July 2015 Reel Talk Magazine - Surf Casting and Angling Club of
July 2015 Reel Talk Magazine - Surf Casting and Angling Club of
July 2015 REEL TALK REGISTERED BY AUSTRALIA POST Print Post Registration 6001 10 00030 SURFACE MAIL POSTAGE PAID AUSTRALIA If not delivered, please return to Surf Casting and Angling Club of WA (Inc.) P.O. Box 2834, Malaga WA 6944 Acknowledgement of donors The club gratefully acknowledges the support from companies, organisations, club members and families for the donations towards our Presentation night and prizes for winners of our fishing and dry casting competitions. Donors of money for 2014/15 Eric Parker, Terry Fuller, Mal Head, Wilf Core, Peter Osborne, Ian Pereira, Beverley Grigo, Strata Asset Services (WA) Pty Ltd Donors of prizes and giveaways for 2014/15 Eric Parker (Barron Lures), Laurel and Terry Fuller, Trevor Stam, Kaye and George Holman, Aine and Pat McKeown, Gary Parkinson, Terry McLean, Sharon and Peter Osborne, Shane Wignell, Bill Ransted. Ozflex Australia, Central Seafoods, Australian Monofil (Platypus lines), Alvey Australia, Bladon WA (Martin Wearmouth), City of Stirling, Department of Fisheries Western Australia, Halco Tackle, J M Gillies Agencies, Recfishwest, Natasha Kedgley (Nutrimetrics), Steggles Chicken, Western Angler Magazine. Thank you all. Logos or details of Company sponsors for 2014/15 are shown on the back cover of Reel Talk. ======================================================= Presentation night 2016 (next year) The venue and date for the 2016 Presentation night will be advertised here when these are known. Please consider making donations towards our Presentation night and prizes for winners of our fishing and dry casting competitions during 2015/16. Social Organiser 2015/16, to be elected. ======================================================= Surf Casting and Angling Club of WA (Inc.) PO Box 2834, Malaga WA 6944 ABN 29 925 237 020 Telephone 0459 183 375 Email [email protected] Club Web page http://www.surfcasters.iinet.net.au Club Committee for 2014/15 Vice President / Reel Talk Editor / Recorder / Minutes Secretary / Website Editor / Property Officer Use Club email [email protected] (Bookings) Terry Fuller All club mail to be posted to PO Box 2834 Secretary Malaga WA 6944 Eric Parker All club mail to be posted to Notes 1 and 3 PO Box 2834 Notes 1 and 3 Malaga WA 6944 Treasurer / Public Officer Club phone 0459 183 375 Victor Schilo All club mail to Club email [email protected] be posted to PO Box 2834 Note 2 Malaga WA 6944 President & IPP Note 4 George Holman Field Day Officer Peter Osborne Notes 1 and 3 Dry Casting Officer Ron Thomas Dry Casting Officer assisting Gary Gildersleeves Assistant Dry Casting Officer Reuben Ball Social Organiser / Membership Coordinator Pat McKeown Committee Person Jason Zerella Committee Person Ray Walker Assistant Field Day Officer Ken Howells Committee Person Shane Wignell AAAWA Delegates Note 3 George Holman Ken Howells Proxy Victor Schilo Property Officer (Maintenance) Greg Keet Note 1 Note 1. All club correspondence posted by mail should be addressed to the Club’s Post Office Box, not to the private home address of the club member. Note 2. All emails addressed to the Club via the Secretary should use the Club’s email address [email protected] not the Secretary’s private email address. Note 3. The Public Officer, Minutes Secretary, Website Editor, AAAWA Delegates and Membership Coordinator are Committee functions and jobs, not extra Committee positions. Note 4. The Immediate Past President (IPP) is a consequential fact. It is not a Committee position elected by the members or filled by Committee resolution, as are all other Committee positions and functions. Life Members of the Club Jim Strong, George Holman, Ric Parker, Ian Cook, Bob Henderson, Terry Fuller. Deceased life members: Vic Davis, Doug Edward, Lloyd Dunn, Dudley Brown, Noel Knight, Les Shand, Ron Kildahl, Bob Klein. Reel Talk July 2015 Page 1 July 2015 Reel Talk contents Topic ..................................... Page number Topic ...................................... Page number Acknowledgement of donors .... inside front cover Presentation night 2016 ............. inside front cover Field Day sections 2015/16 ............................. 22 Please wear your name tag and Club clothing at Club events ............................................. 23 Club shirts, jackets, hats, badges and stickers . 23 Casting practice and tuition on Thursdays ........ 23 Direct deposit payments into SCAC bank account. ...................................................... 23 Membership fees are due 1 July 2015 ............. 24 Support from Alvey ......................................... 24 Support from Platypus ..................................... 25 Central Seafoods - new bait sponsor ............... 25 Social Organiser's report ................................. 26 Article on Yellowtail Kingfish............................ 26 Names on articles in Reel Talk ........................ 27 AAAWA Delegate Meeting 16 June 2015 ......... 27 Reports from Ray Walker ................................ 27 President's report for June .............................. 28 Drycasting results 2014/15 .............................. 29 Drycasting results 2014/15 (continued) ............ 30 Bullseyes scored during 2014/15 ..................... 31 Caster of the Year points 2014/15 ................... 31 Scores removed to get best 11 out of 12 months’ dry casting scores ........................... 31 Fishing Field day point scores/ranking 2014/15 32 Sportsperson of the Year points 2014/15 ......... 32 Sportsperson of the Year percentages 2014/15 33 Winner of free membership for 2015/16 ........... 33 Most improved caster 2014/15 ......................... 34 Junior Club Champion award ........................... 35 Ladies Club Champion award .......................... 35 Mandurah traffic bridge's fishing platform ......... 35 2014/15 SCAC Presentation night 2015 ........... 36 2014/15 Open Competition .............................. 36 2014/15 Barron Lures Competition .................. 36 2014/15 Field Day Competition ........................ 36 2014/15 Dry Casting Competition. ................... 38 2014/15 Club Awards ...................................... 41 Club Badges and Records ............................... 42 Raffle prizes at Presentation night ................... 43 Photographs from 2015 Presentation night ...... 44 Club Committee for 2014/15 .............................. 1 Life Members of the Club ................................... 1 July 2015 Reel Talk contents ............................. 2 Minutes of General Meeting 10 June 2015 ......... 3 Future General meeting instruction periods. ....... 5 Action points from June Committee meeting ....... 5 Membership fees are due on 1 July .................... 5 Coming Club events - summary ......................... 5 July Dry casting ................................................. 6 July General meeting ......................................... 6 July Field Day ................................................... 6 Local Field Day for July ..................................... 7 Fishing together on field days ............................ 8 July Committee meeting .................................... 8 August Field day, Rottnest ................................. 8 Local Field day for August ................................. 9 Calendar for next three months ........................ 10 Deadline for Reel Talk articles and reports ....... 10 Notice of Annual General Meeting and election of Committee ................................... 10 Bookings for Kalbarri house ............................. 11 New member applications ................................ 11 New member acceptances ............................... 11 Recorder's report, June 2015 ........................... 11 Species Badge competition .............................. 11 Masters Badge competition update .................. 12 Grand Masters Badge competition update ........ 12 Open fishing competition 2015/16 .................... 12 Barron Lure competition 2015/16 ..................... 13 Wanted sausage sizzle organiser ..................... 13 Happy birthday to ............................................ 13 My 126th Reel Talk .......................................... 13 Wanted articles and photos .............................. 13 Membership fees are due on 1 July .................. 13 Dry casting report 7 June 2015 ........................ 14 Dry Casting winners for 7 June 2015 ................ 14 Dry Casting results 7 June 2015 ...................... 15 Dry Casting top scores for 2015/16 .................. 15 Membership fees are due on 1 July .................. 15 June 2015 fishing field day .............................. 16 Membership fees are due on 1 July .................. 20 Catches on June 2015 Field Day...................... 21 Catch results and points June 2015 Field Day .. 22 Field Day top scores for 2015/16 ..................... 22 Membership renewal form .. (Insert blue paper) Committee nomination form ........................ Insert Kalbarri house for rent .............. inside back cover Club sponsors ....................... outside back cover Notice of Annual General Meeting and election of Committee Please see the article on page 10 Membership fees are due on 1 July Please see the article on page 24 Reel Talk July 2015 Page 2 Minutes of General Meeting 10 June 2015 Venue Coolbinia West Perth Amateur Football and Sporting Club room. Commenced 7:28pm. President George Holman presiding. Present Tino Baiardo, George Belin, Terry Fuller, Gary Gildersleeves, Mark Hansen, George Holman, Ken Howells, Allan Jones, David Maxted, Pat McKeown, Mark Nurse, Peter Osborne, Eric Parker, Gary Parkinson, Michael Pisano, Victor Schilo, Klaus Schönwolf, Dean Stewart, Ian Taggart, Martin Wearmouth, Peet Wessels, Sandra Wessels, Shane Wignell, Lee Yongli, total 24 members. Apologies Eddie Korin, Debbie Korin, Ray Walker, Michael Inglis, Mal Head, Peter Pekaar, Peter Butland, Ron Thomas, John Crompton, Geoff Raftis, Slavka Schilo, Reuben Ball, Wilf Core. Visitors Scott Williamson. New member membership pack. Lee Yongli was welcomed into the Club and presented with his Minutes of previous meeting Moved David Maxted seconded Peet Wessels the minutes of the previous meeting as published in Reel Talk are a true record, carried. Previous Committee meeting meeting were reviewed. Correspondence in Action points from the minutes of the previous Committee AAAWA Recfishwest Minutes of May 2015 Delegates' meeting Update on funding for Recreational Fishing Initiatives Fund Response to Club letter about sending unsolicited emails to Club members June Clubs Forever newsletter Apology for June meeting Moving to Darwin, so resigning, will not be renewing membership, thanks for help and advice Will not be renewing membership John Crompton City of Stirling Mal Head Scott Meikle Josh Gorringe Correspondence out Business arising from correspondence None. Moved Shane Wignell seconded Peter Osborne that correspondence be accepted, carried. Secretary’s report Nothing to report Treasurer’s report. Victor Schilo reported. New accounts for approval and payment at 10 June 2015 General meeting To For Amount W Hughes Kalbarri Bond Refund ................................................. $100.00 C Faure Kalbarri Bond Refund ................................................. $100.00 Cowden Insurance House & Liability Insurance ...................................... $2,734.34 Synergy Kalbarri Power ............................................................ $107.60 Water Corporation Kalbarri Water ............................................................ $177.26 Terry Fuller Printing of June Reel Talk ........................................... $156.60 Terry Fuller Stamps for July Reel Talk ............................................. $84.00 Terry Fuller Presentation Night Certificate Paper ............................. $17.30 George Holman Presentation Night Trophies/Prizes ............................. $700.00 George Holman Fuel to Collect Prizes .................................................... $29.00 Ivey Home Maint Kalbarri Mowing & Spray............................................... $80.00 Pat McKeown Meeting Refreshments .................................................. $22.50 Total accounts for approval at 10 June 2015 GM ...................................... $4,308.60 Bank account summary Bank balance at 31 May 2015 ....... $12,020.82 Less unpresented Cheques ............. $3,436.39 Available balance ............................ $8,584.43 Plus Cash/cheques held for banking .. .$120.00 Total available at 1 June 2015 ....... $8,464.43 Reel Talk July 2015 TF $257.90 GH $729.00 Income / money received since 13 May 2015 General meeting Presentation Night ..................................... $1,640.00 Field Days .................................................... $166.00 Total income received ............................. $1,806.00 Page 3 The Annual Financial Report for the year ending 30 June 2015 will be ready for distribution to all members by 20 July 2015. To reduce printing costs, it is my intention to email the report to members who are on email and post to those who are not. This will ensure that all members are fully informed and prepared for the 12th August Annual General Meeting. George Holman thanked Sandra Wessels for offering to do the audits. Moved Victor Schilo, seconded Peet Wessels the Treasurer’s report be accepted and accounts be passed for payment, carried. Property Officer Nothing to report. Field Days Peter Osborne gave some certificates for fish caught on recent field days. Arrangements for coming field days were discussed, as listed in Reel Talk. Peter asked for members who wish to go to Rottnest to give him a deposit by no later than the July General meeting. AP GM6/15 #1 Ken Howells moved, Michael Pisano seconded that the boundaries for the July local fishing be from Preston Beach to Jurien, carried Dry Casting Gary Gildersleeves gave a report on the June casting day. Details in Reel Talk. A Single Handed Open will be held in July after the main events. AAAWA Victor Schilo said the report on the last AAAWA meeting was published in the Reel Talk. Social Organiser Pat McKeown said arrangements for the next main event, the Presentation night on 20 June were being finalised. A new sponsor, Central Seafoods, has made a generous donation of 5 x 14kg cartons of mulies. Recorder reported in Reel Talk. Terry Fuller said he has had some new entries and these will be Reel Talk The July Reel Talk will have lots of details of results from the 2014/15 competitions, and details of sponsors and prize winners. Club website Website is up to date with content. Other reports George Holman gave some details about changes to pastoral leases and camping in the Gascoyne region. General business Cottesloe. Martin Wearmouth reported on catching some salmon at North George Holman reported that there is some concern that the jetty at Port Gregory may be at risk of demolition due to the maintenance needed, and the reduced use by commercial fishermen. Notices of motion None Raffle First prize, a tackle bag, won by Mark Nurse. Second prize, a folding knife, won by Peter Osborne. Third prize, a spool of leader line, won by Terry Fuller. Fourth prize, a pair of mugs, won by David Maxted. Prizes donated by the Club. Meeting closed Formal meeting closed at 8:12 pm. Instruction period Peter Osborne and Shane Wignell gave a talk on fishing at Rottnest. Action points from June 2015 General meeting. Number AP GM6/15 #1 Action Pay deposit to Peter Osborne by no later than the July General meeting By Members wanting to go to Rottnest in August Status By Terry Fuller Status Action points from January 2015 General meeting. Number AP GM1/15 #4 Action Prepare an article about proposal for cricket pitches at Yokine Reserve Reel Talk July 2015 Page 4 Future General meeting instruction periods. July August Possibilities for other months Discussion on boundaries and arrangements for local Field days. Annual General Meeting and election of Committee Choice and use of fire extinguishers. Peter Butland. Cooking fish, including smoking fish. Invitation to experienced and successful