WACO Word Fall 2012


WACO Word Fall 2012
WACO Historical Society Membership Form
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[ ] Student $15
[ ] Family $45 [ ] Individual $30
[ ] Partner $60 [ ] Supporter $100
[ ] Contributing $250
Troy, Ohio
[ ] Benefactor $500
[ ] Life $1000
[ ] I would also like to contribute an additional $ ____________for the following:
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WACO Historical Society is a privately funded, nonprofit open to the public and dedicated to education. We depend solely on your contributions
and membership fees, as well as interest from our endowment, program fees and grants. Family Memberships cover parents and children or
grandchildren of the members. Members receive:
• Free Admission to the WACO Air Museum and discounts on events throughout the year.
• Use of the Museum Library.
• Quarterly WACO Word newsletter informing you of WACO Historical Society/ Learning Center activities,
WACO aircraft news and previews and reviews WACO Air Museum exhibits and programs.
[ ] I would like to volunteer my time at WACO in the following ways;
[ ] Museum, [ ] Aircraft Restoration, [ ] Special Events, [ ] Learning Center
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WACO Historical Society
1865 S. County Rd. 25A
Troy, OH 45373
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Troy, Ohio
Fall 2012
2012 WACO Fly-In
completes a great year
All memberships and donations are tax deductible.
Address: ________________________________
WACO Historical Society, Troy, Ohio
Names on membership cards: ____________________________________________________
Please make checks payable to: WACO Historical Society Inc.
Name(s): _______________________________
The 2012 WACO Historical
Society Fly-In was a very
enjoyable event from beginning
to end.
A total of 20 WACOs made
it in this year with over 25 GA
aircraft fly-ins as well. Aircraft
began arriving on Thursday
afternoon and we enjoyed a
great Thursday evening kickoff
BBQ at Mike Winblad’s hangar
at Skypark hosted by Mike,
Don Delcamp and Don Willis.
The food was good and the
company even better.
was taxi testing of Jim
project (fuselage-minus
the wings) with the OX5. Nearly everyone got a
turn in the cockpit.
dawned overcast and
cool which made Friday
morning arrivals a little
difficult, but by Friday afternoon
the sun came out and it was
beautiful for the rest of the
weekend. Steve Koch arrived on
Friday to begin hauling riders,
and this year we sent 131 happy
riders up in Steve’s red WACO
Classic YMF-5. WACO pilots and
guests took a special bus tour
to WPAFB on Friday morning
for a behind the scenes look
at the AF Museum restoration
projects and their hangar of
presidential aircraft and special
Friday evening WACO hosted its
volunteers with a pizza party in
the main hangar…..a thank you
for all their work.
Saturday began with
a pancake breakfast by Chris
Cakes attended by WACO
pilots and GA fly-in guests. GA
guests included an auto-gyro
and several LSA kit aircraft.
This event is diversifying more
each year as Ohio pilots of all
types are putting it on their
“must attend”
list for the flyin season. At
precisely 1pm
WACO field was
visited by the
Wright B Flyer
two low passes
over the field to
lead the parade
of WACOs into
the air.
year 9 WACOs
participated in the parade and
treated the public to the sights
and sounds of these beautiful
aircraft in flight.
This was
followed by an RC show which
this year featured aerobatic
flying by Jim DeWinter and
a dazzling jet show by Sean
Saddler. And of course a candy
drop for the kids from our special
candy bomber, Dave Angle,
in his C-140. Another feature
for the families attending this
year was a children’s activity
tent, hosted by the
WACO Learning Center,
from Brukner Nature
Center, Miami County
Parks, rocket launching
and the ever popular
Saturday evening
banquet featured good
food and music. Our
special guest at the banquet
was Steve Wright, the great
grand nephew of Wilbur and
Orville Wright, who presented
Patricia Duke Robinson with
the “Wick” Wright award
honoring Duke Foundation’s
long standing support of WACO
in our community. Dave Bucher
recognized many of our guests,
people who have played
important parts in the story
of WACO Historical Society’s
growth and success over the
years. The Volunteer of the year
award was given to Greg Leach
for his construction of the WACO
cockpit simulator. The evening
ended with the silent auction
and final thank you for another
productive and successful year.
