Carburetor Adiustments ...........,..,..,.,... 71 Choke
Carburetor Adiustments ...........,..,..,.,... 71 Choke
O-OUAD_FUEL SYSTEM 1+6I CARIER THERMO-GIUAD@ CARBURETOR INDEX Page 71 73 14 74 Carburetor Adiustments ...........,..,..,.,... Accelemtor Pump Stroke .. ... ... ........... .. Choke Controf Lever Adjustment ...........,.. Choke Diaphragm Connector Rod . . . , . . , . , , , . . Choke Unloader Adjustment (Wide Oper, ...,............ Fast ldle Cam Position Adjustment . . . ... ..... Fast ldle Speed Adiustment (On Vehicle) .. ,. . dle Settine Procedure ................... -... Secondary-Air Valve Opening ................. Secondary Air Valve Spring Tension . . ... ... . . Kick)................ f 76 75 77 17 72 73 Pase 11 Secondary Throttle Linkage Secondary Throttle Lockout Solenoid Bowl Vent Valve . Vacuum Kick Adjustment Disassembling Carburetor General Information 76 ...,..,............... Inspection and Reassembly Service Diagnosis Service Procedures Special Service Tools Specifications 75 65 66 90 CARBURETOR APPIICATION Requirement California California California Canada California California Federal/Canada California Federal/Canada ua Tornta Federal Transmission Engine Manual 318 Four Four Auiomatic Automatic Automatic Four Four I\4anual 360 Automatic 360 l\lan ual 360 l\4anua BBLS Fou r I Automatic Autornatic Auiomatic Four Four Carburetor Model Numbet Cader Cafter Carter Ca*er Carter Carter TQ-9228S TQ-9229S TQ-9223S TQ"9227S TQ-9224S TQ-9225S Carter Carter Cader Carter Carter TQ-9207S TQ-9208S TQ-9209S TQ-9210S TQ"9226S GEN ERAL INFORMATION The Carter Theimo-Quad@ carburetor is designed to hetp reduce exhaust emissions and to permit the maximum performance that high-output engines ale capable of delivering. (Fig. 1). This carburetor has a unique black main body or fuel bowl of molded phenolic resin. This acts as a very effective heat insulator. Fuel is kept cooler (approximately 20 degrces F) than in all-metal carburetor designs. The air horn houses the choke valve, the air valve for the secondaries and its controls and acljustments, the fuel inlet system (two floats and inlet neeilles and seats), the complete accelerating pump system, pdmary boost venturi, vacuum controlleal step-up piston and roals, low and high speed fuel mete ng systems (secondary jets, fuel discharge nozzles and all air bleeds and rest ctions) (Fig. 2). The primary jets are in the main body. The Thermo-Quad carburetor has rufque features which require extra caution during all adjustments. The vacuum kick diaphmgrn providles lwo lrparal6 funclions. It still provides for vacuum kick but it also contrcls the secondary air valve- Because of the separate nature o{ the two Iunctlons, tltro separate but interelated adjustments are necessary and these adjustments must be pe ormed in the proper sequence. V(,.vu.n Port ldentifrcdtion (Flg, 3) All Thermo-Quad carburetors used on vehicles equipped with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) $'iI have a venturi vacuum port on the side of the car buretor; this is the only vacuum port located in the main body. A11 other vacuum supply ports are locatea in the throttle body. See "Emission Control System", Group 25, of ':r: manual for detailed information. Five conventional circuits are found in the TtE-:Quad carburetor: (1) Float circuit (2) Low-speed circuit (in the primary side 13\ High-speed circuit lpriDaly and se..:: r- 1442 TH ERMO-qUAD_FUEL SYST SECONDARY AIR ADJUSTMENT SCREW CHOKE VALVE VALVE IDLE MIXTURE ADJUSTMENT scREwS FAST IDLE ADJUSTMENI SCREW TO PCV VALVE CANISTER PIJRGE PORI DIVERTER VALVE PR]9]8A ig. l -Carbu rct o I Assembly (4) Pump circuit containing a fuel cavity float assenbly and needle (5) Choke circuit (consisting of linkag€s to operate and seat assembly. The pdmary low-speed circuit from a choke mechadism in the manilold cavitv). plus prihary and secondary high,speed circuits are supplied rrith luel taken from the Juel cavities in tle fuel bowl. f ha Ftoat Cir.uir (Fig. 4) The purpose of the float circuit is lo maintain an the f.ow-Speed qnd tdle Enri.hment Circuit adequafe supply of liquid fuel at the proper, prede(Fis.5) termined level in the bowl for use by the low-speed, Fuel {or idle and early part throttle operation is high-speed, pump and choke circuik. Two separate float circuits are used, each circuit t CAN STER PURGE PORT D]VERTER VAIVE \..1.7 \ .:,i7. , TO VAPOR CANISTER Fig. z-C.Jrberetor Assembly fop Viev Fig, 3:-Vo.sum Porr PRI'20A td.ntifi.allon TH ERMO"OUAD_FU metered through the low-speed circuit which is lo' cated on the piimary side only Liquid gasoline enters the idle wells through the marn meterng jets. Each low'speed jet has a calibmted odfice at its lover tip which measurcs the amount of {uel lor iclle and early part throttle opera' tion. T'he air by-pass passages, economizers and ialle air bieeds are careJuliy calibrated and selve to breat up the liquid Juel and mL,< it with air as it moves through the passages to the idle ports and idle adjustment screw ports. Tuming the idle adiustment screws towaral their seats reduces the quantity of fuel mixture supplied by the idle circuit. The idle system is equipped with a rcstrictor in the idle channel, located between the transfer slot and the idle port, which limits the maximum attainable idle mlxture. tdle Enrichment System (Fig. 5) The ourDose oI lhe idle enrichment syslem is to reduce c;ld ;ngine stalling by use of a metedng system related to the baslc carburctor instead of the choke The system enriches carburctor mixtures