fisherman to show their rigs. Baits to use, what, where and why. Solunar charts. Sharpening and care of knives. Minutes Secretary, Terry Fuller Action points from June Committee meeting A summary of points from the previous Committee meeting is given at each General Meeting. For members’ information, the set of action points and status from the last Committee meeting as recorded in the draft minutes is usually included in the Reel Talk. Action points from June 2015 Committee meeting. AP No. CM 6/15 #1 CM 6/15 #2 CM 6/15 #3 CM 6/15 #4 CM 6/15 #5 CM 6/15 #6 CM 6/15 #7 CM 6/15 #8 CM 6/15 #9 CM 6/15 #10 CM 6/15 #11 Action Attend City of Stirling forum on 22 July, collect papers for hire of Yokine Reserve for drycasting summer season Arrange cleaning of donated lounges, transport to Kalbarri and disposal of old lounges Contact a plumber to fix leaks at Kalbarri Helpers needed 10 am Saturday at Woodvale Tavern to set up for the Presentation night Remove references to free membership offer from the website and future Reel Talks Advise Trevor Stam of his Honorary membership under Section 3(b) of the Constitution Obtain approval from members for purchase of PC equipment, services and software for Secretary if required Instruction period July General meeting to be a discussion on boundaries and arrangements for local Field days Include membership renewal form in July Reel Talk and on website Ensure membership renewal forms have contact and other information and signed agreement to abide by the Constitution and Rules of the Club Consider Victor Schilo's paper handed out at June Committee meeting By Eric Parker Status Greg Keet Greg Keet Any member or helper Terry Fuller In hand Secretary General meeting after Committee elections President and Committee Terry Fuller Treasurer All Committee members Minutes Secretary, Terry Fuller Notice of Annual General Meeting and election of Committee Please see the article on page 10 Membership fees are due on 1 July Please see the article on page 24 Coming Club events - summary July July July July Dry casting, Sunday 5 July General meeting. Wednesday 8 July, 7:30pm. Note earlier start time. Field day, Saturday/Sunday 11/12 July. Committee meeting, Wednesday 15 July, 7:30pm. Reel Talk July 2015 Page 5 July Dry casting When Sunday 5 July 2015. Competition casting starts at 8:30am. Plus Open single handed after the main events. All casters please come early, no later than 7:30 am Members need to pay their fees and sign themselves on, and help to set up the casting courts, targets and warning flags, do the marking and scoring, and clear down, pack and put away all the dry casting equipment used on the day. If you really can't get there early or really must leave early, please make sure you explain why to other people, and help more while you are there so that you do your share. Fees $10 per person, $12 per family, to help cover booking charges for the oval and public liability insurance. Please bring the correct change. Paying fees You need to make sure your fees are paid before 8:15am. There will be a locked container, some plastic money bags, pieces of paper, and pens on a table near the back of the Terry Fuller's white Pajero 4WD. Signing on You need to sign yourself on. Before 8:15am, put your name on the list of casters, on the table near the back of Terry Fuller's white Pajero 4WD. The list will close at 8:15am so that the list of names in casting order can be prepared in time for the 8:30am start of competition. Name tags All casters, please wear your name tag. Where Yokine Reserve East, Wordsworth Avenue, using the area to the south of the amenities building. Events Double handed accuracy, Single handed accuracy, 56 gram distance, Artificial bait distance, 112 gram distance. Plus Open single handed after the main events. Casting order Month 5 July 2 August 13 September Seniors, Ladies and Juniors Accuracy first, then distance Distance first, then accuracy Accuracy first, then distance Veterans Distance first, then accuracy Accuracy first, then distance Distance first, then accuracy Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller July General meeting When Wednesday 8 July 2015, 7:30pm. Note earlier start time. Where Coolbinia West Perth Amateur Football and Sporting Club room. Sign In Please remember to have your name ticked on the attendance sheet. See helpers at the front table. Raffle tickets Name tags From helpers at the front table. All members, please wear your name tag. Instruction period Discussion on boundaries and arrangements for local Field days. Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller July Field Day When Saturday/Sunday 11/12 July 2015. Where Cape to Cape Boundaries Busselton Jetty to mouth of Blackwood River at Augusta. New members are encouraged to fish with experienced members for guidance and help. Reel Talk July 2015 Page 6 Fish together Check at the General Meeting before each field day for arrangements and discussions about when and where members can meet to fish together locally in the metropolitan area or at the main away venue. Sign on Saturday 12 noon at Busselton Jetty car park. May be shifted to a car park west along the foreshore. To be confirmed at July General meeting. Late sign on Phone the Field Day Organiser. The club will assume you will not be fishing if you haven't signed on at the sign on place or phoned. Sign off If you have signed on then you must sign off in person at the weigh-in place at the nominated time or by phone no later than ½ hour before the weigh -in time if you have no fish, have an emergency outside of the Field Day, or have personal reasons and will not attend the weigh-in. Lines in Saturday 1pm. Lines out Sunday 10am. Fees $10 per person, $12 per family. If you sign on you must pay the Field day fees. Please bring the correct money because the Field Day organiser cannot give change for lots of $50 notes. Times Lines in 1pm Saturday to Lines out 10am Sunday. Fish caught within those times are eligible for the Club Field Day competition and weigh-in. Fish caught before or after those times are eligible for the Open fishing competition. Weigh in Sunday 11am at Busselton Jetty car park. May be shifted to a car park west along the foreshore or elsewhere by agreement with the members who have signed on. Tide heights and times shown are tides in metres at Busselton, and Augusta below. Sun and moon times are for Busselton. Tides, sun and moon 1.14m at 6:30am Saturday 11 July 0.65m at 4:55pm Moon above About 8am 1.18m at 7:20am Sunday 12 July 0.61m at 5:30pm Moon above About 8:55am Sunrises About 7:15am at 65 deg Moonrise Moonset 2:20am at 75 deg 1:35pm at 287 deg Moon below About 8:30pm Moonrise Moonset Moon below Sunsets 3:25am at 71 deg 2:25pm at 290 deg About 9:25pm About 5:30pm at 296 deg Tides at Augusta Saturday 11 July 1.23m at 7:55am 0.57m at 5:10pm Sunday 12 July 1.27m at 8:15am 0.52m at 5:40pm Prepared by Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller Local Field Day for July When Saturday/Sunday 11/12 July 2015. Where Extended Local. Sign on At General meeting or phone Field Day Officer before 8pm on Thursday. Late sign on Phone the Field Day Organiser. The club will assume you will not be fishing if you haven't signed on at the General meeting or phoned. FDO Local FDO to be advised at the July General meeting. Sign off Lines in If you have signed on then you must sign off in person at the weigh in place at the nominated time or by phone no later than ½ hour before the weigh in time. Saturday 1pm. Lines out Sunday 10am. Reel Talk July 2015 Page 7 Fees $10 per person, $12 per family. If you sign on you must pay the Field day fees. Please bring the correct money because there may not be change. Times Lines in 1pm Saturday to Lines out 10am Sunday. Fish caught within those times are eligible for the Club Field Day competition and weigh-in. Fish caught before or after those times are eligible for the Open fishing competition. Weigh in Sunday 11am, location to be set at July General meeting, or the Local Field Day officer may set an alternative or additional location or time by arr angement with the members who have signed on. Scales will also be available on George Holman's back patio. An adult member must witness weights. Field Day money to be left with the scales in an envelope with your name and details written in the carbon copy Field Day book. No money = no points. Results to be phoned to FDO by 8pm the next night. Preston Beach to Jurien, including the Swan and Canning Rivers, the North and South Mole. Boundaries Fish together Check at the General Meeting before each field day for arrangements and discussions about when and where members can meet to fish together locally in the metropolitan area or at the main away venue. Tides, sun and moon Tide heights and times shown are tides in metres at Fremantle 1.11m at 6:35am Saturday 11 July 0.69m at 4:05pm Moon above About 8am 1.16m at 7am Sunday 12 July 0.65m at 4:45pm Moon above About 8:55am Sunrises About 7:15am at 65 deg Moonrise Moonset 2:20am at 75 deg 1:35pm at 287 deg Moon below About 8:30pm Moonrise Moonset 3:25am at 71 deg 2:25pm at 290 deg Moon below About 9:25pm Sunsets About 5:30pm at 296 deg Prepared by Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller Fishing together on field days The Club encourages members to fish together on Field days, and will help arrange this. However it helps everyone if members who want a lift, want help or want to fish with someone, ask and arrange to go with other members. It's best done early, but can also be done either before or during the sign on or at the previous General meeting or any Club event. Check at the General meeting for arrangements and discussions about when and where members can meet to fish together locally in the metropolitan area. Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller July Committee meeting When Wednesday 15 July 2015, 7:30pm. Where Visitors Coolbinia West Perth Amateur Football and Sporting Club room. Club members who wish to see what’s involved in Committee work may attend Committee meetings by invitation as visitors and observers and at the discretion of the President. Please contact the President or the Secretary well before the meeting to arrange your invitation. Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller August Field day, Rottnest When Saturday/Sunday 15/16 August 2015. Where Boundaries Rottnest. All non-restricted fishing areas around Rottnest Island. New members are encouraged to fish with experienced members for guidance and help. Reel Talk July 2015 Page 8 Sign on Saturday 10am at Caroline Thomson Cabins. Late sign on Phone the Field Day Organiser. The club will assume you will not be fishing if you haven't signed on at the sign on place or phoned. Sign off If you have signed on then you must sign off in person at the weigh-in place at the nominated time or by phone no later than ½ hour before the weigh -in time, if you have no fish, have an emergency outside of the Field Day, or have personal reasons and will not attend the weigh-in. Fees Lines in $10 per person, $12 per family. If you sign on you must pay the Field day fees. Please bring the correct money because the Field Day organiser cannot give change for a lot of $50 notes. Saturday 12 noon Lines out Sunday 7pm Times Lines in 12 noon Saturday to Lines out 7pm Sunday. Fish caught within those times are eligible for the Club Field Day competition and weigh-in. Fish caught before or after those times are eligible for the Open Competition. Sunday 9pm at Caroline Thomson Cabins. Weigh-in Tides, sun and moon Tide heights and times shown are tides in metres at Fremantle. Saturday 1.04m at 15 Aug 9:30am 0.64m at 5:20pm Moonrise Moonset 0.79m at 11:45pm Moon below About 12:15am Sunday 16 Aug 0.72m at 3am 1.01m at 9:50am 0.66m at 5:15pm 7am at 78 deg 6:30pm at 280 deg Moon above About 12:45pm 0.81m at Moonrise midnight Moonset Moon below About 1am Moon above Sunrises Sunsets About 6:55am at 74 deg 7:35am at 82 deg 7:25pm at 276 deg About 1:30pm About 5:50 pm at 286 deg Prepared by Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller Local Field day for August Details below to be confirmed at July General meeting or contact Field Day Officer. When Saturday/Sunday 15/16 August 2015. Where Extended Local. Sign on At the General Meeting or to FDO before Thursday evening. Late sign on Phone the Field Day Organiser. The club will assume you will not be fishing if you haven't signed on at the General meeting or phoned. Sign off If you have signed on then you must sign off in person at the weigh-in place at the nominated time or by phone no later than ½ hour before the weigh-in time. FDO Local FDO to be advised at the August General meeting. Fees $10 per person, $12 per family. If you sign on you must pay the Field day fees. Please bring the correct money because there may not be change. Lines in Saturday 12 noon Lines out 7pm Sunday Times Lines in 12 noon Saturday to Lines out 7pm Sunday. Fish caught within those times are eligible for the Club Field Day competition and weigh-in. Fish caught before or after those times are eligible for the Open Competition. Weigh-in 8pm Sunday with location to be set at August General meeting, or the Local Field Day officer may set an alternative or additional location or time by arrangement with the members who have signed on. Scales will also be available on George Holman's back patio. An adult member must witness weights. Field Day money to be left with the scales in an envelope with your name and details written in the carbon copy Field Day book. No money = no points. Results to be phoned to FDO by 8pm the next night. Reel Talk July 2015 Page 9 Boundaries Fish together Tides, sun and moon Preston Beach to north wall of Two Rocks marina. New members are encouraged to fish with experienced members for guidance and help. Check at the General Meeting prior to each field day for arrangements and discussions about when and where members can meet to fish together locally in the metropolitan area. See details above for Fremantle. Prepared by Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller Calendar for next three months Here’s a calendar showing the dates for Dry Casting, General and Committee meetings, Field Days and other Club events in the next three months. 25 Deadline for Reel Talk articles, 5pm 7 10 General Meeting Dry Casting July 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 11 August 2015 Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 3 4 5 31 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 17 18 19 10 11 12 25 26 17 24 6 7 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 17 Committee Meeting 12 Fishing Field days Fri September 2015 Sat Sun 1 2 7 8 9 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 28 29 30 Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller Deadline for Reel Talk articles and reports The Reel Talk needs to be delivered to members during the week before the first Club event for that month. I try to get the Reel Talk printed on Friday so I can post it on the weekend or the Monday for delivery in the metro area during that week, however public holidays or Australia Post holidays can change that. Can I please have all general articles and reports For the August Reel Talk, no later than 5 pm Thursday 23 July. For the September Reel Talk, no later than 5pm Thursday 27 August. I really appreciate getting articles well before the deadline, please. If I have all the regular articles and enough content, I may go to print earlier than the dates shown. Please note: These dates and times are deadlines and closing and cut off times, not targets for you to aim to just meet. If your article will be close to the deadline, please make sure you contact me well before or risk missing out. Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller Notice of Annual General Meeting and election of Committee The Annual General Meeting of the Surf Casting and Angling Club of WA (Inc) and election of Committee for 2015/16 will be held at Coolbinia West Perth Amateur Football and Sporting Club room, Wordsworth Avenue, at 7:30pm on Wednesday 12 August 2015, the same night as the August General Meeting. All Committee positions will be up for election. Some Committee members are doing some jobs only because no one else will volunteer, some will not be continuing on Committee and some will be reducing their workload. Please consider who you want to be your Committee, and if you can help by being a Committee member. Please remember, if it is worth having, it is worth working for. A Committee nomination form is included at the back of this Reel Talk and is available from the Club website http://www.surfcasters.iinet.net.au/CommitteeNominationForm.pdf Club Secretary, Eric Parker Reel Talk July 2015 Page 10 Bookings for Kalbarri house See the article on the inside back cover of Reel Talk for rat es and more information. These dates show the nights the house is NOT available for a booking, the same as shown on the Club website http://www.surfcasters.iinet.net.au/KalbarriHouse.html The Club’s Kalbarri house has bookings for the following dates/nights. Tenants will leave by 10am on the day after the last day and date shown. All other dates/nights not listed are currently available. This list has been updated in late June and does not include any bookings or changes which may have been made between then and whenever you read this. Pets may be allowed by prior arrangement but must stay outside the house. Please contact Terry Fuller 9447 4545 for bookings or more information. Collect keys in Perth before leaving for Kalbarri. Please arrange key pickup in advance. Please return keys within 2 days. July 2015 Sun 5 July to Sat 11 July Nov 2015 Sun 1 Nov to Fri 6 Nov Oct 2015 Sat 17 Oct to Sat 31 Oct Property Booking Officer, Terry Fuller New member applications Applications for membership have been received and will come before the next Committee meeting. If any member has any reason why any of the applications should not be accepted, please contact a Committee member and state the reason. Scott Williamson Membership Coordinator, Pat McKeown New member acceptances The following application for membership has been accepted, and will be invited to the next General Meeting to be welcomed into the Club. None this month Membership Coordinator, Pat McKeown Recorder's report, June 2015 Martin Wearmouth has a couple of entries in the Open Fishing competition. Another Presentation night has come and gone. Lots of work involved with all that. See below for Species, Master and Grand Masters badge updates. Recorder 2014/15 Terry Fuller Species Badge competition 1 1 1 1 1 1 Western Rock Blackfish Yellowtail Kingfish Number caught 1 1 1 1 Banded Sweep 1 1 1 1 1 Dart 1 Amberjack 1 Wrasse Tarwhine 1 Whiting 1 Samson Fish Snook or Pike Tailor 1 1 Salmon Mulloway Mackerel Herring Yellow Eyed Mullet 1 1 1 1 Trevally 1 1 1 Garfish Flounder 1 Pink Snapper Mark Nurse Dean Stewart Gary Parkinson Michael Pisano Flathead Name Bream This is a continuous work in progress. The list of species registered to members has been checked for catches on the June Field day as recorded by the FDO in the Field Day spreadsheet, and new eligible captures have been added to the list. 10 7 7 5 The full list of members' recorded catches is on the Club website at http://www.surfcasters.iinet.net.au/SpeciesCompetitionEntries.pdf Reel Talk July 2015 Page 11 Masters Badge competition update Mark Nurse has brought his Masters count to 3 with a 5.9kg pink snapper on the June Field day, plus a 1.15kg tailor caught on the January Field day, which slipped past me and was not previously listed here. A photo of Mark and snapper is in the Field day report. Gary Parkinson has started his Masters count with a 7.64kg pink snapper on the June Field day. A photo of Gary and snapper is in the Field day report. Glen Wong's has started his Masters count with a 3.7kg salmon caught on the April Field day, which slipped past me and was not previously listed here. The full list of Masters entries is on the Club website at http://www.surfcasters.iinet.net.au/MastersEntries.pdf Grand Masters Badge competition update Ray Walker has started his count with an 1.02 metre, 8kg (estimated) King threadfin salmon caught at 80 Mile Beach, south west of Broome. The full list of Grand Masters entries is on the Club website at http://www.surfcasters.iinet.net.au/GrandMastersEntries.pdf Ray Walker and threadfin salmon Recorder 2014/15, Terry Fuller Open fishing competition 2015/16 The Open Competition is for fish caught between 1 May 2015 and 30 April 2016, other than on Club gazetted Field days, but not in any other AAA affiliated club event on the same dates. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 For Most meritorious capture Best shark Best mulloway Best salmon Best flathead Best tailor Best samson fish Best fish on single handed rod maximum 4kg line class Best pink snapper Best tarwhine Best mackerel Best skipjack trevally (southern) Best trevally (northern) Best snook or pike Best black or yellow finned bream Best scale fish other than sections 3-15 Best fish caught on fly rod. Best fish caught using a soft plastic or hard body lure on a single handed rod (4kg line max.) Reel Talk July 2015 Minimum weight Section Entries for the Open competition close 30 days after capture. See Competition Rules Section 4. Up to the time of printing this Reel Talk, no entries have been received. Sections are: None 4.5 kg 5 kg 3.5 kg 0.5 kg 1.5 kg 5 kg Legal size Entry To be awarded by Committee Martin Wearmouth, 3.99kg salmon, North Cottesloe, 23 May 2015 2 kg 0.5 kg 4 kg 1 kg 2 kg 0.5 kg 0.6 kg 2 kg Ray Walker, 8kg King threadfin salmon, 80 Mile Beach, 5 June 2015. Note 2 Legal size Legal size Martin Wearmouth, 4kg (est) salmon, North Cottesloe, 24 May 2015. Note 1 Page 12 Note 1. Fish was released and the weight was estimated. Any future weighed entry of 4.0kg or more will replace this entry. Note 2. Fish weight was estimated. Any future weighed entry of 8.0kg or more will replace this entry. Recorder 2014/15, Terry Fuller Barron Lure competition 2015/16 The Barron Lure competition is sponsored by Eric Parker, who donates the trophies. Try Eric’s poppers, you will not be disappointed. The rules for this competition are the same as for the Club's Open fishing competition, plus fish must be caught on a popper lure, and a single fish cannot win more than one of the Barron Lure sections. Heaviest tailor on Popper. Heaviest Salmon on Popper. Heaviest Scale Fish on Popper. No entry yet No entry yet No entry yet Recorder 2014/15, Terry Fuller Wanted sausage sizzle organiser For an important social get together after dry casting at Yokine Reserve each month. Contact Social Organiser Pat McKeown for details of what is required to run the sausage sizzle and drinks. Happy birthday to Peter Butland, 4 July Ian Pereira, 9 July Ken Howells, 31 July The Surfcasters' website, 5 July Trevor Stam, 14 July Peter Osborne, 7 July Glen Wong, 15 July Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller My 126th Reel Talk I thought I would keep count of how many Reel Talks I have produced, just in case.. September 2001 to July 2006 = 59 editions in that stint. January 2010 to July 2015 = 67 editions in this stint. Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller Wanted articles and photos New and extra content is wanted from members for the web site and for Reel Talk. Categories are photos, hints and tips, articles, members' stories, movies, etc. I can take these articles in any of the usual formats, Word, PDF, text, email, even an audio recording for content, and any of the usual image or movie formats. Please tell us about your fishing or other activities, and share those with other Club members and help to attract new members to the Club. Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller Notice of Annual General Meeting and election of Committee Please see the article on page 10 Membership fees are due on 1 July Please see the article on page 24 Reel Talk July 2015 Page 13 Dry casting report 7 June 2015 We had a another beautiful day for this month's casting competition. A very light wind from north to east with it switching to a light westerly after the end of this competition. I must thank for the general co-operation by most members of the setting up and getting the gear away before noon it was terrific. We had 14 casters including one visitor Mark Taylor who cast some very good distances in the 112 gram distance. Some of the results: The best casts for the seniors Peter Pekaar 56 grams 140 metres Mark Taylor (visitor) 112 grams 179 metres Peter Pekaar artificial bait 138 metres. Robert Pekaar got top score in double handed accuracy, 133 points Mark Taylor again in single handed accuracy 22 points. In the veterans Gary Gildersleeves got the 56 gram with 139 metres, artificial bait 113 metres and the 112 gram 139 metres. In the double handed accuracy Terry Fuller got a very good score of 164 points . When I spoke to Terry he joked the only way now is for him to go down. I don't think so Terry, I think there will be bigger scores to come. Dean Stewart left his double handed rod at home so George lent him one of his rods and Dean scored 119 points in double handed accuracy. I will be asking George to borrow that rod next casting day. That's not a bad score Dean. George Holman top scored in single handed accuracy with 28 points. Good to see Lee Yongli back for the second time and is still improving, well done. Like I said at the beginning I like to thank everybody for the ir help which makes the day run smoothly. Next month I will having our first Open single handed event at the end of the casting day on the 5th July. See you there. Dry casting Officer Gary Gildersleeves Dry Casting winners for 7 June 2015 Event 56 gram score 56 gram distance Artificial bait score Artificial bait distance 112 gram score 112 gram distance Double handed accuracy Single handed accuracy Section highest points Seniors winner 28 Peter Pekaar 140 Peter Pekaar 27 Peter Pekaar 138 Peter Pekaar 32 Peter Pekaar 179 Mark Taylor (visitor) 133 Robert Pekaar 22 Mark Taylor (visitor) 200 Peter Pekaar Veterans winner 27 Gary Gildersleeves 139 Gary Gildersleeves 23 Gary Gildersleeves 113 Gary Gildersleeves 28 Gary Gildersleeves, George Holman 139 Gary Gildersleeves 164 Terry Fuller 28 George Holman 260 Terry Fuller Event 56 gram score 56 gram distance Artificial bait score Artificial bait distance 112 gram score 112 gram distance Double handed accuracy Single handed accuracy Section highest points Overall winner for 7 June 28 Peter Pekaar 140 Peter Pekaar 27 Peter Pekaar 138 Peter Pekaar 32 Peter Pekaar 179 Mark Taylor (visitor) 164 Terry Fuller 28 George Holman 260 Terry Fuller Year’s best for 2015/16 31 Peter Pekaar, Robert Pekaar 157 Robert Pekaar 31 Peter Pekaar 156 Peter Pekaar 37 Peter Pekaar 190 Peter Pekaar 164 Terry Fuller 28 Ron Thomas, George Holman 260 Terry Fuller Dry casting spreadsheet developer and data entry, Terry Fuller Reel Talk July 2015 Page 14 Dry Casting results 7 June 2015 Results for the day Seniors Peter Pekaar Robert Pekaar Alan Hale Mark Hansen Jeff Hewton Mark Taylor (visitor) Gary Parkinson Lee Yongli Veterans Terry Fuller Gary Gildersleeves George Holman Allan Jones Peter Osborne Dean Stewart Cast 1 (m) 136 Out 118 120 104 Out 72 69 96 139 124 Out 100 91 56 gram Cast 2 (m) Points 140 28 Out 0 114 23 98 22 Out 10 111 11 Out 7 25 9 99 135 127 99 99 Out 20 27 25 10 20 9 Artificial Bait Cast Cast 1 (m) 2 (m) Points 133 138 27 117 125 24 0 116 12 99 Out 10 101 96 20 131 126 26 B/O 66 7 98 97 20 Cast 1 (m) 163 149 143 126 111 Out 87 105 93 112 112 88 81 B/O 105 139 138 107 112 94 87 113 110 87 79 B/O 18 23 22 18 16 0 112 gram Cast 2 (m) Points 3 158 32 6 154 30 15 139 28 1 134 26 5 105 22 8 179 18 0 90 18 0 B/O 11 0 108 138 138 106 108 96 21 28 28 21 22 19 19 17 15 13 1 23 3 16 24 18 0 13 1 18 0 Double Handed Accuracy Target number 1 1 4 4 2 2 18 25 10 0 12 16 16 11 19 17 16 15 0 22 0 9 11 25 16 0 13 0 21 14 12 18 15 0 0 6 9 0 0 16 24 1 11 21 0 0 14 13 2 0 0 0 0 16 25 21 24 20 13 17 16 13 17 19 18 23 24 14 25 24 18 21 21 19 11 15 0 5 18 18 14 6 20 0 21 16 18 13 18 14 Points 103 133 86 69 72 51 77 18 20 18 10 15 14 16 164 136 134 125 102 119 Single Handed Accuracy Target distance L S L S Points D N C D N C 6 7 0 4 17 6 0 7 7 20 2 7 0 5 14 0 10 5 7 22 0 0 6 0 6 0 8 0 0 8 7 0 7 9 2 0 3 10 7 7 8 0 0 8 5 3 0 5 7 7 9 5 6 0 17 25 28 24 16 5 Day Total 190 187 166 147 138 128 115 66 240 239 237 198 176 152 Attendance DC GM 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Total Points 200 197 176 167 148 138 135 86 10 10 10 10 10 10 260 259 257 218 196 172 Scores include June casting and General meeting. DNC=Did Not Cast. B/O=Break Off. Out=weight landed out of court. NC=No cast, artificial bait fell off Dry casting spreadsheet developer and data entry, Terry Fuller Dry Casting top scores for 2015/16 Total scores are up to and including June casting and General meeting. Competition Rules section 3.8.1 specifies only the best 11 months out of 12 will count at the end of the competition year. All results will be announced at the Presentation of Trophies in June 2016, and adjusted scores will be published after that. Name Terry Fuller Gary Gildersleeves George Holman Peter Osborne Allan Jones Peter Pekaar Points 509 502 496 421 402 400 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name Mark Hansen Robert Pekaar Alan Hale Dean Stewart Gary Parkinson Jeff Hewton Points Rank 373 372 342 293 267 254 7 8 9 10 11 12 Name Ron Thomas Lee Yongli Klaus Schönwolf Eric Parker Mark Taylor Wilf Core Points Rank 223 178 176 166 138 94 13 14 15 16 17 18 Dry casting spreadsheet developer and data entry, Terry Fuller Membership fees are due on 1 July Please see the article on page 24 Reel Talk July 2015 Page 15 June 2015 fishing field day Port Gregory and Local. Overview. The June 2015 away field day was held on the May/June long weekend from 1pm Saturday 30 May to 10am Monday 1 June and was spread from the mouth of the Kalbarri River to Port Gregory with the club persons generally fishing beaches at Port Gregory. As in May, a bit disappointing in that the numbers of SCAC persons attending this away venue was down considerably, fishing catch expectations was not realized as the results in Port Gregory consisted of small bags of mainly small tailor. For the local event, Perth Beaches down to Preston, results were very much better. Ti mes to fish were as above. Some quality fish were weigh-in with a couples of great surprises. To quantify, comparing bag to bag weights Local were about 4 times heavier than Port Gregory and number of bag fish species were up to twice. The trip. Most of us drove to the venue on Friday to allow some looking around before the competition weekend. The fishing period was from lines down at 1pm on the Saturday with fishing through the evening with the lines up at to suit returning to the Port Gregory Caravan Par k and have bags weighed in by the FDO at 11am on Monday 1 June. For the away trip a total of 7 SCAC anglers signed on. George Holman, David Maxted, Pat McKeown, Dean Stewart, Glen Wong, Michael Pisano with FDO Peter Osborne. Generally beautiful weather, no rain, calm or light winds only, with a low swell prevailing over the weekend. This gave comfortable fishing conditions. A couple of places were weeded out but on the following day had cleared. All stayed at cabins at Port Gregory Caravan Park, very comfortable. Beach fishing was available a couple of km north and south of the campsite. George and company fished a couple of beaches north and south of Port Gregory with some limited success. Over the first two days chopper tailor and a few dart were landed. They also tried the lagoon area in millpond conditions, with whiting biting very cautiously only on coral prawns. George bagged out on chopper tailor, one dart and a couple of whiting over the first two days. Dave had a shoulder problem so fished awkwardly with a small light rod. On changing to a ball sinker and bait-cast rig, he managed to get 7 tailor. He kept trying for number eight, but missed out as the tailor school had moved on. He also managed to capture 3 whiting. Pat landed 3 tailor and Dean managed one dart and one good whiting. With reasonable bags of fish, the team decided not to fish Monday morning but enjoyed a sleep-in and a good breakfast before the weigh-in. Peter, Glen and Michael did a bit of exploration late Friday and Saturday morning. Chopper tailor