The Underground MLM Manifesto


The Underground MLM Manifesto
The Underground
MLM Manifesto
What You’ll Discover Inside...
 What I discovered in an 18-page “Little Blue Report” that became
my “Million Dollar MLM Blueprint”. (The guru who sent me a copy in the
1990’s called it “Possibly The Most Profound 18 Pages I Have Ever
Read.” Photo Inside...)
 What Dateline NBC calls “...the dirty little secret” of MLM - and what
their in-depth investigation revealed about so-called “MLM
 Me, a 6-Figure “Failure”? How a failed attempt to build my downline in
a new MLM actually put $240,157.30 in my bank account...
 How a “Surprise” $4,578.45 Check from a long forgotten website
became the “missing piece of the puzzle”... and helped me create a
passive residual income - WITHOUT an MLM Opportunity.
 The insider story of why I “KILLED” my own MLM Company (after
investing more than $397,000 to launch it) - and how I’m REINVENTING how I’m make money in network marketing...
From: Jeff Gardner
Friday, 3:17PM
NBC’s Dateline TV show called it “...the dirty little secret” of network marketing.
In this report, I’ll reveal the “secret” - but most importantly, I’ll show you how you can use
it, legally and ethically, to create a full-time income working for yourself...
...even if you’re not involved in any MLM opportunity.
There are many “MLM Guru’s” whose names you’d recognize, making 7-figure and 8-figure
incomes per year, who haven’t been part of a network marketing company for years.
This is the inside story of how I discovered their secrets over the last 25 years...
Part 1:
The AH-HA! Moment That Changed
Forever How I Looked at MLM
Back in the 1980’s... when I was still struggling to “be my own boss”... I joined A LOT of
MLM companies...
Money Makers Monthly
Business Network Communications
There were A LOT more, but I’ve either forgotten them over these last 25 years - or they’ve
closed their doors or been shut down, disappearing without a trace.
I did everything I was told to do to “build my downline” by my upline sponsor...
 I mailed postcards to rented “opportunity seeker” mailing lists...
 I placed small classified and display ads in the bizop magazines...
 I tried to talk about my opportunity to a few family members...
No dice.
And this was WAY before the Internet, so there wasn’t a Google, Facebook, Twitter, or even
email to market my opportunities to others.
My Results: $0
Actually, that’s not entirely accurate.
My REAL results were closer to “Minus $5,000”... because I spent thousands of dollars
joining and marketing these opportunities...
...without $1 back in profit.
I KNEW I had to be doing something wrong.
The “big fish” in these MLM programs were driving BMW’s... living in mansions with
massive swimming pools... and touting their ultra-rich lifestyles.
I was living in a beat-up mobile home, with sink-holes in the floor, in the middle Nowhere,
Something was wrong. I just didn’t know what.
So I bought all of the “How to Make Money in MLM” books, courses, and home-study
programs I could afford.
One course I purchased really stood out from the rest.
It was by Linda Bruton, a successful network marketer with a powerful success story.
Here’s the headline of her sales letter:
“Let Me Show You How I Built a Downline of
Over 12,000 in the Last Two Years...
AND How YOU Can Do The Very Same Thing
With YOUR MLM Program
Linda’s program was titled “The MLM Millionaire Training Course” - and she sold it for
$124.95 a pop.
In her sales letter, Linda promised that:
“This unique course is a complete business guide for
working any MLM program and earning a huge commission
I sent away my money and waited (impatiently) for the answers to “MLM Riches” to show
up on my doorstep.
A few days later, the package arrived. I tore it open and devoured the contents.
Linda DID reveal her secrets. Real “meat and potatoes” step-by-step ideas to building a
full-time, six-figure MLM business. Good stuff.
BUT: What really caught my eye was in the BACK of her course.
Linda was obviously the expert who knew the secrets to MLM success. And my upline
sponsor in the opportunity I was in at the time was about as clueless about what to do as I
was, so I “jumped ship”... and swam over to Linda’s MLM.
After all...
 SHE was the expert...
 SHE was the authority...
 SHE had the SOLUTION to my PROBLEM of dismal failure in MLM.
I wanted to be on HER TEAM!
I gave her $124.95 up-front for her training... And then more to join her downline.
Now, I couldn’t see it at the time, but my eyes were about to be opened to what just
had happened to me...
“Possibly The Most Profound
18 Pages I Have Ever Read”
At about the same time I bought Linda’s course, I bought a few other books and courses
offering me jealously-guarded “MLM Secrets”...
One MLM guru sold me a package of books and tapes, which came with a “bonus” 18-page
report printed on bright blue paper.