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Thanks to our Sponsors and Supporters
A Word from the Director
Thank you!
Thank you!
WACO Trustees 2012-2013
Committee Chairpersons & Staff
LC Director
Lisa [email protected]
Airport Manager
Dave Bucher
Master Site Planner
Don Willis
Museum Curator
Andy Heins
Gift Shop
Patty Wagner
Fly-In 2012
DOn Delcamp
Gretchen Hawk
David [email protected]
Vice President
Don [email protected]
Executive Director
Gretchen [email protected]
Don [email protected]
Recording Secretary
Trustees at large
Jim Pelton ................. [email protected]
Les Howe ................. [email protected]
John Schilling ........... [email protected]
Greg Leach .............. [email protected]
Patty Wagner ........... [email protected]
Ken Ott ..................... [email protected]
Troy, Ohio
THANKS JANET: Janet Barnard is retiring this year.
Many Thanks, Janet, for your years of service!
Thank you!!
Please forgive me if I have forgotten anyone. My intent was to showcase the large number of
people and Organizations that it takes to make this event happen.
WACO could not function without the financial and in-kind support of our corporate and foundation sponsors.
These companies and charitable foundations provide vital support in many tangible and intangible ways
for WACO’s mission of historic preservation, education and community service.
On behalf of the board and the community…we thank you.
Miami County
Visitors Bureau
Thank you!
The Fly-In was a huge success and we can’t thank our volunteers enough for making that happen.
Our deep gratitude goes to:
*Don Delcamp – Fly-In Chairman
*Civil Air Patrol managed the traffic & parking and performed the flag raising.
*The RC “Barnstormers” handled the admission gate.
*Reta Wagner, Dawn Currie, Patty Wagner & Pat Willis scheduled the WACO rides.
*Don Willis & Blaine Johnson loaded riders.
*Tom Matthew, Rachel Currie & Patty Wagner held down the fort in the gift shop.
*Les Howe, Jim Pelton, Tom Matthew & Janet Barnard safe-guarded kids in the Jumpy House.
*Lisa Hokky for organizing the non-profit displays and setting up the children’s activities
*The FTC robotics group helped in the Children’s Tent with making & launching rockets.
*Ramp control was Greg Leach, John Schilling, Les Howe, Ken Ott.
*The parade of WACO’s - Andy Hein, Mike Winblad & Bob Wagner.
*Sean Sadler, Jim DeWinter, Hunter Russell for the RC demonstration
*Brukner Nature Center & Miami Co Parks for their children’s activities
*Face painting: Amanda Hokky, Gina Barth & Aleecia Christian
*Silent Auction Baskets: Gail Laufer, Rachel Currie, Dawn Currie, Reta Wagner
*National anthem – Sherry Sadler
*OX5 Engine display – Jim Beisner
*Doug Lins for the use of his gator
*KitTV for the video of the fly-in
*Misc. help – Steve Boone, Marla Boone, Jane Delcamp
*Use of rental cars: Arbogast, Joe Johnson, Troy Ford, Erwin Chrysler
*Vandalia Rental – Lifts, lights, tables, chairs
*Mega City Fire Protection – Fire extiguishers
*Honda Power Sports – utility vehicles
*Mote Petroleum – refueling services
Thank you!
Thank you!!
by Gretchen Hawk, Executive Director
Hartzell Norris
Paul G. Duke
Wick Wright Award
Steven Wright (at right), the great grand nephew
of Wilbur and Orville Wright, presented the
Wilson “Wick” Wright Award to Paul G. Duke
Foundation chairman Patricia Duke Robinson at
the WACO 2012 Fly-In Banquet.
The Wick Wright Award is presented by
the National Aviation Heritage Area (NAHA) each
year to a supporter of one of the NAHA affiliate
organizations. Duke Foundation has been a long
and steadfast supporter of the WACO Historical
Society, providing critical grant funding to
consolidate the Museum and Learning Center
at historic WACO Field, set up its first Executive
Director, and most recently to fund WACO’s
establishment of a high school age Aerospace
Occupations Vo-Tech course at Upper Valley
Career Center. (See in this issue “UVCC Launches Aerospace Occupations”).
