rabbi ari lucas


rabbi ari lucas
Voice of the People
From our President
Here I am, your next President. And what an honor
it is to help lead this amazing community that has
played such an important role in our family’s life!
Like many members, Vivian and I began exploring
Jewish day schools and secondarily, their associated
synagogues, looking for the best place to educate
our daughters, Talia and Ariela. As many of you may
recall, at that time (about 20 years ago), Pressman
Academy existed in a series of less than attractive buildings where our
parking lot currently stands. The draw for us was clearly not the physical
space, but the warm and caring school, and the talented teachers who
convinced us that Pressman would be a place our daughters would feel at
home and flourish in a wonderful Jewish nurturing environment with a
superior education. While the school has grown into a premier educational
institution that is the pride of our community, the core values that attracted
us remain the same.
The evolution of our involvement from Pressman parents to TBA
presidents (for those who may not know this, Vivian was president 6 years
ago) is a testament, not only to our great schools, but to the wonderful
involved clergy who have inspired us and filled an important spiritual
need. It is also in large part due to our wonderful and haimish community
and the lifelong friends we have made here. While I plan to highlight
many specific programs and plans in my monthly KHA articles, the goal is
always to look for ways to help our shul and schools continue to be strong,
vibrant and relevant to our times and our community.
So, though I will “fill in the blanks” with specifics as we move forward
(such as a renewed focus on the Religious School and the B’nai Mitzvah
programs, but more on that later), the plan for the next two years is
simple: let’s continue to grow from strength to strength, increasing the
opportunities for learning, davening and personal involvement for all of
the components of our TBA family. I hope you will actively participate in
the decisions that shape our future, from renovating the sanctuary and
building a new ECC, to davening with our talented Rabbis and Cantor
on Shabbat and the holidays. Board meetings and most committee
meetings (Membership, Ritual, Youth and Programming) are open to all
shul members. We will post the meeting times and where possible, the
key topics on the agenda, on the web page and in the Shabbat Bulletin. I
encourage you to attend and let us know your ideas on how to build and
improve your TBA experience.
See you in Shul,
Ron Alberts
Temple Beth Am is delighted to
welcome our new Assistant Rabbi
In anticipation of Rabbi Lucas’ arrival, KHA staff thought it would be fun to
interview our new clergy-member to give us a flavor of his personality. We
know that no article could replace speaking to him in person, but we sent these
questions to Rabbi Lucas and he replied via e-mail. We hope you enjoy them!
Q. What made you want to become a rabbi?
A. I am grateful to have many rabbis in my life who helped offer me spiritual
support and encouragement at important moments. There are many rabbis
among the ranks of my most valued mentors, teachers, role models, and friends.
That combined with my own passion for Jewish living and Jewish communal
leadership made the choice to become a rabbi a good one for me.
Q. Tell us which character in the bible with whom you most closely identify. Why?
A. I identify very closely with Aaron. My Hebrew name is Aharon. Aaron is my
given name in English too, but my parents nicknamed me “Ari” at a young age.
Our sages (of blessed memory) described Aaron as a lover of peace and a pursuer
of peace. It is for that reason that my parents chose Shalom as my middle name.
I have tried to live up to the qualities of my Biblical namesake. I seek to help
resolve conflict between friends and family members, and bring a sense of
peaceful cooperation to the groups which I am a part of.
Continued on page 3
Kol HaRav
1039 S. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035
310.652.7354 • 310.652.2384 (fax)
To reach an operator,
dial 310.652.7353
School Fax: 310.360.0850
[email protected] • www.tbala.org
TEMPLE BETH AM is an egalitarian Conservative
synagogue that is devoted to spiritual and
religious enrichment and that values Jewish
tradition while embracing innovation. Its
many programs serve a multi-generational
opportunities for: worship of god, adult
learning, education of children and families,
acts of loving kindness, and outreach to those
seeking community and meaning in their lives.
The synagogue is committed to the institutions
of Conservative Judaism, the broader Jewish
community, the State of Israel and the advocacy
of democracy and religious pluralism.