I’ve included a photo of it here:
As you can see in the photo, printed at the top of the report is this phrase:
“Possibly The Most Profound 18 Pages I Have Ever Read”
What you might not be able to read is the copy at the bottom of the report:
“After you get to page five, do as I did, when I first laid my
hands on these Million Dollar pages. Hunt down a business store,
grab a hand full of plastic “slip sheets”, dart home, encase each
page in plastic, bind in a folder, begin again, and then smack
your head and say, “I finally found the ‘formula’ for making a
Million dollars in MLM in the next 36 months”. My friend,
between your hands RIGHT NOW IS THE ANSWER YOU’VE
ALWAYS WANTED, in regards to MLM, but thought it would never
rear it’s lovely head. Well, it has -- enjoy!”
Now, I’m sorry to say that the report is “copyright protected” - and I haven’t been able
to locate the original author to be able to reprint this entire report.
So I can’t reprint it here, in its entirety.
Instead, I’ve taken the basic message from inside these 18 pages and condensed them here,
in my own words.
Here’s the message inside this “little blue report”:
If you’re pushing your “MLM Opportunity”, you’re fighting a LOSING
BATTLE. Network marketers DO NOT want another MLM. They’re already in
one that they’re losing money on.
The absolute LAST THING they want to hear about is the next big “ground
floor opportunity” with “massive spillover”, a “breakthrough product”, and
an “innovative new comp plan”. They’ve heard it all before, joined about halfa-dozen, and they’re TIRED of the unfilled promises of MLM.
SO: What do they want?
They WANT to know how to make money with the programs they’re
already in. They’re STARVING for honest, high-quality TRAINING on how in
the heck to actually find some leads... recruit new distributors... and create
the full-time income they’ve been promised.
Their PROBLEM is that they’ve spent $1,000’s on MLM’s... advertising...
leads... and marketing tools... and they’re DESPERATE to find out what
they’re doing wrong... and how they can turn everything around and finally
In a Nutshell: SELLING your MLM opportunity is a Guaranteed “Recipe for
STRUGGLING NETWORK MARKETERS and you’ll make a fortune.
Oh yeah... And, if you HELP struggling MLM’ers find the solution they’ve been
looking for, a percentage of them will “jump ship” and join you in YOUR MLM
Oddly enough, the REAL SECRET to recruiting MORE DISTRIBUTORS is
by NOT selling your MLM. Instead, start by providing a SOLUTION to
network marketer’s problems... and once you’ve done that... you’ll find that
they’ll be much more likely to join your network marketing opportunity.
After all, when you show up with the solution to their problems, you’re now a
“welcome guest” instead of an “annoying pest”.
When I read this concept inside this little report, a lightbulb went off in my head.
“AH HA!”
Linda Bruton had done the exact same thing with her MLM Millionaire Training
She was selling her “How to Build a Downline” course to struggling, frustrated network
marketers at $124.95 a pop...
...and a percentage of the buyers were so impressed with Linda, her expertise, and her
solutions, that they joined her MLM downline
Just like I did.
I realized, in an instant, that I was killing any chance I had of recruiting distributors into my
MLM by actually offering them my MLM...
Instead, if I wanted to (a) make money and (b) recruit new distributors, I needed to be a
“solution provider” for network marketers.
Fast forward to today (many years later) and I’ve literally generated MILLIONS of
dollars as a “solution provider” to the network marketing community.
What I discovered in that “little blue report” really works.
But I don’t expect you to take my word for it. In Part 2, I’ll give you a real-life “case study” of
how I used this method to make half-a-million dollars and build a downline in 2 different
Underground MLM Secret
Become a “Solution Provider” to Network Marketers - and they’ll flock
to you with cash in hand. There are MILLIONS of network marketers
worldwide who are struggling, confused, and unhappy with their company,
upline sponsor, and results. They’re STARVING for help - and they’ll more
than happily pay for it - if it leads to their ultimate success.
FOCUS all of your attention on helping network marketers... and you’ll find
that those you help will WANT to join your MLM opportunity - without you
selling them.
Tattoo this on your brain. I just gave you the key to lifelong success in
multi-level marketing.
Part 2:
How My First BIG Attempt at Using This
Secret Made Me a “6-Figure Failure”
Learning this concept... “Become a Solution Provider”... changed forever how I promoted
network marketing opportunities.
Now, instead of competing with the 100’s of ads all targeting the same “opportunity
seekers”, I started to offer reports, booklets, and manuals on “How to Make Money in
 First, I became a reseller for other people’s products. I’d buy them wholesale for
50% to 75% off the retail price - and ship them out as orders came in.
 Then, as I had success in the MLM industry, I started to write my own booklets and
kept 100% of the profits for myself.
And, just like the “little blue report” said, a percentage of all of my info-product
buyers joined my MLM downline.
Recruiting distributors into my MLM became “hands-free”.
I no longer had to talk to anyone to recruit distributors. I never picked up the phone,
answered questions, or did any “personal selling”.
Now, people just signed up when they saw the MLM opportunity I shipped along with my
I had finally unlocked the “secret” to making real money in MLM.
