MTS Ultimate TV Channel Packages Brochure
MTS Ultimate TV Channel Packages Brochure
MyAccount MTS Ult imate TV & High Speed Internet Services MTS Ultimate TV Choose the speed that’s right for you. Get more of what you want from your TV service. • Access your MTS services online, anywhere, anytime • View details of your service information, including High Speed Internet, and pay your monthly bill • Change TV channels and manage your Whole Home PVR with MyPVR • Sign up today at $67.00/month Online Bill Lightning 50 Lightning 10 $62.00/month Lightning 25 $85.00/month • Access your current bill and up to 2 years of bill history online • Sign up today at and get a $5 credit on your next monthly bill • Download speeds up to 10 Mbps • Upload speeds up to 2 Mbps • Unlimited data usage included • Download speeds up to 25 Mbps • Upload speeds up to 2 Mbps • Unlimited data usage included • Download speeds up to 50 Mbps • Upload speeds up to 5 Mbps • Unlimited data usage included The Lightning 50 plan shares bandwidth with Ultimate TV service. Internet speeds vary with TV use. All our High Speed Internet plans come with the following great features: Call 204-225-5687 or visit your nearest MTS store to learn more. Ask us about our great introductory offers and how you can bundle your services for the best everyday price. Current as of February 25, 2016. Channels listed are subject to change. MTS High Speed Internet • Never worry about internet overage charges with Unlimited Internet • HD channels are included with our standard definiton channels – get both channels for one price • Take control with MTS Whole Home PVR – pause, rewind and replay live TV on all TVs in your home. AS LOW AS* Ultimate TV Pick 6 $83.00/month with Premium Movies 7 Pak Includes the Basic Pack plus your choice of 6 channel groups from our wide variety of programming. Enjoy even more great channels! *Price may vary depending on channel groups selected. †Includes first wired set-top box rental. Ultimate TV Basic Pack $45.00/month† $71.99/month with Premium Movies 7 Pak Bringing you all the tried and true basics, like local news, sports and major networks. With 63 channels (including 23 in HD) we’ll keep you in the know and up-to-date! • Free In-Home Wi-Fi • Unlimited internet access at all MTS Wi-Fi hotspots $63.00/month† Ultimate TV Starter $28.00/month† $54.99/month with Premium Movies 7 Pak MTS In-Home Wi-Fi Credentials Get our entry level package, which includes local and major networks. Wireless Network Name:________________________ Service available in select areas. TV: Channels, packages and pricing are subject to change without notice. Installation charge of $25 applies. HD channels are included with the purchase of SD channels where available. Each TV requires a set-top box to access the service. First set-top box must be wired and the rental fee is $3/month, which is included in the price of Basic Pack and Starter. Additional wired set-top boxes can be rented for $3/month each. Wireless set-top boxes can be rented for $6/month each. Equipment remains property of MTS and must be returned if service is cancelled or replacement cost