tonebridg - Stonebridge


tonebridg - Stonebridge
Property Owners Association
Volume 33, Number 1
September 2016
General Membership Meeting
for Stonebridge Property Owners Association
September 21, 2016 at 7:00pm
at Stonebridge Country Club
The President’s Corner
Dear Residents,
Summertime and the living is easy! Yes, that
is correct. We are so lucky to live in such a
wonderful neighborhood. I can’t say enough
amazing things about our incredible neighbors who are always willing to help. Our residents want to make sure that our subdivision
continues as the finest and safest that Jefferson Parish and the entire region have to offer.
The board truly thanks each and every one of
you who calls or sends an email when you feel
something is not right or if you see something
out of the ordinary in the neighborhood. Your
eyes and ears have helped the board in monitoring and patrolling our subdivision. Please
help us protect your property and ALWAYS
lock your car doors and your home. If you
see suspicious activities, please CALL 911.
As a board, we appreciate the labors you make on a daily basis by
keeping your lawns well-manicured
and your homes in good repair.
Our SPOA Restrictive Covenants and Bylaws
were developed as standards for our neighborhood. We want to protect quality of life
and property values. That is why all of you
have decided to move into Stonebridge.
These restrictive covenants are enforced. If
you do not have a copy of the restrictive covenants/ bylaws, they are available to view on
our web site at
Please also be aware that Jefferson Parish
Code Enforcement does regular sweeps
of our neighborhood. Remember to follow Jefferson Parish rules and regulations
also. The rules and regulations concerning Jefferson Parish Code Enforcement
can be found at
Obey the speed limit signs and the stop
signs in the neighborhood. Don’t let the
Jefferson Parish Traffic Division Deputies surprise you with a ticket in your
own subdivision. It can happen.
If you need to contact the board with a ques-
tion or you see a violation of our restrictive
covenants, please go to the website and click
on ‘contact us’. You can leave a message and
you will get a prompt response. We appreciate the input that you have sent us through
the website. It helps us to act quickly on an
issue. We also have a Facebook page and
are a part of which is used
for information between residents. But if
you have a specific problem that needs the
board’s help, using our website and clicking
on ‘contact us’ and sending the email gets
to us faster and we can address it quickly.
We are still working on replacing many of
the Stonebridge banners. We have attempted
to remove all the torn banners from the light
poles and are replacing them. It seems the
newest ones were not sewn properly and tore
very soon after they were placed. I am hoping
that the new ones will be in place very soon.
Being a volunteer group, our board works
exceedingly hard taking on some challenging and demanding tasks. We do this for
you, our neighbors and our neighborhood.
Remember that the Stonebridge Security
District monies are spent solely on security
items such as Security Guards, the gates,
upkeep of the guard houses, Jefferson Parish
patrols, and cameras at different locations,
many monitors at different locations and
many other items. Without these funds,
Stonebridge would not be the preeminent
subdivision that we have chosen to inhabit.
I hope you were able to join us at our First
Annual Stonebridge Summer Fest. I would
like to thank everyone who supported the
event. We had a wonderful committee
that worked very hard to make it a success. See our thank you to the members
of the committee elsewhere in this issue.
You might also check out the website ongoing for pictures from the fundraiser.
Please take a look at these points reminding
us of some simple rules and regulations which
help to preserve our neighborhood’s integrity:
•Fireworks are illegal in unincorporated
Jefferson Parish. We live in unincorporated Jefferson, even though our address
may say Gretna or Harvey. The address
distinguishes which post office delivers
our mail. Sometimes a call to 911 to report
fireworks will help curb their use in our
subdivision. I want to remind everyone
of the many fires caused by fireworks to
homes every year, not to mention the many
injuries involved. If you are discharging
fireworks in an area where it is illegal and
you cause a house to catch on fire, your
insurance will not cover the damage. You
may also receive a ticket. So you may want
to think long and hard before discharging fireworks where they are illegal.
•Remember that the Stonebridge Golf
Course is PRIVATE PROPERTY. Riding bicycles, riding privately owned golf carts and
jogging on the cart paths are prohibited.
•Privately owned golf carts and unauthorized vehicles are prohibited on
public streets. (Stonebridge streets)
•Parking on the street at night is pro-
hibited. The homes in this subdivision
have large driveways allowing for room
to park off the street. Please see Article 12
in SPOA Restrictive Covenants. As noted
above, to see these covenants go to the
web site at
•Please try to pick up trash around the
front of your home. If you are walking the
neighborhood, bring a bag with you and
deposit trash that you see in that bag. If we
all do just a little, we will see a difference.
•Please BAG your trash for the garbage
pickup and remember do not place it
curbside before 4pm the day before pickup.
•Please leash and/ or fence your pets. There
is a leash law in Jefferson Parish. Anytime
a dog is not confined to its owner’s property
it must be on a leash not longer than six
feet and under control. Also Jefferson Parish has a “pooper-scooper” law. If your dog
or cat “does its’ business” on public or private property, you must clean it up promptly and dispose of it in a sanitary manner.
•Please be reminded that if you own a
lot adjacent to the perimeter wall, THE
Please consult your homeowner’s insurance
policy for related coverage. If you have a
falling/crumbling wall, loose bricks, or
the wall has fallen down, it is your responsibility to rebuild the wall in accordance with SPOA restrictive covenants.
