St. Clare Parish - St. Clare of Assisi Parish
St. Clare Parish 19606 Calla Way • Santa Clarita, CA 91351 REV. OLIN MAYFIELD, PASTOR Rev. Malcolm Ambrose, Associate October 20, 2013 Mailing Address: 27341 Camp Plenty Rd. Santa Clarita, CA 91351-2645 Parish Office: (661) 252-3353 FAX # (661) 252-1539 Parish Secretary: Cathy Powers RECONCILIATION Confessions: Saturdays, 9:30 am & 4:30 pm The Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm & 7:00 pm (Spanish) Sunday: 7:30, 9, 11 & 12:45 Weekday Masses: MON. thru FRI. 9:00am and Friday Evenings 7:30pm Saturdays: 9:00am Holy Day Schedules will be announced. Page 2 O SAINT CLARE PARISH ffice hours: Monday 1:30 to 5pm Tuesday-Friday 9am to 12:30pm & 1:30 to 5pm P ARISH REGISTRATION: We give a heartfelt welcome to all new parishioners. Registration forms are available in the front vestibule and side entrances of the church and at the parish office during regular office hours In order that our priests better serve you, especially at the time of baptism, marriage, or a funeral, it is most helpful if you are registered and participating in our parish community. B APTISM: If you are seeking baptism for your infant to 5 year old, we ask that at least one parent be registered at St. Clare for six months prior to baptism. The parents are asked to attend a pre-baptism class. Please call the parish office to register for baptism and pre-baptism classes. BAUTIZOS: Pláticas son los dos últimos Miércoles del mes. Es necesario asistir a dos pláticas. No niños. Para información llama a Lupita & Luis Caceres (661) 360-8537. H OSPITAL/HOME, HOLY COMMUNION, AND SICK VISITS: For Holy Communion, please contact the parish office during office hours. A Priest or Eucharistic Minister will visit you and attend to your needs. In case of hospitalization, please inform the admissions office that you are Catholic, so that they will be able to notify us. In case of an emergency or death in the family, a priest can be reached 24 hours a day. Call the parish office number anytime for an emergency pager number. M ARRIAGE: The bride and/or groom must be registered and actively participating in the parish for at least three months. Then, a six-month preparation program is required. Please call the office for further information. R ELIGIOUS EDUCATION: We offer religious education classes for children beginning with the first grade and running through high school. For more information, contact the office of Religious Education at 252-6950. October 20, 2013 ST. CLARE PARISH MINISTRIES AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ALTAR SERVERS Training - Scheduling:.................................. Phillip Horlings 414-6368 A R M E D F O R C E S P R A Y E R M I N I S T R Y ……… . ……… Martine 298-0714 or Bev 252-3135 BATTERED WOMAN’S HOTLINE ......................................... 259-4357 BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY ……….Dan & Cathy Andrews 251-5237 (funerals must be scheduled through the Parish Office) BOY SCOUTS: ……………………………Tim Terpening 252-7245 BUSINESS MANAGER................................... Ray Broderick 252-3353 CHILDREN’S CHOIR ……………………. .. Rocio Alonso 298-4215 CRISIS & PRAYER GROUP ……………… …. Nancy King 644-7803 CONFIRMATION ...........................................Nancy Fishwick 298-8627 COUPLES FOR CHRIST ………German & Mary Rose Garcia 390-0925 CUB SCOUTS ………………………………… John Vahl...... 803-5068 DETENTION MINISTRY .......................... Aurora Montejano 252-4053 ENGAGED ENCOUNTER: .............. Jerry & Bev Heyer (888) 267-3660 EUCH. MINISTERS:.............................................. Ed Hoover 251-1548 FILIPINO MINISTRY……………………Alfe Brimon (818) 645-1192 FINANCE COUNCIL: …………………………..Bob Denise 252-7432 GUADALUPANA…………………… ……Librada Blanco 755–5178 HISPANIC MINISTRY COORDINATER……….Dora Baez 252-3353 HOSPITALITY..............................................Jeanette Killough 251-0563 JUST CHILLIN’ (Junior High Ministry)……….. Shelly Smith 252-4683 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ……………………...Tom Jezik 252-2192 LECTORS……….Sarah Hamor at: [email protected] or 424-9488 LIBRARY ……………………………………..Helen Rabjohn 250-4083 LIFELINE (Pregnancy Hotline):............................................... 