WACO is very grateful to Duke Foundation. We could not be where we are today without their
critical support of our Museum and Learning Center. We are also appreciative of the National Aviation
Heritage Area and what they are doing to build up the regional aviation sites, of which WACO is one, as a
tourist and educational destination for the Dayton and western Ohio region. Check out the NAHA website
at www.explorenaha.org for a complete description of NAHA’s 14 aviation sites in the Dayton area.
member notes: what’s happening at waco
Library and Museum Upgraded
A new computer was purchased for the library and museum to be used solely
for logging museum artifacts, pictures and other WACO memorabilia.
The upgrade was funded by a grant from Ohio Historical Records Advisory Board.
A huge thank you to Val Dahlem for his tireless hours and dedication to preserving
WACO history for future generations.
Lost Creek Festival
WACO participated in the Lost Creek Festival this year by creating a scarecrow “pilot”
along with a model airplane. We didn’t win a prize but enjoyed doing it and are already
making plans for a bigger and better display next year.
Aullwoood Holiday Shop Around
WACO Gift Shop will be setting up at Aullwood’s
annual Museum Holiday Shop Around on Saturday,
November 10. Forget the ordinary and come to
Aullwood where the best museum gift shops from
the area will be selling their own unique items.
Winter Address for “SNOWBIRD” members
A number of you are fortunate enough to “winter” in sunny climates. So that we don’t send newsletters
out and get them back, please let us know your address and the dates you will be there. Thank you!
Send to [email protected].
Please consider adding WACO to your memorial contributions or trust. WACO is a non-profit (501c3)
organization and is totally dependent upon your generous donations to keep this museum a vibrant
community asset.
Weddings at WACO
We had two beautiful weddings
here this fall. WACO makes a great
venue for birthday parties, corporate
meetings, dinner parties, etc. Call
937-335-9226 for more information.
New Members
We welcome Tom Pawlesh of Pennsylvania and Bob Heywood of Dayton to our WACO family.
Recent Donations
Thank you to:
Mike Farrel of Farrel Aviation in Vandalia for the donation of 16mm films of Waco gliders in action from
the collection of Mike Murphy. We are anxious to get them transferred to DVD so they can be viewed in
the museum.
Tom Pawlesh for the donation of a wall hanging that is a stylized photo from the Fly-In, cards and CD’s of
Fly-In photos.
Bob Heywood for the donation of two “antique” plaques that will be for sale in the gift shop.
Chuck Sell of Tipp City for a monetary donation.
John & Nancy Fulker of Troy for a monetary donation.
2012 was another year of
construction. The beautiful
shelter was finished just
before the flyin in September
and the new Quonset hut
hangar (minus a main door)
shortly thereafter. Before year
end a smaller open air shelter
will be erected on the radio
control aircraft site along
the runway. Next in the plan
are a small kitchen area in
the museum building and a
classroom in the main hangar.
The kitchen and classroom
will wrap up construction
for the foreseeable future.
These projects were all funded
by various donations and
matching funds.
We are in discussion now
to bring a large midsummer
event to Waco Field that will
take the place of the military
David Bucher, President
Photo courtesy Mike Ullery.
event that was held in July
from 2009 to 2011. The facilities
and location of Waco Field are
drawing interest from diverse
groups as a place to hold their
events. Revenue from group
events goes towards covering
the fixed costs of Waco which
have grown significantly
since opening the airfield in
1997. This edition of the Waco
Word closes out another great
year for Waco. Many thanks
are in order to the many
friends, visitors, members
and sponsors who make the
continuation of Waco Historical
Society possible.
Site development continues - Facility enjoys wide use
WACO site development
continued in 2012 with
completion of a new picnic
shelter and the building of
the first stand alone hangar
at WACO Field. The picnic
shelter caps off a 4 year
development period which
included the building of the
new museum building (2009),
addition of paved and lighted
parking (2010), refurbishment
and painting of the red
barn(2011). The picnic shelter
was completed with grant
funds from the Pat and Thom
Robinson and the HartzellNorris Foundation, with
matching funds from a private
donation. The Quonset hangar
was donated by member
Don Delcamp. Other site
improvements in 2012 include
lowering and moving of the
power lines at the north end of
runway 36 for improved safety
and installation of concrete
containment for our fuel
(diesel, gas and avgas) sites.