Your SPOA dues ($40 annually) are managed by the elected Board of Directors for
SPOA. The Stonebridge Property Owners’
Association monies pay for attorney fees to
enforce our restrictive covenants, weekly
lawn care, seasonal flowers, decoration of
gardens, monuments, utilities, sprinklers,
beautification, street banners and Night
Out Against Crime event. Liability Insurance and Accounting fees are shared with
the Security account. Financial Statements
are available at every General Membership
Meeting. The Board is mandated by State
Law to have a yearly audit of income and
expenses for both accounts. Stonebridge
Property Owners’ Association Account and
Stonebridge Security Taxing District are
separate accounts managed by one board, as
required by Jefferson Parish and the State of
Louisiana. Current law requires that we have
one firm complete the Audit and another firm
compile our quarterly and yearly Balance
Sheets, 1099 and Federal/State Tax Reports.
The Board looks forward
to seeing you at the General Membership Meeting
Wednesday, September 21st at
7pm at Stonebridge Golf Club.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Let’s keep Stonebridge as the exceptional subdivision we have come to know!
Suzanne Farrar, President
SPOA Board of Directors
About Our Stonebridge Community
Stonebridge, our monitored access, golf course community is a great place
to live and raise a family in Jefferson Parish. Residents also tout they are
enjoying retirement in Stonebridge.
The Jefferson Economic Development Corporation (JEDCO) on its website home page gives shout-outs to the many advantages of doing business
as well as living in Jefferson. JEDCO lists an educated workforce, excellent
healthcare and proximity to several distinguished colleges and universities
as just some of the many benefits of living, working and doing business in
Residents are proud to call Stonebridge in Harvey and unincorporated
Gretna in Jefferson Parish home. The more than 950 families of Stonebridge benefit from a beautiful, peaceful community, known as one of the
best places to live in Jefferson and the region. Residents appreciate Stonebridge security and the ongoing efforts of the neighborhood association
with neighbors to keep our community and families safe. Located just 20
minutes from New Orleans CBD, Stonebridge is home to persons who
work both in Jefferson and the Greater New Orleans area including downtown.
There are many exciting happenings on the West Bank of Jefferson including the development of the Churchill Technology and Business
Park, the NOLA Motorsports complex - and the Delgado Community College River City Campus and School for Advanced Manufacturing coming to the Park.
Our area also boasts numerous nearby festivals adding to the quality of life Stonebridge residents enjoy including the Gretna Heritage
Festival, the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival, the West Jeff Family Fest, and the French Quarter Festival.
The above are just some of the reasons residents enjoy the Stonebridge Golf Course Community. Have a favorite pastime? Enjoy
area museums or sporting events? Played an especially fantastic
golf game at Stonebridge recently? Tell us about your hobbies or
interests for future newsletter columns. E-mail [email protected]
the reasons you enjoy Stonebridge and living in Jefferson Parish
on the West Bank.
Treasurer’s Report
January - June 2016
Proposed Candidates for SPOA Board Slate
The SPOA Board of Directors submits the following slate of proposed candidates for office:
Board Officers:
Suzanne Farrar
Gary Shuford
Claudia Rivera
Guardhouse Maintenance
Board Members:
Dawn Peterson
Rachel Fleetwood
Norwood Norris
The election of officers and members of the SPOA Board will take
place at the September General Membership Meeting. The Board
requests any additional nominations for the SPOA Board of Officers and Members be e-mailed to [email protected] or provided
by ‘Contact Us’ on the SPOA website. Please note, an individual
may not be nominated without his or her consent. Further, as per
SPOA bylaws, nominations will not be accepted from the floor the
night of the General Membership meeting.
A Note From Our New Volunteer Editor
Dear Neighbors,
Detective David F. Michel, Jr.
As a longtime resident of Stonebridge (along with my husband
Lionel, children and grandchildren), I volunteered to help with
the newsletter knowing we haven’t had one for some time. I
hope others will volunteer to also help out with this project. We
hope to have a minimum of two issues yearly including standing articles such as the Security News column, the Financial
Report and a Message from your SPOA president.
The Stonebridge Security Newsletter is just one form of communication for our community. The Board of the SPOA has
many forms of communication including social media, electronic message boards at both entrances, the website (www., periodic message signage at the
entrances and periodic direct mail. E-mails also are sent to paid
SPOA members as e-mail addresses are captured in this regard.
The SPOA encourages you to be on the alert to communications offered in these manners.
In this issue, there’s also a column about “Nextdoor.” While not
a vehicle of the SPOA Board, please check out the article about
this informative means of communication. Elsewhere in the
newsletter, your president also offers her e-mail address such as
in the column about the upcoming Board Officer and Member
elections. There’s also a contact information list for the officers
and committee chairs of the association.
This newsletter is yours, the SPOA. We welcome your human
interest story leads and ideas. Our special focus for this publication is security, safety and quality of life. There are many
hardworking and optimistic residents in our neighborhood
sharing their ideas and talents. I hope the newsletter can be a
medium to highlight some of the wonderful ways our neighbors are making a difference. Stonebridge is home to many
volunteers who touch our lives in the neighborhood and our
region. We look forward to highlighting these men, women and
their children with shout outs over coming issues and especially will appreciate knowing more about their efforts to keep our
community a safe and secure one.