applies. Internet: Home Networking has an installation charge of $99 if you are not eligible for Ultimate TV® and includes configuration of up to three computers. This service subject to our Internet Usage Policy – visit for details. Actual Internet speeds may vary and are not guaranteed. Unlimited use is subject to our Fair Use Policy – visit for details about our network management practices. In-Home Wi-Fi: Customers subscribing to Lightning 10 or a faster High Speed Internet plan are provided with a Wi-Fi enabled residential gateway to allow them to share their MTS personal Internet plan among Wi-Fi enabled devices in their home. The security, confidentiality and privacy of wireless communications cannot be guaranteed. Residential customers only. Bundles: Requires a bundle of two select MTS services at the same service address, comprising of at least one of: MTS Home Phone, MTS High Speed Internet, MTS TV and at least one and up to 5 MTS postpaid wireless plans. Bundle discounts and eligibility subject to change and available to new and existing MTS customers. If a required service is cancelled, you must pay for the remaining service(s) at full price. Starter TV is not eligible for bundle discounts. Minimum $25 Wireless plan required to be eligible for bundle discount. Wireless plans under a Total Internet membership are not eligible for bundle discounts. Best price claim based on similar individual services/plans offered by Canadian providers offering services in Manitoba as of December 1, 2015. Ultimate TV, MTS design mark and We’re with you. are trademarks of Manitoba Telecom Service Inc., used under license. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Wireless Network Key:__________________________ Build your Own UlTIMATe TV ® pACkAge 1. get the popular BASIC pACk or just choose STArTer = Pick-and-Pay channels available separately starting from $1.99 a month. 2. Add more CHAnnel grOUpS BASiC PACk –$45.00/month ADVEnTURE Basic Pack includes Starter and Essentials. Extras included with your set-top box rental. Prices shown include the $3.00 monthlycostofyourfirstwiredset-topboxrental. $4.00/month Starter – $28.00/month hD hOLLYWOOD SUiTE $3.00/month $5.00/month CinEMA SUNDANCE / SUNDANCE HD LOGO $3.00/month 04.03.13 Winnipeg inFORMATiOn $3.00/month HD LOGO - B&W MUSiC nEWS $4.00/month HD LOGO - COLOUR OPTIONS Minneapolis Grand Forks EnTERTAinMEnT kiDS PLUS $4.00/month $3.00/month $3.00/month MONTREAL LiFESTYLE PRiMETiME 2 REPLAY MEDLEY $3.00/month $3.00/month HD DISCOVERY $4.00/month hORSERACing 1 hORSERACing 2 MOViE FLiCkS $4.00/month MOViE PiCkS $3.00/month $5.00/month SPORTS ChAMPiOnS $3.00/month HDHi-fi HD Extras $3.00/month $5.00/month $4.00/month FAMiLY $3.00/month Essentials PRiMETiME 1 LiFE TV to Go $4.00/month French English PLACES $3.00/month EXPLORE SPORTS FAnS $10.00/month ALL CHANNEL GROUPS AND INDIVIDUAL CHANNELS ARE PRICED AS MARKED continued on next page 2. Add more CHAnnel grOUpS SPORTS EnThUSiASTS 3. Add preMIUM MOVIe CHAnnelS* (cont) $3.00/month PREMiUM MOViES 2 PAk 4. Add AddITIOnAl CHOICeS* 2 channels 5.99 $ 2.99 $ 5. Add preMIUM SpOrTS CHAnnelS* Call for pricing 6.00† $3.00/month TIME SHIFT EAST PREMiUM MOViES 5 PAk 3 channels $18.00/month 2 channels Detroit PREMiUM MOViES 7 PAk $3.00/month $20.00/month MOViE CEnTRAL On DEMAnD Seattle TiME ShiFT WEST 11.99 5.00 $ $ 7.99 $ Premium Movies – 5 & 2 Pak 6.00 $ MULTiCULTURAL POLSKIE RADIO Jedynkda & Trojka 24.99 11.99 Prices as marked per month 21.99 $ $ $ TFC RADIO DZMM & DWRR regular price $26.99. 