Munich as a business location.
Munich as a business location.
City of Munich Department of Labor and Economic Development Munich as a business location. Facts and Figures 2015 City of Munich Department of Labor and Economic Development Herzog-Wilhelm-Strasse 15 80331 München Germany Economic data Phone ++49 89 233-25325 Economic development Phone ++49 89 233-24782 Munich as a business location. Facts and figures Published by the Department of Labor and Economic Development, February 2015, Vol. No. 290 2015 Dear Reader, The facts and figures presented in this brochure give you an updated overview of the many and varied aspects of the economy in and around Munich. The numbers, tables and diagrams highlight the Bavarian capital’s status as a business location the huge potential – witness the impressive labor market and employment figures, as well as the data for key high-tech industries and clusters. Munich’s success is rooted in the singular diversity of its economic structure. Important players range from established global brands to start-ups in every industry from information and communication to automotive engineering to biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. Numbers for the city’s cultural and creative industries are also presented. Regarded as an engine for other economic sectors, this industry has a positive and formative influence on Munich’s future. The whole, colorful spectrum of Munich’s economic structure is reflected in a list of selected companies that have a footprint in the region. Alongside key economic data, the brochure also documents typical strengths such as Munich’s standing as a venue for higher education and science, as well as its popularity as a tourist destination. Data for trade fair operator Messe München, the city’s airport and the local passenger transport utility testify to the powerful capabilities of local government services and affiliated companies. Facts about the development of Munich’s office property market, major projects in the pipeline and construction planning add the finishing touches. Josef Schmid Deputy Mayor and Head of the Department of Labor and Economic Development 2 Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development Contents How Munich ranks compared to other cities 3 Economic development in Munich 4 Economic development in the Munich Metropolitan Region 5 Employment in Munich 6 Sectors and clusters in Munich 8 Selected companies in the Munich region 12 Munich as a hub of knowledge 14 Local government finance 15 Real estate in Munich 16 Munich’s infrastructure 18 The Munich economic region Munich commands top rankings in comparison with other German and international cities. How Munich ranks compared to other cities Institute and customer Sample Ranking based on “City Rankings 2014” IW Consult, commissioned by Wirtschaftswoche and Immobilienscout 24 (12/2014) 69 large German cities Assessment of the level and dynamism of economic development and prosperity based on economic and structural indicators “European Regional Economic Growth Index – E-REGI 2014” LaSalle Investment Management (10/2014) 294 regions in 32 European countries Identification of those regions/ cities with the greatest short- to medium-term development potential based on economic and structural indicators “Mercer Quality of Living Ranking 2014” Mercer – global management consultant (6/2014) 223 cities worldwide Assessment of quality of life based on political, social, economic and environmental considerations “Prognos Future Atlas 2013 – Germany’s Regions Compete for the Future” Prognos in cooperation with Handelsblatt (11/2013) 402 administrative districts in Germany Assessment of the economic situation and development in rural and urban administrative districts in terms of demographics, the labor market, competition, innovation, prosperity and social conditions Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development