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MaozIsrael November 2005 Tishrei - Cheshvan 5765 - 5766 R E P O R T Public persecution of Messianic Jews in Israel most serious since founding of the State By Shmulik Eitan This report is from Shmulik, the brother of the pastor’s wife of Congregation Yeruel in Arad, Israel, written as an open letter to his friends and acquaintances. Shmulik is an Israeli tourist guide. Arad is a desert town of 33,000 souls, 2,000 of whom are ultra-Orthodox. he contents of this letter may be a bit shocking to many of you. I will include a link in it, to cablenetwork television news broadcast [in Hebrew, see page eight], about the very intense persecution of Messianic Jews in the southern Israeli city of Arad, by a large group of Haredi [Ultra-Orthodox] Jews called the Gur Hassidim. As you all know, I am not a believer ULTRA-ORTHODOX DEMONSTRATE AGAINST BELIEVERS AT CHESS CLUB and do not hold any religious beliefs whatsoever. However, what is happening to the believers where the little Messianic congregation of Arad meets, etc. in Arad is absolutely incredible, unacceptable and entirely In time, these demonstrations - which were not curbed by non-democratic. the police force - escalated and got much worse. They now In March of 2004, these Hassidic people started dem- randomly attack believers in the streets whenever they reconstrating against Messianic Jews in Arad. It started as ognize them, in some cases shouting at a single mother with sporadic demonstrations, sometimes outside my sister’s her little girl who is under five years old, “dirty Christian, home, whose husband is the local pastor, sometimes outside you filthy Christian” and to the girl they shout “your mother is a whore! Your mother is a prostitute!” It’s one thing for you guys to read this in your comfortable homes. It’s quite I do not hold any religious beliefs whatsoanother to go through it - on a daily basis by now - as these ever. However, what is happening to the people in Arad have. believers in Arad is absolutely incredible, My sister and brother-in-law, Debbie and Yakim Figueras, along with their four children, have endured this too. Almost unacceptable and entirely non-democratic T every day there are a few of them opened the doors and let her and the that come up to the house, somechildren in, for fear for themselves. times banging on the windows and At another instance, the police shouting obscenities, like “Jesus the authorized the Gur Hassidim to demb…,” “Nazis,” “filthy Christians,” onstrate outside a place where the etc. And every week, on the same believers were having the Sabbath day, there is a major demonstration meal and worship. Things got out of outside their home, with the Gur hand pretty quickly, and when the Hassidim carrying big signs against believers wanted to leave the buildbelievers, and shouting obsceniing, the police - who were there all ties again - with police looking on along but who had lost control at and many times giggling with the some point - did not let them leave demonstrators. To say the least, the building because they could not this is absolutely weird. However, guarantee their safety. So now the with every attack that has gone believers were trapped inside. unchecked by the authorities, these Over a month ago, my brotherpeople get more bold and daring, in-law wrote a letter to the Israeli and things are escalating at an chief of police, in which he gave the alarming rate by now. history of the past 18 months, and Not long ago my sister was drivasked for his immediate intervention ing with three of her children, to as things were getting worse and he pick up her eldest son from a music feared physical assaults would be lesson at the local conservatory. next. He asked him, among other As she stopped, two of these Gur things, why the police sanction Hassidim walked by and recognized demonstrations where they are not YAKIM FIGUERAS, PASTOR IN ARAD her. One stayed by her car, the other in control and cannot guarantee the left. My sister, innocently thinking there was some opportu- well-being of the people being demonstrated against. There nity for communication to this, waited and hesitantly began was never any response to this letter. Unbelievable. to talk to the one who stayed - thinking there was some A couple of weeks ago, things reached a new low, when a point in quoting scriptures to him. She didn’t realize that the chess-playing club owned by local believers, where they hand only God these people really serve is the god of hatred and out Bibles and Messianic literature, was burned down – and ignorance. Within a few minutes the other man came back mysteriously, next door a new chess club opened, owned - with reinforcements. Her car was now surrounded by 15 of and operated by the Gur Hassidim. Some reporter from one them, screaming, cursing, hurling insults at them and Jesus, of Israel’s two leading newspapers called my sister up and shouting at her that she’s a filthy Christian, shouting at the asked her some questions about this incident. The reporter kids (aged almost two and almost four) that their mother wrote in a very bold manner about it and the article came out is a filthy Christian and they need to leave Arad and “stop as a two full-page article, with bombshell quotations from kidnapping and her, and the reporter baptizing children! pointing to the fact ELDERLY MEN OF ARAD PLAY CHESS, RECIEVE BIBLES, LITERATURE, FOOD AND CLOTHING BUSLOADS of that the police are