Ronald K. Alberts, President
Rabbi Adam Kligfeld, Senior Rabbi
Rabbi Ari Lucas, Assistant Rabbi
Cantor Magda Fishman
Sheryl Goldman, Executive Director
Rabbi Mitchel Malkus, Head of School
Rabbi Joel E. Rembaum, Emeritus
Rabbi Jacob Pressman, Emeritus
Rabbi Harry Silverstein, Emeritus
Copy Editor
Graphic Designer
Ellen L. Jacobs
Jeff Baughman
Kol Ha’am (USPS 008-599) is published monthly
except June/July & November/December
by Temple Beth Am, 1039 South La Cienega Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90035-2507
Annual Membership Dues include $5.00 subscription
Periodicals Postage Paid at Los Angeles, California
and additional mailing offices.
Postmaster – Send address changes to:
Temple Beth Am,
1039 South La Cienega Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90035-2507
Phone: 310.652.7353 • www.tbala.org
Kol Ha’am
It may come as a surprise that nowhere in the Torah does it mention that
the dvar torah given by a Bar/Bat Mitzvah should be 2-3 pages, doublespaced. A review of the Talmud finds no reference to which colors of Sunkist
fruit-gems are most appropriate for a post-Haftarah celebration, whether
hurled or dumped. Nor did Maimonides, in his code of Jewish Law, refer
to whether a Bar/Bat Mitzvah is required to attend services in the venue
in which s/he will celebrate the event 10 or 20 times during the preceding
year. When it comes to Jewish ritual, few are observed by a higher percentage of Jews than
some version of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. And yet compared to other venerable observances, at
least the American version of the big day is a newbie, a coming-of-age event which itself is
still coming-of-age. An enormous amount of synagogue energy is often focused on the entire
Bar/Bat Mitzvah enterprise; and yet too infrequently do we step back and ask ourselves what
the goal of this life-cycle event is, what our aspirations are for these children, and whether our
shul infrastructure is set up to nourish those aspirations. And, perhaps more sensitively, how
wedded must we be to certain aspects of our inherited sense of Bar/Bat Mitzvah which provide
familiarity, but which carry no inherent religious value?
These sorts of questions are fueling a project underway within TBA to reimagine our Bar/Bat
Mitzvah experience. I am grateful to Lisa Feldman for taking on the responsibility and burden
of chairing this taskforce, which is charged with taking an honest look at how we approach
Bar/Bat Mitzvah at TBA, determining which aspects of our system are working well, and which
aspects need thorough review and significant change.
Here is a list of some of the aspects of the BM experience we are investigating:
•Do our current basic standards for what BM students do on the day itself need adjusting?
Currently, the standard expectation is leading Torah-service; reading Torah (Maftir and,
ideally, at least one additional reading); chanting Haftarah; leading Musaf; delivering
a dvar torah. Some students do more and some do less, but that is the basic expectation.
Already the taskforce has made a recommendation that leading Shaharit be substituted
for leading Musaf for a variety of reasons, including the notion that, liturgically speaking,
Shaharit is more primary and recited more often than Musaf, and that switching to
Shaharit will open up more opportunities to have Cantor Fishman lead Musaf in the
sanctuary. The Ritual Committee will discuss and vote on this recommendation in early August.
•What place should Friday night and Kabbalat Shabbat have in the TBA Bar/Bat
Mitzvah experience?
•How should we approach the Mitzvah Project component in a way that would
be personally and spiritually meaningful for our children?
•What infrastructure should be in place after our children become Bar/Bat Mitzvah
to nourish their new synagogue skills and encourage frequent returns to shul to
read, lead and participate? We are already poised to launch an incentive-driven
Torah Club to encourage Torah-reading among our youngsters, a first step in
building this infrastructure.
•What needs to be improved administratively to ease this process for students and parents?
We know we can do better in communicating expectations to parents, mapping out the
process of navigating the numerous arms of the synagogue that are involved, clarifying
the roles that the rabbis and cantor play and generally be more supportive of our
families as they prepare for this celebration.
This process will evolve, with small “reveals” adding up to a cumulative overhaul and
a brand-new Bnai Mitzvah handbook that will incorporate all of the instituted changes.