Position First place for the City of Munich Sixth place for the City of Munich Fourth place for the City of Munich First place for the administrative district of Munich Second place for the City of Munich 3 Economic development in Munich Economic productivity is high in Munich, which also has the highest purchasing power of any large German city. Munich’s gross domestic product (GDP) 20002005 2010 20112012 GDP in € billion (at current prices in each year) 63.36 67.8775.8880.8283.46 Population and share of GDP Population (2013) Bavaria 12 604 244 GDP in € million (2012) GDP per gainfully employed person in € (2012) 473 568 68 066 Munich region 2 768 488 139 964 82 051 City of Munich 1 407 836 83 461 82 728 Outlying districts 1 360 652 56 503 81 070 Munich region = City of Munich and its outlying districts Munich’s share of Bavaria’s GDP Munich’s share of Bavaria’s population 17.6 % City of Munich 11.2% City of Munich 11.9 %Outlying districts 10.8 %Outlying districts 70.5%Bavaria (excluding the Munich region) 78.0 %Bavaria (excluding the Munich region) Source: Bavarian Office of Statistics and Data Processing Per capita purchasing power in 2014 in € 19 023 Berlin Stuttgart 22 656 Hamburg 22 833 23 124 Cologne 23 836 Frankfurt/Main 29 689 Munich 23 411 Bavaria 20 000 15 000 10 000 5 000 0 25 000 21 441 Germany Source: Axciom Deutschland GmbH 4 Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development Economic development in the Munich Metropolitan Region A diverse structure of industry and healthy dynamism combine to make the Munich Metropolitan Region one of the leading economic regions in Europe. Population in 2013 (millions) Germany Munich Bavaria Metropolitan Region 80.8 12.6 5.8 357 100 70 550 25 548 GDP in 2012 (in € billion) 2 645 473.6 247.8 Employees registered for social security in 2013 (millions) 29.624.95 Surface area (in km2) Unemployment rate in 2013 (in %) 6.9 3.8 2.34 3.6 Source: Bavarian Office of Statistics and Data Processing, Federal Statistical Office N Source: Munich Metropolitan Region (EMM e.V.) Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development 5 Employment in Munich A balanced economic and employment structure is one of Munich’s most valuable assets. Distribution of employment in 2014 Employees registered for social security 5.6 %Other public and private services 0.1 %Agriculture, forestry, mining 11.2 %Healthcare and social sector 12.4 %Manufacturing 3.5 %Education and teaching 4.1 %Construction, energy and water supply 4.8 %Public administration 24.5 %Property, consultancy, business services 7.6 %Financial and insurance services 18.2 %Retail, catering, transportation 8.0 % Information and communication Number of employees registered for social security in 2014 Agriculture, forestry, mining Manufacturing 96 050 Construction, energy and water supply 31 817 Retail, catering, transportation 141 019 Information and communication 62 339 Financial and insurance services 59 044 Property, consultancy, business services 189 870 Public administration 37 455 Education and teaching 27 411 Healthcare and social sector 87 081 Other public and private services 43 793 Total 776 405 Source: Federal Employment Agency 6 526 Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development Employment in Munich Employment is growing primarily in the service sector. 