The Story of My 6-Figure Failure...
One time, when I was “between MLM’s”, a friend recommended a new opportunity that had
just launched. The cost to join was a $597 product purchase.
My profit on each new distributor purchase: A hefty $500 per sale.
I joined this new MLM for $597 - and quickly wrote a manual titled “MailBox Money”
to sell as my “front-end” info-product. The manual explained step-by-step how to make
money from home and get “checks in your mailbox”.
Of course, in the back of the manual, I included details on how to join my recommended
opportunity for $597.
I was following “The Formula” to a T...
#1: Sell a Solution
#2: Offer an Opportunity
I wrote a short 4-page sales letter, rented a mailing list of people who had purchased a
previous “make money” product, and did a small test mailing.
It worked.
I made more in profit than it cost to print & mail the letter.
So I mailed some more.
And more. So I decided to go all out... and GO BIG!
At one point, my direct mail house was printing
and mailing 100,000 letters for me each month.
And the orders were pouring in for my little “MailBox Money” manual.
Now, when sales of the manual finally slowed down to a crawl... and it wasn’t profitable
anymore to mail my 4-page letter... I retired that offer.
After my massive mailing campaign...
I had sold 6,398 copies of my “MailBox Money” manual.
My MLM Results?
Not so great.
Only 105 PEOPLE out of my 6,398 manual buyers had joined the MLM.
If you do the math, that’s a conversion rate of a little over 1.6%!
I was used to 5%... 10%... or even more!
But 1.6% was a “FAILURE”...
I was disappointed, until I looked closer at the numbers.
Let’s take a closer look at this so-called failure:
My manual signed up 105 new distributors into my MLM - without me talking to or
personally selling a single one.
My profit per distributor: $500.
105 distributors x $500 is $52,500.
That’s not bad, but I was expecting a 5% conversion rate.
At 5%, my mailing would have brought in 319 new distributors - and made me $159,500.
I made about $100,000 LESS than I thought I would.
BUT: Here’s where that “little blue report” saved me.
My “MailBox Money” manual
made me $240,157.30 in sales.
That’s an additional six-figures, on top of the $52,500 I made in the MLM.
I generated six-figures... even though I “failed” at recruiting a massive downline for this
particular MLM.
I was a “Six-Figure Failure”...
The profits from the manual eased the “sting” of only signing up 105 people into my
Of course there were costs to print and mail all of those sales letters... and a small cost for
the printing of the manual... but I still made a HEFTY PROFIT on the sales of the “MailBox
Money” manual.
The formula of “selling a solution” and then “offering an opportunity” worked like a
charm... and put a lot of money in my bank account... even though the “conversion rate” on
customers who became distributors was (in my opinion) dismally low.
With the formula from the “little blue report”, my so-called failure was still a winning sixfigure money-maker.
But the story doesn’t end there...
I now had 6,398 new clients on my mailing list.
I knew the 1,000’s who didn’t join my first MLM still had an interest in “making money”...
just not that particular opportunity.
So I found a new MLM a while later, created a “Training Program” around it, and sold both
together as a package for $997.
My Results?
I sold 298.
That’s 298 people in my downline in a new MLM opportunity at $997 each.
That’s an ADDITIONAL $297,106 in my bank account.
Add that to my original six-figures, and we’re over HALF-A-MILLION by
offering SOLUTIONS to a market who is HUNGRY for a solution to their
frustration and confusion.
This concept proves itself over and over again...
Network marketers CRAVE this type of “How To” information.
Using this concept, even if you “fail” at building a massive downline, you can still come out a
“winner” from the profits you make selling your training.
In Part 3, I’ll even show you how some MLM experts make 7-figure and 8-figure
incomes... without being involved in ANY MLM.
Underground MLM Secret
Selling MLM Training is so powerful, it can actually save you (and still
make you money) when your recruiting efforts “fail”. Even if you make
little or no money in the MLM you’re promoting, the money you can make by
coaching others on “How to Succeed in MLM” can more than make up for any
“failures” you may experience recruiting distributors. Even when MLM
companies disappear or go under, your MLM training profits can be
“evergreen” and pay you for years to come.
Part 3:
“...The Dirty Little Secret of MLM”
NBC’s show Dateline did an investigation of Amway (known as Quixtar in the U.S. at the
time) and some of its top distributors in 2004.
The story was called:
In Pursuit of the Almighty Dollar:
Inside story of a business that attracts
people with promise of easy money
The investigation is the same story you’ve probably heard before:
MLM’s distributors lie about “income claims” to lure in new distributors...
New distributors spend $1,000’s to build downlines...
Distributors are not successful, have lost $1,000’s, now upset...
Unhappy distributors go on TV, slam MLM company...
This is an all-too-common story that’s been played out in the press over and over again.
What was different about this story was the revelation by Dateline that...