were found and while not prolific were there for the catching, with some returned, and some kept for bait. They fished the north beach on Saturday afternoon, early evening and caught chopper tailor. Not full bags but a good start and with another evening and two morning periods to come it was anticipated getting a bag would not be a problem. Sunday morning Peter persuaded Glen and Michael to try some cliff fishing at Pot Alley, just south of Kalbarri, a 40 minute drive north. Water was calm with a low swell, on reflection too calm. This was a new experience for Michael and Glen. After a couple of casts, Glen was on. The fish headed due west at a great rate of knots, not slowing down at all , then a break-off as Glen tried to turn it. Guess was probably a large ray, with other possibilities were a shark or a very large mulloway. We all caught large rabbit fish, sometimes known as “happy moments” as they have large spiky dorsal fins that can inflict extremely painful punctures. Michael managed one good skippy, but Glen could not find anything to put in his bag. Peter had a similar problem in that early landed a good fish, a baldchin groper, but on measuring as a little off one cm too short, so back it went. An hour later, after about 6 rabbit fish, bang he’s on. A good fish, plenty of weight, some head shaking, staying deep, probably a large Reel Talk July 2015 Page 16 snapper, but on finally working the fish to the surface , up came the biggest buff bream you could imagine. Sandra you would have been proud to catch one th is size. Sandra is our Buffy Queen based on her Rottnest skills. Another one was hooked 10 minutes later, so with poor results we returned to camp. That evening Michael and Glen headed to the beach north of Port Gregory. Chopper tailor were on the bite. Michael bagging out very quickly. A school had moved in close to the beach in front of them. Michael saw a huge fish swirl right in front of him. With an accurate cast he just about put his bait down the mouth of this animal as he had an immediate hook -up. Big splash and a big fish trunk with a dorsal fin headed west. Even though he was using 60lb braid line he was only on for a short period before break-off and seeing his reel spin like the wheel of a formula one race car. This was his first experience with a big shark. Michael experienced the excitement of a high powered short term fight. With some home obligations and reasonable bags they arranged with the FDO to have their weigh-in on Sunday night and returned to Perth early Monday morning. Peter fished Sunday evening at the mouth of the river at Kalbarri, at Chinamans, looking for mulloway as in past years success had been found there on good sized fish. No such luck, he and half a dozen others fishing this area for many hours with a zero result. Peter managed one tarwhine only for his session. Initially Peter tried for whiting near the mouth, no whiting only undersize tarwhine and one tailor all of about 40 cm long on his whiting rig. He returned to the beach south of Port Gregory on Monday morning looking to make up his bag of tailor. No such luck, this time was as dead as a doornail. Local Field Day. While we did catch fish at Port Gregory it pales into insignificance compared to the local catches. Martin Wearmouth had some family obligations over the weekend hence was limited to a couple of 3 hour sessions from about 4 to 7 pm both Saturday and Sunday. A couple of weeks beforehand he had heard of salmon catches at Cottesloe and had at this time also went down with a flick rod and landed some good salmon up to 4kg. Hence on the start of the field day, Saturday afternoon, he went down to north Cottesloe. He managed one salmon each fishing period, biggest close to 5kg uncleaned, a skippy and a herring, a pretty good bag for a local beach and only a few hours of fishing time. Martin took his two young sons Thomas and Christian along with him, with Thomas capturing a good whiting. It was the Surfcasters who went to Preston that had some really great catches. Mark Nurse, Gary Parkinson, Peet and Sandra Wessels had one of those magic weekends at the reefs north of Preston Beach. Peter Butland attended this venue, but had some health issues so did not fish hard or weigh-in fish. Peet and Sandra found salmon with Peet bagging out on salmon, with his best being close to 4.7kg uncleaned and Sandra’s about 4.1kg uncleaned. He captured two on Saturday night and rest on Sunday morning. Sandra got one. They also managed to get some tailor, Saturday at dusk being prime tailor time, a bag limit of herring, whiting, and some tarwhine. Peet had the heaviest bag for the weekend. The outstanding catches for the week-end were by Mark and Gary. Two of Peet Wessels' salmon Gary had some herring, whiting and a flathead and deciding not to retire early on Saturday night, fished late evening and boy did he have a hook-up on working the fish until tired out and using a wave to wash it up on the beach, was extremely surprised to see a beautiful pink snapper gleaming in his headlight torch. What a beauty. It weighted 7.64 kg gilled and gutted that would have made it about 8.4 kg as landed. It was the best fish for the weekend. Mark also had some herring, tarwhine, a skippy and a yellowtail scad, and like Gary deciding not to retire early on Saturday night, and also fished late evening. He also had a good hookReel Talk July 2015 Page 17 up using similar skills by working the fish until tired out and using a wave to wash it up on the beach, was also extremely surprised and delighted to see a beautiful pink snapper gleaming in his headlight torch. His first ever, what a beauty. It weighted 5.94 kg gilled and gutted that would have made it about 6.6 kg as landed. This was the runner-up fish for the weekend. Have you ever seen people with such big grins on their faces and sending so many digital photos far and wide. Just shows, always ensure your gear is in good shape. 300 metres of main line undamaged, reel drag smooth, leaders free from nicks, hooks sharp and so on you never know when you will hook-up on that fish of a lifetime. Congratulations to Mark and Gary for their super snapper captures. Tight lines Field Day Officer, Peter Osborne Preston report. A group of us decided to fish Preston Beach for the June field day, Gary Parkinson, Peter Butland, Ken Howell, the Wessels, newest newbie Scott Morrison and I made our plans and would meet up on the beach at various times. Unfortunately Ken fell ill during the week and made arrangements with Gary to collect the scales, I personally missed Ken, he is great fun at field days and his infectious joy at catching a fish was missed. I was worried about what the storm had done to our usual fishing area, when I left after the swag surfing incident the sand bars that had made it such a good spot were already gone, when I arrived my fears were confirmed that it was now just a for mless area of shoreline with no distinct gutter or hole that had kept tailor coming to feed on the resident whiting. Gary and Peter B had set up in the previous hot spot and all in good natured fun informed me to move along and go fish somewhere else, the used words that all began with an f and ended with off. How rude, but not to worry I informed them that they were in the worst spot ever and that the storm had made it that they would catch nothing and that my spot 100m down the beach was a salmon highway. With their mocking of my waders and that I looked like a Lone Ranger Nurse Shark ringing in my ears I showed them my bum and had to smile at our little group of buddies, you better bring your A Game of insults if you want to survive here… I set to work catching whiting for bait and noticed that the guys where into a herring bonanza next to me and had to endure the screams of how rubbish my spot was every time they pulled a fish out the ocean, I ignored them, walked deeper into the waves in my waders and told them I was dry and they were idiots. The Wessels arrived at around noon and set up between the warring factions but I could see in their eyes that they also knew this spot had had better days, It wasn’t long before they packed up again and moved on, we said we would communicate via channel 10 in Savannah Speak (Afrikaans) so that the potatoes to our left couldn’t understand every hour on what was happening at our spots. One hour later they informed me that they were on tailor and salmon, I told everyone but they told me to go away again with an F so I did and joined the Wessels. Sandra Wessels with her tailor Now this was where the weekend got interesting, sitting five metres away from Peet and Sandra is an eye opener, firstly because by watching them you learn more that you can imagine, they always have a kettle boiled for coffee and finally because they are just good people. So here I was fishing over my first ever reef from the beach, I lost sinkers!! But I started to watch what the Wessels were doing and so started my reef lesson. Reel Talk July 2015 Page 18 The Wessels will answer you honesty on anything you ask, well that was in between them hauling out salmon and tailor. When it got dark I went back to where I had left my swag with a lot on my mind, I had to retie everything I owned to set up properly for the reef. At around 8pm I saw some activity from Gary and realised he had a fish on, then I heard the screaming and laughter, I went over and saw a beast on the beach, I was immediately told to go back to my spot, needless to say with another F. Winners are grinners: Gary’s big Snapper Seriously though, Gary had just done something I was led to believe is practically impossible, a pink snapper off the beach, well not impossible but not this size, here he had what my mind estimated at between a 9 and 10kg slab of beauty. It was just handshakes and high fives for the next while. Over the moon with happiness for Gary I went back to my spot and wound in my whole herring, it was untouched so I slung it back out into the dark. 9.30 it happened, first a huge bite and then the drag screamed off, I set the hook and felt a good fish on, it was a great fight but my mind couldn’t imagine what I saw when I finally slid it out on a wave, another pinkie, but this was impossible, then I started to scream. I yelled to Gary that my spot was just fine thanks. Gary and I were all smiles and that smile still hasn’t left me. Mark had a big grin showing off his Snapper I now had to tie traces for the morning and it was around midnight, long a fter everyone else was in bed and I was also getting ready to sleep when my reel screamed again, I was nearly spooled by this fish, eventually I just tightened up the drag and held on and the fish turned, an hour later after a massive battle I had the biggest Ray I have seen on the beach, it was wider than my arm span. I put it back and said goodnight to the stars and the moon, at peace and feeling blessed. I was up at 4am and packed everything to go visit camp Wessels again. The other guys asked me to wake them up when I went, Pete B told me to go away when I tried, so I left on my own. I showed Peet and Sandra a photo of the Pinkie, the celebrations started again. The morning session saw Peet land another salmon to fill his bag and some tailor, then the bite stopped and the tarwhine invaded, a mulie lasted 3 seconds a whiting 10, the Wessels made the tarwhine pay and added another species, I was still on a reef learning curve and was now losing hooks. I paid closer attention, asked Peet a few more questions and suddenly it all made sense, now I was ready to hammer the reef. Sandra had found a stunning little whiting hole down the beach and Peet and I spent an hour or so catching bait, we chatted, we laughed, we discussed the world and our place in it on this tiny patch of sand and that we felt like there was no better place we could be. The whiting were good size so we added them to our species, I fished right up on the beach not because I wanted to but because of a terrible cast and landed a flathead. Armed with bait we were ready for the evening session and getting sick and tired of tiny tarwhine I put a bait on top of the reef as we had seen salmon cruising on top in the morning, at least the tarwhine didn’t get it, I had almost forgotten about it when Sandra politely told me Reel Talk July 2015 Page 19 that I had a bite, chaos ensued holding the salmon on top of the reef and I managed to land and quickly release the beauty. Besides that fish, nothing else really happened during the night session, well except another 200 Tarwhine being landed. During the day Peter B had joined us, I packed away all my stuff, took my chair over to Pete and we sat in the dark chatting and staring at awe at the stars and wondering just how big the universe around our little dot on the sand was. The Monday morning session also saw no great action so Peet and I pulled out the smaller rods and started to try catching species. Plenty of tarwhine ensued but amongst them were dozens of herring, a sweep for Peet and I got a skippy that was 25. as many zeroes as you wish to use, I asked Peet to confirm its length and released it. I also caught something that none of us knew anything about, I took some photos, released it and hoped Peter O knew what it was, turns out it is a yellowtail scad, score one in the species column. All that was left to do was pack up and go to the weigh in, the Pinkies were laid alongside each other and the celebrations resumed, lots of photos and Gary and I were left felling a bit star struck. I don’t really remember much but suddenly I was on the highway home. Mark Nurse and Gary Parkinson with Snapper Tuesday saw Peet, Peter B and I having a long and profound discussion via text messages on the best technique, time, rig, bait and area to catch a Pinkie, it eventually came down to make sure in the dark you throw your bait when you are facing the water. The team from Preston showing off salmon captures. Left to right: Peter Butland, Scott Williamson, Gary Parkinson, Mark Nurse, Peet Wessels I see it as a miracle fish, right time place, destiny, call it what you will, fishing on the reef gave me a different idea, I landed 3 species I was not specifically targeting, it comes down to in this beautiful ocean teeming with different species you can only catch something if you have a bait in the water. Mark Nurse Sportsperson of the Year section winners for June 2015 Best scale fish Best bag of scale fish Gary Parkinson Peet Wessels Pink snapper Mixed bag 7.64kg 18.94kg Gary Parkinson Peet Wessels Pink snapper Mixed bag 7.64kg 18.94kg Field day section winners Best scale fish Best bag of scale fish Membership fees are due on 1 July Please see the article on page 24 Reel Talk July 2015 Page 20 Peet Wessels Christian Wearmouth Reel Talk July 2015 Total Flathead Yellowtail scad Pink snapper Salmon Wrasse Dart Tarwhine Whiting Skipjack Trevally Herring 3.18 1 0.33 12 1.56 1 0.20 2 0.28 1 0.13 1 0.37 1 0.16 1 0.27 2.32 1 3.5 2 0.17 1 5.90 1 0.1 1 7.64 1 0.65 1 0.75 12 1.30 1 0.08 1 0.24 5 2.80 0.81 12 1.30 1 0.09 2 0.53 11.53 1 0.26 2 7.62 4.48 1 3.7 8.35 8.40 6.07 4 14.22 4.22 18.94 1 0.1 Tailor Thomas Wearmouth 2.93 0.1 Total Sandra Wessels 1 0.63 Flathead Martin Wearmouth 0.26 Yellowtail scad Gary Parkinson 7 2.30 0.38 8 3.18 0.44 4 1.46 1 0.18 Pink snapper Mark Nurse 1 0.08 Salmon Peter Osborne 1.67 Wrasse Glen Wong 3.37 2.96 Dart Michael Pisano 7 2.64 0.50 4 1.67 0.41 1 0.42 Tarwhine Dean Stewart 2 0.20 0.14 3 0.32 0.13 Whiting Pat McKeown 8 2.75 Skipjack Trevally David Maxted Number Total weight Weight of best Number Total weight Weight of best Number Total weight Weight of best Number Total weight Weight of best Number Total weight Weight of best Number Total weight Weight of best Number Total weight Weight of best Number Total weight Weight of best Number Total weight Weight of best Number Total weight Weight of best Number Total weight Weight of best Number Total weight Weight of best Number Total weight Weight of best Number Total weight Weight of best Herring George Holman Tailor Catches on June 2015 Field Day Page 21 Catch results and points for June 2015 Field Day Angler Peet Wessels Mark Nurse Gary Parkinson Martin Wearmouth Sandra Wessels George Holman Peter Osborne David Maxted Michael Pisano Glen Wong Pat McKeown Dean