2010 2014 Increase 74 862 87 081 16.3% 155 430 189 870 22.2% Corporate management and administration, management consultancy 33 280 41 621 25.1% Architects, consulting engineers and laboratories 16 769 24 677 47.2% Legal and taxation consultancy, auditing 21 115 24 397 15.5% Information technology services 25 413 35 950 41.5% 694 459 776 405 11.8% Healthcare and social services Business services Total employment 2013Germany 3.8% Munich Employees registered for social security Unemployment rates in Germany, Bavaria and Munich 6.9% Bavaria Employment in selected growth sectors 4.8% Annual averages 2014Germany 6.7% Bavaria Number of people out of work in 2014 Germany: 2 898 388 Bavaria: 264 603 Munich: 45 947 3.8% Munich 8 % 6 % 4 % 2 % 0 % 4.8% 11.1% Berlin 9.6% Cologne 7.6% Hamburg Unemployment rates in German cities in 2014 Annual averages Berlin Frankfurt/Main Hamburg Cologne Munich Stuttgart 202 928 26 810 76 663 53 054 45 947 24 819 12% 6 % 4.8% 4 % Munich 2 % 4.8% 0 % Stuttgart 10% Frankfurt / Main 8 % 7.3% Number of people out of work in German cities in 2014 Source: Federal Employment Agency Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development 7 Sectors and clusters in Munich Munich’s balanced economic structure includes a strong focus on exports in the manufacturing industry. Value added in the individual sectors in 2012 23.3% € 17 425 million 20.1 % € 15 007 million Manufacturing Public and private sector services, childcare and healthcare 35.8 % € 26 760 million Finance, insurance, business services, property and housing 20.8 % € 15 497 million Retail, catering, transportation, information and communication Source: Bavarian Office of Statistics and Data Processing Manufacturing industry in Munich in € million 2012 2013 Total turnover 43 810 45 374 Exports 31 348 33 610 71.6% 74.1% Export rate Manufacture of IT, electronic and optical products, 2013 Other automotive engineering, 2013 Mechanical engineering, 2013 3 017Total turnover 3 173Total turnover 1 776Total turnover 2 360Exports 78.2% Export rate 2 365Exports 74.5% Export rate 1 125Exports 63.3% Export rate Source: Bavarian Office of Statistics and Data Processing 8 Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development Sectors and clusters in Munich Automotive engineering and biotechnology are two important high-tech industries. Automotive engineering companies 386 Employees registered for social security in automotive engineering 128 500 Jobs in the automotive sector (including suppliers and service providers) 283 000 Employment in automotive engineering 110 % Munich 105 % Automotive engineering in 2012 Munich Metropolitan Region Upper Bavaria (excluding Munich) 100 % Germany 95 % Automotive engineering 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 90 % 2009 2010 2011 2012 62.3 75.9 77.1 80.3 Source: Automotive Engineering in the Munich Metropolitan Region in 2013 Number of companies Employees Turnover in € million 377 22 900 32 900 8 500 163 9 700 3 120 of which pharmaceuticals 30 6 500 3 850 of which contract research organizations 54 2 000 190 of which life science companies 130 4 700 1 340 8 ca. 10 000 – All companies including research of which biotechnology of which research organizations Turnover in automotive engineering in € billion Biotechnology and pharmaceuticals in 2013 Munich Metropolitan Region Source: Biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries in the Munich Metropolitan Region (EMM) 2014 Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development 9 Sectors and clusters in Munich Further examples of forward-looking industries in Munich: cultural and creative industries and the communication sector Information and communication technology (ICT) in 2013 Munich region ICTMedia Total Companies Employees registered for social security 29 158 5 817 34 975 106 870 40 530 147 400 73.7 11.0 84.7 Turnover (in € million) Employees registered for social security in the ICT sector 200820092010201120122013 City of Munich 87 726 87 247 78 894 83 881 85 631 88 627 Outlying districts 53 524 53 367 52 867 55 403 57 007 58 774 141 250 140 614 131 761 139 284 142 638 147 401 Total Source: Munich as a venue for the information, communication and media sector in 2014 14 792 Turnover (in € million) 9 097 Gainfully employed persons 60 273 Employees registered for social security 45 481 16.2% Film 8.8% Books Cultural and creative industries (total) 6.6% 