in the idle and off idle area during that portion of vehicle operation related to cold or semicold opemtjon A small vacuum confrolled diaphragm mounted near the top ol the carburetor controls idle system air. when contml vacuum is applied to the diaphragm' ialle system air ls reduced. Air losses within the idle system strengthen the small vacuum signal and fuel flows increase. As a result oI more luel and less air, the fnel air mixtures enrich (fig. 5). Vacuum signal to the carbur€tor diaphragm is contrclled by a thermal switch that senses engine coolant. Cold engines have switches in an open conclition to pass the vacuum signal to the carburetor diaphmgm Dudng warm-up the switches close to eliminate vacu_ um signals and return carburetor metering to normal, MECHANICALLY OPERATED BOWL VENT SOME MODELS EL SYSTEM 14.63 lean levels. IA one type system. vehicles relt on this engine coolant vacuum switch to control !d]€ system enrichment duration. In a second system, vehicles have srmilar coolant vacuum srritches, but the switch ?eceifes its lacuum signal from a solenoid valve operated b: an electric timer. nnrichment dumtion is approximateil- 35 sec. onds aJter the engine starts. TlIe thermal s\l'itch sill prevent additional cycles of idle system enrichment after the engine reaches a warm condition. but \\'hile the engine is cold, each restart cycles another 35 seconds of enrichment. Engines which have cooled below the switch open_ ing temperature vill benefit by havhg endched idle aJter restart. Duration of the endchment will be con' trolled as descfibed above Jor each type system. Solenoid controlled systems have switches which close at 150'F while others close at gS"F Switches open approximately 12'F below closing temperatures (these are approximate temperatures). Circuits the Hiqh-Spoed 'pa11 throltle and tull lhrottle engine Fuel-lor operation is ;upplied through the high-speed circtit, which is divid€d into the pdmary high-speed circuit and secondary high-speed ciicuit. These two cir' cuit functions are described separately, as follo{s: High Speed Circuir-Primqry Srde (FiE. 6). Tn lhe primafy metering seclton. Ine t\\'o melerlng rods are yoked to a single step_up piston which ddes in a cylinder in the bowl cover casting. The primary jets which work with the metering rods are located in the plastic fuel bowl. The step_up piston has a lift rod which extends down through a passage in the fuel bowt into the throttle body. The bottom end of the rod ddes on a lever operated by a cam on the pdmary throttle shaft. BY PASS 1pg6 41q 91g69 IDLE ENRICHMENT VALVE ASSEMBIY IDLE ENRICHMENT AIR INLET OPERATING LEVER NEEDLE AND sEAI ASSEMELY -c: :' lDLE FUEL INLET FITIING Pfl838 lig. 4-FIoa, Cir..rit RESTRICTOR MAIN METER IDLE ENRICI]MEN- AIR BLEED RESTR CT:.. NG JET trg. 5-low cits,- 1+64 ERMO-OUAD_FUEL SYSTEM TH ANTI.PERCOLATOR VENI PISTON LINK MAIN WELL DI5CHARGE NOZZLE PASSAGE METER NG MECHANICAL ROD LIFT ROD MA N METER NG .JET THROIILE VALVE "O" side of the carburetor which is opened by air velocity thrcugh the secondary bores and clos€d by accurately- adjusted spririg tension. A unique feature of this air valve is its shape. The lower edge of the valve is contouredl in such a manner that when air velocity through the carburetor is high, and the lower edge oI the air valve approaches the secondary nozzles, the contoun act as venturi to increase air velocity at the tips of the nozzles. Air V.,tve Dcshpot (Dtdphrcgmt OPerdfton (Fig,8) In addition to the air-valve functions descdbed, an air valve dashpot (or diaphragm) is used to further control the ail valve. The operation of the dashpot plus the contrcl restrictions and passages is as follows: RING SEAL Fig. 6.-+rimory High Sp€€d Circuii In the low- and medium-speecl range, the cam anal lilt the step-up piston and mete ng rcds in proportioa to the pdnary throttle valve opening. This action provides positive mixture conhol. The length of the step-up piston liJt rod is Jactoryadjusted wilh equipment not available in service. Tampering with the setting will upset pedormance and emission control lever Hrgh-Speed Circuit-Se.ondory Side (Fig. 7 ) Liquid fuel for the high-speed circuil in tbe second. ary poltlon of the carbwetor is metered at the secondary metering jets. There are no metering rods in the secondary metering iets. The main bleed tubes in the secondary side with thefu calibrated perlomtions anal air bleeds, function to plovide sensitively calibrated air-tuel mixtures in AIR response to etrgrne demadils. A spring-loaded air valve is locateal in the seconalary During primary throttle operatrrg condition (secondary valves not open) manifold pressure (vacuum) is transmitted through the passages cornecting the air valve diaphragm to the underside oI the carburet' or flange. If the secondary valves arc opened Jrom either a closed throttle or part throttle position oJ the primary valves, the restrictions 'A', "B'and "C" bleed ofr manifold pressure to the diaphragm thus allowing the air valve to open at a rate that will provide smooth secondary operation. Restdctions "A" and "C" are sedes restrictions for contrclling mte of pressure bleed off to the diaphragm with the secondary throttle valves closed. Restdction "B" has an adaleal function: During steady, extreme high-speeal opention (70 mph approx.) it is possible that the secondary valves may be opened very slightly. If the diaphragm was directly connected to manifold vacuum at all times, the diaphragm might BLEED AIR VALVE DASHPOT VENT IUBE BLEED BAFFLE PLATE