State of Washington 2010 - University of Michigan Transportation
State of Washington 2010 - University of Michigan Transportation
Transportation Data Center Data Set Codebook NUMBER 2012-3 JANUARY 2012 State of Washington 2010 The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK WASHINGTON 2010 MOTOR VEHICLE TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS INTRODUCTION This code book documents data sets describing motor vehicle accidents that occurred in Washington during calendar year 2010. The data sets were developed by the Transportation Data Center at the University of Michigan’s Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) from data supplied by the Washington State Patrol. The cooperation of that agency is gratefully acknowledged. The original data have been formatted into five distinct record types (i.e., Accident, Vehicle, Two-Vehicle, Occupant, and Pedestrian/Pedalcyclist). A relational data set containing the original data is maintained by the Data Center, however, and other final data set configurations can be generated. The characteristics of the system data sets are as follows: 2010 WASHINGTON DATA SETS CATEGORY KEY VARIABLES CASES Accident WAC1ØACC 1-41 105,145 Occupant WAC1ØOCC 1-41, 101-172, 201-209 265,471 Pedestrian WAC1ØPED 1-41, 101-172, 301-319 3,762 Two-Vehicle WAC1ØTVA 1-41, 101-172, 1101-1172 Vehicle WAC1ØVEH 1-41, 101-172 67,350 193,073 The letter “C” in the data set descriptor represents “CENSUS” since these data sets describe all motor vehicle accidents that occurred in the state during calendar year 2010 that were recorded by the State Patrol. The code book itself is divided into four sections that document the Accident, Vehicle, Occupant, and Pedestrian records, respectively. Univariate frequencies and frequency percentages Washington 2010 Introduction displayed in each section were derived from the corresponding data set (i.e., Accident frequencies from WAC1ØACC, Occupant frequencies from WAC1ØOCC, etc.). An index located at the end of the code book gives the variable number and code value where each word used in a variable name or code value definition may be located. Common words and connectives (e.g., the, and, but, while, etc.) are not included in the index. Variables 152-172 in the Vehicle section represent the decoded values of the Vehicle Identification Number from the VINDICATOR program of the Highway Data Loss Institute. The Two-Vehicle-Accident data set contains one record for every accident that involved two vehicles. This record contains accident information as well as vehicle and driver information for each of the two involved vehicles. In order to avoid a large amount of duplication, the Two-Vehicle data set is not documented directly in this code book. Univariate frequencies are consequently not available. Variable numbers for this data set are defined as follows: V1 - V41 - Accident V101 - V172 - Vehicle/Driver #1 V1101 - V1172 – Vehicle/Driver #2 The code book may be used directly for the definition of variables V1 through V172. Variables V1101 through V1172 have the same definitions as V101 through V172. While every effort has been made to provide accurate, reliable data, inconsistencies may arise from the source data or from the reformatting procedures used. Consequently, the Data Center cannot guarantee the accuracy of the data, but will try to correct any discrepancies that are found. Please notify the Center of any errors that you may uncover (or of any suggestions or comments that you may have concerning the data or code book) ii January 2012 Introduction Washington 2010 by calling the Transportation Data Center (734)-763-3230 or by emailing [email protected]. For more information about our full line of services, please visit our website: The most current TDC codebooks are available there in PDF format and codebooks can now be ordered online. January 2012 iii THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Variable Number --------------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Variable Name Width ----------------------------------------------- ------------- Storage Type ----------------- ACCIDENT REPORT NUMBER YEAR OF ACCIDENT MONTH OF ACCIDENT DAY OF ACCIDENT TIME OF DAY DAY OF WEEK COUNTY CITY URBAN OR RURAL FUNCTION CLASS - STATE FUNCTION CLASS - FEDERAL JUNCTION RELATIONSHIP CHARACTER OF LOCATION CHARACTER OF ROAD ROAD SURFACE CONDITION WEATHER CONDITIONS LIGHT CONDITIONS FIRE RESULTED INDICATOR STOLEN VEHICLE FLAG HIT AND RUN INDICATOR WORK ZONE STATUS INTENTIONAL ACTION FLAG MEDICALLY CAUSED FLAG NONTRAFFIC FLAG LEGAL INTERVENTION FLAG COLLISION TYPE #1 COLLISION TYPE #2 OBJECT STRUCK #1 OBJECT STRUCK #2 VEHICLE MIX VEHICLE 1 MOVEMENT VEHICLE 2 MOVEMENT DIAGRAM COLLISION TYPE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATED BY ACCIDENT SEVERITY TOT TRAFFIC UNITS IN ACC TOTAL MOTOR VEHICLES ACC TOTAL PEDESTRIANS IN ACC TOT PEDALCYCLISTS IN ACC TOTAL KILLED IN ACCIDENT TOTAL INJURD IN ACCIDENT Alphabetic Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric 7 4 2 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 Page Number ------------1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle Variable Number --------------101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 Variable Name Width ----------------------------------------------- ------------- Storage Type ----------------- UNIT NUMBER VEHICLE TYPE VEHICLE USAGE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION # VEHICLE REGISTRATION ST. TRAFFIC CONTROL POSTED SPEED ROAD SURFACE TYPE DRIVER/VEHICLE ACTIONS VEH CONDITION/DEFECTS #1 VEH CONDITION/DEFECTS #2 VEH CONDITION/DEFECTS #3 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS #1 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS #2 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS #3 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS #4 DIRECTION OF MOVEMENT-FR DIRECTION OF MOVEMENT-TO WORST INJURY IN VEHICLE NUMBER KILLED IN VEHICLE NUMBER INJURED IN VEHICL DRIVER SOBRIETY DRIVER ALCOHOL TEST RES DRIVER DRUG ASSESSMENT 1 DRIVER DRUG ASSESSMENT 2 DRIVER LICENSE STATE DRIVER AIRBAG STATUS DRIVER RESTRAINT USE DRIVER EJECTION DRIVER HELMET USE DRIVER INJURY CLASS DRIVER AGE DRIVER SEX ON-DUTY OFFICER FLAG MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #1 MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #2 MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #3 LIABILITY INSURANCE DRIVER CITED CONTRIBUTING CIRC #1 CONTRIBUTING CIRC #2 CONTRIBUTING CIRC #3 INTERSTATE FLAG UNIT CONFIGURATION CARGO BODY CARRIER STATE NUMBER OF AXLES GVWR HAZMAT PLACARD NUMBER Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Alphabetic Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric 2 2 2 1 10 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 4 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 4 2 6 4 Page Number ------------27 27 28 28 28 29 30 31 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 34 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 37 38 38 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 42 42 44 47 48 48 48 49 50 51 52 52 52 54 54 54 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle Variable Number --------------151 Variable Name Width ----------------------------------------------- ------------- Storage Type ----------------- HAZMAT PLACARD SUFFIX Numeric 2 Page Number ------------55 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable Number --------------152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 Variable Name Width ----------------------------------------------- ------------- Storage Type ----------------- VINDICATOR VINDICATOR VINDICATOR VINDICATOR VINDICATOR VINDICATOR VINDICATOR VINDICATOR VINDICATOR VINDICATOR VINDICATOR VINDICATOR VINDICATOR VINDICATOR VINDICATOR VINDICATOR VINDICATOR VINDICATOR VINDICATOR VINDICATOR VINDICATOR Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Alphabetic Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric - IERR ALTSW YEAR MAKE MAKE/MODEL BODY VEHTP SIZE STYLE CLASS WEIGHT WHLBS LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT RSTN ATD / DRL MINHP MAXHP ABS TRANS ENGINE 2 1 4 2 8 2 1 1 2 4 4 4 4 4 1 25 3 3 3 2 3 Page Number ------------57 57 57 58 59 145 146 146 147 147 147 148 148 148 148 149 149 149 149 152 152 WASHINGTON 2010 - Occupant Variable Number --------------201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 Variable Name Width ----------------------------------------------- ------------- Storage Type ----------------- VEHICLE NUMBER OCCUPANT SEAT POSITION OCCUPANT SEX OCCUPANT AGE OCCUPANT INJURY CLASS OCCUPANT RESTRAINT USAGE OCCUPANT EJECTION AIRBAG STATUS HELMET USE Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 Page Number ------------153 153 154 154 154 154 155 155 155 WASHINGTON 2010 - Pedestrian Variable Number --------------301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 Variable Name Width ----------------------------------------------- ------------- Storage Type ----------------- PED TRAFFIC UNIT NUMBER PEDESTRIAN TYPE PEDESTRIAN AGE PEDESTRIAN SEX PEDESTRIAN WAS USING PED CLOTHING VISIBILITY PEDESTRIAN HELMET USE PEDESTRIAN INJURY CLASS PEDESTRIAN ACTIONS PED CONTRIBUTING CIRC #1 PED CONTRIBUTING CIRC #2 PED CONTRIBUTING CIRC #3 PED DIRECTION - FROM PED DIRECTION - TO PEDESTRIAN SOBRIETY PED ALCOHOL TEST RESULT PED DRUG ASSESSMENT #1 PED DRUG ASSESSMENT #2 PEDESTRIAN CITED Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 Page Number ------------157 157 158 158 158 158 159 159 159 160 161 162 162 163 163 163 164 164 164 WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Page 1 The ACCIDENT Variables Variables 1 through 41 describe the accident. They are included in the Accident, Vehicle, Occupant, and Pedestrian data sets. The Accident data set contains these variables and no others. ------------------------Variable 1 ACCIDENT REPORT NUMBER ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 7 Dec: None Type: Alphabetic Miss: None ------------------------Variable 2 YEAR OF ACCIDENT ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 4 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: None Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 2010 Prcnt 105145 100.0 Code Value and Description 2010 2010 ------------------------Variable 3 MONTH OF ACCIDENT ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 8187 7384 7807 7902 8559 8261 8722 8903 8870 9962 10868 9720 7.8 7.0 7.4 7.5 8.1 7.9 8.3 8.5 8.4 9.5 10.3 9.2 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 January February March April May June July August September October November December ------------------------Variable 4 DAY OF ACCIDENT ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 3481 3.3 1955 1.9 1 31 Day of month Page 2 WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident ------------------------Variable 5 TIME OF DAY ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 4 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9999 Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 TIME OF DAY BY 2400 HOUR CLOCK 2010 Prcnt 3 453 0.0 0.4 69 0.1 Code Value and Description 0 1 2359 Midnight 12:01 am 11:59 pm ------------------------Variable 6 DAY OF WEEK ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 11154 14912 15286 15898 15443 17864 14588 10.6 14.2 14.5 15.1 14.7 17.0 13.9 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ------------------------Variable 7 COUNTY ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 435 203 2477 1105 876 4100 55 1566 455 113 911 40 1406 1106 613 359 35704 3221 1173 319 1275 180 0.4 0.2 2.4 1.1 0.8 3.9 0.1 1.5 0.4 0.1 0.9 0.0 1.3 1.1 0.6 0.3 34.0 3.1 1.1 0.3 1.2 0.2 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Adams Asotin Benton Chelan Clallam Clark Columbia Cowlitz Douglas Ferry Franklin Garfield Grant Grays Harbor Island Jefferson King Kitsap Kittitas Klickitat Lewis Lincoln WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Page 3 Variable 7:COUNTY (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 799 579 279 144 12361 98 1954 171 11050 6967 473 4525 57 942 2504 598 3952 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.1 11.8 0.1 1.9 0.2 10.5 6.6 0.4 4.3 0.1 0.9 2.4 0.6 3.8 Code Value and Description 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Mason Okanogan Pacific Pend Oreille Pierce San Juan Skagit Skamania Snohomish Spokane Stevens Thurston Wahkiakum Walla Walla Whatcom Whitman Yakima ------------------------Variable 8 CITY ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 369 43 0 59 1 186 282 2 1404 157 149 2725 1243 23 13 34 30 205 714 791 12 9 27 68 2 603 281 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.0 1.3 0.1 0.1 2.6 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.7 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.6 0.3 Code Value and Description 5 10 15 20 25 30 45 50 55 58 60 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 127 130 135 139 140 Aberdeen Airway Heights Albion Algona Almira Anacortes Arlington Asotin Auburn Bainbridge Island Battleground Bellevue Bellingham Benton City Bingen Black Diamond Blaine Bonney Lake Bothell Bremerton Brewster Bridgeport Brier Buckley Bucoda Burien Burlington Width: 4 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9999 Page 4 WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Variable 8:CITY (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 158 1 17 29 21 7 425 154 43 86 12 116 43 29 34 76 2 55 0 2 14 3 11 12 193 0 2 2 5 8 19 200 28 29 157 8 90 501 2 248 36 1 12 99 83 2879 7 1 0 1598 141 383 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.5 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.1 0.4 Code Value and Description 145 150 155 165 170 175 180 190 195 200 205 215 220 225 230 235 240 250 255 260 265 270 280 290 293 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 330 335 350 360 362 365 375 380 385 390 405 410 415 420 425 430 440 443 445 450 Camas Carbonado Carnation Cashmere Castle Rock Cathlamet Centralia Chehalis Chelan Cheney Chewelah Clarkston Cle Elum Clyde Hill Colfax College Place Colton Colville Conconully Concrete Connell Cosmopolis Coulee Dam Coupeville Covington Creston Cusick Darrington Davenport Dayton Deer Park Des Moines Du Pont Duvall East Wenatchee Eatonville Edgewood Edmonds Electric City Ellensburg Elma Elmer City Entiat Enumclaw Ephrata Everett Everson Fairfield Farmington Federal Way Ferndale Fife WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Variable 8:CITY (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 37 31 20 3 9 211 9 22 9 59 23 35 1 3 0 170 13 8 0 1 458 22 292 182 1111 2479 9 892 4 7 978 6 100 359 1393 3 30 88 2 16 631 6 74 1184 7 7 0 116 705 6 11 43 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.3 0.2 1.1 2.4 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.1 0.3 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.1 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 455 465 470 480 489 490 495 500 510 515 520 525 535 540 545 560 570 575 580 585 590 600 605 609 610 615 620 625 630 640 643 650 657 664 665 670 680 684 685 690 695 705 710 715 725 728 735 739 745 750 755 760 Fircrest Forks Friday Harbor Garfield George Gig Harbor Gold Bar Goldendale Grand Coulee Grandview Granger Granite Falls Hamilton Harrah Harrington Hoquiam Hunts Point Illwaco Index Ione Issaquah Kalama Kelso Kenmore Kennewick Kent Kettle Falls Kirkland Kittitas La Center Lacey La Conner Lake Forest Park Lake Stevens Lakewood Langley Leavenworth Liberty Lake Lind Long Beach Longview Lyman Lynden Lynnwood Mabton McCleary Mansfield Maple Valley Marysville Mattawa Medical Lake Medina Page 5 Page 6 WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Variable 8:CITY (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 239 6 238 22 144 229 42 7 492 6 345 580 14 228 13 25 3 43 24 8 27 85 6 1 1 177 1 30 5 26 1315 92 5 37 92 89 2 722 1 3 3 351 240 83 149 3 36 257 979 61 11 21 763 765 778 780 785 790 795 800 805 810 815 820 825 830 835 840 855 858 860 865 870 875 877 885 890 895 900 907 910 915 920 925 935 940 945 950 955 960 970 975 985 990 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 1025 1030 1040 1050 1055 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.9 0.1 0.0 0.0 Mercer Island Mesa Mill Creek Millwood Milton Monroe Montesano Morton Moses Lake Mossyrock Mountlake Terrace Mount Vernon Moxee Mukilteo Naches Nepavine Nespelem Newcastle Newport Nooksack Normandy Park North Bend North Bonneville Northport Oakesdale Oak Harbor Oakville Ocean Shores Odessa Okanogen Olympia Omak Oroville Orting Othello Pacific Palouse Pasco Pateros Pe Ell Pomeroy Port Angeles Port Orchard Port Townsend Poulsbo Prescott Prosser Pullman Puyallup Quincy Rainier Raymond WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Variable 8:CITY (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 0 917 2114 6 786 39 5 5 2 6 1 7 5 6 5 208 851 14172 128 78 107 196 699 1 146 54 4 15 0 6 4105 1123 5 1 85 41 10 47 7 211 162 4509 3 25 2 1 17 123 1450 431 1 160 0.0 0.9 2.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.8 13.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.7 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 4.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 1.4 0.4 0.0 0.2 Code Value and Description 1060 1065 1070 1075 1080 1085 1090 1095 1100 1105 1115 1120 1125 1127 1130 1136 1139 1140 1150 1155 1160 1165 1169 1175 1180 1185 1190 1195 1205 1210 1220 1221 1225 1230 1235 1245 1250 1255 1265 1270 1275 1280 1285 1290 1295 1300 1305 1310 1320 1325 1330 1335 Reardan Redmond Renton Republic Richland Ridgefield Ritzville Riverside Rockford Rock Island Rosalia Roslyn Roy Royal City Ruston Sammamish Sea Tac Seattle Sedro Woolley Selah Sequim Shelton Shoreline Skykomish Snohomish Snoqualmie Soap Lake South Bend South Cle Elum South Prairie Spokane Spokane Valley Sprague Springdale Stanwood Steilacoom Stevenson Sultan Sumas Sumner Sunnyside Tacoma Tekoa Tenino Tieton Toledo Tonasket Toppenish Tukwila Tumwater Twisp Union Gap Page 7 Page 8 WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Variable 8:CITY (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 1 185 1 1859 8 514 17 15 84 3 6 501 9 63 16 4 1 4 2 185 67 4 2 1875 11 120 20 29462 0.0 0.2 0.0 1.8 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 1.8 0.0 0.1 0.0 28.0 Code Value and Description 1340 1343 1345 1350 1360 1365 1375 1380 1385 1390 1395 1405 1420 1425 1435 1440 1445 1455 1465 1469 1470 1475 1480 1485 1490 1495 1500 9999 Uniontown University Place Vader Vancouver Waitsburg Walla Walla Wapato Warden Washougal Washtucna Waterville Wenatchee Westport West Richland White Salmon Wilbur Wilkeson Winlock Winthrop Woodinville Woodland Woodway Yacolt Yakima Yarrow Point Yelm Zillah Missing data ------------------------Variable 9 URBAN OR RURAL ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 LOCATION IN TERMS OF POPULATION DENSITY An Urban area is an area including, or adjacent to, a municipality or other known place with a population of 5,000 or more. 2010 Prcnt 41387 16389 47369 39.4 15.6 45.1 Code Value and Description 1 2 9 Urban Rural Missing data WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident ------------------------Variable 10 FUNCTION CLASS - STATE ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Page 9 Type: Numeric Miss: 9 STATE FUNCTIONAL CLASS OF TRAFFICWAY - STATE HIGHWAYS ONLY Code refers to the primary trafficway if more than one trafficway is involved. 2010 Prcnt 3737 2408 4791 1671 2397 19892 5039 1190 1384 13882 48754 3.6 2.3 4.6 1.6 2.3 18.9 4.8 1.1 1.3 13.2 46.4 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 99 Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Unknown principal arterial minor arterial major collector unclassified interstate principal arterial minor arterial major collector unclassified interstate / non-state route ------------------------Variable 11 FUNCTION CLASS - FEDERAL ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 FEDERAL FUNCTIONAL CLASS OF TRAFFICWAY Code refers to the primary trafficway if more than one trafficway is involved. 2010 Prcnt 2397 3737 2408 4791 1385 1671 13882 6960 12932 5039 1190 1384 47369 2.3 3.6 2.3 4.6 1.3 1.6 13.2 6.6 12.3 4.8 1.1 1.3 45.1 Code Value and Description 1 2 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 16 17 19 99 Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Urban Unknown interstate principal arterial minor arterial major collector minor collector unclassified interstate principal arterial other principal arterial minor arterial major collector unclassified / non-federal route Page 10 WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident ------------------------Variable 12 JUNCTION RELATIONSHIP ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 35.6 2.9 7.2 45.0 5.9 1.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1217 171 252 91 136 10 15 139 1.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 At intersection - circumstances intersection related Intersection related - but not at intersection Driveway Non-junction location and nonintersection related At intersection but nonintersection related At driveway intersection near major intersection and driveway related Driveway related, but not at driveway At driveway but not related Entering roundabout Circulating roundabout Exiting roundabout At roundabout but not related Roundabout related but not at roundabout Traffic circle ------------------------Variable 13 CHARACTER OF LOCATION ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ 114 206 2536 538 43 37 5 24 188 8 303 101143 0.1 0.2 2.4 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.3 96.2 239 64735 20150 1097 541 7213 8407 289 0.2 61.6 19.2 1.0 0.5 6.9 8.0 0.3 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 0 Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 99 Railroad crossing Parking lot Bridge or overpass Underpass or tunnel Rest area or turn out Shopping mall or plaza Park and ride lot Ferry dock School zone Playground zone Other Missing data ------------------------Variable 14 CHARACTER OF ROAD ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Code Value and Description 37476 3095 7574 47350 6173 1446 2010 Prcnt Width: 2 Dec: None Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Not stated Straight and level Straight and grade Straight and hillcrest Straight in sag Curve and level Curve and grade Curve and hillcrest WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Page 11 Variable 14:CHARACTER OF ROAD (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 321 2153 8 9 0.3 2.0 Curve in sag Missing data ------------------------Variable 15 ROAD SURFACE CONDITION ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 22 66402 30584 2865 2858 185 36 316 146 1731 0.0 63.2 29.1 2.7 2.7 0.2 0.0 0.3 0.1 1.6 1891 61022 16860 21493 2510 731 217 73 174 165 9 1.8 58.0 16.0 20.4 2.4 0.7 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 68687 1771 2957 20123 725 65.3 1.7 2.8 19.1 0.7 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Not stated Dry Wet Snow / slush Ice Sand / mud / dirt Oil Standing water Other Missing data Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 99 Unknown Clear or cloudy Overcast Raining, drizzle Snow Fog Sleet / hail / freezing rain Severe crosswind Blowing sand / dirt / snow Other Missing data ------------------------Variable 17 LIGHT CONDITIONS ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Code Value and Description ------------------------Variable 16 WEATHER CONDITIONS ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt Width: 1 Dec: None Width: 1 Dec: None Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 Daylight Dawn Dusk Darkness - street lights on Darkness - street lights off Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Page 12 WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Variable 17:LIGHT CONDITIONS (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 8649 37 14 2182 6 7 8 9 8.2 0.0 0.0 2.1 Darkness - no street lights Other Not coded Missing data ------------------------Variable 18 FIRE RESULTED INDICATOR ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 104970 175 99.8 0.2 104683 462 99.6 0.4 0 1 89390 15755 85.0 15.0 Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Code Value and Description 0 1 No Yes Code Value and Description 0 1 No Yes ------------------------Variable 21 WORK ZONE STATUS ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt Width: 1 Dec: None No Yes ------------------------Variable 20 HIT AND RUN INDICATOR ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Code Value and Description ------------------------Variable 19 STOLEN VEHICLE FLAG ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt Width: 1 Dec: None Code Value and Description Work Zone Type 1612 340 1.5 0.3 103193 98.1 Work Zone Location 4 Within work zone 5 In external traffic backup caused from work zone 9 Work zone type unknown WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident ------------------------Variable 22 INTENTIONAL ACTION FLAG ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 104990 155 99.9 0.1 105135 100.0 10 0.0 0 1 104933 212 99.8 0.2 105116 100.0 29 0.0 Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Code Value and Description 0 1 No Yes Code Value and Description 0 1 No Yes ------------------------Variable 25 LEGAL INTERVENTION FLAG ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt Type: Numeric Miss: 9 No Yes ------------------------Variable 24 NONTRAFFIC FLAG ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt Width: 1 Dec: None Code Value and Description ------------------------Variable 23 MEDICALLY CAUSED FLAG ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt Page 13 Code Value and Description 0 1 No Yes ------------------------Variable 26 COLLISION TYPE #1 ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 1008 404 516 60 19 1 1.0 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 Collision With Pedestrian 0 Vehicle going straight 1 Vehicle turning right 2 Vehicle turning left 3 Vehicle backing 4 Other collision with pedestrian 5 Action not stated 17265 16.4 Collision With Other Vehicle (see also codes 71-84) 10 Entering at angle Page 14 WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Variable 26:COLLISION TYPE #1 (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 6333 6.0 11 631 0.6 12 9551 9.1 13 20498 19.5 14 1275 1154 99 709 2378 489 83 697 1.2 1.1 0.1 0.7 2.3 0.5 0.1 0.7 15 16 19 20 23 24 25 26 99 0.1 27 5627 245 795 14 5.4 0.2 0.8 0.0 28 29 30 31 6720 6.4 Collision With Parked Vehicle 32 One vehicle parked - other moving 14 7 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 Collision With Railroad Train 40 Train struck moving vehicle 41 Train struck stalled or stopped vehicle 42 Vehicle struck moving train 1449 1.4 Collision With Pedalcyclist 45 Collision with bicyclist 134 68 0.1 0.1 Collision With Animal 47 Collision with domestic animal - horse, cow, sheep, etc. 48 Collision with domestic animal - cat, dog, etc. 19708 850 18.7 0.8 2772 24 205 97 2.6 0.0 0.2 0.1 201 0.2 Same direction - both going straight - both moving sideswipe Same direction - both going straight - one stopped sideswipe Same direction - both going straight - both moving - rear end Same direction - both going straight - one stopped - rear end Same direction - one turning left - one going straight Same direction - one turning right - one going straight One vehicle entering parked position One vehicle leaving parked position From same direction - other collision type Opposite direction - both moving - head on Opposite direction - one stopped - head on Opposite direction - both going straight - both moving sideswipe Opposite direction - both going straight - one stopped sideswipe Opposite direction - one turning left - one going straight Opposite direction - one turning left - one turning right From opposite direction - other collision type Not stated Collision With Object 50 Collision with fixed object 51 Collision with other object Noncollision Accident 52 Vehicle overturned 53 Person fell, jumped, or pushed from a motor vehicle 54 Fire started in motor vehicle 56 Breakage of any part of motor vehicle resulting in injury or further property damage 57 Other noncollision accident WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Page 15 Variable 26:COLLISION TYPE #1 (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 299 0.3 14 0.0 94 0.1 503 0.5 315 0.3 5 0.0 37 0.0 45 0.0 1452 106 70 1.4 0.1 0.1 Code Value and Description Collision With Other 71 Same direction sideswipe 72 Same direction sideswipe 73 Same direction end 74 Same direction end 81 Same direction sideswipe 82 Same direction sideswipe 83 Same direction end 84 Same direction end 85 86 87 Vehicle (see also codes 10-31) both turning right - both moving both turning right - one stopped both turning right - both moving - rear both turning right - one stopped - rear both turning left - both moving both turning left - one stopped both turning left - both moving - rear both turning left - one stopped - rear Vehicle strikes deer Vehicle strikes elk Vehicle strikes all other non-domestic animal ------------------------Variable 27 COLLISION TYPE #2 ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 55 28 32 8 50 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 104 235 0.1 0.2 87 0.1 1586 1.5 4441 4.2 10 15 1 4 871 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Code Value and Description Collision With Pedestrian 0 Vehicle going straight 1 Vehicle turning right 2 Vehicle turning left 3 Vehicle backing 4 Other collision with pedestrian Collision With Other Vehicle (see also codes 71-84) 10 Entering at angle 11 Same direction - both going straight - both moving sideswipe 12 Same direction - both going straight - one stopped sideswipe 13 Same direction - both going straight - both moving - rear end 14 Same direction - both going straight - one stopped - rear end 15 Same direction - one turning left - one going straight 16 Same direction - one turning right - one going straight 19 One vehicle entering parked position 20 One vehicle leaving parked position 23 From same direction - other collision type Page 16 WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Variable 27:COLLISION TYPE #2 (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 28 8 41 0.0 0.0 0.0 24 25 26 Opposite direction - both moving - head on Opposite direction - one stopped - head on Opposite direction - both going straight - both moving sideswipe Opposite direction - both going straight - one stopped sideswipe Opposite direction - one turning left - one going straight Opposite direction - one turning left - one turning right From opposite direction - other collision type Not stated 12 0.0 27 25 1 856 3 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 28 29 30 31 1050 1.0 Collision With Parked Vehicle 32 One vehicle parked - other moving 1 1 0.0 0.0 Collision With Railroad Train 40 Train struck moving vehicle 42 Vehicle struck moving train 21 0.0 Collision With Pedalcyclist 45 Collision with bicyclist 11 6 0.0 0.0 Collision With Animal 47 Collision with domestic animal - horse, cow, sheep, etc. 48 Collision with domestic animal - cat, dog, etc. 8724 389 8.3 0.4 Collision With Object 50 Collision with fixed object 51 Collision with other object 3051 4 6 1 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 24 0.0 1 0.0 2 0.0 8 0.0 2 0.0 1 0.0 2 0.0 1 0.0 Noncollision Accident 52 Vehicle overturned 53 Person fell, jumped, or pushed from a motor vehicle 54 Fire started in motor vehicle 56 Breakage of any part of motor vehicle resulting in injury or further property damage 57 Other noncollision accident Collision With Other 72 Same direction sideswipe 73 Same direction end 74 Same direction end 81 Same direction sideswipe 82 Same direction sideswipe 83 Same direction end 84 Same direction end Vehicle (see also codes 10-31) both turning right - one stopped both turning right - both moving - rear both turning right - one stopped - rear both turning left - both moving both turning left - one stopped both turning left - both moving - rear both turning left - one stopped - rear WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Page 17 Variable 27:COLLISION TYPE #2 (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 17 6 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 85 86 87 Vehicle strikes deer Vehicle strikes elk Vehicle strikes all other non-domestic animal 83314 79.2 99 Missing data ------------------------Variable 28 OBJECT STRUCK #1 ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 IDENTIFICATION OF THE OBJECT STRUCK #1 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 405 787 210 10 36 969 264 49 669 9 1447 171 150 7 3 1 1 17 3 58 313 106 206 1291 97 15 1529 23 14 713 5 0 17 84 10 250 2020 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 49 50 52 53 56 0.4 0.7 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.3 0.0 0.6 0.0 1.4 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.2 1.2 0.1 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 1.9 Retaining wall (concrete, rock, brick, etc.) Curb, raised traffic island, or raised median curb Utility box Bridge abutment Bridge column, pier, or pillar Wood sign post Metal sign post Guide post Street light pole or base Railway signal pole Utility pole Traffic signal pole or box Culvert and/or other appurtenance in ditch Overhead sign support Toll booth Toll booth island Closed toll gate Railway crossing gate Reversible lane control gate Underside of bridge Median cable barrier Crash cushions - impact attenuators Guardrail - leading end Guardrail - face Guardrail - through, over or under Concrete barrier / jersey barrier - leading end Concrete barrier / jersey barrier - face Concrete barrier / jersey barrier - through, over or under Bridge rail - leading end Bridge rail - face Bridge rail - through, over or under Drawbridge crossing arm gate Manhole cover Temporary traffic sign or barricade Construction materials Miscellaneous object or debris on road Tree or stump (stationary) Page 18 WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Variable 28:OBJECT STRUCK #1 (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 237 134 1081 2 67 1 276 193 7 1651 1 842 64 843 21 539 2544 3 41 44 56 84539 0.2 0.1 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.8 0.1 0.8 0.0 0.5 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 80.4 Code Value and Description 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 69 70 71 72 73 74 79 80 81 82 99 Boulder (stationary) Rock bank or ledge Earth bank or ledge Mud or land slide Snow bank Snow slide Building Fire hydrant Parking meter Fence Domestic animal (ridden) Over embankment - no guardrail present Into river, lake, swamp, etc. Other objects Not stated Mailbox Roadway ditch Falling rock on vehicle (on the road) Falling tree on vehicle (on the road) Fallen rock hit by vehicle (on the road) Fallen tree hit by vehicle (on the road) Missing data ------------------------Variable 29 OBJECT STRUCK #2 ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 IDENTIFICATION OF THE OBJECT STRUCK #2 2010 Prcnt 198 274 198 2 14 446 122 15 247 1 508 70 28 2 1 107 10 31 523 34 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 Code Value and Description 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Retaining wall (concrete, rock, brick, etc.) Curb, raised traffic island, or raised median curb Utility box Bridge abutment Bridge column, pier, or pillar Wood sign post Metal sign post Guide post Street light pole or base Railway signal pole Utility pole Traffic signal pole or box Culvert and/or other appurtenance in ditch Reversible lane control gate Underside of bridge Median cable barrier Crash cushions - impact attenuators Guardrail - leading end Guardrail - face Guardrail - through, over or under WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Page 19 Variable 29:OBJECT STRUCK #2 (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 3 714 16 1 310 2 4 23 4 65 1522 133 31 244 24 280 93 3 1077 170 143 601 14 245 562 4 1 96025 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 1.4 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.0 1.0 0.2 0.1 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.0 91.3 Code Value and Description 34 35 36 37 38 39 49 50 52 53 56 57 58 59 61 63 64 65 66 69 70 71 72 73 74 80 82 99 Concrete barrier / jersey barrier - leading end Concrete barrier / jersey barrier - face Concrete barrier / jersey barrier - through, over or under Bridge rail - leading end Bridge rail - face Bridge rail - through, over or under Manhole cover Temporary traffic sign or barricade Construction materials Miscellaneous object or debris on road Tree or stump (stationary) Boulder (stationary) Rock bank or ledge Earth bank or ledge Snow bank Building Fire hydrant Parking meter Fence Over embankment - no guardrail present Into river, lake, swamp, etc. Other objects Not stated Mailbox Roadway ditch Falling tree on vehicle (on the road) Fallen tree hit by vehicle (on the road) Missing data ------------------------Variable 30 VEHICLE MIX ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 88 Eight vehicle types, or groups, are defined in terms of the code values of Variable 102, VEHICLE TYPE. The groupings are recoded from Variable 102 in the following manner: (01;car)=1, (02;light truck)=2, (03-07;truck)=3, (10-11;bus)=4, (12;motorcycle)=5, (13,15;scooter,moped)=6, (08,09,14;Pedestrian/Bicyclist/other)=7, (00,99;unknown)=8. Any crash with a Traffic Unit Number greater than 2 is coded 02. Combinations of these values are then used to represent all possible collision mixes of the eight vehicle groups. Derived by UMTRI. 2010 Prcnt 24869 9647 23.7 9.2 Code Value and Description 1 2 Single traffic unit crash Three or more traffic unit crash Page 20 WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Variable 30:VEHICLE MIX (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 18538 28213 2118 637 540 47 1981 2422 10299 1471 444 410 31 1533 1147 175 49 24 3 77 42 8 6 0 61 18 31 1 17 24 1 4 6 46 191 14 17.6 26.8 2.0 0.6 0.5 0.0 1.9 2.3 9.8 1.4 0.4 0.4 0.0 1.5 1.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 Code Value and Description Two 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 33 34 35 36 37 38 44 45 46 47 48 55 56 57 58 66 67 68 77 78 88 Traffic Unit Crash Passenger car - passenger car Passenger car - light truck Passenger car - truck Passenger car - bus Passenger car - motorcycle Passenger car - scooter bike/moped Passenger car - other Passenger car - unknown Light truck - light truck Light truck - truck Light truck - bus Light truck - motorcycle Light truck - scooter bike/moped Light truck - other Light truck - unknown Truck - truck Truck - bus Truck - motorcycle Truck - scooter bike/moped Truck - other Truck - unknown Bus - bus Bus - motorcycle Bus - scooter bike/moped Bus - other Bus - unknown Motorcycle - motorcycle Motorcycle - scooter bike/moped Motorcycle - other Motorcycle - unknown Scooter bike/moped - scooter bike/moped Scooter bike/moped - other Scooter bike/moped - unknown Other Other - unknown Unknown ------------------------Variable 31 VEHICLE 1 MOVEMENT ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------ONLY CODED ON STATE ROUTES 2010 Prcnt 10 31800 2072 3640 243 0.0 30.2 2.0 3.5 0.2 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 Not stated Moving straight Turning right Turning left Making U-turn Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Page 21 Variable 31:VEHICLE 1 MOVEMENT (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 10 86 288 311 98 225 21 194 18 31 541 1901 2125 184 16 122 1 61208 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.8 2.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 58.2 Code Value and Description 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 23 88 Parking Passing on right Passing on left Backing Merging, lane reduction Merging from ramp Driverless moving vehicle Vehicle/trailer in tow Vehicle position previous accident Parked Stopped in traffic - legally standing Change lanes to right Change lanes to left Out of control merging from on ramp to mainline Out of control exiting from mainline to ramp Illegally parked in road or stopped in roadway Out of control Not state route ------------------------Variable 32 VEHICLE 2 MOVEMENT ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 ONLY CODED ON STATE ROUTES 2010 Prcnt 11970 17724 575 1356 46 1 13 54 13 27 62 2 6 33 237 11182 210 267 1 152 61208 6 11.4 16.9 0.5 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 10.6 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.1 58.2 0.0 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 21 88 99 Not stated Moving straight Turning right Turning left Making U-turn Parking Passing on right Passing on left Backing Merging, lane reduction Merging from ramp Driverless moving vehicle Vehicle/trailer in tow Vehicle position previous accident Parked Stopped in traffic - legally standing Change lanes to right Change lanes to left Out of control merging from on ramp to mainline Illegally parked in road or stopped in roadway Not state route Missing data Page 22 WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident ------------------------Variable 33 DIAGRAM COLLISION TYPE ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 ONLY CODED ON STATE ROUTES-TAKEN FROM COLLISION DIAGRAM CODED RELATIVE TO VEHICLE 1 2010 Prcnt 178 1843 1804 2356 2144 17435 938 19 1303 1419 233 210 1273 106 130 1 9 1394 5128 2142 0 0 1401 190 1173 21 280 366 20 147 56 2 3 61208 158 55 0.2 1.8 1.7 2.2 2.0 16.6 0.9 0.0 1.2 1.3 0.2 0.2 1.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 1.3 4.9 2.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.2 1.1 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 58.2 0.2 0.1 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 27 28 29 32 33 34 35 41 50 54 60 61 62 71 72 73 74 75 77 96 97 98 Strikes other vehicle HEAD ON Strikes LEFT side of other vehicle at ANGLE Strikes RIGHT side of other vehicle at ANGLE Sideswipes LEFT side of other vehicle Sideswipes RIGHT side of other vehicle Strikes REAR END of other vehicle Strikes FRONT END of other vehicle - NOT HEAD ON Was struck by other vehicle - HEAD ON Was struck on LEFT SIDE at angle by other vehicle Was struck on RIGHT SIDE at angle by other vehicle Was sideswiped on LEFT SIDE by other vehicle Was sideswiped on RIGHT SIDE by other vehicle Was struck in REAR END by other vehicle Was struck in FRONT END by other vehicle - NOT HEAD ON Strikes or was struck by object from other vehicle Pushed vehicle struck or was struck by third vehicle All other MULTI VEHICLE involvements Strikes animal or bird Strikes APPURTENANCE Strikes OTHER OBJECT Strikes or was struck by WORKING OBJECT Was struck by RAILROAD TRAIN Vehicle OVERTURNED Noncollision fire Ran into ROADWAY DITCH Ran into RIVER, LAKE, etc Ran OVER EMBANKMENT - no guardrail PEDESTRIAN struck by vehicle PEDESTRIAN strikes vehicle PEDALCYCLIST struck by vehicle PEDALCYCLIST strikes vehicle PEDALCYCLIST strikes PEDALCYCLIST PEDALCYCLIST - all other involvements Not a State route All other single vehicle involvements Jackknife trailer ------------------------Variable 34 ACCIDENT INVESTIGATED BY ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 29319 66073 6632 27.9 62.8 6.3 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 State patrol Municipal or city police Sheriff Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Page 23 Variable 34:ACCIDENT INVESTIGATED BY (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 147 2974 4 9 0.1 2.8 Other police or law enforcement No investigation ------------------------Variable 35 ACCIDENT SEVERITY ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 71030 33693 422 67.6 32.0 0.4 Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 Property damage accident Personal injury accident (nonfatal) Fatal accident ------------------------Variable 36 TOT TRAFFIC UNITS IN ACC ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: None TOTAL TRAFFIC UNITS IN ACCIDENT The definition of "traffic unit" includes pedestrians and pedalcyclists, as well as vehicles. Derived by UMTRI. 2010 Prcnt 24869 71021 7586 1355 228 48 24 6 1 1 2 3 1 23.7 67.5 7.2 1.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 traffic unit 2 traffic units 3 traffic units 4 traffic units 5 traffic units 6 traffic units 7 traffic units 8 traffic units 9 traffic units 10 traffic units 11 traffic units 12 traffic units 13 traffic units ------------------------Variable 37 TOTAL MOTOR VEHICLES ACC ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------TOTAL MOTOR VEHICLES IN ACCIDENT 2010 Prcnt 56 28235 67809 0.1 26.9 64.5 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 Not stated 1 motor vehicle 2 motor vehicles Width: 3 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: None Page 24 WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Variable 37:TOTAL MOTOR VEHICLES ACC (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 7414 1332 220 42 24 5 1 1 2 3 1 7.1 1.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 motor vehicles 4 motor vehicles 5 motor vehicles 6 motor vehicles 7 motor vehicles 8 motor vehicles 9 motor vehicles 10 motor vehicles 11 motor vehicles 12 motor vehicles 13 motor vehicles ------------------------Variable 38 TOTAL PEDESTRIANS IN ACC ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: None Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: None Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: None TOTAL PEDESTRIANS IN ACCIDENT 2010 Prcnt 103020 2008 96 16 2 3 98.0 1.9 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 None 1 pedestrian 2 pedestrians 3 pedestrians 4 pedestrians 5 pedestrians ------------------------Variable 39 TOT PEDALCYCLISTS IN ACC ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------TOTAL PEDALCYCLISTS (BICYCLISTS) IN ACCIDENT 2010 Prcnt 103686 1439 20 98.6 1.4 0.0 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 None 1 cyclist 2 cyclists ------------------------Variable 40 TOTAL KILLED IN ACCIDENT ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------TOTAL PERSONS KILLED IN ACCIDENT 2010 Prcnt 104723 391 99.6 0.4 Code Value and Description 0 1 None 1 killed WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident Page 25 Variable 40:TOTAL KILLED IN ACCIDENT (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 24 7 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 2 3 2 killed 3 killed ------------------------Variable 41 TOTAL INJURD IN ACCIDENT ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------TOTAL PERSONS INJURED IN ACCIDENT 2010 Prcnt 71279 25022 6298 1666 591 182 61 20 12 7 2 67.8 23.8 6.0 1.6 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 None 1 injured 2 injured 3 injured 4 injured 5 injured 6 injured 7 injured 8 injured 9 injured 10 injured 14 injured Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: None Page 26 WASHINGTON 2010 - Accident WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle Page 27 The VEHICLE Variables Variables 101 through 172 describe the vehicles involved in the accident. They are included in the Vehicle, Occupant, and Pedestrian data sets. The Vehicle data set contains these variables, along with the Accident variables on a Vehicle level. ------------------------Variable 101 UNIT NUMBER ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: None Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Unit Number Assigned 2010 Prcnt 104749 76701 9327 1764 339 102 43 17 8 9 6 5 3 54.3 39.7 4.8 0.9 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 ------------------------Variable 102 VEHICLE TYPE ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 4780 101894 76025 2510 531 141 2323 226 43 341 1003 387 2202 102 472 42 2.5 52.8 39.4 1.3 0.3 0.1 1.2 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.2 1.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Not stated Passenger car Pickup, panel truck or vanette under 10,000 lbs. Truck (flatbed, van, etc.) Truck and trailer Truck tractor Truck tractor and semi-trailer Other truck - double trailer combinations Farm tractor and/or farm equipment Taxi Bus or motor stage School bus Motorcycle Scooter bike Other Moped Page 28 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle Variable 102:VEHICLE TYPE (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 32 19 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 16 99 Railway Vehicle Missing data ------------------------Variable 103 VEHICLE USAGE ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 47650 445 97 124 73 894 236 75 374 138 187 131 30 28 83 748 75 58 4 1973 139650 24.7 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 72.3 193025 100.0 48 0.0 Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Code Value and Description 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 99 Vanette under 10,000 lbs. Van over 10,001 lbs. Vanpool Trailer - boat Trailer - camping or travel Trailer - utility Motor home Logging truck Dump truck Tanker truck Refuse/recycle truck Tow truck Concrete mixer Auto carrier Fire response vehicle Law Enforcement vehicle Medical response vehicle Off-road vehicle (ATV, snowmobile, dune buggy, etc) Military vehicle Exempt license vehicle Missing data ------------------------Variable 104 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt Width: 2 Dec: None Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 10 Dec: None Type: Alphabetic Miss: None Code Value and Description 0 1 No Yes ------------------------Variable 105 VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION # ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ FIRST 10 CHARACTERS OF THE VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle ------------------------Variable 106 VEHICLE REGISTRATION ST. ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 4 Dec: None VEHICLE REGISTRATION STATE - RECODED 2010 Prcnt 48 201 333 17 1190 150 16 6 3 192 74 31 1357 178 269 44 44 27 48 11 43 23 110 89 17 80 385 39 106 14 33 45 48 93 22 71 138 3356 52 8 46 36 72 343 158 4 84 171269 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 88.7 Code Value and Description UNITED STATES 1 (AL) Alabama 2 (AK) Alaska 4 (AZ) Arizona 5 (AR) Arkansas 6 (CA) California 8 (CO) Colorado 9 (CT) Connecticut 10 (DE) Delaware 11 (DC) District of Columbia 12 (FL) Florida 13 (GA) Georgia 15 (HI) Hawaii 16 (ID) Idaho 17 (IL) Illinois 18 (IN) Indiana 19 (IA) Iowa 20 (KS) Kansas 21 (KY) Kentucky 22 (LA) Louisiana 23 (ME) Maine 24 (MD) Maryland 25 (MA) Massachusetts 26 (MI) Michigan 27 (MN) Minnesota 28 (MS) Mississippi 29 (MO) Missouri 30 (MT) Montana 31 (NE) Nebraska 32 (NV) Nevada 33 (NH) New Hampshire 34 (NJ) New Jersey 35 (NM) New Mexico 36 (NY) New York 37 (NC) North Carolina 38 (ND) North Dakota 39 (OH) Ohio 40 (OK) Oklahoma 41 (OR) Oregon 42 (PA) Pennsylvania 44 (RI) Rhode Island 45 (SC) South Carolina 46 (SD) South Dakota 47 (TN) Tennessee 48 (TX) Texas 49 (UT) Utah 50 (VT) Vermont 51 (VA) Virginia 53 (WA) Washington Page 29 Type: Numeric Miss: 9999 Page 30 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle Variable 106:VEHICLE REGISTRATION ST. (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 9 64 58 0.0 0.0 0.0 54 55 56 (WV) West Virginia (WI) Wisconsin (WY) Wyoming 2 2 1 1 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60 66 69 70 72 (AS) American Samoa (GU,GM) Guam (MP,MK) Northern Mariana Islands (PW) Palau (PR) Puerto Rico 64 679 10 1 24 9 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CANADA 101 (AB) Alberta 102 (BC) British Columbia 103 (MB) Manitoba 107 (NS) Nova Scotia 108 (ON) Ontario 110 (PQ,QC) Quebec 2 0.0 MEXICO 215 (MX) Mexico 502 0.3 12 3157 16 7436 0.0 1.6 0.0 3.9 UNKNOWN 8001 Code "01" - No Valid License, Farm, None, Exempt, Expired 8002 Code "02" - Foreign Country 8003 Code "03" - Government (includes Military) 8888 Not available 9999 Missing data ------------------------Variable 107 TRAFFIC CONTROL ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE FOR THIS VEHICLE 2010 Prcnt 3470 45214 12355 2441 293 298 161 363 3659 116470 8349 1.8 23.4 6.4 1.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 1.9 60.3 4.3 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 99 Unknown Signals Stop sign Yield sign Flashing red Flashing amber Railroad signal Officer/flagger Other traffic control No traffic control Missing data Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle ------------------------Variable 108 POSTED SPEED ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 8 10 1 105 250 1013 28084 29206 45645 10343 6895 8123 5716 26854 374 2653 27793 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.5 14.5 15.1 23.6 5.4 3.6 4.2 3.0 13.9 0.2 1.4 14.4 35463 144947 90 767 271 600 2539 8396 18.4 75.1 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.3 1.3 4.3 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Code Value and Description 0 5 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 99 Not stated 5 mph 10 mph 15 mph 20 mph 25 mph 30 mph 35 mph 40 mph 45 mph 50 mph 55 mph 60 mph 65 mph 70 mph Missing data ------------------------Variable 109 ROAD SURFACE TYPE ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 99 Concrete Blacktop Brick / block Gravel Dirt Other Unknown Missing data ------------------------Variable 110 DRIVER/VEHICLE ACTIONS ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------DRIVER/VEHICLE ACTIONS 2010 Prcnt 98323 1383 7436 17304 979 10606 23516 5955 50.9 0.7 3.9 9.0 0.5 5.5 12.2 3.1 Page 31 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Going straight ahead Overtaking and passing Making right turn Making left turn Making U-turn Slowing Stopped for traffic Stopped at signal or stop sign Page 32 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle Variable 110:DRIVER/VEHICLE ACTIONS (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 1051 5140 573 695 455 7315 3204 44 13 53 1664 6801 49 446 68 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 99 0.5 2.7 0.3 0.4 0.2 3.8 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 3.5 0.0 0.2 0.0 Stopped in roadway Starting in traffic lane Starting from parked position Merging (entering traffic) Legally parked, occupied Legally parked, unoccupied Backing Going wrong way on divided highway Going wrong way on ramp Going wrong way on one-way street or road Other Changing lanes Illegally parked, occupied Illegally parked, unoccupied Missing data ------------------------Variable 111 VEH CONDITION/DEFECTS #1 ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 734 37 67 462 268 165 155 152 2 22 683 182085 3 16 6 8216 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.4 94.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.3 8 3 6 16 12 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 99 Defective brakes Defective headlights Defective rear lights Tire worn and/or smooth Tire punctured or blown Lost a wheel Defective steering mechanism Power failure Headlights glaring Other lights, reflectors insufficient Other defect No defects Motorcycle lights off Equipped with studded tires Truck/trailer safety inspection Missing data ------------------------Variable 112 VEH CONDITION/DEFECTS #2 ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt Width: 2 Dec: None Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 Defective brakes Defective headlights Defective rear lights Tire worn and/or smooth Tire punctured or blown Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle Page 33 Variable 112:VEH CONDITION/DEFECTS #2 (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 8 19 16 4 40 6 17 10 35 192873 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 99.9 Code Value and Description 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 99 Lost a wheel Defective steering mechanism Power failure Other lights, reflectors insufficient Other defect No defects Equipped with studded tires Motorcycle windshield installed Truck/trailer safety inspection Missing data ------------------------Variable 113 VEH CONDITION/DEFECTS #3 ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 4 0.0 3 0.0 193062 100.0 Width: 2 Dec: None Code Value and Description 6 7 8 10 12 16 99 Lost a wheel Defective steering mechanism Power failure Other lights, reflectors insufficient No defects Truck/trailer safety inspection Missing data ------------------------Variable 114 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS #1 ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 156005 5173 878 7037 1967 1351 1829 24 16905 63 985 71 204 41 310 230 80.8 2.7 0.5 3.6 1.0 0.7 0.9 0.0 8.8 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.1 Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 99 Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Ran off the road Jackknife Overturn (rollover) Cargo loss or shift Explosion or fire Separation of units Other Missing data motor vehicle in transport fixed object other object parked vehicle pedestrian pedalcyclist animal train Page 34 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle ------------------------Variable 115 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS #2 ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 8738 16396 509 1194 189 18 34 1 3635 11 2523 33 44 21 21 159706 4.5 8.5 0.3 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.9 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 82.7 Width: 2 Dec: None Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 99 Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Ran off the road Jackknife Overturn (rollover) Cargo loss or shift Explosion or fire Separation of units Other Missing data motor vehicle in transport fixed object other object parked vehicle pedestrian pedalcyclist animal train ------------------------Variable 116 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS #3 ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 411 6933 295 236 43 2 3 0 338 15 2446 22 44 15 10 182260 0.2 3.6 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 94.4 Width: 2 Dec: None 68 1605 121 0.0 0.8 0.1 Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 99 Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Ran off the road Jackknife Overturn (rollover) Cargo loss or shift Explosion or fire Separation of units Other Missing data motor vehicle in transport fixed object other object parked vehicle pedestrian pedalcyclist animal train ------------------------Variable 117 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS #4 ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 Collision involving motor vehicle in transport Collision involving fixed object Collision involving other object WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle Page 35 Variable 117:SEQUENCE OF EVENTS #4 (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 86 24 1 1 29 3 403 15 31 6 6 190674 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 98.8 Code Value and Description 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 99 Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Collision involving Ran off the road Jackknife Overturn (rollover) Cargo loss or shift Explosion or fire Separation of units Other Missing data parked vehicle pedestrian animal train ------------------------Variable 118 DIRECTION OF MOVEMENT-FR ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 DIRECTION OF MOVEMENT - FROM 2010 Prcnt 9982 40432 8841 34543 7297 41958 8467 34200 7315 38 5.2 20.9 4.6 17.9 3.8 21.7 4.4 17.7 3.8 0.0 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Vehicle backing North Northeast East Southeast South Southwest West Northwest Vehicle stopped ------------------------Variable 119 DIRECTION OF MOVEMENT-TO ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------DIRECTION OF MOVEMENT - TO 2010 Prcnt 13104 33780 6886 28054 6013 33261 7050 28508 5945 30472 6.8 17.5 3.6 14.5 3.1 17.2 3.7 14.8 3.1 15.8 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Vehicle backing North Northeast East Southeast South Southwest West Northwest Vehicle stopped Page 36 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle ------------------------Variable 120 WORST INJURY IN VEHICLE ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 DERIVED FROM DRIVER AND OCCUPANT RECORDS 2010 Prcnt 22317 134351 356 1836 8790 25423 11.6 69.6 0.2 1.0 4.6 13.2 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 5 6 7 Not stated No injury Fatal injury Disabling injury Nondisabling injury Possible injury ------------------------Variable 121 NUMBER KILLED IN VEHICLE ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------DERIVED FROM DRIVER AND OCCUPANT RECORDS 2010 Prcnt 192717 327 24 5 99.8 0.2 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 None 1 fatality 2 fatalities 3 fatalities ------------------------Variable 122 NUMBER INJURED IN VEHICL ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------DERIVED FROM DRIVER AND OCCUPANT RECORDS 2010 Prcnt 156916 30676 4314 800 280 64 12 2 2 3 1 81.3 15.9 2.2 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 None 1 injury 2 injuries 3 injuries 4 injuries 5 injuries 6 injuries 7 injuries 8 injuries 9 injuries 10 injuries 14 injuries WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle ------------------------Variable 123 DRIVER SOBRIETY ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 6121 830 652 148584 3.2 0.4 0.3 77.0 83 14 144 0.0 0.0 0.1 36645 19.0 Width: 1 Dec: None Page 37 Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 Had Had Had Had been drinking - ability impaired been drinking - ability not impaired been drinking - sobriety unknown not been drinking As 5 6 7 Determined By State Toxicologist Chemical Test Had been drinking - ability impaired Had been drinking - ability not impaired Had not been drinking 9 Missing data ------------------------Variable 124 DRIVER ALCOHOL TEST RES ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 0 DRIVER ALCOHOL TEST RESULT 2010 Prcnt 17 0.0 2 189911 0.0 98.4 Code Value and Description 1 50 96 Test given - result in 100ths Missing data ------------------------Variable 125 DRIVER DRUG ASSESSMENT 1 ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None DRIVER DRUG ASSESSMENT #1 2010 Prcnt 64 85 24 3 10 33 6 52 63 182 192551 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 99.7 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 99 Not drug impaired CNS depressants CNS stimulants Hallucinogens PCP Narcotic analgesics Inhalants Cannabis Drug combinations Drug impaired, type not determined Missing data Type: Numeric Miss: 0 Page 38 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle ------------------------Variable 126 DRIVER DRUG ASSESSMENT 2 ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 0 DRIVER DRUG ASSESSMENT #2 2010 Prcnt 12 8 19 1 21 9 30 192973 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 99.9 Code Value and Description 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 99 CNS depressants CNS stimulants Narcotic analgesics Inhalants Cannabis Drug combinations Drug impaired, type not determined Missing data ------------------------Variable 127 DRIVER LICENSE STATE ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 4 Dec: None DRIVER LICENSE STATE 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 68 269 454 51 1434 215 47 7 7 337 148 125 1213 195 74 50 64 49 64 21 65 58 154 98 35 106 357 36 171 26 UNITED STATES 1 (AL) Alabama 2 (AK) Alaska 4 (AZ) Arizona 5 (AR) Arkansas 6 (CA) California 8 (CO) Colorado 9 (CT) Connecticut 10 (DE) Delaware 11 (DC) District of Columbia 12 (FL) Florida 13 (GA) Georgia 15 (HI) Hawaii 16 (ID) Idaho 17 (IL) Illinois 18 (IN) Indiana 19 (IA) Iowa 20 (KS) Kansas 21 (KY) Kentucky 22 (LA) Louisiana 23 (ME) Maine 24 (MD) Maryland 25 (MA) Massachusetts 26 (MI) Michigan 27 (MN) Minnesota 28 (MS) Mississippi 29 (MO) Missouri 30 (MT) Montana 31 (NE) Nebraska 32 (NV) Nevada 33 (NH) New Hampshire 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 Type: Numeric Miss: 9999 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle Variable 127:DRIVER LICENSE STATE (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 51 54 157 128 26 101 81 2505 97 11 72 31 96 531 182 9 126 156988 13 87 54 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 1.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.1 81.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 (NJ) (NM) (NY) (NC) (ND) (OH) (OK) (OR) (PA) (RI) (SC) (SD) (TN) (TX) (UT) (VT) (VA) (WA) (WV) (WI) (WY) New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 1 10 1 3 4 1 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60 66 69 70 72 75 78 (AS) American Samoa (GU,GM) Guam (MP,MK) Northern Mariana Islands (PW) Palau (PR) Puerto Rico (MH) Marshall Islands (VI) Virgin Islands 75 699 5 3 2 1 39 17 2 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CANADA 101 (AB) Alberta 102 (BC) British Columbia 103 (MB) Manitoba 105 (NF) Newfoundland and Labrador 106 (NT) Northwest Territories 107 (NS) Nova Scotia 108 (ON) Ontario 110 (PQ,QC) Quebec 112 (YT) Yukon Territory 33 0.0 MEXICO 215 (MX) Mexico 5779 3.0 154 8 12301 6536 0.1 0.0 6.4 3.4 UNKNOWN 8001 Code "01" - No Valid License, Farm, None, Exempt, Expired 8002 Code "02" - Foreign Country 8003 Code "03" - Government (includes Military) 8888 Not available 9999 Missing data Page 39 Page 40 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle ------------------------Variable 128 DRIVER AIRBAG STATUS ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 21681 124443 13266 1047 63 2863 29710 11.2 64.5 6.9 0.5 0.0 1.5 15.4 Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 8 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 Not airbag equipped Airbag equipped - not activated Airbag equipped - deployed front Airbag equipped - deployed side Airbag equipped - deployed other Airbag equipped - deployed combination Missing data ------------------------Variable 129 DRIVER RESTRAINT USE ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 0 DRIVER RESTRAINT SYSTEM USAGE 2010 Prcnt 1638 1518 999 152149 24 9 6 7 22174 14549 0.8 0.8 0.5 78.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.5 7.5 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 99 No restraints used Lap belt used Shoulder belt used Lap and shoulder belt used Child infant seat used Child convertible seat used Child built-in seat used Child booster seat used Unknown Missing data ------------------------Variable 130 DRIVER EJECTION ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 165632 1148 313 25980 85.8 0.6 0.2 13.5 Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 9 Not ejected Totally ejected Partially ejected Missing data ------------------------Variable 131 DRIVER HELMET USE ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------SAFETY HELMET USED 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 2115 248 1 2 1.1 0.1 Width: 1 Dec: None Yes No WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle Page 41 Variable 131:DRIVER HELMET USE (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 190710 98.8 Code Value and Description 9 Missing data ------------------------Variable 132 DRIVER INJURY CLASS ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 11123 138016 184 12 94 1562 7629 22133 35 38 12247 5.8 71.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.8 4.0 11.5 0.0 0.0 6.3 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 99 Not stated No injury Dead at scene Dead on arrival Died in hospital Disabling injury Nondisabling injury (evident) Possible injury Non-traffic injury Non-traffic fatality Missing data ------------------------Variable 133 DRIVER AGE ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 3 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 DERIVED FROM DATE OF BIRTH 2010 Prcnt 6 1 0.0 0.0 1 20793 0.0 10.8 Code Value and Description 0 2 102 999 Less than 1 year Age of driver Missing data ------------------------Variable 134 DRIVER SEX ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 99335 73596 20142 51.4 38.1 10.4 Code Value and Description 1 2 9 Male Female Missing data Page 42 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle ------------------------Variable 135 ON-DUTY OFFICER FLAG ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 192179 894 99.5 0.5 Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 3 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 0 Code Value and Description 0 1 No Yes ------------------------Variable 136 MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #1 ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #1 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 210 12219 1659 0.1 6.3 0.9 Skidding Involved 1 Skidded attempting to slow or stop 2 Skidded attempting to avoid collision 3 Other skidding 2297 55 4 175 581 122 87 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.0 Avoiding Maneuvers 5 Avoiding another vehicle 6 Avoiding a pedestrian 7 Avoiding a domestic animal - livestock 8 Avoiding a domestic animal - other 9 Avoiding a nondomestic animal 10 Avoiding other object in roadway 11 Avoiding a previous accident 445 92 7274 48 635 0.2 0.0 3.8 0.0 0.3 Sudden Slowing Maneuvers 12 Slowing for traffic signal or sign 13 Slowing for pedestrian 14 Slowing for another vehicle 15 Slowing for animal 16 Slowing prior to making a turn 108 622 4023 60 23 147 14918 16 176 1853 764 181 0.1 0.3 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 7.7 0.0 0.1 1.0 0.4 0.1 Stopped Vehicle 19 Stopped for or at signal or sign 20 Stopped for pedestrian 21 Stopped for another vehicle 22 Stopped for animal 23 Stopped for RR train or at RR crossing 24 Stopped for previous accident 25 Stopped in line of traffic 26 Stopped for obstruction in roadway 27 Stopped prior to turning right 28 Stopped prior to turning left 29 Stopped in process of turning 30 Stopped to load or unload 1173 484 0.6 0.3 Parking Maneuvers 32 Parking maneuver - parallel parking 33 Parking maneuver - angle parking WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle Page 43 Variable 136:MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #1 (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 263 61 842 159 687 538 3613 831 170 2868 580 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.3 1.9 0.4 0.1 1.5 0.3 Special Maneuvers 34 Fleeing from lawful pursuit 35 In pursuit 36 Forced off roadway 37 Lost control in passing maneuver 38 Forced into opposing lane 39 Attempting U-turn in mid-block 40 Turn after stop at red flashing light or stop sign 41 Started to overtake - struck by overtaken vehicle 42 Car ran away - no driver 43 Proceeded after stop at flashing light or stop sign 44 Starting or stopping to give ride to, or discharge, a hitchhiker 6 73 9 111 60 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 Vehicle Load or Equipment Involved 46 Hood flew open 48 Lost part of load 49 Shifting load caused injury or damage within vehicle 50 Overhanging load struck another vehicle/object 51 Object set in motion by another motor vehicle 40 11 5 71 433 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 Trailer Involved 54 Trailer connection broke 55 Trailer or towed vehicle struck towing vehicle 56 Tow chain broke 57 Trailer overturned 58 Attached trailer struck or sideswiped another vehicle 3 75 190 7 1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 Other Motor Vehicle Involved 61 Being pushed or had been pushed by another motor vehicle 63 Towing or had been towing another vehicle 65 Vehicle stalled in roadway 66 Vehicle abandoned in roadway 67 Firearm involved 11 2 0.0 0.0 7 0.0 0 0.0 14 53 158 0.0 0.0 0.1 102 0.1 Passenger Involved 76 Occupant fell or jumped from motor vehicle 77 Passenger interfered with driver 78 Occupant of parked or stopped vehicle opened door struck by moving vehicle 79 Animal or insect inside interfered with driver 34 0.0 Atmospheric Conditions 80 Dust storm Pedestrian Involved 68 Vehicle being, or had been, pushed by pedestrian 69 Pedestrian struck by vehicle from which he had just alighted 71 Pupil struck on road while approaching or leaving stopped bus in loading zone 73 Pedestrian struck by object set in motion by vehicle Page 44 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle Variable 136:MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #1 (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 1 1 36 53 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Road 82 84 85 86 Irregularity Road washed out High water on roadway Hazardous materials on road surface Mud and/or debris on roadway 374 12 441 39 1016 73 2 357 12449 80 862 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.2 6.4 0.0 0.4 Other Action 88 Foot slipped off clutch or brake 89 Gust of wind 90 Blinded by sun 91 Blinded by headlights 92 View obscured by other vehicle 93 Fire started after collision 94 Drowned after running into water 96 Stolen vehicle involved 97 Hit-and-run 98 View obscured by frost, ice, etc. on windshield 99 Struck an object before impact (e.g. curb) Volcano Caused Roadway Conditions Volcano Caused Vehicle Conditions Volcano Caused Driving Conditions 0 0.0 130 (D1) Driver inattention due to electrical gadget within vehicle (cell phone, stereo, etc) 43 0.0 140 (E1) Two or more vehicles racing at high speeds or acceleration: drag racing 114695 59.4 999 Missing data ------------------------Variable 137 MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #2 ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 3 Dec: None MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #2 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 3 1381 389 0.0 0.7 0.2 Skidding Involved 1 Skidded attempting to slow or stop 2 Skidded attempting to avoid collision 3 Other skidding 191 2 5 32 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Avoiding Maneuvers 5 Avoiding another vehicle 6 Avoiding a pedestrian 8 Avoiding a domestic animal - other 9 Avoiding a non-domestic animal Type: Numeric Miss: 0 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle Page 45 Variable 137:MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #2 (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 13 9 0.0 0.0 10 11 Avoiding other object in roadway Avoiding a previous accident 2 8 1 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sudden Slowing Maneuvers 12 Slowing for traffic signal or sign 14 Slowing for another vehicle 15 Slowing for animal 16 Slowing prior to making a turn 2 133 24 2 1 1 4 1 23 4 44 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Stopped Vehicle 19 Stopped for or at signal or sign 20 Stopped for pedestrian 21 Stopped for another vehicle 22 Stopped for animal 23 Stopped for RR train or at RR crossing 24 Stopped for previous accident 25 Stopped in line of traffic 26 Stopped for obstruction in roadway 27 Stopped prior to turning right 28 Stopped prior to turning left 29 Stopped in process of turning 29 5 0.0 0.0 Parking Maneuvers 32 Parking maneuver - parallel parking 33 Parking maneuver - angle parking 51 3 211 9 146 40 87 24 7 43 121 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 1 1 12 3 4 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Vehicle Load or Equipment Involved 46 Hood flew open 47 Chain broke, releasing logs 48 Lost part of load 49 Shifting load caused injury or damage within vehicle 50 Overhanging load struck another vehicle/object 51 Object set in motion by another motor vehicle 5 27 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 Trailer Involved 54 Trailer connection broke 55 Trailer or towed vehicle struck towing vehicle 56 Tow chain broke Special Maneuvers 34 Fleeing from lawful pursuit 35 In pursuit 36 Forced off roadway 37 Lost control in passing maneuver 38 Forced into opposing lane 39 Attempting U-turn in mid-block 40 Turn after stop at red flashing light or stop sign 41 Started to overtake - struck by overtaken vehicle 42 Car ran away - no driver 43 Proceeded after stop at flashing light or stop sign 44 Starting or stopping to give ride to, or discharge, a hitchhiker Page 46 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle Variable 137:MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #2 (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 76 108 0.0 0.1 57 58 Trailer overturned Attached trailer struck or sideswiped another vehicle 7 5 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 9 1 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 Passenger Involved 76 Occupant fell or jumped from motor vehicle 77 Passenger interfered with driver 78 Occupant of parked or stopped vehicle opened door struck by moving vehicle 79 Animal or insect inside interfered with driver 3 0.0 Atmospheric Conditions 80 Dust storm 17 12 0.0 0.0 Road Irregularity 85 Hazardous materials on road surface 86 Mud and/or debris on roadway 17 1 56 2 233 55 73 2579 17 552 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.3 Other Action 88 Foot slipped off clutch or brake 89 Gust of wind 90 Blinded by sun 91 Blinded by headlights 92 View obscured by other vehicle 93 Fire started after collision 96 Stolen vehicle involved 97 Hit-and-run 98 View obscured by frost, ice, etc. on windshield 99 Struck an object before impact (e.g. curb) 3 0.0 140 (E1) Two or more vehicles racing at high speeds or acceleration: drag racing 186121 96.4 999 Missing data Other Motor Vehicle Involved 63 Towing or had been towing another vehicle 65 Vehicle stalled in roadway 66 Vehicle abandoned in roadway Pedestrian Involved 69 Pedestrian struck by vehicle from which he had just alighted 71 Pupil struck on road while approaching or leaving stopped bus in loading zone WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle ------------------------Variable 138 MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #3 ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 3 Dec: None Page 47 Type: Numeric Miss: 0 MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #3 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 37 39 0.0 0.0 Skidding Involved 2 Skidded attempting to avoid collision 3 Other skidding 1 2 0.0 0.0 Avoiding Maneuvers 5 Avoiding another vehicle 10 Avoiding other object in roadway Sudden Slowing Maneuvers 1 0.0 Stopped Vehicle 29 Stopped in process of turning 1 0.0 Parking Maneuvers 32 Parking maneuver - parallel parking 2 1 6 5 2 1 12 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 Vehicle Load or Equipment Involved 48 Lost part of load 3 3 19 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Trailer Involved 54 Trailer connection broke 55 Trailer or towed vehicle struck towing vehicle 57 Trailer overturned 58 Attached trailer struck or sideswiped another vehicle Special Maneuvers 34 Fleeing from lawful pursuit 35 In pursuit 36 Forced off roadway 38 Forced into opposing lane 41 Started to overtake - struck by overtaken vehicle 42 Car ran away - no driver 44 Starting or stopping to give ride to, or discharge, a hitchhiker Other Motor Vehicle Involved Pedestrian Involved 2 0.0 Passenger Involved 76 Occupant fell or jumped from motor vehicle Atmospheric Conditions 1 0.0 Road Irregularity 85 Hazardous materials on road surface 2 0.0 Other Action 90 Blinded by sun Page 48 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle Variable 138:MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #3 (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 2 4 12 302 82 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 92 93 96 97 99 View obscured by other vehicle Fire started after collision Stolen vehicle involved Hit-and-run Struck an object before impact (e.g. curb) 1 0.0 140 (E1) Two or more vehicles racing at high speeds or acceleration: drag racing 192523 99.7 999 Missing data ------------------------Variable 139 LIABILITY INSURANCE ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 39223 153850 20.3 79.7 72296 426 120351 37.4 0.2 62.3 Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Code Value and Description 0 1 No Yes ------------------------Variable 140 DRIVER CITED ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt Width: 1 Dec: None Code Value and Description 1 2 9 Yes Pending Missing data ------------------------Variable 141 CONTRIBUTING CIRC #1 ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------DRIVER CONTRIBUTING CIRCUMSTANCES #1 2010 Prcnt 6070 522 1498 19466 19982 974 14411 2125 86 3081 3.1 0.3 0.8 10.1 10.3 0.5 7.5 1.1 0.0 1.6 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Under influence of alcohol Under influence of drugs Exceeded stated speed limit Exceeded reasonable and safe speed Did not grant right-of-way to vehicle Improper passing Following too closely Over center line Failing to signal Improper turning WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle Page 49 Variable 141:CONTRIBUTING CIRC #1 (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 3120 1663 189 1389 162 1772 13365 79411 42 757 66 1687 6046 2124 25 722 251 49 389 26 1.6 0.9 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.9 6.9 41.1 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.9 3.1 1.1 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 30 31 32 33 40 41 121 0.1 42 249 91 259 45 12 909 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.5 43 44 45 46 47 48 584 1451 135 7747 0.3 0.8 0.1 4.0 49 50 51 99 Disregarded stop-and-go light Disregarded stop sign or red flashing light Disregarded yield sign / flashing yellow Apparently asleep Improper parking location Operating defective equipment Other None Improper signal Improper U-turn Headlight violation Did not grant right-of-way to pedestrian, cyclist Inattention Improper backing Disregard flagger / officer Apparently ill Apparently fatigued Had taken medication Driver operating handheld telecommunications device Driver operating hands-free wireless telecommunications device Driver operating other electronic devices (computers, navigational, etc.) Driver adjusting audio or entertainment system Driver smoking Driver eating or drinking Driver reading or writing Driver grooming Driver interacting with passengers, animals or objects inside vehicle Other driver distractions inside vehicle Driver distractions outside vehicle Unknown driver distraction Missing data ------------------------Variable 142 CONTRIBUTING CIRC #2 ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None DRIVER CONTRIBUTING CIRCUMSTANCES #2 2010 Prcnt 110 265 610 2142 689 170 2581 3340 0.1 0.1 0.3 1.1 0.4 0.1 1.3 1.7 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Under influence of alcohol Under influence of drugs Exceeded stated speed limit Exceeded reasonable and safe speed Did not grant right-of-way to vehicle Improper passing Following too closely Over center line Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Page 50 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle Variable 142:CONTRIBUTING CIRC #2 (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 52 386 335 523 11 239 710 214 23 7 67 30 105 1801 180 14 120 107 96 1 274 19 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 30 31 32 33 34 40 41 68 0.0 42 186 35 137 23 7 592 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.3 43 44 45 46 47 48 387 955 34 175428 0.2 0.5 0.0 90.9 49 50 51 99 Failing to signal Improper turning Disregarded stop-and-go light Disregarded stop sign or red flashing light Disregarded yield sign / flashing yellow Apparently asleep Operating defective equipment Other None Improper signal Improper U-turn Headlight violation Did not grant right-of-way to pedestrian, cyclist Inattention Improper backing Disregard flagger / officer Apparently ill Apparently fatigued Had taken medication On wrong side of road Driver operating handheld telecommunications device Driver operating hands-free wireless telecommunications device Driver operating other electronic devices (computers, navigational, etc.) Driver adjusting audio or entertainment system Driver smoking Driver eating or drinking Driver reading or writing Driver grooming Driver interacting with passengers, animals or objects inside vehicle Other driver distractions inside vehicle Driver distractions outside vehicle Unknown driver distraction Missing data ------------------------Variable 143 CONTRIBUTING CIRC #3 ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None DRIVER CONTRIBUTING CIRCUMSTANCES #3 2010 Prcnt 24 8 45 80 33 25 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 Under influence of alcohol Under influence of drugs Exceeded stated speed limit Exceeded reasonable and safe speed Did not grant right-of-way to vehicle Improper passing Type: Numeric Miss: 99 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle Page 51 Variable 143:CONTRIBUTING CIRC #3 (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 87 542 6 31 22 92 1 27 154 31 5 5 9 56 4 7 9 13 30 34 4 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 30 31 32 33 40 41 5 0.0 42 15 6 3 1 51 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 43 44 45 46 48 32 40 3 191533 0.0 0.0 0.0 99.2 49 50 51 99 Following too closely Over center line Failing to signal Improper turning Disregarded stop-and-go light Disregarded stop sign or red flashing light Disregarded yield sign / flashing yellow Apparently asleep Operating defective equipment Other Improper U-turn Headlight violation Did not grant right-of-way to pedestrian, cyclist Inattention Improper backing Disregard flagger / officer Apparently ill Apparently fatigued Had taken medication Driver operating handheld telecommunications device Driver operating hands-free wireless telecommunications device Driver operating other electronic devices (computers, navigational, etc.) Driver adjusting audio or entertainment system Driver smoking Driver eating or drinking Driver reading or writing Driver interacting with passengers, animals or objects inside vehicle Other driver distractions inside vehicle Driver distractions outside vehicle Unknown driver distraction Missing data ------------------------Variable 144 INTERSTATE FLAG ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------COMMERCIAL CARRIER INTERSTATE INDICATOR 2010 Prcnt 925 1009 191139 0.5 0.5 99.0 Code Value and Description 0 1 8 No Yes Not available Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Page 52 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle ------------------------Variable 145 UNIT CONFIGURATION ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 COMMERCIAL CARRIER UNIT CONFIGURATION 2010 Prcnt 191139 246 140 164 314 31 876 141 1 21 99.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Not stated Bus Single-unit truck; 2 axle, 6 tires Single-unit truck; 3 or more axles Truck/trailer Truck tractor (bobtail) Tractor/semi-trailer Tractor/doubles Tractor/triples Other/cannot classify ------------------------Variable 146 CARGO BODY ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Width: 4 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9999 COMMERCIAL CARRIER CARGO BODY 2010 Prcnt 246 675 85 251 149 9 25 41 332 191139 121 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 99.0 0.1 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 88 99 Bus Van/enclosed box Cargo tank Flatbed Dump Concrete mixer Auto transporter Garbage/refuse Other No record Missing data ------------------------Variable 147 CARRIER STATE ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------CARRIER ADRESS STATE - RECODED 2010 Prcnt 1 4 19 5 71 3 8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description UNITED STATES 1 (AL) Alabama 2 (AK) Alaska 4 (AZ) Arizona 5 (AR) Arkansas 6 (CA) California 8 (CO) Colorado 12 (FL) Florida WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle Variable 147:CARRIER STATE (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 6 42 15 65 8 3 1 1 8 5 1 6 13 9 1 2 4 8 3 10 20 138 2 1 7 10 4 2 1254 7 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 7 78 3 9 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 191139 67 99.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 46 47 48 49 51 53 55 56 (GA) (ID) (IL) (IN) (IA) (KS) (KY) (LA) (MI) (MN) (MS) (MO) (MT) (NE) (NV) (NJ) (NY) (NC) (ND) (OH) (OK) (OR) (PA) (SD) (TN) (TX) (UT) (VA) (WA) (WI) (WY) Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Jersey New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Washington Wisconsin Wyoming CANADA 101 (AB) Alberta 102 (BC) British Columbia 103 (MB) Manitoba 108 (ON) Ontario 110 (PQ,QC) Quebec UNKNOWN 8888 Not available 9999 Missing data Page 53 Page 54 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle ------------------------Variable 148 NUMBER OF AXLES ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Width: 6 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 999999 COMMERCIAL CARRIER NUMBER OF AXLES 2010 Prcnt 15 336 368 115 541 168 151 127 39 1 191139 73 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 99.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 22 88 99 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 axle axles axles axles axles axles axles axles axles No record Missing data ------------------------Variable 149 GVWR ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ COMMERCIAL CARRIER GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT RATING 2010 Prcnt 6 9 0.0 0.0 2 191139 171 0.0 99.0 0.1 Code Value and Description 0 1 800000 888888 999999 Not stated GVW rating No record Missing data ------------------------Variable 150 HAZMAT PLACARD NUMBER ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------COMMERCIAL CARRIER HAZMAT PLACARD NUMBER 2010 Prcnt 3 0.0 2 191139 1892 0.0 99.0 1.0 Code Value and Description 2 3082 8888 9999 Hazmat placard number No record Missing data Width: 4 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9999 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle ------------------------Variable 151 HAZMAT PLACARD SUFFIX ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------COMMERCIAL CARRIER HAZMAT PLACARD SUFFIX 2010 Prcnt 4 12 17 1 4 2 191139 1894 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 99.0 1.0 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 6 8 9 88 99 Explosive Gas Combustible Infectious Corrosive Other No record Missing data Width: 2 Dec: None Page 55 Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Page 56 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 57 The VEHICLE VINDICATOR Variables Variables 152 through 172 are a decode of the Vehicle Identification Number using the VINDICATOR program (for passenger vehicles only) ------------------------Variable 152 VINDICATOR - IERR ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: None VINDICATOR Variable - ErrorCode 2010 Prcnt 496 167387 22092 3 5 2850 8 6 8 3 142 73 0.3 86.7 11.4 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 Code Value and Description -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Invalid engine code No errors VIN has zero length VIN contains improper characters VIN length less than 7 characters VIN does not match any valid pattern Make code not valid for VIN pattern VIN model year / pattern conflict Motorcycle, ATV, or inappropriate vehicle type Recognized VIN, inappropriate vehicle make Series / model key not in table Series / model key in table, model year invalid ------------------------Variable 153 VINDICATOR - ALTSW ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: None VINDICATOR Variable - CharacterSubstitution 2010 Prcnt 193063 100.0 10 0.0 Code Value and Description 0 1 No alteration has been made VINDICATOR has made some changes to the input vin (e.g., replaced alphabetic "I" by numeric "1", etc.) ------------------------Variable 154 VINDICATOR - YEAR ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------VINDICATOR Variable - ModelYear 2010 Prcnt 24974 1 12.9 0.0 8527 4.4 Code Value and Description 0 1967 1998 Missing data Model year 1998 Width: 4 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 0 Page 58 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 154:VINDICATOR - YEAR (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 9057 10449 10114 10221 10343 10205 10688 10205 9419 8332 4933 4215 413 4.7 5.4 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.3 5.5 5.3 4.9 4.3 2.6 2.2 0.2 Code Value and Description 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 ------------------------Variable 155 VINDICATOR - MAKE ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None VINDICATOR Variable - MakeNumber 2010 Prcnt 24969 6906 10239 2860 2131 492 1370 3160 4292 1992 1521 3 1788 1052 715 7988 20656 3 4002 1 1754 1114 35 17762 141 5048 12 0 12261 12.9 3.6 5.3 1.5 1.1 0.3 0.7 1.6 2.2 1.0 0.8 0.0 0.9 0.5 0.4 4.1 10.7 0.0 2.1 0.0 0.9 0.6 0.0 9.2 0.1 2.6 0.0 0.0 6.4 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 Missing data Chevrolet/Geo Ford Pontiac Buick Plymouth Oldsmobile Dodge Volkswagen Mercury Cadillac AMC/Eagle Chrysler Lincoln Opel/Isuzu Datsun/Nissan Toyota Capri/Merkur Mazda Fiat/Bertone Volvo Audi Dodge/Mitsubishi Honda Porsche Subaru Chrysler/Plymouth/Mitsubishi GMCA/Passport/Asuna Chevrolet/Geo Truck Type: Numeric Miss: 0 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 59 Variable 155:VINDICATOR - MAKE (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 3519 16873 7526 2183 4188 1682 2276 82 399 4 4 187 6 2 1 0 2192 2 3467 897 2 3043 0 301 9 1 2059 845 2286 3369 111 140 0 238 887 23 2 1.8 8.7 3.9 1.1 2.2 0.9 1.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 1.8 0.5 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.4 1.2 1.7 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.5 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 45 46 47 48 51 52 54 55 56 57 59 60 61 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 74 76 77 GMC Truck Ford Truck Dodge Truck Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Jeep Mercedes Benz BMW Renault/Eagle Saab Peugeot Ferrari Jaguar Alfa Romeo Rolls Royce Bentley Aston Martin Mitsubishi Lotus Hyundai Suzuki Maserati Acura Sterling Land Rover Daihatsu Lamborghini Lexus Infiniti Saturn Kia AM General Daewoo GEM Mini Scion Smart Tesla ------------------------Variable 156 VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 8 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 0 UMTRI-TDC Variable - MAKE/MODEL, VINDICATOR Variables MakeNumber (2), SeriesNumber (3), ModelNumber (3) See Appendix A for Abbreviations used in this Variable 2010 Prcnt 24969 12.9 Code Value and Description 0 Make/model data missing Page 60 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 4 1 1 1 1 33 53 15 1 28 127 4 2 1 3 181 17 17 4 38 6 24 86 5 1 3 6 3 26 406 32 77 23 307 15 175 1 38 3 41 6 15 16 28 365 5 101 1 10 306 5 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 1000000 1001000 1001001 1001014 1002038 1003000 1003015 1003016 1003058 1003066 1003069 1003075 1006000 1007014 1007039 1008000 1008015 1008016 1008040 1008045 1008069 1008090 1009000 1009013 1009060 1018000 1018039 1020000 1022000 1026000 1026015 1026016 1026058 1026069 1026071 1026076 1026077 1027000 1027029 1027039 1027044 1027056 1027067 1027070 1032000 1032015 1032016 1032038 1032058 1032069 1032079 1032080 Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Unknown Series Model Nova 2D Nova 2D Nova Nova 2D Custom Chevelle 4D Malibu Classic Monte Carlo 2D Monte Carlo 2D SS Monte Carlo 2D LT Monte Carlo 2D LTZ Monte Carlo 2D Z34 Monte Carlo 2D LS Monte Carlo 2D Hi-Sport SS Impala 2D Caprice 2D Custom Caprice 2D Classic Camaro 2D Camaro 2D SS Camaro 2D LT Camaro 2D Berlinetta Camaro 2D Z28 Camaro 2D LS Camaro 2D Z28/SS Corvette 2D Corvette 2D Z06 Corvette 2D ZR1 Caprice SW Caprice SW Classic El Camino 2D Nova 4D Impala 4D Impala 4D SS Impala 4D LT Impala 4D LTZ Impala 4D LS Impala 4D Police Impala 4D LT 3.5 Impala 4D 50th Anniversary Caprice 4D Caprice 4D Classic LS/LTZ Caprice 4D Classic Caprice 4D Classic LS/Impala SS Caprice 4D Brougham Caprice 4D Classic/LTZ Caprice 4D Classic/Impala SS Malibu 4D Malibu 4D SS Malibu 4D LT Malibu 4D Malibu Classic Malibu 4D LTZ Malibu 4D LS Malibu 4D LS Classic Malibu 4D LT Classic WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 2 1 2 6 235 25 1 68 8 103 510 16 6 132 11 3 1 47 3 1 1 6 5 15 5 2 2 3 2 2 18 98 57 1 26 11 1 1 15 6 2 188 13 8 53 75 97 368 2 175 20 32 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 1033000 1033038 1035000 1037000 1038000 1038030 1038053 1038054 1038069 1038072 1039000 1039030 1039049 1039069 1040000 1040049 1041000 1042000 1043000 1043047 1043053 1043054 1043069 1044000 1045000 1045057 1046000 1047000 1048000 1048055 1049000 1050000 1050016 1050058 1051000 1051059 1051065 1051068 1052000 1052090 1053000 1053017 1053061 1053064 1054017 1054061 1055000 1055017 1055062 1056000 1056058 1056063 Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Malibu SW Malibu SW Malibu Classic Chevette 4D Citation 4D Cavalier 2D Cavalier 2D Z24/LS Sport Cavalier 2D RS Cavalier 2D Z24 Cavalier 2D LS Cavalier 2D Base/RS Cavalier 4D Cavalier 4D Z24/LS Sport Cavalier 4D CS Cavalier 4D LS Cavalier SW Cavalier SW CS Celebrity 2D Celebrity 4D Cavalier Conv Cavalier Conv Type 10 Cavalier Conv RS Cavalier Conv Z24 Cavalier Conv LS Celebrity SW Sprint 2D Sprint 2D ER Spectrum 2D Spectrum 4D Sprint 4D Sprint 4D Plus Corvette Conv Corsica 4D Corsica 4D LT Corsica 4D LTZ Beretta 2D Beretta 2D GT Beretta 2D GTZ Beretta 2D Z26 Camaro Conv Camaro Conv Z28/SS Metro 2D Metro 2D Base/LSI Metro 2D LSI Metro 2D XFI Metro 4D Base/LSI Metro 4D LSI Prizm 4D Prizm 4D Base/LSI Prizm 4D GSI Lumina 4D Lumina 4D LTZ Lumina 4D Eurosport Page 61 Page 62 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 41 151 6 11 8 7 41 15 3 125 1 2 37 2 56 23 20 60 45 47 10 17 6 164 32 10 11 58 6 120 1 40 5 194 2 3 174 1 2 13 1 3 97 30 33 8 1 8 2 1 702 17 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 Code Value and Description 1056069 1056073 1057000 1057063 1057066 1058061 1059000 1059062 1060000 1061000 1062000 1062015 1062016 1062058 1062069 1063000 1063016 1063069 1063073 1063083 1064000 1064016 1064069 1064073 1064083 1065000 1065015 1065016 1065035 1065069 1065082 1066000 1066015 1066016 1066035 1066058 1066069 1066082 1067000 1068000 1069000 1071000 1072016 1072058 1072069 1072085 1073000 2000000 2007037 2007050 2008000 2008008 Chevrolet/Geo Lumina 4D LS Chevrolet/Geo Lumina 4D Base/LS Chevrolet/Geo Lumina 2D Chevrolet/Geo Lumina 2D Eurosport Chevrolet/Geo Lumina 2D Z34 Chevrolet/Geo Metro Conv LSI Chevrolet/Geo Storm 2D Chevrolet/Geo Storm 2D GSI Chevrolet/Geo Storm 2D SW Chevrolet/Geo Malibu Classic 4D Chevrolet/Geo Malibu Maxx 5D Chevrolet/Geo Malibu Maxx 5D SS Chevrolet/Geo Malibu Maxx 5D LT Chevrolet/Geo Malibu Maxx 5D LTZ Chevrolet/Geo Malibu Maxx 5D LS Chevrolet/Geo Aveo 4D Chevrolet/Geo Aveo 4D LT Chevrolet/Geo Aveo 4D LS Chevrolet/Geo Aveo 4D Base/LS Chevrolet/Geo Aveo 4D LS/LT Chevrolet/Geo Aveo 5D Chevrolet/Geo Aveo 5D LT Chevrolet/Geo Aveo 5D LS Chevrolet/Geo Aveo 5D Base/LS Chevrolet/Geo Aveo 5D LS/LT Chevrolet/Geo Cobalt 2D Chevrolet/Geo Cobalt 2D SS Chevrolet/Geo Cobalt 2D LT Chevrolet/Geo Cobalt 2D Sport Chevrolet/Geo Cobalt 2D LS Chevrolet/Geo Cobalt 2D Internet Chevrolet/Geo Cobalt 4D Chevrolet/Geo Cobalt 4D SS Chevrolet/Geo Cobalt 4D LT Chevrolet/Geo Cobalt 4D Sport Chevrolet/Geo Cobalt 4D LTZ Chevrolet/Geo Cobalt 4D LS Chevrolet/Geo Cobalt 4D Internet Chevrolet/Geo Corvette Z06 2D Chevrolet/Geo Cobalt SS Supercharged 2D Chevrolet/Geo Optra 5D Chevrolet/Geo Malibu Hybrid 4D Chevrolet/Geo Malibu 4D LT Chevrolet/Geo Malibu 4D LTZ Chevrolet/Geo Malibu 4D LS Chevrolet/Geo Malibu 4D Fleet Chevrolet/Geo Corvette ZR1 2D Ford Unknown Series Model Ford Ford LTD 2D Crown Victoria Ford Ford LTD 2D Crown Victoria LX Ford Mustang 2D Ford Mustang 2D Cobra WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 63 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 190 1 3 1 72 58 241 3 5 1 1 2 1 1140 16 26 174 28 2 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 187 5 90 38 6 1 1 7 1 115 3 5 132 573 15 38 671 163 30 6 404 118 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 Code Value and Description 2008010 2008031 2008042 2008044 2008045 2009000 2009045 2009052 2009053 2009058 2011086 2015014 2020000 2023015 2023016 2023037 2023050 2023051 2023060 2030000 2040011 2040037 2040054 2041043 2042042 2042044 2045055 2046000 2047042 2048000 2051000 2051008 2051010 2051045 2052000 2053000 2054042 2054044 2054056 2055044 2055045 2055056 2056001 2056018 2056029 2056042 2056044 2056045 2056057 2056061 2056073 2056074 Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Mustang 2D GT Mustang 2D Ghia Mustang 2D L Mustang 2D GL Mustang 2D LX Thunderbird 2D Thunderbird 2D LX Thunderbird 2D Sport Thunderbird 2D Turbo Thunderbird 2D Super Coupe Crown Victoria LWB 4D Fleet Ranchero Ranchero 500 Granada 2D LTD/Crown Victoria 4D Crown Victoria LTD/Crown Victoria 4D Crown Victoria LTD/Crown Victoria 4D Crown Victoria LTD/Crown Victoria 4D Crown Victoria LTD/Crown Victoria 4D Crown Victoria LTD/Crown Victoria 4D Crown Victoria Courier Pickup Short 4x2 Ford LTD SW Country Squire Ford LTD SW Crown Victoria Ford LTD SW Country Squire LX Escort 2D GLX Escort SW L Escort SW GL EXP 2D Escort EXP Luxury Escort 4D Granada SW L Fairmont Futura 4D Mustang Conv Mustang Conv Cobra Mustang Conv GT Mustang Conv LX LTD 4D LTD SW Tempo 2D 2WD L Tempo 2D 2WD GL Tempo 2D 2WD GLS Tempo 4D 2WD GL Tempo 4D 2WD LX Tempo 4D 2WD GLS Taurus 4D LX/SE Taurus 4D SE Taurus 4D G Taurus 4D L Taurus 4D GL Taurus 4D LX Taurus 4D SHO Taurus 4D MT-5/L/GL/LX Taurus 4D SES Taurus 4D SEL Police STD LX S Tour Page 64 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 77 7 95 13 1 6 1 5 22 7 2 5 1 2 2 1 1 2 26 41 1 81 13 265 21 202 360 48 229 61 30 31 24 25 57 41 98 74 37 19 3 46 323 8 518 37 231 106 141 43 19 426 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 Code Value and Description 2057018 2057042 2057044 2057045 2057061 2057074 2058048 2059048 2061042 2061044 2061045 2061059 2062010 2062044 2062046 2063042 2063044 2064044 2066000 2066010 2066042 2066045 2066046 2066063 2067000 2067018 2067045 