“...many of those high-level distributors singing the
praises of Quixtar on stage are actually making most
of their money by selling motivational books, tapes
and seminars -- not Quixtar's cosmetics, soaps and
As investigative reporter, Chris Hansen, said during the show:
“This was their dirty little secret”
Now, “selling training” is NOT Illegal...
In fact, it’s one of the best ways to make money while you’re training your downline.
However, as Dateline discovered, only a handful of “elite” distributors were able to sell
training to Amway/Quixtar’s hundreds of thousands of distributors.
From their investigation:
“In fact, about 20 high level distributors are part of
an exclusive club, one that those hundreds of
thousands of other distributors don't get to join. For
years only a privileged few, including (name
withheld), have run hugely profitable businesses,
selling all those books, tapes and seminars -- things
the rank and file distributors can't sell themselves,
but are told over and over again they need to buy in
order to succeed.”
Now, Dateline calls this a “dirty little secret”.
And I have to agree.
The problem here is that “Top Distributors” were making most of their income selling
training programs, courses, and events - while they were claiming that most of their
income was coming from the MLM they were presenting.
 When you get up on the stage at a corporate event and use your income and lifestyle
as an “inducement” to get others to join the MLM...
 But 50% to 75% of your income is coming from “selling training materials” - and
you don’t disclose that fact to prospects - plain and simple, that’s a lie.
There’s nothing wrong with selling training.
What’s wrong is lying about where your money is coming from - and making people believe
that your income is from the MLM - and NOT from selling training.
Personally, I think EVERY ONE of Amway/Quixtar’s distributors should be able to create
their own reports, booklets, CD’s, webinars, and live events - and train their downline on
how to make money.
Instead of an “exclusive club” of only 20 distributors, every distributor should be
able to sell their knowledge to help their downlines succeed.
Whether it’s a $5 report... a $97 webinar... or a $1,000 live event, there’s nothing wrong
with getting paid for giving real solutions... real value... to people who need help.
“Coaching” has become its own industry in the last 10 years.
There’s life coaching, success coaching, business coaching, relationship coaching, and on
and on. There are even coaching associations and training organizations, like the
International Coach Federation and the International Association of Coaching.
And I believe that an MLM distributor can be a “Network Marketing Coach”.
In fact, there’s an entire industry of “MLM Coaches” who package and sell their expertise to
the MILLIONS of network marketers worldwide who are seeking help and advice.
Most of these MLM coaches actually got their start by selling training to their own
They started by sharing what was working for them with their own distributors.
Over the years, many of these network marketers have generated
MILLIONS of dollars selling their booklets, CD’s, ebooks, webinars, multimodule coaching programs, and live events.
In fact, in many cases, the profits they’ve made from selling their training has DWARFED
the money they’ve made from their MLM opportunities.
Here’s the Kicker:
Many MLM experts are no longer in ANY MLM!
Why not?
Because the income is so great from selling “generic MLM training”, they focus 100% of
their time on creating training products, tools, and systems for the larger MLM market.
 The demand is so high...
 And there’s so much money to make...
 They “close the doors” on their old MLM - and spend 100% of their time selling as
much generic MLM training as they can to the MASSIVE WORLDWIDE MARKET of
struggling network marketers.
After all, if you’re in ABC MLM Co. - and you’re only selling “How to Make Money in ABC
MLM Co.” - then you’re limited to the number of training programs you can sell.
Even if there are 500,000 to 1 million distributors in your MLM, there are literally tens
of millions of network marketers who you wouldn’t be reaching.
So many of these MLM experts ditch their MLM... and go from 6-figures a year - to 7-figures
and even 8-figues a year - selling to the BIGGER worldwide market involved in network
The Worldwide MLM Market is Massive
The following is a listing of the number of distributors in some of the largest network
marketing and direct sales companies in the world.
Number of Distributors:
1. Avon
2. Amway
3. Natura Cosmetics
4. Vorwerk & Co
5. Herbalife Ltd
6. Mary Kay Inc.
7. Tupperware
8. Oriflame Kosmetiek
9. Forever Living Products
10. Nu Skin
6.5 Million
3 Million
1 Million
2.1 Million
2 Million
2.6 Million
3.5 Million
(Not Available)
The number of distributors in the Top 10 MLM & Direct Sales Companies totals
Over 22 MILLION distributors in
the TOP 10 companies alone.
And that doesn’t count other massive MLM companies like...
Pre-Paid Legal
Tahitian Noni
1.25 Million Distributors
425,000 Distributors
5 Million Distributors
1 Million Distributors
500,000 Distributors
105,000 Distributors
600,000 Distributors
1.4 Million Distributors
400,000 Distributors
350,000 Distributors
554,000 Distributors
As you can see, there are millions of network marketing distributors worldwide.