10.00 4.00 $ (Save 26% by subscribing to 1 or more Channel groups.) 14.99 $ $ Included with Premium Movies 7 Pak or 5 Pak. 7.99 $ 9.99 $24.99 for both or 9.99 DiVERTiSSEMEnT 19.99 $ †For Aapka Colors and Sony Entertainment Television Asia subscription to ATN is required. $16.99/month (FrENCH) SPORTS AND MORE $3.00/month FAMiLLE (FrENCH) SUPER ChAnnEL On DEMAnD Included with Super Channel Prices as marked per month ADULT $21.99/month each jEUnESSE (FrENCH) 2.99 $ 2.99 $ 20.00 $ 6.00 $ Choose any 2 of RedHot TV, Exxtasy or PenthouseTV for $35.99/month PLAYBOY TV 4.95/2-day rental or $6.95/month $ 7. TV eQUIpMenT renTAlS HDSETTOP BOX REnTAL • 1st wired HD set-top box rental price included in price of Basic Pack and Starter. Additional wired HD set-top box rentals $3.00/month per TV set All set-top boxes are HD capable • Additional wireless HD set-top box rentals $6.00/month per TV set 1.99 $ TM WhOLE hOME PVR SERViCE $6.00/month *Additional Choices are subject to a minimum 30-day subscription. $3.00/month 14.99 $ 11.99 $ $3.00/month • Turn your HD set-top boxes into a PVR system that works throughout your home • Pause, rewind and replay live TV on all connected TVs • Watch or record up to 3 live HD shows at the same time • Program your PVR from a computer or mobile device with MyPVR • Includes a 160GB hard drive to record all of your favourite shows Ask us about upgrading to a 500 GB hard drive. ALL ChAnnEL gROUPS AnD inDiViDUAL ChAnnELS ARE PRiCED AS MARkED = Pick-and-Pay channels available separately starting from $1.99 a month. 4.99 $ *Most Apps on TV require a subscription to MTS High Speed Internet service and are not compatible with MTS High Speed Internet Light or Super Max Internet plans. For-fee Apps on TV are subject to a minimum 30-day subscription. FREE *Premium Movies 7 Pak, Premium Movies 5 Pak, Premium Movies 2 Pak and Super Channel are subject to a minimum 30-day subscription. (FrENCH) Prices as marked per month 4.99 $ $ Talentvision/Fairchild 4 channels APPS FOR PURChASE DZBB & DWLS Radio $ SUPER ChAnnEL 6. Add AppS* $14.99 for both or gMA group FREE $3.00/month $ $ $ For NFL Red Zone, subscription to NFL Network or Sports Fans channel group is required. 16.99 5.00 6.00 $ VARiéTé $ $8.99/month SUPER $4.00/month 7.99† 16.99 $ ALL ChAnnELS hD Basic PACK SD CHANNEL GROUPS SD HD CBC Winnipeg 2 1002 ICI RDI (French)139 PBS Fargo 3 1003 CBC News NETWORK 140 CBS Minneapolis 4 1004 HORSERACING 1 179 CTV Winnipeg 5 1005 HORSERACING 2 180 NBC Minneapolis 6 1006 FNTSY SPORTS NETWORK 190 The Shopping Channel 7 RT 287 City WINNIPEG 8 1008 AL JAZEERA ENGLISH 288 WHAT’S ON MTS TV 9 1009 ami-télé 400 ICI Radio-Canada TéLé TV5405 Winnipeg (FRENCH) 10 1010 TVA montreal (French)406 HOPETv 11 CPAC (French)407 Global Winnipeg 