HindSight - Holmdel Township
HindSight - Holmdel Township
HindSight ...a message from the Mayor Mayor Eric Hinds September 2016 September has arrived, school is open, fall sports are in full force and we are looking forward to a great season full of positive community news and activity. Hopefully you all have received the paper summer newsletter that went out full of Holmdel information. We continue informing you of news, programs and more with our electronic newsletter you are receiving now. If you know of anyone that would like to be added or know of anyone not receiving this, please have them contact me. We have been working hard this summer and there is much to share. Bell Works news, JCP&L, township recognitions and more. All is in here but I want to address the JCP&L issue first and foremost. We as a Township Committee have already let JCP&L know that we are against this project and we are doing everything we can to prevent this project from moving forward. I have met with the Mayors from the affected towns on many occasions and after our latest meeting, we are committed to work together to hire outside engineering and counsel to help stop this project. We will be networking across party aisles and asking all to get involved. Sign the petitions, call your state officials; we need to all work together on this one. Assemblywoman Amy Handlin (732) 383-7820 Governors office (609) 292-6000 JCP&L 855-277-9332 NJ Transit (973) 275-5555 BPU (board of public utilities) (609) 777-3300 NJ environmental protection agency 866-337-5669 I want to thank all of the residents who have been volunteering thus far and I urge you all to get involved. This affects all of us. I will keep you updated on further discussions and progress. I can assure you we will continue our vigilance and do all we can to stop this project. More information inside… On a positive note, our beautiful parks, our summer recreation programs and Holmdel Swim Club were full of summer activities that brought the community together and I hope you have all had a great summer! Did ya’ Know? COMMUNICATION You can access the full Holmdel High School sports schedule here: http://www.shoreconferencenj.org/g5bin/client.cgi?G5genie=249&school_id= 11 ? Check the schedule and come out and support our teams, cheer them on and show your community spirit! Go Holmdel Hornets! Have a great year! Don’t forget to sign up for township information on our website www.holmdeltownship-nj.com . Formerly Code Red and now Civic Ready registrations are building. Please sign up today if you haven’t. This is an important way to keep informed in emergency situations. Register for Civic Ready alerts here: www.holmdelpolice.org Visit our Holmdel Township website: http://www.holmdeltownship-nj.com/ Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns: Mayor Eric Hinds: [email protected] September 11th Memorial Ceremony On Sunday, September 11th at 10 a.m., a memorial ceremony was held at the township honoring the memory of those who were lost on September 11, 2001. I was proud to join members of the Township Committee, the Holmdel Police Department Honor Guard, the Friendly Sons of Shillegah Bagpipe Band, and Francesca Picerno to honor the residents and relatives who lost their lives on 9/11/01. I’d like to thank Lisa Hettler for all the effort she put into organizing this event. It was my honor to speak at this ceremony and I will share here for those who could not attend: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For all of us here today and for all Americans, September 11th forever changed our world. This year marks its 15th anniversary and is a day we will never forget. Despite the damage that was done on that early September morning, we as Americans were in no way defeated. Patriotism erupted during such a massive loss and that spirit continues today. These past 15 years bonded all Americans. It tells the story of resilience. We can all remember that day like it was yesterday. I still recall exactly where I was down to the clothes I was wearing. It is very much like my parents' and grandparents' depiction of the assassination of JFK. Well, 9/11 is our generation's JFK, but only more severe. The attack was not on just one individual, but on thousands of innocent civilians and America as a whole. Most of us knew these victims. They were our family, our neighbors, our coworkers, and our friends. Regardless of our political beliefs, we come together today and are one in sorrow. We will never forget the human cost paid by this generation. We will always remember that they paid the ultimate sacrifice for America without even knowing they were called to duty. No memorial and no words will ever fill the hole left in our hearts from these losses. The great Abraham Lincoln once said, "I pray that our heavenly father may alleviate the anguish of your loss, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly sacrifice on the altar of our freedom." I call on you today as Americans to remember the 2,996 innocent lives that were cut short and the unwavering American spirit