Stewart Thomas Wearmouth Christian Wearmouth Weight 18.94kg 11.53kg 8.35kg 8.4kg 6.07kg 3.37kg 2.32kg 2.96kg 2.93kg 3.18kg 1.67kg 0.26kg 0.1kg Species 5 6 4 3 5 3 4 2 2 1 1 2 1 Fish 24 17 6 4 16 11 7 10 8 8 4 2 1 Points include Field day and June General meeting points. Points 259.4 195.3 143.5 134 130.7 83.72 83.2 69.6 69.3 51.8 46.7 42.6 21 10 Species weighed at the June Port Gregory field day were dart, tailor, skipjack trevally, tarwhine, whiting, wrasse. Species weighed in at the Local field day were pink snapper, tailor, herring, tarwhine, whiting, yellowtail scad and salmon. Field Day top scores for 2015/16 Total scores calculated automatically by the field day scoring spreadsheet including June Field day and General meeting. Competition Rules section 2.4.5 specifies only the best 11 months out of 12 will count at the end of the competition year. The winners will be announced at the Presentation of Trophies in June 2016, and adjusted scores will be published after that. Names with equal scores are sorted alphabetically. Name Peet Wessels Sandra Wessels Peter Osborne Mark Nurse Shane Wignell Theo Van Niekerk Gary Parkinson Points Rank 515.6 1 358.2 2 312.5 3 286.5 4 231.6 5 205.0 6 143.5 7 Name Martin Wearmouth Paul Terpkos George Holman Ian Taggart David Maxted Michael Pisano Glen Wong Points Rank 134.0 8 128.4 9 103.7 10 91.5 11 69.6 12 69.3 13 51.8 14 Name Nic Terpkos Pat McKeown Dean Stewart Thomas Wearmouth Christian Wearmouth Points Rank 47.6 15 46.7 16 42.6 17 21.0 18 10.0 19 Field Day sections 2015/16 Up to and including June 2015 Field Day. 1A Best scale fish (1st six months) Gary Parkinson Pink snapper 7.64kg June 1B Best scale fish (2nd six months) 2 Most meritorious fish To be awarded by Committee 3 Best Shark (4.5kg min) 4 Best Mulloway (2.0kg min) 5 Best Tailor (1.0kg min) Mark Nurse 6 Best Salmon (3kg min) Martin Wearmouth Salmon 4.48kg June 10 Best scale fish (other than above) Peet Wessels Baldchin Groper 1.84kg May 11 Best bag of scale fish Peet Wessels Mixed bag Peter Osborne Tailor Tailor 1.18kg May 7 Best Skipjack Trevally (0.5 kg min) 8 Best Mackerel (2kg min) 9 Best Yellowtail Kingfish, Samson or Amberjack (4kg minimum) 18.94kg June 12 Best bag of Mulloway (2 fish min) 13 Best bag of Tailor (2 fish min) Reel Talk July 2015 3.87kg May Page 22 14 Best fish on single handed rod (4kg line max) 15 Best fish caught on fly rod 16 Best fish caught on single handed rod (4kg line max) and a soft plastic lure 17 Best fish caught on single handed rod (4kg line max) and a hard body lure Field day spreadsheet developer, Terry Fuller Please wear your name tag and Club clothing at Club events The heading says it all. New members and visitors will be grateful for the name tag and the Club clothing advertises the Club. If you don't have a name tag, please make one or contact Secretary Eric Parker. Club clothing can be bought from the Social Organiser. Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller Club shirts, jackets, hats, badges and stickers Legionnaires cap yellow Bomber jacket waterproof Polo shirt long sleeved Cloth Club badges $15 $50 $35 $4.50 Lightweight jacket waterproof Polo shirt short sleeved Vehicle stickers Club logo $45 $30 $2 Social Organiser, Pat McKeown Casting practice and tuition on Thursdays Some members get together for a social dry cast and practice and tuition at Yokine Reserve on Thursday mornings, starting about 9am, subject to the weather. It is on the day after our General and Committee meetings and we will remind members that it is happening so that they can come along. Come along for the practice or for some tuition in casting on a one to one basis and lots of tips from people who really know and succeed at casting, and try out different rods and reels and casting styles. Distance casting, single handed accuracy and double handed accuracy as used in the Club's competition casting are covered. There's also the chance to talk about what gear to use and practice casting for specific types of fishing. Some new members who have taken the time to come down on the Thursday morning to learn to cast are Lee Yongli, Terry McLean and Scott Williamson and the improvement in their casting has been dramatic. Contact George Holman, Gary Gildersleeves or Terry Fuller for more details or just turn up with your casting or fishing gear. Check first if the weather is not good. Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller Direct deposit payments into SCAC bank account. Payments to the Club may be made by direct deposit into the Club's bank account. Westpac Bank, BSB 036 059, Account 880334, name Surf Casting and Angling Club of WA General Account. Please make sure your deposit can be identified. Treasurer, Victor Schilo Reel Talk July 2015 Page 23 Membership fees are due 1 July 2015 The Committee has decided there will be no changes to the membership fees for 2015/16. Single membership $100 per year Family membership $120 per year Associate membership $30 per year Concession single Concession Family Independent Junior membership $70 per year $80 per year $65 per year The concession membership is for members of age 60 years or more. This reduced membership fee will apply to members who make an application to the Committee to qualify for the reduced rate. Members in paid employment are not eligible for reduced fees. You must pay your fees by 31 July 2015. Please contact the Treasurer if you wish to pay by installments. NOTE. Please be sure to complete ALL details: 1. Details of members to be included in Family Membership 2. Your home address and your postal address if these are different. The Club needs to know your home residential address in case of an accident at a Club event. 3. Your partner’s name, even if they are not part of your Club Membership. Knowing your partner’s name and how it is spelt is very helpful at social functions, for invitations, etc. 4. Please ensure that you sign and date the form. 5. If paying by Direct Deposit please ensure that your name appears on the transfer and either post or email the receipt and form. Email to: [email protected] Please use the blue form in the back of the July Reel Talk, attach your payment and post to the Club’s Post Office Box address, NOT to any private address. The form is also available on the Club's website http://www.surfcasters.iinet.net.au/Membership.html If paying at the July General Meeting or other event, please help by having the rig ht amount of money and a completed form and put both in an unsealed envelope or small plastic bag. Spare forms will be available at the General Meeting, and you will be required to complete the form before your payment is accepted. If you do not intend to renew your membership, can you please advise the Secretary or Treasurer as soon as possible. It is your decision what information you provide; if you choose not to sign the form, provide the information usually collected or you are unable to provide such i nformation, it may result in your membership being restricted or void. Surf Casting and Angling Club of WA (Inc) will treat your personal information in a strictly confidential manner. Information pertaining to you will only be disclosed with your consent, or if required by law. You may obtain access to any of your personal information held by us, on request. Treasurer, Victor Schilo Support from Alvey To Surf Casting and Angling Club of WA (Inc) PO Box 2834 MALAGA WA 6944 Dear Pat, Thank you for your letter of the 24/04/2015. I was pleased to hear last year's end of competition function went well. We have sent some prizes again to your PO Box for this year's function. (These will be listed in the prize allocations in the July Reel Talk. Ed) Your continued support on your web site is also appreciated. Please pass on my best wishes to all your trophy winners on the night. I hope the function is a great success for all your members. Kind Regards, Bruce Alvey Managing Director Alvey Reels Australia Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller Reel Talk July 2015 Page 24 Support from Platypus To Surf Casting and Angling Club of WA Hi Pat, PLATYPUS LINES is more than happy to continue to support the Surf Casting and Angling Club of WA Annual Presentation Night on Sat 20th June 2015. Our Donation of 16 Spools of Platypus Platinum line, 2 spools of Platypus Platinum Plus Braid, Caps and Stickers to be used as prizes and giveaways will be sent to (Pat's address). At PLATYPUS LINES, we believe in staying in contact with our Fishing Public by helping clubs such as your own. Pat, I have included two spools of our newest Braid, Platinum Plus, if you wouldn’t mind giving it a plug on the night and include in your magazine as indicated, that would be great. I have attached the press release for your info. Any questions please call. Kind Regards, Mark Nightingale, Platypus The media release says: Platypus Platinum “Plus”; Quality Australian made braid thinner and stronger. After two years feedback and continuous research, Platypus has remastered their popular Platinum Braid, to produce a stronger thinner Braid whilst still retaining the softness of the original best selling line. By employing a unique braiding process we are able to pack the PE fibres+ closer together decreasing diameter and enhancing the strength by up to 25%. The Braid's new process also locks the pigment into the Braid structure to ensure a more colour fast product, reducing fading and loss of colour. When consulting with anglers one of the most important properties is softness, this increases handleability of the braid enabling smoother, more trouble-free casts. Made right here in Australia by family owned and operated Platypus lines, we have made Platinum+ Braid for the fisho that needs a Braid at a price that won’t break the bank. Everything that made Platinum Braid the unique AFTA award winner, just stronger and thinner! Available in 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 80 lb in 125 and 300 yd lengths in Lime Green at all great tackle stores. Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller Central Seafoods - new bait sponsor The Club has a new sponsor, Richard Buczak, Managing Director of Central Seafoods, who has generously donated 5 cartons of Fremantle sardines (mulies) as prizes for our Presentation night. Each carton has 14 x 1kg packs of sardines, so there will be some happy member winners getting a good supply of mulies. Pat McKeown approached them at the Malaga store. Check out their range of seafood and bait products available from retail outlets throughout the State as listed on their website http://www.centralseafoods.com.au/ Social Organiser, Pat McKeown Reel Talk July 2015 Page 25 Social Organiser's report Fellow club members, It’s all over for another year. The Presentation night was another very enjoyable evening. As I looked around the room I could see a lot of happy and smiling faces all meeting and greeting fellow club members and their partners. The partners really do deserve a special mention as they support you in your quest to follow your dream of that special moment when you hook into that fish as it runs you all over the ocean. We had a vacant space at Table 2. It wasn’t the look on George's face but sadly Kaye was not there but at home recovering from a visit to the hospital. We missed you Kaye. Ron Thomas was also unable to make the event as Ron has a bad back and cannot sit for long. But this did not stop him from standing on the rocks catching fish. Ron really does soldier on. Our Sponsors certainly did us proud. Everybody went home with a bag of goodies. Without your support it we would not have all the smiles as winners are grinners. A big Thank You to you all. The Woodvale Tavern once more really turned it on for us with top class service and very yummy food. The staff led by Mandy did a really magnificent job. It was a delight to meet and see familiar faces looking after our needs and being very patient whilst we waffled on with our evening as they are waiting to serve the meals nice and hot. Well done to you all. Congratulations to all the section winners. You really do deserve your trophies after putting in the extra effort required to be a winner. All those that compete push the winners to another level. Just keep the pressure on and you will receive that special award. I would like to mention the people that helped with the setting up of the room. Terry for a really big task of sorting, listing and collating all the trophies and prizes, setting up the trophy table with assistance from George and Peter O. Well done it looked great. Dean for helping set up the tables with the handouts. Sandra our happy snapper with the camera. Watch out for the results. Aine and Laurel for noting the raffle prize winners. A big thank you to you all for making it the night it was. Together we can achieve big things. Social Organiser Pat McKeown A message received from a first timer at SCAC Presentation nights: "Thanks, George. Last night was the classiest prize giving I ever did see!!!" This message has been passed on to Pat McKeown. Article on Yellowtail Kingfish Peet Wessels wrote an article titled "In pursuit of the King" about fishing for Yellow Tailed Kingfish at Rottnest. This was published starting on page 9 of the April 2010 Reel Talk. Peet has updated his 2½ page article, including some changes in bag limits, and added rig diagrams. This July Reel Talk already has 47 pages plus 2 inserts in it, so Peet's updated article will be held over for a future edition of Reel Talk. Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller Reel Talk July 2015 Page 26 Names on articles in Reel Talk Before September 2001, pages in Reel Talk were sometimes just photocopies of a collection of printouts with various different formats, fonts, sizes and layouts. When I first took on the Reel Talk Editor's job in September 2001, I set out the Reel Talk using Microsoft Word with all articles in similar fonts and layouts. This also meant that a PDF version could be posted on the Club website and the website and contents could be searched for words or phrases, and more copies could be printed easily. During that stretch as editor from 2001-2006, my name did not appear on many articles, even though many were produced by me. From 2009 to the present, as Reel Talk editor I have made sure the author of each article and updated article is named. Even so, credit is often given to others when in fact the updat e is actually all done by me. Without a name on an article, it is not always obvious who wrote and would take responsibility for the article, and any assumption about that may be quite wrong. So if you look through each edition it will now be clear who is doing most of the work. That's OK, up to a point, because the job of an editor is to take information and present it in an easily understood and consistent form. Having up to date access to results and entries is a must and helps the Reel Talk editor produce each months' edition. Results for our Club's two major activities, fishing and dry casting, are kept in either the dry casting scoring spreadsheet developed and maintained and with data entry every month by me, or the field day scoring spreadsheet developed and maintained by me with data entry every month by the Field Day Officer, Peter Osborne. As you will see from the listings in this July Reel Talk, these two spreadsheets do most of the recording work required for the Club's fishing and casting activities during the year, and automatically calculate most of the end of year winners and their scores. Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller AAAWA Delegate Meeting 16 June 2015 Main points: • The Department of Fisheries has advertised an invitation for offers to s urrender South Coast Herring G-Trap Fishing Boat licenses. • The Recfish Initiative fund has been reinstated by the Government • Estuary, Rock and Beach meeting will be held on 28th July at 7.30pm – all members from affiliated clubs are welcome to attend. This is to discuss the future events and members’ expectations. • State Dry Casting event has been scheduled for 25 October. Although the Yokine Reserve has been booked, there is a possibility that due to the installation of cricket pitches the venue may not be available. AAAWA is looking at alternative venues and would appreciate any suggestions. • A report on the Recfishwest’s Fishing Associations Reference Group (FARG) 12 June 2015 meeting was tabled. • AAAWA shirts are available Proxy Delegate, Victor Schilo Reports from Ray Walker Ray has sent me four reports on his trip up north, plus some photos. His email on 23 June said "The weather has been fantastic, this is what I came north for. Probably stay at Quandong beach till Monday and head for Derby." I will print these in coming months' Reel Talks. Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller Reel Talk July 2015 Page 27 President's report for June Our annual Presentation night and dinner has once again come and gone. Even though the numbers were down a little on the average it was still a great night where members and their families and friends were able to fraternise together and acknowledge the achievements of our club year by the members who have participated in club activities. The club has been under considerable pressure over the last 12 months but our Presentation night was a positive and we must continue to move forward and get involved in the club activities of fishing, casting and social. People like Pat McKeown, who has been our social organiser for the last six years, are responsible for keeping our club going in a positive manner and we need to recognise them and assist by helping and participating. Pat is stepping down at the Committee elections in August and we need someone to continue the work he has been doing, so please give this a lot of thought. It was great to see the smiles when the awards were presented and raffle prizes were won of which there were many. Peter Osborne made two special prizes for two new members in Lee Yongli and Scott Williamson which were well received. A big thank you to all the prize donors. I had the pleasure of welcoming Lee Yongli into our club at our last General meeting and it is good to see him both fishing and casting and doing well. Enjoy the club Lee. It is good to see that Ron and Deirdre Thomas have returned home even though Ron's first "Port of Call" was the doctor's. He just needed a rebore and overhaul. Getting older is not all that it is cracked up to be! Peter Butland has had more positive news so let's see this trend continue and he may even start to get some fishing on his program. Scott Williamson came down to one of our Thursday morning practice casting sessions and he has certainly learnt a lot. If he continues he will soon catch up to Lee Yongli who se casting has improved dramatically and who is becoming noticed at our monthly casting events. It has also helped his fishing. It was great to see Gary Parkinson and Mark Nurse catch a great pink snapper each at Preston and we could not wipe the smile off Gary's face at our last meeting. You have to have a line in the water, don't you Gary? The election of a new Committee is in August and there are a couple of current office bearers stepping down or lightening their loads, so we will be looking to new blood to come forward to provide a solid future for our club. You the members need to decide what direction you want to the club to head in and the type and quality of the people you want to guide the club. We need positive people with direction so we may move forward and enjoy our club. We need to start thinking about the planned sausage sizzle on Sunday 6 December at Bunnings in Malaga as this will have a bearing on our club's finances, keep our membership fees stable and give benefits to club members throughout the year. Last year's event organised by Pat McKeown was very successful and resulted in a benefit by subsidising a much needed new air conditioner for Kalbarri. Pat had a great response to the call for helpers at the sausage sizzle and members only had to give up around three hours each to make it all happen. We need someone to organise this event. Our next instruction period will spend time looking at our current boundaries for the local fishing field day each month. There has been a lot of comment about boundaries as they are not really local when we find ourselves fishing 320 kilometres of coastline which includes some fishing locations decided at our April meeting after a lot of time and effort was put in by Peter Osborne, our Field Day Officer. We have what we call an extended boun dary for the local field day when the club fishes Rottnest as the main venue. We need to look at what local fishing was designed to achieve. Reel Talk July 2015 Page 28 Looking ahead, State Drycasting is to be held on 25 October. It would be nice to see more patronising our club monthly dry casting now that Ron Thomas is back and Gary Gildersleeves has been doing such a great job. Dry casting is one of our club's main activities and is an event where we can enjoy each other's company for the morning. Please attend. Let us spend more time dealing with positives from now on and less on negatives. There is a comment from Mark Nurse elsewhere in the Reel Talk which says it all!! President 2014/15, George Holman Drycasting results 2014/15 The scoring system for dry casting is in the Club's Competition Rules Section 3.6 and 3.8. See also the article "Dry Casting point scoring" on page 30 of the March 2012 Reel Talk. Results here show totals of best 11 out of 12 months’ scores. Competition Rules section 3.8.1 specifies only the best 11 months out of 12 will count at the end of the competition year. All of these results are calculated automatically by the dry casting scoring spreadsheet developed and maintained and with data entry by Terry Fuller. 56 gram George Holman Gary Gildersleeves Klaus Schönwolf Alan Hale Terry Fuller Ron Thomas Peter Pekaar Peter Osborne Bob Henderson Jeff Hewton Allan Jones Eric Parker Gary Parkinson Dean Stewart Wilf Core Robert Pekaar Greg Keet Morgan Keet Reuben Ball Ken Howells Andrew Pekaar Glen Wong Malcolm Head Olivia Keet Shane Wignell Deirdre Thomas Tony Ayrey Sarah Wignell Trevor Stam Mark Taylor Jason Zerella Mick Burgin Points 271 249 241 225 196 177 172 165 157 150 146 145 144 107 101 84 63 61 60 58 47 41 38 29 17 15 15 14 14 14 11 9 Artificial bait Alan Hale Klaus Schönwolf George Holman Bob Henderson Jeff Hewton Peter Pekaar Gary Gildersleeves Terry Fuller Eric Parker Ron Thomas Peter Osborne Allan Jones Robert Pekaar Gary Parkinson Wilf Core Dean Stewart Greg Keet Morgan Keet Reuben Ball Glen Wong Andrew Pekaar Ken Howells Malcolm Head Olivia Keet Trevor Stam Mick Burgin Deirdre Thomas Tony Ayrey Mark Taylor Sarah Wignell Shane Wignell Jason Zerella Points 226 219 214 203 198 198 197 185 159 154 151 141 121 106 106 103 73 61 59 55 47 46 36 25 23 16 15 14 14 12 10 6 112 gram Klaus Schönwolf George Holman Alan Hale Bob Henderson Gary Gildersleeves Terry Fuller Peter Pekaar Peter Osborne Eric Parker Ron Thomas Allan Jones Jeff Hewton Gary Parkinson Robert Pekaar Dean Stewart Wilf Core Greg Keet Reuben Ball Morgan Keet Glen Wong Andrew Pekaar Malcolm Head Ken Howells Olivia Keet Shane Wignell Mick Burgin Mark Taylor Sarah Wignell Trevor Stam Tony Ayrey Jason Zerella Points 272 262 259 241 235 222 200 198 194 193 178 178 172 155 129 108 89 78 72 61 58 46 44 32 25 19 18 16 16 15 13 Recorder, Terry Fuller Reel Talk July 2015 Page 29 Drycasting results 2014/15 (continued) Showing totals of best 11 out of 12 months’ scores. Competition Rules s ection 3.8.1 specifies only the best 11 months out of 12 will count at the end of the competition year. All of these results are calculated automatically by the dry casting scoring spreadsheet developed and maintained and with data entry by Terry Fuller. Double handed accuracy Terry Fuller George Holman Gary Gildersleeves Bob Henderson Ron Thomas Jeff Hewton Peter Osborne Allan Jones Klaus Schönwolf Alan Hale Peter Pekaar Dean Stewart Gary Parkinson Eric Parker Robert Pekaar Wilf Core Malcolm Head Morgan Keet Greg Keet Trevor Stam Reuben Ball Ken Howells Andrew Pekaar Olivia Keet Mick Burgin Mark Taylor Shane Wignell Glen Wong Geoff Raftis Sarah Wignell Terry Willison Tony Ayrey Jason Zerella Points 1553 1494 1478 1406 1028 1001 979 970 865 802 773 726 600 591 564 551 363 267 246 228 213 194 193 151 125 106 97 87 81 61 49 24 3 Single handed Points accuracy George Holman 277 Terry Fuller 262 Bob Henderson 258 Ron Thomas 219 Peter Osborne 218 Klaus Schönwolf 200 Gary Gildersleeves 183 Alan Hale 179 Jeff Hewton 176 Allan Jones 167 Peter Pekaar 121 Dean Stewart 118 Eric Parker 107 Greg Keet 53 Morgan Keet 53 Robert Pekaar 53 Malcolm Head 50 Gary Parkinson 47 Andrew Pekaar 36 Glen Wong 34 Mark Taylor 30 Reuben Ball 22 Ken Howells 20 Jason Zerella 14 Shane Wignell 13 Olivia Keet 8 Sarah Wignell 8 Geoff Raftis 5 D/C and G/M attendance Terry Fuller Gary Gildersleeves Gary Parkinson George Holman Klaus Schönwolf Peter Osborne Eric Parker Pat McKeown Ron Thomas Allan Jones Bob Henderson Wilf Core Dean Stewart Jeff Hewton Peter Pekaar Alan Hale Andy Thorgersen Malcolm Head Reuben Ball Geoff Raftis Glen Wong Ken Howells Robert Pekaar Trevor Stam Greg Keet Morgan Keet Olivia Keet Deirdre Thomas Jason Zerella Shane Wignell Andrew Pekaar Sarah Wignell Terry Willison Tony Ayrey Mick Burgin Mark Taylor Points 220 200 200 200 200 170 160 150 150 140 140 140 130 110 110 100 100 70 70 60 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 Total (including attendance) George Holman Terry Fuller Gary Gildersleeves Bob Henderson Klaus Schönwolf Ron Thomas Peter Osborne Jeff Hewton Alan Hale Allan Jones Peter Pekaar Eric Parker Dean Stewart Gary Parkinson Robert Pekaar Wilf Core Malcolm Head Greg Keet Morgan Keet Reuben Ball Ken Howells Andrew Pekaar Glen Wong Trevor Stam Olivia Keet Mark Taylor Shane Wignell Mick Burgin Pat McKeown Geoff Raftis Sarah Wignell Andy Thorgersen Tony Ayrey Jason Zerella Terry Willison Deirdre Thomas Points 2718 2638 2542 2405 1997 1921 1881 1813 1791 1742 1574 1356 1313 1269 1027 1006 603 564 554 502 422 401 338 331 275 192 182 179 150 146 121 100 78 67 59 50 Recorder, Terry Fuller Reel Talk July 2015 Page 30 Bullseyes scored during 2014/15 These results are calculated automatically by the dry casting scoring spreadsheet developed and maintained and with data entry by Terry Fuller. Name Bob Henderson George Holman Terry Fuller Allan Jones Gary Gildersleeves Jeff Hewton Klaus Schönwolf Peter Osborne Ron Thomas Alan Hale Dean Stewart Eric Parker Glen Wong Robert Pekaar Trevor Stam Double handed accuracy 3 1 3 2 1 1 Single handed accuracy 6 5 3 Total bullseyes 9 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Double handed accuracy Name Bullseyes Bob Henderson 3 Terry Fuller 3 Allan Jones 2 Alan Hale 1 Eric Parker 1 Gary Gildersleeves 1 George Holman 1 Jeff Hewton 1 Trevor Stam 1 Single handed accuracy Name Bullseyes Bob Henderson 6 George Holman 5 Terry Fuller 3 Klaus Schönwolf 2 Peter Osborne 2 Ron Thomas 2 Dean Stewart 1 Gary Gildersleeves 1 Glen Wong 1 Jeff Hewton 1 Robert Pekaar 1 Caster of the Year points 2014/15 The scoring system for dry casting is in the Club's Competition Rules Section 3.6 and 3.8. See also the article "Dry Casting point scoring" on page 30 of the March 2012 Reel Talk. Competition Rules section 3.8.1 specifies only the best 11 months' scores out of 12 will count at the end of the competition year. Scores which contribute to "Caster of the Year" points start on page 29 of this Reel Talk, and the discarded scores are on page 31. All of these results are calculated automatically by the dry casting scoring spreadsheet by Terry Fuller. 2014/15 Caster of the Year points Name Points George Holman Terry Fuller Klaus Schönwolf Alan Hale Bob Henderson Gary Gildersleeves Jeff Hewton Ron Thomas Peter Osborne 20 12 12 10 8 7 3 2 1 Scores removed to get best 11 out of 12 months’ scores Here are the scores which were removed to get the best 11 out of 12 months' scores. These show the month with the lowest total, but only for people who attended all 12 months' casting. All of these results are calculated automatically by the dry casting scoring spreadsheet developed and maintained and with data entry by Terry Fuller. Name 56gram Jeff Hewton Terry Fuller Reel Talk July 2015 0 18 Artificial bait 9 16 112gram 24 19 Double handed 55 114 Single handed 17 23 Attend Total 10 20 115 210 Month April April Page 31 Fishing Field day point scores and ranking 2014/15 The scoring system for Field day fishing is in the Club's Competition Rules Section 2.4. Competition Rules section 2.4.5 specifies only the best 11 months out of 12 will count at the end of the competition year for the top ten point scorers. No member attended all 12 Field days in 2014/15, so there are no deductions from the totals in the list of members' total scores and rankings on page 20 of the May 2015 Reel Talk. Recorder, Terry Fuller Sportsperson of the Year points 2014/15 For Club events May 2014 to April 2015. All these results are calculated automatically by the dry casting and field day scoring spreadsheets both developed and maintained by Terry Fuller. Added totals and sorting are done by another Excel spreadsheet. Names with equal points are sorted alphabetically. Blank means the member did not compete in any event for that category. Results are sorted by total points, as listed in the approved Competition Rules. Name George Holman Dry casting points 57 Field day points 55 Total points Name 112 Sarah Wignell Peter Osborne 25 49 74 Shane Wignell Gary Gildersleeves 47 6 53 Terry Fuller 45 6 Peet Wessels Dry casting points 2 2 Field day points 8 Total points 10 8 10 Michael Pisano 10 10 51 Peter Butland 10 10 48 48 Greg Keet 8 8 8 46 Olivia Keet 6 6 45 Jason Zerella 2 43 Andrew Pekaar 5 Peter Pekaar 38 Bob Henderson 45 Gary Parkinson 20 Ron Thomas 42 42 Theo Van Niekerk Klaus Schönwolf 37 4 41 Deirdre Thomas Pat McKeown 16 20 36 Christian Wearmouth 4 4 Alan Hale 35 35 Thomas Wearmouth 4 4 23 4 6 5 5 4 5 4 Ken Howells 7 25 32 Terry Willison 2 2 Glen Wong 6 26 32 Tony Ayrey 2 2 31 31 Mick Burgin 2 2 28 Mark Taylor 2 2 27 27 Terry Ong 2 2 8 22 Mal Campbell 2 2 22 22 Neve Lee 2 2 Martin Wearmouth Jeff Hewton 28 Sandra Wessels Dean Stewart 14 Mark Nurse Allan Jones 21 21 David Maxted 2 2 Eric Parker 18 18 George Belin 2 2 Robert Pekaar 15 17 Ian Taggart 2 2 Andy Thorgersen 16 16 Slavka Schilo 2 2 Wilf Core 16 16 Victor Schilo 2 2 15 Alan Osborne 2 2 Ray Walker 2 15 Malcolm Head 11 11 Nicolas Terpkos 2 2 Morgan Keet 10 10 Paul Terpkos 2 2 Trevor Stam 10 10 Gerald Wearmouth 2 2 Reuben Ball 8 2 10 Lee Yongli 2 2 Geoff Raftis 6 4 10 Recorder, Terry Fuller Reel Talk July 2015 Page 32 Sportsperson of the Year percentages 2014/15 Here the results are sorted by total percentages, expressed as a percentage of the top scorer's points scores for Dry casting and for Field days. Changing the winner to be decided by percentages was suggested at one time as an amendment to the Competition Rules, but the change was not put up for a vote by the members. Names with equal points are sorted alphabetically. Blank means the member did not compete in any event. Name Dry casting % age Field day % age Total % age Name George Holman Peter Osborne 100.00% 43.86% 100.00% 89.09% 200.00% 132.95% Geoff Raftis Reuben Ball 10.53% 14.04% Gary Gildersleeves Terry Fuller 82.46% 78.95% 10.91% 10.91% 93.37% 89.86% Morgan Keet Trevor Stam 17.54% 17.54% Peet Wessels Peter Pekaar 66.67% 87.27% 14.55% 87.27% 81.22% Greg Keet Jason Zerella 14.04% 3.51% Bob Henderson Gary Parkinson 78.95% 35.09% 78.95% 76.91% Olivia Keet Theo Van Niekerk 10.53% 41.82% Ron Thomas Klaus Schönwolf 73.68% 64.91% 7.27% 73.68% 72.18% Andrew Pekaar Christian Wearmouth Pat McKeown Alan Hale 28.07% 61.40% 36.36% 64.43% 61.40% Thomas Wearmouth Deirdre Thomas Glen Wong Ken Howells 10.53% 12.28% 47.27% 45.45% 57.80% 57.73% Martin Wearmouth Jeff Hewton 56.36% 49.12% Sandra Wessels Mark Nurse Dean Stewart Allan Jones 24.56% 36.84% Eric Parker Robert Pekaar 31.58% 26.32% Andy Thorgersen Wilf Core 28.07% 28.07% Ray Walker Malcolm Head Sarah Wignell Shane Wignell 3.51% 3.51% Field day % age Total % age 7.27% 3.64% 17.80% 17.68% 17.54% 17.54% 7.27% 14.04% 10.78% 9.09% 10.53% 9.09% 7.27% 8.77% 7.27% 8.77% 7.27% 7.27% 7.02% David Maxted George Belin 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% 56.36% 49.12% Ian Taggart Slavka Schilo 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% 49.09% 40.00% 49.09% 40.00% Victor Schilo Alan Osborne 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% 14.55% 39.11% 36.84% Nicolas Terpkos Paul Terpkos 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% 31.58% 29.96% Gerald Wearmouth Lee Yongli 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% 28.07% 28.07% Terry Willison Tony Ayrey 3.51% 3.51% 3.51% 3.51% 27.27% 27.27% 19.30% Mick Burgin Mark Taylor 3.51% 3.51% 3.51% 3.51% 18.18% 18.18% 18.18% 18.18% Terry Ong Mal Campbell 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 14.55% 14.55% 18.06% 18.06% Neve Lee 2.25% 2.25% 3.64% 19.30% Michael Pisano Peter Butland Dry casting % age 7.02% Recorder, Terry Fuller Winner of free membership for 2015/16 The Committee offered free Club membership for one year. All members who were accepted into the club between July 2014 and June 2015 were in a draw held at the Presentation night on 20 June 2015 to receive one year's free membership. The winner is Michael Inglis who receives a free Single membership for the 2015/16 year. Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller Reel Talk July 2015 Page 33 Most improved caster 2014/15 This is calculated using the best increase in average score per casting day for 2014/15 compared to 2013/14. For the changes to mean enough to be a true and fair comparison to decide the winner, a caster must have attended several (or enough) casting days in both years, and competed in most or all of the usual casting events. In some cases the number of days have been adjusted to show competing rather than just attending and/or helping. For this comparison, scores for all 12 possible casting days are used, since the people who would be affected by using the "best 11 out of 12 days" scores are well down the list. New casters who started casting in 2014/15 will be included in next year's comparison. There are some very interesting numbers in this list! But any comparison must first check which events and how many days the caster competed in. The base data for these results are calculated automatically by the dr y casting scoring spreadsheet developed and maintained and with data entry by Terry Fuller. Another Excel spreadsheet calculates the averages and the changes and sorts these as shown. Name Gary Parkinson Greg Keet Sarah Wignell Shane Wignell Wilf Core Gary Gildersleeves Morgan Keet Klaus Schönwolf Ken Howells Alan Hale Bob Henderson Jeff Hewton Terry Fuller Eric Parker Peter Osborne Ron Thomas Dean Stewart Allan Jones Olivia Keet George Holman Robert Pekaar Peter Pekaar Trevor Stam Malcolm Head Geoff Raftis Deirdre Thomas Pat McKeown Name Score 910 633 86 141 920 1718 820 1699 1082 1876 1054 1664 2741 327 1412 1878 1297 2409 742 2260 2175 2607 350 1474 657 283 1634 Score 2013/14 Days Average 10 91.0 6 105.5 1 86.0 1 141.0 9 102.2 8 214.8 7 117.1 11 154.5 9 120.2 12 156.3 5 210.8 11 151.3 12 228.4 2 163.5 7 201.7 8 234.8 7 185.3 11 219.0 8 92.8 9 251.1 10 217.5 12 217.3 4 87.5 7 210.6 6 109.5 2 141.5 11 148.5 Days Average 2013/14 Score 1269 564 121 182 1006 2542 554 1997 422 1791 2405 1928 2848 1356 1881 1921 1313 1742 275 2718 1027 1574 331 603 146 50 150 Score 2014/15 Days Average 10 126.9 4 141.0 1 121.0 1 182.0 8 125.8 10 254.2 4 138.5 11 181.5 3 140.7 10 179.1 10 240.5 12 160.7 12 237.3 8 169.5 9 209.0 8 240.1 7 187.6 8 217.8 3 91.7 11 247.1 5 205.4 8 196.8 5 66.2 4 150.8 3 48.7 2 25.0 8 18.8 Days Average 2014/15 Change 39.45% 33.65% 40.70% 29.08% 23.02% 18.37% 18.23% 17.54% 17.01% 14.56% 14.09% 6.21% 3.90% 3.67% 3.61% 2.29% 1.23% -0.57% -1.17% -1.60% -5.56% -9.44% -24.34% -28.41% -55.56% -82.33% -87.38% Change Winner Recorder, Terry Fuller Reel Talk July 2015 Page 34 Junior Club Champion award Presented to the junior with the highest aggregate percentage for the fishing and dry casting competitions. Includes all members classed as Juniors or Mini juniors. Totals in 2014/15 for fishing and drycasting, expressed as a percentage of the top junior's scores are: The base data for these results are calculated automatically by the dry casting and field day scoring spreadsheets both developed and maintained by Terry Fuller. Another Excel spreadsheet calculates the percentages and sorts these as shown. Highest junior score Name Sarah Wignell Morgan Keet Olivia Keet Thomas Wearmouth Christian Wearmouth Field day 173.5 Percentage of Points highest Field day score 173.5 100.00% 38.5 38.1 22.19% 21.96% Dry casting 554 Percentage of Points highest Dry casting score 121 554 275 21.84% 100.00% 49.64% Total 121.84% 100.00% 49.64% 22.19% 21.96% Recorder, Terry Fuller Ladies Club Champion award Presented to the lady with the highest aggregate percentage for the fishing and dry casting competitions. Totals in 2014/15 for fishing and drycasting, expressed as a percentage of the top ladies scores are: The base data for these results are calculated automatically by the dry casting and field day scoring spreadsheets both developed and maintained by Terry Fuller. Another Excel spreadsheet calculates the percentages and sorts these as shown. Highest ladies score Name Sandra Wessels Deirdre Thomas Slavka Schilo Field day 1007.1 Percentage of Points highest Field day score 1007.1 Dry casting 50 Percentage of Points highest Dry casting score 100.00% 50 22.2 2.20% 100.00% Total 100.00% 100.00% 2.20% Recorder, Terry Fuller Mandurah traffic bridge's fishing platform A news item on the Recfishwest website says: Recfishwest is pleased to see that important fishing features have been considered for the upgrade of Mandurah’s iconic Old Traffic Bridge. The $51.8m project funded by the State Government and the City of Mandurah will see the construction of a four-lane bridge featuring a pedestrian walkway and new fishing platforms. For many years, the Old Mandurah Traffic Bridge has been an iconic WA land -based fishing location providing high quality fishing and crabbing opportunities for all in the community. We are delighted the State Government has listened to the views of the community in ensuring the design and construction creates a new bridge that reflects the importance of local culture and recreation. This announcement will ensure this accessible and safe family fishing spot can be enjoyed for generations to come. It also recognises the importance of recreational fishing in the Mandurah region. Reel Talk Editor, Terry Fuller Reel Talk July 2015 Page 35 2014/15 SCAC Presentation night 20 June 2015 Listing, certificates and prize allocations by Terry Fuller, confirmed by President George Holman. Winners decided as listed earlier. 2014/15 Open Competition Section Winner and catch Received Open certificate and Section 1, Most meritorious capture Section 4, Best Salmon Section 6, Best Tailor Section 7, Best Skipjack Trevally (southern) Section 8, Best fish on single handed rod maximum 4kg line class Section 15, Best Black or Yellow finned Bream Peet Peet Peet Peet Barron Barron Barron Barron Wessels, Wessels, Wessels, Wessels, 6.30kg tailor, Bremer Bay, September 2014 5.9kg, Bremer Bay, September 2014 6.30kg, Bremer Bay, September 2014 1.3kg, Bremer Bay, September 2014 Donated by Lures -----------------------------------Eric Parker Lures -----------------------------------Eric Parker Lures -----------------------------------Eric Parker Lures -----------------------------------Eric Parker Peter Pekaar, 0.14kg garfish, South Mole, July 2014 Barron Lures -----------------------------------Eric Parker Geoff Raftis, 0.6kg Black bream, Stokes Inlet, September 2014 Barron Lures -----------------------------------Eric Parker Recorder, Terry Fuller 2014/15 Barron Lures Competition Section Best Tailor on lure. Best Salmon on lure. Best Scale fish on lure. Winner and catch No entries No entries No entries Recorder, Terry Fuller 2014/15 Field Day Competition Section / category Section 1A. Ken Matthews Trophy for best scale fish, first six months. Winner George Holman, 15.6kg Mulloway, August Field day Section 1B. Ken Matthews Trophy for best scale fish, second six months. Peter Osborne, 4.63kg Salmon, April Field day Reel Talk July 2015 Received Field Day certificate and Donated by Perpetual trophy (shared) -----------------------------------Club Halco Max 130 lure-------------------------------------------Halco Tackle 100m spool Tough leader line -----------------------------} Beverley Grigo Box of 100 3/0 tarpon hooks -------------------------------} Perpetual trophy (shared) -----------------------------------Club Halco Roosta Popper ----------------------------------------Halco Tackle 500m spool of Platypus line --------------------------------Australian Monofil Box of 100 3/0 tarpon hooks -------------------------------Beverley Grigo Page 36 Section 2, Most meritorious fish George Holman, 15.6kg Mulloway, August Field day Section 3, Best Shark Martin Wearmouth, 4.67kg Shark, October Field day Section 4. Best Mulloway. George Holman, 15.6kg Mulloway, August Field day Section 5. Best Tailor. Peet Wessels, 1.7kg Tailor, February Field day Section 6. Best Salmon. Peter Osborne, 4.63kg Salmon, April Field day Section 7. Best Skipjack Trevally. Theo Van Niekerk, 1.11kg Skipjack Trevally, August Field day Section 10. Best scale fish (other than sections 3 to 9.) Peet Wessels, 1.47kg Cod, August Field day Section 11. Best bag of Scale Fish. Peter Osborne, 19.56kg Mixed bag, May Field day Section 12. Best bag of Mulloway Peet Wessels, 3.99kg Mulloway, December Field day Section 13. Best bag of Tailor. George Holman, 7.96kg Tailor, September Field day Section 14. Best fish on single handed rod Martin Wearmouth, 0.64kg Tarwhine, September Field day Mini Junior Field Day points second Christian Wearmouth, 38.1 points Mini Junior Field Day points First. Thomas Wearmouth, 38.5 points Junior Field Day points second Only one Junior competed Reel Talk July 2015 300 yard spool Platypus 20lb Platinum braid line ------Australian Monofil Dexter 7 inch knife -------------------------------------------} Beverley Grigo Box of 100 5/0 tarpon hooks -------------------------------} 500m spool of Platypus line --------------------------------Australian Monofil Gillies lure ------------------------------------------------------J M Gillies Agencies 500m spool of Platypus line --------------------------------Australian Monofil Gillies lure ------------------------------------------------------J M Gillies Agencies 500m spool of Platypus line --------------------------------Australian Monofil Gillies lure ------------------------------------------------------J M Gillies Agencies 100m spool Tough leader line -----------------------------Eric Parker Gillies lure ------------------------------------------------------J M Gillies Agencies 500m spool of Platypus line --------------------------------Australian Monofil Gillies lure ------------------------------------------------------J M Gillies Agencies 500m spool of Platypus line --------------------------------Australian Monofil Gillies lure ------------------------------------------------------J M Gillies Agencies 100m spool Tough leader line -----------------------------Eric Parker Gillies lure ------------------------------------------------------J M Gillies Agencies 100m spool Tough leader line -----------------------------Beverley Grigo Gillies lure ------------------------------------------------------J M Gillies Agencies 100m spool Tough leader line -----------------------------Mal Head Gillies lure ------------------------------------------------------J M Gillies Agencies 500m spool of Platypus line --------------------------------Australian Monofil Gillies lure ------------------------------------------------------J M Gillies Agencies Shakespeare Vigilante rod/reel combo -------------------Sharon and Peter Osborne 500m spool of Platypus line --------------------------------} Australian Platypus cap ---------------------------------------------------} Monofil Gillies lure ------------------------------------------------------J M Gillies Agencies Box of 100 3/0 tarpon hooks -------------------------------Mal Head Shakespeare Vigilante rod/reel combo -------------------Sharon and Peter Osborne 500m spool of Platypus line --------------------------------} Australian Platypus cap ---------------------------------------------------} Monofil Portable digital scales ---------------------------------------Laurel and Terry Fuller Gillies lure ------------------------------------------------------J M Gillies Agencies Page 37 Junior Field Day points first. Sarah Wignell, 173.5 points 500m spool of Platypus line --------------------------------}Australian Monofil Platypus cap ---------------------------------------------------} Portable digital scales ---------------------------------------Laurel and Terry Fuller FB300 tackle box -----------------------------------------------------------} Strata Asset Pack of 6 prawn lures ----------------------------------------} Services Halco 40 gram Twisty lure ----------------------------------Halco Tackle Ladies Field Day points second. Slavka Schilo, 22.2 points 500m spool of Platypus line --------------------------------Australian Monofil Soft swim bait lure --------------------------------------------Ian Pereira Ladies Field Day points first. Sandra Wessels, 1007.1 points Field Day points second. Peet Wessels, 1157.6 points Field Day points first. Field Day Officer award. Peter Osborne, 1394.8 points 100m spool Tough leader line -----------------------------} Strata Asset Trailcraft Pelagic #6 lure ------------------------------------} Services Box of 100 3/0 tarpon hooks -------------------------------} Box of 100 3/0 tarpon hooks -------------------------------} Strata Asset Pack of 6 prawn lures ----------------------------------------} Services Trailcraft Pelagic #6 lure ------------------------------------} 185mm Halco Skim Stick -----------------------------------Halco Tackle Perpetual trophy ----------------------------------------------Club Picnic basket --------------------------------------------------Trevor Stam 300 yard spool Platypus 20lb Platinum braid line ------Australian Monofil Box of 100 5/0 tarpon hooks -------------------------------} Strata Asset Trailcraft Pelagic #6 lure ------------------------------------} Services Pack 6 prawn lures -------------------------------------------} Soft swim bait lure -------------------------------------------} Recorder, Terry Fuller 2014/15 Dry Casting Competition. Event / category Second 112 gram Level line distance. Winner George Holman Score 262 points First 112 gram Level line distance. Klaus Schönwolf 272 points Second 56 gram Level line distance. Gary Gildersleeves 249 points First 56 gram Level line distance. George Holman 271 points Reel Talk July 2015 Received dry casting certificate and 500m spool of Schneider line -------------------------------Gillies lure -----------------------------------------------------500m spool of Schneider line -------------------------------Gillies lure -----------------------------------------------------500m spool of Schneider line -------------------------------Gillies lure -----------------------------------------------------500m spool of Schneider line -------------------------------Gillies lure ------------------------------------------------------ Donated by Ian Pereira J M Gillies Agencies Mal Head J M Gillies Agencies Beverley Grigo J M Gillies Agencies Beverley Grigo J M Gillies Agencies Page 38 Second Artificial Bait Level line distance. Klaus Schönwolf 219 points First Artificial Bait Level line distance. Alan Hale 226 points Second Double Handed Accuracy. George Holman 1494 points First Double handed accuracy. Terry Fuller 1553 points Second Single handed accuracy. Terry Fuller 262 points First Single handed accuracy. George Holman 277 points Second Seniors Drycasting. Alan Hale 1791 points First Seniors Drycasting. Jeff Hewton 1813 points Second Veterans Drycasting. Terry Fuller 2638 points First Veterans Drycasting. George Holman 2718 points Second Ladies Drycasting. First Ladies Drycasting. Only one Lady competed Deirdre Thomas 50 points First Juniors Drycasting. Morgan Keet 554 points Second Juniors Drycasting Sarah Wignell 121 points Second Mini Juniors Drycasting. Only one Mini Junior competed Reel Talk July 2015 500m spool of Schneider line -------------------------------Gillies lure -----------------------------------------------------500m