I’d like to thank Cathie Gerrets, Stanton Salathe, Celeste Norris,
Julie Taylor, Therese Juneau and Bethany Vincent who graciously said “Yes!” to being contributing writers. News for your
newsletter will come from many sources including clubs based
in the neighborhood such as the Garden Club and the Book
Club. Celeste and Cathie have already provided help in this
issue for the Book Club and “Nextdoor” information respectively.
Until next time, miles of smiles to all our neighbors,
Jennifer Steel-Bourgeois
[email protected]
In Memory of
The Stonebridge community remembers
Detective David F. Michel, Jr. and offers its
condolences to his family and to the men and women
of the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office.
Thank you, Detective Michel. We will always remember you.
Membership and SPOA Pride
The SPOA has nearly 670 neighbors in Stonebridge who have
paid their association dues. These neighbors constitute the
SPOA membership. The Board would like to take this opportunity to thank the residents who have already sent in their $40
annual SPOA fees. Your pride and participation are making a
difference. To those who have yet to join, we welcome you and
look forward to your being part of a thriving neighborhood
association. Your neighborhood wants and needs your involvement and participation.
With 924 resident homes (Not counting empty lots or homes),
we can be even stronger. With warm weather, many of our
neighbors are outside. Meet and greet. Find out if they are
members of the association. If not, invite them to participate
and share the benefits of having a strong neighborhood association. Together, we can make our neighborhood a better place
to live.
Having a strong neighborhood association gives our community a strong voice. Our association has maintained two-way
communication between our local government and our residents. Local officials from Jefferson Parish and the Sheriff ’s Office as well as our state representative have often attended our
neighborhood meetings. In fact, even with their busy schedules, it’s rare not to have them honor us with their presence and
support. We appreciate their visits and taking questions at our
The officers, committee chairs and members of our neighborhood association committees of the SPOA are all volunteers.
We take this time to say thank you for the time put into the
organization on behalf of the residents of Stonebridge. Can’t get
to a meeting? Do you reach out to a neighbor who perhaps did?
That might just be another way of keeping informed on current
happenings in the subdivision. Want to volunteer? Reach out to
the SPOA board to learn ways to become involved.
To our many volunteers, we say thank you! Small or large, the
many things you help with are important to our community. In
the words of Oscar Wilde, “the smallest act of kindness is worth
more than the grandest intention.”
Nextdoor Stonebridge…
Where did it come from….What is it….
How do I join?
Where Did it Come From?
Cathie Gerrets, a long time Stonebridge residents and local Realtor introduced Stonebridge to the Nextdoor Community by
signing up to launch the site. In order to get the site to go live
she convinced 10 Stonebridge friends to sign up for the site in
February of 2015. It is currently at 452 members and growing!
What is it?
Nextdoor is the private social network for our neighbors and
our community. It’s the easiest way for us to talk online and
make all of our lives better in the real world. And it’s free.
We are Using Nextdoor to:
•Quickly get the word out about a break-in
•Track down a trustworthy babysitter
•Find out who does the best paint job in town
•Ask for help keeping an eye out for a lost dog
•Find a new home for an outgrown bike
•Finally call that nice man down the street by his first name
Nextdoor’s mission is to use the power of technology to build
stronger and safer neighborhoods.
Fences are sometimes necessary. But online privacy is always
necessary. Nextdoor makes it safe to share online the kinds of
things we would be okay sharing with our neighbors in person.
Here’s How:
•Every neighbor has to verify their address.
•Every neighbor signs in with their real name. Just like in
•You choose where your information is shared
•Our website is protected by password and encrypted by
•They never share our info with advertisers.
Nextdoor Guidelines for Neighborly Behavior
Treat Everyone With Respect
•Assume good intentions in others and give them the benefit
of the doubt.
•Disagree without being disagreeable; focus on issues, not
personal attacks. Do not use profanity.
•Practice moderation and do not over post in a way that
dominates conversations.
•Send private messages or post to a Group when a limited
audience is more appropriate.
•Messages that are discriminatory or contain racial profiling
are expressly prohibited.
Share Helpful Information
•Answer fellow members’ questions.
•Share information about crime and safety issues.
•Recommend local businesses and services (without spamming or inappropriate self-promotion).
•Sell, share, or give away personal items that you no longer
want or need.
•Discuss community issues (but avoid campaigning).
•Spread the word about local events.
•Provide support to fellow members in need.
Honestly Represent Yourself
•Use your real name, not an alias, pseudonym, or abbreviation.
•Join as an individual not as a couple, family, or organization.
•Take the time to add a photo and to fill out your profile
How do I join?
Simply go to Just enter your address and
email info and it will take you to the Sign Up Page. For additional info, please contact [email protected] or at
Jane O’Brien Chatelain
West Bank Regional Library
Conveniently located near Stonebridge,
A Place Waiting to be Explored
When is the last time you
visited the public library?
Here, you’ll find a treasure
trove of literary delights.
Conveniently located on
Manhattan Boulevard,
the Jane O’Brien Chatelain West Bank Regional
Library is literally located
just blocks away from our
Stonebridge community.