942-2229 MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER ………..Joe & Karen Greulich 286-9950 ......................................... (Spanish): Rosie & Ramon Mercado 505-3251 MISSION CIRCLE………………………………Claire Salleng 877-1618 MUSIC DIRECTOR ……………………… Mark Nilan (818) 359-0299 NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING Pablo& Valerie Galeta (818)994-2110 PRE-BAPTISM CLASSES:..................................Parish Office 252-3353 PRIMER VIERNES ADORACION NOCTURNA…... Alma 424-0837 RCIA ................................................................. Joann Sandeen 219-1111 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: ............... Director - Peggy Pigors 252-6950 Sunday Pre-School- Janet Weidner: [email protected] RETROUVAILLE: (help for troubled marriages)............... 800-470-2230 SCRIPTURE STUDY: ……………………..Olympio D’Mello 250-4774 SEP., DIV., WIDOWED SUPPORT GROUP: .................. Bob 255-1452 SOCIAL JUSTICE MINISTRY ………………………...Kathy 251-4032 SPANISH PRAYER GROUP …………………… Jose Erazo 964-7801 SPANISH QUINCEANERA .......... Mario & Zoila Villanueva 251-2853 USHERS ................................................................... Lyle Funk 252-6346 VISITING MADONNA ………………………Maria Albanese 298-7394 WEDDING HOSTESS: ……………………..Mary Broderick 298-7341 WOMEN’S MINISTRY……………………..Rhonda Berlinger 259-6631 YOUTH MINISTRY: .....................................Nancy Fishwick 298-8627 WELCOME TO ST. CLARE… Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us. If you are not registered or have changed your address, please fill out this form and place in the collection basket or mail to the parish office. NAME: ______________________________________________ Our parish has become so large, the only way we have of verifying Mass attendance is by use of Sunday envelopes. (This is significant when requiring services from the church i.e., baptism or marriage.) ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ PHONE: _____________________________________________ _______ New parishioner/Registration form requested. _______ New address ______ New phone number The Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time SAINT CLARE PARISH Page 3 OCTOBER 21(Mon) 9:00 Linus Charan R. Michael Brezina Sgt. Ian Gelig Encarnacion Ranola INT RIP RIP RIP 22(Tues) 9:00 Thanksgiving Mass Michael C. March Robert Lerma Mercedes Rubio INT RIP RIP RIP 23(Wed) 9:00 Thanksgiving Mass Tiburcia & Menandro Chavez Arturo Ilan Amado Ranola INT RIP RIP RIP 24(Thurs)9:00 Andrulonis Family Gustavo Calderon Felma De La Cruz Rodrigo Quesada INT RIP RIP RIP 25(Fri) 9:00 Conchita Apostol Jesse Baza Sr. Fatima Thomas Hawkings RIP RIP RIP RIP 7:30pm For our loved ones to return to the faith INT 9:00 Kole Gjonaj Dominic Lai Joan McGowan Jose Zulueta RIP RIP RIP RIP 26(Sat) PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH Sharon Bender; Aurora Gaor; Mary Ann Griffin; Dora Grandolfo; Connie Acquaviva; Peter Brockway; Nancy Giacomi; Justin Stradley; Peggy Rice; Angelo Lepore; Emily Lepore; Donal MacAdam; Rosie Ambrose; Paul Franck; Theresa Aceves; Brian Grogan; Maura Tevere; Ferdinand Nepomuceno; Jim Reick; Denis Lyon; Lewis Richard; Josh Hoover; Christina Barrón; John Rissler; Nikita Puyat; Mario Villanueva; Joe Guzman; Betty Payne; Sofia Calbillo; Gabriel Calbillo; Peggy Reick; Paul Junkel; Marilyn Terwilliger; Theresa McGrath; Joseph Nieves; Rose Sordetto; Basilio Zamora; Clare Lukas; Tessa Vigelmann; Paul Tuohy; Desmond Anderson; Nicci Amendola; Sherman Lacy; Joshua Do; Denise Alain; Kathleen