Malattie autoimmuni della tiroide
Malattie autoimmuni della tiroide
Relative frequencies of different autoimmune diseases The management of the patient with unexpected autoantibody positivity. Sezioni Regionali del Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia e Trentino Alto Adige Programma di Formazione Permanente Corso Residenziale M.Bagnasco, L.Grassia, G.Pesce Autoimmunity Reviews, 2007 La Diagnostica di Laboratorio delle Malattie Autoimmuni Organo-Specifiche SLE Bassano del Grappa (VI) 7-9 ottobre 2009 T1D APS CD AITD Corrado Betterle, Fabio Presotto, Renato Zanchetta QuickTime™ e un decompressore sono necessari per visualizzare quest'immagine. Malattie autoimmuni della tiroide TA = Tiroidite Autoimmune MB = Morbo di Basedow OB = Oftalmopatia di Basedow TA autoimmunità Giampaola Pesce, Irene Bossert, Marcello Bagnasco Marcello Bagnasco Di.M.I. Università degli Studi di Genova Dipartimento di Patologie Immunoendocrinologiche, A.O.U. San Martino Genova autoinfiammazione OTHERS RA AUTOANTICORPI ANTI-TIROIDE Rare monogenic Autoinflammatory Diseases: FMF, TRAPS, HIDS, PAPA Blau’s Syndrome (Uveitis) Polygenic Autoinflammatory Diseases: Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis Self-limiting inflammatory arthritis including diseases clinically presenting as RA Storage diseases/Congenital diseases with associated tissue inflammation Non-antibody associated vasculitis including Giant Cell and Takayasu’s arteritis Idiopathic Uveitis Acne and Acneform associated diseases Some neurological diseases eg. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis Erythema Nodosum associated disease, including Sarcoidosis Mixed Pattern Diseases with evidence of acquired component (MHCI associations) and autoinflammatory components: Ankylosing Spondylitis Reactive Arthritis Psoriasis Behcet’s Syndrome Uveitis (HLA-B27 associated) Classic Polygenic Autoimmune Diseases (Organ Specific and Non Specific): Rheumatoid Arthritis Autoimmune Uveitis (Sympathetic Ophthalmia) Coeliac disease Primary biliary Cirrhosis Autoimmune gastrittis/pernicious anaemia Autoimmune Thyroid Disease, Addison’s Disease, Pemphigus, Pemphigoid, Vitiligo Myasthenia Gravis, Dermatomyositis/polymyositis/scleroderma Goodpasture’s Syndrome ANCA associated Vasculitis Type 1 diabetes Cogan’s Syndrome Sjogren’s Syndrome Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Rare Monogenic Autoimmune Disease: ALPs,Ipex, APECED SS MB OB Ipertiroidismo Ipotiroidismo da McGonagle e McDermott 1 TIROIDITE AUTOIMMUNE DIAGNOSI DI TIREOPATIE AUTOIMMUNI: PROBLEMI CLINICI ? PROGRESSIONE VERSO L’IPOTIROIDISMO VARIANTE “classica” (hashimoto) lenta, talora assente o transitoria atrofica permanente post-partum, “silente” di solito transitoria (precede fase iper) focale assente IPERTIROIDISMO OFTALMOPATIA (MPC,ACROPACHIA) IPOTIROIDISMO SUBCLINICO IPOTIROIDISMO CONCLAMATO SINDROMI POLIAUTOIMMUNI NEOPLASIA ? IN MOLTI CASI PROBLEMI TRASCURABILI ! Received 30-Jul-09; Returned for Revision 16-Aug-09; Finally Revised 12-Sep-09; Accepted 15-Sep-09 LETTER TO THE EDITOR Levothyroxine in subclinical hypothyroidism: a lifelong therapy? Pedro Weslley Rosario Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) is a frequent condition in clinical practice. In patients with persistently TSH > 10 mIU/L, the risk of progression to overt hypothyroidism (OH) is high, whereas spontaneous normalization of TSH only occurs in exceptional cases.1,2 In contrast, during SCH with TSH ≤ 10 mIU/L both progression to OH and spontaneous TSH normalization are observed……. 2/3 of cases have spontaneous TSH normalization within the first 2 years after diagnosis…. Patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases 184 Autoimmune thyroiditis 81 (28%) Other autoimmune features 288 patients 104 Graves’ disease 69 (24%) Other autoantibodies 138 (48%) Single autoimmune disease Type III APS Betterle et al. 2001 SINDROMI POLIAUTOIMMUNI Quando ricercarle? M. di Addison autoimmune: SEMPRE POF aut.: SEMPRE Tireopatie autoimmuni: in prenza di dati clinico- anamnestici significativi anche minori. 