20 % 6.8% 15 % Music 10% 8.1% Art 0 % Turnover in Munich’s creative industries in 2010 as a percentage of the corresponding national segments Number of companies 5 % Cultural and creative industries in Munich in 2010 Source: Creative.Culture.Competence. Data report on the creative and cultural industries in the Munich Metropolitan Region (EMM); 2nd sub-report on the creative and cultural industries in the City of Munich, 2012 (available in German only) 10 Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development Sectors and clusters in Munich Tourism is a significant factor in Munich’s economy. 20092010201120122013 2014* Arrivals (thousands) 4 950 5 573 5 931 6 133 6 303 6 541 Overnight stays (thousands) 9 850 11 096 11 738 12 366 12 895 13 338 Tourism Arrivals in thousands 6 500 6 000 5 500 5 000 2014* 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 4 500 13 000 Overnight stays in thousands 12 000 11 000 10 000 2014* 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 9 000 * Extrapolated figures for 2014 19.1% 1.33 Mrd. € Turnover resulting from tourism in Munich in 2013 Services Total turnover € 6.9 billion 40.7% 2.82 Mrd. € Retail 40.2% 2.79 Mrd. € Hotels and catering Source: City of Munich, Department of Labor and Economic Development, Munich Office of Tourism Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development 11 Selected companies in the Munich region Manufacturing and high-tech industries BAUER COMP Holding GmbH BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH DR. SCHNELL Chemie GmbH Airbus Defence and Space GmbH EPCOS AG Freescale Halbleiter Deutschland GmbH Freudenberg Chemical Specialities SE & Co. KG Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH GE Deutschland Giesecke & Devrient GmbH Gleason-Hurth Maschinen und Werkzeuge GmbH HAWE Hydraulik SE Hoffmann GmbH Qualitätswerkzeuge Infineon Technologies AG Intel GmbH Knorr-Bremse AG KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH Krauss-Maffei Wegmann GmbH & Co. KG LEGO GmbH Linde Aktiengesellschaft Maurer Söhne GmbH & Co. KG MTU Aero Engines AG Oerlikon Deutschland Vertriebs GmbH OHB System AG OSRAM Licht AG P+Z Engineering GmbH Philip Morris GmbH Rodenstock GmbH ROHDE & SCHWARZ GmbH & Co. KG Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Siltronic AG SONA BLW Präzisionsschmiede GmbH Spinner GmbH Texas Instruments Deutschland GmbH Thüga Aktiengesellschaft VISPIRON ENGINEERING GmbH Wacker Neuson SE Automotive engineering Balfour Beatty Rail GmbH BMW – Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft Bertrandt Ingenieurbüro GmbH Franz Xaver Meiller Fahrzeug- und Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG iwis Gruppe MAN SE Schleicher Fahrzeugteile GmbH & Co. KG Semcon München GmbH Webasto SE Property/construction Accumulata Immobilien AG ARGENTA Internationale Anlagegesellschaft mbH Bayerische Hausbau GmbH & Co. KG DIBAG Industriebau AG Drees & Sommer München Hammer AG HOCHTIEF Solutions AG Investa Projektentwicklungs- und Verwaltungs GmbH 12 Leonhard Moll AG STRABAG Grossprojekte GmbH WÖHR + BAUER GmbH Financial services Allianz SE Apax Partners Beteiligungsberatung GmbH AXA Konzern AG Bayerische Börse Aktiengesellschaft Bayerische Landesbank CACEIS Bank Deutschland GmbH Continentale Lebensversicherung AG DAB Bank AG D.A.S. Deutscher Automobil Schutz Allgemeine Rechtsschutz-Versicherungs-AG Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG Generali Versicherung AG Interhyp AG KGAL GmbH & Co. KG Lebensversicherung von 1871 a. G. München LfA FÖRDERBANK BAYERN MEAG MUNICH ERGO AssetManagement GmbH Merck Finck & Co oHG Privatbankiers Münchener Hypothekenbank eG Münchner Bank eG Munich Re – Münchener RückversicherungsGesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München Sparda-Bank München eG Stadtsparkasse München State Street Bank GmbH Swiss Life AG Swiss Re Europe S.A. Niederlassung Deutschland