WACO Historical Society Membership Form YES! I am pleased to: [ ] become a member of WACO Historical Society [ ] renew my membership in WACO Historical Society [ ] Student $15 [ ] Family $45 [ ] Individual $30 [ ] Partner $60 [ ] Supporter $100 [ ] Contributing $250 WACO AIRPLANES Troy, Ohio [ ] Benefactor $500 [ ] Life $1000 WACO AIRPLANES Troy, Ohio WACO Historical Society, Troy, Ohio All memberships and donations are tax deductible. WACO Historical Society is a privately funded, nonprofit open to the public and dedicated to education. We depend solely on your contributions and membership fees, as well as interest from our endowment, program fees and grants. Family Memberships cover parents and children or grandchildren of the members. Members receive: • Free Admission to the WACO Air Museum and discounts on events throughout the year. • Use of the Museum Library. • Quarterly WACO Word newsletter informing you of WACO Historical Society/ Learning Center activities, WACO aircraft news and previews and reviews WACO Air Museum exhibits and programs. [ ] I would like to volunteer my time at WACO in the following ways; [ ] Museum, [ ] Aircraft Restoration, [ ] Special Events, [ ] Learning Center Please send to: [ ] other________________________ WACO Historical Society 1865 S. County Rd. 25A Troy, OH 45373 ________________________________________ For Office Use: Date Received:___________ Amount:_________ Check Number:__________ MCS:____________ Phone:__________________________________ E-mail Address: ___________________________ Troy, Ohio www.wacoairmuseum.org Summer 2013 WACO Experimental Aircraft by Val Dahlem [ ] I would also like to contribute an additional $ ____________for the following: [ ] Operations [ ] Special Events [ ] Learning Center [ ] Endowment Fund in memory of: (optional)_______ Address: ________________________________ AIRPLANES Did You Know? Names on membership cards: ____________________________________________________ Please make checks payable to: WACO Historical Society Inc. Name(s): _______________________________ WACOWord WACO A new aircraft configuration was recently uncovered in the WACO library. The files are part of our collection of company artifacts. The proposed aircraft, named the RFB, bears a strong resemblance to the one-of-akind aircraft produced in 1940 as the RPT. It was probably developed by the same team that designed the RPT. The new aircraft was described in WACO Report No. 1180, dated 11/20/1930. Only the basic performance estimates and a 3-view drawing are contained in the report. The aircraft is a drastic departure from the products WACO had produced to that time. It shows the engineering department was looking forward to a new era in aviation. The proposal probably was shelved due to the press of producing 500 UPF-7’s for the Civilian Pilot Training Program. However, one wonders why this aircraft design was not considered for post war production. The performance would have been demonstrated by the flight test data from the RPT. Construction features would have 1 been similar to other WACO products, with a plywood covered wing reminiscent of the RPT and the Model E Cabin. Costs could be accurately estimated based on the RPT experience. This aircraft stands with the proposed high-wing monoplane modification of the VKS-7 designed by assistant chief engineer Max Baker in 1944. The decision was made to develop the Model W instead. Uncertainties in performance and costs, along with new manufacturing methods, led to its demise. So why did WACO devote all its engineering talent and war profits to the Model W instead of a near-term, less expensive aircraft? You would have to ask Mr. Brukner about that! Return Service Requested WACO Historical Society, Inc. 1865 S. County Rd. 25A Troy, OH 45373 Troy, Ohio AIRPLANES WACO Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Troy, Ohio Permit No. 319 A Word from the Director by Gretchen Hawk, Executive Director We are excited about all the new changes here at WACO. We are sad to say goodbye to Lisa Hokky, Learning Center Director. Under Lisa, the Learning Center has grown by leaps and bounds. She can be proud of all the successful events she brought to WACO. Her family is moving to Atlanta, GA and we wish her well. The new Director, Nancy Heiss has already started training with Lisa and is ready for a busy summer. We have an unprecedented five weekends of bi-plane rides planned for the summer and hope to see record-setting numbers of riders. A big thank you goes out to our new group of volunteers: Alan Leingang, Lou Pauly, Colleen Harris, Laurel Booher & Steve Kerce. Along with our “old” volunteers: Steve Shaurer, Blaine Johnson, Garey Yunker and board members – Les Howe, Dave Bucher, John Schilling & Greg Leach doing field maintenance, we are off to a good start. It’s going to be a great season at WACO. Come join us! Wish List Everyone has a wish list and WACO is no exception. Our current list is: 2 drawer file cabinet, old pick-up truck or box type truck, folding chairs and games to use at the picnic shelter. WACO is a 501(c3) and all donations are tax deductible. Picnic Shelter Donations As you know, WACO thrives in large part due to the generous donations of individuals. A HUGE thanks to the following for their recent monetary donations: Brett Hunter, Cliff Robinson, Emerson Stewart III Erika Schaffer. Thanks also to Peg & Jeff Welbaum for giving us a microwave. WACO Trustees 2012-2013 Committee Chairpersons & Staff LC Director Nancy [email protected] Airport Manager Master Site Planner Museum Curator Gift Shop Fly-In 2012 WACO Word John Schilling ........... [email protected] Trustees at large Jim Pelton ................. [email protected] Les Howe ................. [email protected] John Schilling ........... [email protected] Greg Leach .............. [email protected] Patty Wagner ........... [email protected] Ken Ott ..................... [email protected] Dave Bucher Don Willis Andy Heins Patty Wagner Don Delcamp Gretchen Hawk WACO AIRPLANES Troy, Ohio 2 Lundgard Charitable Trust Miami County Visitors Bureau New Members A big WACO welcome to our newest members: James Watren of Sidney, OH, John Sullivan of Palmetto Bay, FL, Susan & Alan Ray of Brookville, IN John Ohlemacher of Troy. The shelter is available for rent and is already in use for graduation parties. It has 2 bathrooms, electric and an outside sink. There is plenty of parking! Plan your next reunion or other event by calling now to reserve. 