I thank the hundreds of TBA members who participate in the recent survey about Bar/Bat
Mitzvah we distributed, as your voices are critical in helping us shape our vision.
My becoming Bar Mitzvah remains a central moment in my life. The skills and poise I
acquired while preparing launched me towards an adult life of serious Jewish engagement. I
cherish the opportunity to share such moments with the students of TBA, and look forward to
hundreds more in years to come, and to the impact that this process will have on our children’s
burgeoning Jewish identities.
Rabbi Adam Kligfeld
Temple Beth Am August 2012
Rabbi Ari Lucas
Continued from page 1
Q. Obviously, Temple Beth Am chose you, why did you choose
Temple Beth Am?
A. When I came to visit in March, I immediately felt that there was
something special about Temple Beth Am. From meeting the Early
Childhood families Friday morning to touring the Pressman academy;
from the vibrancy and diversity of Shabbat morning services to the
intimacy of seudah shlishit learning; from the skilled professional staff
under the leadership of Rabbi Kligfeld, Cantor Fishman, Sheryl Goldman,
and Rabbi Malkus to the committed community members who volunteer
their time and energy to the institution and the broader LA community.
All of these experiences made me feel that as a newly ordained rabbi,
I could learn a lot from working at Temple Beth Am. It’s the kind of
synagogue that I would seek to join even if I weren’t a rabbi.
I also chose TBA because I feel that I have a lot to contribute. I feel
passionate about Jewish learning and living. Judaism has been such a
source of meaning and sustenance in my own life, I want to share that
with others. I’m eager to offer my love and excitement for all things
Jewish to the TBA community.
Q. What will you do with your winter clothing now that you won’t
have much use for it on the West Coast?
A. Talya and I donated many old sweaters and other winter clothes to
Goodwill as we were packing up our apartment in NY. We only kept the
ones that we really love (and the ones that have sentimental value like
my Zayde’s argyle sweater that still has a faint hint of his scent years
after he died). We’re looking forward to the abundant sunshine that LA
has to offer. I’ve been periodically checking the weather forecast for LA
and reporting it to friends and family (although sometimes this feels like
bragging). Is it always 75 and sunny? Because it sure seems like it.
Q. What place in California are you most looking forward to visit?
A. People tell me that the area around Ramah Ojai is great for hiking.
Q. Where is your favorite place to visit in Israel?
A. Do I have to pick just one? I love the kineret and the surrounding
areas. I think it is some of the most beautiful natural scenery in Israel and
it’s where Talya and I got engaged.
Q. How did you meet your wife?
A. Talya and I were high school sweethearts. We met through mutual
friends at a sweet-sixteen party and started dating on Ramah Seminar in
Israel (see my earlier response about favorite place in Israel). Although
we went to different high schools, we were each other’s prom dates. (The
pictures from our proms made an appearance at our wedding). We took a
break for college years and beyond, but we reconnected on Simhat Torah
in Jerusalem during my third year of rabbinical school and were married
in January of 2011.
Q. What is your favorite Shabbat Activity?
A. Kabbalat Shabbat services, taking an afternoon walk followed by
a good nap are some of my Shabbat pastimes. But my favorite Shabbat
activity is enjoying lengthy meals with good friends, family, food, and
conversation. Some of my happiest moments are around the Shabbat and
holiday table.
What hidden talent do you have? Are you willing to break it out for
the TBA Youth Talent Show?
A. Yes to the second question, but if I answer the first, it won’t be much
of a hidden talent.
(through 7/15/12)
We welcome the following New Members
to our Temple Beth Am family:
Uri & Sari Allen
Michael & Dara Kalish
Loren & Laura Beck
Philip & Emily Klaparda
Yotam Ben-Ami & Lalena Nash
Ernie & Nancy Kreitenberg
Eden & Roey Burg
Shlomit & Donna La Brecque Michaely
Stacie Charlin & Myrna Charlin
Dalia Luria
Alexandre & Nicky Coscas
Jared & Danielle Maloff
I’m mainly interested in exploring Los Angeles. I love riding my bike
and I think I’ll spend a fair amount of time early on cycling through LA’s
different neighborhoods – I hear there’s a group from the shul that rides
to the beach on Sundays.
