of
Adolescent’s Future Orientation and
Emotional Adjustments
Shuqiong Wang, Wenxin Zhang, Hongyu
Chen, Shufang Ren
Attitudes toward the Past, the Present, and
the Future in Nigeria and in the United
States among Adolescents and Young
Laura Finan, Zena Mello, Samuel Oladipo,
KrisAnn McBroom, Carmen Gutíerrez, Frank
14 Siblings Versus Parents and Peers: Relative
Effects of Sibling Conflict and Externalizing
Problems on Youth Externalizing Problems
Ivy Defoe, Skyler Hawk, Loes Keijsers,
Susan Branje, Kirsten Buist, Judith Dubas,
Marcel van Aken, Pol van Lier, Hans Koot,
Wim Meeus
The Role of Parenting Attributions and
Perceptions on Child Negativity during
Adolescent Mother-Child Interactions
Laura Rose, Courtney Green, Charissa
15 Differences in Prediction of Delinquency: A
Comparison of Parent- and AdolescentReports
Jennifer Hayman, Sarah Domoff, Carolyn
The Interaction between Behavioral Control
and Family Routine among African
American Families with Adolescents
Mia Budescu, Ronald Taylor
16 Participation in Authoritative Communities
as a Predictor of Youth Adjustment
Marjorie Gunnoe
Poverty trajectories in childhood are
associated with poor academic and
social/emotional outcomes in eighth grade:
ECLS-K findings
Sarah Oberlander, Amy Madigan, Sarah
17 Ethnic Selection of Extracurricular Activities
and Sense of Belonging in Urban Middle
Casey Knifsend, Jaana Juvonen
18 Trajectories of Participation in Athletics and
Positive Youth Development: The Influence
of Sport Type
Jennifer Agans
Parental Conflict and Emotional Insecurity:
A Test of Cultural Moderation among
Chinese Families
Rebecca Y. M. Cheung, Yan Li, E.
19 Parental Educational Expectations and
Academic Efficacy in Adolescent Twins
Adrienne Woods, Kathryn Harden, Natalie
Kretsch, Daniel Briley, Elliot Tucker-Drob
Relational Aggression in Observed Family
Interactions of Female Juvenile Offenders
Erin Taylor, Charles Borduin
20 Family Life Education in India: An Overview
Bijaya Malik
21 Refugee Immigrant Adolescents: The
Relationships Between Peer Connectedness
and Academic Self-Efficacy, Educational
Barriers, Parental Monitoring, and School
Laura Ramzy, Krista Chronister
10 Variations in domain specific parenting
practices and parent-adolescent conflict
Nadia Sorkhabi, Ellen Middaugh
11 Relation Importance of Parental Behaviors
to Latino Adolescents’ Integrity, Abilities,
Achievement, and Family Life
Dani Yomtov, Dan Weisbach, Lidia Corral,
Scott Plunkett
22 Direct and Indirect Effects of Social Class
on Career Expectations in Adolescence
Sarah Schmitt-Wilson, Marilyn Welsh
12 The Effects of Couple Relationship
Satisfaction on Family Conflict and on
Adolescents’ Future Antisocial Behavior
Jenna Wheeler, Benedict McWhirter,
Thomas Dishion, Elizabeth Stormshak
23 Academic Performance and the MiddleSchool Transition: External and Internal
Martin Jones, Neil Perdue, David Estell,
Joseph Hansel
13 Expressing Love to Adolescents: Diverse
Mothers’ Beliefs and Behaviors
Robbie Richwine, Christy Buchanan
24 Getting Involved: Predictors of Community
Commitment in a Longitudinal Analysis
Across Adolescence and Emerging
Melissa Sleightholm, Michael Pratt, Joan
Norris, Susan Alisat
35 Disordered Eating Attitudes in Middle
School: Associations with Individual,
Family, and School-Level Factors
Jessica Cance, Alexandra Loukas, Anna
25 Empowering Youth through Photovoice
Suzanne Pritzker, Alicia LaChapelle
36 Attitudes of Youth Who Obtain or Provide
Reproductive Health Products and Services
Daniel LeBouthillier, Scott Ronis
26 Tribal differences in adolescent adjustment
following post-election violence in Kenya
Anne Gitere, Sophie Muchina, Abigael Bett,
Stephanie Milan
37 The Role of Gender in Determining Sexual
Motives in a Hookup
Shannon Snapp, Brianna Cheney, Margaret
Galiani, Rene' Lento
27 Role of Bicultural Identification on AnxiousDepressed Symptoms for Asian and Latino
Taveeshi Gupta, Selcuk Sirin, Patrice Ryce,
Sumie Okazaki
38 Sleep Disturbances in Young Adolescents
with Spina Bifida, and the Relation to Pain
Intensity and Health-Related Quality of Life
Alexandra Psihogios, Grayson Holmbeck
39 Financial adaptation among young adults:
Coping with financial strain during
economic recession
Soyeon Shim, Jing Xiao, Chuanyi Tang,
Noel Card
28 Mid-Adolescent Predictors of Life
Satisfaction in Early Adulthood: Chinese
American and European American Contrasts
Carol Huntsinger, Paul Jose
29 Effects of Racial Discrimination and Ethnic
Identity on Depression among Cambodian
American Adolescents
Cindy Sangalang
40 Beyond the Munchies: Self-reported
Marijuana Consequences and Implications
for Intervention Research
Theresa Walter, Jason Kilmer, Christine
Lee, Diane Logan
30 Influences on Gender Role Attitudes among
Mexican Adolescents
Megan Kuykendoll
41 Bullying Behaviour and Adolescent Risk
Factors in a High-Risk Sample: A
Longitudinal Intergenerational Study
Lindsey Barrieau, Dale Stack, Leah Enns,
Lisa Serbin, Jane Ledingham, Alex
31 Traits of Autism Spectrum Disorder in
College Students: Relations to Social and
Emotional Functioning
Elizabeth Baroni, Melissa Hord, Ethan
Rothstein, Patricia Dieter, Cynthia Erdley
42 Sexual and Nonsexual Peer Victimization
During Adolescence: Connections to Social
Carie Buchanan, Patricia McDougall, Shelley
Hymel, Terry Waterhouse
32 Middle Childhood Peer Competence and
Peers’, Parents’ and Romantic Partners’
Concurrent and Prospective Influences on
Adolescent Alcohol Use
Clio Pitula, Michelle Englund
43 Reputational Peer Victimization and
Substance Use in Adolescence: A
Prospective Study
Sherilynn Chan, Annette La Greca, Whitney
Herge, Betty Lai
33 Surfing the Urge to Use Alcohol: An
Adolescent Treatment Study
Jennifer Harris, David Stewart, Ben
44 Age and Gender Moderate the Relation
Between Internalizing Symptoms and Peer
Vicitimization: A Prospective Study
Tess Drazdowski, Wendy Kliewer
34 Developmental Considerations Promoting
Media Literacy Among Early Adolescents
Deborah Schooler, Andrés Núñez, Ricardo
45 Links between Bully Victimization and
Substance-Use in Early Adolescence: The
Mediating Role of Self-Esteem
Mrinalini Rao, Dorothy Espelage, Todd Little
56 To accept or to reject: what does one
expect? The effects of rejection sensitivity
on future adolescent romantic relationships
Ann Spilker, Christopher Hafen, Joanna
Chango, Emiy Loeb, Joseph Allen
46 Associations between Intimacy Skills and
Friendship Intimacy: A Longitudinal Study
Chong-Man Chow, Holly Roelse, Duane
57 The impact of psychological need
satisfaction at home and at school on
adolescent health behaviors
Sari Arel, Geneviève Taylor, Richard
47 Perceptions of Friendship Among Youth
With Distressed Friends
Erin Hill, Lance Swenson
58 There is More Stress Involved in Adolescent
Anxiety than You Might Think: Cortisol and
Anxiety Disorder Symptom Development
Stefanie Nelemans, William Hale, Susan
Branje, Wim Meeus
48 The Relationship between Narcissism and
Friendship Qualities in Adolescents: Gender
as a Moderator
Hui Zhou, Yan Li, Bao Zhang
59 Never You, Always Me: Cognitive Errors
Predicting Depressive Symptoms in 12 - 15
Years old Adolescents
Karlijn Kindt, Rutger Engels, Yuli Tak, Rinka
Van Zundert
49 Parent-Adolescent Conflict: The Role of
Alexandra Main, Joseph Campos, Qing Zhou
50 Development of Adolescents’ Peer Crowd
Identification in Relation to Changes in
Problem Behaviors
Suzan Doornwaard, Susan Branje, Tom ter
Bogt, Wim Meeus
60 The Effects of BMI and Eating- and WeightRelated Disturbances on Depression
Trajectories Across Adolescence
Ashley Morgan, Jennine Rawana
51 Neuroticism, Social Support, and the
Timing of First Parenthood: A
Developmental Sequence
Olaf Reis, Holger von der Lippe, Mareike
61 Trajectories of Internalizing Mental Health
Symptoms for Immigrant Adolescents: A
Longitudinal Investigation
Selcuk Sirin, Patrice Ryce, Taveeshi Gupta,
Dalal Katsiaficas, Carola Suarez-Orozco,
Lauren Rogers-Sirin
52 Perceived High-status Peers’ Influence on
Early Adolescents’ Physical Aggression: A
Longitudinal Study
Shuangju Zhen, Hongling Xie, Wei Zhang
62 Mental Health and Suicidality Among
Adolescents in Foster Care
Catherine White, Kirk O'Brien
53 Developmental Trajectories of Physical,
Verbal and Relational Aggression and
Victimization During Childhood and
Idean Ettekal, Gary Ladd
63 Differential Susceptibility to the
Environment: Assessing the Convergent
Validity of Behavioral and Physiological
Lauren Troy, Joanna Herres, Roger Kobak
54 Mediating Effect of Perceived Closeness to
Parents in the Relation Between Parenting
and Adolescent Empathy and Prosocial
Hana Yoo, Xin Feng, Randal Day
64 The Effect of Executive Functions in the
Relationship Between Active Coping and
Internalizing Symptoms in AfricanAmerican Youth
Arie Zakaryan, Noni Gaylord-Harden, Alyx
55 Adolescent Romantic Relationships and
Depressive Symptoms: The Importance of
Emotion Regulation and Close Friendships
David Szwedo, Joanna Chango, Megan
Schad, Erin Miga, Amanda Hare, Nell
Manning, Joseph Allen
65 Reliability and Validity of the Risk Tolerance
Scale in College Students
Catherine Chou, Shelly Sadek, Nancy
66 Wilderness Therapy for Adolescents with
Substance Abuse Issues: Attitudinal
Change and Client Perspectives
Laura Millls
76 The Role of Adolescents' Morality and
Identity in Volunteering. Age and Gender
Differences in a Process model.
Anne van Goethem, Anne van Hoof, Marcel
van Aken, Jan Boom, Bram Orobio de
67 Trajectories of Positive Youth Development,
Substance Use, and Delinquency in a
Nationally Representative Sample of US
Michael Warren, Laura Wray-Lake
77 Assessing Reliability in Measures of
Adolescent Intentional Self-Regulation: The
Alpha and the Omega
Christopher Napolitano, Megan Mueller,
Kristina Schmid, G. John Geldhof
68 Relation of Parents' Beliefs About
Aggression to Changes in Children's Beliefs
and Actual Aggression Over Time
Erin Bishop, Malcolm Watson
78 The Developing Religious Self: The
Longitudinal Relationships Between
Religious Commitment and Religious High
Point Stories
Susan Alisat, Michael Pratt, Wissam AlDabbagh
69 A Short-Term Longitudinal Study of the
Links Between Personality Disorder Traits,
Physical and Social Aggression and
Nonaggressive Antisocial Behavior
Roseann Larstone, Shelley Hymel, Joanna
Gentsch, Elica Rahdar, Lisa Rosen, Marion
79 Using the IPSQ-Sort to Examine Identity
Style of Mandarin speaking Adolescents
Hai-Yun Yang, Douglas Maynard, Joe
70 Difficult Temperament, Attachment
Security, and Risk Taking During
Anne Stright
80 Adolescent Identity Commitment,
Automatic Thoughts, and Psychological
States: An Examination of Hobfoll’s
71 Cognitive Bias = Emotional Bias:
Interpretations of Cues as Predictors of
Emotion Reactions after Peer Victimization
Ashley Murphy-Legate, Allison Rinne,
Wendy Craig, Tom Hollenstein
Conservation of Resources Theory
Kun-Hu Chen, Keng-Ling Lay
82 The Harassment due to Gender
Nonconformity Scale: Psychometric
properties and associations with depression
Elana August, Alexa Martin-Storey
72 Adolescents’ Emotion Regulation Strategies,
Self-Concept, and Internalizing Behaviors
Manying Hsieh, Anne Stright
83 Young People’s Digital Lives: The Impact of
Digital Media Use and Interpersonal
Relationships on Adolescents’ Sense of
Katie Davis
73 Childhood Patterns of Mental Health,
Deviant Friends in Early Adolescence, and
Health and Impairment Across Adolescence
Jeffrey Armstrong, Paula Ruttle, Linnea
Burk, Marilyn Essex
84 Models of Internalizing Symptoms in LGBTQ
Youth Reconsidered: Mediation vs.
Jordan Simonson, Sarah Crystal, Amy
74 Adolescents’ accounts of helping and
hurting others: Lessons about the
development of moral agency
Stacia Bourne, Holly Recchia, Cecilia
75 Moderating Influences of Psychological
Separation from the Father on Self-Focused
Life Views and Maladaptive Cognitions
Madhavi Menon, Darren Stern, Elizabeth
Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
(Event 2-044) Paper Discussion
East Ballroom Salon C
Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
(Event 2-042.5) Emerging Scholar Session
East Meeting 16
Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
2-044. Explaining responses to
bullying, victimization and other
interpersonal stress: Emotion, goals,
competence and the role of parents
2-042.5. Emerging Scholars
Community Meeting
Emerging Scholar Representatives: Carolyn
Spellings, Laura Wray-Lake
Chair: Melanie J. Zimmer-Gembeck
 Peer Harassment and Socio-emotional
Adjustment: The Moderating Role of Parents’
Victimization-Related Beliefs
Wendy Troop-Gordon, Haeli Gerardy
 Anticipated Coping with Interpersonal
Stressors: Associations with the Emotional
Reactions of Sadness, Anger, and Fear
Melanie Zimmer-Gembeck, Danielle Lees,
Ellen Skinner
 Developing Relationships, Being Cool, and
Not Looking Like a Loser: Social Goal
Orientation Predicts Responses to Peer
Jamie Abaied, Karen Rudolph
All student and new professional attendees are
invited to join the Emerging Scholar
Representatives for afternoon snacks and
conversation. This event is designed both to be
an open forum for discussion about the needs
and experiences of emerging scholars in SRA.
Emerging Scholar Committee members will
share information about new initiatives to
gather feedback from attendees on key issues.
Attend this meeting and have a chance to win a
free one-year SRA membership!
(Event 2-043) Paper Discussion
East Ballroom Salon A
Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
(Event 2-045) Roundtable
East Meeting 1
Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
2-043. Health Disparities in
Disadvantaged Adolescents: Exploring
the Physiological Pathways of
Interpersonal and Environmental
2-045. Social Media Use and
Psychosocial Development
Moderator: Brendesha Tynes
Panelists: Jenna Weidenbenner, Aimee
Rickman, Gabriela Walker
Chair: Leah Doane Sampey
Discussant: Andrew J. Fuligni
 Life Course Socioeconomic Status, ParentChild Asynchrony, and Physiological
Responses to Family Conflict
Meanne Chan, Edith Chen
 Relationships of Race/Ethnicity and
Discrimination With Systolic Blood Pressure
Akilah Dulin Keita, Krista Casazza, Amanda
Willig, Belinda Needham, Jose Fernandez
 Perceived Discrimination and Diurnal
Cortisol Profiles: Examining Relations Among
Mexican American Adolescents
Katharine Zeiders, Leah Doane Sampey,
Mark Roosa
(Event 2-046) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 10
Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
(Event 2-048) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 12
Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
2-046. The Distinct Functions of
Intimacy versus Passion:
Advancements in Understanding
Romantic Relationship Dynamics in
2-048. Externalizing Behavior in
Maltreated Adolescents: Elucidating
Developmental Pathways
Chair: Penelope K. Trickett
 Community Violence Exposure and
Aggressive Behavior Among a Sample of
Maltreated and Non-maltreated Adolescents
Kristopher Stevens, Penelope Trickett
 Developmental Relations Between
Depressive Symptoms and Externalizing
Behavior: Moderation by Gender Among
Maltreated Adolescents
Matthew Brensilver, Ferol Mennen
 The Developmental Pathway from Pubertal
Timing to Sexual Activity and Substance Use
for Maltreated Adolescents
Sonya Negriff, Penelope Trickett
Chairs: Jennifer Connolly, Shmuel Shulman
 Quality of Interaction, Sexual Behavior, and
Mood in Adolescent Romantic Relationships:
A Diary Data Approach
Sophie Walsh, Shmuel Shulman, Gil Levi,
Maya Cohen-Carmeli
 Romantic Motives and Styles in a CrossNational Sample of South Asian Youth: The
Role of Parents and Friends
Amrit Dhariwal, Jennifer Connolly
 Intimate and Passionate Experiences and
Links to Conflict and Jealousy in Adolescent
Romantic Relationships: A Dyadic
Inge Seiffge-Krenke, William Burk
(Event 2-049) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 13
Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
(Event 2-047) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 11
Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
2-049. Why Adolescents’ Experiences
of Positive Events and Their Reactions
to Them May Matter
2-047. Social Inventions in Different
Countries to Improve the Transition to
Chair: Amy L. Gentzler
Discussant: Erika E. Forbes
 Young adolescents’ emotional reactions and
regulatory responses to positive life events
and links to depressive symptoms
Amy Gentzler, Chit Yi, Nicholas Larson
 Does experiencing positive events lead to
greater happiness among adolescents?
Paul Jose, Erica Chadwick
 Associations between young adolescents’
responses to positive events and
interpersonal outcomes
Cara Palmer, Meagan Ramsey, Amy Gentzler
Chair: Stephen F. Hamilton
 Juventude em Cena (Youth in Scene):
Vulnerable Youth in Brazil as Protagonists
Silvia Koller, Ana Lazzaretti
 Political Incorporation in Emerging
Adulthood: The Potential of National Service
Connie Flanagan, Leslie Gallay, Taehan Kim,
Itay Gabay
 Abriendo Caminos: Action Research to
Strengthen Supports to Vulnerable Youth in
Latin America
Mary Hamilton, Stephen Hamilton
(Event 2-050) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 14
Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
among Recently Immigrated Hispanic
Sabrina Des Rosiers, Seth Schwartz, Shi
Huang, Jennifer Unger, Elma LorenzoBlanco, Juan Villamar, Daniel Soto, Lourdes
2-050. Contextual Influences on Peer
Processes: Examining Organized Outof School Activities
Chair: Jennifer Fredricks
 The Contribution of Extracurricular Activities
to Adolescent Friendships: New Insights
through Social Network Analysis
David Schaefer, Sandi Simpkins
 Association of Urban Young Adolescent’s
Peer Processes and the Quality of Structured
Youth Programs
David Hansen, William Skorupski
 Development of Prosocial Values within
Youth Programs: The Role of Peer Processes
Reed Larson, Lene Arnett Jensen, Hyeyoung
Kang, Aisha Griffith, Vicky Rompala
 More than Leisure: Organized Activity
Participation and Social Adjustment among
Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Amy Bohnert, Rebecca Wasserman Lieb
(Event 2-052) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 17
Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
2-052. Sexual Identity Development in
Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth: Risk
and Protective Roles
Chair: Hallie R. Bregman
Discussant: Brian Willoughby
 Predictors of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual
Identity Profiles
Hallie Bregman, Matthew Page, Kristin
Lindahl, Neena Malik
 Initial Disclosures of Sexual Orientation and
Sexual Identity Development Among
Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth
Nathan Doty, Neena Malik, Kristin Lindahl
 Sexual Identity Difficulty in LGB Youth:
Religious Conflict, Stress, and Mental Health
Matthew Page, Hallie Bregman, Kristin
Lindahl, Neena Malik
(Event 2-051) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 15
Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
2-051. Perceived Discrimination
Among Hispanics: Links with
Psychosocial and Health Outcomes
(Event 2-053) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 18
Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Chair: Seth J. Schwartz
Discussant: Richard M. Lee
 Discrimination and Mental Health among
Latino College Students: Mediators and
Irene Park, May Kim, Crystalia Sulaiman,
Richard Lee
 Ethnic Identity Development and Ethnic
Discrimination: Examining Dynamic
Associations Over Time for Latina Adolescent
Russell Toomey, Adriana Umaña-Taylor,
Kimberly Updegraff, Laudan Jahromi
 The Role of Perceived Discrimination and
Negative Perceived Context of Reception on
the Involvement in multi-problem behaviors
2-053. Effects of School-Based
Interventions on Urban, Low-Income
Chair: David DuBois
 School-Based Mental Health and Behavioral
Programs for Low-Income, Urban Youth: A
Meta-Analytic Review
Farahnaz Farahmand, Kathryn Grant,
Antonio Polo, Sophia Duffy, David DuBois
(Event 2-055) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 2
Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Effects of the Positive Action Pogram on
Social-Emotional Outcomes in Chicago Public
Kendra Lewis, Alan Acock, Niloofar Bavarian,
Joseph Day, Peter Ji, Margaret Malloy, Marc
Shure, Naida Silverthorn, Samuel Vuchinich,
Brian Flay
Impacts of the 4Rs Program on Classroom-,
Teacher-, and Child-level Outcomes in
Elementary and Middle School
Stephanie Jones, Joshua Brown, Lawrence
2-055. Innovative Approaches to
Understanding Informant
Discrepancies in Developmental
Chair: Andres De Los Reyes
 A Holistic Approach to Studying Parental
Melissa Lippold, Mark Greenberg, Linda
 Discrepancies about Adolescent
Relationships as a Function of Informant
Attachment and Depressive Symptoms
Katherine Ehrlich, Jude Cassidy, Carl Lejuez,
Stacey Daughters
 Training Informants to Provide Reports of
Adolescent and Family Behavior Based on
Settings of Behavioral Expression
Andres De Los Reyes, Katherine Ehrlich,
Anna Swan, Tana Luo, Michael Van Wie,
Shairy Pabon
(Event 2-054) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 19
Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
2-054. New Insights in the Effects of
Exposure to Smoking and Alcohol in
Movies on Smoking and Drinking
Behavior of Adolescents
Chair: Renske Koordeman
Discussant: Rutger C. Engels
 Exposure to smoking in movies and its
relation to adolescents’ starting and
continuing smoking
Sonya Dal Cin, James Sargent, Mike
 New Evidence from Europe on the Impact on
Adolescents of Film Images of Smoking and
Kate Hunt, Helen Sweeting, Marion
Henderson, Danny Wight, James Sargent
 Do We Act Upon What We See? Direct
Effects of Alcohol Cues in Movies on Alcohol
Consumption of Young People.
Renske Koordeman, Emmanuel Kuntsche,
Doeschka Anschutz, Rick Baaren, Rutger
(Event 2-056) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 3
Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
2-056. Relation Between Language
Brokering and Family Dynamics in
Immigrant Families
Chair: Vanja Lazarevic
Discussant: Vanja Lazarevic
 Language Brokering, Interactional Styles,
and Parental Behaviors Among Latino
Mother- Child Dyads
Christina Granillo
 Understanding Language Brokering within
Immigrant Chinese Families Across
Josephine Hua, Catherine Costigan
 Found in Translation: Language Brokering &
Prosocial Development in Young Adults from
Immigrant Families
Shu-Sha Guan, Patricia Greenfield, Marjorie
Faulstich Orellana
(Event 2-057) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 7
Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
disputes. Although responsibility for these
glaring educational gaps is, no doubt, broadly
distributed, a key contributor to these
disparities evidently turns on the differences
that divide the culturally sanctioned ways of
knowing practiced by Indigenous and nonIndigenous populations. If, as has been widely
argued, Indigenous learners routinely employ
ways of knowing that are importantly different
from those commonly practiced within the
cultural mainstream, and if the forms of
pedagogy to which such students are routinely
exposed are set within knowledge frameworks
that Indigenous learners experience as foreign
and hostile, then trouble is automatically afoot,
and school failures and lost opportunities
automatically follow. The research to be
reported in this symposium takes up these
challenges by carefully exploring possible
differences in the culturally sanctioned ways of
knowing currently practiced by Indigenous
learners in both Canada and the US, all with the
aim of better understanding those conditions
responsible for our collective failure to meet
such unmet educational needs.
2-057. To Be Me or Not to Be Me?
Authenticity and Implications for WellBeing
Chair: Kätlin Peets
Discussant: William M. Bukowski
 Characteristics of Peers With Whom
Adolescents Feel (In)Authentic
Julie Bowker
 The Role of Relational (In)authenticity in
Social Adjustment
Kätlin Peets, Camilla Olsbom, Ernest Hodges
 Coherence Between Thought and Action:
Implications for Self-Worth
Ernest Hodges, Kätlin Peets
(Event 2-058) Invited Paper Discussion
East Meeting 8
Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Biography. Michael
Chandler, Ph.D., is a
psychologist and Professor
Emeritus with the
Department of Psychology
at the University of British
Columbia, Vancouver. His
research interests include
development, young
people’s developing
“theories-of-mind” and the cross-cultural study
of the process of identity formation. He is
deeply involved in the study of Canada’s
Aboriginal youth, and how their struggles to
achieve a sense of coherent personal and
cultural identity impact on a range of health
outcomes and other measures of socioemotional well-being. In particular, he has
studied the phenomena of youth suicide as it
manifests itself in Canada’s First Nations youth,
and (internationally) among other indigenous
groups. Dr. Chandler has published more than
150 books, articles, and book chapters, and has
earned the Killam Memorial Senior Research
Prize, the Killam Teaching Prize, and
2-058. Adolescent Development
Among First Nations and American
Indian Adolescents: Research and
Chair: Michael Chandler, Department of
Psychology, University of British Columbia,
 Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Ways of
Locating One's Self in Time
Michael Chandler
 Cultural Models of Education in American
Stephanie Fryberg, Department of
Psychology, University of Arizona
 LE,NONET: Supporting the Success of
Aboriginal Post-Secondary Students
Christopher Lalonde, Department of
Psychology, University of Victoria, Canada
Abstract. Everywhere one looks, a
disproportionately small number of Indigenous
youth enjoy any fair measure of educational
success at any grade level. These unmet
educational needs are so profound and so
unconscionable as to be beyond all serious
appointment as a Peter Wall Institute
Distinguished Scholar in Residence. His research
and scholarly efforts have also led to his being
named Canada's only Distinguished Investigator
of both the Canadian Institutes of Health
Research (CIHR) and the Michael Smith
Foundation for Health Research, and resulted in
his being chosen as a member of the Advisory
Board of CIHR’s Institute of Aboriginal Health.
Gabrielle Lalonde, Mylène Henry, Anne
Drouin-Germain, Pierre Nolin, Miriam
(Event 2-059) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 9
Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
2-059. Parenting, Gender, and
Academic Outcomes in African
American Adolescents
Chair: Latisha Ross
Discussant: Nancy E. Hill
 African American Girls’ Academic Outcomes:
A Mixed-Method Exploration of Paternal
Academic and Racial Socialization
Charity Brown, Shauna Cooper
 Parental Academic Socialization, Gender, &
Achievement Outcomes in African American
Adolescents: A Cluster Analysis
Latisha Ross, Stephanie Rowley
 Paternal and Maternal Contributions to
Gender Differences in Academic
Achievement among African American
Fatima Varner, Jelani Mandara
Thursday, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
(Event 2-060) Poster Session 4
Exhibit Hall B
Thursday, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Executive Function and Selective Inductive
Reasoning in Late Adolescents
John Coley, Stephanie Silveira, Christine
Gender and Situational Differences in the
Social Goals of Early Adolescents When
Providing Support to a Bullied Best Friend
Amy Kaye, Cynthia Erdley
Effects of Father Involvement on Young
Mothers’ Wellbeing
Claudia Reyes, Christina Gee
Support or Developmental Hindrance?
College Students’ and Parents’ Views of
Parental Involvement in School-Related
Alan Reifman, Timothy Oblad
Project Ex: Planning Extra-curricular
Activities during the Transition to High
Sheila Marshall, Susan Lollis, Richard
Young, Lauree Tilton-Weaver, Jane
Chipman, Kristen Goessling, Margo Nelson,
Agnieszka Wozniak, Emily Kear, Jovita
Adolescent Adjustment in the Context of
Life Change: The Supportive Role of
Parental Structure Provision
Elizabeth Flamm, Wendy Grolnick, Shayl
Ghanaian teenagers’ relationships with
parents and other adults: Reliability,
validity, and associations with sexual
behavior of four new scales
Jeffrey Bingenheimer, Clement Ahiadeke,
Elizabeth Asante
10 Adolescents’ Emotional Control in the Link
Between Parent’s Criticism and Adolescents’
Behavior Problems in Homeless Families
Amanda Wenzel, Angela Narayan, Amy
Monn, Theresa Lafavor
Methodological Considerations in the Study
of the Cortisol/DHEA(S) Ratio in
Mary Saczawa, Julia Graber, Jeanne
11 Nonresident African American Fathers’
Influences on Sons’ Subjective Norms
about Sex
William Rogers, Cleopatra Caldwell, E. Hill
De Loney
A Comparison of Traditional and Virtual
Reality Assessment of Executive
Functioning in Adolescents
12 Marital Conflict and Stress Physiology in
Adolescence: The Roles of Age and Pubertal
Rachel Lucas-Thompson, Faith Kwon, Maja
Palmquist, Andie Zvonkovic, Kristina
23 The Role of Belonging Needs During the
Transition to College
Justin Heinze
24 The social representation of citizenship in
young adults: a qualitative research
Daniela Marzana, Elena Marta
13 Parental Monitoring, Parenting Stress, and
Dysfunctional Mother-Daughter Interactions
in Adolescent Girls with and without ADHD
Chanelle Gordon, Stephen Hinshaw
25 Development under stress: The culture of
academic competition and adolescent
friendship participation in Chinese school
Xu Zhao
14 Sibling Relationship Experiences as
Predictors of Romantic Relationship
Experiences in Adolescence
Susan Doughty, Susan McHale, Mark
26 Feeling Poor, Being Poor: The Relationship
Between Anxiety and Objective and
Subjective SES
Nicholas Graham, Patrick Rock, Jaana
15 Neighborhood Structure and Adolescent
Depressive Symptoms: The Moderating
Role of Gender and Parental Education
Sara Anderson, Tama Leventhal, Yibing Li,
Alicia Doyle
27 Transitioning up to the Suburbs: African
American Adolescents’ Acculturation
Strategies, Adjustment, and Academic
Revathy Kumar, Nancy Seay
16 Social Capital: Contributions of the
Construct Validation on Chilean Youth
Cristina Valenzuela
28 Types of Long-Term Life Aims Among
Chinese and American College Students
Fei Jiang, Fei Jiang, Jenni Mariano
29 Ethnic Racial Socialization: Protection or
Risk Against Racial Discrimination Among
Ethnic Minority Emerging Adults
Lisa Liu, Anna Lau
17 Too Much of a Good Thing? Examining High
School Extracurricular Participation, School
Connectedness, and Academic Performance
Casey Knifsend, Sandra Graham
30 Understanding Gender Socialization in
International Contexts: Measuring Parent &
Peer Gender Socialization for Indian
Taveeshi Gupta, Niobe Way
18 Promoting Motivation, Need Satisfaction,
and Performance in Adolescent Athletes:
Evidence of the Compensating Roles of
Amélie Morinville, Patrick Gaudreau,
Véronique Franche
31 Does Level of Autonomy Among Youth with
Spina Bifida Buffer Against the Negative
Effects of Neurocognitive Deficits on
Medical Adherence?
Lauren O'Hara, Grayson Holmbeck
19 How Does Maternal Age Affect Child’s
Achievement Over Time? Role of Parenting
Practices and Child IQ
Vinetra King, Sylvie Mrug
32 Trajectories of Adolescent Implicit and
Explicit Alcohol Attitudes and the Role of
Parental Drinking
Hector Lopez-Vergara, Craig Colder, Larry
Hawk, William Wieczorek, Jennifer Read,
Rina Eiden, Liliana Lengua
21 Change in Science Self-Efficacy of Male and
Female Adolescents: Role of Gender and
Classroom Context
Lee Shumow, Jennifer Schmidt
22 The Roles of Emotional Intelligence,
Adjustment to University, Parenting Style,
and Problem Behaviors in Post-Secondary
Academic Achievement
Elizabeth Levin, Rashmi Garg
33 Initial Levels of Depression Predict
Trajectories of Alcohol Consumption Across
Middle Adolescence
Ashley Richmond, Brett Laursen, Dawn
DeLay, Shrija Dirghangi, Cody Hiatt, Daniel
Dickson, Amy Hartl
44 Bullying Behavior and Problem-Solving
Skills of Bystanders Across Overt,
Relational and Cyber Bullying Situations
Jenny Isaacs-Corr, Charles Borgen,
Benjamin Glueck, Rona Novick
45 How are Cyber Relational Victimization and
Traditional Relational Victimization
Associated with Depressive Symptoms in
Lindsay Mathieson, Nicki Crick
34 SCAB (Skin Color Altering Behaviors): An
Investigation of both Skin-lightening and
Skin-Darkening Behaviors among CollegeAged Women
Mallory Dimler, Lance Swenson
46 Challenges in Interpersonal Relationships
for Emerging Adults with Symptoms of
Catherine Bagwell, Karen Kochel, Sarah
Hall, Caroline Newcomb, Lyrica Fils-Aime
35 What Predicts Eating Disorder Symptoms
Among Latino Adolescents?
Vera Lopez, Raquel Halfond, Rosalie Corona
36 Sexual Self-Efficacy of First-Year University
Students According to Exposure to STD
Knowledge and Actual Knowledge
Brooke Masters, Carol Markstrom, Kristin
47 Friendship Quality as a Moderator of Friend
Influence on Relational and Overt
Diana Meter, Deborah Casper, Noel Card
37 Parenting Practices, Deviant Peers, and the
Onset of Sexual Intercourse in Three Ethnic
Lisa Crockett, Arielle Deutsch
48 Adolescents’ Envy over Attractiveness with
the Opposite Sex: Intra- and Inter-Personal
Correlates and Consequences
Jeffrey Parker, Jessica McGuire
38 The Effects of the Sleep-Smart Program on
Early Adolescents’ Sleep Hygiene,
Behavioral Well-Being, and Perceived
Amy Wolfson, Michaela Johnson, Elizabeth
Harkins, Christine Marco, Alison Ludden
49 Ecological Factors Contributing to Mothers’
and Youth’s Perceptions of Aggression
Claire Oxtoby, John Grych
50 Strategic Presentation of Academic
Performance and Effort in Middle School:
Links to Gender and Social Goals
Joan Zook, Elizabeth Thorp, Peter Kearns
39 Stress Buffering Effects of Religiosity on
Adolescents’ Substance Use
Jungmeen Kim-Spoon, Gregory Longo,
Julee Farley
51 Peer Influence on Risky Decision-Making:
The Role of Pubertal Status
Natalie Kretsch, Rachel Polk, Kathryn
Harden, Laurence Steinberg
40 Peer Alcohol Use, Autonomy From Friends,
and Social Anxiety Among First Semester
College Students: A Latent Profile Analysis
JeeWon Cheong, Christine Walther
52 Peer Influence on Risk-Taking Behavior in
Older Adolescents: Examining the Role of
Elizabeth Reynolds, Laura MacPherson, Carl
41 Childhood Bullying and Social Dilemmas
Amelia Kohm
53 Individual Factors Associated with Fifth
Graders’ Desire for Same- Versus OtherSex Interactions
Cindy Miller, Karen Kochel, Kimberly
Updegraff, Carol Martin, Richard Fabes,
Laura Hanish
42 Examining the Links Between School
Climate and Student’s Experiences With
Jessica Trach, Matthew Lee, Reky Groendal,
Shelley Hymel, David Smith
43 The Relationship Between Adolescents’
Daily Hassles and Cyber Aggression: A
Longitudinal Investigation
Hailey Barr, Michelle Wright, Yan Li
54 Acculturative Stress and Prosocial
Behaviors: Gender Differences in the
Mediating Roles of Psychological Control,
Familism, and Emotion Regulation
Alexandra Davis, Deanna Opal, Gustavo
Carlo, Cara Streit, Seth Schwartz, Byron
Zamboanga, Adriana Umaña-Taylor, Su
Yeong Kim
63 The Role of Private Regard and Religious
Involvement in the Relationship Between
Discrimination and Well-Being
Daniel Lee, Enrique Neblett
64 Coping strategies among urban African
American adolescents: An examination of
the differential impact of stressors and
Cynthia Pierre, Noni Gaylord-Harden
55 Links between Romantic Relationships and
Same-Sex Friendships during Middle
Stephanie Bovis, Melissa Menzer, Kenneth
65 Identifying developmentally atypical and
non-linear trends in depressive symptoms:
A finite mixture analysis
Brian Baucom, Lauren Spies, Gayla
56 Romantic events, sexual behaviors, and
psychological outcomes among female
adolescents of Mexican origin.
Graciela Espinosa-Hernandez, Sara
Vasilenko, Mayra Bamaca-Colbert
66 Contextual Variables Associated with
Psychosocial Adjustment of Adolescents
Débora Dell'Aglio, Juliana Sbicigo
67 An Evaluation of a Participatory Action
Research Based Intervention With
Homeless Youth
Pushpanjali Dashora
57 With a Little Help From a Friend Social
Anxiety Relates to Increased CoRumination: Social Support as a
Suppressor Variable
Ethan Rothstein, Jennifer Sauve, Hannah
Ford, Jessica Fales, Doug Nangle
68 Participant Roles in Aggression: Analysis of
the Relational Aggression Participant Role
Scale With Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Deborah Casper, Russell Toomey, Noel
58 Targeting Anxiety in Adolescents with CoOccurring Depression and Anxiety
Michal Rischall, Jason Washburn, Leah
Welty, Mark Reinecke
69 Individual Conscience and Expected Social
Condemnation: A Morality of Violence
Eric Chen, Misaki Natsuaki, Nancy Guerra
59 Cognitive Style for Stressors Predicts
Subsequent Rumination: Event-Specific
Evidence from a Prospective Study Among
Marissa Rudolph, Amy Mezulis
70 Security of Attachment, Self-Perception and
Social Functioning Peer-Group Functioning
in Portuguese Early Adolescents
António Santos, João Correia, Miguel
Freitas, Manuela Veríssimo, Kenneth Rubin
60 Proposing a Path from Self-Esteem to
Depression During the Transition to College
Catherine Lee, Daniel Dickson, Elizabeth
Pope, Colleen Conley
71 Adolescent Peer Socialization: An
Examination of Gender as a Moderator on
Risk Differences
Theresa Pearson, Bonnie Klimes-Dougan,
Paul Hastings, Melissa Simard
61 The Moderating Role of Friendship Support
on Exposure to Community Violence and
Internalizing Symptoms
Gina Veits, Carolyn Tompsett
72 An Exploration of Bidirectional Associations
Between Self-Regulation and Parenting in
Early Adolescence
Katie Rasmussen, Kristin Moilanen, Laura
62 Change and Correlates of Symptoms of
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in
Adolescents one Year After the 2008
Wenchuan Earthquake
Yanyun Qin, Fulei Geng, Yuhong Zheng,
Fang Fan, Lan Zhang
73 Personality Extremity: Stability and
Relations to Internalizing and Externalizing
Problems in Adolescence
Alithe van den Akker, Maja Dekovic, Peter
Prinzie, Jessica Asscher, Amaranta de Haan
Keryn Pasch, Jessica Cance, Cheryl Perry,
Kelli Komro
84 Sexy vs. traditional: The price of using a
sexy Facebook profile photo
Elizabeth Daniels, Eileen Zurbriggen
74 College Student Identity Development and
Its Relationship to Moral Identity
Jessica Urban, Tonia Bock
Thursday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
75 Agree to Disagree? The Role of
Agreeableness and Social Self-Efficacy as
Predictors of Negative Conflict Resolution
Ryan Field, Marla Reese-Weber, Renee
Tobin, Rebecca Denney, Michael Nigro
(Event 2-061) Paper Discussion
East Ballroom Salon A
Thursday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
2-061. Media Effects, the Untold Story:
Examining Effects in Understudied
Genres and Populations
76 Increasing Sensitivity to Reputation during
Adolescence: Developmental Perspectives
on Fairness, Punishment and Compensation
Geert-Jan Will, Berna Guroglu, Wouter van
den Bos, Eveline Crone
Chair: Janna Kim
 New Media, New Avenues of Risk: Sexy
Social Media, Reality TV, and Risky Alcohol
and Sexual Behaviors
Janna Kim
 Beyond the Screen: Linking Varied Forms of
Media Use to Adolescents’ Gender and
Sexual Attitudes
L. Monique Ward, Corissa Carlson, Lauren
Reed, Jennifer Johnson
 Associations between Media Use and Sexual
Attitudes among Asian American
Sarah Trinh, L. Monique Ward
 “I Want Your Sex”: Music, Masculinity, and
Sexual Behavior among Rural Adolescents
Andrew Smiler, Brittany Hearon
77 Impulse Control and Disinhibition:
Examining Age Differences and Forms of
Aggression in Justice-Involved Youths
Jennifer Beneteau, Jodi Viljoen, Stephanie
78 Adolescent and parent perceptions of
religious norms
Natalie Johnson, Sam Hardy, Ryan
Woodbury, David Rackham, David Dollahite
79 Domain-General Identity Distress as a
Predictor of Domain-Specific Career
Kristine Anthis
80 Relationship Quality Predicts Identity
Commitment and Distress
Samantha Hague, Janet Gebelt
(Thursday, continued)
81 Daily Racial Microaggressions and Ethnic
Identification among Native American Late
Adolescents and Young Adults
Merrill Jones, Renee Galliher
82 Mental Health and Sexual Experiences
Among LGB and Heterosexual Youth
Seeking Services
Arnold Grossman, John Frank, Michael
McCutcheon, Marty Cooper
83 Direct and Indirect Effects of Alcohol
Marketing on Early Adolescent Alcohol Use
(Event 2-062) Paper Discussion
East Ballroom Salon C
Thursday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
(Event 2-064) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 10
Thursday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
2-062. Racial Identity and Mental
Health: An In-Depth Exploration of
Mediating and Moderating Processes
2-064. Adolescents, Economic
Hardship, and the Worldwide “Great
Chair: Noelle M. Hurd
 Racial Identity and Mental Health Among
African American Emerging Adults: The
Moderating Effects of Neighborhood Racial
Noelle Hurd, Courtney Cogburn, Sheretta
Butler-Barnes, Robert Sellers, Marc
 The Mediating Role of Racial Identity in the
Association Between Racial Socialization and
Psychological Adjustment
Enrique Neblett
 The Mediating Role of Environmental
Mastery in Explaining the Potential Effects of
Racial Identity and Racial Discrimination on
Depressive Symptoms
Courtney Cogburn, Noelle Hurd, Sheretta
Butler-Barnes, Robert Sellers
 The Moderating Role of Racial Identity on
the Relationship Between Race-Related
Stressors and Psychological Well-Being
Sabine French
Chair: Jeylan T. Mortimer
Discussant: Walter Heinz
 Adolescent Adaptation during the Great
Jeremy Staff, John Schulenberg, Monica
Johnson, Megan Patrick
 Childhood Poverty and Trajectories of
Transition to Adulthood in Germany
Olaf Groh-Samberg
 Intergenerational Transmission of
Worklessness: Coming of Age during the
Current Great Recession
Ingrid Schoon, Matt Barnes, Anna Vignoles
(Event 2-065) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 11
Thursday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
2-065. Gene-Environment Interactions
in the Development of Adolescent
Chair: Roy Otten
Discussant: Mara Brendgen
 Interaction Between BDNF and Peer
Antisocial Behavior Predicts Later Aggressive
and Nonaggressive Behavior
Tina Kretschmer, Edward Barker
 Best Friends and Dual Growth of Adolescent
Smoking and Drinking: the Role of the
OPRM1 Gene
Marloes Kleinjan, Evelien Poelen, Rutger
Engels, Maaike Verhagen
 Testing Bidirectional Effects between
Cannabis Use and Depressive Symptoms:
Moderation by the Serotonin Transporter
Roy Otten, Rutger Engels
(Event 2-063) Roundtable
East Meeting 1
Thursday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
2-063. Linking Research with the
Practice of Youth Development
Moderator: Stephen F. Hamilton
Panelists: Reed Larson, David DuBois, Nicole
Yohalem, Mary Hamilton
(Event 2-066) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 12
Thursday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
2-066. From Prevention to
Intervention: Implementation Insights
from Three Child Welfare Programs
A Longitudinal Model of Family Stressors and
Young Adult Substance Use: Race
differences and HPA regulation
Kevin Haggerty, Martie Skinner, Richard
(Event 2-068) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 14
Thursday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
Chair: Lyscha Marcynyszyn
Discussant: Gabriel P. Kuperminc
 An Evaluation of an Intensive Family
Engagement Program: Service Needs of
Child Welfare Involved Families with
Lyscha Marcynyszyn, Erin Maher, Jennifer
 The Multi-Site Accelerated Permanency
Project: Helping Older Adolescents in Foster
Care Achieve Permanency
Catherine White, Kirk O'Brien, Karen Tao,
Paul DiLorenzo, Susan Kelly, Linda Morgan
 Exploring the Relationship Between Service
Provision and Education and Employment
Outcomes for Adolescents Leaving Foster
Mei Ling Ellis, Kirk O'Brien
2-068. Considering Cultural and Ethnic
Processes in Organized Activity
Participation of Adolescents:
International and National
Chair: Lynne M. Borden
Discussant: Nickki P. Dawes
 Patterns of out-of-school time use around
the world: Do they help to explain
international differences in achievement?
Joseph Mahoney, Andrea Vest
 How Do Siblings Influence Mexican-origin
Youths’ Activity Participation?: Examining
Sibling Roles and Cultural Orientation.
Chara Price, Sandi Simpkins, Sheree Taraba
 Breaking Down Potential Barriers to
Continued Program Participation
Joyce Serido, Christine Bracamonte Wiggs,
Lynne Borden
(Event 2-067) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 13
Thursday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
2-067. Diverse Developmental
Stressors & Individual Biological
Differences: Influences on the Severity
& Frequency of Substance Use In
Adolescence & Young Adulthood
(Event 2-069) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 15
Thursday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
2-069. How social reasoning and
messages relate to adolescents’
attitudes about homosexuality and the
treatment of gay and lesbian people
Chair: Linnea R. Burk
 How the Interaction of Individual and
Context Factors Differentially Influence
Trajectories of Adolescent Per-Occasion
Alcohol Use
Linnea Burk, Paula Ruttle, Jeffrey
Armstrong, Marilyn Essex
 Multiple Pathways to Adolescent Alcohol
Problems: Direct and Indirect Effects of
Biobehavioral Markers of Emotional
Katherine Kivisto, Deborah Welsh, Christi
Culpepper, Debora Baldwin, Sarah Fischer
Chair: Monica Foust
Discussant: Stephen T. Russell
 Teach your children well: Exploring the link
between communication about
homosexuality and attitudes toward gays
and lesbians
Monica Foust, L. Monique Ward
Adolescents’ reasoning about discrimination
based on sexual orientation: Does group
context make a difference?
Stacey Horn, Paul Poteat, Alyssa Ponte,
Mary Beth Medvide
Condoning Discrimination: Effects of
Ideological Beliefs are Moderated by Moral
Paul Poteat, Stacey Horn, Alyssa Ponte,
Mary Beth Medvide
(Event 2-070) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 17
Thursday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
2-070. Swimming Against the Tide:
When Adolescents Challenge Family
and Peer Norms
Chair: Myriam Villalobos
 Parents' and Adolescents' Beliefs about
Parents’ Right to Know about Adolescent’s
Activities as Predictors of Adolescent
Judi Smetana, Wendy Rote
 Early Adolescent’s Acceptance and
Understanding of Parenting Rules:
Nurturance, Self-Determination and Fairness
Maykel Verkuyten, Maike Gieling, Jochem
 Challenging Group Identity Preference:
When Equality Trumps Ingroup Bias
Melanie Killen
 Social Reasoning and Emotion Attributions
about Exclusion of Disabled Children
Tina Malti, Luciano Gasser
contextual transitions in middle school: The
Bonnie Leadbeater, Rachel Yeung
Thompson, Paweena Sukhawathanakul,
Emilie Gladstone
An Ecological Approach to Moderators of
Middle School Violence Prevention Effects
Patrick Tolan, David Henry
Young Women Leaders: Outcomes of a
Group and One-on-One Mentoring
Intervention for Girls
Nancy Deutsch, Joanna Lee Williams, Angela
Henneberger, Edith Lawrence, Valerie Futch
Sustaining Positive Developmental
Trajectories of Rural African American Males
from Middle Childhood to Late Adolescence
through the Strong African American
Families Program
Velma Murry, Cady Berkel, Yufei Chen,
Ronald Simons
(Event 2-072) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 19
Thursday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
2-072. A Public Health Perspective on
Risk and Protective Factors and
Suicidal Behavior
Chairs: Sarah Bacon, Melissa K. Holt
 The Relationship Between Multiple Types of
Victimization and Suicidal Behavior:
Evidence from the YRBS
Sarah Beth Barnett, Xiangming Fang
 Sexual Minority Youths, Risk behaviors, and
Suicide Ideation and Attempts
Deborah Stone, Feijun Luo
 Bullying and Suicide Risk: A Systematic
Melissa Holt, Alana Vivolo, Sarah DeGue,
Kristin Holland, Briana Lozano, Jennifer
Matjasko, Misty Wolfe
 The Intersectionality of Risk and Protective
Factors for Adolescent Suicide and Youth
Violence: The Case for Crossover Prevention
Sarah Bacon
(Event 2-071) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 18
Thursday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
2-071. Early Adolescence:
Developmental Opportunity for
Prevention of Social and Behavior
Chair: Michael Schoeny
 Matching the prevention of interpersonal
aggression to critical developmental and
(Event 2-073) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 2
Thursday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
(Event 2-075) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 7
Thursday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
2-073. Training Reasoning in
Adolescents - New Hope for Higher
Order Thinking Skills
2-075. Methodological Issues in
Sociometric Research
Chair: Antonius H. Cillessen
 An Analysis of the Differences Between
Using Limited Versus Unlimited Peer
Nominations of Victimization Among
Colombian Early Adolescents
Jonathan Santo, Shari Mayman, Luz-Stella
Lopez, William Bukowski
 Equivalence of Computerized and Standard
Sociometric Data Collection
Yvonne van den Berg, Antonius Cillessen
 Participation Rate and Internal Reliability of
Peer Nomination Measures
Peter Marks, Ben Babcock, Antonius
Cillessen, Nicki Crick
Discussants: Jacquelyn F. Gamino, Michael A.
 Higher Order Cognitive Training in Public
Middle School Students
Jacquelyn Gamino
 Training Students with ADHD How to Learn
and Use Higher Order Thinking Skills
Russell Riddle, Jacquelyn Gamino
 Brain Changes in Adolescents after Cognitive
Michael Motes, Jacquelyn Gamino
(Event 2-074) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 3
Thursday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
(Event 2-076) Invited Roundtable
East Meeting 8
Thursday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
2-074. The Role of Personal Resources
and Parental Support in Emerging
Adults' Work Competence
2-076. The WEIRD (Western,
Educated, Industrialized, Rich,
Democratic) Side of the Study of
Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
Chairs: Michael W. Pratt, Shmuel Shulman
 The Effects of Adolescent Relationships and
School Engagement on Early Adult Work
Michelle Englund, Sally Kuo
 Precursors of an Integrated Occupational
Identity during Emerging adulthood
Tamuz Barr, Shmuel Shulman, Yaara
Livneh, Jari-Erik Nurmi, Kati Vasalampi
 Unaligned Ambitions: Predicting a
Problematic Transition into Adulthood
Barbara Schneider
 Caring about Work: A Longitudinal Analysis
of Adolescent Personality Predictors of
Young Adult Work Engagement
Michael Pratt, Joan Norris, Susan Alisat
Moderator: Jeffrey J. Arnett, Department of
Psychology, Clark University
Panelists: Steven Heine, Heidi Keller, Robert
Abstract. Less than 5% of the world's population
lives in the United States, yet adolescent psychology
is dominated by American research. Often this
research is assumed to apply to the other 95% of the
world, a dubious assumption at best. In this
Roundtable, participants will address questions such
as: How did adolescent psychology become largely
an American field? What consequences does this
dominance have for the progress of the field? What
are some notable ways that the lives of adolescents
differ around the world? What can and should be
done to promote a more international, culturallybased understanding of adolescence?
University of Maryland
Baltimore County, USA (19892001), and Vice-Chancellor of
the University of Zambia
(2003-2006), he was
Convenor of the first
international meeting in Africa
of the International Society for
the Study of Behavioral
Development (ISSBD) in 2010.
His publications include
contributions to a wide range
of scholarly journals and
edited volumes, and four books, Culture’s Influence
on Behavior (1976), Mobilizing Local Resources in
Africa for Persons With Learning Difficulties or Mental
Handicap (1984), The Significance of Schooling: LifeJourneys in an African Society (1993), and Becoming
Literate in the City: the Baltimore Early Childhood
Project (2005). His primary interests are in cultural
aspects of human development, intelligence,
multilingualism, literacy, assessment, and services
for children with disabilities and their families, and
educational curriculum development, with special
attention to cultural context, and to the region of
sub-Saharan Africa.
Biography. Steven J. Heine is
Professor of Social and
Cultural Psychology at the
University of British Columbia.
After receiving his Ph.D. from
the University of British
Columbia in 1996, he had
visiting positions at Kyoto
University and Tokyo
University and was on the
faculty at the University of
Pennsylvania. His research
targets questions regarding
genetic essentialism, meaning maintenance, and
identifying what is universal and what is culturallyvariable in a variety of psychological processes—most
particularly self-enhancing motivations. He has
published over sixty journal articles which have
appeared in such outlets as Science, Nature,
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, and Psychological
Review, and is the author of the textbook Cultural
Psychology. He received the Distinguished Scientist
Early Career Award for Social Psychology from the
American Psychological Association in 2003 and the
Career Trajectory Award from the Society of
Experimental Social Psychology in 2011. He lives with
his family in Vancouver.
Biography. Heidi Keller is
Professor of Psychology at
the University of Osnabrueck,
Germany, and Director of the
Research Unit for "Culture,
Learning and Development"
of the Lower Saxoninan
Institute of Early Childhood
Education and Development.
Dr. Keller is directing a
multicultural, longitudinal
research program on
"Cultural Solutions of
Universal Developmental Tasks." Theoretically, she is
interested in making developmental psychology both
a biologically and culturally informed science. Dr.
Keller has been awarded the Nehru Chair
Professorship at the MS University of Baroda. She
has taught at the MS University of Baroda, the
University of Costa Rica in San Jose, and the
University of California in Los Angeles. Dr. Keller has
also served as President of the International
Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology.
(Event 2-077) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 9
Thursday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
2-077. Contextual Resources and the
Transition to Middle School
Chair: Jacquelyn Raftery
Discussant: Jacquelynne Eccles
 Ethnic Socialization, Ethnic Identity, and
Mexican-origin Adolescents’ Adjustment:
Moderation by School Ethnic Composition
Adriana Umaña-Taylor, Megan O'Donnell,
George Knight, Mark Roosa, Cady Berkel,
Rajni Nair
 The Transition to Middle school: A
Longitudinal Study of Parenting, Coping, and
Motivational Resources
Jacquelyn Raftery, Wendy Grolnick
 Situated Reading Motivations as Mediators
Between Perceptions of Reading Instruction
and General Reading Motivations in Two
Instructional Interventions
Amanda Mason-Singh, Allan Wigfield
Biography. Robert Serpell is a researcher, teacher,
and writer, who has spent most of his adult life in
Africa. He is Professor of Psychology at the University
of Zambia and Coordinator of the Centre for the
Promotion of Literacy in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Formerly Director of the Institute for African Studies
in Lusaka (1977-83), Director of the Graduate
program in Applied Developmental Psychology at the
Thursday, 5:30 pm - 7:45 pm
and unique approach to choral music. Using
creative staging, movement, and multimedia,
the Coastal Sound Youth Choir crafts
performances that have been described as
“soul-elevating,” “truly imaginative,” and
“vibrating with life.” Extremely enthusiastic and
very energetic, this close-knit group of
teenagers and young adults maintains a busy
performance schedule. Along with yearly
retreats and concert tours, the choir also enjoys
spending social time together at informal
gatherings and events. In 2010 and 2011, the
Coastal Sound Youth Choir shared the stage
with renowned vocal groups The Nylons, musica
intima, The Shirleys and The Good Noise Gospel
Choir, and recorded a song with Nikki Yanofsky.
This past spring, the choir was selected as a
finalist in the National Competition for Amateur
Choirs, and chosen as the “most outstanding
choir” at the BC Festival of the Performing Arts.
Last July, the youth choir co-hosted the Coastal
Sound International Choral Festival, where
hundreds of singers came together from around
the world for a week of performance
and sharing.
(Event 2-078) Reception
Exhibit Hall A
Thursday, 5:30 pm - 7:45 pm
2-078. Welcome & Awards Ceremony
& Global Reception
Speaker: Niobe Way, SRA President
All attendees are invited to attend this
event! Honor SRA 2012 Award recipients and
enjoy refreshments. Here’s an opportunity to
reconnect with old friends and former
colleagues and meet people from other
universities or countries who may share your
research interests. Cash bars will be available.
A special performance by The Coastal Sound
Youth Choir, Carrie Tennant, director, George
Chung, accompanist, will be presented. The
Coastal Sound Youth Choir is fast becoming well
known across British Columbia for their creative
Friday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
(2009, Harmony). De Waal is C. H. Candler Professor
in the Psychology Department of Emory University
and Director of the Living Links Center at the Yerkes
National Primate Center, in Atlanta, Georgia. He has
been elected to the National Academy of Sciences
(US), the American Academy of Arts and Sciences,
and the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences. In 2007,
he was selected by Time as one of The Worlds’ 100
Most Influential People Today, and in 2011 by
Discover as among 47 (all time) Great Minds of
(Event 3-001) Invited Keynote Address
East Ballroom Salon B
Friday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
3-001. Our Inner Ape: What Primate
Behavior Tells Us About Human Nature
Chair: Lene Arnett Jensen, Department of
Psychology, Clark University
Speaker: Frans de Waal
Abstract. When people do evil things, such as when
they commit genocides in Bosnia or Rwanda, we call
them “animals.” If people act altruistically, such as
when they save another’s life or give to the poor, we
attribute this to our noble human morality. We call
them “humane.” Both sides of human nature,
however, are tied to our biology. This theme of the
duality of human nature, hovering between beast and
angel, is brought home in Our Inner Ape by looking
at our two closest primate relatives, the chimpanzee
and the bonobo. The chimpanzee has a reputation as
murderous and power-hungry, whereas the bonobo,
the hippie of the primate world, prefers to “make
love - not war.” Both apes are equally close to us,
and we humans have a bit of both. In this lecture I
will go over themes of cooperation and empathy as
studied in monkeys and apes, but also touch on
tendencies such as striving for dominance, sexual
competition, and conflict resolution that seem to me
particularly relevant to understand adolescent life.