Alain; Shriley Fromberg; Kathleen Zimmerman; Mitch Hibbard; Elizabeth Jackson; Patrick Bonette; Mario Giacomi; Diane Bruckner; Sophia Cox; Melanie Beason; Joyce Distaso; Brian Post; Hector Lorea; Mike Rotundo; Judy Butler; Roger Rowlett; Don Williams; Jim Bell; Don Patrocinio; Donald Massie; Nena Zazuita; Leticia Gonzalez Zamarripa; Carleigh Johnson; David Hartman; Chris Nard; Corey Hurst; Marlene Gaisberg; Anita DeLucio; Nancy Neal; Chuck Cheesman; Rene Espinosa; Alfonso Ortiz; Tracy Long; (Names appear on the sick list in the bulletin for three weeks unless we are informed otherwise. There is a “Pray for the Sick” list on the bulletin board outside the chapel. ) BORN TO ETERNAL LIFE Virginia Maggay Tuesday, October 29th @7pm in the Church Matthew Arnold from Lighthouse Catholic Media will give a presentation on Cults. The discussion will provide basic information as well as including plenty of time for questions and answers……. What is a cult? What do cults do to attract new members? Bring your concerns, your questions and your teens with you. READINGS FOR THE WEEK LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday: Tuesday: Lunes: Martes: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Rom 4:20-25; Lk 1:69-75; Lk 12:13-21 Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Lk 12:35-38 Rom 6:12-18; Ps 124:1b-8; Lk 12:39-48 Rom 6:19-23; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 12:49-53 Rom 7:18-25a; Ps 119:66, 68, 76-77, 93-94; Lk 12:54-59 Rom 8:1-11; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 13:1-9 Sir 35:12-14, 16-18; Ps 34:2-3, 17-19, 23; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18; Lk 18:9-14 Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Rom 4:20-25; Lc 1:69-75; Lc 12:13-21 Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21; Sal 40 (39):7-10, 17; Lc 12:35-38 Rom 6:12-18; Sal 124 (123):1b-8; Lc 12:39-48 Rom 6:19-23; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 12:49-53 Rom 7:18-25a; Sal 119 (118):66, 68, 76-77, 93-94; Lc 12:54-59 Rom 8:1-11; Sal 24 (23):1b-4ab, 5-6; Lc 13:1-9 Eclo 35:12-14, 16-18; Sal 34 (33):2-3, 17-19, 23; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18; Lc 18:9-14 Page 4 SAINT CLARE PARISH October 20, 2013 What Does it Mean to Respect Life? ROAD TO RECOVERY Are you driven to help fight cancer? Everyday thousands of cancer patients are in need of transportation to a medical facility for treatment. You can help save a life by volunteering your time as a driver. Once a week, twice a month, whatever your schedule allows. Please contact: American Cancer Society Santa Clarita Valley 25020 W Avenue Stanford #170 Valencia, CA 91355 Children’s Bureau Family Foster Care & Adoptions Children need your help! Children’s Bureau is forced to turn away hundreds of children each month due to lack of foster and adoptive families! Nationwide there are over 100,000 foster children waiting for permanent families. Children’s Bureau helps hundreds of children find safe, nurturing families each year. Training, support and financial stipend provided. Please give us a call to learn more. (661)208-4212 or (661)272-9996 (661)298-0886 Created In God’s Image If you are looking for support or have questions about a loved one who is gay or lesbian, please know you can contact the Gay and Lesbian Ministry Office for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Their online contact is Also, you can get information that can be downloaded from your own computer at home through the Family Acceptance Project. Both of these resources have information on support groups and services available in your area. Haunted House At the Santa Clarita Shelter 23031 Drayton St., Santa Clarita (off Railroad Ave near Magic Mountain Pkwy.) 6pm to 9pm Thursday—Saturday October 24, 25 & 26 Tickets only $5 before 21st—$7 at the door. (Proceeds benefit the homeless in Santa Clarita