West Bank Regional’s
35,000 square feet of space
is certainly a special place
housing non-fiction and
fiction books for all ages
including children and teens, magazines, microfilm, books on
tape and much more. For residents doing research, there’s a
Reference area. Stonebridge residents may also enjoy checking
out the Special Collection Rooms including genealogy materials and the Louisiana collection of books and information
written by Louisiana authors. Find out more including library
hours and special programs at
Disaster Planning and You: Info, Planning Can be Lifesaving
Disaster Planning saves lives. Your preparations for potential hazards including hurricanes can help your own family as well as your
neighbors. Whether you’ve faced hurricanes or other disasters before - or if you’re new to our community and this happens to be
your very first hurricane season in South Louisiana, chances are there’s something to be learned from our local, state and federal
agencies which provide a myriad of resources. Websites/web pages you may find valuable include:
1. The Governor’s Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management website including:
2. Entergy:
3. Federal Emergency Management Agency:
4. Family Emergency Plan emergency cards and disaster assistance information:
5. Jefferson Parish Emergency Management All Hazards Preparedness Guide and other valuable community information:
6. JP Emergency Alert system: Sign up at or
Note: If you work in another parish, also visit that parish’s website for helpful information about your community of residence.
7. American Red Cross free mobile apps and emergency preparedness info: and (hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, first aid, all-inclusive other)
8. Weather maps:
9. Louisiana State Police Emergency Preparedness Guides:
10. Jefferson Parish Sheriff ’s Office safety tips:
This list compiled by West Jefferson Medical Center Community Relations 2016. Check websites for current and/or updated information ongoing.
Stonebridge Garden Club
The Stonebridge Garden Club meets on the second
Wednesday of the month from September through May.
Each month, a member opens her home for our meeting,
and other members prepare a fabulous lunch. We share
horticulture and gardening information, community news,
safety tips, and good times.
Officers for the 2016-2017 year are: Patsy Fogarty, President; Gail Scandariato, Vice President; Therese Juneau,
Treasurer; Bonnie Parker, Recording Secretary; Julie Taylor,
Corresponding Secretary; DiAnn Ogan, Parliamentarian.
Our Program Committee ladies arranged great guest speakers on bromeliads, vertical gardening, fall flower arrangements,
orchids, and field trips– Houmas House, Sculpture Garden,
and Mardi Gras World. One of our community projects is at
the New Orleans Museum of Art -- arranging fresh flowers
for the main entrance stairway. We encourage one another to
use organic products in our garden, and share our success or
disappointments. Within Stonebridge, we recognize residents
through the Garden of the Month award, and great Christmas
decorations. The ladies donate time and funds to local food
banks, animal shelters and other Westbank programs.
The most important endeavor is our horticulture partnership
with the Stonebridge Property Owner’s Association. The
Garden Club Beautification committee ladies work with the
Association to maintain the seasonal flowers, trees and shrubs
at entrances and exits to both sides of our subdivision. The
Garden Club has planted many trees in our neighborhood. All
Garden Club members are also HOA members. We ask all
residents to support the SPOA.
Finally – did you know Stonebridge is a designated Bird Sanctuary??? We hope everyone enjoys and protects the beauty of
our wildlife – not just the birds and ducks in your yard, but
also the egrets, gray herons, pelicans, hawks and the occasional
eagle in our trees, ponds and canals.
Stonebridge Garden of the Month Awards
The Stonebridge Garden Club selects Garden of the Month honorees. Judging takes place the first week of the month, except
December. In December (on the15th), the Garden Club judges for Christmas Decorations awarding several ribbons across the
subdivision. All Stonebridge residents are eligible. It is not necessary for you to be home during judging. For Garden of the Month,
a lovely sign will adorn the winning garden yard for 30 days, letting everyone know the Garden Club thinks your yard is beautiful.
The Garden Club selects winners from both the Gretna and Harvey sides of the neighborhood. Beautiful gardens add to the character of our neighborhood. Out for a brisk walk or run? Neighbors’ gardens help make our exercising outdoors even more interesting and enjoyable. Keeping our trees and bushes manicured can also contribute to the safety of our neighborhood. Thank you,
neighbors, for showcasing your pride in Stonebridge and for participating in the Garden of the Month awards process by maintaining your landscapes. It shows.
Recent Garden of the Month Awards selected by the Stonebridge Garden Club:
June Garden of the Month - Harvey
Home of Deborah Robert at 3600 Lake Winnipeg
July Garden of the Month - Harvey
Home of Karen Lambousy at 1804 Lake Superior
June Garden of the Month - Gretna
1120 Lake Louise
July Garden of the Month - Gretna
Home of Elizabeth and James Williams at 3616 Lake Michel
Advertise in Stonebridge Security News
This newsletter is delivered quarterly to approximately 1,000 homes in Stonebridge and is a true bargain
for your marketing dollar if you’re interested in advertising. Ad rates range from $40 for a business card
size ad to $150 for a full page (ad must be camera ready and 300 DPI resolution, additional charges
will apply to ads that are not camera ready). Please contact us today to discuss your advertising needs,
email [email protected] and copy me at [email protected]. Orders must be paid in advance.
Stonebridge Property Owners Association, P.O. Box 1382, Harvey, LA 70059
P.O. Box 1382
Harvey, Louisiana
From an historically acclaimed music family, Stonebridge residents, the Humphrey’s, are especially active in
charitable work for educational, music and the creative
arts initiatives in the region. Karen recently completed
six years of service on the Children’s Museum Board and
Terrence serves on the NOCCA Institute Board of Directors and the Board of Directors of Young Audiences.