2 Cancro tiroideo ed Autoimmunità ~ Bagnasco M et al. Phenotypic and functional analysis at the clonal level of infiltrating T- lymphocytes in papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. JCEM 1989; 69: 832-6 ~ Singh B et al. Coexistent Hashimoto’s thyroiditis with papillary thyroid carcinoma: impact on presentation, management, and outcome. Surgery: 1999;126: 1070-7 ~ Kollur SM et al. Follicular thyroid lesions coexisting with Hashimoto's thyroiditis: incidence and possible sources of diagnostic errors. Diagn Cytopathol. 2003;28(1):35-8. Fiore E, Rago T, Scutari M, Ugolini C, Proietti A, Di Coscio G, Provenzale MA, Berti P, Grasso L, Mariotti S, Pinchera A, Vitti P. Papillary thyroid cancer, although strongly associated with lymphocytic infiltration on histology, is only weakly predicted by serum thyroid auto-antibodies in patients with nodular thyroid diseases. J Endocrinol Invest. 2009 Apr;32(4):344-51. Fiore E, Rago T, Provenzale A, Scutari M, Ugolini C, Basolo F, Di Coscio G, Berti P, Grasso L, Elisei R, Pinchera A, Vitti P. Lower levels of TSH are associated to a lower risk of papillary thyroid cancer in patients with thyroid nodular disease: thyroid autoimmunity may play a protective role. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2009 Jun 15. Journal of Autoimmunity 32 (2009) 231–239 The etiology of autoimmune thyroid disease: A story of genes and environment Yaron Tomer, Amanda Huber Thyroid Autoimmunity and Environment M. L. Tanda1, E. Piantanida1, A. Lai1, V. Lombardi1, I. Dalle Mule1, L. Liparulo1, N. Pariani1, L. Bartalena … Autoimmune thyroid diseases arise due to complex interactions between environmental and genetic factors. Significant progress has been made in our understanding of the genetic and environmental triggers contributing to AITD. However, the interactions between genes and environment are yet to be defined. Among the major AITD susceptibility genes that have been identified and characterized is the HLA-DR gene locus, as well as non-MHC genes including the CTLA-4, CD40, PTPN22, thyroglobulin and TSH receptor genes. … Horm Metab Res 2009; 41: 436-442 Autoimmune thyroiditis: A story of chronic inflammation, cytokine/chemokines, cell-mediated damage, autoantibodies… Tiroidite autoimmune “classica”: • abbondante infiltrato linfocitario (Th1 > Th2) • morte dei tireociti per apoptosi • importanza patogenetica di citochine Th1 – derivate, APC – derivate • ruolo patogenetico di autoanticorpi? • Treg? Th17? Graves’ Disease: A story of TSH-receptor stimulating autoantibodies… M. di Basedow / oftalmopatia basedowiana: • infiltrato linfocitario presente, di entità variabile (Th1 / Th2?) • scarsa apoptosi dei tireociti, marcata apoptosi dei linfociti T infiltranti • ruolo patogenetico preminente degli autoanticorpi anti – recettore TSH Tiroidite atrofica (alcune forme): • ruolo patogenetico di autoanticorpi anti – recettore TSH “bloccanti” bloccanti” Thyroid. 2001 Giordano C, Richiusa P, Bagnasco M, et all Science. 1997 Giordano C, Stassi G, De Maria R, Todaro M, Richiusa P, Papoff G, Ruberti G, Bagnasco M, Testi R, Galluzzo A. Thyroid. 