Newsletter Shabbos Mikeitz
Newsletter Shabbos Mikeitz
ojbn rsj 4:30 ,urb ,eksv 5:34 ,ca htmun December 23, 2011 C H E D E R M E NA C H E M s”xc 1 6 0 6 S o u t h L a C i e n e ga B l vd . L o s A n g e l e s, C A 9 0 0 3 5 w e b s i t e : w w w. c h e d e r m e n a c h e m . c o m e - m ail: [email protected] Te l : 3 1 0 . 6 2 3 - 1 4 7 0 F a x : 3 1 0 . 6 2 3 - 1 4 6 2 N E W S L cuy kzn Mazal Tov to Menachem Mendel Gordon on the occasion of his ihkhp, ,jbv. Mazal Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Sholom Heidingsfeld on the upshernish of their son Avraham. Mazal Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Levi Cunin on the birth of their daughter. vfubj Chanuka began at Cheder with great excitement. On the first day of Chanuka ’s-’t ,u,f took part in the worldwide Tzivos Hashem Rally, and took part in a Menorah lighting in the Cheder shul at which they received Chanuka gelt from Cheder and from Rabbi Estulin as well as doughnuts thanks to Rabbi Estulin. On the 2nd day of Chanuka, all talmidim enjoyed the 8th grade Chanuka carnival with booths & moon bounces. In the afternoon ’j-’v ,u,f took part in a Menora lighting in the shul at which they received Chanuka gelt from Cheder and Rabbi Yosef Mishulovin. Thank you to the 8th grade for the beautiful carnival and to Rabbi Estulin and Rabbi Mishulovin for sharing doughnuts and gelt with our talmidim. ohgmcn Talmidim in ’v-’c ,u,f went to visit various old age homes to share the joy of Chanuka with the residents and light Menorah with them. Talmidim in Rabbi Burston’s ’t v,f entertained at the Menora lighting at the Farmer’s Market and Rabbi Munitz’s ’t v,f at City Hall. Talmidim are encouraged to do mivtzoim over Chanuka break and spread the light of Chanuka to all. Please see related mission on the weekly Tzivos Hashem mission sheet. ,cy ’v BOOKFAIR Attached please see a flyer announcing this year’s ,cy ’v Bookfair with time and schedule. NIGGUN OF THE WEEK In honor of vfubj, the Niggun of the week is “lhxhb kg”/ WORLD WIDE TEHILLIM CLUB This Shabbos is Shabbos Mevarchim Teves. Please use the attached Tehillim mission sheet. I”YH fromnext month, the Tehillim mission will be on the weekly Tzivos Hashem mission sheets. Please join with chayolim all over the world to reach this months tehillim goal for Shabbos Mevorchim. Please see attached sheet for more information. Also there is a list of the ladders and explanation. If you feel your son should be on a different ladder than he is, please fill out the form that was given and return it to Cheder. e”aj xrp Congratulations to the recipients of the Cheshek Award for excelling in Limud HaTorah & Midos Tovos during Kislev. Please see picture sheet of the winners on the other side. icu ct Cheder’s 2nd icu ct Program for fathers & sons of ’j-’u ,u,f will I”YH take place on Sunday, ,cy ’u in honor of ,cy ’v The program runs from 6:30 -7:30 pm in the Cheder shul. E T T E R .en ,arp vfubjs ’d c’’ga, w ukxf z”f CLASS NEWS .hbun crv - ’t v,f This week’s members of the h,tmnu h,gdh club for excelling in learning & good behavior are: A. Baitelman, D. Cunin, S. Dahan, C. M. Friedman, Y. Friedman, E. Greenbaum, A. M. Levin, Z. Schuller, M. Sufrin, T. Tenenbaum & S. Weiss. Keep it up! Rebby is so proud. The following boys have been in the h,tmnu h,gdh club 3 out of 4 weeks during Kislev and earned certificates: T. Tenenbaum, M. Sufrin, Z. Schuller, A. M. Levin, E. Greenbaum, Y. Friedman, C.M. Friedman, S. Dahan, D. Cunin, S. Z. Baitelman. Wow! Keep it up!. Talmidim in Rabbi Munitz’ - ’t v,f singing Chanuka songs at City Hall ityxruc crv - ’t v,f The boys did a fantastic Chanuka performance at the Menora lighting at the Farmer’s Market. Thanks to Rabbi & Mrs. Fischer and family and all the mothers who participated. rexphk crv - ’c v,f Thank you to Mrs. Wuench and Mrs. Levin for making Chanuka sufganiot with our class. itnsktd crv - ’s v,f Mazal Tov to the entire class for earning the Tefilla Honor Roll for Kislev & for completing trtu ,arp! Rabbi Goldman is proud of all his talmidim. vkhp,v ,sucg gmcn - ihbn This week’s honor roll of boys who excelled in their vkhp,v ,sucg are: ’u v,f: A. Baitelman, M. Berger, Y. Goldman, M. Teitelbaum, M. Kreitenberg, Y. Farber, M. Cunin, T. Smith, Y. Shamoil, A. Kimhi, Y. Lasker, M. Lipsker, M. Rav-Noy, D. Uzan & Y. Vogel. ’z v,f: A. Begun, T. Dubrawski, L. Eichenblatt, L. Greenbaum, M. Kagan, S. Laskar, E. Lerner, E. Levenberg, M. Lezak, Y. Lipskier, L. Mishulovin, Y. Plotke, Sh. D. Raichik, M. Schochet, E. Schmukler, L. Tsikman, S. Tauberman, L. Weiss, A. Zajac & L. Weiss. ’j v,f: M. Berkowitz, S. Fisch, M. Friedman, A. Goldman, Z. Kreitenberg, Sh. Yiftach & H. Wolf. PTA Thank you to all the PTA class mothers for coming to Cheder and doing Chanuka projects with all the talmidim in every class. The talmidim really enjoyed making the crafts and taking them home. C A L E N DA R : Friday, December 23 - Tuesday, December 27 Chanukah Break ojbn rsj STUDENTS OF THE WEEK gucav hshnk, Limud HaTorah / vru,v sunhk ehuutktuu ihnhbc - ’ t 1 hrp v,f ihrpux rhtn - t-’t v,f vhrfz ktrah - c-’t v,f ihhke van sus - t-’c v,f ithchcj ;xuh - c-’c v,f ivf huk - t- ’d v,f skgpbrte ksbgn - c- ’d v,f yargp hchht - t-’s v,f ihbue ksbgn - c-’s v,f yja hnvrct - t- ’v v,f trhpa ouka - c- ’v v,f dhkrtv huk - t-’u v,f itnkgyhhc hct - c-’u v,f rtextk ejmh ;xuh - trnd ’u v,f itnetc ksbgn - trnd ’u v,f xhhuu huk - t- ’z v,f rgbrgk ohrpt - c-’z v,f ithzsbtd ovrct - ’j v,f Midos Tovos / ,ucuy ,usn itnkgyhhc hct - ’t 1 hrp v,f itvs vnka - t-’t v,f ihbue huk - c-’t v,f ivf rgcus ouka - t-’c v,f ivf ouka - c-’c v,f iucxhk ouka - t- ’d v,f iudhc jnm - c- ’d v,f ytkcbfhht van ovrct - t-’s v,f ehayhhr hkz - c-’s v,f itxruthba irvt - t- ’v v,f sktuubhrd rgcus - c- ’v v,f ehzhht ksbgn - t-’u v,f dhkrtv huk - c-’u v,f xertn ksbgn - trnd ’u v,f khtuna i,buh - trnd ’u v,f heytkp hxuh - t- ’z v,f rgbhhp ktuna - c-’z v,f igybkc ;xuh cegh - ’j v,f trnd ’j &’’ z ,u,f ehuutktuu kthnjrh crv ithzsbtd ovrct - sunhk inrcuy ha - ,usn ehkd ouka crv strc huk - sunhk ytkcbfhht rgzhhk - ,usn drcbhrd hk,pb crv crv trhpa inkz ruthba - sunhk inrk ksbgn ojbn - ,usn ohhrvmv rjt asue hsunk ihbue inkz ruthba - ’d v,f hexbheaytptx hnrct - ’s v,f ihbue ksbgn - ’v v,f hbhnh huk - ’u v,f rgkeuna ohrpt - ’z v,f drcbyhhre thxuz - ’j v,f Wednesday, December 28 Cheder Resume with regular schedule Graphic Gabai Graphic design design // P. P. Gabai