2068018 2068045 2069000 2069010 2069044 2069045 2070000 2071000 2072001 2072018 2072044 2072045 2072062 2072064 2072066 2073067 2073072 2074018 2074034 2074045 2074069 2074071 2074073 2074074 2074080 Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Taurus SW SE Taurus SW L Taurus SW GL Taurus SW LX Taurus SW MT-5/L/GL/LX Taurus SW SEL Tempo 2D 4WD All Wheel Tempo 4D 4WD All Wheel Festiva 2D L Festiva 2D GL Festiva 2D LX Festiva 2D L Plus Escort 2D GT Escort 2D GL Escort 2D Pony Escort 4D L Escort 4D GL Escort SW GL Escort 2D Escort 2D GT Escort 2D L Escort 2D LX Escort 2D Pony Escort 2D ZX2 Escort 4D Escort 4D SE Escort 4D LX Escort SW SE Escort SW LX Probe 2D Probe 2D GT Probe 2D GL Probe 2D LX Aspire 4D Aspire 2D Contour 4D LX/SE Contour 4D SE Contour 4D GL Contour 4D LX Contour 4D BASE/GL Contour 4D SVT Contour 4D Base/GL/LX Focus 3D ZX3 Focus 3D ZX3 SVT Focus 4D SE Focus 4D S Focus 4D LX Focus 4D ZTS Focus 4D ZX5 Hatchback Focus 4D SES Focus 4D SEL Focus 4D ZX4 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 22 113 118 6 48 13 1 1 2 12 22 8 5 9 12 153 35 5 91 3 7 31 97 25 6 8 22 10 5 5 15 14 5 27 21 2 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 4 2 5 43 49 6 54 15 1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 2074081 2074087 2075018 2075078 2075079 2076000 2076065 2076083 2079000 2080018 2080074 2080082 2081018 2081074 2081082 2082018 2082034 2082052 2082074 2083052 2083084 2083085 2084000 2085000 2086000 2088018 2088074 2088082 2089074 2089082 2090018 2090034 2090073 2090087 2091000 2092000 2093018 2093074 2094073 3000000 3001000 3001025 3004000 3005000 3005010 3005025 3005026 3005033 3005044 3006000 3006009 3006022 Ford Focus 4D ST Ford Focus 4D SE/SES Ford Focus SW SE Ford Focus SW ZTW Ford Focus SW ZXW Ford Thunderbird Conv Ford Thunderbird Conv Neiman Marcus Ford Thunderbird Conv 50th Anniversary Ford GT 2D Ford Five Hundred 4D 2WD SE Ford Five Hundred 4D 2WD SEL Ford Five Hundred 4D 2WD Limited Ford Five Hundred 4D 4WD SE Ford Five Hundred 4D 4WD SEL Ford Five Hundred 4D 4WD Limited Ford Fusion 4D 2WD SE Ford Fusion 4D 2WD S Ford Fusion 4D 2WD Sport Ford Fusion 4D 2WD SEL Ford Fusion 4D 4WD Sport Ford Fusion 4D 4WD V6 SE Ford Fusion 4D 4WD V6 SEL Ford Mustang GT/Cobra 2D Ford Mustang GT/Cobra Conv Ford Mustang Shelby/GT500 2D Ford Taurus 4D 2WD SE Ford Taurus 4D 2WD SEL Ford Taurus 4D 2WD Limited Ford Taurus 4D 4WD SEL Ford Taurus 4D 4WD Limited Ford Focus 2D SE Ford Focus 2D S Ford Focus 2D SES Ford Focus 2D SE/SES Ford Fusion Hybrid 4D 2WD Ford Taurus Sho 4D 4WD Ford Fiesta 4D SE Ford Fiesta 4D SEL Ford Fiesta 5D SES Pontiac Unknown Series Model Pontiac LeMans 4D Pontiac LeMans 4D LE Pontiac Bonneville 2D Pontiac Grand Prix 2D Pontiac Grand Prix 2D Brougham Pontiac Grand Prix 2D LE Pontiac Grand Prix 2D SE Pontiac Grand Prix 2D GT Pontiac Grand Prix 2D GTP Pontiac Firebird 2D Pontiac Firebird 2D Trans Am Pontiac Firebird 2D Formula Page 65 Page 66 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 25 1 1 3 6 105 66 3 5 535 80 2 13 146 17 8 7 2 1 1 11 3 1 19 4 1 1 2 16 1 2 4 3 4 2 2 5 1 1 113 27 206 1 142 45 13 5 28 20 6 2 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 3006043 3015003 3015038 3016000 3016025 3016026 3016033 3017000 3017025 3017026 3017033 3022000 3022025 3022026 3022036 3022041 3022045 3022048 3028016 3029000 3030030 3030031 3031028 3031030 3031031 3032028 3034000 3036000 3036025 3036026 3036027 3037030 3037031 3039000 3039026 3039032 3039033 3041000 3043027 3044000 3044025 3044026 3044027 3044033 3044044 3044047 3044048 3045000 3046000 3047000 3047009 3047043 Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Firebird 2D Formula/Trans Am LeMans 2D LeMans Sport LeMans 2D Aero Grand Am 2D Grand Am 2D LE Grand Am 2D SE Grand Am 2D GT Grand Am 4D Grand Am 4D LE Grand Am 4D SE Grand Am 4D GT Bonneville 4D Bonneville 4D LE Bonneville 4D SE Bonneville 4D SSE Bonneville 4D SSEI Bonneville 4D SLE Bonneville 4D GXP Phoenix 2D SJ Phoenix 4D J2000/2000 2D Sunbird LE J2000/2000 2D Sunbird SE J2000/2000 4D Sunbird J2000/2000 4D Sunbird LE J2000/2000 4D Sunbird SE J2000/2000 SW Sunbird T1000/1000 4D 6000 4D 2WD 6000 4D 2WD LE 6000 4D 2WD SE 6000 4D 2WD STE 2000 2D Conv Sunbird LE 2000 2D Conv Sunbird SE Fiero 2D Fiero 2D SE Fiero 2D Sport Fiero 2D GT Parisienne SW 6000 4D 4WD STE Grand Prix 4D Grand Prix 4D LE Grand Prix 4D SE Grand Prix 4D STE Grand Prix 4D GT Grand Prix 4D GTP Grand Prix 4D GT2 Grand Prix 4D GXP Trans Sport Van SWB Trans Sport Van LWB Firebird Conv Firebird Conv Trans Am Firebird Conv Formula/Trans Am WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 58 92 16 98 7 2 13 72 25 11 3 156 7 27 19 5 8 12 6 4 7 14 23 73 6 1 95 13 2 12 4 14 19 3 12 5 1 8 1 13 370 106 78 1 3 2 6 36 2 2 5 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 3048000 3048026 3048033 3049026 3050026 3050033 3051000 3052000 3053000 3054000 3055000 3056000 3056033 3057046 3058000 3061000 3061033 3062000 3062026 3062033 3062051 3064000 3064026 3064033 3064044 3064048 3064049 3065000 3065048 3067000 3068000 3069000 3070000 3072000 3073033 3073044 3073048 3074033 3074044 4001000 4001003 4001006 4001014 4001025 4002000 4002003 4002014 4005000 4005028 4006003 4009033 4010003 Pontiac Sunfire 2D Pontiac Sunfire 2D SE Pontiac Sunfire 2D GT Pontiac Sunfire 4D SE Pontiac Sunfire Conv SE Pontiac Sunfire Conv GT Pontiac Montana Van SWB 2WD Pontiac Montana Van LWB 2WD Pontiac Aztek 4D 2WD Pontiac Aztek 4D 4WD Pontiac Montana Van LWB 4WD Pontiac Vibe SW 2WD Pontiac Vibe SW 2WD GT Pontiac Vibe SW 4WD AWD Pontiac GTO 2D Pontiac G8 4D / Persuit (2005-2006) 4D Pontiac G8 4D GT Pontiac G5 2D / Persuit (2005-2006) 2D Pontiac G5 2D SE Pontiac G5 2D GT Pontiac G5 2D LS Pontiac G6 4D Pontiac G6 4D SE Pontiac G6 4D GT Pontiac G6 4D GTP Pontiac G6 4D GXP Pontiac G6 4D SEI Pontiac Solstice Conv Pontiac Solstice Conv GXP Pontiac Montana SV6 Van LWB 2WD Pontiac Montana SV6 Van LWB 4WD Pontiac Torrent 4D 2WD Pontiac Torrent 4D 4WD Pontiac G3 / Wave 5D Pontiac G6 2D GT Pontiac G6 2D GTP Pontiac G6 2D GXP Pontiac G6 Conv GT Pontiac G6 Conv GTP Buick Century 4D Buick Century 4D Custom Buick Century 4D Special Buick Century 4D Limited Buick Century 4D T Type Buick LeSabre 2D Buick LeSabre 2D Custom Buick LeSabre 2D Limited Buick Riviera 2D Buick Riviera 2D Luxury Buick Century 2D Custom Buick Estate Wagon Roadmaster Buick Century SW Custom Page 67 Page 68 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 4 1 4 4 1 2 1 37 28 2 3 1 310 224 2 1 5 7 4 2 3 1 1 2 109 2 24 1 20 15 7 14 2 81 34 22 10 120 1 3 11 89 31 39 38 15 26 36 10 4 3 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 4010006 4010011 4011000 4011003 4011013 4011014 4011031 4013000 4013003 4013013 4013014 4013031 4014003 4014014 4015020 4016000 4017000 4017014 4017018 4023011 4024011 4025003 4030000 4030014 4030020 4030025 4030029 4031018 4032003 4032014 4032015 4032031 4033000 4035003 4035004 4035014 4035031 4035032 4035035 4037000 4037014 4038000 4038030 4039000 4040000 4042000 4043034 4043035 4043036 4044035 4045034 4045035 Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Buick Century SW Special Century SW Estate Skylark 2D Skylark 2D Custom Skylark 2D Custom/LTD/Gran Sport Skylark 2D Limited Skylark 2D Grand Sport Skylark 4D Skylark 4D Custom Skylark 4D Custom/LTD/Gran Sport Skylark 4D Limited Skylark 4D Gran Sport LeSabre 4D Custom LeSabre 4D Limited Electra 4D RWD Park Avenue Apollo 4D Regal 2D RWD Regal 2D RWD Limited Regal 2D RWD Regal Limited LeSabre SW Estate Electra SW RWD Estate Skyhawk 4D Custom Electra/Park Avenue 4D Electra/Park Avenue 4D Limited Electra/Park Avenue 4D Park Avenue Electra/Park Avenue 4D T Type Electra/Park Avenue 4D Park Avenue Ultra Somerset 2D Regal Limited Regal 2D FWD Custom Regal 2D FWD Limited Regal 2D FWD Custom/Gran Sport Regal 2D FWD Gran Sport Reatta 2D Regal 4D FWD Custom Regal 4D FWD GS Regal 4D FWD Limited Regal 4D FWD Gran Sport Regal 4D FWD LS Regal 4D FWD CXL Roadmaster 4D Roadmaster 4D Limited Park Avenue 4D Park Avenue 4D Ultra Rendezvous 4D 2WD Rendezvous 4D 4WD Rainier 4D 4x4 Lacrosse 4D 2WD CX Lacrosse 4D 2WD CXL Lacrosse 4D 2WD CXS Lacrosse 4D 4WD CXL Terraza Van LWB 2WD CX Terraza Van LWB 2WD CXL WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 2 4 1 11 29 7 3 1 24 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 9 1 2 1 7 3 3 19 3 3 63 4 3 5 2 2 22 67 80 38 6 5 21 3 4 46 56 3 4 1 3 18 23 6 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 4046034 4048000 4050034 4051034 4051035 4051036 4052035 4053034 4053035 5004038 5012000 5018041 5019000 5022000 5022051 5023000 5023043 5023051 5024036 5024043 5024051 5026000 5026002 5026054 5027000 5027002 5027054 5028000 5028051 5028052 5029000 5029053 5029055 5031000 5031004 5031008 5031009 5031037 5032000 5032004 5032009 5032037 5033000 5033004 6001000 6001003 6001020 6001024 6001056 6001057 6002029 6004000 Buick Terraza Van LWB 4WD CX Buick Terraza CG Van LWB 2WD Buick Allure 4D 2WD CX Buick Lucerne 4D CX Buick Lucerne 4D CXL Buick Lucerne 4D CXS Buick Enclave 4D 2WD CXL Buick Enclave 4D 4WD CX Buick Enclave 4D 4WD CXL Plymouth Gran Fury 4D Salon Plymouth Horizon 4D Plymouth Volare 4D Premier Plymouth Volare SW Plymouth Reliant 2D Plymouth Reliant 2D LE Plymouth Reliant 4D Plymouth Reliant 4D Special Edition Plymouth Reliant 4D LE Plymouth Reliant SW Custom Plymouth Reliant SW Special Edition Plymouth Reliant SW LE Plymouth Sundance 2D Plymouth Sundance 2D Duster Plymouth Sundance 2D America Plymouth Sundance 4D Plymouth Sundance 4D Duster Plymouth Sundance 4D America Plymouth Acclaim 4D Plymouth Acclaim 4D LE Plymouth Acclaim 4D LX Plymouth Laser 2D 2WD Plymouth Laser 2D 2WD RS Plymouth Laser 2D 2WD RS/RS Turbo Plymouth Neon 4D Plymouth Neon 4D Base/Expresso Plymouth Neon 4D Base/LX Plymouth Neon 4D Highline Plymouth Neon 4D Sport Plymouth Neon 2D Plymouth Neon 2D Base/Expresso Plymouth Neon 2D Highline Plymouth Neon 2D Sport Plymouth Breeze 4D Plymouth Breeze 4D Base/Expresso Oldsmobile Cutlass 4D Oldsmobile Cutlass 4D Cutlass Supreme Oldsmobile Cutlass 4D Brougham Oldsmobile Cutlass 4D Supreme Brougham Oldsmobile Cutlass 4D GL Oldsmobile Cutlass 4D GLS Oldsmobile Delta-88/88 2D Royale Brougham Oldsmobile Toronado Page 69 Page 70 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 4 3 12 1 3 14 2 1 2 59 39 7 7 32 1 21 1 1 1 1 16 12 14 52 95 16 11 2 14 3 1 3 1 4 14 2 14 3 39 3 43 5 17 102 11 1 3 15 32 41 17 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 6004020 6004046 6005003 6005019 6005023 6005024 6008021 6008041 6008053 6014008 6014016 6014017 6014018 6014029 6014032 6014054 6014059 6015018 6017000 6018034 6019033 6019034 6019035 6019041 6019051 6022018 6022036 6022043 6022052 6023000 6023038 6024000 6024030 6025003 6025012 6025048 6025049 6026003 6026012 6026048 6026049 6027003 6028000 6029000 6030030 6030047 6030055 6031030 6031047 6032000 6032061 6032062 Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Oldsmobile Toronado Brougham Toronado Trofeo Cutlass 2D Cutlass Supreme Cutlass 2D Salon Cutlass 2D Calais Cutlass 2D Supreme Brougham Cutlass SW Cruiser Cutlass SW Ciera SL Cutlass SW Cruiser S Delta-88/88 4D Royale Delta-88/88 4D Base/LS Delta-88/88 4D LSS Delta-88/88 4D Regency Delta-88/88 4D Royale Brougham Delta-88/88 4D LS Delta-88/88 4D Royale LS Delta-88/88 4D 50th Anniversary Ed. 98 4D RWD Regency Firenza 4D Ciera 2D Ciera LS Ciera 4D Ciera Ciera 4D Ciera LS Ciera 4D Ciera Brougham Ciera 4D Ciera SL Ciera 4D Ciera S 98 4D FWD Regency 98 4D FWD Regency Brougham 98 4D FWD Touring 98 4D FWD Regency Elite Calais 2D Calais 2D Supreme Calais 4D Calais 4D S Cutlass Supreme 2D Cutlass Supreme Cutlass Supreme 2D Supreme S Cutlass Supreme 2D Supreme International Cutlass Supreme 2D Supreme SL Cutlass Supreme 4D Cutlass Supreme Cutlass Supreme 4D Supreme S Cutlass Supreme 4D Supreme International Cutlass Supreme 4D Supreme SL Cutlass Supreme Conv Cutlass Supreme Silhouette Van SWB 2WD Bravada 4D 4x4 Achieva 2D S Achieva 2D SL Achieva 2D SC Achieva 4D S Achieva 4D SL Aurora 4D Aurora 4D 3.5L Aurora 4D 4.0L WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 39 15 65 22 40 39 18 6 197 32 12 2 1 1 1 10 5 1 1 1 2 2 7 1 1 3 1 2 4 4 2 1 2 3 9 6 2 14 1 31 7 43 2 7 1 1 1 3 198 4 134 64 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 Code Value and Description 6033000 6034000 6034056 6034057 6034058 6035056 6035057 6035058 6036056 6036057 6036058 6038000 7001002 7001022 7004046 7005012 7005017 7007000 7007017 7017000 7032005 7032025 7032046 7033046 7034042 7037000 7037044 7040000 7041000 7041044 7041045 7041048 7042000 7042044 7043000 7043044 7043050 7044000 7044050 7045000 7045046 7046000 7046044 7046046 7047000 7047044 7048051 7048057 7049000 7049012 7049017 7049044 Oldsmobile Silhouette Van LWB 2WD Oldsmobile Intrigue 4D Oldsmobile Intrigue 4D GL Oldsmobile Intrigue 4D GLS Oldsmobile Intrigue 4D GX Oldsmobile Alero 2D GL Oldsmobile Alero 2D GLS Oldsmobile Alero 2D GX Oldsmobile Alero 4D GL Oldsmobile Alero 4D GLS Oldsmobile Alero 4D GX Oldsmobile Silhouette Van LWB 4WD Dodge Dart 2D Swinger Dodge Dart 2D Swinger Special Dodge Monaco 4D LE Dodge Challenger 2D R/T Dodge Challenger 2D SE Dodge Omni 4D Dodge Omni 4D SE Dodge Aspen 2D Dodge Aries 4D Custom Dodge Aries 4D Special Edition Dodge Aries 4D LE Dodge Aries SW LE Dodge 400 2D LS Dodge 600 4D Dodge 600 4D ES Dodge 600 2D Conv Dodge Daytona 2D Dodge Daytona 2D ES Dodge Daytona 2D Turbo Dodge Daytona 2D Shelby Z Dodge Lancer 4D Dodge Lancer 4D ES Dodge Shadow 2D Dodge Shadow 2D ES Dodge Shadow 2D America Dodge Shadow 4D Dodge Shadow 4D America Dodge Dynasty 4D Dodge Dynasty 4D LE Dodge Spirit 4D Dodge Spirit 4D ES Dodge Spirit 4D LE Dodge Shadow Conv Dodge Shadow Conv ES Dodge Viper Conv RT/10 Dodge Viper Conv SRT10 Dodge Intrepid 4D Dodge Intrepid 4D R/T Dodge Intrepid 4D SE Dodge Intrepid 4D ES Page 71 Page 72 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 12 61 10 122 118 6 13 105 66 32 315 5 57 20 3 44 7 129 6 204 96 24 50 6 15 49 2 15 2 28 2 28 39 19 21 98 4 5 7 21 143 62 15 68 154 2 11 24 3 8 58 12 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 7049056 7050000 7050012 7050017 7050018 7050028 7050033 7050052 7050053 7050056 7050060 7050069 7050070 7051000 7051033 7051052 7051070 7052000 7052012 7052017 7052044 7052055 7052058 7052059 7052060 7052062 7053000 7053018 7053033 7053044 7054007 7055012 7055017 7055060 7056000 7057059 7057060 7058060 7059000 7059017 7059059 7059060 7060012 7060017 7060060 7060063 7061012 7062012 7062061 7063012 7064012 7064061 Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Intrepid 4D ES/SXT Neon 4D Neon 4D R/T Neon 4D SE Neon 4D Base/ES Neon 4D S Neon 4D Sport Neon 4D Base/Sport/RT Neon 4D SE/ES/RT Neon 4D ES/SXT Neon 4D SXT Neon 4D SE/SX Neon 4D Highline Neon 2D Neon 2D Sport Neon 2D Base/Sport/RT Neon 2D Highline Stratus 4D Stratus 4D R/T Stratus 4D SE Stratus 4D ES Stratus 4D SE Plus/SXT Stratus 4D Base/SXT Stratus 4D SE/SXT Stratus 4D SXT Stratus 4D SE Special/SXT Avenger 2D Avenger 2D Base/ES Avenger 2D Sport Avenger 2D ES Viper 2D GTS Stratus 2D RT Stratus 2D SE Stratus 2D SXT SRT-4 4D Magnum SW 2WD SE/SXT Magnum SW 2WD SXT Magnum SW 4WD SXT Charger 4D 2WD Charger 4D 2WD SE Charger 4D 2WD SE/SXT Charger 4D 2WD SXT Caliber SW 2WD RT Caliber SW 2WD SE Caliber SW 2WD SXT Caliber SW 2WD Mainstreet Caliber SW 4WD R/T Magnum Hemi SW 2WD R/T Magnum Hemi SW 2WD SRT8 Magnum Hemi SW 4WD R/T Charger Hemi 4D 2WD R/T Charger Hemi 4D 2WD SRT8 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 5 1 17 65 52 1 4 3 2 15 3 3 1 1 2 6 1 5 13 1 8 18 199 24 26 3 386 79 7 15 91 153 20 12 8 13 2 3 4 5 4 3 1 7 35 4 7 8 3 12 46 8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 7065060 7066012 7067012 7067017 7067060 7067064 7068012 7069000 7070000 8000000 8002002 8002003 8009014 8009020 8009021 8010000 8010028 8011000 8012019 8012025 8012030 8013000 8013025 8013027 8013030 8013032 8013036 8013037 8013046 8013054 8013055 8013057 8013062 8013063 8013073 8013085 8014000 8014025 8015020 8015026 8016000 8016024 8018000 8020000 8020025 8020044 8020054 8020056 8020059 8020061 8020066 8020071 Dodge Charger 4D 4WD SXT Dodge Charger Hemi 4D 4WD R/T Dodge Avenger 4D 2WD R/T Dodge Avenger 4D 2WD SE Dodge Avenger 4D 2WD SXT Dodge Avenger 4D 2WD Express Dodge Avenger 4D 4WD R/T Dodge Caliber SRT-4 SW 2WD Dodge Challenger SRT8 2WD Volkswagen Unknown Series Model Volkswagen Beetle 1500 Volkswagen Beetle Super Beetle Volkswagen Rabbit Sedan Rabbit Volkswagen Rabbit Sedan L Volkswagen Rabbit Sedan LS Volkswagen Scirocco Volkswagen Scirocco 16V Volkswagen Rabbit Conv Volkswagen Vanagon Bus Volkswagen Vanagon GL Volkswagen Vanagon GL/Carat Volkswagen Jetta Sedan Volkswagen Jetta Sedan GL Volkswagen Jetta Sedan GLI Volkswagen Jetta Sedan GL/Carat Volkswagen Jetta Sedan Carat Volkswagen Jetta Sedan GLS Volkswagen Jetta Sedan GLX Volkswagen Jetta Sedan Wolfsburg Edition Volkswagen Jetta Sedan GL TDI Volkswagen Jetta Sedan GLS TDI Volkswagen Jetta Sedan GLS 1.8T Volkswagen Jetta Sedan GLS 2.8 Volkswagen Jetta Sedan GLS Wolfsburg Edition Volkswagen Jetta Sedan GL 1.8T Volkswagen Jetta Sedan GLI VR6 Volkswagen Jetta 2D Volkswagen Jetta 2D GL Volkswagen Rabbit 2D L Volkswagen Rabbit 2D GTI Volkswagen Rabbit Pickup 2WD Volkswagen Rabbit Pickup 2WD LX Volkswagen Quantum 4D Volkswagen Golf 2D Volkswagen Golf 2D GL Volkswagen Golf 2D TDI Volkswagen Golf 2D GL TDI Volkswagen Golf 2D GTI GLX Volkswagen Golf 2D GTI GLS Volkswagen Golf 2D GTI GLS 1.8T Volkswagen Golf 2D GTI 1.8T Volkswagen Golf 2D GTI VR6 Page 73 Page 74 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 4 3 5 6 25 55 1 5 26 11 2 19 4 15 16 2 19 1 1 2 9 5 3 2 1 4 3 1 2 17 261 25 3 56 1 9 65 46 16 1 1 1 1 6 9 5 61 7 1 3 8 16 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 8020072 8020075 8020087 8021000 8021025 8021036 8021044 8021054 8021055 8021057 8021087 8022000 8022028 8022031 8022040 8022050 8023000 8023032 8023033 8023038 8024018 8024025 8025000 8026000 8026025 8027025 8028025 8029000 8029034 8030025 8030036 8030037 8030044 8030051 8030054 8030055 8030060 8030091 8030093 8030094 8030095 8030096 8030102 8030108 8030115 8031025 8031036 8031037 8031044 8031051 8031055 8031060 Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Golf 2D GTI GLX VR6 Golf 2D GTI 1.8T 20th Anniversity Edition Golf 2D 2.5 Golf 4D Golf 4D GL Golf 4D GLS Golf 4D TDI Golf 4D GL TDI Golf 4D GLS TDI Golf 4D GLS 1.8T Golf 4D 2.5 GTI 2D GTI 2D 16V GTI 2D 8V GTI 2D VR6 GTI 2D VR6 Drivers Edition Cabriolet Conv Cabriolet Conv Carat Cabriolet Conv Etienne Aigner Cabriolet Conv Classic Vanagon Camper Camper Vanagon Camper GL Quantum SW 4WD Fox 2D Fox 2D GL Fox 4D GL Fox 2D SW GL Corrado 2D Corrado 2D SLC Passat 4D 2WD GL Passat 4D 2WD GLS Passat 4D 2WD GLX Passat 4D 2WD TDI Passat 4D 2WD GLS V6 Passat 4D 2WD GL TDI Passat 4D 2WD GLS TDI Passat 4D 2WD GLX V6 Passat 4D 2WD 2.0T Passat 4D 2WD 2.0T Luxury Package Passat 4D 2WD 3.6 Passat 4D 2WD 3.6 Luxury Package Passat 4D 2WD 3.6 Sport Package Passat 4D 2WD 2.0T Sport Package Passat 4D 2WD 2.0T/Wolfsburg Edition Passat 4D 2WD 2.0T Komfort Passat SW 2WD GL Passat SW 2WD GLS Passat SW 2WD GLX Passat SW 2WD TDI Passat SW 2WD GLS V6 Passat SW 2WD GLS TDI Passat SW 2WD GLX V6 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 75 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 1 1 1 9 6 3 2 19 4 3 67 1 3 2 7 2 183 49 111 46 2 21 15 38 29 2 11 13 5 20 12 7 4 5 24 2 3 4 33 1 29 172 10 1 33 42 45 8 24 15 4 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 8031091 8031093 8031095 8031106 8031115 8033025 8033036 8033039 8034022 8034025 8035025 8035042 8035043 8035045 8035047 8035049 8036025 8036029 8036036 8036037 8036042 8036043 8036044 8036045 8036046 8036047 8036049 8037000 8037025 8037036 8037037 8037048 8038041 8040067 8040068 8040070 8040084 8040089 8041000 8041022 8041025 8041036 8041044 8041054 8041055 8041057 8041058 8041069 8041087 8041110 8041111 8042067 Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Passat SW 2WD 2.0T Passat SW 2WD 2.0T Luxury Package Passat SW 2WD 3.6 Luxury Package Passat SW 2WD Value Edition/2.0T Passat SW 2WD 2.0T Komfort Eurovan GL Eurovan GLS Eurovan MV Golf III 2D Sport Golf III 2D GL Golf III 4D GL Golf III 4D City Golf III 4D Celebration Edition Golf III 4D Trek Golf III 4D K2 Golf III 4D Jazz Jetta III 4D GL Jetta III 4D GT Jetta III 4D GLS Jetta III 4D GLX Jetta III 4D City Jetta III 4D Celebration Edition Jetta III 4D TDI Jetta III 4D Trek Jetta III 4D Wolfsburg Edition Jetta III 4D K2 Jetta III 4D Jazz Golf Cabrio Conv Golf Cabrio Conv GL Golf Cabrio Conv GLS Golf Cabrio Conv GLX Golf Cabrio Conv Highline Eurovan Camper Panel/Conversion Passat SW 4WD GLS V6 4Motion Passat SW 4WD GLX V6 4Motion Passat SW 4WD W8 4Motion Passat SW 4WD GLS 4motion 1.8T Passat SW 4WD 3.6 4motion Luxury Package New Beetle 2D New Beetle 2D Sport New Beetle 2D GL New Beetle 2D GLS New Beetle 2D TDI New Beetle 2D GL TDI New Beetle 2D GLS TDI New Beetle 2D GLS 1.8T New Beetle 2D GLX 1.8T New Beetle 2D Turbo S New Beetle 2D 2.5 New Beetle 2D 2.5 S New Beetle 2D 2.5 S / 2.5 SE Passat 4D 4WD GLS V6 4Motion Page 76 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 42 2 1 5 1 9 33 2 29 6 19 12 1 1 3 5 12 8 1 8 1 4 4 1 4 1 23 10 25 4 15 99 56 25 113 4 20 12 1 58 1 82 2 44 38 33 4 6 1 3 2 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 8042068 8042070 8042084 8042089 8042090 8043025 8043036 8043037 8043044 8043054 8043055 8043057 8043062 8043073 8043110 8043117 8044077 8044078 8044081 8044097 8044098 8044099 8044100 8045078 8046023 8046025 8046036 8046057 8046087 8046112 8048082 8049044 8049046 8049086 8049087 8049091 8049092 8049105 8049109 8049110 8049112 8049113 8049131 8050087 8051087 8052091 8052107 8053091 8053093 8053102 8053103 8053104 Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Volkswagen Passat 4D 4WD GLX V6 4Motion Passat 4D 4WD W8 4Motion Passat 4D 4WD GLS 4motion 1.8T Passat 4D 4WD 3.6 4motion Luxury Package Passat 4D 4WD 3.6 4motion Sport Package Jetta SW GL Jetta SW GLS Jetta SW GLX Jetta SW TDI Jetta SW GL TDI Jetta SW GLS TDI Jetta SW GLS 1.8T Jetta SW GLS 2.8 Jetta SW GL 1.8T Jetta SW 2.5 S Jetta SW 2.5 SE Touareg 4D 4WD V6 Touareg 4D 4WD V8 Touareg 4D 4WD V10 TDI Touareg 4D 4WD V6 Sport Suspension Touareg 4D 4WD V6 Air Suspension Touareg 4D 4WD V8 Sport Suspension Touareg 4D 4WD V8 Air Suspension Phaeton 4D 4WD V8 New Beetle Conv S New Beetle Conv GL New Beetle Conv GLS New Beetle Conv GLS 1.8T New Beetle Conv 2.5 New Beetle Conv SE R32 2D 4WD 4Motion New Jetta 4D TDI New Jetta 4D Wolfsburg Edition New Jetta 4D Value Edition 2.5 New Jetta 4D 2.5 New Jetta 4D 2.0T New Jetta 4D GLI 2.0T New Jetta 4D TDI Diesel Edition New Jetta 4D Fahrenheit GLI/GLI 2.0T New Jetta 4D 2.5 S New Jetta 4D SE New Jetta 4D 2.5 SE / 2.5 SEL New Jetta 4D 2.5 Limited New Rabbit 2D 2.5 New Rabbit 4D 2.5 New GTI 2D 2.0T New GTI 2D 2.0T/Fahrenheit 2.0T EOS Conv 2.0T EOS Conv 2.0T Luxury Package EOS Conv 2.0T Sport Package EOS Conv 3.2 EOS Conv 3.2 Sport Package WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 77 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 10 2 29 9 1 1 1 24 2 2 4 5 4 1 4 1 17 79 15 32 95 2 9 59 223 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 54 4 69 264 106 35 9 38 21 9 43 19 46 4 15 4 8 1 37 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 8053115 8053130 8054091 8055077 8055078 8055100 8055127 8056120 8057023 8057112 8057121 8058122 8058123 8059114 8060119 9006021 9007000 9007013 9007015 9007031 9007047 9009036 9020021 9020037 9020038 9020050 9035013 9037000 9039000 9044000 9046030 9046039 9047030 9047031 9049006 9049030 9049031 9049043 9050006 9050030 9050031 9052000 9053000 9053030 9053031 9053033 9054000 9054031 9058000 9058041 9059000 9059035 Volkswagen EOS Conv 2.0T Komfort Volkswagen EOS Conv 2.0T Luxury Volkswagen New GTI 4D 2.0T Volkswagen Touareg 4D 4WD V6 Volkswagen Touareg 4D 4WD V8 Volkswagen Touareg 4D 4WD V8 Air Suspension Volkswagen Touareg 4D 4WD V6 TDI Volkswagen Tiguan 4D 4WD 2.0T 4Motion S/SE/SEL Volkswagen Routan Van S Volkswagen Routan Van SE Volkswagen Routan Van SEL Volkswagen CC 4D 2WD 2.0T Luxury Volkswagen CC 4D 2WD 2.0T Sport Volkswagen CC 4D 4WD VR6 4Motion Volkswagen Tiguan 4D 2WD 2.0T S/SE/SEL Mercury Marquis/Grand Marquis 2D Grand Marquis Mercury Cougar 2D Mercury Cougar 2D XR-7 Mercury Cougar 2D I4 Mercury Cougar 2D LS Mercury Cougar 2D V6 Mercury Marquis/Grand Marquis SW Colony Park LS Mercury Marquis/Grand Marquis 4D Grand Marquis Mercury Marquis/Grand Marquis 4D Grand Marquis GS Mercury Marquis/Grand Marquis 4D Grand Marquis LS Mercury Marquis/Grand Marquis 4D Marauder Mercury Cougar XR-7 2D XR-7 Mercury Zephyr 4D Mercury Capri 2D Mercury Marquis 4D Mercury Topaz 2D GS Mercury Topaz 2D XR5 Mercury Topaz 4D GS Mercury Topaz 4D LS Mercury Sable 4D LS Premium Mercury Sable 4D GS Mercury Sable 4D LS Mercury Sable 4D GS/LS Mercury Sable SW LS Premium Mercury Sable SW GS Mercury Sable SW LS Mercury Tracer 2D Mercury Tracer 4D Mercury Tracer 4D GS Mercury Tracer 4D LS Mercury Tracer 4D LTS Mercury Tracer SW Mercury Tracer SW LS Mercury Capri Conv Mercury Capri Conv XR2 Mercury Villager Van Mercury Villager Van Sport Page 78 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 130 38 11 60 35 22 12 2 15 160 15 7 5 4 1 6 2 3 7 27 3 4 20 1 4 3 8 6 6 27 1 4 3 4 3 1 3 7 42 81 36 116 114 4 4 1 13 383 7 31 30 26 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 9059042 9059043 9059048 9061030 9061031 9061046 9062000 9062053 9063000 9063045 9063054 9063055 9065000 9065051 9065052 9066000 9066015 9066051 9066052 9067000 9067015 9067051 9067052 9067053 9068051 9068052 9069052 9072000 9073000 9073052 9074000 9074052 9075000 9075052 9076052 9077000 10000000 10002000 10003000 10004000 10004008 10007000 10007008 10009000 10011000 10012000 10013000 10014000 10014007 10014008 10014009 10014010 Mercury Villager Van GS/LS/Nautica Mercury Villager Van GS/LS Mercury Villager Van Estate Mercury Mystique 4D GS Mercury Mystique 4D LS Mercury Mystique 4D Base/GS Mercury Mountaineer 4D 4x2 Mercury Mountaineer 4D 4x2 Convenience Mercury Mountaineer 4D 4x4 Mercury Mountaineer 4D 4x4 AWD Mercury Mountaineer 4D 4x4 Luxury AWD Mercury Mountaineer 4D 4x4 Premier AWD Mercury Monterey Van Mercury Monterey Van Luxury Mercury Monterey Van Premier Mercury Mariner 4D 2WD Mercury Mariner 4D 2WD I4 Mercury Mariner 4D 2WD Luxury Mercury Mariner 4D 2WD Premier Mercury Mariner 4D 4WD Mercury Mariner 4D 4WD I4 Mercury Mariner 4D 4WD Luxury Mercury Mariner 4D 4WD Premier Mercury Mariner 4D 4WD Convenience Mercury Montego 4D 2WD Luxury Mercury Montego 4D 2WD Premier Mercury Montego 4D 4WD Premier Mercury Mariner Hybrid 4D 4WD Mercury Milan 4D 2WD Mercury Milan 4D 2WD Premier Mercury Milan 4D 4WD Mercury Milan 4D 4WD Premier Mercury Sable 4D 2WD Mercury Sable 4D 2WD Premier Mercury Sable 4D 4WD Premier Mercury Milan Hybrid 4D 2WD Cadillac Unknown Series Model Cadillac Deville 2D RWD Cadillac Brougham/Fltwd Brm/Fltwd 4D Cadillac Eldorado 2D Cadillac Eldorado 2D Touring Cadillac Seville 4D Cadillac Seville 4D Touring Cadillac Deville 4D RWD Cadillac Cimarron 4D Cadillac Eldorado Conv Cadillac Deville 2D FWD Cadillac Deville 4D FWD Cadillac Deville 4D FWD D'Elegance Cadillac Deville 4D FWD Touring Cadillac Deville 4D FWD Concours Cadillac Deville 4D FWD High Luxury WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 79 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 2 11 5 2 2 1 175 1 1 39 4 41 142 13 6 35 40 10 10 9 37 1 1 1 6 4 2 7 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 15 10 11 17 2 3 11 1 20 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 10015000 10016000 10016007 10017005 10018026 10022000 10023000 10023017 10023020 10024000 10025000 10026000 10027000 10027016 10028000 10029000 10031000 10032000 10034000 10035000 10036000 10036018 10037000 10038000 10041000 10041016 10042000 10042016 10042020 10044000 10045000 10052000 10056018 10057018 10057020 10058020 10059020 11018000 11024000 11025006 12006000 12007000 12007011 12010013 12011000 12012000 12013000 12013005 12013017 12013018 12014001 12015000 Cadillac Fleetwood 2D FWD Cadillac Fleetwood 4D FWD Cadillac Fleetwood 4D FWD D'Elegance Cadillac Fltwd 4D Limo FWD Formal Limousine Cadillac Commercial Chassis Cab FWD Incomplete Cadillac Sixty Special 4D Cadillac Escalade 1/2T 4D 4x4 Cadillac Escalade 1/2T 4D 4x4 Platinum Cadillac Escalade 1/2T 4D 4x4 Premium Cadillac Catera 4D Cadillac Escalade 1/2T 4D 4x2 Cadillac Escalade Ext 1/2T 4D 4x4 Cadillac CTS 4D 2WD/4WD Cadillac CTS 4D 2WD/4WD DI Cadillac XLR Roadster Conv Cadillac SRX 4D 2WD/4WD Cadillac Escalade ESV 1/2T 4D 4x4 Cadillac CTS-V 4D 2WD Cadillac STS V6 4D 2WD/4WD Cadillac STS V8 4D 2WD/4WD Cadillac DTS 4D Cadillac DTS 4D Luxury Cadillac STS-V 4D 2WD Cadillac XLR-V Roadster Conv Cadillac CTS 4D 2WD Cadillac CTS 4D 2WD DI Cadillac CTS 4D 4WD Cadillac CTS 4D 4WD DI Cadillac CTS 4D 4WD Premium Cadillac STS V6 4D 4WD Cadillac STS V8 4D 2WD Cadillac Escalade Hybrid 4D 4x4 Cadillac SRX 4D 2WD Luxury Cadillac SRX 4D 4WD Luxury Cadillac SRX 4D 4WD Premium Cadillac CTS 2D 2WD Premium Cadillac CTS 2D 4WD Premium AMC/Eagle Concord 4D AMC/Eagle Eagle SW 4WD AMC/Eagle Rebel 2D 770 Chrysler Imperial 2D Chrysler Cordoba Chrysler Cordoba LS Chrysler New Yorker 4D RWD 5th Ave Edition Chrysler Imperial 4D Chrysler Le Baron 2D Chrysler Le Baron 4D Chrysler Le Baron 4D Medallion Chrysler Le Baron 4D LE Chrysler Le Baron 4D Landau Chrysler Le Baron SW Town & Country Chrysler Le Baron 2D Conv Page 80 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 1 19 12 1 1 1 6 14 24 30 24 2 1 2 2 46 28 37 102 5 12 96 30 42 21 9 22 69 17 25 18 32 31 67 7 16 9 7 156 4 66 95 56 21 82 1 14 1 1 43 8 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 12015022 12015025 12016000 12019000 12021021 12023000 12024000 12024007 12024018 12026000 12027000 12027019 12027030 12027032 12027033 12028000 12028022 12028026 12028029 12028031 12029000 12030000 12031022 12031026 12031029 12032000 12032022 12032026 12032031 12033022 12033025 12033026 12033027 12033028 12033029 12033031 12033038 12033040 12034000 12034012 12036000 12036022 12036026 12036031 12036038 12036041 12038000 12038031 12038035 12039000 12039022 12039031 Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Chrysler Le Baron 2D Conv LX Le Baron 2D Conv GTC New Yorker 4D (E Body) Laser 2D Le Baron 4D (H Body) GTS Dynasty 4D New Yorker 4D (C Body) New Yorker 4D (C Body) Salon New Yorker 4D (C Body) Landua New Yorker 5th Ave 4D Intrepid 4D Intrepid 4D ES Intrepid 4D R/T Intrepid 4D SE Intrepid 4D ES/SXT Concorde 4D Concorde 4D LX Concorde 4D LXI Concorde 4D LX/LXI Concorde 4D Limited New Yorker 4D (LH Body) LHS 4D Cirrus 4D LX Cirrus 4D LXI Cirrus 4D LX/LXI Sebring 2D Sebring 2D LX Sebring 2D LXI Sebring 2D Limited Sebring Conv LX Sebring Conv GTC Sebring Conv LXI Sebring Conv JX Sebring Conv JXI Sebring Conv LX/LXI Sebring Conv Limited Sebring Conv Touring Sebring Conv Base/Touring 300M 4D 300M 4D Special Sebring 4D 2WD Sebring 4D 2WD LX Sebring 4D 2WD LXI Sebring 4D 2WD Limited Sebring 4D 2WD Touring Sebring 4D 2WD TSI Crossfire 2D Crossfire 2D Limited Crossfire 2D SRT6 300 4D 2WD 300 4D 2WD LX 300 4D 2WD Limited WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 81 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 109 11 8 8 14 2 1 1 10 1 74 5 11 64 49 184 90 68 15 18 42 1 1 2 62 12 6 7 12 6 48 9 17 125 21 78 13 1 1 6 9 18 3 7 19 2 20 6 6 3 1 17 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 12039038 12039042 12040000 12040034 12040038 12041000 12041031 12042031 12042038 12042042 12043037 12043039 12044037 13004001 13004002 13004003 13004008 13004009 13004013 13004015 13004016 13004018 13005000 13007000 13009000 13009003 13009009 13010000 13010005 13010006 13011000 13011005 13012000 13013000 13014010 13014011 13015019 13015020 13016000 13018000 13019000 13019012 13020000 13021000 13022000 13024000 13025000 13027000 13028000 13029000 13032000 14000000 Chrysler 300 4D 2WD Touring Chrysler 300 4D 2WD Touring/Signature Chrysler PT Cruiser Conv Chrysler PT Cruiser Conv GT Chrysler PT Cruiser Conv Touring Chrysler Crossfire Conv Chrysler Crossfire Conv Limited Chrysler 300 4D 4WD Limited Chrysler 300 4D 4WD Touring Chrysler 300 4D 4WD Touring/Signature Chrysler 300 Hemi 4D 2WD C Chrysler 300 Hemi 4D 2WD SRT8 Chrysler 300 Hemi 4D 4WD C Lincoln Town Car/Continental 4D Town Car Lincoln Town Car/Continental 4D Cartier Lincoln Town Car/Continental 4D Signature Lincoln Town Car/Continental 4D Town Car/Executive Lincoln Town Car/Continental 4D Executive Lincoln Town Car/Continental 4D Ultimate Lincoln Town Car/Continental 4D Executive/Signature Lincoln Town Car/Continental 4D Signature Limited Lincoln Town Car/Continental 4D Designer Series Lincoln Mark V Lincoln Mark VI 2D Lincoln Continental 4D Lincoln Continental 4D Signature Lincoln Continental 4D Executive Lincoln Mark VII 2D Lincoln Mark VII 2D LSC Lincoln Mark VII 2D Blass Lincoln Mark VIII 2D Lincoln Mark VIII 2D LSC Lincoln Navigator 4D 4x2 Lincoln Navigator 4D 4x4 Lincoln LS Sedan 4D V6 Lincoln LS Sedan 4D V8 Lincoln Town Car LWB 4D Executive L Lincoln Town Car LWB 4D Cartier L Lincoln Blackwood CR C PU 4x2 Lincoln Aviator 4D 4x2 Lincoln Aviator 4D 4x4 Lincoln Aviator 4D 4x4 AWD Lincoln Mark LT Crew C PU 4x2 Lincoln Mark LT Crew C PU 4x4 Lincoln Zephyr/MKZ 4D 2WD Lincoln MKX 4D 2WD Lincoln MKX 4D 4WD Lincoln Navigator L 4D 4x4 Lincoln MKZ 4D 4WD Lincoln MKS 4D 4WD Lincoln MKT 4D 4WD Opel/Isuzu Unknown Series Model Page 82 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 1 4 3 2 1 3 3 4 3 2 2 21 3 10 4 4 142 70 209 2 13 7 3 1 4 7 1 2 134 31 1 1 5 7 56 2 23 5 2 27 86 20 146 22 61 615 110 16 4 1 14 26 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 14006009 14014000 14015000 14016000 14017000 14018000 14018014 14019000 14021000 14022000 14024000 14025000 14026000 14027000 14028000 14029000 14031000 14034000 14035000 14038011 14039000 14043000 14044000 14046000 14047000 14048000 14051000 14052000 14055015 14056015 14057000 14058000 15000000 15001002 15001007 15008000 15010000 15011000 15015002 15015007 15016000 15016013 15017000 15017010 15017011 15017023 15017029 15017033 15018000 15026000 15028000 15031000 Opel/Isuzu Manta Manta Opel/Isuzu PU SH 1/2T 4x2 1981-1988 Opel/Isuzu PU SH 1/2T 4x4 1981-1988 Opel/Isuzu PU LN 1/2T 4x2 Opel/Isuzu PU LN 1/2T 4x4 Opel/Isuzu Impulse 2D 2WD Opel/Isuzu Impulse 2D 2WD RS/XS Opel/Isuzu Trooper II 2D 4x4 Opel/Isuzu PU Space C 1/2T 4x2 Opel/Isuzu PU Space C 1/2T 4x4 Opel/Isuzu I-Mark 4D FWD Opel/Isuzu PU SH 1/2T 4x2 1988-1995 Opel/Isuzu PU SH 1/2T 4x4 1988-1995 Opel/Isuzu Amigo 2D 4x2 Opel/Isuzu Amigo 2D 4x4 Opel/Isuzu Stylus 4D Opel/Isuzu Trooper 4D 4x4 Opel/Isuzu Rodeo 4D 4x2 Opel/Isuzu Rodeo 4D 4x4 Opel/Isuzu Oasis Van S Opel/Isuzu Hombre PU 4x2 Opel/Isuzu Vehicross 2D 4x4 Opel/Isuzu Trooper 4D 4x2 Opel/Isuzu Rodeo Sport 2D 4x4 Opel/Isuzu Axiom 4D 4x2 Opel/Isuzu Axiom 4D 4x4 Opel/Isuzu Ascender 4D 4x2 Opel/Isuzu Ascender 4D 4x4 Opel/Isuzu Medium Duty 4500 Series Incomplete Opel/Isuzu Medium Duty 5500 Series Incomplete Opel/Isuzu I290 Pickup Extended Cab 4x2 Opel/Isuzu I370 Crew Pickup 4x4 Datsun/Nissan Unknown Series Model Datsun/Nissan 240/260/280/300 2D 280 ZX Datsun/Nissan 240/260/280/300 2D 300 ZX Datsun/Nissan B210/210 Sedan Datsun/Nissan Pickup Short 4x2 Datsun/Nissan Pickup Long 4x2 Datsun/Nissan 260/280/300 2+2 2D 280 ZX Datsun/Nissan 260/280/300 2+2 2D 300 ZX Datsun/Nissan 200 SX 2D Datsun/Nissan 200 SX 2D SE-R Datsun/Nissan 810/Maxima Sedan Datsun/Nissan 810/Maxima Sedan SE Datsun/Nissan 810/Maxima Sedan GXE Datsun/Nissan 810/Maxima Sedan GXE/SE/GLE Datsun/Nissan 810/Maxima Sedan SE/SL Datsun/Nissan 810/Maxima Sedan 3.5 S/3.5 SV Datsun/Nissan 810/Maxima Wagon Datsun/Nissan 210 Wagon Datsun/Nissan Pickup Short 4x4 Datsun/Nissan King Cab PU 4x2 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 14 37 137 13 6 1238 11 6 2 3 3 4 4 1 45 3 199 4 59 4 8 2 2 107 22 116 20 14 39 28 20 8 2 3 50 699 10 7 4 4 20 7 13 161 28 5 84 753 701 108 14 163 15032000 15034000 15035000 15035013 15035019 15036000 15036009 15036010 15037000 15038008 15038009 15038010 15041000 15042009 15043000 15043012 15045000 15045010 15046000 15046010 15047000 15047001 15048000 15049000 15049010 15050000 15050010 15052009 15052010 15052016 15052017 15052020 15052022 15054000 15057000 15058000 15059014 15059015 15060000 15061010 15062000 15062010 15062011 15062021 15062023 15062026 15062031 15064000 15064027 15064028 15065000 15067000 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.1 Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan Datsun/Nissan King Cab PU 4x4 Stanza 4D Sentra 2D Sentra 2D SE-R Sentra 2D Sport Coupe Sentra 4D Sentra 4D XE Sentra 4D SE Sentra SW 2WD Pulsar 2D GX Pulsar 2D XE Pulsar 2D SE Stanza SW 4WD Sentra SW 4WD XE Pathfinder 2D 4x4 Pathfinder 2D 4x4 E PU Short 4x2 PU Short 4x2 SE PU Short 4x4 PU Short 4x4 SE PU Long 4x2 PU Long 4x2 Heavy Duty PU Long 4x4 PU King C 4x2 PU King C 4x2 SE PU King C 4x4 PU King C 4x4 SE 240 SX 2D XE 240 SX 2D SE 240 SX 2D Base/SE Coupe 240 SX 2D Base/SE/LE Liftback 240 SX 2D Base/SE Liftback 240 SX 2D Base/SE/LE Coupe Axxess SW 2WD Pathfinder 4D 4x2 Pathfinder 4D 4x4 NX 2D 1600 NX 2D 2000 300 ZX Conv 240 SX Conv SE Quest Van Quest Van SE Quest Van GXE Quest Van XE/GXE Quest Van GXE/SE/GLE Quest Van GLE Quest Van 3.5 BaseS/SL/SE Altima 4D Altima 4D 2.5 Altima 4D 3.5 Frontier PU Short 4x2 Frontier PU King C 4x2 Page 83 Page 84 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 81 1 63 336 20 40 4 112 12 9 2 36 14 100 26 183 13 39 16 88 15 7 57 66 10 148 60 7 7 19 9 2 17 73 1 3 6 2 4 12 1 4 18 132 495 513 59 560 1556 11 394 117 15068000 15068025 15069000 15070000 15070025 15071000 15071025 15072000 15072025 15073000 15073025 15074000 15074025 15075000 15076000 15077000 15078000 15079000 15080000 15081000 15082000 15083000 15084000 15085030 15085036 15086030 15087000 15087032 15088000 15089034 15089035 15089037 15090000 15091000 15092000 15093000 15095000 15096000 15097000 15098000 15100000 15102000 16000000 16002000 16003000 16003010 16003013 16003052 16003060 16003069 16003093 16003094 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.1 Datsun/Nissan Frontier PU King C 4x4 Datsun/Nissan Frontier PU King C 4x4 S/C Datsun/Nissan XTerra 4D 4x2 Datsun/Nissan XTerra 4D 4x4 Datsun/Nissan XTerra 4D 4x4 S/C Datsun/Nissan Frontier CR PU Short 4x2 Datsun/Nissan Frontier CR PU Short 4x2 S/C Datsun/Nissan Frontier CR PU Short 4x4 Datsun/Nissan Frontier CR PU Short 4x4 S/C Datsun/Nissan Frontier CR PU Long 4x2 Datsun/Nissan Frontier CR PU Long 4x2 S/C Datsun/Nissan Frontier CR PU Long 4x4 Datsun/Nissan Frontier CR PU Long 4x4 S/C Datsun/Nissan 350Z 2D Datsun/Nissan Murano 4D 2WD Datsun/Nissan Murano 4D 4WD Datsun/Nissan Titan PU King Cab Short 4x2 Datsun/Nissan Titan PU King Cab Short 4x4 Datsun/Nissan Titan CR PU Short 4x2 Datsun/Nissan Titan CR PU Short 4x4 Datsun/Nissan 350Z Roadster Conv Datsun/Nissan Armada 4D 4x2 Datsun/Nissan Armada 4D 4x4 Datsun/Nissan Versa 4D 1.8 S/1.8 SL Datsun/Nissan Versa 4D 1.6 Datsun/Nissan Versa 5D 1.8 S/1.8 SL Datsun/Nissan Sentra SE-R/2.5S/LTD 4D Datsun/Nissan Sentra SE-R/2.5S/LTD 4D SPEC V Datsun/Nissan Altima Hybrid 4D Datsun/Nissan Altima 2D 2.5 S Datsun/Nissan Altima 2D 3.5 SE Datsun/Nissan Altima 2D 3.5 SR Datsun/Nissan Rogue 4D 2WD Datsun/Nissan Rogue 4D 4WD Datsun/Nissan Titan Pickup King Cab Long 4x2 Datsun/Nissan Titan Pickup King Cab Long 4x4 Datsun/Nissan Titan Crew Pickup Long 4x4 Datsun/Nissan GT-R 2D 4WD Datsun/Nissan 370Z 2D Datsun/Nissan Cube SW Datsun/Nissan 370Z Conv Datsun/Nissan Juke 4D 4WD Toyota Unknown Series Model Toyota Land Cruiser 4D 4x4 Toyota Corolla Sedan 2WD Toyota Corolla Sedan 2WD Deluxe Toyota Corolla Sedan 2WD LE (Luxury Edition) Toyota Corolla Sedan 2WD VE/CE/LE Toyota Corolla Sedan 2WD CE/LE/S Toyota Corolla Sedan 2WD XRS Toyota Corolla Sedan 2WD STD/S/LE/XLE Toyota Corolla Sedan 2WD STD/LE/XLE WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 56 1 1 57 116 23 1 11 98 44 204 16 5 24 37 7 22 9 66 151 20 2 40 15 11 137 65 1 28 1 71 7 1 5 30 10 14 3 8 8 974 348 708 159 5 674 249 1365 235 17 356 4 16004010 16007010 16010000 16010014 16010015 16010017 16010041 16010042 16010054 16010059 16013000 16013010 16013016 16014000 16014010 16014016 16015000 16015013 16017000 16017010 16017016 16018000 16018010 16018016 16019000 16020000 16020010 16020027 16020043 16021000 16021010 16021043 16022000 16023010 16023011 16023016 16023017 16024000 16025010 16025011 16026000 16026010 16026013 16026030 16026031 16026050 16026051 16026064 16026065 16026075 16026087 16027010 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Corolla SW 2WD Deluxe Corona Sedan Deluxe Celica 2D 2WD Celica 2D 2WD ST Celica 2D 2WD GT Celica 2D 2WD GT-S Celica 2D 2WD Coupe Celica 2D 2WD Liftback Celica 2D 2WD GT Liftback Celica 2D 2WD GTS Liftback Pickup Short 1/2T 4x2 Pickup Short 1/2T 4x2 Deluxe Pickup Short 1/2T 4x2 SR5 Sport Pickup Long 1/2T 4x2 Pickup Long 1/2T 4x2 Deluxe Pickup Long 1/2T 4x2 SR5 Sport Cressida 4D Cressida 4D LE (Luxury Edition) Pickup Short 1/2T 4x4 Pickup Short 1/2T 4x4 Deluxe Pickup Short 1/2T 4x4 SR5 Sport Pickup Long 1/2T 4x4 Pickup Long 1/2T 4x4 Deluxe Pickup Long 1/2T 4x4 SR5 Sport Celica Supra Tercel 2D Tercel 2D Deluxe Tercel 2D EZ Tercel 2D CE Tercel 4D Tercel 4D Deluxe Tercel 4D CE Starlet Liftback Corolla 2D Deluxe Corolla 2D SR5 Corolla 2D SR5 Sport Corolla 2D GT-S Pickup Long 3/4T 4x2 Tercel SW 4WD Deluxe Tercel SW 4WD SR5 Camry 4D 2WD Camry 4D 2WD Deluxe Camry 4D 2WD LE (Luxury Edition) Camry 4D 2WD XLE Camry 4D 2WD SE Camry 4D 2WD CE/LE/XLE Camry 4D 2WD LE/XLE V6 Camry 4D 2WD STD/LE/XLE/SE Camry 4D 2WD LE/XLE/SE V6 Camry 4D 2WD SE V6 Camry 4D 2WD CE/LE/XLE/SE Tercel SW 2WD Deluxe Page 85 Page 86 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 3 8 132 1 15 253 139 9 2 29 8 12 5 17 35 3 2 4 7 5 21 12 4 8 3 3 42 35 9 2 1 15 5 4 11 12 1 1 12 44 10 5 3 19 38 602 219 35 160 37 7 29 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 16028010 16028013 16029010 16029011 16029016 16030010 16030016 16031000 16031020 16032000 16032010 16032011 16033000 16034015 16035000 16035022 16035024 16035028 16036010 16036011 16036016 16037000 16037021 16037024 16037029 16038000 16038010 16038013 16039000 16039025 16039026 16042010 16044010 16044013 16045104 16046010 16046011 16047010 16048000 16048039 16048044 16048077 16048078 16049000 16049011 16049039 16049044 16049067 16049077 16049078 16049098 16050010 Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Van 4x2 Deluxe Van 4x2 LE (Luxury Edition) PU Xtra Cab 1/2T 4x2 Deluxe PU Xtra Cab 1/2T 4x2 SR5 PU Xtra Cab 1/2T 4x2 SR5 Sport PU X Cab 1/2T 4x4 Deluxe PU X Cab 1/2T 4x4 SR5 Sport Cargo Van 4x2 Cargo Van 4x2 Panel Van 4Runner Truck 4x4 4Runner Truck 4x4 Deluxe 4Runner Truck 4x4 SR5 Pickup Long 1T 4x2 Celica Conv GT MR2 MR2 T-Bar MR2 Turbo MR2 Supercharged 4Runner 2D 4x4 Deluxe 4Runner 2D 4x4 SR5 4Runner 2D 4x4 SR5 Sport Supra 2D Supra 2D With Sport Roof Supra 2D Turbo Supra 2D With Sport Roof, Turbo Camry SW Camry SW Deluxe Camry SW LE (Luxury Edition) Corolla FX 2D Corolla FX 2D FX16 Corolla FX 2D FX16 GT-S PU X Cab Long 1/2T 4x2 Deluxe Camry 4D 4WD Deluxe Camry 4D 4WD LE (Luxury Edition) Chassis Cab Incomplete Corolla SW 4WD Deluxe Corolla SW 4WD SR5 Corolla 4D 4WD Deluxe 4Runner 4D 4x2 4Runner 4D 4x2 SR5 V6 4Runner 4D 4x2 Limited V6 4Runner 4D 4x2 SR5/Sport Edition 4Runner 4D 4x2 SR5/Sport Edition 4Runner 4D 4x4 4Runner 4D 4x4 SR5 4Runner 4D 4x4 SR5 V6 4Runner 4D 4x4 Limited V6 4Runner 4D 4x4 Limited V8 4Runner 4D 4x4 SR5/Sport Edition 4Runner 4D 4x4 SR5/Sport Edition 4Runner 4D 4x4 SR5/Limited/Trail Previa Van 4x2 Deluxe V6 V8 V6 V8 V6 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 30 7 5 9 17 6 3 53 6 1 1 1 4 6 1 1 10 3 25 9 10 30 300 2 106 6 6 5 2 15 7 36 185 5 245 35 83 1 9 90 3 257 387 21 12 3 129 6 1 40 11 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 16050013 16050033 16050034 16051010 16051013 16051033 16051034 16052000 16053000 16053010 16053032 16054010 16054011 16054032 16055000 16055010 16056000 16056010 16056013 16056031 16057035 16057036 16057063 16057068 16057089 16057096 16058000 16058010 16058011 16059000 16059010 16059011 16060000 16060048 16061000 16061048 16061055 16061076 16061082 16062000 16062038 16063000 16063038 16063039 16063044 16064000 16065000 16065038 16065044 16065083 16065084 16065085 Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Previa Van 4x2 LE (Luxury Edition) Previa Van 4x2 LE S/C Previa Van 4x2 DX S/C Previa Van 4x4 Deluxe Previa Van 4x4 LE (Luxury Edition) Previa Van 4x4 LE S/C Previa Van 4x4 DX S/C Paseo 2D T100 Pickup 1/2T 4x2 T100 Pickup 1/2T 4x2 Deluxe T100 Pickup 1/2T 4x2 STD T100 Pickup 1/2T 4x4 Deluxe T100 Pickup 1/2T 4x4 SR5 T100 Pickup 1/2T 4x4 STD T100 Pickup 1T T100 Pickup 1T Deluxe Camry 2D Camry 2D Deluxe Camry 2D LE (Luxury Edition) Camry 2D SE Avalon 4D XL Avalon 4D XLS Avalon 4D XL/XLS Avalon 4D V6/V6 Limited Avalon 4D XL/XLS/Touring/Limited Avalon 4D XL/XLS/Limited T100 PU X Cab 1/2T 4x2 T100 PU X Cab 1/2T 4x2 Deluxe T100 PU X Cab 1/2T 4x2 SR5 T100 PU X Cab 1/2T 4x4 T100 PU X Cab 1/2T 4x4 Deluxe T100 PU X Cab 1/2T 4x4 SR5 Tacoma PU 4x2 Tacoma PU 4x2 Prerunner Tacoma PU X Cab 4x2 Tacoma PU X Cab 4x2 Prerunner Tacoma PU X Cab 4x2 Prerunner V6 Tacoma PU X Cab 4x2 S-runner V6 Tacoma PU X Cab 4x2 X-runner V6 Tacoma PU 4x4 Tacoma PU 4x4 V6 Tacoma PU X Cab 4x4 Tacoma PU X Cab 4x4 V6 Tacoma PU X Cab 4x4 SR5 V6 Tacoma PU X Cab 4x4 Limited V6 Rav4 2D 2WD Rav4 4D 2WD Rav4 4D 2WD V6 Rav4 4D 2WD Limited V6 Rav4 4D 2WD 4 Cylinder Rav4 4D 2WD Sport 4 Cylinder Rav4 4D 2WD Sport V6 Page 87 Page 88 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 4 3 355 40 103 136 47 48 53 5 1 285 44 322 89 11 2 2 41 94 21 4 2 16 6 11 58 3 8 3 9 195 55 54 99 18 22 9 969 11 68 222 13 6 80 78 11 42 18 39 2 71 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 16065086 16066000 16067000 16067038 16067044 16067083 16067084 16067085 16067086 16069045 16069046 16069047 16069056 16069071 16069072 16069099 16069101 16069103 16071031 16071049 16071074 16071088 16071091 16072038 16072079 16073039 16073066 16073067 16074066 16074079 16075039 16075066 16075067 16076000 16077000 16078000 16079049 16079091 16080000 16081048 16081055 16082038 16083066 16083067 16084066 16084067 16084092 16085000 16085038 16085068 16085085 16086000 Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota TOYOTA TOYOTA Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Toyota Rav4 4D 2WD Limited 4 Cylinder Rav4 2D 4WD Rav4 4D 4WD Rav4 4D 4WD V6 Rav4 4D 4WD Limited V6 Rav4 4D 4WD 4 Cylinder Rav4 4D 4WD Sport 4 Cylinder Rav4 4D 4WD Sport V6 Rav4 4D 4WD Limited 4 Cylinder Sienna Van 2WD CE 4D Sienna Van 2WD LE 4D Sienna Van 2WD LE/XLE 5D Sienna Van 2WD CE 5D Sienna Van 2WD CE/LE 5D Sienna Van 2WD XLE/XLE Limited 5D Sienna Van 2WD LE V6 5D Sienna Van 2WD V6 5D Sienna Van 2WD XLE/Limited V6 5D Camry Solara 2D SE Camry Solara 2D SE/SLE V6 Camry Solara 2D SE/SLE Camry Solara 2D SE/SLE/SPORT Camry Solara 2D SE/SLE/SPORT V6 Tundra PU SH 4x2 V6 Tundra PU SH 4x2 V8 Tundra PU AC Cab 4x2 SR5 V6 Tundra PU AC Cab 4x2 SR5 V8 Tundra PU AC Cab 4x2 Limited V8 Tundra PU SH 4x4 SR5 V8 Tundra PU SH 4x4 V8 Tundra PU AC Cab 4x4 SR5 V6 Tundra PU AC Cab 4x4 SR5 V8 Tundra PU AC Cab 4x4 Limited V8 Echo 2D Echo 4D MR2 Spyder Conv Camry Solara Conv SE/SLE V6 Camry Solara Conv SE/SLE/Sport V6 Prius Hybrid 4D Tacoma PU DBL Cab SH 4x2 Prerunner Tacoma PU DBL Cab SH 4x2 Prerunner V6 Tacoma PU DBL Cab SH 4x4 V6 Sequoia 4D 4x2 SR5 V8 Sequoia 4D 4x2 Limited V8 Sequoia 4D 4x4 SR5 V8 Sequoia 4D 4x4 Limited V8 Sequoia 4D 4x4 Platinum V8 Highlander 4D 2WD Highlander 4D 2WD V6 Highlander 4D 2WD V6/V6 Limited Highlander 4D 2WD Sport V6 Highlander 4D 4WD WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 89 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 43 51 228 11 37 1 25 27 198 6 43 18 71 38 4 3 1 26 5 4 167 63 45 22 69 108 4 22 43 75 50 52 14 163 157 5 3 1 10 3 5 27 30 8 5 10 1 3 8 13 3 8 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 16086038 16086044 16086068 16086075 16086085 16086105 16087032 16087069 16087070 16087095 16088070 16088095 16089072 16089073 16089099 16089103 16090039 16090066 16090067 16090079 16091066 16091067 16091079 16092080 16093081 16095000 16096068 16097038 16097044 16097068 16098000 16098090 16099000 16099090 16100000 16101038 16101079 16102079 16104066 16104079 16105066 16106066 16106067 16106079 16107000 16107090 16108000 16108038 16109000 16109038 17002000 18000000 Toyota Highlander 4D 4WD V6 Toyota Highlander 4D 4WD Limited V6 Toyota Highlander 4D 4WD V6/V6 Limited Toyota Highlander 4D 4WD SE V6 Toyota Highlander 4D 4WD Sport V6 Toyota Highlander 4D 4WD Base/SE V6 Toyota Matrix SW 2WD STD Toyota Matrix SW 2WD XRS Toyota Matrix SW 2WD STD/XR Toyota Matrix SW 2WD S Toyota Matrix SW 4WD STD/XR Toyota Matrix SW 4WD S Toyota Sienna Van 4WD XLE/XLE Limited 5D Toyota Sienna Van 4WD LE 5D Toyota Sienna Van 4WD LE V6 5D Toyota Sienna Van 4WD XLE/Limited V6 5D Toyota Tundra PU DBL Cab SH 4x2 SR5 V6 Toyota Tundra PU DBL Cab SH 4x2 SR5 V8 Toyota Tundra PU DBL Cab SH 4x2 Limited V8 Toyota Tundra PU DBL Cab SH 4x2 V8 Toyota Tundra PU DBL Cab SH 4x4 SR5 V8 Toyota Tundra PU DBL Cab SH 4x4 Limited V8 Toyota Tundra PU DBL Cab SH 4x4 V8 Toyota Tacoma PU DBL Cab LN 4x2 Prerunner Longbed V6 Toyota Tacoma PU DBL Cab LN 4x4 Longbed V6 Toyota FJ Cruiser 4D 4X4 Toyota Highlander Hybrid 4D 2WD V6/V6 Limited Toyota Highlander Hybrid 4D 4WD V6 Toyota Highlander Hybrid 4D 4WD Limited V6 Toyota Highlander Hybrid 4D 4WD V6/V6 Limited Toyota Yaris 3D Toyota Yaris 3D Base/S Toyota Yaris 4D Toyota Yaris 4D Base/S Toyota Camry Hybrid 4D Toyota Tundra PU Long 4x2 V6 Toyota Tundra PU Long 4x2 V8 Toyota Tundra PU Long 4x4 V8 Toyota Tundra PU Double Cab Long 4x4 SR5 V8 Toyota Tundra PU Double Cab Long 4x4 V8 Toyota Tundra PU Crew Max 4x2 SR5 V8 Toyota Tundra PU Crew Max 4x4 SR5 V8 Toyota Tundra PU Crew Max 4x4 Limited V8 Toyota Tundra PU Crew Max 4x4 V8 Toyota Yaris 5D Toyota Yaris 5D Base/S Toyota Venza 4D 2WD Toyota Venza 4D 2WD V6 Toyota Venza 4D 4WD Toyota Venza 4D 4WD V6 Capri/Merkur XR4TI 2D Mazda Unknown Series Model Page 90 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 4 36 3 85 7 177 81 122 20 179 26 1 6 52 6 22 1 171 2 4 45 17 121 3 23 76 5 7 2 1 22 177 27 198 1 1 30 25 14 36 21 13 37 304 30 1 121 4 5 2 5 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 18013001 18016000 18016002 18018000 18018004 18018008 18018010 18018013 18018015 18019000 18020000 18021001 18022000 18022005 18022006 18022007 18024000 18025000 18025021 18025022 18026000 18027000 18027009 18028000 18029000 18031000 18031021 18031022 18032000 18033002 18034000 18036000 18037000 18038000 18038023 18039009 18040000 18041000 18041011 18043000 18043012 18043020 18044004 18044008 18044017 18044018 18044019 18044023 18045010 18045012 18045016 18045024 Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda Mazda GLC Sedan FWD RX-7 Coupe RX-7 Coupe Turbo 626 Sedan 626 Sedan ES 626 Sedan DX/LX 626 Sedan LX-V6/ES-V6 626 Sedan LX/ES 626 Sedan LX B Series STD PU 4x2 B Series Long PU 4x2 GLC 2D FWD 626/MX-6 2D 