(Event 3-002) Roundtable
East Meeting 1
Friday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
3-002. Teaching About Adolescence:
Similarities and Differences Across
Disciplines and Audiences
Moderator: Brandy A. Randall
Panelists: Sarah Kiefer, Robert Weisskirch,
Molly Secor-Turner, Rachelle Vettern
(Event 3-003) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 10
Friday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
3-003. Mediators and Moderators of
Exposure to Community Violence
Biography. Dr. Frans B. M.
de Waal is a Dutch/American
biologist and primatologist
known for his work on the
behavior and social
intelligence of primates. His
first book, Chimpanzee
Politics (1982) compared the
schmoozing and scheming of
chimpanzees involved in
power struggles with that of
human politicians. Ever since,
de Waal has drawn parallels
between primate and human behavior, from
peacemaking and morality to culture. His scientific
work has been published in hundreds of technical
articles in journals such as Science, Nature, Scientific
American, and outlets specialized in animal behavior.
His popular books—translated into fifteen
languages—have made him one of the world's most
visible primatologists. His latest books are Our Inner
Ape (2005, Riverhead) and The Age of Empathy
Chair: Maryse Richards
Discussant: Cheryl Boyce
 Urban Adolescents and Violence Exposure:
Perils and Prospects to Predict Future
Sarah Stoddard, Marc Zimmerman, Daniel
 Exposure to Community Violence and Social
Adjustment Among Urban African American
Youth: The Mediating Role of Emotion
Devin Carey, Maryse Richards
 Prospective Linkages Among Violence
Exposure, Erratic Sleep Patterns, and
Academic Achievement in Middle School
Wendy Kliewer, Stephen Lepore
(Event 3-004) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 13
Friday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
Friday, 10:00 am - 11:30 am
(Event 3-006) Poster Session 5
Exhibit Hall B
Friday, 10:00 am - 11:30 am
3-004. Peers, Parents, and “Others”:
Sources and Outcomes of Social
Support in Adolescence
Chair: Nancy L. Deutsch
Discussant: Patrick H. Tolan
 First Line Social Support in Adolescence
Peter Lovegrove, Nancy Deutsch, Angela
Henneberger, Valerie Futch
 Physical and Relational Aggression in
Adolescent Girls: Testing a Confluence
Angela Henneberger, Kate Keenan, Patrick
Tolan, Alison Hipwell
 Social Network Characteristics and
Delinquency in a sample Urban Minority
Males Followed from Early Adolescence to
Young Adulthood
Deborah Gorman-Smith, David Henry,
Patrick Tolan, Michael Schoeny
(Event 3-005) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 15
Friday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
3-005. Mom! Dad! Give Me a Break!
Parental Psychological Control and
Adjustment in Different Cultures: The
Role of Mediating Variables
Chair: Miri Scharf
 Personal Efficacy as a Mediator of the Effects
of Maternal Psychological Control and
Responsiveness on Adolescents' Wellbeing
Patricio Cumsille, M Loreto Martinez
 Psychological control and the development
of internalizing and externalizing problems:
Psychological reactance as an explaining
Stijn Van Petegem, Wim Beyers, Bart
Soenens, Maarten Vansteenkiste
 Parental psychological control and
adolescents' adjustment: the mediating role
of reactance and self esteem in an Israeli
Miri Scharf, Ofra Mayseless
Normative development of the basal
ganglia, amygdala and hippocampus from
early to mid adolescence: a longitudinal
MRI investigation
Meg Dennison, Sarah Whittle, Murat Yücel,
Nicholas Allen
The Impact of Executive Functioning on
Smoking in Adolescence: the TRAILS
Zeena Harakeh, Leo De Sonneville, Regina
van den Eijnden, Anja Huizink, Sijmen
Reijneveld, Johan Ormel, Frank Verhulst,
Karin Monshouwer, Wilma Vollebergh
Using the Right Words for Reasoning:
Relationships Between Specific Word use
and Inductive Reasoning
Lyndon Forrester, Teomara Rutherford,
Michael Martinez
Relationship between Aggression and
Cognitive Distortion
Meghann Kelly, John Lochman
The Association Between Minority
Adolescent Mothers’ and Their Babies’
Fathers’ Relationship Quality, Co-parenting,
and Father Involvement
Sun Young Hwang, Christina Gee
Navigating Family Relationships During the
Transition to Adulthood Among Former
System Youth
Bethany Lee, Michelle Munson
Determinants of Harsh Parenting in Mexican
American Families
Larry Dumka, Nancy Gonzales, Michaeline
Jensen, Roger Millsap
The Role of Stability and Change in Asian
Values on Adolescent Responses in ParentAdolescent Disagreement in VietnameseAmerican Families
Nancy Trinh, Catherine Cooper
Family Value Discrepancies Within
Salvadoran Immigrant Parent-Adolescent
Joanna Wu, Ayfer Dost Gözkan, Lene Arnett
19 Academic Achievement in the Transition
from Middle School to High School and
Aspirations among Latino Adolescents
Yolanda Vasquez, Jose Alvarez, Bryan
Montana, Gabriela Chavira
10 The effect of the parent-child relationship
and negative life events on the adolescent’s
development of mastery
Allison Flittner, Brenda Lohman, Janet
20 Treading Water in Emerging Adulthood: The
Results of Dropping Out of College
Caitlin Faas, Amanda Griffin, Mark Benson
21 Motivational Resilience During Middle
School: A Developmentally-Calibrated
Model of Predictors of Academic
Heather Brule, Ellen Skinner
11 The Influence of Dad: An Investigation of
Female Adolescents' Perceived Closeness
with Fathers, Impulsivity, and Risky
Whitney Rostad, Paul Silverman
22 Need for Relatedness Among White College
Students and College Students of Color:
Links to Academic Achievement
Raquel Melendez, Stephanie Madsen
12 He’s my Baby too: Co-parenting
Experiences of Nonresident and Resident
African American Fathers
Otima Doyle, Erikka Dzirasa, Monique
Fontes, Antoinette Burris, David Goldston
23 Don’t Shy Away: An Examination of the
Role of Athletic Involvement in the
Transition to University for Shy, First-Year
Kate Hill, Jessie Moorman, Anne Bowker
13 Let’s Talk About Sex: Adolescent Disclosure
to Mothers about Sexual Behavior and
Other Domain-Specific Activities
Josephine Kearney, Kay Bussey
24 Do Community-Level Assets and Risks
Relate to Youth Civic Engagement? A Study
of Social Capital
Laura Wray-Lake, Julia Tang, Lin Lin
14 Sibling Relationships in Adolescents With
Orthopedic Conditions
Elizabeth Rusnak, Nina Mounts, Kathy
Zebracki, Jeffrey Ackman
25 Identity Integration and Family Ethnic
Socialization as Moderators of Acculturation
Stress and Psychological Outcomes
Samantha Johansen, Thao Le
15 Timing of Exposure to Neighborhood
Socioeconomic Conditions: Implications for
Children’s and Adolescents’ Achievement
and Mental Health
Kristina Schmid, Tama Leventhal
26 “Gates You Don’t Realize Have Been
Opened for You”: Affluent Teen Girls’ PostIntervention Discourses of Privilege and
Beth Benjamin
16 Adolescent After-School Self-Care Relates
to Later Adjustment and Identity
Diane Putnick, Marc Bornstein, Charlene
27 A Meta-Analysis of the Association Between
Acculturation and Substance Use Among
Hispanic American Youth
Martha Zapata Roblyer, Ronald Cox, Robert
17 Mexican-Origin Youth Participation in
Extracurricular Activities: Predictive
Variables and Trajectories of Involvement
Nickki Dawes, Kathryn Modecki, Nancy
28 Latino Adolescents’ Perceptions of Their
Maria Iturbide, Sandra Potter
18 The Influence of Sports Participation and
Peer Values on Adolescent Developmental
Carl Sorensen, Nicole Zarrett
29 The Psychophysiological Effects of Racism
on African American Late Adolescents
Ashly Gaskin, Enrique Neblett
30 The role of community college settings in
the conceptualizations of adulthood: A
qualitative analysis of immigrant emerging
Dalal Katsiaficas, Sandra Dias, Carola
40 Substance Use and Risky Sexual Behavior
in Sexual Minority Youth
Sanne Wortel, Mandi Burnette, Assaf Oshri
41 Sixth Graders' Reasoning About Coping
With Peer Victimization
Wei-Ting Chen, Amy Bellmore
31 Growth Trajectories of Health Behaviours:
Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood
Nora Wiium, Kyrre Breivik
42 Real-Life Experiences of Sixth Graders’
Responses upon Witnessing Peer
Victimization in School
Ting-Lan Ma, Amy Bellmore
32 Dueling Dual Processes: Implicit and
Explicit Decision Making Processes
Associated with Drinking Behavior in
Sarah Welton
43 Examining the Relationship Between
Technology Use and Technology Skill Level
in the Prediction of Electronic Victimization
Heather Giles, Juan Casas, Alicia Bower,
Joseph LaVoie
33 Emotional Dysregulation, Coping, and
Readiness to Change in Adolescent and
Young Adult Substance Users
Sarah Welton, David Stewart, Alisa Burpee,
Brittany Hall, Kelly Serafini
44 Physical Fights and Audience Behavior: The
Influence of Peers
Tabitha Wurster, Molly Dawes, Amelia
Hock, Hongling Xie
34 Trajectories of Alcohol-Related Risky
Driving in Adolescence and Young
Tracy Desjardins, Paweena
Sukhawathanakul, Jacqueline Homel,
Vincenza Gruppuso, Bonnie Leadbeater
45 Risk factors for adolescent dating violence:
A systematic literature review
Naomi Knoble, Deborah Capaldi, Joann
Shortt, Hyoun Kim
46 Offline and Online Friendship Experiences
among College Students: Associations with
Psychological and Academic Adjustment
Julie Kingery, Bernadette Wormuth, Melissa
Gray, Kelly Peneston, Tyson Reuter,
Cynthia Erdley
36 Predictors of White and Hispanic College
Students’ Health Protective Sexual
Communication Prior to Intercourse
Michelle Toews, Ani Yazedjian, Melissa
47 The Relation of Hometown and College
Friendship Experiences to College
Patricia Dieter, Melissa Hord, Elizabeth
Baroni, Cynthia Erdley
37 The Relationship Between Early Sexual
Debut and Parenting Behaviors of Dutch
Ellen Reitz, Daphne van de Bongardt, Maja
38 "It's 10 PM": Parental Monitoring Moderates
the Association between Sleep and Risktaking
Erika Bagley, Vonnie McLoyd, Martha Cox
48 Gender Differences in the Association
Between Friendship Termination and
Loneliness Among Adolescents
Laura Guthridge, Julie MacEvoy, Calli
Kosch, Lena Kim, Stephanie Bartell
39 Moderators of Peer Influence on Future
Substance Use in Early Adolescence
Shawn Marschall-Lévesque, Natalie
Castellanos Ryan, Frank Vitaro, Sophie
Parent, Richard E. Tremblay, Jean R.
49 Interpersonal Relationships during
Adolescence: Coworry and its Relation to
Corumination and Internalizing Distress
Caitlin Dombrowski, Kathleen Herzig,
Kimberli Treadwell
50 The Association between the Need to
Belong and Relational Aggression: The
Moderating Role of Rejection
Kristina Lafferty, Nicole Lafko, Dianna
Lesley Johnson, John Graham, Mark
61 Interpersonal Indicators of Black
Adolescent Psychopathology
Christopher Merchant
51 Delinquent Behavior and Social Network
Position in Early Adolescence
Naomi Andrews, Olga Kornienko, Carlos
Santos, Laura Hanish
62 Chronic Family Economic Hardship, Family
Processes and Progression of Physical and
Mental Health Problems in Adolescent Years
Tae Kyoung Lee, Kas Wickrama, Frederick
Lorenz, Rand Conger
52 Exploring the Social Context of Participation
in Advanced Coursework: An Analysis of
Social Networks
Carolyn Barber, Jillian Woodford
63 Relative Contributions of Neuroticism and
Friendship Quality to Subjective Well-Being
in Adolescence
Areana Eivers, Tracy Ludlow
53 Is Well-Being Linked to the Hierarchical
Organization of Peer Groups in Late
Childhood and Early Adolescence?
Lisa Boyko, Eugene Ji, Megan Kinal, Lynne
Zarbatany, Wendy Ellis, Xinyin Chen
64 Measuring Depressive Symptoms in a
Longitudinal Study: What to do with an
Aging Youth Sample
Sarah Beal, Abbigail Tissot, Lorah Dorn,
Stephanie Pabst
54 Adolescent reports of peer bullying and
observations of romantic relationship
Wendy Ellis
65 Development of Internalizing and
Externalizing Problems in Adolescence: The
Role of Parental Rejection.
Jelle Sijtsema, Johan Ormel, Rene
Veenstra, Tineke Oldehinkel
55 Sexual Self-Concept, Romantic Attachment,
and Romantic Relationship Functioning
Erin Mason, Brittany Kohlberger, Valerie
66 Adolescent Outcomes of the Better
Beginnings, Better Futures Project, a
Community-Based Prevention Program for
Children and Youth
Mark Pancer, Ray Peters, Geoffrey Nelson,
Colleen Loomis
56 I Think I’m OK, Why Don’t You?: The Saga
of Disagreeable Youth
Christopher Hafen, Megan Schad, Elenda
Hessel, Joseph Allen
57 My Friends’ Relationships: Understanding
Adolescent Responses to Friends’
Experiences of Dating Violence
Laura Guthridge, Julie MacEvoy
67 Profiles of Mentoring Relationships:
Associations with Mentor/Mentee
Characteristics and Mentees' Self-reported
Sara Johnson, Preston Britner, Tara Folan
58 Mediating Effect of Resilience in the
Relationship Between Parenting Styles and
Anxiety Symptoms in Adolescent Survivors
of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
Shixiu Sun, Qing Zhu, Fang Fan, Lu Zhang,
Yanyun Qin, Shan Cheng, Yuhong Zheng
68 Effect of Parental Relational Aggression on
the Association between Parental
Psychological Control and Child Relational
Katherine Lau, Monica Marsee, Moira Riley,
Genevieve Lapre, Melissa Kunimatsu
59 Socialization of Positive Affect in Depressed
Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Emotion
Ashley Maliken, Lynn Katz, Joann Shortt,
Nicholas Allen, Betsy Davis, Lisa Sheeber
69 Directional Patterns of Ethnic Aggression
among Hispanic and Caucasian Early
Alysha Ramirez, Noel Card, Deborah Casper
60 Relationships with Parents as Clues to
Understanding Gender Differences in
Adolescent Depression
70 Adolescent-Father Attachment and
Psychosocial Adjustment
Katherine Kivisto, Christi Culpepper,
Deborah Welsh, Debora Baldwin, Sarah
Identity Development in Late
Adolescents/Emerging Adults
Rebecca Burwell
80 Religious Identity Across the Transition
from Adolescence to Young Adulthood
Melissa Chan
71 Emotional Flexibility and Affective Matching
in High-Risk Dyads: Processes of Emotional
Expression in Preadolescents
Leah Enns, Dale Stack, Lindsey Barrieau,
Elana August, Lisa Serbin, Jane Ledingham,
Alex Schwartzman
81 Prospective Links Between Ethnic
Socialization, Ethnic and American Identity,
and Well-Being Among Asian American
Meaghan Gartner, Lisa Kiang, Andrew
72 Patterns of Physiological, Self-Reported,
and Expressed Emotional Responses in
Adolescents with Alexithymia
Jennifer Eastabrook, Dianna Lanteigne,
Tom Hollenstein, Jessica Flynn
83 Adolescent Perceptions of Acceptable and
Appropriate Texting Behaviors as a Form of
Social Communication
Troy Beckert, Sarah Tulane, J. Vaterlaus
73 The Developmental Cascade from ADHD
Symptoms to Conduct Problems and the
Moderating Role of Interparental Discord in
a Community Sample
Amy Williams, Kathryn Karch, Craig Colder,
Jennifer Zehe, Carolyn Speidel, Hector
84 Teen Risk Variables Associated with Highrisk Internet Behaviors: The impact on
Subsequent Offline Meetings and the
Mediating Role of Parents
Cheshire Hardcastle, Jennie Noll, Jaclyn
Barnes, Kate Haralson, Chad Shenk, Kerry
74 Evaluating Parental Socialization and
Adolescents’ Moral Judgment in
Competitive Lying and Truth-telling Context
Yat Laam Lau, Jennifer Wong, Catherine
Ann Cameron, Kai Men Chieh, Kang Lee
Friday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
(Event 3-007) Paper Discussion
East Ballroom Salon A
Friday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
75 A Longitudinal Study of Adolescent
Personality Development
Aidan Wright, Elisa Trucco, Craig Colder
3-007. Diversity in the Company They
Keep: Cross-Race/Ethnicity Peer
Relationships in Adolescence
76 Infant Attractiveness and Temperament as
Well as Participant Age Predict Nurturing
Behavior in Young “Parents”
Connor Principe, Brian Tapscott, Arian
Mobasser, Judith Langlois
Chair: Rhiannon L. Smith
Discussant: Jaana Juvonen
 Social Goals and Cross-Ethnic Relations
Among Early Adolescents
Travis Wilson, Philip Rodkin
 How Cross-race Friendships Matter:
Evaluations of Exclusion and the Use of
Stereotype Attributions
Shelby Cooley, Melanie Killen, Martin Ruck
 Cross-Race/Ethnicity Friendships in
Adolescence and Associations with Social
Rhiannon Smith, Amanda Rose
77 Predictors of Changes in Negative Cognitive
Style and Rumination During Adolescence
Jonathan Stange, Lauren Alloy, Lyn
78 A Latent Profile Analysis of Religiousness,
Religious Struggle, Sexual Behavior, and
Alcohol Use
Gregory Longo, Julee Farley, Jeanette
Walters, Jungmeen Kim-Spoon
79 Self-Worth Mediates the Relationship
Between Self-Worth Contingencies and
(Event 3-008) Paper Discussion
East Ballroom Salon B
Friday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
3-008. Expanding the Boundaries:
New perspectives on Sex and the
Inter-parental Conflict and Children’s
Psychological Adjustment: Environmental
Mediation or Genetic Moderation?
Kit Elam, Gemma Lewis, Gordon Harold,
Misaki Natsuaki, Anita Thapar
(Event 3-010) Roundtable
East Meeting 1
Friday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
Chair: Geertjan Overbeek
Discussant: Stephen T. Russell
 Influence of New Media on Adolescent Sexual
Behavior and Health
Rebecca Collins
 Parallel Developments of Sexualized Media
Consumption and Permissive attitudes in
Adolescence: The Role of Perceived Realism
Laura Baams, Geertjan Overbeek
 The Sexual Media Practice Model: How Youth
Consume and Engage with Sexual Media and
its Effects
Autumn Shafer
3-010. Youth Engagement at the
Federal, State, and Local LevelsPromising Practices, Challenges, and
Opportunities for Research
Moderator: Sarah Oberlander
Panelists: Suzanne Le Menestrel, Kenneth
Jones, Julie Petrokubi
(Event 3-010.5) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 10
Friday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
(Event 3-009) Paper Discussion
East Ballroom Salon C
Friday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
3-010.5. The Consequences of
Discriminatory Gender and Sexuality
Harassment for Adolescents: Diverse
Regions, Diverse Methodologies
3-009. Family Conflict and Adolescent
Problems: Disentangling GeneEnvironment Interplay and
Environmental Effects
Chair: Elisabeth M. Thompson
Discussant: Paul Poteat
 Adolescent Health and Harassment Based on
Discriminatory Bias
Katerina Sinclair, Paul Poteat, Brian Koenig,
Stephen Russell
 Harassment based on Sexual Orientation
and Gender Expression in High School: The
Mitigating Role of Gay-Straight Alliances
Mary Pritchard, Elizabeth Morgan
 Exploring the Unique Impact of Gender and
Sexual Orientation Harassment on
Adolescent School-related Adjustment
Elisabeth Thompson, Katerina Sinclair,
Stephen Russell
Chair: Briana Horwitz
 Using Novel Kinship Designs to Examine
Links Between Parenting and Adjustment
During Pre-Adolescence
Shirley McGuire, Majel Baker, Nancy Segal
 Examining the Association Between Parental
Hostility and Adolescent Physical Health
Using a Children-of-Twins Design
Briana Horwitz, Jenae Neiderhiser, Jody
Ganiban, Erica Spotts, Paul Lichtenstein,
David Reiss
 Psychopathic Personality Traits and Negative
Parent-to-Child Affect: A Longitudinal Crosslag Twin Study
Catherine Tuvblad, Serena Bezdjian, Adrian
Raine, Laura Baker
(Event 3-011) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 11
Friday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
(Event 3-013) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 13
Friday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
3-011. The Use of Growth Mixture
Modeling to Examine Trajectories of
Clustered Psychosocial Difficulties
Among Diverse Adolescents
3-013. Balancing Developmental
Demands: Adolescent Autonomy and
Relatedness Across Relational Contexts
Chair: Christine L. Patton
 Physical Attractiveness as a Predictor of
Adolescent Autonomy Behavior
Megan Schad, Joseph Allen, David Szwedo,
Joanna Chango
 Coordination, Competition and Ambivalence:
Autonomy and Relatedness Patterns in Girls’
Interactions with Mentors and Peers
Christine Patton, Nancy Deutsch
 Early Adolescent Peer Foundations as
Predictors of Late Adolescent and Young
Adult Psychological Adjustment
Joanna Chango, Joseph Allen, David
Szwedo, Megan Schad
Chair: Emma M. Sterrett
Discussant: Cheryl Boyce
 Trajectories of Clustered Risk Behaviors in a
Sample of African American and Latino
Inner-city Males Followed from Early
Adolescence to Early Adulthood.
David Henry, Allison Dymnicki, Patrick
Tolan, Deborah Gorman-Smith, Michael
 Ecological Predictors of Clustered Risk
Behavior Trajectories among Low-Income
African American Adolescents
Emma Sterrett, Brian Mustanski, Allison
Dymnicki, David Henry, Gayle Byck, John
 Longitudinal Trajectories of Syndemic
Development Among Diverse Young Men
Who Have Sex With Men
Brian Mustanski, Michelle Birkett, Robert
(Event 3-014) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 14
Friday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
3-014. Sexuality Education to Foster
Sexual Agency among Youth in the U.S.
Southwest and Mexico
(Event 3-012) Emerging Scholar Session
East Meeting 12
Friday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
Chair: Kali Van Campen
Discussant: Adela Licona
 Advancing a Comprehensive Sexuality
Education Program in Mexico City: A Case
Ivan Lacroux
 How Mothers and School Health Classes
Shape Mexican-Origin Girls’ Experiences of
Menarche and Womanhood
Kali Van Campen
 Student-Generated Anonymous Sex
Questions: Informing Sexuality Education
Sally Stevens, Elisabeth Thompson, Jenna
Vinson, Alison Greene, Claudia Powell
3-012. Emerging Scholars' Event - The
Road Less Traveled: Exloring Career
Paths Outside of Academia
Moderator: Carolyn Spellings, Ryan Landoll
Panelists: Joseph Kosciw, Wayne Mitic, Amy
Syvertsen, Ruby Takanishi
(Event 3-015) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 15
Friday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
3-015. Moral Issues: Exploring the
Multiple Processes and Contexts of
Delinquent Behavior
Chair: Lise M. Youngblade
Discussant: Rainer Silbereisen
 Community Age Structure Moderates the
Effect of Adolescent Norms on Delinquent
Dan Hart
 Parent and Peer Influences: Their Role in
Predicting Adolescent Moral Behavior and
April Thomas, Lise Youngblade
 Deterring Delinquent Behavior: Moral
Judgment or Moral Motivation?
Darcia Narvaez, Jeff Brooks, Tonia Bock
Patterns of Adolescents` Perceptions of
Learning Environments in Secondary School
Mathematics Classrooms: A Latent Class
Analysis Approach testing for Gender
Rebecca Lazarides, Angela Ittel
Increasing motivation and interest in science
and engineering by redefining school-based
Martin Storksdieck
(Event 3-018) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 19
Friday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
3-018. Understanding Education and
Job Training Opportunities for
Disadvantaged Youth
Chair: Matthew Stagner
 Pathways from education to employment:
Analysis of linked administrative data across
Chicago’s workforce development system
Elizabeth Weigensberg
 Promoting Urban Community College
Student Identity Development: Implications
for Outreach and Implementation of
Jiffy Lansing
 A Conceptual Framework for Self Sufficiency
for Vulnerable Youth
Robin Dion
(Event 3-017) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 18
Friday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
3-017. Factors Enhancing Adolescents’
Motivation and Career Pathways in
STEM-Education-Integrating Empirical
Results and Practical Implications
Chair: Angela Ittel
Discussant: Gil Noam
 Socio-Motivational Determinants for Girls'
Pathways of Mathematical Enrolment and
Career Choice
Helen Watt, Caroline Findlay
(Event 3-019) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 2
Friday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
3-021. Attachment Based Treatments
for Adolescents: From Symptom
Reduction Toward a Theory of Change
Chair: Roger Kobak
Discussant: Joseph P. Allen
 Guided by Attachment: Using Attachment
Theory to Match to Relational Functions in
Functional Family Therapy for Traumatized
Patricia Kerig
 Attachment Based Intervention for Parents
of Teens At-Risk: Processes underlying
Therapeutic Change
Marlene Moretti, Ingrid Obsuth
 Attachment Based Family Therapy for
Suicidal Adolescents: Who Benefits the
Roger Kobak, Guy Diamond, Stevie Grassetti
3-019. How Friends Shape the
Influence of Organized Activities on
Adolescents’ Development: A Look
From Outside to Within Activities
Chair: Michael Crawford
Discussant: Håkan Stattin
 Sport Participation and Alcohol Use During
Adolescence: Mediators and Moderators
Explaining the Positive Relation
Andrea Vest, Sandi Simpkins
 Social Experiences in Youth Organized
Activities: A Look at Friendships inside the
Anne-Sophie Denault, Francois Poulin
 Association of Urban Young Adolescent’s
Peer Processes, Youth Program Quality, and
Academic Self-Concept and Achievement
David Hansen, William Skorupski, Michael
Crawford, Nadia Jessop
(Event 3-022) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 8
Friday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
3-022. Peer Victimization and School
Functioning: Evidence from
Longitudinal Studies of Canadian and
American Youth
(Event 3-020) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 3
Friday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
Chairs: Patricia McDougall, Tracy Vaillancourt
 Peer Victimization and Academic Outcomes:
Evidence from the Canadian National
Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth
Heather Brittain, Tracy Vaillancourt, Eric
 Longitudinal Links between Peer
Victimization, Rejection and School
Tracy Vaillancourt, Heather Brittain, Patricia
 A Longitudinal Analysis of Bullying Behavior
and Academic Achievement During Middle
Dorothy Espelage, Sabina Low
 The Unique and Interactive Contributions of
Peer Victimization and Teacher-Child
Relationships to Children’s School
Kayla Kuntz, Wendy Troop-Gordon
3-020. International Perspectives on
Youth Civic Engagement
Chair: Lonnie R. Sherrod
Discussant: Connie Flanagan
 Active, passive and standby citizens
Erik Amnå
 Young citizen's views and aspirations of their
role in society
M. Loreto Martinez
 Dimensions of civic participation as
determinants of an activist identity
Tsakani Ngomane
(Event 3-021) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 7
Friday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
(Event 3-023) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 9
Friday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
Shrija Dirghangi, Dawn DeLay, Brett
Laursen, Ashley Richmond, Amy Hartl,
Daniel Dickson, Cody Hiatt
3-023. Reward-Related DecisionMaking and Psychopathology:
Adolescence as Sensitive Period
Early Psychosocial Context and Teenage
Sexual Behavior
Triin Anton, Elizabeth Tilley
Family Relationships and Emotional
Development in Adolescence
Miriam Gallarin, Angela Ittel, Frances
Gottwald, Linda Juang
Understanding Chinese-American
Adolescents Non-disclosures to Parents: A
Grounded-theory Approach
Jenny Yau
Mothers’ Beliefs About Adolescent Behavior,
Parenting Efficacy and Parenting in an
Ethnically and Economically Diverse Sample
Stephanie Wright, Christy Buchanan, Sarah
Raising Sons and Daughters in African
American Families: A Within-Family
Exploration of Parental Differential
Aryn Dotterer, Shawn Whiteman
Chair: Carla Sharp
Discussant: Monique Ernst
Intentionality understanding in juvenile
delinquents: Brain and behavior in the
Ultimatum Game
Eveline Crone, Wouter van den Bos, Berna
Adolescent risk-taking and the brain
Stephanie Burnett, Masud Husain, SarahJayne Blakemore
Reward processing as neurobiological
endophenotype in the development of
adolescent depression
Carla Sharp, Lane Strathearn, Heather Pane,
Levi Herman, Tyson Reuter
Friday, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
10 Parenting and Academic Competence in
Early Adolescence: Direct and Indirect
Selva Lewin-Bizan, Richard Lerner
(Event 3-024) Poster Session 6
Exhibit Hall B
Friday, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
11 The Moderating Roles of Family Process on
the Association Between Stress and
Depression in Asian American Adolescents
Xiaoyun Zhang, Yan Xia, Maria Rosario de
Pubertal Development and Adolescent
Antisocial behavior: Amplification by
Neighborhood Context?
Tina Kretschmer, Bonamy Oliver, Barbara
12 Gender Differences in Observed Autonomy
and Connectedness of Adolescents and
their Mothers under High- and Low-Conflict
Efrat Sher-Censor, David Oppenheim,
Abraham Sagi-Schwartz
The Moderating Effect of Demographic
Characteristics on the Relationship between
Parent-Child Variables and Effortful Control
in Emerging Adults
Alina Bonci, Kendra Westerhaus, Maria
13 The Role of Parenting Style in Predicting
Positive Youth Development in High School
Edmond Bowers, Jacqueline Lerner
Reassessing the Development of
Psychological Essentialism in the Social
Category of Gender
R. Eidson, John Coley
14 Types of Sibling Relationships Among
Emerging Adults
Richard Lanthier, Andrew Campbell
Age Related Trends in Conflict Reports:
Developmental Trends in Cognitive Abilities
15 Protective Effects of Racial Socialization and
General Parenting Practices for African
American Adolescents Exposed to
Community Violence
Jessica Henry, Sharon Lambert
25 Mediators of the Relationship Between
Acculturative Stress and Internalizing
Symptoms for Immigrant Origin Youth
Dalal Katsiaficas, Carola Suarez-Orozco,
Selcuk Sirin, Taveeshi Gupta
16 Longitudinal Associations Between Sexual
Risk Reduction and Program Participation in
a Sample of Urban Adolescents
Deinera Exner-Cortens, Jennifer Tiffany,
John Eckenrode
26 Do Who and When Matter? The Mentor
Type and Timing Interaction in Naturally
Occurring Mentoring Relationships
Veronica Fruiht, Laura Wray-Lake
27 Acculturation and Sexual Risk-Taking
Among Latino College Students
Steve Tran, Marcela Raffaelli
17 Longitudinal Associations Between Passions
and Adjustment in Adolescence: Positive
Mood and Unstructured Activities as
Andrea DesRoches, Teena Willoughby
28 “One World, One Dream?” Parents’ Goals
for Early Adolescents in the United States
and China
Yang Qu, Eva Pomerantz
18 Developing Responsibility in Youth
Programs: “I didn’t want to disappoint
Niwako Sugimura, Ida Salusky, Joanna Wu,
Reed Larson
29 Consider Both: Perceptions of TeacherBased Racial and Gender Discrimination
among African American Adolescents
Geneene Thompson
19 A Longitudinal Psychosociocultural Analysis
of Latina/o Adolescents’ Academic
Attitudes, Motivation and Commitment
Alicia Ayala, Gabriela Chavira
30 Immigrant Youth in Canada: The Risks of
Lauren Dolente, Lina Darwich, Shelley
Hymel, Terry Waterhouse
20 Adolescents from Single- and Dual-Income
Families: Family and Educational Attributes
and the Role of Perceptions of Parental
Tick-Ngee Sim, Serene Pan
31 Impact of Social Support on Health-Related
Quality of Life and Condition Management
in Adolescents With Inflammatory Bowel
Jennifer Kunz, Amitha Gumidyala, Rachel
21 Latino Parent’s Educational Involvement,
Cultural Capital, and Adolescent Academic
Diamond Bravo, Gabriela Chavira
32 Growth in Internalizing Symptoms: Risk or
Protective Factor for Escalation in Alcohol
Carolyn Speidel, Craig Colder, Liliana
Lengua, William Wieczorek, Larry Hawk
22 Female Adolescent Depression Symptoms
and Post-Secondary Education Enrollment:
It’s a Matter of Time
Vincenza Gruppuso, Jacqueline Homel, Kara
Thompson, Bonnie Leadbeater
33 Co-occurring Internalizing and Externalizing
Symptoms and Adolescent Substance Use
Matthew Scalco, Elisa Trucco, Craig Colder,
Liliana Lengua, William Wieczorek, Larry
Hawk, Jennifer Read
23 Social Connectedness: Contributions to
Positive Perceptions of the Middle School
Kathleen Day, Jill Hamm, Kerrylin Lambert
34 Commitment Language and Proximal and
Distal Goal Attainment in a Delinquency
Caitlin Smith, Stanley Huey, Dawn
24 Toward a unifying model of adolescent
purpose, motivation, civic engagement, and
occupational choice
Lia Falco, Jessica Summers
35 Does social connectedness protect against
self-harm in adolescents?
Paul Jose
36 HIV-Related Communication with a Partner:
Does Body Image Matter?
Meghan Gillen
Regulation in a sample of Italian
Roberto Baiocco, Susanna Pallini, Fiorenzo
Laghi, Cecilia Pace, Giulio Zavattini
37 Predictors of HPV Vaccination in Late
Kate Kelly, Sara Vasilenko, Eva Lefkowitz
48 The Emotional Reactions to an Interloper
for Average Versus Highly Relationally
Aggressive Youth
Danielle Quigley, Tina Daniels, Christine
Polihronis, Katherine Magner, Tim Trant
38 Sleep and Risk-taking: The Mediating Role
of Impulsivity
Erika Bagley, Martha Cox, Vonnie McLoyd
49 Gender Differences in School to Family
Conflict and Enrichment in Portuguese
College Students-Parents
Claudia Andrade
39 Risky Substance use Among Adolescents in
Residential Youth Care Institutions and
Special Education: Results of a Two Wave
Annelies Kepper, Karin Monshouwer, Wilma
50 Social Goals and Self-Ratings of Popularity
and Likeability: Predicting Relational
Aggression during Adolescence
Karmon Dyches, Lara Mayeux
40 Family Socioeconomic Hardship and
Adolescent Substance Use Outcomes: The
Mediating Roles of Parental Relationship
Quality and Self-Regulation
Julee Farley, Jeanette Walters, Jungmeen
51 The Peer Network and Individual
Characteristics of Girls High and Low on
Peer Sexual Harassment
Erica Miller, Marla Brassard
41 Involvement in Bullying as a Moderator
Between Childhood Risk/Protective Factors
and Externalizing Behaviors in Adolescence
Michael Sheehan, Malcolm Watson, Jasmina
Burdzovic Andreas
52 Private Reactions and Perceived Peer
Reactions to Physical Fights in School and
the Role of Personal Characteristics
Molly Dawes, Tabitha Wurster, Amelia
Hock, Hongling Xie
42 The Effects of Peer Victimization on
Adolescents' Physical Health Over Time
Alanna Hager, Bonnie Leadbeater
53 Academic Teaming: Do the Benefits
Outweigh the Costs?
Leslie Echols, Samantha Simmons, Emily
43 Depressive Symptoms of Victims of Cyber
or Traditional Aggression: Can Certain
Attributions Buffer the Negative Effect?
Sonja Perren, Fabio Sticca, Françoise
54 Communication and Sexual Behaviors
Within Adolescent Couples
Michael Langlais, Deborah Welsh, Katherine
44 Predicting positive student engagement to
bully victimization and witnessing bulling
Karl Hennig, Angele MacTavish
55 A Moment Like This: How Staying in the
Present Can Increase Young Couples’
Relationship Satisfaction
Taylor O'Holleran, Loren Bengston, Karon
Volk, Erica Barton, Robin Hertz, Heidemarie
45 Adolescent Dating and Disordered Eating:
Does the Quality of Dating Relationships
Play a Role?
Andrea Hamel, Shannon Zaitsoff, Andrew
Taylor, Rosanne Menna, Daniel Le Grange
56 Gender Differences and Predictors of
Romantic Conflict in Adolescent
Tabitha Wurster, Laurence Steinberg
46 The Nature of Adolescent Friendships in
Central Ghana
Yuli Tak, Antonius Cillessen
57 The Contribution of Social Support and
Coping Strategies to Wellbeing in
Tracy Ludlow
47 Best Friend Attachment, Quality of Parental
and Peer Attachment and Emotion
58 Affective Experience in the Natural
Environments of Female Adolescents with
Primary Depression vs. Obesity and
Comorbid Depression
Karen Jakubowski, Dana Rofey, Jennifer
Silk, Ronette Blake, Ronald Dahl
70 Gene-Environment Interplay in the
Relationship Between Adolescent
Delinquency and Peer Deviance
Tom McAdams, Richard Rowe, Fruhling
Rijsdijk, Barbara Maughan, Thalia Eley
71 Emotional Word Ratings in Youth at HighRisk for Depression
Karen Garelik, Stephanie Davis, Jennifer
59 Examining Depression and Neighborhood
Violence Using a Mixed Method Approach:
Children and Early Adolescents in MedellinColombia
Paulina Velez, Diego Restrepo, Elizabeth
72 Modeling the Link Between Personality and
Emotion Regulation in Intergenerational
Stories: The Mediating Role of Family
Paul Nelson
60 Explaining Racial Disparities in Adolescent
Depression: The Role of Individual, Family,
and School Factors
Vinetra King, Briauna Knott, Sylvie Mrug,
Michael Windle
73 Do Parents Only Have to Avoid Being
Nasty, or Should They Even Be Nice? The
Case of Adolescent Substance Use and
J. Gowert Masche, Kristina Persson, Malin
61 Gender Differences in GxE Research: BDNF
Interacts With Age 13 Stress to Predict
Depression in Girls and ADHD in Boys at
Age 15
Rachel Salk, Lyn Abramson, Janet Hyde
74 Morality, Divinity, and Development: Two
Religious Perspectives Across the Lifespan
Jessica McKenzie, Lene Arnett Jensen
62 Psychopathic Traits, Friendship Quality, and
Social Skills in Early Adolescence
Scott Risser
75 Preferential Treatment and Who you
Become: Effects of Physical Attractiveness
on Decision Making and Personality
Megan Schad, Caroline White, Joseph Allen,
Joanna Chango, Elenda Hessel
63 Coping, Cumulative Risk and Adjustment
Stephanie Thompson, Liliana Lengua
64 Evaluating Adaptive Capacities in the
Transition to Adulthood
Colleen Dillon, Sarah Lowe, Elise
Tewksbury, Jean Rhodes
76 Why do we Forgive? An Analysis of the
effects of BIS and Empathy
Conrad Baldner, Gregory Longo, Mark Scott
65 Evaluating School Initiated Anti- Bullying
Programme From a Participatory Action
Valeriya Bravo, Jennifer Connolly, Freida
Ross, Karrie Weinstock
77 Mediating effect of beliefs and personality
in the relationship between injury and
adolescent risk taking in sports
Linda Paquette, Maggie Dumais
78 “We Are All Gods If We Can Make Our Own
Choices”: The Role of Agency in Emerging
Adults’ Perspectives on Religion and
Joseph Schwab
66 School Size and Academic Achievement:
Risk Factors for Student Violence?
Danielle Hill, Emilya Adelson, Sylvie Mrug
67 Preventing Substance use Among
Adolescents: A Review of Positive Youth
Development Programs
Kari Gloppen
79 Patterns of Character Strengths Associated
with Identity During Emerging Adulthood
Sherry Beaumont, Cherisse Seaton
68 Does Relational Aggression Lead to Peer
Rejection? Moderating Role of Affective
Empathy and Perceived Popularity
Hsiao-Wen Liao, Ching-Ling Cheng
80 Identity Foreclosure and Athletic
Participation: Perhaps Why Brett Favre
Couldn’t Retire.
Dana Krieg, Ryan Lacy
stereotypes on psychological and social outcomes?
What is the role of masculinities in adolescent
development? How does gender intersect with race,
ethnicity, sexuality, and/or social class? How do we
study such intersections? What does the study of
gender look like from an international perspective?
What are the implications of our studies of gender for
improving our schools?
81 Yo White kid: School Ethnic Composition
and Ethnic Identity Development in Black,
Chinese, Dominican, and White Adolescents
Damira Rasheed, María Hernández, Diana
Andrade, Megan Sy, Niobe Way, Diane
Biography. Alisha Ali Ph.D.
is an Associate Professor in
the Department of Applied
Psychology at New York
University. Her research
investigates innovative
approaches to serving the
educational and
psychosocial needs of lowincome communities in
urban settings. Dr. Ali’s
recent projects have
examined factors related to mental health in women
and youth, including the effects of poverty, violence,
and discrimination. Among her current research is a
series of projects, funded by the Allstate Foundation
and the American Psychological Foundation,
examining the psychosocial impact of economic
empowerment programs for families residing in
domestic violence shelters. She is also the creator of
the New York-based PhotoCLUB project entitled Flash
Forward, a digital photography program aimed at
supporting the attainment of educational and
personal goals of high-risk youth. She recently
completed an NIMH-funded longitudinal investigation
of the effects of a poverty transition program on
depressive symptoms among women and men in
New York City. Dr. Ali is editor, along with Dana C.
Jack, of the book Silencing the Self Across Cultures:
Depression and Gender in the Social World published
in 2010 by Oxford University Press.
82 Gays & Grades: The Effects of Being "Out"
on Academic Achievement
Ryan Watson, Katerina Sinclair, Stephen
83 Calling Versus Texting: Adolescents’
Preferences in Cell Phone Communication
Anne Fletcher, Bethany Blair, Erin Gaskin
84 Do the Rich get Richer? Social Competence,
Perception of Facebook Usefulness, and
Adjustment to College
Chia-chen Yang, B. Brown
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
(Event 3-025) Invited Roundtable
East Ballroom Salon A
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
3-025. Gender in the Social Sciences
Moderator: Niobe Way, Department of Applied
Psychology, University of New York
Panelists: Alisha Ali,New York University Aida
Hurtado, University of California-Santa Barbara
Ramaswami Mahalingam, University of Michigan
Biography. Aida Hurtado
Ph.D., Chair of the Department
of Chicana and Chicano
Studies, University of
California-Santa Barbara, is a
social psychologist whose
research focuses on race,
class, ethnicity, sexuality, and
gender. She came to UCSB
from UC Santa Cruz, where she
spent more than 20 years as a
scholar in the Psychology
Department. The majority of
her work is on feminist theory, women's issues, and
Latino educational achievement. She earned her
master's and doctoral degrees from the University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor. She is the author of several
books, including Voicing Chicana Feminisms: Young
Women Speak Out on Sexuality and Identity; The
Abstract. The study of gender in the social
sciences has been dominated by a focus on gender
differences. With few exceptions, researchers have
only just begun to examine the diverse experiences
among boys or girls or the impact of gender norms,
conventions, or stereotypes on adjustment,
identities, and relationships. Furthermore,
researchers have rarely examined the intersections of
gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, and social class.
This roundtable includes senior scholars from
psychology and sociology who have devoted their
careers to the study of gender. Questions posed in
the session include: What are the different ways of
understanding gender and its impact on
developmental processes? How do we assess the
impact of gender norms, conventions, and
(Event 3-025.5) Paper Discussion
East Ballroom Salon B
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
Color of Privilege: Three Blasphemies on Race and
Feminism; and Chicana/o Identity in a Changing U.S.
Society: ¿Quién Soy? ¿Quiénes Somos?, which she
wrote with Patricia Gurin of the University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor. Dr. Hurtado has received
numerous awards and honors, including the 2010
Women of Color Psychologies Award from the
Association of Women in Psychology. The award
recognizes her paper, "A View From Within and From
Without: The Development of Latina Feminist
Psychology," which she co-authored with graduate
student Karina Cervantes. The paper appears in The
Handbook of U.S. Latino Psychology. In addition, in
2007, Hurtado was a recipient of the American
Educational Research Association's SAGE Award for
distinguished contributions to gender equity in
education research.
3-025.5. Understanding Ethnic-Racial
Identity across Adolescence in Context
Chair: Aerika Brittian
Discussant: Margaret B. Spencer
 Family Ethnic Socialization and Felt
Pressure: An Exploration of Ethnic Identity
and Self Esteem in the Family Context
Carlos Santos, Kimberly Updegraff, Carol
 Neighborhood Influences on African
American Adolescents’ Racial Identity
Deborah Rivas Drake, Dawn Paula
 "Hapa, Latino, White, and Unique:" The Role
of Ethnic Identity and Context in Shaping
Biracial Young Adults' Psychosocial
Outcomes and Mental Health
Aerika Brittian, Adriana Umaña-Taylor,
Chelsea Derlan
Biography. Ramaswami
Mahalingam received his
Ph.D. in Developmental
Psychology from the
University of Pittsburgh. He is
currently Associate Professor
in the Psychology Department
at the University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor. He has four major
lines of research. In one line
of research he investigated
how extreme gender
discrimination, such as sex
selective abortion, affects community mental health
in various parts of India. He also studied children and
adults’ beliefs about caste. In another line of
research, he has been studying how model minority
stereotypes affect the psychological well-being of
Asian American men and women in the United
States. In his third line of research, he is studying
the professional identity development of women
engineering students and women engineering faculty
members in India. In his fourth line of research, he
examines whether nurturing mindful awareness
enhances the resilience of members of marginalized
community members. He edited two books:
Multicultural Curriculum (Routledge) with Cameron
McCarthy; Cultural Psychology of Immigrants
(Lawrence Erlbaum). He teaches courses on gender
psychology, cultural psychology of immigrants,
psychology of mindfulness and psychology of films.
(Event 3-026) Paper Discussion
East Ballroom Salon C
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
3-026. Puberty and Stress: A
Vulnerability-Stress Perspective on
Individual Differences in Timing Effects
Chair: Lisa M. Sontag-Padilla
Discussant: Julia A. Graber
 Pubertal Development and Internalizing
Symptoms Among Girls in Foster Care
Jane Mendle, Mark Van Ryzin, Misaki
Natsuaki, Leslie Leve
 Testing a Biopsychosocial Model of Timing
Effects on Psychopathology in Early
Mary Saczawa, Julia Graber, Lisa SontagPadilla, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Michelle
 Psychosocial Moderators and Processes
Explaining Sex-Differentiated Links between
Pubertal Timing and Depression
Colleen Conley, Karen Rudolph, Nicole
(Event 3-027) Poster Discussion
East Meeting 1
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
3-027. Not Caring About Right or
Wrong: Developmental and Peercontext Processes in Early Adolescents'
Moral Disengagement
Chairs: Simona C. Caravita, Eveline GutzwillerHelfenfinger
 Moral Disengagement and Bully/victim
Problems: Concurrent and Longitudinal
Eveline Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger, Simone
Merlin, Françoise Alsaker
 Moral Disengagement and the Influence of
Friendship Networks: The Role of Perceived
Popularity and Bullying Behavior
Simona Caravita, Jelle Sijtsema, Gianluca
 Moral Disengagement When Witnessing
Bullying: An Investigation of Morality and
Bystander Behaviour in Canadian Schools
Shelley Hymel, Sandra Gregory, Jessica
Trach, Ellen Shumka, Matthew Lee
 Gender and Moral Disengagement
Susan Swearer, Rhonda Turner
Monica Sanchez, Esteban Cardemil, Wendy
Grolnick, Elizabeth Flamm, Kristine Marbell,
Jacquelyn Raftery
Family Matters: The Role of Mental Health
Stigma and Social Support on Depressive
Symptoms and Subsequent Help Seeking
among African American Boys.
Michael Lindsey, Von Nebbitt, Sean Joe
(Event 3-029) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 11
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
3-029. Practical and Conceptual
Issues in Naturalistic Research on
Families: Integrating Biological,
Observational, and Diary Methods
Chair: Bridget M. Reynolds
 The Inclusion of Naturalistic Biological
Measures in Family Research: Implications
and Methodological Considerations
Leah Dickenson, Bridget Reynolds, Rena
Repetti, Theodore Robles
 Intensive Repeated Measures in Naturalistic
Settings: Research in the Family Context
Bridget Reynolds, Rena Repetti, Theodore
 Conflict Contagion in the Family: Using Daily
Diaries to Investigate Process
Meredith Sears, Bridget Reynolds, Rena
Repetti, Theodore Robles
 Advantages and Challenges of Conducting
In-home Observation to Study Family
Delana Parker, Rena Repetti
(Event 3-028) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 10
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
3-028. It’s All in the Family: The
Contextual Role of Parental Behavior
and Family Social Support in Academic
Performance, Behavioral Problems and
Treatment Seeking for Minority Youth
(Event 3-030) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 12
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
Chair: Monica Sanchez
 Buffering Discrimination: The Effects of
Academic and Ethnic Socialization on
Academic and Behavioral Outcomes in
Mexican American Families.
Spencer Richards, Melanie Domenech
 The Contextual Role of Parental Behavior
and Differential Acculturation and Family
Values in Parent-Child Conflict and
Behavioral Problems for Latino Youth.
3-030. Understanding Parenting and
Adolescent Adjustment in Latino/a
Families: How Cultural Orientation
Chair: Kathleen M. Roche
Discussant: Clea McNeely
Immigrant Parents’ Educational Aspirations
for Adolescent Children
Amy Langenkamp
Cultural Orientations and Latino/a
Adolescent Autonomy Development
Kathleen Roche, Margaret Caughy, Luisa
Neighborhood Risk, Parenting, and
Adolescent Internalizing: The Protective Role
of Mexican American Mothers’ Cultural
Rebecca White, Mark Roosa, Katharine
Zeiders, Nancy Gonzales, George Knight,
Jenn-Yun Tein
3-032. Social and Substance-useRelated Influences on Sexual Risk and
Protective Behaviors
Chair: Jennifer A. Bailey
 Longitudinal Associations Between Binge
Drinking and Casual Sex During the First
Year of College
Jennifer Walsh, Robyn Fielder, Michael
Carey, Kate Carey
 The effects of marijuana initiation,
escalation, and peak use during adolescence
on age 33 problem behavior
Marina Epstein, Jennifer Bailey, Karl Hill, J
David Hawkins
 College Men's Binge-Drinking and Hook-Ups
in the Context of Bros and Masculinity
Norms: A Mixed Methods Analysis
Jerel Calzo
 Romantic relationship characteristics and
alcohol use: Longitudinal associations with
dual method contraception use
Jennifer Bailey, Kevin Haggerty, Richard
Catalano, Charles Fleming
(Event 3-031) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 13
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
3-031. Cyber Aggression and
Victimization: Peer, Family, Ethnic and
Technological Risk Contexts
Chair: Kevin Runions
 Is Cyberbullying Really Worse than
Traditional Bullying, or is it a Question of
Bystander Presence?
Fabio Sticca, Françoise Alsaker, Sonja
 Cyber Victimization and Subsequent Cyber
Aggression: The Moderating Influence of
Peer Rejection
Michelle Wright, Linda Camras, Yan Li
 Same Parenting Methods for the Same
Medium? An Exploration of the Interaction
between Ethnicity and Parenting on
Electronic Aggression
Danielle Law, Monique Gagne, Shereen
Khan, Jennifer Shapka
 On-Line Media as Context: Affordances for
Cyber Aggression and Victimization
Kevin Runions, Jennifer Shapka, Julian
Dooley, Kathryn Modecki
(Event 3-033) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 15
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
3-033. New Goals for Social Goals
Research? Longitudinal and SocialContextual Perspectives in Early
Chair: Sarah Kiefer
 Prospective Associations Among Social
Goals, Perceptions of Social Success, and
Aggression During Early Adolescence
Sarah Kiefer, Tiina Ojanen
 Where Do Goals Come from? Examining
Self-esteem, Narcissism, and Temperament
in the Development of Adolescent Social
Tiina Ojanen
 Do Social Goals Affect Adolescent
Friendships? Agentic and Communal Goals in
Adolescent Friendship Selection and Social
Jelle Sijtsema, Tiina Ojanen
(Event 3-032) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 14
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
Context and Goal Setting: The Case of
Affective Ties
Amanda Thorn, Elizabeth Lemerise, Kristen
(Event 3-036) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 19
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
(Event 3-034) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 17
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
3-036. Risky Business: Popularity and
Social Influence Processes in
Chair: Marlene Sandstrom
Discussant: Sylvie Mrug
 Standing Out and Fitting In: Popularity,
Conformity & Risk in High School
Marlene Sandstrom, Antonius Cillessen
 Are High Status Adolescents More Influential
or More Susceptible to Peer Influence of
Alcohol, Marijuana, and Tobacco Use?
William Burk, Cecile Mathys, Antonius
 Peer Influence Susceptibility Measured with
an Experimental Paradigm: Longitudinal
Associations with Sexual Risk Behavior
Sophia Choukas-Bradley, Mitchell Prinstein,
Geoffrey Cohen
3-034. Nuanced Effects and
Moderators of Discrimination on the
Wellbeing of LGBT Youth
Chair: Lina Darwich
 Identifying Pathways to Anxiety and
Depressive Symptoms in LGBQ Adolescents:
An Interactive Approach
Jordan Simonson, Amy Mezulis, Sarah
 Differential Effects of Gay-Straight Alliances
for LGBTQ and Heterosexual Youth
Paul Poteat, Katerina Sinclair, Craig
DiGiovanni, Stephen Russell
 LGBQ Youth Responses to Victimization
Lina Darwich, Shelley Hymel, Terry
(Event 3-037) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 2
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
(Event 3-035) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 18
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
3-037. Multiple perspectives on
volunteering in adolescence
3-035. Individual and Social
Influences on Adolescents’ Career
Development - International
Chair: Burkhard Gniewosz
 Presentation: Family and peer influences in
adolescents’ volunteering behaviour
Anne van Goethem, Anne van Hoof, Marcel
van Aken, Jan Boom, Bram Orobio de Castro
 How does voluntary service promote positive
development? The role of agency and
ideology experience linking service and
positive outcomes.
Gabriela Christoph, Burkhard Gniewosz,
Heinz Reinders
 “You don’t have to be a nerd to be a
leader”: Perspectives on Youth-Adult
Partnership in Local Government
Julie Petrokubi, Shepherd Zeldin
Chairs: Baerbel Kracke, Erik Porfeli
 Work Valences as Predictors of Career
Adaptabilities over Time
Erik Porfeli, Bora Lee
 Career-Related Parenting Behaviors and
Exploration in Mexican Adolescents:
Variable- and Person-Centered Analyses
Julia Dietrich, Baerbel Kracke, Jessica
 Impact of a Classroom-based Intervention
on Change and Stability of Career
Maria do Ceu Taveira, Martina Konigstedt
(Event 3-038) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 3
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
(Event 3-040) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 8
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
3-038. Getting to Green: A Narrative
Perspective on Environmentalism,
Identity and Generativity in Activist
3-040. Social, Educational and
Psychological Antecedents of
Radicalization of Youth in the West
Chair: Allard R. Feddes
Discussant: Phil L. Hammack
 My In-group is Superior!” Susceptibility for
Radical Right-Wing Attitudes and Behaviors
in Dutch Youth
Allard Feddes, Bertjan Doosje, Kees Van den
Bos, Annemarie Loseman, Liesbeth Mann
 Ethnic Socialization and the Onset of
Radicalization in Muslim Minority Youth in
the Netherlands
Diana van Bergen, Trees Pels, Doret De
Ruyter, Evelyn Ersanilli
 Radicalization, Securitization and the
Simulacrum of Youth
Paul Bramadat
Chair: Ed de St. Aubin
Discussant: Ed de St. Aubin
 Environmental Identity and Generativity:
Their Relationship with Personal
Environmental Narratives
Susan Alisat, Elise Bisson, Joan Norris,
Michael Pratt
 Green Legacies: An Examination of
Generativity, Identity, and Stories of Family
Environmental Lessons by Emerging Adults
Elise Bisson, Susan Alisat, Joan Norris,
Michael Pratt
 Generativity, Community Involvement and
Environmental Activism among Youths
M. Matsuba, Brendan Fernandes
(Event 3-041) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 9
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
(Event 3-039) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 7
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
3-041. Social Functioning and
Depression: Reciprocal Predictive Links
Across Time and Relationships
3-039. Moving Beyond Cross-Sectional
Correlations in the Study of Youth
Chair: Ann Spilker
 Romantic Relationships, Peer Victimization
and Depressive Symptoms in Early
Adolescence: Short-Term Longitudinal Links
Jennifer Connolly, Skye Stephens, Wendy
 Serious Long-term Social Sequelae of Mild
Depressive Symptoms in Early Adolescence
Joseph Allen, Joanna Chango, David Szwedo
 Co-occurring Trajectories of Depression, and
Oppositionality from Adolescence to Young
Bonnie Leadbeater, Kara Thompson,
Vincenza Gruppuso
Chair: Patrick L. Hill
 Longitudinal Correlates of Purpose in
Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
Patrick Hill
 Using an Exemplar Methodology to Examine
Young People’s Purposes in Life
Kendall Bronk
 Derailed by Diversity? The Role of Purpose
in Negotiating Ethnically Diverse Contexts
Anthony Burrow
(Event 3-042)
Exhibit Hall B, Posters G1 – G10
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
Connie Flanagan, Nancy Guerra, Cigdem
Kagitcibasi, Silvia Koller, Todd Little, RaijaLeena Punamäki, Marcela Raffaelli, Robert
Serpell, Ruby Takanishi, Lauree Tilton-Weaver
3-042. Meet with Federal Agency and
Foundation Representatives
Friday, 1:45 pm - 3:15 pm
Chairs: Carolyn R. Spellings, Laura Wray-Lake,
SRA Emerging Scholar Representatives
(Event 3-044) Poster Session 7
Exhibit Hall B
Friday, 1:45 pm - 3:15 pm
Three foundations and seven US agencies will
have posters on display throughout the
Biennial Meeting. During this session,
representatives from these foundations and
US Federal agencies will be available for
questions and discussions.
US Federal Agency Representatives:
 Sarah Bacon, Center for Disease Control
and Prevention
 Suzanne Le Menestrel, National Institute
of Food and Agriculture, US Department
of Agriculture
 Sarah Oberlander, Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Planning and Evaluation,
Department of Health and Human
 Julia Zehr, National Institute of Mental
Health, National Institutes of Health
 Valerie Maholmes, Eunice Kennedy
Shriver National Institute of Child Health
and Human Development, National
Institutes of Health
 Cheryl Boyce, National Institute on Drug
Abuse, National Institutes of Health
 Mariela Shirley, National Institute on
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National
Institutes of Health
Foundation Representatives:
 Simon Sommer, Jacobs Foundation
 Kimberly DuMont, William T. Grant
 Susan Dauber, Spencer Foundation
(Event 3-043) Lunch
Harbourside 2 & 3
Friday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
Pubertal development, personality and
substance use in boys: a longitudinal study
Natalie Castellanos Ryan, Sophie Parent,
Frank Vitaro, Richard E. Tremblay, Jean R.