SECONDARY NO ]ET METER RESTRICT]ON Fig, PORI (RESTRIC-|'ON "BJ SECONDARY THROTTLE VALVE TO INTAKE MANIFOLD SECONDARY THROTTLE VALVE "A" D|SCHARGE NOZZLE f-Second.Iry Higrt Speod cit uir PFt86A PF]878 Eig, 8-Alr Vdlv. O$hpot Op€tctiott TH ERMO.OUAD-FU EL SYSTEM 14.65 amount of fuel necessalv- to insure smooth engine operation upon acceleration at 1o\rer vehicle speeds. PLUNGER SPRING PUMP DIsCHARGE JET PRIMARY THROTTLE VALVES CHECK SFAT Fig. 9 -A..sler.'l or P smp Cir.uit pull the air valve to a closeal positiot causing an overrich mixture- Restdction "8" plevents this possibility of over-richness. When the secondary is slightly opened the restriction at "B" bleeds off a part of the manifoldl vacuum to the diaphragm. The diaphragm can then properly position the air valve for satisfac' tory pedormance. Accelerdtor Pump Cir.uit (Fig.9l The a..elerating pump circuif. located in the pri. mary side of the carburetor, proviales a measured When the throttle is closed. the pump plunger cllinder and fuel is dra{'r into the pump cylinder through the intake check, located at the bottom of the cllinder the a[scharge check (needle) is seated at this tjme to Drelent air frorn behg dlawn into the pump c\'linder When the throttle js opened. th" pu p Dlunger moves downward closing the intale check and forcing luel out through the discharge passage. past lhe discharge check needle and out through the pump je,s Ar higher spceds. pump drqcharge s _o lonsel necessary to rnsure smooth acceleration. Therefore. in order to prevent unnecessary plunger molelnent. extemal pump linkage is so constructed that it travels "over center" when the throttle is in the higher speed positions, thus imparting just enough stroke to the plunger to keep all passages filled with liquid fue1. A plastic tube is used to connect the outlet opening at the bottom of the pump cylhder with passage just below the discharge check. Make suie this tube is not damagecl or collapsed when ser-vicing the carburetor. The spring in the pump cylinder, above the plunget is used to remove all fuee play from the pump opemting linkage and insure an instant fuel discharge the instant the throttle valves are cracked. moves upwardl in the pump SERVICE PROCEDURIS DISASSEMBLING CARBURETOR (1) Place carburetor assembly on repair stand Tool C-3886. Repaf stand is used to protect throttle valves from damage and to provide a suitable base for working. 12) Remove tod retainers that hold throttle connec_ tor rod to accelerator pump arm and throtUe lever, then remove rod from carburetor. (3) Remove accelerator pump arm screw and disengage tuom pump rod "S" lir*, (leave "S" link connected to pump rod) then remove lever. (4) Remove choke countershaft fast idle lever attaching screw whil€ holding lever. Disengage lever ftom countershaft, then swing fast idle connector rod at an arc until it can be disengaged from fast idle operating lever. (5) Remove loil retainers and washer that holds choke diaphragm connector rod to choke vacuum dia' phragm and air valve 1€ver. (6) Rernove rod retainer that holds choke connector rcd to choke counte$haft, then disetrgage rod and swing rod at al} arc to disengage choke shaft lever assembly. (?) Remove step up piston cover plate attaching screw anal cover plate, then remove step up piston and link ass€mbly with step up rods. Remove step up piston spring. (B) Remove pump jet housing screw, housing with gasket. Inveri carburetor and r€move discharge check needl€. (9) Remove 10 bowl cover screws, two of the bowl cover screws are located between choke valve and wall oJ bowl cover, Remove bowl cover and invert on bench to protect floats. Disossernbling Eowl Cover (ll ReIao\e floal lAvpr prns and lifl out float as. semblies. It is suggested that the float on the pump side be marked so that goats can be reinstalled in their respective positions. \2' Remote l\ao nepdle valves from lheit resD... tive seats, after marking one on pump side Jor :a:tiflcation. Using a wide blade screw driver. re5: : needle \alve seals. Be sure each needle \a r : :+ tumed to its original seat at reassembh(3) Remove secondary metedng jets. (41 Remove a..Aleralior I Lmp 1 :. tic) and bowl cover gasket. , :: -'€' (5, Remove accclerator pump - .4; IH ER MO.SUAD_FUEL SYSTEM -- :: luinp plunger assembly, use a small roal placed plunger shaft and tap tightl]'. with a small hammer (Fig. 10). Use €are not to da'nage ptuhg. er shaft hole in bowl cover. This should be done with finger! under lower portion of pump cylinder in order lo catch intake check seat, pump plunger and spring. Check seat will be damaged when pump pt,rnger is b€ing driven oui. Always install . new check seat and plunger upon reassembly, {61 U inspection shows plunger can be used agaitr, place it in a container of clean mineral spjrits to Dre" \ etr lcather Irom drying oui. (71 Nole position of bowl venr actuatinE tever and arm spring (if so equipped) before removing retainer .lip lfom lprer. {hen rpmove lcver {rom bowl rent operating arm, Remo'Je grommet seal from operating ::. upper end oJ arm. l8) Remove {uel intet fitting and gasket. fhrojrle Body (1) Remove atep-up actuating lever. (2) Remove choke diaphragm and bracket assembly with hose and place to one side to be cleanecl as a special item. Liquid cleaners may damage aliaphragm material. Noter that the carburetor vacuum ffttine hidpc a \er\ srall \acuum Dassage rcst.iclion. clpa; (3) Remove plastic limiter caps from idle air mixture screws. Be sure to count nurnber of turns to seat the scrervs (from stop). as