626/MX-6 2D MX-6 626/MX-6 2D MX-6 Turbo 626/MX-6 2D MX-6 LS B2200 DSL Long PU 4x2 B Series Cab+ PU 4x2 B Series Cab+ PU 4x2 2-DOOR B Series Cab+ PU 4x2 4-DOOR 323 2D 2WD 323 4D 2WD 323 4D 2WD Protege 323 SW B Series STD PU 4x4 B Series Cab+ PU 4x4 B Series Cab+ PU 4x4 2-DOOR B Series Cab+ PU 4x4 4-DOOR RX-7 Conv 323 2D 4WD Turbo 929 4D MPV Van 2WD MPV Van 4WD MX-5 / Miata Conv MX-5 / Miata Conv Mazdaspeed 323 4D 4WD Protege Navajo 2D 4x4 MX-3 Coupe MX-3 Coupe GS Millenia 4D Millenia 4D S Millenia 4D P Protege 4D ES Protege 4D DX/LX Protege 4D LX 2.0/ES 2.0 Protege 4D MP3 Protege 4D DX/LX/ES 2.0 Protege 4D Mazdaspeed Tribute 4D 2WD LX-V6/ES-V6 Tribute 4D 2WD S Tribute 4D 2WD DX Tribute 4D 2WD LX-V6 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 13 48 16 4 20 17 11 77 77 232 64 187 386 181 30 27 11 10 63 59 8 37 1 20 5 5 1 1 5 4 3 1 16 2 1 67 16 7 8 2 37 1 6 4 2 1 5 14 7 1 4 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 18045026 18046010 18046012 18046016 18046024 18046025 18046026 18047000 18048012 18048026 18049000 18050012 18050026 18051012 18052012 18052026 18053012 18054023 18055000 18056000 18057000 18058000 18058036 18059000 18062026 18063012 18064000 19008000 20000000 20007004 20007006 20007007 20008000 20008004 20008006 20008007 20008012 20008013 20009000 20009006 20009007 20009008 20009012 20009015 20011002 20013005 20013010 20013011 20014011 20016005 20016009 20017009 Mazda Tribute 4D 2WD I Mazda Tribute 4D 4WD LX-V6/ES-V6 Mazda Tribute 4D 4WD S Mazda Tribute 4D 4WD DX Mazda Tribute 4D 4WD LX-V6 Mazda Tribute 4D 4WD ES-V6 Mazda Tribute 4D 4WD I Mazda Protege 5 SW Mazda 6 4D 2WD S Mazda 6 4D 2WD I Mazda RX-8 2D Mazda 3 4D S Mazda 3 4D I Mazda 3 SW S Mazda 6 5D 2WD S Mazda 6 5D 2WD I Mazda 6 SW 2WD S Mazda 6 4D 4WD MazdaSpeed Mazda 5 SW Mazda CX-7 4D 2WD/4WD Mazda CX-9 4D 2WD Mazda CX-9 4D 4WD Mazda CX-9 4D 4WD Grand Touring Mazda MazdaSpeed 3 SW Mazda CX-7 4D 2WD I Mazda CX-7 4D 4WD S Mazda 2 5D Fiat/Bertone X 1/9 2D Volvo Unknown Series Model Volvo 240 2D De Luxe (DL) Volvo 240 2D Grand Luxe Touring Volvo 240 2D DL/GL Volvo 240 4D Volvo 240 4D De Luxe (DL) Volvo 240 4D Grand Luxe Touring Volvo 240 4D DL/GL Volvo 240 4D Base/DL Volvo 240 4D Base/GL Volvo 240 SW Volvo 240 SW Grand Luxe Touring Volvo 240 SW DL/GL Volvo 240 SW DL/GLT Volvo 240 SW Base/DL Volvo 240 SW Base/SE Volvo 260 4D Grand Luxe (GL) Volvo 760/740 4D Grand Luxe Exec (GLE) Volvo 760/740 4D 760 GLE Volvo 760/740 4D 740 GLE Volvo 760/740 SW 740 GLE Volvo 760 4D Grand Luxe Exec (GLE) Volvo 760 4D Turbo Volvo 760 SW Turbo Page 91 Page 92 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 2 7 12 5 8 2 1 11 6 3 7 7 2 3 10 3 8 2 10 9 27 13 23 32 22 39 1 7 11 18 3 18 7 7 32 12 17 18 8 33 7 13 19 8 3 2 152 12 25 4 1 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 20018000 20018002 20018005 20018009 20018013 20018014 20018017 20019000 20019002 20019005 20019009 20019013 20019014 20019017 20020000 20020002 20020009 20020016 20021000 20021009 20022000 20023000 20024000 20024009 20024019 20024020 20024022 20024023 20025000 20025009 20025019 20025020 20025022 20025023 20026000 20026015 20026019 20026023 20026028 20027000 20027015 20027019 20027023 20027030 20027038 20027045 20028024 20028026 20028029 20028051 20028052 20029000 Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo Volvo 740 4D 740 4D Grand Luxe (GL) 740 4D Grand Luxe Exec (GLE) 740 4D Turbo 740 4D Base/GL 740 4D Turbo/SE Turbo 740 4D GLE Turbo 740 SW 740 SW Grand Luxe (GL) 740 SW Grand Luxe Exec (GLE) 740 SW Turbo 740 SW Base/GL 740 SW Turbo/SE Turbo 740 SW GLE Turbo 940 4D 940 4D Grand LUXE (GL) 940 4D Turbo 940 4D SE Turbo 940 SW 940 SW Turbo 960/S90 4D 960/V90 SW 850 4D 850 4D Turbo 850 4D GLT 850 4D Base/GLT 850 4D R 850 4D T5 850 SW 850 SW Turbo 850 SW GLT 850 SW Base/GLT 850 SW R 850 SW T5 S70 4D 2WD S70 4D 2WD Base/SE S70 4D 2WD GLT S70 4D 2WD T5 S70 4D 2WD GLT/GLT SE V70 SW 2WD V70 SW 2WD Base/SE V70 SW 2WD GLT V70 SW 2WD T5 V70 SW 2WD 2.4T V70 SW 2WD 2.5T V70 SW 2WD 3.2 V70 SW 4WD XC AWD V70 SW 4WD AWD V70 SW 4WD XC AWD/XC AWD SE V70 SW 4WD XC AWD 3.2 V70 SW 4WD XC AWD T6 C70 2D WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 13 6 7 64 47 13 10 34 69 5 11 74 21 38 28 16 23 2 2 1 8 48 6 51 30 7 19 4 2 5 17 72 10 3 3 7 14 10 10 8 1 1 5 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 20030000 20030023 20031026 20032000 20032027 20032038 20032045 20033000 20033031 20034000 20034031 20035000 20035023 20035030 20035038 20036026 20036039 20037033 20037046 20037047 20038034 20038035 20038036 20038037 20038043 20038049 20038050 20039026 20039027 20039044 20040023 20040041 20041042 20042023 20042041 20043042 20044026 20045026 20046023 20047027 20047045 21000000 21006001 21006004 21007000 21007001 21011000 21012001 21013001 21013004 21016002 21017000 Volvo C70 Conv Volvo C70 Conv T5 Volvo S70 4D 4WD AWD Volvo S80 4D 2WD Volvo S80 4D 2WD T6 Volvo S80 4D 2WD 2.5T Volvo S80 4D 2WD 3.2 Volvo S40 4D Volvo S40 4D 1.9T Volvo V40 SW Volvo V40 SW 1.9T Volvo S60 4D 2WD Volvo S60 4D 2WD T5 Volvo S60 4D 2WD 2.4T Volvo S60 4D 2WD 2.5T Volvo S60 4D 4WD AWD Volvo S60 4D 4WD 2.5T AWD Volvo XC90 4D 2WD 7-Pass Volvo XC90 4D 2WD 3.2 5-Pass Volvo XC90 4D 2WD 3.2 7-Pass Volvo XC90 4D 4WD AWD 5-Pass Volvo XC90 4D 4WD AWD 7-Pass Volvo XC90 4D 4WD T6 AWD 5-Pass Volvo XC90 4D 4WD T6 AWD 7-Pass Volvo XC90 4D 4WD V8 AWD 7-Pass Volvo XC90 4D 4WD V8 AWD Sport 7-Pass Volvo XC90 4D 4WD 3.2 AWD 7-Pass Volvo S80 4D 4WD AWD Volvo S80 4D 4WD T6 Volvo S80 4D 4WD V8 Volvo S40 4D 2WD T5 Volvo S40 4D 2WD 2.4I Volvo S40 4D 4WD T5 AWD Volvo V50 SW 2WD T5 Volvo V50 SW 2WD 2.4I Volvo V50 SW 4WD T5 AWD Volvo S60 R 4D 4WD AWD Volvo V70 R SW 4WD AWD Volvo C30 3D 2WD T5 Volvo XC60 4D 4WD T6 Volvo XC60 4D 4WD 3.2 Audi Unknown Series Model Audi 5000 4D 2WD S Audi 5000 4D 2WD CS Audi 4000 4D 2WD Audi 4000 4D 2WD S Audi 4000 GT Coupe 2D 2WD Audi 4000 Quattro 4D 4WD S Audi 5000 Quattro 4D 4WD S Audi 5000 Quattro 4D 4WD CS Audi 80 Quattro 4D 4WD 4WD Audi 90 4D 2WD Page 93 Page 94 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 2 1 1 4 5 1 6 1 2 5 2 2 3 6 26 1 2 7 3 9 62 15 52 19 4 22 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 6 30 9 3 11 163 80 43 19 1 27 7 2 19 3 4 1 1 8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 21017001 21017004 21017006 21018002 21018004 21018006 21019000 21019001 21019004 21021004 21023002 21025002 21026002 21027010 21027011 21028004 21030008 21030012 21030014 21032002 21032008 21032010 21032011 21032012 21032013 21032014 21032019 21032021 21032039 21032041 21033002 21034002 21034028 21036000 21036007 21036008 21036012 21037002 21037007 21037008 21037012 21039010 21040008 21041007 21041008 21041012 21042008 21042012 21042014 21042021 21042041 21043000 Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi 90 4D 2WD S 90 4D 2WD CS 90 4D 2WD Sport 90 Quattro 4D 4WD 4WD 90 Quattro 4D 4WD CS 90 Quattro 4D 4WD Sport 100 4D 2WD 100 4D 2WD S 100 4D 2WD CS 100 Quattro 4D 4WD CS 200 Quattro 4D 4WD 4WD Coupe Quattro 2D 4WD 4WD V8 Quattro 4D 4WD 4WD S4 Quattro 4D 4WD 4.2 S4 Quattro 4D 4WD 2.7T 100 Quattro SW 4WD CS A6 4D 2WD 2.8 A6 4D 2WD 3.0 A6 4D 2WD 3.2 A6 Quattro 4D 4WD 4WD A6 Quattro 4D 4WD 2.8 A6 Quattro 4D 4WD 4.2 A6 Quattro 4D 4WD 2.7T A6 Quattro 4D 4WD 3.0 A6 Quattro 4D 4WD 2.7T S-Line A6 Quattro 4D 4WD 3.2 A6 Quattro 4D 4WD 4.2 S-Line A6 Quattro 4D 4WD 3.2 S-Line A6 Quattro 4D 4WD 3.0T Prestige A6 Quattro 4D 4WD 3.0T Premiun Plus A6 Quattro SW 4WD 4WD S6 Quattro 4D 4WD 4WD S6 Quattro 4D 4WD 5.2 A4 4D 2WD A4 4D 2WD 1.8T A4 4D 2WD 2.8 A4 4D 2WD 3.0 A4 Quattro 4D 4WD 4WD A4 Quattro 4D 4WD 1.8T A4 Quattro 4D 4WD 2.8 A4 Quattro 4D 4WD 3.0 A8 Quattro 4D 4WD 4.2 A4 Avant SW 2WD 2.8 A4 Avant Quattro SW 4WD 1.8T A4 Avant Quattro SW 4WD 2.8 A4 Avant Quattro SW 4WD 3.0 A6 Avant Quattro SW 4WD 2.8 A6 Avant Quattro SW 4WD 3.0 A6 Avant Quattro SW 4WD 3.2 A6 Avant Quattro SW 4WD 3.2 S-line A6 Avant Quattro SW 4WD 3.0T Premium Plus TT Coupe 2WD WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 1 24 3 1 3 1 13 10 1 1 1 29 1 8 2 1 2 5 9 2 4 9 1 2 14 2 1 2 1 2 1 29 6 2 16 61 8 2 8 18 7 1 5 5 4 2 4 1 6 2 1 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 21043015 21044000 21044014 21044029 21045000 21045015 21046000 21047010 21048010 21048011 21049010 21050011 21051010 21052007 21054012 21054015 21055010 21056015 21056023 21056048 21057015 21057021 21058010 21058022 21058025 21058026 21058027 21058035 21058046 21058048 21058056 21059015 21059020 21059023 21060014 21060015 21060020 21060021 21060023 21060029 21060030 21060031 21061014 21061015 21061020 21061023 21061029 21061030 21062010 21062041 21063010 21064010 Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi Audi TT Coupe 2WD 2.0T TT Coupe Quattro 4WD TT Coupe Quattro 4WD 3.2 TT Coupe Quattro 4WD 2.0T Premium Plus TT Roadster Conv 2WD TT Roadster Conv 2WD 2.0T TT Roadster Conv Quattro 4WD A8L Quattro 4D 4WD 4.2 S4 Avant Quattro SW 4WD 4.2 S4 Avant Quattro SW 4WD 2.7T S8 Quattro 4D 4WD 4.2 Allroad Quattro SW 4WD 2.7T S6 Avant Quattro SW 4WD 4.2 A4 Cabriolet Conv 2WD 1.8T A4 Cabriolet Conv Quattro 4WD 3.0 A4 Cabriolet Conv Quattro 4WD 2.0T S4 Cabriolet Conv Quattro 4WD 4.2 A3 SW 2WD 2.0T A3 SW 2WD 2.0T Premium A3 SW 2WD TDI Premium Plus A3 Quattro SW 4WD 2.0T A3 Quattro SW 4WD 3.2 S-Line Q7 4D 4WD 4.2 Q7 4D 4WD 4.2 Premium Q7 4D 4WD 3.6 Premium Q7 4D 4WD 3.6 Premium S-Line Q7 4D 4WD 4.2 Premium S-Line Q7 4D 4WD 4.2 Prestige Q7 4D 4WD 3.6 Premium Plus S-Line Q7 4D 4WD TDI Premium Plus Q7 4D 4WD TDI Prestige S-Line A4 4D 2WD 2.0T A4 4D 2WD 2.0T S-Line A4 4D 2WD 2.0T Premium A4 Quattro 4D 4WD 3.2 A4 Quattro 4D 4WD 2.0T A4 Quattro 4D 4WD 2.0T S-line A4 Quattro 4D 4WD 3.2 S-line A4 Quattro 4D 4WD 2.0T Premium A4 Quattro 4D 4WD 2.0T Premium Plus A4 Quattro 4D 4WD 2.0T Prestige A4 Quattro 4D 4WD 3.2 Premium Plus A4 Avant Quattro 4WD 3.2 A4 Avant Quattro 4WD 2.0T A4 Avant Quattro 4WD 2.0T S-Line A4 Avant Quattro 4WD 2.0T Premium A4 Avant Quattro 4WD 2.0T Premium Plus A4 Avant Quattro 4WD 2.0T Prestige S4 Quattro 4D 4WD 4.2 S4 Quattro 4D 4WD 3.0T Premium Plus S4 Avant Quattro 4WD 4.2 RS4 Quattro 4D 4WD 4.2 Page 95 Page 96 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 6 2 1 1 1 8 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 4 2 2 1 5 7 1 4 1 19 22 53 46 1 61 265 2 1 80 26 112 2 4 29 25 48 230 33 2 60 405 8 1 3 14 20 203 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 Code Value and Description 21066014 21066029 21066032 21067010 21067035 21069031 21069032 21069044 21070000 21073029 21073030 21074039 22006000 22006005 22006006 22006012 22007000 22008000 22010000 22011000 22014000 22014012 22014013 22015014 23000000 23001009 23001015 23001016 23001017 23002000 23002001 23002002 23002006 23002010 23002023 23002024 23002029 23002061 23003000 23006000 23006001 23006003 23006004 23006008 23006011 23006018 23006027 23006030 23006038 23006039 23006040 23006041 Audi A5 Quattro 2D 4WD 3.2 Audi A5 Quattro 2D 4WD 2.0T Premium Plus Audi A5 Quattro 2D 4WD 3.2 Prestige Audi S5 Quattro 2D 4WD 4.2 Audi S5 Quattro 2D 4WD 4.2 Prestige Audi Q5 4D 4WD 3.2 Premium Plus Audi Q5 4D 4WD 3.2 Prestige Audi Q5 4D 4WD 3.2/Premium/Prestige Audi TTS Coupe Quattro 4WD Audi A5 Cabrio Conv Quattro 4WD 2.0T Premium Plus Audi A5 Cabrio Conv Quattro 4WD 2.0T Prestige Audi S5 Cabrio Conv Quattro 4WD 3.0T Prestige Dodge Imports Colt 2D FWD Dodge Imports Colt 2D FWD E Dodge Imports Colt 2D FWD DL Dodge Imports Colt 2D FWD ES Dodge Imports Colt 4D FWD Dodge Imports Colt Vista SW 2WD Dodge Imports Colt Vista SW 4WD Dodge Imports Raider 2D 4x4 Dodge Imports Stealth 2D 2WD Dodge Imports Stealth 2D 2WD ES Dodge Imports Stealth 2D 2WD R/T Dodge Imports Stealth 2D 4WD R/T Turbo Honda Unknown Series Model Honda Civic CVCC/CRX 2D CRX HF Honda Civic CVCC/CRX 2D CRX Honda Civic CVCC/CRX 2D CRX SI Honda Civic CVCC/CRX 2D CRX 1.5 Honda Civic CVCC 3D Honda Civic CVCC 3D DX Honda Civic CVCC 3D GL Honda Civic CVCC 3D S Honda Civic CVCC 3D SI Honda Civic CVCC 3D VX Honda Civic CVCC 3D CX Honda Civic CVCC 3D SI With ABS Honda Civic CVCC 3D SI With Side Airbags Honda Civic CVCC SW 2WD Honda Accord 2D Honda Accord 2D DX Honda Accord 2D LX Honda Accord 2D SE Honda Accord 2D SEI Honda Accord 2D LXI Honda Accord 2D EX Honda Accord 2D LX With ABS Honda Accord 2D DX With ABS Honda Accord 2D LX-ULEV Honda Accord 2D EX-ULEV Honda Accord 2D LX-V6 Honda Accord 2D EX-V6 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 1 1 22 7 1 3 6 13 2 84 163 2059 243 44 12 115 1794 25 71 1 17 99 58 76 37 521 7 2 13 13 87 47 4 13 20 47 68 123 7 40 93 18 14 25 84 14 20 33 407 1723 705 9 23006047 23006048 23006054 23006057 23006059 23006063 23006073 23006082 23006084 23008000 23008001 23008003 23008004 23008007 23008008 23008011 23008018 23008026 23008027 23008030 23008033 23008034 23008038 23008039 23008040 23008041 23008044 23008045 23008047 23008048 23008054 23008057 23008063 23008073 23008074 23008081 23008082 23009000 23009004 23009006 23009010 23009019 23009020 23009021 23009022 23009025 23009035 23010000 23010001 23010003 23010018 23010027 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 1.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.9 0.4 0.0 Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Accord 2D EX With NAVI Accord 2D LX With Side Airbags Accord 2D EX-L Accord 2D LX Special Edition Accord 2D LX Special Edition SAB Accord 2D EX-V6 With NAVI Accord 2D SE-V6 Accord 2D EX-L-V6 Accord 2D LX-S Accord 4D Accord 4D DX Accord 4D LX Accord 4D SE Accord 4D Special Edition Accord 4D SEI Accord 4D LXI Accord 4D EX Accord 4D 10th Anniversary Edition Accord 4D LX With ABS Accord 4D DX With ABS Accord 4D 25th Anniversary Edition Accord 4D Value Package Accord 4D LX-ULEV Accord 4D EX-ULEV Accord 4D LX-V6 Accord 4D EX-V6 Accord 4D Special Edition-ULEV Accord 4D EX-SULEV Accord 4D EX With NAVI Accord 4D LX With Side Airbags Accord 4D EX-L Accord 4D LX Special Edition Accord 4D EX-V6 With NAVI Accord 4D SE-V6 Accord 4D VP Accord 4D LX-P Accord 4D EX-L-V6 Prelude 2D Prelude 2D SE Prelude 2D S Prelude 2D SI Prelude 2D SI 4WS Prelude 2D SI ALB Prelude 2D 2.0 S Prelude 2D 2.0 SI Prelude 2D VTEC Prelude 2D SH Civic 4D Civic 4D DX Civic 4D LX Civic 4D EX Civic 4D LX With ABS Page 97 Page 98 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 1 1 93 49 1 51 1 22 65 9 1 11 15 9 58 53 1 29 68 6 298 244 53 1084 53 103 9 1 34 1 7 37 10 17 174 53 28 341 98 659 44 8 175 89 4 15 123 342 15 180 207 20 23010030 23010036 23010037 23010048 23010050 23010051 23010052 23010054 23010064 23010065 23010066 23010074 23010084 23011000 23012003 23012018 23012027 23013006 23013010 23013025 23014001 23014003 23014010 23014018 23014028 23014031 23014048 23014050 23014051 23014053 23014054 23014064 23014065 23015000 23016000 23017003 23017018 23018003 23018004 23018018 23018027 23018048 23018054 23020003 23020018 23020054 23022003 23022018 23022047 23022054 23022055 23022056 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Honda Civic 4D DX With ABS Civic 4D GX Civic 4D DX-V Civic 4D LX With Side Airbags Civic 4D DX With Side Airbags Civic 4D EX With Side Airbags Civic 4D GX With Side Airbags Civic 4D EX-L Civic 4D DX-VP Civic 4D DX-VP with Side Airbags Civic 4D LX-C Civic 4D VP Civic 4D LX-S Civic SW 4x4 Accord SW LX Accord SW EX Accord SW LX with ABS Civic Del Sol Conv S Civic Del Sol Conv SI Civic Del Sol Conv VTEC Civic 2D Coupe DX Civic 2D Coupe LX Civic 2D Coupe SI Civic 2D Coupe EX Civic 2D Coupe EX with ABS Civic 2D Coupe HX Civic 2D Coupe LX with Side Airbags Civic 2D Coupe DX with Side Airbags Civic 2D Coupe EX with Side Airbags Civic 2D Coupe HX with Side Airbags Civic 2D Coupe EX-L Civic 2D Coupe DX-VP Civic 2D Coupe DX-VP with Side Airbags Passport 4D 4x2 Passport 4D 4x4 Odyssey Van LX Odyssey Van EX CR-V 4D 4WD LX CR-V 4D 4WD SE CR-V 4D 4WD EX CR-V 4D 4WD LX with ABS CR-V 4D 4WD LX with Side Airbags CR-V 4D 4WD EX-L CR-V 4D 2WD LX CR-V 4D 2WD EX CR-V 4D 2WD EX-L Odyssey Van LX Odyssey Van EX Odyssey Van EX with NAVI Odyssey Van EX-L Odyssey Van EX-L with RES Odyssey Van EX-L with NAVI WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 19 52 61 15 42 18 84 236 123 71 3 9 15 264 16 22 2 9 10 4 25 177 17 29 17 18 62 4 20 11 4 1 7 18 4 2 1 1 52 137 7 40 33 14 17 2 1 9 1 2 14 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 23022067 23022069 23023042 23024000 23025003 23025004 23025018 23025054 23025055 23025056 23025069 23025074 23025083 23026062 23027003 23027018 23027051 23027076 23027078 23028001 23028003 23028018 23028051 23028076 23030070 23030071 23030072 23030077 23031000 23031068 23032003 23032004 23032018 23032054 23032055 23032056 23032074 23032083 23033000 23033079 23033085 23034000 23035000 23037003 23037018 23038018 23038054 23039054 23040018 24002000 24002003 24003000 Honda Odyssey Van EX with RES Honda Odyssey Van Touring Honda S2000 Conv Soft Top Honda Insight Hybrid 3D Honda Pilot 4D 4WD LX Honda Pilot 4D 4WD SE Honda Pilot 4D 4WD EX Honda Pilot 4D 4WD EX-L Honda Pilot 4D 4WD EX-L with RES Honda Pilot 4D 4WD EX-L with NAVI Honda Pilot 4D 4WD Touring Honda Pilot 4D 4WD VP Honda Pilot 4D 4WD Touring with RES Honda Civic Hybrid 4D with Side Airbags Honda Element 4D 2WD LX Honda Element 4D 2WD EX Honda Element 4D 2WD EX with Side Airbags Honda Element 4D 2WD EX-P Honda Element 4D 2WD SC Honda Element 4D 4WD DX Honda Element 4D 4WD LX Honda Element 4D 4WD EX Honda Element 4D 4WD EX with Side Airbags Honda Element 4D 4WD EX-P Honda Ridgeline Pickup 4WD RT Honda Ridgeline Pickup 4WD RTS Honda Ridgeline Pickup 4WD RTL Honda Ridgeline Pickup 4WD RTX Honda Accord Hybrid 4D Honda Accord Hybrid 4D NAVI Honda Pilot 4D 2WD LX Honda Pilot 4D 2WD SE Honda Pilot 4D 2WD EX Honda Pilot 4D 2WD EX-L Honda Pilot 4D 2WD EX-L with RES Honda Pilot 4D 2WD EX-L with NAVI Honda Pilot 4D 2WD VP Honda Pilot 4D 2WD Touring with RES Honda FIT SW Honda FIT SW Sport Honda FIT SW Sport with NAVI Honda Civic SI 2D Honda Civic SI 4D Honda Insight Hybrid 5D LX Honda Insight Hybrid 5D EX Honda Accord Crosstour 4D 2WD EX Honda Accord Crosstour 4D 2WD EX-L Honda Accord Crosstour 4D 4WD EX-L Honda CR-Z Hybrid 3D EX Porsche 911 Coupe 2WD/4WD Porsche 911 Coupe 2WD/4WD Carrera 4/Carrera 2 Porsche 911 Targa 2WD/4WD Page 99 Page 100 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 14 3 1 8 22 9 10 3 18 4 1 3 2 1 1 6 1 2 1 5 6 1 2 3 6 45 3 6 6 7 2 1 1 1 6 4 3 2 1 2 12 1 1 2 2 3 4 7 4 4 1 8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 24008000 24009000 24011005 24012003 24016000 24016002 24017000 24017001 24017002 24017007 24017012 24017014 24019000 24019002 24019003 24019010 24020002 24020003 24020010 24021000 24021002 24022002 24026000 26000000 26010002 26010003 26010008 26010010 26010023 26014003 26015001 26015003 26016001 26016003 26017002 26017003 26017023 26018003 26018013 26019002 26019003 26019009 26019023 26020003 26021003 26021013 26023003 26025002 26025003 26026012 26027000 26028000 Porsche 944 Coupe Porsche 911 Targa/Cabriolet Porsche 911 2D 4WD Carrera 4 Porsche 911 Conv 2WD/4WD Carrera 4/Carrera 2 Porsche Boxster Conv Porsche Boxster Conv S Porsche Cayenne 4D 4WD Porsche Cayenne 4D 4WD Turbo Porsche Cayenne 4D 4WD S Porsche Cayenne 4D 4WD GTS Porsche Cayenne 4D 4WD Transsberia/GTS Porsche Cayenne 4D 4WD Turbo/Turbo S Porsche 911 Coupe 2WD/4WD Porsche 911 Coupe 2WD/4WD S Porsche 911 Coupe 2WD/4WD Carrera 4/Carrera 2 Porsche 911 Coupe 2WD/4WD Carrera S/Carrera 4S Porsche 911 CONV 2WD/4WD S Porsche 911 Conv 2WD/4WD Carrera 4/Carrera 2 Porsche 911 Conv 2WD/4WD Carrera S/Carrera 4S Porsche Cayman Coupe Porsche Cayman Coupe S Porsche Panamera 4D 2WD/4WD S Porsche 911 Turbo Conv 4WD Subaru Unknown Series Model Subaru DL/GL SW 4WD DL Subaru DL/GL SW 4WD GL Subaru DL/GL SW 4WD GL Turbo Subaru DL/GL SW 4WD GL-10 Turbo Subaru DL/GL SW 4WD GL/GL Turbo Subaru Brat Pickup 4WD GL Subaru Hatchback 3D 2WD STD Subaru Hatchback 3D 2WD GL Subaru Hatchback 3D 4WD STD Subaru Hatchback 3D 4WD GL Subaru DL/GL 4D Sedan 2WD DL Subaru DL/GL 4D Sedan 2WD GL Subaru DL/GL 4D Sedan 2WD GL/GL Turbo Subaru Hardtop/XT 2D 2WD GL Subaru Hardtop/XT 2D 2WD XT6 Subaru DL/GL SW 2WD DL Subaru DL/GL SW 2WD GL Subaru DL/GL SW 2WD GL-10 Subaru DL/GL SW 2WD GL/GL Turbo Subaru GL 4D 4WD GL Subaru Hardtop/XT 2D 4WD GL Subaru Hardtop/XT 2D 4WD XT6 Subaru GL 2D 4WD GL Subaru Justy 2D 2WD DL Subaru Justy 2D 2WD GL Subaru Justy 2D 4WD GL/RS Subaru Loyale 2D 2WD Subaru Loyale 4D 2WD WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 101 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 3 3 45 4 1 70 1 3 8 1 21 1 1 51 4 9 20 16 4 141 5 51 10 13 20 9 10 57 11 7 32 29 1 6 17 17 5 1 27 3 1 172 15 3 2 22 1 195 3 42 4 58 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 26029000 26031000 26032000 26032019 26033000 26033014 26033015 26033024 26033029 26034000 26034014 26034015 26034029 26035014 26035015 26035016 26035024 26035027 26035028 26035029 26035030 26035037 26035038 26035041 26035042 26035045 26035051 26035057 26035058 26035059 26035060 26035070 26035074 26035086 26035095 26035096 26035102 26035104 26035105 26035108 26035109 26036014 26036015 26036016 26036019 26036024 26036027 26036029 26036030 26036032 26036033 26036035 Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Loyale Loyale Loyale Loyale Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy SW 4D SW SW 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D SW SW SW SW 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW 2WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 2WD 2WD 2WD 2WD 2WD 2WD 2WD 2WD 2WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD Turbo L/L+ LS LS/LSI L L/L+ LS L L/L+ LS LS Special LS/LSI L+ Turbo Sport Sedan L LSI GT Sport Utility Sedan GT Limited Outback Limited Outback H6-3.0 L Special Edition 2.5I 2.5I Limited 2.5GT 2.5GT Limited/VDC/NAVI 2.5I Limited/Special Edition 2.5GT Special B NAVI VDC 3.0R Limited VDC/NAVI 2.5I Limited VDC 2.5I Special Edition VDC 2.5I VDC 3.0R VDC 2.5I Premium VDC 3.6R Limited VDC 3.6R Premium VDC L/L+ LS LS Special Turbo LS/LSI L+ L LSI Brighton Postal L/Outback Page 102 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 526 36 102 68 26 8 23 192 6 7 2 1 6 7 1 12 3 1 1 4 1 8 11 1 57 8 34 3 44 81 38 12 2 10 8 26 3 10 57 115 21 24 6 50 58 21 2 3 20 12 3 3 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 26036036 26036037 26036042 26036044 26036045 26036051 26036052 26036053 26036054 26036057 26036058 26036059 26036060 26036070 26037003 26038026 26038029 26038030 26039015 26040000 26040015 26040027 26040029 26041015 26041017 26041027 26041029 26041034 26041057 26041094 26041102 26042027 26042029 26043017 26043027 26043029 26043034 26043035 26043036 26043040 26043046 26043057 26043075 26043093 26043094 26043102 26044000 26044029 26045017 26045029 26045032 26045034 Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Legacy SW 4WD Outback Legacy SW 4WD GT Legacy SW 4WD Outback Limited Legacy SW 4WD Outback H6-LL Bean Legacy SW 4WD Outback H6-3.0 Legacy SW 4WD L Special Edition Legacy SW 4WD Outback Audio Special Legacy SW 4WD Outback AWD Legacy SW 4WD Outback H6-3.0 Special Edition Legacy SW 4WD 2.5I Legacy SW 4WD 2.5I Limited Legacy SW 4WD 2.5GT Legacy SW 4WD 2.5GT Limited/VDC/NAVI Legacy SW 4WD 2.5I Limited/Special Edition Justy 4D 4WD GL SVX 2D 4WD LS-L SVX 2D 4WD L SVX 2D 4WD LSI SVX 2D 2WD LS Impreza 4D 2WD Impreza 4D 2WD LS Impreza 4D 2WD L+ Impreza 4D 2WD L Impreza 4D 4WD LS Impreza 4D 4WD RS Impreza 4D 4WD L+ Impreza 4D 4WD L Impreza 4D 4WD LX Impreza 4D 4WD 2.5I Impreza 4D 4WD 2.5I/VDC/Premium Package/NAVI Impreza 4D 4WD 2.5I VDC Impreza SW 2WD L+ Impreza SW 2WD L Impreza SW 4WD RS Impreza SW 4WD L+ Impreza SW 4WD L Impreza SW 4WD LX Impreza SW 4WD L/Outback Impreza SW 4WD Outback Impreza SW 4WD Outback Sport Impreza SW 4WD TS Impreza SW 4WD 2.5I Impreza SW 4WD Outback Sport Special Edition Impreza SW 4WD Outback Sport VDC Impreza SW 4WD 2.5I/VDC/Premium Package/NAVI Impreza SW 4WD 2.5I VDC Impreza 2D 2WD Impreza 2D 2WD L Impreza 2D 4WD RS Impreza 2D 4WD L Impreza 2D 4WD Brighton Impreza 2D 4WD LX WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 103 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 1 179 128 200 89 18 2 10 23 44 7 3 58 62 84 4 17 19 10 12 100 39 4 5 2 17 5 22 1 54 8 16 1 9 2 2 1 16 161 50 3 1 15 2 15 5 1 1 58 32 3 5 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 26046000 26046029 26046039 26046048 26046049 26046050 26046056 26046065 26046068 26046069 26046085 26046089 26046097 26046098 26046099 26046100 26046113 26047000 26047019 26047055 26048000 26048047 26048073 26048076 26048077 26048078 26048091 26048092 26048114 26049000 26049047 26049073 26049091 26049092 26050058 26050062 26050071 26051000 26051057 26051058 26051061 26051062 26051063 26051064 26051065 26051071 26051072 26051086 26051087 26051088 26051089 26051090 Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Subaru Forester 4D 4WD Forester 4D 4WD L Forester 4D 4WD S Forester 4D 4WD 2.5X Forester 4D 4WD 2.5XS Forester 4D 4WD 2.5XT Turbo Forester 4D 4WD 2.5XS L.L.Bean Forester 4D 4WD 2.5XT Limited Forester 4D 4WD 2.5X L.L.Bean Forester 4D 4WD 2.5X Premium Package Forester 4D 4WD 2.5X/2.5XT Sports Forester 4D 4WD 2.5XT Limited/NAVI VDC Forester 4D 4WD 2.5X VDC Forester 4D 4WD 2.5X Limited VDC Forester 4D 4WD 2.5X VDC Premium Package Forester 4D 4WD 2.5XT Limited VDC Forester 4D 4WD 2.5X-S Baja Sut 4D 4WD Baja Sut 4D 4WD Turbo Baja Sut 4D 4WD Sport Impreza WRX 4D 4WD Impreza WRX 4D 4WD STI Impreza WRX 4D 4WD Base/Limited Impreza WRX 4D 4WD TR Impreza WRX 4D 4WD STI/STI Limited Impreza WRX 4D 4WD Base/TR/Limited Impreza WRX 4D 4WD VDC Impreza WRX 4D 4WD VDC/Premium Package/NAVI Impreza WRX 4D 4WD VDC Premium/Limited Impreza WRX SW 4WD Impreza WRX SW 4WD STI Impreza WRX SW 4WD Base/Limited Impreza WRX SW 4WD VDC Impreza WRX SW 4WD VDC/Premium Package/NAVI Outback 4D 4WD 2.5I Limited Outback 4D 4WD 3.0R Outback 4D 4WD 3.0R L.L.Bean Outback SW 4WD Outback SW 4WD 2.5I Outback SW 4WD 2.5I Limited Outback SW 4WD 2.5XT Outback SW 4WD 3.0R Outback SW 4WD H6-3.0R L.L.Bean Outback SW 4WD H6-3.0R VDC Limited Outback SW 4WD 2.5XT Limited Outback SW 4WD 3.0R L.L.BEAN Outback SW 4WD 3.0R Limited VDC Outback SW 4WD 3.0R Limited VDC/NAVI Outback SW 4WD 2.5I/L.L.Bean NAVI Outback SW 4WD 2.5I Limited/L.L.Bean NAVI Outback SW 4WD 2.5XT Limited/NAVI VDC Outback SW 4WD 3.0R L.L.Bean/NAVI VDC Page 104 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 49 31 16 54 1 6 1 12 46 2 1 2 6 7 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 46 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 26051095 26051096 26051102 26051105 26051106 26051108 26051109 26052066 26052067 26052080 26052081 26052082 26052083 26052084 27005000 27005006 27006000 27007000 27008000 27009008 27010007 27011007 29000000 29001005 267 2 0.1 0.0 29002000 29002001 56 1 1 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29003000 29003012 29003014 29004001 5 0.0 29005005 93 1 0.0 0.0 29006000 29006001 18 13 0.0 0.0 29007000 29008005 8 1 0.0 0.0 29009000 29009001 107 26 0.1 0.0 29010000 29010005 1 185 93 0.0 0.1 0.0 29011000 29012000 29012005 7 0.0 29013000 Subaru Outback SW 4WD 2.5I Limited VDC Subaru Outback SW 4WD 2.5I Special Edition VDC Subaru Outback SW 4WD 2.5I VDC Subaru Outback SW 4WD 2.5I Premium VDC Subaru Outback SW 4WD 2.5I Premium VDC/NAVI Subaru Outback SW 4WD 3.6R Limited VDC Subaru Outback SW 4WD 3.6R Premium VDC Subaru B9 Tribeca 4D 4WD 3.0 5-Pass Subaru B9 Tribeca 4D 4WD 3.0 7-Pass Subaru B9 Tribeca 4D 4WD 3.6 Limited 5-Pass Subaru B9 Tribeca 4D 4WD 3.6 Limited 5-Pass NAVI Subaru B9 Tribeca 4D 4WD 3.6 7-Pass Subaru B9 Tribeca 4D 4WD 3.6 Limited 7-Pass Subaru B9 Tribeca 4D 4WD 3.6 Limited 7-Pass NAVI Chry/Plym Imports Colt 2D FWD Chry/Plym Imports Colt 2D FWD E Chry/Plym Imports Colt 4D FWD Chry/Plym Imports Colt Vista SW 2WD Chry/Plym Imports Conquest 2D RWD Chry/Plym Imports Colt Vista SW 4WD AWD Chry/Plym Imports Colt SW 2WD DL Chry/Plym Imports Colt SW 4WD DL Chevrolet/Geo Truck Unknown Series Model Chevrolet/Geo Truck 10/1500 CC 1/2T 4x2/4x4 Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck 10/1500 PU 1/2T 4x2/4x4 Chevrolet/Geo Truck 10/1500 PU 1/2T 4x2/4x4 4-Wheel Drive Chevrolet/Geo Truck Suburban 1/2T 4D 4x2/4x4 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Suburban 1/2T 4D 4x2/4x4 LT Chevrolet/Geo Truck Suburban 1/2T 4D 4x2/4x4 LS Chevrolet/Geo Truck Blazer 1/2T 2D 4x2/4x4 4-Wheel Drive Chevrolet/Geo Truck 20/2500 CC 3/4T 4x2/4x4 Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck 20/2500 PU 3/4T 4x2/4x4 Chevrolet/Geo Truck 20/2500 PU 3/4T 4x2/4x4 4-Wheel Drive Chevrolet/Geo Truck Suburban 3/4T 4D 4x2/4x4 Chevrolet/Geo Truck 30 Chassis Cab 1T 4x2/4x4 Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck 30 Pickup 1T 4x2/4x4 Chevrolet/Geo Truck 30 Pickup 1T 4x2/4x4 4-Wheel Drive Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevan/EXP CG 1500 4x2 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevan/EXP CG 1500 4x2 Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Sportvan 1/2T Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevan/EXP CG 2500 4x2 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevan/EXP CG 2500 4x2 Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Sportvan 3/4T WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 105 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 21 1 3 2 813 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 29015000 29016000 29016008 29017000 29018001 11 16 4 2 124 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 29018005 29018012 29018014 29018018 29019001 106 0.1 29020001 1 2 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 29020005 29020006 29021021 206 0.1 29022001 4 0.0 29023021 96 0.0 29024001 4 0.0 29025021 5 1 20 278 24 10 1 18 1 64 7 11 7 1 3 15 2 505 73 56 218 2 1 13 56 9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29026001 29027001 29030000 29032001 29032010 29033000 29033009 29035000 29035012 29036000 29036011 29036012 29037000 29038000 29038008 29039008 29039025 29041000 29042001 29043000 29044001 29044005 29044006 29045005 29046007 29047005 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Drive Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Drive Chevrolet/Geo Truck Drive Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Drive Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Drive Chevrolet/Geo Truck Drive Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Drive Chevrolet/Geo Truck Drive Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevyvan 1T Sportvan 1T Sportvan 1T Bus LUV Pickup 4x2 Suburban 1/2T 4D 4x4 4-Wheel Suburban 1/2T 4D 4x4 Incomplete Suburban 1/2T 4D 4x4 LT Suburban 1/2T 4D 4x4 LS Suburban 1/2T 4D 4x4 LTZ Blazer/Tahoe 2D 4x4 4-Wheel Suburban 3/4T 4D 4x4 4-Wheel Suburban 3/4T 4D 4x4 Incomplete Suburban 3/4T 4D 4x4 Truck 10/1500 CC 1/2T 4x4 4-Wheel 10/1500 PU 1/2T 4x4 4-Wheel 20/2500 CC 3/4T 4x4 4-Wheel 20/2500 PU 3/4T 4x4 4-Wheel 30 Chassis C 1T 4x4 4-Wheel 30 Pickup 1T 4x4 4-Wheel Drive LUV Pickup 4x4 4-Wheel Drive El Camino 2D Tahoe 4D 4x4 4-Wheel Drive Tahoe 4D 4x4 Z71 Tahoe 4D 4x2 Tahoe 4D 4x2 Limited Tracker 4D 4x2 Tracker 4D 4x2 LT Tracker 4D 4x4 Tracker 4D 4x4 ZR2 Sport Tracker 4D 4x4 LT Express Van 1500 4x2 Express Van 2500 4x2 Express Van 2500 4x2 Bus Express Van 3500 4x2 Bus Express Van 3500 4x2 Bus LT S10 Pickup 4x2 T10 Pickup 4x4 4-Wheel Drive S10 Blazer 2D 4x2 T10 Blazer 2D 4x4 4-Wheel Drive T10 Blazer 2D 4x4 Incomplete T10 Blazer 2D 4x4 Truck S10 Chassis Cab 4x2 Incomplete Astro Van 4x2 MPV Astro Cargo Van 4x2 Incomplete Page 106 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 26 394 194 1 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 29047006 29048000 29049001 29050022 20 0.0 29051002 1 0.0 29052023 19 0.0 29053003 3 0.0 29055002 19 115 407 0.0 0.1 0.2 29056005 29057000 29058001 54 143 0.0 0.1 29059000 29060001 16 20 0.0 0.0 29061000 29062001 4 0.0 29064021 39 0.0 29065005 7 0.0 29066021 10 7 0.0 0.0 29067000 29068001 63 29 1 10 178 15 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 29069000 29070007 29071005 29072007 29074007 29075005 121 133 9 0.1 0.1 0.0 29075006 29076007 29077005 22 3 2 844 56 1 9 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29077006 29079000 29079005 29080001 29081000 29081006 29082000 29083005 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Astro Cargo Van 4x2 Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck S10 PU Ext Cab 4x2 Chevrolet/Geo Truck T10 PU Ext Cab 4x4 4-Wheel Drive Chevrolet/Geo Truck 30/3500 Crew CC 1T 4x2 Bonus/Crew Cab Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck 30/3500 CR PU 1T 4x2 Bonus/Crew Cab Chevrolet/Geo Truck 30/3500 CR CC 1T 4x4 Bonus/Crew Cab 4WD Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck 30/3500 CR C PU 1T 4x4 Bonus/Crew Cab 4WD Chevrolet/Geo Truck Crew Cab PU 3/4T 4x2 Bonus/Crew Cab Chevrolet/Geo Truck Cutaway/RV Cut Van 1T Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck 1500 PU Ext C 1/2T 4x2 Chevrolet/Geo Truck 1500 PU Ext C 1/2T 4x4 4-Wheel Drive Chevrolet/Geo Truck 2500 PU Ext C 3/4T 4x2 Chevrolet/Geo Truck 2500 PU Ext C 3/4T 4x4 4-Wheel Drive Chevrolet/Geo Truck 3500 PU Ext C 1T 4x2 Chevrolet/Geo Truck 3500 PU Ext C 1T 4x4 4-Wheel Drive Chevrolet/Geo Truck 3500 CC Ext C 1T 4x4 4-Wheel Drive Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck 3500 CC 1T 4x2 (C Body) Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck 3500 CC 1T 4x4 (K Body) 4-Wheel Drive Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck 3500 PU 1T 4x2 (C Body) Chevrolet/Geo Truck 3500 PU 1T 4x4 (K Body) 4-Wheel Drive Chevrolet/Geo Truck Tracker 2D 4x4 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Lumina APV/Van MPV Chevrolet/Geo Truck Lumina APV Cargo Van Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Astro Van 4x4 MPV Chevrolet/Geo Truck Astro Ext Van 4x2 MPV Chevrolet/Geo Truck Astro Ext Cargo Van 4x2 Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Astro Ext Cargo Van 4x2 Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Astro Ext Van 4x4 MPV Chevrolet/Geo Truck Astro Ext Cargo Van 4x4 Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Astro Ext Cargo Van 4x4 Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevyvan 1T Ext Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevyvan 1T Ext Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck T10 Blazer 4D 4x4 4-Wheel Drive Chevrolet/Geo Truck S10 Blazer 4D 4x2 Chevrolet/Geo Truck S10 Blazer 4D 4x2 Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Tracker 2D 4x2 Chevrolet/Geo Truck 1500 CC Ext C 1/2T 4x2 Incomplete WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 107 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 15 0.0 29084021 2 0.0 29086021 24 42 1 75 31 143 2 33 33 186 177 199 74 639 22 19 27 207 12 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 29087005 29088008 29088024 29089000 29090000 29091005 29092008 29093000 29094007 29095007 29097000 29098000 29099000 29100000 29105000 29106000 29107000 29108000 29109005 29110005 1 5 0.0 0.0 29111005 29113003 55 1 2 10 641 16 6 2 5 10 225 2 2 15 25 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29114000 29114012 29114014 29114015 29115000 29115012 29115014 29115015 29115018 29116000 29117000 29119000 29120000 29121000 29122005 29123005 11 3 0.0 0.0 29124005 29125005 3 0.0 29126005 2 0.0 29127005 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Drive Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Drive Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Cab 4WD Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Chevrolet/Geo Truck Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Incomplete 1500 CC Ext C 1/2T 4x4 4-Wheel 2500 CC Ext C 3/4T 4x4 4-Wheel P30 RV Chassis Incomplete Express Van 3500 Ext 4x2 Bus Express Van 3500 Ext 4x2 Bus LS Chevan/Exp CG 3500 4x2 Chevan/Exp CG 3500 Ext 4x2 Cut/RV Cut V 3500 Incomplete Express Van 2500 Ext 4x2 Bus Chevan/Exp CG 2500 Ext 4x2 Venture Van SWB 2WD MPV Venture Van LWB 2WD MPV Silverado 1500 PU 4x2 Silverado 1500 PU E C 4x2 Silverado 1500 PU 4x4 Silverado 1500 PU E C 4x4 Silverado 2500 PU 4x2 Silverado 2500 PU E C 4x2 Silverado 2500 PU 4x4 Silverado 2500 PU E C 4x4 Silverado 2500 CC 4x2 Incomplete Silverado 2500 CC E C 4x2 Silverado 2500 CC 4x4 Incomplete Crew Cab PU 3/4T 4x4 Bonus/Crew Tahoe 4D 4x2 Tahoe 4D 4x2 LT Tahoe 4D 4x2 LS Tahoe 4D 4x2 Police Tahoe 4D 4x4 Tahoe 4D 4x4 LT Tahoe 4D 4x4 LS Tahoe 4D 4x4 Police Tahoe 4D 4x4 LTZ Silverado 2500 CR PU 4x2 Silverado 2500 CR PU 4x4 Silverado 3500 PU E C 4x2 Silverado 3500 PU 4x4 Silverado 3500 PU E C 4x4 Silverado 3500 CC 4x2 Incomplete Silverado 3500 CC E C 4x2 Silverado 3500 CC 4x4 Incomplete Silverado 3500 CC E C 4x4 Silverado 3500 CR CC 4x2 Silverado 3500 CR CC 4x4 Page 108 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 3 47 35 42 453 2 21 114 29 139 2 1 8 1 13 7 95 4 4 1 8 16 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29128000 29129000 29131000 29132000 29133000 29133012 29134000 29135000 29140000 29141000 29141012 29141018 29142007 29143000 29144000 29145000 29146000 29147000 29148000 29148014 29150000 29151000 29151005 1 42 1 1 62 1 4 27 4 8 41 1 2 21 7 9 28 19 1 79 24 7 7 51 59 3 2 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29152000 29154000 29155005 29156000 29157000 29157012 29158012 29159012 29159014 29159018 29160000 29160012 29161005 29162012 29162014 29162019 29163012 29163014 29163018 29164012 29164014 29164018 29165000 29166000 29167000 29167012 29168000 29169012 Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Chevrolet/Geo Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Silverado 3500 CR PU 4x2 Silverado 3500 CR PU 4x4 T10 Crew Cab PU 4x4 Trailblazer 4D 4x2 Trailblazer 4D 4x4 Trailblazer 4D 4x4 LT Silverado 1500 CR PU 4x2 Silverado 1500 CR PU 4x4 Avalanche 1500 4D 4x2 Avalanche 1500 4D 4x4 Avalanche 1500 4D 4x4 LT Avalanche 1500 4D 4x4 LTZ Venture Van LWB 4WD MPV Avalanche 2500 4D 4x2 Avalanche 2500 4D 4x4 Trailblazer Ext 4D 4x2 Trailblazer Ext 4D 4x4 SSR Pickup 4x2 Express Van 1500 4x4 Express Van 1500 4x4 LS Tahoe Hybrid 4D 4x4 Express Cargo Van 1500 4x4 Express Cargo Van 1500 4x4 Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Truck Express Cargo Van 2500 4x4 Colorado PU 4x2 Colorado CC 4x2 Incomplete Silverado 1500 Hybrid CR 4x4 Colorado PU E C 4x2 Colorado PU E C 4x2 LT Traverse 4D 2WD LT Traverse 4D 4WD LT Traverse 4D 4WD LS Traverse 4D 4WD LTZ Colorado CR PU 4x2 Colorado CR PU 4x2 LT CUT/RV CUT V 4500 Incomplete Equinox 4D 2WD/4WD LT Equinox 4D 2WD/4WD LS Equinox 4D 2WD/4WD Sport Equinox 4D 2WD LT Equinox 4D 2WD LS Equinox 4D 2WD LTZ Equinox 4D 4WD LT Equinox 4D 4WD LS Equinox 4D 4WD LTZ Colorado PU 4x4 Colorado PU E C 4x4 Colorado CR PU 4x4 Colorado CR PU 4x4 LT Military Truck 4x4 HHR Panel Van LT WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 109 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 8 5 21 67 2 1 5 16 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29169014 29170000 29170012 29170014 29171012 29172012 29172014 29174005 142 59 5 40 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 29176012 29176014 29176017 29177005 17 0.0 29178005 26 0.0 29179005 9 0.0 29180005 55 36 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 29182000 29183000 29183014 11 119 10 0.0 0.1 0.0 29184000 29185000 29185012 5 0.0 29185018 7 3 5 34 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29190000 29191000 29192000 29193000 29194005 1 0.0 29195005 1 66 3 3 1 7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29198000 29199000 29199012 29199018 29203000 29204005 3 0.0 29206005 1 0.0 29209005 16 1 9 0.0 0.0 0.0 29211000 29211018 29212000 Chevrolet/Geo Truck HHR Panel Van LS Chevrolet/Geo Truck Uplander Van LWB 2WD Chevrolet/Geo Truck Uplander Van LWB 2WD LT Chevrolet/Geo Truck Uplander Van LWB 2WD LS Chevrolet/Geo Truck Uplander Van LWB 4WD LT Chevrolet/Geo Truck Uplander Van SWB 2WD LT Chevrolet/Geo Truck Uplander Van SWB 2WD LS Chevrolet/Geo Truck Uplander CG Van LWB 2WD Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck HHR SW 2WD LT Chevrolet/Geo Truck HHR SW 2WD LS Chevrolet/Geo Truck HHR SW 2WD SS Chevrolet/Geo Truck Medium Duty 4500 Series Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Medium Duty 5500 Series Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Medium Duty 6500 Series Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Medium Duty 7500 Series Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 1500 4x2 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 1500 Extended Cab 4x2 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 1500 Extended Cab 4x2 LS Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 1500 4x4 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 1500 Extended Cab 4x4 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 1500 Extended Cab 4x4 LT Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 1500 Extended Cab 4x4 LTZ Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 2500 4x2 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 2500 Extended Cab 4x2 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 2500 4x4 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 2500 Extended Cab 4x4 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 2500 Chassis Cab 4x2 Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 2500 Chassis Cab Extended Cab 4x2 Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 2500 Crew 4x2 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 2500 Crew 4x4 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 2500 Crew 4x4 LT Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 2500 Crew 4x4 LTZ Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 3500 Extended Cab 4x4 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 3500 Chassis Cab 4x2 Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 3500 Chassis Cab 4x4 Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 3500 Crew Chassis Cab 4x4 Incomplete Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 3500 Crew 4x4 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 3500 Crew 4x4 LTZ Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 1500 Crew 4x2 Page 110 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 82 22 2 8 18 1 62 11 1 1 1 42 1 6 3 1 4 7 25 4 11 2 1 3 147 3 1 15 26 61 26 22 149 11 3 1 1 8 6 36 8 91 20 9 60 15 3 8 104 56 7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 29213000 29213012 29213014 29213018 30000000 30001006 30002000 30003000 30003006 30004000 30004001 30006000 30006001 30007000 30008006 30009000 30010000 30012000 30012006 30013000 30015000 30015006 30016009 30020000 30021001 30021006 30021007 30022001 30023001 30026001 30028001 30031001 30032001 30033000 30035000 30036009 30037009 30038000 30038006 30039000 30040006 30041000 30042001 30043000 30044001 30046008 30047006 30047007 30048000 30049001 30051003 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 1500 Crew 4x4 Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 1500 Crew 4x4 LT Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 1500 Crew 4x4 LS Chevrolet/Geo Truck Silverado 1500 Crew 4x4 LTZ GMC Truck Unknown Series Model GMC Truck 1500 Chassis Cab 1/2T 4x2/4x4 Incomplete GMC Truck 1500 Pickup 1/2T 4x2/4x4 GMC Truck Suburban 1/2T 4D 4x2/4x4 GMC Truck Suburban 1/2T 4D 4x2/4x4 Incomplete GMC Truck Jimmy 1/2T 2D 4x2/4x4 GMC Truck Jimmy 1/2T 2D 4x2/4x4 4-Wheel Drive GMC Truck 2500 Pickup 3/4T 4x2/4x4 GMC Truck 2500 Pickup 3/4T 4x2/4x4 4-Wheel Drive GMC Truck Suburban 3/4T 4D 4x2/4x4 GMC Truck 3500 Chassis Cab 1T 4x2/4x4 Incomplete GMC Truck 3500 Pickup 1T 4x2/4x4 GMC Truck Vandura 1/2T GMC Truck Vandura 3/4T GMC Truck Vandura 3/4T Incomplete GMC Truck Rally Van 3/4T GMC Truck Vandura 1T GMC Truck Vandura 1T Incomplete GMC Truck Rally Van 1T Bus GMC Truck Caballero 2D GMC Truck Suburban 1/2T 4D 4x4 4-Wheel Drive GMC Truck Suburban 1/2T 4D 4x4 Incomplete GMC Truck Suburban 1/2T 4D 4x4 Truck GMC Truck Jimmy 1/2T 2D 4x4 4-Wheel Drive GMC Truck Suburban 3/4T 4D 4x4 4-Wheel Drive GMC Truck 1500 Pickup 1/2T 4x4 4-Wheel Drive GMC Truck 2500 Pickup 3/4T 4x4 4-Wheel Drive GMC Truck Yukon 2D 4x4 4-Wheel Drive GMC Truck Yukon 4D 4x4 4-Wheel Drive GMC Truck Yukon 4D 4x2 GMC Truck Savana Van 1500 4x2 GMC Truck Savana Van 2500 4x2 Bus GMC Truck Savana Van 3500 4x2 Bus GMC Truck Savana Cargo Van 1500 4x2 GMC Truck Savana Cargo Van 1500 4x2 Incomplete GMC Truck Savana Cargo Van 2500 4x2 GMC Truck Cutaway/RV Cut Van 1T Incomplete GMC Truck S15/Sonoma Pickup 4x2 GMC Truck T15/Sonoma Pickup 4x4 4-Wheel Drive GMC Truck S15 Jimmy 2D 4x2 GMC Truck T15 Jimmy 2D 4x4 4-Wheel Drive GMC Truck Safari Van 4x2 MPV GMC Truck Safari Cargo Van 4x2 Incomplete GMC Truck Safari Cargo Van 4x2 Truck GMC Truck S15/Sonoma PU E C 4x2 GMC Truck T15/Sonoma PU E C 4x4 4-Wheel Drive GMC Truck 3500 Crew PU 1T 4x2 Crew/Bonus Cab WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 111 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 1 0.0 30052018 10 2 1 33 112 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 30053004 30055003 30056004 30057000 30058001 15 59 0.0 0.0 30059000 30060001 4 2 16 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30061000 30062001 30065006 30066016 6 1 52 5 28 41 2 1 1 1 2 246 9 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 30067000 30069008 30071008 30072006 30072007 30073008 30074006 30074007 30075009 30076000 30076006 30077001 30078000 30082016 1 0.0 30084016 13 6 7 60 4 32 46 10 172 4 5 3 73 4 1 7 90 94 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30086000 30087009 30088000 30089006 30091000 30092000 30093000 30094000 30095000 30100000 30101000 30102000 30103000 30104006 30106006 30108000 30109000 30109012 30109013 GMC Truck 3500 Crew Chassis Cab 1T 4x4 Crew/Bonus Cab 4WD Incomplete GMC Truck 3500 Crew PU 1T 4x4 Crew/Bonus Cab 4WD GMC Truck 2500 Crew PU 3/4T 4x2 Crew/Bonus Cab GMC Truck 2500 Crew PU 3/4T 4x4 Crew/Bonus Cab 4WD GMC Truck 1500 PU Extended Cab 1/2T 4x2 GMC Truck 1500 PU Extended Cab 1/2T 4x4 4-Wheel Drive GMC Truck 2500 PU Extended Cab 3/4T 4x2 GMC Truck 2500 PU Extended Cab 3/4T 4x4 4-Wheel Drive GMC Truck 3500 PU Extended Cab 1T 4x2 GMC Truck 3500 PU Extended Cab 1T 4x4 4-Wheel Drive GMC Truck 3500 Chassis Cab 1T 4x2 (C Body) Incomplete GMC Truck 3500 Chassis Cab 1T 4x4 (K Body) 4-Wheel Drive Incomplete GMC Truck 3500 PU 1T 4x2 (C Body) GMC Truck Safari Van 4x4 MPV GMC Truck Safari Extended Van 4x2 MPV GMC Truck Safari Extended Cargo Van 4x2 Incomplete GMC Truck Safari Extended Cargo Van 4x2 Truck GMC Truck Safari Extended Van 4x4 MPV GMC Truck Safari Extended Cargo Van 4x4 Incomplete GMC Truck Safari Extended Cargo Van 4x4 Truck GMC Truck Rally Van 1T Extended Bus GMC Truck Vandura 1T Extended GMC Truck Vandura 1T Extended Incomplete GMC Truck T15 Jimmy 4D 4x4 4-Wheel Drive GMC Truck S15 Jimmy 4D 4x2 GMC Truck 1500 Chassis Cab Extended Cab 1/2T 4x4 4-Wheel Drive Incomplete GMC Truck 2500 Chassis Cab Extended Cab 3/4T 4x4 4-Wheel Drive Incomplete GMC Truck Savana Cargo Van 3500 4x2 GMC Truck Savana Van 3500 Extended 4x2 Bus GMC Truck Savana Cargo Van 3500 Extended 4x2 GMC Truck CUT/RV Cut V 3500 Incomplete GMC Truck Savana Cargo Van 2500 Extended 4x2 GMC Truck Sierra 1500 PU 4x2 GMC Truck Sierra 1500 PU Extended Cab 4x2 GMC Truck Sierra 1500 PU 4x4 GMC Truck Sierra 1500 PU Extended Cab 4x4 GMC Truck Sierra 2500 PU 4x2 GMC Truck Sierra 2500 PU Extended Cab 4x2 GMC Truck Sierra 2500 PU 4x4 GMC Truck Sierra 2500 PU Extended Cab 4x4 GMC Truck Sierra 2500 Chassis Cab 4x2 Incomplete GMC Truck Sierra 2500 Chassis Cab 4x4 Incomplete GMC Truck Yukon XL 1/2T 4D 4x2 GMC Truck Yukon XL 1/2T 4D 4x4 GMC Truck Yukon XL 1/2T 4D 4x4 Denali GMC Truck Yukon XL 1/2T 4D 4x4 SLE Page 112 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 1 2 9 1 1 15 149 155 3 4 87 1 2 4 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30109014 30110000 30111000 30111014 30111015 30112000 30113000 30113012 30113014 30114000 30115000 30117000 30119000 30120006 30123006 8 10 10 124 10 1 8 40 2 38 5 1 3 1 5 1 10 9 1 17 2 8 22 2 1 65 34 37 31 2 3 1 7 37 1 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30127000 30129000 30130000 30131000 30131012 30131014 30132000 30133000 30138000 30139000 30139012 30141000 30142000 30145006 30146000 30147006 30149000 30152000 30155000 30156000 30157000 30158000 30159000 30159013 30159014 30160006 30161006 30162006 30163006 30165013 30165014 30165015 30166013 30166014 30166015 30167000 GMC Truck Yukon XL 1/2T 4D 4x4 SLT GMC Truck Yukon XL 3/4T 4D 4x2 GMC Truck Yukon XL 3/4T 4D 4x4 GMC Truck Yukon XL 3/4T 4D 4x4 SLT GMC Truck Yukon XL 3/4T 4D 4x4 SL GMC Truck Yukon 4D 4x2 GMC Truck Yukon 4D 4x4 GMC Truck Yukon 4D 4x4 Denali GMC Truck Yukon 4D 4x4 SLT GMC Truck Sierra 2500 Crew PU 4x2 GMC Truck Sierra 2500 Crew PU 4x4 GMC Truck Sierra 3500 PU Extended Cab 4x2 GMC Truck Sierra 3500 PU Extended Cab 4x4 GMC Truck Sierra 3500 Chassis Cab 4x2 Incomplete GMC Truck Sierra 3500 Chassis Cab Extended Cab 4x4 Incomplete GMC Truck Sierra 3500 Crew PU 4x4 GMC Truck Sonoma Crew Cab PU 4x4 GMC Truck Envoy 4D 4x2 GMC Truck Envoy 4D 4x4 GMC Truck Envoy 4D 4x4 Denali GMC Truck Envoy 4D 4x4 SLT GMC Truck Sierra 1500 Crew PU 4x2 GMC Truck Sierra 1500 Crew PU 4x4 GMC Truck Envoy XL 4D 4x2 GMC Truck Envoy XL 4D 4x4 GMC Truck Envoy XL 4D 4x4 Denali GMC Truck Yukon Hybrid 4D 4x2 GMC Truck Yukon Hybrid 4D 4x4 GMC Truck Cut/RV Cut V 4500 Incomplete GMC Truck Canyon PU 4x2 GMC Truck Canyon Chassis Cab 4x2 Incomplete GMC Truck Canyon PU Extended Cab 4x2 GMC Truck Canyon Crew PU 4x2 GMC Truck Envoy XUV 4D 4x2 GMC Truck Envoy XUV 4D 4x4 GMC Truck Canyon PU 4x4 GMC Truck Canyon PU Extended Cab 4x4 GMC Truck Canyon Crew PU 4x4 GMC Truck Canyon Crew PU 4x4 SLE GMC Truck Canyon Crew PU 4x4 SLT GMC Truck Medium Duty 4500 Series Incomplete GMC Truck Medium Duty 5500 Series Incomplete GMC Truck Medium Duty 6500 Series Incomplete GMC Truck Medium Duty 7500 Series Incomplete GMC Truck Acadia 4D 2WD SLE GMC Truck Acadia 4D 2WD SLT GMC Truck Acadia 4D 2WD SL GMC Truck Acadia 4D 4WD SLE GMC Truck Acadia 4D 4WD SLT GMC Truck Acadia 4D 4WD SL GMC Truck Sierra 1500 4x2 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 113 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 4 4 23 2 1 2 1 9 17 1 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30168000 30169000 30170000 30170014 30170015 30175000 30177000 30178000 30184000 30189006 30190006 1 0.0 30192006 5 3 28 4 1 1 4 3 4 12 15 36 57 119 10 256 37 174 163 12 12 3 175 2 162 4 1 1 80 263 72 7 1 74 74 22 6 49 35 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30196000 30197000 30198000 30198012 30198013 30198014 30203013 30203014 30204013 30204014 31000000 31002001 31006001 31006008 31007000 31008000 31008023 31008024 31009000 31009024 31010000 31011000 31011014 31012002 31013002 31013003 31013004 31013009 31013020 31014002 31014009 31014020 31014021 31015002 31015009 31015020 31020020 31021020 31021058 GMC Truck Sierra 1500 Extended Cab 4x2 GMC Truck Sierra 1500 4x4 GMC Truck Sierra 1500 Extended Cab 4x4 GMC Truck Sierra 1500 Extended Cab 4x4 SLT GMC Truck Sierra 1500 Extended Cab 4x4 SL GMC Truck Sierra 2500 4x2 GMC Truck Sierra 2500 4x4 GMC Truck Sierra 2500 Extended Cab 4x4 GMC Truck Sierra 2500 Crew 4x4 GMC Truck