And if the numbers I’ve heard are correct, most of them are NOT successful in their chosen
opportunity. They WANT more out of life... and they WANT to succeed in their MLM...
but it’s just not happening.
That’s a formula for RED-HOT DEMAND...
And it’s NOT going away anytime soon.
In fact, as new countries open their doors to the MLM industry, the demand is only going to
get bigger and bigger.
That means that the DEMAND for training is going to grow, too.
There’s so much need in this industry for high-quality “How To” information that
individuals are making 7-figure and 8-figure incomes by creating and selling products to
train network marketers.
These people are making millions - and they’re only going to get richer.
In Part 4, I’ll tell you how I “threw away” over $397,000 trying to tap into this
massive demand... Why I ultimately threw up my hands and said, “I Quit!”... And why it
was the BEST money-making decision I’ve ever made.
Underground MLM Secret
The “dirty little secret” in the MLM industry is that network marketing
training sells like hotcakes. In fact, many network marketers make more
money selling their training than they do in their MLM opportunity. Some
“coaches” only teach MLM strategies - and haven’t been involved in MLM for
years and years.
The MLM market is worldwide... with millions of distributors... and it’s
only going to get bigger. If you want to create a long-term income, you need
to find a way to tap into this massive market - sooner rather than later.
Part 4:
Why I Started My Own MLM Company...
and Happily “Killed” It 18 Months Later
Over the last 20+ years of being involved in multi-level marketing, I’d become tired
of MLM companies.
I’d get involved in one opportunity, build a large downline, only to have it disappear or get
shut down. All of my hard work, time, and money was “gone with the wind”.
The rock-solid MLM’s were a potential safe-haven, but their cultures were often toxic...
compliance departments close-minded... and even the best ones often had bad reputations.
I loved the concept of MLM... but was unsatisfied with the companies themselves.
So I decided to start my own.
I had what I thought was an ingenious idea:
I’d create an MLM company that
would sell generic MLM training
By making “Generic MLM Training” our product, we could sign up the
millions of distributors who were already in OTHER MLM companies.
 We wouldn’t be seen as “competitive”...
 We’d be seen as “collaborative” (a helpful “partner”)...
 We could help ANYONE in ANY MLM become a success...
 We could “infiltrate” every MLM company, because we’d be seen as a provider of
“must have” network marketing training...
I felt that my new MLM company would take off and we’d quickly have hundreds of thousands of
distributors, from 1,000’s of MLM companies.
Best of all, by letting other distributors promote our training products, MLMer’s would
create a second income - while we trained them AND their downline to succeed in their
primary MLM.
It was a win/win for everyone!
I went to a “How to Start Your Own MLM Company” seminar in Las Vegas - and hired an
MLM Consulting Firm to help me bring my vision to life.
That was Mistake #1.
Over $397,000 and 18 months later,
I happily “pulled the plug” on my MLM.
Yes, I “killed” my MLM company...
After 18 months spent, working late nights and weekends...
And well over $397,000 spent in consulting, software, programming, etc...
It was “dead” - and I was overjoyed.
Here’s the Uncensored Story of Why
I “Killed” My MLM Company...
If you ever get the idea to start your own MLM company... and you want to do it legally and
“above board”... then read this carefully. I just might save you the time, money, stress, and
heartache I lived for 18 months.
Here’s my tale...
After flying to Scottsdale, Arizona to meet with my newly-hired MLM consultants, I
quickly discovered that starting a new network marketing company is not cheap.
My consultants wanted to charge me six-figures to “advise” myself and my staff on how to
craft every part of the new company.
Their “all-in-one” package ranged from $324,075 if they scrimped on a few things... and up
to $979,375 if I had a blank check and wanted to spend like mad.
Fortunately, they offered me a third option:
I could buy “cafeteria-style” - and select a few items off their consulting menu as I built the
I started with their $12,000 “Compensation Plan Design” service.
If you’re wondering why I didn’t “do this myself” and skip the consultants, the answer is
pretty easy.
Over the last 50+ years, there have been so many scammers in the MLM industry that it’s
now become very highly regulated.
There are a huge number of laws, regulations, and “Do’s and Don’ts” that you really
are forced to hire consultants and attorneys to walk you through the MLM minefield.
They have you over a barrel - and if you’re not willing to pay, over and over again, you’re
walking a dangerous tight-rope, hoping you don’t make a fatal error.
Personally, I’ve run my own marketing business for 25 years - and starting and
running an MLM company is a completely different world.
If you do it “by the book”, it’s a 24/7 nightmare of paperwork
and legal compliance that never ends.
In the 18 months my MLM company was “alive”, a month didn’t go by without another
“paperwork crisis” that had to be solved or face severe penalties.
Now, while I’m not afraid of late nights and hard work, there are 4 main things that
really pushed me to slam the doors on my MLM company...
#1: Overpriced MLM Software and Poor Service...