Q. What kosher food are you most looking forward to having in LA
Jeremy & Farrah Daniel
Debra Mendels
Claudio & Jennifer Dunkelman
David Nahmod & Sara Robyn
Albert Friedman
Harry Nelson & Dorit Naftalin
David & Teri Gallup
Aric & Yael Ohana
that you can’t get at home?
A. Montreal Open-Ended Egg rolls from a truck, pretzel challah, and
someone mentioned a meat Thai restaurant?!
Q. Do you have sport team loyalties?
Or will you jump on the Dodgers/
Lakers (or Clippers)/Kings bandwagon?
A. My Mets, Jets, and Knicks loyalties run pretty deep – we’ve been
through some good and bad times together. I’m excited to be in a
city that has a vibrant sports culture. There has been much excitement
surrounding the Dodgers this season. And what a Stanley Cup victory for
the Kings! I may be “Quick” to adopt a secondary allegiance as long as
the LA teams aren’t directly playing my NY teams.
Julie Harris & Alex Gonzalez
Adam & Sareet Rimon
James Grollman & Jennifer Human
Bahram Shamsian & Ortila Faryab
John Hakimian & Angela Sedighpour
Cantor Harris Shore
Shahriar Hebroni & Shiva Golshani
Geoffrey & Susan Wasserman
Arie & Jeannine Jacobi
Shannon & Justin Weissman
Johann & Jessica Jarmoune
Bruce Wolfowitz & Vanessa Kerner
ohtcv ohfurc
Kol Ha’am
Our B’nai Mitzvah
David Baum
Son of
Maxine and Jack Baum
AUGUST 4, 2012
Brett Friedman
Son of
Audrey and Jonah Friedman
AUGUST 4, 2012
Brendan Eastman
Son of
Lorraine and Jon Eastman
AUGUST 11, 2012
Golda Sharaf
Daughter of
Linda and Hamid Sharaf
AUGUST 18, 2012
Miriam Perez
Daughter of
Hanna and Mariano Perez
AUGUST 25, 2012
Adam Taryle
Son of
Dafna and Scott Taryle
AUGUST 25, 2012
Kai Oliver Buchler
Son of Cricket and Gary Buchler
Born May 11, 2012, given the name Koby Oren
Mila Rose Buchler
Daughter of Cricket and Gary Buchler
Born May 11, 2012,
given the name Maayan Raisa
Elliot Jeremy Ashkenazi
Son of Randi and Zahi Ashkenazi
Born May 25, 2012,
given the name Yosef Eliezer
Kol Ha’am
Temple Beth Am August 2012
Yahrzeit Donations
We thank those who support the synagogue
community in memory of their loved ones named below:
Lucien Abenhaim, Jose Angulo, Irwin Bales, Ben Ball, Helen Bank, Basil Banks,
Sara Lee Barnes, Manuel Baron, Lillian Barry, Mair Baumgart, George Benjamin,
Goldie Benjamin, Ida Bidner, Harry Blank, Ibi Blau, Bertha Broudy, Gertrude Bunnage,
Harry Chait, Charles Chaloff, Sima Chernoff, Saul Chernoff, Gertrude Chorna,
Lottie Citron, Meyer Colker, Abraham Colker, Lewis Cozen, Eric David, Harry Drucker,
Rebecca Drucker, Morris Engel, David Evans, Simon Feinberg, Max Fineman,
Jennie Finkle, Harry Fox, Sylvia Frank, Sydine Fredman, Eliezer Friedman,
Frances Friedman, Robert Friedman, Hyman Friedman, Meta Gladstone,
Sharon Gonzalez, Vera Gorovitz, Ruth Greenberg, Lee Greenberg, Nathan Greenspan,
Ronald Grinel, Heinrich Guttman, Henry Hackel, Esther Hackel, Shmuel Haiavy,
Harietta Haim, Esther Hakman, Leo Harris, Hilda Herlinger, Howard Herschel,
Sara Hoffman, David Isakovitz, Marsha Jacobs, Samuel Jacobson, Ira Jacoves,