2001 Giordano C, Richiusa P, Bagnasco M, et all 3 Tireopatie Autoimmuni: Sistemi AutoAntigene-Anticorpo J Clin Endocrinol Metab, February 2009, 94(2):442–448 Pendrin Is a Novel Autoantigen Recognized by Patients with Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases Akio Yoshida, Ichiro Hisatome, Shinichi Taniguchi, Yasuaki Shirayoshi,Yasutaka Yamamoto, Junichiro Miake, Tsuyoshi Ohkura, Takeshi Akama, Osamu Igawa,Chiaki Shigemasa, Keiichi Kamijo, Shoichiro Ikuyama, Patrizio Caturegli, and Koichi Suzuki •Tireoperossidasi •Tireoglobulina •Recettore TSH •NIS •Pendrina …Pendrin antibodies correlated significantly with thyroglobulin, thyroperoxidase, and sodium iodide symporter antibodies but not with TSH receptor antibodies. Pendrin antibodies were equally effective as thyroglobulin and thyroperoxidase antibodies in diagnosis of autoimmune thyroid diseases, especially Hashimoto’s thyroiditis… METODI DI DOSAGGIO DEGLI AUTOANTICORPI ANTI-M/TPO Estienne, et al. J Biol Chem 1999; 274: 35313-7 Hobby et al. Endocrinology 2000; 141: 2018-26 Prima generazione (Anti/M) Fissazione del complemento (FC) Trotter et al, 1957 Agglutinazione passiva di eritrociti (PHA) o lattice (LAP) Immunofluorescenza indiretta (IIF) Immunoenzimatico (ELISA) Fujita et al, 1970 Doniach, 1967 Radiobinding e Radioimmunologico (RIA) Immunoradiometrico (IRMA) Caratteristiche molecolari del dominio extramembrana di TPO Mori et al, 1971 Mariotti et al, 1983 Dominio N-terminale (AA 1-141) Dominio MPO-simile (AA 142738) Identità: 46%, Analogia: 71% con mieloperossidasi N-terminale MPOsimile Goodburn et al, 1981 Seconda generazione (Anti-TPO) Immunometrico (IRMA) (TPO marcata in fase solida) Mariotti et al, 1987 Immunologico (RIA, LIA) competitivo (TPO marcata libera) Ruf et al, 1987 Immunometrico (IRMA, IEMA) (proteina A libera marcata) Furmaniak et al, 1987 Immunologico competitivo (RIA, EIA) (prot. A fase solida) Beever et al, 1989 fattore H del complemento: modulo CCP Kendler et al, 1990 Immunometrici (IEMA, ILMA) automatizzati (TPO adesa)Bohuslavizki et al, 2000 Anticorpi anti-tireoperossidasi (Anti-TPO, TPOAbs) Sottoclassi: IgG1-IgG4 Ruolo patogenetico ? a) attività citotossica destruente (attivazione di complemento e mediazione di ADCC). Rodien P , JCEM 1996, Guo J, JCEM 1997 CCP-simile 2 ponti S-S: dominio sushi Dominio EGF-simile (AA: 796841)Identità 36%; analogia 62% con Terza generazione (Anti-TPO) Immunometrici (IRMA, IEMA, ILMA) manuali (TPO adesa) Dominio CCP-simile (AA 739795) Identità 21%; analogia 48% con EGF-simile fibrillina: modulo EGF 3 ponti S-S A role for autoantibodies in enhancement of pro-inflammatory cytokine responses to a self-antigen, thyroid peroxidase Claus H. Nielsen, Thomas H. Brix, R. Graham Q. Lesliec, Laszlo Hegedüsb Clin. Immunol. 2009 b) coinvolgimento nella presentazione autoantigenica. Guo J, Clin Exp Immunol 2000 c) Aumento del rilascio di citochine proinfiammatorie indotto da TPO Nielsen C, Clin Immunol 2009 Policolonalità, eterogeneità molecolare: profili o 'fingerprints' epitopici (Nishikawa T, JCEM 1994), trasmessi geneticamente (Jaume JC, JCEM 1995) Anticorpi anti-epitopo 742-848 specifici per Hashimoto, non per Greaves (Estienne V, JBC 1999) 4 Prevalence of positive antianti-TPO by passive agglutination (PA) and RIA in autoimmune and nonautoimmune thyroid disease and normal controls UK Guidelines for the Use of Thyroid Function Tests, 2006 Association for Clinical Biochemistry, British Thyroid Association, British Thyroid Foundation Laboratory Tests Used to Determine the Cause of Thyroid Dysfunction THYROID PEROXIDASE ANTIBODIES (TPOAb) These are present in the serum of patients with a wide range of immunologically mediated thyroid disorders … They may also be found in a small proportion of apparently healthy individuals but the appearance of TPOAb usually precedes the development of thyroid disorders. The measurement of TPOAb is of clinical use: (III, B) - In diagnosis of autoimmune thyroid disorders. - As a risk factor for autoimmune thyroid disorders. - As a risk factor for hypothyroidism during treatment with interferon alpha,interleukin-2 or lithium. - As a risk factor for thyroid dysfunction during lithium amiodarone therapy.” 