August 11
August 20
August 26
September 1
at New England Patriots
at Houston Texans
Pittsburgh Steelers
Baltimore Ravens
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
*Raycom Media; see your local TV listings
September 11
September 18
September 26
October 2
October 16
October 23
October 30
November 6
November 13
November 17
November 27
December 4
December 11
December 18
December 24
January 1
Oakland Raiders
at New York Giants
Atlanta Falcons
at San Diego Chargers
Bye Week
Carolina Panthers
at Kansas City Chiefs
Seattle Seahawks
at San Francisco 49ers
Denver Broncos
at Carolina Panthers
Los Angeles Rams
Detroit Lions
at Tampa Bay Buccaneers
at Arizona Cardinals
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
at Atlanta Falcons
12:00 pm
12:00 pm
7:30 pm
3:25 pm
12:00 pm
12:00 pm
12:00 pm
3:05 pm
12:00 pm
7:25 pm
12:00 pm
12:00 pm
12:00 pm
3:05 pm
12:00 pm
12:00 pm
Neighbor Mack Roberts observed early on a sunny
morning watering his beautiful caladiums. A passerby
commented, “The crepe myrtle trees and flowers are sure
pretty in Stonebridge this year.”
Stonebridge First Accredited USFL
Golf Facility in LA
Book Club News
One of Stonebridge’s book
clubs, the Gumbo YaYa Book
Club, recently discussed What
Was Mine by Helen Klein
Ross. The novel unravels the
heartrending yet unsentimental tale of a woman who
kidnaps a baby in a superstore—and gets away with it
for twenty-one years.
Footgolf new craze, gaining popularity across US
Lucy Wakefield is a seemingly
ordinary woman who does
something extraordinary in a
desperate moment: she takes
a baby girl from a shopping
cart and raises her as her
own. It’s a secret she manages to keep for over two decades—
from her daughter, the babysitter who helped raise her, family,
coworkers, and friends. When Lucy’s now-grown daughter Mia
discovers the devastating truth of her origins, she is overwhelmed by confusion and anger and determines not to speak
again to the mother who raised her. She reaches out to her birth
mother for a tearful reunion, and Lucy is forced to flee to China
to avoid prosecution. What follows is a ripple effect that alters
the lives of many and challenges our understanding of the very
meaning of motherhood.
Author Helen Klein Ross, whose work has appeared in The
New Yorker, weaves a powerful story of upheaval and resilience
told from the alternating perspectives of Lucy, Mia, Mia’s birth
mother, and others intimately involved in the kidnapping.
What Was Mine is a compelling tale of motherhood and loss, of
grief and hope, and the life-shattering effects of a single, irrevocable moment.
Stonebridge Golf Club of New Orleans is the first accredited
USFL golf facility in Louisiana, Stonebridge Golf Club General
Manager and Golf Pro, Jeff Dayton, says proudly. He explains
that the footgolf game is played on the golf course with a soccer
ball. A new craze in golf and gaining popularity across the
country, Dayton says millennials, tweens, and teens are especially enjoying this relatively new physical sport, a hybrid of
golf and soccer.
The cups are 22 inches in diameter and the game is played in
the same manner as the game of golf. Proper etiquette and
conduct are musts of the game. Having fun is the end result.
Stonebridge currently has a 9-hole course set up for enjoyment
of foot golfers. Footgolf is available typically on weekdays anytime and weekends after 12:00 noon. Games are played usually
in half the time as traditional golf.
To get periodic updates on Footgolf, Dayton says providing
your email will give you access to these and information on
other special events.
Footgolf rates at Stonebridge are:
* 9 holes walking - $7
* 18 holes walking - $10
* 9 or 18 holes with cart - $15
Soccer balls are available for rent ( $5 ) or for purchase ( $12).
Footgolf is available for parties, team building, and corporate
events. For more information on Footgolf at Stonebridge, call
Thank you, Harvey and Terrytown Volunteer Fire Departments!
Harvey and Terrytown fire companies service the respective sides of our subdivision.
We’re fortunate in Stonebridge to have two fire stations nearby. They are located on Wall
and Manhattan Boulevards. With fire prevention month (October) just around the corner,
now’s also a time to say thanks to the many men and women who serve our community
even putting themselves in harm’s way. Thank you, Harvey Volunteer Fire Company and
Terrytown Volunteer Fire Department! You help protect our life and property.
Have you seen the recently installed fire hydrants with blue markers? They are certainly
hard to miss. Here’s another way the Terrytown Volunteer Fire Department is helping
protect residents of Stonebridge and our area. Thank you, Terrytown Volunteer Fire Department!
Becoming a volunteer firefighter is great way to serve our community. To explore volunteering for the Terrytown Volunteer Fire Department, call (504) 349-5551 and to volunteer for the Harvey Volunteer Fire Company, call (504) 364-3766. As always, for fire,
police and EMS emergencies, dial 9-1-1.
