Issue - Oaks Park High School
Issue - Oaks Park High School
I SSUE 31 O AKS P ARK N EWS 20 TH M AY 2016 Year 11 Leavers’ Assembly Well done to all staff and students for an excellent Year 11 Leavers’ Assembly last week. A lot of effort went into organising this and it was clearly enjoyed by all concerned. Particular thanks to Mr Douglas, Ms Peters, Ms Mitchell, Heads of Year, Pastoral Assistants and all Tutors. Examinations Public examinations are in full swing. I must remind all students of the importance of conforming to the regulations set out by the Examination Board. In particular, no mobile phones should be taken into the examination hall. Silent Protest Next Tuesday 24th May, our Travel Green Team will be holding a Silent Protest outside both school gates. This is to encourage parents to drive in a responsible manner. In particular we ask that you do not carry out 3-point turns in front of the school gates. It is much easier to drop your son/ daughter off further down the road and let them walk the rest of the way to school. Half Term A reminder that we break up for half term on Friday 27th May at 3:10 pm. S Wilks Headteacher I SSUE 31 O AKS P ARK N EWS 20 TH M AY 2016 • Planner • Pens •Pencils •Highlighters •Calculator House Connect 4 Tournament Just one week left to qualify for the next stage of the Connect 4 competition. It’s been an exciting week with lots of new competitors as Omega have raced to top spot, aided by enthusiastic play by 7Y and especially John (7Y) who has displaced Bhavya (8U) as the number one points scorer so far. 7Y have been so dominant that they have 5128 points, almost as many as Kappa have from all their forms put together! Omega 6434 (John 7Y (1203), Nabiha 7Y (566), Nneka 7Y (488)) Kappa 5164 (Haajra 8N (888), Jaime 8N (773), Kaif 7R (562)) Sigma 3871 (Harry 9P (768), Harry 11P (742), Mr Bissett (682)) Alpha 2722 (Bhavya 8U (1175), Ms Poli (555), Adam 8E (495)) Next Friday, qualifying will finish and only the top 32 will remain to find the 8th annual Oaks Park Connect 4 champion. In terms of the House Competition, a lot can change in a week. 4682 of Omega’s points are from players who didn’t play at all in the first week. Once we reach the knockout stages, it’s a lot harder to catch up big gaps. Mr Bissett O2AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921 I SSUE 31 O AKS P ARK N EWS 20 TH M AY 2016 Mr Islam and Aleksandr Jekabson 12N travelled up to Coventry for the BJJ British Open 2016 competition. The level of competition was tough with athletes from all around the UK competing to become the British Champion of 2016. Mr Islam won his first fight and narrowly lost 4-4 to an advantage but walked away as a silver medallist. Alek won his first fight by a rear naked choke submission and lost his second match on an advantage. Well done to both who competed, Mr islam will be off to Manchester to fight this coming Sunday and Aleksandr will be competing after his exams are over to start making a mark on a national level. O3AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921 I SSUE 31 O AKS P ARK N EWS 20 TH M AY 2016 Monday 23rd – 27th May Monday 23rd Yr 7 + 8 Rounders - Away Ms Petrie Seven Kings High School NASSA Training Mr. Green - Home Sports Hall 3-5pm Wednesday 25th U14s Football Ms Tricker - Home 4G Pitch NASSA Training Mr. Green - Home Sports Hall 5 – 7 pm Thursday 26th Year 9 Cricket Mr Green - Away Ilford County High School Year 7 Cricket Ms Petrie - Away Valentines High School Year 9 + 10 Rounders Mayfield High School O4AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921 I SSUE 31 O AKS P ARK N EWS 20 TH M AY 2016 Word of the Week Clowder (Noun) Meaning: A group of cats. In a sentence: “Look at that clowder chasing the field mice.” MEETING Every student involved in Annie the musical needs to meet in the main hall at 1.20pm on Wednesday 18th May, if you cannot attend then please see Miss Burcombe in the Drama Department. O5AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921 I SSUE 31 O AKS P ARK N EWS 20 TH M AY 2016 O6AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921
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