UniCredit Bank AG Versicherungskammer Bayern WWK Lebensversicherung auf Gegenseitigkeit Life sciences Actavis Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG Agfa-Gevaert HealthCare GmbH Amgen GmbH Arthrex GmbH Astellas Pharma GmbH Bavarian Nordic GmbH Baxter Deutschland GmbH bene-Arzneimittel GmbH Bio-Rad Laboratories GmbH Brainlab AG Bristol-Myers Squibb GmbH & Co. KGaA Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH GE Healthcare Deutschland GlaxoSmithKline GmbH & Co. KG Hexal AG Medigene AG MorphoSys AG MSD SHARP & DOHME GMBH Novartis Consumer Health GmbH Roche Diagnostics GmbH Sandoz Pharmaceuticals GmbH Sorin Group Deutschland GmbH Temmler Werke GmbH München Wacker Chemie AG Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development Information and communication technology Apple GmbH Atos IT Solutions and Services GmbH Autodesk GmbH Avnet Holding Germany GmbH BRAIN FORCE Software GmbH British Telecom – BT (Germany) GmbH & Co. oHG Cisco Systems GmbH Comarch Software und Beratung AG Deutsche Telekom AG Gigaset AG Google Germany GmbH Huawei Technologies Service GmbH IBM Deutschland GmbH Ingram Micro Distribution GmbH Microsoft Deutschland GmbH M-net Telekommunikations GmbH National Instruments Germany GmbH NEMETSCHEK AG Nokia Solutions and Networks GmbH & Co. KG NTT DATA Deutschland GmbH Open Text ORACLE Deutschland B.V.& Co. KG SAP Deutschland AG & Co. KG Sony Mobile Communications International AB Tech Data GmbH & Co. oHG Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG telegate AG Travian Games GmbH Vodafone GmbH, Region Süd Yahoo! Deutschland Services GmbH Media ABENDZEITUNG München Verlags-GmbH Arnold & Richter Cine Technik GmbH & Co. Betriebs KG Bavaria Film GmbH Bayerischer Rundfunk Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Constantin Medien AG Das Erste Programmdirektion Erstes Deutsches Fernsehen Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. KG GRÄFE UND UNZER VERLAG GmbH Gruner + Jahr AG & Co KG Verlagsgruppe München H. Hugendubel GmbH & Co. KG Hubert Burda Media Holding Kommanditgesellschaft IDG Communications Media AG Kabel Deutschland Holding AG Langenscheidt GmbH & Co. KG, München Münchener Zeitungs-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG RTL 2 Fernsehen GmbH & Co. KG Sky Deutschland AG Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH Springer Fachmedien München GmbH Süddeutscher Verlag GmbH The Walt Disney Company (Germany) GmbH VERLAG C. H. BECK oHG Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH Food Alois Dallmayr KG Augustiner-Bräu Wagner KG Burger King Beteiligungs GmbH DANONE GmbH Develey Senf & Feinkost GmbH Feinkost Käfer GmbH Hacker-Pschorr Bräu GmbH Josef Bernbacher & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG Löwenbräu AG Ludwig Stocker Hofpfisterei GmbH McDonald´s Deutschland Inc. Mondelez Deutschland GmbH Paulaner Brauerei GmbH & Co KG Red Bull Deutschland GmbH Max Rischart’s Backhaus KG Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu GmbH Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München Starbucks Coffee Deutschland GmbH vinzenzmurr Vertriebs GmbH Wrigley GmbH Fashion and lifestyle ESCADA Online GmbH Estée Lauder Companies GmbH Etienne Aigner AG LODEN-FREY Verkaufshaus GmbH & Co. KG Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Nymphenburg GmbH & Co. KG Louis Vuitton Deutschland GmbH Mary Kay Cosmetics GmbH März München GmbH & Co. KG Ludwig Maul GmbH & Co. KG Oui Gruppe GmbH & Co. KG Roeckl Handschuhe & Accessoires GmbH & Co. KG Triumph International AG Willy Bogner GmbH & Co. KGaA Other service providers Accenture GmbH ADAC e.V. GmbH Bain & Company Germany, Inc. Bayerngas GmbH BayWa AG BRUNATA Wärmemesser GmbH & Co. KG Capgemini Deutschland GmbH Deloitte & Touche GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Dr. Sasse AG Edenred Deutschland GmbH Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft FTI