Sierra 3500 Chassis Cab 4x2 Incomplete GMC Truck Sierra 3500 Chassis Cab Extended Cab 4x2 Incomplete GMC Truck Sierra 3500 Chassis Cab Extended Cab 4x4 Incomplete GMC Truck Sierra 3500 Crew 4x4 GMC Truck Sierra 1500 Crew 4x2 GMC Truck Sierra 1500 Crew 4x4 GMC Truck Sierra 1500 Crew 4x4 Denali GMC Truck Sierra 1500 Crew 4x4 SLE GMC Truck Sierra 1500 Crew 4x4 SLT GMC Truck Terrain 4D 2WD SLE GMC Truck Terrain 4D 2WD SLT GMC Truck Terrain 4D 4WD SLE GMC Truck Terrain 4D 4WD SLT Ford Truck Unknown Series Model Ford Truck E150 Econo Club Wagon Club Wagon Ford Truck E350 Econo Club Wagon Club Wagon Ford Truck E350 Econo Club Wagon Super Club Wagon Ford Truck F100 Pickup 4x2 Ford Truck F150 Pickup 4x2 Ford Truck F150 Pickup 4x2 Flareside Ford Truck F150 Pickup 4x2 Styleside Ford Truck F250 Pickup 4x2 Ford Truck F250 Pickup 4x2 Styleside Ford Truck F350 Pickup 4x2 Ford Truck Bronco 2D 4x4 Ford Truck Bronco 2D 4x4 4-Wheel Drive Ford Truck E100 Econo Cargo Van Cargo Van Ford Truck E150 Econo Cargo Van Cargo Van Ford Truck E150 Econo Cargo Van Window Van Ford Truck E150 Econo Cargo Van Display Van Ford Truck E150 Econo Cargo Van Super Cargo Van Ford Truck E150 Econo Cargo Van Incomplete Ford Truck E250 Econo Cargo Van Cargo Van Ford Truck E250 Econo Cargo Van Super Cargo Van Ford Truck E250 Econo Cargo Van Incomplete Ford Truck E250 Econo Cargo Van Heavy Duty Cargo Van Ford Truck E350 Econo Cargo Van Cargo Van Ford Truck E350 Econo Cargo Van Super Cargo Van Ford Truck E350 Econo Cargo Van Incomplete Ford Truck F250 Chassis Cab 4x2 Incomplete Ford Truck F350 Chassis Cab 4x2 Incomplete Ford Truck F350 Chassis Cab 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels DRW Incomplete Page 114 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 2 182 6 52 183 5 11 8 1 22 1 966 118 2 92 111 19 1 3 2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 31022000 31022014 31022023 31022024 31024014 31024024 31025058 31025059 31026000 31026014 31027059 31028000 31029014 31030020 31031000 31032017 31033002 31033003 31034000 31035005 145 0.1 31037005 2 0.0 31037016 38 2 79 41 251 129 20 24 6 33 10 144 32 465 480 63 488 51 664 146 97 699 83 212 109 11 37 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 31038007 31038019 31040012 31040023 31040024 31041012 31041024 31042012 31042026 31043015 31043026 31044013 31044023 31044024 31045013 31045024 31046015 31046026 31047018 31047047 31047048 31048018 31048047 31048048 31049014 31049026 31050020 Ford Truck F150 Pickup 4x4 Ford Truck F150 Pickup 4x4 4-Wheel Drive Ford Truck F150 Pickup 4x4 Flareside Ford Truck F150 Pickup 4x4 Styleside Ford Truck F250 Pickup 4x4 4-Wheel Drive Ford Truck F250 Pickup 4x4 Styleside Ford Truck F350 Chassis Cab 4x4 DRW Incomplete Ford Truck F350 Chassis Cab 4x4 4WD Incomplete Ford Truck F350 Pickup 4x4 Ford Truck F350 Pickup 4x4 4-Wheel Drive Ford Truck F250 Chassis C 4x4 4WD Incomplete Ford Truck Ranger Pickup 4x2 Ford Truck Ranger Pickup 4x4 4-Wheel Drive Ford Truck Ranger Chassis Cab 4x2 Incomplete Ford Truck Bronco II 2D 4x4 Ford Truck Aerostar Van 4x2 Window Wagon Ford Truck Aerostar Cargo Van 4x2 Cargo Van Ford Truck Aerostar Cargo Van 4x2 Window Van Ford Truck Bronco II 2D 4x2 Ford Truck E250 Cutaway/Chassis Van Cutaway Incomplete Ford Truck E350 Cutaway/Chassis Van Cutaway Incomplete Ford Truck E350 Cutaway/Chassis Van Stripped Chassis Incomplete Ford Truck E350 RV Cutaway Van RV Cutaway Incomplete Ford Truck E350 RV Cutaway Van RV Chassis Incomplete Ford Truck F150 Super Pickup 4x2 Super Pickup 4x2 Ford Truck F150 Super Pickup 4x2 Flareside Ford Truck F150 Super Pickup 4x2 Styleside Ford Truck F250 Super Pickup 4x2 Super Pickup 4x2 Ford Truck F250 Super Pickup 4x2 Styleside Ford Truck F350 Super Pickup 4x2 Super Pickup 4x2 Ford Truck F350 Super Pickup 4x2 Dual Rear Wheeels Ford Truck F350 Crew Cab Pickup 4x2 Crew Cab Ford Truck F350 Crew Cab Pickup 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels Ford Truck F150 Super Pickup 4x4 Super Pickup 4x4 Ford Truck F150 Super Pickup 4x4 Flareside Ford Truck F150 Super Pickup 4x4 Styleside Ford Truck F250 Super Pickup 4x4 Super Pickup 4x4 Ford Truck F250 Super Pickup 4x4 Styleside Ford Truck F350 Crew Cab Pickup 4x4 Crew Cab Ford Truck F350 Crew Cab Pickup 4x4 Dual Rear Wheels Ford Truck Ranger Super Pickup 4x2 Super Cab Ford Truck Ranger Super Pickup 4x2 2-Door Ford Truck Ranger Super Pickup 4x2 4-Door Ford Truck Ranger Super Pickup 4x4 Super Cab Ford Truck Ranger Super Pickup 4x4 2-Door Ford Truck Ranger Super Pickup 4x4 4-Door Ford Truck F350 Super Pickup 4x4 4-Wheel Drive Ford Truck F350 Super Pickup 4x4 Dual Rear Wheels Ford Truck F-Super Duty Chassis Cab 4x2 Incomplete WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 115 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 76 1 4 56 2 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 31051017 31052002 31053017 31055017 31056002 31056003 46 31 132 72 94 45 3 3 31 1314 182 591 114 98 2 126 20 17 2 21 354 82 74 65 4 7 173 31 1 18 22 16 2 208 20 1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 31057000 31057034 31058000 31058034 31059000 31059031 31059032 31059033 31059036 31060000 31060025 31060031 31060032 31060033 31060035 31060036 31060037 31060038 31060040 31060041 31061000 31061028 31061029 31061030 31061033 31061034 31061042 31061044 31061045 31062000 31063020 31064015 31064024 31065015 31065024 31069059 4 10 0.0 0.0 31070020 31070058 2 3 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 31073058 31074058 31074060 20 38 0.0 0.0 31075000 31075031 Ford Truck Aerostar Extended Van 4x2 Window Wagon Ford Truck Aerostar Extended Cargo Van 4x2 Cargo Van Ford Truck Aerostar Van 4x4 Window Wagon Ford Truck Aerostar Extended Van 4x4 Window Wagon Ford Truck Aerostar Extended Cargo Van 4x4 Cargo Van Ford Truck Aerostar Extended Cargo Van 4x4 Window Van Ford Truck Explorer 2D 4x2 Ford Truck Explorer 2D 4x2 Sport Ford Truck Explorer 2D 4x4 Ford Truck Explorer 2D 4x4 Sport Ford Truck Explorer 4D 4x2 Ford Truck Explorer 4D 4x2 XLT Ford Truck Explorer 4D 4x2 Eddie Bauer Ford Truck Explorer 4D 4x2 Limited Ford Truck Explorer 4D 4x2 XLS Ford Truck Explorer 4D 4x4 Ford Truck Explorer 4D 4x4 AWD Ford Truck Explorer 4D 4x4 XLT Ford Truck Explorer 4D 4x4 Eddie Bauer Ford Truck Explorer 4D 4x4 Limited Ford Truck Explorer 4D 4x4 XL Ford Truck Explorer 4D 4x4 XLS Ford Truck Explorer 4D 4x4 XLT AWD Ford Truck Explorer 4D 4x4 Eddie Bauer AWD Ford Truck Explorer 4D 4x4 XLS AWD Ford Truck Explorer 4D 4x4 Limited AWD Ford Truck Windstar Van Ford Truck Windstar Van 3.0L/LX Ford Truck Windstar Van SE Ford Truck Windstar Van SEL Ford Truck Windstar Van Limited Ford Truck Windstar Van Sport Ford Truck Windstar Van LX Ford Truck Windstar Van SE Sport Ford Truck Windstar Van SEL Limited Ford Truck Windstar Cargo Van Ford Truck F-Super Duty Motorhome Chassis Incomplete Ford Truck F250 Crew Cab Pickup 4x2 Crew Cab Ford Truck F250 Crew Cab Pickup 4x2 Styleside Ford Truck F250 Crew Cab Pickup 4x4 Crew Cab Ford Truck F250 Crew Cab Pickup 4x4 Styleside Ford Truck F250 Super Chassis Cab 4x4 4-Wheel Drive Incomplete Ford Truck F350 Super Chassis Cab 4x2 Incomplete Ford Truck F350 Super Chassis Cab 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels DRW Incomplete Ford Truck F350 Crew Chassis Cab 4x2 DRW Incomplete Ford Truck F350 Crew Chassis Cab 4x4 DRW Incomplete Ford Truck F350 Crew Chassis Cab 4x4 Crew Cab Incomplete Ford Truck Expedition 4D 4x2 Ford Truck Expedition 4D 4x2 XLT Page 116 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 12 1 370 228 192 18 3 5 4 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 31075032 31075036 31076000 31076031 31076032 31076033 31076036 31077024 31079024 4 23 0.0 0.0 31081024 31083024 17 214 0.0 0.1 31085007 31086005 1 0.0 31086016 1 0.0 31086050 4 5 101 0.0 0.0 0.1 31087058 31087059 31088058 21 0.0 31089058 6 0.0 31090058 7 0.0 31091058 45 0.0 31092058 20 0.0 31093058 5 0.0 31094058 10 0.0 31095058 21 0.0 31097058 5 0.0 31098058 3 0.0 31100058 2 2 28 7 61 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 31103031 31103033 31104031 31104032 31104033 31105039 32 0.0 31106000 Ford Truck Expedition 4D 4x2 Eddie Bauer Ford Truck Expedition 4D 4x2 XLS Ford Truck Expedition 4D 4x4 Ford Truck Expedition 4D 4x4 XLT Ford Truck Expedition 4D 4x4 Eddie Bauer Ford Truck Expedition 4D 4x4 Limited Ford Truck Expedition 4D 4x4 XLS Ford Truck F250 Pickup 4x2 Light Duty Styleside Ford Truck F250 Super Pickup 4x2 Light Duty Styleside Ford Truck F250 Pickup 4x4 Light Duty Styleside Ford Truck F250 Super Pickup 4x4 Light Duty Styleside Ford Truck E450 RV Cutaway Van RV Cutaway Incomplete Ford Truck E450 Cutaway/Chassis Van Cutaway Incomplete Ford Truck E450 Cutaway/Chassis Van Stripped Chassis Incomplete Ford Truck E450 Cutaway/Chassis Van Dual Rear Wheels Chassis Incomplete Ford Truck F350 Super Chassis Cab 4x4 DRW Incomplete Ford Truck F350 Super Chassis Cab 4x4 4WD Incomplete Ford Truck F450 Chassis Cab 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck F450 Chassis Cab 4x4 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck F450 Crew Chassis Cab 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck F450 Crew Chassis Cab 4x4 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck F550 Chassis Cab 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck F550 Chassis Cab 4x4 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck F550 Crew Chassis Cab 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck F550 Crew Chassis Cab 4x4 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck F650 Chassis Cab 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck F650 Super Chassis Cab 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck F750 Chassis Cab 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck Excursion 4D 4x2 XLT Ford Truck Excursion 4D 4x2 Limited Ford Truck Excursion 4D 4x4 XLT Ford Truck Excursion 4D 4x4 Eddie Bauer Ford Truck Excursion 4D 4x4 Limited Ford Truck Explorer Chassis 4x2 Right Hand Drive Incomplete Ford Truck Explorer Sport Trac 4x2 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 117 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 2 1 126 9 10 2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 31106031 31106033 31107000 31107031 31107033 31107041 111 586 130 9 92 454 101 100 9 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 31108043 31109043 31112031 31112033 31112036 31113031 31113033 31113036 31114058 6 5 0.0 0.0 31118026 31119058 6 0.0 31120058 1 0.0 31121058 5 0.0 31122058 21 101 1 54 22 4 1 19 11 13 18 2 8 17 29 2 10 7 5 3 122 3 23 3 109 4 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 31133000 31134000 31135000 31135029 31135030 31135033 31135034 31135051 31135052 31136029 31136030 31136033 31137029 31137030 31137033 31138033 31139031 31139032 31139033 31140023 31140024 31141023 31141024 31142023 31142024 31143023 Ford Truck Explorer Sport Trac 4x2 XLT Ford Truck Explorer Sport Trac 4x2 Limited Ford Truck Explorer Sport Trac 4x4 Ford Truck Explorer Sport Trac 4x4 XLT Ford Truck Explorer Sport Trac 4x4 Limited Ford Truck Explorer Sport Trac 4x4 Limited All Wheel Drive Ford Truck F150 Crew Cab Pickup 4x2 Super Crew Ford Truck F150 Crew Cab PU 4x4 Super Crew Ford Truck Escape 4D 2WD XLT Ford Truck Escape 4D 2WD Limited Ford Truck Escape 4D 2WD XLS Ford Truck Escape 4D 4WD XLT Ford Truck Escape 4D 4WD Limited Ford Truck Escape 4D 4WD XLS Ford Truck F800 Chassis Cab 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck F450 Crew Cab Pickup 4x4 Dual Rear Wheels Ford Truck F450 Super Chassis Cab 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck F450 Super Chassis Cab 4x4 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck F550 Super Chassis Cab 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck F550 Super Chassis Cab 4x4 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck Escape Hybrid 4D 2WD Ford Truck Escape Hybrid 4D 4WD Ford Truck Freestar Van Ford Truck Freestar Van SE Ford Truck Freestar Van SEL Ford Truck Freestar Van Limited Ford Truck Freestar Van Sport Ford Truck Freestar Van SES/Sport Ford Truck Freestar Van S Ford Truck Freestyle 4D 2WD SE Ford Truck Freestyle 4D 2WD SEL Ford Truck Freestyle 4D 2WD Limited Ford Truck Freestyle 4D 4WD SE Ford Truck Freestyle 4D 4WD SEL Ford Truck Freestyle 4D 4WD Limited Ford Truck Expedition EL 4D 4x2 Limited Ford Truck Expedition EL 4D 4x4 XLT Ford Truck Expedition EL 4D 4x4 Eddie Bauer Ford Truck Expedition EL 4D 4x4 Limited Ford Truck F150 Pickup 4x2 Flareside Ford Truck F150 Pickup 4x2 Styleside Ford Truck F150 Pickup 4x4 Flareside Ford Truck F150 Pickup 4x4 Styleside Ford Truck F150 Super Pickup 4x2 Flareside Ford Truck F150 Super Pickup 4x2 Styleside Ford Truck F150 Super Pickup 4x4 Flareside Page 118 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 294 2 9 0.2 0.0 0.0 31143024 31148000 31150058 2 0.0 31151058 16 9 6 3 8 46 37 1 7 10 1 3 1 1 2 4 4 5 8 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 31152029 31152030 31152033 31152053 31153029 31153030 31153033 31153034 31153053 31154030 31154032 31155030 31155032 31155033 31157029 31157030 31157033 31158030 31158033 31159058 9 0.0 31160058 1 8 5 14 1 1 1 18 1 17 15 133 1 15 8 18 34 23 32 39 6 17 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 31162031 31163031 31163035 32000000 32003002 32004002 32008000 32011000 32011003 32013003 32014010 32015004 32016007 32016010 32017008 32017009 32018004 32019008 32019009 32020007 32021008 32021009 32022004 Ford Truck F150 Super Pickup 4x4 Styleside Ford Truck Freestar Cargo Van Ford Truck Low Cab Forward 450 4X2 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck Low Cab Forward 550 4X2 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck Edge 4D 2WD SE Ford Truck Edge 4D 2WD SEL Ford Truck Edge 4D 2WD Limited Ford Truck Edge 4D 2WD SEL Plus Ford Truck Edge 4D 4WD SE Ford Truck Edge 4D 4WD SEL Ford Truck Edge 4D 4WD Limited Ford Truck Edge 4D 4WD Sport Ford Truck Edge 4D 4WD SEL Plus Ford Truck Taurus X 4D 2WD SEL Ford Truck Taurus X 4D 2WD Eddie Bauer Ford Truck Taurus X 4D 4WD SEL Ford Truck Taurus X 4D 4WD Eddie Bauer Ford Truck Taurus X 4D 4WD Limited Ford Truck Flex 4D 2WD SE Ford Truck Flex 4D 2WD SEL Ford Truck Flex 4D 2WD Limited Ford Truck Flex 4D 4WD SEL Ford Truck Flex 4D 4WD Limited Ford Truck F600 Chassis Cab 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck F700 Chassis Cab 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Ford Truck Transit Connect Van XLT Ford Truck Transit Connect Cargo Van XLT Ford Truck Transit Connect Cargo Van XL Dodge Truck Unknown Series Model Dodge Truck B200 Maxivan Tradesman Dodge Truck B300 Van Tradesman Dodge Truck D/W 100/150 Pickup 1/2T Dodge Truck Ram50/D50 Pickup Short 4x2 Dodge Truck Ram50/D50 Pickup Short 4x2 Sport Dodge Truck AW150 Ramcharger 2D 4x4 Sport Dodge Truck B150/B1500 Van Wagon Dodge Truck Ram 1500 Pickup 4x2 Conventional Cab Dodge Truck B250/B2500 Van Bus Dodge Truck B250/B2500 Van Wagon Dodge Truck B150/B1500 Cargo Van Incomplete Dodge Truck B150/B1500 Cargo Van Truck Dodge Truck Ram 2500 Pickup 4x2 Conventional Cab Dodge Truck B250/B2500 Cargo Van Incomplete Dodge Truck B250/B2500 Cargo Van Truck Dodge Truck B350/B3500 Van Bus Dodge Truck B350/B3500 Cargo Van Incomplete Dodge Truck B350/B3500 Cargo Van Truck Dodge Truck Ram 3500 Pickup 4x2 Conventional Cab WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 119 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 4 5 0.0 0.0 32022047 32023066 33 1 0.0 0.0 32024004 32025066 28 4 0.0 0.0 32026004 32027066 4 15 37 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32028004 32029004 32031004 32032066 6 7 2 2 8 1 158 19 205 11 5 59 4 30 11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32033004 32035000 32035011 32036017 32036018 32036020 32037000 32037003 32037013 32037014 32037025 32037028 32037041 32037051 32038066 9 0.0 32038069 121 8 7 1 3 4 44 5 2 1 2 5 3 1 12 3 3 17 5 46 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32039000 32039003 32039027 32039044 32039045 32039051 32040000 32040003 32040027 32040037 32040051 32041000 32041015 32042015 32044005 32047005 32049005 32050005 32052005 32054000 Dodge Truck Ram 3500 Pickup 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels Dodge Truck Ram 2500 Chassis Cab 4x2 Conventional Cab Incomplete Dodge Truck D100/D150 Pickup 4x2 Conventional Cab Dodge Truck D250 Chassis Cab 4x2 Conventional Cab Incomplete Dodge Truck D250 Pickup 4x2 Conventional Cab Dodge Truck D350 Chassis Cab 4x2 Conventional Cab Incomplete Dodge Truck D350 Pickup 4x2 Conventional Cab Dodge Truck W100/W150 Pickup 4x4 Conventional Cab Dodge Truck W250 Pickup 4x4 Conventional Cab Dodge Truck W350 Chassis Cab 4x4 Conventional Cab Incomplete Dodge Truck W350 Pickup 4x4 Conventional Cab Dodge Truck Ram50/D50 Pickup Short 4x4 Dodge Truck Ram50/D50 Pickup Short 4x4 Royal Dodge Truck Caravan Cargo Van 2WD Mini Ram Van Dodge Truck Caravan Cargo Van 2WD Caravan C/V Dodge Truck Caravan Cargo Van 2WD Royal Dodge Truck Caravan Van 2WD Dodge Truck Caravan Van 2WD Sport Dodge Truck Caravan Van 2WD SE Dodge Truck Caravan Van 2WD LE Dodge Truck Caravan Van 2WD LE/ES Dodge Truck Caravan Van 2WD SE/Sport Dodge Truck Caravan Van 2WD EC Dodge Truck Caravan Van 2WD SXT Dodge Truck Ram 3500 Chassis Cab 4x2 Conventional Cab Incomplete Dodge Truck Ram 3500 CC 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Dodge Truck Dakota Pickup 4x2 Dodge Truck Dakota Pickup 4x2 Sport Dodge Truck Dakota Pickup 4x2 Base/Sport/LE Dodge Truck Dakota Pickup 4x2 Sport/R/T Dodge Truck Dakota Pickup 4x2 Base/SXT Dodge Truck Dakota Pickup 4x2 SXT Dodge Truck Dakota Pickup 4x4 Dodge Truck Dakota Pickup 4x4 Sport Dodge Truck Dakota Pickup 4x4 Base/Sport/LE Dodge Truck Dakota Pickup 4x4 SLT Dodge Truck Dakota Pickup 4x4 SXT Dodge Truck Ram 50 Pickup Long 4x2 Dodge Truck Ram 50 Pickup Long 4x2 Custom Dodge Truck Ram 50 Pickup Long 4x4 Custom Dodge Truck D250 Club Cab Pickup 4x2 2-Door Club Cab Dodge Truck D350 Club Cab Pickup 4x2 2-Door Club Cab Dodge Truck W150 Club Cab Pickup 4x4 2-Door Club Cab Dodge Truck W250 Club Cab Pickup 4x4 2-Door Club Cab Dodge Truck W350 Club Cab Pickup 4x4 2-Door Club Cab Dodge Truck Grand Caravan 2WD Page 120 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 224 452 55 27 95 227 21 33 8 219 1 1 1 2 24 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32054003 32054013 32054014 32054024 32054025 32054028 32054031 32054032 32054042 32054051 32055000 32055003 32056014 32056015 32057018 175 28 7 0.1 0.0 0.0 32059005 32059035 32059036 12 13 3 10 32 1 1 15 21 8 13 15 1 309 53 14 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 32059046 32059048 32059049 32059053 32059056 32059057 32062013 32063003 32063013 32063014 32063025 32063031 32063051 32064005 32064035 32064036 11 11 15 11 15 1 1 91 78 3 1 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32064046 32064048 32064049 32064053 32064056 32064057 32064072 32067004 32068004 32069004 32069047 32070066 12 0.0 32071066 Dodge Truck Grand Caravan 2WD Sport Dodge Truck Grand Caravan 2WD SE Dodge Truck Grand Caravan 2WD LE Dodge Truck Grand Caravan 2WD Base/SE Dodge Truck Grand Caravan 2WD LE/ES Dodge Truck Grand Caravan 2WD SE/Sport Dodge Truck Grand Caravan 2WD ES Dodge Truck Grand Caravan 2WD EX Dodge Truck Grand Caravan 2WD EL Dodge Truck Grand Caravan 2WD SXT Dodge Truck Ram 50 Pickup Extended Cab 4x2 Dodge Truck Ram 50 Pickup Extended Cab 4x2 Sport Dodge Truck Ram 50 Pickup Extended Cab 4x4 LE Dodge Truck Ram 50 Pickup Extended Cab 4x4 Custom Dodge Truck Caravan Extended Cargo Van 2WD Caravan C/V Dodge Truck Dakota Club Pickup 4x2 2-Door Club Cab Dodge Truck Dakota Club Pickup 4x2 Club Cab SLT Dodge Truck Dakota Club Pickup 4x2 Club Cab Sport/R/T Dodge Truck Dakota Club Pickup 4x2 Club Cab Base/SXT Dodge Truck Dakota Club Pickup 4x2 Club Cab SXT Dodge Truck Dakota Club Pickup 4x2 Club Cab Sport Dodge Truck Dakota Club Pickup 4x2 Club Cab Dodge Truck Dakota Club Pickup 4x2 Club Cab ST Dodge Truck Dakota Club Pickup 4x2 Club Cab Laramie Dodge Truck Caravan Van 4WD SE Dodge Truck Grand Caravan 4WD Sport Dodge Truck Grand Caravan 4WD SE Dodge Truck Grand Caravan 4WD LE Dodge Truck Grand Caravan 4WD LE/SE Dodge Truck Grand Caravan 4WD ES Dodge Truck Grand Caravan 4WD SXT Dodge Truck Dakota Club Pickup 4x4 2-Door Club Cab Dodge Truck Dakota Club Pickup 4x4 Club Cab SLT Dodge Truck Dakota Club Pickup 4x4 Club Cab Sport/R/T Dodge Truck Dakota Club Pickup 4x4 Club Cab Base/SXT Dodge Truck Dakota Club Pickup 4x4 Club Cab SXT Dodge Truck Dakota Club Pickup 4x4 Club Cab Sport Dodge Truck Dakota Club Pickup 4x4 Club Cab Dodge Truck Dakota Club Pickup 4x4 Club Cab ST Dodge Truck Dakota Club Pickup 4x4 Club Cab Laramie Dodge Truck Dakota Club Pickup 4x4 Bighorn/Lonestar Dodge Truck Ram 1500 Pickup 4x4 Conventional Cab Dodge Truck Ram 2500 Pickup 4x4 Conventional Cab Dodge Truck Ram 3500 Pickup 4x4 Conventional Cab Dodge Truck Ram 3500 Pickup 4x4 Dual Rear Wheels Dodge Truck Ram 2500 Chassis Cab 4x4 Conventional Cab Incomplete Dodge Truck Ram 3500 Chassis Cab 4x4 Conventional Cab Incomplete WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 121 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 4 0.0 32071069 54 0.0 32072005 51 0.0 32072029 14 0.0 32073005 29 0.0 32073029 10 0.0 32074005 15 0.0 32074029 103 0.1 32075005 243 0.1 32075029 80 0.0 32076005 287 0.1 32076029 14 0.0 32077005 29 0.0 32077029 579 22 4 177 58 11 12 7 14 67 5 33 7 11 2 5 2 5 4 37 3 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32078000 32078003 32078013 32078037 32078039 32078040 32078043 32078051 32078054 32078055 32078060 32079000 32079003 32079037 32079039 32079043 32079051 32079054 32079055 32080033 32080034 26 5 0.0 0.0 32080038 32080052 13 0.0 32080058 Dodge Truck Ram 3500 Chassis Cab 4x4 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Dodge Truck Ram 1500 Club Cab Pickup 4x2 2-Door Club Cab Dodge Truck Ram 1500 Club Cab Pickup 4x2 4-Door Club Cab Dodge Truck Ram 2500 Club Cab Pickup 4x2 2-Door Club Cab Dodge Truck Ram 2500 Club Cab Pickup 4x2 4-Door Club Cab Dodge Truck Ram 3500 Club Cab Pickup 4x2 2-Door Club Cab Dodge Truck Ram 3500 Club Cab Pickup 4x2 4-Door Club Cab Dodge Truck Ram 1500 Club Cab Pickup 4x4 2-Door Club Cab Dodge Truck Ram 1500 Club Cab Pickup 4x4 4-Door Club Cab Dodge Truck Ram 2500 Club Cab Pickup 4x4 2-Door Club Cab Dodge Truck Ram 2500 Club Cab Pickup 4x4 4-Door Club Cab Dodge Truck Ram 3500 Club Cab Pickup 4x4 2-Door Club Cab Dodge Truck Ram 3500 Club Cab Pickup 4x4 4-Door Club Cab Dodge Truck Durango 4D 4x4 Dodge Truck Durango 4D 4x4 Sport Dodge Truck Durango 4D 4x4 SE Dodge Truck Durango 4D 4x4 SLT Dodge Truck Durango 4D 4x4 SLT Plus Dodge Truck Durango 4D 4x4 R/T Dodge Truck Durango 4D 4x4 Sport/SXT Dodge Truck Durango 4D 4x4 SXT Dodge Truck Durango 4D 4x4 ST Dodge Truck Durango 4D 4x4 Limited Dodge Truck Durango 4D 4x4 SLT/Adventurer Dodge Truck Durango 4D 4x2 Dodge Truck Durango 4D 4x2 Sport Dodge Truck Durango 4D 4x2 SLT Dodge Truck Durango 4D 4x2 SLT Plus Dodge Truck Durango 4D 4x2 Sport/SXT Dodge Truck Durango 4D 4x2 SXT Dodge Truck Durango 4D 4x2 ST Dodge Truck Durango 4D 4x2 Limited Dodge Truck Dakota Crew Cab Pickup 4x2 Quad Cab SLT Dodge Truck Dakota Crew Cab Pickup 4x2 Quad Cab Sport/R/T Dodge Truck Dakota Crew Cab Pickup 4x2 Quad Cab Dodge Truck Dakota Crew Cab Pickup 4x2 Quad Cab Sport Dodge Truck Dakota Crew Cab Pickup 4x2 Quad Cab ST Page 122 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 2 0.0 32080059 105 12 0.1 0.0 32081033 32081034 78 17 0.0 0.0 32081038 32081052 16 12 0.0 0.0 32081058 32081059 2 5 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 32081062 32081064 32081072 126 479 11 354 4 9 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 32082038 32083038 32084038 32085038 32086038 32086047 101 45 0.1 0.0 32087038 32087047 1 0.0 32090069 2 0.0 32091069 67 24 6 3 6 1 21 1 22 12 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32092000 32093000 32094000 32095008 32096008 32097000 32098000 32099000 32100000 32102000 32102047 6 2 3 22 32 11 5 16 6 8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32103051 32103061 32104013 32104051 32104061 32105013 32105040 32105051 32106040 32106051 Dodge Truck Dakota Crew Cab Pickup 4x2 Quad Cab Laramie Dodge Truck Dakota Crew Cab Pickup 4x4 Quad Cab SLT Dodge Truck Dakota Crew Cab Pickup 4x4 Quad Cab Sport/R/T Dodge Truck Dakota Crew Cab Pickup 4x4 Quad Cab Dodge Truck Dakota Crew Cab Pickup 4x4 Quad Cab Sport Dodge Truck Dakota Crew Cab Pickup 4x4 Quad Cab ST Dodge Truck Dakota Crew Cab Pickup 4x4 Quad Cab Laramie Dodge Truck Dakota Crew Cab Pickup 4x4 Quad Cab TRX Dodge Truck Dakota Crew Cab Pickup 4x4 Quad Cab SXT Dodge Truck Dakota Crew Cab Pickup 4x4 Bighorn/Lonestar Dodge Truck Ram 1500 Crew Cab Pickup 4x2 Quad Cab Dodge Truck Ram 1500 Crew Cab Pickup 4x4 Quad Cab Dodge Truck Ram 2500 Crew Cab Pickup 4x2 Quad Cab Dodge Truck Ram 2500 Crew Cab Pickup 4x4 Quad Cab Dodge Truck Ram 3500 Crew Cab Pickup 4x2 Quad Cab Dodge Truck Ram 3500 Crew Cab Pickup 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels Dodge Truck Ram 3500 Crew Cab Pickup 4x4 Quad Cab Dodge Truck Ram 3500 Crew Cab Pickup 4x4 Dual Rear Wheels Dodge Truck Ram 3500 Crew Chassis Cab 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Dodge Truck Ram 3500 Crew Chassis Cab 4x4 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Dodge Truck Sprinter Cargo Van 2500 Dodge Truck Sprinter Cargo Van 3500 Dodge Truck Sprinter Van 2500 Dodge Truck Sprinter Chassis 2500 Incomplete Dodge Truck Sprinter Chassis 3500 Incomplete Dodge Truck Ram 1500 Mega Cab Pickup 4x2 Dodge Truck Ram 1500 Mega Cab Pickup 4x4 Dodge Truck Ram 2500 Mega Cab Pickup 4x2 Dodge Truck Ram 2500 Mega Cab Pickup 4x4 Dodge Truck Ram 3500 Mega Cab Pickup 4x4 Dodge Truck Ram 3500 Mega Cab Pickup 4x4 Dual Rear Wheels Dodge Truck Nitro 4D 2WD SXT Dodge Truck Nitro 4D 2WD SLT/R/T Dodge Truck Nitro 4D 4WD SE Dodge Truck Nitro 4D 4WD SXT Dodge Truck Nitro 4D 4WD SLT/R/T Dodge Truck Journey 4D 2WD SE Dodge Truck Journey 4D 2WD R/T Dodge Truck Journey 4D 2WD SXT Dodge Truck Journey 4D 4WD R/T Dodge Truck Journey 4D 4WD SXT WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 123 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 1 0.0 32109069 1 0.0 32110069 1 0.0 32111069 1 0.0 32112069 3 0.0 32113069 4 39 3 33 1 1 140 66 15 11 15 1 37 160 47 23 67 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 32116000 32117000 32118000 32119000 33000000 33008001 33017000 33017004 33017005 33017009 33017012 33017018 33018000 33018004 33018005 33018008 33018012 30 218 95 11 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 33019000 33019009 33019010 33019013 81 0.0 33019014 11 93 0.0 0.0 33019016 33019017 2 5 0.0 0.0 33019019 33019020 2 6 11 6 3 27 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 33020004 33021004 33021005 33022000 33022009 33022010 33022013 29 0.0 33022014 Dodge Truck Ram 5500 Chassis Cab 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Dodge Truck Ram 5500 Crew Chassis Cab 4x2 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Dodge Truck Ram 4500 Chassis Cab 4x4 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Dodge Truck Ram 4500 Crew Chassis Cab 4x4 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Dodge Truck Ram 5500 Chassis Cab 4x4 Dual Rear Wheels Incomplete Dodge Truck Ram 1500 Quad Pickup 4x2 Dodge Truck Ram 1500 Quad Pickup 4x4 Dodge Truck Ram 1500 Crew Pickup 4x2 Dodge Truck Ram 1500 Crew Pickup 4x4 Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Unknown Series Model Chrysler/Plymouth Truck D-50 Arrow Pickup 4x2 Sport Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Voyager Van 2WD Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Voyager Van 2WD SE Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Voyager Van 2WD LE Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Voyager Van 2WD LX Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Voyager Van 2WD SE/Expresso Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Voyager Van 2WD EC Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Grand Voyager 2WD Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Grand Voyager 2WD SE Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Grand Voyager 2WD LE Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Grand Voyager 2WD Base/SE Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Grand Voyager 2WD SE/Expresso Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Town & Country LWB 2WD Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Town & Country LWB 2WD LX Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Town & Country LWB 2WD LXI Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Town & Country LWB 2WD LX/LXI Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Town & Country LWB 2WD Limited Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Town & Country LWB 2WD EX Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Town & Country LWB 2WD Touring Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Town & Country LWB 2WD EL Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Town & Country LWB 2WD EX/Touring Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Voyager Van 4WD SE Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Grand Voyager 4WD SE Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Grand Voyager 4WD LE Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Town & Country LWB 4WD Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Town & Country LWB 4WD LX Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Town & Country LWB 4WD LXI Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Town & Country LWB 4WD LX/LXI Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Town & Country LWB 4WD Limited Page 124 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 1 0.0 33022017 41 3 1 349 44 117 189 46 18 54 27 1 55 1 18 3 8 1 1 1 11 1 8 1 1 2 5 4 51 2 3 57 5 211 53 10 3 102 90 33 8 2 7 4 1 2 2 4 1 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 33023000 33023009 33023011 33024000 33024003 33024014 33024017 33025000 33025014 33025017 33026000 33026009 33026017 33027014 33028014 34002000 34002006 34003000 34004000 34007000 34008000 34009000 34010000 34010008 34012000 34012007 34013000 34013007 34014000 34014009 34014010 34014011 34014014 34014015 34014017 34014018 34014019 34014020 34014028 34014032 34015000 34015005 34016000 34016005 34016012 34017001 34018002 34019000 34019015 34019020 Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Town & Country LWB 4WD Touring Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Town & Country SWB 2WD Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Town & Country SWB 2WD LX Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Town & Country SWB 2WD SX Chrysler/Plymouth Truck PT Cruiser SW Chrysler/Plymouth Truck PT Cruiser SW GT Chrysler/Plymouth Truck PT Cruiser SW Limited Chrysler/Plymouth Truck PT Cruiser SW Touring Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Pacifica 4D 4WD Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Pacifica 4D 4WD Limited Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Pacifica 4D 4WD Touring Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Pacifica 4D 2WD Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Pacifica 4D 2WD LX Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Pacifica 4D 2WD Touring Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Aspen 4D 4x2 Limited Chrysler/Plymouth Truck Aspen 4D 4x4 Limited Jeep Wagoneer/Grand Wagoneer 4D 4x4 Jeep Wagoneer/Grand Wagoneer 4D 4x4 Grand Wagoneer Jeep J10 Short Pickup 4x4 Jeep Cherokee 2D 4x4 Jeep DJ5/CJ5 2D 4x4 Jeep CJ-7 2D 4x4 Jeep Scrambler Pickup 4x4 Jeep Wagoneer 4D 4x4 Jeep Wagoneer 4D 4x4 Limited Jeep Comanche Pickup Long 4x2 Jeep Comanche Pickup Long 4x2 Custom Jeep Comanche Pickup Long 4x4 Jeep Comanche Pickup Long 4x4 Custom Jeep Wrangler 2D SWB 4x4 Jeep Wrangler 2D SWB 4x4 Laredo Jeep Wrangler 2D SWB 4x4 Islander Jeep Wrangler 2D SWB 4x4 Sahara Jeep Wrangler 2D SWB 4x4 Renegade Jeep Wrangler 2D SWB 4x4 Sport Jeep Wrangler 2D SWB 4x4 S Jeep Wrangler 2D SWB 4x4 Base/Sport Jeep Wrangler 2D SWB 4x4 Right Hand Drive Jeep Wrangler 2D SWB 4x4 SE Jeep Wrangler 2D SWB 4x4 X Jeep Wrangler 2D SWB 4x4 Rubicon Jeep Comanche Pickup Short 4x2 Jeep Comanche Pickup Short 4x2 Pioneer Jeep Comanche Pickup Short 4x4 Jeep Comanche Pickup Short 4x4 Pioneer Jeep Comanche Pickup Short 4x4 Eliminator Jeep J10 Long Pickup 4x4 J10 Jeep J20 Long Pickup 4x4 J20 Jeep Cherokee 2D 4x2 Jeep Cherokee 2D 4x2 Sport Jeep Cherokee 2D 4x2 SE WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 125 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 8 1 3 5 13 4 1 16 3 2 21 11 8 1 1 4 2 105 12 8 16 44 123 2 182 50 3 72 55 54 15 67 11 3 2 597 837 3 1 1 118 48 22 13 39 7 7 6 25 174 35 331 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 Code Value and Description 34020000 34020004 34020008 34020009 34020015 34020016 34020019 34020020 34020025 34020027 34021000 34021009 34021015 34021016 34021019 34021020 34021027 34022000 34022003 34022004 34022005 34022008 34022009 34022013 34022015 34022016 34022019 34022020 34022025 34022027 34023008 34023009 34023022 34023026 34024000 34024008 34024009 34024015 34024020 34024021 34024022 34024023 34024024 34024026 34024029 34024031 34025008 34025014 34025015 34026008 34026014 34026015 Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Jeep Cherokee 4D 4x2 Cherokee 4D 4x2 Classic/Limited Cherokee 4D 4x2 Limited Cherokee 4D 4x2 Laredo Cherokee 4D 4x2 Sport Cherokee 4D 4x2 Country Cherokee 4D 4x2 Right Hand Drive Cherokee 4D 4x2 SE Cherokee 4D 4x2 Sport/Classic/Limited Cherokee 4D 4x2 Sport/Classic Cherokee 2D 4x4 Cherokee 2D 4x4 Laredo Cherokee 2D 4x4 Sport Cherokee 2D 4x4 Country Cherokee 2D 4x4 Right Hand Drive Cherokee 2D 4x4 SE Cherokee 2D 4x4 Sport/Classic Cherokee 4D 4x4 Cherokee 4D 4x4 Classic Cherokee 4D 4x4 Classic/Limited Cherokee 4D 4x4 Pioneer Cherokee 4D 4x4 Limited Cherokee 4D 4x4 Laredo Cherokee 4D 4x4 Briarwood Cherokee 4D 4x4 Sport Cherokee 4D 4x4 Country Cherokee 4D 4x4 Right Hand Drive Cherokee 4D 4x4 SE Cherokee 4D 4x4 Sport/Classic/Limited Cherokee 4D 4x4 Sport/Classic Grand Cherokee 4D 4x2 Limited Grand Cherokee 4D 4x2 Laredo Grand Cherokee 4D 4x2 Laredo/TSI Grand Cherokee 4D 4x2 Special Edition Grand Cherokee 4D 4x4 Grand Cherokee 4D 4x4 Limited Grand Cherokee 4D 4x4 Laredo Grand Cherokee 4D 4x4 Sport Grand Cherokee 4D 4x4 SE Grand Cherokee 4D 4x4 Base/Sport/Grand Wagoneer Grand Cherokee 4D 4x4 Laredo/TSI Grand Cherokee 4D 4x4 Limited/Orvis Grand Cherokee 4D 4x4 5.9 Limited Grand Cherokee 4D 4x4 Special Edition Grand Cherokee 4D 4x4 Overland Grand Cherokee 4D 4x4 SRT8 Liberty 4D 4x2 Limited Liberty 4D 4x2 Renegade Liberty 4D 4x2 Sport Liberty 4D 4x4 Limited Liberty 4D 4x4 Renegade Liberty 4D 4x4 Sport Page 126 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 17 6 1 2 34 28 28 2 3 12 4 18 14 6 38 1 1 27 24 22 6 3 5 3 19 1 6 6 1 13 2 24 28 8 36 2 2 7 8 4 5 5 8 2 6 8 1 1 2 1 3 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 34027030 34027032 34028000 34028015 34029000 34029008 34029015 34029029 34030008 34030015 34031008 34031015 34032015 34033008 34033015 34034033 34034034 34035033 34035034 34035035 34035036 36000000 36001000 36002000 36003000 36003004 36004000 36007001 36009000 36010000 36013002 36014003 36014005 36015000 36017000 36017005 36017008 36018000 36019000 36020000 36021001 36024000 36025000 36026000 36027000 36028000 36029001 36030001 36031000 36033000 36035000 36036000 Jeep Wrangler 2D LWB 4x4 Unlimited Jeep Wrangler 2D LWB 4x4 Rubicon Jeep Commander 4D 4x2 Jeep Commander 4D 4x2 Sport Jeep Commander 4D 4x4 Jeep Commander 4D 4x4 Limited Jeep Commander 4D 4x4 Sport Jeep Commander 4D 4x4 Overland Jeep Compass 4D 4WD Limited Jeep Compass 4D 4WD Sport Jeep Compass 4D 2WD Limited Jeep Compass 4D 2WD Sport Jeep Patriot 4D 2WD Sport Jeep Patriot 4D 4WD Limited Jeep Patriot 4D 4WD Sport Jeep Wrangler 4D 4x2 Unlimited X Jeep Wrangler 4D 4x2 Unlimited Sahara Jeep Wrangler 4D 4x4 Unlimited X Jeep Wrangler 4D 4x4 Unlimited Sahara Jeep Wrangler 4D 4x4 Unlimited Rubicon Jeep Wrangler 4D 4x4 Unlimited Sport Mercedes Benz Unknown Series Model Mercedes Benz 240 D 4D Mercedes Benz 300 CD 2D Mercedes Benz 300 D 4D Mercedes Benz 300 D 4D 2.5L Mercedes Benz 300 TD SW Mercedes Benz 380 SL Convertible Roadster Mercedes Benz 380 SEL 4D Mercedes Benz 300 SD 4D Mercedes Benz 190 D 4D 2.2L Mercedes Benz 190 E 4D 2.3L Mercedes Benz 190 E 4D 2.6L Mercedes Benz 500 SEL 4D Mercedes Benz 300 E 4D 2WD Mercedes Benz 300 E 4D 2WD 2.6L Mercedes Benz 300 E 4D 2WD 2.8L Mercedes Benz 420 SEL 4D Mercedes Benz 560 SEL 4D Mercedes Benz 560 SEC 2D Mercedes Benz 560 SL Convertible Roadster Mercedes Benz 260 E 4D Mercedes Benz 300 CE 2D Mercedes Benz 300 TE SW 2WD Mercedes Benz 300 SEL 4D Mercedes Benz 300 SE 4D Mercedes Benz 300 SL Convertible Roadster Mercedes Benz 500 SL Convertible Roadster Mercedes Benz 300 E 4D 4WD Mercedes Benz 350 SDL 4D Mercedes Benz 400 E 4D Mercedes Benz 500 E 4D WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 3 2 17 53 18 1 156 2 71 4 11 2 36 164 19 22 4 3 16 9 9 35 2 4 1 2 2 12 3 6 39 1 24 3 8 5 3 2 5 28 1 2 4 8 5 21 1 2 7 2 20 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 36037000 36040000 36042009 36042010 36042011 36042017 36042018 36042024 36042026 36042027 36042033 36042036 36042040 36043011 36043012 36043013 36043016 36043020 36043021 36043024 36043031 36043033 36043034 36043037 36044011 36044033 36045011 36046011 36047011 36047012 36047013 36047014 36047021 36047024 36047034 36048011 36049013 36049014 36050011 36050013 36050014 36050024 36050034 36051010 36051011 36051018 36051024 36051027 36051033 36051040 36052011 36052013 Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz 400 SE 4D 400 SEL 4D C Class 4D 2WD 220 C Class 4D 2WD 280 C Class 4D 2WD 320 C Class 4D 2WD 36 AMG C Class 4D 2WD 230 C Class 4D 2WD 55 AMG C Class 4D 2WD 240 C Class 4D 2WD 32 AMG C Class 4D 2WD 350 C Class 4D 2WD 63 AMG C Class 4D 2WD 300 E Class 4D 2WD 320 E Class 4D 2WD 420 E Class 4D 2WD 500 E Class 4D 2WD 300D E Class 4D 2WD 300DT E Class 4D 2WD 430 E Class 4D 2WD 55 AMG E Class 4D 2WD 320CDI E Class 4D 2WD 350 E Class 4D 2WD 550 E Class 4D 2WD 320 Bluetec E Class 2D 2WD 320 E Class 2D 2WD 350 E Class Convertible 2WD 320 E Class Station Wagon 2WD 320 S Class LWB 4D 2WD 320 S Class LWB 4D 2WD 420 S Class LWB 4D 2WD 500 S Class LWB 4D 2WD 600 S Class LWB 4D 2WD 430 S Class LWB 4D 2WD 55 AMG S Class LWB 4D 2WD 550 S Class SWB 4D 2WD 320 S Class 2D 2WD 500 S Class 2D 2WD 600 SL Class Convertible 320 SL Class Convertible 500 SL Class Convertible 600 SL Class Convertible 55 AMG SL Class Convertible 550 SLK Class Convertible 280 SLK Class Convertible 320 SLK Class Convertible 230 SLK Class Convertible 55 AMG SLK Class Convertible 32 AMG SLK Class Convertible 350 SLK Class Convertible 300 E Class 4D 4WD 320 E Class 4D 4WD 500 Page 127 Page 128 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 6 19 1 12 1 3 21 6 10 3 8 1 1 3 1 1 1 123 40 4 22 70 3 1 3 15 4 4 1 10 1 2 2 4 24 2 2 4 6 11 1 22 1 4 5 3 8 4 3 6 11 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 36052021 36052033 36052034 36053011 36053013 36053033 36054011 36054013 36054021 36054024 36054033 36054034 36054036 36055013 36055014 36055024 36055036 36056019 36056023 36056025 36056028 36056030 36056031 36056037 36056041 36057011 36057013 36057021 36057024 36057033 36057034 36058011 36058026 36059011 36059018 36060013 36060029 36063010 36063011 36063026 36063033 36063040 36064026 36065013 36065021 36065034 36067013 36067034 36068013 36068031 36068033 36068036 Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz Benz E Class 4D 4WD 430 E Class 4D 4WD 350 E Class 4D 4WD 550 E Class Station Wagon 4WD 320 E Class Station Wagon 4WD 500 E Class Station Wagon 4WD 350 CLK Class 2D 320 CLK Class 2D 500 CLK Class 2D 430 CLK Class 2D 55 AMG CLK Class 2D 350 CLK Class 2D 550 CLK Class 2D 63 AMG CL Class 2D 2WD 500 CL Class 2D 2WD 600 CL Class 2D 2WD 55 AMG CL Class 2D 2WD 63 AMG M Class 4D 4x4 ML320 M Class 4D 4x4 ML430 M Class 4D 4x4 ML55 AMG M Class 4D 4x4 ML500 M Class 4D 4x4 ML350 M Class 4D 4x4 320 CDI M Class 4D 4x4 320 Bluetec M Class 4D 4x4 ML550 CLK Class Convertible 320 CLK Class Convertible 500 CLK Class Convertible 430 CLK Class Convertible 55 AMG CLK Class Convertible 350 CLK Class Convertible 550 C Class Station Wagon 2WD 320 C Class Station Wagon 2WD 240 C Class 2D 2WD 320 C Class 2D 2WD 230 G Class 4D 4x4 500 G Class 4D 4x4 G55 AMG C Class 4D 4WD 280 C Class 4D 4WD 320 C Class 4D 4WD 240 C Class 4D 4WD 350 C Class 4D 4WD 300 C Class Station Wagon 4WD 240 S Class Long Wheelbase 4D 4WD 500 S Class Long Wheelbase 4D 4WD 430 S Class Long Wheelbase 4D 4WD 550 CLS Class 4D 500 CLS Class 4D 550 R Class 4D 4WD 500 R Class 4D 4WD 320 CDI R Class 4D 4WD 350 R Class 4D 4WD 63 AMG WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 129 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 2 1 6 6 23 2 1 11 1 5 9 115 1 13 2 26 23 27 3 10 44 10 257 23 82 6 36 3 66 11 7 1 2 7 111 10 10 29 58 86 3 63 17 2 36 2 91 37 2 4 19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 36068037 36068043 36069031 36069034 36069035 36069037 36072030 36074033 36080045 37000000 37001000 37002000 37004000 37005000 37006000 37007000 37008000 37009000 37010000 37011000 37012000 37013000 37016000 37016005 37017000 37017005 37018000 37019000 37020000 37021000 37022000 37023000 37024000 37025000 37026000 37027000 37029000 37030000 37031000 37032000 37033000 37034000 37035000 37036000 37037000 37037005 37038000 37038005 37038012 37038017 37039000 Mercedes Benz R Class 4D 4WD 320 Bluetec Mercedes Benz R Class 4D 4WD 350 Bluetec Mercedes Benz GL Class 4D 4WD 320 CDI Mercedes Benz GL Class 4D 4WD 550 Mercedes Benz GL Class 4D 4WD 450 Mercedes Benz GL Class 4D 4WD 320 Bluetec Mercedes Benz M Class 4D 4x2 ML350 Mercedes Benz GLK Class 4D 4WD 350 Mercedes Benz Sprinter 3500 Chassis Incomplete BMW Unknown Series Model BMW 320 I 2D BMW 528 I 4D 2WD BMW 733 I 4D BMW 528 E 4D BMW 533 I 4D BMW 318 I/318 IS 2D BMW 325/325 E/325 ES 2D BMW 535 I/535 IS 4D 2WD BMW 635 CSI/L6 2D BMW 735 I 4D BMW 318 I 4D BMW 325/325 E 4D BMW 325 I 4D BMW 325 I 4D Super Ultra Low-Emissions Vehicle BMW 325 I/IS/CI 2D BMW 325 I/IS/CI 2D Super Ultra Low-Emissions Vehicle BMW 325 I/IC/CI Convertible BMW M6 2D BMW M3/M3 CI 2D BMW M5 4D BMW 750 IL 4D BMW 325 IX 2D 4WD BMW 325 IX 4D 4WD BMW 735 IL 4D BMW 525 I 4D BMW 318 I/IC Convertible BMW 525 IT Station Wagon 2WD BMW 740 I 4D BMW 740 IL 4D BMW 530 I 4D BMW 530 IT Station Wagon BMW 540 I 4D BMW 318 TI 3D BMW 840 CI 2D BMW 328 I/IS/CI 2D BMW 328 I/IS/CI 2D Super Ultra Low-Emissions Vehicle BMW 328 I 4D BMW 328 I 4D Super Ultra Low-Emissions Vehicle BMW 328 I 4D SA BMW 328 I 4D SA Super Ultra Low-Emissions Vehicle BMW 328 I/IC Convertible Page 130 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 8 0.0 37039005 10 10 13 20 7 25 2 1 63 4 2 2 1 50 104 3 14 9 1 7 6 2 22 29 95 1 1 16 7 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37040000 37041000 37042000 37043000 37044000 37045000 37046000 37047000 37048000 37049000 37051000 37052000 37053000 37055002 37055003 37055004 37055008 37055009 37055010 37055013 37055014 37055015 37056000 37057000 37058000 37059000 37060000 37061000 37062000 37062005 15 36 7 14 18 11 11 4 29 17 26 4 4 1 12 7 4 4 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37063000 37064000 37065000 37066000 37067000 37069003 37069006 37069008 37070003 37070006 37070008 37070013 37071000 37072000 37073000 37075000 37076000 37077000 37078000 BMW 328 I/IC Convertible Super Ultra Low-Emissions Vehicle BMW Z3 Roadster 1.9 Convertible BMW M3 4D BMW Z3 Roadster 2.8 Convertible BMW 323 IS/CI 2D BMW 323 IC/CI Convertible BMW M3/M3 CI Convertible BMW M Roadster Convertible BMW M Coupe 2D BMW 323 I 4D BMW Z3 Roadster 2.3 Convertible BMW 528 IT Station Wagon BMW 540 IT Station Wagon BMW 323 I Station Wagon BMW X5 4D 4WD 4.4I BMW X5 4D 4WD 3.0I BMW X5 4D 4WD 4.6IS BMW X5 4D 4WD 3.0SI BMW X5 4D 4WD 4.8I BMW X5 4D 4WD XDrive 35I BMW X5 4D 4WD XDrive 30I BMW X5 4D 4WD XDrive 35D BMW X5 4D 4WD XDrive 48I BMW 330 CI Convertible BMW 330 CI 2D BMW 330 I 4D BMW Z3 Roadster 3.0 Convertible BMW Z3 Coupe 3.0 2D BMW 745 I 4D BMW 325 IT Station Wagon BMW 325 IT Station Wagon Super Ultra Low-Emissions Vehicle BMW 745 LI 4D BMW 325 XI 4D 4WD BMW Z3 Roadster 2.5 Convertible BMW 325 XIT Station Wagon 4WD BMW 330 XI 4D 4WD BMW Z4 Roadster Convertible 3.0I BMW Z4 Roadster Convertible 2.5I BMW Z4 Roadster Convertible 3.0SI BMW X3 4D 4WD 3.0I BMW X3 4D 4WD 2.5I BMW X3 4D 4WD 3.0SI BMW X3 4D 4WD XDrive 30I BMW 645 CI 2D BMW 645 CI Convertible BMW 545 I 4D BMW 750 LI 4D 2WD BMW 525 XI 4D 4WD BMW 530 XI 4D 4WD BMW 530 XI Station Wagon 4WD WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 131 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 5 4 8 2 1 2 2 9 6 15 3 3 19 13 1 13 2 8 5 2 7 7 2 3 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37079000 37080000 37082000 37083005 37084000 37086008 37087000 37087005 37088000 37088005 37090000 37091000 37092000 37093000 37093012 37094000 37095000 37096000 37097000 37098000 37099000 37100000 37101010 37101011 37102005 2 1 1 1 2 1 6 4 10 2 10 2 1 1 4 2 4 15 16 5 11 14 2 3 4 18 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 37104000 37108000 38008000 38016009 38017003 38017012 38018000 38018003 38018015 38018016 38019017 38020003 38020010 38020015 38021003 38021009 38022013 38023011 38023015 39001000 39001001 39001002 39001004 39001011 39001012 39002001 BMW 750 I 4D 2WD BMW 650 I 2D BMW 550 I 4D 2WD BMW 128 I 2D Super Ultra Low-Emissions Vehicle BMW Z4 M Coupe BMW Z4 Coupe 3.0SI BMW 328 XI 2D 4WD BMW 328 XI 2D 4WD Super Ultra Low-Emissions Vehicle BMW 328 XI 4D 4WD BMW 328 XI 4D 4WD Super Ultra Low-Emissions Vehicle BMW 328 I Station Wagon 4WD BMW 335 I/IS Convertible BMW 335 I/IS 2D 2WD BMW 335 I 4D 2WD BMW 335 I 4D SA BMW 335 XI 4D 4WD BMW M6 Convertible BMW 528 XI 4D 4WD BMW 535 XI 4D 4WD BMW 535 XI Station Wagon 4WD BMW 335 XI 2D 4WD BMW 135 I 2D BMW X6 4D 4WD XDrive 35I BMW X6 4D 4WD XDrive 50I BMW 128 I Convertible Super Ultra Low-Emissions Vehicle BMW 335 D 4D BMW X6 Hybrid 4D 4WD Renault/Eagle Encore 2D Renault/Eagle Premier 4D LX Renault/Eagle Summit 4D DL Renault/Eagle Summit 4D Base/DL Renault/Eagle Talon 2D 2WD Renault/Eagle Talon 2D 2WD DL Renault/Eagle Talon 2D 2WD ESI Renault/Eagle Talon 2D 2WD TSI Turbo Renault/Eagle Talon 2D 4WD TSI Turbo AWD Renault/Eagle Summit 2D DL Renault/Eagle Summit 2D ES Renault/Eagle Summit 2D ESI Renault/Eagle Summit Station Wagon 2WD DL Renault/Eagle Summit Station Wagon 2WD LX Renault/Eagle Summit Station Wagon 4WD AWD Renault/Eagle Vision 4D TSI Renault/Eagle Vision 4D ESI Saab Saab 900 2D Saab Saab 900 2D S Saab Saab 900 2D Turbo Saab Saab 900 2D Base/S Saab Saab 900 2D S/SE Saab Saab 900 2D SE Saab Saab 900 4D S Page 132 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 2 2 6 8 2 3 3 1 1 2 1 3 2 6 1 3 7 5 4 2 4 9 24 7 36 8 13 3 2 3 4 6 13 3 1 4 1 15 25 21 23 12 3 6 4 3 3 4 1 5 3 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 39002002 39002004 39002011 39002012 39002017 39003001 39003002 39003003 39003004 39003005 39003007 39003009 39003010 39003013 39003014 39003015 39004001 39004002 39004012 39004017 39005000 39005001 39005012 39005016 39005020 39005022 39005024 39006000 39006001 39006021 39007000 39007001 39007012 39007016 39007021 39007022 39007024 39008000 39008012 39008016 39008020 39008022 39008025 39009000 39009012 39009016 39009020 39009022 39009025 39010000 39012000 39013000 Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab Saab 900 4D Turbo Saab 900 4D Base/S Saab 900 4D S/SE Saab 900 4D SE Saab 900 4D SE Turbo Saab 9000 4D S Saab 9000 4D Turbo Saab 9000 4D CD Saab 9000 4D Base/S Saab 9000 4D CD Turbo Saab 9000 4D CS/CSE Saab 9000 4D CS Turbo/CSE Turbo Saab 9000 4D CS Turbo/CSE Turbo/Aero Saab 9000 4D CS Saab 9000 4D CDE Saab 9000 4D CSE Saab 900 Convertible S Saab 900 Convertible Turbo Saab 900 Convertible SE Saab 900 Convertible SE Turbo 9-3 4D 2WD 9-3 4D 2WD S 9-3 4D 2WD SE 9-3 4D 2WD Aero 9-3 4D 2WD Linear 9-3 4D 2WD ARC 9-3 4D 2WD 2.0T 9-3 2D 9-3 2D S 9-3 2D Viggen 9-3 Convertible 9-3 Convertible S 9-3 Convertible SE 9-3 Convertible Aero 9-3 Convertible Viggen 9-3 Convertible ARC 9-3 Convertible 2.0T 9-5 4D 2WD 9-5 4D 2WD SE 9-5 4D 2WD Aero 9-5 4D 2WD Linear 9-5 4D 2WD ARC 9-5 4D 2WD 2.3T 9-5 Station Wagon 2WD 9-5 Station Wagon 2WD SE 9-5 Station Wagon 2WD Aero 9-5 Station Wagon 2WD Linear 9-5 Station Wagon 2WD ARC 9-5 Station Wagon 2WD 2.3T 9-2X Linear Station Wagon 4WD 9-7X 4D 4x4 9-2X Aero SW 4WD WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 133 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 4 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 32 4 1 3 4 1 3 6 9 1 1 7 11 3 23 10 6 3 1 7 2 18 17 2 1 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 39014027 39014028 39015016 39015029 40002000 40006000 42030000 42031000 42033000 42034000 44001000 44001001 44001002 44001004 44002000 44002003 44004000 44008000 44009000 44011000 44012000 44013000 44014000 44015000 44016006 44016007 44016009 44016011 44016013 44016014 44016015 44019006 44019008 44019010 44019011 44019017 1 1 0.0 0.0 44020005 44023017 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 44025005 44025018 44025019 44025021 45001001 45002000 45003005 45004009 45004010 46001000 46014000 47018000 Saab 9-3 Station Wagon 2WD Aero Sportcombination Saab 9-3 Station Wagon 2WD 2.0T Sportcombination Saab 9-3 4D 4WD Aero Saab 9-3 4D 4WD Turbo X Peugeot 505 4D Peugeot 405 Station Wagon Ferrari F430 2D Ferrari F430 Spider Convertible Ferrari 430 Scuderia 2D Ferrari California Convertible Jaguar XJ6 4D Jaguar XJ6 4D Vanden Plas Jaguar XJ6 4D Vanden Plas Majestic Jaguar XJ6 4D Sovereign Jaguar XJS 2D Jaguar XJS 2D Collection Rouge Jaguar XJS Convertible Jaguar XJR Short Wheelbase 4D Jaguar XJ Vanden Plas 4D Jaguar XJ6 Long Wheelbase 4D Jaguar XK8 2D Jaguar XK8 Convertible Jaguar XJ8 Short Wheelbase 4D Jaguar XJ8 Long Wheelbase 4D Jaguar S-Type 4D 3.0 V6 Jaguar S-Type 4D 4.0 V8 Jaguar S-Type 4D 4.2 V8 R Jaguar S-Type 4D 3.0 V6 Sport Jaguar S-Type 4D 4.0 V8 Sport Jaguar S-Type 4D 4.2 V8 Jaguar S-Type 4D 4.2 V8 Sport Jaguar X-Type 4D 4WD 3.0 V6 Jaguar X-Type 4D 4WD 2.5 V6 Jaguar X-Type 4D 4WD 2.5 V6 Sport Jaguar X-Type 4D 4WD 3.0 V6 Sport Jaguar X-Type 4D 4WD 3.0 V6 Ultra Low-Emissions Vehicle Jaguar XJ Super V8 Long Wheelbase 4D Supercharged Jaguar X-Type Sportwagon 4WD 3.0 V6 Ultra Low-Emissions Vehicle Jaguar XF 4D Supercharged Jaguar XF 4D Luxury Jaguar XF 4D Premium Luxury Jaguar XF 4D R Alfa Romeo Spider Convertible Roadster Alfa Romeo GTV6 2D Alfa Romeo Milano 4D Green Alfa Romeo 164 4D S Alfa Romeo 164 4D L Rolls Royce Silver Spirit 4D Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe 2D Bentley Continental Flying Spur 4D 4WD Page 134 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 1 22 3 1 1 5 7 2 3 5 3 23 28 56 18 19 208 2 74 32 4 16 1 4 2 1 24 1 12 4 40 3 9 6 17 50 3 8 1 17 4 10 1 7 15 18 24 30 13 7 2 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 