that prevailed over such a great tragedy. We will NEVER FORGET! Holmdel Police and Community help our K-9 Teams The Holmdel Police Department was given the opportunity to provide the latest state-of-the-art body armor (ballistic vest) for two of its members, thanks to the creativity of one of the Police Department’s civilian staff members, and the overwhelming generosity of many citizens. Holly Sandford, a Holmdel Police Dispatcher, and the daughter of retired Brookdale College Police Chief William Sandford, felt that it was important that we protect our K-9 teams as they willingly put themselves in harm’s way to serve our citizens and community. Ms. Sandford designed and crafted commemorative bracelets and used social media to spread the word of her mission. Holly sold the bracelets one at a time to raise the money to purchase the “K-9 Storm” ballistic vests to be worn by the canine in the performance of their duties. When asked what inspired Holly to take on this task, she said, “Being a part of this Department and working with the K-9 teams, I learned a lot about the unit, and how sometimes people view the canines as equipment. I also learned that much of the unit is maintained by donations”. Holly stated that she actually began this task in memory of K-9 Diogi and K-9 Buddy, two former Holmdel Police canines that recently passed away. “Being the daughter of a cop, I understand the true meaning of loyalty to your family, and wanted it to mean a little more than just a donation”, Holly said. The bracelets came about because of her hobby of jewelry making. It was a task that she knew she’d be able to handle on her own, which was an important objective for her. “I wanted to be able to give the unit the best available option out there, but financially, I knew I couldn't do it by myself”, Sandford said. “I started my mission in January with the hope of purchasing a vest for K-9 Cairo. I hoped to sell 50 bracelets, but I've sold well over 200”. Due to the generosity of the community, Holly raised enough to purchase a second vest for K-9 Patriot as well. The vests are custom-made to each canine. K-9 Cairo's vest was already received and issued to him. K-9 Patriot's vest is due to arrive by mid-September. Holmdel Police Chief John Mioduszewski added, “We are very lucky to receive the support of the members of our community. Holly Sandford’s act of kindness and generosity is a great reminder of how the Police and public have to work together. Our entire Department thanks her for her efforts.” BELL WORKS UPDATE: iCIMS signs lease for new home at Bell Works By Andrew Sheldon, July 20, 2016 at 2:05 PM The lease signing included, front from left, Somerset Development President Ralph Zucker, iCIMS CEO Colin Day and Holmdel Mayor Eric Hinds. - (iCIMS) Bell Works hosted a public lease signing with its newest tenant, software solutions company iCIMS, on Wednesday. The event was held in the atrium of the 2 million-square-foot former Bell Labs facility in Holmdel. In his address, iCIMS CEO Colin Day called his company’s relocation a personal “homecoming.” “I feel as if I’ve come full circle. Early in my career as a recruiter, I placed exceptional candidates into Bell Labs,” Day said. “The impressive technology created by talented people in this building will once again echo as iCIMS will usher in a new era of technology and innovation in the Garden State and continue our strong growth and profitability as we make our transition into Bell Works. (This) opens a new chapter for iCIMS.” Tim Lizura, president and chief operating officer of the New Jersey Economic Development Authority, said iCIMS’ investment in the Bell Works project, which is headed by Somerset Development, was a step toward growing the burgeoning technology hub here in the Garden State. “What creating and retaining jobs does is to build communities,” Lizura said. “That's what job creation and economic development is all about.” He also said that iCIMS’ decision to stay in the state, when opportunities to relocate had arisen, was validation of that fact. “It's going to be home to discoveries, and businesses making those discoveries,” he said. “We are a technology state, we’ve always been a technology state and iCIMS’ decision to stay in the state of New Jersey, versus leave, ratifies New Jersey’s leadership in the technology community.” Bell Works Related Story EDA offers two companies combined $40M to move to Bell Works The company, which has been based in Matawan, was approved in June for a 10-year, $38 million tax credit by the EDA. It employs about 552 people between two sites in New Jersey, and anticipates hiring another 390 in the near term, the EDA said at the time of the credit award. Day echoed the sentiments in his statements, saying that this was about more than just his company. “We hope to just be a part of a vision, and I can’t say how excited we are to join other amazing technology companies,” he said. “We don’t want this to be just our success; we want this to be the success of the entire community.” __________________________________________________________ Holmdel Police celebrate 50 years of service ! In 1966 under the leadership of Chief Joseph Phillips, the Holmdel Police Department was founded. On November 4, 2016, the Holmdel Police Department will host its 50th Anniversary Ball at the Grand Marquis in Old Bridge, NJ. Please save the date as this is truly a community celebration. We are grateful to have an extraordinary police force lead today by Chief John Mioduszewski. Let’s join in the celebration. There are 50th anniversary sweatshirts, mugs, t-shirts and more available for sale. For information on purchasing these items and tickets, please see flyer attached to this newsletter and get your tickets today! Holmdel Township Committeeman Mike Nikolis and Freeholder Serena DiMaso were honored to present Giacomo Curreri with a proclamation celebrating his proud accomplishment of earning and becoming an Eagle Scout: Please join us as we celebrate together at Bayonet Farms on Saturday October 1st 12-9pm and Sunday October 2nd 11-6pm for our annual Harvestfest. Activities include: live entertainment, food vendors, craft vendors, beer & wine tents, free inflatables, free wagon rides, pony rides and petting zoo too! “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” showing at 7pm. Watch for more updates! Holmdel Boys 7/8 Lacrosse Team recognized at TC Meeting The Holmdel Township Committee was happy to recognize the Holmdel boys 7/8 Lacrosse team at the August 15th Township Committee Meeting. The Holmdel Boys Lacrosse program was started in 2013 by Commissioner Mike Kapcsos and coaches Chris McCann, Chris Flynn, Bill Dimaio, Joe Donahue, Dan Ferro and Mike Bair. The program has competitive teams that compete in the Coastal Lacrosse League which is made up of 16 towns in Monmouth and Ocean County. K-2 Clinic consists of 50 boys – Coached by Kevin Buchan, Dave Perrotti 3/4 - Coached by Joe Donahue 5/6 – Coached by Chris Flynn, Bill Dimaio, Dan Ferro and Mike Kapcsos 7/8 – Coached by Matt Dixon, Chris McCann and Mike Kapcsos Mike Kapcsos commented, “In 3 short years we have grown into a competitive lacrosse organization. All 3 of our competitive teams have enjoyed increased success over the past 3 years. This year our 7/8 team lost only to Lacey and Brick in the regular season allowing the boys to qualify for the Coastal Lacrosse League playoffs and a shot at the championship both held on June 4th.” Lead by Coach Mike Kapcsos, the boys would face Lacey in a very tight playoff game, winning 7-6, sending Holmdel to it’s first ever youth lacrosse championship vs none other than Brick who handed Holmdel a crushing 10-2 loss during the regular season. The championship was a heated game but Holmdel came ready to play. Holmdel’s defense was strong and the offense served up goal after goal ultimately edging out Brick 10-8. Congratulations to all! JCP&L UPDATE On August 9, 2016, JCP&L filed a petition with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities to build a new 230kv transmission line from Aberdeen to Red Bank using NJ Transit’s right of right along the rail road tracks. This project is dubbed the Monmouth County Reliability Project (“MCRP”) by JCP&L. Many residents of Monmouth County are asking why JCP&L is pushing to build the high power transmission power lines in Monmouth County. In NJ and in Monmouth County, there is strong evidence and data that show that MCRP is NOT needed. 1. 2. 3. 4. According to US Census, population growth in Monmouth County has been flat over the last 15 years. According to US Energy Information Administration, the total NJ use of electricity declined over last 10 years after peaking in 2005 due to efforts within NJ to be more energy efficient (see 10-yr graph below). The project does NOT help with power outages we experienced from Sandy & other storms. The power outages are caused by problems with distribution line & sub-stations and NOT transmission lines. The project is a third high power transmission line. Over the last 10 years, the existing two transmission lines caused power interruption for less than 10 hours. This means that there was no power interruption for 99.99% of the time. NJ Total Electricity Sales (Megawatthours) 84,000,000 82,000,000 80,000,000 78,000,000 76,000,000 74,000,000 72,000,000 70,000,000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year (Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration) I am working diligently with a number of Holmdel residents and leaders within RAGE and other political leaders to stop this project. It is clear that this is not in the best interest of Holmdel for many many reasons including: Health concerns, Real estate values dropping, and an Eyesore on Holmdel and the Bayshore area. Our latest news was positive as JCPL withdrew their MAIT request but that’s just one battle in a long process. We are signing an agreement with the other local towns to gain legal and engineering advice to fight this to the end! Edward G. Broberg, P.E. Holmdel Township Engineer Revised June 9, 2016
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