N?1AHB AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED No. 233 SORRtrLt HIPtrRBIPE Described by Ron Moulton, drawn by A. A. P. Lloyd THE IDEA of utilising fuselagebulk as a lifting surface is not new, nor is negativestagger,or full span flaplailerons, or composite construction. But throw this combination of less orthodox approaches together in a home built designlike the Sorrell SNS-7 and the result is something that takes a while to get used to. We saw it perform at the Abbotsford Air Show and it rates along with the Colomban Cri-Cri and Rutan VariEzeas a showstopper. Each of its featureshas purpose.The slab ofan aerofoil fuselageis as wide as a car, so the seating is decidedly more roomy than average.It is easily made, with tackwelded steel tube sides separated by constant length crossbraces,and it feathersdown to the powerful elevator which acts like a deflector. Tail surfacesare ogival delta, curvy in outline and somewhatplain in the way they butt to the fuselage.One might haveexpecteddeepfairings, but Mark Sorrell assuredus they are not needed.The wings follow the traditional 'swept and straight' pattern, only upside down I The forward (lower) wing is the swept one, and it fits snugly out of the way for easydoor accesswhile the straight (top) wing has a transparentcentreto form the large cabin roof. Unlike the rest of the airframe the wings are wooden, with ply ribs wrapped by an $in. mahogany ply skin. Symmetrical and,they are clean as a whistle and having the top surface extend over the lower allows the fabric to form its own concavetip section.Flaperonsrun from fuselageto tip on all panels.Each has a torque tube leading edgeso that leverageis direct and all four control surfaces can be drooped while still permitting aileron action. It is this feature that makes the Hiperbipe an aerobatictourer with docile landing speedsand short field characteristics.Spring steel rod landing gear and sleek spats couple with a very neat cowl to complete what has already become a 'modeller's subject' for scale flying. As an aerobatic mount, it has few peers.Mark showed us vertical rolls, the famous Lomcevak, prolonged inverted and loops with a snap roll at the top. For the tail slide and stall turn it pours smoke to show a perfect pattem. Its shapemakesit the talk of any show,and its performance confounds any critic. Hobie Sorrell designed the Hiperbipe (nrgh rnnformance srpnlane)in '73 when with sons John Mark, and Tim, he formed Sorrell Aviation. That year the SNS-6 won the OutstandingNew Design award at Oshkosh and Heading, the simple yet eff€ctiYe tip curvature is achieved by having fabric find its own ohape between ex. tended top, and clipped lower ply covering. Wings are very clean, as also 3een at right w i th fl aper onr downforslow land. ing. There are no external horns, a3 torque tubes are c ontr ol l ed w i th fuselage, Mass bal' ances fair into tip profile when neutral, OF R EPR IN T S T H IS F EAT U R E, I l 24T t{ PLU S SCALE DYE.LINE AR E PR IN T S AS AVAILABLE PLAN PACK 2990, PLU S PR IC E 35P IOP PO ST AGE FROM AER OM O D ELLER PLAN S SER VIC E, P.O. BOX 35, BR ID GE ST R EET , H EM P. H EM EL ST EAD , H ER T S H PI IEE. The tooled leather seats and wall trim together with the plush fabric lining and cuperb mahogany veneered instrument panel, combine to make the Hiperbipe a very comfortable and roomy tourer more akin to the interior of a luxury limousine, Flight shots of a stall-turn and knife-edge pats rhow thG larSe untapered fuselage and general rtral3ht-line rttllng, far from resting on their laurels they set about improvementsfor the SNS-7. Seldomhasa homebuilt prototypemadesuchan impact in a scenewhere the radical or unorthodox approach is the norm. One can so easily find home built aeroplanes at the EAA fly-inswhich are bizarreto the point of being jusl deliberately'different'.But the Hiperbipeis in a class of its own. It rivals the Pitts for better than a commercial 180 'spamcan',is more comfortable than a quality car, and is better made than even those glossy 'specials'. Only the steerabletail wheel is incongruous but that's an essontial for the excellent ground handling. All of which addsup to a DGA (Darned Good Airplane) The port-side carries the door, which fits so well it ir very hard to detect! Tubular landing gear legs are cleverly faired over whilc the use of a long spinner suits the clean, smooth, cowling lines. Excellent a l l - r o u n d vi i i b i l i ty i s a vailable, thanks to the fact that the narrow chord lower wing obrcurer only a small zone. All the glazinS ir tinted black for anti.dazrl€ purpo3es. in the American vernacular, which has already attracted scalemodellersand kit manufacturers. The originalcolour schemeof glosswhite with turquoise blue trim and registrationis not the easiestto reproduce in small scalepin striping, nor are the streamlinewires simple for the purist but otherwise it's a perfect subject for pointsscoringin scalecompetitions. SPECIFICATION Span: Chortl; Area; Length OA; Tailspan; Propcller; lllrceltrack; Weight; 22ll lOin 3fi 3.9i n 150 sq.ft 20ft loin 9ft 5in 6ft 4in dia /r r t tn 1236lbs Cruise; Max level speed; stall(withflaps); CeilirttE: Take o./f run (SlL): Landing run; Rqnge; 150 mph 172 mph 49mph 20,000f1 4o0ft 595ft 502 miles P0RI Sot€tE'iATt0t. tistr.tin Mbr ln pqt Sr. HB si fbp MirUyotrn. PtativtE,v. brsmqAuNe9h!in9 lotf tin ofist to dttr&t hrque :- Limilation marlingm tow prt l{rperm: :F-F pipei i I ilii*' I Atfrils d all {ings 6n be 4m.d to editioMtly sw 15 lh6, hne tqmedflaron: fRolf EtEvalt0i. 'steam{ine stionwingb.acing rods marked )( sketchlrombeer whqat ai.cralt@trelineto uFd wingat outboard wingshut. ThosnarkedY stPtchlrm Lowef wingatoutb@rd strut!p to losLge rml at akcEllmtre{im. S0RRELL SilS-7 '}|iperbipel llass blio@ tbes l.ard ioto tr ep€r erLce ring tip.$ich istb flqn6 tyF. tngineis 180Ht LyomingI0-360-Blf,wilha fiartzeltmstat speedFopltle EU"0UR S0EH€,Air.rilt 6 Mdt 6tos WIITE:ln! is trif,rndrith TUR0I0ISE t|[. StlJ[ lras rre drqrn byro{idU.d ....s m mdfdrn & d U. si& vi.e, .nd ue .s fotLows .d96 d rings,titdift &lin,lwd rlii lming,hilsefe ' Lrading {ripes hwings,md@rhgetegs,[email protected] wingstruts.fegisintimno. I fliodbioe. mrd! EXPtRlMEilllL Dil &lrdd t-A l.PLL0/0., l|tih-tdladFFtsblHScn{l0aSdtttli.tbr. Sa{t'FtEt