Noah`s Ark Newsletter - Trinity Lutheran Church
Noah`s Ark Newsletter - Trinity Lutheran Church
Noah’s Ark Newsletter Happy 30th Birthday Noah’s Ark April 2011/May 2011 MAY flowers...we should have a few on the Noah’s Ark playground this month in our Rainbow Garden we planted 2 years ago!! P arent Teacher Conferences Thanks for the opportunity to share with you about your beautiful children. They are truly blessings to us...and we’ve seen them grow and grow this year. It was a pleasure to have worked with them one-to-one on special activities that showcased their skills and abilities. Children all mature differently, as you have witnessed when you observe your children with others. The best part is their individuallity & unique characteristics. Diversity makes God’s world the amazing creation it is..and we are all blessed by that! Hugs! TLC VACATION Bible School... “Splash in God’s Word”... July 25-29 incl 8:45-Noon. Please register in the Children’s Ministry office we can have appropriate staff ratios for the week! Spring Party Programs It’s always such fun to celebrate our school year with YOU at our annual Spring Party Programs. We’ll gather with the children at 6:45 PM in the classroom area near the preschool office...the ones you put snow clothes in for the winter play. Then promptly at 7 PM the party will begin in the Worship Center. Following our fun together, we’ll have a treat in the Trinity Room. Plan on saving the DATE...and joining us for evening! All the M-W-F children come on M-W-F children on Monday, May 9th... T-Th children will come on Tuesday, May 10th! Field trip by CITY BUS to ColdStone.. On your child’s last day of school this 2010-2011 school year (Thursday or Friday, May 26th or 27th ), we will be traveling by City Bus to Coldstone Creamery up the hill from Oakwood Mall. It’s a favorite of ours...and Scott, the owner, has graciously planned for our visits several times throughout the years. We squeeze in a tour & treat in a short 45 min between bus runs. AND we love riding the city bus each year. If you can join us...look for the sign-up soon! Cost for the field trip is $5.50...($3.00 for Coldstone & $2.50 for two tokens to ride the bus.) Teachers will share exact info with you before the trip! 2 Noah’s Ark Newsletter April 2011/May 2011 20112012 Noah’s Ark Registr ation OUTSIDE PLAY in MAY... We’ll be heading to the playground most days in May for a portion of our days together. We’ll also be doing some picnics. You are welcome to use our playground after hours...remember SHOES are required when playing out there! Brochures are still available in the Noah’s Ark hallway! Look for our latest ad in Volume One. All classes are FULL...except for M-W-F PM! We have two openings in that class. Please tell your friends! Special thanks for these awesome gifts: -Zeb Hanson...3 books: “The Bears’ Picnic”, “In A People House”, & “The Easter Egg” in honor of his 5 ½ BD -ALL families who have shared snacks/water for our field trips this year -Tygen Kuhnert....a Curious George & the Firefighter book in honor of his 5th BD -ALL parents who have volunteered for field trips -Nash Cullinan...a book “Fix It” in honor of his 4th BD -Ainsley for the Piggy in honor of her summer birthday On-going Mission Projects at TLC... -Diapers are always needed for the Feed My People Food Pantry. (Unopened bags/boxes can be brought to the preschool office, and we’ll make sure to get them to the pantry for disbursement.) -VBS has special mission projects, too: including the Christmas sharing quilt project, wall of food, and toiletries for the Christmas sharing project, and one more project to be announced. If you attend’ll be able to be a part of these projects for others! A DAY outside -Molly Lindahl...a book “Hedgie Blasts Off ” in honor of her 5th BD on the Noah’s Ark playground: Thank YOU SOOOOOO much! On Thursday & Friday, May 19 & permitting, the children of Noah’s Ark will be spending the day outside. Our art activities, play choices, and snack will all be out there. Please put sun screen/hats on your children that that they are protected. Rain days will be Monday/Tuesday, May 23 & 24 3 Noah’s Ark Newsletter April 