937-335-9226 President David [email protected] Vice President Don [email protected] Executive Director Gretchen [email protected] Treasurer Don [email protected] Recording Secretary WACO could not function without the financial and in-kind support of our corporate and foundation sponsors. These companies and charitable foundations provide vital support in many tangible and intangible ways for WACO’s mission of historic preservation, education and community service. On behalf of the board and the community…we thank you. Hartzell Norris Foundation FINFROCK INC. Paul G. Duke Foundation Cancer Patient Elmer Jordan Takes a Flight at WACO Thanks to Hospice of Miami County Staff and pilot Blane Miller, Elmer Jordan got his wish to take an airplane ride on May 13 at Historic WACO Field. A former pilot, Mr. Jordan has been battling with esophageal cancer. He has been a regular visitor for the WACO Adult Lecture Series at the WACO Air Museum. We wish him well on his recovery. 7 what’s happening at waco Adult Lectures Series The April Adult Lecture Series speaker was Robert Supinger who told of his first-hand experiences during the Berlin Airlift. The May Adult Lecture Speakers were Bob Burkman and Jim Miller, Distinguished Flying Cross recipients. WACO Welcomes New Learning Center Director Nancy Heiss has joined the staff as the new Learning Center Director for the WACO Historical Society as of May 1st. She brings with her a wealth of experience with education and business. She taught in a private school for 4 years, and then she homeschooled her 4 children. Her business experiences include Creative Memories, School on the Rock, and Anjanette’s Chocolates and Artisan Gifts. The skills that she has acquired make her a great asset to WACO. Welcome Nancy! 6 TOP WING A coworker new to the Dayton area mentioned the other day that he recently had a very troubling dream in which he became allergic to grass runways. This was shortly after some refresher duel in a J3 at Red Stewart Airport in Waynesville Ohio. This paradise in his new backyard was being snatched away just as he is arriving at a point in his life where he can follow his passion of tail wheel aircraft on grass. I think that it is safe to say that most people reading this newsletter share that passion and understand how troubling such a dream would be. Last year my work took Donna and me to Iceland where we came across a group of people who are living that passion to the fullest in a country that is not necessarily conducive to grass roots aviation. Out for a drive on Sunday afternoon, we came across a small grass runway north of Reykjavik so we stopped to take a look. Seeing J3’s and such through the hangar windows and hearing voices from inside, we knocked on the hangar door and were immediately welcomed inside. An hour or so of hangar visiting and story telling led to an invitation by our new friends to see their restoration project the next day at the Reykjavik downtown airport. by David Bucher, President Photo courtesy Mike Ullery. One of the first commercial aircraft in Iceland was a cabin Waco delivered new from Troy with the tail number TF-ORN. ORN is long gone to whereabouts unknown however our new friends believe that the history of TF-ORN is a story that needs telling. So they are bringing ORN back to life through the restoration of another Waco cabin on floats just like the original. The restoration is being accomplished in the EAA hangar at the downtown Reykjavik airport. They have documented the history of ORN in a book that the group sent back with us for the Waco library. Now if we can just find someone who can translate Icelandic print. Iceland is a place most people do not think of visiting but is a place where you should. It is a beautiful country filled with wonderful people and good food. So if you make it there stop by the EAA hangar and take in the rebirth of ORN. I am sure the folks there will be glad you did. So in a land where avgas costs over $12 a gallon, where parts & tooling are flown in Icelandair employee baggage and the wind often blows like a Kansas tornado, a Waco cabin will soon return to the air thanks to a passion we all share. It is why we mow runways, restore airplanes, run museums, and go to Oshkosh and the Waco Fly-In. Grass runways and tail wheel aircraft are alive and well in Iceland just like at Waco Airfield. The world really is not that big after all. Hope that you have the opportunity to come out and share in that passion by taking in all that will be happening this summer at Waco. We are sad to report the death of member John H. Permenter of Troy, OH. 3 Aerospace Occupations Program Dedication On May 2, representatives were on hand to witness the dedication of the Aerospace Occupations program at the Upper Valley Career Center. This program was funded through the Paul G. Duke Foundation and implemented with the help of WACO Historical Society. The first graduating class of students was present for the ceremony which started at the Upper Valley Career Center and ended at the Sidney Airport. They will continue their careers in aviation at post graduate institutions, and we wish them good luck. It is exciting to see the program succeed and grow with more students joining the program in the fall! Over 400 Troy City School 6th graders descended upon WACO Air Museum in early May to learn about WACO history, RC airplanes, the principles of flight, and paper rockets. Thank you to our volunteers: John Burnside, Rachel Currie, Val Dahlem, Judy Deeter, Blaine Johnson, Jack Pounds, and Hunter Russell. Boy Scouts enjoy shooting Bottle Rockets during the Boy Scout Camporee in April. Participants in the ceremony also included State Representative Dick Adams, the Board from the Duke Foundation, Sidney Airport representatives, Upper Valley Career Center representatives, WACO Historical Society representatives, among others. The Troy Noon Optimists sponsored the annual Family Kite Fly on May 5th. Area middle school teachers learned hands-on lessons for their classrooms at the two-day WACO Teacher Workshop sponsored by the Hartzell Norris Foundation. Instruction was provided by Susan Kohler, a NASA Education Specialist.
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