the same number of turns (trom seat) must be maintained at installation. Remove idle mixture screws and sprinss. It is not advisable to remov; th; throttle shafts or valves unless wear oi damage necessitates the instal- VENT TUBE lation of new pa s. During the manufacture of the carburetor, the location of the idle transfer ports and tbe idle discharge pods to the valve is carefulllr es_ tablished for one pa icular assembty. (Fig. 11). ff new throttle sha{ts should be insialled in an otd $'om body, it would be very untikely that the o ginal rclationship oJ these ports to the valves would b-" oitained. A very slight change in the polt rclation. ship to the valves would adveNely affect normal carDuretor operation, between the speeds of curb idle to 30 miles p€r hour. Moin Body ll Remove primarJ O rjng sea s ard dis.ard Rnmove primary melering jels rFig. l2l ra rs not re.essafy to rc^tova the bamo plate lrthe main body. (Do not imme$e main bodi), in clean /2' jng solvents for a proionged period of timel The carburetor now has been alisassembled into three main units, the air hotn, main body anrl throtUe bodr and the.omponenl pafl. of ea.h d,sa.5c.nblpd as laj as necessary for cleaning and inspection. CLEAN IN G CARBURETOR PARTS Refer to Gencral Information Section at front i : Fuel System, for cleaning instructions. INSPECTION AND REASSEMBLY Check for cracks, waryage, str.jpped!v thleai. or damaged or Darred mating sudaces. on all maj,:: castings. The passages in the castings shoulal be fre€ of restrictions. Check the float assemblies lor damage or any condilion rhat would impair lhese ilems lror lurther ser\ ice. The throttle valvei choutd bp replaced if the edges have been nicked, buned or da;aged New valves may be installed. Be sure that the ch;ke and throttle shaJts are not bent or scoreal. Replace any broken or distoted spdngs. Replace all screws and lockwasheN that show signs of stdpp€d threaals or distortion IDLE D SCHARGE () I i ' PIN PUNCH rig. ro-Re.rovirg A..elerotor Pump Fig. I f-Ports ir Retorion toth.ofite vo,tve, TH fhrot+te Body If necessary to replace throttle valves, remove staking with a ffle. These screws are stakedl to prevent loosening anal cale is necessary to avoid breaking off in shaft. (l) Remove screws that hold thrcttle valves to throttle shaft. (2) Slide damaged throttle valves out of borcs. It should be noted at this tirne, that the numbered side is on the bottom (or carburetor mounting flange side) ahd opposite the vacuum port. (3) Slide new throttle valves in position on throttle shaft, with the valve number on the bottom (flange side) and opposite the vacuum port. (4) Install new screws, but do not tighten. Be sure fast idle speed adjusting screrv is backed out. Hold valves in place rrith ffngers {fingers pressing on high sidle of valves). (5) Tap valves lightly jn this position, tighten sctews securely. Stake screrts, Be sure to support shaft wh€n staking screws. Operate the throttle shaft, ftom closed to open position, it should operate smoothly \rithout drag or sticking. I{old throttle hody up to a strong light. The light visible around the outer dliameter of the valves on the bores shoddl be unitorm. (6) Install secondary throttle valves in the same manner as desc bed previously, The numb€rs stamped on the valves must be toward the bottom rear- For adjustment see Secondary Throttle Adiust- ERMO-OUAD-FUEL SYSTEM I4.67 lightly against their seats with fingers. Back ofi the number of turns counted at disassembly. Do not install limiler .aps at this time. Choke Va.uom oidphtqgm (Also Air vdlve Ddshpof) (1) Inspect the vacuum diaphragm fitting io be sure that the passage is not plugged \rith foreign material. Leak test diaphragm to determine if it has internal leaks. To do this, deprcss diaphragm stem. fhen place finger over fitting to seal opening. Release stem. If stem moves more than 1/16 inch in ten seconds, leakage is excessive and assembly nust be replaced. (2) Position diaphragm and bracket assembly on locating dowel on mounting surface. Install and tight' en attaching screw. (3) Inspect rubber hose for cracks before install. ing on correct carburetor fitting- (Fitting next to diaphragm bracket). Oo not connecl vocuum hose lo diaphragm filting until afler va.uum kick adiustment ha! been made. (See Carburetor Adjustments). (4) Install step'up actuating lever with edg€s up (Fig. 13). (5) Install throttle body gasket and main body. (6) Carefully install nertr primary "O" ling seals. Be sure'O" ring seals are centered over holes in main body. (7) Install pdmary metering jets in floor of main body and tighten securely. ment, (7) Install idle mixture screws and springs in the throttle body. (The tapered portion must be straight and smooth to insure having correct idle mixture control-) Do not use a s€rev, driver. Tufn screws PRIMARY METER NG- J,:;r,ELlJi',lO-< MA N BODY t-e)- UI 1 Sowl Cover (1) Install secondary metering jets over bleecl hrbes ,n.l fidhtoh ca.,,relv ll'id 14\ (2) Position accelerator upper spdng (heavy) on pump plunger with large diameter up (Fig- 15). Install spring and olunger in c\linder. comprpssing sprirg until rod extends through bowl cover, then install pump "S" lirk to retaii assembly. STEP UP ACTUAIING IEVER S]EP UP iio ^ ':-),,,4)'. 