children!” My sweet not really doing anylittle nephew Yair, thing and that at the leaned his head out rate things are going, the car window and lives will be lost growled back at before this is over. them. I was mortified They had a large when I heard this. picture of the burnedNeedless to say down club, and huge this is yet another letters quoting a phitraumatic event for losopher who said all of them to go “In a place where through. It took a they burn books, while before the there they will also conservatory staff burn people.” I thought that was amazing, that they had it in there. miracle that no one has been hurt so far. So I ask that you My brother-in-law, Yakim, had a meeting with the mayor all take some sort of action: Write the Israeli government of Arad, where he presented their case, expressed his concern offices - the Prime Minister’s office, the Ministry of Public and tried to elicit his help. The mayor said quite simply that Security, the Ministry of Justice, The Israeli Police Force. he knows things are very bad and that he does think things These offices, if flooded with emails from Christians and will end with bloodshed, but he has no intention whatsoever Messianic Jews around the world enquiring about and of getting involved. Can you believe that?! This is the mayor demanding the safety of Messianic believers in Arad, will of the city. Apparently his coalition is not doing well, and no longer be able to claim they didn’t know about it. therefore his strongest allies Write your senators; ask in the city hall coalition them to contact the Israeli are, unfortunately, the Gur ambassador and tell them Only when authorities in Israel Hassidim. their constituency members realize this little minority, which By now it has become are very concerned about amply clear that the authorithe blatant violation of is so easily ignored, has many ties are not at all interested human rights in Arad, and friends around the world who will in implementing the demoof the democratic right of cratic right of Freedom of Freedom of Worship. It’s hold the goverment accountable Worship in Israel, when amazing - in the Jewish it comes to the Messianic State of Israel, you can for what is going on, will they put Jews in Arad. They will be a Buddhist, a Bahai, a an end to the persecution. most likely only take action gay or Lesbian - and your if and when there is blooddemocratic rights are fully shed. That is what concerns protected and upheld. But if me. And that is why I am writing this letter to you - friends you’re a Messianic Jew, they will do nothing for you unless that I guided through Israel from Bible school, friends from they absolutely have to. This is partly because Messianics my former musical period, etc. are not loud and boisterous and demanding, and therefore The believers in Arad need your help. It is my belief are easily overlooked and easy to ignore. If you could bring that the only time the authorities in Israel will start putting their plight to the Israeli government and authorities, it an end to the escalating persecution of believers in Arad, would be very helpful. is when the government and police force realizes that this Write, call, email - whatever. Make the Israeli governlittle minority, which is so easily ignored, has many friends ment know these few believers have the world’s attention, around the world who are watching with growing concern, and Israel’s democratic rule is being tested here. The total and who hold the government accountable for what is going insensitivity of calling Jesus a b… time and time again, is on. When the government sees that they are beginning to look absolutely unacceptable, as is the blatant trampling of the bad around the world, when foreign diplomats and senators rights of the Messianic believers in Arad. Children should and ambassadors tell the government they are concerned not be made to grow up in Israel as if they are in Germany in about what is going on in Arad, the authorities - if only for the 1930’s. This whole situation is drastically wrong, and the selfish reasons of people persecuting EDDIE (RIGHT) SHOWS ARI THE NEW METAL DOORS HE HAS BUILT looking good - will them are absolutely ACROSS THE FRONT OF HIS CHESS CLUB TO PREVENT ANOTHER ARSON quickly give orders primitive and evil. for the persecutions Please take there to be stopped. action. We need These believers your help. Please are not just my sister tell your friends and and nephews. They anyone who may are your brothers be concerned about and sisters of your the well being of own faith. And believers in Israel, believe me, they are or anyone who may suffering, and have be in a position to been going through help. Any press and this for a long time media attention to - with absolutely this issue would be no protection. It’s a helpful, too. THE PERSECUTED T wo thousand feet above sea level in the hills of the Negev, Arad is a poor, isolated town. It has one natural resource: it is famous for its deliciously clean, dry mountain air. In the 1990’s the town doubled in size as Russian immigrants poured into the area. It is Bedouin country, but the government built this community near ruins of the ancient town of Arad where Israelites lived during the times of the Kings of Israel and Judah. The rebellious Israelites even built an exact copy of the tabernacle, (against the Law of Moses, because Jehovah’s place of worship was to be only in Jerusalem) and then added an extra altar in their “tabernacle,” possibly, the