spool of Platypus line ---------------------------------Gillies lure -----------------------------------------------------500m spool of Platypus line ---------------------------------Gillies lure -----------------------------------------------------300 yard spool of Schneider braid line -------------------Gillies lure -----------------------------------------------------500m spool of Platypus line ---------------------------------Gillies lure -----------------------------------------------------Ron Kildahl Memorial Shield Perpetual trophy. ---------Box of 100 3/0 tarpon hooks --------------------------------Soft swim bait lure -------------------------------------------500m spool of Schneider line -------------------------------Box of 100 3/0 tarpon hooks --------------------------------500m spool of Platypus line ---------------------------------Box of 100 3/0 tarpon hooks --------------------------------Box of 100 5/0 tarpon hooks --------------------------------100m spool Tough leader line ------------------------------Perpetual Trophy ---------------------------------------------Box of 100 5/0 tarpon hooks --------------------------------100m spool Tough leader line ------------------------------- Eric Parker J M Gillies Agencies Australian Monofil J M Gillies Agencies Australian Monofil J M Gillies Agencies Eric Parker J M Gillies Agencies Australian Monofil J M Gillies Agencies Club } Laurel and } Terry Fuller } Laurel and } Terry Fuller Australian Monofil Mal Head } Eric Parker } Jim Strong } Strata Asset } Services Catch and carry tackle box ----------------------------------Chef's knife -----------------------------------------------------1000m spool of 20lb braid ----------------------------------Encyclopedia of Knots, Rigs and Lures ------------------20 gram Halco Wobbler lure --------------------------------Portable digital scales ----------------------------------------Ocean Stream Torez TO40B reel --------------------------FB 300 tackle box --------------------------------------------Geoff Wilson's waterproof book of knots -----------------Picnic rug -------------------------------------------------------FB 300 tackle box --------------------------------------------- Beverley Grigo Gary Parkinson Gary Parkinson } } Shane Wignell } Laurel and } Terry Fuller } Trevor Stam Aine and Pat McKeown Beverley Grigo Page 39 First Mini Juniors Drycasting. Olivia Keet 275 points Second Open 112 gram. George Holman 266.85 metres Winner Open 112 gram. Ron Thomas 273.41 metres Second Open single handed. Peter Pekaar 83.19 metres Winner Open single handed. George Holman 161.37 metres Most bullseyes Bob Henderson 9 bullseyes Most Improved Caster. Gary Parkinson 39.45% increase in average monthly score. Second Caster of the Year (2 people on equal points). Second Caster of the Year (2 people on equal points). Caster of the Year Klaus Schönwolf 12 points Terry Fuller 12 points George Holman 20 points SG3000 reel ----------------------------------------------------DVD Beach fishing tactics -----------------------------------20 gram Halco Wobbler lure --------------------------------Geoff Wilson's waterproof book of knots -----------------FB 300 tackle box --------------------------------------------Alvey rod wraps -----------------------------------------------Trailcraft Pelagic #6 lure ------------------------------------Alvey rod wraps -----------------------------------------------Trailcraft Pelagic #6 lure ------------------------------------Alvey rod wraps -----------------------------------------------Trailcraft Pelagic #6 lure ------------------------------------- Gary Parkinson } Shane Wignell } Trevor Stam Eric Parker Alvey Australia Ian Pereira Alvey Australia Ian Pereira Alvey Australia Mal Head Pack 6 natural shaped prawn lures -------------------------- } Strata Asset Trailcraft Pelagic #6 lure ------------------------------------- } Services Trailcraft Pelagic #6 lure ------------------------------------- } Strata Asset Soft swim bait lure -------------------------------------------- } Services Catch and Carry tackle box ---------------------------------- } Laurel and FB 300 tackle box --------------------------------------------- } Terry Fuller Box of 100 5/0 tarpon hooks --------------------------------- } Portable digital scales ----------------------------------------- } 100m spool Tough leader line ------------------------------- } Alvey red/gold wading/reef bag ----------------------------- } Alvey Australia Alvey Nitro nipper bait aerator ------------------------------- } Alvey rod wraps ------------------------------------------------ } Alvey knitted beanie and cap -------------------------------- } Alvey Nitro nipper bait aerator ------------------------------- } Alvey Australia Alvey knitted beanie and cap -------------------------------- } Alvey Nitro nipper bait aerator ------------------------------- } Alvey Australia Alvey knitted beanie and cap -------------------------------- } Fruit cake to Grandma Butler's famous recipe ---------- Laurel Fuller Alvey shirt ------------------------------------------------------- } Alvey Australia Alvey rod wraps ------------------------------------------------ } Alvey cap -------------------------------------------------------- } Saltwater Laboratories 2.4m rod bag ---------------------- Laurel and Terry Fuller Recorder, Terry Fuller Reel Talk July 2015 Page 40 2014/15 Club Awards Award Marcia Pekaar Award. Junior Club Champion Name With 100% of highest junior Field Day score and 21.84% of highest Dry casting score, total 121.84% Sarah Wignell Received Perpetual trophy -------------------------------------Framed certificate ------------------------------------Catch and carry tackle box -------------------------Saltwater Laboratories 2.4m rod bag ------------OceanStream Salcrest SA40 reel-----------------Dexter 7 inch filleting knife -------------------------Box of 100 3/0 tarpon hooks ------------------------ Donated by Marcia and Peter Pekaar } Strata Asset } Services } } } } Hans Wytenburg Memorial Trophy for best bag at the March Bluff Creek field day With 5 species, 27 fish, 9.58 kg, 145.8 points Peet Wessels Basil Marsh Encouragement Award Ken Howells Ladies Club Champion. Two ladies equal with 100% each 100% of highest ladies Dry casting / Field day scores respectively. Deirdre Thomas / Sandra Wessels President's award Club Person of the Year Terry Fuller Sports Person of the Year With 57 Dry casting points, and 55 Field day points for a total of 112 points George Holman Perpetual trophy -------------------------------------Framed certificate ------------------------------------Willow 25 litre cooler --------------------------------Saltwater Laboratories 2.4m rod bag ------------Perpetual trophy -------------------------------------Framed certificate ------------------------------------Pair of Motorola Talkabout hand held 2 way radios Alvey red/gold wading/reef bag -------------------Alvey Nitro nipper bait aerator --------------------Alvey knitted beanie and cap ----------------------100m spool Tough leader line ---------------------Perpetual trophy -------------------------------------Framed certificates ----------------------------------Gift voucher for each -------------------------------Perpetual trophy -------------------------------------Framed certificate ------------------------------------Gift voucher -------------------------------------------Halco 80gram Outcast lure-------------------------Flasher 85gram lure ---------------------------------Soft swim bait lures ----------------------------------Pack of 6 prawn lures -------------------------------Perpetual Trophy -------------------------------------Framed certificate ------------------------------------1.5 metre graphite rod butt extension ------------Wood rod butt sand spike --------------------------Reel winch fitting -------------------------------------- Club Club Shane Wignell Beverley Grigo Club Club Terry McLean } Alvey Australia } } Beverley Grigo Club } Strata Asset } Services Club Club George Holman Halco Tackle } Peter Osborne } } Club Club } Ozflex Australia } } Recorder, Terry Fuller Reel Talk July 2015 Page 41 Club Badges and Records Award Masters badge Name George Holman Details Club Masters Award recognising the capture of 8 species of fish from a list Received Cloth badge and certificate Masters badge Peet Wessels Club Masters Award recognising the capture of 8 species of fish from a list Cloth badge and certificate Award Species badge Name Eric Parker Details Club Species Award recognising the capture of 10 species of fish Received Cloth badge and certificate Species badge Ian Taggart Club Species Award recognising the capture of 10 species of fish Cloth badge and certificate Species badge Jim Strong Club Species Award recognising the capture of 10 species of fish Cloth badge and certificate Species badge Terry Fuller Club Species Award recognising the capture of 10 species of fish Cloth badge and certificate Species badge John Lee Club Species Award recognising the capture of 10 species of fish Cloth badge and certificate Species badge Malcolm Head Club Species Award recognising the capture of 10 species of fish Cloth badge and certificate Species badge Sarah Wignell Club Species Award recognising the capture of 10 species of fish Cloth badge and certificate Species badge Shane Wignell Club Species Award recognising the capture of 10 species of fish Cloth badge and certificate Species badge Mark Nurse Club Species Award recognising the capture of 10 species of fish Cloth badge and certificate Award Game fish badge Name Francis Ford Details Club Award recognising the capture of a Game fish from the shore Received Metal badge and certificate Award Club Dry casting record Name Robert Pekaar Details Men's 56 gram level line distance record, 167.79 metres, 2 November 2014 Received Certificate Club Dry casting record Gary Gildersleeves Veterans 56 gram level line distance record, 171.4 metres, 26 October 2014 Certificate Club Dry casting record Ron Thomas Veterans Artificial bait level line distance record, 152.01 metres, 26 October 2014 Certificate Club Dry casting record Bob Henderson Veterans 56 gram level line distance record, 158.0 metres, 26 October 2014 Certificate Award Club fishing record Name Sandra Wessels Details 0.36 kg Western Blue Devil, Rottnest, 17 Augus t 2014 Received Certificate Club fishing record Ron Thomas 1.4 kg Dark Tailed Sea Perch, Quobba, 24 June 2014 Certificate Club fishing record Ron Thomas 0.7 kg Moses Perch, Quobba, 24 June 2014 Certificate Club fishing record Ron Thomas 3.1 kg Rankin Cod, Quobba, 17 July 2014 Certificate Club fishing record Mark Hansen 0.38 kg Sand Bass, Rottnest, 17 August 2014 Certificate Club fishing record Peet Wessels 6.30 kg Tailor, Bremer Bay, 17 September 2014 Certificate Recorder, Terry Fuller Reel Talk July 2015 Page 42 Raffle prizes at Presentation night Here are the members and partners who were present and the raffle prizes won. There were also handouts on the tables from Ozflex, Bladon WA, Department of Fisheries Western Australia, and Recfishwest. Name Theo van Niekerk Louise van Niekerk Peet Wessels Sandra Wessels Bev Grigo Greg Keet Morgan Keet Olivia Keet Lee Yongli Ken Howells Terry Fuller Laurel Fuller Dean Stewart Marion Stewart Victor Schilo Slavka Schilo George Holman George Belin Helen Belin Raffle prize won Central Seafoods bait voucher, fishing balloons 2 packs Central Seafoods bait voucher Waterproof book Fishing Knots by Geoff Wilson Picnic basket with plates, plastic cutlery, glasses Fishing balloons and lure Beanie, spool of line Beanie, tackle box, Platypus cap, spool of line. Steggles chicken voucher, box of tackle and rigs made up by Peter Osborne Beanie, fishing balloons Steggles chicken voucher Steggles chicken voucher, spool of line Steggles chicken voucher Waterproof book Fishing Knots by Geoff Wilson Central Seafoods bait voucher, Nutrimetrics cosmetics Steggles chicken voucher, fishing balloons 3 packs Western Angler subscription City of Stirling Clubs Forever bag Name Eric Parker Martin Wearmouth Michael Pisano Sharon Osborne Peter Osborne Mark Nurse Dave Maxted Pat McKeown Aine McKeown Raffle prize won Spool of line, fishing balloons Box of hooks, reel grease x 2 Gary Gildersleeves Mary Gildersleeves Reuben Ball Jessica Shane Wignell Sarah Wignell Jeff Hewton Scott Williamson Jason Zerella Central Seafoods bait voucher Nutrimetrics cosmetics, pack of Techni Ice 4ply Reel grease, fishing balloons x 2 packs Waterproof book Fishing Knots by Geoff Wilson, lure Fishing balloons, lure, reel grease 2 Platypus caps Wine rack, Steggles chicken voucher Box of tackle and rigs made up by Peter Osborne Pioneer Maglev ML1000 reel Spool of line Fishing balloons x 3 packs Central Seafoods bait voucher Waterproof book Fishing Knots by Geoff Wilson Reel grease Torches donated by Bladon WA Social Organiser, Pat McKeown Reel Talk July 2015 Page 43 Photographs from 2015 Presentation night Thanks to Sandra Wessels for taking some great photographs at the Presentation night on 20 June. A selection of these and some taken by me have been posted on the Club website. The photos page is linked from the "What's New" panel on the Home page http://www.surfcasters.iinet.net.au/ The images on the website are reduced in size and compressed. Contact me if you would like a copy of the full sized high resolution originals. Club Website Editor, Terry Fuller Peet Wessels receives his Masters Badge from George Holman Species badges for Eric Parker, Mark Nurse, Shane Wignell, Sarah Wignell, Terry Fuller Reel Talk July 2015 Some of the trophies, prizes and certificates More of the trophies and prizes George Holman with Ken Howells, winner of the Basil Marsh Encouragement Award George Holman, Sports Person of the Year George Holman with Terry Fuller, Club Person of the Year Ladies Club Champion Sandra Wessels with Junior Club Champion Sarah Wignell Page 44 Kalbarri House for rent The Club owns a house in Kalbarri which is ideal for a fishing holiday in the area. Access to the famous fishing spots at Wagoe, Lucky Bay, Port Gregory, etc is just a short drive away via the main bitumen road. The Mallard Street house has easy access to the river, beaches and town. It has two reverse cycle air conditioners to keep you cool in the summer months and warm in winter. It has two bedrooms and will sleep up to eight (max) in 1 queen sized bed and 3 commercial grade 2 level bunks. The bathroom and shower were rebuilt in 2012. Users need to bring their own linen, blankets and towels, tea towels, etc. It has a high definition LCD television, DVD/VCR, stove, oven, microwave, crockery and cutlery and all cooking utensils, washing machine, food fridge/freezer and an extra chest freezer for bait and fish. Outside has a built in gas barbecue, a fish cleaning facility and a full width verandah. There is plenty of fenced parking space for cars, trailers and boats behind a gate. Pets may be allowed by prior arrangement but must stay outside the house. Rates are: Off season On season Short term (min 2 nights) Short term (min 2 nights) Weekly rates $100 per night $120 per night 6 times daily rate as above Surf Casting and Angling Club members Off season $200 per week On season $300 per week Short term $60 one night $50 per night (two or more nights) $100 bond $100 bond } $100 deposit/bond } plus $70 cleaning Winter/early spring discount special. A discount of 20% on the rates applies for all public bookings for stays during the months of July, August and September. Members of clubs affiliated with the Australian Anglers Association WA Division, and friends of members of the Surf Casting and Angling Club receive a 20% discount on the normal public rates. See inside the latest Reel Talk for dates already booked. Contact Terry Fuller 9447 4545 for more details and for bookings, or email the Club [email protected] Collect keys in Perth before leaving for Kalbarri. Check in time is 2pm. Check out time is 10am. There are 20 photos on the Club website www.surfcasters.iinet.net.au/KalbarriHouse.html If any work needs to be done in, on or around the house, please contact the Club for approval. Greg Keet, Property Maintenance Terry Fuller, Property Booking Surf Casting and Angling Club 2014/15 Sponsors