New Thoughts on Hostile Attributions: The
Importance of Provocateur Motivation
Melissa Kunimatsu, Monica Marsee
Understanding Cultural Influences on
Evolutionary Knowledge
Erin Smith
A mindfulness-based parenting intervention
for increasing emotional regulatory skills
among at-risk adolescent mothers: Results
of a pilot study
Noelle Leonard, Christina Laitner, Bethany
Casarjian, Robin Casarjian, Marya Gwadz,
Cathleen Cisse, Elizabeth Solomon
Perceptions of Family Quality Buffer Against
Depression for Brazilian Youth with
Relationship Difficulties
Dawn DeLay, Christopher Hafen, Josafá Da
Cunha, Lidia Weber, Brett Laursen, Ashley
Richmond, Shrija Dirghangi, Cody Hiatt,
Amy Hartl, Daniel Dickson
Family versus Individual Therapy: Impact
on Discrepancies between Parents’ and
Adolescents’ Perceptions over Time
Xiamei Guo, Natasha Slesnick
Substance Use and Changes in Parental
Monitoring During Middle School: A PersonOriented Approach
Melissa Lippold, Mark Greenberg, Linda
Parent-Adolescent Relationships: Dyadic
Interactions During the Transition to High
Emily Kear, Susan Lollis, Sheila Marshall
3-043. Meet the Scientist Lunch
A ticketed event required advance registration.
Scientists: Jeffrey Arnett, William Bukowski,
Laurie Chassin, Xinyin Chen, Carol Martin,
To drive or not to drive: Adolescent
autonomy and decision-making about
Melissa Witkow, Nicolette Rickert, Brian
Gnerre, Melissa Wurster, Katherine Stewart
Perceived Academic Control and Academic
Competence Importance
Danielle Busby, Sharon Lambert, Nicholas
20 No Parent Left Behind: Predicting Parental
Involvement in Adolescents’ Education
Within a Sociodemographically Diverse
Sira Park, Susan Holloway
10 Financial Hardship and Adolescent
Outcomes: The Moderating Role of
Caregivers' Functioning
Mia Budescu, Ronald Taylor, Azeb Gebre
11 Family Process Variables Mediate the
Association of Paternal Depressive
Symptoms with Child Depressive
Symptoms across Late Adolescence
Erin Barker, Charlene Hendricks, Marc
21 Motivation and Engagement of Male and
Female High School Students in Kenyan
and US Science Classes
Lee Shumow, Jennifer Schmidt, Teresa
Wasonga, Anna Strati
22 The Interplay of Race/ Ethnicity and
Discrimination for Adolescents’ Academic
12 Distinguishing Young Adolescents Who Do
and Do Not Report Improvement in Sexual
Communication with Their Mothers
Brett Robinson, Heather Sears, E. Sandra
Jessica Harding, Diane Hughes, Niobe Way
23 Predicting College Students’ Value of
Education: A Longitudinal Examination of
the Relative Impact of Parent and Peer
Rachael Robnett, Margarita Azmitia
13 Attachment as a Protective Factor for Youth
Exposed to Violence
Jessica Houston, John Grych
14 Mexican-origin Adolescents’ Positive
Development: The Role of Siblings
Sue Rodriguez, Sarah Killoren, Kimberly
Updegraff, Susan McHale, Adriana UmañaTaylor
24 Parent Social and Government Trust and
Youth Civic Responsibility
Elizabeth White, Rashmita Mistry
25 The Influence of Acculturation and
Psychological Stress on Substance Use
among Foreign-born College Students
Azeb Gebre
15 Context Specific Protective Factors for
African American Adolescents Exposed to
Community Violence and Discriminatory
Jessica Henry, Sharon Lambert
26 Challenges Adults Face When Engaging in
Youth-Adult Partnerships
Mariah Kornbluh, Amber Duddy, Tom Akiva,
Jamie Heng-Chieh Wu, Laurie Van Egeren
16 The Over-Scheduling Hypothesis Revisited:
Intensity of Adolescents’ Organized Activity
Participation and Young Adult Outcomes
Andrea Vest, Joseph Mahoney
27 The Effects of the Model Minority
Stereotype on Academic Outcomes among
the Korean-American Adolescents
Hui Chu, Christia Brown
17 Adolescent Activity Involvement Patterns:
Predicting Adult Health Outcomes
Andrea Finlay, Jennifer Maggs
28 A Cultural-Developmental Analysis of
Children’s Morality in the Indian Context
Niyati Pandya, Lene Arnett Jensen
18 Impact of Small Town/Rural Community
Youth Development Projects on Youths’
Perception of Social Capital and Community
Health Status
Elaine Johannes
29 Differential Effects of Perceived
Discrimination in Early and Middle
Thomas Fuller-Rowell, Jacquelynne Eccles,
Steve Peck, Amanda Brodish, Courtney
Cogburn, Oksana Malanchuk
19 Community Violence Exposure and
Academic Achievement: The Role of
30 Mothers, Fathers, Sons, and Daughters: An
Exploration in Parent-Youth Relationships in
Croatian Families
Barbara Samarin, Susan Chuang
Sarah Domoff, Morgan Dynes, Carolyn
41 Are parents aware of children’s peer
victimization experiences? Results from a
multiethnic sample
Irene Vitoroulis, Heather Brittain, Amanda
Krygsman, Patricia McDougall, Tracy
31 Pathways to teen pregnancy and teen
motherhood for abused and non-abused
females: pre-pregnancy predictors.
Jennie Noll, James Peugh, Chad Shenk
32 Co-Occurrence of Depressive Symptoms
and Alcohol Use for Adolescent Boys and
Adrian Fortner, Teena Willoughby
42 Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Association
Between Sexual Orientation and Violent
and Delinquent Behaviors Among Bullied
Jeffrey Duong, Catherine Bradshaw
33 Developmental Associations Between
Alcohol Use, Non-aggressive Delinquency
and Violence from Adolescence to Young
Yao Zheng, H. Harrington Cleveland
43 Explicit and Implicit Peer Evaluation:
Associations with Aggression, Bullying, and
Prosocial Behavior in Early Adolescence
Tessa Lansu, William Bukowski, Antonius
34 The Role of Domain Specific Self-Esteem on
Risk-Taking in African American and
Caucasian Emerging Adults
Lendi Joy, Sarah Domoff, Carolyn Tompsett
44 The Association between Parental
Psychological Control and Relational
Aggression in Adolescents
Saba Shahid, Alison Papadakis, Beth
Kotchick, Carolyn Barry
35 Friends, family, or significant other? Whose
fruit and vegetable intake best predicts
young adult fruit and vegetable
Dan Graham, Melissa Laska
45 Teen Dating Violence and Subsequent
Health Outcomes in a National Sample of
Deinera Exner-Cortens, John Eckenrode,
Emily Rothman
36 Predictors of Condom Use among Sexually
Active Adolescents in Ghana
John Baiden
46 Having a Friend in Adolescence Moderates
Links between Peer Rejection and Life
Satisfaction in Middle-Adulthood
Donna Marion, Brett Laursen, Peter
Zettergren, Lars Bergman
37 Sexuality and Religious Affiliation among
Adolescents in Mexico
Anna Nunn, Graciela Espinosa-Hernandez,
Linda Halgunseth
47 The Role of Future Orientation, SelfEsteem, and Friendship Quality in
Adolescent Mothers’ Tobacco Use
38 Associations between Sleep Disruptions and
Emotional and Behavioral Adjustment
among Youth: An Examination of Reciprocal
Mona El-Sheikh, Joseph Buckhalt, Ryan
Laura Rose, Charissa Cheah
48 Peer Relationships and Psychological WellBeing in Immigrant-Background, Latino/a
Ravreet Cheema, Jourdan Munster, Sari
Kosdon, Nathaly Pacheco-Santivanez,
Claudia Castaneda, Janet Oh
39 Growth in depressive and conduct disorder
symptoms from 6th to 9th grade interact to
predict substance use problems in 12th
Brian Wymbs, Carolyn McCarty, Ann Vander
Stoep, Elizabeth McCauley
49 Positive and Negative Affect During ParentAdolescent Interactions: Associations With
Adolescents’ Conflict Resolution
Daniëlle Van der Giessen, Susan Branje,
Wim Meeus
40 Neighborhood and Peer Influences on
Marijuana, Alcohol, and Other Drug Use in
a High Risk Sample
50 Adolescents' Social Status Goals: Relations
to Social Status Insecurity and Behaviors
Yan Li, Michelle Wright
race/ethnicity on youth mental and physical
health: The mediating role of precocious life
Ryan Lott, Kas Wickrama
51 Hierarchical Versus Egalitarian Cliques: The
Role of Status Distribution Between and
Within Cliques in Prosociality and
Kim Pattiselanno, Jan Kornelis Dijkstra,
Christian Steglich, Wilma Vollebergh, Rene
60 Mediating Effect of Cognitive SelfRegulation between Maternal Depression
and Child Depression
Eun Hye Hur, Xin Feng
61 The Role of Mood Reactivity to Daily
Interpersonal Events in the onset of
Adolescent Depression
Joanna Herres, Roger Kobak, Stevie
Grassetti, Joseph Tan
52 Childhood Relational Aggression and
Trajectories of Depression from Late
Childhood to Adolescence: Moderating
Effects of Gender and Popularity
Erin Shoulberg
62 Predictors of Resiliency Among Homeless
Emerging Adults
Angie Lippman, Sanna Thompson, Tiffany
53 The Role of Peer Clique Status and WithinClique Hierarchy in Victimization by Peers
Megan Kinal, Lynne Zarbatany, Lisa Boyko,
Wendy Ellis, Xinyin Chen
63 Sibling Influences on the Development of
Empathy in Early Adolescence
Anna Solmeyer, Chun Bun Lam, Susan
54 The Nature of Romantic Relationships
Among Late Adolescents and the
Association With First-Year University
Melinda Harper, Christine Allegretti
64 Trajectories of Cannabis Use and Anxiety
During the Transition from Adolescence to
Young Adulthood
Cornelia Zeisser, Kara Thompson, Bonnie
Leadbeater, Timothy Stockwell, Vincenza
55 State and Trait Mindfulness Relate to
Different Aspects of Young Couples’
Affective Experience Before and After
Loren Bengston, Taylor O'Holleran, Karon
Volk, Erica Barton, Robin Hertz, Heidemarie
65 Adolescent First-Time Offenders’
Perspectives on the Campus Corps
Intervention Program
April Thomas, Shelley Haddock, Toni
Zimmerman, Lindsey Weiler, Jen Krafchick,
Sarah Rudisil
56 Late Adolescent Romantic Relationships as
a Mediator of the Intergenerational
Transmission of Parenting Quality
Lee Raby, Paloma Hesemeyer, Rebecca
Shlafer, Jamie Lawler, W Andrew Collins
66 Experimental Trial Demonstrates Positive
Effects of Equine Assisted Intervention on
Child Social Competence
Patricia Pendry, Stephanie Roeter
57 Moderating Effect of Teacher-Student
Relationships in the Relationship Between
effortful Control, Parent-Child Conflict, and
Ming-Te Wang, Jacquelynne Eccles,
Maureen Brinkworth
67 Positive Youth Development: Exploring
Youth Voice and Homelessness
Brooke Nott
68 The Relation between Observed Violence,
Beliefs about Aggression, and Aggressive
Behavior in Adolescents
Rebecca Schulman, Michael Sheehan,
Malcolm Watson
58 An Investigation of the Role of Executive
Function in Adolescent Depression
Chrystal Vergara-Lopez, Hector LopezVergara, Craig Colder
59 The influence of primary caregiver
relationship status history and
69 A New Perspective on Hostile Attributions:
Effects of Adding Animation and Narration
Melissa Kunimatsu, Monica Marsee,
Katherine Lau, Greg Fassnacht
79 Adolescent Narrative Identity Development
in Relation to Age, Gender, SES, and Lay
Sarah Morrison-Cohen, Kate McLean
80 Parent’s influence on the Identity
Development of Swedish Emerging Adults
Maria Wängqvist, Ann Frisén
70 Developmental trajectories of delinquency
and associated risk and protective factors
Joanna Sue, Wendy Craig, Shahriar Khan,
Kelly Petrunka
81 Parental Enculturation as a Mediator in the
Relations between Parents’ Ethnic
Orientation and Adolescents’ Ethnic Identity
Tina Su, Catherine Costigan
71 Emotional Expressivity in Urban Adolescent
Boys: Impacts of Policing of Masculinity and
Other Interpersonal Events on Disclosure
Christopher Reigeluth, Alisha Pollastri,
Esteban Cardemil, Michael Addis
82 Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Identity
Profiles: Relations with Youth Dating
Matthew Page, Hallie Bregman, Kristin
Lindahl, Neena Malik
72 The Uses of Worry and Anger: What
Adolescents Learn from Emotional Episodes
in Community After-School Programs
Natalie Rusk, Reed Larson
83 Adolescents’ versus Parents’ Interest in
Social Technologies: Implications for
Development of the Family Expert Role
Bethany Blair, Anne Fletcher, Erin Gaskin
73 Viewing Television Disaster Coverage and
Adolescent’s Versus Children’s Stress
Carl Weems, Brandon Scott, Donice Banks,
Rebecca Graham
84 Communication Technology in Adolescent
Relationships and Identity Development
Megan Smith, Betty-Ann Cyr, Steven
74 Adolescents’ Ingroup Bias: Gender and
Status Differences in Adolescents’
Preference for the Ingroup
Kelly Lynn Mulvey, Aline Hitti, Shelby
Cooley, Dominic Abrams, Adam Rutland,
Jamie Ott, Melanie Killen
Friday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
(Event 3-045) Invited Views by Two
East Ballroom Salon B
Friday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
75 Creating Meaning, Shaping Selves: Meaning
Making and Self-Integration in Adolescent
Trisha Weeks, Monisha Pasupathi
3-045. Globalization and Adolescent
76 Interactions Between Parental Attachment
and Sociability: Predicting Prosocial
Behaviors Toward Generalized and Familiar
Meredith McGinley
Moderator: Xinyin Chen, Graduate School of
Education, University of Pennsylvania
1. Guillermo Bernal, Institute for
Psychological Research, University of
Puerto Rico
2. Robert Wm. Blum, Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health
77 Social and Emotional Competence in Sixth
Grade Predicts Academic Achievement One
Year Later
Eva Oberle, Kimberly Schonert-Reichl
78 Impact of religious social support on
externalizing behavior outcomes for African
American young adults
Rachel Ploskonka, Meredith Hope, Meredith
Technical Advisory Group of the Child and Adolescent
Health Department as well as the Scientific and
Technical Advisory Group of the Human Reproductive
Program. He was awarded the Society for Adolescent
Medicine’s Outstanding Achievement Award (1993)
and was the recipient of the American Public Health
Association’s Herbert Needleman Award “for scientific
achievement and courageous advocacy” on behalf of
children and youth. In 2010 he was awarded the
Maternal and Child Health Bureau’s Vince Hutchins
Award “…to a lifetime of distinguished service to
improve the health of MCH populations.”
Biography. Guillermo Bernal,
Ph.D., is Professor of
Psychology at the University
of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
Campus and Director of the
Institute for Psychological
Research. His work has
focused on research, training,
and research, and the
development of mental health
services responsive to ethnocultural groups. He has
published over 140 journal
articles and chapters and six books. His current work
is on the efficacy of parent interventions in the
treatment of depression in Latino adolescents. A
primary area of work is in conducting randomized
clinical trials on culturally adapted treatments for
depression with Puerto Rican adolescents. He is a
contributor to the dialogue on cultural adaptations of
EBTs and their relevance to minorities. Since 1992,
his team has generated evidence on the efficacy of
culturally adapted CBT and IPT, carried out
translations and development of instruments, and
published on factors associated to vulnerability of
depression. Also his framework of cultural adaptation
serves as a guide to researchers. Bernal is a Fellow of
APA Divisions 45, 12, and 17. He has received
numerous awards. He has served on the editorial
board of 16 journals including Journal of Consulting
and Clinical Psychology and is he is Associate Editor
for Research for Family Process.
(Event 3-045.5) Paper Discussion
East Ballroom Salon C
Friday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
3-045.5. Integrating Evidence: Mixed
Methods Research on Adolescent
Transitions and Interventions
Chair: Emily Ozer
Discussant: Thomas S. Weisner
 Mixed Methods for Assessing Intervention
Quality in School Settings
Emily Ozer
 Getting to Work: Mixed Methods Evidence
on Employment Preparation Among Youth
with Disabilities
Valerie Leiter
 Disconnection as process and status: Using
multiple methods to explore the transition to
adulthood for low-income young men
Kevin Roy
Biography. Robert Wm.
Blum, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D., is
the William H. Gates, Sr.
Professor and Chair of the
Department of Population,
Family and Reproductive
Health, Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public
Health. He has edited two
books, and has written nearly
250 journal articles, book
chapters, and special reports.
In July 2007, Dr. Blum was
named the Director of the Johns Hopkins Urban
Health Institute. He is a Past-President of the Society
for Adolescent Medicine, has served on the American
Board of Pediatrics, was a charter member of the
Sub-Board of Adolescent Medicine, is a past chair of
the Alan Guttmacher Institute Board of Directors, and
served as chair of the National Academy of Sciences
Committee on Adolescent Health and Development.
In 2006, The National Academy of Sciences’ Institute
of Medicine elected Dr. Blum into membership. He is
a consultant to The World Bank, the United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA), UNICEF, and the World
Health Organization where he has served on the
(Event 3-046) Roundtable
East Meeting 1
Friday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
3-046. Transformational Research
Through University and Non-Profit
Moderator: M. Deborah Bialeschki
Panelists: Suzanne Le Menestrel, David DuBois,
Michael Conn
(Event 3-047) Emerging Scholar
East Meeting 12
Friday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
(Event 3-049) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 14
Friday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
3-047. Emerging Scholars' Event Early Career Grant Writing
3-049. Putting Adolescent Sexuality in
Context: The Impact of Norms,
Resources, and Trauma
Moderator: LeShawndra Price
 LeShawndra Price, National Institute of
Mental Health, US National Institutes of
 Anna Riley, Center for Scientific Review,
National Institutes of Health
 Aria Davis Crump, National Institute on Drug
Abuse, National Institutes of Health
 Cheryl Boyce, National Institute on Drug
Abuse, National Institutes of Health
 Kathy Etz, National Institute on Drug Abuse,
National Institutes of Health
 Valerie Maholmes, Eunice Kennedy Shriver
National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development, National Institutes of Health
 Julia Zehr, National Institute of Mental
Health, National Institutes of Health
Chair: Laina Y. Bay-Cheng
 Slut talks: Social context complexities in
adolescent girls’ fellatio narratives
Deborah Tolman, April Burns, Stephanie
 “That’s not what I was taught at home”:
Perspectives on Sexual Pleasure from Young
Adults Born In and Outside of the U.S.
Sara McClelland
 When Agency is Not Enough: Sexual
Experiences of Girls in Foster Care
Laina Bay-Cheng, Nicole Fava
 Supporting Adolescents’ Sexual Rights and
Well-Being: A Call for Trauma-Informed
Sexuality Education
Nicole Fava, Laina Bay-Cheng
Friday, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
(Event 3-048) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 13
Friday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
(Event 3-051) Poster Session 8
Exhibit Hall B
Friday, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
3-048. Observations of Friends’
Conversations: Implications for
Adolescent Adjustment
Chair: Rebecca Schwartz-Mette
Discussant: Mitchell J. Prinstein
 A Dynamic Analysis of “Coercive Joining” in
Adolescent Friendships in the Cascading
Progression to Young Adult Serious Violence
Thomas Dishion, Mark Van Ryzin
 The Nature of Co-Ruminators’ Conversations
Amanda Rose, Rebecca Schwartz-Mette,
Rhiannon Smith, Gary Glick
 ‘Fat Talk’ Among Friends: A Preliminary
Study of the Influence of Weight and
Appearance Talk within Adolescent Female
Whitney Guerry, Diana Rancourt, Lauren
Danzi, Carissa Chambers, Mitchell Prinstein
Pubertal Development Mediates Sex
Differences in Selective Attention
Elissa Hamlat, Richard Liu, Kim Goldstein,
Olga Obraztsova, Jonathan Stange, Lindsey
Matt, Denise LaBelle, Lyn Abramson,
Lauren Alloy
Ninth Grade Math Students’ Beliefs - Can
They Be Changed?
Angela Bush-Richards, Kristin Harvey,
Lesley Leach, Cynthia Schneider
When Is Ingroup Preference Not Prejudice?
Adolescents' Evaluations of Social Groups
Shelby Cooley, Kelly Lynn Mulvey, Aline
Hitti, Dominic Abrams, Adam Rutland,
Melanie Killen
Concordance between youth self-reported
and documented maltreatment and how it
relates to internalizing symptoms and selfesteem
Julie Gravener, Fred Rogosch, Dante
Cicchetti, Sheree Toth
Openness in Adoption across Time as a
Function of Birth Mother Age
David Martin, Jenae Neidershier, Leslie
Leve, Daniel Shaw, Laura Scaramella,
David Reiss
14 Parents’ Differential Treatment as a Family
Process: Links between Favoritism and
Adolescents’ Delinquent Behaviors
Alexander Jensen, Umadevi Senguttuvan,
Shawn Whiteman
15 Rural Compared to Urban Home
Community Settings as Predictors of FirstYear Students' Adjustment to University
Megan Ames, Maxine Wintre
16 After-School Programs and Marketable Job
Skills for High School Students
Kendra Alexander, Barton Hirsch
Emotional Parentification during the
Leaving Home Transition and Risk for Later
Anxiety and Depression in Children of
Kaitlin Bountress, Laurie Chassin
17 The Application of Instrumental Variable
Estimation Analysis in Examining
Developmental Outcomes Associated with
Extracurricular Activity Participation
Chara Price
Ethnic Differences in Preadolescent
Perceptions of Maternal Use of Conditional
David Bond, John Coffey, Kizzann Ramsook,
Melanie Fox, Patricia Smiley, Jessica Borelli
18 Youths’ Engagement in Motivational
Processes through Written Reflection:
Sources of Personal Connection in
Organized Activities
Nicole Ja, Laura-Nicole Sisson, Molly Glantz
Evaluating Information Management
Strategies: Parent Versus Teen
Wendy Rote, Judi Smetana
19 Intellectual Functioning and Academic
Achievement in Children with Tourette
Amy Veenstra, Alexandra Manolis, William
Guy, Michael Behen
Antecedents of Parental Monitoring During
Middle Childhood and Adolescence
Sarah Racz, Robert McMahon
20 Including Fathers in the Picture: A Metaanalysis of Father and Mother Involvement
and Adolescent’s Academic Outcomes
Sung won Kim
10 A developmental perspective to adolescent
substance use: Risk and Protective factors
Assaf Oshri, Mandi Burnette, Jonathan
21 Academic risks associated with emerging
adults seeking the college experience
Nadia Sorkhabi, Amy Strage, Lindsay
11 Fathering Adolescents: An Examination of
the Effects of Fathers’ Warmth on
Adolescents’ Academic and SocialEmotional Outcomes
Marie-Anne Suizzo, Jason Rarick, Kadie
Rackley, Paul Robbins, Karen Jackson
22 The School Belonging of Girls as a Function
of Pubertal Development and Subjective
Perception of Ethnic Diversity
Jessica Morales, Sandra Graham
12 How Relevant are General Measures of
Parental Involvement in Predicting
Behavior-Specific Parent Engagement?
Ellen Pinderhughes, Jason Bendezu, Sean
Hurley, Arthur West, Robert McMahon
23 Gender specific test anxiety in the context
of neuroticism and social relations in a
German secondary school setting
Frances Gottwald, Diana Raufelder, Danilo
13 Maternal Age, Investment, and Parent-Child
Conflict: A Mediational Test of the Terminal
Investment Hypothesis
Gabriel Schlomer, Jay Belsky
24 Adolescent Political Attitudes:Associations
with Individual Beliefs, Civic Involvement,
and Sources of Political Knowledge
Kaitlyn Ferris, Elizabeth Yale, Aaron
35 General Parenting Styles and Parental
Feeding Practices in Mexican American
Carlos Penilla, Jeanne Tschann, Elena
Flores, Cynthia de Groat, Steven Gregorich
26 The Prediction of Career Compromise in
Sarah Schmitt-Wilson, Marilyn Welsh
36 Effectiveness of Federally Funded
Demonstration Projects Serving Pregnant
and Parenting Teens
Marni Kan, Olivia Ashley, Joel Hampton,
Alicia Scott
27 African-American Adolescents’ Perceptions
of Ethnic Socialization and Racial
Socialization as Distinct Processes
Julie Paasch-Anderson, Susie Lamborn
37 LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, and questioning) Youth
Perspectives of School-Based Sexuality
Nick Winges-Yanez, Kris Gowen
28 Mexican-origin Youth’s Involvement in
Housework from Late Adolescence to Young
Adulthood: The Role of Gender and Culture
Sue Rodriguez, Kimberly Updegraff, Susan
McHale, Melissa Delgado, Adriana UmañaTaylor
38 Effects of Nicotine Dependence and
Depressive Symptoms on Smoking
Cessation: a Longitudinal Study Among
Charlotte Scherphof, Regina van den
Eijnden, Zeena Harakeh, Marloes Kleinjan,
Rutger Engels, Wilma Vollebergh
29 Perceived Discrimination and Psychological
Distress Among Asian American Emerging
Adults: The Moderating Role of Religious
May Kim, Irene Park
40 Cognitive Errors and Emotion Dysregulation
Moderate Relationship Between ParentTeen Conflict and Adolescent Substance
William Rothenberg, Louis Cornejo, Adam
Miller, Adam Walsh, Christianne EspositoSmythers
30 The Relation of Language Brokering
Attitudes and Parent-Adolescent Closeness
in Immigrant Latino Families
Emile Tilghman-Osborne, Mayra BamacaColbert
31 The Association Between Sequences of
Sexual Initiation and the Likelihood of Teen
Bianka Reese, Abigail Haydon, Amy
Herring, Carolyn Tucker-Halpern
41 Electronic Victimization and Adolescents’
Subsequent Academic Adjustment: The
Moderating Role of Emotion Dysregulation
Daryaneh Badaly, Brynn Kelly, David
32 Supervision and Delinquency as Predictors
of Harmful Alcohol Consumption
Catherine Quinn, Kay Bussey
42 To Disclose or Not to Disclose
Victimization? Factors Influencing the
Disclosure of Cyber and Offline Relational
Victimization to Parents
Kay Bussey, Catherine Quinn
33 Protective Predictors of Alcohol Use
Trajectories Among Canadian Aboriginal
Megan Ames, Jennine Rawana
43 Associations among Gender, Ethnicity,
Attitudes, and Aggression: A Mediation
Maya Zayat, Beth Kotchick, Alison
34 Protective factors for aggression, violence,
and delinquency among high-risk and
gang-involved youth in San Salvador, El
Christopher Salas-Wright, Rene Olate,
Michael Vaughn
44 Peer Victimization as a Risk Factor for
Dating and Sexual Violence Among
Adolescent Girls
Jennifer Livingston, Maria Testa, Kathleen
45 Examination of Differential Predictors of
Adolescent Dating Aggression Engagement
Claire Oxtoby, John Grych
55 Specific Associations Between Trait
Mindfulness Facets, Romantic Attachment,
and Relationship Satisfaction
Karon Volk, Erica Barton, Loren Bengston,
Taylor O'Holleran, Robin Hertz, Heidemarie
46 Similarity of Latino Friends across the
Transition to Middle School
Anne Sebanc, Jamie Slingluff, Stephanie
Bergstrom, Christine Verduzco
56 Latina Mother-Daughter Communication
about Male Partner Relationships and
Dating Violence
Magali Bravo, Laura Romo
47 Costs of Cross-Ethnic Friendships:
Sociometric Nominations by Same-Ethnic
Peers as a Function of Cross-Ethnic
Friendship Rates
Patrick Rock, Jaana Juvonen
57 Adolescent Alcohol Problems in Context:
From Biological Vulnerability to Social
Christi Culpepper, Katherine Kivisto,
Deborah Welsh, Debora Baldwin, Sarah
Fischer, Samantha Gray
48 Friendship Quality and Stability: A Person
Centered Assessment
Cody Hiatt, Brett Laursen, Karen Mooney,
Kenneth Rubin, Dawn DeLay, Ashley
Richmond, Shrija Dirghangi, Amy Hartl,
Daniel Dickson
58 Peer Victimization and Depressed Affect in
Early Adolescents: The Mediating Role of
Marie-Eve Dubois, William Bukowski,
Melissa Simard
49 First Impressions: What Motivates
Adolescents to Interact with Peers?
Justin Caouette, Clinton Lee, Amanda
59 A Consideration of Self-report in
Adolescents With ADHD
Laura Connors, Maggie Toplak, Rosemary
Tannock, Karen Ghelani, Umesh Jain
50 Social Resource Control in the Adolescent
Peer Group: Associations with Aggressive,
Prosocial, and Withdrawn Behaviors
Danielle Findley, Tiina Ojanen
61 Profiles of Risk and Protective Factors in
Ethnic Minority Low-Income Adolescents: A
Cluster Analysis.
Stephanie Ernestus, Hazel Prelow
51 Are Cross-ethnic Antipathies Among Early
Adolescents Moderated by Social Goal
Travis Wilson, Philip Rodkin
62 Optimism and Coping as Predictors of
Depressive Symptoms in Children of
Depressed Parents
Jennifer Potts, Susanna Crowell, Kelly
Watson, Rex Forehand, Bruce Compas
52 Social and Physiological Moderators of the
Association between Popularity Goals and
Functions of Relational Aggression
Erin Shoulberg, Dianna Murray-Close, Emily
63 The Impact of Transitions to Adulthood on
Trajectories of Depression in Sexual
Minority and Non-Sexual Minority
Individuals in the Transition to Adulthood
Sarah Kendig, Alexa Martin-Storey, Rob
53 Information Manipulation: Emerging Adults’
Romantic Relationship Quality and
Disclosures to Family and Friends
Jill Boelter, Timothy Loving, Benjamin Le,
Rebecca Harmon, Carly Layfield
64 Differences Between Event and Memory of
Maria Korogodsky
54 Technology as a Form of Dating Violence
Among College Students
Melissa Schnurr, Maggie DeLong
65 The Family Check-Up in Public Middle
School: Implications of a Family-Centered
Intervention for Preventing Adolescent
Gregory Fosco, Mark Van Ryzin, Elizabeth
Stormshak, Thomas Dishion
74 Pals, Problems, and Personality: The
Moderating Role of Personality in
Adolescents’ and Best Friends’ Delinquency
Rongqin Yu, Susan Branje, Loes Keijsers,
Wim Meeus
75 Assisting a Stranger: The Effects of SelfEsteem on Prosocial Behavior During
Ashley Fraser, Laura Padilla-Walker
66 Placement Disruption and Youth
Adjustment among Former Foster Youth:
The Moderating Role of Educational
Kelly Murphy, Tuppett Yates, Tiffany Berry
76 The Influence of Hostile Attribution on
Adolescent Friendship Jealousy and
Mairin Augustine, Deborah Laible, Tia
67 Gender Differences in the Relation Between
Identity and Aggression
Tia Kim, Annabella Gallagher
68 A longitudinal examination of socialcognitive processes: The stability of
rejection sensitivity and rumination in highrisk youth
Tania Bartolo, Marlene Moretti
77 Positive Touch, Temperament, and Gender
in Predicting Adolescent Depression
Rachel Chandley, Aaron Luebbe, Debora
78 Exploring the Transition to Adulthood
Between a Canadian and US Sample
Karin Bartoszuk, Barbara Gfellner
69 Comparing Runaway and Non-runaway
Adolescents’ Attitudes toward the Past, the
Present, and the Future
KrisAnn McBroom, Zena Mello, Frank
80 The Positive Implications of an Integrated
Identity Among Asian Americans
Jason Luu, Lisa Kiang
70 The Role of Co-Rumination and Emotion
Regulation in Nonsuicidal Self-Injury: A
Longitudinal Investigation
Cynthia Erdley, Molly Adrian, Leslie Sim,
Kendra Homan, Morgan Ames, Janice
81 The Positive Experiences of Openly Gay,
Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered
Students in a British Christian College
Mark McCormack
82 The Impact of Advertising Literacy and
Cognitive Development on Preadolescents’
Consumer Behavior
Jessica Williams
71 Low Point Narratives and Their Relation to
Emotional Adjustment in Emerging
Adulthood: A Longitudinal Analysis
Florence Mak, Michael Pratt, Tara Dumas,
Susan Alisat
83 Adolescent Discretionary Time
Management: Does Time Engaged in Social
Networking Compete with Homework and
Lynette Vernon, Bonnie Barber, Kathryn
72 Maternal Warmth and Early Adolescents’
Adjustment: Mediation via Emotional
Alberto Alegre, Mark Benson, Nuria PerezEscoda, Arantxa Ribot
84 Associations Among Social Goals,
Classroom Engagement, and School
Belonging During Early Adolescence
Cheryl Ellerbrock, Sarah Kiefer
73 Implicit Measurement of Moral Identity in
Relation to Late Adolescents’ Value
Socialization, Moral Emotions, and
Megan Johnston, Amanda Sherman, Joan
Commentator: Stephen T. Russell, University of
Panelist: Raija-Leena Punamäki, University of
Tempere, Finland
Friday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
(Event 3-052) Paper Discussion
East Ballroom Salon A
Friday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
Abstract. Traumatic experiences can seriously
interfere with adolescent development and mental
health. Fortunately, there is increasing research
available on protective and healing processes that
can be translated to help traumatized adolescents.
They include social (e.g., disclosure and sharing),
emotional (recognition and expression),
neurophysiological (age-specific brain reorganization
and stress management) and symbolic (dreaming
and playing) processes. This presentation, first,
reviews research findings that are relevant in
tailoring effective interventions to enhance optimal
development and mental health. Second, it shortly
analyses the evidence-based and theory-based
effectiveness of available interventions and
treatments among war-affected adolescents (such as
age-specific in-vivo of trauma rehearsal, narrative
and symbolic techniques and psychoeducation).
Third, it presents research findings of an intervention
study among Palestinian children and youth (N=482)
after a major war, focusing on emotional, cognitive
and symbolic processes as mediating the possible
intervention effectiveness. We discuss how to
combine developmental and preventive science in
working with war-affected youth.
3-052. The Adaptive Calibration
Model: An evolutionally, life history
approach to individual variation in
stress responsivity.
Chair: Jennie Noll
 The Adaptive Calibration Model of Stress
Responsivity and Reproductive Strategy in
Bruce Ellis, Marco Del Giudice, Elizabeth
 Adaptive Patterns of Stress Responsivity:
Preliminary Empirical Results
Marco Del Giudice, Bruce Ellis, J. Benjamin
Hinnant, Mona El-Sheikh
 Curvilinear Relations among Childhood
Exposure to Interparental Conflict and
Cortisol Reactivity in Late Adolescence:
Implications for Mental Health
Linda Luecken, Melissa Hagan, Danielle
Biography. Raija-Leena
Punamäki is a psychologist
and professor in University of
Tampere, Finland. Her
research focuses on child and
adolescent development and
mental health in traumatic
conditions, especially in war
and military violence. The
research topics include
symbolic processes
(dreaming, fantasy and
playing), family dynamics and
attachment development. The main aim is to
translate the knowledge of adolescent emotional,
symbolic, social and cognitive development into
evidence- and theory-based treatments for young
trauma survivors. In the field of war trauma, she
works in close cooperation with Palestinian and
Kurdish colleagues, in research, professional training
and interventions. In the Nordic and Finnish context,
she studies social, emotional, psychophysiological
impacts of ICT (Information and communication
technology) on adolescent development, and
predictors of suicide, drug abuse and school violence
among adolescents. She is an active member of the
(Event 3-054) Roundtable
East Meeting 1
Friday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
3-054. Entrepreneurship as a Pathway
to Positive Youth Development
Moderator: Richard M. Lerner
Panelists: William Damon, Kendall Bronk,
Timothy Reilly, Megan Mueller
(Event 3-056) Invited Roundtable
East Meeting 11
Friday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
3-056. SRA International Fellow What Should Change and Why in
Preventive Interventions for
Traumatized Adolescents? Cognitive,
Emotional, and Symbolic Processes
Moderator: Doran French, Purdue University
Finnish Psychologist for Social Responsibility, and the
Board Member of the Finnish Academy of Science and
Letters, of the Research on Family Relations, of the
National Doctoral Program, and of the Nordic
Network for Research on Refugee Children.
(Event 3-057) Emerging Scholar
East Meeting 12
Friday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
Kayla de la Haye, Harold Green, David
Kennedy, Michael Pollard, Joan Tucker
Social Selection and Smoking Initiation in
Middle School Friendship Networks
Harold Green, Kayla de la Haye, Joan
Tucker, Elizabeth D'Amico, Mariana Horta
(Event 3-059) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 14
Friday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
3-057. Federal Research Opportunities
and Funding Priorities
3-059. The Contexts and
Consequences of Co-occurring
Substance Use and Sexual Behavior
Moderator: LeShawndra Price
 LeShawndra Price, National Institute of
Mental Health, National Institutes of
 Sarah Oberlander, Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Planning and Evaluation,
US Department of Health and Human
 Suzanne Le Menestrel, National Institute
of Food and Agriculture, US Department
of Agriculture
 Sarah Bacon, National Center for Injury
Prevention and Control, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention
 Cheryl Boyce, National Institute on Drug
Abuse, National Institutes of Health
 Julia Zehr, National Institute of Mental
Health, National Institutes of Health
Chair: Eva S. Lefkowitz
Discussant: Lucia F. O'Sullivan
 Drinking Together: Substance Use
Concordance, Sexual Behavior, and
Infidelity in Adolescent Couples
Deborah Welsh, Nancy Darling, Katherine
Kivisto, Teresa Preddy, Christi Culpepper,
Samantha Gray, Nicholas Bishop
 Parties, Drugs, and High School Hook-ups:
Mexican American and White Descriptions of
Adolescent Romance
Lela Williams, Heidi Adams
 Perceived Links Between Drinking and Sex:
Associations With Gender, Sexual
Experience, and Heavy Drinking
Eva Lefkowitz, Nicole Morgan, Jennifer
(Event 3-058) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 13
Friday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
(Event 3-060) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 15
Friday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
3-058. Dynamic Network-Based
Models of Substance Use: Recent
Results Using SIENA
3-060. "From whom does our help
come?" The impact of religious social
support and engagement on black
adolescent and emerging adult
psychosocial outcomes
Chair: John Light
Discussant: Christian Steglich
 Time Scales and Cascading Dynamics of
Alcohol Use in School-Wide Networks of
Early Adolescent Youth
Julie Rusby, John Light
 Peers and Pot: Selection and Influence
Mechanisms Associated With Marijuana use
in Adolescent Friendship Networks
Chair: Pamela Martin
(Event 3-062) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 18
Friday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
Religious engagement, social support, and
self-efficacy on African and Caribbean
American young adults' predicted future
Meredith Hope, Jacqueline Mattis, Meredith
Religious social upport and engagement
protecting against depression in black young
adults: Considering stressor chronicity
Cynthia Pierre, Meredith Hope, Meredith
McGinley, Corinn Elmore, Jacqueline Mattis
Religiosity and Volunteerism among African
American Emerging Adults: A Mediational
Jacqueline Mattis, Meredith Hope, Meredith
McGinley, Lawanna Kimbro, Ashlee Yates
3-062. Positive Developmental
Outcomes: Linking Teaching Practices
to Latino Middle School Students’
Motivation and Achievement
Chair: Karen R. Strobel
Discussant: Robert Roeser
 Changes Over Time in Perceived Teacher
Mastery Practices and Self-Efficacy in Math:
A Focus on Latino Middle School Students
Graciela Borsato, Karen Strobel
 Linking Caring Teaching Practices to Latino
Middle School Students’ Efficacy and
Achievement in Math
Karen Strobel, Graciela Borsato
 Promoting Motivation and Achievement
Through Teaching Practices that Capitalize
on Latino Students’ Strengths
Noah Borrero, Diane Lee, Amado Padilla
(Event 3-061) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 17
Friday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
3-061. Pathways to Resilience for
Sexual Minority Youth: Individual and
School-Based Factors that Mediate and
Moderate School Harassment
(Event 3-063) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 19
Friday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
Chair: Alexa Martin-Storey
Discussant: Russell B. Toomey
 Creating a Safe and Affirming Learning
Environment for LGBT Youth: The Role of
LGBT-Inclusive Curriculum
Joseph Kosciw
 Does the Quality of Student-Teacher
Relations and School Climate Promote
Positive Perceptions of High-School for
Brazilian Youth who Suffer Homophobic
Josafá Da Cunha, Lidia Weber
 Harassment due to gender non-conformity
and depression: The moderating role of selfcontinuity
Alexa Martin-Storey, Holly Recchia, Matteo
3-063. Factors Affecting Susceptibility
to Peer Influence on Risky Behavior:
The Role of Puberty, Situational
Context, and Parenting
Chair: Sylvie Mrug
Discussant: Marlene Sandstrom
 Pubertal Timing and Tempo as Moderators of
Peer Influence on Antisocial Behavior in
Adolescent Boys and Girls
Sylvie Mrug
 Influence of Peers on the Calculation of Risk
in a Probabilistic Gambling Task
Ashley Smith, Jason Chein, Alexander
Weigard, Laurence Steinberg
 Can Parents’ Peer Management Reduce the
Selection or Influence of Norm-Breaking
Peers? Testing the Question With Network
Lauree Tilton-Weaver, William Burk,
Margaret Kerr, Håkan Stattin
(Event 3-064) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 2
Friday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
(Event 3-066) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 7
Friday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
3-064. Insights into the Effects of the
KiVa Antibullying Program:
Generalizability, Mediation, and
3-066. Masculinity In Context:
Empirical Studies of Race, Gender and
Stereotypes in Single-Sex Learning
Chair: Christina Salmivalli
 Effects of the KiVa AntiBullying Program on
Rates of Cyberbullying and
Cybervictimization among Early Adolescents
Anne Williford, Christian Elledge, Kathryn
DePaolis, Aaron Boulton, Todd Little,
Christina Salmivalli
 Reduced Rates of Bullying in KiVa Schools:
What Student-Level and Contextual
Mechanisms Account for the Intervention
Silja Saarento, Christina Salmivalli
 Implementation of Kiva: Classroom- and
School-level Predictors and Association with
the Outcomes Obtained
Anne Haataja, Marinus Voeten, Christina
Chair: Joseph Nelson
Discussant: Pedro Noguera
 Racial and Gender Identity and Psychological
and Academic Adjustment: Does an AllBlack Male School Make a Difference?
Leoandra Rogers
 Single-sex Schooling, Gender Stereotyping
and Boys’ Achievement During Middle
Carlos Santos
 Intervention in Search of a Theory: Urban,
Early-Adolescent, Black Boys’ Experience of
Identity Within a Single-sex School for Boys
of Color
Joseph Nelson
(Event 3-067) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 8
Friday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
(Event 3-065) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 3
Friday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
3-067. Prospective Effects of
Childhood Maltreatment on Adolescent
Internalizing Psychopathology
3-065. The multifaceted links between
adolescents’ ethnic identity and their
structural, social, and psychological
Chair: Dante Cicchetti
 The Contribution of Childhood Maltreatment
to Internalizing Symptoms During
Adolescence: An Ecological-Organizational
Megan Flynn, Dante Cicchetti, Fred Rogosch
 Direct and Moderated Predictions to Late
Adolescent Internalizing Symptoms From
Emotionally Stressful Family Contexts
Joanna Chango, Ann Spilker, Joseph Allen
Chair: Barry H. Schneider
 Social Identity on top of Social Contexts:
Job-search Behavior in Immigrant Vocational
Training Graduates
Pieter Baay
 Adaptation in an acculturative context is a
family matter: Adolescents’, mothers’ and
fathers’ attitudes and second-generation
adolescents’ well-being
Colette Sabatier
 Domain-Specific Exploration of the
Adjustment of Adolescent Immigrants to
Spain as a Function of Ethnic Identity
Barry Schneider, Ibis Alvarez-Valdivia
Child Emotional Abuse as a Vulnerability to
Depressive Symptoms Following Recent
Stressful Life Events: A Longitudinal Design
Benjamin Shapero, Shimrit Black, Richard
Liu, Joshua Klugman, Rachel Bender, Lauren
Alloy, Lyn Abramson
Abstract. In an empirically grounded challenge to
our stereotypes about boys and men, Dr. Way’s
longitudinal research over the past twenty years
reveals the intense intimacy among teenage boys
especially during early and middle adolescence. Boys
from diverse ethnic and racial groups not only share
their deepest secrets and feelings with their closest
male friends, they claim that without them they
would go “wacko.” Yet as boys grow older, they
become distrustful, lose their friendships, and feel
isolated and alone. This loss is evident at the same
time in development that the suicide rate, according
to national data, goes up dramatically for boys and
becomes five times the rate of girls. Drawing from
hundreds of interviews conducted throughout
adolescence with Black, Latino, White, and Asian
American boys, Niobe Way’s research suggests that
we have been telling ourselves a false story about
boys, friendships, and human nature. Boys’
descriptions of their male friendships sound more like
“something out of Love Story than The Lord of the
Flies.” Yet in late adolescence, boys believe they
have to “man up” and “mature” by becoming stoic
and independent. Vulnerable emotions, intimate
friendships, and expressing feelings are, according to
the boys, for girls and gay boys. “No homo” becomes
their mantra. These findings are troublesome, given
what we know from decades of social science
research about the links between friendships and
health, and even longevity. Rather than a “boy
crisis,” Dr. Way finds that boys are experiencing a
“crisis of connection” due to the fact that they live in
a culture where basic human needs and capacities
are given a sex (female) and a sexuality (gay) and
thus discouraged for those who are neither. Way
argues that the solution to this crisis lies with
exposing the inaccuracies of our gender and racial
stereotypes and fostering intimate friendships and
fundamental human skills.
(Event 3-068) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 9
Friday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
3-068. The Co-occurrence of
Depressive Symptoms and Conduct
Problems during Adolescence
Chair: Misaki N. Natsuaki
Discussant: Arin M. Connell
 Depressive Symptoms and Externalizing
Behaviors Across Adolescence: Cooccurrence and Associations with Suicide
David Kerr, J. Mark Eddy, Wendy Reinke
 Depressive Symptom Trajectories among
Girls in the Juvenile Justice System:
Findings from an RCT of Multidimensional
Treatment Foster Care
Gordon Harold, David Kerr, Mark Van Ryzin,
Kimberly Rhodes, Leslie Leve
 Examination of dual growth of depressive
symptoms and externalizing problems
during early adolescence using a parallel
process model
Isaac Rhew, Kathryn Monahan, Elizabeth
McCauley, Ann Vander Stoep
Friday, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Friday, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
(Event 3-070) Reception
Exhibit Hall A
(Event 3-069)
Presidential Address
Exhibit Hall A
Friday, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
3-070. Presidential Reception - All
Attendees Welcome!
3-069. Boys and the
Crisis of Connection
All attendees are encouraged to attend this social
event! Connect with old and new friends and
colleagues as you enjoy refreshments. Cash bars will
be available.
Chair: Reed Larson
Speaker: Niobe Way,
SRA President, New York
Saturday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
Biography. Dr. Cigdem
Kagitcibasi is Professor of
Psychology at Koc University,
Istanbul, Turkey. She has
been a Visiting Professor at
Duke University, Columbia
University, Harvard
University, and the University
of California, Berkeley. She
also has been a fellow of the
Netherlands Institute for
Advanced Study (NIAS). She
is a Founding Member of the Turkish Academy of
Sciences. She served as the Vice-President of the
International Union of Psychological Science, and of
the International Social Science Council. Dr.
Kagitcibasi was elected the first woman President and
subsequently Honorary Fellow of the International
Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. She has
received awards from American Psychological
Association, International Association of Applied
Psychology, and European Developmental Psychology
Association, among others. Her publications in
English include 13 books (authored, co-authored,
edited, co-edited), and 150 journal articles and book
chapters. Dr. Kagitcibasi focuses on human
development, self, and family in cultural context. Her
work spans both theoretical and applied spheres,
best represented in her recent book, Family, Self and
Human Development Across Cultures: Theory and
Applications (2007). Other recent volumes are
Understanding Social Psychology Across Cultures
(2006, with Smith & Bond), and Families Across
Cultures (2006, with Georgas et al.).
(Event 4-001) Invited Keynote Address
East Ballroom Salon B
Saturday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
4-001. Roberta Grodberg Simmons
Prize Lecture--Autonomy-Relatedness
Dynamics in Adolescence: What Is
Chair: Thomas S. Weisner, Departments of
Psychiatry & Anthropology, University of California-Los
Speaker: Cigdem Kagitcibasi
Abstract. To develop a global understanding of
adolescence and to promote well-being, we need to
take into consideration environmental trends. In
particular there is a need to recognize fundamental
shifts from rural to urban environments involving
increasing similarities in life styles. What are the
implications of this phenomenon for culturally relative
versus universalist perspectives on human
development? And pursuing this inquiry further, what
are the implications for establishing standards or
benchmarks regarding what constitutes healthy
adolescent development? I submit that
notwithstanding socio-cultural diversity, we can talk
about a model of healthy adolescent development
and endeavor to work toward it without succumbing
to cultural relativism. Achieving a balanced
autonomy-relatedness dynamics in adolescence is
such an optimal model. This is because autonomy
and relatedness are basic human needs. Their
coexistence promises to lead to a more optimal self
construal. What constitutes a “balanced” co-existence
would again need to take into account contextual
factors, especially cultural norms and values.
Especially applied work has to be contextual. Recent
research and theory provide us with valuable insights
in such an endeavor. As cases in point, I will discuss
my “autonomous-related self” theory and
intervention research toward promoting healthy
development of self.
(Event 4-002) Roundtable
East Meeting 1
Saturday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
4-002. The Limits of Adolescent
Privacy: Distinguishing Between
Responsible Supervision and Parental
Moderator: Skyler T. Hawk
Panelists: Judi Smetana, Lauree Tilton-Weaver,
Loes Keijsers, Patricio Cumsille
(Event 4-002.5) Roundtable
East Meeting 12
Saturday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
4-002.5. Youth-Adult Partnerships for
Institutional and Community Change:
Theoretical and Methodological Issues
Moderator: Ben Kirshner
Panelists: Emily Ozer, Valerie Futch, Julie
(Event 4-003) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 10
Saturday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
4-003. The Integrated Adolescent
Emotion System: Concordance across
Physiological, Behavioral, and
Experiential Domains
Chair: Sheila Crowell
 Concordance and discordance between selfreport and psychophysiological assessments
across several discrete emotion elicitation
Sheila Crowell, Daniel Bride, Chloe
Skidmore, Caitlin O'Connor, Candace Allred,
Jeanine Stefanucci
 Patterns among Emotional Experience,
Arousal, and Expression in Adolescence
Dianna Lanteigne, Tom Hollenstein, Jessica
Lougheed, Jennifer Eastabrook
 The Dynamics of Social Stress over Time:
Physiological, Behavioral, and Psychological
Trajectories of Emotional Responsivity
Tom Hollenstein, Jennifer Eastabrook,
Dianna Lanteigne, Jessica Lougheed
Childhood and Adolescent Predictors of
Dating Violence
Kerry Makin-Byrd, Karen Bierman, John
Coie, Ken Dodge, Mark Greenberg, John
Lochman, Robert McMahon, Ellen
Physical Dating Violence Trajectories from
Middle to High School: The Healthy Teens
Pamela Orpinas, Heidi Ehrenreich, Hsien-Lin
Hsieh, Summar Corley, Xiao Song, Patricia
The Impact of Collective Efficacy on Risks
for Adolescents’ Dating Violence
Melissa Schnurr, Brenda Lohman
The Interplay between Stress and
Psychological Intimate Partner Violence over
Time for Young At-Risk Couples
Joann Shortt, Deborah Capaldi, Hyoun Kim,
Stacey Tiberio
Saturday, 10:00 am - 11:30 am
(Event 4-005) Poster Session 9
Exhibit Hall B
Saturday, 10:00 am - 11:30 am
(Event 4-004) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 15
Saturday, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
4-004. Understanding Longitudinal
Precursors of Adolescent and Young
Adult Dating Violence Perpetration and
Chair: Brenda J. Lohman
A Comparison between Two Adolescent
Self-Report Measures of Pubertal Timing:
What happens when there is an explicit
comparison with peers?
Rubab Arim, Jennifer Shapka
Fuzzy-Trace Theory Explains Effects of
Impulsivity on Adolescent Risk-Taking
Behaviors: A Gist for Risk
Adrienne Romer, Valerie Reyna, Seth Pardo
Adolescents’ Perceived Mattering to Friends
and the Role of Peer-valued Characteristics
Jovita Vytasek, Sheila Marshall
Longitudinal Associations between Youths’
Reactions to Childhood Sexual Abuse and
Subsequent Strategies for Processing Abuse
Valerie Simon, Candice Feiring, Charles
Double Liminality: Navigating Misaligned
Services and Inventing Transitions to
Adulthood for Youth with Disabilities
Emilie Gladstone
16 Practicing Continuous Quality Improvement
in Afterschool: The Complications of
Sarah Phillips, Tom Akiva
Family Assessment: Use of Family-Based
Measures in Clinical Practice with Youth and
Catherine McKeown, Scott Ronis
Why Does Adolescents' Disclosure to
Parents Enhance Adolescents' Well-being?