Out and About: A Spotlight on Neighbors
Resident Denise Wayne is President of the Professional Football
Players Moms Association (PFPMA). She is the proud mother of
Reggie Wayne, 6 time Pro-Bowl, who played with the Indianapolis Colts for 14 years. In July, Denise led the mothers’ local food
drive with Second Harvest of New Orleans and Acadiana. Here
she’s shown wearing jersey number 87 greeting the Vincent and
Bourgeois families, also of Stonebridge, in the initiative to fight
hunger. Keep up the great work, Denise! Thank you also to all the
neighbors who turned out to support the food drive!
Resident Ben Bourgeois of CBD Wealth Management is very
active in his community. Ben is a longtime member of the Harvey
Canal Industrial Association, now the Westbank Business and
Industry Association (WBIA). Ben heads up the WBIA’s Workforce Development Committee as its Chairman. Ben is also Board
Chairman of Athlos Academy of Jefferson Charter School. To learn
more about either of these groups and Ben’s community work, visit and
Sherwood Parker of Parker’s Hair Styling and Barber Shop has
volunteered with the Terrytown Volunteer Fire Department for 41
years. Yes, that’s 41 years and counting of volunteer service. Four
decades later, he’s as active as ever in fire prevention and service.
He is the current Assistant Chief of Station 54 in the 3300 block
of Wall Boulevard and the department’s current Chairman of the
Board. He is also current vice president and captain for the fire
company and is a past president of the organization. Terrytown
Volunteer Department has actively participated in each of Stonebridge’s Nights Out Against Crime. Thank you, Sherwood Parker,
for helping protect our lives and property!
Artist Terrance Osborne was an honoree at the Urban League
2016 Annual Gala celebrating the “Essence of New Orleans: Art,
Music and Culture”. In 2007, his Official Jazz & Heritage Festival
Poster quickly became one of the most sought after posters of the
year. In 2008, Osborne partnered with Nike to design a poster and
the first New Orleans Air Force 1 tennis shoe. His association with
Nike lead to a relationship with the NBA Hornets and Osborne
designed the first official Hornets poster. Be it art connoisseur
or causal collector, Terrance Osborne’s art continues to be highly
sought after.
From the Desk of
Christopher J. “Chris” Leopold,
State Representative District 105
I appreciate the opportunity to be included in this newsletter
for Stonebridge. It has been a pleasure representing you for
the past five years.
Recently, I authored a bill, HB 785/ACT400, allowing your
community to best choose it’s future. The homeowner’s association and I worked very well together guiding this legislation through the process. Senate President John Alario was
also instrumental in getting this done.
Listed below are several capital outlay projects I thought
you may be interested in. Even with financial challenges, the
delegation was able to protect some projects for our area.
Picture of Governor Edwards, Representative Leopold and
Mr. Ancil Taylor for the signing of HB 785/ACT 400
• Jefferson Parish - 728 Riverside Senior Center, Planning And Construction Jefferson 220,000
• Jefferson Parish - 737 Terry Parkway Drainage between Carol Sue Drive and Industry Canal ($500,000 Local Match)
Jefferson 4,653,600
If my office can ever be of assistance, please feel free to contact us. I look forward to continuing to serve as your voice in Baton
From the Desk of 1st District Councilman
Ricky Templet
Congratulations to the Stonebridge Civic Association and its residents for
being one of the safest neighborhoods in Jefferson Parish. The Civic Association is a proactive organization which took the initiative to purchase
crime cameras to keep the neighborhood safe. Because of your vigilance
and strength you continue to hold this title.
Below is a list of a few projects that will be impacting the Stonebridge area.
I would like to give you an update on the status of these projects.
1.The Trapp Canal Improvement Project, a 14.7 million dollar project,
jointly funded by Jefferson Parish and the Army Corps of Engineers,
will decrease the risk of flooding to streets, homes, businesses, and
infrastructures during a rainfall event. This project is projected to be
completed in early 2017.
2.The Harvey Boulevard Extension project, a project that will connect
Harvey Boulevard to Peters Road - from Manhattan to Peters Road
is still in the State of Louisiana’s permitting Department. After the
state approves the project we will begin acquiring right of ways. This
project is still two years away from construction.
3.I am happy to report that the lights on Belle Chasse Highway will be activated within the next 4 weeks. This project aesthetically improves our community and more importantly brightly illuminates a major highway - promoting safer driving.
4.The $500,000 allocated to Manhattan Boulevard Street improvements - located from Lapalco to Harvey Boulevard - are 75%
completed. More improvements for this area are scheduled to begin in 2017.
Please continue to be safe and vigilant - pay attention to the activity in your neighborhood. Keep doors to your homes, cars, garages, and sheds locked at all times. If you notice any suspicious activity call 911.
As always, it is an honor to serve the residents of Stonebridge on the Jefferson Parish Council. If your district office can be of any
assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact us at 364-2607.
Ricky J. Templet
Councilman, District 1
SPOA President Suzanne Farrar, on behalf of the SPOA Board of Directors,
gives a shout out to the Stonebridge Summer Fest Committee who worked
very hard to make the first summer fest in the neighborhood a great success.
Committee members at press time included the chairperson Stanley Hamidjaja
and members Celeste Norris, Phil Colombo, Phyllis Alexander, Marjie Wiles,
Gilda Joseph, Neels Schutte, John Maggiore, Donna Taylor, Otis Wafer,
Jennifer Steel-Bourgeois, Stephanie Osborne, Claudia Rivera, Toni Baldini,
Mary Van Wormer, Patsy Fogarty, Dick Domico, John Tauriac and Inge Hamidjaja.