archeologists think, to the goddess Ashterah. Over 2,000 Gur Hassidim, a sect of ultra-Orthodox Jews, also live in Arad. They have built a large religious center with a yeshiva for training their non-working population of men. More recently, the ultra-Orthodox, Habad sect, which has a strong anti-Messianic spy organization called Yad L’Achim, have moved some of their people into Arad to cooperate with the Gur Hassidim against the believers. POLLY’S SONS AND FOUR OF HER FOSTER CHILDREN You could not find a more colorful group of believers! Polly, a registered nurse, had met an Israeli in Canada and soon they were married. They immigrated to Tiberius where two of their children were born. After Polly spent many years praying for her unsaved husband, he accepted Yeshua as his Messiah, but died three months later of a heart attack. Polly, five months pregnant, with her two kids left for the States, but her heart remained in Israel and after five years she decided to move back. She chose the Beersheva area in southern Israel and rented a home in nearby Arad where she met up with a Messianic Jewish couple, Milton and Lura. Polly began working with a believing crisis pregnancy center and opened up a branch in Arad. That led her to begin taking in children who had no parents and nowhere to go. Today, her two oldest sons serve in Israeli elite army units, and Polly takes care of her younger son, and five foster children. It was in front of her house 18 months ago that the Gur Hassidim first began to lead protests to harass the believers. Until POLLY AT HOME WITH HER SON AND FOSTER CHILD today, the Gur continue to show up several times a week, screaming obscenities and warning the public that these “missionaries will kidnap your children.” Milt and Lura made aliyah to Israel ten years ago where they found themselves in a town with only a tiny handful of Messianic Jews and no congregation at all. So they began a Bible study, rotating between the homes of Polly, a group from Beersheva, and their own home. Most likely, this was the first such gathering in Arad of true believers since the destruction of the Temple. When Milt suddenly died of a heart attack, Lura and Polly were left to carry on the home group – until Eddie arrived. Eddie grew up in the mean streets of New York LURA, EDDIE AND ARI City. An airforce veteran from Viet Nam, a construction quality inspector of ships and submarines, and a chess buff to boot, he came to visit Lura in Israel after Milt’s death. (Milt was a former airforce buddy of Eddie’s.) Eddie stayed in Israel and he and Lura married some months later. They opened up a Chess Club/Bible Shop called the King’s Men, where anywhere from 30 or more elderly citizens come daily to pass the time. Eddie and Lura offer Bibles and literature to those who want it and also run a free clothing distribution center. It is a work of love that certainly must please their Lord. The chess club was badly vandalized last summer (on the very day the police, who have been hostile to the believers, held Eddie and Lura in the police station for eight hours). A few days later, the chess club was set on fire, burning up everything inside the club, including their TV and DVD equipment. The police did nothing. In the year 2000, Yakim and his wife Debbie moved from Jerusalem to begin a new work in Arad. They now have a congregation of Messianic Jews and Christians with about 35-40 in attendance, including children. There could not be a more gentle, Messiah-like man of God than Yakim! He and his congregation suffer through continuous harassment before, during and after their meetings, with the Gur Hassidim surrounding their congregational building, threatening and heckling the believers and intimidating any non-believer who might be brave enough to attend a meeting. The continuous persecution is wearying; they pray that God will give grace to their children and protect their minds and spirits from harm. But the believers repeatedly told us that their faith and that of their children has only been strengthened. Polly’s soldier-son told us that he is a stronger believer because of the Gur Hassidim. Of course, because of the persecution, everyone in the city – from the mayor on down – knows of their faith in Yeshua the Messiah. LEFT: A DUPLICATE HOLY OF HOLIES WAS BUILT IN ARAD ON A HIGH PLACE BY THE ISRAELITES. THE ALTAR ON THE Want to know how to effectively pray for Israel? Request our weekly prayer letter via e-mail. Please e-mail us at [email protected] LEFT IS PRESUMABLY FOR JEHOVAH, AND THE ONE ON THE RIGHT FOR THE GODDESS ASHERAH. RIGHT: THE JEWS OF ANCIENT ARAD CONSTRUCTED A FORTRESS TO DEFEND THEMSELVES AGAINST THEIR ENEMIES, THE EDOMITES. GO TO YOUR COMPUTER AND SEE THE NEWS CLIP FROM ISRAEL TV NEWS they are less than human, and therefore do not have human rights. The public in Germany didn’t really resist, until it was too late. Take a look at this scene. It may ring a disturbing bell. What you are looking at in this article is a hate fest, clear and simple. You’re looking at a freakish mutation: Jews who are acting like Nazis. Clear and simple. Jews, blinded with hate, persecuting other Jews, and hurling unbelievable insults at them and at Jesus. ere you will see news coverage of some of the Next you’ll see a local secular Israeli, complaining that the believe it or not - more peaceful events of persecution mayor needs to put an end to this hatred because there is no in Arad. It’s in Hebrew, but you’ll get the gist of