These developments have
made WACO a widely used
site for community and private
events. The WACO facility
hosts an average of 14 events
per month including things
like Civil Air Patrol meetings,
Robotics competition team
practices, Lectures, corporate
meetings, teacher
workshops and classes,
foundation meetings,
private parties,
weddings, memorial
services, picnics,
reunions and social
events. These facility
uses not only bring
in needed
revenue to
support the
and Airfield,
but make
WACO a vital
part of the
BOOK your
next event at WACO! Available
for meetings, parties, corporate
events, classes and workshops,
picnics, reunions shows
and conferences. Package
rates available. See www.
wacoairmuseum.org or call the
WACO office at
937 335-9226.
WACO Learning Center
WACO Sponsors
Robotics teams
LEGO Robotics are a big
hit with children as can
be evidenced by the high
number of new team
members at WACO. This
year, WACO is sponsoring
four teams that will
compete at the First LEGO
League Competitions in
December. Each team has
adult coaches and about
8 members ages 9 to 14.
Many thanks to this year’s
coaches: Wade Campbell,
Tony Castaneda, Phil
Detweiler, Don Fields,
Jeff Newcomer, and Kyle
Rader. Not only do they
give up of their time to
be with the kids every
Sunday, but they are great
influences in developing
skills that the children
need. We also appreciate
the donations from UTC
Aerospace Systems and
Crown Equipment that
allowed us to purchase
additional robot kits
needed for the expanded
number of teams. Good
luck to the teams at
RC Fly-In
by Lisa Hokky, Learning Center Director
September 22 dawned a
beautiful day for the RC
Fly-In. Twenty five pilots
signed in for the 8th annual
Barnstormers event along
with many other observers.
There were acrobatic planes,
jets, helicopters and warbirds.
Everyone had a great time until
high winds in the afternoon
caused them to stop early. The
Barnstormers meet monthly
and have a great time flying
their model aircraft at WACO
Field. For more information on
how to become a Barnstormer,
call 937-335-9226 or send an
email to: [email protected].
Home School
Children Learn
about the Moon
The WACO Learning
Center is hosting a
program for home school
children during the
month of October. The
program was developed
by the NASA Aerospace
Education Services Project,
and it consists of hands-on
activities that encourage
creativity, teamwork,
and discovery. Activities
include rock classification,
accretion, differentiation,
lava layering, and impact
craters, among others. The
students were treated to
viewing actual moon rocks
and meteorites!
Miami County Educational Services Gifted Program
The Miami County
Educational Service Center
provides educational
programs to gifted children
who live throughout Miami
County. Students from 4th
grade to 7th grade came to
the WACO Air Museum on
October 6 to learn about
the forces of flight, neutral
buoyancy, angle trajectory,
and Newton’s Laws
by engaging in handson activities. Teams of
students made rockets and
spacecraft landers.
Gift Shop
Remember that our gift shop is on line and items can be purchased for Christmas gifts. If you are
local, you can stop in and browse an extensive number of items for all ages and levels of aviation
interest. Rachel does a wonderful job of finding new & unique items for the airplane buff in your life.
UTC Areospace Systems... Cleans Up WACO
On October 9, WACO was invaded by approximately 45 employees from UTC (formerly Goodrich).
They came armed with mops, brooms, paint brushes and a hard-working spirit. In less than 2 hours they
had the museum sparkling clean and picnic tables with a new coat of paint. Thank you so much for your
hard work and willingness to volunteer at WACO. Any group interested in helping at the museum can
contact the office at 937-335-9226.
WACO Learning Center
Adult Lecture Series Kicks Off the 2012-2013 Season with Jimmie Taylor
Retired Rear Admiral Jimmie Taylor (center) spoke at the WACO Air Museum on September 26 about his
extensive knowledge of the development of the F-14 Fighter Jet. He
told of his interesting experiences as the F-14 demonstration pilot at
the 1973 Paris Airshow. The event was very enjoyable and informative.