51000000 51004001 51005001 51005002 51005005 51006006 51007000 51007004 51007012 51007013 51007021 51007031 51007032 51007033 51007034 51007037 51007039 51007046 51007048 51007062 51007063 51007069 51007070 51007071 51008000 51008007 51008013 51008016 51008031 51008032 51008037 51009000 51009013 51009031 51009032 51009037 51013000 51014013 51014032 51014033 51014038 51014040 51014041 51014044 51015013 51015033 51015038 51015040 51015041 51015044 51016010 51018004 Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Unknown Series Model Pickup Standard 4x2 Mighty Max(Economy) Pickup Standard 4x4 Mighty Max(Economy) Pickup Standard 4x4 Low(S) Pickup Standard 4x4 Premium(SPX) Montero 2D 4x4 High(SP) Galant 4D 2WD Galant 4D 2WD High/Premium(L/LS) Galant 4D 2WD LS/GS Galant 4D 2WD LS Galant 4D 2WD LS/GS/GSR Galant 4D 2WD S Galant 4D 2WD ES Galant 4D 2WD ES/LS Galant 4D 2WD GS/ES/LS Galant 4D 2WD DE Galant 4D 2WD ES/GTZ Galant 4D 2WD GTS Galant 4D 2WD ES/GTZ/LS Galant 4D 2WD ES/SE/GTS Galant 4D 2WD ES/GTS Galant 4D 2WD ES Sport Galant 4D 2WD ES/SE Galant 4D 2WD FE Mirage 2D Mirage 2D Special Mirage 2D LS Mirage 2D Turbo Mirage 2D S Mirage 2D ES Mirage 2D DE Mirage 4D Mirage 4D LS Mirage 4D S Mirage 4D ES Mirage 4D DE Van Montero Sport 4D 4x2 LS Montero Sport 4D 4x2 ES Montero Sport 4D 4x2 ES/LS Montero Sport 4D 4x2 XLS Montero Sport 4D 4x2 LS/XLS Montero Sport 4D 4x2 Limited Montero Sport 4D 4x2 XS/XLS Montero Sport 4D 4x4 LS Montero Sport 4D 4x4 ES/LS Montero Sport 4D 4x4 XLS Montero Sport 4D 4x4 LS/XLS Montero Sport 4D 4x4 Limited Montero Sport 4D 4x4 XS/XLS Pickup Extended Cab 4x2 Macro Cab Sigma 4D High/Premium(L/LS) WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 135 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 6 5 3 16 12 13 26 21 80 199 14 111 18 7 13 1 15 17 5 4 36 20 7 5 3 1 5 2 1 2 1 39 5 14 7 11 14 186 2 18 88 25 14 1 7 16 1 3 3 1 2 26 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 51021000 51021006 51021008 51021013 51021030 51021038 51021041 51022000 51022014 51022015 51022023 51022042 51022046 51022059 51023024 51025018 51026000 51026026 51027025 51028000 51028013 51028032 51028049 51029000 51029029 51030029 51031000 51031008 51032008 51033000 51035025 51036035 51036036 51036043 51036047 51036054 51037013 51037032 51037033 51037037 51037045 51037046 51037053 51037057 51037068 51038013 51038032 51038033 51038038 51038041 51038059 51039013 Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Montero 4D 4x4 Montero 4D 4x4 High(SP) Montero 4D 4x4 Sport Montero 4D 4x4 LS Montero 4D 4x4 SR Montero 4D 4x4 XLS Montero 4D 4x4 Limited Eclipse 2D 2WD Eclipse 2D 2WD RS Eclipse 2D 2WD GS Eclipse 2D 2WD GS Turbo Eclipse 2D 2WD GT Eclipse 2D 2WD GTS Eclipse 2D 2WD SE Eclipse 2D 4WD GSX Turbo Galant 4D 4WD GSX 3000GT 2D 2WD 3000GT 2D 2WD SL 3000GT 2D 4WD VR-4 Turbo Diamante 4D Diamante 4D LS Diamante 4D ES Diamante 4D VR-X Expo Station Wagon 2WD Expo Station Wagon 2WD SP Expo Station Wagon 4WD SP Expo LRV Station Wagon 2WD Expo LRV Station Wagon 2WD Sport Expo LRV Station Wagon 4WD Sport Diamante Station Wagon 3000GT Spyder Convertible 4WD VR-4 Turbo Eclipse Convertible 2WD Spyder GS Eclipse Convertible 2WD Spyder GS-T Eclipse Convertible 2WD Spyder GT Eclipse Convertible 2WD Spyder GTS Eclipse Convertible 2WD Spyder GT Premium Lancer 4D 2WD LS Lancer 4D 2WD ES Lancer 4D 2WD ES/LS Lancer 4D 2WD DE Lancer 4D 2WD Oz-Rally Lancer 4D 2WD GTS Lancer 4D 2WD Ralliart Lancer 4D 2WD DE/ES Lancer 4D 2WD ES/ES Sport Outlander 4D 2WD LS Outlander 4D 2WD ES Outlander 4D 2WD ES/LS Outlander 4D 2WD XLS Outlander 4D 2WD Limited Outlander 4D 2WD SE Outlander 4D 4WD LS Page 136 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 1 33 1 3 9 9 1 9 11 5 8 2 2 1 33 11 5 6 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 7 98 42 284 6 222 84 3 9 23 189 42 375 20 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 Code Value and Description 51039032 51039038 51039041 51039042 51039059 51040000 51040014 51040056 51040061 51040064 51041013 51041038 51041041 51041059 51042013 51042038 51042041 51042059 51042060 51043013 51043053 51044013 51044058 51045058 51046013 51047013 51047038 51047058 51048053 51049046 51050053 52004000 52005001 54000000 54001001 54002000 54002001 54002004 54002006 54003000 54003001 54003002 54003010 54003014 54003025 54004001 54005000 54005001 54005002 54005013 54005017 54005018 Mitsubishi Outlander 4D 4WD ES Mitsubishi Outlander 4D 4WD XLS Mitsubishi Outlander 4D 4WD Limited Mitsubishi Outlander 4D 4WD GT Mitsubishi Outlander 4D 4WD SE Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 4D 4WD Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 4D 4WD RS Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 4D 4WD MR Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 4D 4WD GSR/MR Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 4D 4WD GSR Mitsubishi Endeavor 4D 2WD LS Mitsubishi Endeavor 4D 2WD XLS Mitsubishi Endeavor 4D 2WD Limited Mitsubishi Endeavor 4D 2WD SE Mitsubishi Endeavor 4D 4WD LS Mitsubishi Endeavor 4D 4WD XLS Mitsubishi Endeavor 4D 4WD Limited Mitsubishi Endeavor 4D 4WD SE Mitsubishi Endeavor 4D 4WD LS-RT Mitsubishi Lancer Station Wagon LS Mitsubishi Lancer Station Wagon Ralliart Mitsubishi Raider Extended Cab Pickup 4x2 LS Mitsubishi Raider Extended Cab Pickup 4x2 Durocross Mitsubishi Raider Extended Cab Pickup 4x4 Durocross Mitsubishi Raider Double Cab Pickup 4x2 LS Mitsubishi Raider Double Cab Pickup 4x4 LS Mitsubishi Raider Double Cab Pickup 4x4 XLS Mitsubishi Raider Double Cab Pickup 4x4 Durocross Mitsubishi Lancer 4D 4WD Ralliart Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback 5D 2WD GTS Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback 5D 4WD Ralliart Lotus Elise Convertible Lotus Exige 2D S Hyundai Unknown Series Model Hyundai Excel 4D GL Hyundai Excel 2D Hyundai Excel 2D GL Hyundai Excel 2D GS Hyundai Excel 2D L Hyundai Sonata 4D Hyundai Sonata 4D GL Hyundai Sonata 4D GLS Hyundai Sonata 4D Base/GL Hyundai Sonata 4D GLS/LX Hyundai Sonata 4D SE/Limited Hyundai Scoupe 2D GL Hyundai Elantra 4D Hyundai Elantra 4D GL Hyundai Elantra 4D GLS Hyundai Elantra 4D GT Hatchback Hyundai Elantra 4D GLS/GT Hyundai Elantra 4D GLS/GT Hatchback WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 137 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 92 12 65 105 52 39 10 148 110 2 21 5 3 16 71 17 15 3 18 179 196 4 6 3 3 7 59 28 5 46 13 35 32 15 50 37 111 8 44 4 1 23 32 56 18 12 1 19 27 8 12 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 54005020 54005021 54005024 54005028 54005036 54006000 54006001 54006004 54006006 54006007 54006008 54006009 54006012 54006016 54006017 54006027 54006033 54006039 54007000 54007001 54007002 54008001 54008002 54008031 54008034 54008035 54009000 54009004 54009011 54009015 54009019 54009026 54010000 54011000 54012000 54013002 54013014 54013022 54013025 54013027 54013037 54014000 54014002 54014014 54014022 54014025 54014027 54015001 54015002 54015014 54015022 54015025 Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Hyundai Elantra 4D GLS/GT/Limited Elantra 4D GLS/GT/Limited Hatchback Elantra 4D GLS/SE/Limited Elantra 4D GLS/SE Elantra 4D Blue/GLS/SE Accent 2D Accent 2D GL Accent 2D GS Accent 2D L Accent 2D GT Accent 2D Base/L Accent 2D GS/GT Accent 2D GS/GSI Accent 2D GL/GT Accent 2D GLS/GT Accent 2D SE Accent 2D Blue/GS Accent 2D GL/GS Accent 4D Accent 4D GL Accent 4D GLS Elantra Station Wagon GL Elantra Station Wagon GLS Elantra Station Wagon Touring Elantra Station Wagon Touring GLS Elantra Station Wagon Touring GLS/Touring SE Tiburon 2D Tiburon 2D GS Tiburon 2D FX Tiburon 2D GT V6 Tiburon 2D GT/SE Tiburon 2D GT/SE/GT Limited Santa Fe 4D 2WD/4WD XG300 4D XG350 4D Santa Fe 4D 4WD GLS Santa Fe 4D 4WD GLS/LX Santa Fe 4D 4WD GLS/Limited Santa Fe 4D 4WD SE/Limited Santa Fe 4D 4WD SE Santa Fe 4D 4WD Limited Santa Fe 4D 2WD Santa Fe 4D 2WD GLS Santa Fe 4D 2WD GLS/LX Santa Fe 4D 2WD GLS/Limited Santa Fe 4D 2WD SE/Limited Santa Fe 4D 2WD SE Tucson 4D 2WD GL Tucson 4D 2WD GLS Tucson 4D 2WD GLS/LX Tucson 4D 2WD GLS/Limited Tucson 4D 2WD SE/Limited Page 138 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 2 2 17 24 18 4 10 12 1 20 1 4 3 10 8 5 8 1 14 1 22 11 1 5 1 14 1 36 21 1 61 14 5 5 10 10 137 1 4 5 121 37 2 1 1 32 11 1 60 38 13 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 54016001 54016002 54016014 54016022 54016025 54017022 54017024 54017025 54018022 54018024 54019022 54019024 54020022 54020024 54021029 54022030 54022032 55002002 55003001 55006000 55007000 55007003 55007004 55008000 55012001 55013001 55013002 55014002 55014005 55015002 55016000 55019000 55021001 55022002 55023002 55024002 55025002 55025013 55025016 55026002 55027002 55028000 55028009 55029000 55029012 55030000 55031000 55031012 55032000 55032009 55032010 55032012 Hyundai Tucson 4D 4WD GL Hyundai Tucson 4D 4WD GLS Hyundai Tucson 4D 4WD GLS/LX Hyundai Tucson 4D 4WD GLS/Limited Hyundai Tucson 4D 4WD SE/Limited Hyundai Azera 4D GLS/Limited Hyundai Azera 4D GLS/SE/Limited Hyundai Azera 4D SE/Limited Hyundai Entourage Van GLS/Limited Hyundai Entourage Van GLS/SE/Limited Hyundai Veracruz 4D 2WD GLS/Limited Hyundai Veracruz 4D 2WD GLS/SE/Limited Hyundai Veracruz 4D 4WD GLS/Limited Hyundai Veracruz 4D 4WD GLS/SE/Limited Hyundai Genesis 4D 3.8L/4.6L Hyundai Genesis 2D 2.0T Hyundai Genesis 2D 3.8 Suzuki Jimny Van 2D 4x4 Hardtop Suzuki Samurai 2D 4x4 Convertible Suzuki Forsa 4D Suzuki Swift 2D Suzuki Swift 2D GA Suzuki Swift 2D GT Suzuki Swift 4D Suzuki Sidekick 2D 4x2 Convertible Suzuki Sidekick 2D 4x4 Convertible Suzuki Sidekick 2D 4x4 Hardtop Suzuki Sidekick 4D 4x4 Hardtop Suzuki Sidekick 4D 4x4 Sport Suzuki Sidekick 4D 4x2 Hardtop Suzuki Esteem 4D Suzuki Esteem Station Wagon Suzuki Vitara 2D 4x4 Convertible Suzuki Vitara 4D 4x2 Hardtop Suzuki Vitara 4D 4x4 Hardtop Suzuki Grand Vitara 4D 4x2 Hardtop Suzuki Grand Vitara 4D 4x4 Hardtop Suzuki Grand Vitara 4D 4x4 Luxury Suzuki Grand Vitara 4D 4x4 XSport Suzuki Grand Vitara XL-7 4D 4x2 Hardtop Suzuki Grand Vitara XL-7 4D 4x4 Hardtop Suzuki Aerio 4D 2WD Suzuki Aerio 4D 2WD S Suzuki Aerio 4D 4WD Suzuki Aerio 4D 4WD Premium Suzuki Aerio SX Station Wagon 2WD Suzuki Aerio SX Station Wagon 4WD Suzuki Aerio SX Station Wagon 4WD Premium Suzuki Forenza 4D Suzuki Forenza 4D S Suzuki Forenza 4D LX/EX Suzuki Forenza 4D Premium WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 139 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 1 19 13 22 3 2 6 2 3 1 1 1 19 6 13 11 8 2 16 1 17 2 8 4 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 17 67 12 4 136 19 6 97 288 24 105 52 2 20 127 20 46 18 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 55033000 55033007 55033008 55034000 55034009 55034010 55035000 55035009 55035010 55035012 55036000 55036005 55037000 55037005 55037015 55037019 55038000 55038012 55039000 55039012 55039013 55039014 55040000 55040005 55040015 55040021 55040030 55041000 55044000 55047025 56002000 56005001 57000000 57001000 57001002 57001003 57001004 57001006 57001007 57001011 57002001 57002002 57002005 57002007 57002009 57002013 57003001 57003002 57003005 57003007 57003009 Suzuki Verona 4D Suzuki Verona 4D S/LX Suzuki Verona 4D EX Suzuki Reno 5D Suzuki Reno 5D S Suzuki Reno 5D LX/EX Suzuki Forenza Station Wagon Suzuki Forenza Station Wagon S Suzuki Forenza Station Wagon LX/EX Suzuki Forenza Station Wagon Premium Suzuki SX4 Station Wagon 2WD Suzuki SX4 Station Wagon 2WD Sport Suzuki SX4 Station Wagon 4WD Suzuki SX4 Station Wagon 4WD Sport Suzuki SX4 Station Wagon 4WD Touring Suzuki SX4 Station Wagon 4WD Technology Suzuki XL7 4D 2WD Suzuki XL7 4D 2WD Premium Suzuki XL7 4D 4WD Suzuki XL7 4D 4WD Premium Suzuki XL7 4D 4WD Luxury Suzuki XL7 4D 4WD Limited Suzuki SX4 4D 2WD Suzuki SX4 4D 2WD Sport Suzuki SX4 4D 2WD Touring Suzuki SX4 4D 2WD LE Suzuki SX4 4D 2WD LE/Anniversary Suzuki Equator Pickup King Cab 4x2 Suzuki Equator Crew Pickup Short 4x4 Suzuki Kizashi 4D 2WD SLS Maserati Quattroporte 4D Maserati Spyder Convertible GT/Cambiocorsa/GrandSport Acura Unknown Series Model Acura Legend 4D Acura Legend 4D LS Acura Legend 4D Sunroof Acura Legend 4D Sunroof+Option Acura Legend 4D L Acura Legend 4D GS Acura Legend 4D SE Acura Integra 2D RS Acura Integra 2D LS Acura Integra 2D LS Special Acura Integra 2D GS Acura Integra 2D GS-R Acura Integra 2D Type-R Acura Integra 4D RS Acura Integra 4D LS Acura Integra 4D LS Special Acura Integra 4D GS Acura Integra 4D GS-R Page 140 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 4 26 2 1 30 1 3 7 38 3 47 450 27 66 74 25 6 48 44 21 11 22 3 46 2 2 13 14 28 13 1 46 16 30 65 3 37 12 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57004000 57004002 57004003 57004004 57004006 57005000 57005010 57006002 57006007 57007000 57007012 57008000 57008012 57008015 57008016 57008017 57009000 57010000 57010012 57010015 57011000 57011012 57012000 57012012 57013012 57014000 57014012 57015012 57015016 57015017 57015018 57016012 57016014 57016018 57016019 57016020 57016022 57016023 72 50 0.0 0.0 57016024 57016025 71 2 0.0 0.0 57016026 57016027 95 61 152 60 29 6 14 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57017000 57017016 57018000 57018015 57019000 57019026 57020000 Acura Legend 2D Acura Legend 2D LS Acura Legend 2D Sunroof Acura Legend 2D Sunroof + Option Acura Legend 2D L Acura NSX 2D Acura NSX 2D NSX-T Acura Vigor 4D LS Acura Vigor 4D GS Acura 2.5 TL 4D Acura 2.5 TL 4D Premium Acura 3.2 TL 4D Acura 3.2 TL 4D Premium Acura 3.2 TL 4D Navigation System Acura 3.2 TL 4D Type-S Acura 3.2 TL 4D Type-S with Navigation System Acura SLX 4D 4x4 Acura 3.5 RL 4D 2WD Acura 3.5 RL 4D 2WD Premium Acura 3.5 RL 4D 2WD Navigation System Acura 2.2 CL 2D Acura 2.2 CL 2D Premium Acura 3.0 CL 2D Acura 3.0 CL 2D Premium Acura 1.6 EL 4D Premium Acura 2.3 CL 2D Acura 2.3 CL 2D Premium Acura 3.2 CL 2D Premium Acura 3.2 CL 2D Type-S Acura 3.2 CL 2D Type-S with Navigation System Acura 3.2 CL 2D Premium with Navigation System Acura MDX 4D 4WD Premium Acura MDX 4D 4WD Sport Acura MDX 4D 4WD Premium with Navigation System Acura MDX 4D 4WD Standard Acura MDX 4D 4WD Standard with Navigation System Acura MDX 4D 4WD Touring Acura MDX 4D 4WD Touring with Rear Entertainment System Acura MDX 4D 4WD Touring with Navigation System Acura MDX 4D 4WD Touring with Navigation System + Rear Entertainment System Acura MDX 4D 4WD Technology Package Acura MDX 4D 4WD Technology Package + Rear Entertainment System Acura RSX 2D Acura RSX 2D Type-S Acura TSX 4D Acura TSX 4D Navigation System Acura RL 4D 4WD Acura RL 4D 4WD Technology Package Acura RDX 4D 4WD WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 141 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 35 19 6 10 6 1 7 2 43 12 1 15 34 42 2 7 1 4 12 5 5 31 2 4 4 17 13 21 8 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 161 17 30 28 369 104 8 25 45 19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 57020026 57021016 57022000 57022026 57023026 57025028 60001000 60002000 60005000 60006001 60006003 60007002 60008000 60008001 60008002 60008006 60008007 60008008 60009001 60009002 60009008 60011002 60011009 60011015 60012000 60012001 60012002 60013002 60013011 60013015 60014001 60014002 60014012 60015025 61001004 61001005 61001006 61002005 61003005 61003006 61004005 63005000 65001000 65002000 65003000 65004000 65005000 65006000 65007000 65008000 65009000 65010000 Acura RDX 4D 4WD Technology Package Acura 3.5 TL 4D Type-S Acura TL 4D 2WD Acura TL 4D 2WD Technology Package Acura TL 4D 4WD Technology Package Acura ZDX 4D 4WD Advance Land Rover Range Rover 4D Short Wheelbase 4x4 Land Rover Range Rover 4D Long Wheelbase 4x4 Land Rover Discovery 4D 4x4 Land Rover Range Rover 4.0 4D 4x4 SE Land Rover Range Rover 4.0 4D 4x4 Base/S Land Rover Range Rover 4.6 4D 4x4 HSE Land Rover Discovery II 4D 4x4 Land Rover Discovery II 4D 4x4 SE Land Rover Discovery II 4D 4x4 HSE Land Rover Discovery II 4D 4x4 SD Land Rover Discovery II 4D 4x4 LE Land Rover Discovery II 4D 4x4 S Land Rover Freelander 4D 4x4 SE Land Rover Freelander 4D 4x4 HSE Land Rover Freelander 4D 4x4 S Land Rover Range Rover 4D 4x4 HSE Land Rover Range Rover 4D 4x4 Westminster Land Rover Range Rover 4D 4x4 HSE+Luxury Land Rover LR3 4D 4x4 Land Rover LR3 4D 4x4 SE Land Rover LR3 4D 4x4 HSE Land Rover Range Rover Sport 4D 4x4 HSE Land Rover Range Rover Sport 4D 4X4 Supercharged Land Rover Range Rover Sport 4D 4X4 HSE+Luxury Land Rover LR2 4D 4x4 SE Land Rover LR2 4D 4x4 HSE Land Rover LR2 4D 4x4 HSE+Technology Package Land Rover LR4 4D 4x4 HSE+Luxury 7 Seat Daihatsu Charade 2D CES Daihatsu Charade 2D SE Daihatsu Charade 2D SX Daihatsu Charade 4D SE Daihatsu Rocky Hard Top 2D 4x4 SE Daihatsu Rocky Hard Top 2D 4x4 SX Daihatsu Rocky Soft Top 2D 4x4 SE Lamborghini Murcielago 2D 4WD Lexus LS 400 4D Lexus ES 250 4D Lexus SC 400 2D Lexus SC 300 2D Lexus ES 300 4D Lexus GS 300 4D 2WD Lexus LX 450 4D 4x4 Lexus GS 400 4D 2WD Lexus LX 470 4D 4x4 Lexus RX 300 4D 2WD Page 142 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 217 107 64 9 27 1 97 16 131 52 72 15 25 83 28 18 99 7 123 5 3 14 2 5 1 4 4 8 5 6 2 3 5 61 109 46 115 100 3 22 89 81 12 2 46 5 25 44 11 19 16 2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 65011000 65012000 65013000 65014000 65015000 65016000 65017000 65018000 65019000 65021000 65022000 65023000 65024000 65025000 65026000 65027000 65028000 65029000 65030000 65031000 65032000 65033000 65034000 65035000 65036000 65037000 65039000 65042000 65043000 65045000 65046000 65046001 66001000 66002000 66004000 66005000 66006000 66007000 66008000 66009000 66010000 66011000 66012000 66013000 66014000 66015000 66017000 66018001 66019000 66020001 66021000 66022001 Lexus RX Lexus IS Lexus LS Lexus GS Lexus SC Lexus IS Lexus GX Lexus RX Lexus RX Lexus RX Lexus ES Lexus GS Lexus IS Lexus IS Lexus IS Lexus LS Lexus ES Lexus RX Lexus RX Lexus GS Lexus GS Lexus GS Lexus LS Lexus LS Lexus IS Lexus LX Lexus LS Lexus RX Lexus IS Lexus HS Lexus GX Lexus GX Infiniti Infiniti Infiniti Infiniti Infiniti Infiniti Infiniti Infiniti Infiniti Infiniti Infiniti Infiniti Infiniti Infiniti Infiniti Infiniti Infiniti Infiniti Infiniti Infiniti 300 4D 4WD 300 4D 2WD 430 4D 430 4D 2WD 430 Convertible 300 Sportcross Station Wagon 2WD 470 4D 4x4 330 4D 2WD 330 4D 4WD 400H Hybrid 4D 4WD 330 4D 300 4D 4WD 250 4D 2WD 250 4D 4WD 350 4D 2WD 460 4D 2WD 350 4D 350 4D 2WD 350 4D 4WD 450H Hybrid 4D 2WD 350 4D 2WD 350 4D 4WD 600H L Hybrid 4D 4WD 460 L 4D 2WD F 4D 2WD 570 4D 4x4 460 4D 4WD 450H Hybrid 4D 4WD 250 Convertible 2WD 250H Hybrid 4D 460 4D 4x4 460 4D 4x4 Premium M30 2D Q45 4D G20 4D J30 4D I30 4D QX4 4D 4x4 QX4 4D 4x2 I35 4D G35 4D 2WD G35 2D 2WD M45 4D 2WD FX35 4D 2WD FX35 4D 4WD FX45 4D 4WD QX56 4D 4x4 G35 4D 4WD X M35 4D 2WD M35 4D 4WD X G37 2D 2WD M45 4D 4WD X WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 143 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 15 2 2 10 3 9 51 93 94 305 520 2 11 67 48 91 6 23 27 12 113 49 2 6 9 17 99 27 19 4 15 101 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 Code Value and Description 66024000 66026000 66027000 66028001 66029001 67001000 67001004 67001005 67002000 67002001 67002002 67002024 67003006 67003007 67005008 67005009 67006000 67006010 67006011 67006014 67006015 67006016 67007012 67007013 67007017 67007018 67008019 67008020 67008028 67008029 67009019 67009020 Infiniti EX35 4D 4WD Infiniti G37 Convertible 2WD Infiniti G37 4D 2WD Infiniti G37 4D 4WD X Infiniti G37 2D 4WD X Saturn SC 2D Saturn SC 2D SC1 Saturn SC 2D SC2 Saturn SL 4D Saturn SL 4D SL1 Saturn SL 4D SL2 Saturn SL 4D Spring Special Saturn Station Wagon Station Saturn Station Wagon Station Saturn SC 3D SC1 Rear Access Saturn SC 3D SC2 Rear Access Saturn LS 4D Saturn LS 4D LS1 Saturn LS 4D LS2 Saturn LS 4D L100 Saturn LS 4D L200 Saturn LS 4D L300 Saturn LW LW1 Saturn LW LW2 Saturn LW LW200 Saturn LW LW300 Saturn Vue 4D 2WD 4 Cylinder Saturn Vue 4D 2WD 6 Cylinder Saturn Vue 4D 2WD XE Saturn Vue 4D 2WD XR Saturn Vue 4D 4WD 4 Cylinder Saturn Vue 4D 4WD 6 Cylinder Wagon1 Wagon2 Door Door Some VUE Red Line (67009025) models have their VINs interchang with VUE Hybrid (67023000) during a portion of the 2008 model year. 2 0.0 67009025 Saturn Vue 4D 4WD Red Line 9 5 26 20 7 47 148 63 5 4 41 25 1 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 67009028 67009029 67010022 67010023 67010025 67011021 67011022 67011023 67013000 67014000 67018028 67018029 67018030 67019000 Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Vue 4D 4WD XE Vue 4D 4WD XR Ion Quad Coupe 2D Level 2 Ion Quad Coupe 2D Level 3 Ion Quad Coupe 2D Red Line Ion 4D Level 1 Ion 4D Level 2 Ion 4D Level 3 Relay Van Long Wheelbase 2WD Relay Van Long Wheelbase 4WD Aura 4D XE Aura 4D XR Aura 4D XR V6 Sky Convertible Page 144 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 6 2 5 8 11 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 67019025 67020028 67020029 67021028 67021029 67022000 Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Sky Convertible Red Line Outlook 4D 2WD XE Outlook 4D 2WD XR Outlook 4D 4WD XE Outlook 4D 4WD XR Aura Hybrid 4D Some VUE Hybrid (67023000) models have their VINs interchanged with VUE Red Line (67009025) during a portion of the 2008 model year. 9 0.0 67023000 Saturn Vue Hybrid 4D 2WD 1 9 6 1 257 259 1 95 2 3 2 439 111 249 353 5 1 33 41 219 73 1 1 5 182 7 3 61 494 145 119 63 10 1 14 58 8 38 5 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 67024029 67025028 67025029 68000000 68001000 68002000 68002003 68003000 68003003 68004000 68005000 68006000 68007000 68008000 68009000 68009003 68009004 68010001 68010002 68011000 68012000 68012004 68012005 68012006 68013000 68013003 68013004 68014000 68015000 68016000 68017000 68018000 68019000 68020000 68021000 68022000 68023003 68023004 68023005 68024004 Saturn Astra 3D XR Saturn Astra 5D XE Saturn Astra 5D XR KIA Unknown Series Model KIA Sephia 4D KIA Sportage 4D 4x4 KIA Sportage 4D 4x4 LX KIA Sportage 4D 4x2 KIA Sportage 4D 4x2 LX KIA Sportage 2D 4x4 KIA Sportage 2D 4x2 KIA Rio 4D KIA Spectra 5D KIA Optima 4D KIA Sedona Van Long Wheelbase KIA Sedona Van Long Wheelbase LX KIA Sedona Van Long Wheelbase EX KIA Rio 5D Cinco KIA Rio 5D Rio5 KIA Spectra 4D KIA Sorento 4D 4x2 KIA Sorento 4D 4x2 EX KIA Sorento 4D 4x2 SX KIA Sorento 4D 4x2 Base/LX KIA Sorento 4D 4x4 KIA Sorento 4D 4x4 LX KIA Sorento 4D 4x4 EX KIA Amanti 4D KIA Spectra 4D KIA Spectra5 Station Wagon KIA Optima 4D KIA Rondo Station Wagon KIA Sedona Van Short Wheelbase KIA Borrego 4D 4x2 KIA Borrego 4D 4x4 KIA Soul Station Wagon KIA Forte 4D LX KIA Forte 4D EX KIA Forte 4D SX KIA Forte Koup 2D EX WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 145 Variable 156:VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 5 52 6 1 52 15 3 2 16 1 1 26 3 11 1 9 28 24 114 89 6 10 9 10 118 296 398 75 19 4 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 68024005 69003000 69004000 69005000 69006000 70001001 70001002 70001006 70002001 70002002 70002003 70003002 70003003 70003004 70004003 70004004 70005002 70005005 72001000 72001001 72002000 72002001 72003000 72003001 74001000 74002000 74003000 74004000 76001000 76002000 77001000 KIA Forte Koup 2D SX AM General Hummer H2 4D 4x4 AM General Hummer H2 Sport Utility Truck 4D 4x4 AM General Hummer H3 Sport Utility Truck 4D 4x4 AM General Hummer H3 4D 4x4 Daewoo Lanos 3D S Daewoo Lanos 3D SE Daewoo Lanos 3D Sport Daewoo Lanos 4D S Daewoo Lanos 4D SE Daewoo Lanos 4D SX Daewoo Nubira 4D SE Daewoo Nubira 4D SX Daewoo Nubira 4D CDX Daewoo Nubira Station Wagon SX Daewoo Nubira Station Wagon CDX Daewoo Leganza 4D SE Daewoo Leganza 4D SX/CDX Mini Cooper 2D Mini Cooper 2D S Mini Cooper Convertible Mini Cooper Convertible S Mini Cooper Clubman 2D Mini Cooper Clubman 2D S Scion XA 5D Scion XB Station Wagon Scion TC 2D Scion XD 5D Smart Fortwo 2D Smart Fortwo Convertible Tesla Tesla Roadster Convertible ------------------------Variable 157 VINDICATOR - BODY ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None VINDICATOR Variable - BodyStyleNumber 2010 Prcnt 87030 1 54 353 8838 22 1213 10 1 335 706 45.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 4.6 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 Code Value and Description 0 10 20 21 22 28 30 32 33 34 37 No data Sedan 4-6 passenger 2 door 2 door 2-3 passenger 2 door 4-6 passenger 2 door sedan 2 door sedan 4-6 passenger 2 door hardtop 2 door hardtop 2-3 passenger 2 door hardtop 4-6 passenger 2 door convertible 2-3 passenger Type: Numeric Miss: 0 Page 146 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 157:VINDICATOR - BODY (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 1353 47 193 6078 6 31 139 2737 1 8234 8679 59 66549 404 0.7 0.0 0.1 3.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 1.4 0.0 4.3 4.5 0.0 34.5 0.2 Code Value and Description 38 40 41 42 46 50 54 62 64 66 67 68 70 74 2 door convertible 4-6 passenger 3 door 3 door 2-3 passenger 3 door 4-6 passenger 3 door wagon 4-6 passenger 3 door sedan 4-6 passenger 3 door hardtop 4-6 passenger 4+ door 4-6 passenger 4+ door wagon 4+ door wagon 4-6 passenger 4+ door wagon 7+ passenger 4+ door sedan 4+ door sedan 4-6 passenger 4+ door hardtop 4-6 passenger ------------------------Variable 158 VINDICATOR - VEHTP ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 VINDICATOR Variable - VehicleType 2010 Prcnt 122550 3168 25790 32877 8688 63.5 1.6 13.4 17.0 4.5 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 Passenger cars or no data Vans (All cargo & large passenger vans) Pickups and chassis cabs Utility vehicles Passenger vans ------------------------Variable 159 VINDICATOR - SIZE ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------VINDICATOR Variable - VehicleSizeID 2010 Prcnt 23 9584 58161 51332 32411 14213 27349 0.0 5.0 30.1 26.6 16.8 7.4 14.2 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Not stated Mini Small Midsize Large Very large Unknown Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: None WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN ------------------------Variable 160 VINDICATOR - STYLE CLASS ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Page 147 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 0 Width: 4 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 0 VINDICATOR Variable - VehicleClassID 2010 Prcnt 27349 14592 61112 9790 3522 8688 24491 29844 2452 8254 2979 14.2 7.6 31.7 5.1 1.8 4.5 12.7 15.5 1.3 4.3 1.5 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 14 Not stated 2 door 4 door Luxury Sports Passenger van Pickup Utility Large / cargo van Station wagon Luxury utility ------------------------Variable 161 VINDICATOR - WEIGHT ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------VINDICATOR Variable - CurbWeight The curb weight is approximately equal to the shipping weight (in pounds) of the vehicle plus 100 pounds 2010 Prcnt 26819 1 13.9 0.0 6 0.0 Code Value and Description 0 1555 8687 Weight data is missing Weight in pounds ------------------------Variable 162 VINDICATOR - WHLBS ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 4 Dec: 1 Type: Numeric Miss: None VINDICATOR Variable - Wheelbase 2010 Prcnt 26293 23 13.6 0.0 2 0.0 Code Value and Description 0.0 73.5 179.0 Wheelbase data is missing Wheelbase to nearest tenth of an inch Page 148 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN ------------------------Variable 163 VINDICATOR - LENGTH ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 4 Dec: 1 Type: Numeric Miss: None VINDICATOR Variable - Length 2010 Prcnt 27350 23 14.2 0.0 6 0.0 Code Value and Description 0.0 106.1 262.4 Length data is missing Length to nearest tenth of an inch ------------------------Variable 164 VINDICATOR - WIDTH ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 4 Dec: 1 Type: Numeric Miss: 0.0 VINDICATOR Variable - Width 2010 Prcnt 27350 14 14.2 0.0 1 0.0 Code Value and Description 0.0 60.2 96.4 Width data is missing Width to nearest tenth of an inch ------------------------Variable 165 VINDICATOR - HEIGHT ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 4 Dec: 1 Type: Numeric Miss: 0.0 VINDICATOR Variable - Height 2010 Prcnt 27359 1 14.2 0.0 25 0.0 Code Value and Description 0.0 43.9 96.3 Height data is missing Height to nearest tenth of an inch ------------------------Variable 166 VINDICATOR - RSTN ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 0 VINDICATOR Variable - RestraintCode 2010 Prcnt 25321 15379 5865 9938 80069 49663 6838 13.1 8.0 3.0 5.1 41.5 25.7 3.5 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Not stated Manual belt Automatic belt Air bag (driver only) Air bags (driver + passenger) Air bags (driver + passenger + side) Air bags - driver + passenger (standard); side (optional) WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN ------------------------Variable 167 VINDICATOR - ATD / DRL ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 25 Dec: None Page 149 Type: Alphabetic Miss: None VINDICATOR Variable - ATD/DRL (Anti-theft/Daytime running lights) ------------------------Variable 168 VINDICATOR - MINHP ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 3 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 0 VINDICATOR Variable - MinimumHorsepower 2010 Prcnt 25913 1 13.4 0.0 1 0.0 Code Value and Description 0 43 638 Minimum horsepower data missing Minimum horsepower ------------------------Variable 169 VINDICATOR - MAXHP ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 3 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 0 VINDICATOR Variable - MaximumHorsepower 2010 Prcnt 25913 1 13.4 0.0 1 0.0 Code Value and Description 0 43 638 Maximum horsepower data missing Maximum horsepower ------------------------Variable 170 VINDICATOR - ABS ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 3 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 0 VINDICATOR Variable - ABSCode 2010 Prcnt 25211 19915 32890 553 91944 5741 1 1 2 1 11 5 9 9 13.1 10.3 17.0 0.3 47.6 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 20 Unknown Not available Opt on all wheels Opt on rear wheels STD on all wheels STD on rear wheels STD on Designer series with V8 engines STD on LSC & Designer series with V8 engines STD on late production models only STD rear wheel ABS on TSi OPT on Turbo & GXL STD in 2nd half of model year OPT in 2nd half of model year OPT on Base; STD on STS Page 150 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 170:VINDICATOR - ABS (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 162 6 1 10 28 8 16 1 168 249 56 3 58 16 2 4 2 1 1 1 209 86 432 19 673 1 2 11 5322 231 198 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 0.1 0.1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 35 37 38 39 43 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 56 57 58 59 60 61 142 39 68 340 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 61 62 63 64 65 58 10 19 330 28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 66 67 68 69 70 1123 36 444 0.6 0.0 0.2 71 72 73 14 0.0 74 45 0.0 75 OPT on LE V6 OPT on GT / Turbo; STD on 4WS STD on STX, Turbo, Turbo S OPT on Gli & CARAT STD on SC; OPT on SE OPT on GT-S & All-Trac Turbo OPT on GT STD with OPT 4WD Package OPT on SE; NA other models OPT on GXE OPT on LX & Turbo OPT on Base 929; STD on 929S OPT on GS OPT on SE & LE STD on S OPT on Base; STD on SE OPT on GS; STD on GSR STD on all models but Hunter STD with Full-Time 4WD STD on VR6; OPT on other models OPT on GXE & SE STD on Cobra; OPT on other models OPT on LX; not available on other models OPT with manual transmission only Not available on Base; OPT on other models OPT on GSR STD on County; Not available on Base STD Rear on S & LS; OPT 4 Wheel ABS on LS STD rear; 4 wheel OPT on all or some models OPT with V6 engine only STD rear wheel ABS with 4 cyl; STD 4 wheel ABS with 6 cyl engine STD on ES; OPT on other models STD on GXE; OPT on other models STD rear, 4 wheel OPT on some models and STD on others STD on GLX Plus model; not available on other models OPT on all models, except not available on GXE with manual transmission STD on Outback model; OPT on L model OPT on L model; not available on Outback model Not available on L model; OPT on others OPT on GXE & GLE models; not available on other models STD rear ABS; 4 wheel ABS OPT / STD (after 1995 model year) on B4000 STD on XLE model; OPT on other models STD on XLS model; OPT on other models STD on Ariat model; rear wheel STD, 4 wheel OPT on other models Std on vehicles with RV trim package; RW STD 4 wheel ABS OPT on other models OPT on GS model, STD on other models WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Page 151 Variable 170:VINDICATOR - ABS (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 1117 0.6 76 15 293 379 0.0 0.2 0.2 77 78 79 7 28 0.0 0.0 80 81 5 613 361 6 2 225 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 82 83 84 85 86 87 10 20 54 175 158 32 314 39 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 89 90 92 93 94 95 96 98 23 111 79 0.0 0.1 0.0 99 100 101 103 0.1 102 8 121 16 41 4 140 7 92 107 22 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 103 104 106 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 91 53 26 20 5 77 98 224 205 12 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 OPT on CE model with 4 cylinder engine; STD on all other models OPT on JX model and STD on JLX model OPT on Base model; STD on other models STD rear ABS; 4 wheel ABS OPT on all models excluding the XL model OPT on GL V6 4 wheel ABS STD on EX model; all other models have rear wheel ABS only STD on LS model; OPT on ES model Option on LS model; not available on Base model STD with V6 engine; OPT with 4 cylinder engine STD with V6 engine; not available with 4 cylinder engine Not available on Soft Top models 4 wheel ABS STD on XLT model; all other models have STD rear wheel and OPT 4 wheel ABS STD on XLS model; not available on other models STD on "Plus" models; not available on other models Not available on DX model; STD on all other models Not available on XE model; OPT on all other models Not available on VE model; OPT on all other models Available on premium models for fleet sale only Not available on CE model; OPT on all other models STD on Plus and Limited models; not available on other models STD on Touring model; not available on other models OPT on GSX model; not available on other models STD on models for fleet sale only; OPT on non-fleet models OPT on models for fleet sale only; STD on non-fleet models OPT on ES model; not available on other models OPT on ES and LX models; not available on other models STD on Limited models; OPT on JLX model STD on Touring and Limited models; OPT on other models STD with manual transmission; OPT otherwise STD on LX model and OPT on other models OPT on Value and Base models; STD on other models OPT on GL1 model and STD on GL2 model STD on SE2 model and OPT on other models STD on 5 speed manual transmission, OPT on 6 speed manual and automatic transmissions OPT on ES model and STD on other models STD on S model and OPT on I model OPT on Plus model; STD on all other models OPT on Touring model and STD on Limited models OPT on LX models and STD on EX models OPT on EX models; Not available on other models OPT on SE models; STD for all other models Not Available on LX models; OPT on all other models OPT on S model; not available on base model STD with 3.9 liter engine; optional with 3.5 liter engine Page 152 WASHINGTON 2010 - Vehicle/VIN Variable 170:VINDICATOR - ABS (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 56 92 270 53 25 12 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 125 127 128 129 130 131 OPT OPT OPT OPT OPT Not on LX models; not available on base model only on EX and LX V6 models only on SX models; not available on other models on Base and S models and STD on SL model on LT model; not available on other models available on base model; STD for all other models ------------------------Variable 171 VINDICATOR - TRANS ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 0 VINDICATOR Variable - TransmissionNumber 2010 Prcnt 164228 1074 85.1 0.6 32 0.0 Code Value and Description 0 1 15 Transmission data is missing or not provided Transmission ------------------------Variable 172 VINDICATOR - ENGINE ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 3 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 0 VINDICATOR Variable - EngineNumber 2010 Prcnt 25687 2120 13.3 1.1 8 0.0 Code Value and Description 0 1 112 Engine data is missing or not provided Engine WASHINGTON 2010 - Occupant Page 153 The OCCUPANT Variables Variables 201 through 209 describe the occupants of vehicles involved in the accident. They are included in the Occupant data set. The Occupant data set contains these variables, along with the Accident and Vehicle variables on an Occupant level. ------------------------Variable 201 VEHICLE NUMBER ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 139396 110292 12796 2308 422 137 55 26 9 13 52.5 41.5 4.8 0.9 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 193073 612 621 37554 7375 2819 8999 3428 950 4233 4100 1450 189 60 8 72.7 0.2 0.2 14.1 2.8 1.1 3.4 1.3 0.4 1.6 1.5 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 Type: Numeric Miss: None Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 8 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 Vehicle #13 ------------------------Variable 202 OCCUPANT SEAT POSITION ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt Width: 2 Dec: None Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 99 Driver (data from driver record) Front left (data from passenger record) Front center Front right Second row left Second row center Second row right Third row left Third row center Third row right Other position Position unknown Motorcycle Outside vehicle Missing data Page 154 WASHINGTON 2010 - Occupant ------------------------Variable 203 OCCUPANT SEX ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 132192 111533 21746 49.8 42.0 8.2 Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 3 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 0 Code Value and Description 1 2 9 Male Female Missing data ------------------------Variable 204 OCCUPANT AGE ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------DERIVED FROM DATE OF BIRTH 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 3 1565 1631 0.0 0.6 0.6 1 24400 0.0 9.2 -1 0 1 107 999 Less than 1 year Age of occupant Missing data ------------------------Variable 205 OCCUPANT INJURY CLASS ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 12239 197191 240 17 133 2078 10196 31046 44 39 12248 4.6 74.3 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.8 3.8 11.7 0.0 0.0 4.6 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 99 Not stated No injury Dead at scene Dead on arrival Died in hospital Disabling injury Nondisabling injury Possible injury Non-traffic injury Non-traffic fatality Missing data ------------------------Variable 206 OCCUPANT RESTRAINT USAGE ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------OCCUPANT RESTRAINT SYSTEM USAGE 2010 Prcnt 6508 3010 1340 2.5 1.1 0.5 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 No restraints used Lap belt used Shoulder belt used WASHINGTON 2010 - Occupant Page 155 Variable 206:OCCUPANT RESTRAINT USAGE (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 202654 3973 2230 121 3661 27230 14744 76.3 1.5 0.8 0.0 1.4 10.3 5.6 Code Value and Description 4 5 6 7 8 9 99 Lap and shoulder belt used Child infant seat used Child convertible seat used Child built-in seat used Child booster seat used Unknown Missing data ------------------------Variable 207 OCCUPANT EJECTION ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 235450 1371 374 28276 88.7 0.5 0.1 10.7 Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 9 Not ejected Totally ejected Partially ejected Unknown ------------------------Variable 208 AIRBAG STATUS ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------DEPLOYMENT STATUS OF AIRBAG 2010 Prcnt 45051 165206 16630 1554 97 3655 33278 17.0 62.2 6.3 0.6 0.0 1.4 12.5 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 Not airbag equipped Airbag equipped - not activated Airbag equipped - deployed front Airbag equipped - deployed side Airbag equipped - deployed other Airbag equipped - deployed combination Unknown ------------------------Variable 209 HELMET USE ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------SAFETY HELMET USE 2010 Prcnt 2293 567 262611 0.9 0.2 98.9 Code Value and Description 1 2 9 Helmet used Helmet not used Missing data Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Page 156 WASHINGTON 2010 - Occupant WASHINGTON 2010 - Pedestrian Page 157 The Pedestrian Variables Variables 301 through 319 describe pedestrians and pedalcyclists involved in the accident. They are included in the Pedestrian data set. The Pedestrian data set contains these variables, along with the accident variables on a pedestrian level. ------------------------Variable 301 PED TRAFFIC UNIT NUMBER ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 401 3097 198 45 13 5 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 10.7 82.3 5.3 1.2 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: None Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #8 #9 #11 ------------------------Variable 302 PEDESTRIAN TYPE ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------PEDESTRIAN/PEDALCYCLIST STATUS 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 28 1476 3 2089 80 14 37 14 4 5 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 99 0.7 39.2 0.1 55.5 2.1 0.4 1.0 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.3 Other Bicyclist Tricyclist Pedestrian (persons on foot) Roller Skater/Skateboarder Nonmotorized wheelchair Motorized wheelchair Flagger Roadway worker Emergency response personnel Missing data Page 158 WASHINGTON 2010 - Pedestrian ------------------------Variable 303 PEDESTRIAN AGE ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 3 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 DERIVED FROM DATE OF BIRTH 2010 Prcnt 7 18 0.2 0.5 1 259 0.0 6.9 Code Value and Description 0 1 97 999 Less than 1 year Age of pedestrian Missing data ------------------------Variable 304 PEDESTRIAN SEX ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------PEDESTRIAN/PEDALCYCLIST SEX 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 2333 1259 170 1 2 9 62.0 33.5 4.5 Male Female Missing data ------------------------Variable 305 PEDESTRIAN WAS USING ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------PEDESTRIAN/PEDALCYCLIST WAS USING 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 12 106 4 172 1262 607 60 163 1375 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.3 2.8 0.1 4.6 33.5 16.1 1.6 4.3 36.5 0.0 Not stated Sidewalk Walkway Shoulder Crosswalk - marked Crosswalk - unmarked Other Designated bike route Roadway Missing data ------------------------Variable 306 PED CLOTHING VISIBILITY ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------PEDESTRIAN/PEDALCYCLIST CLOTHING VISIBILITY 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 1093 1 29.1 Dark WASHINGTON 2010 - Pedestrian Page 159 Variable 306:PED CLOTHING VISIBILITY (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 483 2018 100 41 12 15 2 3 4 5 8 9 12.8 53.6 2.7 1.1 0.3 0.4 Light Mixed Retro-reflective Other reflective apparel (shoes, patches, etc.) Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Missing data ------------------------Variable 307 PEDESTRIAN HELMET USE ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 SAFETY HELMET USE 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 640 695 2427 1 2 9 17.0 18.5 64.5 Helmet used Helmet not used Missing data ------------------------Variable 308 PEDESTRIAN INJURY CLASS ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------2010 Prcnt 92 272 30 3 37 427 1648 1242 2 9 2.4 7.2 0.8 0.1 1.0 11.4 43.8 33.0 0.1 0.2 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Not stated No injury Dead at scene Dead on arrival Died at hospital Disabling injury Nondisabling injury Possible injury Nontraffic injury Nontraffic fatality ------------------------Variable 309 PEDESTRIAN ACTIONS ------------------------- -----------------------------------------------PEDESTRIAN/PEDALCYCLIST ACTIONS 2010 Prcnt 588 129 533 9 15.6 3.4 14.2 0.2 Code Value and Description Pedestrian Actions 1 Crossing at intersection with signal 2 Crossing at intersection against signal 3 Crossing at intersection, no signal 4 Crossing at intersection, diagonally Page 160 WASHINGTON 2010 - Pedestrian Variable 309:PEDESTRIAN ACTIONS (Continued) 2010 Prcnt 59 295 53 44 9 32 13 81 15 30 8 75 204 17 76 1.6 7.8 1.4 1.2 0.2 0.9 0.3 2.2 0.4 0.8 0.2 2.0 5.4 0.5 2.0 23 550 68 8 48 34 43 705 0.6 14.6 1.8 0.2 1.3 0.9 1.1 18.7 12 1 0.3 0.0 Code Value and Description 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Coming from behind parked vehicle Crossing not at intersection, no crosswalk Crossing not at intersection, in crosswalk Walking, or riding, in roadway with traffic Walking, or riding, in roadway, against traffic Walking, or riding, on roadway shoulder, with traffic Walking, or riding, on roadway shoulder, against traffic Standing or working in roadway Pushing or working on vehicle Playing in roadway Lying in roadway Not in roadway All other actions Fell or was pushed into path of vehicle At intersection, not using crosswalk Pedalcyclist Actions 43 Crossing diagonally 44 Riding with traffic 45 Riding against traffic 46 Fell or was pushed into path of TU 47 Turned into path of TU - from same direction 48 Turned into path of TU - from opposite direction 49 Other pedalcyclist action 50 Crossing or entering trafficway 88 99 Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Missing data ------------------------Variable 310 PED CONTRIBUTING CIRC #1 ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 PEDESTRIAN CONTRIBUTING CIRCUMSTANCES #1 2010 Prcnt 134 9 4 51 434 17 5 1 4 11 158 53 1 0 3.6 0.2 0.1 1.4 11.5 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.3 4.2 1.4 0.0 0.0 Code Value and Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Under influence of alcohol Under influence of drugs Exceeded stated speed limit Exceeded reasonable and safe speed Did not grant right-of-way to vehicle Improper passing Following too closely Over center line Failing to signal Improper turn Disregarded stop-and-go light Disregarded stop sign / red flashing light Disregarded yield sign / flashing yellow Apparently asleep WASHINGTON 2010 - Pedestrian Page 161 Variable 310:PED CONTRIBUTING CIRC #1 (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 19 460 1970 0 16 2 137 0 1 0 73 0 150 4 2 1 1 4 12 28 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 30 31 33 34 35 36 40 42 44 50 51 88 99 0.5 12.2 52.4 0.0 0.4 0.1 3.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.9 0.0 4.