12 1012 TFO (French)408 ABC Grand Forks 13 1013 unis TV 409 APTN 141014 STINGRAY music 601-645 The Weather Network16 1016 Local Radio 171017 YTV (East) WINNIPEG 701-728 YTV (West)18 BEAUSEJOUR 732 YTV ON DEMAND prairie public FOX Minneapolis 19 1019 radio 733 TSN2 211021 PORTAGE 741-743 TSN3 221022 DAUPHIN 744-745 Much 251025 Neepawa 746 Vision TV 26 BRANDON 751-756 daystar canada 27 THE PAS 760-762 CPAC28 THOMPSON 763-765 MTS tv Weather 29 STEINBACH 780-782 NACTV30 ami-AUDIO704 Game TV 33 MTS PAY-PER-VIEW 1 801 TSN1 371037 MTS PAY-PER-VIEW 2 802 TSN4 381038 ami-tv 888 TSN5 39 1039 TWITTER ON TV mts tv fREE VIEW BUDDYTV FOR MTS* CHANNEL 40 MTS TV TO GO* GUSTO TV 1056 CTV GO* SOCIAL TV 83 1083 TSN GO* ULTIMATE PICKS 92 1092 STINGRAY MUSIC APP* MY PICKS 93 1093 LOBBY CAMERA 95 1095 * Download from your App Store. APPS ON TV DEMO CHANNEL 96 1096 HD 1140 1190 1400 . 1801 1802 1888 ADVENTURE PEACHTREE TV SPACE BRAVO american heroes channel SPIKE HD 121 1121 1221122 1231123 124 1124 125 1125 CINEMA CHCH 2611261 IFC262 sundance channel 263 1263 DOCUMENTARY 2641264 rewind channel 265 1265 SD CINEMA (cont'd) SILVER SCREEN CLASSICS FAMILY DISNEY CHANNEL 150 1150 disney channel on demand TELETOOn (EAST) 1 5 1 1151 TELETOON (WEST) 152 FAMILY CHANNEL (EAST) 153 1153 FAMILY CHANNEL (WEST) 154 FAMILY ON DEMAND TREEHOUSE 1551155 TREEHOUSE ON DEMAND DISNEY JUNIOR 156 1156 CARTOON NETWORK 157 1157 Family jr 158 family chrgd 159 1159 DISNEY XD 160 1160 HD hi-fi SMITHSONIAN CHANNEL LOVE NATURE hifi radx HD 266 ENTERTAINMENT SHOWCASE 1 1 1 1111 SHOWCASE ON DEMAND E! 1 1 3 1113 OWN: oPRAH 1 1 4 1114 WINFREY NETWORK THE COMEDY nETWORK (EAST) 1 1 5 1115 THE COMEDY nETWORK (WEST) 1 1 6 M3 1 1 7 1117 SD HD HD DISCOVERY WILD TV HD 1185 discovery VELOCITY 1621 CHANNEL GROUPS SD SD EXPLORE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL 272 1272 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL on demand DISCOVERY SCIENCE 273 DIY NETWORK 275 NAT GEO WILD 276 1276 investigation discovery 277 CHANNEL GROUPS kids plus animal planet bbc kids nickelodeon the pet network babytv life slice SLICE ON DEMAND w network (east) w network (west) hgtv HGTV ON DEMAND food network FOOD NETWORK ON DEMAND cosmotv HD 251 1251 252 253 1253 255 256 1 3 1 1131 132 1132 133 1341134 135 1135 1361136 lifestyle fyi 292 fashion television CHANNEL 293 One 294 outtv 2951295 THE BIOGRAPHY CHANNEL 297 MEDLEY AUX TV MAKEFUL JUICEBOX MTV2 MTV 321 322 323 324 3261326 MOVIE FLICKS WGN CHICAGO 222 1222 ACTION 241 LIFETIME 244 1244 LIFETIME ON DEMAND AMC 2471247 HD hollywood suite AMC ON DEMAND hollywood suite1611 70s MOVIES TURNER CLASSIC MOVIES 248 1248 hollywood suite 80s MOVIES1612 MOVIE PICKS hollywood suite MOVIETIME 231 1231 90s MOVIES1613 DEJAVIEW 233 hollywood suite ABC SPARK 234 1234 00s MOVIES1614 hollywood suite ABC SPARK on demand ON DEMAND W MOVIES 236 1236 information FX 237 1237 g4 2811281 ichannel282 MUSIC cp24 283 MUCHVIBE3 1 1 TVO 284 MUCHLOUD 313 BET 314 MUCHRETRO 315 1601 1602 1603 1604 SD PLACES BBC WORLD NEWS TRAVEL + ESCAPE COTTAGE LIFE BBC CANADA BOOKTELEVISION 301 302 1302 303 1303 304 305 PRIMETIME 1 A&E TLC CNN DISCOVERY HEADLINE