'A'1 j -..u RING SEALS Fis. t2-nemovins o.lnsrclting Ptimcry cnd i|letet;ng Jetg PRt 923 "O" Ri'rgs '{# fig, t3-SteFUp Actuoting Lever Instdlldtion 1+68 THERMO.QUAD-FUEL SYSTEM ' SECONDA mise plunger and press downward. No fuel shoulal be emitted frcm the discharge passage. Fuet leakage at discharge passage indicates presence of dirt or a damaged check needle. Clean again and install a new check needle. netest for leakage_ (8) U discharge check needle leaks after test, attempt to reseat as follows: above (a) Insert a piece of .; TBLEED TUBE (DO NOI REMOVO Fig. t4-Removing or Irsrorring Se.ondory tllerering Jers (3) Position intake che.k seat with flanqe down otl a clean frat surface. (4) Position accelerator pump cylinder over the assembly, then apply firm hand pressure to bowl cover to seat intake check seat in pump bore (Fig. 16). (5) Install accelerator pump passage tube (plas_ I1CJ. (6) Pour clean gasoline into clean container. aDproximately | 2 inch deep and caretully lower pump housing into gasolire. Raise plunger anal press ligh y on plunger shaft to expel air from pump passage. (7) Install accelerator pump discharge check nee_ dle in discharge passage. Using a small clean rod, hold discharge check needte firmly on its seat. Aqain drill rod down on needle. Lightly tap drill rod with a hammer to form a llew seat. Remove and discard needle and install a new one. Retest as descdbed previously. If service fix does not correct the conditio!, a new carburetor will have to be installed. {br Install acceleralor pump jer hollsing. new gasket and attaching screw. Tighten securely. (c) Test operation, a clear straiqht strcam should emit lrom each jet. If streams ar; not ident! cal, a new accelerator pump jet housing should be installed- After test, remove bowl cover andl accelera_ tor pump passage tube (plastic) from bowl cover. (9) Install gaskets on {uel inlet needle seats. then inslall in bowl cover. Tighten securely ,Be sure ea.h needle seat and needle is reinstalled in its orisinal posilion iI being reusedr. (10) Place a new bowl cover to main body gasket in in position on bowl cover, then slide right and left floats into position in bowl cover, tlen install foar fulcrum pins. Be sure marked float is in.talled on pump 5ide o{ ihe bowl cover. Reler to Carburetor Acl_ justments for procedure. (11) Install accelerator pump passage tube (plastic). (12) Caution: Exam;ne primary,,O,, ring seats in bottom of main body to be certain that thev are cenlered over holes (Fig. t2), carefutty lower bowl cover down on main body.'hen The ,,O,, rings wifl hotd the bowl .over up slightly untit screws ar6 insfatted. *wr:: iig. | 5-A..eler.,or Pump Assembty Disossembled View cHecr sent t5-rnsrdrlitrg Che.k Seor PR1926 1 TH lnsfall ren cover screws and tighren ro 50 pounds, in two operations. inch- fli) Insiall fuel inlet fitting with a nerv gasket and ,Dghten securelv. (14) Engage pump rod .,S', link with hole in accelcra,or pump arm. then position arm on ajr horn and lnsratr pump arm screw (Fig. 1?). ,15' Engage throttle connector rod vy,rth hole in . throttle lever. jnstall other encl in accelerator pump arm (center hole) and install roal retainers. t::t",t."'"p up pisron spring in pisron cyiinder, roroweo "-,1t-9) Dy slep up rods and piston and ory. Insratl cover plare and atta.hing screw. "rrnTjghlen "sr"a_ securely, /i?) Engage choke conneclor rod $rth hole in . cnohe shalt t€ver, lhen swing rod at an ar. unlil rocl can engage choke counte$haft. Install roal retainer. Engage last idle connector rod with slot in fast __(18) idle operaling lever. then swing rod af an arc until rcver can engage.hoke countershalt lwith choke \alve hCd in open posilionl inslall Ieve, and ar'a.h'ng*s.reu. Tighlen spcurely whilp holilinq le\prr9r Engage choke diaphragm cornpctor rod lo ajr ratvp levAr. lhen in.lall washpr and rod rerarrar. In- s'all olhcr prd 1o choke va(uum diaphragm plunger and install rod retain€ Choke Vdcuum Kick . The .hokc diaphragm adjusrment conlro,s rhe ruel oerlvery rvbilc the engine is ruon,ng tt posilions lhe cnoRe \alve withjn fhe air horn b) action o[.he ]i1kage beiween the (hokA shaft and thp diaphragm The dlapnragm must bp energized to measure lne va{ uum Klcl< aclJustmpnl Vacuum Car be supplipd by an auxrrlalv vacuum source. Choke Unloo,der (Wide Open KickJ '| ne .hoke unloader is a m_e.hanical device to par- ERMO-QUAD_FUEL SYSTEM I4€9 lially open lhA .hoke valve at wide open throl e. IL is usco_ro etLmrnate .hokp cnri, nmenl durirg cranking Engines which have bsq, 6aa6.a ., 9-, ,1n.ungin" srareo 0!_ excessive .hoke enrichmpnt can be c,eared Dy use"ol lhA unloader. Refer lo carburetor adjustments lor adjusting procedure. Secondary tfirottre lockout ,secondary rhroltlp oppralion is elimina.ed dunnS the chokp cyde by use ot a tatch lriggered bv-he f"si tore syslem. Fds dre Speed rasl 'dle engine speed is used to overcorhe colal engrne tfl( tron. slalls afler cold slarls and stalls due to .?rourelor.jcing. Make the adjustment lo spec.6carons tf adiustment is necessary with leis than 3OO miles (500 on the odomefer, the 3pecific.tion . .km) . must be re.tuced 75 RpM. Make all adjustments with engine fully warmed up. Refer to earburetor adjustrnent section for procedure. F.rst fdre Cdrfi positio, This adjustment rs jmportant to assure thal the speeos ot ea.h cam step occur at the proper time ouring engine warm,up. V c-.u u m Th r ottl e p ositi oner s:T" r"gll BBD.arburerors are equipped wirh a -, rnrol e positioner system which .onsists of an eleclronrc speed swtlch. an ere.lronically controllad !e. cuum :olenoid \aive and a vacuum actuated throtlle positioner (Tig. 15). J .. . Thc sysrem s lun.ljon is to prevenl Llnbrrnpo Irom enlprin8 lhe armo"phere .l -o"9h :J:".:1391., rne \entc e s exhaLsl s)stem 1\nen lhp engl. F 1., de. celerated Jrom a high RpM. The elecrronLc speed sriilch re.el!cs ignilion lrom the ile on oa.. rFrminal .onnecrrng ro the ererLro-.: rs. :Tlj":!l:. ruron. conlrol unif. Il then senses u.hen (lp e:a:1e speed_e\ceeds 2000 RpM and ,ilo*. ,r."u.. .';;. gize the throt e positioner. When thjs post!:.rer ls enersrzed. a throl',e stop i: prorideo .:t .t .: in. nt0tt the throltre lrom rerutning -o Fig. l7-Pump Shclt',S,, tiDk,Drfdt orio, .r. . ._: :o,e posrllon \\'hen rhe lhrolLle i( fe:e"j C . :e:,rn ,.o ln: luu slop posilion .po: r or. r .:. _: .4o !aJ. Dral,eq lor a s,ead) .tale e1g r( :o:.: .: :;50 dpM. As-(ne engrne is de(eleral-n!. :.. .l_ontc speecl when lhe "n. . .:,-d drops berow :l],jn^:::*. 