it. (Actually, reason for it. Little does he know that his mayor has no such you should send this link to the Israeli Ambassador in your intention. He ends by saying - The Gur Hassidim here in Arad countries and ask him what is going on down in Arad.) Let will not give up. I know them. They are a large community me just translate some of the highlights for you: here in Arad and they will absolutely not give up. The mayor It starts with the narrator saying that these pictures are part needs to stop this. What is he sitting [as mayor] there for?!” of a two-year war waged in Arad by the Gur Hassidm against Next you see a Gur Hassid saying, “They kidnap children the Messianic Jews. Then you see some of them, harassing and baptize them to Christianity. Stay away from them.” believers who give out clothes to poor people, saying, “This Does that remind you of allegations by Nazis and other antiis how they take children and baptize them to Christianity; Semites against Jews in Europe? Then you see them addressthey give them some clothes and food and then they tell them, ing and humiliating a local secular citizen who tried to defend come and bow down before Jesus, the b…” the believers. You’ll understand this part - it’s in English. They actually don’t use the name Jesus or Yeshua here, but Next the reporter says, “While Mayor Brill buries his rather call him Yoshkeh, another derogatory name for him. head in the sand, 200 Messianic Jews in his city are perseThen the clip shows the burned-down chess club and burned cuted in a manner which is reminiscent of sights from the Bibles etc, and an English-speaking believer talks for a bit. exile period.” You’ll notice he says, “I guess they’re coming up with a final You’ll see a Messianic woman walking by, holding her solution now, of some sort. Burning.” He is alluding to the little daughter, and Gur Hassidim say, “This is Rebecca Frei, fact that this behavior is very reminiscent of Nazi behavior born to a Haredi [ultra-Orthodox] family. She was kidnapped in pre-World War II Germany. And he’s right - and the news by the Christians and made into one.” “Know the truth!” anchor echoes that at the end. they shout, as they lie, outright. Next, she is interviewed and Next you’ll see a Gur Hassid shouting, “Who wants to says how they spread lies about her, publish her picture and sell their soul to Jesus, the b…? Just dip in the sea, sell your address in the streets, saying she’s a dangerous missionary. soul to a b… who has Then you see one of been buried and rotting them heckling a Russian under the ground for believer, saying, “Where (Note: Wait for the advertisement that takes a few seconds to pass.) 2000 years, and you’ll is Yeshua? Yeshua is in get rags! Jesus the b… Chernobil.” (where they is giving out rags. Rags had the nuclear disaster from the b…. Next years ago) you’ll see him saying to It ends with the the believer there, “He’s reporter saying: “It a b…. Yeshua is here. would be interesting Here!” - as he stamps to see what an outcry his feet indicating Jesus there would be if this is under him. happened in any other Many of you have country against Jews. been to Israel, and I Germany, for instance,” guided many of you - clearly meaning that through the Yad Vashem there would be a major Holocaust memooutcry of anti-Semitism rial museum. I always if this level of persecupointed out the process tion happened in any of humiliating Jews in other country. public, in order to show Shmulik Eitan H By mail: Maoz Ministries P.O. Box 535788 Grand Prairie, TX 75053-5788 By phone: U.S. 800-856-7060 G.B. 44-208-692-2831 CAN. 519-751-0035 By fax: U.S. 214-677-0500 G.B. 44-208-333-7272 CAN. 519-751-0960 Visit us online via our secure web sites: i n v n e r A s a h r t y 0 1 of Congregation Tiferet Yeshua Ari Sorko-Ram invited five of our oldest members to give their testimonies of how they came to faith in Yeshua the Messiah. Their testimonies were riveting! When we asked all the new believers of the last two years to stand, more than half of the congregation stood up! What great things God has Done! H ow would you feel if every time you We were taken inside the walked down the street, fingers chess club which had been pointed at you and you were identified torched, and shown the progas the enemy? How would you feel if ress that had already been profanities were hurled at you and the made as they begin to clean vilest of names were shouted in your up and remove the destroyed direction, even while walking with your furnishings and equipment. young child? Would you be able to On a white plastic chair rested hold up if your life was constantly singed Bibles, the burnt remains threatened or if crowds shouted that of books which were no longer they were going to carry you out of salvageable. Outside the door, town in a coffin? a yellow oak tag sign read, “The How would you feel if this hapeyes of God are in every place, pened every day – and ALL watching the evil and the good. BY COOKIE SCHWAEBER-ISSAN BECAUSE OF YOUR FAITH? Prov. 15: 3 - perhaps, the best fire Well it is happening, in the town protection - a stern reminder of the of Arad where the few dozen community of believers judgment which awaits those who seek to injure their in Yeshua the Messiah are having to endure daily fellow man. harassment by an Orthodox Jewish sect which has We couldn’t help but feel that we were amongst a decided that this town is their territory and any who group of very special people who were living out their think