My consultants recommended an MLM Software Company that would run our database,
replicated sites, order processing, and compensation plan.
The cost to “customize” the software to work with our comp plan?
A $45,000 programming and set-up fee. Then a minimum
of $3,000 per month for our “software lease”.
(Unfortunately, this pricing is considered “normal” in the MLM industry - so most MLM
software companies charge similar or larger fees.)
Oh yeah... and if we exceeded a certain number of distributors, our monthly fee could
have gone up to $12,000 per month.
That wouldn’t have been so bad, had the software not been glitchy... incredibly difficult for
my staff to work with... and almost impossible for programmers or my staff to understand.
It also didn’t help that the software company’s staff were surly and extremely unpleasant to
work with. Their opinion more often than not was “we’ll get to it when we want to”.
The day we shut down that software and left our contract was a day of celebration.
#2: The Mind-Numbing Maze of “State Sales Taxes”...
Without boring you to tears with “The Truth About State Sales Tax Regulations”,
there is one thing you should know.
If your business has a “physical presence” in a particular state, that’s considered a “nexus”.
Here’s the definition of “nexus”:
“A nexus in general means a connection. The term nexus
is used in tax law to describe a situation in which a
business has a "nexus" or presence in a state and is
thus subject to state income taxes and to sales taxes
for sales within that state.”
In order to maximize their sales tax revenues, most states view “MLM Distributors”
as a weird type of “independent employee” of the network marketing company.
Therefore, if you own an MLM company in Texas - and you have a distributor in Florida,
that distributor gives you “nexus” in Florida. That means that you now have to file for a
“Florida Sales Tax Certificate” in the state of Florida - and pay quarterly, monthly, or annual
sales tax on all sales made to everyone in the state of Florida.
And you have to do that for EVERY STATE where you have a distributor (except for the
tiny handful of states with no sales tax).
Filing for each state’s sales tax certificate... pulling monthly sales tax reports... and filling
out all of the paper and/or electronic forms to submit these sales taxes to every state (and,
in some areas, counties and parishes)... became a regular nightmare for myself and my staff.
We ultimately found a service that did this for us - but they charged a monthly fee,
plus a fee on EVERY SALES TAX REPORT they filed on our behalf. And, if they made a
mistake and forgot to file a report, we’d get an “angry-gram” from that state demanding our
overdue sales tax PLUS interest and penalties.
Thank goodness I lost my hair long ago - or I certainly would have pulled it all out...
#3: Never-Ending Legal Complications & Fees...
If you want to start an MLM, get a good attorney.
It’s so complicated to run an MLM business, you have to retain an attorney (if not just
hire one outright) to make sure you’re compliant with all Federal and State Regulations on
running your company. Even then, that’s no guarantee that you won’t somehow run afoul
of MLM laws - or your distributors won’t say something crazy that you’re on the hook for.
Want to open up your MLM in other countries? Get ready for even MORE laws and
regulations to comply with - before being approved to sign up distributors internationally.
And every hour that your attorney spends working on filling out paperwork, keeping you
compliant and “opening up new countries” is more money out of your pocket. At $200 to
$500 per hour, that adds up fast.
#4: The Final Straw...
The final straw was where I thought our strength would be: Moving INTO the
downlines of other MLM companies - and helping their millions of distributors succeed.
Unfortunately, many MLM companies actually PROHIBIT their distributors from
joining a secondary opportunity.
This makes sense if Robert is selling soap in MLM #1 and selling discount travel in MLM #2.
Not only is his time spent on each diluted, but there’s also the fear that he might “steal”
distributors from MLM #1 and move them to MLM #2.
However, with my business model, our products would actually HELP network
marketers succeed in their primary MLM.
While I felt we could make this argument to the executives of these MLM companies,
network marketers in these companies were scared of being kicked out and losing the time
and money they’d already invested by simply joining my company as a distributor.
We signed up a lot of MLM distributors - but we kept running into a brick wall when
it came to distributors in some of the largest MLM companies worldwide.
To break down that wall, I’d have to do something drastic.
If I hoped to be able to reach the ENTIRE MLM INDUSTRY, worldwide, I’d have to do
something radical.
So I did.
I “killed” my MLM company.
Looking back, I know exactly where I messed up.
The idea itself was a million-dollar winner.
Letting others get paid a “second income” by promoting generic MLM training to
others is a killer idea.
In fact, I “re-invented” that idea... and in Part 5, I’ll show you how you can get a sneak
peek behind-the-scenes at how I solved all of these problems... and will finally realize
my vision of reaching millions of network marketers with my training programs.
In fact, you’ll get a “Special Invitation” to hear exactly how I’m going to help MLM’ers create
a “second income” by sharing MLM training with others... WITHOUT the MLM component
that caused so many problems...
(More on this in Part 5)
Here was my BIG PROBLEM...