4uuu nFM and de.enefg.e ..-.- .nrortle positiOner lnrs allo\s lhe 1l-rot'le ro j ..:. Lo the nofmal idle stop posilion and lhF eJ .:. " ,. continue to deceler. ale to (Urb idje. Th. oo..-..0n positions the throttle q.e Pp! whenever the engire !il,-,,ruy_"p:",17;0 deie'ctate, tro ..., d,oo\e2000 RpI,€o Just below 2000 RplI Thrs proviales sufficient arr ilow 14"70 TH ERMO"QUAD_FUEL SYS through the engine to adequately alrlute the air-Iuel mrxture, It is essential that the idle speed adjustment be made using only the idle speed screw on the carburetor. ldle 3el rpm adjustment musl nol b€ made using the adjustment for the vacuum throttle positioner. Improper adjustment ol the throttle positioner mat result in excessive curb idle speed. At completion of all idle set or throttle positioner adjustments, engin€ must be cycled to a speed abole 2300 RPM manuallyto check for proper idle retum. Diogrosis Procedure-v dcuufi f htoltre Positiorer (1) if vacuum throttle positioner aloes operate as described in Step l under adjustment, the Iault\ component can be diagnosed as descdbed below. (2) Check all wiring hamess and hose connections 1n sysrem, (3) Vacuuln Actuaror Test-Apply vacuum from an external source to the actuator. If actuator does not operatej replace. If actuator operates, pinch ofi suppl] hose and observe actuator. If actuator remains in operating position for one minute or more! unit is satlsiactoly, .1 Vacuum Solenoid Tesf-Apply vacuum from an external source to manifold supply hose connection or solenoid valve. Disconnect irting hamess from solenoid and ground one terminal of solenoid. Conr,ect i2 volts to othel telminal and observe vacuum actuator operation. If actuator does not cycle as 12 ! olis is applied, replace solenoid. If operation is norna1. it will be necessary to replace the speed switch. TH I. ERMO.QUAD_FUEL SYSTEM 14"71 THERMO.QUAD CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENT FLOAT SETTING ADJUSTMENT 29 l! t32" 1./32") TQ-9228S TQ-92295 ra-9223S rQ-9227S 21t32" (! llJ2) TQ-9224S 2. TQ-9225S TQ-9207S TQ-9208S TQ-9209S TQ-9210S IO-92265 SECON DARY THROTTLE LINKAGF ADJUSTMENT adjust link so that primary and secondary levers both contact stops ai the same time TO-9228S To-q2)6s TQ-9229S io-qrni{ TQ 9223s ro-ornpi TQ-9227S ro-s2Oc< TQ-9224S TQ_9210S TQ-g225S THRO]TLE VAIVES ]]ELD IN W DE OPTN POS TION BEND LINK HERE TO AD ]UST BOTH STOPS MAK]NG CONTACT AT SAME (l) Invert bowl cover. (2) Install bowl cover gasket and with floats resting on seated needle the dimension of each float fTom bowl cover gasket to botfom siale ol float should be as indicated in "Specijications.l' f3) li adiustmenl ls J e.assarj bend lever as shown above. Never allow lip of Roar lever to be presled against needle when adiusting. the_secondary throttle Iinkage adiust, --I9 :n::k" ment. hold fast idle lever jn curb iclle posilion and in- vArl c€rbulelor Slowly open primarJ rhrollip val!es rs possible to measure specified drstance be,9:* edge oi primary vatve and rhF borF ,op:Y,".1 poslle lqre.port). Al Ihis measuremenl .e.o da;y valves should jusl start to open. If an adjuslmeni i; bjn9 secondary rhroute operalinS rod at i"il.""?: angt€ $jth Toot T-109-218. untit corrict adjusl.menl urlrt 'l nas Deen obtained. See Specjfications, .I+12 TH ERMO-qUAD_FUEL SYSTEM 3. SECONDARY AIR VALVE ALIGNMENT aefer to pr0ceciure TQ-9228S rQ-9229S TQ-9223S TQ-92275 TO-9224S TQ-92255 TQ-92265 TQ-9207S TQ-9208S TQ-9209S TQ-92r0S 4, SECONDARY AIR VALVE OPENING ADJUSTMENT 3/8" TQ-9228S 7116" rQ-92075 TQ-929S 1t2 TQ"9208S TQ-9209S TQ-9210S TO-92265 TQ-9223S TQ-92275 TQ-9224S TO-92255 AIR VALVE (SHORT SIDE) MEASURE ALIGNMENT HERE 1LON6 SrDE) PRt 930 (1) With air valve in closed position the opening betwee4 the air valve and air horn q'a]l at the long side must be at its maximum and parallel with air horn gasket surface- (1) With air valve in wide open position, the opE: ing of lhe air valve at rhe snori $de and air ; should be a6 shorvn in Specifications. The corner :: air valve is notched for adjustment. Bend the corr:: with a pair of pliers to give prcper opening. _'l TH TENSION ADJUSTMENT 2 TO-9225S 3 turns TQ-9228S trom contact TQ-907S from contact TQ-92295 turns TO-9208S TQ-9209S TQ-92235 T0-9210S TQ-92245 14-13 ADJUSTMENT at curb idle at secondary pick-up 5116" TQ-9227S 2-5l8 turns contact SYSTEM 6. ACCELERATOR PUMP STROKE 5. SECONDARY AIR VALVE SPRING trom ERMO-QUAD_FUEL TQ-92245 TQ,9225S 9164" TQ-92235 TQ-9227S lU 32" 31t64" TQ-926S 3116" TQ-9228S rQ-9229S "rQ"9207S TO-9210S 23164" rQ-9208S TQ-9226S TQ-9209S BEND THROTTLE CONNECTOR ROD PLIJNGER STEM HERE TO ADJUS] F RST STAGE 5PE' AL :ao. ,... SLOT SCREWDRIVER TURN COUNTER cLocKwtsE PRt 932 PUMP (1) Hold air valve adjustment plug with screwdriver when loosening lock plug or th€ spring may snap out oI position requidng