Cecilia Cheung, Lili Qin, Eva Pomerantz
17 How Do I Engage Thee? Let Me Count the
Ways: A Multidimensional Measure of Youth
Heather Ramey, Linda Rose-Krasnor,
Shannon Gadbois, Anne Bowker, Leanne
Ethnic Differences in the Anatomy of
Support Networks across the Transition into
Shu-Sha Guan, Andrew Fuligni
Family emotional engagement as a
mediator: Exploring the link between
maternal depression and preadolescents’
Erin Albrecht, Erika Lunkenheimer, Ann
18 Prospective Linkages Among Violence
Exposure, Erratic Sleep Patterns, and
Academic Achievement in Middle School
Stephen Lepore, Wendy Kliewer
19 Community Violence, School Attitudes, and
Academic Performance
Larissa Borofsky, Gayla Margolin, Pamella
20 Academic and Racial Socialization Profiles:
Associations with African American
Adolescents’ Academic Outcomes
Isha Metzger, Shauna Cooper, Charity
10 Family Structure and the Onset of Sexual
Activity in Adolescent Girls -A Study in
Accra, Ghana
Esther Malm
21 Coping as Part of Motivational Resilience in
School: A New Measure of Families,
Proportions, and Profiles of Academic
Ellen Skinner, Jennifer Pitzer
11 Parent Disclosure as a Predictor of
Adolescents' Empathy and Prosocial
Maria Chaparro, Joan Grusec
22 Can Respect in School Moderate the
Relationship Between Latino Youths’
Environmental Stressors and High-Risk
Kayleigh Welsh, Richard Nunally, Linda
Zelaya, Scott Plunkett
12 Predictors of Change in Maternal
Psychological Control Across the Middle
School Years
Cayley Velazquez, Alexandra Loukas, Keryn
13 Language Gap, Communication, and
Parent-Adolescent Relationships in Asian
Immigrant Families
David Choi, Elizabeth Lin, Lisseth RojasFlores
23 The Relationship between Teachers'
childhood parental bonding experiences and
their Reactions to a Student's Request
Susanna Pallini, Roberto Baiocco, Cecilia
14 Sibling Influences on Adolescents’ Eating,
Weight, and Health Attitudes
Umadevi Senguttuvan, Alexander Jensen,
Shawn Whiteman
24 Emerging Citizenship: Creating Spaces for
Young Changemakers
Jill Hayhurst, John Hunter, Sarah Kafka
25 Gender Typicality in Early Adolescence:
Relationships Between Atypicality and Peer
Social Acceptance and Popularity
Jennifer Jewell, Christia Brown
15 The Ties that Bind: Utilizing Social
Networks to Investigate Career Paths in
Rural Areas
Patricia Dyk, Jessica Kropczynski
26 Project SEARCH for Adolescents with
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Increasing
Competitive Employment Opportunities
Post-High school
Staci Carr, Carol Schall, Jennifer
36 Influences of Parent and Parent-Adolescent
Relationship Traits on Sexual Trajectories
from Adolescence through Young Adulthood
Emily Cheshire, Yasuo Miyazaki, Christine
37 Female Adolescents' Internet Pornography
Use and Sexual Behavior
Megan Maas, Eva Lefkowitz
27 Transmission of Cultural Values among
Mexican American Families: Parents’,
Adolescents’, and Emerging Adults’
Familism Values
Norma Perez-Brena, Kimberly Updegraff,
Adriana Umaña-Taylor
38 Recanting of Cigarette Smoking in
Adolescent Girls: Association with Parent
and Peer Smoking
Lisa Sontag-Padilla, Stephanie Pabst, Justin
Bates, Renate Houts, Lorah Dorn
28 Age Norms and Timing of Adolescents’ First
Sexual Intercourse in 18 European
Countries: Are there Differences by
Ping Ma, Aubrey Madkour, Emmanuelle
Godeau, Saoirse nic Gabhainn, Tilda Farhat,
Carolyn Tucker-Halpern
39 Substance Use, Depression, and Stress: A
Retrospective Analysis of their Relations
and Trajectories across Adolescence
Amy Blunck, Eric Amsel, Leigh Shaw
40 Associations Between Early Adolescent
Caffeine Consumption and Use of Other
Substances, Sensation Seeking, and
Conduct Disorder
Elisa Miyake, Naomi Marmorstein
29 The Effects of Perceptions of Discrimination
During the Transition to College
Henry Hinkle, Nina Mounts, Tracy Walters
30 Relationship between parent-adolescent
differences in perceived family functioning
and individual distress in Korean American
immigrant families
Sumie Okazaki, Nancy Abelmann
41 Electronic Victimization, Social Rejection,
and Unpopularity in Adolescent Peer Groups
Daryaneh Badaly, Brynn Kelly, David
42 The Prevalence of Bullying in Urban and
Rural High Schools in the Philippines
Liane Alampay, Ma. Elizabeth Macapagal
31 Body Image and Sexuality among Latino
Raquel Halfond, Rosalie Corona
43 Bullying in Adolescence and Psychosocial
Adjustment: the Buffering Effect of Parental
Maggie Ledwell
32 Parental Alcohol-Specific Rules and Alcohol
Use From Early Adolescence to Young
Suzane Mares, Anna Lichtwarck-Aschoff,
William Burk, Haske Van der Vorst, Rutger
44 The Cybervictimization Scale: Reliability,
Factors, and Relation to Outcomes for
College Students
Melissa Hord, Elizabeth Baroni, Patricia
Dieter, Cynthia Erdley, Ethan Rothstein
33 The Influence of Family-, Peer-, and
School-Level Social Norms and Gender on
Youth Alcohol Use
Jennifer Carrano, Rebekah Levine Coley,
James Mahalik, Caitlin Lombadi
45 Dating Attractiveness in Mid-Adolescence:
The Roles of Peer Status, Relational
Aggression, and Gender
Cassandra Cross, John Houser, Lara
34 Influence of Best Friends’ and Dating
Partners’ Ethnicity on the Developmental
Trajectories of Delinquency
Thao Le, Gary Stockdale
46 Friends Influence Schoolwork Engagement;
Maternal Affection Moderates Negative
Donna Marion, Brett Laursen, Katariina
Salmela-Aro, Noona Kiuru, Jari-Erik Nurmi
35 Variations in Physiological Reactivity to
Console Vs. Active Video Game Play
Mary Ballard, Glenna Read
47 She is so Nosy About my Boyfriend:
Sources of Tension Between Introverted
and Extraverted College Friends
Kelly Gola
58 Trajectories of Adaptation in Adolescence:
Perceived Competence Promotes Resilience
Molly Adrian, Kristy Ludwig, Ann Vander
Stoep, Elizabeth McCauley
48 Friends’ Deviant and Supportive Talk: Links
with Adolescent Risk Behavior
Esti Iturralde, Sandra Elmgren, Jennifer
Wong, Gayla Margolin
59 Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms and
Active Coping Across High School Predict
Adaptive Functioning of African Americans
Daniel Choe, Marc Zimmerman
49 Early Adolescence Social Withdrawal as a
Predictor of Late Adolescence Autonomy
and Relatedness with Romantic Partners
Elenda Hessel, Megan Schad, Joanna
Chango, Ann Spilker, Caroline White,
Joseph Allen
60 Childhood Externalizing Spectrum and
Externalizing Disorders in Emerging
Adulthood: Parental Warmth and Discipline
as Protective and Moderating Factors
Jeremy Luk, Kevin King, Katie Witkiewitz,
Robert McMahon
50 Identifying Subtypes of Peer Status by
Preference and Popularity
Yvonne van den Berg, Antonius Cillessen
61 Mental Health as a Unique Risk Factor for
Poor Academic Achievement: Results From
a Study of Canadian Children
Vasilinka Tsar, Cindy Do, Heather Brittain,
Patricia McDougall, Tracy Vaillancourt
51 Peer Influence on Risky Behavior in
Adolescents of a Low-Risk Population
Zachary Shindorf
62 Dysfunctional Individuation and Adaptive
Narcissism in Emerging Adulthood
Paul Stey, Daniel Lapsley, Ashleigh
Renteria, Mary McKeever
52 Children’s Management of PeerVictimization Scenarios: Links to Symptoms
of Anxiety and Depression
Laura Cuttini, Melanie Dirks, Miriam
63 Trajectories of Anxiety Symptoms Among
Adolescents Exposured to the 2008
Wenchuan Earthquake in China
Lan Zhang, Fang Fan, Fulei Geng
53 Prosocial Conduct in Early Adolescence: Is
Kindness Contagious in Large Urban Middle
Samantha Simmons, Jaana Juvonen
64 Developmental Trajectories of Internalizing
Symptoms Among African American Youth
on the Roles of Child Protective Services
Hazel Prelow, Isaura Olivares
54 The Effects of Age on Attraction Among
Late-Adolescents Aged 19-22 Years
Tom Koziol, Jonathan Santo
65 Qualitative Action-Project Method: A New
Method for Studying Adolescents and Their
Close Relationships
Leah Wilson, Amy Green, Sheila Marshall,
Richard Young, Emily Polak, Krista
Socholotiuk, Laura Klubben
55 Interpersonal Power Among Romantically
Involved Latino Adolescents: Links with
Overall Relationship Quality
Annel Cordero, Renee Galliher
56 Perpetration of Physical and Psychological
Aggression in Romantic Relationships of
Adolescent Girls and Boys at High-risk for
Nicole Catherine, Ingrid Obsuth, Marlene
66 Cultural Competence in Counseling
Immigrant Youth: A Mixed Methods Study
Lauren Rogers-Sirin
67 Susceptibility to Peer Influence as a
Moderator of the Effectiveness of Group
Therapy for Trauma Symptoms
Joseph Tan, Joanna Herres, Stevie
Grassetti, Roger Kobak
57 The Social Goals of Early Adolescents When
Providing Support to their Bullied Best
Amy Kaye, Cynthia Erdley
68 Reactive and Proactive Aggression in
Adolescent Males
Paula Fite, Adrian Raine, Magda
Stouthamer-Loeber, Rolf Loeber, Dustin
79 Identity Distress and its Effect on Career
Garima Jhingon, Shengnan Li, Steven
80 Does Class Matter? Examining the
Centrality of Social Class Identity for
Emerging Adults
Virginia Thomas, Margarita Azmitia
69 Cool and Hot Executive Functioning in
Provoked Physical Aggression
Angele MacTavish, Karl Hennig
70 Crimes committed with or without peers:
The roles of parental monitoring and peer
delinquency for adjudicated youth
Morgan Dynes, Sarah Domoff, Carolyn
81 From the Conceptual to the Empirical:
Identifying Racial Identity Profiles
Steven Roberts, Enrique Neblett
82 Cohort Effect on the age of Coming Out for
Bisexual Male Adolescents
Mark McCormack, Adi Adams, Eric
71 Parental Psychological Control and
Adolescent Adjustment: The Mediating Role
of Anger Regulation
Lixian Cui, Amanda Morris, Michael Criss,
Benjamin Houltberg, Cara Bosler
83 Disclosing Too Much to Too Many? Chinese
College Students’ Internet Privacy Settings
Dong Liu, B. Brown
72 Temperament Variations in Young
Adolescent’s Emotional and Regulatory
Responses to Positive Events
Chit Yuen Yi, Cara Palmer, Amy Gentzler
84 Parents of Adolescents’ Information and
Communication Technology Use for
Communication with Children
Jessica Connell, Jennifer Doty, Jodi
Dworkin, Susan Walker
73 Self-Worth Contingencies Among
Adolescents and Emerging Adults: Linking
Parental Rejection, Disordered Eating and
Rebecca Burwell, Laura Satkowski
Saturday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
(Event 4-007) Paper Discussion
East Ballroom Salon C
Saturday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
74 Agentic and Communal Social Goals:
Examining Narcissism, Empathy, and
Perceptions of Self and Others in Late
Danielle Findley, Tiina Ojanen
4-007. A Really Boring Symposium:
Cross-National Studies on the
Correlates and Consequences of
Adolescent Boredom
75 Developmental changes in adolescents’
conflict resolution in friendships:
Moderation by adolescents’ personality
Rongqin Yu, Susan Branje, Loes Keijsers,
Wim Meeus
Chair: John E. Schulenberg
Discussant: Ronald Dahl
 Course and Correlates of Subjective
Boredom During Adolescence: The Big
Picture Based on US National Data
John Schulenberg, Meghan Martz, Julie
Maslowsky, Megan Patrick, Jeremy Staff
76 The Association of Parenting Practices and
Parental Socialization with the Development
of Adolescent Prosocial Behavior
David Estell, Mark Wilhelm, Neil Perdue, Ye
77 Peer Relationships, Bullying, and Peer
Victimization Following Profound Early
Clio Pitula, Kathleen Thomas, Jennifer
Wenner, Nicki Crick, Megan Gunnar
The Development of Leisure Boredom in
Early Adolescence: Predictors and
Associations with Problem Behaviors in a
German Sample
Michael Spaeth, Karina Weichold, Rainer
Was Bob Seger right? Relation between Free
Time Boredom and [Risky] Sex Among
South African Youth
Jacqueline Cox, Elizabeth Weybright, Linda
Caldwell, Edward Smith, Tania Vergnani,
Lisa Wegner
(Event 4-011) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 12
Saturday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
4-011. Parenting in the context of
adolescent behaviors: Dynamic
relations across ethnicity
Moderator: Nancy L. Deutsch
Panelists: Edith Lawrence, Jessie Thomason,
Gabriel Kuperminc, Luciano Berardi
Chair: Lin I Deborah Teo
Discussant: Suniya Luthar
 From Middle School to Adulthood: Mediated
Pathways among Parenting, Aspirations,
Achievement and Post High School
Nancy Hill, Ming Te Wang
 A cross-ethnic study of adolescents’
internalizing and externalizing symptoms
and the erosion of parental support
Kevin Kaeochinda, Ruth Chao
 Maternal socialization goals pertaining to
ethnicity, academics, and peers: Ethnic
variations and adolescents’ received
Diane Hughes, Nicole Walden, Niobe Way
(Event 4-010) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 11
Saturday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
(Event 4-012) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 13
Saturday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
4-010. The Role of Gender and Partner
Attitudes on Sexual Attitudes and
4-012. Examining the Roles of
Parents, Peers, and Schools in the
Development of Affective and Cognitive
(Event 4-008) Roundtable
East Meeting 1
Saturday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
4-008. Bridging the Research-Practice
Divide: Best Practices for Using
Research to Improve Mentoring
Chair: Sara A. Vasilenko
Discussant: Emily Impett
 Partner Attitudes and Contraceptive
Behavior in Adolescent Romantic Couples
Derek Kreager, Sara Vasilenko, Eva
 Actor/Partner Effects in Young Adult
Romantic Couples’ Sexual Attitudes
Elizabeth Morgan
 The role of gender in sexual behaviors,
values and expectations among adolescents
living in Mexico
Graciela Espinosa-Hernandez, Jacquelyn
Darazsdi, Julia Daugherty, Sara Vasilenko
Chair: Milena D. Batanova
Discussant: Gustavo Carlo
 Developmental Links Between Adolescent
Empathy and Relationships With Parents and
Jolien van der Graaff, Susan Branje, Minet
de Wied, Skyler Hawk, Tom Frijns, Pol van
Lier, Wim Meeus
 Predictors of Empathic Concern and
Perspective Taking in Early Adolescence: Do
Family and School Level Influences Vary by
Milena Batanova, Alexandra Loukas, Jessica
Predicting Children’s Cognitive and Affective
Empathy at Age 15 From Parental Support
and Friendship Quality in Elementary School
Deborah Laible, Gustavo Carlo, Tia Panfile,
Mairin Augustine
The Role of Alcohol Use in Choices of Same
and Opposite Gender Friends
Jacob Cheadle
(Event 4-015) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 17
Saturday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
(Event 4-013) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 14
Saturday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
4-015. Adolescent self-harm across
culture and context: Similarities and
differences in risk and protection
4-013. Functional and Dysfunctional
Individuation: International
Chair: Janis Whitlock
 Protective factors at work in self-injury
Graham Martin, Penelope Hasking
 Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Among Canadian
Street-Involved Adolescents
Aviva Laye-Gindhu, Elizabeth Saewyc
 Non-Suicidal Self-Harm Among Sexual
Minority and Transgender Youth
N. Eugene Walls
Chair: Daniel Lapsley
Discussant: Kate C. McLean
 Dysfunctional Individuation in Early and Late
Daniel Lapsley, Paul Stey
 When the Separation-Individuation Process
Goes Awry: Distinguishing Between
Dysfunctional Dependence and
Dysfunctional Independence
Evie Kins, Wim Beyers, Bart Soenens
 Promotion of Autonomy or Promotion of
Independence? Which Parenting Construct
Better Predicts Psychosocial Functioning ?
Alicia Facio, Santiago Resett
(Event 4-016) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 18
Saturday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
4-016. Personality-targeted
interventions: an innovative and
effective approach to school-based
prevention of substance use and
mental health problems
(Event 4-014) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 15
Saturday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
Chair: Patricia Conrod
Discussant: Sherry H. Stewart
 The relationship between mental health and
substance misuse prevention in an
adolescent sample: a personality-targeted,
teacher-delivered intervention model.
Maeve O'Leary-Barrett, Patricia Conrod
 Identifying adolescents at risk for substance
use and other comorbid problems with a
brief self-report personality scale.
Natalie Castellanos Ryan, Maeve O'LearyBarrett, Ann Mills Lassiter, Patricia Conrod,
Laura Sully
4-014. Dynamic Social Network
Analyses of Friendship and Adolescent
Substance Use
Chair: D. Wayne Osgood
Discussant: Thomas J. Dishion
 Why Are Kids Who Drink Popular? Friendship
Dynamics and the Emergence of Alcohol Use
D. Wayne Osgood, Scott Gest, James
Moody, Mark Feinberg, Daniel Ragan, Lacey
 The Importance of Cigarette Smoking:
Selection and Deselection Among
Adolescents in Smoking and Nonsmoking
Friendship Groups
Dawn DeLay, Brett Laursen, Noona Kiuru,
Jari-Erik Nurmi, Katariina Salmela-Aro
Secondary academic outcomes of a cluster
randomised trial evaluating a selective,
personality-targeted prevention programme
for adolescent substance misuse.
Patricia Conrod, Maeve O'Leary-Barrett,
Sara Colalillo
(Event 4-017) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 19
Saturday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
School Racial Composition, Academic
Performance, and Adaptive Goal Patterns
Among African American Sixth Grade
Dana Wood, Erin Cue
Academic Motivation among African
American Youth: Exploring Expectancies and
Kelly Minor
(Event 4-019) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 3
Saturday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
4-017. Patterns of Aggression and
Victimization Among Low Income,
African American Youth: Results From
Three Person-Centered Analyses
4-019. Moral Disengagement and
Adolescent Antisocial Conduct: Good
Kids Behaving Badly
Chair: Amie Bettencourt
Discussant: Amy Bellmore
 Latent Classes of Aggression and
Victimization in Urban African American
Preadolescents: Associations with PeerPerceived Characteristics
Katherine Clemans, Nicholas Ialongo
 Examining the link between bullying profiles
and perceptions of school climate: A latent
class approach
Asha Goldweber, Tracy Evian-Waasdorp,
Catherine Bradshaw
 Patterns of peer victimization and
aggression and predictors of their change
during adolescence
Amie Bettencourt, Weiwei Liu, Albert Farrell,
Terri Sullivan
Chair: Gianluca Gini
Discussant: Gianluca Gini
 Moral Disengagement as the Link between
the Influences of Empathy and Perspective
Taking on Peer Conflict
Kay Bussey, Catherine Quinn
 The Influence of Moral Disengagement on
Social Bullying in Dyadic Very Best
Sally Fitzpatrick, Kay Bussey
 The Relationship between Alcohol Harm,
Delinquency, Moral Disengagement and
Catherine Quinn, Kay Bussey
(Event 4-020) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 7
Saturday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
(Event 4-018) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 2
Saturday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
4-020. Parental Financial Assistance
and the Transition to Adulthood: Who
Is Getting What and What Are the
4-018. Using Theoretical Frameworks
to Understand Achievement Motivation
in African American Adolescents
Chair: Dana Wood
Discussant: Sandra Graham
 Examining Latent Profiles of African
American Adolescents’ Causal Attributions
Akilah Swinton, Beth Kurtz-Costes, Rachel
Upton, Tanee Hudgens, Stephanie Rowley
Chair: Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson
Discussant: Ariel Kalil
 Familial Financial Assistance to Young Adults
Patrick Wightman
The implications of parental financial
assistance in the transition to adulthood for
well-being and parent-child relationships.
Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson
The Effects of Parental Support on the
Transition to Adulthood
Teresa Swartz, Ann Meier, Jeylan Mortimer,
Heather McLaughlin, Rachelle Hill
knowledge about LGBTQ adolescents? Finally,
the study of contexts is particularly relevant for
policies to support LGBTQ adolescents: policy
efforts hinge on research that points to
strategies for creating supportive environments
for LGBTQ youth. How can this body of research
be most relevant to public programs and
Biography. Stephen T.
Russell is Distinguished
Professor and Fitch Nesbitt
Endowed Chair in Family
and Consumer Sciences in
the John & Doris Norton
School of Family and
Consumer Sciences at the
University of Arizona, and
Director of the Frances
McClelland Institute for
Children, Youth, and Families. Stephen conducts
research on cultural influences on parentadolescent relationships and the health and
development of lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth. He was
co-editor of Asian American Parenting and
Parent-Adolescent Relationships (with Lisa
Crockett and Ruth Chao, Springer, 2010). His
research on LGBTQ youth has been supported
by a Wayne F. Placek Award from the American
Psychological Foundation (2000), a William T.
Grant Foundation Scholar Award (2001-2006),
and a Distinguished Investigator Award from
the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
(2009-2011). He is currently collaborating on a
prospective study of LGBTQ youth and the risk
for suicide (with Arnold Grossman and Phil
Rutter). He served on the board of the National
Council on Family Relations and is an elected
member of the International Academy of Sex
Research. He is President-Elect of the Society
for Research on Adolescence. He studied
sociology at Wake Forest University (B.A.), the
College of William and Mary (M.A.), and Duke
University (Ph.D.).
(Event 4-021) Invited Roundtable
East Meeting 8
Saturday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
4-021. Cultures and Contexts of LGBTQ
Adolescents: Research Innovations and
Policy Implications
Moderator: Stephen T. Russell, University of
Arizona, SRA President-Elect
 Line Chamberland, Departement of
Sexology, Université du Québec à
 S. Bryn Austin, Children’s Hospital,
Harvard Medical School, and Human
Development and Health, Harvard School
of Public Health
 Elizabeth Saewyc, Canadian Institutes
for Health Resaerch/Public Health
Agency of Canada, and School of
Nursing, Division of Adolescent Medicine,
University of British Columbia-Vancouver
Abstract. Researchers have spent years
documenting health and behavior risks among
LGBTQ adolescents. Most of the existing
scholarship has been conducted in and focused
on adolescents the United States and other
English-language cultures. More recently,
scholars have turned to studies of culture and
contexts for deeper understandings of risk - as
well as resilience. This roundtable discussion
will focus on innovations in research and areas
for future scholarship in studies of LGBTQ
adolescents. A group of scholars representing
diverse fields (family studies / human
development; sociology; sexology; public health
/ medicine; nursing) will discuss compelling
questions for the coming decade. What areas of
study offer the most promise for advancing
understandings of LGBTQ adolescents? In what
ways can scholarship from diverse cultures and
contexts challenge thinking and advance
(Event 4-022) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 9
Saturday, 10:15 am - 11:45 am
Maltreated Adolescents Transitioning to
Young Adulthood
Nicholas Bergeron
4-022. Developmental-Ecological
Prevention with Middle School
Students: Should We Focus on the
Whole-School or Target High Risk
Chair: Pamela Orpinas
Discussant: Hyman Hops
 Ecological Approach to Universal and
Selective Violence Prevention in Sixth
Grade: General Population Effects
David Henry, Michael Schoeny
 The GREAT Schools and Families Study:
Study Framework and Developmental
Trends of Risk and Protective Factors
Thomas Simon
 Effects of Universal and Selective Violence
on High-Risk Socially-Influential Students:
Ecological Implications and Mediating
Michael Schoeny, Patrick Tolan
(Event 4-023) Poster Session 10
Exhibit Hall B
Saturday, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Longitudinal Reliability of Self-Reported Age
at Menarche in Adolescent Girls: Variability
Across Time and Method
Lorah Dorn, Lisa Sontag-Padilla, Stephanie
Pabst, Abbigail Tissot, Elizabeth Susman
Optimizing Judgments and Understanding
of Ratios: The Development of Dual Process
Eric Amsel, Amy Blunck
Adolescents’ Perceived Maturity with
Parents and Peers
Jovita Vytasek, Sheila Marshall
Immigrant Context: A Source of both
Cohesion and Division in the Relationship
between Adolescents and Parents
Kirtana Tanaku, Ayfer Dost Gözkan, Lene
Arnett Jensen
Navigating the Transition to High School:
Dialectical Tensions in Parent-Adolescent
Agnieszka Wozniak, Susan Lollis, Sheila
Risky Behaviors, Family Involvement, and
Health: A Longitudinal Study of Middle and
High School Students
Susan Chuang, Miles McNall, Miles Bies,
Diana Truong, Alexa Hueniken
Familism, Family Ethnic Socialization, and
Mexican-Origin Adolescent Mothers’
Psychosocial Adjustment
Diamond Bravo, Adriana Umaña-Taylor,
Amy Guimond, Kimberly Updegraff, Laudan
10 African American Single Mother Families:
The Role of Coparent Identity and MotherCoparent Relationship in Youth Adjustment
Justin Parent, Deborah Jones, Rex
Forehand, Jessica Cuellar, Michelle
Gonzalez, Nada Mussad
Saturday, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
11 Daddy Issues: African and Caribbean
American Father-Daughter Relationship
Quality and Physical and Mental Health
Latasha Robinson, Sean Joe
12 Mother-child communication quality in
high-risk families: Links to relationship
quality and prosocial skills in
Lindsey Barrieau, Leah Enns, Dale Stack,
Joleen Coirazza, Lisa Serbin, Jane
Ledingham, Alex Schwartzman
13 Self-Reported Barriers to Sexuality
Communication between Latina Mothers
and Adolescent Daughters
Magali Bravo
Social Support, Cognitive Ability, and
Educational and Employment Resilience in
16 The Effects of Out-of-School Time Use on
Changes in Youth BMI Across the
Adolescent Years
Nicole Zarrett, Carl Sorensen, Stephen Peck
28 Three Layers of Familism and Individualism
During Emerging Adulthood: Values,
Decisions, and Emotional Conflicts
Heejung Park, Adriana Manago, Patricia
17 The Quality of Students’ After-School
Experiences and its Relation to Adolescent
Sabrina Kataoka, Deborah Vandell
29 The Influence of Racial Socialization
Messages on Peer and Educational
Discrimination Distress in African American
Elizabeth Adams, Tanee Hudgens, Beth
Kurtz-Costes, Stephanie Rowley
18 Academic Performance and Internalizing
and Externalizing Behaviors among
Chinese, Korean, and Filipino American
Julienne Palbusa
30 Using Western Models of Autonomy with
Eastern Youth
Chien-Ti Lee, Troy Beckert, Sarah Tulane
19 Parents' Educational Beliefs and MexicanAmerican Adolescents' Academic
Michelle Harris, Kali Trzesniewski, Richard
31 Identifying Pregnancy and Contraceptive
Use Attitudes and Maternal Communication
Factors that Protect Latina Adolescents in
Alternative High Schools from an Early
Maria Elena Cruz, Laura Romo
21 Educational Success and Mental Health
Vary Across Student Engagement Profiles in
Ming-Te Wang
32 Alcohol-Specific Parenting and Adolescent
Alcohol Use Mediated by Self-Efficacy and
Alcohol Expectations
Suzanne Mares, Haske Van der Vorst, Anna
Lichtwarck-Aschoff, Rutger Engels
22 Family Connectedness and Stress during
the Transition to College
Susan Sy, Allyson Furry
33 Parental Practices and Body Image
Dissatisfaction Among Early Adolescents
Natalie Goodwin, Stephanie Cardwell,
Sylvie Mrug, Michael Windle
23 Beliefs about Adolescents and Teacher
Efficacy Among Prospective Teachers
Alison Ludden
24 Clusters of Civic Attitudes among Young
People in Three Scandinavian Countries:
Analysis of Data from ICCS 2009
Carolyn Barber, Judith Torney-Purta
34 The Relation of Adolescent Rebellion to
Academic Success and Satisfaction in
Young Adulthood
Phillip Small, Malcolm Watson, Ellen Wright
25 Correlates of Subtle Sexism among
Adolescent Girls and Boys
Campbell Leaper, Rachael Robnett
35 Dietary Behaviors, Physical Activity, Weight
and Weight Control among Sexual Minority
and Heterosexual Adolescents
Carol Goodenow
26 Influences of Employment Status and
Social Support on Depression in Postsecondary Students
Rubab Arim, Jose Domene
36 Person, Peers and Place: A Multilevel
Analysis of Pregnancy Attitudes and
Contraceptive Use
Felisa Gonzales, Amita Vyas, Maria Trent,
Jacky Jennings, Jonathan Ellen
27 Contextual variations in the structure of the
self: Differences in the associations
between perceived competence and general
self-worth of early adolescents
Jonathan Santo, William Bukowski, LuzStella Lopez, Gina Carmago, Shari Mayman,
Ryan Adams
37 Risk and Resilience among Male
Adolescents and Emerging Adults Who
Have Sex with Men
Noelle Leonard, Sonali Rajan, Temi
Aregbesola, Marya Gwadz, Marion Riedel
John Ranney, Wendy Troop-Gordon
48 Will You Be My Friend? Peer Victimization
and Social Status Mobility in Early
Leslie Echols, Sandra Graham
38 Protecting against Youth Smoking and
Drinking Initiation: The Roles of School
Engagement, Peer Relations, and Family
Yibing Li, Michelle Boyd, Jianjun Liu,
Richard Lerner
49 Affective dynamics during parentadolescent interactions: Maternal
depression, dyadic physiology, and
observed negativity and repair
Arin Connell, Abigail Hughes-Scalise, Susan
Klostermann, Emily Patton
39 Joint Trajectories of Violent Victimization
and Marijuana Use and Their Health
Consequences Among Urban African
American and Puerto Rican Young Men
Kerstin Pahl, Judith Brook, Jung Yeon Lee
50 The Association Between Adolescent
Status, Behavior in the Peer Group, and
Future Vocational Interests Upon Labor
Market Entry
Britta Ruschoff, Jan Dijkstra, Rene
Veenstra, Siegwart Lindenberg
41 Bidirectional Associations Between Early
Adolescents’ Adjustment Problems and Peer
Alexandra Loukas, Ken Ripperger-Suhler,
Milena Batanova
51 Social and Generalized Anxiety and
Adolescent Substance Use: The Moderating
Role of Perceived Peer Norms
Jennifer Zehe, Craig Colder, Jennifer Read,
William Wieczorek, Liliana Lengua, Larry
42 The Psychological Influence of Peer
Victimization and Bullying on Turkish
Hilal Sen, Aysun Dogan, Senay Cebioglu
52 Relational Aggression: How Does
Measurement Affect Associations With
Sarah Helms, Stephanie Brennan, Mitchell
43 Developmental Trajectories of Overt
Victimization From Middle Childhood to
Early Adolescence: Predictors and
Liang Chen, Wenxin Zhang, Linqin Ji, Xing
53 Influence of a Caring Classroom Context on
Young Adolescents’ Social and Academic
Goal Pursuit
Anat Zaidman-Zait, Kimberly SchonertReichl
44 Individual and School-Related Protective
Factors of Peer Aggression in Middle-School
Jessica Schnoll, Jennifer Connolly, Wendy
54 Adolescent Peer and Romantic Relations:
An investigation into Childhood Foundations
Diane Wille
45 Attitudinal and Experiential Factors Related
to Interethnic Romantic Relationships
among Native American Late Adolescents
and Young Adults
Merrill Jones, Renee Galliher
55 “Can We Talk About My Boyfriend?”
Negative Romantic Partner Interactions as
a Mediator Between Co-Rumination and
Ethan Rothstein, Jennifer Sauve, Hannah
Ford, Jessica Fales, Janine Slavec, Doug
46 Autonomy and Friendship Quality as
Exacerbating Factors of Internalizing
Amanda LeTard, Julie Aikins
56 Adolescent Romantic Relationship Longevity
Predictors: A Focus on Parental Marital
Samantha Gray, Katherine Kivisto, Rachel
Holmes, Deborah Welsh
47 Problem-focused Talk with Friends: How
Co-ruminating Face-to-Face and Online
Relates to Adjustment During the College
57 Do High Quality Friendships Moderate the
Link Between the Pain Experience and
Internalizing Problems in Youth With
Chronic Pain?
Jessica Fales, Anna Wilson
Rebekah Chapman, Lisa Buckley, Mary
58 Adolescent Affective Reactivity Predicts
Cognitive Reactivity to Induced Stress
Sarah Crystal, Kara Pegram, Amy Mezulis
68 The Influence of Parental Feeling Validation
on Young Adolescents’ Use of Relational
Aggression and the Moderating Role of
Hillary Klinzing, Jonathan Santo, Felicia
Meyer, William Bukowski
59 The Implications of Adult Identity for
Mental Health in Young Adulthood
Janel Benson, Hyung Chol (Brandon) Yoo
69 Forms of Aggression and Psychopathology:
The Role of Friendship Conflict
Kimberly Kamper, Jamie Ostrov
61 Insecure attachment, negative
emotionality, and the development of
borderline traits in a sample of high-risk
adolescent girls
Rachael Lax, Mandi Burnette
70 An examination of longitudinal delinquent
trajectories: Gender differences in young
adult outcomes
Arielle Deutsch, Kristin Moilanen
71 Emotion Regulation Profiles in Adolescence
Jessica Lougheed, Tom Hollenstein
62 Exploring the Relationship between Trauma
Exposure and Posttraumatic Growth in
Alexandra Sims, Jillandra Rovaris, Stacy
Overstreet, Sydney Smith
72 Predicting Adolescents Empathy and
Tia Panfile, Deborah Laible, Mairin
63 Sleeping quality and its influence factors
among the adolescents of rural
urbanization in the semi-urbanization areas
of China
Lu Zhang, Fang Fan, Qing Zhu, Fulei Geng,
Lan Zhang, Shixiu Sun, Yanyun Qin, Shan
73 Interactive Contribution of Biased
Information-Processing and Maternal
Depression to Youth Internalizing
Megan Flynn, Karen Rudolph
74 The Relationship Between Parent
Involvement and Vocational School
Students’ Academic Engagement: The
Moderation Effect of Autonomy
Supportive/Controlling Parenting Style
Wu Nini, Yao Meilin
64 Using Experience Sampling Methods to
Understand Disadvantaged Urban Youths'
Activities, Supports, and Motivations
Jennifer Prescott, Jonathan Zaff, Elizabeth
75 The Stability of Psychopathic Traits Over 6months: Are There Significant Fluctuations
During Adolescence?
Richelle Isaak, Jennifer Beneteau, Etta
Brodersen, Jodi Viljoen, Zina Lee, Kevin
65 Binge Drinking Trajectories From
Adolescence to Young Adulthood: the
Effects of Peer Social Network
Hyeouk Hahm, Eric Kolaczyk, Jisun Jang,
Asma Bhindarwala, Theodora Swenson
66 Feasibility of Adapting and Implementing
Prevention Focused Evidence-Based
Programs in Child Welfare Settings
Heather Storer, Susan Barkan, Kevin
Haggerty, Emma Sherman
76 Religious Behavior and Beliefs as Predictors
for Prosocial Behavior among Adolescents
Nicholas Shaman, Carly Dierkhising
77 Further Development of a Multiple-Choice
Measure of Youth Responses to Peer
Provocation: Test-Retest Reliability and
Links to Peer Victimization
Melanie Dirks, Laura Cuttini, Miriam
67 Evaluation of the Skills for Preventing
Injury in Youth Program: Impact on Health
Risk Behaviors, Injury and School
78 Constellations of Ethnic Identity and
Gender Identity Among Late Adolescents of
Mary Joyce Juan, Moin Syed
Saturday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
(Event 4-024) Paper Discussion
East Ballroom Salon A
Saturday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
79 Self-Discontinuity Moderates the
Association between Peer Victimization and
Depressed Affect: A five-month
examination of early adolescents
Lina Maria Saldarriaga Mesa, Jonathan
Santo, Holly Recchia, Alexa Martin-Storey,
William Bukowski
4-024. Positive Adolescent Health
Chair: Margaret L. Kern
 Toward a Positive Psychology of Adolescence
Laurence Steinberg
 Positive Psychological Well-Being as a
Predictor of Adolescents’ Physical Health
Elizabeth Steinberg, Margaret Kern,
Laurence Steinberg
 Positive Adolescent Health: What Matters
Over Time?
Margaret Kern, Lizbeth Benson
 Advances in Measuring Positive Adolescent
Health: The Pediatric Patient Reported
Outcome Measurement Information System
Katherine Bevans, Christopher Forrest
80 Academic Identity Development Among
African-American Female First-Generation
College Students: A Longitudinal,
Qualitative Study
Gina Arnone, Laura Murray, Mike Nakkula
81 Trajectories of Ethnic Identity Exploration
and Affirmation and Belonging and WellBeing in Urban African American and Puerto
Rican Young Adults
Kerstin Pahl, Judith Brook, Jung Yeon Lee,
Ashley Rainford
82 The Relation between Peer Victimization
and Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Identity
Hoa Lam, Hallie Bregman, Matthew Page,
Neena Malik, Kristin Lindahl
(Event 4-025) Paper Discussion
East Ballroom Salon C
Saturday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
83 Gender Nonconformity, Psychological WellBeing and Stigmatization: How Are These
Concepts Related Among Same Sex
Attracted Youths?
Laura Baams, Titia Beek, Helene Hille,
Felice Zevenbergen, Henny Bos
4-025. Positive Youth Development in
Action: Developmental Strengths,
Resiliency, and Thriving in Diverse
Chair: Kelly D. Schwartz
Discussant: William Damon
 Where the Streets Have a Name:
Developmental Assets and Urban Youth
Kelly Schwartz, Pamela King
 The Holistic Student Assessment Tool:
Assessing Adolescent’s Resiliencies
Gil Noam, Tina Malti, Martin Guhn
 Using Population-Level Data to Understand
Assets and Thriving of Early Adolescents in
Kimberly Schonert-Reichl, Martin Guhn,
Clyde Hertzman, Shelley Hymel, Lina
Sweiss, Eva Oberle
84 The Short-Term Effects of Viewing
Relationally Aggressive Media on Hostile
Cognitions in Emerging Adult Women
Jennifer Linder, Emily Anderson, Sarah
(Event 4-026) Roundtable
East Meeting 1
Saturday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
4-026. Beyond the Ivory Tower:
Considering the Public Relevance of
Research on Adolescence
Moderators: Stephen T. Russell, Kristen
Panelists: Brian Wilcox, Brian Mustanski, Nicole
(Event 4-027) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 10
Saturday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
4-027. Parents Just Don’t Understand?
Examining Parents’ Insight into
Adolescents’ Social Experiences
Chair: Jeffrey G. Parker
 Parents Know Best: Differential Prediction of
Aggression via Unique Perceptions of
Preadolescent Intent Attributions and
Emotional Distress
David Nelson, Christine Cramer, Sarah
 Social Discomfort in Preadolescence:
Predictors of Discrepancies Between
Preadolescents and their Parents and
Kelly Tu, Stephen Erath
 Antecedents and Consequences of Maternal
Sensitivity to Their Adolescent’s
Vulnerability to Jealousy over Friends
Blake Nielsen, Jeffrey Parker, Kristina
Sense of Community as a Protective Factor
in the Development of Traumatic Stress for
Underclass African-American Adolescents
Brittany Sansbury, Marcia Perritt, John
Bolland, Cassandra Coddington
Impact of Perceived Support from Parents
and Peers on African-American Adolescents’
Sense of Self-worth
Cassandra Coddington, Michael Robinson,
Cecil Robinson, Derrick Bryan, Crystal
Gender and Early Exposure to Violence as
Determinants of Street Code Trajectories
Among Adolescents Living in Impoverished
John Bolland, Cassandra Coddington, Holli
Drummond, Shannon Hitchcock, Nicole du
Development of Self-Worth Among High
Poverty, African-American Adolescents
Cecil Robinson, Cassandra Coddington, Sara
Tomek, John Bolland
(Event 4-029) Emerging Scholar
East Meeting 12
Saturday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
4-029. Emerging Scholars' Event - The
Ins and Outs of Publishing: A
Conversation With the Editors
Moderator: Carolyn Spellings, Ryan Landoll
 Jeffrey Arnett, Editor, Journal of
Adolescent Research
 Nancy Guerra, Editor, Journal of
Research on Adolescence
 Charles Irwin Jr., Editor, Journal of
Adolescent Health
 Brett Laursen, Editor, Method and
Measures Section, International Journal
of Behavioral Development
(Event 4-028) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 11
Saturday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
4-028. Social and Contextual Factors
Influencing the Development and
Behavior of Underclass AfricanAmerican Adolescents
Chair: Cassandra S. Coddington
(Event 4-030) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 13
Saturday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
Katherine Ehrlich, Jude Cassidy, Stacey
Daughters, Carl Lejeuz
(Event 4-032) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 15
Saturday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
4-030. Flexibility in parent-adolescent
interactions: Associations with
emotion regulation, adjustment, and
relationship quality
4-032. Family Context and Early
Adolescents' Educational Experiences
and Achievement among Newcomer
Immigrant Families
Chair: Susan Branje
 Heterogeneity of Developmental Trajectories
of Flexibility in Parent-Adolescent
Daniëlle Van der Giessen, Susan Branje,
Wim Meeus, Tom Frijns, Pol van Lier
 Comparisons of Affective Flexibility in
Parent-child Interactions among Healthy,
Depressed, and Externalizing Adolescents
Tom Hollenstein, Isabella Granic, Jennifer
 Flexibility and Attractors in Context:
Patterns of Family Emotion Socialization and
Preadolescent Emotion Regulation
Erika Lunkenheimer, Tom Hollenstein, Jun
Wang, Ann Shields
Chairs: Rashmita S. Mistry, Connie Tan
 Mexican Immigrant Parents’ Attitudes about
School Involvement
Christia Brown
 Parent-Child Acculturation Profiles as
Predictors of Chinese American Adolescents’
Academic Trajectories
Yijie Wang, Su Yeong Kim
 How Much Do Parents Matter? Reciprocal
Associations between Parental Involvement
and Immigrant Children’s Educational
Connie Tan, Rashmita Mistry
(Event 4-031) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 14
Saturday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
(Event 4-033) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 17
Saturday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
4-031. Individual Differences and
Contextual Effects: Psychosocial
Outcomes in Adolescence and Young
4-033. Precursors of Civic
Engagement: International
Chair: Kathryn A. Degnan
Discussant: Nathan Fox
 Childhood Behavioral Inhibition, Adolescent
Friendship Quality, and Risk-Taking in Young
Kathryn Degnan, Alisa Almas, Laura
MacPherson, Carl Lejeuz, Heather
Henderson, Daniel Pine, Nathan Fox
 Links Between Trajectories of Shyness and
Individual, Parenting, and Peer Factors from
Early Childhood to Early Adolescence: A
Longitudinal Study in Chinese Children
Wonjung Oh, Xinyin Chen, Li Wang
 Individual and Contextual Predictors of RiskTaking: The Roles of Adolescent Distress
Intolerance, Families, and Friendships
Chair: Oksana Malanchuk
Discussant: Dan Hart
 The Role of School and Work Engagement to
Civic Engagement
Kateriina Salmela-Aro, Katja Upadhyaya
 Racial/Ethnic Identity Formation and Civic
Participation: A Longitudinal Appraisal
Oksana Malanchuk, Celina Chatman-Nelson
 Civic Attitudes in Chilean Youth:
Configurations by Gender, Socioeconomic
Status, and Social Participation
M. Loreto Martinez, Patricio Cumsille
(Event 4-034) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 18
Saturday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
(Event 4-036) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 2
Saturday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
4-034. Capturing the Complexity of
Friendship and Physical Health:
Insights on Obesity through
Longitudinal Social Network Analysis
4-036. The Context of Identity and
Story: New Directions in Narrative
Chair: Carlene Wilson
Discussant: Rutger C. Engels
 Adolescent Friendships, Weight, and
Activity: Untangling Selection and Influence
with Longitudinal Social Network Analysis
David Schaefer, Sandi Simpkins, Chara
Price, Andrea Vest
 Social Influence Mechanisms for Diet and
Activity Among Middle-School-Age Youth
John Light, Julie Rusby, Kimberly Nies, Deb
Johnson-Shelton, Tom Snijders
 Junk Food Intake in Adolescents: Processes
and Mechanisms Driving Consumption
Similarities among Friends
Kayla de la Haye, Garry Robins, Phil Mohr,
Carlene Wilson
Chair: Moin Syed
 How Goals and Modes of Narration Influence
Identity and Well-being in Emergent
Cade Mansfield, Monisha Pasupathi
 Teens Telling Tales: How Maternal and Peer
Audiences Support Narrative Identity
Kate McLean, Lauren Jennings
 Narrative, Context, Coolness, and the
Pursuit of Happiness
Michael Bamberg
 Where's the Meaning? Context and MeaningMaking in Ethnicity-Related Stories
Moin Syed, Mary Joyce Juan
(Event 4-035) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 19
Saturday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
(Event 4-037) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 3
Saturday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
4-035. Uncovering Mechanisms that
Increase Vulnerability to Depression:
The Interplay of Temperament,
Emotional Regulation and Coping
4-037. Moral Identity in Adolescence
and Emerging Adulthood:
Conceptualization, Measurement, and
Chair: Elizabeth McCauley
Discussant: Janet S. Hyde
 Temperament, Rumination, and Depression
Trajectories in Adolescence
Amy Mezulis, Janet Hyde, Heather Priess,
Jordan Simonson
 Mechanisms of Diathesis-Stress: The Role of
Coping in Trajectories of Depression
Cara Kiff, Liliana Lengua, Maureen Zalewski,
Lyndsey Moran
 Affective Dysregulation Mediates the
Association Between Temperament and
Depressive Symptoms
Molly Adrian, Elizabeth McCauley, Ann
Vander Stoep, Gretchen Gudmundsen,
Karen Pang
Chair: Sam Hardy
 A Possible Selves Approach to Adolescent
Moral Identity
Sam Hardy, Lawrence Walker, Alexander
Gray, Joshua Ruchty, Joseph Olsen
 Measuring Moral Identity: Early Experience,
Prosocial Personality, and Moral Outcomes
Darcia Narvaez, Jeff Brooks
 A Tale of Two Schemes: Hierarchical
Integration of Agency and Communion
among Young Moral Exemplars
William Dunlop, Lawrence Walker, Jeremy
Frimer, Thomas Weins, Kyle Matsuba
(Event 4-038) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 7
Saturday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
(Event 4-040) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 9
Saturday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
4-038. Relationships across the Life
Course: Findings from the Iowa Family
Transition Panel
4-040. P Is for Period: Formal and
Informal Avenues of Education about
Chair: Frederick O. Lorenz
Discussant: Rand D. Conger
 Romantic Relationships in Early Adulthood:
Influences of Family, Personality, and
Relationship Cognitions from Adolescence
April Masarik, Rand Conger, Monica Martin,
M. Donnellan, Katherine Masyn, Frederick
 The Effects of Economic Hardship on
Parenting and Child Outcomes
Tricia Neppl, Rand Conger
 Interspousal Ambivalence and Interactions
in the Early Years of Marriage
Florensia Surjadi, Frederick Lorenz, Rand
Chair: Kathryn Frazier
 Preparation for menarche, menarcheal
experience and attitudes toward
menstruation in Mexican adolescents
Ma. Luisa Marvan
 “I Learned Everything from My ‘Bad
Friend’”: Informal Menstrual Education
among Girls and Their Peers
Theresa Jackson, Kathryn Frazier
 Periods and Postfeminism: You. Buy. Kotex
Elizabeth Kissling
Saturday, 1:45 pm - 3:15 pm
(Event 4-041) Poster Session 11
Exhibit Hall B
Saturday, 1:45 pm - 3:15 pm
(Event 4-039) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 8
Saturday, 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
4-039. The Role of Friendship in
Fostering or Preventing Adolescent
Internalizing Problems: New Insights
into Mediators and Moderators
Chair: Mara Brendgen
 The Power of Friendships: Can they Protect
Genetically Vulnerable Youth From
Mara Brendgen, Frank Vitaro, William
Bukowski, Michel Boivin
 Interpersonal Interactions in Adolescents’
Friendships and Internalizing Symptoms
Amanda Rose, Rebecca Schwartz-Mette
 Examining Stress-Reactive HPA-Axis
Response as a Mediator of Longitudinal
Associations Among Negative Peer
Experiences and Depressive Symptom
Mitchell Prinstein, Casey Calhoun, Joseph
Franklin, Paul Hastings
Sexual Abuse and Age at Menarche: The
Effect of Abuse Onset
Sonya Negriff, Penelope Trickett
A Multi-Variate Approach to Adolescent
Risk-Taking: The Role of Risk Perception,
Risk Self Schema and Risk Tolerance
Shelly Sadek, Catherine Chou
The influence of social context on trust
behaviour during adolescence
Nikki Lee, Jelle Jolles, Lydia Krabbendam
Parent maltreatment experience and child
maladjustment: The mediating role of
socio-demographic factors
Diana Riser, Jungmeen Kim-Spoon
Observed Parent-Adolescent Behaviors
During Triadic Family Discussion: The Role
of Cumulative Family Violence Exposure
Michelle Ramos, Aubrey Rodriguez, Chelsea
Massoud, Gayla Margolin
Impact of an Intervention on Conflict,
Parental Bonds, and Sexual Risk Behaviors
Among the Adolescents of HIV-positive
Judith Stein, Eric Rice, Mary Jane
Longitudinal Connections among Parenting,
Adolescent Self-Disclosure, Maternal
Knowledge, and Adolescent Depressive
Dawn Gondoli, Elizabeth Blodgett Salafia,
Rebecca Morrissey, Christine Steeger
16 Organized Activity Involvement and
Problem Behavior Among Rural Youth: The
Importance of Activity Type and Context
Kaitlyn Ferris, Benjamin Oosterhoff, Aaron
17 Patterns of Participation in Structured and
Unstructured Activities among Rural Youth
Across Time: A Latent Trajectory Analysis
Erin Sharp, Corinna Tucker, Megan Baril,
Karen VanGundy, Cesar Rebellon
18 The Effects of Parent Involvement in School
and Quality Time at Home on Latino
Adolescents’ Academic Aspirations and
Achievement Motivation
Aida Mahmud, Jourdan Munster, Gabriela
Chavira, Bryan Montana
Conflict Resolution Strategies in ParentAdolescent Disagreements
Jessica Solis, Andrea Hussong
10 The Impacts of Father Absence and
Neighborhood Reproductive Context on
Adolescent Sexual Behavior
Erin Kennedy, Rebecca Ryan
19 Does Failing the California High School Exit
Exam Undermine Future Orientation
Toward College?
Aletha Harven, Dana Wood
11 HIV Outreach for At-Risk Homeless Youth:
A Meta-Analysis of Program Effectiveness
Lauren Joly, Jennifer Connolly
20 Mathematics Class Tracking in the Context
of the Québec High School Reform:
Personal, Organisational and Social
Valerie Lessard, Simon Larose, Bei Feng
12 Mexican Immigrant Mothers’ and
Daughters’ Expectations for Adolescent
Autonomy in Midadolescence
Gisselle Lopez-Tello, Rebeca Mireles-Rios,
Laura Romo
21 Why is the Decline in American Children's
Engagement during Early Adolescence not
Evident among Chinese?
Yang Qu, Eva Pomerantz
13 Associations of Relationship Quality and
Self-disclosure to Friends and Siblings in
Early Adolescence
Brynheld Martinez, Nina Howe
22 “Before, I didn’t care so I want
to learn”: Academic Identity Development
Among Students From Two Early College
High Schools
Laura Murray, Gina Arnone, Mike Nakkula
14 “Vecindario”: Latino parents’ and
adolescents’ perceptions of neighborhood
boundaries and factors determining
neighborhood quality
Maria Rosario de Guzman, Rodrigo
Cantarero, Jill Brown, Gustavo Carlo,
Sandra Plata-Potter, Maureen Todd, Blanca
Ramirez-Salazar, Daniela Proano,
Alexandra Davis, Yan Xia
23 The PaSS Study: Bias in teachers’
expectations of high school graduation
among White, Black, and Hispanic middle
school students
Michael Merten, Ronald Cox, Karina
Shreffler, Kami Schwerdtfeger, Amanda
15 “It’s a pretty place. It’s just hard to make a
living”: How rural youth talk about their
Devora Shamah
24 Internal and External Motivation to
Respond Without Prejudice in Adolescence
Katharina Eckstein, Peter Noack, Thomas
Martin, Burkhard Gniewosz
35 Mediation of Self-efficacy in the Relation
Between Parental Factors and Physical
Activity of Early Adolescents with Asthma
Dana Tiggelman, Monique van de Ven,
Onno C. P. van Schayck, Rutger Engels
25 The Problem with Princesses: Long-term
Correlates of Disney Princess Movies and
Princess Identities
Miranda Davis, Andrew Smiler
36 The Meaning of Forceful Submission
Fantasy in Late Adolescence (or, Why It’s
O.K. To Dig Vampires)
Patricia Hawley, Justin Lynn
26 Are School-Related Jobs Better?
Stephen Hamilton, Rachel Sumner
37 Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors as
Predictors of Sexual Onset in Early
Frederic Dussault, Marie-Aude Boislard,
Mara Brendgen, Frank Vitaro
27 For whom does extended intergroup
contact affect intergroup attitudes?
Anke Munniksma, Maykel Verkuyten,
Andreas Flache, Tobias Stark, Rene
38 Socio-Cultural Influences on Adolescent
Smoking Behaviors in Mainland China: the
Mediating Role of Smoking-Related
Yan Wang, Ambika Krishnakumar
28 Expected and Feared Possible Selves
among Late Adolescents in Turkey and the
United States
Basak Sahin, Carolyn Mebert
39 Problem Video Game Play and Substance
Use Problems among Emerging Adult Video
Gamers: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal
Geoffrey Ream, Luther Elliott, Eloise Dunlap
29 An Integrative Framework for “Conformity”
in Racial and Religious Prejudices:
Perceptions versus Reality
Lorinda Camparo, Julie Collins-Dogrul
30 Out-group and In-group Ethnicity-related
Stressors' Association with Six Dimensions
of Self-esteem for Ethnic Minority Students
Lauren Smith, Sabine French
40 Parental Attitudes Regarding Marijuana
Consumption and Adolescent’s Perceptions
and use of Marijuana
Aaron Deutsch, Adam Winsler
31 Maternal Depressive Symptoms as a
Predictor of Alcohol Use Onset in Youth
Dorian Lamis, Patrick Malone, John
41 Hurting Interpersonal Relationships via
Different Means: Clusters of Relationally
Aggressive Adolescents
Ching-Ling Cheng, Hsiao-Wen Liao
32 Parental Monitoring and Supervision in High
School Reduces Risk for Alcohol Use
Disorder in College: Interactions with
Gender and Impulsivity
Övgü Kaynak, Kathleen Meyers, Kimberly
Caldeira, Ken Winters, Amelia Arria
42 The Moderation Effects of Social Anxiety on
the Associations between Relational
Victimization and Academic Engagement
Maria Perez, Beth Kotchick, Alison
Papadakis, Rachel Grover
43 Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Response to
Relational Aggression: An Exploration of
the Role of Coping
Christina Morley, Alison Papadakis, Beth
Kotchick, Rachel Grover
33 Change in Percent Body Fat over the First
2½ Years of College and What Predicts that
Ali Zaremba-Morgan, Margaret Keiley,
Aubrey Ryan, Juliana Groves
44 The Roles of Self Esteem, Anger and Social
Cognition in Predicting Adolescent
Allison Metz, Julia Graber
34 The Relationship Between Adolescent
Antisocial Behaviour and Peer Deviance:
The Role of Perceptual Bias
Tom McAdams, Richard Rowe, Mark Blades
45 He hit, she hit: Examining romantic couple
members’ reports of physical and
psychological aggression
Nicholas Bishop, Hope Brasfield, Deborah
Welsh, Samantha Gray, Christi Culpepper,
Rachel Holmes
56 A Mixed Method Study Exploring the Role of
Natural Mentors Among Homeless Youth
Michelle Dang, Katherine Conger, Joshua
Breslau, Elizabeth Miller
57 Predictors of Latino Adolescents’ Feelings
About Language Brokering
Claudia Castañeda, Maria Jimenez, Ravreet
Cheema, Nathaly Pacheco-Santivanez,
Janet Oh
46 Correlates of Adolescent Disclosure to
Parents about Peers: The Meditational Role
of “Right-to-Know” Attitudes
Hsun-yu Chan, B. Brown
58 The Longitudinal Associations of Addictive
and Problematic Internet Behavior with
Depressive Symptoms
Vickie Bhatia, Joanne Davila
47 The Gendered Nature of Friendship
Selection in Early Adolescence: Exploring
Differences within Gender Specific Contexts
Christian Berger, Jan Kornelis Dijkstra
59 Race as a Moderator of the Association
Between Maternal and Child Depression
Karen Pang, Sarah Charlesworth-Attie, Ann
Vander Stoep, Elizabeth McCauley
48 Cross-ethnic Friendships and Inter-group
Attitudes in Middle School
Sandra Graham, Leslie Echols
49 Moderating Differences in Multicultural
Efficacy Between White and Non-White
Emerging Adult Pre-service Teachers
Amir Francois, Joanna Lee Williams
60 Academic Performance and Perceived
Racism as Social Determinants of Suicidal
Behaviors Among High School Adolescents
Brandon Respress, Shelley Francis, Sean
50 Adolescent Susceptibility to Differing Types
of Peer Influence on Alcohol and Marijuana
Jamie Posthuma, Sharon Foster
61 Relationship Between Gratitude and PTSD:
the Mediation of Social Support and
Yuhong Zheng, Fang Fan, Tingchen Luo,
Weifan Luo
51 Parental Involvement Moderates Peer
Group Influences on School Motivation
Justin Vollet, Thomas Kindermann
62 Traumatic Life Events, Mental Health and
Resilience Among First Nation and
Caucasian Adolescents
Jacinthe Dion, Jennifer Hains
52 Early Adolescents’ friendship Networks:
Network Properties and Developmental
Huiyoung Shin, Allison Ryan
63 Performing Well, Feeling Bad: A Qualitative
Examination of High-Performing Adolescent
Girls’ Experiences of Stress and Coping
J. Sophia Nam, Gopi Dhokai, Renee
Spencer, Belle Liang, Elysha Greenberg
53 Children’s Positive Inter-Ethnic Attitudes:
How Group Context and Salience of
Groupmembership Shape Evaluations About
Jellie Sierksma, Maykel Verkuyten, Jochem
64 Voice Movement Therapy for Non Suicidal
Self-Injury in late adolescents
Graham Martin, Sophie Martin, Belinda
Lequertier, Sarah Swannell
54 Do Romantic Relationships Compromise
Students’ Adjustment to College?
Chia-chen Yang, B. Brown
65 Utilizing Facebook Ads as a recruitment
strategy for hard to find populations
Nicholas Bishop, Hope Brasfield, Deborah
Welsh, Susan Kashubeck-West
55 Relationship Dynamics, Fear of Suggesting
Condom Use, and Condom Behaviors
Among Latino Youth
Jeanne Tschann, Elena Flores, Cynthia de
66 Adolescent Dating Aggression: Relationship
Education Makes a Difference
Jennifer Kerpelman, Joe Pittman, Marinda
Harrell-Levy, Francesca Adler-Baeder, Hans
Cadely, Yanling Ma, Felicia Tuggle, Alyssa
76 The Entrepreneurship Intentional Self
Regulation Questionnaire: Validation of a
New Measure of Youth Entrepreneurship
Michelle Weiner, G. John Geldhof, Richard
77 The Social Behaviour of Shy Children in a
Familiar Peer Group Context
Eugene Ji, Lynne Zarbatany, Xinyin Chen,
Wendy Ellis
67 School-based Mentoring as a Pullout Versus
Supplementary Intervention: The Influence
of Meeting Time on Academic Achievement
Sarah Schwartz, Jean Rhodes
78 Beyond Tomboys: Adolescent Girls’
Accommodation to Conventions of
Dana Edell, Elliott D. Smith, Nirit Gordon
68 The Masculine Self and its Relation to
Tia Kim, Quay Dorsey
69 Relations Among Narcissism, Aggressive
Behavior, and Social Cognition
Emily Hart, Jamie Ostrov
79 Development of Expected Timing of Adult
Role Transitions: Gender, Context, and
Lisa Crockett, Sarah Beal
70 "Nothing Really Matters": Emotional
Numbing as a Link Between Trauma and
Acquired Callousness Among Delinquent
Diana Bennett, Patricia Kerig, Mamie
Thompson, Stephen Becker
80 Staying Within the Lines: Religious
Exploration Styles of Religious Female
Students Attending a Religious University
Maya Cohen-Malayev
81 A Longitudinal Examination of Mexicanorigin Adolescent Mothers’ Discrimination,
Acculturation, and Ethnic Identity
Chelsea Derlan, Adriana Umaña-Taylor,
Russell Toomey, Kimberly Updegraff,
Laudan Jahromi, Lluliana Flores
71 Adolescent Peer and Romantic Predictors of
Youths’ Emotion Regulation in Early
David Szwedo, Joseph Allen, Joanna
Chango, Megan Schad, Amanda Hare, Erin
Miga, Ann Spilker, Caroline White, Amanda
LeTard, Katy Higgins
82 Victimization as Mediator of Mental Health
Disparities in Sexual Minority Youth
Chad Burton, Michael Marshal, Deena
Chisolm, Mark Friedman
72 A Longitudinal Study of Mother-toAdolescent Empathy Transmission
Caspar van Lissa, Skyler Hawk, Minet de
Wied, Wim Meeus
83 The influence of media on perceptions of
healthy and unhealthy teen dating
Katrina Debnam, Donna Howard, Nancy
Aiken, Sharon O'Brien
73 Adolescent and Primary Caregiver
Concordance in Religiousness, Levels of
Communication, and Adolescent
Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors
Julee Farley, Gregory Longo, Jungmeen
84 Latent Class Regression Analysis for
Describing Inconsistency in the Relationship
Between Adolescents’ Engaged Living and
Internet Addiction
Jie-ting Zhang, Cheng-fu Yu, Min-qiang
74 Parental Provision of Structure and the
Transition to Middle School
Wendy Grolnick, Jacquelyn Raftery,
Elizabeth Flamm, Kristine Marbell
75 Explaining the Role of Type D Personality in
Adolescent Health Outcomes: The Case of
Monique van de Ven, Dana Tiggelman,
Onno van Schayck, Rutger Engels
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
(Event 4-042) Paper Discussion
East Ballroom Salon C
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
4-042. Stress and Substance Use
among adolescents: Cool at Risk?
Chair: Anja C. Huizink
Discussant: Marc N. Potenza
 Stress Reactivity and Early Onset and
Progression of Cannabis Use
Anja Huizink, Andrea Prince van Leeuwen,
Hanneke Creemers, Johan Ormel, Frank
 Physiological stress responses to a social
stress procedure in relation to substance use
behavior in adolescents.
Brittany Evans, Kirstin Greaves-Lord, Anja
Euser, Joke Thulen, Ingmar Franken, Anja
 Stress and Imitation of Drinking Behavior.
An Experimental Study in a (Semi-)
naturalistic Context
Helle Larsen, Rutger Engels, Isabella Granic,
Anja Huizink
Who Can I Turn to? When Traumatized
Delinquent Youth Relinquish Parent
Attachment, are Peers a Source of Risk or
Cristina Hudak, Patricia Kerig
Stressors and Victimization in Sexual
Minority Youth: Parenting as a Buffer
Kristin Lindahl, Neena Malik, Hallie
Bregman, Matthew Page
The role of disclosure in predicting
adolescent problem behavior: Contributions
from youth, parents and older siblings
Sabina Low, James Snyder, Joann Shortt
Abuse and Attachment in Adolescent Dating
Relationships: Peer, Sibling, and Parental
John Grych, Jessica Houston
(Event 4-045) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 11
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
4-045. Mitigating the Negative Effects
of Racial/Ethnic Discrimination by
Peers: Studies of Ethnically Diverse
Youth Around the World
Chair: Angela Ittel
Discussant: William M. Bukowski
 Peer Racial Discrimination and Perceived
Educational Opportunity: The Buffering Role
of Proactive Preparation by Parents
Deborah Rivas Drake, Dawn Paula
 Peer Discrimination and Negative
Adjustment Among Ethnically Diverse
College Students: Do Friends and Family
Relations Help?