I forgot one of the biggest lessons in creating a new business:
“Start with the End in Mind”
That’s a line from Stephen Covey’s book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
It means... “Know what you want to achieve by creating your business, then build a
business that will help you reach those specific goals.”
My “Ultimate Outcome” was to create life-long financial freedom AND time freedom, while
helping millions of others do the same.
As Zig Ziglar says, “You can get everything in life you want if you’ll just help enough other
people get what they want.”
Unfortunately, I forgot my “ultimate outcome” - and created a business that was
riddled with headaches, hassles, and 80-hour work-weeks.
With my MLM company dead... and the realization of my mistake... I had a clean slate and a
new opportunity to create something that would help me achieve my goals.
And, over the last few months, I’ve been furiously working on “the solution” that will
help myself... and millions of other network marketers... achieve our “ultimate
More on that in Part 5...
Underground MLM Secret
You’ve got to know what you want (your goals, results, outcome, etc.)
BEFORE you commit to a “plan of action”. If you know what you want to
achieve, it’s easier to figure out if the path you’re about to go down will get
you to that specific end result.
This is absolutely imperative, because it’s 100 times easier to get INTO
something than get out of it. Think about it. This is true in business,
relationships/marriage, investments, and more.
Knowing “what you want” gives you a guide by which to judge the
actions you’re taking. This gives you the ability to spend your time, money,
and energy wisely - in the direction of what you really want. If you don’t
know WHAT you really want out of life, how do you know if you’re taking the
right actions? (Or are you just living day-by-day? If so, wake up... create some
goals... and start living a purpose-driven life!)
Part 5:
How a Surprise $4,578 Check Became
the “Missing Piece” to A Revolutionary
New Way to Make Money in MLM
I still remember the day...
My old MLM company had been dead and buried for a few months, but I was still wracking
my brain, trying to figure out “HOW” to bring my vision to life.
I still loved the idea of creating a system that would let network
marketers make money selling generic network marketing training...
But I needed to create a system that would give EVERYONE involved... my distributors AND
myself... financial AND time freedom.
After all, I’d already learned the hard lesson that financial freedom is worthless if
you’re working yourself to death. If you don’t have the time to enjoy your life, what good
is a big bank balance?
My new motto became:
Work Less. Make More. Live Life.
But how could I take that concept - and build a company around it?
That’s when the check showed up.
I remember talking to a staff member when the mail arrived.
We were chatting while she opened up the mail - and I saw her slip the check out of an
envelope and put it on a pile of checks to be stamped and deposited.
“What’s that check?”, I asked. “It looks like a bigger one.”
“Oh that?”, she said. “That’s from your free advertising site. We get those all the time.”
I glanced at the check.
It was for $4,578.45
“We get these all the time?” I asked.
“Yep”, she said.
A few years earlier, I had set up a website that trained marketers how to get free
advertising to increase their leads, sales, and Internet traffic.
I set up the website to auto-charge new members $27 a month... and autodeliver a new free advertising “action plan” to them via email.
I set up the system to deliver 1 action plan per month for 12 months, which means
that each new Member pays $324 per year ($27 x 12 issues = $325/year).
Since I added an “Affiliate Program” that paid others a part of the monthly fees when they
referred Members to the site, I hadn’t looked at the site or advertised it for years.
Others were promoting the site - and my affiliates and I were splitting the profits.
And, as I’d just seen, checks were rolling in, unannounced. On auto-pilot.
Since the checks came in and got deposited automatically, I had forgotten all about this site.
But that check started me thinking...
I went to my office computer, logged into that site’s “order
center”, and saw months and months worth of similar checks.
New orders were coming in from affiliates. The site was re-billing
their credit cards. And the system was delivering the training on
“AH HA!”
WHAT IF I could FIND (not build) an already-existing company
that SELLS some sort of network marketing training… or
network marketing tools… and PAYS ME MONTHLY for simply
sharing these “solutions” to the millions of entrepreneurs
worldwide who NEED IT???
That way, I get the BENEFIT of a “Set-It-And-Forget-It” Business, like
my current “forgotten website”… BUT – without the headaches,
hassles, and BIG COSTS of building or running something new.
So my search began!
Months went by. No luck. 
LOTS of opportunities to sell other people’s stuff… but either no ongoing
continuity income… OR they were only paying 50% per sale.
I was just about to CREATE MY OWN – when I FINALLY FOUND IT!
An opportunity to SOLVE THE PROBLEMS of Millions of Network Marketers Worldwide…
Make a MONTHLY Residual Income… and Pocket 100% Commissions on my referrals!
So I Joined… and Here are My Results:
Pretty Sweet, if I say so myself.
Finally, I Found a Way to Get Paid a
Hands-Free Monthly Income by Offering
Solutions to Millions of Frustrated
Network Marketers Worldwide
The opportunity I finally discovered is a REVOLUTION in the
Home Business Industry.