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.7 Operating defective equipment Other None Improper signal Headlight violation Did not grant right-of-way to pedestrian, cyclist Inattention Disregard flagger / officer Apparently ill Had taken medication On wrong side of road Hitchhiking Failure to use Xwalk Cell phone Driver operating other electronic devices Smoking Distractions outside vehicle Unknown driver distraction Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Missing data ------------------------Variable 311 PED CONTRIBUTING CIRC #2 ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 PEDESTRIAN CONTRIBUTING CIRCUMSTANCES #2 2010 Prcnt 13 2 8 56 2 2 1 3 14 6 1 10 9 1 8 1 17 2 15 2 43 1 0.3 0.1 0.2 1.5 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.1 1.1 0.0 Code Value and Description 1 2 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 20 21 22 23 31 34 35 36 40 Under influence of alcohol Under influence of drugs Exceeded reasonable and safe speed Did not grant right-of-way to vehicle Following too closely Over center line Failing to signal Improper turn Disregarded stop-and-go light Disregarded stop sign / red flashing light Disregarded yield sign / flashing yellow Operating defective equipment Other Improper U-turn Headlight violation Did not grant right-of-way to pedestrian, cyclist Inattention Apparently ill On wrong side of road Hitchhiking Failure to use Xwalk Cell phone Page 162 WASHINGTON 2010 - Pedestrian Variable 311:PED CONTRIBUTING CIRC #2 (Continued) 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 1 0.0 48 4 12 3528 0.1 0.3 93.8 50 88 99 Interacting with passengers, animals or objects inside vehicle Distractions outside the vehicle Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Missing data ------------------------Variable 312 PED CONTRIBUTING CIRC #3 ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 99 PEDESTRIAN CONTRIBUTING CIRCUMSTANCES #3 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 2 3 1 1 1 7 12 3735 4 5 6 12 21 36 88 99 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 99.3 Exceeded reasonable and safe speed Did not grant right-of-way to vehicle Improper passing Disregarded stop sign / red flashing light Headlight violation Failure to use Xwalk Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Missing data ------------------------Variable 313 PED DIRECTION - FROM ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None DIRECTION OF MOVEMENT - FROM 2010 Prcnt 329 828 58 766 80 765 71 791 61 1 12 8.7 22.0 1.5 20.4 2.1 20.3 1.9 21.0 1.6 0.0 0.3 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 88 Vehicle backing North Northeast East Southeast South Southwest West Northwest Vehicle stopped Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Type: Numeric Miss: 99 WASHINGTON 2010 - Pedestrian ------------------------Variable 314 PED DIRECTION - TO ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Page 163 Type: Numeric Miss: 99 DIRECTION OF MOVEMENT - TO 2010 Prcnt 325 765 71 766 62 830 61 753 81 36 12 8.6 20.3 1.9 20.4 1.6 22.1 1.6 20.0 2.2 1.0 0.3 Code Value and Description 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 88 Vehicle backing North Northeast East Southeast South Southwest West Northwest Vehicle stopped Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger ------------------------Variable 315 PEDESTRIAN SOBRIETY ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 1 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 9 PEDESTRIAN/PEDALCYCLIST SOBRIETY 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 12 130 9 70 2261 0.3 3.5 0.2 1.9 60.1 0 1 2 3 4 Not Had Had Had Had 16 0 39 0.4 0.0 1.0 As 5 6 7 Determined By State Toxicologist Chemical Test Had been drinking - ability impaired Had been drinking - ability not impaired Had not been drinking 1225 32.6 9 Missing data applicable - pedalcycle passenger been drinking - ability impaired been drinking - ability not impaired been drinking - sobriety unknown not been drinking ------------------------Variable 316 PED ALCOHOL TEST RESULT ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None PEDESTRIAN/PEDALCYCLIST ALCOHOL TEST RESULT IN 100THS 2010 Prcnt 1 1 0.0 0.0 1 12 3721 0.0 0.3 98.9 Code Value and Description 0 1 38 95 96 Actual test results in 100ths Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Missing data Type: Numeric Miss: 99 Page 164 WASHINGTON 2010 - Pedestrian ------------------------Variable 317 PED DRUG ASSESSMENT #1 ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 0 PEDESTRIAN DRUG ASSESSMENT #1 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 12 3750 88 99 0.3 99.7 Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Missing data ------------------------Variable 318 PED DRUG ASSESSMENT #2 ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 2 Dec: None Type: Numeric Miss: 0 PEDESTRIAN DRUG ASSESSMENT #2 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 12 3750 88 99 0.3 99.7 Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Unknown ------------------------Variable 319 PEDESTRIAN CITED ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Width: 1 Dec: None PEDESTRIAN/PEDALCYCLIST CITED 2010 Prcnt Code Value and Description 65 1 12 3684 1 2 8 9 1.7 0.0 0.3 97.9 Yes Pending Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Missing data Type: Numeric Miss: 9 Washington 2010 Index to Variables and Code Value Names "*" = Variable Name (i.e., no code value) "+" = Many code values for this variable Item (al) alabama (al) alabama (al) alabama abandoned abandoned abandoned aberdeen ability ability abutment abutment acceleration acceleration acceleration access access accumulation action action action action action action action action activated activated activity adams adjusting adjusting adjusting age age age ahead air air airbag airbag alcohol alcohol alcohol alcohol alcohol alcohol alcohol alcohol alighted alighted alighted alkaline alphabetic alteration January 2012 Var 106 127 147 136 137 138 8 123 315 28 29 136 137 138 26 27 136 22 26 27 110 136 137 138 309 128 208 136 7 141 142 143 133 204 303 110 136 166 128 208 124 141 142 143 310 311 312 316 136 137 138 151 153 153 CV + + + 66 66 66 + 1 1 11 11 140 140 140 21 21 102 * 5 5 * * * * * 2 2 104 + 43 43 43 * * * 1 121 3 * * * 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 69 69 69 4 1 0 Variable Name or Code Value (AL) Alabama (AL) Alabama (AL) Alabama Vehicle abandoned in roadway Vehicle abandoned in roadway Vehicle abandoned in roadway Aberdeen Had been drinking - ability impaired Had been drinking - ability impaired Bridge abutment Bridge abutment (E1) Two or more vehicles racing at high (E1) Two or more vehicles racing at high (E1) Two or more vehicles racing at high One vehicle entering driveway access One vehicle entering driveway access (A2) Accumulation of volcanic ash (dry) INTENTIONAL ACTION FLAG Action not stated Action not stated DRIVER/VEHICLE ACTIONS MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #1 MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #2 MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #3 PEDESTRIAN ACTIONS Airbag equipped - not activated Airbag equipped - not activated (A4) Accumulation of mixed debris on roa Adams Driver adjusting audio or entertainment Driver adjusting audio or entertainment Driver adjusting audio or entertainment DRIVER AGE OCCUPANT AGE PEDESTRIAN AGE Going straight ahead (C1) Sight obstructed by volcanic ash in Air bag (driver only) DRIVER AIRBAG STATUS AIRBAG STATUS DRIVER ALCOHOL TEST RES Under influence of alcohol Under influence of alcohol Under influence of alcohol Under influence of alcohol Under influence of alcohol Under influence of alcohol PED ALCOHOL TEST RESULT Pedestrian struck by vehicle from which Pedestrian struck by vehicle from which Pedestrian struck by vehicle from which Alkaline VINDICATOR has made some changes to the No alteration has been made 165 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item altsw amber angle angle angle angle angle angle animal animal animal animal animal animal animal animal animal animal animal animal animal animal animal animal animal animal animal-drawn animal-drawn antilock braking system anti-theft device apparel apparently apparently apparently apparently apparently apparently appurtenance appurtenance appurtenance april arm arm arrival arrival arrival arterial arterial ash asleep asleep asleep asleep asleep asleep assessment assessment 166 Var 153 107 26 27 33 136 137 138 26 27 28 29 33 114 115 116 117 136 137 138 141 142 143 310 311 312 28 29 170 167 306 141 142 143 310 311 312 28 29 33 3 28 29 132 205 308 10 11 136 141 142 143 310 311 312 125 126 CV * 5 10 10 2 33 33 33 47 47 67 67 32 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 48 48 48 48 48 48 68 68 * * 5 14 14 14 14 14 14 20 20 33 4 40 40 3 3 3 1 2 101 14 14 14 14 14 14 * * Variable Name or Code Value VINDICATOR - ALTSW Flashing amber Entering at angle Entering at angle Strikes LEFT side of other vehicle at AN Parking maneuver - angle parking Parking maneuver - angle parking Parking maneuver - angle parking Collision with domestic animal - horse, Collision with domestic animal - horse, Domestic animal (ridden) Domestic animal (ridden) Strikes animal or bird Collision involving animal Collision involving animal Collision involving animal Collision involving animal Avoiding a domestic animal - livestock Avoiding a domestic animal - livestock Avoiding a domestic animal - livestock Driver interacting with passengers, anim Driver interacting with passengers, anim Driver interacting with passengers, anim Interacting with passengers, animals or Interacting with passengers, animals or Interacting with passengers, animals or Animal-drawn vehicle Animal-drawn vehicle VINDICATOR - ABS VINDICATOR - ATD / DRL Other reflective apparel (shoes, patches Apparently asleep Apparently asleep Apparently asleep Apparently asleep Apparently asleep Apparently asleep Culvert and/or other appurtenance in dit Culvert and/or other appurtenance in dit Strikes APPURTENANCE April Drawbridge crossing arm gate Drawbridge crossing arm gate Dead on arrival Dead on arrival Dead on arrival Rural - principal arterial Rural - principal arterial (A1) Volcanic ash (dust) on roadway (no Apparently asleep Apparently asleep Apparently asleep Apparently asleep Apparently asleep Apparently asleep DRIVER DRUG ASSESSMENT 1 DRIVER DRUG ASSESSMENT 2 January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item assessment assessment attempting attempting attempting attenuators attenuators atv atv audio audio audio august auto auto automatic avoid avoid avoid avoiding avoiding avoiding axle axle backing backing backing backing backing backing backing backing backing backing backing backing backing backing backing backup bag bank bank barricade barricade barrier barrier behind belt belt belt bicyclist bicyclist bicyclist bike bike bike January 2012 Var 317 318 136 137 138 28 29 103 152 141 142 143 3 103 146 166 136 137 138 136 137 138 145 148 26 27 31 32 110 118 119 141 142 143 310 311 312 313 314 21 166 28 29 28 29 28 29 309 129 166 206 26 27 302 30 102 305 CV * * 1 1 1 30 30 38 71 43 43 43 8 34 7 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 2 * 3 3 8 8 15 0 0 24 24 24 24 24 24 0 0 5 3 58 58 50 50 29 29 5 2 1 2 45 45 1 16 13 7 Variable Name or Code Value PED DRUG ASSESSMENT #1 PED DRUG ASSESSMENT #2 Skidded attempting to slow or stop Skidded attempting to slow or stop Skidded attempting to slow or stop Crash cushions - impact attenuators Crash cushions - impact attenuators Off-road vehicle (ATV, snowmobile, dune Motorcycle, ATV, or inappropriate vehicl Driver adjusting audio or entertainment Driver adjusting audio or entertainment Driver adjusting audio or entertainment August Auto carrier Auto transporter Automatic belt Skidded attempting to avoid collision Skidded attempting to avoid collision Skidded attempting to avoid collision Avoiding another vehicle Avoiding another vehicle Avoiding another vehicle Single-unit truck; 2 axle, 6 tires NUMBER OF AXLES Vehicle backing Vehicle backing Backing Backing Backing Vehicle backing Vehicle backing Improper backing Improper backing Improper backing Improper backing Improper backing Improper backing Vehicle backing Vehicle backing In external traffic backup caused from w Air bag (driver only) Rock bank or ledge Rock bank or ledge Temporary traffic sign or barricade Temporary traffic sign or barricade Median cable barrier Median cable barrier Coming from behind parked vehicle Lap belt used Manual belt Lap belt used Collision with bicyclist Collision with bicyclist Bicyclist Passenger car - scooter bike/moped Scooter bike Designated bike route 167 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item bird blacktop blinded blinded blinded block blowing blown blown blown boat bobtail body body booster booster booth booth boulder boulder box box box brake brake brake brake brake brake breakage breakage brick brick brick bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge broke broke broke buggy building building built-in built-in bus bus bus bus bus bus bus cable cable 168 Var 33 109 136 137 138 109 16 111 112 113 103 145 146 157 129 206 28 29 28 29 28 29 146 111 112 113 136 137 138 26 27 28 29 109 13 28 29 136 137 138 136 137 138 103 28 29 129 206 30 102 136 137 138 145 146 28 29 CV 32 2 90 90 90 3 8 5 5 5 23 5 * * 8 8 23 23 57 57 10 10 2 1 1 1 88 88 88 56 56 8 8 3 2 11 11 83 83 83 47 47 47 38 63 63 7 7 14 10 70 70 70 1 1 29 29 Variable Name or Code Value Strikes animal or bird Blacktop Blinded by sun Blinded by sun Blinded by sun Brick / block Blowing sand / dirt / snow Tire punctured or blown Tire punctured or blown Tire punctured or blown Trailer - boat Truck tractor (bobtail) CARGO BODY VINDICATOR - BODY Child booster seat used Child booster seat used Toll booth Toll booth Boulder (stationary) Boulder (stationary) Utility box Utility box Van/enclosed box Defective brakes Defective brakes Defective brakes Foot slipped off clutch or brake Foot slipped off clutch or brake Foot slipped off clutch or brake Breakage of any part of motor vehicle re Breakage of any part of motor vehicle re Retaining wall (concrete, rock, brick, e Retaining wall (concrete, rock, brick, e Brick / block Bridge or overpass Bridge abutment Bridge abutment Bridge washed out Bridge washed out Bridge washed out Chain broke, releasing logs Chain broke, releasing logs Chain broke, releasing logs Off-road vehicle (ATV, snowmobile, dune Building Building Child built-in seat used Child built-in seat used Passenger car - bus Bus or motor stage Pupil struck by school bus while enterin Pupil struck by school bus while enterin Pupil struck by school bus while enterin Bus Bus Median cable barrier Median cable barrier January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item cabs camping car car car car car car car carbon carbon cargo cargo cargo cargo cargo cargo cargo carrier carrier cat cat cell cell cell cell cell cell centerline centerline chain chain chain change change changes changing chassis child child circle circulating circumstance circumstance circumstance circumstance circumstance circumstance circumstance cited cited city city class class class class January 2012 Var 158 103 30 102 136 137 138 158 160 26 27 114 115 116 117 146 158 160 103 147 26 27 136 137 138 310 311 312 31 32 136 137 138 31 32 153 110 158 129 206 12 12 12 141 142 143 310 311 312 140 319 8 34 10 11 132 160 CV 2 24 11 1 42 42 42 0 12 55 55 13 13 13 13 * 1 9 34 * 48 48 130 130 130 40 40 40 18 18 47 47 47 16 16 1 20 2 5 5 15 11 1 * * * * * * * * * 2 * * * * Variable Name or Code Value Pickups and chassis cabs Trailer - camping or travel Passenger car - passenger car Passenger car Car ran away - no driver Car ran away - no driver Car ran away - no driver Passenger cars or no data Specialty car Overcome by carbon monoxide poisoning in Overcome by carbon monoxide poisoning in Cargo loss or shift Cargo loss or shift Cargo loss or shift Cargo loss or shift CARGO BODY Vans (All cargo & large passenger vans) Large / cargo van Auto carrier CARRIER STATE Collision with domestic animal - cat, do Collision with domestic animal - cat, do (D1) Driver inattention due to electrica (D1) Driver inattention due to electrica (D1) Driver inattention due to electrica Cell phone Cell phone Cell phone Crosses over centerline Crosses over centerline Chain broke, releasing logs Chain broke, releasing logs Chain broke, releasing logs Change lanes to right Change lanes to right VINDICATOR has made some changes to the Changing lanes Pickups and chassis cabs Child infant seat used Child infant seat used Traffic circle Circulating roundabout At intersection - circumstances intersec CONTRIBUTING CIRC #1 CONTRIBUTING CIRC #2 CONTRIBUTING CIRC #3 PED CONTRIBUTING CIRC #1 PED CONTRIBUTING CIRC #2 PED CONTRIBUTING CIRC #3 DRIVER CITED PEDESTRIAN CITED CITY Municipal or city police FUNCTION CLASS - STATE FUNCTION CLASS - FEDERAL DRIVER INJURY CLASS VINDICATOR - STYLE CLASS 169 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item class class classify clear closed closed closely closely closely closely closely closely clothing cloudy clutch clutch clutch collector collector collision collision collision collision collision collision collision collision collision collision column column combination combination combinations combustible coming commodity commodity commodity computers computers computers concrete concrete concrete concrete concrete condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition configuration 170 Var 205 308 145 16 28 29 141 142 143 310 311 312 306 16 136 137 138 10 11 26 27 33 114 115 116 117 136 137 138 28 29 128 208 102 151 309 136 137 138 141 142 143 28 29 103 109 146 15 16 17 111 112 113 136 137 138 145 CV * * 9 1 25 25 7 7 7 7 7 7 * 1 88 88 88 3 7 * * * 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 12 12 6 6 7 3 5 45 45 45 42 42 42 8 8 33 1 6 * * * * * * 81 81 81 * Variable Name or Code Value OCCUPANT INJURY CLASS PEDESTRIAN INJURY CLASS Other/cannot classify Clear or cloudy Closed toll gate Closed toll gate Following too closely Following too closely Following too closely Following too closely Following too closely Following too closely PED CLOTHING VISIBILITY Clear or cloudy Foot slipped off clutch or brake Foot slipped off clutch or brake Foot slipped off clutch or brake Rural - major collector Rural - major collector COLLISION TYPE #1 COLLISION TYPE #2 DIAGRAM COLLISION TYPE Collision involving motor vehicle in tra Collision involving motor vehicle in tra Collision involving motor vehicle in tra Collision involving motor vehicle in tra Skidded attempting to avoid collision Skidded attempting to avoid collision Skidded attempting to avoid collision Bridge column, pier, or pillar Bridge column, pier, or pillar Airbag equipped - deployed combination Airbag equipped - deployed combination Other truck - double trailer combination Combustible Coming from behind parked vehicle Carrying hazardous commodity Carrying hazardous commodity Carrying hazardous commodity Driver operating other electronic device Driver operating other electronic device Driver operating other electronic device Retaining wall (concrete, rock, brick, e Retaining wall (concrete, rock, brick, e Concrete mixer Concrete Concrete mixer ROAD SURFACE CONDITION WEATHER CONDITIONS LIGHT CONDITIONS VEH CONDITION/DEFECTS #1 VEH CONDITION/DEFECTS #2 VEH CONDITION/DEFECTS #3 Smoke or smog condition Smoke or smog condition Smoke or smog condition UNIT CONFIGURATION January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item conflict connection connection connection construction construction construction construction construction construction contributing contributing contributing contributing contributing contributing control control control control control control control control convertible convertible convertible corrosive coughing county cover cover cow cow crash crash crash crosses crosses crossing crossing crossing crossing crossing crossing crossing crosswalk crosswalk crosswind culvert culvert curb curb curb curb curb curve January 2012 Var 152 136 137 138 21 28 29 136 137 138 141 142 143 310 311 312 28 29 31 32 107 136 137 138 129 157 206 151 136 7 28 29 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 13 28 29 136 137 138 309 305 309 16 28 29 28 29 136 137 138 14 CV 61 54 54 54 1 52 52 87 87 87 * * * * * * 27 27 19 19 * 37 37 37 6 16 6 8 123 * 49 49 47 47 30 30 1 18 18 0 26 26 23 23 23 1 4 6 7 20 20 9 9 99 99 99 5 Variable Name or Code Value VIN model year / pattern conflict Trailer connection broke Trailer connection broke Trailer connection broke Construction Construction materials Construction materials Construction area Construction area Construction area CONTRIBUTING CIRC #1 CONTRIBUTING CIRC #2 CONTRIBUTING CIRC #3 PED CONTRIBUTING CIRC #1 PED CONTRIBUTING CIRC #2 PED CONTRIBUTING CIRC #3 Reversible lane control gate Reversible lane control gate Out of control merging from on ramp to m Out of control merging from on ramp to m TRAFFIC CONTROL Lost control in passing maneuver Lost control in passing maneuver Lost control in passing maneuver Child convertible seat used Convertible Child convertible seat used Corrosive (C3) Coughing or other reflex distractio COUNTY Manhole cover Manhole cover Collision with domestic animal - horse, Collision with domestic animal - horse, Crash cushions - impact attenuators Crash cushions - impact attenuators Single traffic unit crash Crosses over centerline Crosses over centerline Railroad crossing Railway crossing gate Railway crossing gate Stopped for RR train or at RR crossing Stopped for RR train or at RR crossing Stopped for RR train or at RR crossing Crossing at intersection with signal Crosswalk - marked Crossing not at intersection, no crosswa Severe crosswind Culvert and/or other appurtenance in dit Culvert and/or other appurtenance in dit Curb, raised traffic island, or raised m Curb, raised traffic island, or raised m Struck an object before impact (e.g. cur Struck an object before impact (e.g. cur Struck an object before impact (e.g. cur Curve and level 171 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item cushion cushion cyclist cyclist cyclist cyclist cyclist cyclist cyclist damage damage damage damage damage damage dark darkness dawn day day day daylight daytime running lights dead dead dead debris debris debris debris debris december decoded deer deer defect defect defect defective defective defective defective defective defective defective defective defective deployed deployed designated device device device device diagonally diagram died 172 Var 28 29 39 141 142 143 310 311 312 26 27 35 136 137 138 306 17 17 4 5 6 17 167 132 205 308 28 29 136 137 138 3 152 26 27 111 112 113 111 112 113 141 142 143 310 311 312 128 208 305 141 142 143 310 309 33 132 CV 30 30 1 22 22 22 22 22 22 56 56 1 49 49 49 1 4 2 * * * 1 * 2 2 2 53 53 86 86 86 12 99 85 85 * * * 1 1 1 16 16 16 16 16 16 3 3 7 40 40 40 42 4 * 4 Variable Name or Code Value Crash cushions - impact attenuators Crash cushions - impact attenuators 1 cyclist Did not grant right-of-way to pedestrian Did not grant right-of-way to pedestrian Did not grant right-of-way to pedestrian Did not grant right-of-way to pedestrian Did not grant right-of-way to pedestrian Did not grant right-of-way to pedestrian Breakage of any part of motor vehicle re Breakage of any part of motor vehicle re Property damage accident Shifting load caused injury or damage wi Shifting load caused injury or damage wi Shifting load caused injury or damage wi Dark Darkness - street lights on Dawn DAY OF ACCIDENT TIME OF DAY DAY OF WEEK Daylight VINDICATOR - ATD / DRL Dead at scene Dead at scene Dead at scene Miscellaneous object or debris on road Miscellaneous object or debris on road Mud and/or debris on roadway Mud and/or debris on roadway Mud and/or debris on roadway December VIN not decoded / no VIN Vehicle strikes deer Vehicle strikes deer VEH CONDITION/DEFECTS #1 VEH CONDITION/DEFECTS #2 VEH CONDITION/DEFECTS #3 Defective brakes Defective brakes Defective brakes Operating defective equipment Operating defective equipment Operating defective equipment Operating defective equipment Operating defective equipment Operating defective equipment Airbag equipped - deployed front Airbag equipped - deployed front Designated bike route Driver operating handheld telecommunicat Driver operating handheld telecommunicat Driver operating handheld telecommunicat Driver operating other electronic device Crossing at intersection, diagonally DIAGRAM COLLISION TYPE Died in hospital January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item died died digit direction direction direction direction direction direction direction dirt dirt dirt disabling disabling disabling disabling discharge discharge discharge disregard disregard disregard disregard disregard disregard disregarded disregarded disregarded disregarded disregarded disregarded distracted distracted distracted distracted distracted distracted distraction distraction distraction distraction distraction distraction distractions distractions distractions distractions distractions distractions ditch ditch ditch divided dock does dog January 2012 Var 205 308 152 26 27 118 119 309 313 314 15 16 109 120 132 205 308 136 137 138 141 142 143 310 311 312 141 142 143 310 311 312 141 142 143 310 311 312 136 141 142 143 310 311 141 142 143 310 311 312 28 29 33 110 13 152 26 CV 4 4 -9 11 11 * * 47 * * 5 8 5 5 5 5 5 44 44 44 30 30 30 30 30 30 11 11 11 11 11 11 52 52 52 52 52 52 123 51 51 51 51 51 49 49 49 50 50 50 20 20 60 16 7 41 48 Variable Name or Code Value Died in hospital Died at hospital Invalid check digit / engine code Same direction - both going straight - b Same direction - both going straight - b DIRECTION OF MOVEMENT-FR DIRECTION OF MOVEMENT-TO Turned into path of TU - from same direc PED DIRECTION - FROM PED DIRECTION - TO Sand / mud / dirt Blowing sand / dirt / snow Dirt Disabling injury Disabling injury Disabling injury Disabling injury Starting or stopping to give ride to, or Starting or stopping to give ride to, or Starting or stopping to give ride to, or Disregard flagger / officer Disregard flagger / officer Disregard flagger / officer Disregard flagger / officer Disregard flagger / officer Disregard flagger / officer Disregarded stop-and-go light Disregarded stop-and-go light Disregarded stop-and-go light Disregarded stop-and-go light Disregarded stop-and-go light Disregarded stop-and-go light Driver not distracted Driver not distracted Driver not distracted Not distracted Not distracted Not distracted (C3) Coughing or other reflex distractio Unknown driver distraction Unknown driver distraction Unknown driver distraction Unknown driver distraction Unknown driver distraction Other driver distractions inside vehicle Other driver distractions inside vehicle Other driver distractions inside vehicle Distractions outside vehicle Distractions outside the vehicle Distractions outside the vehicle Culvert and/or other appurtenance in dit Culvert and/or other appurtenance in dit Ran into ROADWAY DITCH Going wrong way on divided highway Ferry dock VIN does not match any valid pattern Collision with domestic animal - cat, do 173 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item dog domestic domestic domestic domestic domestic domestic domestic door door door door door double doubles downhill downhill downhill downhill drag drag drag drawbridge drawbridge drinking drinking drinking drinking drinking drinking drinking drinking driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driver driverless 174 Var 27 26 27 28 29 136 137 138 136 137 138 157 160 102 145 114 115 116 117 136 137 138 28 29 123 141 142 143 310 311 312 315 110 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 136 137 138 140 141 142 143 166 202 310 311 31 CV 48 47 47 67 67 7 7 7 78 78 78 20 1 7 7 12 12 12 12 140 140 140 40 40 1 45 45 45 45 45 45 1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * 42 42 42 * 40 40 40 3 0 42 51 11 Variable Name or Code Value Collision with domestic animal - cat, do Collision with domestic animal - horse, Collision with domestic animal - horse, Domestic animal (ridden) Domestic animal (ridden) Avoiding a domestic animal - livestock Avoiding a domestic animal - livestock Avoiding a domestic animal - livestock Occupant of parked or stopped vehicle op Occupant of parked or stopped vehicle op Occupant of parked or stopped vehicle op 2 door 2 door Other truck - double trailer combination Tractor/doubles Downhill runaway Downhill runaway Downhill runaway Downhill runaway (E1) Two or more vehicles racing at high (E1) Two or more vehicles racing at high (E1) Two or more vehicles racing at high Drawbridge crossing arm gate Drawbridge crossing arm gate Had been drinking - ability impaired Driver eating or drinking Driver eating or drinking Driver eating or drinking Eating / drinking Eating / drinking Eating / drinking Had been drinking - ability impaired DRIVER/VEHICLE ACTIONS DRIVER SOBRIETY DRIVER ALCOHOL TEST RES DRIVER DRUG ASSESSMENT 1 DRIVER DRUG ASSESSMENT 2 DRIVER LICENSE STATE DRIVER AIRBAG STATUS DRIVER RESTRAINT USE DRIVER EJECTION DRIVER HELMET USE DRIVER INJURY CLASS DRIVER AGE DRIVER SEX Car ran away - no driver Car ran away - no driver Car ran away - no driver DRIVER CITED Driver operating handheld telecommunicat Driver operating handheld telecommunicat Driver operating handheld telecommunicat Air bag (driver only) Driver (data from driver record) Driver operating other electronic device Unknown driver distraction Driverless moving vehicle January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item driverless driveway driveway driveway drizzle drowned drowned drowned drug drug drug drug drug drug drug drug drug drug dry dry dump dump dune dusk dust dust dust earth earth east east east east eating eating eating eating eating eating ejected ejected ejection ejection electrical electrical electrical electronic electronic electronic electronic elk elk embankment embankment embankment emergency enclosed January 2012 Var 32 12 26 27 16 136 137 138 125 126 141 142 143 310 311 312 317 318 15 136 103 146 103 17 136 137 138 28 29 118 119 313 314 141 142 143 310 311 312 130 207 130 207 136 137 138 141 142 143 310 26 27 28 29 33 302 146 CV 11 3 21 21 3 94 94 94 * * 2 2 2 2 2 2 * * 1 102 29 5 38 3 80 80 80 59 59 3 3 3 3 45 45 45 45 45 45 1 1 * * 130 130 130 42 42 42 42 86 86 69 69 62 9 2 Variable Name or Code Value Driverless moving vehicle Driveway One vehicle entering driveway access One vehicle entering driveway access Raining, drizzle Drowned after running into water Drowned after running into water Drowned after running into water DRIVER DRUG ASSESSMENT 1 DRIVER DRUG ASSESSMENT 2 Under influence of drugs Under influence of drugs Under influence of drugs Under influence of drugs Under influence of drugs Under influence of drugs PED DRUG ASSESSMENT #1 PED DRUG ASSESSMENT #2 Dry (A2) Accumulation of volcanic ash (dry) Dump truck Dump Off-road vehicle (ATV, snowmobile, dune Dusk Dust storm Dust storm Dust storm Earth bank or ledge Earth bank or ledge East East East East Driver eating or drinking Driver eating or drinking Driver eating or drinking Eating / drinking Eating / drinking Eating / drinking Not ejected Not ejected DRIVER EJECTION OCCUPANT EJECTION (D1) Driver inattention due to electrica (D1) Driver inattention due to electrica (D1) Driver inattention due to electrica Driver operating other electronic device Driver operating other electronic device Driver operating other electronic device Driver operating other electronic device Vehicle strikes elk Vehicle strikes elk Over embankment - no guardrail present Over embankment - no guardrail present Ran OVER EMBANKMENT - no guardrail Emergency response personnel Van/enclosed box 175 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item enforcement enforcement engine engine entering entering entering entering entering entering entering entering entertainment entertainment entertainment equipment equipment equipment equipment equipment equipment equipment errors evasive evasive event event event event evident exceeded exceeded exceeded exceeded exceeded exceeded exempt exiting exiting exiting explosion explosion explosion explosion explosive external eye face face failing failing failing failing failing failing failure failure 176 Var 34 103 152 172 12 26 27 110 136 137 138 309 141 142 143 102 141 142 143 310 311 312 152 31 32 114 115 116 117 132 141 142 143 310 311 312 103 12 31 32 114 115 116 117 151 21 136 28 29 141 142 143 310 311 312 111 112 CV 4 36 -9 * 10 10 10 12 70 70 70 50 43 43 43 8 16 16 16 16 16 16 01 22 22 * * * * 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 40 12 20 20 14 14 14 14 1 5 122 32 32 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 Variable Name or Code Value Other police or law enforcement Law Enforcement vehicle Invalid check digit / engine code VINDICATOR - ENGINE Entering roundabout Entering at angle Entering at angle Merging (entering traffic) Pupil struck by school bus while enterin Pupil struck by school bus while enterin Pupil struck by school bus while enterin Crossing or entering trafficway Driver adjusting audio or entertainment Driver adjusting audio or entertainment Driver adjusting audio or entertainment Farm tractor and/or farm equipment Operating defective equipment Operating defective equipment Operating defective equipment Operating defective equipment Operating defective equipment Operating defective equipment No errors Taking evasive maneuvers Taking evasive maneuvers SEQUENCE OF EVENTS #1 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS #2 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS #3 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS #4 Nondisabling injury (evident) Exceeded stated speed limit Exceeded stated speed limit Exceeded stated speed limit Exceeded stated speed limit Exceeded stated speed limit Exceeded stated speed limit Exempt license vehicle Exiting roundabout Out of control exiting from mainline to Out of control exiting from mainline to Explosion or fire Explosion or fire Explosion or fire Explosion or fire Explosive In external traffic backup caused from w (C2) Sight obstructed by volcanic ash in Guardrail - face Guardrail - face Failing to signal Failing to signal Failing to signal Failing to signal Failing to signal Failing to signal Power failure Power failure January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item failure failure failure failure failure failure failure fallen fallen falling falling farm fatal fatal fatalities fatality fatality fatality fatality fatigued fatigued fatigued fatigued fatigued fatigued february federal fell fell fell fell fell fell fell fell female female female fence fence ferry fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire firearm firearm January 2012 Var 113 141 142 143 310 311 312 28 29 28 29 102 35 120 121 121 132 205 308 141 142 143 310 311 312 3 11 26 27 28 29 136 137 138 309 134 203 304 28 29 13 18 26 27 28 29 33 103 114 115 116 117 136 137 138 136 137 CV 8 36 36 36 36 36 36 55 55 54 54 8 3 2 2 1 9 9 9 32 32 32 32 32 32 2 * 53 53 54 54 76 76 76 18 2 2 2 66 66 7 * 54 54 64 64 54 35 14 14 14 14 93 93 93 67 67 Variable Name or Code Value Power failure Failure to use Xwalk Failure to use Xwalk Failure to use Xwalk Failure to use Xwalk Failure to use Xwalk Failure to use Xwalk Fallen rock or tree hit by vehicle Fallen rock or tree hit by vehicle Falling rock or tree fell on vehicle Falling rock or tree fell on vehicle Farm tractor and/or farm equipment Fatal accident Fatal injury 2 fatalities 1 fatality Non-traffic fatality Non-traffic fatality Nontraffic fatality Apparently fatigued Apparently fatigued Apparently fatigued Apparently fatigued Apparently fatigued Apparently fatigued February FUNCTION CLASS - FEDERAL Person fell, jumped, or pushed from a mo Person fell, jumped, or pushed from a mo Falling rock or tree fell on vehicle Falling rock or tree fell on vehicle Occupant fell or jumped from motor vehic Occupant fell or jumped from motor vehic Occupant fell or jumped from motor vehic Fell or was pushed into path of vehicle Female Female Female Fence Fence Ferry dock FIRE RESULTED INDICATOR Fire started in motor vehicle Fire started in motor vehicle Fire hydrant Fire hydrant Non-collision fire Fire response vehicle Explosion or fire Explosion or fire Explosion or fire Explosion or fire Fire started after collision Fire started after collision Fire started after collision Firearm involved Firearm involved 177 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item firearm fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed flag flag flag flag flag flag flag flagger flagger flagger flagger flagger flagger flagger flagger flashing flashing flashing flashing flashing flashing flashing flashing flashing flashing flatbed flatbed fleeing fleeing fleeing flew flew flew flooded fog following following following following following following foot foot foot foot forced forced forced freezing friday 178 Var 138 26 27 114 115 116 117 19 22 23 24 25 135 144 107 141 142 143 302 310 311 312 107 136 137 138 141 142 143 310 311 312 102 146 136 137 138 136 137 138 136 16 141 142 143 310 311 312 136 137 138 302 136 137 138 16 6 CV 67 50 50 2 2 2 2 * * * * * * * 7 30 30 30 7 30 30 30 4 40 40 40 12 12 12 12 12 12 3 4 34 34 34 46 46 46 106 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 88 88 88 3 36 36 36 6 6 Variable Name or Code Value Firearm involved Collision with fixed object Collision with fixed object Collision involving fixed object Collision involving fixed object Collision involving fixed object Collision involving fixed object STOLEN VEHICLE FLAG INTENTIONAL ACTION FLAG MEDICALLY CAUSED FLAG NONTRAFFIC FLAG LEGAL INTERVENTION FLAG ON-DUTY OFFICER FLAG INTERSTATE FLAG Officer/flagger Disregard flagger / officer Disregard flagger / officer Disregard flagger / officer Flagger Disregard flagger / officer Disregard flagger / officer Disregard flagger / officer Flashing red Turn after stop at red flashing light or Turn after stop at red flashing light or Turn after stop at red flashing light or Disregarded stop sign or red flashing li Disregarded stop sign or red flashing li Disregarded stop sign or red flashing li Disregarded stop sign / red flashing lig Disregarded stop sign / red flashing lig Disregarded stop sign / red flashing lig Truck (flatbed, van, etc.) Flatbed Fleeing from lawful pursuit Fleeing from lawful pursuit Fleeing from lawful pursuit Hood flew open Hood flew open Hood flew open (A6) Flooded due to volcanic activity Fog Following too closely Following too closely Following too closely Following too closely Following too closely Following too closely Foot slipped off clutch or brake Foot slipped off clutch or brake Foot slipped off clutch or brake Pedestrian (persons on foot) Forced off roadway Forced off roadway Forced off roadway Sleet / hail / freezing rain Friday January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item front front front front frost frost frost function function further further gadget gadget gadget garbage gas gate gate glaring glaring glaring grade grant grant grant grant grant grant gravel gray grooming grooming grooming guardrail guardrail guardrail guide guide gust gust gust hail handheld handheld handheld hands-free hands-free hands-free hardtop hazardous hazardous hazardous hazardous hazmat hazmat head head January 2012 Var 33 128 202 208 136 137 138 10 11 26 27 136 137 138 146 151 28 29 111 112 113 14 141 142 143 310 311 312 109 152 141 142 143 28 29 33 28 29 136 137 138 16 141 142 143 141 142 143 157 104 136 137 138 150 151 26 27 CV 7 3 1 3 98 98 98 * * 56 56 130 130 130 8 2 25 25 9 9 9 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 12 47 47 47 31 31 62 15 15 89 89 89 6 40 40 40 41 41 41 12 * 45 45 45 * * 24 24 Variable Name or Code Value Strikes FRONT END of other vehicle - NOT Airbag equipped - deployed front Front left (data from passenger record) Airbag equipped - deployed front View obscured by frost, ice, etc. on win View obscured by frost, ice, etc. on win View obscured by frost, ice, etc. on win FUNCTION CLASS - STATE FUNCTION CLASS - FEDERAL Breakage of any part of motor vehicle re Breakage of any part of motor vehicle re (D1) Driver inattention due to electrica (D1) Driver inattention due to electrica (D1) Driver inattention due to electrica Garbage/refuse Gas Closed toll gate Closed toll gate Headlights glaring Headlights glaring Headlights glaring Straight and grade Did not grant right-of-way to vehicle Did not grant right-of-way to vehicle Did not grant right-of-way to vehicle Did not grant right-of-way to vehicle Did not grant right-of-way to vehicle Did not grant right-of-way to vehicle Gravel VIN not in U.S. standard format (gray ma Driver grooming Driver grooming Driver grooming Guardrail - leading end Guardrail - leading end Ran OVER EMBANKMENT - no guardrail Guide post Guide post Gust of wind Gust of wind Gust of wind Sleet / hail / freezing rain Driver operating handheld telecommunicat Driver operating handheld telecommunicat Driver operating handheld telecommunicat Driver operating hands-free wireless tel Driver operating hands-free wireless tel Driver operating hands-free wireless tel Hardtop HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Carrying hazardous commodity Carrying hazardous commodity Carrying hazardous commodity HAZMAT PLACARD NUMBER HAZMAT PLACARD SUFFIX Opposite direction - both moving - head Opposite direction - both moving - head 179 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item head headlight headlight headlight headlight headlight headlight headlight headlight headlight headlight headlight headlight height helmet helmet helmet high high high highway hillcrest hit-and-run hit-and-run hit-and-run hitchhiker hitchhiker hitchhiker hitchhiking hitchhiking hitchhiking hitchhiking hitchhiking hitchhiking hitchhiking hitchhiking hitchhiking home hood hood hood horse horse horsepower horsepower hospital hospital hospital hydrant hydrant ice ice ice ice identification ierr ill 180 Var 33 111 112 113 136 137 138 141 142 143 310 311 312 165 131 209 307 136 137 138 110 14 136 137 138 136 137 138 136 137 138 141 142 143 310 311 312 103 136 137 138 26 27 168 169 132 205 308 28 29 15 136 137 138 105 152 141 CV 1 2 2 2 91 91 91 21 21 21 21 21 21 * * * * 84 84 84 16 3 97 97 97 17 17 17 74 74 74 35 35 35 35 35 35 26 46 46 46 47 47 0 0 4 4 4 64 64 4 98 98 98 * * 31 Variable Name or Code Value Strikes other vehicle HEAD ON Defective headlights Defective headlights Defective headlights Blinded by headlights Blinded by headlights Blinded by headlights Headlight violation Headlight violation Headlight violation Headlight violation Headlight violation Headlight violation VINDICATOR - HEIGHT DRIVER HELMET USE HELMET USE PEDESTRIAN HELMET USE High water on roadway High water on roadway High water on roadway Going wrong way on divided highway Straight and hillcrest Hit-and-run Hit-and-run Hit-and-run Stopped for hitchhiker Stopped for hitchhiker Stopped for hitchhiker Pedestrian struck while hitchhiking Pedestrian struck while hitchhiking Pedestrian struck while hitchhiking Hitchhiking Hitchhiking Hitchhiking Hitchhiking Hitchhiking Hitchhiking Trailer - manufactured home Hood flew open Hood flew open Hood flew open Collision with domestic animal - horse, Collision with domestic animal - horse, Minimum horsepower data missing Maximum horsepower data missing Died in hospital Died in hospital Died at hospital Fire hydrant Fire hydrant Ice View obscured by frost, ice, etc. on win View obscured by frost, ice, etc. on win View obscured by frost, ice, etc. on win VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION # VINDICATOR - IERR Apparently ill January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item ill ill ill ill ill illegally illegally illegally illness illness illness impact impact impact impact impact impaired impaired impaired improper improper improper improper improper improper improper inappropriate inattention inattention inattention inattention inattention inattention inattention inattention inattention incapacitated indicator indicator infant infant infectious influence influence influence influence influence influence injured injured injuries injury injury injury injury injury injury January 2012 Var 142 143 310 311 312 31 32 110 136 137 138 28 29 136 137 138 123 315 317 141 142 143 152 310 311 312 152 136 137 138 141 142 143 310 311 312 136 18 20 129 206 151 141 142 143 310 311 312 41 122 122 26 27 35 120 122 132 CV 31 31 31 31 31 21 21 21 95 95 95 30 30 99 99 99 1 1 + 6 6 6 21 6 6 6 71 130 130 130 23 23 23 23 23 23 112 * * 5 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 * * 2 56 56 2 * 1 * Variable Name or Code Value Apparently ill Apparently ill Apparently ill Apparently ill Apparently ill Illegally parked in road or stopped in r Illegally parked in road or stopped in r Illegally parked, occupied Physical illness Physical illness Physical illness Crash cushions - impact attenuators Crash cushions - impact attenuators Struck an object before impact (e.g. cur Struck an object before impact (e.g. cur Struck an object before impact (e.g. cur Had been drinking - ability impaired Had been drinking - ability impaired Not drug impaired Improper passing Improper passing Improper passing VIN contains improper characters Improper passing Improper passing Improper passing Motorcycle, ATV, or inappropriate vehicl (D1) Driver inattention due to electrica (D1) Driver inattention due to electrica (D1) Driver inattention due to electrica Inattention Inattention Inattention Inattention Inattention Inattention (B2) Vehicle mechanically incapacitated FIRE RESULTED INDICATOR HIT AND RUN INDICATOR Child infant seat used Child infant seat used Infectious Under influence of alcohol Under influence of alcohol Under influence of alcohol Under influence of alcohol Under influence of alcohol Under influence of alcohol TOTAL INJURD IN ACCIDENT NUMBER INJURED IN VEHICL 2 injuries Breakage of any part of motor vehicle re Breakage of any part of motor vehicle re Personal injury accident (nonfatal) WORST INJURY IN VEHICLE 1 injury DRIVER INJURY CLASS 181 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item injury injury injury injury injury insect insect insect inspection inspection inspection installed installed installed insufficient insufficient insufficient insurance intentional interacting interacting interacting interacting interacting interacting interfered interfered interfered intersection intersection interstate interstate interstate intervention investigated investigation involved involved involved involvements involving involving involving involving island island jackknife jackknife jackknife jackknife jackknife jackknifed jackknifed jackknifed january jersey jersey 182 Var 136 137 138 205 308 136 137 138 111 112 113 111 112 113 111 112 113 139 22 141 142 143 310 311 312 136 137 138 12 309 10 11 144 25 34 34 136 137 138 33 114 115 116 117 28 29 33 114 115 116 117 136 137 138 3 28 29 CV 49 49 49 * * 79 79 79 16 16 16 15 15 15 10 10 10 * * 48 48 48 48 48 48 77 77 77 1 1 5 1 * * * 9 67 67 67 29 1 1 1 1 9 9 98 10 10 10 10 53 53 53 1 34 34 Variable Name or Code Value Shifting load caused injury or damage wi Shifting load caused injury or damage wi Shifting load caused injury or damage wi OCCUPANT INJURY CLASS PEDESTRIAN INJURY CLASS Animal or insect inside interfered with Animal or insect inside interfered with Animal or insect inside interfered with Truck/trailer safety inspection Truck/trailer safety inspection Truck/trailer safety inspection Motorcycle windshield installed Motorcycle windshield installed Motorcycle windshield installed Other lights, reflectors insufficient Other lights, reflectors insufficient Other lights, reflectors insufficient LIABILITY INSURANCE INTENTIONAL ACTION FLAG Driver interacting with passengers, anim Driver interacting with passengers, anim Driver interacting with passengers, anim Interacting with passengers, animals or Interacting with passengers, animals or Interacting with passengers, animals or Passenger interfered with driver Passenger interfered with driver Passenger interfered with driver At intersection - circumstances intersec Crossing at intersection with signal Rural - interstate Rural - interstate INTERSTATE FLAG LEGAL INTERVENTION FLAG ACCIDENT INVESTIGATED BY No investigation Firearm involved Firearm involved Firearm involved All other MULTI VEHICLE involvements Collision involving motor vehicle in tra Collision involving motor vehicle in tra Collision involving motor vehicle in tra Collision involving motor vehicle in tra Curb, raised traffic island, or raised m Curb, raised traffic island, or raised m Jackknife trailer Jackknife Jackknife Jackknife Jackknife Trailer jackknifed Trailer jackknifed Trailer jackknifed January Concrete barrier / jersey barrier - lead Concrete barrier / jersey barrier - lead January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item july jumped jumped jumped jumped jumped junction june killed killed lake lake lake land land lane lane lane lane lane lane lane lane lap lap lava law law lawful lawful lawful leading leading leaving leaving leaving leaving leaving ledge ledge left left left left left left left left left left legal length level liability license license light January 2012 Var 3 26 27 136 137 138 12 3 40 121 28 29 33 28 29 28 29 31 32 110 136 137 138 129 206 136 34 103 136 137 138 28 29 26 27 136 137 138 28 29 26 27 31 32 33 110 136 137 138 202 25 163 14 139 103 127 17 CV 7 53 53 76 76 76 * 6 * * 70 70 61 60 60 27 27 9 9 10 38 38 38 2 2 105 4 36 34 34 34 31 31 20 20 70 70 70 58 58 2 2 3 3 2 4 28 28 28 1 * * 1 * 40 * * Variable Name or Code Value July Person fell, jumped, or pushed from a mo Person fell, jumped, or pushed from a mo Occupant fell or jumped from motor vehic Occupant fell or jumped from motor vehic Occupant fell or jumped from motor vehic JUNCTION RELATIONSHIP June TOTAL KILLED IN ACCIDENT NUMBER KILLED IN VEHICLE Into river, lake, swamp, etc. Into river, lake, swamp, etc. Ran into RIVER, LAKE, etc Mud or land slide Mud or land slide Reversible lane control gate Reversible lane control gate Merging, lane reduction Merging, lane reduction Starting in traffic lane Forced into opposing lane Forced into opposing lane Forced into opposing lane Lap belt used Lap belt used (A5) Volcanic lava on roadway Other police or law enforcement Law Enforcement vehicle Fleeing from lawful pursuit Fleeing from lawful pursuit Fleeing from lawful pursuit Guardrail - leading end Guardrail - leading end One vehicle leaving parked position One vehicle leaving parked position Pupil struck by school bus while enterin Pupil struck by school bus while enterin Pupil struck by school bus while enterin Rock bank or ledge Rock bank or ledge Vehicle turning left Vehicle turning left Turning left Turning left Strikes LEFT side of other vehicle at AN Making left turn Stopped prior to turning left Stopped prior to turning left Stopped prior to turning left Front left (data from passenger record) LEGAL INTERVENTION FLAG VINDICATOR - LENGTH Straight and level LIABILITY INSURANCE Exempt license vehicle DRIVER LICENSE STATE LIGHT CONDITIONS 183 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light limit limit limit limit limit limit line line line line line line line line line livestock livestock livestock load load load loading loading loading log log log logging lot luxury lying mailbox mailbox mainline mainline maintenance major major major make make 184 Var 28 29 30 111 112 113 136 137 138 141 142 143 306 310 311 312 141 142 143 310 311 312 136 137 138 141 142 143 310 311 312 136 137 138 136 137 138 136 137 138 136 137 138 103 13 160 309 28 29 31 32 21 10 11 12 152 155 CV 16 16 12 3 3 3 40 40 40 11 11 11 2 11 11 11 3 3 3 3 3 3 25 25 25 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 30 30 30 71 71 71 47 47 47 28 1 3 15 73 73 19 19 2 3 7 6 51 * Variable Name or Code Value Street light pole or base Street light pole or base Passenger car - light truck Defective rear lights Defective rear lights Defective rear lights Turn after stop at red flashing light or Turn after stop at red flashing light or Turn after stop at red flashing light or Disregarded stop-and-go light Disregarded stop-and-go light Disregarded stop-and-go light Light Disregarded stop-and-go light Disregarded stop-and-go light Disregarded stop-and-go light Exceeded stated speed limit Exceeded stated speed limit Exceeded stated speed limit Exceeded stated speed limit Exceeded stated speed limit Exceeded stated speed limit Stopped in line of traffic Stopped in line of traffic Stopped in line of traffic Over center line Over center line Over center line Over center line Over center line Over center line Avoiding a domestic animal - livestock Avoiding a domestic animal - livestock Avoiding a domestic animal - livestock Stopped to load or unload Stopped to load or unload Stopped to load or unload Pupil struck on road while approaching o Pupil struck on road while approaching o Pupil struck on road while approaching o Chain broke, releasing logs Chain broke, releasing logs Chain broke, releasing logs Logging truck Parking lot Luxury Lying in roadway Mailbox Mailbox Out of control merging from on ramp to m Out of control merging from on ramp to m Maintenance Rural - major collector Rural - major collector At driveway intersection near major inte Make code not valid for VIN pattern VINDICATOR - MAKE January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item make male male male mall maneuver maneuver maneuver maneuvers maneuvers manhole manhole manual manufactured march marked match material material material material material material maximum maximum horsepower may measurable mechanically mechanism mechanism mechanism median median medical medically medication medication medication medication medication medication merging merging merging metal metal meter meter mid-block mid-block mid-block midnight midsize military mini minimum minimum horsepower January 2012 Var 156 134 203 304 13 136 137 138 31 32 28 29 166 103 3 305 152 28 29 104 136 137 138 169 169 3 136 136 111 112 113 28 29 103 23 141 142 143 310 311 312 31 32 110 28 29 28 29 136 137 138 5 159 103 159 168 168 CV * 1 1 1 5 32 32 32 22 22 49 49 1 26 3 4 41 52 52 * 85 85 85 0 * 5 101 112 7 7 7 9 9 37 * 33 33 33 33 33 33 9 9 12 14 14 65 65 39 39 39 0 3 39 1 0 * Variable Name or Code Value VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL Male Male Male Shopping mall or plaza Parking maneuver - parallel parking Parking maneuver - parallel parking Parking maneuver - parallel parking Taking evasive maneuvers Taking evasive maneuvers Manhole cover Manhole cover Manual belt Trailer - manufactured home March Crosswalk - marked VIN does not match any valid pattern Construction materials Construction materials HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Hazardous materials on road surface Hazardous materials on road surface Hazardous materials on road surface Maximum horsepower data missing VINDICATOR - MAXHP May (A1) Volcanic ash (dust) on roadway (no (B2) Vehicle mechanically incapacitated