Photo: Volunteers and Stonebridge residents Stanley and Inge Hamidjaja poised to sell
Summer Fest tickets. ank the members of the Committee for giving up your Saturday
for your neighbors!
From the Desk of Chris Roberts, Councilman at Large:
Coastal Restoration Flood Project
Several recent coastal restoration projects provide an added level of flood protection for the west
bank of Jefferson Parish. The Mississippi Long Distance Sediment Pipeline, south of Lafitte,
pumped sediment 12 miles, from the river through Plaquemines Parish and into Jefferson Parish,
building a 44 acre platform from the river to the Barataria Bay Waterway, providing a pipeline access corridor that can be used for future marsh creation using river sediment. The project created
415 acres (the equivalent of 548 football fields) of marsh in what was once open water, and re-established a contiguous reach of vegetated wetlands along the eastern side of the Barataria Landbridge, providing another speed bump that takes pressure off our levees. The project provides an
additional layer of defense for the levee system that now surrounds populated areas of the west
bank to the north of Lafitte. The project was funded by the Coastal Impact Assistance Program
(CIAP), a program that provided a share of oil and gas revenue to the state and parishes. The bulk
of the $66.1 M project was paid by the state with its CIAP allocation and state surplus funds, with
Jefferson, Plaquemines and Lafourche parishes each contributing about $1 million of their CIAP
allocations. Jefferson Parish continues to aggressively pursue RESTORE Act and other potential
funding to continue the Mississippi River Long Distance Sediment Pipeline westward into Lafourche Parish. In an effort to have
the project shovel ready when funding becomes available, Jefferson Parish has taken the initiative to fund the design, engineering
and permitting of the project, which is nearly completed.
The access corridor has already been used to construct the Bayou Dupont Marsh and Ridge Creation, a Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection & Restoration Act (CWPPRA) project that used river sediment to create marsh and help re-establish the bank of
Bayou Dupont as well as the Barataria Landbridge. It is the first CWPPRA project to include a few feet of extra height - enough
to rebuild a ridge. The extra height begins to reassemble a natural ridge that once ran north of Barataria Bay, separating salt water
marsh from fresh water areas. NOAA Fisheries plans to build a forested area on the new ridge. The $38.3 M project was funded
with federal and state dollars.
Starting in mid-July 2016, the corridor will be used to create another CWPPRA Project, the Bayou Dupont Sediment Delivery
Marsh Creation No. 3 & Terracing, which will create 133 acres of marsh in Jefferson Parish and 26,379 linear feet of terraces in
Plaquemines Parish at a cost of $18.7 M in federal and state funds.
These marsh creation projects are the latest in a string of projects employing a dredge on the Mississippi near the Alliance Refinery
south of Belle Chasse. The following CWPPRA projects, funded with federal and state monies,
have already been constructed in
this area:
• Bayou Dupont Sediment
Delivery System ($26.8 M)
• South Shore of the Pen
Shoreline Protection and
Marsh Creation ($17.5 M)
All of the above projects, coupled
with work being done on the
barrier islands, are restoring and
conserving critical wetlands, cutting down the number of avenues
water has to reach the west bank
of Jefferson Parish, which aids in
protecting the area from storm
News From the Security Director
by Gary Shuford
I am happy to report that all has been quiet with security matters
in our subdivision. For the past six months (January through June,
2016) our calls for service to the Jefferson Parish Sheriff ’s Office
has been very low. Stonebridge remains the safest neighborhood in
Jefferson Parish. Below are our crime stats for the last six months:
Residential Burglar Alarms Vehicle Burglaries
Request for Medical Services Residential Fire Alarms
Theft (exterior of vehicle)
Criminal Damage to Property Trespassing
Traffic Stops
So far this year the biggest complaint I have received from residents
pertains to vehicles speeding and driving recklessly through the
subdivision. A few months back we brought in a few JPSO Traffic
Deputies to address the situation. Many violators were ticketed for
traffic infractions during that period. I have also asked that our
regular detail deputies proactively enforce traffic violations during
their patrol of our subdivision.
The number of vehicles being burglarized has dramatically decreased this year. For those that were burglarized, the residents had
left his/her vehicle unlocked. I urge all residents to please report any
suspicious persons and vehicles to the Sheriff ’s Office immediately.
Stonebridge currently employs eight (8) Jefferson Parish Sheriff ’s
Office deputies for our private patrol detail and six (6) Weiser
Security Officers to maintain our security gates. The deputies patrol
approximately 40 to 45 hours a week in marked police vehicles. We
try to hire traffic deputies from time to time to handle traffic complaints in the neighborhood. However, it is hard for us to compete
with higher paying details and federal overtime grants that the
deputies receive.
Our Weiser Security Officers maintain both guard stations seven
days a week with a varying schedule throughout the week. The security officers are all hard working and have a difficult job to perform.
Their duties would be easier if you inform your guests to please
check in with the guards as they enter the subdivision. The officers
are also now issuing the new red Stonebridge vehicle sticker. These
stickers no longer have “Stonebridge” written on them. It is merely
the Stonebridge bridge logo in a bright red color (easier for the security officers to see when entering the subdivision). You may stop
by your security station and have the new sticker placed on your
vehicle. Only one sticker can be issued at a time and you must show
proof that the vehicle is registered to a resident in our subdivision.