Touristik GmbH Jochen Schweizer GmbH KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft MAHAG Automobilhandel und Service GmbH & Co. oHG McKinsey & Company, Inc. Motel One Group PAYBACK GmbH PricewaterhouseCoopers AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Roland Berger Strategy Consultants Holding GmbH Sana Kliniken AG Serviceplan Gruppe für innovative Kommunikation GmbH & Co. KG SBK Siemens-Betriebskrankenkasse SIXT SE Stadtwerke München GmbH Studiosus Reisen München GmbH The Boston Consulting Group GmbH TNS Deutschland GmbH TÜV Süd AG Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development Companies in Munich 0 158 2 business registrations (2014) 6 150 9 companies in Munich (2012) 13 Munich as a hub of knowledge Munich is Germany’s second-biggest university city. Students at Munich’s universities in the winter 2013/2014 semester 47 959Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) 35 761 Technische Universität München (TUM) 111 855 students in Munich, of whom 17 661 (15.8 %) were foreign students 17 710 University of Applied Sciences Munich 2 806University of the Federal Armed Forces 7 619Other universities Source: Bavarian Office of Statistics and Data Processing Institutes of higher education and selected non-university research institutions Macromedia University for Media and Communication (MHMK) Catholic University of Applied Sciences Max Planck Society Deutsches Museum Munich Academy of the Fine Arts FOM University of Applied Sciences Munich Business School Fraunhofer Society Munich School of Philosophy Fresenius University, Munich department Munich School of Political Science Goethe Institute Munich University of Music and Theater HDBW Bavarian Business Academy, Munich Munich University of Television and Film (HFF) Helmholtz Center Munich Munich University of the Federal Armed Forces ifo Institute for Economic Research Technische Universität München (TUM) Institute of Contemporary History (IfZ) University of Applied Languages (SDI) Munich Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (LMU) University of Applied Sciences Munich 28.5% Munich 26.9% Stuttgart 24.0% Frankfurt / Main 21.2% Berlin 20.2% Cologne 15 % 13.8% 10 % Germany 5 % 13.9% 0 % Bavaria Source: Federal Employment Agency 14 Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development 25% 19.6% Hamburg 20 % University graduates in 2014 Percentage of all employees registered for social security who are university graduates Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BAdW) Local government finance Heavy investment and systematic debt reduction are characteristic features of Munich’s local government budget policy. Assets Liabilities 1. Fixed assets 19 772 2. Current assets 1 266 3. Accruals 94 4. Dependent foundations 294 1. Equity 11 649 2. Special items 2 301 3. Reserves 5 094 4. Accounts payable 2 038 5. Deferrals 50 6. Dependent foundations Total assets 21 426 Balance sheet for the City of Munich on January 1, 2014 in € million 294 Bilanzsumme 21 426 30.6 % € 1 220 million 31.3 % € 1 246 million Other capital expenditures Schools, child day care and nurseries Planned local government investments, 2014 – 2018 Total investment: € 3 985 million excluding the repatriation of capital to Stadtwerke München (€ 4 667 million, including a one-time effect relating to SWM) 14.5 % € 577 million 6.0 % € 240 million Road and bridge construction Municipal hospital 1.9 % € 75 million 15.7 % € 627 million Culture Housing construction 3 335 2006 2 905 2007 2008 2 306 2009 2 306 The City of Munich’s local government debt in € million 2 223 2010 1 673 2011 1 361 2012 968 2013 3 500 3 000 2 500 2 000 1 500 500 0 1 000 908 2014 2006 – 2013: Actual debt figures, 2014: 2nd budget amendment Source: City of Munich, City Treasury Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development 15 Real estate in Munich High office turnover rates and