100 80 % 60 PA RIA 40 20 0 Graves’ Graves’ disease Autoimmune Non autoimmune Normal thyroiditis thyroid disease controls From Mariotti et al 1990, 1994 UK Guidelines for the Use of Thyroid Function Tests, 2006 Association for Clinical Biochemistry, British Thyroid Association, British Thyroid Foundation TPO Ab in normal subjects Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TgAb) Activation of autoimmune process Antibodies to thyroglobulin (TgAb) are found in many patients with autoimmune thyroid disorders; however, in most circumstances TgAb measurements have no additional value over the measurement of TPOAb and need not be done if T POAb is present (IV). TgAb should be measured in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer (IV). TPO elevation = TSH elevation mild”subclinical” hypothyroidism Genetic predisposition FT4decrease = clinical hypothyroidism Environmental Factor(s) • In iodine sufficient areas it is of no value to measure both TgAb and TPOAb in non-neoplastic conditions. (III,B) • The only reasons to measure Tg antibodies are i) in differentiated thyroid cancer to determine possible interference from these antibodies in immunoassays for thyroglobulin. ii) Serial measurements may prove to beuseful as a prognostic indicator. 5% per years (III,B) Age Autoantibody profiling of patients with autoimmune thyroid disease using a new multiplexed immunoassay method Sensibilita’ diagnostica di TGA e TPO Tozzoli R., Villalta D., Kodermaz G., Bagnasco M., Tonutti E., and Bizzaro N. Clin Chem Lab Med 2006;44(7):837-842 95,6 100 sensibilità % 90,1 80 63,5 60 40 20 6,6 0 TPOAb+ TgAb+ TgAb+/TPOAb- 4,4 TgAb/TPOAb+ TgAb-/TPOAb- classi di pz 5 AACE/AME/ETA Thyroid nodules guidelines (2009 edition-in preparation) LABORATORY EVALUATION OF PATIENTS WITH THYROID NODULES Always measure TSH … if TSH is elevated measure free T4 and TPOAb (grade C:1) TgAb determination show be restricted to patients with US and clinical findings suggestive of chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis when TPOAb level is normal (grade C:1) TPO Ab e Tg Ab: standardizzazione dei risultati • Standards primari da rinnovare • Standards secondari poco paragonabili • Cut off points non paragonabili tra metodiche • U.I.= U.A.?? • Determinazione della sensibilità? (N.B. per TgAb) Tireopatie Autoimmuni: Sistemi AutoAntigene-Anticorpo •Tireoperossidasi •Tireoglobulina •Recettore TSH •NIS •Pendrina TSH receptor autoantibodies Michalek K, Morshed SA, Latif R, Davies TF. Autoimmun Rev 2009 Anticorpi anti-TSHR: ad attività stimolante (TSAb), ad attività bloccante (TBAb), ad attività neutra Distinct but overlapping TSH and TRAb binding sites Rapoport B, McLachlan SM. Thyroid 2007 II generazione I TRAb sono IgG a bassa concentrazione, oligoclonali, prevalentemente IgG2, dirette verso diversi epitopi Epitopi immunodominanti conformazionali, come piccoli (5-12 aa), discontinui e multipli punti di contatto sulla superficie del recettore per TSAb: regione aminoterminale (22-80), ma anche carbossiterminale (360-418): domini A-E per TBAb: regione carbossiterminale (AA 262-360): domini C-D per TSH: regione centrale (AA 170-360): domini C-D-E III generazione 6 METODI CONVENZIONALI DI DOSAGGIO DEGLI AUTOANTICORPI ANTI-TSHR (TRAb) Autoanticorpi inibenti il legame del TSH (TBIAb) Autoanticorpi stimolanti la funzione (TSAb) Metodi recettoriali di I generazione (RRA, ERA) TSHR porcini solubilizzati Metodi biologici cellule FRTL-5, CHO transfettate Produzione di AMP ciclico Metodi recettoriali di II generazione (RRA, LRA) TSHR umani ricombinanti Anticorpi monoclonali adesi Autoanticorpi bloccanti l’azione del TSH (TBAb) Metodi recettoriali di III generazione (ELISA) TSHR umani purificati Anticorpi monoclonali M22 biotinilati Metodi biologici cellule FRTL-5, CHO transfettate Produzione di AMP ciclico TRAb: metodi di dosaggio commerciali di III generazione Produttore Formato Tempo Coniugato Metodo Metodi ad