November 14 at 7:00 p.m.
World War II Veterans Gailard Ketchum and Charles Baker will relate
experiences at the Battle of Iwo Jima and make connections to the
Dayton area.
December 12 at 7:00 p.m.
Dale Peterson is a volunteer pilot for the Veterans Airlift Command. He will discuss his experiences of
transporting wounded men and women to and from military hospitals and their homes.
All lectures are free and open to the public. Refreshments are provided.
WACO Partners with NASA and UTC Aerospace Systems
to Offer a Teacher Workshop
The next teacher workshop
is scheduled for November
7. This workshop is for
Kindergarten through 4th
grade teachers, and will
be led by NASA Education
Specialist Susan Kohler.
Participating educators
will be introduced to the
International Space Station
and the role that rockets
play in its construction. The
teachers will leave with a
3-2-1 Lift Off Teachers Guide
with emphasis on hands-on
involvement, data collection,
observation, exploration,
prediction, interpretation,
problem-solving and
development of language
We appreciate UTC
Aerospace Systems for
sponsoring this workshop.
Lunches, snacks, and
substitute teacher pay is
UVCC Launches Aerospace Occupations
WACO Volunteer of the Year Greg Leach
Thank you, Greg, for your many hours of service to WACO. In addition
to much time Greg has given to the museum, Greg designed and built
a WACO simulator that was put into “play” in June. Greg had help
from his son with the welding and Jim Beisner & Steve Boone helped
with the covering. Hundreds of hours were put into this project that
will be used for many years to come by museum visitors. (Simulator
construction was funded by a grant from Lundgard CharitableTrust).
Upper Valley Career Center, the northern Miami Valley technical program high school, has
successfully launched their 2 year Aerospace Occupations course with the help of WACO
Historical Society support. The course introduces and provides basic skills in aviation related
careers such as aircraft dispatcher, pilot, flight engineer, air traffic controller, airframe and
powerplant mechanic, airfield operations, and aircraft cargo handling. WACO Historical Society
has provided crucial funding and technical expertise for UVCC as this course has been developed
and launched. The total enrollment has grown from 4 students in the first year to 14 this year,
with the goal of about 20-25 students. Enrollment is open
to juniors and seniors from 14 local high schools. Last
year WHS helped develop the course, select the instructor
and provided financial support for lab equipment such
as tool sets, simulators and aircraft prototypes including
a 1965 Piper Cherokee 140. WACO’s financial support
comes from a grant that WACO received from Paul G.
Duke Foundation for this purpose. In 2013 the first
seniors will graduate and begin their occupational paths
in aviation. Stay tuned for updates.
Waco UPF-7, N32158
2006 Waco Classic Aircraft YMFF5C, N113KJ
1941 Waco UPF-7, NC32114
1942 Waco UPF-7, NC39727
1937 Waco VPF-7, N17712
1930 Waco RNF, NC129Y
1935 Waco YKC-5, NC14620
1928 Waco GXE, NC5852
1930 Waco RNF, NC663Y
1936 Waco YKS-6, NC16246
1930 CRG N600Y
1941 UPF-N32032
Fly-In pictures courtesy of Tom Pawlesh.
2012 Attendees
1942 Waco UPF-7, NC39753
1934 Waco YKC, NC14047
N39727 J & L Brown, N5852 Marla Boone, N16203 Jim & Gail Wheeler, N32158 John Gerth
N113KJ Jerry Kemp, N32114 Don Delcamp, N113Y Tim Pinkerton, N17712 Mike Winblad
N600Y Pete Heins, N32032 Pete Engelskirger, N39753 Eric Zimmerman, N14620 Andy Heins
N663Y Susan Theodorelos, NC129Y Steve Givens, N14052 Tom Hogan, N16214 Bob Grist
N29300 Mike Brown, NC16246 David Stroup, N14047 John Patterson, N43016 Steve Koch
1936 Waco EQC-6, N16214
1934 Waco UKC, NC14052
2004 Waco YMF-5, N43016
1940 Waco UPF-7, NC29300
1936 Waco ZQC-6, NC16203