Linda Juang, Angela Ittel, Frances Gottwald,
Miriam Gallarin
 An Exploratory Study of Moderators In The
Relationship Between Perceived
Discrimination And Adaptation Of Immigrant
David Sam, Gabriel Horenczyk
(Event 4-043) Roundtable
East Meeting 1
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
4-043. "Follow Us on Facebook": Use
of Social Media as a Recruitment and
Retention Tool in Adolescent Research
Moderator: Mia A. Smith-Bynum
Panelists: Eleanor Seaton, Tiffany Yip, Mia
(Event 4-044) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 10
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
4-044. Parents, Siblings, and Peers as
Sources of Risk or Resilience for Youth
Chair: Kristin Lindahl
(Event 4-046) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 12
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
4-046. Specialized Mentoring
Programs for Adolescents: Examining
Different Models
Chair: Gabriel P. Kuperminc
Discussant: Nancy L. Deutsch
 “Somebody Who was on My Side”: A
Qualitative Examination of Youth Initiated
Mentoring in the National Guard Youth
ChalleNGe Program
Renee Spencer, Toni Tugenberg, Mia Ocean,
Sarah Schwartz, Jean Rhodes
 Project MENTOR: A Holistic Health Mentoring
Julia Pryce, David DuBois, Troy Harden, Yan
Searcy, Orlando Davis
 Sustaining Mentoring Relationships in a
Comprehensive Youth Development Program
Kandi Felmet, Gabriel Kuperminc
Jonathan Stange, Angelo Boccia, Benjamin
Shapero, Megan Flynn, Lindsey Matt, Lyn
Abramson, Lauren Alloy, Ashleigh Molz
Positive Overgeneralization and Behavioral
Approach System (BAS) Sensitivity Interact
to Predict Prospective Increases in
Hypomanic Symptoms: A Behavioral HighRisk Design
Ashleigh Molz, Jonathan Stange, Chelsea
Black, Benjamin Shapero, Joanna Bacelli,
Lyn Abramson, Lauren Alloy
(Event 4-048) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 14
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
4-048. Implications of Youth Purpose
for Positive Adjustment
Chair: Jenni M. Mariano
 The Beyond-the-Self Dimension of
Adolescent Purpose
Brandy Quinn
 Beyond-the-Self Purpose Among the
“Greatest Generation”
Jenni Mariano, George Vaillant
 Purpose and Emotional Flourishing during
Anthony Burrow
(Event 4-047) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 13
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
4-047. Cognitive Styles and Risk for
Bipolar Spectrum Disorders in
(Event 4-049) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 15
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Chair: Ashleigh R. Molz
 High BAS Sensitivity, Ambitious GoalStriving, and High Reward Responsiveness
Predict First Onset of Bipolar Spectrum
Lauren Alloy, Rachel Bender, Wayne
Whitehouse, Clara Wagner, Richard Liu,
David Grant, Shari Jager-Hyman, James
Choi, Eddie Harmon-Jones, Lyn Abramson
 Do Extreme Beliefs About Internal States
Predict Mood Swings in Undergraduate
Alyson Dodd, Warren Mansell, Anthony
Morrison, Richard Bentall, Sara Tai
 Cognitive Vulnerability and Emotion
Regulation Characteristics Interact to Predict
Depressive Symptoms in Individuals at Risk
for Bipolar Disorder: A Prospective Study
4-049. Positive Approaches to
Studying Adolescent Sexuality
Development and Sexual Health
Chairs: Miriam R. Arbeit, Edmond Bowers
 Because it Feels Good: Approach Motivation
and Sexual Desire in Adolescent Girls and
Emerging Adult Women
Emily Impett, Amy Muise
"What do you like about that?" Power and
pleasure in girls’ experience of fellatio
Deborah Tolman
Will it Help? Identifying Socialization
Discourses that Promote Sexual Risk and
Sexual Health Among African American
L. Monique Ward, Monica Foust
Josephine Kearney, Kay Bussey
Comparing Ideas about Why Adolescents
Manage Information About Their Activities
Håkan Stattin, Lauree Tilton-Weaver,
Margaret Kerr
(Event 4-051) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 18
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
4-051. School-Based and InternetBased Prevention of Depression in
Adolescents. In What Setting Works
Prevention Best for Whom?
(Event 4-049.5) Emerging Scholar Session
East Meeting 16
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
4-049.5. Emerging Scholars Event Coffee & Conversation II
Chair: Patrick Pössel
 Moderators of Universal CognitiveBehavioral and Nonspecific Depression
Prevention Programs for Adolescents
Patrick Pössel, Nina Martin, Judy Garber
 Adolescent Experiences with Internet-based
Depression Prevention: Challenges and
Personal Progress
Chid Iloabachie, Corrie Wells, Brady
Goodwin, Tracy Gladstone, Benjamin Van
 Long-Term Effects of a Primary Care
Internet-Based Depression Preventive
Intervention for At-Risk Adolescents
Tracy Gladstone, Katie Richards, Monika
Marko-Holguin, Benjamin Van Voorhees
Moderator: Andrea Finlay
 Cross-Cultural Research
Raija-Leena Punamäki
 Writing a CV/Resumé and Navigating the
Job Market
Moin Syed
 How to "Network" at a Conference
Rob Crosnoe
 Things I Wish I Knew as a First or Second
Year Grad Student
Jessie Wong
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
(Event 4-050) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 17
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
4-050. Information Management:
What Enhances or Inhibits
Adolescents' Willingness to Provide
Information to Their Parents?
Chair: Lauree Tilton-Weaver
Discussant: Nancy Darling
 What Promotes Adolescent Disclosure of
Sheila Marshall
 Does Misbehavior Account for What Parents
Miss? The Longitudinal Impact of
Communication and Delinquency on
Adolescent Disclosure
(Event 4-052) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 19
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
(Event 4-054) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 3
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
4-052. The Role of School Belonging in
Improving Educational and
Psychological Outcomes for Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth
4-054. Popularity and Adolescent
Friendships: Friendship Quality, Peer
Attraction, and Friendship Networks
Chair: Mark Bartkiewicz
Discussant: Joseph G. Kosciw
 Educational Aspirations of LGBT Youth: The
Interplay of Supportive School Efforts and
School Belonging
Mark Bartkiewicz
 Teacher Intervention and School
Connections Effecting Academic
Achievement Among LGBT Students
Thomas Clarke
 Relational Aggression, School Belonging,
and Psychological Outcomes among Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Adolescents
in School Settings
Ryan Kull
Chair: Melanie Joly
 Adolescent Friendship Networks:
Associations with Popularity and Relational
John Houser, Lara Mayeux
 Popularity and Patterns of Attraction during
Early Adolescence
Melanie Joly, William Bukowski
 Popularity and Friendship Quality among
Peter Marks, Nicki Crick
(Event 4-055) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 7
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
(Event 4-053) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 2
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
4-055. Youth in Military Families:
Well-Being, Stress, and Coping During
the Conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq
4-053. Parents and Peers Make a
Difference: Building Social and
Psychological Well-Being From
Adolescence Into Young Adulthood
Chair: Stacy A. Hawkins
 Stress and Well-Being Among Youth in
Military Families: Examination of A Model of
Resilience and Vulnerability
Angela Huebner, Jay Mancini
 The Experience of Military Youth and
Families: Perspectives of Youth, Parents,
and School Staff
Anita Chandra, Sandraluz Lara-Cinisomo,
Rachel Burns, Laurie Martin, Amy
Richardson, Stacy Hawkins, Bing Han, Lisa
Jaycox, Terri Tanielian, Teague Ruder
 Double Duty: Experiences of Youth in Dual
Military Families
Stacy Hawkins, Gabriel Schlomer, Christine
Bracamonte Wiggs, Gene Fisher, Lynne
Chair: Rachel Yeung Thompson
Discussant: Jennifer Connolly
 Parent and Friend Emotional Support
Matters: Preventing Increases in Peer
Victimization and Internalizing Problems Into
Young Adulthood
Rachel Yeung Thompson, Bonnie Leadbeater
 Parent, Peer, and Individual Predictors of
Change in Romantic Relational Aggression
and Victimization
Paweena Sukhawathanakul, Bonnie
Leadbeater, Rachel Yeung Thompson
 The Long-Term and Sustainable Impact of
Parents’ Support of Psychological Needs
During Adolescence on Young Adults’ WellBeing
Frederick Grouzet
(Event 4-056) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 8
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Saturday, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
(Event 4-058) Poster Session 12
Exhibit Hall B
Saturday, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
4-056. The Dynamic Role of Parents
Over the Course of Adolescents’
Activities: Insights into Enrollment,
Participation, and Consequences
Chair: Sandi Simpkins
 Intergenerational Continuity and
Discontinuity in Mexican-origin Youths’
Participation in Organized Activities: Insights
from Mixed-Methods
Sandi Simpkins, Andrea Vest, Chara Price
 Social and Dyadic Time with Mothers and
Fathers: Developmental Patterns and
Adjustment Correlates
Chun Bun Lam, Susan McHale
 Parental Support of Youth Program
Hyeyoung Kang, Marcela Raffaelli, Steve
 Revisiting the Over-Scheduling Hypothesis:
Adolescent Activity Participation and the
Mother-Child Relationship
Adam Sheppard, Joseph Mahoney
(Event 4-057) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 9
Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
4-057. Sibling Collusion and Modeling
in Adolescence: Family Context and
Implications for Problem Behaviors
Chair: Anna Solmeyer
Discussant: Scott Gest
 Sibling Collusion in Context: Family and
Individual Correlates
Mark Feinberg, Anna Solmeyer, Susan
 The Contribution of Sibling Collusion to
Adolescent Externalizing Behaviors: Parent,
Sibling, and Peer Influences
Naomi Knoble, Joann Shortt, Stacey Tiberio
 Sibling Influences on Adolescents’ Substance
Use Orientations: Testing Competing
Pathways of Social Influence
Shawn Whiteman, Alexander Jensen,
Umadevi Senguttuvan
Too Cool for School? The Relationship
between Being Cool and Academic Effort in
the First Year of Middle School
Rhonda Jamison, Allison Ryan
Love types and Subjective Well-Being
among Young Peoples: What is the Impact
of Culture?
Filiz Yildirim, Rosemary Barnett, Sengul
Are Early Adolescents’ Dysregulated
Emotions and Prosocial Behaviors Mediated
by Classroom Supportiveness?
Lina Sweiss, Jennifer Hanson, Nancy
Norman, Jenna Whitehead, Kimberly
Examination of Pubertal Development:
Modeling Timing and Tempo
A. Nayena Blankson, Sonya Negriff,
Penelope Trickett
Risk Taking as Response to Mental
Julia Tang, Jason Siegel
Links between reactions to academic
situations and depression: The moderating
roles of gender and physiological reactivity
to academic stress
Anne Brady, Jennifer Law, Erin Shoulberg,
Dianna Murray-Close
Adolescent Mothers’ Parenting Beliefs:
Examining the Effects of a Home-Based
Lorraine McKelvey, Nicola Conners-Burrow,
Leanne Whiteside-Mansell, Taren Swindle,
Pam Plummer, Latunja Sockwell
Parents’ Marital Dissatisfaction and
Adolescents’ Peer Aggression: The Role of
Secure Base Relationships
Jonathon Beckmeyer
Exploring Felt Obligation in Emerging
Adults’ Families with the Actor-Partner
Interdependence Model (APIM)
Annalisa Rossi Del Corso, Margherita Lanz,
Semira Tagliabue
19 School-Based Extracurricular Activities and
Psychosocial Outcomes among Rural
Allison Shepard, Alison Ludden
20 Authenticity Associated with Adult-Directed
Leisure Activities
Gira Bhatt, Roger Tweed, Stephen Dooley,
Jodi Viljoen, Kevin Douglas, Nathalie
10 Urban and Rural Chinese Adolescents’
Perceptions of Democratic Family and
School Environment and Psychological Wellbeing
Sharon To, Charles Helwig, Shaogang Yang
21 Paternal and Contextual Factors and
Academic Achievement Among MexicanAmerican Adolescents
Mario Fernandez, Megan O'Donnell, Mark
11 Relational therapeutic techniques as
predictors of change among substanceabusing runaway adolescents and their
Denitza Bantchevska, Natasha Slesnick
22 50% but Only Half of the Way There:
Increasing Workforce Participation for
Graduates with Developmental Disabilities
Catherine Loiselle, Shannahn McInnis,
Yasaman Jalali-Kushki, Gurit Lotan, Tara
12 Family Instability and Mexican American
Adolescents' Academic Outcomes:
Examining Familism as a Moderator
Danyel Vargas, Mark Roosa, George Knight,
Megan O'Donnell
13 The Impacts of Nonresident Fatherhood and
Father Involvement on Adolescent
Romantic Ideals
Melissa Horne, Rebecca Ryan
23 Reciprocal Influences between Adolescent
Substance Use and Academic Engagement
among Mexican American Youth
Jessie Wong, Nancy Gonzales, Larry
Dumka, Michaeline Jensen
14 Negative Parenting and Late Adolescents’
Mental Health: The Protective Function of
Relationships with Grandparents
Kristen Rabe, Bethany Quinn, Laura
24 Examining Cyber Bullying Factors among
Adolescents: A Grounded Theory Approach
Hanif Abu Bakar
15 A Latent Class Analysis of Parenting Style in
Early Adolescence: Prediction to Sexual
Risk-Taking in Mid-Adolescence
H. Isabella Lanza, David Huang, Debra
Murphy, Yih-Ing Hser
25 Parent Involvement, Academic
Encouragement by Significant Others, and
School Climate Related to Adolescents’
Academic Outcomes
Dorothy Chien, Scott Plunkett, Andrew
Behnke, Carolyn Henry
16 Gender Differences in Early Adolescents’
Self-disclosure to Siblings and Best Friends
Nina Howe, Brynheld Martinez
26 Predictors of Investigative Occupational
Goals: The Importance of Teachers
Karen Jackson, Marie-Anne Suizzo
17 Early Exposure to Family Conflict and
Community Violence: Associations with
Behavioral Adjustment at Age 11
Lorraine McKelvey, Hiram Fitzgerald, Robert
Bradley, Leanne Whiteside-Mansell, Nicola
Conners-Burrow, Rachel Schiffman
27 Who Is a “Good Citizen”? Perspectives of
the Majority and Minority Youth in the
Czech Republic
Zuzana Petrovicova, Jan Serek, Petr Macek
28 Immigrant Youth and Families and Out-ofSchool Time Programs: Identifying Effective
Michelle Porche, Sviatlana Smashnaya,
Jennifer Grossman, Diane Gruber, Georgia
18 An Under-represented Group? Prevalence of
Research on Rural Adolescents in the
Empirical Literature
Brandy Randall, Tommy Phillips, Keilah
29 Romantic Partners and Quality of
Employment as Predictors of Health during
the Transition into the Workforce: A
Gendered Phenomenon
Jose Domene, Rubab Arim
40 Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Adolescent
Males and Females Engaging in Oppositeand Same- Sex Sexual Activity From 20042010
Michael Merten, Amanda Williams, Micah
Hall, Julie Trainum
30 Familial Socialization of Mexican-American
Adolescents’ Family Obligation and
Kim Tsai, Eva Telzer, Thomas Weisner,
Andrew Fuligni, Nancy Gonzales
41 Depressive Feelings and Self Efficacy
Explaining the Link Between Asthma and
Linda Ringlever, Roy Otten, Onno van
Schayck, Rutger Engels
31 Validation of the Resilience Competencies
Scale for Applications among American
Indian Adolescents
Melanie Hockenberry, Carol Markstrom,
Jessica Troilo, Kristin Moilanen
42 Profiles of sensation seeking and its
relationship with cigarette and alcohol use
among chilean adolescents.
Paula Repetto, Yerko Molina
32 Reducing Stigma Toward the Transgender
Community: An Evaluation of a Humanizing
and Perspective-Taking Intervention
Fatemeh Ordoubadi, Tanya Tompkins,
Kimberly Hillman
43 The Effect of Social Context on Children’s
Social Information Processing: Coping
Response Selection
Kelly Cromer, Bridgette Harper, Gregory
33 The Relationship Between Religious Identity
and Beliefs and Attitudes About
Homosexuality Among Emerging Adults
Timothy Tasker, Stacey Horn, Marcy
Hochberg, Katherine Romeo
44 Electronic Aggression Among Emerging
Adults: Frequency and Motivations
Ilana Kellerman, Briana Wagner, Nicole
Parisi, Chelsea Massoud, Larissa Borofsky,
Brian Baucom, Michelle Ramos, Gayla
34 Predictors of early drug use: A metaanalysis
Elise Murowchick
45 Daily School Bullying Experiences, WellBeing and School Adjustment Among
Mexican-American Adolescents
Guadalupe Espinoza, Andrew Fuligni
35 Correlates on Black American Adolescent
Drinking Behavior: A Cross-Context Study
Dustin Mars, Michael Cunningham
46 Familial, Intrapersonal and Interpersonal
Correlates of Relational Peer Victimization
Among Chinese Adolescents: a Mediated
Shujun Wang, Wei Zhang, Shuangju Zhen,
Chengfu Yu
36 Body Image, Depression, and Tanning
Behaviors Among College Students
Meghan Gillen, Charlotte Markey
37 Salience of Contexts in the Etiology of
Adolescent Antisocial Behavior: The
Moderating Role of Future Orientation
Pan Chen, Elena Tuskenis, Kristen Jacobson
47 The Importance of Considering Frequency
and Duration of Victimization When
Assessing Risk for Depression and Suicidal
Rina Bonanno, Shelley Hymel
38 Coping with Racial Discrimination: The
Impact of Racial Socialization and
Personality on Health
Teneisha McIntyre, Enrique Neblett Jr.
48 Peer Interracial Climate Predicting Late
Adolescent Behavior and Satisfaction in
Same- and Cross-Ethnicity Romantic
Natalie Sadler, Adrienne Nishina
39 Access and Barriers to Resources that
Support Parents as Sex Educators: Parent
Focus Group Data on Family,
Race/Ethnicity, and the Community
Nicole Ja, Jennifer Tiffany
49 Adolescents' Gossip within the Context of
Friendship: The Impact on Peer Likability
and Popularity
Julie Wargo Aikins, Charlene Collibee,
Amanda LeTard
Leslie MacIntyre, Heather Sears
60 Write On: The Effects of Participation in a
Writing Program on Writing Achievement
and Academic and Social Efficacies
Su Langdon, Christine Grover
50 Reasons for Terminating Same- and CrossGender Friendships in Late Adolescence
Jessica McGuire, Campbell Leaper
61 Impact of Parent Management Training on
Risk for Depressive Symptoms in
Callie Brockman, James Snyder, Ryan
Sinclair, Samantha Eskridge, Sarah Staats,
Marion Forgatch
51 Love and Friendship in the Time of HIV:
The Close Relationships of Emerging Adults
with HIV
Olivia Hsin, Annette La Greca, Lawrence
Friedman, Donna Maturo, Hanna MajorWilson
62 Utilizing Rumination to Identify Adolescents
at High Risk for Depression
Cara Young, Mary Dietrich
52 Teens Talking to Friends: Co-Rumination,
Social Support, and Internalizing
Esti Iturralde, Lauren Spies, Gayla Margolin
63 Emotion Regulation and Impulsivity
Moderates Suicide Risk Associated with
Kathryn Van Eck, Kate Flory, Sara Schmidt
53 Same and Opposite Sex Peer Likability:
Friendship and Mating Strategy
Sayaka Aoki, Marla Brassard
64 Developmental Trajectories of Symptoms of
PTSD Among Adolescents After the 2008
Wenchuan Earthquake in China
Yuhong Zheng, Fang Fan, Guanghua Du,
Tingchen Luo
54 Loyalty to the Group or Doing Your Own
Thing? Adolescents’ Understanding of
Group Dynamics
Kelly Lynn Mulvey, Aline Hitti, Shelby
Cooley, Adam Rutland, Dominic Abrams,
Laura Elenbaas, Melanie Killen
65 The Moderating and Mediating Effects of
Resilience Between Negative Life Events
and Depression Symptoms Among
Adolescents Following the 2008 Wenchuan
Earthquake in China
Qing Zhu, Fang Fan, Shixiu Sun, Lu Zhang,
Yuhong Zheng
55 Different Network Features of Friends,
Helpers and Admired Peers: Network
Structures and Segregation
Huiyoung Shin, Allison Ryan
66 Investigating the Stress-Depression
Association in Adolescents
Amy Paysnick, Keith Burt
56 Is It Possible to Experience Flow in
Prosocial Activities? Is It Possible to
Experience Flow in Prosocial Activities? An
Argentinian Study.
Belén Mesurado, María Richaud
67 Possible Selves: A Contextual Approach to
Adolescent and Emerging Adulthood
Identity and Transitions
Anne Marshall, Breanna Lawrence, Kate
Creedon, Tanya Ward
57 Emerging Adults’ Sexual Behaviors:
Associations of Parental Behaviors and
Attachment Security
Donna Hancock, Leslie Simons
68 Concurrent and long-term associations
between meaning-making and well-being
within emerging adults’ turning points
Royette Tavernier, Teena Willoughby
58 Aggressive Humor Use in Romantic
Relationships: A Developmental Perspective
Sally Kuo, Jessica Salvatore, Ryan Steele,
Jeffry Simpson, W Andrew Collins
69 ‘OVK’ a Universal School-based Depression
Prevention and Resiliency Training for
Dutch Adolescents: Pilot Study and
Research Plan.
Yuli Tak, Rinka Van Zundert, Rutger Engels
59 Social Experiences and Individual
Characteristics Predicting Adolescents’
Intentions of Seeking Help from Specific
70 Building Youth into Organizational
Management Increases Youth 21st Century
Laurie Van Egeren, Jamie Heng-Chieh Wu,
Meenal Rana, Tom Akiva
81 Men at the Crossroads: Profiling
hypermasculinity with a sample of
collegiate males.
Charles Corprew
82 Narrative Construction in At-Risk
Adolescents and the Hazards of Reflecting
on Difficult Experiences
Becky Wood, Kate McLean, Andrea Breen
71 Trajectories of Physical and Relational
Aggression Among Adolescent Girls
Kathryn Kimball, Sharon Foster, Judy
83 Preadolescents’ Negotiation of Ethnic
Identity in a Diverse School
Cari Gillen-O'Neel, Rashmita Mistry, Kirby
Chow, Elizabeth White
72 A Longitudinal Look at the Associations
Between Attachment and Psychosocial
Adjustment in Adolescence
Holly Roelse, Chong-Man Chow, Duane
84 College Students' Beliefs about whether
their Gender, Ethnicity, or Social Class
Influenced their Choice of Majors and
Career Goals
Samir Bedrouni, Margarita Azmitia
73 Adolescents’ Perceptions of Parental
Deterrents as Predictors of High-Risk
Charlie (Carroll) Campbell
74 Emotion Socialization Influences in a
Sample of High-Risk Adolescents
Amanda Morris, Michael Criss, Benjamin
Houltberg, Cara Bosler, Lixian Cui
Saturday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
(Event 4-060) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 10
Saturday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
75 Traditional vs Online Victimization and
STEM Performance Among High School
Brendesha Tynes, Chad Rose
4-060. Subjective Social Status and
Well-Being among Adolescents and
Emerging Adults
76 Differences in Daily Life Experiences
Between School Adjusted and Maladjusted
Early Adolescents
Meery Lee
Chair: Elizabeth I. Johnson
Discussant: Elizabeth Goodman
 Obesity-Related Behaviors Among Poor
Adolescents and Young Adults: Can Social
Position Determine Who Is Most At Risk?
Miranda Ritterman Weintraub, Lia Fernald,
Elizabeth Goodman, Sylvia Guendelman,
Nancy Adler
 Subjective Social Status and Early
Adolescents’ Responses to Daily Events
Elizabeth Johnson
 Subjective Social Status and Positive
Indicators of Well-Being
Rebekah Linn, Jennifer Phagan, Elizabeth
77 The Relationship Between Reading
Motivation and Academic Ability in Low
Performing Adolescent Readers
Carlton Fong, Jill Boelter, Michael VadenKiernan, Sarah Caverly
78 Trajectories and Covariates for Industry,
Identity, and Intimacy During the
Transition to Adulthood
Dayuma Vargas Lascano, Nancy Galambos,
Wendy Hoglund
79 Integrating Two Models of Intentional SelfRegulation in Adolescence: Academic SOC
and Action-Control Beliefs
G. John Geldhof
80 Relationships Between Religious Values and
Trait Hope: A one-year Longitudinal
Patrick Heaven, Joseph Ciarrochi
(Event 4-061) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 11
Saturday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
(Event 4-063) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 13
Saturday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
4-061. Parental Influence on
Adolescents’ Intergroup Attitudes and
4-063. Managing Negativity in the
Context of Close Relationships:
Implications for Adolescents' Social
and Emotional Adjustment
Chair: Alaina Brenick
 Parental Encouragement of Relationships
With African-American, Latino, and White
Nina Mounts, David Valentiner, Jennifer
 Minority-group Parents and Their Children’s
Majority-group Friendships: The Effect of
What Parents say and do
Anke Munniksma, Tobias Stark, Andreas
Flache, Rene Veenstra
 Parental Role Models in the Development of
Adolescents’ Intergroup Attitudes
Burkhard Gniewosz, Peter Noack
 Peer, Parent, and Community Attitudes and
Jewish-American Adolescents’ Evaluations of
Arab-Jewish Intergroup Exclusion
Alaina Brenick, Melanie Killen
Chair: Thao Ha
 The Blues of Adolescent Romance: Observed
Affective Interactions in Adolescent
Romantic Relationships in Association with
Depressive Symptoms
Thao Ha, Thomas Dishion, William Burk,
Geertjan Overbeek, Rutger Engels
 From Repairing Emotions to Maintaining
Relations: Predictions from Emotional
Functioning to Later Relationships
Elenda Hessel, David Szwedo, Joseph Allen
 Adolescent Friendship Quality and Emotional
Adjustment: Examining the Role of Mothers’
Own Friendships
Gary Glick, Amanda Rose, Lance Swenson,
Erika Waller
(Event 4-062) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 12
Saturday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
(Event 4-064) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 14
Saturday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
4-062. Promoting Adolescents’
Developmental Competencies
Following the Transition to High School
4-064. Factors Mediating Adolescents’
Problematic Use of the Internet
Chair: Aprile Benner
Discussant: Sandra Graham
 It Gets Better: Teaching Adolescents That
People Can Change Reduces Stress and
Improves Achievement
David Yeager, Brian Spitzer, Rebecca
Johnson, Carol Dweck
 Adolescents Defying the Odds: School,
Peers, and Educational Pathways From High
School to College
Rashmita Mistry, Aprile Benner
 Buffering Effects of Economic Hardship on
Rural Youth’s Educational Beliefs:
Examination of Family, School and
Community Factors
Dawn Paula Witherspoon, Vonnie McLoyd
Chair: Stefanie Y. Chye
 Problematic Internet Use Amongst High and
Low-Achieving Singaporean Adolescents:
The Role of Social-Emotional Competencies
and Social Anxiety
Stefanie Chye, Vivien Huan, Rebecca Ang,
Wan Har Chong
 Problematic Internet Use: The Mediating
Role of Academic Expectation Stress on
Adolescents with Varying Social Emotional
Wan Har Chong, Stefanie Chye, Vivien
Huan, Rebecca Ang
Loneliness as a Mediating Factor in
Predicting Problematic Internet Use Among
Shy Adolescents
Vivien Huan, Rebecca Ang, Wan Har Chong,
Stefanie Chye
(Event 4-065) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 15
Saturday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
4-065. Pulling Themselves Up or
Getting Dragged Down: Diverse
Pathways in Adolescent Risk-Taking
Kevin King, Jeremy Luk, Johnny Wu, Katie
Witkiewitz, Sarah Racz, Robert McMahon
Development of Late Adolescent Conduct
Problems and Borderline Mood Features in
Children with Early Externalizing Problems
Yuko Okado, Karen Bierman
Tests of a Causal Effect of Childhood Abuse
on Adult Borderline Personality Disorder
Traits: A Longitudinal Discordant Twin
Marina Bornovalova, Brooke Huibregtse,
Brian Hicks, Margaret Keyes, Matt McGue,
William Iacono
(Event 4-067) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 18
Saturday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
Chair: Kathryn Modecki
Discussant: Nancy Guerra
 Patterns of Antisocial Behavior from
Adolescence to Early Adulthood: The
Development of Psychosocial Maturity
Kathryn Monahan, Laurence Steinberg,
Elizabeth Cauffman, Edward Mulvey
 It’s Why They Call it Bad Company: Risky
Peers in Structured Activities and
Trajectories of Risk
Kathryn Modecki, Bonnie Barber, Corey
 Lifestyles of the Rich and Stable: Patterns of
Risk-taking and Delinquency Among Affluent
Jordan Bechtold, Kathryn Monahan,
Elizabeth Cauffman, Susan Campbell
4-067. Quality of relationship in
school-based mentoring programs
Chair: Christian S. Chan
Discussant: Renee Spencer
 Measuring quality of mentoring relationship
Max Wu, Christian Chan, Jean Rhodes
 Pathways of influence in School-Based
Mentoring: The mediating role of parent and
teacher relationships
Christian Chan, Sarah Schwartz, Jean
Rhodes, Sarah Lowe, Waylon Howard
 Relationship quality and duration in schoolbased mentoring: Does same-gender match
Stella Kanchewa, Sarah Schwartz, Jean
Rhodes, Lauren Olsho
(Event 4-066) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 17
Saturday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
4-066. Vulnerabilities for the
Development of Externalizing,
Antisocial, and Borderline
Psychopathology: Longitudinal
Chair: Yuko Okado
Discussant: Byron R. Egeland
 The Externalizing Spectrum From Childhood
to Young Adulthood: Longitudinal Relations
Within an Integrated Developmental Model
(Event 4-068) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 19
Saturday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
(Event 4-070) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 3
Saturday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
4-068. Purpose in Domains:
Entrepreneurship, Academics, and
Community Involvement as Purposeful
4-070. Sexual subjectivity in late
adolescence and emerging adulthood
in Australia, Belgium and the United
States: An examination of cultural and
gender specificities
Chair: Timothy S. Reilly
Discussant: Kendall C. Bronk
 Youth Purpose and life goals of Brazilian
high school students engaged in community
and social work
Ulisses Araújo
 Academic Purpose in the Transition to
Matthew Andrews
 Emerging Adult Entrepreneurial Purpose: An
Interview Study
Timothy Reilly
Chair: Marie-Aude Boislard
Discussant: Melanie J. Zimmer-Gembeck
 Sexual Subjectivity, Relationship Status and
Quality, and Same-sex Sexual Experience
among Emerging Adult Females in Australia
Marie-Aude Boislard, Melanie ZimmerGembeck
 Are Virgins Happier? Sexual Behavior and
Subjectivity Predicting Romantic Attachment
for Adolescent Girls and Boys in Belgium
Wim Beyers, Stefanie De Meyer
 A Dyadic Perspective on Sexual Subjectivity
and Romantic Relationship Functioning
during Emerging Adulthood in the U.S.
Brittany Kohlberger, Valerie Simon
(Event 4-069) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 2
Saturday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
(Event 4-071) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 7
Saturday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
4-069. Status Hierarchies in the
Classroom: Effects on Bullying and on
Status Rewards for Aggressive and
Prosocial Behaviors
4-071. U.S. Families in Economic
Turmoil: Associations Between Family
Economic Hardships, Parent Processes,
and Adolescent Outcomes
Chair: Claire F. Garandeau
Discussant: Ernest V. Hodges
 Classroom Status Hierarchy and
Adolescents’ Bullying, Victimization and
Social Anxiety: Concurrent and Longitudinal
Claire Garandeau, Ihno Lee, Christina
 Explaining the Status-Aggression Link: The
Role of Status Hierarchy and Reproductive
Hierarchy in the Class Context
Jan Kornelis Dijkstra, Michiel Zwaan, Rene
 Longitudinal Relations between Children’s
Social Status and Behaviors: Effects of
Classroom Friendship Centralization and
Hai-Jeong Ahn, Philip Rodkin
Chair: Carly Tubbs
Discussant: Pamela Morris
 How Income Volatility Affects Parental
Stress and Adolescents' School Outcomes
Sharon Wolf, Lisa Gennetian, Heather Hill,
Pamela Morris
 Disentangling Financial Strain: Pathways
Between Changes in Family Income and
Adolescent Outcomes
Carly Tubbs, Diane Hughes
 The Interactive Effect of Perceived Financial
Strain and Paternal Depressive Symptoms
on Adolescent-Directed Father Hostility
Ben Reeb, Katherine Conger, Monica Martin
(Event 4-072) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 8
Saturday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
(Event 4-073) Paper Discussion
East Meeting 9
Saturday, 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
4-072. SIENA Models for Negative
Relationships and Behavior Dynamics
4-073. Stress Response and
Adolescent Adjustment: Integrating
Findings across Depression, Anger
Regulation, and Substance Use
Chair: Rene Veenstra
Discussant: William J. Burk
 Influence and Selection Processes in Bullying
and Bystander Behaviour in Early
Adolescents' Friendships
Sabrina Ruggieri, Thomas Friemel, Fabio
Sticca, Françoise Alsaker, Sonja Perren
 Competition, Envy or Snobbism? How Status
Affects the Structure and Development of
Adolescents’ Antipathy Networks
Christian Berger, Jan Dijkstra
 A Multivariate Longitudinal Social Network
Study of Relations Between Victims With the
Same Bullies: General Like and Defending
Gijs Huitsing, Marijtje van Duijn, Tom
Snijders, Rene Veenstra
Chair: Tara Chaplin
Discussant: Elizabeth Susman
 Stress Response and Adolescents’
Adjustment: The Impact of Child
Emily Cook
 Interplay Between Key Fronto-Limbic
Structures and the HPA axis in Depressed
and Well Adolescents: A Preliminary Study
Bonnie Klimes-Dougan, Georges Han, Leah
Jappe, Alaa Houri, Daniel Keefe, Kelvin Lim,
Kathryn Cullen
 Adolescent Physiological Response to Family
Conflict: Associations with Alcohol Use
Tara Chaplin
Abaied, Jamie
[email protected]
2-004, 2-044
Adelson, Emilya
[email protected]
3-024 (66)
Alegre, Alberto
[email protected]
3-051 (72)
Abbott, Robert D.
[email protected]
2-005 (61)
Adler, Nancy
[email protected]
Alexander, Kendra P.
[email protected]
3-051 (16)
Abelmann, Nancy
[email protected]
4-005 (30)
Adler-Baeder, Francesca M.
[email protected]
4-041 (66)
Alfieri, Sara
[email protected]
2-005 (30)
Aber, Lawrence
[email protected]
2-038, 2-053
Adrian, Molly
[email protected]
2-036, 3-051 (70), 4-005 (58), 4-035
Ali, Alisha
[email protected]
Abrams, Dominic
[email protected]
3-044 (74), 3-051 (3), 4-058 (54)
Agans, Jennifer
[email protected]
2-042 (18)
Alisat, Susan
[email protected]
2-042 (24), 2-042 (78), 2-074, 3-038,
3-038, 3-051 (71)
Abramson, Lyn Y.
[email protected]
2-036, 2-036, 3-006 (77), 3-024 (61),
3-051 (1), 3-067, 4-047, 4-047, 4-047
Ahiadeke, Clement
[email protected]
2-060 (9)
Abu Bakar, Hanif S.
[email protected]
4-058 (24)
Ackman, Jeffrey
[email protected]
3-006 (14)
Acock, Alan
[email protected]
Ahn, Hai-Jeong
[email protected]
2-038, 4-069
Aiken, Nancy
[email protected]
4-041 (83)
Aikins, Julie W.
[email protected]
4-023 (46)
Adams, Adi
[email protected]
4-005 (82)
Akiva, Tom
[email protected]
2-013, 2-013, 3-044 (26), 4-005 (16),
4-058 (70)
Adams, Elizabeth A.
[email protected]
2-024 (22), 4-023 (29)
Al-Dabbagh, Wissam
[email protected]
2-042 (78)
Adams, Heidi L.
[email protected]
Alamar, Amy
[email protected]
2-024 (21)
Adams, Paula
[email protected]
2-005 (83)
Alampay, Liane P.
[email protected]
4-005 (42)
Adams, Ryan E.
[email protected]
4-023 (27)
Albrecht, Erin C.
[email protected]
4-005 (9)
Addis, Michael E.
[email protected]
3-044 (71)
Aldridge, Matthew
[email protected]
Allegretti, Christine L.
[email protected]
3-044 (54)
Allen, Joseph P.
[email protected]
2-042 (55), 2-042 (56), 3-006 (56), 3013, 3-013, 3-021, 3-024 (75), 3-041,
3-067, 4-005 (49), 4-041 (71), 4-063
Allen, Nicholas
[email protected]
2-012, 2-030, 3-006 (1), 3-006 (59)
Alloy, Lauren B.
[email protected]
2-036, 2-036, 2-036, 3-006 (77), 3-051
(1), 3-067, 4-047, 4-047, 4-047
Allred, Candace
[email protected]
Almas, Alisa N.
[email protected]
Alsaker, Françoise
[email protected]
3-024 (43), 3-027, 3-031, 4-072
Alvarado-Koperberg, Fabiola
[email protected]
2-005 (46)
Alvarez, Jose
[email protected]
3-006 (19)
Alvarez-Valdivia, Ibis M.
[email protected]
Anthis, Kristine
[email protected]
2-060 (79)
Arnone, Gina
[email protected]
4-023 (80), 4-041 (22)
Ames, Megan E.
[email protected]
3-051 (15), 3-051 (33)
Anthony, Elizabeth K.
[email protected]
2-005 (8), 2-005 (36)
Arola, Nicole
[email protected]
2-024 (18)
Ames, Morgan
[email protected]
3-051 (70)
Anton, Triin
[email protected]
3-024 (5)
Arria, Amelia M.
[email protected]
4-041 (32)
Amnå, Erik
[email protected]
Aoki, Sayaka
[email protected]
4-058 (53)
Arvidsson, Toi Sin Y.
[email protected]
2-024 (11)
Amsel, Eric
[email protected]
4-005 (39), 4-023 (2)
Apiwattanalunggarn, Kunlakarn
[email protected]
2-005 (67)
Asante, Elizabeth A.
[email protected]
2-060 (9)
Anderson, Emily
[email protected]
4-023 (84)
Araújo, Ulisses F.
[email protected]
Asendorpf, Jens B.
[email protected]
Anderson, Eric
[email protected]
4-005 (82)
Arbeit, Miriam R.
[email protected]
Ashiabi, Godwin
[email protected]
2-024 (7)
Anderson, Kristen G.
[email protected]
2-005 (32)
Aregbesola, Temi
[email protected]
4-023 (37)
Ashley, Olivia S.
[email protected]
3-051 (36)
Anderson, Sara
[email protected]
2-060 (15)
Arel, Sari
[email protected]
2-042 (57)
Arger, Christopher A.
[email protected]
2-005 (66)
Asscher, Jessica
[email protected]
2-060 (73)
Anderson, Stephanie
[email protected]
Andrade, Claudia
[email protected]
3-024 (49)
Andrade, Diana
[email protected]
3-024 (81)
Andrews, Judy A.
[email protected]
4-058 (71)
Andrews, Matthew
[email protected]
Andrews, Naomi C.
[email protected]
3-006 (51)
Arim, Rubab G.
[email protected]
4-005 (1), 4-023 (26), 4-058 (29)
Assor, Avi
[email protected]
Athenour, Dylan
[email protected]
2-005 (66)
Armstrong, Jeffrey M.
[email protected]
2-012, 2-042 (73), 2-067
Aucoin, Christine
[email protected]
2-005 (59)
Arnett, Jeffrey J.
[email protected]
2-076, 3-043, 4-029
August, Elana G.
[email protected]
2-042 (82), 3-006 (71)
Arnett Jensen, Lene
[email protected]
2-050, 3-006 (9), 3-024 (74), 3-044
(28), 4-023 (6)
Augustine, Mairin E.
[email protected]
2-018, 3-051 (76), 4-012, 4-023 (72)
Arnocky, Steven
[email protected]
Ang, Rebecca P.
[email protected]
4-064, 4-064, 4-064
Anschutz, Doeschka
[email protected]
Austin, S. Bryn
[email protected]
2-023, 2-023, 4-021
Ayala, Alicia A.
[email protected]
3-024 (19)
Ayoub, Fadi
[email protected]
Bagwell, Catherine L.
[email protected]
2-024 (47), 2-060 (46)
Banks, Donice
[email protected]
3-044 (73)
Ayvar, Ariana
[email protected]
2-005 (82)
Baiden, John
[email protected]
3-044 (36)
Bantchevska, Denitza
[email protected]
4-058 (11)
Azmitia, Margarita
[email protected]
2-032, 2-032, 3-044 (23), 4-005 (80),
4-058 (84)
Bailey, Ashley
[email protected]
2-005 (75)
Barber, Bonnie L.
[email protected]
3-051 (83), 4-065
Bailey, Jennifer A.
[email protected]
3-032, 3-032, 3-032
Barber, Carolyn
[email protected]
3-006 (52), 4-023 (24)
Bailey, Lisa D.
[email protected]
2-005 (43)
Baril, Megan
[email protected]
4-041 (17)
Baiocco, Roberto
[email protected]
2-005 (47), 3-024 (47), 4-005 (23)
Barkan, Susan
[email protected]
4-023 (66)
Baker, Laura A.
[email protected]
Barker, Edward D.
[email protected]
Baker, Majel R.
[email protected]
Barker, Erin T.
[email protected]
3-044 (11)
Baker, Sandra A.
[email protected]
2-005 (21)
Barnes, Jaclyn
[email protected]
3-006 (84)
Baldasaro, Ruth
[email protected]
Baldner, Conrad
[email protected]
3-024 (76)
Barnes, Matt
[email protected]
Baams, Laura
[email protected]
3-008, 4-023 (83)
Baaren, Rick V.
[email protected]
Baay, Pieter
[email protected]
2-022, 3-065
Babcock, Ben
[email protected]
Bacelli, Joanna M.
[email protected]
Bachman, Heather
[email protected]
Bacon, Sarah
[email protected]
2-006 (G1), 2-072, 2-072, 3-042, 3-057
Badaly, Daryaneh
[email protected]
3-051 (41), 4-005 (41)
Baer, John
[email protected]
Baezconde-Garbanati, Lourdes
[email protected]
Baghramian, Artin
[email protected]
2-024 (45)
Bagley, Erika J.
[email protected]
3-006 (38), 3-024 (38)
Baldwin, Debora
[email protected]
2-067, 3-006 (70), 3-051 (57)
Ball, Courtney
[email protected]
Ballard, Mary E.
[email protected]
4-005 (35)
Bamaca-Colbert, Mayra Y.
[email protected]
2-005 (46), 2-060 (56), 3-051 (30)
Bamberg, Michael
[email protected]
2-037, 4-036
Barnett, Rosemary
[email protected]
4-058 (2)
Barnett, Sarah Beth
[email protected]
Baroni, Elizabeth M.
[email protected]
2-042 (31), 3-006 (47), 4-005 (44)
Barr, Alicia
[email protected]
2-005 (45)
Barr, Hailey Q.
[email protected]
2-060 (43)
Barr, Tamuz
[email protected]
Barrieau, Lindsey E.
[email protected]
2-042 (41), 3-006 (71), 4-023 (12)
Baykey, Amy
[email protected]
2-024 (33)
Beneteau, Jennifer
[email protected]
2-060 (77), 4-023 (75)
Barry, Carolyn
[email protected]
3-044 (44)
Beal, Sarah
[email protected]
3-006 (64), 4-041 (79)
Bengston, Loren
[email protected]
3-024 (55), 3-044 (55), 3-051 (55)
Bartell, Stephanie
[email protected]
3-006 (48)
Beauchamp, Miriam H.
[email protected]
2-060 (2)
Benjamin, Beth C.
[email protected]
3-006 (26)
Barth, Joan M.
[email protected]
2-024 (19)
Beaumont, Sherry
[email protected]
3-024 (79)
Benner, Aprile
[email protected]
4-062, 4-062
Bartkiewicz, Mark
[email protected]
4-052, 4-052
Bechtold, Jordan
[email protected]
Bennett, Diana
[email protected]
4-041 (70)
Bartolo, Tania
[email protected]
3-051 (68)
Becker, Stephen P.
[email protected]
4-041 (70)
Benson, Janel
[email protected]
4-023 (59)
Barton, Erica
[email protected]
3-024 (55), 3-044 (55), 3-051 (55)
Beckert, Troy E.
[email protected]
3-006 (83), 4-023 (30)
Bartoszuk, Karin
[email protected]
3-051 (78)
Beckmeyer, Jonathon J.
[email protected]
4-058 (8)
Bedrouni, Samir L.
[email protected]
4-058 (84)
Benson, Lizbeth
[email protected]
Benson, Mark J.
[email protected]
3-006 (20), 3-051 (72)
Bascoe, Sonnette M.
[email protected]
2-024 (6)
Basilio, Camille D.
[email protected]
2-024 (27)
Bentall, Richard P.
[email protected]
Beek, Titia
[email protected]
4-023 (83)
Berardi, Luciano
[email protected]
Bassett Greer, Kelly
[email protected]
2-005 (14)
Behen, Michael
[email protected]
3-051 (19)
Berger, Christian
[email protected]
4-041 (47), 4-072
Batanova, Milena D.
[email protected]
4-012, 4-012, 4-023 (41)
Behnke, Andrew O.
[email protected]
2-024 (45), 4-058 (25)
Bergeron, Nicholas R.
[email protected]
4-023 (4)
Bates, Justin R.
[email protected]
4-005 (38)
Bell, Debora
[email protected]
3-051 (77)
Bergman, Lars R.
[email protected]
3-044 (46)
Baucom, Brian R.
[email protected]
2-024 (64), 2-060 (65), 4-058 (44)
Bellmore, Amy
[email protected]
3-006 (41), 3-006 (42), 4-017
Bergstrom, Stephanie
[email protected]
3-051 (46)
Bauer, Daniel
[email protected]
Belsky, Jay
[email protected]
3-051 (13)
Berkel, Cady
[email protected]
2-071, 2-077
Bavarian, Niloofar
[email protected]
Bender, Rachel E.
[email protected]
3-067, 4-047
Berman, Steven L.
[email protected]
3-044 (84), 4-005 (79)
Bay-Cheng, Laina Y.
[email protected]
3-049, 3-049, 3-049
Bendezu, Jason
[email protected]
3-051 (12)
Bernal, Guillermo
[email protected]
Berry, Tiffany
[email protected]
3-051 (66)
Biondic, Daniella
[email protected]
2-024 (31)
Betancourt, Laura
[email protected]
2-005 (40)
Birkett, Michelle
[email protected]
Bett, Abigael
[email protected]
2-042 (26)
Bishop, Erin
[email protected]
2-042 (68)
Bettencourt, Amie
[email protected]
4-017, 4-017
Bishop, Nicholas S.
[email protected]
3-059, 4-041 (45), 4-041 (65)
Bevans, Katherine B.
[email protected]
Bissell-Havran, Joanna
[email protected]
2-005 (22)
Bisson, Elise
[email protected]
3-038, 3-038
Beyers, Wim
[email protected]
2-024 (70), 3-005, 4-013, 4-070
Bezdjian, Serena
[email protected]
Black, Chelsea L.
[email protected]
Bhatia, Vickie
[email protected]
2-024 (61), 4-041 (58)
Black, Shimrit
[email protected]
Bhatt, Gira
[email protected]
4-058 (20)
Blades, Mark
[email protected]
4-041 (34)
Bhindarwala, Asma M.
[email protected]
4-023 (65)
Blain-Arcaro, Christine
[email protected]
2-002, 2-024 (42)
Bialeschki, M. Deborah
[email protected]
Blair, Bethany L.
[email protected]
3-024 (83), 3-044 (83)
Bianco, Hannah
[email protected]
Blake, Ronette
[email protected]
3-024 (58)
Bierman, Karen
[email protected]
4-004, 4-066
Blakemore, Sarah-Jayne
[email protected]
Bies, Miles
[email protected]
4-023 (8)
Blankson, A. Nayena
[email protected]
4-058 (4)
Big Crow, Cecelia
[email protected]
Blodgett Salafia, Elizabeth H.
[email protected]
2-005 (35), 2-024 (35), 4-041 (7)
Bihm, Ernest
[email protected]
Blomfield, Corey J.
[mailto:[email protected]
Bingenheimer, Jeffrey B.
[email protected]
2-060 (9)
Bloss, Kayley E.
[email protected]
2-005 (50)
Blum, Robert W.
[email protected]
Blunck, Amy T.
[email protected]
4-005 (39), 4-023 (2)
Blöte, Anke W.
[email protected]
Bobo, Morgan
[email protected]
2-024 (5)
Boccia, Angelo S.
[email protected]
Bock, Tonia
[email protected]
2-060 (74), 3-015
Bodurtha, Joann
[email protected]
2-024 (9)
Boelter, Jill
[email protected]
3-051 (53), 4-058 (77)
Bohnert, Amy
[email protected]
2-024 (18), 2-050
Boislard, Marie-Aude
[email protected]
4-041 (37), 4-070, 4-070
Boivin, Michel
[email protected]
Bokhorst, Caroline L.
[email protected]
Bolland, John
[email protected]
3-011, 4-028, 4-028, 4-028
Bonanno, Rina A.
[email protected]
4-058 (47)
Bonci, Alina
[email protected]
3-024 (2)
Bond, David K.
[email protected]
3-051 (7)
Bonevski, Dimitar
[email protected]
2-005 (49)
Bountress, Kaitlin
[email protected]
3-051 (6)
Boom, Jan
[email protected]
2-042 (76), 3-037
Bourne, Stacia
[email protected]
2-042 (74)
Borden, Lynne
[email protected]
Bovis, Stephanie
[email protected]
2-060 (55)
Bower, Alicia A.
[email protected]
3-006 (43)
Borden, Lynne M.
[email protected]
2-068, 2-068
Borduin, Charles M.
[email protected]
2-042 (9)
Borelli, Jessica L.
[email protected]
3-051 (7)
Borgen, Charles S.
[email protected]
2-060 (44)
Bornovalova, Marina A.
[email protected]
Bornstein, Marc H.
[email protected]
2-024 (57), 3-006 (16), 3-044 (11)
Borofsky, Larissa A.
[email protected]
2-024 (72), 4-005 (19), 4-058 (44)
Borrero, Noah
[email protected]
Borsato, Graciela
[email protected]
3-062, 3-062
Bos, Henny M.
[email protected]
4-023 (83)
Bosacki, Sandra
[email protected]
Bosler, Cara
[email protected]
4-005 (71), 4-058 (74)
Boulton, Aaron
[email protected]
Bower, Andrew R.
[email protected]
2-005 (53)
Bowers, Edmond
[email protected]
3-024 (13), 4-049
Bowker, Anne
[email protected]
3-006 (23), 4-005 (17)
Bowker, Julie
[email protected]
Boyce, Cheryl
[email protected]
2-006 (G6), 3-003, 3-011, 3-042, 3047, 3-057
Boyd, Michelle J.
[email protected]
4-023 (38)
Boyko, Lisa M.
[email protected]
3-006 (53), 3-044 (53)
Bracamonte Wiggs, Christine
[email protected]
2-068, 4-055
Bradley, Robert
[email protected]
4-058 (17)
Bradshaw, Catherine P.
[email protected]
3-044 (42), 4-017
Brady, Anne E.
[email protected]
4-058 (6)
Bramadat, Paul
[email protected]
Branje, Susan
[email protected]
2-016, 2-024 (73), 2-042 (14), 2-042
(50), 2-042 (58), 3-044 (49), 3-051
(74), 4-005 (75), 4-012, 4-030, 4-030
Brasfield, Hope
[email protected]
4-041 (45), 4-041 (65)
Brassard, Marla R.
[email protected]
3-024 (51), 4-058 (53)
Bravo, Diamond Y.
[email protected]
3-024 (21), 4-023 (9)
Bravo, Magali
[email protected]
3-051 (56), 4-023 (13)
Bravo, Valeriya
[email protected]
3-024 (65)
Breen, Andrea
[email protected]
2-005 (80), 4-058 (82)
Bregman, Hallie R.
[email protected]
2-052, 2-052, 2-052, 3-044 (82), 4-023
(82), 4-044
Breivik, Kyrre
[email protected]
3-006 (31)
Brendgen, Mara
[email protected]
2-065, 4-039, 4-039, 4-041 (37)
Brenick, Alaina
[email protected]
4-061, 4-061
Brennan, Stephanie
[email protected]
4-023 (52)
Brensilver, Matthew
[email protected]
Breslau, Joshua
[email protected]
4-041 (56)
Bride, Daniel L.
[email protected]
2-024 (1), 4-003
Briley, Daniel
[email protected]
2-042 (19)
Brinkworth, Maureen
[email protected]
3-044 (57)
Britner, Preston A.
[email protected]
2-027, 3-006 (67)
Brown, Joshua
[email protected]
2-038, 2-053
Brown, Sandra A.
[email protected]
2-005 (32)
Bukowski, William
[email protected]
2-005 (52), 2-005 (72), 2-057, 2-075,
3-043, 3-044 (43), 3-051 (58), 4-023
(27), 4-023 (68), 4-023 (79), 4-039, 4045, 4-054
Bulat, Amanda
[email protected]
2-024 (35)
Brittain, Heather
[email protected]
2-002, 3-022, 3-022, 3-044 (41), 4-005
Browne, Dillon T.
[email protected]
2-024 (31)
Brittian, Aerika
[email protected]
2-024 (28), 3-025.5, 3-025.5
Brule, Heather A.
[email protected]
3-006 (21)
Brockman, Callie
[email protected]
4-058 (61)
Bryan, Derrick M.
[email protected]
Brodersen, Etta
[email protected]
4-023 (75)
Buchanan, Carie M.
[email protected]
2-042 (42)
Brodish, Amanda
[email protected]
3-044 (29)
Buchanan, Christy M.
[email protected]
2-005 (25), 2-042 (13), 3-024 (8)
Brodsky, Nancy
[email protected]
2-005 (40)
Buchmann, Marlis
[email protected]
2-024 (76), 2-033
Burnette, Mandi
[email protected]
2-005 (73), 2-024 (69), 3-006 (40), 3051 (10), 4-023 (61)
Bronk, Kendall C.
[email protected]
3-039, 3-054, 4-068
Buck, Katharine A.
[email protected]
2-005 (48)
Burns, April
[email protected]
Brook, Judith S.
[email protected]
4-023 (39), 4-023 (81)
Buckhalt, Joseph
[email protected]
3-044 (38)
Burns, Rachel
[email protected]
Brooks, Jeff
[email protected]
3-015, 4-037
Buckley, Lisa
[email protected]
4-023 (67)
Burpee, Alisa
[email protected]
3-006 (33)
Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne
[email protected]
2-005 (10), 2-005 (11), 2-060 (1), 3026
Budescu, Mia
[email protected]
2-042 (6), 3-044 (10)
Burris, Antoinette
[email protected]
3-006 (12)
Buehler, Cheryl
[email protected]
2-005 (57)
Burrow, Anthony L.
[email protected]
3-039, 4-048
Buhrmester, Duane
[email protected]
2-042 (46), 4-058 (72)
Burt, Keith B.
[email protected]
4-058 (66)
Buist, Kirsten
[email protected]
2-042 (14)
Burton, Chad
[email protected]
2-023, 4-041 (82)
Brown, B. B.
[email protected]
3-024 (84), 4-005 (83), 4-041 (46), 4041 (54)
Brown, Charity L.
[email protected]
2-059, 4-005 (20)
Brown, Christia S.
[email protected]
3-044 (27), 4-005 (25), 4-032
Brown, Jill
[email protected]
4-041 (14)
Burdzovic Andreas, Jasmina
[email protected]
3-024 (41)
Burk, Linnea
[email protected]
2-042 (73), 2-067, 2-067
Burk, William J.
[email protected]
2-024 (51), 2-046, 3-036, 3-063, 4-005
(32), 4-063, 4-072
Burnett, Stephanie
[email protected]
Burwell, Rebecca A.
[email protected]
3-006 (79), 4-005 (73)
Busby, Danielle R.
[email protected]
3-044 (19)
Cameron, Catherine Ann
[email protected]
3-006 (74)
Cardemil, Esteban
[email protected]
2-020, 3-028, 3-044 (71)
Bush, Nicole
[email protected]
Camparo, Lorinda
[email protected]
4-041 (29)
Cardwell, Stephanie
[email protected]
4-023 (33)
Bush-Richards, Angela
[email protected]
3-051 (2)
Campbell, Andrew J.
[email protected]
3-024 (14)
Carey, Devin C.
[email protected]
2-024 (15), 3-003
Busseri, Michael A.
[email protected]
2-005 (18)
Campbell, Caitlin P.
[email protected]
2-005 (58)
Carey, Kate B.
[email protected]
Bussey, Kay
[email protected]
3-006 (13), 3-051 (32), 3-051 (42), 4019, 4-019, 4-019, 4-050
Campbell, Charlie (Carroll)
[email protected]
4-058 (73)
Carey, Michael P.
[email protected]
Campbell, Susan B.
[email protected]
Carlo, Gustavo
[email protected]
2-005 (54), 2-005 (84), 2-018, 2-018,
2-024 (28), 2-033, 2-060 (54), 4-012,
4-012, 4-041 (14)
Butler-Barnes, Sheretta
[email protected]
2-062, 2-062
Byck, Gayle
[email protected]
Byers, E. Sandra
[email protected]
2-005 (6), 3-044 (12)
Byrd, Christy M.
[email protected]
Byrne, Michelle
[email protected]
Cadely, Hans S.
[email protected]
4-041 (66)
Caldeira, Kimberly M.
[email protected]
4-041 (32)
Caldwell, Cleopatra H.
[email protected]
2-060 (11)
Caldwell, Linda
[email protected]
Calhoun, Casey D.
[email protected]
Campione-Barr, Nicole
[email protected]
2-005 (14)
Campos, Joseph
[email protected]
2-042 (49)
Camras, Linda
[email protected]
2-024 (41), 3-031
Cance, Jessica D.
[email protected]
2-042 (35), 2-060 (83), 4-012
Cantarero, Rodrigo
[email protected]
4-041 (14)
Caouette, Justin D.
[email protected]
2-030, 2-042 (1), 3-051 (49)
Capaldi, Deborah M.
[email protected]
3-006 (45), 4-004
Caravita, Simona C.
[email protected]
3-027, 3-027
Card, Noel A.
[email protected]
2-042 (39), 2-060 (47), 2-060 (68), 3006 (69)
Calzo, Jerel P.
[email protected]
2-023, 3-032
Carlson, Corissa
[email protected]
Carmago, Gina L.
[email protected]
4-023 (27)
Carothers, Kristin J.
[email protected]
Carr, Staci E.
[email protected]
4-005 (26)
Carrano, Jennifer L.
[email protected]
2-011, 2-011, 4-005 (33)
Carter, Jocelyn
[email protected]
2-020, 2-028
Casarjian, Bethany
[email protected]
3-044 (4)
Casarjian, Robin
[email protected]
3-044 (4)
Casas, Juan F.
[email protected]
3-006 (43)
Casazza, Krista
[email protected]
Chamberland, Line
[email protected]
Chapman, Erin N.
[email protected]
2-005 (83)
Casper, Deborah M.