because what’s really that some people don’t have a home.) ¿ES NECESARIO? IS THERE A NEED??? ¿Crees que hay una necesidad de un grupo de apoyo en Santa Clara para personas que buscan tratamiento para la esclerosis multiple? Llame a la oficina de parroquia @252-3353 y dejenos saber. Do you think there is a need for a support group at St. Clare’s for people seeking treatment for multiple sclerosis? Call the Parish Office @252-3353 and let us know. The Twenty-ninth Most Holy Body Sunday and Blood in Ordinary of Christ Time SAINT SAINTCLARE CLAREPARISH PARISH Page 5 El Grupo de Oración Te invita todos los Lunes de 7-9pm. Alabar y bendecir al Señor. Con testimonios, predicación y Oración. Salmo 90: 1 “Señor tu has sido para nosotros un refugio a lo largo de los siglos.” Para mas información llama a José Eraza (661)964-7801. Te gustaría pertenecer a algún ministerio de la comunidad Hispana en nuestra parroquia, son los siguientes ADORACION NOCTURNA Te invitamos a que participes en la Adoración Nocturna. Tenemos nuestra reunión el primer Viernes del mes de 9:00pm — 10:00pm. Puedes iniciar regalándole a Jesús una hora de su tiempo. No has podido velar ni una hora conmigo? Jesús Sacramentado te espera! Para mayor información comunicarse con: Alma (661) 424-0837. Te invitamos, a ser parte del ministerio de ujieres, y dar tu servicio al Señor y tu comunidad, nos reunimos el ultimo Martes de cada mes en el salón #3 de 7pm-9pm para mas informes llama a Salvador Lemus al (661)200-4655 Sacramentos de Adultos (RCIA) Para informes llamar a Antonio y Anita Arana (661)367-5656 Seran Martes a Viernes de 1pm—7pm Para ninos y adultos que necesiten algun Sacramento. Para mas información llamar a Dora Baez (661) 252-3353 ext 209 o (661) 313-4064 Asociacion Guadalupana Ven a venerar a nuestra Madre. Que siempre esta intercediendo por nosotros. Para mas info: Andres Trinidad (661) 210-5913 o Blanca (661)755-5178 Ministerio de Alabanza: Cirilo Hernandez (661) 373-0718 Alfabetizacion Informes: Minian Vidal (661) 388-7544 Platicas Pre-bautismales: Luis y Lupita Caceres (661) 360-8537 Ministros de Eucaristia: Agustina Franquz (661) 755-0919 Encuentro Matrimonial: Jose J. y Maria Basilio (661) 454-5656 Lectores: Dixie Chavez (661) 250-9010 Quniceaneras/Bodas: Zoila y Mario Villanueva (661) 251-2853 Grupo de Alcohólicos Anónimos —Mañana Es Hoy El alcohol es una droga que crea habito y dependencia, y nos arrastra a una autentica enfermedad, la enfermedad del alcoholismo, que es una enfermedad progresiva. Si crees tener problemas con tu manera de beber, quizás Alcohólicos Anónimos puede ayudarte. Ven te esperamos. 18345 Sierra Hwy, ste A-22, Canyon Country 91351 Reuniones todos los días de Lunas a Domingos de: 8pm a 10pm y Domingos de 10am a 12 mediodía. Page 6 SAINT CLARE PARISH October 20, 2013 Just Chillin 2 (for 7th & 8th graders) Plan to join us on the following Fridays for fun with friends. You are welcome to bring your friends and you might just make some new ones. Just Chillin usually meets at St. Clare’s on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month in the Youth Hall unless otherwise noted. So mark your calendars for October 25th and November 22nd in the Youth Hall. Questions: Monica @ 298-8676 or Shelly @ 252-4683 or Isabel @ 250-1798 ADULT CONFIRMATION Chaplet of the Divine Mercy Prayer Group Please come and join us as we pray for our loved ones conversions (and ours too) at the 3:00 hour of Divine Mercy in the Chapel everyday. Fridays prayers will be held in the church. Bring your Rosary. Holy cards that explain how to say the Chaplet will be available. For questions please contact:Sheila Wheeler @251-1203 We have Adoration in the Chapel every Friday from 9:30am to 7:15pm. On First Friday Adoration lasts throughout the night. Our lives are so busy, we could all use a little quiet time with our Lord. Don’t just squeeze Him in, make your