Linear Perspective PDF
Linear Perspective PDF
Architecture of Brunelleschi and Alberti Development of Linear Perspective Figure 21-30 FILIPPO BRUNELLLESCHI, cutaway view of the dome of Florence Cathedral, Florence, Italy, 1420-1436 ( after Piero Sanpaolesi). 2 Brunelleschi, Foundling Hospital, Florence Figure 21-31 FILIPPO BRUNELLESCHI, interior of Santo Spirito (looking northeast), Florence, Italy, designed 1434–4 1436; begun ca. 1436. Figure 21-32 FILIPPO BRUNELLESCHI, early plan (left) and plan as constructed (right) of Santo Spirito, Florence, Italy, 5 designed 1434–1436; begun 1446. FILIPPO BRUNELLESCHI, exterior of Santo Spirito, Florence, Italy, designed 1434–1436; begun ca. 1436. Figure 21-33 FILIPPO BRUNELLESCHI, facade of the Pazzi Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence, Italy, begun ca. 1440. 7 Figure 21-34 FILIPPO BRUNELLESCHI, plan of the Pazzi Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence, Italy designed ca. 1423, begun 1442. 8 Figure 21-35 FILIPPO BRUNELLESCHI, interior of the Pazzi Chapel (looking northeast), Santa Croce, Florence, Italy, designed ca.1423, begun 1442, with glazed terracotta roundels by Luca della Robbia. 9 Figure 21-36 MICHELOZZO DI BARTOLOMMEO, facade of the Palazzo MediciRiccardi, Florence, Italy, begun 1445. 10 Figure 21-37 MICHELOZZO DI BARTOLOMMEO, interior court of the Palazzo Medici-Riccardi, Florence, Italy, begun 1445. 11 Figure 21-38 LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI BERNARDO ROSSELLINO, Palazzo Rucellai, Florence, Italy, ca. 1452–1470. 12 Figure 21-39 LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI, west facade of Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy, ca. 1456–1470. 13 Figure 21-44 LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI, west facade of Sant’Andrea, Mantua, Italy, designed 1470, begun 1472. 14 Figure 21-45 LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI, plan of Sant’Andrea, Mantua, Italy, designed 1470, begun 1472. 15 Figure 21-46 LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI, interior of Sant’Andrea (looking northeast), Mantua, Italy, designed 1470, begun 1472. Where have we seen this coffered barrel vault before? 16 Perspective in Painting and Relief Figure 21-40 PERUGINO, Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to Saint Peter, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome, Italy, 1481– 1483. Fresco, 11’ 5 1/2” x 18’ 8 1/2”. 19 Figure 21-26 PAOLO UCCELLO, Battle of San Romano, ca. 1455 (?). Tempera on wood, approx. 6’ x 10’ 5”. National Gallery, London. 21 Figure 21-17 GENTILE DA FABRIANO, Adoration of the Magi, altarpiece from Strozzi Chapel, Santa Trinità, Florence, Italy, 1423. Tempera on wood, approx. 9’ 11” x 9’ 3”. Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence. 22 Carlo Crivelli’s, Annunciation with Saint Emidius Figure 21-24 DOMENICO GHIRLANDAIO, Birth of the Virgin, Cappella Maggiore, Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy, 1485–1490. Fresco, 24’4” x14’9”. 24 Ghiberti, Solomon and Sheba, Baptistery, Florence Figure 21-21 FRA ANGELICO, Annunciation, San Marco, Florence, Italy, ca. 1438–1447. Fresco, 7’ 1” x 10’ 6”. 26 Figure 21-23 FRA FILIPPO LIPPI, Madonna and Child with Angels, ca. 1455. Tempera on wood, 2’ 11 1/2”. x 2’ 1”. Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence. 27 Figure 21-22 ANDREA DEL CASTAGNO, Last Supper, the refectory, convent of Sant’Apollonia, Florence, Italy, 1447. Fresco, 15’ 5” x 32’. 28 Figure 21-42 PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA, Enthroned Madonna and Saints Adored by Federico da Montefeltro (Brera Altarpiece), ca. 1472–1474. Oil on wood, 8’ 2” x 5’ 7”. Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan. 29 Figure 21-43 PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA, Flagellation of Christ, ca. 1455-1465. Oil and tempera on wood, 1’ 11 1/8” X 2’ 8 ¼”. Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino. 30 Figure 21-41 LUCA SIGNORELLI, Damned Cast into Hell, San Brizio Chapel, Orvieto Cathedral, Orvieto, Italy, 1499– 31 1504. Fresco, 23’ wide. Mantegna in Mantua Figure 21-47 ANDREA MANTEGNA, interior of the Camera Picta (Painted Chamber), Palazzo Ducale, Mantua, Italy, 1465–1474. Fresco. 33 Oculus Figure 21-48 ANDREA MANTEGNA, Camera Picta (Painted Chamber), Palazzo Ducale, Mantua, Italy, 1465–1474. Fresco, 8’ 9” in diameter. 35 MANTEGNA: GRISAILLE Self Portrait: Mantegna Figure 21-49 ANDREA MANTEGNA, Foreshortened Christ, ca. 1500. Tempera on canvas, 2’ 2 3/4” x 2’ 7 7/8”. Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan. 43
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