automazione parziale Euroimmun Micropiastra 120’ M22-biotina-streptavidinaperossidasi ELISA Radim Micropiastra 210’ M22-biotina-streptavidinaperossidasi ELISA Pantec Micropiastra 210’ M22-biotina-streptavidinaperossidasi ELISA Medipan Micropiastra 210’ M22-biotina-streptavidinaperossidasi ELISA Roche (ElecsysModular) Microparticell e 27’ M22-rutenio CLIA RAD 120 Microparticell e magnetiche 210’ M22-fosfatasi alcalina (4-MUP) FIA Metodi ad automazione totale 7 Casistica studio policentrico: Latisana, Pordenone, Genova (n. 520) Risultati dello studio: la distribuzione dei valori 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Correlazione tra metodi (IIIG vs IIG) (n. 114) GD Hyper-P Hyper-L Eu TGD UK Guidelines for the Use of Thyroid Function Tests, 2006 Association for Clinical Biochemistry, British Thyroid Association, British Thyroid Foundation TSH Receptor Antibodies (TSH-RAb) In most patients the measurement of TSH-RAb is not an essential investigation for diagnostic purposes. The measurement of TSH-RAb is particularly useful in pregnancy and may also be helpful l in the following situations: • To investigate hyperthyroidism of uncertain aetiology (IV,C) • To investigate patients with suspected euthyroid Graves’ opthalmopathy (IV,C) • For pregnant women with a past or present history of Graves Disease (IV,C) • To identify neonates with transient hypothyroidism due to TSH blocking antibodies (IV,C) Subclinical hypothyroidism (serum TSH concentration above the upper limit of the reference range with a normal free T4) has been shown to be associated with an adverse outcome for both the mother and offspring. T4 treatment has been shown to improve obstetrical outcome but has not been proved to modify long-term neurological development in the offspring. However, given that the potential benefits outweigh he potential risks, the panel recommends T4 replacement in women with subclinical hypothyroidism. For obstetrical outcome, USPSTF recommendation level is B; evidence is fair. For neurological outcome, USPSTF recommendation level is I; evidence is poor. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 92: S1-S47, 2007 Women with thyroid autoimmunity who are euthyroid in the early stages of pregnancy are at risk of developing hypothyroidism and should be monitored for elevation of TSH above the normal range. USPSTF recommendation level is A; evidence is good (GRADE 1) J Clin Endocrinol Metab 92: S1-S47, 2007 8 Subclinical hypothyroidism (serum TSH concentration above the upper limit of the reference range with a normal free T4) has been shown to be associated with an adverse outcome for both the mother and offspring. T4 treatment has been shown to improve obstetrical outcome but has not been proved to modify long-term neurological development in the offspring. However, given that the potential benefits outweigh he potential risks, the panel recommends T4 replacement in women with subclinical hypothyroidism. For obstetrical outcome, USPSTF recommendation level is B; evidence is fair. For neurological outcome, USPSTF recommendation level is I; evidence is poor. TRAb (either TSH receptor-stimulating or -binding antibodies) freely cross the placenta and can stimulate the fetal thyroid. These antibodies should be measured before pregnancy or by the end of the second trimester in mothers with current Graves’ disease, with a history of Graves’ disease and treatment with 131I or thyroidectomy, or with a previous neonate with Graves’ disease. Women who have a negative TRAb and do not require ATD have a very low risk of fetal or neonatal thyroid dysfunction. USPSTF recommendation level is B; evidence is fair (GRADE 1 ). J Clin Endocrinol Metab 92: S1-S47, 2007 J Clin Endocrinol Metab 92: S1-S47, 2007 Although a positive association exists between the presence of thyroid antibodies and