time with Him a priority. Tenemos adoración en la capilla todos los viernes de 9:30 a 7:15. Primer viernes adoración dura toda la noche Nuestras vidas están tan ocupados, nos vendría bien un poco de tiempo tranquilo con nuestro señor. No lo apriete, dar prioridad a su tiempo con el. CALLING ALL YOUNG ADULTS “Come As You Are” November 1-3 The Archdiocese of Los Angeles is Sponsoring a retreat for young adults ages 18 to 39 (no child care provided). Make your reservations ASAP— Cost is $175.00 and includes lodging and all meals. Our retreat facilitator is recording artist and composer Jesse Manibusan. This is a great opportunity to “unplug.” For further information go to: If you missed being Confirmed as a young person and now believe you are being called by the Holy Spirit to complete preparation for this sacrament, please contact: Jose Arvizu at (661) 297-2447 to find out details. You may be Confirmed before a year is out. Anointing of the Sick The First Sunday of each month after the 12:45pm Mass, one of our priests will celebrate the Sacrament of the anointing of the sick. If you or someone you know is expecting to have surgery, has been ill or is elderly, please take advantage of this opportunity. Fr. Crowley Mass and Healing Service Father Pat Crowley, SS.CC., will be celebrating a Mass and Healing Service on Saturday, October 26, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. Father Pat Crowley is a priest of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. He has been actively involved in the Healing Ministry and Charismatic Renewal since 1972. A native of Ireland, Fr. Crowley has conducted his "Healing Light Ministry" throughout the world. We are very blessed to have Fr. Crowley in the Santa Clarita Valley for this October 26 Mass and healing service. Everyone is welcome. If you are seeking physical, spiritual or emotional healing, this is your day. "The lost I will seek out, the strayed I will bring back, the injured I will bind up, the sick I will heal." (Ezekiel 34:16) The Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time SAINT CLARE PARISH Page 7 Provided to you by Peggy Pigors, Director of Religious Education READINGS AND QUESTION OF THE WEEK FOR October 20, 2013 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME GOSPEL: Lk 18:1-8 (The corrupt judge) ADULTS: Whose needs might you be failing to listen to right now? CHILDREN: How often do you put off chores until you are forced to do them? Who is hurt by such a decision? TEACHER NEEDED FOR FALL CLASSES A teacher is needed for Wednesday 8th grade. Please call 252-6950 for further information and to volunteer. SECOND YEAR PARENT WORKSHOP Tuesday, November 5 there will be a workshop for parents of children/youth in their second year of preparation to receive the sacraments. The topic will be on the sacrament of Reconciliation. The workshop will be in Renehan hall at 7:00 p.m. It is extremely important that parents attend this workshop in order to help their children prepare for the sacrament. INTERNET BASICS As a parent, do you evaluate the web sites your children/youth go on? Do you know what the last three letters on the URL stand for? Do you know what groups’ opinions are represented ? Do these sites that your children may be using for home work contain fact, fiction, or public opinion? If you can’t answer any or only some of these questions, please go to to find the answers. This site is sponsored by the Missing and Exploited Children’s Center in Washington, D.C. Our R. E. office also has many handouts for interested parents. Please call us at 252-6950. Confirmation/Youth Ministry News… Sunday, October 20th 2nd year 12:45 Mass—Rite of the Covenant followed by 2nd year class in the Youth Hall. Tuesday, October 22nd Mass planning 7:30pm to 9:00pm in the Youth Hall. Wednesday, October 23rd Community Life 7:30pm to 9:00pm in the Youth Hall - bring your