Jette Jawitz, Shlomo Jonathan, Sam Kalt, Sylvia Kaplan, Etta Kaplan, Benjamin Kapp,
Baruch Katz, Freda Katz, Jacob Kichaven, Hannah Kichaven, Mildred Killenplan,
Fannie Kirshnerman, M.Murray Kleinman, Eva Konheim, Isaac Kravit,
Lawrence Kumetz, Zoltan Lebovits, Naomi Leevan, Nellie Lefkowitz, Eric Lesin,
Jacob Levin, Ruth Klempner Levy, Yehezkel Litov, Abraham Liverant, Leonard Low,
Edgar Maas, Martha Maas, Celia Mestman, Sally Miller, Jacob Mintz, Goran Nisell,
Mary Paikow, Morris Pellow, Ronit Polsky, Jeanette Polsky, Sander Porutchyck,
Dena Post, Hyman Pressman, Bertha Prum, Aaron Rabinowitsch, Sonya Rakhshmir,
Ruth Richard, Lester Richard, Florence Ring, Norman Rockmaker, Ida Rockmaker,
Michael Rome, Dorothy Cantor Rose, Harry Rosenblatt, David Sachs, Grace Sanders,
Tillie Schechner, Irving Schulman, Celia Schulman, Irving Schulman, Celia Schulman,
Elias Schuster, Yetta Shapiro, Ruth Sheade, Bina Sherman, Alber Shoushani,
Berta Silagi, Alex Sperling, Saul Spitzer, Dora Stein, David Steinberg, Harry Steinberg,
Morris Steinberg, Walter Stroh, Harry Swartz, Amalia Szkolnik, Bertha Tankel,
Kenneth Tasky, Sol Wagner, Kay Weber, Irving Weinper, Nathan Weisdorf,
Alfred Weit, Pearl Witas, Philip Ziman, Eugene Zinn, Sarah Zinn, Genya Zohar
We mourn the passing of
Eliahoo Azizi, father of Faramarz “Andy” (Ivy) Azizi
Bella Goldroyz, mother of Stella Goldroyz
Gloria Grossman, mother of Sara (Jay) Sanders
Mary Jannol, mother of Henry (Miryam) Jannol.
Leo Klausner, husband of Eleanor, father of Jeff (Monica) Klausner and
Kimberly (David Smiler) Klausner
Klara Rosenfeld, mother of Yechiel (Tamar) Rosenfeld
Arthur Stern, husband of Edith, father of Daniel, Claude & Jackie.
Sylvia Weiss, mother of Stuart (Marla) Weiss.
Dear Temple Beth Am Family,
My family and I want to thank you for the outpouring of love and
compassion conveyed in the many messages of condolences sent on the
occasion of the passing of my husband Jackz”l. Words spoken or in writing,
and especially in donations to our beloved daughter Marcy’sz”l memorial
fund were a tremendous source of comfort. The affection and concern
expressed in multiple modes were all deeply appreciated.
I would urge anyone who is not a member of Temple Beth Am and is
reading this message…become affiliated. The value of being part of a
community is priceless. I truly feel blessed.
With much gratitude and love,
Dvorah Colker & Family
Gala Dinner
in honor of our outgoing President
Robert Ring
Sunday, June 10, 2012
A Bissel of Bobby
and presentation of the
Ben Siegel Community Service Award
to David Kaplan
Kol Ha’am
For information and class sign-ups, visit www.tbala.org,
or contact Assistant Program Director Daniel Sulzberg at
[email protected] or 310-652-7354 x215.
Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m.; (no class on Aug 15 and 22)
Study Rashi’s original Hebrew commentary on the text of
the Torah. No Hebrew knowledge is required per se, but
willingness to learn and grow is!
Tuesday, August 7 from 7:30- 9:00 p.m.