Here are just a few facts about this breakthrough residual income system:
 You get paid $25… $100… even $500 payments, deposited directly into your
bank account daily. There’s NO waiting for the company to “cut you a check”.
 You’re paid 100% COMMISSIONS on hot-selling, in-demand training and tools
that millions of network marketers and entrepreneurs need to build their
businesses. (YES, it’s true. 100% of the sale goes to YOU!)
 You can get paid “Pass-Up” 100% Commissions on the efforts of those you refer…
which increases your monthly income… without any extra work on your part.
 You get done-for-you opt-in pages, video sales letters, trainings, a complete
back office, and much more… all designed to help you generate maximum profits,
starting in your first week.
 You can actually be set up and making money within 24 hours or less. Get
started today… and see real money in your bank account today.
 You can promote this as a “back-end” to ANY OPPORTUNITY… or a front-end offer to
help you make money while you’re generating leads… OR as a stand-alone moneymaker. It’s NOT competitive with any other opportunity. In fact, it helps you
BUILD your income in any opportunity you may be promoting right now.
 No Hassles or Headaches. There’s no product fulfillment, no customer service, no
programming, no website design, no refund issues. It’s “plug and play” ready to go.
All of that sounds great, I know... BUT ---
The REAL PROOF is in the Results!
In the first 30 days, Empower Network Members made OVER
$1 MILLION DOLLARS in commissions.
In the first 56 days, that number DOUBLED to OVER $2 MILLION
DOLLARS in commissions.
And over 12,925 Members joined.
This rush also created some real-life “Success Stories” and
testimonials*. Here are just a few…
“Never have I seen a group that actually cares about their people as much as
these guys. Imagine giving 100% commissions. I am getting about $450 per
day in new referrals and added income. In less than 10 days I am already
at about $2700 in monthly residual income + additional $500 one-time sales.
- Ed Przybylski
“Been with Empower Network for 13 days and have made just shy of
$10,000! I am PUMPED about what we are doing here in EN because I have
also had so many people who have NEVER made money online, or in their
Network Marketing Business, finally do it here. Now we can help build a
person's posture, now we help people feel good about sponsoring into their
primary business, and now we can truly EMPOWER people to live the life of
their dreams!”*
- Tracey Walker
“In my first 6 days with Empower Network I had already earned $1,050.
I wish this system had been around when I first started online a few years
- Carl Willis
“For years I had struggled to be in business for myself. Some of the
businesses I started did just ok. More recently (in the past 1-1/2 yrs.) all I did
was spend money and never made any money. Until now! Until Empower
Network. …I made my first $100 commission in less than 24 hrs. I am not
and will not get suckered into anything else. Empower Network is where it's
at and where I'm staying.”*
- Debra Hill
“$1,075 so far... $575 Residual. I've been involved in the industry six
months, part-time. I built a 70+ person team in my primary opportunity...
which pays me roughly $200/residual. In 11 days with Empower, I've almost
tripled that.”*
- Tim Buist
And there are many, many more…
 Kelly Williams created a monthly income of $7,200 in his first 3 weeks…
 Marisol Dennis created a monthly income of $3,000…
 Tracey Walker added $20,375 to her bank account in her first 37 days…
 Carol Douthitt was paid $12,075 in just 4 weeks… and $7,075 of that is recurring
PASSIVE monthly income…
 Barbie Zabel made a whopping $16,000 in her very first month…
 Kris Darty received $20,575 his first month… with $8,600 of that being paid to him
in recurring PASSIVE monthly income…
 And Lawrence Tam generated over $59,225 in just 5 weeks… and a recurring
PASSIVE income of $27,725 per month.
While all of that sounds great (I know those people LOVE making this much money), it’s
important you read and understand the brief disclaimer below.
company’s Income Disclosure Statement and Statistics
Want to Know MORE About This
100% COMMISSION Opportunity?
If you GET my message in this report… where the REAL money is to be
made in the network marketing and home business industry, you’ll absolutely
want to investigate the opportunity I’ve discovered.
I’ve only been involved in this company for a few months, but I’ve already generated
thousands of dollars in “100% Commissions” by helping network marketers. It’s a win/win.
Here are Two Ways to Find Out More About
The 100% Commission Opportunity
#1: Watch The Walk-Through Video
If you’re on a high-speed connection, you can watch a video featuring the two cofounders of this breakthrough opportunity. Simply click the link below to get access.
Click Here to Watch the “100% Commission
Secret” Video For the Entire Story
#2: Read The Detailed Report
If you prefer to read (or print out) a detailed step-by-step overview of this 100%
Commission Opportunity, simply click the link below to access the report:
Click Here to Read a PDF Report on This
Breakthrough 100% Commission Opportunity
Click the links above and check out the opportunity that became my all-in-one
passive residual income generator. Enjoy