disassembly of the carburetor to retrieve the spring. (2) Loosen air valve lock plug and turn air valve to position itseu to ivide open position. (3) With a long screwdriver that will enrcr cenrer of Tool C-4152 positioned on alr valve adjustment plug, tum plug counter.lockwise until air valve contacts stop lighUy, test with ffnger, then an additional tum (refer to specifications). (4) Hold adjustment plug with screwdriver, and tighten lock plug securely with Tool C-4152- Be sure adjustment does not move. Check air valve for free dom of movement. BEND TANG HERE LEVER ]O ADJUS] SECOND STAGE is Accelerator pump stroke determined by measurement oJ the accelerator pump plunger height above the air horu surface curb idle. Carburetols with staged pump systems require a second height .l measurement at a throttle position related to a secondarJ throttle lockout. Adjust as follows. FIRST STAGE (l) Be sure throttle connector rod is in center hole of three hole pump arm or in the inner hole of a two hole arm, (2) Use scale to measure height of accelerator pump plunger stem (top).t curb idl€ (ignition ON when equipped with a solenoid idle stop, not throttle positioner), Pump measurements are shown in specifcations, (3) Adjust plunger height by bending the throttle connector tod in the proper area. SECOND STAGE 11) when second stage specificatioDs ale indicated, open choke then open throttle until secondary lockout latch is irr5l applied. Note that plunger travel downward stops at that point. (2) Use scale to measure to top of accelerator pump plunger stem. See specifications. (3) Adjust by bending proper tang. ) 14'14 TH ERMO.QUAD_FUEL SYSTEM- 7. CHOKE CONTROL LEVER ADJUSTMENT 3-3/8 (off vehicle) TQ-9228S TQ-9223S TQ-9226S TQ-9207S TQ"9208S ra-92275 TQ-9209S TQ-9224S TQ-9210S TQ-9229S TQ,9225S 8. CHOKE DIAPHRAGM CONNECTOR ROD ADJUSTMENT .040" TQ,9228S TQ-92295 TQ-92265 TQ,9207S TQ-9208S rQ-9223S TQ-9227S TQ-9209S TQ-9224S TQ.92IOS TQ-9225S ND LN GAUGE (APPLY LIGHT TO ADJUS'I DOWN PRESSURE) TOP OF AIR -.-Eii'eu'iero* VALVE l pFtal3 BEND ROD rl_ , HERE (1J Place carburetor on flat object with surface flush against bottom of flange and extending out under chokc control le'i'er. (2) Close choke by pushing on choke lever with throttle par y open. r3) Mpasure vp dislance from top of rod ho." in control lever down to flat surface simulating carburetor bottom. (4) Scale should read 3-3,,8 inches. {5) ,Adjust by bending the link connectinq the two chokc sharls a. indicaled IF CHOKE CONTROL LEVER ADJUSTMENT IS CHANGED THE VACUUM KICK, FAST IDLE CAM POSITION AND CHOKE UNLOADER ADJUST. MENTS MUST ALSO BE RE5ET. TO A f- C) (1) Be sure diapbragm is securety mounteil on carburetor. Apply a vacuum of 15 o! more inches of Hg to diaphragm to fully depress diaphragm stem. 12) Wilh light openjng pressure on air vahe adjust connector rod to give specified clearance between air vslve and stop. IF CHOKE DIAPHRAGM CONNECTOR ROD AD. JUSTMENT IS CHANGED THE VACUUM KICK ADJUSTMENT MUST ALSO BE RESET R'{O.qUAD_FUEL SYSTEM 9. CHOKE VACUUM KICK ADJUSTMENT .100" TQ-9228S TQ-9224S .150" TQ-9207S TQ-9225S Ta,9226S TQ-9227S TO-9229S TQ-9223S TQ-9208S TQ-9209S TQ-9210S 14.15 'I(|. FAST IDLE CAM POSITION ADJUSTMENT rQ-9229S rQ-9226S rQ-9207S rQ-9223S TQ,9227S TQ-9224S TO-9208S TQ-9209S TQ-9210S TQ-9228S .100" measure at the lowest edge of the choke valve (throttle lever side) TQ-9225S measure atthe lowest edge of the choke valve (throttle lever side). GAUGE L ].- NG CHT FRES5URE 'LOs ON F):i CAM JDLE LEVER ADJL]5TING TO VACUUM SOURCE CLOs NG PRESsURE ., PPIA]5 J'wlsqee)<_--.{\---=_ffriP JsK -A, (1) OF vehi.le, using an auxiliary vacuum source, disconnect vacuum hose from calburetor and connect it to hose from vacuum supply with a small length of tube to act as a fitting. Removal of hose from dia' phmgm may require forc€s which could bend the dia_ phragm bracket. Be sure diaphragm i5 securely mounted on .arburetor. Apply 15 inches oJ vacuum to the diaphragm. (2) Insert specified gauge between long side (lower edge) oI choke valve and the air hom wall at a point close to the outboard end of the gauging area. See Specifications. Apply sufticienl closing pressure on choke control lever lo provide a minimum choke valve opening withoul distorlion of choke linkage. Note that only this system rotates a spring conn€cting the control lever to an adiustment lever. The correct stops must be in contact lor proper measurement of vacuum kick adjustment. (3) Adiustmenr will be necessary if slight drag is not obtained as gauge is b€ing removod. Bend the tang indicated in to change contact \trith end of dia_ phragm rod. Do nol 6diu5t diaphragm rod. Adjust tang carelully with a fwisting force on screwdriver(4) With vacuum applied to diaphragm choke Valve Should Move Freely between open and adjust_ ed positions, If movement is not free, examine sys tem for misalignment ol interlerences and conect. Repeat adjustment if necessary. f5) Reinstall vacuum hose on conect carburetor fittins. etu srEP oF cAM lD l r( SECOND I']lGHESI -(/ tD E ADJUST NG SCREW 1 \-zil aD.J.l PRl936 (1J With fast idle speed adjusting screw contacting second highest speed step on fast idle cam, move choke valve towards closed position vrith light pressure on fast idle contrcl lever. (2) Insert specified gauge (see Specifications) be" tween choke valve and wall of air hom. An aaljustment will be necessary iJ a slight drag is not obtained as gauge is being removed. If (3) an adjustment is necessary, bend fast idle connector rod at angle until co$ect valve