Thursdays. August 9 – September 13, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
6 class sessions: TBA members: $90. Non-members: $108
Sharpen your Hebrew reading and comprehension skills at
this 6-class series using the High Holiday Mahzor. Prepare
yourself for a more meaningful High Holiday prayer
experience. The only requirement for this level is being
able to read Hebrew. Sign up at www.tbala.org/hebrew
Happy Seniors dates are being set for the fall.
We look forward to an exciting year ahead.
To be added to the mailing list, please contact
Daniel at [email protected] or 310-652-7354 x215.
Daily Minyan - Evening Minyan
August 1 - 30 – 7:00 PM
Friday Nights
Neshama Minyan at 6:30 p.m.
EXCEPT for Shabbat Under the Stars
August 3 at 6:15 p.m.
Torah Portion
6:15 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Services.
7:30 p.m. Dinner in the Ballroom.
RSVP for dinner at www.tbala.org/stars
Tuesday – 7:30 p.m.
Young adults in their 20s & 30s are invited to help YABA plan
for the upcoming year. Attend this brainstorming session and
enjoy free Kosher pizza and beer! RSVP to [email protected] by
Friday, August 3.
Sunday – 11:00 a.m.
Presents: 2012-2013 Kickoff Brunch
Please join us in Welcoming Rabbi Ari Lucas
$18 for current members, Free to new members!
RSVPs: No later than August 9, 2012
[email protected], 323-930-1359
Tuesday – 7:00 p.m.
Jeremiah Society Appreciation Event
at a Private Residence
For information contact Resource Development Office
at 310-652-7354 x205
Saturday Morning Services
Meditation Plus
9:15 a.m. Whiteman
Conference Room
Shir Hadash
9:15 a.m. Sanctuary
4 – Vaethanan
11 – Ekev
18 – Re’eh (Rosh Hodesh Elul)
25 – Shoftim
Library Minyan
9:45 a.m. Services, Dorff-Nelson Chapel
Candle Lighting
Shabbat Yeladim – Youth Services
10:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
(Grades 1-3): Rm 106
(Ages 6 mo.-2 yrs): Rm. 101
Tot Shabbat
(Grades 4-6): Youth Lounge
(Ages 2-3 yrs): Rm. 103
(Ages 4-5 yrs): Rm. 105
3 – 7:34 p.m.
10 – 7:27 p.m.
17 – 7:19 p.m.
24 – 7:11 p.m.
31 – 7:02 p.m.
Kol Ha’am
Friday – 6:15 p.m.
Welcoming Rabbi Ari Lucas to Temple Beth Am
Davven with your TBA family and friends! Enjoy a musical
Kabbalat Shabbat on the Pilch Rooftop of the Rena E. Ganzberg
Education Center. (Please remember to bring a sweater, as it gets
chilly on the roof in the evenings!)
BAIT Tefillah
9:45 a.m. Services, Pilch Hall
What a glorious Summer it’s been—can the High Holidays
be far behind? Are you like me, scrambling to send out
Shana Tova cards at the last possible minute? Never fear,
Sisterhood has a solution by the book—Sisterhood’s annual
New Year’s Greeting Book, that is! By placing an ad in
Sisterhood’s New Year’s Greeting Book, you can wish all
your Beth Am friends Shanah Tovah, and make a charitable
contribution as well—no running out to get cards at the last
minute, no writer’s cramp and no licking stamps. So order a
greeting placed in this New Year’s Greeting book before it’s
too late. Contact Audrey Cohn, [email protected].
Don’t miss this—on August 19, Sisterhood will be hosting
a Welcome Brunch at a lovely private home in Hancock
Park, to welcome both new Sisterhood members and enjoy
getting to know TBA’s wonderful new Assistant Rabbi, Ari
Lucas. We are looking forward to Rabbi Lucas’ dvar torah
and to interacting with him in this fun, informal setting.
This event is free to new Sisterhood members. RSVP by
contacting Marlene Braer, [email protected].
Sisterhood women have had an active and enjoyable
few months. Several Sisterhood members, Marlene Braer,
Rosana Chermisqui, Judy Cowan, Agnes Emert (Regional
Torah Fund VP) and yours truly participated in the Pacific
Southwest Regional Women’s League Conference in May,
advancing their ability to be productive Sisterhood leaders.