friends along. Thursday, October 24th, 7:30pm to 9pm Guidance and Healing. The Confirmation Office is open Monday through Thursday from 2PM TO 5PM. Our number is (661)298-8627. Come check out the ST. CLARE YOUTH CENTER Open Monday through Thursday from 2PM TO 5PM. The Youth Center is for all Junior High and Senior High students. Grab a friend and stop by for a game of pool, watch a movie on our big screen T.V., use the computer lab or just hang out! The Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time SAINT CLARE PARISH If you are new to St. Clare Catholic Community, Welcome! Registration forms are available at all entrances of the church on the bulletin boards. Just fill one out and drop it in the collection basket — it’s that easy! If you would like to have your child baptized, would like to have your marriage blessed in the church, need to have a Eucharistic minister visit someone who is ill, or just have general questions, please call the Parish Office at: (661)252-3353. We are open Tuesday through Friday from 9am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 5pm and on Monday from 1:30 to 5pm. (Please check office hour changes during holiday weeks) Each Sunday morning after the 7:30 and 9am Masses, join us in the plaza for coffee, juice, and goodies. This is a great way to meet your parish family and make new friends. We look forward to seeing you there! ST. CLARE’S SENIORS ROCK OUR YOUTH CENTER EACH TUESDAY AND THURSDAY AFTER THE 9AM MASS Our seniors adjourn to the “Youth Center” after 9am Mass where they play pool, dominos, knit/crochet, use the computer lab, have coffee and goodies, solve the world’s problems or just sit and visit with one another. Our “Knit Wits” and “Happy Hookers” meet on Tuesdays to make blankets and hats for several non-profit organizations that serve those in need. You don’t need an invitation. Just show up and meet new friends! Need Prayer? Are you aware that you can leave a prayer request on our new website? Just go to and click on “Community”. You will find the official place to be able to type in a request for you or a loved one. Let your community help pray for you and check it frequently, so you can keep others in prayer too. Page 8 Tri-Parish Separated, Divorced, Widowed Social/Support Group Thursdays, November 7th and November 21st 7:00pm to 8:30pm. They meet at Our Lady of Perpetual Help New Conference Center located at: 23045 Lyons Avenue in Newhall. We participate in social activities have common goals of supporting our fellow Christian in time of transition and need. For more information, call: Dottie @(661) 259-9448 or Bob @(661) 255-1452. If you are at least 8 years of age, have received your First Communion and are interested in serving your Parish Community as an Altar Server, contact: Phil Horlings @(661)414-6368. (We especially need servers for 12:45 Mass!) There is an A.A. Men’s Stag group meeting on Thursday night at 6:30pm in the St. Clare Center. The meetings are taking place at the Camp Plenty entrance (the St. Clare Room of the St. Clare Center when you pull in the driveway off Camp Plenty, it’s the first door on the right. ) Healing Mass at OLPH Fr. Pat Crowley, SS.CC., will be celebrating a Mass and Healing Service on Saturday, October 26th from 10am to 1pm at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Newhall. Fr. Pat Crowley is a priest of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. He has been actively involved in the Healing Ministry and Charismatic Renewal since 1972. If you are seeking physical, spiritual or emotional healing, please join us. Attention: Inquiry and RCIA The Inquiry class is for people interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. We are now meeting on Mondays in the St. Benedict Room #7 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. The RCIA Program is for people in the process of preparing for