opening has been obtained. {Use Tool T-109-2131. FAST IDLE CAM POSITION ADJUSTMENT IF IS CHANGED THE CHOKE UNLOADER AND sEC. ONDARY THROTTLE LOCKOUT ADJUSTMENTS MUST BE RESET. t F I+-76 THERMO-QUAD_FU EL SYSTEM 11. CHOXE UNLOADER ADJUSTMENT (WIDE OPEN KICK) .500" .310" measure at the lowest edge of the choke valve (throttle lever side) 12. SECONDARY THROTTLE LOCKOUT ADJUSTMENT TQ-9228S rQ-92235 rQ-92295 TQ"9227S TQ-9208S TQ-9209S TQ-9210S TQ-9207S TQ-9224S TQ-922sS TQ-9226S .060"-.090" TQ-928S TQ-9229S TQ-9223S TQ-92275 TQ-9224S TQ-9225S TO-9226S TQ-9207S TQ-9208S TQ"9209S TQ-9210S CIOS NG PRESsUR: TANG ADJUST BEND \ pRt g:- (1) Hold throttle valves in wide open position. Ir. sert speciffed gauge betweetr long side (lower edge oI choke valve and inner wall of air hom. See Speci:, cauons. (2) With fiIrger lightly prcssing against carn conlr.l lever, a slight drag should be lelt as gauge is be:!:withdrawn. If ne!:essary, adjust by bending tang o: fast idle lever until colTect opening has been ac, tained. 111 Move fast ialle control lever to open choke posi- 2l Measure clearance between lockout lever and ::op. It should be as shown in specifications. 3l Bend fang on fast idl€ contrcl lever to provide :roper crearance. RMO.QUAD-FU EL 13. IDLE SETTING PROCEDURES TQ-9228S TQ-9229S TQ-9223S TQ-9227S TQ"9224S TQ-9225S TQ-9226S TQ"9207S TO-9208S TQ-9209S TQ,9210S Reler to Section 25-Emission Control System for correct procedure. SYSTEM I+11 14. FAST IDLE SPEED ADJUSTI\4ENT 1600 RPM TO-9228S TQ-9229S TQ-9223S TQ-9227S TQ-92245 1750 RPi\l TQ-9225S TQ 9207S TQ,9208S TO-920!S TQ.9210S TQ-9226S (Less than 300 miles (500 km),75 RPM less) On a new vchi.le (under 300 miles) (500 kn), all 6peed 3ellings musl be reduced 75 RPM. FAST IDLE SCREIV ON SECON SHOULDER OF FIRS'i STEP (1) Remove ail cleaner. (2) With engine ofi, transmission in NEUTRAL and parking brake set, open throttle and close choke. (3) Ciose throt e to place fast idle speed screw on highest speed step. (4) Move fast idle speed screw until scre\r drops to second highest speed step. (5) Start engine and determine stabilized speed. Turn {ast idle speed screw to obtain speed listed in specifications. (6) Stopping engin€ between adjustments is not necessary. However, reposition speed screw on cam after each speed adjustment to provide correct throttle ciosing torque- .!+78 TH ERMO-QUAD_FU EL SYSTEM 15. SOLENOID BOWL VENT VALVE I6. IDLE ENRICHMENT VALVE refer to illustration refer to ptocedure TQ-9228S TQ-9229S TQ.9223S TQ-9227S TQ-92245 TQ-9225S rQ-9226S TQ,9207S TQ-9208S TQ-92095 rQ,9210S APPTY ]5 ]NCHES OF VACUUM DLE ENRICHMENT VAIVE ASSEMSLY CHAMBER VENT:D TO FUEL 8O\!'L SOLENO D VACUUM SOURCE CAN STEF (1) Remove air cleaner. i2) Disconnect hose to solenoid bolil !eri :r.. phragm. (3) Connect auxiliary vacuum source and ob:a:.a valve mo\emenl. oy lool rg dow| lhrou.-'h _b. : : horn vent tube. lvhen 15 or more inches of merci:. :! applied. (4) Tum ignition switch on and disconnect au\rl:::: vacuum source, Valve should remair! in the iiar!:. position unlil ignition switch is turned ofi. (5) If the valve does not move when vacuum is a:plied lo diaphragm. the diaphragm rs Ieaking :' "-d If the valve not re. must be replaced. does assembiy main in the down position when the igrition s\ritch r: tum€d on and the vacuum source is removed 1ie solenoid or related wiring is defective. (6) Install air cleaner. [t. 1) Warm engine to normal operating tempera- 2J Remove air cleaner cover to provide access to :ar0urercr, 3l Disconnect hose to idle enlichment system dia-:hragm at plastic connector (connector must be re, :roled from carburetor hose because it is a filtered rleeC which will intedere with test). -11 Start engine and place fast idle speed screw on :;tiing step o{ fast idle cam. i Connect 3 or 4 feet of hose to the enrichment iraDhragm hose with suitable connector. 6t Apply vacuum to other end oJ hose (use auxilr:rJ racuum Source) and check for engine speed ::ange.If speed can be controlled by vacuum, the dia::-ragm and air valve ar€ operating satisfactory. If i-. e ed cannot be controlled proceed to next step. ;r Place finger or other plug over air inlet passage ::il listen {or engine speed change. I{ speed can be ..rr,1rolled, the diaphragm is leaking or the air valve is :lrcli open. If speed cannot be controlled, the air lalte is stuck closed. In either case, clean the air '. ah e and repeat step 6. I{ speeal control is still absent, ::]]lace the diaphragm. RMO.qUAD-FUEL SYSTEM I+79 I7. VACUUM TH ROTTLE POSITIONER ADJUSTMENT (1) Start engine and allow to idle in Neutrai, then accelerate engine to a speed above 2000 RPM and verify that vacuum positionei unit operates and can withstand a hand applied load il1 the operating position. If operation is not proper, detemine cause of failure before proceeding, using diagnosis prccedurc. (2) If unit operates properly as described above, adjust to operate at specified speed using the Jollowing procedure: (3) Accelerate engine manually to 2000 RPM. (4) Loosen positioner adjustment lock nut and rotate complete vacuun'! positioner assembly until positioner just contacts throttle lever. (5) Release thmttle, then slowly adjust positioner to decrease eigine speed until a sudalen drop in speed occurs (over 1000 RPM). At this point, continue adjusting vacuum positioner in decreasing direction 1/4 additional tum and tighten lock nut. Accelerate engine manually to approximately 2300 RPM and re, Iease throttle, engine should relurn to normal idle. This comDletes the adiustment.