Nuts and bolts workshops on being effective in various
Sisterhood offices were complemented by high level
educational plenaries. One featured a fascinating speech
by Myra Clark-Siegel, a communications and PR expert and
wife of Los Angeles Consul General of Israel David Siegel,
who enhanced our knowledge about how the State of Israel
is perceived throughout the world.
Sisterhood was literally moving and shaking at Rosh
Hodesh Tammuz, in June, when master dance teacher and
TBA member Sara Tanz led Sisterhood in spirited dance
movements to a rousing medley of Simcha, Israeli and Latin
rhythms. Women of all ages were energized both physically
and mentally. Thanks to Fran Grossman for suggesting
this activity, and Educational and Programming VPs, Cathy
Turkell and Marlene Braer, for organizing it. Yashar Koach
to Marlene for the lovely Dvar Torah which began the
I’ve saved the best for last—Sisterhood is thrilled to
announce a “new addition,” a group geared towards young
women, led by Dorit Cooper and Lisa Yassinger. Although
part of Sisterhood and Women’s League, this group, called
“Zehava”, will be planning special activities of their
own. Sisterhood is thrilled to encourage this wonderful
development, and hope these wonderful young women will
provide leadership for our entire Sisterhood in the future.
May we all be inscribed for a happy and healthy New Year.
Your Sisterhood President,
Gabriela Litov
On June 6th Temple Beth Am Men’s Society sponsored
a private tour of the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
and guest lecture from Dr. Michael Berenbaum, renowned
Holocaust scholar, long-standing Temple Beth Am member,
and Director of the Sigi Ziering Institute: Exploring the Ethical
and Religious Implications of the Holocaust at the American
Jewish University.
Over 70 Temple Beth Am congregants had a unique opportunity
to retrace the history of the Holocaust, view original artifacts on
display and hear about the individual stories they contain while
mingling with other members of our shul.
Dr. Berenbaum’s lecture highlighted the lessons of the
Holocaust and pointed out their relevance today. His talk also
included a warning that we are quickly approaching the time
when the last of the Holocaust’s survivors will no longer be with
us. How will we maintain a living memory of those terrible events
without living witnesses? The key, Dr. Berenbaum suggested, is
to incorporate the Holocaust’s lessons into Jewish home rituals
to make those lessons concrete to future generations.
The Men’s Society thanks Mark Rothman, (Executive Director
of the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust & member of
Temple Beth Am) for his gracious offer to open the museum
for this memorable evening and Dr. Michael Berenbaum for his
deeply insightful lecture.
On June 28th Temple Beth Am Men’s
Society sponsored a Build Day with
Habitat For Humanity at the future home
of a single mother and her children in the
city of Lynwood.
Rabbi Adam Kligfeld and congregants
of Temple Beth Am received basic
construction training and installed new
windows and repaired interior walls with
future homeowners being helped by Habitat For Humanity.
Volunteers experienced firsthand how Habitat Brings Hope Into
The Lives of Our Community!
“It was one of the best, well spent days I can remember! In a
deep, meaningful, and highly spiritual way, I agree with Rabbi
Kligfeld, we really were praying with our hands and with our
efforts.” – Richard Sudar
“Working on the Lynwood house with my fellow TBA
congregants, was really gratifying. Actually completing a
necessary piece of the house’s remodel felt great!” – Jana Lehman
“There was a dual attraction to this event for me. One was
the ability to connect with other TBA congregants and the
other was the opportunity to get involved and help someone
in the greater LA community. Rebuilding the Lynwood house
provided both.” - Jairo Angulo
The Men’s Society thanks Rabbi Kligfeld, Joel Cooper &
Michael Dorff for turning an idea into a spectacular community
service event, all of the Temple Beth Am volunteers who
participated and our friends at Habitat For Humanity L.A..
Should you be interested in participating in the planning of
future Men’s Society events, please email the Temple Beth Am
Men’s Society at [email protected].
Kol Ha’am
Open Houses
2012-2013 Schedule
Day School Open House programs at 10:15 a.m.