different will be silenced and run out. faith in the most difficult of circumstances – experiencMany of us believers who live in Israel have heard ing what the early believers had in the same land – not about their plight for several months, and we’ve been much had changed even with the passage of more receiving regular updates about the increasing per- than 2,000 years. secution accompanied by both physical and mental As we sat in the open courtyard a few yards away attacks which have been occurring with more and to interview some of the believers, a group of the men more intensity. were strumming and singing “Kumi Ori” a well known So a few of us from Maoz decided to take the two- song taken from Isaiah 60 – “Arise, shine for your light hour drive south through Beduin desert towns and see has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon and hear for ourselves firsthand what was happening. you…And nations will come to your light and kings to When we arrived, we walked through the open-air the brightness of your rising.” marketplace called the “shuk”, and we were greeted by Could there have been a more prophetic word spoa groups of elderly men playing board games, eating ken out over this city whose light has surely come? food which had been provided for And who are the messengers of EDDIE WITH FRONT PAGE STORY BY THE them and listening to music that this light – a vast army of choice SECULAR PRESS OF PERSECUTION OF MESSIANIC JEWS AND CHRISTIAN lifted up the name of the Lord. It pickings? No – just another was a warm and friendly feeling. rag tag Gideon’s army that Some of the believers who had God Himself assembled to be come from Jerusalem to serHis chosen vessels. They are enade them, came up to us and mostly widows, elderly, unwed embraced us – grateful to see mothers, orphans and a former that we too had come. It was so Viet Nam veteran. Some don’t clear that these townsmen who speak much Hebrew and most would normally be looked upon are not even schooled in the as outcasts – not worthy of a Israeli mentality enough to know second thought – were being the ins and outs of life in the treated like they mattered and Middle East. But there are also being served as if they were as among them a small smatterimportant as anyone else. ing of native-born Israelis, and These believers have devoted the impact of this tiny group, in their life to bringing the message comparison to the 2,000 strong of Yeshua to the outcasts of this ultra-Orthodox is apparently so underdeveloped town, a pit stop intimidating to them that there on the way to the Dead Sea. has been a collaborative effort HOW WOULD YOU FEEL? CONTACTS IN ISRAEL to rid the community of their presence. Why? Because here, as well as in your part of the world. they are upsetting the apple cart just as Yeshua did, So the next time you walk down the street freely, and the status quo is being forcefully challenged. knowing that you are blessed to think and worship as How would you feel if this was the place where God you please, remember those who are paying a heavy would have you be? Few of us would probably feel price for those same thoughts and the same worship equipped to live under such stressful circumstances, – those who are sharing in the fellowship of His sufbut these believers are standing tall, knowing that God ferings. Lift them up in prayer as well as the salvation is doing something unusual in an unlikely place. They of the 33,000 residents of Arad whose walls will yet are not shirking away or buckling under the heavy be called salvation and whose gates will yet be called load. I was very proud to be in their presence and praise. (Isaiah 60:18) sense that even, for a few hours, I was there supportWe believe that Arad’s destiny is found in this amazing them and letting them know that they ing chapter of Isaiah 60, especialare not alone. We hope to go ly in verse 14 which says, “And back and bring others with the sons of those who afflicted us to encourage them you will come bowing to you and stand with them. and all those who despised For it’s possible that you will bow themselves at one day, we may need the soles of your feet; And them to shore us up when they will call you the city of persecution reaches our the Lord, The Zion of the Holy doors. We must rememOne of Israel.” (Isaiah 60:14) ber these souls in prayer May we see “the hastendaily and do what we can ing of its time” as it says to share their hardship and in the last verse, and may shoulder the burden. its wave-swell pour forth They are, after all, part throughout the remainof our very own Body der of this land. ARSONIST BURNED THE CHESS CLUB / BIBLE SHOP IN ARAD Contact the Ministry ARIEL SHARON, PRIME MINISTER MINISTRY OF DEFENSE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SECURITY MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING MINISTRY OF HEALTH MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MINISTRY OF JUSTICE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR MINISTRY OF IMMIGRANT ABSORPTION MINISTRY OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT MINISTRY OF TOURISM MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY, TRADE AND LABOR MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATION MINISTRY OF NATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE ISRAELI POLICE FORCE Address/Online Form [email protected] / +972-2-670-5555, +972-2-670-5475 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]! [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] POLICE