[email protected]
2-060 (47), 2-060 (68), 3-006 (69)
Chambers, Carissa L.
[email protected]
Chapman, Rebekah
[email protected]
4-023 (67)
Cassidy, Jude
[email protected]
2-055, 4-031
Chan, Christian S.
[email protected]
4-067, 4-067, 4-067
Charlesworth-Attie, Sarah
[email protected]
4-041 (59)
Castaneda, Claudia L.
[email protected]
2-005 (82), 3-044 (48), 4-041 (57)
Chan, Hsun-yu
[email protected]
4-041 (46)
Chassin, Laurie
[email protected]
2-009, 3-043, 3-051 (6)
Castelhano, Monica
[email protected]
Chan, Meanne
[email protected]
Chatman-Nelson, Celina
[email protected]
Castellanos Ryan, Natalie
[email protected]
3-006 (39), 3-044 (1), 4-016
Chan, Melissa
[email protected]
3-006 (80)
Chavez, Ricardo
[email protected]
2-042 (34)
Castillo, Elizabeth
[email protected]
2-042 (75)
Chan, Sherilynn
[email protected]
2-005 (44), 2-024 (43), 2-042 (43)
Chavira, Gabriela
[email protected]
3-006 (19), 3-024 (19), 3-024 (21), 4041 (18)
Catalano, Richard F.
[email protected]
2-005 (61), 2-039, 2-067, 3-032
Chance, Lauren
[email protected]
2-005 (27)
Catherine, Nicole L.
[email protected]
4-005 (56)
Chandler, Michael
[email protected]
2-058, 2-058
Cauffman, Elizabeth
[email protected]
2-009, 2-009, 2-009, 4-065, 4-065
Chandley, Rachel B.
[email protected]
3-051 (77)
Caughy, Margaret O.
[email protected]
Chandra, Anita
[email protected]
Cavanagh, Shannon
[email protected]
Chang, Tzufen
[email protected]
2-005 (29)
Cavanaugh, Alyson M.
[email protected]
2-005 (57)
Chango, Joanna
[email protected]
2-042 (55), 2-042 (56), 3-013, 3-013,
3-024 (75), 3-041, 3-067, 4-005 (49),
4-041 (71)
Caverly, Sarah L.
[email protected]
4-058 (77)
Cebioglu, Senay
[email protected]
4-023 (42)
Chadwick, Erica D.
[email protected]
Chavous, Tabbye
[email protected]
2-010, 2-010
Chao, Ruth K.
[email protected]
Chaparro, Maria P.
[email protected]
2-024 (76), 4-005 (11)
Chaplin, Tara
[email protected]
4-073, 4-073
Cheadle, Jacob
[email protected]
Cheah, Charissa
[email protected]
2-042 (5), 3-044 (47)
Cheema, Ravreet K.
[email protected]
2-005 (82), 3-044 (48), 4-041 (57)
Chein, Jason
[email protected]
Chemers, Martin M.
[email protected]
2-005 (23)
Chen, Chuansheng
[email protected]
2-005 (28)
Chen, Edith
[email protected]
Chen, Eric
[email protected]
2-060 (69)
Chen, Hongyu
[email protected]
2-024 (3), 2-042 (3)
Chien, Dorothy
[email protected]
4-058 (25)
Chye, Stefanie Y.
[email protected]
4-064, 4-064, 4-064, 4-064
Chen, Kun-Hu
[email protected]
2-042 (80)
Chiodo, Lisa M.
[email protected]
Ciarrochi, Joseph
[email protected]
4-058 (80)
Chen, Liang
[email protected]
4-023 (43)
Chipman, Jane
[email protected]
2-060 (7)
Cicchetti, Dante
[email protected]
2-005 (76), 3-051 (4), 3-067, 3-067
Chen, Pan
[email protected]
2-005 (15), 4-058 (37)
Chisolm, Deena J.
[email protected]
4-041 (82)
Chen, Wei-Ting
[email protected]
3-006 (41)
Choe, Daniel E.
[email protected]
2-005 (9), 3-003, 4-005 (59)
Cillessen, Antonius H.
[email protected]
2-014, 2-014, 2-075, 2-075, 2-075, 3024 (46), 3-036, 3-036, 3-044 (43), 4005 (50)
Chen, Xinyin
[email protected]
3-006 (53), 3-043, 3-044 (53), 4-031,
4-041 (77)
Choi, David Y.
[email protected]
4-005 (13)
Chen, Yufei
[email protected]
Cheney, Brianna
[email protected]
2-042 (37)
Cheng, Ching-Ling
[email protected]
3-024 (68), 4-041 (41)
Cheng, Shan
[email protected]
2-005 (62), 3-006 (58), 4-023 (63)
Cheong, JeeWon
[email protected]
2-023, 2-023, 2-060 (40)
Cheshire, Emily
[email protected]
4-005 (36)
Cheung, Cecilia
[email protected]
4-005 (7)
Cheung, Rebecca Y. M.
[email protected]
2-042 (8)
Chiao, Joan
[email protected]
Chieh, Kai Men
[email protected]
3-006 (74)
Choi, James Y.
[email protected]
Chong, Wan Har
[email protected]
4-064, 4-064, 4-064
Chou, Catherine P.
[email protected]
2-042 (65), 4-041 (2)
Choukas-Bradley, Sophia C.
[email protected]
Chow, Chong-Man
[email protected]
2-042 (46), 4-058 (72)
Chow, Kirby A.
[email protected]
4-058 (83)
Christoph, Gabriela
[email protected]
2-024 (17), 3-037
Chronister, Krista
[email protected]
2-042 (21)
Chu, Hui
[email protected]
3-044 (27)
Chuang, Susan
[email protected]
2-005 (13), 3-044 (30), 4-023 (8)
Cisse, Cathleen
[email protected]
3-044 (4)
Clark, Gregory S.
[email protected]
4-058 (43)
Clarke, Thomas J.
[email protected]
Cleland, Charles
[email protected]
4-005 (4)
Clemans, Katherine H.
[email protected]
Cleveland, H. Harrington
[email protected]
3-044 (33)
Coddington, Cassandra S.
[email protected]
4-028, 4-028, 4-028, 4-028, 4-028
Coffey, John K.
[email protected]
3-051 (7)
Cogburn, Courtney
[email protected]
2-062, 2-062, 3-044 (29)
Cohen, Geoffrey L.
[email protected]
Cohen-Carmeli, Maya
[email protected]
Cohen-Malayev, Maya
[email protected]
4-041 (80)
Coie, John
[email protected]
Connell, Arin
[email protected]
4-023 (49)
Cornejo, Louis A.
[email protected]
3-051 (40)
Coirazza, Joleen
[email protected]
4-023 (12)
Connell, Jessica
[email protected]
4-005 (84)
Cornelius, Marie D.
[email protected]
Colalillo, Sara
[email protected]
Conners-Burrow, Nicola
[email protected]
4-058 (7), 4-058 (17)
Corona, Rosalie
[email protected]
2-024 (9), 2-024 (38), 2-060 (35), 4005 (31)
Colder, Craig R.
[email protected]
2-005 (31), 2-028, 2-060 (32), 3-006
(73), 3-006 (75), 3-024 (32), 3-024
(33), 3-044 (58), 4-023 (51)
Connolly, Jennifer
[email protected]
2-024 (55), 2-046, 2-046, 3-024 (65),
3-041, 4-023 (44), 4-041 (11), 4-053
Corprew, Charles S.
[email protected]
4-058 (81)
Connors, Laura
[email protected]
3-051 (59)
Corpus, Jennifer H.
[email protected]
2-005 (17)
Conrod, Patricia
[email protected]
4-016, 4-016, 4-016, 4-016
Corral, Lidia
[email protected]
2-042 (11)
Cook, Emily C.
[email protected]
Correia, João
[email protected]
2-060 (70)
Cookston, Jeffrey
[email protected]
2-024 (11), 2-041
Costigan, Catherine
[email protected]
2-005 (27), 2-056, 3-044 (81)
Cooley, Shelby
[email protected]
3-007, 3-044 (74), 4-058 (54)
Cox, Jacqueline
[email protected]
Cooley, Shelby
[email protected]
3-051 (3)
Cox, Martha C.
[email protected]
3-006 (38), 3-024 (38)
Cooper, Catherine
[email protected]
3-006 (8)
Cox, Ronald
[email protected]
3-006 (27), 4-041 (23)
Cooper, Marty A.
[email protected]
2-060 (82)
Coyne, Sarah M.
[email protected]
4-023 (84), 4-027
Cooper, Shauna M.
[email protected]
2-059, 4-005 (20)
Craig, Wendy M.
[email protected]
2-005 (42), 2-014, 2-024 (44), 2-042
(71), 3-044 (70)
Coley, John D.
[email protected]
2-060 (3), 3-024 (3)
Collibee, Charlene
[email protected]
2-005 (56), 4-058 (49)
Collins, Linda
[email protected]
2-055, 3-044 (7)
Collins, Rebecca
[email protected]
Collins, W. Andrew
[email protected]
2-005 (70), 2-024 (5), 3-044 (56), 4058 (58)
Collins-Dogrul, Julie
[email protected]
4-041 (29)
Compas, Bruce E.
[email protected]
2-004, 3-051 (62)
Conger, Katherine
[email protected]
4-041 (56), 4-071
Conger, Rand D.
[email protected]
3-006 (62), 4-038, 4-038, 4-038, 4-038
Conley, Colleen
[email protected]
2-060 (60), 3-026
Conn, Michael
[email protected]
Connell, Arin M.
[email protected]
Cordero, Annel
[email protected]
4-005 (55)
Corley, Summar
[email protected]
Corliss, Heather
[email protected]
Cramer, Christine M.
[email protected]
Crawford, Michael
[email protected]
3-019, 3-019
Creedon, Kate
[email protected]
4-058 (67)
Cui, Lixian
[email protected]
4-005 (71), 4-058 (74)
Damon, William
[email protected]
2-021, 3-054, 4-025
Creemers, Hanneke
[email protected]
Cullen, Kathryn
[email protected]
Dang, Michelle
[email protected]
4-041 (56)
Cressen, Jessica M.
[email protected]
Culpepper, Christi L.
[email protected]
3-006 (70), 3-051 (57), 4-041 (45), 2067, 3-059
Daniels, Elizabeth
[email protected]
2-060 (84)
Crick, Nicki
[email protected]
2-005 (76), 2-060 (45), 2-075, 4-005
(77), 4-054
Cummings, E. M.
[email protected]
2-024 (6), 2-042 (8)
Criss, Michael
[email protected]
4-005 (71), 4-058 (74)
Cumsille, Patricio
[email protected]
3-005, 4-002, 4-033
Crockett, Lisa J.
[email protected]
2-017, 2-060 (37), 4-041 (79)
Cunningham, Lesley
[email protected]
2-024 (42)
Cromer, Kelly D.
[email protected]
4-058 (43)
Cunningham, Michael
[email protected]
4-058 (35)
Crone, Eveline
[email protected]
2-060 (76), 3-023
Curran, Patrick J.
[email protected]
Crosnoe, Rob
[email protected]
2-029, 3-051 (63), 4-049.5
Cushman, Kristen
[email protected]
Cross, Cassandra
[email protected]
4-005 (45)
Cuttini, Laura
[email protected]
4-005 (52), 4-023 (77)
Crowell, Sheila
[email protected]
2-024 (1), 4-003, 4-003
Cyr, Betty-Ann
[email protected]
3-044 (84)
Crowell, Susanna
[email protected]
3-051 (62)
Czarlinski, Jennifer
[email protected]
Cruz, Maria Elena
[email protected]
4-023 (31)
D'Amico, Elizabeth J.
[email protected]
Crystal, Sarah I.
[email protected]
2-036, 2-042 (84), 3-034, 4-023 (58)
Da Cunha, Josafá M.
[email protected]
3-044 (5), 3-061
Cue, Erin
[email protected]
Dahl, Ronald
[email protected]
2-030, 3-024 (58), 4-007
Cuellar, Jessica
[email protected]
4-023 (10)
Dal Cin, Sonya
[email protected]
Daniels, Tina
[email protected]
3-024 (48)
Danzi, Lauren E.
[email protected]
Darazsdi, Jacquelyn
[email protected]
Darling, Nancy
[email protected]
3-059, 4-050
Darlington, Erin
[email protected]
2-024 (13)
Darwich, Lina
[email protected]
3-024 (30), 3-034, 3-034
Dashora, Pushpanjali
[email protected]
2-060 (67)
Dauber, Susan
[email protected]
2-006 (G9), 3-042
Daugherty, Julia
[email protected]
Daughters, Stacey
[email protected]
2-055, 4-031
Davidson, Alice J.
[email protected]
2-005 (58)
Davies, Patrick T.
[email protected]
2-024 (6)
Davila, Joanne
[email protected]
2-024 (61), 4-041 (58)
Davis, Alexandra N.
[email protected]
2-033, 2-060 (54), 4-041 (14)
de Groat, Cynthia L.
[email protected]
3-051 (35), 4-041 (55)
Defoe, Ivy N.
[email protected]
2-042 (14)
Davis, Betsy
[email protected]
3-006 (59)
de Guzman, Jacqueline
[email protected]
2-024 (8)
Degnan, Kathryn A.
[email protected]
4-031, 4-031
Davis, Katherine A.
[email protected]
de Guzman, Maria Rosario T.
[email protected]
3-024 (11), 4-041 (14)
DeGue, Sarah
[email protected]
Davis, Katie
[email protected]
2-042 (83)
de Haan, Amaranta
[email protected]
2-060 (73)
Dekovic, Maja
[email protected]
2-005 (38), 2-060 (73), 3-006 (37)
Davis, Katrina E.
[email protected]
de la Haye, Kayla
[email protected]
3-058, 3-058, 4-034
Del Giudice, Marco
[email protected]
3-052, 3-052
Davis, Miranda
[email protected]
4-041 (25)
De Loney, E. Hill
[email protected]
2-060 (11)
Delaney-Black, Virginia
[email protected]
Davis, Orlando
[email protected]
De Los Reyes, Andres
[email protected]
2-055, 2-055
DeLay, Dawn
[email protected]
2-060 (33), 3-024 (4), 3-044 (5), 3-051
(48), 4-014
Davis, Stephanie
[email protected]
3-024 (71)
De Meyer, Stefanie
[email protected]
Davis Crump, Aria
[email protected]
2-006 (G6), 3-047
de Rooij, Mark J.
[email protected]
Davis-Kean, Pamela
[email protected]
De Ruyter, Doret J.
[email protected]
Dawes, Molly
[email protected]
3-006 (44), 3-024 (52)
De Sonneville, Leo
[email protected]
3-006 (2)
Dawes, Nickki P.
[email protected]
2-068, 3-006 (17)
de St. Aubin, Ed
[email protected]
3-038, 3-038
Day, Joseph
[email protected]
de Waal, Frans
[email protected]
Day, Kathleen
[email protected]
3-024 (23)
de Wied, Minet
[email protected]
2-024 (73), 4-012, 4-041 (72)
Day, Randal
[email protected]
2-042 (54)
Deardorff, Julianna
[email protected]
2-005 (2), 2-024 (2)
De Genna, Natacha
[email protected]
Debnam, Katrina J.
[email protected]
4-041 (83)
Delgado, Melissa
[email protected]
3-006 (36), 3-051 (28)
Dell'Aglio, Débora D.
[email protected]
2-024 (26), 2-060 (66)
DeLong, Maggie
[email protected]
3-051 (54)
Denault, Anne-Sophie
[email protected]
2-005 (51), 3-019
Denney, Rebecca
[email protected]
2-060 (75)
Dennison, Meg
[email protected]
2-030, 3-006 (1)
DePaolis, Kathryn
[email protected]
Derlan, Chelsea L.
[email protected]
3-025.5, 4-041 (81)
Dermody, Sarah
[email protected]
DeRose, Laura
[email protected]
2-024 (12)
Dickson, Daniel A.
[email protected]
2-060 (60)
Dirks, Melanie
[email protected]
4-023 (77)
Des Rosiers, Sabrina E.
[email protected]
Dickson, Daniel J.
[email protected]
2-060 (33), 3-051 (48)
Dishion, Thomas J.
[email protected]
2-025, 2-042 (12), 3-048, 3-051 (65),
4-014, 4-063
Desjardins, Tracy
[email protected]
3-006 (34)
Diemer, Matthew
[email protected]
DesRoches, Andrea J.
[email protected]
3-024 (17)
Dierkhising, Carly B.
[email protected]
2-024 (67), 4-023 (76)
Detloff, Allison M.
[email protected]
2-005 (77)
Dieter, Patricia
[email protected]
2-042 (31), 3-006 (47), 4-005 (44)
Deutsch, Aaron
[email protected]
4-041 (40)
Dietrich, Julia
[email protected]
Deutsch, Arielle R.
[email protected]
2-005 (84), 2-017, 2-060 (37), 4-023
Dietrich, Mary S.
[email protected]
4-058 (62)
Deutsch, Nancy L.
[email protected]
2-071, 3-004, 3-004, 3-013, 4-008, 4046
DiGiovanni, Craig
[email protected]
Dmitrieva, Julia
[email protected]
2-024 (14)
Do, Cindy
[email protected]
2-024 (42), 4-005 (61)
do Ceu Taveira, Maria
[email protected]
Doane Sampey, Leah
[email protected]
2-043, 2-043
Dodd, Alyson L.
[email protected]
Dodge, Ken
[email protected]
Dijkstra, Jan Kornelis
[email protected]
2-038, 2-038, 3-044 (51), 4-023 (50),
4-041 (47), 4-069, 4-072
Doernte, Mareike
[email protected]
2-042 (51)
Dillon, Colleen O.
[email protected]
3-024 (64)
Dogan, Aysun
[email protected]
4-023 (42)
DiLorenzo, Paul
[email protected]
Dolente, Lauren
[email protected]
3-024 (30)
Dimler, Mallory
[email protected]
2-060 (34)
Dollahite, David
[email protected]
2-060 (78)
Dion, Jacinthe
[email protected]
4-041 (62)
Dombrowski, Caitlin V.
[email protected]
3-006 (49)
Dion, Robin
[email protected]
Domene, Jose F.
[email protected]
4-023 (26), 4-058 (29)
Dickson, Daniel
[email protected]
2-024 (60)
Dirghangi, Shrija
[email protected]
2-060 (33), 3-024 (4), 3-044 (5), 3-051
Domenech Rodriguez, Melanie
[email protected]
Dickson, Daniel
[email protected]
3-024 (4), 3-044 (5)
Dirks, Melanie A.
[email protected]
4-005 (52)
Dhariwal, Amrit
[email protected]
2-024 (55), 2-046
Dhokai, Gopi
[email protected]
4-041 (63)
Di Pomponio, Ilena
[email protected]
2-005 (47)
Diamond, Guy
[email protected]
Dias, Sandra I.
[email protected]
3-006 (30)
Dickenson, Leah
[email protected]
Domoff, Sarah E.
[email protected]
2-042 (15), 3-044 (34), 3-044 (40), 4005 (70)
Donnellan, M. B.
[email protected]
Doyle, Alicia
[email protected]
2-060 (15)
Dumka, Larry
[email protected]
2-005 (55), 3-006 (7), 4-058 (23)
Donnerstein, Ed
[email protected]
Doyle, Otima
[email protected]
3-006 (12)
DuMont, Kimberly A.
[email protected]
2-006 (G10), 3-042
Dooley, Julian
[email protected]
Drazdowski, Tess K.
[email protected]
2-042 (44)
Dunifon, Rachel
[email protected]
2-005 (12)
Dooley, Stephen
[email protected]
4-058 (20)
Driver, Persis
[email protected]
2-005 (75)
Dunlap, Eloise
[email protected]
4-041 (39)
Doornwaard, Suzan M.
[email protected]
2-042 (50)
Drouin-Germain, Anne
[email protected]
2-060 (2)
Dunlop, William L.
[email protected]
Doosje, Bertjan
[email protected]
Drummond, Holli
[email protected]
Duong, Jeffrey
[email protected]
3-044 (42)
Doramajian, Caroline
[email protected]
2-005 (52)
Du, Guanghua
[email protected]
4-058 (64)
Dussault, Frederic
[email protected]
4-041 (37)
Dorn, Lorah D.
[email protected]
2-012, 3-006 (64), 4-005 (38), 4-023
du Maine, Nicole
[email protected]
Dweck, Carol
[email protected]
Dubas, Judith
[email protected]
2-042 (14)
Dworkin, Jodi
[email protected]
4-005 (84)
Dost Gözkan, Ayfer
[email protected]
3-006 (9), 4-023 (6)
DuBois, David
[email protected]
2-034, 2-034, 2-034, 2-053, 2-053, 2063, 3-046, 4-046
Dyches, Karmon D.
[email protected]
3-024 (50)
Dotterer, Aryn M.
[email protected]
3-024 (9)
Dubois, Marie-Eve
[email protected]
2-005 (72), 3-051 (58)
Doty, Jennifer
[email protected]
4-005 (84)
Duddy, Amber
[email protected]
2-013, 3-044 (26)
Doty, Nathan
[email protected]
Duffy, Sophia
[email protected]
2-034, 2-034, 2-053
Doughty, Susan E.
[email protected]
2-060 (14)
Duku, Eric
[email protected]
2-002, 3-022
Douglas, Kevin
[email protected]
4-023 (75), 4-058 (20)
Dulin Keita, Akilah
[email protected]
Doxie, Jacqueline
[email protected]
Dumais, Maggie
[email protected]
3-024 (77)
Dorsey, Quay A.
[email protected]
4-041 (68)
Dyk, Patricia
[email protected]
4-005 (15)
Dymnicki, Allison
[email protected]
3-011, 3-011
Dynes, Morgan
[email protected]
3-044 (40), 4-005 (70)
Dzirasa, Erikka
[email protected]
3-006 (12)
Eastabrook, Jennifer
[email protected]
3-006 (72), 4-003, 4-003
Eccles, Jacquelynne
[email protected]
2-077, 3-044 (29), 3-044 (57)
Elam, Kit K.
[email protected]
Englund, Michelle M.
[email protected]
2-042 (32), 2-074
Echols, Leslie
[email protected]
3-024 (53), 4-023 (48), 4-041 (48)
Elenbaas, Laura
[email protected]
4-058 (54)
Enns, Leah N.
[email protected]
2-042 (41), 3-006 (71), 4-023 (12)
Eckenrode, John
[email protected]
3-024 (16), 3-044 (45)
Eley, Thalia
[email protected]
3-024 (70)
Epstein, Marina
[email protected]
Eckstein, Katharina
[email protected]
2-027, 4-041 (24)
Elgin, Jenna E.
[email protected]
2-005 (61)
Erath, Stephen
[email protected]
Eddy, J. Mark
[email protected]
Elkayam, Keren
[email protected]
Edell, Dana
[email protected]
4-041 (78)
Elledge, Christian
[email protected]
Erdley, Cynthia A.
[email protected]
2-042 (31), 2-060 (4), 3-006 (46), 3006 (47), 3-051 (70), 4-005 (44), 4-005
Effinger, Jenell
[email protected]
2-005 (66)
Ellen, Jonathan M.
[email protected]
4-023 (36)
Egeland, Byron R.
[email protected]
Ellerbrock, Cheryl
[email protected]
3-051 (84)
Eguchi, Megumi
[email protected]
2-005 (69)
Elliott, Luther C.
[email protected]
4-041 (39)
Ehrenreich, Heidi
[email protected]
Ellis, Bruce
[email protected]
3-052, 3-052
Ehrlich, Katherine B.
[email protected]
2-055, 2-055, 4-031
Ellis, Mei Ling
[email protected]
Eiden, Rina
[email protected]
2-060 (32)
Ellis, Wendy
[email protected]
3-006 (53), 3-006 (54), 3-044 (53), 4041 (77)
Eidson, R. C.
[email protected]
3-024 (3)
Eivers, Areana
[email protected]
3-006 (63)
Ekwaru, John Paul
[email protected]
2-024 (2)
El-Sheikh, Mona
[email protected]
3-044 (38), 3-052
Elmgren, Sandra
[email protected]
2-024 (72), 4-005 (48)
Elmore, Corinn A.
[email protected]
2-005 (81), 3-060
Engels, Rutger C.
[email protected]
2-005 (39), 2-024 (51), 2-042 (59), 2054, 2-054, 2-065, 2-065, 3-051 (38),
4-005 (32), 4-023 (32), 4-034, 4-041
(35), 4-041 (75), 4-042, 4-058 (41), 4058 (69), 4-063
Erentaite, Rasa
[email protected]
2-024 (50)
Ernestus, Stephanie M.
[email protected]
3-051 (61)
Ernst, Monique
[email protected]
2-042 (1), 3-023
Ersanilli, Evelyn
[email protected]
Eskridge, Samantha
[email protected]
4-058 (61)
Espel, Emma
[email protected]
2-024 (14)
Espelage, Dorothy
[email protected]
2-042 (45), 3-022
Espinosa-Hernandez, Graciela
[email protected]
2-060 (56), 3-044 (37), 4-010
Espinoza, Guadalupe
[email protected]
4-058 (45)
Esposito-Smythers, Christianne
[email protected]
3-051 (40)
Essex, Marilyn J.
[email protected]
2-012, 2-042 (73), 2-067
Estell, David B.
[email protected]
2-042 (23), 4-005 (76)
Ettekal, Idean
[email protected]
2-042 (53)
Etz, Kathy
[email protected]
2-006 (G6), 3-047
Euser, Anja
[email protected]
Evans, Brittany
[email protected]
Evian-Waasdorp, Tracy
[email protected]
Ewing Lee, Elisabeth
[email protected]
Exner-Cortens, Deinera
[email protected]
3-024 (16), 3-044 (45)
Faas, Caitlin
[email protected]
3-006 (20)
Fabes, Richard
[email protected]
2-005 (79), 2-060 (53)
Facio, Alicia
[email protected]
Falco, Lia
[email protected]
3-024 (24)
Fales, Jessica
[email protected]
2-060 (57), 4-023 (55)
Fales, Jessica
[email protected]
4-023 (57)
Falk, Emily
[email protected]
Fan, Fang
[email protected]
2-005 (62), 2-060 (62), 3-006 (58), 4005 (63), 4-023 (63), 4-041 (61), 4-058
(64), 4-058 (65)
Fang, Xiangming
[email protected]
Feng, Xin
[email protected]
2-042 (54), 3-044 (60)
Farahmand, Farahnaz
[email protected]
2-034, 2-053
Fernald, Lia C.
[email protected]
Farhat, Tilda
[email protected]
4-005 (28)
Fernandes, Brendan
[email protected]
Farley, Julee P.
[email protected]
2-060 (39), 3-006 (78), 3-024 (40), 4041 (73)
Fernandez, Jose
[email protected]
Farrell, Albert D.
[email protected]
Fassnacht, Greg
[email protected]
3-044 (69)
Faulstich Orellana, Marjorie
[email protected]
Fava, Nicole M.
[email protected]
3-049, 3-049
Feddes, Allard R.
[email protected]
3-040, 3-040
Feinberg, Mark
[email protected]
2-060 (14), 4-014, 4-057
Feinstein, Brian
[email protected]
2-024 (61)
Fernandez, Maria
[email protected]
Fernandez, Mario
[email protected]
4-058 (21)
Ferris, Kaitlyn A.
[email protected]
3-051 (24), 4-041 (16)
Fetz, Gelgia
[email protected]
2-006 (G8)
Field, Ryan
[email protected]
2-060 (75)
Fielder, Robyn L.
[email protected]
Fils-Aime, Lyrica D.
[email protected]
2-060 (46)
Finan, Laura J.
[email protected]
2-005 (4), 2-024 (4), 2-042 (4)
Feiring, Candice
[email protected]
4-005 (4)
Feld, Benjamin
[email protected]
2-024 (12)
Felleman, Ben
[email protected]
2-005 (66), 2-042 (33)
Felmet, Kandi
[email protected]
Feng, Bei
[email protected]
4-041 (20)
Findlay, Caroline
[email protected]
Findlay, Leanne
[email protected]
4-005 (17)
Findley, Danielle
[email protected]
3-051 (50), 4-005 (74)
Fine, Mark A.
[email protected]
2-005 (78)
Finlay, Andrea
[email protected]
2-041, 3-044 (17), 4-049.5
Flores, Lluliana I.
[email protected]
4-041 (81)
Foster, Sharon L.
[email protected]
4-041 (50), 4-058 (71)
Fischer, Sarah
[email protected]
2-067, 3-006 (70), 3-051 (57)
Flory, Kate
[email protected]
4-058 (63)
Foust, Monica
[email protected]
2-069, 2-069, 4-049
Fisher, Gene
[email protected]
Flynn, Jessica
[email protected]
3-006 (72)
Fowler, Stephanie
[email protected]
2-060 (77)
Fite, Paula J.
[email protected]
2-024 (68), 4-005 (68)
Flynn, Megan
[email protected]
3-067, 4-023 (73), 4-047
Fox, Melanie K.
[email protected]
3-051 (7)
Fitzgerald, Hiram
[email protected]
4-058 (17)
Folan, Tara K.
[email protected]
3-006 (67)
Fox, Nathan
[email protected]
2-042 (1), 4-031, 4-031
Fitzpatrick, Sally
[email protected]
Fomby, Paula
[email protected]
Franche, Véronique
[email protected]
2-060 (18)
Fivush, Robyn
[email protected]
Fong, Carlton J.
[email protected]
4-058 (77)
Francis, Shelley A.
[email protected]
4-041 (60)
Flache, Andreas
[email protected]
4-041 (27), 4-061
Fontes, Monique T.
[email protected]
3-006 (12)
Francois, Amir G.
[email protected]
4-041 (49)
Flamm, Elizabeth S.
[email protected]
2-060 (8), 3-028, 4-041 (74)
Forbes, Erika E.
[email protected]
2-030, 2-049
Frank, John A.
[email protected]
2-060 (82)
Flanagan, Connie
[email protected]
2-007, 2-027, 2-047, 3-020, 3-043
Ford, Hannah
[email protected]
2-060 (57), 4-023 (55)
Franken, Ingmar
[email protected]
Flanagan, Tara
[email protected]
4-058 (22)
Forehand, Rex
[email protected]
2-004, 3-051 (62), 4-023 (10)
Franklin, Joseph C.
[email protected]
Flay, Brian R.
[email protected]
Forgatch, Marion S.
[email protected]
4-058 (61)
Franzini, Luisa
[email protected]
Fleming, Charles
[email protected]
2-005 (61), 3-032
Forrest, Christopher B.
[email protected]
Fraser, Ashley
[email protected]
3-051 (75)
Fletcher, Anne C.
[email protected]
3-024 (83), 3-044 (83)
Forrester, Lyndon D.
[email protected]
3-006 (3)
Frazier, Kathryn
[email protected]
4-040, 4-040
Flittner, Allison E.
[email protected]
3-006 (10)
Fortner, Adrian
[email protected]
3-044 (32)
Fredricks, Jennifer
[email protected]
Flores, Elena
[email protected]
3-051 (35), 4-041 (55)
Fosco, Gregory M.
[email protected]
3-051 (65)
Freeman, Harry
[email protected]
2-024 (56)
Futch, Valerie
[email protected]
2-071, 3-004, 4-002.5
Gamino, Jacquelyn F.
[email protected]
2-073, 2-073, 2-073, 2-073
Freitas, Miguel
[email protected]
2-060 (70)
Fyfe, Molly
[email protected]
2-024 (2)
Ganeva, Zornitza R.
[email protected]
2-005 (49)
French, Sabine E.
[email protected]
2-062, 4-041 (30)
Gabay, Itay
[email protected]
Ganiban, Jody M.
[email protected]
Friedman, Lawrence
[email protected]
4-058 (51)
Gabhainn, Saoirse nic
[email protected]
4-005 (28)
Garandeau, Claire F.
[email protected]
4-069, 4-069
Friedman, Mark S.
[email protected]
2-023, 2-023, 4-041 (82)
Gadbois, Shannon
[email protected]
4-005 (17)
Garber, Judy
[email protected]
Friemel, Thomas
[email protected]
Gaertner, Alden E.
[email protected]
2-024 (68)
Gardner, Margo
[email protected]
2-005 (11)
Frijns, Tom
[email protected]
2-016, 4-012, 4-030
Gagne, Monique H.
[email protected]
Garelik, Karen T.
[email protected]
3-024 (71)
Frimer, Jeremy A.
[email protected]
Gagnon, Nathalie C.
[email protected]
4-058 (20)
Garg, Rashmi
[email protected]
2-060 (22)
Frisén, Ann
[email protected]
3-044 (80)
Galambos, Nancy
[email protected]
4-058 (78)
Garofalo, Robert
[email protected]
Fruiht, Veronica M.
[email protected]
3-024 (26)
Galande, Mugdha S.
[email protected]
2-024 (37)
Gartner, Meaghan
[email protected]
3-006 (81)
Fryberg, Stephanie
[email protected]
Galiani, Margaret
[email protected]
2-042 (37)
Gaskin, Ashly L.
[email protected]
3-006 (29)
Fujiwara, Takeshi
[email protected]
2-005 (69)
Gallagher, Annabella
[email protected]
3-051 (67)
Gaskin, Erin R.
[email protected]
3-024 (83), 3-044 (83)
Fuligni, Andrew J.
[email protected]
2-025, 2-043, 4-005 (8), 4-058 (30), 4058 (45)
Gallarin, Miriam
[email protected]
3-024 (6), 4-045
Gasser, Luciano
[email protected]
Gallay, Leslie
[email protected]
Gaudreau, Patrick
[email protected]
2-060 (18)
Galliher, Renee V.
[email protected]
2-060 (81), 4-005 (55), 4-023 (45)
Gayles, Jochebed G.
[email protected]
2-005 (46)
Galvan, Adriana
[email protected]
Gaylord-Harden, Noni K.
[email protected]
2-005 (81), 2-024 (60), 2-034, 2-042
(64), 2-060 (64)
Fuller-Rowell, Thomas E.
[email protected]
3-044 (29)
Furman, Wyndol
[email protected]
2-005 (56)
Furry, Allyson
[email protected]
4-023 (22)
Gebelt, Janet L.
[email protected]
1-006, 2-060 (80)
Giles, Heather R.
[email protected]
3-006 (43)
Godeau, Emmanuelle
[email protected]
4-005 (28)
Gebre, Azeb
[email protected]
3-044 (10), 3-044 (25)
Giletta, Matteo
[email protected]
2-024 (51)
Godfrey, Erin
[email protected]
2-007, 2-007
Gee, Christina B.
[email protected]
2-060 (5), 3-006 (5)
Gillen, Meghan M.
[email protected]
3-024 (36), 4-058 (36)
Goessling, Kristen
[email protected]
2-060 (7)
Geldhof, G. John
[email protected]
2-042 (77), 4-041 (76), 4-058 (79)
Gillen-O'Neel, Cari
[email protected]
4-058 (83)
Gola, Kelly
[email protected]
4-005 (47)
Geng, Fulei
[email protected]
2-060 (62), 4-005 (63), 4-023 (63)
Gini, Gianluca
[email protected]
3-027, 4-019, 4-019
Goldstein, Kim E.
[email protected]
3-051 (1)
Gennetian, Lisa A.
[email protected]
Gitere, Anne
[email protected]
2-042 (26)
Goldston, David
[email protected]
3-006 (12)
Gentsch, Joanna
[email protected]
2-042 (69)
Gladstone, Emilie J.
[email protected]
2-071, 4-005 (5)
Goldweber, Asha
[email protected]
Gentzler, Amy L.
[email protected]
2-049, 2-049, 2-049, 4-005 (72)
Gladstone, Tracy
[email protected]
4-051, 4-051
Gomez, Jessica
[email protected]
Gerardy, Haeli
[email protected]
Glantz, Molly
[email protected]
3-051 (18)
Gondoli, Dawn M.
[email protected]
4-041 (7)
Gershoff, Liz
[email protected]
Glenn, Jno
[email protected]
2-024 (79)
Gonzales, Felisa A.
[email protected]
4-023 (36)
Gerstein, Amy
[email protected]
Glick, Gary C.
[email protected]
3-048, 4-063
Gest, Scott
[email protected]
2-038, 4-014, 4-057
Gloppen, Kari
[email protected]
3-024 (67)
Gonzales, Nancy
[email protected]
2-005 (55), 3-006 (7), 3-006 (17), 3030, 4-058 (23), 4-058 (30)
Gfellner, Barbara M.
[email protected]
2-015, 3-051 (78)
Glozman, Jenny
[email protected]
2-024 (71)
Ghelani, Karen
[email protected]
3-051 (59)
Glueck, Benjamin
[email protected]
2-060 (44)
Gibson, Kimberly
[email protected]
2-005 (65)
Gnerre, Brian
[email protected]
3-044 (9)
Gieling, Maike
[email protected]
Gniewosz, Burkhard
[email protected]
2-024 (17), 2-027, 3-037, 3-037, 4-041
(24), 4-061
Gonzalez, Michelle
[email protected]
4-023 (10)
Goodenow, Carol
[email protected]
4-023 (35)
Goodlett, Benjamin
[email protected]
2-005 (71)
Goodman, Elizabeth
[email protected]
4-060, 4-060
Goodwin, Brady
[email protected]
Goodwin, Natalie
[email protected]
4-023 (33)
Goossens, Luc
[email protected]
2-005 (74)
Gordon, Anna
[email protected]
2-024 (19)
Gordon, Chanelle
[email protected]
2-060 (13)
Gordon, Nirit
[email protected]
4-041 (78)
Gordon, Robert
[email protected]
Gorman-Smith, Deborah
[email protected]
3-004, 3-011
Gottardo, Alexandra
[email protected]
2-005 (13), 2-024 (58)
Gottwald, Frances
[email protected]
3-024 (6), 3-051 (23), 4-045
Gowen, Kris
[email protected]
3-051 (37)
Goza, Barbara K.
[email protected]
2-005 (23)
Graber, Julia A.
[email protected]
2-005 (10), 2-024 (48), 2-060 (1), 3026, 3-026, 4-041 (44)
Graham, Dan J.
[email protected]
3-044 (35)
Graham, John W.
[email protected]
3-006 (60)
Graham, Nicholas J.
[email protected]
2-060 (26)
Graham, Rebecca
[email protected]
3-044 (73)
Graham, Sandra
[email protected]
2-024 (54), 2-060 (17), 3-051 (22), 4018, 4-023 (48), 4-041 (48), 4-062
Granic, Isabella
[email protected]
4-030, 4-042
Granillo, Christina M.
[email protected]
Grant, David A.
[email protected]
Grant, Kathryn
[email protected]
2-020, 2-020, 2-024 (60), 2-028, 2034, 2-034, 2-034, 2-053
Grassetti, Stevie N.
[email protected]
3-021, 3-044 (61), 4-005 (67)
Gravener, Julie A.
[email protected]
3-051 (4)
Gray, Alexander
[email protected]
Gray, Melissa L.
[email protected]
3-006 (46)
Gray, Samantha L.
[email protected]
3-051 (57), 3-059, 4-023 (56), 4-041
Greaves-Lord, Kirstin
[email protected]
Green, Amy R.
[email protected]
4-005 (65)
Green, Courtney B.
[email protected]
2-042 (5)
Green, Harold
[email protected]
3-058, 3-058
Greenberger, Ellen
[email protected]
2-005 (28)
Greene, Alison
[email protected]
Greenfield, Patricia
[email protected]
2-056, 4-023 (28)
Greenham, Stephanie
[email protected]
2-005 (59)
Greenley, Rachel N.
[email protected]
3-024 (31)
Greenwald, Mark K.
[email protected]
Gregorich, Steven
[email protected]
3-051 (35)
Gregory, Sandra
[email protected]
Greytak, Emily
[email protected]
Griffin, Amanda
[email protected]
3-006 (20)
Griffith, Aisha
[email protected]
2-013, 2-050
Griffith, Shayl
[email protected]
2-060 (8)
Groendal, Reky
[email protected]
2-060 (42)
Groh-Samberg, Olaf
[email protected]
Grolnick, Wendy S.
[email protected]
2-060 (8), 2-077, 3-028, 4-041 (74)
Greenberg, Elysha
[email protected]
4-041 (63)
Greenberg, Mark T.
[email protected]
2-055, 3-006 (60), 3-044 (7), 4-004
Grossman, Arnold H.
[email protected]
2-060 (82)
Grossman, Jennifer M.
[email protected]
4-058 (28)
Gumidyala, Amitha P.
[email protected]
3-024 (31)
Haddock, Shelley
[email protected]
3-044 (65)
Grouzet, Frederick
[email protected]
Gunnar, Megan
[email protected]
4-005 (77)
Hafen, Christopher A.
[email protected]
2-042 (56), 3-006 (56), 3-044 (5)
Grover, Christine
[email protected]
4-058 (60)
Gunnoe, Marjorie L.
[email protected]
2-042 (16)
Hagan, Melissa
[email protected]
Grover, Rachel
[email protected]
4-041 (42), 4-041 (43)
Guo, Xiamei
[email protected]
3-044 (6)
Hager, Alanna D.
[email protected]
3-024 (42)
Groves, Juliana
[email protected]
4-041 (33)
Gupta, Taveeshi
[email protected]
2-042 (27), 2-042 (61), 2-060 (30), 3024 (25)
Haggerty, Kevin
[email protected]
2-067, 3-032, 4-023 (66)
Gruber, Diane M.
[email protected]
4-058 (28)
Guroglu, Berna
[email protected]
2-060 (76), 3-023
Gruppuso, Vincenza
[email protected]
3-006 (34), 3-024 (22), 3-041, 3-044
Guthridge, Laura E.
[email protected]
3-006 (48), 3-006 (57)
Grusec, Joan
[email protected]
3-051 (73), 4-005 (11)
Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger, Eveline
[email protected]
3-027, 3-027
Grych, John
[email protected]
2-060 (49), 3-044 (13), 3-051 (45), 4044
Gutíerrez, Carmen M.
[email protected]
2-024 (4), 2-042 (4)
Guan, Shu-Sha A.
[email protected]
2-056, 4-005 (8)
Gudmundsen, Gretchen
[email protected]
2-036, 4-035
Guendelman, Sylvia
[email protected]
Guerra, Nancy
[email protected]
1-003, 2-042 (65), 2-060 (69), 3-043,
4-029, 4-065
Guerry, Whitney
[email protected]
Guhn, Martin
[email protected]
4-025, 4-025
Guimond, Amy
[email protected]
2-029, 4-023 (9)
Guy, William
[email protected]
3-051 (19)
Guyer, Amanda E.
[email protected]
2-030, 2-042 (1), 3-051 (49)
Gwadz, Marya
[email protected]
3-044 (4), 4-023 (37)
Hague, Samantha M.
[email protected]
2-060 (80)
Hahm, Hyeouk C.
[email protected]
4-023 (65)
Hains, Jennifer
[email protected]
4-041 (62)
Hale, William W.
[email protected]
2-016, 2-016, 2-016, 2-016, 2-042 (58)
Halfond, Raquel
[email protected]
2-024 (38), 2-060 (35), 4-005 (31)
Halgunseth, Linda C.
[email protected]
3-044 (37)
Hall, Brittany
[email protected]
3-006 (33)
Hall, Georgia
[email protected]
4-058 (28)
Ha, Thao
[email protected]
4-063, 4-063
Hall, Micah
[email protected]
4-058 (40)
Haataja, Anne
[email protected]
Habermas, Tilmann
[email protected]
2-019, 2-037
Hablemitoglu, Sengul
[email protected]
4-058 (2)
Hall, Sarah E.
[email protected]
2-060 (46)
Hamaguchi, Yoshikazu
[email protected]
2-005 (69)
Hamel, Andrea
[email protected]
3-024 (45)
Hanson, Jamie
[email protected]
Harrell-Levy, Marinda K.
[email protected]
4-041 (66)
Hamilton, Mary A.
[email protected]
2-047, 2-063
Hanson, Jennifer L.
[email protected]
4-058 (3)
Harris, Alexis R.
[email protected]
2-024 (25)
Hamilton, Stephen F.
[email protected]
2-047, 2-047, 2-063, 4-041 (26)
Harakeh, Zeena
[email protected]
2-005 (39), 3-006 (2), 3-051 (38)
Harris, Jennifer
[email protected]
2-042 (33)
Hamlat, Elissa J.
[email protected]
3-051 (1)
Haralson, Kate
[email protected]
3-006 (84)
Harris, Michelle A.
[email protected]
4-023 (19)
Hamm, Jill
[email protected]
3-024 (23)
Hardcastle, Cheshire
[email protected]
3-006 (84)
Harrison, Kristen
[email protected]
Hammack, Phil L.
[email protected]
2-021, 3-040
Harden, Kathryn P.
[email protected]
2-005 (48), 2-042 (19), 2-060 (51)
Harrison, Patrick
[email protected]
2-024 (15)
Hampton, Joel
[email protected]
3-051 (36)
Harden, Troy
[email protected]
Hart, Dan
[email protected]
3-015, 4-033
Han, Bing
[email protected]
Harding, Jessica F.
[email protected]
3-016, 3-044 (22)
Hart, Emily
[email protected]
4-041 (69)
Han, Georges
[email protected]
Hardy, Sam A.
[email protected]
2-060 (78), 4-037, 4-037
Harter, James J.
[email protected]
2-024 (32)
Hancock, Donna
[email protected]
4-058 (57)
Hare, Amanda
[email protected]
2-042 (55), 4-041 (71)
Hartl, Amy C.
[email protected]
2-060 (33), 3-024 (4), 3-044 (5), 3-051
Hang, Guanqi
[email protected]
2-024 (20)
Harkins, Elizabeth
[email protected]
2-060 (38)
Hanish, Laura D.
[email protected]
2-005 (79), 2-060 (53), 3-006 (51)
Harmon, Rebecca A.
[email protected]
3-051 (53)
Hannigan, John H.
[email protected]
Harmon-Jones, Eddie
[email protected]
Hansel, Joseph
[email protected]
2-042 (23)
Harold, Gordon T.
[email protected]
3-009, 3-068
Hansen, David
[email protected]
2-050, 3-019
Harper, Bridgette D.
[email protected]
4-058 (43)
Hansen, Erik
[email protected]
2-024 (1)
Harper, Melinda S.
[email protected]
3-044 (54)
Harven, Aletha M.
[email protected]
4-041 (19)
Harvey, Kristin E.
[email protected]
3-051 (2)
Hasking, Penelope
[email protected]
Hastings, Paul D.
[email protected]
2-060 (71), 4-039
Hatzenbuehler, Mark L.
[email protected]
Haughey, Leslie
[email protected]
2-024 (10)
Heinze, Justin E.
[email protected]
2-060 (23)
Herman, Rebecca
[email protected]
Hawk, Larry
[email protected]
2-005 (31), 2-060 (32), 3-024 (32), 3024 (33), 4-023 (51)
Helms, Sarah
[email protected]
4-023 (52)
Hernandez, Jillian
[email protected]
Helwig, Charles C.
[email protected]
4-058 (10)
Hernández, María G.
[email protected]
3-016, 3-024 (81)
Henderson, Heather A.
[email protected]
Herrenkohl, Todd I.
[email protected]
2-024 (37)
Henderson, Marion
[email protected]
Herres, Joanna
[email protected]
2-042 (63), 3-044 (61), 4-005 (67)
Hendricks, Charlene
[email protected]
2-024 (57), 3-006 (16), 3-044 (11)
Herring, Amy
[email protected]
3-051 (31)
Hendrickson, Kelsie
[email protected]
2-024 (77)
Herring, Tracy E.
[email protected]
2-005 (33)
Henneberger, Angela
[email protected]
2-071, 3-004, 3-004
Hershenberg, Rachel
[email protected]
2-024 (61)
Hennig, Karl
[email protected]
3-024 (44), 4-005 (69)
Herte, Amanda
[email protected]
2-005 (75)
Henry, Carolyn
[email protected]
2-024 (45), 4-058 (25)
Hertz, Robin
[email protected]
3-024 (55), 3-044 (55), 3-051 (55)
Henry, David
[email protected]
2-071, 3-004, 3-011, 3-011, 4-022
Hertzman, Clyde
[email protected]
Henry, Jessica
[email protected]
3-024 (15), 3-044 (15)
Herzig, Kathleen
[email protected]
3-006 (49)
Henry, Mylène
[email protected]
2-060 (2)
Hesemeyer, Paloma
[email protected]
3-044 (56)
Hepditch, Jennifer
[email protected]
2-024 (42)
Hessel, Elenda T.
[email protected]
3-006 (56), 3-024 (75), 4-005 (49), 4063
Hawk, Skyler T.
[email protected]
2-042 (14), 4-002, 4-012, 4-041 (72)
Hawkins, J. David
[email protected]
2-039, 3-032
Hawkins, Stacy A.
[email protected]
4-055, 4-055, 4-055
Hawley, Patricia H.
[email protected]
4-041 (36)
Haydon, Abigail
[email protected]
3-051 (31)
Hayhurst, Jill
[email protected]
4-005 (24)
Hayman, Jennifer
[email protected]
2-042 (15)
Hearon, Brittany
[email protected]
2-024 (84), 2-061
Heaven, Chelsea
[email protected]
Heaven, Patrick
[email protected]
4-058 (80)
Hecht, Kathryn
[email protected]
2-005 (76)
Hee, Puanani
[email protected]
2-024 (52)
Heine, Steven
[email protected]
Heinz, Walter
[email protected]
Herge, Whitney M.
[email protected]
2-005 (43), 2-005 (44), 2-042 (43)
Herman, Levi
[email protected]
Hiatt, Cody
[email protected]
2-060 (33), 3-024 (4), 3-044 (5), 3-051
Hickle, Kristine
[email protected]
2-005 (36)
Hicks, Brian
[email protected]
Hipwell, Alison
[email protected]
Holt, Melissa K.
[email protected]
2-072, 2-072
Higgins, Katy
[email protected]
4-041 (71)
Hirsch, Barton J.
[email protected]
3-051 (16)
Homan, Kendra
[email protected]
3-051 (70)
Hill, Danielle C.
[email protected]
3-024 (66)
Hitchcock, Shannon
[email protected]
Homel, Jacqueline
[email protected]
3-006 (34)
Hill, Erin N.
[email protected]
2-042 (47)
Hitti, Aline
[email protected]
3-044 (74), 3-051 (3), 4-058 (54)
Homel, Jacqueline B.
[email protected]
3-024 (22)
Hill, Heather
[email protected]
Ho, Bao
[email protected]
2-024 (11)
Honda, Yasuyo S.
[email protected]
2-005 (69)
Hill, Julie C.
[email protected]
2-024 (48)
Hochberg, Marcy J.
[email protected]
4-058 (33)
Hope, Meredith O.
[email protected]
3-044 (78), 3-060, 3-060, 3-060
Hill, Karl G.
[email protected]
Hock, Amelia
[email protected]
3-006 (44), 3-024 (52)
Hops, Hyman
[email protected]
Hill, Kate M.
[email protected]
3-006 (23)
Hockenberry, Melanie K.
[email protected]
4-058 (31)
Hord, Melissa
[email protected]
2-042 (31), 3-006 (47), 4-005 (44)
Hill, Nancy E.
[email protected]
2-059, 4-011
Hodges, Ernest V.
[email protected]
2-057, 2-057, 4-069
Horenczyk, Gabriel
[email protected]
Hill, Patrick L.
[email protected]
2-018, 3-039, 3-039
Hoglund, Wendy
[email protected]
4-058 (78)
Horn, Stacey
[email protected]
2-069, 2-069, 4-058 (33)
Hill, Rachelle
[email protected]
Holder, Crystal
[email protected]
Horne, Melissa
[email protected]
4-058 (13)
Hille, Helene
[email protected]
4-023 (83)
Holland, Kristin
[email protected]
Horsley, Tako
[email protected]
Hillman, Kimberly
[email protected]
4-058 (32)
Hollenstein, Tom
[email protected]
2-024 (71), 2-042 (71), 3-006 (72), 4003, 4-003, 4-023 (71), 4-030, 4-030
Horta, Mariana
[email protected]
Hinkle, Henry L.
[email protected]
4-005 (29)
Hinnant, J. Benjamin
[email protected]
Hinshaw, Stephen P.
[email protected]
2-060 (13)
Holloway, Susan D.
[email protected]
3-044 (20)
Holmbeck, Grayson
[email protected]
2-042 (2), 2-042 (38), 2-060 (31)
Holmes, Rachel
[email protected]
4-023 (56), 4-041 (45)
Horwitz, Briana
[email protected]
3-009, 3-009
Houltberg, Benjamin
[email protected]
4-005 (71), 4-058 (74)
Houri, Alaa
[email protected]
Houser, John J.
[email protected]
4-005 (45), 4-054
Hudgens, Tanee M.
[email protected]
2-024 (22), 4-018, 4-023 (29)
Hurd, Noelle M.
[email protected]
2-062, 2-062, 2-062
Houston, Jessica
[email protected]
3-044 (13), 4-044
Huebner, Angela
[email protected]
Hurley, Sean
[email protected]
3-051 (12)
Houts, Renate
[email protected]
4-005 (38)
Huebner, David
[email protected]
2-024 (83)
Hurt, Hallam
[email protected]
2-005 (40)
Howard, Andrea
[email protected]
Hueniken, Alexa
[email protected]
4-023 (8)
Hurtado, Aida
[email protected]
Howard, Donna E.
[email protected]
4-041 (83)
Huey, Stanley
[email protected]
3-024 (34)
Husain, Masud
[email protected]
Howard, Waylon J.
[email protected]
Hughes, Diane
[email protected]
3-016, 3-016, 3-016, 3-024 (81), 3-044
(22), 4-011, 4-071
Hussong, Andrea M.
[email protected]
2-003, 4-041 (9)
Howe, Nina
[email protected]
4-041 (13), 4-058 (16)
Hser, Yih-Ing
[email protected]
4-058 (15)
Hsieh, Hsien-Lin
[email protected]
Hsieh, Manying
[email protected]
2-042 (72)
Hsin, Olivia
[email protected]
4-058 (51)
Hua, Josephine
[email protected]
Huan, Vivien S.
[email protected]
4-064, 4-064, 4-064
Huang, David
[email protected]
4-058 (15)
Huang, Shi
[email protected]
Hudak, Cristina M.
[email protected]
Hughes-Scalise, Abigail
[email protected]
4-023 (49)
Huibregtse, Brooke M.
[email protected]
Huitsing, Gijs
[email protected]
Huizink, Anja C.
[email protected]
3-006 (2), 4-042, 4-042, 4-042, 4-042
Humphrey, Regan C.
[email protected]
2-005 (58)
Hunt, Kate
[email protected]
Hunter, John A.
[email protected]
4-005 (24)
Huntsinger, Carol S.
[email protected]
2-042 (28)
Hupka-Brunner, Sandra
[email protected]
Hur, Eun Hye
[email protected]
3-044 (60)
Hust, Stacey J.
[email protected]
2-024 (30)
Hutabaedya, Boonserm
[email protected]
2-005 (67)
Hwang, Sun Young
[email protected]
3-006 (5)
Hyde, Janet S.
[email protected]
3-024 (61), 4-035, 4-035
Hyde, Luke
[email protected]
2-005 (71)
Hymel, Shelley
[email protected]
2-024 (42), 2-042 (42), 2-042 (69), 2060 (42), 3-024 (30), 3-027, 3-034, 4025, 4-058 (47)
Iacono, William
[email protected]
Ialongo, Nicholas S.
[email protected]
3-044 (19), 4-017
Iloabachie, Chid
[email protected]
Impett, Emily
[email protected]
4-010, 4-049
Irvine, Alison
[email protected]
2-024 (56)
Jager-Hyman, Shari
[email protected]
Jennings, Lauren E.
[email protected]
Irwin Jr., Charles E.
[email protected]
Jagers, Rob
[email protected]
2-024 (75)
Jensen, Alexander C.
[email protected]
3-051 (14), 4-005 (14), 4-057
Isaacs-Corr, Jenny
[email protected]
2-060 (44)
Jahromi, Laudan B.
[email protected]
2-029, 2-051, 4-023 (9), 4-041 (81)
Jensen, Michaeline
[email protected]
3-006 (7), 4-058 (23)
Isaak, Richelle
[email protected]
4-023 (75)
Jahromi, Parissa
[email protected]
2-005 (25)
Jensen-Campbell, Lauri A.
[email protected]
2-002, 2-002, 2-002
Ishikawa, Masayasu
[email protected]
2-005 (69)
Jain, Umesh
[email protected]
3-051 (59)
Jessop, Nadia
[email protected]
Ittel, Angela
[email protected]
3-017, 3-017, 3-024 (6), 4-045, 4-045
Jakubowski, Karen P.
[email protected]
3-024 (58)
Jewell, Jennifer A.
[email protected]
4-005 (25)
Iturbide, Maria I.
[email protected]
3-006 (28)
Jalali-Kushki, Yasaman
[email protected]
4-058 (22)
Jhingon, Garima
[email protected]
4-005 (79)
Iturralde, Esti
[email protected]
4-005 (48), 4-058 (52)
James, Anthony G.
[email protected]
2-005 (78)
Ji, Eugene
[email protected]
3-006 (53), 4-041 (77)
Iyer, Priya A.
[email protected]
2-002, 2-002
Jamison, Rhonda
[email protected]
4-058 (1)
Ji, Linqin
[email protected]
4-023 (43)
Ja, Nicole M.
[email protected]
3-051 (18), 4-058 (39)
Jang, Jisun
[email protected]
4-023 (65)
Ji, Peter
[email protected]
Jackson, Karen M.
[email protected]
3-051 (11), 4-058 (26)
Janisse, James
[email protected]
Jia, Fanli
[email protected]
2-005 (13), 2-024 (58)
Jackson, Theresa E.
[email protected]
Jappe, Leah
[email protected]
Jiang, Fei
[email protected]
2-060 (28), 2-060 (28)
Jacobs, Janet
[email protected]
Jaycox, Lisa
[email protected]
Jimenez, Maria D.
[email protected]
4-041 (57)
Jacobson, Kristen C.
[email protected]
2-005 (15), 4-058 (37)
Jee, Catherine
[email protected]
Joe, Sean
[email protected]
3-028, 4-023 (11), 4-041 (60)
Jagenow, Danilo
[email protected]
3-051 (23)
Jennings, Jacky M.
[email protected]
4-023 (36)
Johannes, Elaine
[email protected]
3-044 (18)
Jager, Justin
[email protected]
2-024 (57)
Johansen, Samantha
[email protected]
3-006 (25)
Johnson, Elizabeth I.
[email protected]
4-060, 4-060, 4-060
Jones, Martin H.
[email protected]
2-042 (23)
Kalil, Ariel
[email protected]
2-029, 4-020
Johnson, Jennifer
[email protected]
Jones, Merrill
[email protected]
2-060 (81), 4-023 (45)
Kamper, Kimberly
[email protected]
4-023 (69)
Johnson, Lesley E.
[email protected]
3-006 (60)
Jones, Shawn C.
[email protected]
2-024 (29)
Kan, Marni
[email protected]
3-051 (36)
Johnson, Michaela
[email protected]
2-060 (38)
Jones, Stephanie
[email protected]
2-038, 2-053
Kanchewa, Stella
[email protected]
Johnson, Monica K.
[email protected]
Jose, Paul E.