2011/May 2011 AUGUST Happy Birthday to these special birthday children: Oscar Sreckov...5 on 8/5 MAY Conner Blade...5 on 8/7 Ella Borg...5 on 8/1 Cora Majeski...4 on 5/1 Payton Erickson...6 on 8/8 Jack Cooper...4 on 5/10 Ethan Erhard...5 on 8/10 -Transportation Max Tornehl...4 on 5/10 Evan Nargiz...5 on 8/12 -Butterflies Brody Larson...5 on 5/12 Ava Erickson...6 on 8/12 -Spring fun Issac Moss...5 on 5/13 Ben Page...5 on 8/15 -Party Programs Eleanor Wigdahl...5 o 8/15 -an outside day JUNE May Themes: Lucas McIntyre...6 on 8/16 Lily Walden...4 on 6/4 ...her Golden -Flowers/plants Logan Eiselt...4 on 8/17 -Last days of school fun Lincoln Burr...4 on 6/8 Joshua Lortscher...4 on 8/21 Jack Walden...6 on 6/9 Patrick McRoberts...5 on 6/20 Ainsley Hoekzema...5 on 6/21 Carson Koller...4 on 8/22 Will Rouse...5 on 8/30 Charlie Boxx...4 on 8/31 Michael Roder...5 on 6/22 Looking ahead: Kaylin Ruenger...5 on 6/29 Summer Day Camp Registration James Verville...5 on 6/29 Resurrection Biscuits 1 pkg refrigerator biscuits JULY 1 pkg marshmallows Katie Prasher...6 on 7/5 Spread biscuit on aluminum foil or greased cookie sheet. Add marshmallow to middle. Pinch dough around marshmallow until completely enclosed. Bake at 400 degrees for 8-10 minutes. Eat WARM! Yum! Jacob Weigel 5 on 7/5 Violet Gilette...4 on 7/13 Lucas Kovacevich...5 on 7/17 Isaac West...4 on 7/16 Makayla Wanke...6 on 7/30’s like the empty tomb. What a great conversation you can have about the Resurrection...and what a miracle! What love! -Day camps are filling up. There are still available spots in Camp Discovery (science), Camp Veggie Tales, Trinity Sports Camp, Session 2 of Camp Come & Play, and Vacation Bible School. -See Mrs. Schoenknecht for more up-to-date info 4 Noah’s Ark Newsletter April 2011/May 2011 Prayer Corner ...please pray for: -the people of Japan in the midst of such a disaster following the earthquake Coffee-Biscotti” fundraiser Pick up a GOOD book: -hungry people right here in EC -Summer birthday children -new families coming to Noah’s Ark in 2011-2012 Here are some fun ones from this past month: -safe summertime fun -Sharilyn Adair’s “Where is Jesus?” -children who celebrated their first communion on Maundy Thursday -Robert Munsch’s “Alligator Baby” -May birthday children -Marilyn Tolhurst’s “Somebody & the Three Blairs” -All those we hold dear in our hearts -Marjorie Murray’s “Don’t Wake Up the Bear!” AMEN -Frank Asch’s “The Earth & I” -Kate Banks’ “And If the Moon Could Talk” -Jan Brett’s “The Easter Egg” MAY 13th FIELD TRIP...for M-W-F children Check out the SIGN UP for the field trip for the M-W-F children to the EC Airport with Oscar’s & Evan’s dad. We’ll visit the airplane that they pilot...and see the rest of the airport from the terminal side. It’ll be a great field trip...and Oscar & Evan are excited to show us around!! Permission forms will go home next charge for this trip! -Martin Wadde’s “You & Me Little Bear” -Eric Hill’s “Spot’s First Easter” -Kin Eagle’s “Hey Diddle Diddle” -Zonder Kidz “Jesus & His Friends” Can you say 330 pounds of coffee...amazing!?! THANK you for your wonderful orders of coffee....biscotti! After bagging on Thursday, April 28...and coffee can be picked up in Room 402-404 beginning Friday, April 29th. Special thanks to the preschool committee & other volunteers for helping us bag & organize the fundraiser! We also thank Coffee Grounds for their annual support. Julie & Eric are Noah’s Ark alumni parents from WAY back! A tithe from this fund-raiser will go to the ELCA efforts in Japan following the recent earthquake. 