a low vacancy rate are compelling arguments for Munich’s office market. Office space turnover in m2 Average rents for office space in € / m2 Berlin Frankfurt / Main Hamburg Cologne Munich Stuttgart 2013 553 900 449 500 440 000 272 000 594 700 258 300 2014 701 300 367 500 525 000 269 000 620 900 278 900 Berlin Frankfurt / Main Hamburg Cologne Munich Stuttgart 2013 13.00 18.50 14.00 11.90 15.3012.00 2014 13.70 19.50 14.50 11.50 14.9012.60 Vacant office space in thousands of m² 1 090.0 925.0 Berlin 1 606.3 1 454.5 Frankfurt / Main 932.0 798.4 Hamburg 562.0 552.0 Cologne 1 392.2 2013 2014 1 156.5 Munich 364.8 2013 2014 Office vacancy rates 1 500 500 0 1 000 314.2 Stuttgart 6.0% 5.0% Berlin 13.7% 12.5% Frankfurt / Main 7.0% 6.0% Hamburg 7.6% 7.2% Cologne 6.1% 2013 2014 5.1% Munich 4.9% 2013 2014 Source: Colliers International Deutschland 16 Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development 15% 10% 0% 5% 4.2% Stuttgart Real estate in Munich Major construction projects and plans, 2015 – 2016 N Focus on living space Focus on working space Mixed usages Status: January 2015 Planning permission granted/projects partially completed (approx. floor space in thousands of m2) LivingWorking SpaceSpace 1 Am Westpark, former ADAC site 37 2 Central railway-owned space – Birketweg plot 237 3 Central railway-owned space – Pasing plot 72 4 Neuaubing railway repair works, “Triebwerk” 5 Freiham south 10 6Aubing-Ost-Strasse 55 7 Georg-Brauchle-Ring, “M-Campus” 8 Am Oberwiesenfeld 37 9 Knorr-Bremse, Schittgablerstrasse 10 Funkkaserne military barracks 157 11 Leopoldstrasse/Johann-Fichte-Strasse “Schwabinger Tor” 27 12 Prinz-Eugen military barracks 191 13 Messestadt Riem “Lakeside Offices” 14 Messestadt Riem, 4th phase of housing development 80 15 Baumkirchner Strasse 51 16 Carl-Wery-Strasse “Perlacher Tor” 28 17Hochäckerstrasse 116 18 Agfa site 90 19 Baierbrunner Strasse east “South Side” 96 20 Central railway-owned space, Paul-Gerhardt-Allee 220 21 Gerberau 26 22 Meiller, Moosach 54 Status: January 2015 Source: Department of Urban Planning and Building Regulation 217 97 103 446 74 2 176 18 62 5 134 31 76 48 38 28 4 12 Urban development planning in progress (approx. floor space in thousands of m2) LivingWorking SpaceSpace 23 Neuaubing railway sidings 45 24 Freiham north, 1st phase of development 361 25 “Aubing Central”, former Telekom site 38 26 Georg-Brauchle-Ring, north Munich gas utility 45 27 Parkstadt Schwabing, Lilly-Reich-Strasse 80 28 Freimann railway repair works (campus) 29Hanns-Seidel-Platz 38 30 Vogelweideplatz “Bogenhausener Tor” 31 “Werksviertel”near Ostbahnhof station 122 32 McGraw site 15 33 Paulaner site 137 34 Osram site 34 35 Drygalski-Allee E.ON site 105 36 Zschokkestrasse 47 37 Dornier site 32 38Henschelstrasse 42 Other projects and plans (approx. scope in hectares) 18 18 50 47 108 270 11 6 14 8 2 Planned scope 39 “Alte Akademie” 40 Diamalt site 41Dachauerstrasse/Schwere-Reiter-Strasse 42 Kronprinz Ruppert military barracks, Virginia depot 43 Bayern military barracks 44 Messestadt Riem,Technology Park West 45 Messestadt Riem, 5th phase of housing development, Kirchtrudering 46Friedrich-Creuzer-Strasse 47 Siemens campus 48Ratzingerplatz Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development 5 169 1.8 8.4 15.1 43.4 48.3 8.4 15.9 12.8 11.4 13.2 17 Munich’s infrastructure Munich’s trade fair company is one of the world’s leading trade fair organizers. Munich trade fair company 2009 2010 2011 201220132014 Trade fairs and exhibitions 25 22 18 151613 Guest shows 270241254230203202 No. of exhibitors (thousands) 32.9 37.9 31.4 35.036.432.8 No. of visitors (hundred thousands) 18.023.617.517.8 23.017.9 40 35 30 20 Munich trade fairs with top visitor rates in 2014 2014 World’s leading trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management 135 288 visitors IHM Premier international skilled crafts trade fair, featuring the “Munich Garden” fair 128 918 visitors Heim + HandwerkBuilding, furnishing and living, including “Food & Life” 123 000 visitors Ifat Travel and leisure trade fair Ispo Munich The world’s leading sports business platform 81 032 visitors Electronica World’s leading trade fair for electronic components, systems and applications 73 189 visitors Interforst International key trade fair for forestry and forest technology with scientific conferences and special shows 48 879 visitors Expo Real International trade fair for property and investment 34 189 visitors Source: Messe München 18 2013 2012 2011 15 2009 No. of visitors (hundred thousands) 25 2010 No. of exhibitors (thousands) Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development 113 687 visitors Munich’s infrastructure Munich Airport – seven-time winner of the „Best European Airport“ award. 2009 2010 2011 2012 20132014 Passengers (millions) 32.734.7 37.838.438.7 39.7 Take-offs/landings and passenger volume at Munich Airport Take-offs/landings (thousands)397390410398382 377 Number of passengers passing through Munich Airport millions 41 38 35 32 29 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 26 Take-offs and landings at Munich Airport thousands 425 400 375 350 325 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 300 Source: Flughafen München GmbH 58.0 59.6 Frankfurt / Main 38.7 Passenger volumes at selected German airports millions 39.7 Munich 26.3 2013 2014 28.0 Berlin 21.2 2013 2014 21.9 Düsseldorf 13.5 60 50 40 30 10 0 20 14.8 Hamburg Source: German Airports Association (ADV) Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development 19 Munich’s infrastructure Munich Airport is one of Europe’s biggest aviation hubs. A recent study found that, out of Germany’s seven largest cities, munich has the best local public transport offering. Major European flight connections within a two-hour radius Copenhagen 1:35 Hamburg 1:15 Berlin 1:10 Amsterdam 1:35 Frankfurt/ Main 1:05 Warsaw 1:30 Brussels 1:20 Prague 0:55 Krakow 1:25 Luxembourg 1:05 Paris 1:35 Vienna 1:00 Zurich 0:55 Budapest 1:15 Lyon 1:20 Geneva 1:10 Toulouse 1:50 Milan 1:05 Ljubljana Belgrade 1:25 0:50 Zagreb Sarajevo 1:25 1:05 Marseille 1:40 Rome 1:30 Naples 1:40 Tirana 1:45 Source: Flughafen München GmbH Munich’s local public transport network in numbers Services provided by public transport utility MVG Inhabitants in catchment area 1.53 million Size of catchment area 436 km2 Total subway lines operated 95 km Total tram lines operated 79 km Total bus lines operated 462 km Total passengers carried in 2013 544 million Total subway passengers carried in 2013 384 million Total tram passengers carried in 2013 105 million Total bus passengers carried in 2013 184 million Total seat kilometers 13 349 million Total subway seat kilometers 9 347 million Total tram seat kilometers 1 347 million Total bus seat kilometers 2 655 million Departures from stops/stations per day 302 000 Source: Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH, 2014 20 Munich as a business location – Department of Labor and Economic Development Published by: City of Munich Department of Labor and Economic Development Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 15 80331 München Germany Editor: Eva Schweigard Phone ++49 89 233-25325 [email protected] Design: QS2M Quass Sigl Maurer Werbeagentur GmbH Printing: Baur-Typoform GmbH, Keltern-Dietlingen Printed on paper made from certified wood from controlled sources and from recycled materials Munich, February 2015 Picture credits on cover page: High-performance transportation systems for a growing agglomeration: Munich subway, type C train (Photo: Kerstin Groh, MVG) Stachus, the western gateway to the city center (Photo: Kerstin Groh, MVG) Fiber-optic technology for high-speed communication in Munich (Photo: SWM Stadtwerke München GmbH)
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