[email protected]
2-042 (28), 2-049, 3-024 (35)
Kang, Hannah
[email protected]
2-005 (28)
Johnson, Natalie
[email protected]
2-060 (78)
Josephson, Wendy
[email protected]
3-041, 4-023 (44)
Kang, Hyeyoung
[email protected]
Johnson, Rebecca
[email protected]
Joy, Lendi N.
[email protected]
3-044 (34)
Kang, Hyeyoung
[email protected]
Johnson, Sara K.
[email protected]
2-027, 3-006 (67)
Juan, Mary Joyce D.
[email protected]
4-023 (78), 4-036
Karch, Kathryn M.
[email protected]
3-006 (73)
Johnson-Shelton, Deb
[email protected]
Juang, Linda
[email protected]
3-024 (6), 4-045
Karre, Jennifer
[email protected]
Johnston, Megan
[email protected]
3-051 (73)
Jun, Hee-Jin
[email protected]
Karremans, Johan C.
[email protected]
Jolles, Jelle
[email protected]
4-041 (3)
Juvonen, Jaana
[email protected]
2-024 (54), 2-042 (17), 2-060 (26), 3007, 3-051 (47), 4-005 (53)
Kashubeck-West, Susan
[email protected]
4-041 (65)
Joly, Lauren E.
[email protected]
4-041 (11)
Joly, Melanie
[email protected]
4-054, 4-054
Jones, Deborah J.
[email protected]
4-023 (10)
Jones, Elizabeth P.
[email protected]
2-039, 4-023 (64)
Kaeochinda, Kevin F.
[email protected]
Kaestle, Christine
[email protected]
4-005 (36)
Kafka, Sarah
[email protected]
4-005 (24)
Kagitcibasi, Cigdem
[email protected]
3-043, 4-001
Jones, Kenneth R.
[email protected]
Kataoka, Sabrina
[email protected]
4-023 (17)
Katsiaficas, Dalal
[email protected]
2-042 (61), 3-006 (30), 3-024 (25)
Katz, Lynn F.
[email protected]
3-006 (59)
Kaufman, Carol E.
[email protected]
Kaye, Amy
[email protected]
2-060 (4), 4-005 (57)
Kaynak, Övgü
[email protected]
4-041 (32)
Kelly, Susan
[email protected]
Kiefer, Sarah
[email protected]
3-002, 3-033, 3-033, 3-051 (84)
Kear, Emily
[email protected]
2-060 (7), 3-044 (8)
Kendig, Sarah M.
[email protected]
2-029, 2-029, 3-051 (63)
Kiff, Cara
[email protected]
2-028, 4-035
Kearney, Josephine
[email protected]
3-006 (13), 4-050
Kennedy, David
[email protected]
Killen, Melanie
[email protected]
2-070, 3-007, 3-044 (74), 3-051 (3), 4058 (54), 4-061
Kearns, Peter
[email protected]
2-060 (50)
Kennedy, Erin K.
[email protected]
4-041 (10)
Keefe, Daniel
[email protected]
Kepper, Annelies
[email protected]
3-024 (39)
Keenan, Kate
[email protected]
Kerig, Patricia
[email protected]
3-021, 4-041 (70), 4-044
Keijsers, Loes
[email protected]
2-042 (14), 3-051 (74), 4-002, 4-005
Kern, Margaret L.
[email protected]
4-024, 4-024, 4-024
Keiley, Margaret K.
[email protected]
4-041 (33)
Keller, Anita
[email protected]
Keller, Heidi
[email protected]
Kellerman, Ilana
[email protected]
4-058 (44)
Kelly, Beth
[email protected]
2-024 (47)
Kelly, Brynn M.
[email protected]
3-051 (41), 4-005 (41)
Kelly, Kate
[email protected]
3-024 (37)
Kelly, Meghann L.
[email protected]
3-006 (4)
Kelly, Ryan J.
[email protected]
3-044 (38)
Kerpelman, Jennifer L.
[email protected]
4-041 (66)
Kerr, David C.
[email protected]
3-068, 3-068
Killoren, Sarah E.
[email protected]
3-044 (14)
Kilmer, Jason R.
[email protected]
2-042 (40)
Kim, Hyoun K.
[email protected]
3-006 (45), 4-004
Kim, Janna
[email protected]
2-061, 2-061
Kim, Lena
[email protected]
3-006 (48)
Kim, May
[email protected]
2-005 (16), 2-051, 3-051 (29)
Kerr, Margaret
[email protected]
3-063, 4-050
Kesselring, Alyx
[email protected]
2-024 (60), 2-042 (64)
Keyes, Margaret
[email protected]
Khan, Shahriar
[email protected]
3-044 (70)
Khan, Shereen
[email protected]
Khurana, Atika
[email protected]
2-005 (40)
Kiang, Lisa
[email protected]
3-006 (81), 3-051 (80)
Kim, Su Yeong
[email protected]
2-060 (54), 4-032
Kim, Sung won
[email protected]
3-051 (20)
Kim, Taehan
[email protected]
Kim, Tia E.
[email protected]
3-051 (67), 4-041 (68)
Kim, Yunhwan
[email protected]
2-024 (66)
Kim-Spoon, Jungmeen
[email protected]
2-060 (39), 3-006 (78), 3-024 (40), 4041 (4), 4-041 (73)
Kimball, Kathryn P.
[email protected]
4-058 (71)
Kimbro, Lawanna
[email protected]
Kliewer, Wendy
[email protected]
2-042 (44), 3-003, 4-005 (18)
Knowlton, Brooke
[email protected]
2-005 (26)
Kinal, Megan P.
[email protected]
3-006 (53), 3-044 (53)
Klika, J.Bart
[email protected]
2-024 (37)
Kobak, Roger
[email protected]
2-042 (63), 3-021, 3-021, 3-044 (61),
4-005 (67)
Kindermann, Thomas
[email protected]
4-041 (51)
Klimes-Dougan, Bonnie
[email protected]
2-060 (71), 4-073
Kindt, Karlijn C.
[email protected]
2-042 (59)
Klimstra, Theo A.
[email protected]
2-005 (74), 2-016, 2-016
King, Kevin M.
[email protected]
2-009, 2-009, 4-005 (60), 4-066
Klinzing, Hillary J.
[email protected]
4-023 (68)
King, Pamela E.
[email protected]
Klonksy, David
[email protected]
King, Vinetra L.
[email protected]
2-060 (19), 3-024 (60)
Kloska, Deborah D.
[email protected]
Kingery, Julie N.
[email protected]
3-006 (46)
Klostermann, Susan
[email protected]
4-023 (49)
Kins, Evie
[email protected]
Klubben, Laura
[email protected]
4-005 (65)
Kirkpatrick Johnson, Monica
[email protected]
4-020, 4-020
Klugman, Jeni
[email protected]
2-001, 3-043
Kirmayer, Miriam
[email protected]
4-005 (52), 4-023 (77)
Klugman, Joshua
[email protected]
Kirshner, Ben
[email protected]
2-013, 4-002.5
Knack, Jennifer M.
[email protected]
2-002, 2-002
Kissling, Elizabeth A.
[email protected]
Knifsend, Casey A.
[email protected]
2-042 (17), 2-060 (17)
Kiuru, Noona
[email protected]
4-005 (46), 4-014
Knight, George P.
[email protected]
2-005 (54), 2-024 (27), 2-024 (28), 2077, 3-030, 4-058 (12)
Kochel, Karen P.
[email protected]
2-005 (79), 2-060 (46), 2-060 (53)
Koenig, Brian W.
[email protected]
Koestner, Richard
[email protected]
2-042 (57)
Kohlberger, Brittany
[email protected]
3-006 (55), 4-070
Kohm, Amelia
[email protected]
2-060 (41)
Kolaczyk, Eric
[email protected]
4-023 (65)
Koller, Silvia
[email protected]
2-047, 3-043
Komes, Jessica
[email protected]
Komro, Kelli A.
[email protected]
2-060 (83)
Konigstedt, Martina
[email protected]
Koordeman, Renske
[email protected]
2-054, 2-054
Koot, Hans M.
[email protected]
2-042 (14)
Kivisto, Katherine L.
[email protected]
2-067, 3-006 (70), 3-024 (54), 3-051
(57), 3-059, 4-023 (56)
Knoble, Naomi B.
[email protected]
3-006 (45), 4-057
Kopko, Kimberly
[email protected]
2-005 (12)
Kleinjan, Marloes
[email protected]
2-065, 3-051 (38)
Knott, Briauna
[email protected]
3-024 (60)
Korchmaros, Josephine
[email protected]
2-035, 2-035
Kornbluh, Mariah
[email protected]
2-013, 3-044 (26)
Krishnakumar, Ambika
[email protected]
4-041 (38)
Kuykendoll, Megan
[email protected]
2-042 (30)
Kornienko, Olga
[email protected]
3-006 (51)
Kropczynski, Jessica
[email protected]
4-005 (15)
Kwon, Faith
[email protected]
2-060 (12)
Korogodsky, Maria
[email protected]
3-051 (64)
Kruel, Cristina S.
[email protected]
4-023 (15)
La Greca, Annette M.
[email protected]
2-005 (43), 2-005 (44), 2-024 (43), 2042 (43), 4-058 (51)
Kosch, Calli
[email protected]
3-006 (48)
Krygsman, Amanda
[email protected]
2-002, 2-024 (42), 3-044 (41)
Kosciw, Joseph G.
[email protected]
2-035, 3-012, 3-061, 4-052
Kull, Ryan
[email protected]
Kosdon, Sari
[email protected]
3-044 (48)
Kumar, Revathy
[email protected]
2-060 (27)
Kotchick, Beth
[email protected]
3-044 (44), 3-051 (43), 4-041 (42), 4041 (43)
Kunimatsu, Melissa M.
[email protected]
3-006 (68), 3-044 (2), 3-044 (69)
Koziol, Tom
[email protected]
4-005 (54)
Krabbendam, Lydia
[email protected]
4-041 (3)
Kracke, Baerbel
[email protected]
3-035, 3-035
Krafchick, Jen
[email protected]
3-044 (65)
Kreager, Derek
[email protected]
Kretsch, Natalie
[email protected]
2-005 (48), 2-042 (19), 2-060 (51)
Kretschmer, Tina
[email protected]
2-065, 3-024 (1)
Krettenauer, Tobias
[email protected]
2-033, 2-033
Krieg, Dana B.
[email protected]
3-024 (80)
LaBelle, Denise R.
[email protected]
2-036, 3-051 (1)
LaChapelle, Alicia
[email protected]
2-042 (25)
Kuntsche, Emmanuel
[email protected]
Kuntz, Kayla
[email protected]
Kunz, Jennifer H.
[email protected]
3-024 (31)
Kuo, Sally I.
[email protected]
2-074, 4-058 (58)
Kuperminc, Gabriel P.
[email protected]
2-066, 4-008, 4-046, 4-046
Kurapati, Nikhil
[email protected]
Kurtz-Costes, Beth
[email protected]
2-024 (22), 4-018, 4-023 (29)
Kushi, Lawrence
[email protected]
2-024 (2)
Kuwabara, Chiaki
[email protected]
2-005 (69)
Lacroux, Ivan O.
[email protected]
Lacy, Ryan T.
[email protected]
3-024 (80)
Ladd, Gary W.
[email protected]
2-042 (53)
Lafavor, Theresa L.
[email protected]
2-060 (10)
Lafferty, Kristina M.
[email protected]
3-006 (50)
Lafko, Nicole
[email protected]
2-005 (68), 3-006 (50)
Lagattuta, Kristin H.
[email protected]
Laghi, Fiorenzo
[email protected]
2-005 (47), 3-024 (47)
Lai, Betty
[email protected]
2-005 (44), 2-042 (43)
Laible, Deborah J.
[email protected]
2-018, 3-051 (76), 4-012, 4-023 (72)
Laitner, Christina
[email protected]
3-044 (4)
Lansing, Jiffy
[email protected]
Laska, Melissa N.
[email protected]
3-044 (35)
Lalonde, Christopher E.
[email protected]
Lansu, Tessa A.
[email protected]
2-014, 3-044 (43)
Lassiter, Ann Mills
[email protected]
Lalonde, Gabrielle
[email protected]
2-060 (2)
Lanteigne, Dianna
[email protected]
2-024 (71), 3-006 (72), 4-003, 4-003
Lau, Anna
[email protected]
2-060 (29)
Lam, Chun Bun
[email protected]
3-044 (63), 4-056
Lanthier, Richard
[email protected]
2-005 (60), 3-024 (14)
Lau, Katherine S.
[email protected]
3-006 (68), 3-044 (69)
Lam, Hoa T.
[email protected]
4-023 (82)
Lanz, Margherita
[email protected]
4-058 (9)
Lau, Yat Laam
[email protected]
3-006 (74)
Lambert, Kerrylin
[email protected]
3-024 (23)
Lanza, H. Isabella
[email protected]
4-058 (15)
Laurent, Heidemarie
[email protected]
3-024 (55), 3-044 (55), 3-051 (55)
Lambert, Sharon F.
[email protected]
3-024 (15), 3-044 (15), 3-044 (19)
Lapre, Genevieve E.
[email protected]
3-006 (68)
Lamborn, Susie D.
[email protected]
3-051 (27)
Lapsley, Daniel
[email protected]
2-005 (3), 2-018, 2-024 (20), 2-024
(34), 4-005 (62), 4-013, 4-013
Laursen, Brett
[email protected]
2-060 (33), 3-024 (4), 3-044 (5), 3-044
(46), 3-051 (48), 4-005 (46), 4-014, 4029
Lamis, Dorian A.
[email protected]
4-041 (31)
Landoll, Ryan R.
[email protected]
2-024 (43), 3-012, 4-029
Landor, Antoinette M.
[email protected]
2-024 (36)
Laney, Tyler
[email protected]
Langdon, Su
[email protected]
4-058 (60)
Langenkamp, Amy G.
[email protected]
Langlais, Michael R.
[email protected]
3-024 (54)
Langlois, Judith H.
[email protected]
3-006 (76)
Lara-Cinisomo, Sandraluz
[email protected]
Larkby, Cynthia
[email protected]
LaVoie, Joseph C.
[email protected]
3-006 (43)
Law, Danielle M.
[email protected]
Law, Jennifer M.
[email protected]
4-058 (6)
Larose, Simon
[email protected]
4-041 (20)
Larsen, Helle
[email protected]
Larson, Nicholas
[email protected]
Larson, Reed
[email protected]
2-013, 2-050, 2-063, 3-024 (18), 3-044
Lawford, Heather L.
[email protected]
2-005 (18)
Lawler, Jamie
[email protected]
3-044 (56)
Lawrence, Breanna
[email protected]
4-058 (67)
Lawrence, Edith C.
[email protected]
2-071, 4-008
Larstone, Roseann
[email protected]
2-042 (69)
Laws, Shakari
[email protected]
2-005 (75)
Larzelere, Robert
[email protected]
3-006 (27)
Lax, Rachael
[email protected]
2-005 (73), 4-023 (61)
Lay, Keng-Ling
[email protected]
2-042 (80)
Ledwell, Maggie
[email protected]
4-005 (43)
Lee, Richard M.
[email protected]
2-051, 2-051
Laye-Gindhu, Aviva
[email protected]
Lee, Bethany R.
[email protected]
3-006 (6)
Lee, Tae Kyoung
[email protected]
3-006 (62)
Layfield, Carly
[email protected]
3-051 (53)
Lee, Bora
[email protected]
Lee, Zina
[email protected]
4-023 (75)
Lazarevic, Vanja
[email protected]
2-024 (65), 2-056, 2-056
Lee, Catherine
[email protected]
2-060 (60)
Lee Williams, Joanna
[email protected]
2-071, 4-041 (49)
Lazarides, Rebecca
[email protected]
Lee, Chien-Ti
[email protected]
4-023 (30)
Lees, Danielle
[email protected]
Lazzaretti, Ana P.
[email protected]
Lee, Christine M.
[email protected]
2-005 (33), 2-042 (40)
Lefkowitz, Eva S.
[email protected]
2-017, 2-041, 3-024 (37), 3-059, 3059, 4-005 (37), 4-010
Le, Benjamin
[email protected]
3-051 (53)
Lee, Clinton C.
[email protected]
2-030, 2-042 (1), 3-051 (49)
Le, Thao N.
[email protected]
4-005 (34)
Lee, Daniel
[email protected]
2-060 (63)
Le, Thao
[email protected]
3-006 (25)
Lee, Diane S.
[email protected]
Le Grange, Daniel
[email protected]
3-024 (45)
Lee, Ihno A.
[email protected]
Le Menestrel, Suzanne
[email protected]
2-006 (G2), 3-010, 3-042, 3-046, 3-057
Lee, Jung Yeon
[email protected]
4-023 (39), 4-023 (81)
Leach, Lesley F.
[email protected]
3-051 (2)
Lee, Kang
[email protected]
3-006 (74)
Leadbeater, Bonnie J.
[email protected]
2-005 (27), 2-071, 3-006 (34), 3-024
(22), 3-024 (42), 3-041, 3-044 (64), 4053, 4-053
Lee, Kyung Hwa
[email protected]
Leaper, Campbell
[email protected]
4-023 (25), 4-058 (50)
LeBouthillier, Daniel M.
[email protected]
2-042 (36)
Ledingham, Jane
[email protected]
2-042 (41), 3-006 (71), 4-023 (12)
Leigh, Barbara C.
[email protected]
2-005 (33)
Leiter, Valerie
[email protected]
Lejeuz, Carl W.
[email protected]
2-055, 2-060 (52), 4-031, 4-031
Lemerise, Elizabeth
[email protected]
Lee, Matthew
[email protected]
2-060 (42), 3-027
Lee, Meery
[email protected]
4-058 (76)
Lee, Nikki
[email protected]
4-041 (3)
Lengua, Liliana J.
[email protected]
2-028, 2-060 (32), 3-024 (32), 3-024
(33), 3-024 (63), 4-023 (51), 4-035
Lento, Rene
[email protected]
2-042 (37)
Leonard, Noelle R.
[email protected]
3-044 (4), 4-023 (37)
Lepore, Stephen J.
[email protected]
3-003, 4-005 (18)
Lequertier, Belinda
[email protected]
4-041 (64)
Lerner, Jacqueline
[email protected]
3-024 (13)
Lerner, Richard M.
[email protected]
3-024 (10), 3-054, 4-023 (38), 4-041
Lero, Donna
[email protected]
2-024 (8)
Lessard, Valerie
[email protected]
4-041 (20)
LeTard, Amanda J.
[email protected]
4-023 (46), 4-041 (71), 4-058 (49)
Leve, Leslie
[email protected]
3-026, 3-051 (5), 3-068
Leventhal, Tama
[email protected]
2-060 (15), 3-006 (15)
Levi, Gil
[email protected]
Levin, Elizabeth
[email protected]
2-060 (22)
Levine Coley, Rebekah
[email protected]
2-011, 4-005 (33)
Lewin-Bizan, Selva
[email protected]
3-024 (10)
Lewis, Gemma
[email protected]
Lewis, Kendra
[email protected]
Li, Yibing
[email protected]
2-060 (15), 4-023 (38)
Linn, Rebekah
[email protected]
Liang, Belle
[email protected]
4-041 (63)
Lippe, Tanja V.
[email protected]
Liao, Hsiao-Wen
[email protected]
3-024 (68), 4-041 (41)
Lippman, Angie
[email protected]
3-044 (62)
Lichtenstein, Paul
[email protected]
Lippold, Melissa
[email protected]
2-055, 3-044 (7)
Lichtwarck-Aschoff, Anna
[email protected]
4-005 (32), 4-023 (32)
Little, Todd
[email protected]
1-002, 2-005 (65), 2-042 (45), 3-043,
Licona, Adela
[email protected]
Lieberman, Matt
[email protected]
Light, John M.
[email protected]
3-058, 3-058, 4-034
Lim, Kelvin O.
[email protected]
Liu, Dong
[email protected]
4-005 (83)
Liu, Jianjun
[email protected]
4-023 (38)
Liu, Lisa
[email protected]
2-060 (29)
Liu, Richard T.
[email protected]
3-051 (1), 3-067, 4-047
Lin, Elizabeth Y.
[email protected]
4-005 (13)
Liu, Weiwei
[email protected]
Lin, Emily S.
[email protected]
Livingston, Jennifer
[email protected]
3-051 (44)
Lin, Lin
[email protected]
3-006 (24)
Livneh, Yaara
[email protected]
Lewis, Stephen P.
[email protected]
2-005 (80)
Lindahl, Kristin
[email protected]
2-052, 2-052, 2-052, 3-044 (82), 4-023
(82), 4-044
Llewellyn, Nicole
[email protected]
Li, Hao
[email protected]
2-005 (63)
Lindenberg, Siegwart
[email protected]
4-023 (50)
Lochman, John E.
[email protected]
3-006 (4), 4-004, 4-041 (31)
Li, Shengnan
[email protected]
4-005 (79)
Linder, Jennifer R.
[email protected]
4-023 (84)
Loeb, Emiy
[email protected]
2-042 (56)
Li, Yan
[email protected]
2-024 (41), 2-042 (8), 2-042 (48), 2060 (43), 3-031, 3-044 (50)
Lindsey, Michael
[email protected]
Loeber, Rolf
[email protected]
4-005 (68)
Loseman, Annemarie
[email protected].
Luecken, Linda
[email protected]
Logan, Diane
[email protected]
2-042 (40)
Lotan, Gurit
[email protected]
4-058 (22)
Luk, Jeremy W.
[email protected]
4-005 (60), 4-066
Logan, Jillian
[email protected]
2-024 (56)
Lott, Ryan E.
[email protected]
3-044 (59)
Lunkenheimer, Erika
[email protected]
4-005 (9), 4-030
Logis, Handrea
[email protected]
Lougheed, Jessica
[email protected]
4-003, 4-003, 4-023 (71)
Luo, Feijun
[email protected]
Lohman, Brenda J.
[email protected]
3-006 (10), 4-004, 4-004
Loukas, Alexandra
[email protected]
2-042 (35), 4-005 (12), 4-012, 4-023
Luo, Tana
[email protected]
Loiselle, Catherine
[email protected]
4-058 (22)
Lovegrove, Peter
[email protected]
2-034, 3-004
Lollis, Susan
[email protected]
2-024 (8), 2-060 (7), 3-044 (8), 4-023
Loving, Timothy J.
[email protected]
3-051 (53)
Lombadi, Caitlin
[email protected]
4-005 (33)
Low, Sabina
[email protected]
3-022, 4-044
Longo, Gregory S.
[email protected]
2-060 (39), 3-006 (78), 3-024 (76), 4041 (73)
Lowe, Sarah R.
[email protected]
3-024 (64), 4-067
Loomis, Colleen
[email protected]
3-006 (66)
Lopez, Luz-Stella
[email protected]
2-075, 4-023 (27)
Lopez, Vera
[email protected]
2-024 (38), 2-060 (35)
Lopez-Tello, Gisselle
[email protected]
4-041 (12)
Lopez-Vergara, Hector I.
[email protected]
2-005 (31), 2-060 (32), 3-006 (73), 3044 (58)
Lorenz, Frederick O.
[email protected]
3-006 (62), 4-038, 4-038, 4-038
Lorenzo-Blanco, Elma
[email protected]
Luo, Tingchen
[email protected]
4-041 (61), 4-058 (64)
Luo, Weifan
[email protected]
4-041 (61)
Luthar, Suniya
[email protected]
Luu, Jason
[email protected]
3-051 (80)
Luyckx, Koen
[email protected]
Lozano, Briana
[email protected]
Lucas-Thompson, Rachel G.
[email protected]
2-024 (59), 2-060 (12)
Lynn, Justin T.
[[email protected]]
4-041 (36)
Lyon, Aaron
[email protected]
Luckner, Amy
[email protected]
2-005 (50)
Ludden, Alison B.
[email protected]
2-060 (38), 4-023 (23), 4-058 (19)
Ludlow, Tracy
[email protected]
3-006 (63), 3-024 (57)
Lyon, Stephanie J.
[email protected]
2-024 (82)
Lyons, John
[email protected]
2-005 (59)
Löfgren, Malin
[email protected]
3-024 (73)
Ludwig, Kristy
[email protected]
4-005 (58)
Luebbe, Aaron M.
[email protected]
3-051 (77)
Ma, Ping
[email protected]
4-005 (28)
Ma, Ting-Lan
[email protected]
3-006 (42)
Mahalingam, Ramaswami
[email protected]
Malm, Esther N.
[email protected]
4-005 (10)
Ma, Yanling
[email protected]
4-041 (66)
Maher, Erin
[email protected]
Malone, Patrick S.
[email protected]
4-041 (31)
Maas, Megan K.
[email protected]
4-005 (37)
Mahmud, Aida
[email protected]
4-041 (18)
Malti, Tina
[email protected]
2-024 (76), 2-033, 2-070, 4-025
Macapagal, Ma. Elizabeth
[email protected]
4-005 (42)
Maholmes, Valerie
[email protected]
2-006 (G5), 3-042, 3-047
Manago, Adriana
[email protected]
4-023 (28)
Macek, Petr
[email protected]
2-027, 4-058 (27)
Mahoney, Joseph L.
[email protected]
2-068, 3-044 (16), 4-056
Mancini, Jay
[email protected]
MacEvoy, Julie P.
[email protected]
3-006 (48), 3-006 (57)
Main, Alexandra
[email protected]
2-042 (49)
Mandara, Jelani
[email protected]
2-005 (81), 2-059
MacIntyre, Leslie
[email protected]
4-058 (59)
Major-Wilson, Hanna
[email protected]
4-058 (51)
Mann, Liesbeth
[email protected]
MacLean, Michael
[email protected]
2-024 (32)
Mak, Florence W.
[email protected]
3-051 (71)
Manning, Nell
[email protected]
2-042 (55)
MacPherson, Laura
[email protected]
2-060 (52), 4-031
Makariev, Drika W.
[email protected]
2-018, 2-018
Manolis, Alexandra
[email protected]
3-051 (19)
MacTavish, Angele
[email protected]
3-024 (44), 4-005 (69)
Makin-Byrd, Kerry
[email protected]
Mansell, Warren
[email protected]
Madigan, Amy
[email protected]
2-042 (7)
Malanchuk, Oksana
[email protected]
3-044 (29), 4-033, 4-033
Mansfield, Cade D.
[email protected]
Madkour, Aubrey S.
[email protected]
4-005 (28)
Malik, Bijaya K.
[email protected]
2-042 (20)
Marbell, Kristine
[email protected]
3-028, 4-041 (74)
Madsen, Stephanie D.
[email protected]
3-006 (22)
Malik, Neena
[email protected]
2-052, 2-052, 2-052, 3-044 (82), 4-023
(82), 4-044
Marceau, Kristine
[email protected]
2-012, 2-012
Maggs, Jennifer
[email protected]
2-003, 2-017, 3-044 (17), 3-059
Magner, Katherine
[email protected]
3-024 (48)
Mahalik, James
[email protected]
4-005 (33)
Maliken, Ashley C.
[email protected]
3-006 (59)
Malinauskiene, Oksana
[email protected]
2-024 (50)
Malloy, Margaret
[email protected]
Marco, Christine
[email protected]
2-060 (38)
Marcynyszyn, Lyscha
[email protected]
2-066, 2-066
Mares, Suzanne
[email protected]
4-005 (32), 4-023 (32)
Margolin, Gayla
[email protected]
2-024 (64), 2-024 (72), 2-060 (65), 4005 (19), 4-005 (48), 4-041 (5), 4-058
(44), 4-058 (52)
Mariano, Jenni M.
[email protected]
2-060 (28), 4-048, 4-048
Marion, Donna
[email protected]
3-044 (46), 4-005 (46)
Markey, Charlotte N.
[email protected]
4-058 (36)
Markman, Barry S.
[email protected]
2-005 (37)
Marko-Holguin, Monika
[email protected]
Marks, Peter E.
[email protected]
Marks, Peter
[email protected]
Markstrom, Carol A.
[email protected]
2-021, 2-060 (36), 4-058 (31)
Marmorstein, Naomi
[email protected]
4-005 (40)
Mars, Dustin E.
[email protected]
4-058 (35)
Marschall-Lévesque, Shawn
[email protected]
3-006 (39)
Marsee, Monica A.
[email protected]
3-006 (68), 3-044 (2), 3-044 (69)
Marshal, Michael P.
[email protected]
2-023, 2-023, 2-023, 4-041 (82)
Marshall, Anne
[email protected]
4-058 (67)
Marshall, Sheila K.
[email protected]
2-060 (7), 3-044 (8), 4-005 (3), 4-005
(65), 4-023 (3), 4-023 (7), 4-050
Marta, Elena
[email protected]
2-005 (30), 2-060 (24)
Martin, Anne
[email protected]
2-005 (11)
Martin, Carol L.
[email protected]
2-005 (79), 2-060 (53), 3-025.5
Martinez, Michael E.
[email protected]
3-006 (3)
Martz, Meghan
[email protected]
Marvan, Ma. Luisa
[email protected]
Marzana, Daniela
[email protected]
2-060 (24)
Masarik, April S.
[email protected]
Martin, Carol C.
[email protected]
Martin, David M.
[email protected]
3-051 (5)
Martin, Graham E.
[email protected]
2-008, 4-015, 4-041 (64)
Martin, Laurie
[email protected]
Martin, Monica J.
[email protected]
4-038, 4-071
Martin, Nina
[email protected]
Martin, Pamela
[email protected]
Martin, Sophie A.
[email protected]
4-041 (64)
Martin, Thomas
[email protected]
2-027, 4-041 (24)
Martin-Storey, Alexa
[email protected]
2-042 (82), 3-051 (63), 3-061, 3-061,
4-023 (79)
Martinez, Brynheld
[email protected]
4-041 (13), 4-058 (16)
Martinez, M. Loreto
[email protected]
3-005, 3-020, 4-033
Masche, J. Gowert
[email protected]
3-024 (73)
Masini, Olivia
[email protected]
Maslowsky, Julie
[email protected]
2-003, 2-003, 4-007
Mason, Erin P.
[email protected]
3-006 (55)
Mason-Singh, Amanda
[email protected]
Massoud, Chelsea
[email protected]
4-041 (5), 4-058 (44)
Masters, Brooke
[email protected]
2-060 (36)
Masyn, Katherine
[email protected]
2-023, 4-038
Mathieson, Lindsay
[email protected]
2-060 (45)
Mathys, Cecile
[email protected]
Matjasko, Jennifer
[email protected]
Matsuba, Kyle
[email protected]
2-024 (33), 4-037
Matsuba, M. K.
[email protected]
Matt, Lindsey
[email protected]
3-051 (1), 4-047
Mattis, Jacqueline S.
[email protected]
3-060, 3-060, 3-060
Maturo, Donna
[email protected]
4-058 (51)
Maughan, Barbara
[email protected]
3-024 (1), 3-024 (70)
Maxwell, Allison
[email protected]
2-024 (64)
Mayeux, Lara
[email protected]
3-024 (50), 4-005 (45), 4-054
Mayman, Shari B.
[email protected]
2-075, 4-023 (27)
Maynard, Douglas
[email protected]
2-042 (79)
Mayseless, Ofra
[email protected]
Mazza, James
[email protected]
2-005 (61)
Mazzulla, Emily C.
[email protected]
3-051 (52)
McAdams, Tom
[email protected]
3-024 (70), 4-041 (34)
McBroom, KrisAnn A.
[email protected]
2-024 (4), 2-042 (4), 3-051 (69)
McCarty, Carolyn A.
[email protected]
2-009, 3-044 (39)
McCauley, Elizabeth
[email protected]
2-009, 2-036, 3-044 (39), 3-068, 4-041
(59), 4-005 (58), 4-035, 4-035
McClelland, Sara
[email protected]
McCormack, Mark
[email protected]
3-051 (81), 4-005 (82)
McCuaig Edge, Heather
[email protected]
2-024 (44)
McCutcheon, Michael J.
[email protected]
2-060 (82)
McDaniel, Dawn
[email protected]
3-024 (34)
McDonald, Kristina L.
[email protected]
McDonough, Jennifer
[email protected]
4-005 (26)
McDougall, Patricia
[email protected]
2-002, 2-024 (42), 2-042 (42), 3-022,
3-022, 3-044 (41), 4-005 (61)
McElwain, Alyssa
[email protected]
4-041 (66)
McGinley, Meredith
[email protected]
2-033, 3-044 (76), 3-044 (78), 3-060,
3-060, 3-060
McGue, Matt
[email protected]
McGuire, Jenifer
[email protected]
2-005 (83), 2-024 (79)
McGuire, Jessica E.
[email protected]
2-060 (48), 4-058 (50)
McGuire, Shirley
[email protected]
McHale, Susan
[email protected]
2-005 (7), 2-060 (14), 3-044 (14), 3044 (63), 3-051 (28),
4-056, 4-057
McInnis, Shannahn
[email protected]
4-058 (22)
McIntyre, Teneisha V.
[email protected]
4-058 (38)
McKeever, Mary
[email protected]
2-005 (3), 4-005 (62)
McKelvey, Lorraine M.
[email protected]
4-058 (7), 4-058 (17)
McKenzie, Jessica
[email protected]
3-024 (74)
McKeown, Catherine A.
[email protected]
4-005 (6)
McLaughlin, Heather
[email protected]
McLaughlin, Katie A.
[email protected]
McLean, Kate C.
[email protected]
2-019, 3-044 (79), 4-013, 4-036, 4-058
McLoyd, Vonnie
[email protected]
2-041, 3-006 (38), 3-024 (38), 4-062
McMahon, Robert
[email protected]
3-051 (9), 3-051 (12), 4-004, 4-005
(60), 4-066
McMakin, Dana L.
[email protected]
McNall, Miles
[email protected]
4-023 (8)
McNeely, Clea
[email protected]
McWhirter, Benedict T.
[email protected]
2-024 (13), 2-042 (12)
Merchant, Christopher R.
[email protected]
3-006 (61)
Miga, Erin
[email protected]
2-042 (55), 4-041 (71)
McWhirter, Ellen
[email protected]
2-024 (13)
Merlin, Simone
[email protected]
Milan, Stephanie
[email protected]
2-042 (26)
Mebert, Carolyn J.
[email protected]
4-041 (28)
Merrill, Natalie
[email protected]
Milano, Alessia
[email protected]
2-024 (71)
Medvide, Mary Beth
[email protected]
2-069, 2-069
Merten, Michael
[email protected]
2-024 (10), 4-041 (23), 4-058 (40)
Miles, Sarah
[email protected]
2-024 (21)
Meeus, Wim H.
[email protected]
2-016, 2-016, 2-016, 2-024 (73), 2-042
(14), 2-042 (50), 2-042 (58), 3-044
(49), 3-051 (74), 4-005 (75), 4-012, 4030, 4-041 (72)
Mesurado, Belén
[email protected]
2-005 (54), 4-058 (56)
Miller, Adam
[email protected]
3-051 (40)
Meter, Diana J.
[email protected]
2-060 (47)
Miller, Cindy F.
[email protected]
2-005 (79), 2-060 (53)
Metz, Allison
[email protected]
4-041 (44)
Miller, Elizabeth
[email protected]
4-041 (56)
Metzger, Aaron
[email protected]
3-051 (24), 4-041 (16)
Miller, Erica
[email protected]
3-024 (51)
Metzger, Isha W.
[email protected]
4-005 (20)
Miller, Kathleen
[email protected]
3-051 (44)
Meyer, Felicia
[email protected]
2-005 (52), 4-023 (68)
Millls, Laura
[email protected]
2-042 (66)
Mello, Zena R.
[email protected]
2-005 (4), 2-024 (4), 2-042 (4), 3-051
Meyer, Thomas
[email protected]
Millsap, Roger
[email protected]
3-006 (7)
Mendle, Jane
[email protected]
Meyers, Kathleen
[email protected]
4-041 (32)
Minor, Kelly
[email protected]
Menna, Rosanne
[email protected]
3-024 (45)
Meyerson, David A.
[email protected]
2-020, 2-028
Mireles-Rios, Rebeca
[email protected]
2-005 (34), 4-041 (12)
Mennen, Ferol
[email protected]
Mezulis, Amy
[email protected]
2-036, 2-036, 2-042 (84), 2-060 (59),
3-034, 4-023 (58), 4-035
Mistry, Rashmita S.
[email protected]
3-044 (24), 4-032, 4-032, 4-058 (83),
Middaugh, Ellen
[email protected]
2-042 (10)
Mitchell, Christina
[email protected]
Miers, Anne C.
[email protected]
Mitchell, Kimberly
[email protected]
2-035, 2-035
Meier, Ann
[email protected]
Meilin, Yao
[email protected]
4-023 (74)
Melby, Janet
[email protected]
3-006 (10)
Melendez, Raquel
[email protected]
3-006 (22)
Menon, Madhavi
[email protected]
2-005 (19), 2-042 (75)
Menzer, Melissa
[email protected]
2-060 (55)
Mitic, Wayne
[email protected]
Monn, Amy R.
[email protected]
2-060 (10)
Morley, Christina E.
[email protected]
4-041 (43)
Miyake, Elisa
[email protected]
4-005 (40)
Monshouwer, Karin
[email protected]
3-006 (2), 3-024 (39)
Morris, Amanda S.
[email protected]
4-005 (71), 4-058 (74)
Miyazaki, Yasuo
[email protected]
4-005 (36)
Montana, Bryan
[email protected]
3-006 (19), 4-041 (18)
Morris, Pamela
[email protected]
4-071, 4-071
Mobasser, Arian
[email protected]
3-006 (76)
Moody, James
[email protected]
Morrison, Anthony P.
[email protected]
Modecki, Kathryn
[email protected]
3-006 (17), 3-031, 3-051 (83), 4-065,
Mooney, Karen
[email protected]
3-051 (48)
Morrison-Cohen, Sarah
[email protected]
2-019, 3-044 (79)
Moore, E. Whitney G.
[email protected]
2-005 (65)
Morrissey, Rebecca A.
[email protected]
4-041 (7)
Moore, Forrest
[email protected]
2-039, 2-039
Mortimer, Jeylan T.
[email protected]
2-064, 4-020
Moorman, Jessie
[email protected]
3-006 (23)
Motes, Michael A.
[email protected]
2-073, 2-073
Morales, Jessica
[email protected]
3-051 (22)
Mounts, Nina S.
[email protected]
3-006 (14), 4-005 (29), 4-061
Moran, Lyndsey R.
[email protected]
2-028, 4-035
Mrug, Sylvie
[email protected]
2-060 (19), 3-024 (60), 3-024 (66), 3036, 3-063, 3-063, 4-023 (33)
Moed, Anat
[email protected]
Mogaki, Madoka
[email protected]
2-024 (80)
Mohr, Phil
[email protected]
Moilanen, Kristin L.
[email protected]
2-017, 2-017, 2-060 (36), 2-060 (72),
4-023 (70), 4-058 (31)
Molano, Andres
[email protected]
Molina, Yerko
[email protected]
4-058 (42)
Mollborn, Stefanie
[email protected]
Molz, Ashleigh R.
[email protected]
4-047, 4-047, 4-047
Monaghan, Genevieve
[email protected]
2-005 (64)
Monahan, Kathryn
[email protected]
2-009, 3-068, 4-065, 4-065
Moncloa, Fe
[email protected]
2-005 (24)
Moretti, Marlene
[email protected]
3-021, 3-051 (68), 4-005 (56)
Morgan, Ashley S.
[email protected]
2-042 (60)
Morgan, Elizabeth M.
[email protected]
3-010.5, 4-010
Morgan, Linda J.
[email protected]
Morgan, Nicole R.
[email protected]
Morinville, Amélie
[email protected]
2-060 (18)
Muchina, Sophie
[email protected]
2-042 (26)
Mueller, Megan K.
[email protected]
2-042 (77), 3-054
Muise, Amy
[email protected]
Mulvey, Edward P.
[email protected]
Mulvey, Kelly Lynn
[email protected]
3-044 (74), 3-051 (3), 4-058 (54)
Munniksma, Anke
[email protected]
4-041 (27), 4-061
Munson, Michelle R.
[email protected]
3-006 (6)
Napolitano, Christopher M.
[email protected]
2-042 (77)
Nelson, Margo
[email protected]
2-060 (7)
Munster, Jourdan
[email protected]
3-044 (48), 4-041 (18)
Narayan, Angela J.
[email protected]
2-060 (10)
Nelson, Paul A.
[email protected]
3-024 (72)
Murowchick, Elise
[email protected]
4-058 (34)
Nardi, Fernanda L.
[email protected]
2-024 (26)
Neppl, Tricia K.
[email protected]
Murphy, Debra A.
[email protected]
4-058 (15)
Narvaez, Darcia
[email protected]
3-015, 4-037
Newcomb, Caroline E.
[email protected]
2-060 (46)
Murphy, Kelly
[email protected]
3-051 (66)
Natsuaki, Misaki N.
[email protected]
2-024 (67), 2-060 (69), 3-009, 3-026,
Newcomb, Ericka C.
[email protected]
2-005 (50)
Murphy-Legate, Ashley
[email protected]
2-024 (44), 2-042 (71)
Murray, Laura C.
[email protected]
4-023 (80), 4-041 (22)
Murray-Close, Dianna
[email protected]
2-005 (68), 3-006 (50), 3-051 (52), 4058 (6)
Murry, Velma M.
[email protected]
Mussad, Nada H.
[email protected]
4-023 (10)
Mustanski, Brian
[email protected]
3-011, 3-011, 4-026
Myers, Sarah L.
[email protected]
3-024 (8)
Nair, Rajni
[email protected]
Nakkula, Mike
[email protected]
4-023 (80), 4-041 (22)
Nam, J. Sophia
[email protected]
4-041 (63)
Nangle, Doug
[email protected]
2-060 (57), 4-023 (55)
Naumovska, Andromahi
[email protected]
2-005 (49)
Newton, Nicole
[email protected]
Ng, Glanies
[email protected]
2-024 (81)
Nebbitt, Von
[email protected]
Neblett, Enrique W.
[email protected]
2-024 (29), 2-060 (63), 2-062, 3-006
(29), 4-005 (81), 4-058 (38)
Needham, Belinda
[email protected]
Negriff, Sonya
[email protected]
2-048, 4-041 (1), 4-058 (4)
Neidershier, Jenae M.
[email protected]
3-009, 3-051 (5)
Nelemans, Stefanie A.
[email protected]
2-016, 2-042 (58)
Nelson, David
[email protected]
Nelson, Eric E.
[email protected]
Nelson, Geoffrey B.
[email protected]
3-006 (66)
Nelson, Joseph
[email protected]
3-066, 3-066
Ngomane, Tsakani
[email protected]
Nguyen, Tammy
[email protected]
2-024 (1)
Nicotera, Nicole
[email protected]
2-005 (8)
Nielsen, Blake L.
[email protected]
2-024 (19), 4-027
Nies, Kimberly
[email protected]
Nigro, Michael
[email protected]
2-060 (75)
Nini, Wu
[email protected]
4-023 (74)
Nishina, Adrienne
[email protected]
2-005 (53), 4-058 (48)
Noack, Peter
[email protected]
2-027, 4-041 (24), 4-061
Noam, Gil
[email protected]
3-017, 4-025
O'Brien, Sharon
[email protected]
4-041 (83)
Ocean, Mia
[email protected]
Noguera, Pedro
[email protected]
O'Connor, Caitlin
[email protected]
2-024 (1), 4-003
Oh, Janet S.
[email protected]
2-005 (82), 3-044 (48), 4-041 (57)
Nolan, Lindsay
[email protected]
O'Donnell, Megan
[email protected]
2-024 (27), 2-024 (28), 2-077, 4-058
(12), 4-058 (21)
Oh, Wonjung
[email protected]
Nolin, Pierre
[email protected]
2-060 (2)
Noll, Jennie
[email protected]
3-006 (84), 3-044 (31), 3-052
Norman, Nancy
[email protected]
4-058 (3)
Norris, Joan E.
[email protected]
2-042 (24), 2-074, 3-038, 3-038
Nott, Brooke D.
[email protected]
3-044 (67)
Novick, Rona
[email protected]
2-060 (44)
Novick, Sarah
[email protected]
Nunally, Richard
[email protected]
4-005 (22)
Nunn, Anna M.
[email protected]
3-044 (37)
Nunner-Winkler, Gertrud
[email protected]
Nurmi, Jari-Erik
[email protected]
2-074, 4-005 (46), 4-014
Núñez, Andrés
[email protected]
2-042 (34)
O'Brien, Kirk
[email protected]
2-042 (62), 2-066, 2-066
O'Hara, Lauren K.
[email protected]
2-042 (2), 2-060 (31)
Ojanen, Tiina
[email protected]
3-033, 3-033, 3-033, 3-051 (50), 4-005
O'Holleran, Taylor
[email protected]
3-024 (55), 3-044 (55), 3-051 (55)
Okado, Yuko
[email protected]
4-066, 4-066
O'Leary-Barrett, Maeve
[email protected]
4-016, 4-016, 4-016
Okazaki, Sumie
[email protected]
2-042 (27), 4-005 (30)
O'Malley, Patrick
[email protected]
Oladipo, Samuel E.
[email protected]
2-024 (4), 2-042 (4)
O'Neal, Keri K.
[email protected]
2-024 (7)
Olate, Rene
[email protected]
3-051 (34)
O'Neill, Susan A.
[email protected]
2-031, 2-031, 2-031, 2-031
Oldehinkel, Tineke
[email protected]
3-006 (65)
O'Sullivan, Lucia F.
[email protected]
Olivares, Isaura
[email protected]
4-005 (64)
Obana, Mariko
[email protected]
2-005 (69)
Oliver, Bonamy R.
[email protected]
3-024 (1)
Oberlander, Sarah
[email protected]
2-006 (G3), 2-042 (7), 3-010, 3-042, 3057
Oliver, Pamella H.
[email protected]
4-005 (19)
Oberle, Eva
[email protected]
3-044 (77), 4-025
Oblad, Timothy P.
[email protected]
2-060 (6)
Obraztsova, Olga V.
[email protected]
2-036, 3-051 (1)
Obsuth, Ingrid
[email protected]
3-021, 4-005 (56)
Olsbom, Camilla
[email protected]
Olsen, Joseph
[email protected]
Olsho, Lauren
[email protected]
Oosterhoff, Benjamin
[email protected]
4-041 (16)
Opal, Deanna
[email protected]
2-060 (54)
Ozer, Emily
[email protected]
3-045.5, 3-045.5, 4-002.5
Pancer, Mark
[email protected]
3-006 (66)
Opal, Deanna
[email protected]
2-005 (84)
Paasch-Anderson, Julie
[email protected]
3-051 (27)
Pandya, Niyati
[email protected]
3-044 (28)
Oppenheim, David
[email protected]
3-024 (12)
Pabon, Shairy
[email protected]
Pane, Heather
[email protected]
Ordoubadi, Fatemeh
[email protected]
4-058 (32)
Pabst, Stephanie
[email protected]
3-006 (64), 4-005 (38), 4-023 (1)
Panfile, Tia M.
[email protected]
2-018, 3-051 (76), 4-012, 4-023 (72)
Ormel, Johan
[email protected]
3-006 (2), 3-006 (65), 4-042
Pace, Cecilia S.
[email protected]
2-005 (47), 3-024 (47), 4-005 (23)
Pang, Karen C.
[email protected]
4-035, 4-041 (59)
Orobio de Castro, Bram
[email protected]
2-014, 2-042 (76), 3-037
Pacheco-Santivanez, Nathaly S.
[email protected]
2-005 (82), 3-044 (48), 4-041 (57)
Papadakis, Alison
[email protected]
3-044 (44), 3-051 (43), 4-041 (42), 4041 (43)
Padilla, Amado
[email protected]
Paquette, Linda
[email protected]
3-024 (77)
Padilla-Walker, Laura M.
[email protected]
2-060 (72), 3-051 (75)
Pardini, Dustin
[email protected]
4-005 (68)
Page, Matthew J.
[email protected]
2-052, 2-052, 3-044 (82), 4-023 (82),
Pardo, Seth T.
[email protected]
4-005 (2)
Orpinas, Pamela
[email protected]
4-004, 4-022
Osgood, D. Wayne
[email protected]
4-014, 4-014
Osher, David
[email protected]
Oshri, Assaf
[email protected]
3-006 (40), 3-051 (10)
Ostrov, Jamie M.
[email protected]
4-023 (69), 4-041 (69)
Ott, Jamie
[email protected]
3-044 (74)
Otten, Roy
[email protected]
2-065, 2-065, 4-058 (41)
Overbeek, Geertjan
[email protected]
3-008, 3-008, 4-063
Overstreet, Stacy
[email protected]
4-023 (62)
Oxtoby, Claire
[email protected]
2-060 (49), 3-051 (45)
Pahl, Kerstin
[email protected]
4-023 (39), 4-023 (81)
Palbusa, Julienne A.
[email protected]
4-023 (18)
Pallini, Susanna
[email protected]
3-024 (47), 4-005 (23)
Palmer, Cara A.
[email protected]
2-049, 4-005 (72)
Parent, Justin M.
[email protected]
4-023 (10)
Parent, Sophie
[email protected]
3-006 (39), 3-044 (1)
Parisi, Nicole
[email protected]
4-058 (44)
Park, Heejung
[email protected]
4-023 (28)
Palmquist, Maja
[email protected]
2-060 (12)
Park, Irene J.
[email protected]
2-005 (16), 2-024 (16), 2-051, 3-051
Pan, Jingtong
[email protected]
Park, Sira
[email protected]
3-044 (20)
Pan, Serene
[email protected]
3-024 (20)
Parker, Delana M.
[email protected]
Pegram, Kara
[email protected]
2-036, 4-023 (58)
Persson, Kristina
[email protected]
3-024 (73)
Parker, Jeffrey G.
[email protected]
2-060 (48), 4-027, 4-027
Peled, Maya
[email protected]
2-005 (41)
Peskin, Melissa
[email protected]
2-024 (46)
Pasch, Keryn E.
[email protected]
2-060 (83), 4-005 (12)
Pels, Trees V.
[email protected]
Peters, Ray D.
[email protected]
3-006 (66)
Pasquarella, Adrian
[email protected]
2-005 (13), 2-024 (58)
Peluso, Deanna
[email protected]
Peterson, Katelin
[email protected]
2-024 (47)
Pasupathi, Monisha
[email protected]
3-044 (75), 4-036
Pendry, Patricia
[email protected]
3-044 (66)
Petrokubi, Julie
[email protected]
3-010, 3-037, 4-002.5
Patrathiti, Prakairat
[email protected]
2-005 (67)
Peneston, Kelly R.
[email protected]
3-006 (46)
Petrovicova, Zuzana
[email protected]
2-027, 4-058 (27)
Patrick, Megan E.
[email protected]
2-003, 2-064, 4-007
Penilla, Carlos
[email protected]
3-051 (35)
Petrunka, Kelly
[email protected]
3-044 (70)
Pattiselanno, Kim
[email protected]
3-044 (51)
Perdue, Neil
[email protected]
2-042 (23), 4-005 (76)
Peugh, James
[email protected]
3-044 (31)
Patton, Christine L.
[email protected]
3-013, 3-013
Peretti, Matteo
[email protected]
Pfeifer, Jennifer
[email protected]
1-004, 2-025, 2-025
Patton, Emily
[email protected]
2-005 (1), 4-023 (49)
Perez, Maria
[email protected]
4-041 (42)
Phagan, Jennifer
[email protected]
Pattridge, Ty
[email protected]
Perez-Brena, Norma
[email protected]
4-005 (27)
Phillips, Sarah F.
[email protected]
4-005 (16)
Paysnick, Amy A.
[email protected]
4-058 (66)
Perez-Edgar, Koraly
[email protected]
2-042 (1)
Phillips, Tommy M.
[email protected]
4-058 (18)
Peake, Shannon
[email protected]
Perez-Escoda, Nuria
[email protected]
3-051 (72)
Pierre, Cynthia L.
[email protected]
2-060 (64), 3-060
Pearson, Theresa
[email protected]
2-060 (71)
Perren, Sonja
[email protected]
3-024 (43), 3-031, 4-072
Pinderhughes, Ellen
[email protected]
3-051 (12), 4-004
Peck, Stephen C.
[email protected]
3-044 (29), 4-023 (16)
Perritt, Marcia
[email protected]
Pine, Daniel
[email protected]
2-030, 2-042 (1), 4-031
Peets, Kätlin
[email protected]
2-057, 2-057, 2-057
Perry, Cheryl L.
[email protected]
2-060 (83)
Pittman, Joe
[email protected]
2-042 (79), 4-041 (66)
Pittman, Laura
[email protected]
4-058 (14)
Ponte, Alyssa M.
[email protected]
2-069, 2-069
Preddy, Teresa M.
[email protected]
2-024 (68), 3-059
Pitula, Clio
[email protected]
2-042 (32), 4-005 (77)
Poon, Colleen
[email protected]
2-005 (41)
Prelow, Hazel M.
[email protected]
3-051 (61), 4-005 (64)
Pitzer, Jennifer R.
[email protected]
4-005 (21)
Pope, Denise
[email protected]
2-024 (21)
Prescott, Jennifer E.
[email protected]
2-039, 4-023 (64)
Plata-Potter, Sandra I.
[email protected]
4-041 (14)
Pope, Elizabeth
[email protected]
2-060 (60)
Price, Chara D.
[email protected]
2-068, 3-051 (17), 4-034, 4-056
Ploskonka, Rachel
[email protected]
3-044 (78)
Porche, Michelle V.
[email protected]
4-058 (28)
Price, LeShawndra
[email protected]
2-006 (G4), 3-047, 3-047, 3-057, 3-057
Plummer, Pam
[email protected]
4-058 (7)
Porfeli, Erik
[email protected]
3-035, 3-035
Priess, Heather A.
[email protected]
Plunkett, Scott
[email protected]
2-024 (45), 2-042 (11), 4-005 (22), 4058 (25)
Posthuma, Jamie
[email protected]
4-041 (50)
Prince van Leeuwen, Andrea
[email protected]
Poteat, Paul
[email protected]
2-069, 2-069, 3-010.5, 3-010.5, 3-034
Principe, Connor P.
[email protected]
3-006 (76)
Potenza, Marc N.
[email protected]
Prinstein, Mitchell J.
[email protected]
2-008, 2-024 (51), 2-038, 3-036, 3048, 3-048, 4-023 (52), 4-039
Poelen, Evelien
[email protected]
Polak, Emily
[email protected]
4-005 (65)
Polihronis, Christine
[email protected]
3-024 (48)
Polk, Rachel
[email protected]
2-060 (51)
Pollak, Seth
[email protected]
Pollard, Michael
[email protected]
Pollastri, Alisha R.
[email protected]
3-044 (71)
Polo, Antonio J.
[email protected]
2-020, 2-053
Pomerantz, Eva
[email protected]
3-024 (28), 4-005 (7), 4-041 (21)
Potter, Sandra
[email protected]
3-006 (28)
Potter, Sarah
[email protected]
2-042 (7)
Potts, Jennifer
[email protected]
2-004, 3-051 (62)
Poulin, Francois
[email protected]
2-005 (51), 3-019
Powell, Claudia
[email protected]
Power, Thomas G.
[email protected]
2-024 (30)
Pratt, Michael W.
[email protected]
2-033, 2-042 (24), 2-042 (78), 2-074,
2-074, 3-038, 3-038, 3-051 (71)
Prinzie, Peter
[email protected]
2-060 (73)
Pritchard, Mary E.
[email protected]
Pritzker, Suzanne
[email protected]
2-042 (25)
Proano, Daniela
[email protected]
4-041 (14)
Pryce, Julia
[email protected]
Psihogios, Alexandra M.
[email protected]
2-042 (38)
Punamäki, Raija-Leena
[email protected]
3-043, 3-056, 4-049.5
Purtell, Kelly
[email protected]
Rackham, David
[email protected]
2-060 (78)
Ramos, Michelle C.
[email protected]
2-024 (72), 4-041 (5), 4-058 (44)
Putnick, Diane L.
[email protected]
2-024 (57), 3-006 (16)
Rackley, Kadie
[email protected]
3-051 (11)
Ramsey, Meagan A.
[email protected]
Pössel, Patrick
[email protected]
4-051, 4-051
Racz, Sarah J.
[email protected]
3-051 (9), 4-066
Ramsook, Kizzann A.
[email protected]
3-051 (7)
Qin, Lili
[email protected]
4-005 (7)
Radmacher, Kimberley
[email protected]
Ramzy, Laura M.
[email protected]
2-042 (21)
Qin, Yanyun
[email protected]
2-005 (62), 2-060 (62), 3-006 (58), 4023 (63)
Raffaelli, Marcela
[email protected]
2-024 (65), 3-024 (27), 3-043, 4-056
Ran, Yarden
[email protected]
2-005 (48)
Raftery, Jacquelyn
[email protected]
2-077, 2-077, 3-028, 4-041 (74)
Rana, Meenal
[email protected]
2-013, 4-058 (70)
Ragan, Daniel
[email protected]
Rancourt, Diana
[email protected]
Rahdar, Elica
[email protected]
2-042 (69)
Randall, Brandy A.
[email protected]
3-002, 4-058 (18)
Raine, Adrian
[email protected]
3-009, 4-005 (68)
Randall, Edin
[email protected]
2-024 (18)
Rainford, Ashley
[email protected]
4-023 (81)
Ranney, John D.
[email protected]
4-023 (47)
Rajan, Sonali
[email protected]
4-023 (37)
Rao, Mrinalini A.
[email protected]
2-042 (45)
Ralston, Peter
[email protected]
2-005 (76)
Rarick, Jason
[email protected]
3-051 (11)
Rambaran, Ashwin
[email protected]
Rasheed, Damira
[email protected]
3-024 (81)
Ramey, Heather L.
[email protected]
4-005 (17)
Rasmussen, Katie E.
[email protected]
2-060 (72)
Ramirez, Alysha N.
[email protected]
3-006 (69)
Raufelder, Diana
[email protected]
3-051 (23)
Ramirez-Salazar, Blanca
[email protected]
4-041 (14)
Rawana, Jennine S.
[email protected]
2-042 (60), 3-051 (33)
Qu, Yang
[email protected]
3-024 (28), 4-041 (21)
Queirolo, Sergio
[email protected]
2-005 (23)
Quigley, Danielle
[email protected]
3-024 (48)
Quillin, John
[email protected]
2-024 (9)
Quinn, Bethany S.
[email protected]
4-058 (14)
Quinn, Brandy
[email protected]
Quinn, Catherine
[email protected]
3-051 (32), 3-051 (42), 4-019, 4-019
Quiroga, Cintia
[email protected]
2-005 (59)
Raaijmakers, Quinten A.
[email protected]
Rabe, Kristen E.
[email protected]
4-058 (14)
Raby, Lee
[email protected]
2-005 (70), 2-024 (5), 3-044 (56)
Read, Glenna
[email protected]
4-005 (35)
Reilly, Timothy S.
[email protected]
3-054, 4-068, 4-068
Reyes, Claudia X.
[email protected]
2-060 (5)
Read, Jennifer P.
[email protected]
2-060 (32), 3-024 (33), 4-023 (51)
Reinders, Heinz
[email protected]
2-024 (17), 3-037
Reyna, Valerie F.
[email protected]
4-005 (2)
Ream, Geoffrey L.
[email protected]
4-041 (39)
Reinecke, Mark
[email protected]
2-060 (58)
Reynolds, Bridget M.