COMMISSIONER IN ISRAEL - MOSHE KARADI [email protected] MINISTRY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT [email protected] FOR ALL ISRAELI GOVERNMENT ADDRESSES You may donate to Maoz with Visa, Mastercard or other credit cards. To give by automatic monthly withdrawal, please call Maoz Ministries 1-800-856-7060 Three more books to help young singles walk the walk! ae is one of o the he most mo hedonistic hedon c societies oc e e in n the he entire en e West. We Young Israelis ae who come to o faith a h must mu stand and Israel aga n a rushing u h ng tide de of o free ee sex, ex a plethora p e ho a of o drugs d ug and an acceptance accep ance of o every eve y type ype of o lifestyle. e y e They against need strong, ong p ac ca d ec on and a standard anda d to o ho d on to o against aga n the he filth h of o this h world. wo d These The e books book were we e written w en to o practical direction hold eed the he soul ou and g ve gu dance to o escape e cape the he wiles w e of o the he enemy. enemy Here He e is your you opportunity oppo un y to o impact mpac Israel’s ae new generagene a feed give guidance tion on o of bo born-again n aga n teenagers eenage and young adu adults.Israel ae is one of o the he most mo hedonistic hedon c societies oc e e in n the he entire en e West. We Young Israelis ae ae is one Israel of o come the he most mo hedon societies oc eaga e nin n the en West. We Young who to o faith ahedonistic h mu must cstand and against aherushing uentire h nge tide de of o free ee sex, ex Israelis aae plethora p e ho a o of d drugs ug and an accep acceptance ance o of eve everyy type ype o of who come oyfaith must mu need stand and against aga npractical u hdirection de oand free ee sex, ex a plethora pdeto oon to lifestyle. eto ea hThey strong, ong p aca rushing ca dngectide onof a standard anda oho hold hoadof o against aga n the he filth h of o this h world. wo d These The e book books we were e d ug and drugs anenacceptance accep ance o eve y type of o lifestyle. e y e to need ong p ac written w to o feed eed the he of soul ouevery and give gype ve guidance gu dance oThey escape e cape the hestrong, wiles w e of opractithe he enemy. enemy Here He e is you your oppo opportunity un y to o impact mpac Israel’s ae ca d ecnew on gene and aa on anda d no aga ho dnoneenage o aga nandheyoung h oadu h woae d The o bo oneeo he mo hedon c oc e e n he en e We book we e w en eedcome he ouoand ve gu dance o en cape Young ae o who a hgmu and aga a u hhe ngw edeoo heee ex a p e ho a o d ug and an accep ance enemyo He o mpac on on o bo n d o ho d on o aga n he h o h wo d evee y you ype ooppo e yune yThey need ae ong new p acgene ca da ec andn aagaanda eenage young oneheo ou heand mo g hedon c ocoeeecape n hehe w e o he enemy The eand book we eadu w en ae o eed ve gu dance HeYoung e you oppo y Every Man un s Batt e en e oWe Young come aga n and a u young h ng de o mpac ae ae newwho gene a onoo aboh nmu aga nand eenage adu ae one o he mo hedon c oc e e by Stephen Arterburn ee nexhea en p e ho a o dYoung ug andae an accep anceoo aeve y ypeand o aga e y ne aThey e We who come h mu u h ng de o ee ex a p e ho a o d ug and need ong pance ac ca ecy on and d o need ho d onae o aga n o ca he h oon one hedmo hedon an accep o d eve ype o ae anda y e They ong p ac ec and ac anda&d Fred o ho d Stoeker on o aga n he egueand n gheveoen e We oYoung h wo e book weeebook w en he ooueed and he goc veou dance e cape h od hThewo d The weoeeed w en gu dance e cape ae he wwho e o he enemy He e come a hnew and aga nyoung a uadu h ng de he w e oppo o he un enemy He e you un y ao on mpac ae gene a and you y o mpac ae oppo new gene o bo no aga n mu eenage ae one o he mo ae one o he mo hedon c na he enuge and We Young ae who come o a h owhoee ex oc aope eae ho o cd on o bo nc aga ande young ocome he mo hedon hedon oc en eeenage n he en We adu Young ae ae one h mu and aga an n accep a u h ng de o ee ex a mu and aga n a u h ng deoo eve ee yexype a p eo ho ea oy ed ugThey andneed an accep ance o eve y ype ance oc en and e Wean accep Youngance ae o who andneed aga n ong a p ac ca d ec on and a anda d o p eehoe ano he d ug evecome y ype oo a eh mu y e They o e y e They need ong onon andand a a anda d odhood on o aga n he h o ongp ac p accacad ec d ec anda u hdng o nee he ex ahpoe ho an accep ance oo eve y he ypeou o and g ve gu dance o e cape he w e ho on de o aga h awoo dd ug The and e book we e w en eed aga o and h wo e h wo d The e book ho wedeon w oen o needhehe hou g ved guThe dance o e cape he w e o y eenemy They need p ac ca on and aaebook anda d gene o ho d on o e he He e ong you oppo un dy ec o mpac newwere a on oto bo nnaga nsoul eenage and young adu ae written en oaga feed eed henew ou and a give g ve the he enemy. enemy Here He e is your youbooks opportunity oppowe une yw to o impact mpac Israel’s aethe generation gene on of o born-again bo n aga n teenagers eenage he of this h mo world. wo d The These ecbook books were written to oefeed eed the he soul ou and give g ve guidance gu dance isthe onefilth of oh o the he most hedonistic hedon societies oc ewe e ein nw the he en entire en West. We Young Israelis ae who come to o faith a h must mu stand and against aga n a rushing u h ng guidance dance escape cape the he cw wiles e eo of ethe he enemy. enemy ae eogmost and young adults.Israel adu ae isgu one oonthe mo hedonistic hedon societies oc in n the he entire en e We West. Young Israelis ae who