Defective steering mechanism Defective steering mechanism Defective steering mechanism Curb, raised traffic island, or raised m Curb, raised traffic island, or raised m Medical response vehicle MEDICALLY CAUSED FLAG Had taken medication Had taken medication Had taken medication Had taken medication Had taken medication Had taken medication Merging, lane reduction Merging, lane reduction Merging (entering traffic) Metal sign post Metal sign post Parking meter Parking meter Attempting U-turn in mid-block Attempting U-turn in mid-block Attempting U-turn in mid-block Midnight Midsize Military vehicle Mini Minimum horsepower data missing VINDICATOR - MINHP 185 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item minor minor miscellaneous miscellaneous miscellaneous miscellaneous miscellaneous mix mixed mixed mixer mixer model model monday monoxide monoxide month moped moped motion motion motion motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motor motorcycle motorcycle motorcycle motorcycle motorcycle motorcycle motorcycle motorized movement movement movement-fr movement-to mud mud mud mud mud mud multi municipal navigational navigational 186 Var 10 11 28 29 136 137 138 30 136 306 103 146 152 156 6 26 27 3 30 102 136 137 138 26 27 37 102 103 114 115 116 117 136 137 138 30 102 111 112 113 152 202 302 31 32 118 119 15 28 29 136 137 138 33 34 141 142 CV 2 6 53 53 * * * * 104 3 33 6 61 * 2 55 55 * 16 15 51 51 51 53 53 * 10 27 1 1 1 1 51 51 51 15 12 13 13 13 71 12 6 * * * * 5 60 60 86 86 86 29 2 42 42 Variable Name or Code Value Rural - minor arterial Rural - minor arterial Miscellaneous object or debris on road Miscellaneous object or debris on road MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #1 MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #2 MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS #3 VEHICLE MIX (A4) Accumulation of mixed debris on roa Mixed Concrete mixer Concrete mixer VIN model year / pattern conflict VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL Monday Overcome by carbon monoxide poisoning in Overcome by carbon monoxide poisoning in MONTH OF ACCIDENT Passenger car - scooter bike/moped Moped Object set in motion by another motor ve Object set in motion by another motor ve Object set in motion by another motor ve Person fell, jumped, or pushed from a mo Person fell, jumped, or pushed from a mo TOTAL MOTOR VEHICLES ACC Bus or motor stage Motor home Collision involving motor vehicle in tra Collision involving motor vehicle in tra Collision involving motor vehicle in tra Collision involving motor vehicle in tra Object set in motion by another motor ve Object set in motion by another motor ve Object set in motion by another motor ve Passenger car - motorcycle Motorcycle Motorcycle lights off Motorcycle lights off Motorcycle lights off Motorcycle, ATV, or inappropriate vehicl Motorcycle Motorized wheelchair VEHICLE 1 MOVEMENT VEHICLE 2 MOVEMENT DIRECTION OF MOVEMENT-FR DIRECTION OF MOVEMENT-TO Sand / mud / dirt Mud or land slide Mud or land slide Mud and/or debris on roadway Mud and/or debris on roadway Mud and/or debris on roadway All other MULTI VEHICLE involvements Municipal or city police Driver operating other electronic device Driver operating other electronic device January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item navigational noncollision noncollision noncollision nondisabling nondisabling nondisabling nondisabling nondomestic nondomestic nondomestic nondomestic nondomestic nonfatal non-federal nonintersection non-junction nonmotorized non-state nontraffic nontraffic nontraffic nontraffic north north north north northeast northeast northeast northeast northwest northwest northwest northwest not drug impaired not drug impaired not drug impaired november obscured obscured obscured obstructed obstruction obstruction obstruction occupant occupant occupant occupant occupant occupant occupant occupant occupant occupied october January 2012 Var 143 26 27 33 120 132 205 308 26 27 136 137 138 35 11 12 12 302 10 24 132 205 308 118 119 313 314 118 119 313 314 118 119 313 314 125 126 318 3 136 137 138 136 136 137 138 136 137 138 202 203 204 205 206 207 110 3 CV 42 57 57 54 6 6 6 6 87 87 9 9 9 2 99 4 4 5 99 * 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 + + + 11 92 92 92 111 26 26 26 76 76 76 * * * * * * 13 10 Variable Name or Code Value Driver operating other electronic device Other noncollision accident Other noncollision accident Noncollision fire Nondisabling injury Nondisabling injury (evident) Nondisabling injury Nondisabling injury Vehicle strikes all other nondomestic a Vehicle strikes all other nondomestic a Avoiding a nondomestic animal Avoiding a nondomestic animal Avoiding a nondomestic animal Personal injury accident (nonfatal) Unknown / non-federal route Non-junction location and nonintersectio Non-junction location and nonintersectio Nonmotorized wheelchair Unknown / non-state route NONTRAFFIC FLAG Nontraffic injury Nontraffic injury Nontraffic injury North North North North Northeast Northeast Northeast Northeast Northwest Northwest Northwest Northwest Not drug impaired Not drug impaired Not drug impaired November View obscured by other vehicle View obscured by other vehicle View obscured by other vehicle (B1) Windshield obstructed by ash Stopped for obstruction in roadway Stopped for obstruction in roadway Stopped for obstruction in roadway Occupant fell or jumped from motor vehic Occupant fell or jumped from motor vehic Occupant fell or jumped from motor vehic OCCUPANT SEAT POSITION OCCUPANT SEX OCCUPANT AGE OCCUPANT INJURY CLASS OCCUPANT RESTRAINT USAGE OCCUPANT EJECTION Legally parked, occupied October 187 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item officer officer officer officer officer officer officer officer off-road oil on-duty one-way operating operating operating operating operating operating opposing opposing opposing opposite opposite opposite optional outside outside outside outside outside outside outside overcast overcome overcome overhanging overhanging overhanging overhead overhead overpass overtake overtake overtake overtaken overtaken overtaken overtaking overturn overturn overturn overturn overturned overturned overturned overturned overturned 188 Var 107 135 141 142 143 310 311 312 103 15 135 110 141 142 143 310 311 312 136 137 138 26 27 309 166 141 142 143 202 310 311 312 16 26 27 136 137 138 28 29 13 136 137 138 136 137 138 110 114 115 116 117 26 27 33 136 137 CV 7 * 30 30 30 30 30 30 38 6 * 18 16 16 16 16 16 16 38 38 38 24 24 48 6 50 50 50 13 50 50 50 2 55 55 50 50 50 22 22 2 41 41 41 41 41 41 2 11 11 11 11 52 52 50 57 57 Variable Name or Code Value Officer/flagger ON-DUTY OFFICER FLAG Disregard flagger / officer Disregard flagger / officer Disregard flagger / officer Disregard flagger / officer Disregard flagger / officer Disregard flagger / officer Off-road vehicle (ATV, snowmobile, dune Oil ON-DUTY OFFICER FLAG Going wrong way on one-way street or roa Operating defective equipment Operating defective equipment Operating defective equipment Operating defective equipment Operating defective equipment Operating defective equipment Forced into opposing lane Forced into opposing lane Forced into opposing lane Opposite direction - both moving - head Opposite direction - both moving - head Turned into path of TU - from opposite d Air bags - driver + passenger (standard) Driver distractions outside vehicle Driver distractions outside vehicle Driver distractions outside vehicle Outside vehicle Distractions outside vehicle Distractions outside the vehicle Distractions outside the vehicle Overcast Overcome by carbon monoxide poisoning in Overcome by carbon monoxide poisoning in Overhanging load struck another vehicle/ Overhanging load struck another vehicle/ Overhanging load struck another vehicle/ Overhead sign support Overhead sign support Bridge or overpass Started to overtake - struck by overtake Started to overtake - struck by overtake Started to overtake - struck by overtake Started to overtake - struck by overtake Started to overtake - struck by overtake Started to overtake - struck by overtake Overtaking and passing Overturn (rollover) Overturn (rollover) Overturn (rollover) Overturn (rollover) Vehicle overturned Vehicle overturned Vehicle OVERTURNED Trailer overturned Trailer overturned January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item overturned oxidizer panel parallel parallel parallel park parked parked parked parked parked parked parked parked parked parked parked parked parked parking parking parking parking parking parking parking parking parking parking parking parking parking parking part part part part part partially partially passenger passenger passenger passenger passenger passenger passenger passenger passenger passenger passenger passenger passenger passenger passenger passenger January 2012 Var 138 151 102 136 137 138 13 26 27 31 32 110 114 115 116 117 136 137 138 309 13 28 29 31 32 136 137 138 141 142 143 310 311 312 26 27 136 137 138 130 207 30 102 136 137 138 141 142 143 157 158 160 166 202 306 309 310 CV 57 5 2 32 32 32 6 19 19 14 14 11 4 4 4 4 78 78 78 5 1 65 65 5 5 32 32 32 15 15 15 15 15 15 56 56 48 48 48 3 3 11 1 77 77 77 48 48 48 1 0 5 4 1 8 88 48 Variable Name or Code Value Trailer overturned Oxidizer Pickup, panel truck or vanette under 10, Parking maneuver - parallel parking Parking maneuver - parallel parking Parking maneuver - parallel parking Park and ride lot One vehicle entering parked position One vehicle entering parked position Parked Parked Starting from parked position Collision involving parked vehicle Collision involving parked vehicle Collision involving parked vehicle Collision involving parked vehicle Occupant of parked or stopped vehicle op Occupant of parked or stopped vehicle op Occupant of parked or stopped vehicle op Coming from behind parked vehicle Parking lot Parking meter Parking meter Parking Parking Parking maneuver - parallel parking Parking maneuver - parallel parking Parking maneuver - parallel parking Improper parking location Improper parking location Improper parking location Improper parking location Improper parking location Improper parking location Breakage of any part of motor vehicle re Breakage of any part of motor vehicle re Lost part of load Lost part of load Lost part of load Partially ejected Partially ejected Passenger car - passenger car Passenger car Passenger interfered with driver Passenger interfered with driver Passenger interfered with driver Driver interacting with passengers, anim Driver interacting with passengers, anim Driver interacting with passengers, anim 2-3 passenger Passenger cars or no data Passenger van Air bags (driver + passenger) Front left (data from passenger record) Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Interacting with passengers, animals or 189 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item passenger passenger passenger passenger passenger passenger passenger passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing passing patches path patrol pedalcycle pedalcycle pedalcycle pedalcycle pedalcycle pedalcycle pedalcycle pedalcycle pedalcycle pedalcycle pedalcyclist pedalcyclist pedalcyclist pedalcyclist pedalcyclist pedalcyclist pedalcyclists pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian 190 Var 311 312 313 314 315 316 319 31 32 110 136 137 138 141 142 143 310 311 312 306 309 34 306 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 319 33 114 115 116 117 309 39 26 27 33 38 114 115 116 117 136 137 138 141 142 143 301 302 303 304 CV 48 48 88 88 0 95 8 6 6 2 37 37 37 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 18 1 8 88 88 88 88 88 88 0 95 8 73 6 6 6 6 49 * 4 4 71 * 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 22 22 22 * * * * Variable Name or Code Value Interacting with passengers, animals or Interacting with passengers, animals or Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Passing on right Passing on right Overtaking and passing Lost control in passing maneuver Lost control in passing maneuver Lost control in passing maneuver Improper passing Improper passing Improper passing Improper passing Improper passing Improper passing Other reflective apparel (shoes, patches Fell or was pushed into path of vehicle State patrol Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger Not applicable - pedalcycle passenger PEDALCYCLIST struck by vehicle Collision involving pedalcyclist Collision involving pedalcyclist Collision involving pedalcyclist Collision involving pedalcyclist Other pedalcyclist action TOT PEDALCYCLISTS IN ACC Other collision with pedestrian Other collision with pedestrian PEDESTRIAN struck by vehicle TOTAL PEDESTRIANS IN ACC Collision involving pedestrian Collision involving pedestrian Collision involving pedestrian Collision involving pedestrian Avoiding a pedestrian Avoiding a pedestrian Avoiding a pedestrian Did not grant right-of-way to pedestrian Did not grant right-of-way to pedestrian Did not grant right-of-way to pedestrian PED TRAFFIC UNIT NUMBER PEDESTRIAN TYPE PEDESTRIAN AGE PEDESTRIAN SEX January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pending pending pending pending person person person personal personnel phone phone phone phone phone phone physical physical physical pickup pickup pickup pier pier pillar pillar placard placard playground playing plaza poisoning poisoning pole pole police position position position position position position possible January 2012 Var 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 124 140 316 319 26 27 302 35 302 136 137 138 310 311 312 136 137 138 102 158 160 28 29 28 29 150 151 13 309 13 26 27 28 29 34 26 27 31 32 110 202 120 CV * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 97 2 97 2 53 53 3 2 9 130 130 130 40 40 40 95 95 95 2 2 6 12 12 12 12 * * 9 14 5 55 55 16 16 2 19 19 13 13 11 * 7 Variable Name or Code Value PEDESTRIAN WAS USING PED CLOTHING VISIBILITY PEDESTRIAN HELMET USE PEDESTRIAN INJURY CLASS PEDESTRIAN ACTIONS PED CONTRIBUTING CIRC #1 PED CONTRIBUTING CIRC #2 PED CONTRIBUTING CIRC #3 PED DIRECTION - FROM PED DIRECTION - TO PEDESTRIAN SOBRIETY PED ALCOHOL TEST RESULT PED DRUG ASSESSMENT #1 PED DRUG ASSESSMENT #2 PEDESTRIAN CITED Test given - results pending Pending Test given - results pending Pending Person fell, jumped, or pushed from a mo Person fell, jumped, or pushed from a mo Pedestrian (persons on foot) Personal injury accident (nonfatal) Emergency response personnel (D1) Driver inattention due to electrica (D1) Driver inattention due to electrica (D1) Driver inattention due to electrica Cell phone Cell phone Cell phone Physical illness Physical illness Physical illness Pickup, panel truck or vanette under 10, Pickups and chassis cabs Pickup Bridge column, pier, or pillar Bridge column, pier, or pillar Bridge column, pier, or pillar Bridge column, pier, or pillar HAZMAT PLACARD NUMBER HAZMAT PLACARD SUFFIX Playground zone Playing in roadway Shopping mall or plaza Overcome by carbon monoxide poisoning in Overcome by carbon monoxide poisoning in Street light pole or base Street light pole or base Municipal or city police One vehicle entering parked position One vehicle entering parked position Vehicle position previous accident Vehicle position previous accident Starting from parked position OCCUPANT SEAT POSITION Possible injury 191 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item possible possible possible post post posted pound pound power power power previous previous previous previous previous principal principal proceeded proceeded proceeded process process process property property property provided provided punctured punctured punctured pupil pupil pupil pursuit pursuit pursuit pushed pushed pushed pushed pushed pushed pushed pushing pushing racing racing racing radioactive rail rail railroad railroad railroad railway 192 Var 132 205 308 28 29 108 102 103 111 112 113 31 32 136 137 138 10 11 136 137 138 136 137 138 26 27 35 171 172 111 112 113 136 137 138 136 137 138 26 27 33 136 137 138 309 33 309 136 137 138 151 28 29 13 33 107 28 CV 7 7 7 13 13 * 2 20 8 8 8 13 13 11 11 11 1 2 43 43 43 29 29 29 56 56 1 0 0 5 5 5 70 70 70 34 34 34 53 53 28 61 61 61 18 88 13 140 140 140 7 37 37 0 40 6 17 Variable Name or Code Value Possible injury Possible injury Possible injury Wood sign post Wood sign post POSTED SPEED Pickup, panel truck or vanette under 10, Vanette under 10,000 lbs. Power failure Power failure Power failure Vehicle position previous accident Vehicle position previous accident Avoiding a previous accident Avoiding a previous accident Avoiding a previous accident Rural - principal arterial Rural - principal arterial Proceeded after stop at flashing light o Proceeded after stop at flashing light o Proceeded after stop at flashing light o Stopped in process of turning Stopped in process of turning Stopped in process of turning Breakage of any part of motor vehicle re Breakage of any part of motor vehicle re Property damage accident Transmission data is missing or not prov Engine data is missing or not provided Tire punctured or blown Tire punctured or blown Tire punctured or blown Pupil struck by school bus while enterin Pupil struck by school bus while enterin Pupil struck by school bus while enterin Fleeing from lawful pursuit Fleeing from lawful pursuit Fleeing from lawful pursuit Person fell, jumped, or pushed from a mo Person fell, jumped, or pushed from a mo Pushed vehicle struck or was struck by t Being pushed or had been pushed by anoth Being pushed or had been pushed by anoth Being pushed or had been pushed by anoth Fell or was pushed into path of vehicle Pushed vehicle struck by PUSHING vehicle Pushing or working on vehicle (E1) Two or more vehicles racing at high (E1) Two or more vehicles racing at high (E1) Two or more vehicles racing at high Radioactive Bridge rail - leading end Bridge rail - leading end Railroad crossing Strikes RAILROAD TRAIN Railroad signal Railway signal pole January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item railway railway rain raining raised raised ramp ramp ramp reading reading reading reading rear rear rear rear rear rear reasonable reasonable reasonable reasonable reasonable reasonable recognized record record record record record record recycle red red red red red red red red red red reduction reduction reflective reflector reflector reflector reflex refuse refuse refused refused registration related relationship January 2012 Var 29 102 16 16 28 29 31 32 110 141 142 143 310 26 27 33 111 112 113 141 142 143 310 311 312 152 146 148 149 150 151 202 103 107 136 137 138 141 142 143 310 311 312 31 32 306 111 112 113 136 103 146 124 316 106 12 12 CV 17 16 6 3 9 9 10 10 17 46 46 46 46 13 13 6 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 81 88 88 888888 8888 88 0 31 4 40 40 40 12 12 12 12 12 12 9 9 5 10 10 10 123 31 8 99 99 * 1 * Variable Name or Code Value Railway signal pole Railway Vehicle Sleet / hail / freezing rain Raining, drizzle Curb, raised traffic island, or raised m Curb, raised traffic island, or raised m Merging from ramp Merging from ramp Going wrong way on ramp Driver reading or writing Driver reading or writing Driver reading or writing Reading or writing Same direction - both going straight - b Same direction - both going straight - b Strikes REAR END of other vehicle Defective rear lights Defective rear lights Defective rear lights Exceeded reasonable and safe speed Exceeded reasonable and safe speed Exceeded reasonable and safe speed Exceeded reasonable and safe speed Exceeded reasonable and safe speed Exceeded reasonable and safe speed Recognized VIN, inappropriate vehicle ma No record No record No record No record No record Driver (data from driver record) Refuse/recycle truck Flashing red Turn after stop at red flashing light or Turn after stop at red flashing light or Turn after stop at red flashing light or Disregarded stop sign or red flashing li Disregarded stop sign or red flashing li Disregarded stop sign or red flashing li Disregarded stop sign / red flashing lig Disregarded stop sign / red flashing lig Disregarded stop sign / red flashing lig Merging, lane reduction Merging, lane reduction Other reflective apparel (shoes, patches Other lights, reflectors insufficient Other lights, reflectors insufficient Other lights, reflectors insufficient (C3) Coughing or other reflex distractio Refuse/recycle truck Garbage/refuse Test refused Test refused VEHICLE REGISTRATION ST. At intersection - circumstances intersec JUNCTION RELATIONSHIP 193 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item releasing releasing releasing replaced report res response response rest restraint restraint resulted resulting resulting retaining retaining retro-reflective reversible reversible ridden ridden ride ride ride ride riding right right right right right right right right right right right-of-way right-of-way right-of-way right-of-way right-of-way right-of-way river river river road road road road road road road road road road road road 194 Var 136 137 138 153 1 124 103 302 13 129 206 18 26 27 28 29 306 28 29 28 29 13 136 137 138 309 26 27 31 32 33 110 136 137 138 202 141 142 143 310 311 312 28 29 33 14 15 28 29 31 32 109 110 114 115 116 117 CV 47 47 47 1 * * 35 9 4 * * * 56 56 8 8 4 27 27 67 67 6 44 44 44 8 1 1 2 2 3 3 27 27 27 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 70 70 61 * * 53 53 21 21 * 18 9 9 9 9 Variable Name or Code Value Chain broke, releasing logs Chain broke, releasing logs Chain broke, releasing logs VINDICATOR has made some changes to the ACCIDENT REPORT NUMBER DRIVER ALCOHOL TEST RES Fire response vehicle Emergency response personnel Rest area or turn out DRIVER RESTRAINT USE OCCUPANT RESTRAINT USAGE FIRE RESULTED INDICATOR Breakage of any part of motor vehicle re Breakage of any part of motor vehicle re Retaining wall (concrete, rock, brick, e Retaining wall (concrete, rock, brick, e Retro-reflective Reversible lane control gate Reversible lane control gate Domestic animal (ridden) Domestic animal (ridden) Park and ride lot Starting or stopping to give ride to, or Starting or stopping to give ride to, or Starting or stopping to give ride to, or Walking, or riding, in roadway with traf Vehicle turning right Vehicle turning right Turning right Turning right Strikes RIGHT side of other vehicle at A Making right turn Stopped prior to turning right Stopped prior to turning right Stopped prior to turning right Front right Did not grant right-of-way to vehicle Did not grant right-of-way to vehicle Did not grant right-of-way to vehicle Did not grant right-of-way to vehicle Did not grant right-of-way to vehicle Did not grant right-of-way to vehicle Into river, lake, swamp, etc. Into river, lake, swamp, etc. Ran into RIVER, LAKE, etc CHARACTER OF ROAD ROAD SURFACE CONDITION Miscellaneous object or debris on road Miscellaneous object or debris on road Illegally parked in road or stopped in r Illegally parked in road or stopped in r ROAD SURFACE TYPE Going wrong way on one-way street or roa Ran off the road Ran off the road Ran off the road Ran off the road January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item road road road road road road road road road roadway roadway roadway roadway roadway roadway roadway roadway roadway roadway roadway roadway rock rock roller rollover rollover rollover rollover roundabout route route route route route route row rstn run runaway runaway runaway runaway running running running rural rural rural safe safe safe safe safe safe safety safety safety January 2012 Var 136 137 138 141 142 143 310 311 312 28 29 31 32 33 110 136 137 138 302 305 309 28 29 302 114 115 116 117 12 10 11 31 32 33 305 202 166 20 114 115 116 117 136 137 138 9 10 11 141 142 143 310 311 312 111 112 113 CV 71 71 71 34 34 34 34 34 34 74 74 21 21 60 9 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 4 11 11 11 11 10 99 99 88 88 96 7 4 * * 12 12 12 12 94 94 94 * 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 16 16 16 Variable Name or Code Value Pupil struck on road while approaching o Pupil struck on road while approaching o Pupil struck on road while approaching o On wrong side of road On wrong side of road On wrong side of road On wrong side of road On wrong side of road On wrong side of road Roadway ditch Roadway ditch Illegally parked in road or stopped in r Illegally parked in road or stopped in r Ran into ROADWAY DITCH Stopped in roadway Avoiding other object in roadway Avoiding other object in roadway Avoiding other object in roadway Roadway worker Roadway Walking, or riding, in roadway with traf Retaining wall (concrete, rock, brick, e Retaining wall (concrete, rock, brick, e Roller Skater/Skateboarder Overturn (rollover) Overturn (rollover) Overturn (rollover) Overturn (rollover) Entering roundabout Unknown / non-state route Unknown / non-federal route Not state route Not state route Not a State route Designated bike route Second row left VINDICATOR - RSTN HIT AND RUN INDICATOR Downhill runaway Downhill runaway Downhill runaway Downhill runaway Drowned after running into water Drowned after running into water Drowned after running into water URBAN OR RURAL Rural - principal arterial Rural - interstate Exceeded reasonable and safe speed Exceeded reasonable and safe speed Exceeded reasonable and safe speed Exceeded reasonable and safe speed Exceeded reasonable and safe speed Exceeded reasonable and safe speed Truck/trailer safety inspection Truck/trailer safety inspection Truck/trailer safety inspection 195 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item sag sand sand saturday scene scene scene school school school school school scooter scooter seat seat seat sedan semi-trailer semi-trailer separation separation separation separation september sequence sequence sequence sequence series set set set severe severity sex sex sex sheep sheep sheriff shift shift shift shift shifting shifting shifting shoes shopping shoulder shoulder shoulder shoulder shoulder shoulder shoulder 196 Var 14 15 16 6 132 205 308 13 102 136 137 138 30 102 129 202 206 157 102 145 114 115 116 117 3 114 115 116 117 152 136 137 138 16 35 134 203 304 26 27 34 114 115 116 117 136 137 138 306 13 129 136 137 138 206 305 309 CV 4 5 8 7 2 2 2 8 11 70 70 70 16 13 5 * 5 8 6 6 15 15 15 15 9 * * * * 91 51 51 51 7 * * * * 47 47 3 13 13 13 13 49 49 49 5 5 3 18 18 18 3 3 10 Variable Name or Code Value Straight in sag Sand / mud / dirt Blowing sand / dirt / snow Saturday Dead at scene Dead at scene Dead at scene School zone School bus Pupil struck by school bus while enterin Pupil struck by school bus while enterin Pupil struck by school bus while enterin Passenger car - scooter bike/moped Scooter bike Child infant seat used OCCUPANT SEAT POSITION Child infant seat used Sedan Truck tractor and semi-trailer Tractor/semi-trailer Separation of units Separation of units Separation of units Separation of units September SEQUENCE OF EVENTS #1 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS #2 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS #3 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS #4 Series / model key not in table Object set in motion by another motor ve Object set in motion by another motor ve Object set in motion by another motor ve Severe crosswind ACCIDENT SEVERITY DRIVER SEX OCCUPANT SEX PEDESTRIAN SEX Collision with domestic animal - horse, Collision with domestic animal - horse, Sheriff Cargo loss or shift Cargo loss or shift Cargo loss or shift Cargo loss or shift Shifting load caused injury or damage wi Shifting load caused injury or damage wi Shifting load caused injury or damage wi Other reflective apparel (shoes, patches Shopping mall or plaza Shoulder belt used Stopped on shoulder Stopped on shoulder Stopped on shoulder Shoulder belt used Shoulder Walking, or riding, on roadway shoulder, January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item side side side side side side side side side side sideswipe sideswipe sideswiped sideswiped sideswiped sideswiped sideswipes sidewalk sight sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign sign signal signal signal signal signal signal signal signal signal signal signal signal signal signal single single single-unit size skateboarder skater skidded skidded skidded skidding skidding January 2012 Var 33 128 141 142 143 166 208 310 311 312 26 27 33 136 137 138 33 305 136 28 29 107 110 136 137 138 141 142 143 310 311 312 28 29 107 110 136 137 138 141 142 143 309 310 311 312 30 33 145 159 302 302 136 137 138 136 137 CV 2 4 34 34 34 5 4 34 34 34 11 11 14 58 58 58 4 1 121 13 13 2 8 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 17 17 1 8 12 12 12 9 9 9 1 9 9 9 1 97 2 * 4 4 1 1 1 3 3 Variable Name or Code Value Strikes LEFT side of other vehicle at AN Airbag equipped - deployed side On wrong side of road On wrong side of road On wrong side of road Air bags (driver + passenger + side) Airbag equipped - deployed side On wrong side of road On wrong side of road On wrong side of road Same direction - both going straight - b Same direction - both going straight - b Was sideswiped on LEFT SIDE by other veh Attached trailer struck or sideswiped an Attached trailer struck or sideswiped an Attached trailer struck or sideswiped an Sideswipes LEFT side of other vehicle Sidewalk (C1) Sight obstructed by volcanic ash in Wood sign post Wood sign post Stop sign Stopped at signal or stop sign Slowing for traffic signal or sign Slowing for traffic signal or sign Slowing for traffic signal or sign Disregarded stop sign or red flashing li Disregarded stop sign or red flashing li Disregarded stop sign or red flashing li Disregarded stop sign / red flashing lig Disregarded stop sign / red flashing lig Disregarded stop sign / red flashing lig Railway signal pole Railway signal pole Signals Stopped at signal or stop sign Slowing for traffic signal or sign Slowing for traffic signal or sign Slowing for traffic signal or sign Failing to signal Failing to signal Failing to signal Crossing at intersection with signal Failing to signal Failing to signal Failing to signal Single traffic unit crash All other single vehicle involvements Single-unit truck; 2 axle, 6 tires VINDICATOR - SIZE Roller Skater/Skateboarder Roller Skater/Skateboarder Skidded attempting to slow or stop Skidded attempting to slow or stop Skidded attempting to slow or stop Other skidding Other skidding 197 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item skidding sleet slide slide slipped slipped slipped slow slow slow slowing slowing slowing slowing slush small smog smog smog smoke smoke smoke smoking smoking smoking smoking smoking smoking smooth smooth smooth snow snow snow snow snowmobile sobriety sobriety south south south south southeast southeast southeast southeast southwest southwest southwest southwest specialty speed speed speed speed speed speed 198 Var 138 16 28 29 136 137 138 136 137 138 110 136 137 138 15 159 136 137 138 136 137 138 141 142 143 310 311 312 111 112 113 15 16 28 29 103 123 315 118 119 313 314 118 119 313 314 118 119 313 314 160 108 136 137 138 141 142 CV 3 6 60 60 88 88 88 1 1 1 6 12 12 12 3 2 81 81 81 81 81 81 44 44 44 44 44 44 4 4 4 3 4 61 61 38 * * 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 12 * 140 140 140 3 3 Variable Name or Code Value Other skidding Sleet / hail / freezing rain Mud or land slide Mud or land slide Foot slipped off clutch or brake Foot slipped off clutch or brake Foot slipped off clutch or brake Skidded attempting to slow or stop Skidded attempting to slow or stop Skidded attempting to slow or stop Slowing Slowing for traffic signal or sign Slowing for traffic signal or sign Slowing for traffic signal or sign Snow / slush Small Smoke or smog condition Smoke or smog condition Smoke or smog condition Smoke or smog condition Smoke or smog condition Smoke or smog condition Driver smoking Driver smoking Driver smoking Smoking Smoking Smoking Tire worn and/or smooth Tire worn and/or smooth Tire worn and/or smooth Snow / slush Snow Snow bank Snow bank Off-road vehicle (ATV, snowmobile, dune DRIVER SOBRIETY PEDESTRIAN SOBRIETY South South South South Southeast Southeast Southeast Southeast Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest Specialty car POSTED SPEED (E1) Two or more vehicles racing at high (E1) Two or more vehicles racing at high (E1) Two or more vehicles racing at high Exceeded stated speed limit Exceeded stated speed limit January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item speed speed speed speed sports stage stalled stalled stalled stalled stalled standard standard standard standing standing standing standing started started started started started starting starting starting starting state state state state state state state state station stationary stationary status status status steering steering steering stereo stereo stereo stolen stolen stolen stolen stop-and-go stop-and-go stop-and-go stop-and-go stop-and-go stop-and-go January 2012 Var 143 310 311 312 160 102 26 27 136 137 138 152 159 166 15 31 32 309 26 27 136 137 138 110 136 137 138 10 31 32 33 34 106 127 147 160 28 29 21 128 208 111 112 113 136 137 138 19 136 137 138 141 142 143 310 311 312 CV 3 3 3 3 4 10 41 41 65 65 65 12 7 6 7 15 15 12 54 54 41 41 41 10 44 44 44 * 88 88 96 1 * * * 11 56 56 * * * 7 7 7 130 130 130 * 96 96 96 11 11 11 11 11 11 Variable Name or Code Value Exceeded stated speed limit Exceeded stated speed limit Exceeded stated speed limit Exceeded stated speed limit Sports Bus or motor stage Train struck stalled or stopped vehicle Train struck stalled or stopped vehicle Vehicle stalled in roadway Vehicle stalled in roadway Vehicle stalled in roadway VIN not in U.S. standard format (gray ma Standard Air bags - driver + passenger (standard) Standing water Stopped in traffic - legally standing Stopped in traffic - legally standing Standing or working in roadway Fire started in motor vehicle Fire started in motor vehicle Started to overtake - struck by overtake Started to overtake - struck by overtake Started to overtake - struck by overtake Starting in traffic lane Starting or stopping to give ride to, or Starting or stopping to give ride to, or Starting or stopping to give ride to, or FUNCTION CLASS - STATE Not state route Not state route Not a State route State patrol VEHICLE REGISTRATION ST. DRIVER LICENSE STATE CARRIER STATE Station wagon Tree or stump (stationary) Tree or stump (stationary) WORK ZONE STATUS DRIVER AIRBAG STATUS AIRBAG STATUS Defective steering mechanism Defective steering mechanism Defective steering mechanism (D1) Driver inattention due to electrica (D1) Driver inattention due to electrica (D1) Driver inattention due to electrica STOLEN VEHICLE FLAG Stolen vehicle involved Stolen vehicle involved Stolen vehicle involved Disregarded stop-and-go light Disregarded stop-and-go light Disregarded stop-and-go light Disregarded stop-and-go light Disregarded stop-and-go light Disregarded stop-and-go light 199 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item stopping stopping stopping storm storm storm street street street street strikes strikes strikes studded studded studded stump stump style substitution suffix sun sun sun sunday support support surface surface surface surface surface swamp swamp system system system table taken taken taken taken taken taken taking taking tank tanker taxi telecommunications telecommunications telecommunications temporary temporary test test thursday 200 Var 136 137 138 136 137 138 17 28 29 110 26 27 33 111 112 113 28 29 160 153 151 136 137 138 6 28 29 15 109 136 137 138 28 29 141 142 143 152 141 142 143 310 311 312 31 32 146 103 102 141 142 143 28 29 124 316 6 CV 44 44 44 80 80 80 4 16 16 18 85 85 1 14 14 14 56 56 * 8 * 90 90 90 1 22 22 * * 85 85 85 70 70 43 43 43 91 33 33 33 33 33 33 22 22 3 30 9 40 40 40 50 50 * * 5 Variable Name or Code Value Starting or stopping to give ride to, or Starting or stopping to give ride to, or Starting or stopping to give ride to, or Dust storm Dust storm Dust storm Darkness - street lights on Street light pole or base Street light pole or base Going wrong way on one-way street or roa Vehicle strikes deer Vehicle strikes deer Strikes other vehicle HEAD ON Equipped with studded tires Equipped with studded tires Equipped with studded tires Tree or stump (stationary) Tree or stump (stationary) VINDICATOR - STYLE CLASS Character substitution data missing HAZMAT PLACARD SUFFIX Blinded by sun Blinded by sun Blinded by sun Sunday Overhead sign support Overhead sign support ROAD SURFACE CONDITION ROAD SURFACE TYPE Hazardous materials on road surface Hazardous materials on road surface Hazardous materials on road surface Into river, lake, swamp, etc. Into river, lake, swamp, etc. Driver adjusting audio or entertainment Driver adjusting audio or entertainment Driver adjusting audio or entertainment Series / model key not in table Had taken medication Had taken medication Had taken medication Had taken medication Had taken medication Had taken medication Taking evasive maneuvers Taking evasive maneuvers Cargo tank Tanker truck Taxi Driver operating handheld telecommunicat Driver operating handheld telecommunicat Driver operating handheld telecommunicat Temporary traffic sign or barricade Temporary traffic sign or barricade DRIVER ALCOHOL TEST RES PED ALCOHOL TEST RESULT Thursday January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item time tire tire tire tire toll toll total total total total totally totally tow tow tow tow tow tow towed towed towed towing towing towing tractor tractor traffic traffic traffic traffic traffic traffic traffic traffic traffic traffic traffic traffic traffic traffic traffic traffic-unit trafficway trailer trailer trailer trailer trailer trailer trailer trailer trailer trailer trailer trailer train January 2012 Var 5 111 112 113 145 28 29 37 38 40 41 130 207 31 32 103 136 137 138 136 137 138 136 137 138 102 145 12 21 28 29 30 31 32 36 107 110 136 137 138 301 309 309 309 31 32 33 102 103 111 112 113 136 137 138 145 26 CV * 4 4 4 2 23 23 * * * * 2 2 12 12 32 56 56 56 55 55 55 55 55 55 5 5 15 5 9 9 1 15 15 * * 7 12 12 12 * 8 46 50 12 12 98 4 23 16 16 16 53 53 53 4 40 Variable Name or Code Value TIME OF DAY Tire worn and/or smooth Tire worn and/or smooth Tire worn and/or smooth Single-unit truck; 2 axle, 6 tires Toll booth Toll booth TOTAL MOTOR VEHICLES ACC TOTAL PEDESTRIANS IN ACC TOTAL KILLED IN ACCIDENT TOTAL INJURD IN ACCIDENT Totally ejected Totally ejected Vehicle/trailer in tow Vehicle/trailer in tow Tow truck Tow chain broke Tow chain broke Tow chain broke Trailer or towed vehicle struck towing v Trailer or towed vehicle struck towing v Trailer or towed vehicle struck towing v Trailer or towed vehicle struck towing v Trailer or towed vehicle struck towing v Trailer or towed vehicle struck towing v Truck tractor Truck tractor (bobtail) Traffic circle In external traffic backup caused from w Curb, raised traffic island, or raised m Curb, raised traffic island, or raised m Single traffic unit crash Stopped in traffic - legally standing Stopped in traffic - legally standing TOT TRAFFIC UNITS IN ACC TRAFFIC CONTROL Stopped for traffic Slowing for traffic signal or sign Slowing for traffic signal or sign Slowing for traffic signal or sign PED TRAFFIC UNIT NUMBER Walking, or riding, in roadway with traf Fell or was pushed into path of TU Crossing or entering trafficway Vehicle/trailer in tow Vehicle/trailer in tow Jackknife trailer Truck and trailer Trailer - boat Truck/trailer safety inspection Truck/trailer safety inspection Truck/trailer safety inspection Trailer jackknifed Trailer jackknifed Trailer jackknifed Truck/trailer Train struck moving vehicle 201 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item train train train train train train train train train trans transmission transport transport transport transport transport transport transporter travel tree tree tricyclist tricyclist tricyclist triples truck truck truck truck truck truck truck truck tuesday tunnel turned turning turning turning turning turning turning turning turning turning turning unclassified unclassified underpass underside underside unicyclist unicyclist unit unit unit unit 202 Var 27 33 114 115 116 117 136 137 138 171 171 26 27 114 115 116 117 146 103 28 29 26 27 302 145 30 102 103 111 112 113 145 160 6 13 309 26 27 31 32 136 137 138 141 142 143 10 11 13 28 29 26 27 30 36 101 114 CV 40 40 8 8 8 8 23 23 23 * 0 55 55 1 1 1 1 7 24 54 54 46 46 2 8 12 2 28 16 16 16 2 13 3 3 47 1 1 2 2 27 27 27 10 10 10 4 9 3 28 28 44 44 1 * * 15 Variable Name or Code Value Train struck moving vehicle Strikes RAILROAD TRAIN Collision involving train Collision involving train Collision involving train Collision involving train Stopped for RR train or at RR crossing Stopped for RR train or at RR crossing Stopped for RR train or at RR crossing VINDICATOR - TRANS Transmission data is missing or not prov Overcome by carbon monoxide poisoning in Overcome by carbon monoxide poisoning in Collision involving motor vehicle in tra Collision involving motor vehicle in tra Collision involving motor vehicle in tra Collision involving motor vehicle in tra Auto transporter Trailer - camping or travel Falling rock or tree fell on vehicle Falling rock or tree fell on vehicle Collision with tricyclist Collision with tricyclist Tricyclist Tractor/triples Passenger car - light truck Pickup, panel truck or vanette under 10, Logging truck Truck/trailer safety inspection Truck/trailer safety inspection Truck/trailer safety inspection Single-unit truck; 2 axle, 6 tires Specialty truck Tuesday Underpass or tunnel Turned into path of TU - from same direc Vehicle turning right Vehicle turning right Turning right Turning right Stopped prior to turning right Stopped prior to turning right Stopped prior to turning right Improper turning Improper turning Improper turning Rural - unclassified Rural - unclassified Underpass or tunnel Underside of bridge Underside of bridge Collision with unicyclist Collision with unicyclist Single traffic unit crash TOT TRAFFIC UNITS IN ACC UNIT NUMBER Separation of units January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item unit unit unit unit unit unload unload unload unmarked unoccupied urban urban urban usage usage utility utility utility utility utility utility u-turn u-turn u-turn u-turn u-turn u-turn u-turn u-turn u-turn u-turn u-turn u-turn van van van van van vanette vanette vanpool vehicle vehicle type view view view vin vin vindicator vindicator vindicator vindicator vindicator vindicator vindicator vindicator vindicator January 2012 Var 115 116 117 145 301 136 137 138 305 110 9 10 11 103 206 21 28 29 103 158 160 31 32 110 136 137 138 141 142 143 310 311 312 102 103 146 158 160 102 103 103 122 158 136 137 138 152 153 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 CV 15 15 15 * * 30 30 30 5 14 * 11 11 * * 3 10 10 25 3 8 4 4 5 39 39 39 20 20 20 20 20 20 3 21 2 1 5 2 20 22 * * 92 92 92 11 1 * * * * * * * * * Variable Name or Code Value Separation of units Separation of units Separation of units UNIT CONFIGURATION PED TRAFFIC UNIT NUMBER Stopped to load or unload Stopped to load or unload Stopped to load or unload Crosswalk - unmarked Legally parked, unoccupied URBAN OR RURAL Urban - principal arterial Urban - interstate VEHICLE USAGE OCCUPANT RESTRAINT USAGE Utility Utility box Utility box Trailer - utility Utility vehicles Utility Making U-turn Making U-turn Making U-turn Attempting U-turn in mid-block Attempting U-turn in mid-block Attempting U-turn in mid-block Improper U-turn Improper U-turn Improper U-turn Improper U-turn Improper U-turn Improper U-turn Truck (flatbed, van, etc.) Van over 10,001 lbs. Van/enclosed box Vans (All cargo & large passenger vans) Passenger van Pickup, panel truck or vanette under 10, Vanette under 10,000 lbs. Vanpool NUMBER INJURED IN VEHICL VINDICATOR - VEHTP View obscured by other vehicle View obscured by other vehicle View obscured by other vehicle VIN has zero length VINDICATOR has made some changes to the VINDICATOR - IERR VINDICATOR - ALTSW VINDICATOR - YEAR VINDICATOR - MAKE VINDICATOR - MAKE/MODEL VINDICATOR - BODY VINDICATOR - VEHTP VINDICATOR - SIZE VINDICATOR - STYLE CLASS 203 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item vindicator vindicator vindicator vindicator vindicator vindicator vindicator vindicator vindicator vindicator vindicator vindicator violation violation violation violation violation violation visibility volcanic volume wagon wagon walking walkway wall wall washed washed washed water water water water weather wednesday week weight west west west west wet wet wheel wheel wheel wheelbase wheelchair width wind wind wind windshield windshield windshield windshield 204 Var 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 141 142 143 310 311 312 306 136 136 157 160 309 305 28 29 136 137 138 15 136 137 138 16 6 6 161 118 119 313 314 15 136 111 112 113 162 302 164 136 137 138 111 112 113 136 CV * * * * * * * * * * * * 21 21 21 21 21 21 * 101 101 4 11 8 2 8 8 82 82 82 7 84 84 84 * 4 * * 7 7 7 7 2 103 6 6 6 * 5 * 89 89 89 15 15 15 98 Variable Name or Code Value VINDICATOR - WEIGHT VINDICATOR - WHLBS VINDICATOR - LENGTH VINDICATOR - WIDTH VINDICATOR - HEIGHT VINDICATOR - RSTN VINDICATOR - ATD / DRL VINDICATOR - MINHP VINDICATOR - MAXHP VINDICATOR - ABS VINDICATOR - TRANS VINDICATOR - ENGINE Headlight violation Headlight violation Headlight violation Headlight violation Headlight violation Headlight violation PED CLOTHING VISIBILITY (A1) Volcanic ash (dust) on roadway (no (A1) Volcanic ash (dust) on roadway (no Wagon Station wagon Walking, or riding, in roadway with traf Walkway Retaining wall (concrete, rock, brick, e Retaining wall (concrete, rock, brick, e Road washed out Road washed out Road washed out Standing water High water on roadway High water on roadway High water on roadway WEATHER CONDITIONS Wednesday DAY OF WEEK VINDICATOR - WEIGHT West West West West Wet (A3) Accumulation of volcanic ash (wet) Lost a wheel Lost a wheel Lost a wheel VINDICATOR - WHLBS Nonmotorized wheelchair VINDICATOR - WIDTH Gust of wind Gust of wind Gust of wind Motorcycle windshield installed Motorcycle windshield installed Motorcycle windshield installed View obscured by frost, ice, etc. on win January 2012 Washington 2010 Index (continued) Item windshield windshield wireless wireless wireless wood wood work worker working working worn worn worn worst writing writing writing writing wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong xwalk xwalk xwalk xwalk xwalk xwalk year year year year year year yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yield yield yield yield yield yield yield zero zone zone zone zone zone January 2012 Var 137 138 141 142 143 28 29 21 302 33 309 111 112 113 120 141 142 143 310 110 141 142 143 310 311 312 141 142 143 310 311 312 2 133 152 154 204 303 141 142 143 310 311 312 107 141 142 143 310 311 312 152 13 21 136 137 138 CV 98 98 41 41 41 13 13 * 8 35 12 4 4 4 * 46 46 46 46 16 34 34 34 34 34 34 36 36 36 36 36 36 * 0 61 * 0 0 13 13 13 13 13 13 3 13 13 13 13 13 13 11 8 * 71 71 71 Variable Name or Code Value View obscured by frost, ice, etc. on win View obscured by frost, ice, etc. on win Driver operating hands-free wireless tel Driver operating hands-free wireless tel Driver operating hands-free wireless tel Wood sign post Wood sign post WORK ZONE STATUS Roadway worker Strikes or was struck by WORKING OBJECT Standing or working in roadway Tire worn and/or smooth Tire worn and/or smooth Tire worn and/or smooth WORST INJURY IN VEHICLE Driver reading or writing Driver reading or writing Driver reading or writing Reading or writing Going wrong way on divided highway On wrong side of road On wrong side of road On wrong side of road On wrong side of road On wrong side of road On wrong side of road Failure to use Xwalk Failure to use Xwalk Failure to use Xwalk Failure to use Xwalk Failure to use Xwalk Failure to use Xwalk YEAR OF ACCIDENT Less than 1 year VIN model year / pattern conflict VINDICATOR - YEAR Less than 1 year Less than 1 year Disregarded yield sign / flashing yellow Disregarded yield sign / flashing yellow Disregarded yield sign / flashing yellow Disregarded yield sign / flashing yellow Disregarded yield sign / flashing yellow Disregarded yield sign / flashing yellow Yield sign Disregarded yield sign / flashing yellow Disregarded yield sign / flashing yellow Disregarded yield sign / flashing yellow Disregarded yield sign / flashing yellow Disregarded yield sign / flashing yellow Disregarded yield sign / flashing yellow VIN has zero length School zone WORK ZONE STATUS Pupil struck on road while approaching o Pupil struck on road while approaching o Pupil struck on road while approaching o 205 THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK WASHINGTON APPENDIX A Abbreviations used in Variable 156 "VINDICATOR - Make/Model" Vindicator Make/Model Abbreviations 1/2T Half Ton GRSPORT Grand Sport 1T One Ton HD Heavy Duty 2D Two Door HDTP Hardtop 2-PASS Two Passenger INC Incomplete 2WD (4X2) Two-Wheel Drive IT Touring 3/4T Three-quarter Ton JCW GP John Cooper Works GP Kit 3D Three Door LD Light Duty 4D Four Door LN Long 4-PASS Four Passenger LSV Low Speed Vehicles 4WD (4X4) Four-Wheel Drive LTD Limited 4WS Four-Wheel Steering LUX. Luxury 5D Five Door LWB Long Wheelbase ABS Antilock Braking System MPV Multi-Purpose Vehicles AC CAB Access Cab MW Maxi Wagon ALB Antilock Brake NAVI Navigation System AWD All Wheel Drive PASS Passenger AWP All Weather Package PKG Package BEL Belair PREM Premium BISC Biscayne PU Pickup BRKWD Brookwood PZEV Partial Zero Emission Vehicle BRM Brougham QUAT Quattro C Chassis or Cab RAD Rear Access Door CC Chassis Cab RES Rear Entertainment System CDI Common Rail Direct Injection RHD Right Hand Drive CG Cargo ROADST Roadster CHASS Chassis RV Recreational Vehicles CHEVAN Chevrolet Van RWD Rear-Wheel Drive CHVN Chevrolet Van S/C Supercharged CNG Compressed Natural Gas SAB Side Airbags COMM. Commercial SH Short CONT. Continental SHLBY Shelby CONV Convertible SLVRDO Silverado CR Crew SP. ED. Special Edition CUST. Custom SPEC. Special CUT Cutaway SPT Sport CYL Cylinder STD Standard DBL CAB Double Cab SULEV Super Ultra Low-Emissions Vehicle DI Direct Injection SUP Super DRW Dual Rear Wheels SUPERCHRGD Supercharged DSL Diesel SUT Sport Utility Truck DT Diesel Turbo SW Station Wagon/Sport Wagon EC Extended Cab SWB Short Wheelbase ECONO Econoline TD Turbo Diesel ED. Edition TRAILDSTR Trailduster EDN Edition TRUCK Truck ELEC Electric TRVLTOP Travel Top EPS Electric Power Steering TUR Turbo EV Electric Vehicle TWNSMN Townsman EWB Extended Wheelbase ULEV Ultra Low-Emissions Vehicle EXP CG Express Cargo V Van EXT Extended VDC Vehicle Dynamics Control EXT C Extended Cab VDP VANDEN PLAS FLTWD Fleetwood WAGNR Wagoneer FWD Front-Wheel Drive WGN Wagon G Grand X CAB Extra Cab GR Grand XC Cross Country THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK
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