The Danish Outdoor Counsil
The Danish Outdoor Counsil
The Blue Wild West ! What prevents our free sailing and use of the sea territory? By Leif Nielsen Member of the executive board in The Danish Outdoor Council Danish Cruising Association Many new EU Directives (planning for the Sea Territory) National agenda Other Groups (national planning for The Sea Territory) (other Groups with Commercial interest Who cares about all the ”Outdoor People”? Danish Cruising Association Many Danish autorities have a part of the responsibility of the Sea territory ”The Blue Wild West” Danish Cruising Association The Danish Outdoor Counsil • In May 2016 The Danish Outdoor Counsil established a task force/working Group • Members of the task force represents organisations which all are users of the sea territory yachtsmen, rowers, canoes, kayaks, seascouts, anglers, schools) • The terms for the task force is – to recommend how we can give support to the future work for public access to the sea territory! Danish Cruising Association The Danish Outdoor Counsil • Political communication – and visions on public access to the nature (land & sea) • NGO umbrella which represents 92 different Danish organisations whose activities are within the framework of nature and outdoor recreation • Independent NGO founded in 1942 by the Danish Primeminister – so the Danes could enjoy nature and outdoor life in general Danish Cruising Association The Danish Outdoor Counsil The organisation is similar to – Friluftsrådenes Landsforbund in Svenskt Friluftsliv in Danish Cruising Association Danish Sea territory Facts Denmark Land = 43.561 KM2 Sea = 103.000 km2 Danish Cruising Association Traditionel activities at the sea territory • Harbors • Marinas • Fishing • Sailing Danish Cruising Association New activities at the sea territory • Aqua production plants • Fishing near to the coast • Shooting areas • Wind farms at sea • Bridge protection • Sea marks • Harbour and nabour problems • Insurance rules for sailing schools • Cabel activities / Water skiing • Sea flying area • House boats at the sea • Areas for children playing at sea Danish Cruising Association Aqua Production Plants Indsatsmuligheder: o Allowance is made for recreational interests when planning for aqua production plants . o Planning areas reserved for aqua production plants must be done with the involvement of recreational interests. o Organizations with recreational interests at sea should be consulted, with respect to the location of aqua production plants. o Rules for marking must be respected. Authorities must allocate resources for control of marking and location. Danish Cruising Association Fishing near the coast Options of actions: o Rules must be followed, including correct and visible marking of tools. o Information targeted part time fishers and anglers on better marking and placement in connection with the redemption of fishing license. o An information campaign for kayakers and users of small boats, so they can read the marking of tools. o Tools and poles must be removed if the installation is no longer in use or in pieces. Danish Cruising Association Shooting areas Options of actions: o All relevant shooting ranges plotted on charts, including an indication of the firing direction and hazard area. o All shooting ranges must physically mark out the part of the sea territory, example with buoys,.they use as security background. o More clearly signals when there is an exercise. For example buoys equipped with remote-controlled quick glimpse. o The authorities facilitate and marketing a website and an app for mobile phone where all shooting ranges, military and civilian, specifies activities. Danish Cruising Association Wind farms at sea Options of actions: Long-term planning for wind mills at sea, taking into account outdoor interests, including: o Ensure that recreational routes and areas of activity will not be appointed. o Ensure the widest possible access and traffic in wind mill areas. Danish Cruising Association Bridge protection Options of actions: o When planning bridges, the recreational sea users must be incorporated, to ensure free and safe passage for vessels. o When ship impact fuses is established, it must incorporate yachts etc are not forced out of the fairway for commercial transport. o By periodically opening bridges, the regular passage is ensured. Danish Cruising Association Sea marks / Sea buoy Options of actions: o Authorities carry out marking with buoys in waters in the interest of safety of navigation for yachtsmen. Danish Cruising Association Harbour & nabour problems (Recreative use of harbour areas) Options of actions: o Make an evaluation of implemented port remodeling so future projects ensures coexistence between recreational interests and the new residents. o Authorities ports or builder assign other places for recreational activities including fishing, sailboats, canoes and kayaks. o Authorities and ports to launch the development of lesuire opportunities in the ports example, in an Outdoor Strategy, which should be developed in dialogue with the user interests. Danish Cruising Association Other examples of activities which prevents free sailing! • Cabel activities • Sea flying area • House boats at the sea • Playing areas near the coast • Insurance rules for sailing schools Danish Cruising Association The future! What do we do to secure the best possibilities for all users of the sea? Danish Cruising Association Thank you for your attention…. 19 Danish Cruising Association