The Harvey Exit Gate went through an extensive overhaul last year.
Since replacing the gate mechanism the system has been operating
nearly flawlessly. Occasionally the system will get stuck in the open
position due to an error code warning. Our gate repair service
quickly responds to my calls and will service the gate whenever
We will soon have more news on our National Night Out Against
Crime event and Halloween. Until then please take time to stop and
thank our security officers and JPSO Deputies for the service they
provide to our subdivision. They are one of the reasons that Stonebridge will stay the safest neighborhood in Jefferson Parish.
Keep Vehicles Locked to Prevent Theft
Are your vehicles locked in your driveway? Car thefts are some
of the most common crimes in America, many sources say.
Awareness matters. Law enforcement officials will be the first
to mention the importance of locking our vehicles. Our auto
clubs and auto insurance companies will also offer information
to prevent theft as well as other car safety tips. Here are a few of
the tips:
Keep our vehicles locked and secure at all times
Never leave a motor vehicle running
Don’t keep valuables in our cars or trucks
Be mindful of the many other ways we prevent crimes of opportunity in our driveways and during our travels. Check out
your own auto club’s or insurance firm’s websites for other car
theft prevention as well as safety tips. This is just another way of
keeping our neighborhood and our property secure. Thank you
neighbor Sean Lusk for reminding us to keep our vehicle doors
JPSO on Crime Prevention and Safety
Stonebridge is known as one of the safest neighborhoods in the
Greater New Orleans Region. The neighborhood association
thanks the Jefferson Parish Sheriff ’s Office and its deputies for
their role in helping to keep our neighborhood and community
Families can learn more about safety and prevention of crime
to help their loved ones and neighbors. On its website, JPSO
offers citizens a wide variety of helpful crime prevention and
safety information including:
Personal tips for malls and shopping - https://www.jpso.
Protection of property -
Drug abuse information and protection - https://www.jpso.
And several other safety topics and tips - https://www.jpso.
The JPSO has several programs in place to promote self-awareness and safety. Their Community Relations Divisions welcomes calls at 504 376-2401 for more information on crime
prevention and safety.
Perhaps you have a need, a compliment or a concern for an outside agency. Here’s a list of numbers to assist you:
SPOA Board of Directors and Committees
Board Officers
President, Suzanne Farrar504-494-1045
Vice-President, Gary Shuford
Treasurer, Open
Secretary, Claudia Rivera504-376-4515
Dawn Peterson
Rachel Fleetwood504-782-3961
Norwood Norris
Committees and Committee Members
Architectural Control
Ancil Taylor504-259-1801
Norwood Norris504-982-4776
Jim Juneau504-365-1997
Beautification Committee
Patsy Fogarty504-392-3399
Guardhouse Maintenance
John Maggiore504-367-6164
David Colvin (consultant only)
Andre Guichard504-366-6180
Jennifer Steel-Bourgeois (editor) 504-232-4641
Restrictive Covenants
Jim Juneau504-365-1997
Security Committee & Camera Systems
Gary Shuford 504-812-5987
Sean Lusk
Special Events
Rachel Fleetwood504-782-3961
SPOA Bookkeeper/Membership
Patsy Fogarty504-392-3399
Police, Fire, Ambulance/EMS
Atmos Entergy (Gas)800-547-4321
Animal Shelter Jefferson Parish 504-349-5111
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Code Enforcement/Inspection Jefferson Parish
Drainage Department Jefferson Parish 504-437-4939
Entergy Customer Service 800-368-3749
Electricity Power Outages 800-968-8243
Mosquito Control Jefferson Parish 504-366-0084
Water Department Jefferson Parish 504-349-5086
Progressive Waste Solutions
Elected Officials
Parish President, Michael Yenni 1st District Councilman, Ricky Templet
Councilman at Large, Chris Roberts
Clerk of Court, Jon Gegenheimer District Attorney, Paul Connick Jefferson Parish Sheriff, Newell Normand
State Representative, Chris Leopold
State Senator, John Alario US Congressman, Cedric Richmond
US Senator, David Vitter
US Senator, Dr. Bill Cassidy 504-364-2700
Garbage Collection Holidays
Guess who this
Stonebridge neighbor
is in the decades old
photo shown here. Guess right and be entered
into a drawing for complimentary lunch for two
at Cafe Hope. Email your entry to grannyjen@ .
Residents of unincorporated Jefferson Parish (Unincorporated Jefferson Parish includes Stonebridge) and the Town of
Jean Lafitte should be aware that if one of their bi-weekly
garbage collection days falls on one of the holidays listed
below. Garbage will not be collected on the holiday, but will
instead be picked up on the next scheduled garbage collection day for that neighborhood. Garbage should not be
placed curbside prior to 4:00 p.m. on the day preceding the
next regularly scheduled garbage collection.
•New Year’s Day, January 1st each year
•Martin Luther King Day - 3rd Monday of January
•Mardi Gras Day (Tuesday)
•Independence Day, July 4th each year
•Labor Day - the first Monday of September each year
•Thanksgiving Day - 4th Thursday of November
•Christmas Day, December 25th each year
P.O. Box 1382
Harvey, Louisiana
Stonebridge Subdivision is a restricted access community of over 900 homes,
within 20 minutes of downtown New Orleans.