rto ghe Cisof to oe escape the he aw wiles of he enemy. Here He eanis acceptance your oppo you opportunity un y to o impact mpac Israel’s ae new a tide de of o cape free ee sex, ex plethora pee o hothe a of oenemy drugs d ug and accep ance of o every eve y type ype of o lifestyle. e y e They need strong, ong practical p ac ca direction d ec on g Here He e your you opportunity oppo un y to o impact mpac Israel’s ae new n v vu h ng tide eeand against come to o faith a houmust mu mstand agaa nTeaArushing de of o free ee sex, ex a plethora p e ho a of o drugs d ug and an s acceptance accep Battance e generation gene a on o of born-again n aga teenagers and young adults.Israel is one of the o most mo hedohedo shduae A yfilth and a standard anda d bo to o ho hold d onnto oeenage against aga n the he h ho ofethis hadu world. wo The eo book we enwritten wteenagers en to o feed eed he soul ouEvery and give g Man ve guidance gu dance generation gene aThese on ofbooks born-again bo nhewere aga eenage andthe young of every o eve y type ypeonof o Tlifestyle. erey eYe They need strong, ong practical p ac ca direction d ec on and a standard anda d to o hold ho d on to o against aga n adults.Israel ae ofstand o the he most mo hedonistic hedon oc nistic c societies octhe e wiles e ein n the entire en e We West. Here Young Israelis aeopportunity whoadu come oimpact faith a ishone must mu and against aga n a on cof to o escape en cape he w of ohethe he enemy. enemy He e is your you oppo un y to oto mpac Israel’s ae new generation gene o societborn-again bo en by agaStephen n teenagers eenage Arterburn and the he filth h of o this h world. wo d ies These Thein ehe books book we e written w Young en to o Israelis feed eed the he soul ou and give g ve guidance gu dance to o escape e cape entire ewere West. ae a rushing uadultsIsrael h ng tide de ois one free ee of sex, exthe a plethora pmost e hohedonistic a of o drugs d ug and acceptance accep ance of o every eveYoung y type ype of oae who young adu ae of o he mo hedon c societies oc e ean e nin nthe the heen entire en eWe West. We Israelis whocome come to o faith a h must mu stand and the he w wiles e o of the he enemy enemy. Here He e is your you opportunity oppo un y to o impact mpac Israel’s ae new generation gene a on of o born-again bo n aga n & Fred Stoeker to oafaith astandard haccep mustdstand mu and against nto rushing u hn ng tide of ee need strong, lifestyle. eu hThey need strong, ong practical da o ecd on anda to o hold ho aga do oyaagainst aga against aga n e ayrushing ng tide de of o free ee sex, ex p aac plethora p eca ho direction of drugs ugand and an acceptance ance ofon every eve type ype of lifestyle. o edeyo e free They ong pracp ac teenagers eenage and youngsex, adults.Israel adu ae isa one of o the heand most mo hedonistic hedon c societies oco e e in n the he entire en e West. We Young ex a plethora p e ho of o drugs d ug an acceptance accep ance of heecfilth the hono ofand this h world. wo d These Thed eto book we eo written wagainst othe feed eed he ou g veThese guidance guedance owere ca d tical direction a standard anda obooks hold ho d were on to agaen n to he filth hthe of soul o this h and world. wo dgive The books book to we e written w en to o feed eed the he soul ou and Israelis ae who come to o faith a h ymust muypestand and against aga a rushing u need h ng tide deong of o free eeacsex, ex a plethora p e ho a of o drugs d ug and an every eve of esoc yIsrael’s enae They strong, pracp clifestyle. hedon the sheone srae e cape the escape he wiles w cape e of o the enemy. enemy Here He e is most your He you opportunity oppo untype yoppo to osto impact mpac new gengen g ve guidance gu dance give to oe escape wiles w e of oofthe he enemy. enemy Here e is you your opportunity un y to o- impact mpac Israel’s ae new gene generation a on o of bo born-again n aga n ca direction a need standard anda d to o practical hold on direction o ec on and a standard acceptance accep ance of o every eve ytical type yped of o ec lifestyle. eony eand They strong, ong pho acd ca dto anda d to o hold ho d e a and eration on o ofyoung born-again bo aga n teenagers eenage and young adults.Israel aecthe isoc one of the he most mo hedonistic cYoungwe eenage teenagers adults.Israel adu n ae is one of o re the he most mo adu hedonistic hedon societies ehsrae eo nthis the he endhedon e These West. We Israelis ae who come to o faith a h s entire the etnes against he of in o world. wo books on ent to o against aga n West. the he filth haga of o Young this hn world. wo dfilth These The eh books book were weThe e written we book en to o were feed eede the he soul ou and give g ve guidance gu dance to o societies oc eaga e in he entire en e We West. Israelis who to oug faith h must muan stand and aga ng ao ugu h dance mu and must stand against nn the a rushing u h ng tide de o ofYoung free ee sex, exaea p plethora e hocome ao ofen drugs d and acceptance accep ance ofrushevery eve y type ype oof o lifestyle. e y e They need written w to oa feed eed he soul ou against and give ve escape e cape the heth wiles w emust of o the he stand enemy. enemy Here He ethe is your you opportunity oppo un yguidance to o impact mpacto Israel’s ae new generation gene a on of o bornbo n nst aga fa to come who ing ng tide de of o free ee sex, ex a plethora p e ho a of o drugs d ug and ane acceptance accep ance of oe every eve y type ype of o lifestyle. e He y ee is you escape cape he wiles of the o enemy. enemy