sacraments (they meet on Sundays.) For questions call: Joann (661)219-1111 Page 9 SAINT CLARE PARISH October 20, 2013 TRUNK OR TREAT THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31ST 5:30PM TO 7:00PM Please plan on joining us for an evening of fun, fellowship and sweets! All you have to do is register and decorate your “vehicle” (truck, boat, van, tractor, bikes, etc.) - - - - load up your trunk with sweets or treats (be creative, there will be prizes) and “Trunk or Treat.” Schedule of activities: 5:30pm, drop off your children at the Youth Hall for games and costume judging. If your child would like to have dinner here, we will be serving dinner consisting of hot dogs, juice and chips for $1.00. While children are in the Youth Hall, adults will be decorating their “trunks”. 6:00pm, trunk or treating begins. 6:30pm, return to the Youth Hall for hot chocolate and cookies AND awards for costumes and trunk decorations. VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM Name: _________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________ Email: ________________________________ Vehicle type: _____________________________ Number of children participating: __________________ (so that we may plan properly, please return completed form to the Youth Ministry Office NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 29TH) If you are unable to attend but wish to donate a bag of candy, please bring it by the Youth Ministry Office, the Youth Ministry table during Ministry Fair, or the Parish Office. Thank you! Math Reading Confidence RAFAEL P. SUSTENTO, D.D.S. Kumon puts children on the path to becoming the confident, independentself-reliant people all parents hope their children can be. Family Dentistry Get your free placement test now at Kumon Math and Reading Center of Canyon Country 23206 Lyons Ave., Suite 208 Newhall, CA 91321 Santa Clarita Medical Center 18291 Soledad Canyon Rd. Canyon Country, CA 91387 661.298.1927 (Across from Our Lady of Perpetual Help) MATH. READING. SUCCESS. 1-800-ABC-MATH (661) 799-9828 Fax (661) 799-9823 Don’t lose your independence due to poor sight. Se Habla Español / Local Parishioner Preventative Eye Care for: Cataract • Glaucoma • Diabetes • Macular Degeneration Most Medical Insurances Accepted Felise May G. Barte, M.D. Eye Physician & Surgeon 661-505-7528 Valencia Medical Building 23928 Lyons Ave. #106 (Between Wiley & Orchard Village) Newhall 91321 • • Se Habla Español Is this film suitable for my children? Reviews and ratings of an extensive list of movies, both current and archived is available at: This service is provided by the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Office of Film and Broadcasting Most Insurance Accepted including Medi-Cal Like us on FACEBOOK as Rafael P. Sustento, DDS, Inc. WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? Are you ever alone? You’re never alone when you have a medical alert! "I feel more independent, safe, and secure with my medical alert." Less than $1 per day • No Long-Term Contracts • Price Guarantee • A+ Rating with BBB 28420 Haskell Canyon Road • Made and Monitored Santa Clarita, CA 91390 in the USA Best Image Dental General Dentistry & Orthodontics Ramil L. Asuncion, DDS Maria Theresa C. Asuncion, DDS (661) 513-9595 (661) 513-9119 Fax Call Today to learn more about our Special Offer. 1.877.801.8608 Toll Free [email protected] Evening and Weekend Appointments Available Most Insurance Accepted 519924 St Clare Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 CLUB PEST CONTROL • Residential 10% Discount Trafecanty Painting Santa Clarita Family Dentistry Dr. Robert L. Pena Interior & Exterior 22930 Lyons Ave. Santa Clarita, CA 91321 • Commercial to Free Estimates • Restaurants Parishioners Parish Members Got ’em? 1-661-299-2582 Club ’em! Parish Member (CLUB) (661) 252-1159 Lic. #550777 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. (661) 222-7171 L'BEL Fine French Skincare & Beauty Products For further information, please call the Parish Office. Business Slow? AFFORDABLE & LUXURIOUS BUY OR SELL Teresa Grijalva, Parishioner 310-780-5475 teresagrijalva Advertise In This Bulletin! Businesses that advertised throughout a recession...grew 256% more than the businesses that chose not to advertise. —MCGRAW HILL LABORATORY OF ADVERTISING PERFORMANCE Call 1-800-231-0805 today for a FREE ad design. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1175 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 AV Party Rental, Inc. Everything for Your Party Pat & Roger Parr, Parishioners 23800 San Fernando Rd. • Newhall 519924 St Clare Church (B) 259-2151 Transmission Service & Repair “The Old Reliable” CANYON COUNTRY Since 1960 661.252.7200 7 LOCATIONS For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 CARLOS Carpet Cleaning Professional service using the power of a steam clean truck mounted machine. Domestic & Asian Vehicles Helping Families Like Yours in the Santa Clarita Valley for Over 30 Years Repair Guarantee Starting at 12 Months/15,000 Miles Parishioners Knights & Choir Member $45.00 Any Repair or Maintenance of $100 or More Exam, X-Ray’s & Cleaning* Call for an Appointment Join Our Rewards Program & Earn 2% BACK on Future Services 27260 Camp Plenty Rd. Canyon Country 91351 (2 blks from St. Clare) Most Insurance Accepted Se Habla Español We offer: DEEP CLEANING ODOR REMOVAL UPHOLSTERY CLEANING 661-839-4505 Family and Kids Dentistry Kevin & Kathy Browning $10 OFF $20 OFF (661) 251-6736 Oil Change Parishioner AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING 17752 Sierra Hwy. Canyon Country, CA 91351 Lic#967267 661-251-8756 (661) 360-9006 Parishioner Se Habla Espanol Maria Lozada D.M.D. YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT ARNEL DE GUZMAN, DDS ELEANOR CHAN-DE GUZMAN, DDS Family Dentistry & Orthodontics Se Habla Español, Tagalog, Fookien 24148 Lyons Avenue Santa Clarita, CA 91321 (661) 888-4980 Phone (661) 370-0770 Fax [email protected] Parishioners MARIA SANDRA A. UMALI, M.D. SEX AND VIOLENCE ON TELEVISION AND for information on what you can do write: Morality in Media, Inc. 1100 G Street NW, Suite 1030, Washington, DC 20005 (202) 393-7245 FD #1163 Write: Columban Fathers Box 10 St. Columbans, NE 68056 COME VISIT OUR BEAUTIFUL GARDEN FOR THE CATHOLIC FAITHFUL, OUR LADY OF LOURDES Umali Medical Clinic By Appointment FREE VIDEO LOAN ABOUT THE TRAFFIC IN PORNOGRAPHY Internal Medicine Cardiology and Gastroenterology 22621 Lyons Ave., Newhall, CA 91322 Telephone (661) 964-0597 Fax (661) 964-0598 Mission is different today . . . . . . check us out with Eternal Valley Memorial Park Mortuary We take great pride in providing exceptional, personal care to make this difficult time Tel: 661-857-0984 reassuring and comforting. Hablamos Español 23287 N. SIERRA HIGHWAY NEWHALL, CA 91321 LAWRENCE FEALY, DDS General Dentist Advanced Specialty Training in Complex Restorative Dentistry Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry CRIPPEN’S SANTA CLARITA VALLEY BURIAL & CREMATION SERVICE (FD-1952) * Burial & Cremation Packages Available “Pre-Arrangement Means Peace of Mind For Everyone” 11653 Sierra Highway Canyon Country, CA 91351 Ph (661) 253-0812 - - - -Parishioner (661) 250-1435 25880 Tournament Rd., Suite 101, Valencia Lou Brousseau Funeral Director (fd-773) 519924 St Clare Church (A) 661-259-0800 [email protected] 27674 Newhall Ranch Rd. #55 Valencia, CA 91355 661-294-9069 JOHN & VICTORIA MAGNANIMO FULL SERVICE DELI FRESH BAKED BREAD DAILY ON PREMISES LASAGNA, SAUSAGE, SALADS Local Parishioner DENTIST DR. CAROL E. VILLATE-MENDOZA (661) 27225 Camp Plenty Rd., Ste. #9 Canyon Country, CA 91351 251-4672 Parishioner For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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