5 Noah’s Ark Newsletter April 2011/May 2011 WHO SAID IT???? -“When I grow up I’ll be a fire fighter!” We LOVE snacks!! -“You gotta wait for a fish...a walleye. Then you reel it up. Then you go home to cut wash cook it...and then eat it. It tastes kinda meat!” -Resurrection biscuits (see recipe in this newsletter) -“What’s before Valentine’s Day?....Christmas Eve?” -Ritz pretzel crackers -“When I grow up I wanna be a ‘space ranger’!” Snackin’ Fun -fresh strawberries April Art Highlights -Cheez its -drip drop Easter hats & bonnets -bananas -Clementines -Poptarts -boiled eggs MMMMMmmmm...GOOD!! -wet chalk art...on dry experience different techniques -play help develop muscle strength in hands -Paint on easel “lift off”...painting directly on easels to experience the transfer to paper when you lift it off -pattern eggs with dot makers & markers -“marbelizing” egg art...using shaving creme & liquid watercolor -footprints...and washing feet to be servants for others MISC Info... -egg shell mosaics..from the “Green Eggs & Ham” egg shells **Remember the parking requests outside our building!! Mrs. Lien’s parents...west side of building. Mrs. K, Mrs. Knickerbocker, Ms “C”...east side. Thanks! -dot maker eggs We are all artists!!! -“When I grow up I will be a Mom and a dentist!” -“I like my brother!” -“For breakfast, my baby likes to have cupcakes!” -“The IVs hurt a little bit...Daddy was with me!” -“I don’t really always go to the art center. I like the baloon paintings!” -“When I grow up I want to be a basketball player!” -When I grow up I want to be an adult!” WOW...lots of GOOD words! 6 Noah’s Ark Newsletter April 2011/May 2011 Trinity Christian Preschool “Noah’s Ark” Trinity Lutheran Church, ELCA 1314 E Lexington Blvd Eau Claire WI 54701 PHONE: (715) 832-6601 FAX: (715) 832-6700 JEANNE COOPER [email protected] Love and Logic...Picky Eaters Samantha pushed her vegetables in a slow circle around her plate, hoping some of them would wear away like tires on a car. Her mom scolded her and threaatened to keep her at the table all night. To Samantha, that sounded like a better option than downing those gross vegetables. Do YOU know a picky eater?? Does it seem that the harder you try to make them eat, the less likely they are to actually chew anything and swallow it?? It’s easy for adults to get sucked into an unwinnable power struggle when it comes to food. Try as we might, there is really no “legal” way to MAKE a kid eat. [email protected] Ginny. Lien [email protected] Jill Kasmarek [email protected] Marlee Knickerbocker [email protected] We’re on the Web! See us at: Includes the latest Noah’s Ark monthly newsletter and calendars! W ise folks understand that the odds of success go way up when we focus on the things that we CAN control. Instead of lecturintg, threatening, or waging war, it makes far more sense to calmly control things like the following: -W hat food we serve -How much we serve -W hen we serve it -How long we allow it to sit on the table -How much we involve kids in the process (can they prepare one meal each week?) -W hat snacks we make available -How much we charge for snacks if they are sneaked in between meals -Remaining calm and empathetic when our children refuse to eat -Allowing their hungry tummies to do the teaching when they go on hunger strikes Instead of lecturing about starving children in remote parts of the world, experiement with saying, “Dinner is served until the timer goes ‘ding’” Then allow your child to decide how much they need to eat. Since everyone is a bit different when it comes to this, the only way they can learn what’s right for them is by experiementing with eating too little, or too much...and experienceing the natural and logical consequences. About Noah’s Ark… Noah’s Ark is a mission of Trinity Lutheran Church… an extension of Children’s Ministry, and licensed by the state of WI. Our purpose is to: SHARE the Good News of Jesus ENGAGE children in activities to discover how wonderfully God has made them ENCOURAGE children in Christian attitudes of respect, kindness, service, hope, forgiveness, peace, and love CONSIDER what a great place church is to be, and HELP children learn what it means to be a disciple Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary How Does Your Garden Grow???” Our garden is growing in our room! We have beans, carrots, radishes, petunias, soy beans, lettuce, and peas. Plus...we’ve already “mowed” our grass several times! It’s fun to see the children check them each day. And ask to water them! We also have a “rainbow” garden on our playground by the farthest fence. Weeds are creeping we’ll take care of that next week! Happy Gardening!! I heard that Eleanor is growing a garden, too!! Anyone else? 7 Noah’s Ark Newsletter April 2011/May 2011