pregnancy loss, universal screening for antithyroid antibodies and possible treatment cannot be recommended at this time. As of this date, only one adequately designed intervention trial has demonstrated a decrease in the miscarriage rate in thyroid antibodypositive euthyroid women. USPSTF recommendation level is C; evidence is fair (GRADE 2). J Clin Endocrinol Metab 92: S1-S47, 2007 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Stagnaro-Green,1990 Glinoer, 1991 Lejeune, 1993 Iijima, 1997 Bagis, 2001 % di aborti ricorrenti precoci e positività degli autoanticorpi anti-tiroide 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Pratt, 1993 Bussen, 1995 Roberts, 1996 Bussen, 1997 Esplin, 1998 Kutteh, 1999 Dendrinos, 2000 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 40 35 % aborti % di aborti spontanei e positività degli autoanticorpi anti-tiroide % aborti Autoimmunità tiroidea e aborto 30 25 20 15 * Autoanticorpi anti-tiroide + Autoanticorpi anti-tiroide - * * * * * * * * * Autoanticorpi antitiroide + Autoanticorpi antitiroide - 10 5 0 Subclinical hypothyroidism and thyroid autoimmunity in women with infertility. Marcos Abalovich; Laura Mitelberg; Carlos Allami; Silvia Gutierrez ; Graciela Alcaraz; Patricia Otero; Oscar Levalle CONCLUSIONS: We observed a higher prevalence of SH, but not of TAI, in patients with infertility. Our results support thyroid screening in women with reproductive failure. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 91: 2587-91, 2006 Gynecol Endocrinol 2007; 23: 279-83 9 POSTPARTUM THYROIDITIS There are insufficient data to recommend screening of all women for PPT. USPSTF recommendation level is I; evidence is poor. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 92: S1-S47, 2007 1. Women with a history of hyperthyroid or hypothyroid disease, PPT, or thyroid lobectomy. 2. Women with a family history of thyroid disease. 3. Women with a goiter. 4. Women with thyroid antibodies (when known). 5. Women with symptoms or clinical signs suggestive of thyroid underfunction or overfunction, including anemia, elevated cholesterol, and hyponatremia. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 92: S1-S47, 2007 Take-home messages • Il dosaggio degli autoanticorpi anti tiroide rappresenta quantitativamente una quota importante del lavoro del laboratorio di autoimmunità Although the benefits of universal screening for thyroid dysfunction (primarily hypothyroidism) may not be justified by the current evidence (presented above), we recommend case finding among the following groups of women at high risk for thyroid disease by measurement of TSH: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 92: S1-S47, 2007 6. Women with type I diabetes. 7. Women with other autoimmune disorders. 8. Women with infertility who should have screening with TSH as part of their infertility work-up. 9. Women with previous therapeutic head or neck irradiation. 10. Women with a history of miscarriage or preterm delivery. USPSTF recommendation level is B; evidence is fair (GRADE 1). J Clin Endocrinol Metab 92: S1-S47, 2007 Take-home messages • Il dosaggio dei TgAb ha valore sussidiario (ma non inesistente) nella diagnostica autoimmunologica • il problema del suo corretto posizionamento nel percorso diagnostico del paziente con tireopatia è rilevante sul piano clinico e organizzativo • un valore diagnostico aggiuntivo dei “nuovi” autoanticorpi non è tuttora provato •Il dosaggio dei TPOAb è un indicatore sensibile ma non strettamente specifico di tireopatia autoimmune in atto e un buon marcatore predittivo • il dosaggio dei TRAb ha raggiunto livelli di elevata performance con più metodiche commercialmente disponibili e costituisce un marcatore diagnostico e probabilmente di follow-up del Morbo di Basedow 10
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