Here your c societies again n teenagers eenage sex, and youngthe adults.Israel aduw ae isheone of the o he mo most hedonistic hedon oc e e in n the he en entire e We West. de taga rushpractical They needa strong, ong p ng ac ca direction d ecofonfree and a standard andaadunp to oyethora hold ho dimpact on to o of against aga n new the he filth ho of opportunity oppo to o mpac Israel’s ae generation gene of of o Young Israelis ae who come to o faith a h must mu stand and against aga n a rushing u hangon tide de o free ee sex, ex a plethora p e ho a of o drugs d ug this h wo world. d drugs These The e books book we e written w en to o feed eedbo the he soul ou every give g vetype guidance guand dance to o escape eadu cape ae is born-again n aga nand teenagers eenage young adults.Israel of acceptance an andwere and an acceptance accep ance of o every eve y type ype of o lifestyle. e y e They need strong, ong practical p ac ca direction d ec on and a standard anda d oneyo ofto he most Israel’s mo hedonistic hedon c societies oc e ea in nonthe he entire e the he wiles w e of o the he enemy. enemy Here He e is your you opportunity oppo un othe impact mpac ae new generation gene of o en ca strong, of festy e.too They hold ho d on need to o aga against nWe the he filth ho ofpract this h ae world. wo d These The e book books were we ew written en to o feed eed the he soul ou and g give ve gu guidd Young who come o a h mu born-again bo n aga n teenagers eenage and young adu adults.Israel ae is one o of the he mo most hedon hedonistic c societies oc e e in n ance to oae escape cape the heand wiles w eaga ofto o the he ho enemy. enemy Here He e ois you your opportunity oppo une h y to o impact mpac Israel’s ae new gene generation a on on d standard and on rect d n a u h ng de ee ex a p the he en entire e We West. Young Israelis ae who come to o faith a h mu must stand and aga against n a rushing u h ng tide de o of of bo o born-again n aga n teenagers eenage and young adults.Israel adu ae is one of the o he most hedon mo hedonistic c societies oc e e in n the he en entire e oth aance os dwor ugeve and an accep o eve y ype These d.y type free ee sex, ex ato plethora p eaga ho a o of drugs d ug andf an acceptance of o every ype of lifestyle. o e ance y e They need of thaccep the nst West. Young Israelis We ae oneed faith a h mu must against a rushing u h ng tide de o of k free ee sex, ex aDat plethora p e ho a Goodbye of o o who e y ecome Theyto ong stand pand ac aga ca dn ec on ssed ng strong, ong p practical ac ca d direction ec on and a standard anda dfeed to o ho hold dthe on to o aga against nand the he filth ho of this h wo world. d tten wrand were books and aance anda dsou o yhotype d ono aga n They he need h o strong, drugs d ug an to acceptance accep of eve o every ype of olifestyle. e ye ong p practical ac ca d direction ec on and a by Joshua Harr s These The e book books we were ew written en to o feed eed the he soul ouh and give g ve guidance gu dance to o escape e cape the he wiles w e of o d the The ehe book en The o eed he we standard anda dto to o ho hold d onwo to o aga against n the filth ho ofwe this he w world. wo d These e book books were ew written en to o feed eed the he soul ou and of es w escape dance gu ve g the he enemy enemy. He Here e is you your oppo opportunity un y to o ou impact mpac Israel’s ae new generation gene ae on of bo o born-again nwaga n and g ve gu dance o cape he e o give g ve gu guidance dance to oe escape cape the he w wiles e o ofty the heto enemy. He enemy Here e is you your oppo opportunity un y to o impact mpac Israel’s ae new opportun the teenagers andenemy. young adultsHere s your hen enemy He e you y o mpac generation gene a on o of bo born-again aga n teenagers eenage andoppo youngun adults.Israel adu ae is one o of the he mo most hedon hedonistic c societies oc e e ae new on geneof a on o bo n aga n eenag generat new ’sen mpact srae in n the he entire e We West. Young Israelis ae whoborncome to o faith a h mu must stand and aga against n a rushing u h ng tide de o of free ee sex, ex a e and young adu ae one o he mo ts. adu young and aga n teenagers plethora p e ho a o of d drugs ug and an accep acceptance ance o of eve every y type ype o of lifestyle. e y e They need strong, ong p practical ac ca d direcec Tota cost for trans at on hedon c oc e e n he en e We Young tion on and a standard anda d to o ho hold d on to o aga against n the he filth h o of this h wo world. d The These e book books we were e w written en to o feed eed ae who come o a h mu and aga and n a pr nt ng f rst ed t on of the he soul ou and g give guidance gu dance oeee escape cape he wiles w ea oo ofdthe he enemy. Here e is you your oppo opportunity un y to o impact mpac uve h ng de o to ex a pthe e ho ugenemy and He a three Israel’s ae new gene generation a on ance of bo o born-again n aga eenage adults. Israel ae isbooks one o of the he mo most hedo hedoan accep o eveny teenagers ype o eand y eyoung They adu $ 25 830 nistic n c societies oc e eneed in n the he ong entire en epWe West. aeand who a h mu must stand and against aga n a rushing u h ng tide de ac caYoung d ecIsraelis on a come anda to do faith he anh accep o h wo d oTheeve e Ayready eved 5 000 o ee ex aopho e dhoona o aga d ugn and ance ype orec e y e $ They need ong book we e w en o eed he ou and g ve gu dance o e cape he w e o he enemy Join today HEBREW BOOK OF THE MONTH CLUB ! Help us publish books to disciple a new generation of Israelis