[email protected]
3-029, 3-029, 3-029, 3-029
Rebellon, Cesar
[email protected]
4-041 (17)
Reinke, Wendy M.
[email protected]
Reynolds, Elizabeth K.
[email protected]
2-060 (52)
Recchia, Holly
[email protected]
2-042 (74), 3-061, 4-023 (79)
Reis, Olaf
[email protected]
2-042 (51)
Reynolds, Lindsay
[email protected]
2-005 (42)
Reeb, Ben T.
[email protected]
Reiss, David
[email protected]
3-009, 3-051 (5)
Rhemtulla, Mijke
[email protected]
2-005 (65)
Reed, Lauren
[email protected]
Reissig, Birgit
[email protected]
Rhew, Isaac C.
[email protected]
Reed, Nicole
[email protected]
2-005 (75)
Reitz, Ellen
[email protected]
2-005 (38), 3-006 (37)
Rhodes, Jean
[email protected]
3-024 (64), 4-041 (67), 4-046, 4-067,
4-067, 4-067
Reese, Bianka M.
[email protected]
3-051 (31)
Ren, Shufang
[email protected]
2-024 (3), 2-042 (3)
Reese-Weber, Marla
[email protected]
2-060 (75)
Renteria, Ashleigh A.
[email protected]
4-005 (62)
Reeves, Patricia
[email protected]
Repetti, Rena
[email protected]
3-029, 3-029, 3-029, 3-029
Reid, Alexander J.
[email protected]
2-024 (45)
Repetto, Paula
[email protected]
4-058 (42)
Reifman, Alan
[email protected]
2-060 (6)
Resett, Santiago
[email protected]
Reigeluth, Christopher S.
[email protected]
3-044 (71)
Respress, Brandon N.
[email protected]
4-041 (60)
Reijneveld, Sijmen
[email protected]
3-006 (2)
Restrepo, Diego
[email protected]
3-024 (59)
Reilly, Erin
[email protected]
2-024 (34)
Reuter, Tyson R.
[email protected]
3-006 (46), 3-023
Rhodes, Kimberly A.
[email protected]
Ribot, Arantxa
[email protected]
3-051 (72)
Rice, Eric
[email protected]
4-041 (6)
Richards, Dayton
[email protected]
2-024 (69)
Richards, Katie
[email protected]
Richards, Maryse
[email protected]
2-024 (15), 3-003, 3-003
Richards, Spencer
[email protected]
Richardson, Amy
[email protected]
Richardson, Bridget L.
[email protected]
Rischall, Michal S.
[email protected]
2-060 (58)
Roche, Kathleen M.
[email protected]
3-030, 3-030
Richaud, María C.
[email protected]
2-005 (54), 4-058 (56)
Riser, Diana
[email protected]
4-041 (4)
Rock, Patrick F.
[email protected]
2-060 (26), 3-051 (47)
Richmond, Ashley
[email protected]
2-060 (33), 3-024 (4), 3-044 (5), 3-051
Risser, Scott D.
[email protected]
3-024 (62)
Rodgers, Kathleen B.
[email protected]
2-024 (30)
Ritterman Weintraub, Miranda
[email protected]
Rodkin, Philip C.
[email protected]
2-038, 3-007, 3-051 (51), 4-069
Rivas Drake, Deborah
[email protected]
3-025.5, 4-045
Rodriguez, Aubrey
[email protected]
4-041 (5)
Rivera, Christine
[email protected]
2-005 (77)
Rodriguez, Sue A.
[email protected]
3-044 (14), 3-051 (28)
Robbins, Paul
[email protected]
3-051 (11)
Rodriguez, Vivian
[email protected]
2-024 (9)
Roberts, Steven O.
[email protected]
4-005 (81)
Roelse, Holly
[email protected]
2-042 (46), 4-058 (72)
Robins, Garry
[email protected]
Roeser, Robert
[email protected]
Robins, Richard W.
[email protected]
4-023 (19)
Roeter, Stephanie
[email protected]
3-044 (66)
Robinson, Brett S.
[email protected]
3-044 (12)
Rofey, Dana L.
[email protected]
3-024 (58)
Robinson, Cecil
[email protected]
4-028, 4-028
Rogers, Leoandra O.
[email protected]
Robinson, Latasha A.
[email protected]
4-023 (11)
Rogers, William B.
[email protected]
2-060 (11)
Robinson, Michael
[email protected]
Rogers-Sirin, Lauren
[email protected]
2-042 (61), 4-005 (66)
Robles, Theodore
[email protected]
3-029, 3-029, 3-029
Rogosch, Fred
[email protected]
3-051 (4), 3-067
Robnett, Rachael
[email protected]
2-005 (23), 3-044 (23), 4-023 (25)
Rojas-Flores, Lisseth
[email protected]
4-005 (13)
Richwine, Robbie
[email protected]
2-042 (13)
Rickert, Nicolette
[email protected]
3-044 (9)
Rickman, Aimee
[email protected]
Ridder, Denise D.
[email protected]
Riddle, Russell
[email protected]
Riedel, Marion
[email protected]
4-023 (37)
Riina, Elizabeth
[email protected]
2-005 (7)
Rijsdijk, Fruhling
[email protected]
3-024 (70)
Riley, Anna
[email protected]
Riley, Moira R.
[email protected]
3-006 (68)
Ringlever, Linda
[email protected]
4-058 (41)
Rinne, Allison
[email protected]
2-042 (71)
Ripperger-Suhler, Ken
[email protected]
4-023 (41)
Romeo, Katherine E.
[email protected]
4-058 (33)
Ross, Latisha
[email protected]
2-059, 2-059
Ruder, Teague
[email protected]
Romer, Adrienne L.
[email protected]
4-005 (2)
Rossi Del Corso, Annalisa
[email protected]
4-058 (9)
Rudisil, Sarah
[email protected]
3-044 (65)
Romer, Daniel
[email protected]
2-005 (40)
Rostad, Whitney
[email protected]
3-006 (11)
Rudolph, Karen
[email protected]
2-004, 2-012, 2-044, 3-026, 4-023 (73)
Romero, Edna
[email protected]
2-024 (15)
Rote, Wendy M.
[email protected]
2-070, 3-051 (8)
Rudolph, Marissa
[email protected]
2-036, 2-060 (59)
Romo, Laura F.
[email protected]
2-005 (34), 3-051 (56), 4-023 (31), 4041 (12)
Rothenberg, William A.
[email protected]
3-051 (40)
Ruggieri, Sabrina
[email protected]
Rotheram-Borus, Mary Jane
[email protected]
4-041 (6)
Runions, Kevin
[email protected]
3-031, 3-031
Rothman, Emily
[email protected]
3-044 (45)
Rusby, Julie
[email protected]
3-058, 4-034
Rothstein, Ethan
[email protected]
2-042 (31), 2-060 (57), 4-005 (44), 4023 (55)
Ruschoff, Britta
[email protected]
4-023 (50)
Rompala, Vicky
[email protected]
Ronis, Scott T.
[email protected]
2-042 (36), 4-005 (6)
Roosa, Mark W.
[email protected]
2-024 (27), 2-024 (28), 2-043, 2-077,
3-030, 4-058 (12), 4-058 (21)
Rose, Amanda
[email protected]
3-007, 3-048, 4-039, 4-063
Rose, Chad A.
[email protected]
4-058 (75)
Rose, Laura E.
[email protected]
2-042 (5), 3-044 (47)
Rose-Krasnor, Linda
[email protected]
2-005 (18), 4-005 (17)
Rosen, Dana
[email protected]
2-005 (77)
Rosen, Lisa
mailto:[email protected]
2-042 (69)
Rosenfeld, Amitte
[email protected]
2-024 (39)
Ross, Freida
[email protected]
3-024 (65)
Roubinov, Danielle
[email protected]
Rovaris, Jillandra
[email protected]
4-023 (62)
Rowe, Richard
[email protected]
3-024 (70), 4-041 (34)
Rusk, Natalie
[email protected]
3-044 (72)
Rusnak, Elizabeth
[email protected]
3-006 (14)
Russell, Shannon L.
[email protected]
2-005 (21)
Rowley, Stephanie J.
[email protected]
2-059, 4-018, 4-023 (29)
Russell, Stephen T.
[email protected]
2-041, 2-069, 3-008, 3-010.5, 3-010.5,
3-024 (82), 3-034, 4-021, 4-026
Roy, Kevin
[email protected]
Rutherford, Teomara
[email protected]
3-006 (3)
Rubin, Kenneth
[email protected]
2-060 (55), 2-060 (70), 3-051 (48)
Rutland, Adam
[email protected]
3-044 (74), 3-051 (3), 4-058 (54)
Ruchty, Joshua
[email protected]
Ruttle, Paula L.
[email protected]
2-012, 2-012, 2-042 (73), 2-067
Ruck, Martin
[email protected]
Ryan, Allison
[email protected]
4-041 (52), 4-058 (1), 4-058 (55)
Ryan, Aubrey E.
[email protected]
4-041 (33)
Salmela-Aro, Katariina
[email protected]
4-005 (46), 4-014, 4-033
Sauve, Jennifer
[email protected]
2-060 (57), 4-023 (55)
Ryan, Rebecca
[email protected]
4-041 (10), 4-058 (13)
Salmivalli, Christina
[email protected]
1-001.5, 3-064, 3-064, 3-064, 3-064,
Saxbe, Darby
[email protected]
2-024 (72)
Ryan, Tiffany
[email protected]
2-024 (49), 3-044 (62)
Ryce, Patrice
[email protected]
2-042 (27), 2-042 (61)
Saarento, Silja
[email protected]
Sabatier, Colette
[email protected]
Saczawa, Mary E.
[email protected]
2-005 (10), 2-060 (1), 3-026
Sadek, Shelly
[email protected]
2-042 (65), 4-041 (2)
Sadler, Natalie
[email protected]
4-058 (48)
Saenz, Delia
[email protected]
2-024 (11)
Saewyc, Elizabeth
[email protected]
4-015, 4-021
Sagi-Schwartz, Abraham
[email protected]
3-024 (12)
Sahin, Basak
[email protected]
4-041 (28)
Salas-Wright, Christopher
[email protected]
3-051 (34)
Saldarriaga Mesa, Lina Maria
[email protected]
4-023 (79)
Salk, Rachel H.
[email protected]
3-024 (61)
Salusky, Ida
[email protected]
3-024 (18)
Salvatore, Jessica E.
[email protected]
4-058 (58)
Sam, David L.
[email protected]
Samarin, Barbara
[email protected]
3-044 (30)
Sanchez, Monica
[email protected]
3-028, 3-028
Sandstrom, Marlene
[email protected]
3-036, 3-036, 3-063
Sayfan, Liat
[email protected]
Sbicigo, Juliana B.
[email protected]
2-060 (66)
Scalco, Matthew
[email protected]
3-024 (33)
Scales, Christian
[email protected]
2-005 (53)
Scaramella, Laura V.
[email protected]
3-051 (5)
Schachter, Elli
[email protected]
Sangalang, Cindy
[email protected]
2-042 (29)
Schad, Megan M.
[email protected]
2-042 (55), 3-006 (56), 3-013, 3-024
(75), 4-005 (49), 4-041 (71)
Sansbury, Brittany
[email protected]
Schaefer, David
[email protected]
2-050, 4-034
Santo, Jonathan B.
[email protected]
2-005 (52), 2-075, 4-005 (54), 4-023
(27), 4-023 (68), 4-023 (79)
Schaefer, Mallary
[email protected]
2-005 (35)
Santor, Darcy
[email protected]
2-005 (64)
Santos, António J.
[email protected]
2-060 (70)
Santos, Carlos
[email protected]
3-006 (51), 3-025.5, 3-066
Sargent, James
[email protected]
2-054, 2-054
Satkowski, Laura
[email protected]
4-005 (73)
Schall, Carol M.
[email protected]
4-005 (26)
Scharf, Miri
[email protected]
3-005, 3-005
Scherphof, Charlotte
[email protected]
3-051 (38)
Schiffman, Rachel
[email protected]
4-058 (17)
Schlegel, Alice
[email protected]
Schlimbach, Tabea
[email protected]
2-022, 2-022
Schoon, Ingrid
[email protected]
Searcy, Yan
[email protected]
Schlomer, Gabriel
[email protected]
3-051 (13), 4-055
Schulenberg, John
[email protected]
2-003, 2-003, 2-064, 4-007, 4-007
Sears, Heather
[email protected]
2-005 (6), 3-044 (12), 4-058 (59)
Schmid, Kristina L.
[email protected]
2-042 (77), 3-006 (15)
Schulman, Rebecca
[email protected]
3-044 (68)
Sears, Meredith S.
[email protected]
Schmidt, Jennifer A.
[email protected]
2-060 (21), 3-044 (21)
Schumann, Lyndall A.
[email protected]
2-005 (42)
Seaton, Cherisse
[email protected]
3-024 (79)
Schmidt, Michelle E.
[email protected]
2-024 (47)
Schwab, Joseph R.
[email protected]
3-024 (78)
Seaton, Eleanor
[email protected]
Schmidt, Sara C.
[email protected]
4-058 (63)
Schwartz, David
[email protected]
3-051 (41), 4-005 (41)
Seay, Nancy P.
[email protected]
2-060 (27)
Schmitt-Wilson, Sarah
[email protected]
2-042 (22), 3-051 (26)
Schwartz, Kelly D.
[email protected]
4-025, 4-025
Sebanc, Anne
[email protected]
3-051 (46)
Schneider, Barbara L.
[email protected]
Schwartz, Orli
[email protected]
Secor-Turner, Molly
[email protected]
Schneider, Barry H.
[email protected]
3-065, 3-065
Schwartz, Sarah E.
[email protected]
4-041 (67), 4-046, 4-067, 4-067
Seegan, Paige L.
[email protected]
2-024 (45)
Schneider, Cynthia L.
[email protected]
3-051 (2)
Schwartz, Seth J.
[email protected]
2-016, 2-051, 2-051, 2-060 (54)
Segal, Nancy L.
[email protected]
Schnoll, Jessica
[email protected]
4-023 (44)
Schwartz-Mette, Rebecca
[email protected]
3-048, 3-048, 4-039
Seider, Scott
[email protected]
Schnurr, Melissa
[email protected]
3-051 (54), 4-004
Schwartzman, Alex E.
[email protected]
2-042 (41), 3-006 (71), 4-023 (12)
Seiffge-Krenke, Inge
[email protected]
Schoeny, Michael
[email protected]
2-071, 3-004, 3-011, 4-022, 4-022
Schwerdtfeger, Kami
[email protected]
4-041 (23)
Sekiguchi, Yuichi
[email protected]
2-005 (69)
Scholte, Ron
[email protected]
2-024 (51)
Scott, Alicia R.
[email protected]
3-051 (36)
Sellers, Robert
[email protected]
2-010, 2-010, 2-062, 2-062
Schonert-Reichl, Kimberly A.
[email protected]
3-044 (77), 4-023 (53), 4-025,
4-058 (3)
Scott, Brandon
[email protected]
3-044 (73)
Sen, Hilal
[email protected]
4-023 (42)
Scott, Mark D.
[email protected]
3-024 (76)
Sengal, Amena
[email protected]
Schooler, Deborah
[email protected]
2-042 (34)
Senguttuvan, Umadevi
[email protected]
4-005 (14), 4-057, 3-051 (14)
Sharp, Carla
[email protected]
3-023, 3-023
Shields, Ann M.
[email protected]
4-005 (9), 4-030
Senyshyn, Yaroslav
[email protected]
Sharp, Erin H.
[email protected]
4-041 (17)
Shim, Soyeon
[email protected]
2-042 (39)
Serafini, Kelly
[email protected]
2-005 (66), 3-006 (33)
Shavit Miller, Anat
[email protected]
Shin, Huiyoung
[email protected]
4-041 (52), 4-058 (55)
Serbin, Lisa A.
[email protected]
2-042 (41), 3-006 (71), 4-023 (12)
Shaw, Daniel S.
[email protected]
2-005 (71), 2-030, 3-051 (5)
Shindorf, Zachary R.
[email protected]
4-005 (51)
Serek, Jan
[email protected]
2-027, 2-027, 4-058 (27)
Shaw, Leigh A.
[email protected]
4-005 (39)
Shipley, Leandra
[email protected]
2-005 (66)
Serido, Joyce
[email protected]
Sheeber, Lisa
[email protected]
2-012, 3-006 (59)
Shirley, Mariela C.
[email protected]
2-006 (G7), 3-042
Serpell, Robert
[email protected]
Sheehan, Mary
[email protected]
4-023 (67)
Shirtcliff, Elizabeth
[email protected]
2-012, 2-012, 3-052
Shafer, Autumn
[email protected]
Sheehan, Michael J.
[email protected]
3-024 (41), 3-044 (68)
Shlafer, Rebecca
[email protected]
3-044 (56)
Shahid, Saba
[email protected]
3-044 (44)
Shen, Yuh-Ling
[email protected]
2-024 (74)
Short, Kathy
[email protected]
2-024 (42)
Shaine, Megan J.
[email protected]
2-005 (60)
Shenk, Chad
[email protected]
3-006 (84), 3-044 (31)
Shortt, Joann W.
[email protected]
3-006 (45), 3-006 (59), 4-004, 4-044,
Shamah, Devora
[email protected]
4-041 (15)
Shepard, Allison
[email protected]
4-058 (19)
Shaman, Nicholas J.
[email protected]
4-023 (76)
Sheppard, Adam
[email protected]
Shapero, Benjamin G.
[email protected]
2-036, 3-067, 4-047, 4-047
Sher-Censor, Efrat
[email protected]
3-024 (12)
Shapiro, Lauren A.
[email protected]
2-024 (63)
Sherman, Amanda
[email protected]
3-051 (73)
Shapka, Jennifer D.
[email protected]
3-031, 3-031, 4-005 (1)
Sherman, Emma L.
[email protected]
4-023 (66)
Sharabany, Ruth
[email protected]
Sherrod, Lonnie R.
[email protected]
Shoulberg, Erin K.
[email protected]
3-044 (52), 3-051 (52), 4-058 (6)
Shreffler, Karina
[email protected]
4-041 (23)
Shuey, Elizabeth
[email protected]
Shulman, Shmuel
[email protected]
2-046, 2-046, 2-074, 2-074
Shumka, Ellen
[email protected]
Shumow, Lee
[email protected]
2-060 (21), 3-044 (21)
Shure, Marc B.
[email protected]
Simmons, Samantha
[email protected]
2-024 (54), 3-024 (53), 4-005 (53)
Skinner, Martie
[email protected]
Siegel, Jason
[email protected]
4-058 (5)
Simon, Thomas
[email protected]
Skoog, Alexandra
[email protected]
2-024 (75)
Siegel, Rebecca
[email protected]
2-024 (43)
Simon, Valerie
[email protected]
3-006 (55), 4-005 (4), 4-070
Skorupski, William
[email protected]
2-050, 3-019
Siegle, Greg
[email protected]
Simons, Leslie G.
[email protected]
2-024 (36), 4-058 (57)
Slavec, Janine
[email protected]
4-023 (55)
Sierksma, Jellie
[email protected]
4-041 (53)
Simons, Ronald
[email protected]
Sleightholm, Melissa
[email protected]
2-042 (24)
Sijtsema, Jelle
[email protected]
3-006 (65), 3-027, 3-033
Simonson, Jordan
[email protected]
2-042 (84), 3-034, 4-035
Slesnick, Natasha
[email protected]
2-024 (66), 3-044 (6), 4-058 (11)
Silbereisen, Rainer
[email protected]
3-015, 4-007
Simpkins, Sandi
[email protected]
2-050, 2-068, 3-019, 4-034, 4-056, 4056
Slingluff, Jamie
[email protected]
3-051 (46)
Silk, Jennifer S.
[email protected]
2-030, 3-024 (58), 3-024 (71), 4-030
Silveira, Stephanie
[email protected]
2-060 (3)
Silverman, Paul
[email protected]
3-006 (11)
Silverthorn, Naida
[email protected]
Sim, Leslie A.
[email protected]
3-051 (70)
Sim, Tick-Ngee
[email protected]
2-024 (81), 3-024 (20)
Simard, Melissa R.
[email protected]
2-005 (72), 2-060 (71), 3-051 (58)
Simmons, Julian
[email protected]
Simmons, Kerry
[email protected]
3-006 (84)
Simpson, Jeffry A.
[email protected]
4-058 (58)
Sims, Alexandra
[email protected]
4-023 (62)
Sinclair, Katerina O.
[email protected]
3-010.5, 3-010.5, 3-024 (82), 3-034
Sinclair, Ryan
[email protected]
4-058 (61)
Siqueira, Aline C.
[email protected]
4-023 (15)
Sirin, Selcuk
[email protected]
2-042 (27), 2-042 (61), 3-024 (25)
Sisson, Laura-Nicole
[email protected]
3-051 (18)
Skidmore, Chloe
[email protected]
2-024 (1), 4-003
Skinner, Ellen A.
[email protected]
2-044, 3-006 (21), 4-005 (21)
Sloper, Michelle
[email protected]
2-024 (24)
Small, Phillip J.
[email protected]
4-023 (34)
Smashnaya, Sviatlana
[email protected]
4-058 (28)
Smetana, Judi
[email protected]
2-070, 3-051 (8), 4-002
Smiler, Andrew P.
[email protected]
2-024 (84), 2-061, 4-041 (25)
Smiley, Patricia A.
[email protected]
3-051 (7)
Smith, Annie
[email protected]
2-005 (41)
Smith, Ashley R.
[email protected]
Smith, Caitlin
[email protected]
3-024 (34)
Smith, David
[email protected]
2-060 (42)
Smith, David V.
[email protected]
2-005 (77)
Smith, Edward
[email protected]
Smith, Elliott D.
[email protected]
4-041 (78)
Smith, Erin I.
[email protected]
3-044 (3)
Smith, Lauren
[email protected]
4-041 (30)
Smith, Megan L.
[email protected]
3-044 (84)
Smith, Rhiannon L.
[email protected]
3-007, 3-007, 3-048
Smith, Sydney S.
[email protected]
4-023 (62)
Smith-Bynum, Mia A.
[email protected]
4-043, 4-043
Snapp, Shannon
[email protected]
2-042 (37)
Snijders, Tom
[email protected]
Snijders, Tom A.
[email protected]
Snyder, James
[email protected]
4-044, 4-058 (61)
Socholotiuk, Krista
[email protected]
4-005 (65)
Sockwell, Latunja
[email protected]
4-058 (7)
Soenens, Bart
[email protected]
2-024 (70), 3-005, 4-013
Spencer, Margaret B.
[email protected]
Sokol, Robert J.
[email protected]
Spencer, Renee
[email protected]
4-041 (63), 4-046, 4-067
Solis, Jessica M.
[email protected]
4-041 (9)
Spies, Lauren
[email protected]
2-060 (65), 4-058 (52)
Solmeyer, Anna
[email protected]
3-044 (63), 4-057, 4-057
Spilker, Ann
[email protected]
2-042 (56), 3-041, 3-067, 4-005 (49),
4-041 (71)
Solomon, Elizabeth
[email protected]
3-044 (4)
Somers, Cheryl L.
[email protected]
2-005 (37)
Sommer, Simon M.
[email protected]
2-006 (G8), 3-042
Song, Xiao
[email protected]
Spitzer, Brian J.
[email protected]
Spivak, Asha L.
[email protected]
2-024 (54)
Spotts, Erica L.
[email protected]
Staats, Sarah
[email protected]
4-058 (61)
Sontag-Padilla, Lisa M.
[email protected]
3-026, 3-026, 4-005 (38), 4-023 (1)
Sorensen, Carl
[email protected]
3-006 (18), 4-023 (16)
Sorkhabi, Nadia
[email protected]
2-042 (10), 3-051 (21)
Soto, Daniel W.
[email protected]
Soucie, Kendall
[email protected]
Spaeth, Michael
[email protected]
Speidel, Carolyn
[email protected]
3-006 (73), 3-024 (32)
Spellings, Carolyn
[email protected]
1-007, 2-042.5, 3-012, 4-029
Stack, Dale M.
[email protected]
2-042 (41), 3-006 (71), 4-023 (12)
Staff, Jeremy
[email protected]
2-003, 2-064, 4-007
Stagner, Matthew
[email protected]
Stalder, Barbara E.
[email protected]
Stange, Jonathan P.
[email protected]
3-006 (77), 3-051 (1), 4-047, 4-047
Stanton, Cassandra
[email protected]
2-024 (39)
Stark, Tobias
[email protected]
2-038, 4-041 (27), 4-061
Stattin, Håkan
[email protected]
3-019, 3-063, 4-050
Stearns, Katherine
[email protected]
2-005 (2)
Steeger, Christine M.
[email protected]
4-041 (7)
Steele, Ryan D.
[email protected]
4-058 (58)
Stefanucci, Jeanine
[email protected]
2-024 (1), 4-003
Steglich, Christian
[email protected]
3-044 (51), 3-058
Stein, Judith A.
[email protected]
4-041 (6)
Steinberg, Elizabeth A.
[email protected]
Stey, Paul C.
[email protected]
2-005 (3), 2-018, 2-024 (20), 2-024
(34), 4-005 (62), 4-013
Sticca, Fabio
[email protected]
3-024 (43)
Sticca, Fabio
[email protected]
3-031, 4-072
Strati, Anna
[email protected]
3-044 (21)
Strauman, Timothy
[email protected]
2-005 (77)
Streit, Cara
[email protected]
2-060 (54)
Stright, Anne D.
[email protected]
2-042 (70), 2-042 (72)
Stinnett, Alec
[email protected]
2-005 (50)
Stockdale, Gary
[email protected]
4-005 (34)
Stockwell, Timothy
[email protected]
3-044 (64)
Stoddard, Sarah
[email protected]
Strobel, Karen R.
[email protected]
3-062, 3-062, 3-062
Stump, Kathryn
[email protected]
2-024 (53)
Su, Tina
[email protected]
3-044 (81)
Suarez-Orozco, Carola
[email protected]
2-042 (61), 3-006 (30), 3-024 (25)
Steinberg, Laurence
[email protected]
2-025, 2-060 (51), 3-024 (56), 3-063,
4-024, 4-024, 4-065
Stone, Deborah
[email protected]
Stephens, Skye
[email protected]
Stoolmiller, Mike
[email protected]
Stern, Darren
[email protected]
2-042 (75)
Storer, Heather L.
[email protected]
4-023 (66)
Sterrett, Emma M.
[email protected]
3-011, 3-011
Storksdieck, Martin
[email protected]
Stevens, Kristopher
[email protected]
Stormshak, Elizabeth
[email protected]
2-025, 2-042 (12), 3-051 (65)
Stevens, Sally
[email protected]
Stouthamer-Loeber, Magda
[email protected]
4-005 (68)
Stewart, David G.
[email protected]
2-005 (66), 2-042 (33), 3-006 (33)
Strage, Amy
[email protected]
3-051 (21)
Stewart, Katherine
[email protected]
3-044 (9)
Strasburger, Victor
[email protected]
Stewart, Sherry H.
[email protected]
Strathearn, Lane
[email protected]
Sue, Joanna L.
[email protected]
3-044 (70)
Sugimura, Niwako
[email protected]
3-024 (18)
Suizzo, Marie-Anne
[email protected]
3-051 (11), 4-058 (26)
Sukhawathanakul, Paweena
[email protected]
2-071, 3-006 (34), 4-053
Sulaiman, Crystalia
[email protected]
2-005 (16), 2-024 (16), 2-051
Sullivan, Terri N.
[email protected]
Sully, Laura
[email protected]
Summers, Jessica J.
[email protected]
3-024 (24)
Swinton, Akilah
[email protected]
2-024 (22), 4-018
Tanaka, Teri
[email protected]
2-005 (53)
Sumner, Rachel
[email protected]
4-041 (26)
Sy, Megan
[email protected]
3-024 (81)
Tanaku, Kirtana
[email protected]
4-023 (6)
Sun, Shixiu
[email protected]
2-005 (62), 3-006 (58), 4-023 (63), 4058 (65)
Sy, Susan
[email protected]
4-023 (22)
Tang, Chuanyi
[email protected]
2-042 (39)
Syed, Moin
[email protected]
4-023 (78), 4-036, 4-036, 4-049.5
Tang, Julia
[email protected]
3-006 (24), 4-058 (5)
Synyak, Kateryna
[email protected]
2-024 (58)
Tanielian, Terri
[email protected]
Syvertsen, Amy
[email protected]
2-024 (25), 3-012
Tanner, Lindsay
[email protected]
3-051 (21)
Sutherland, Olga
[email protected]
2-005 (80)
Szwedo, David E.
[email protected]
2-042 (55), 3-013, 3-013, 3-041, 4-041
(71), 4-063
Tannock, Rosemary
[email protected]
3-051 (59)
Swan, Anna
[email protected]
Séguin, Jean R.
[email protected]
3-006 (39), 3-044 (1)
Swannell, Sarah
[email protected]
4-041 (64)
Tagliabue, Semira
[email protected]
4-058 (9)
Swartz, Teresa
[email protected]
Tai, Sara J.
[email protected]
Swearer, Susan
[email protected]
Tailor, Megha
[email protected]
Sweeting, Helen
[email protected]
Tak, Yuli R.
[email protected]
2-042 (59), 3-024 (46), 4-058 (69)
Sweiss, Lina
[email protected]
4-025, 4-058 (3)
Takanishi, Ruby
[email protected]
3-012, 3-043
Swenson, Lance P.
[email protected]
2-042 (47), 2-060 (34), 4-063
Talley, Anna E.
[email protected]
2-042 (35)
Swenson, Theodora
[email protected]
4-023 (65)
Tan, Connie
[email protected]
4-032, 4-032
Swindle, Taren M.
[email protected]
4-058 (7)
Tan, Joseph S.
[email protected]
3-044 (61), 4-005 (67)
Supple, Andrew
[email protected]
3-006 (81)
Surjadi, Florensia F.
[email protected]
Susman, Elizabeth
[email protected]
2-012, 4-023 (1), 4-073
Tao, Karen
[email protected]
Tapscott, Brian E.
[email protected]
3-006 (76)
Taraba, Sheree
[email protected]
Tasker, Timothy B.
[email protected]
4-058 (33)
Tavernier, Royette
[email protected]
4-058 (68)
Taylor, Andrew
[email protected]
3-024 (45)
Taylor, Erin K.
[email protected]
2-042 (9)
Taylor, Geneviève
[email protected]
2-042 (57)
Taylor, Ronald D.
[email protected]
2-042 (6), 3-044 (10)
Tein, Jenn-Yun
[email protected]
Thompson, Elisabeth M.
[email protected]
3-010.5, 3-010.5, 3-014
Tilghman-Osborne, Emile M.
[email protected]
2-005 (46), 3-051 (30)
Telzer, Eva H.
[email protected]
2-025, 4-058 (30)
Thompson, Geneene N.
[email protected]
3-024 (29)
Tilley, Elizabeth H.
[email protected]
3-024 (5)
Temple, Jeff R.
[email protected]
2-024 (46)
Thompson, Kara D.
[email protected]
3-024 (22), 3-041, 3-044 (64)
Tilton-Weaver, Lauree
[email protected]
2-060 (7), 3-043, 3-063, 4-002, 4-050,
Teo, Lin I Deborah
[email protected]
Thompson, Keilah A.
[email protected]
4-058 (18)
Teppers, Eveline
[email protected]
2-005 (74)
Thompson, Mamie
[email protected]
4-041 (70)
ter Bogt, Tom F.
[email protected]
2-042 (50)
Thompson, Sanna
[email protected]
2-024 (49), 3-044 (62)
Testa, Maria
[email protected]
3-051 (44)
Thompson, Stephanie F.
[email protected]
3-024 (63)
Tewksbury, Elise
[email protected]
3-024 (64)
Thorkildsen, Theresa A.
[email protected]
2-005 (75)
Thapar, Anita
[email protected]
Thorn, Amanda
[email protected]
Thigpen, Jennifer
[email protected]
Thorne, Avril
[email protected]
2-019, 2-037
Thijs, Jochem
[email protected]
2-070, 4-041 (53)
Thornhill, Kierstin
[email protected]
2-005 (48)
Thoma, Brian
[email protected]
2-024 (83)
Thorp, Elizabeth
[email protected]
2-060 (50)
Thomas, April G.
[email protected]
3-015, 3-044 (65)
Thulen, Joke
[email protected]
Thomas, Kathleen
[email protected]
4-005 (77)
Tiberio, Stacey
[email protected]
4-004, 4-057
Thomas, Virginia
[email protected]
4-005 (80)
Tiffany, Jennifer S.
[email protected]
3-024 (16), 4-058 (39)
Thomason, Jessie
[email protected]
Tiggelman, Dana
[email protected]
4-041 (35), 4-041 (75)
Tissot, Abbigail
[email protected]
3-006 (64), 4-023 (1)
To, Sharon
[email protected]
4-058 (10)
Tobin, Renee
[email protected]
2-060 (75)
Todd, Maureen
[email protected]
4-041 (14)
Toews, Michelle L.
[email protected]
2-005 (5), 3-006 (36)
Tolan, Patrick H.
[email protected]
2-028, 2-034, 2-071, 3-004, 3-004, 3004, 3-011, 4-022
Tolman, Deborah
[email protected]
3-049, 4-049
Tomek, Sara
[email protected]
Tompkins, Tanya L.
[email protected]
4-058 (32)
Tompsett, Carolyn
[email protected]
2-042 (15), 2-060 (61), 3-044 (34), 3044 (40), 4-005 (70)
Tong, Janet
[email protected]
Toomey, Russell B.
[email protected]
2-051, 2-060 (68), 3-061, 4-041 (81)
Toplak, Maggie
[email protected]
3-051 (59)
Torney-Purta, Judith
[email protected]
4-023 (24)
Trinh, Nancy M.
[email protected]
3-006 (8)
Tucker-Drob, Elliot M.
[email protected]
2-042 (19)
Torres, Marisela
[email protected]
2-024 (27)
Trinh, Sarah L.
[email protected]
Tucker-Halpern, Carolyn
[email protected]
3-051 (31), 4-005 (28)
Torressen, Christine
[email protected]
2-060 (3)
Troilo, Jessica E.
[email protected]
4-058 (31)
Tugenberg, Toni
[email protected]
Tortolero, Susan
[email protected]
2-024 (46)
Troop-Gordon, Wendy
[email protected]
2-014, 2-044, 3-022, 4-023 (47)
Tuggle, Felicia J.
[email protected]
4-041 (66)
Toth, Sheree L.
[email protected]
3-051 (4)
Troy, Lauren E.
[email protected]
2-042 (63)
Tulane, Sarah
[email protected]
3-006 (83), 4-023 (30)
Trach, Jessica
[email protected]
2-060 (42), 3-027
Trucco, Elisa M.
[email protected]
2-028, 2-028, 3-006 (75), 3-024 (33)
Tung, Michael
[email protected]
2-024 (71)
Trainum, Julie
[email protected]
4-058 (40)
Truong, Diana
[email protected]
4-023 (8)
Turnbull, Marsha
[email protected]
2-005 (83)
Tran, Steve
[email protected]
3-024 (27), 4-056
Trzesniewski, Kali
[email protected]
4-023 (19)
Turner, Linda J.
[email protected]
2-005 (78)
Trant, Tim
[email protected]
3-024 (48)
Tsai, Kim M.
[email protected]
4-058 (30)
Turner, Rhonda
[email protected]
Travers, Lea
[email protected]
2-024 (18)
Tsar, Vasilinka
[email protected]
4-005 (61)
Tuskenis, Elena
[email protected]
4-058 (37)
Treadwell, Kimberli
[email protected]
3-006 (49)
Tschann, Jeanne M.
[email protected]
3-051 (35), 4-041 (55)
Tuvblad, Catherine
[email protected]
Trejos-Castillo, Elizabeth
[email protected]
3-024 (59)
Tu, Kelly
[email protected]
Tweed, Roger G.
[email protected]
4-058 (20)
Tremblay, Richard E.
[email protected]
3-006 (39), 3-044 (1)
Tubbs, Carly
[email protected]
4-071, 4-071
Tynan, Joshua
[email protected]
2-005 (37)
Trent, Maria E.
[email protected]
4-023 (36)
Tubman, Jonathan
[email protected]
3-051 (10)
Tynes, Brendesha
[email protected]
2-045, 4-058 (75)
Trentacosta, Christopher
[email protected]
2-005 (71)
Tucker, Corinna J.
[email protected]
4-041 (17)
Tyrell, Fanita A.
[email protected]
2-005 (55)
Trickett, Penelope K.
[email protected]
2-048, 2-048, 2-048, 4-041 (1), 4-058
Tucker, Joan
[email protected]
3-058, 3-058
Uldricks, Jennifer
[email protected]
Umaña-Taylor, Adriana
[email protected]
2-024 (27), 2-024 (28), 2-029, 2-051,
2-060 (54), 2-077, 3-025.5, 3-044 (14),
3-051 (28), 4-005 (27), 4-023 (9),
4-041 (81)
Underwood, Marion K.
[email protected]
2-042 (69)
Unger, Jennifer B.
[email protected]
Upadhyaya, Katja
[email protected]
Updegraff, Kimberly A.
[email protected]
2-005 (79), 2-029, 2-051, 2-060 (53),
3-025.5, 3-044 (14), 3-051 (28),
4-005 (27), 4-023 (9), 4-041 (81)
Upton, Rachel
[email protected]
Urban, Jessica
[email protected]
2-060 (74)
Vaden-Kiernan, Michael
[email protected]
4-058 (77)
Vaillancourt, Tracy
[email protected]
2-002, 2-024 (42), 3-022, 3-022, 3022, 3-044 (41), 4-005 (61)
Vaillant, George E.
[email protected]
Valentiner, David P.
[email protected]
Valenzuela, Cristina
[email protected]
2-060 (16)
van Aken, Marcel
[email protected]
2-022, 2-042 (14), 2-042 (76), 3-037
Van Baaren, Rick
[email protected]
2-005 (39)
van Bergen, Diana D.
[email protected]
Van Boxtel, Anton H.
[email protected]
2-024 (73)
Van Eck, Kathryn
[email protected]
4-058 (63)
Van Campen, Kali
[email protected]
3-014, 3-014
Van Egeren, Laurie A.
[email protected]
2-013, 3-044 (26), 4-058 (70)
van de Bongardt, Daphne
[email protected]
2-005 (38), 3-006 (37)
van Goethem, Anne A.
[email protected]
2-042 (76), 3-037
van de Ven, Monique
[email protected]
4-041 (35), 4-041 (75)
van Hoof, Anne
[email protected]
2-042 (76), 3-037
van den Akker, Alithe L.
[email protected]
2-060 (73)
van Lier, Pol A.
[email protected]
2-016, 2-042 (14), 4-012, 4-030
van den Berg, Patricia
[email protected]
2-024 (46)
van Lissa, Caspar J.
[email protected]
4-041 (72)
van den Berg, Yvonne H.
[email protected]
2-075, 4-005 (50)
Van Petegem, Stijn
[email protected]
2-024 (70), 3-005
Van den Bos, Kees
[email protected]
Van Ryzin, Mark
[email protected]
3-026, 3-048, 3-051 (65), 3-068
van den Bos, Wouter
[email protected]
2-060 (76), 3-023
van Schayck, Onno
[email protected]
4-041 (75), 4-058 (41)
van den Eijnden, Regina
[email protected]
3-006 (2), 3-051 (38)
van Schayck, Onno C. P.
4-041 (35)
Van der Giessen, Daniëlle
[email protected]
3-044 (49), 4-030
van der Graaff, Jolien
[email protected]
2-024 (73), 4-012
van der Schoot, Menno
[email protected]
Van der Vorst, Haske
[email protected]
4-005 (32), 4-023 (32)
van Duijn, Marijtje A.
[email protected]
van Dulmen, Manfred H. M.
[email protected]
Van Voorhees, Benjamin
[email protected]
4-051, 4-051
Van Wie, Michael
[email protected]
Van Zundert, Rinka M.
[email protected]
2-042 (59), 4-058 (69)
Vandell, Deborah
[email protected]
4-023 (17)
Vander Stoep, Ann
[email protected]
2-009, 2-036, 3-044 (39), 3-068,
4-005 (58), 4-035, 4-041 (59)
VanGundy, Karen
[email protected]
4-041 (17)
VanSlyke, Emily
[email protected]
3-024 (53)
Vergara-Lopez, Chrystal
[email protected]
3-044 (58)
Vitoroulis, Irene
[email protected]
3-044 (41)
Vansteenkiste, Maarten
[email protected]
2-024 (70), 3-005
Vergnani, Tania
[email protected]
Vitulano, Michael L.
[email protected]
2-024 (68)
Vargas, Danyel A.
[email protected]
4-058 (12)
Verhagen, Maaike
[email protected]
Vivolo, Alana M.
[email protected]
Vargas Lascano, Dayuma I.
[email protected]
4-058 (78)
Verhulst, Frank C.
[email protected]
3-006 (2), 4-042
Vlahovicova, Kristina
[email protected]
2-060 (12)
Varner, Fatima
[email protected]
Verkuyten, Maykel
[email protected]
2-070, 4-041 (27), 4-041 (53)
Voeten, Marinus
[email protected]
Vasalampi, Kati
[email protected]
Vernon, Lynette A.
[email protected]
3-051 (83)
Vogel-Ciernia, Laura
[email protected]
Vasilenko, Sara A.
[email protected]
2-017, 2-060 (56), 3-024 (37), 4-010,
4-010, 4-010
Veríssimo, Manuela
[email protected]
2-060 (70)
Volk, Karon
[email protected]
3-024 (55), 3-044 (55), 3-051 (55)
Vest, Andrea E.
[email protected]
2-068, 3-019, 3-044 (16), 4-034, 4-056
Vollebergh, Wilma
[email protected]
2-005 (39), 3-006 (2), 3-024 (39), 3044 (51), 3-051 (38)
Vasquez, Yolanda E.
[email protected]
3-006 (19)
Vaterlaus, J. M.
[email protected]
3-006 (83)
Vaughn, Michael
[email protected]
3-051 (34)
Veenstra, Amy
[email protected]
3-051 (19)
Veenstra, Rene
[email protected]
1-001.5, 3-006 (65), 3-044 (51), 4-023
(50), 4-041 (27), 4-061, 4-069, 4-072,
Veits, Gina
[email protected]
2-060 (61)
Velazquez, Cayley E.
[email protected]
4-005 (12)
Velez, Paulina
[email protected]
3-024 (59)
Verduzco, Christine
[email protected]
3-051 (46)
Vettern, Rachelle
[email protected]
Vignoles, Anna
[email protected]
Viljoen, Jodi
[email protected]
2-060 (77), 4-023 (75), 4-058 (20)
Villalobos, Myriam
[email protected]
Villamar, Juan A.
[email protected]
Vinson, Jenna
[email protected]
Visconti, Kari
[email protected]
Vitaro, Frank
[email protected]
3-006 (39), 3-044 (1), 4-039, 4-041
Vollet, Justin W.
[email protected]
4-041 (51)
von der Lippe, Holger
[email protected]
2-042 (51)
Vosylis, Rimantas
[email protected]
2-024 (50)
Vuchinich, Samuel
[email protected]
Vyas, Amita N.
[email protected]
4-023 (36)
Vytasek, Jovita M.
[email protected]
2-060 (7), 4-005 (3), 4-023 (3)
Wadsworth, Martha
[email protected]
2-004, 2-004, 2-020
Wagner, Briana
[email protected]
4-058 (44)
Wagner, Clara A.
[email protected]
Walters, Tracy L.
[email protected]
4-005 (29)
Warren, Michelle P.
[email protected]
Wagoner, Andrew
[email protected]
Walther, Christine A.
[email protected]
2-060 (40)
Washburn, Jason J.
[email protected]
2-060 (58)
Wainryb, Cecilia
[email protected]
2-042 (74)
Walton, Marsha D.
[email protected]
2-005 (58)
Washington, LaTesha
[email protected]
Walden, Nicole J.
[email protected]
Wang, Jun
[email protected]
Wasonga, Teresa
[email protected]
3-044 (21)
Walker, Gabriela
[email protected]
Wang, Li
[email protected]
Wasserman Lieb, Rebecca
[email protected]
Walker, Lawrence J.
[email protected]
4-037, 4-037
Wang, Ming-Te
[email protected]
3-044 (57), 4-011, 4-023 (21)
Waterhouse, Terry
[email protected]
2-042 (42), 3-024 (30), 3-034
Walker, Susan
[email protected]
4-005 (84)
Wang, Shujun
[email protected]
2-005 (63), 4-058 (46)
Waters, Patricia L.
[email protected]
2-005 (20)
Wallace, Lacey
[email protected]
Wang, Shuqiong
[email protected]
2-042 (3)
Waters, Theo E.
[email protected]
Waller, Erika
[email protected]
Wang, Yan
[email protected]
4-041 (38)
Watson, Kelly H.
[email protected]
Walls, Melissa L.
[email protected]
Wang, Yijie
[email protected]
Watson, Kelly
[email protected]
3-051 (62)
Walls, N. Eugene
[email protected]
Wängqvist, Maria
[email protected]
3-044 (80)
Watson, Malcolm
[email protected]
2-042 (68), 3-024 (41), 3-044 (68), 4023 (34)
Walsh, Adam
[email protected]
3-051 (40)
Ward, Amanda
[email protected]
2-024 (18)
Walsh, Jennifer L.
[email protected]
Ward, L. Monique
[email protected]
2-061, 2-061, 2-069, 4-049
Walsh, Sophie
[email protected]
Ward, Tanya
[email protected]
4-058 (67)
Walter, Theresa
[email protected]
2-042 (40)
Wargo Aikins, Julie
[email protected]
4-058 (49)
Walters, Jeanette M.
[email protected]
3-006 (78), 3-024 (40)
Warren, Michael T.
[email protected]
2-042 (67)
Watson, Ryan J.
[email protected]
3-024 (82)
Watt, Helen M.
[email protected]
Way, Niobe
[email protected]
2-060 (30), 2-078, 3-016, 3-016, 3016, 3-024 (81), 3-025, 3-044 (22), 3069, 4-011
Web, Felecia R.
[email protected]
Weber, Lidia
[email protected]
3-044 (5), 3-061
Wells, Corrie
[email protected]
Weeks, Trisha
[email protected]
3-044 (75)
Weems, Carl
[email protected]
3-044 (73)
Welsh, Deborah P.
[email protected]
2-067, 3-006 (70), 3-024 (54),
3-051 (57), 3-059, 4-023 (56),
4-041 (45), 4-041 (65)
Wegner, Lisa
[email protected]
Wei, Xing
[email protected]
4-023 (43)
Weichold, Karina
[email protected]
Weidenbenner, Jenna V.
[email protected]
Weigard, Alexander
[email protected]
Weigensberg, Elizabeth
[email protected]
Weiler, Lindsey
[email protected]
3-044 (65)
Weiner, Michelle B.
[email protected]
4-041 (76)
Weins, Thomas K.
[email protected]
Weinstock, Karrie
[email protected]
3-024 (65)
Weisbach, Dan
[email protected]
2-042 (11)
Weisner, Thomas S.
[email protected]
3-045.5, 4-058 (30)
Weiss, John K.
[email protected]
Welsh, Kayleigh L.
[email protected]
4-005 (22)
Welsh, Marilyn
[email protected]
2-042 (22), 3-051 (26)
Welton, Sarah R.
[email protected]
3-006 (32), 3-006 (33)
Welty, Leah J.
[email protected]
2-060 (58)
Wenner, Jennifer
[email protected]
4-005 (77)
Wentzel, Kathryn R.
[email protected]
2-005 (21)
Wenzel, Amanda J.
[email protected]
2-024 (59), 2-060 (10)
West, Arthur
[email protected]
3-051 (12)
Westenberg, Michiel
[email protected]
Westerhaus, Kendra
[email protected]
2-024 (77), 3-024 (2)
Westrich, Lisa
[email protected]
Weybright, Elizabeth
[email protected]
Wheeler, Jenna
[email protected]
2-042 (12)
Weisskirch, Robert S.
[email protected]
Wheeler, Lorey A.
[email protected]
2-005 (55)
Whitbeck, Les B.
[email protected]
White, Caroline
[email protected]
3-024 (75), 4-005 (49), 4-041 (71)
White, Catherine R.
[email protected]
2-042 (62), 2-066
White, Elizabeth S.
[email protected]
3-044 (24), 4-058 (83)
White, Rebecca M.
[email protected]
Whitehead, Jenna
[email protected]
4-058 (3)
Whitehouse, Wayne G.
[email protected]
Whiteman, Shawn
[email protected]
3-024 (9), 3-051 (14), 4-005 (14),
Whitesell, Nancy R.
[email protected]
2-015, 2-015
Whiteside-Mansell, Leanne
[email protected]
4-058 (7), 4-058 (17)
Whitlock, Janis
[email protected]
2-008, 4-015
Whitney, Jennifer
[email protected]
2-005 (83)
Whittle, Sarah
[email protected]
2-012, 2-030, 3-006 (1)
Wickrama, Kas
[email protected]
3-006 (62), 3-044 (59)
Wieczorek, William
[email protected]
2-060 (32), 3-024 (32), 3-024 (33),
4-023 (51)
Wiener, Judith
[email protected]
2-024 (31)
Wigfield, Allan
[email protected]
Wight, Danny
[email protected]
Wightman, Patrick
[email protected]
Wiium, Nora
[email protected]
3-006 (31)
Wilcox, Brian
[email protected]
2-017, 4-026
Wilhelm, Mark O.
[email protected]
4-005 (76)
Will, Geert-Jan
[email protected]
2-060 (76)
Wille, Diane E.
[email protected]
4-023 (54)
Williams, Amanda
[email protected]
4-041 (23), 4-058 (40)
Williams, Amber D.
[email protected]
2-010, 2-010
Williams, Amy J.
[email protected]
3-006 (73)
Williams, Jessica
[email protected]
3-051 (82)
Williams, Lela R.
[email protected]
2-005 (8), 3-059
Williamson, Ariel A.
[email protected]
2-024 (67)
Williford, Anne
[email protected]
Witkow, Melissa
[email protected]
2-024 (23), 3-044 (9)
Willig, Amanda
[email protected]
Wolf, Sharon
[email protected]
Willoughby, Brian
[email protected].
Wolfe, Misty
[email protected]
Willoughby, Teena
[email protected]
3-024 (17), 3-044 (32), 4-058 (68)
Wolfson, Amy
[email protected]
2-060 (38)
Wilson, Anna
[email protected]
4-023 (57)
Wong, Jennifer D.
[email protected]
4-005 (48)
Wilson, Carlene
[email protected]
Wong, Jennifer
[email protected]
3-006 (74)
Wilson, Carlene
[email protected]
Wong, Jessie J.
[email protected]
4-049.5, 4-058 (23)
Wilson, Leah J.
[email protected]
4-005 (65)
Wong, Maria M.
[email protected]
2-024 (77), 3-024 (2)
Wilson, Travis
[email protected]
3-007, 3-051 (51)
Wong, Serena
[email protected]
2-024 (71)
Windle, Michael
[email protected]
3-024 (60), 4-023 (33)
Wood, Becky
[email protected]
4-058 (82)
Winges-Yanez, Nick L.
[email protected]
3-051 (37)
Wood, Dana
[email protected]
4-018, 4-018, 4-041 (19)
Winsler, Adam
[email protected]
4-041 (40)
Wood, Megan
[email protected]
2-005 (52), 2-005 (72)
Winters, Ken C.
[email protected]
4-041 (32)
Woodbury, Ryan
[email protected]
2-060 (78)
Wintre, Maxine G.
[email protected]
3-051 (15)
Woodford, Jillian
[email protected]
3-006 (52)
Witherspoon, Dawn Paula
[email protected]
3-025.5, 4-045, 4-062
Woods, Adrienne D.
[email protected]
2-042 (19)
Witkiewitz, Katie
[email protected]
4-005 (60), 4-066
Wormington, Stephanie
2-005 (17), 2-005 (32)
Wormuth, Bernadette M.
[email protected]
3-006 (46)
Wu, Wei
[email protected]
2-005 (65)
Yang, Wei
[email protected]
2-005 (40)
Worrell, Frank C.
[email protected]
2-005 (4), 2-024 (4), 2-042 (4), 3-051
Wurster, Melissa E.
[email protected]
2-024 (23), 3-044 (9)
Yang, Xiao-Fei
[email protected]
2-024 (72)
Wurster, Tabitha J.
[email protected]
3-006 (44), 3-024 (52), 3-024 (56)
Yates, Ashlee
[email protected]
Wymbs, Brian T.
[email protected]
3-044 (39)
Yates, Tuppett
[email protected]
3-051 (66)
Xia, Yan
[email protected]
4-041 (14)
Yau, Jenny Y.
[email protected]
3-024 (7)
Xia, Yan R.
[email protected]
3-024 (11)
Yazedjian, Ani
[email protected]
2-005 (5), 3-006 (36)
Xiao, Jing J.
[email protected]
2-042 (39)
Ybarra, Michele
[email protected]
2-035, 2-035, 2-035
Xie, Hongling
[email protected]
2-042 (52), 3-006 (44), 3-024 (52)
Yeager, David
[email protected]
Xie, Mixue
[email protected]
2-005 (53)
Yen, Irene
[email protected]
2-024 (2)
Xing, Kuan
[email protected]
2-005 (75)
Yeung Thompson, Rachel
[email protected]
2-071, 4-053, 4-053, 4-053
Xu, Yiyuan
[email protected]
2-024 (52)
Yi, Chit Yuen
[email protected]
2-049, 4-005 (72)
Yale, Elizabeth
[email protected]
3-051 (24)
Yildirim, Filiz
[email protected]
4-058 (2)
Yang, Chia-chen
[email protected]
3-024 (84), 4-041 (54)
Yip, Tiffany
[email protected]
Yang, Hai-Yun
[email protected]
2-042 (79)
Yoder, Nicholas
[email protected]
2-024 (75)
Yang, Phoua
[email protected]
2-005 (10)
Yohalem, Nicole
[email protected]
2-063, 4-026
Wortel, Sanne N.
[email protected]
3-006 (40)
Wozniak, Agnieszka
[email protected]
2-060 (7), 4-023 (7)
Wray-Lake, Laura
[email protected]
1-007, 2-024 (24), 2-042 (67), 2-042.5,
3-006 (24), 3-024 (26)
Wright, Aidan G.
[email protected]
3-006 (75)
Wright, Ellen J.
[email protected]
4-023 (34)
Wright, Michelle
[email protected]
Wright, Michelle
[email protected]
2-024 (41), 2-060 (43), 3-031,
3-044 (50)
Wright, Stephanie
[email protected]
3-024 (8)
Wu, Jamie Heng-Chieh
[email protected]
2-013, 3-044 (26), 4-058 (70)
Wu, Joanna
[email protected]
3-006 (9), 3-024 (18)
Wu, Johnny
[email protected]
Wu, Max B.
[email protected]
Wu, Tai-Lung
[email protected]
2-024 (74)
Yang, Shaogang
[email protected]
4-058 (10)
Yomtov, Dani
[email protected]
2-042 (11)
Zakaryan, Arie
[email protected]
2-042 (64)
Zeldin, Shepherd
[email protected]
Yoo, Hana
[email protected]
2-042 (54)
Zalewski, Maureen
[email protected]
2-028, 4-035
Zeman, Janice
[email protected]
3-051 (70)
Yoo, Hyung Chol (Brandon)
[email protected]
4-023 (59)
Zaman, Widaad
[email protected]
Zettergren, Peter
[email protected]
3-044 (46)
Yoon, Jina
[email protected]
2-005 (37)
Zamboanga, Byron L.
[email protected]
2-060 (54)
Zevenbergen, Felice C.
[email protected]
4-023 (83)
Young, Cara C.
[email protected]
4-058 (62)
Zapata Roblyer, Martha
[email protected]
3-006 (27)
Zhang, Bao
[email protected]
2-042 (48)
Young, Maria-Elena
[email protected]
2-005 (2)
Zarbatany, Lynne
[email protected]
3-006 (53), 3-044 (53), 4-041 (77)
Zhang, Jie-ting
[email protected]
2-005 (63), 4-041 (84)
Young, Richard A.
[email protected]
2-060 (7), 4-005 (65)
Zaremba-Morgan, Ali
[email protected]
4-041 (33)
Zhang, Lan
[email protected]
2-060 (62), 4-005 (63), 4-023 (63)
Youngblade, Lise M.
[email protected]
3-015, 3-015
Zarrett, Nicole
[email protected]
3-006 (18), 4-023 (16)
Zhang, Lu
[email protected]
2-005 (62), 3-006 (58), 4-023 (63), 4058 (65)
Yu, Chengfu
[email protected]
2-005 (63), 4-041 (84), 4-058 (46)
Zavattini, Giulio C.
[email protected]
2-005 (47), 3-024 (47)
Yu, Fengjie
[email protected]
2-024 (3)
Zayat, Maya
[email protected]
3-051 (43)
Yu, Rongqin
[email protected]
3-051 (74), 4-005 (75)
Zebracki, Kathy
[email protected]
3-006 (14)
Yuen, Cynthia
[email protected]
2-024 (57)
Zehe, Jennifer M.
[email protected]
3-006 (73), 4-023 (51)
Yücel, Murat
[email protected]
2-030, 3-006 (1)
Zehr, Julia
[email protected]
2-006 (G4), 3-042, 3-047, 3-057
Zaff, Jonathan
[email protected]
2-039, 4-023 (64)
Zeiders, Katharine H.
[email protected]
2-043, 3-030
Zaidman-Zait, Anat
[email protected]
4-023 (53)
Zeisser, Cornelia
[email protected]
3-044 (64)
Zaitsoff, Shannon L.
[email protected]
3-024 (45)
Zelaya, Linda
[email protected]
4-005 (22)
Zhang, Min-qiang
[email protected]
4-041 (84)
Zhang, Wei
[email protected]
2-005 (63), 2-042 (52), 4-023 (60), 4058 (46)
Zhang, Wenxin
[email protected]
2-024 (3), 2-042 (3), 4-023 (43)
Zhang, Xiaoyun
[email protected]
3-024 (11)
Zhang, Ye
[email protected]
4-005 (76)
Zhao, Xu
[email protected]
2-060 (25)
Zhen, Shuangju
[email protected]
2-042 (52), 4-058 (46)
Zheng, Yao
[email protected]
3-044 (33)
Zheng, Yuhong
[email protected]
2-005 (62), 2-060 (62), 3-006 (58),
4-041 (61), 4-058 (64), 4-058 (65)
Zhou, Hui
[email protected]
2-042 (48)
Zhou, Qing
[email protected]
2-042 (49)
Zhu, Qing
[email protected]
3-006 (58), 4-023 (63), 4-058 (65)
Zichinski, Kristen
[email protected]
Zimmer-Gembeck, Melanie J.
[email protected]
2-044, 2-044, 4-070, 4-070
Zimmerman, Marc A.
[email protected]
2-005 (9), 2-062, 3-003, 4-005 (59)
Zimmerman, Toni
[email protected]
3-044 (65)
Zook, Joan M.
[email protected]
2-060 (50)
Zukauskiene, Rita
[email protected]
2-024 (50)
Zurbriggen, Eileen L.
[email protected]
2-005 (23), 2-060 (84)
Zvonkovic, Andie
[email protected]
2-060 (12)
Zwaan, Michiel
[email protected]