NEWS 1011101 1021102 1031103 1041104 108 1108 PRIMETIME 2 HISTORY 1051105 HISTORY ON DEMAND DTOUR 1061106 gsn107 CMT 1091109 NASA TV 110 REpLAY COMEDY GOLD h2 H2 ON DEMAND CRIME + iNVESTIGATION TLN SD HD NEWS LCN 138 CTV NEWS CHANNEL 1 4 1 1141 BNN 1421142 CNBC 144 FOX NEWS 145 BLOOMBERG TV 146 1146 MSNBC 149 162 1631163 164 165 SPORTS CHAMPIONS RDS 1 9 1 1191 NBA TV CANADA 192 1192 euroworld sport 195 tva sPORTS 197 1197 SPORTS ENTHUSIASTS WORLD FISHING NETWORK 183 1183 WILD TV 185 1185 ESPN CLASSIC 202 SPORTS FANS FIGHT NETWORK 170 1170 SPORTSNET (WEST) 1 7 1 1171 SPORTSNET (EAST) 1721172 SPORTSNET (ONTARIO)173 1173 SPORTSNET (PACIFIC)174 1174 FOX SPORTS RACING175 1175 OLN 1761176 NFL NETWORK 177 1177 PREMIUM MOVIES HD SPORTS FANS (cont’d) SPORTSNET 590 THE FAN SPORTSNET 360 GOLF CHANNEL SPORTSNET ONE mlb NETWORK 178 181 182 187 188 1181 1182 1187 1188 Super mytv38 boston wgn chicago pix new york ktla los angeles 221 222 223 224 1221 1222 1223 1224 timeshift east cbc toronto city toronto global TORONTO ctv montreal ntv st john’s global MARITIMES pbs detroit 341 342 343 344 345 346 348 1341 1342 1343 1344 timeshift west city saskatchewan CBC VANCOUVER CTV BC GLOBAL BC CITY EDMONTON CITY VANCOUVER ABC SEATTLE CBS SEATTLE FOX SEATTLE NBC SEATTLE PBS SEATTLE 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 SD SD HD movie central on demand HBO CANADA (EAST)2091209 HBO CANADA (WEST)210 1210 MOVIE CENTRAL 1 2 1 1 1211 MOVIE CENTRAL 2 212 1212 MOVIE CENTRAL 3 213 1213 ENCORE AVENUE 1 ENCORE AVENUE 2 SUPER CHANNEL 1 SUPER CHANNEL 2 SUPER CHANNEL 3 SUPER CHANNEL 4 SUPER CHANNEL on demand HD 215 1215 216 1216 217 1217 218 1218 219 1219 220 1220 APPS FOR TV SD THE KAROAKE CHANNEL DISTRACTV TUMBLEBOOKS TV HD 61 1061 761076 81 1081 ADDITIONAL CHOICES SD 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 divertissement ICI Artv 421 canal d 423 z424 FAMILLE VRAK4 1 1 tÉLÉ-QUEBEC 412 tÉLÉTOON 413 RDS INFO 414 ADDIKTV 415 SERIES+422 jeunesse Télémagino441 BABYTV (French)442 La Chaîne Disney 443 SD HD EWTN 500 ATN 501 DW 502 ODYSSEY 503 B4U MOVIES 504 AAPKA COLORS 505 FAIRCHILD TELEVISION 506 GMA PINOY TV 507 GMA radio – dzbb798 gma radio – dwls799 GMA LIFE TV 508 TFC – THE FILIPINO CHANNEL 509 TFC radio – DZMM794 TFC radio – DWRR795 SONY ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION ASIA510 ZEE TV canada 511 BOLLYWOOD TIMES 1512 TV POLONIA 515 polskie radio – jedynkda 796 poliskie radio – trojka 797 HD CBN – COMMONWEALTH BROADCASTING NETWORK 516 UNIVISION CANADA 517 RTR PLANETA 518 PROsIEBENSAT.1 WELT 519 TALENTVISION 520 SPORTSNET WORLD 521 1521 RAI ITALIA 522 MIRACLE CHANNEL 523 GMA NEWS TV INTERNATIONAL 524 FTV 525 TV JAPAN 526 1526 BEIN SPORTS 527 1527 WWE NETWORK 528 1528 GERMAN KINO PLUS 529 THE CULT MOVIE NETWORK 599 PLAYBOY TV 951 EXXXTASY 952 RED HOT TV 953 PENTHOUSE TV 954 VIVIDTV hd 1955 PREMIUM SPORTS CHANNELS SD VARIéTé 810 HISTORIA431 NFL REDZONE NFL SUNDAY TICKET PRISE 2 432 NHL CENTRE ICE 831-845 CASA 433 euronews (French)434 HD 1810 1811-1826 1831-1845 = Pick-and-Pay channels available separately starting from $1.99 a month.
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