Falguni Pathak - Dhoom Production
Falguni Pathak - Dhoom Production
www.dhoomproduction.com Falguni PATHAK Dear Potential Sponsor, Dhoom Presents an exhilarating evening of live music, dance and entertainment with international renowned Gujarati singer of folk dance. Falguni Pathak live in concert October 15 th 2016 in Dallas TX and October 16 th 2016 in Austin TX. The marketing efforts leading up to the event will reach the whole of Dallas and Austin district and its surrounding areas, with an estimated 5000 attendees at each location. Imagine the possibility and impact this could have on your business! Falguni Pathak is an Indian female singer, performing artist and composer based in Mumbai. After performing her first debut in 1998, she developed into an artist with a large fan base across India. Falguni Pathak has made many appearances on television and has performed in many shows across India and the international regions. During the time of India’s festival season of Navratri, she has performed an extensive amount of shows and has made many people across the world fall in love with her amazing performances of folk singing. Gujarati’s love to dance and list to her music, some of her popular songs include “Chudi jo khanki haath ma”, “Maine payal hai chhankai”, “Meri chunar udd udd jaye”, “Ayi pardesh se pariyon ki rani”, “Pari hoon Main”, etc. You can expect attendees to this concert from all over Texas, especially among residents with Indian roots who are particularly fond of her music and love to dance Gujurati garba. Garba is a traditional dance that is performed around the goddess “Durga” during the Navaratri season for nine consecutive days. What does this mean to you as a sponsor? Well first of all you can expose your business to all the attendees that come to the event and for those that do not come, your advertisement done by Dhoom Production for your business will reach to everyone that will look at our flyers, Facebook pages, and media advertising. This will help your business be successful and bring back great returns with the tremendous and incomparable opportunity for marketing exposure for your organization. We hope this has given you an in-site of what we can offer for your business to strive and become more successful that what it already is. We look forward to doing business with you! Thank you Dhoom Sponsorship Team. www.dhoomproduction.com Falguni PATHAK GRAND SPONSOR $10,000 PR THE EVENT SPONSOR NAME WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN LOCAL MEDIA, PRINT, RADIO, TV AND MORE. ADVERTISED THROUGH LOCAL INDIAN ASSOCIATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS AT THE SHOW RECOGNITION BANNER AT THE SHOW VENUE SLIDE PROJECTION (FULL PAGE + VIDEO) BOOTH SET-UP OPPORTUNITY 10 TICKETS AWARD RECOGNITION ON STAGE AT SHOW FULL PAGE AD IN DHOOM BROCHURE DISTRIBUTED TO ALL ATTENDEES LOGO ON ALL WRISTBANDS POST SHOW PR & MEDIA COVERAGE OPPORTUNITY TO BE THE PRIME SPONSOR FOR NEXT SHOW (RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL) www.dhoomproduction.com Falguni PATHAK PLATINUM SPONSOR $5,000 PR THE EVENT SPONSOR NAME WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN LOCAL MEDIA, PRINT, RADIO, TV AND MORE. ADVERTISED THROUGH LOCAL INDIAN ASSOCIATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS AT THE SHOW RECOGNITION BANNER AT THE SHOW VENUE SLIDE PROJECTION BOOTH SET-UP OPPORTUNITY 5 TICKETS RECOGNITION AT SHOW HALF PAGE AD IN DHOOM BROCHURE DISTRIBUTED TO ALL ATTENDEES POST SHOW PR & MEDIA COVERAGE OPPORTUNITY TO BE THE PRIME SPONSOR FOR NEXT SHOW (RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL) www.dhoomproduction.com Falguni PATHAK GOLD SPONSOR $2,500 PR THE EVENT SPONSOR NAME WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN LOCAL MEDIA, PRINT, RADIO, TV AND MORE. ADVERTISED THROUGH LOCAL INDIAN ASSOCIATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS AT THE SHOW SLIDE PROJECTION OF LOGO BOOTH SET-UP OPPORTUNITY 3 TICKETS QUARTER PAGE AD IN DHOOM BROCHURE DISTRIBUTED TO ALL ATTENDEES POST SHOW PR & MEDIA COVERAGE OPPORTUNITY TO BE THE PRIME SPONSOR FOR NEXT SHOW (RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL) www.dhoomproduction.com Falguni PATHAK SILVER SPONSOR $1,500 PR THE EVENT SPONSOR NAME WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN LOCAL MEDIA, PRINT, RADIO, TV AND MORE. ADVERTISED THROUGH LOCAL INDIAN ASSOCIATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS AT THE SHOW SLIDE PROJECTION OF LOGO 2 TICKETS LOGO IN DHOOM BROCHURE DISTRIBUTED TO ALL ATTENDEES www.dhoomproduction.com Falguni PATHAK BRONZE SPONSOR $500 PR THE EVENT SPONSOR NAME WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN LOCAL MEDIA, PRINT, RADIO, TV AND MORE. ADVERTISED THROUGH LOCAL INDIAN ASSOCIATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS AT THE SHOW SLIDE PROJECTION OF LOGO 1 TICKET LOGO IN DHOOM BROCHURE DISTRIBUTED TO ALL ATTENDEES www.dhoomproduction.com Falguni PATHAK Sponsor Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ (As you want to see in print) Sponsorship Level: [ ] Grand [ ] Platinum [ ] Gold [ ] Silver [ ] Bronze Enclosed: $________________ [ ] Cash [ ] Check# _________________________________________________ Business Representative Name: ________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________ State: _________________ Zip: ____________________ Email: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Cell# _________________________________________________________________________________________ Dhoom Production Contact: Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ www.dhoomproduction.com