Tuesday, October 16; Wednesday, October 24
Wednesday, November 7; Thursday, November 29
Wednesday, December 5 (Special for our ECC Only)
Meet our Head of School Rabbi Mitchel Malkus, principals, parents,
tour the campus and learn about our innovative academic curriculum
and warm Jewish Community. For RSVP or more info, contact
Admission Director Lesley Bloom at (310) 652-7354 ext. 227 or email
her at [email protected].
Early Childhood Center Open House: 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Wednesday, 10/17; Tuesday, 10/30
Thursday, 11/15; Wednesday, 11/28
Meet our ECC Director, Angie Bass, visit our school and learn about
our warm Jewish community and our wonderful offerings, including our
popular Hebrew Immersion Program. RSVP to Betsy Krut at bkrut@tbala.
org or 310-652-7354, ext. 237
Pressman Academy ECC
Parent and Me Classes
The Pressman Academy ECC is offering some wonderful Parent and Me
classes this fall, including Grandparent and Me, Music and Shabbat. We
also are offering a special year-long 2-day “Toddler Time” Parent and
Me class for children who will turn two years old between September,
2012 and March, 2013. Parents will attend classes with their child for
two days a week, Monday and Wednesday, from 9:00 - 11:00 am, then
parents will slowly transition out after winter break. Contact Betsy at
[email protected] or call (310) 652-7354 x237 to get more information
on any of our classes.
Pressman Academy Day School and
ECC Annual Health and Safety Day
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. in the TBA Ballroom
Meet with health professionals from the community, purchase
emergency supply kits and student I.D. cards and sign up for committees,
along with mandatory lice check for all students! For more info, contact
Deborah Engel Kollin at [email protected] or 310-652-7354 x266.
October 30 – 6:30 p.m. Film Screening at Temple Beth Am
“Miss Representation:” Join us as we screen a film that explores and
“challenges the media’s limited and often disparaging portrayals of
women and girls, which make it difficult for women to achieve leadership
positions and for the average woman to feel powerful herself.” To watch
a trailer of the film go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gkIiV6konY
Please contact Sari Abrams, Parenting Institute Coordinator, for
more information or to arrange a time to “shmooze” individually.
(310) 652-7354 x298 or e-mail: [email protected]
Kol Ha’am
Shalom all,
It is with pride that I share with you
news from Far West USY Regional
Convention at Camp Alonim.
We sent 19 delegates, one of the largest
chapters in the region. On Friday
afternoon, Matthew Shterenberg ran
for cabinet and was elected Far West
Region’s Communications Vice President. Matthew
has been an active member both of USY and the TBA
Community since seventh grade, attending services
regularly and volunteering at the Purim Carnival. He is
an exceptional teen and we are happy to share him and
his talents with the region in 2012-2013.
On Shabbat I was given the honor of the Kesher
Youth Director award. I shared the award with my
co-worker Lana Blank at Beth El, La Jolla and Jules Gutin,
the International Youth Director of USY. Jules is retiring
after a 40-year USY career, and joined Far West at his last
Regional Convention as International Director.
At Banquet Saturday night, TBALA USY was awarded
a Chapter of Excellence. Our board spent hours
of hard work compiling a binder showcasing their
programming and accomplishments over the past year.
Letters of recommendation from our synagogue leaders
demonstrated to the awards committee our chapter’s
commitment to excellence and potential for even
greater accomplishments. I certainly have high hopes
for the future, with an enthusiastic and dedicated group
of 8-10th graders.
Far West also recognized our own Jacob Roeder, the
exiting Far West Regional Parliamentarian. Jacob’s
positive influence on the region is abundant, and he
is equally inspired himself by his involvement this year
both regionally and on a chapter level. This year marks
my sixth with TBA USY, and this years’ senior class and I
have been together their entire USY career since seventh
grade. Sarah, Ami, Sammy, Jacob, Jeremy, Josh, Adina,
Talia, and Talya have had varying levels of involvement
in USY in recent years, but each means something more
to me than just a USYer and Director.
Thank you to Desi, Avi, Sherri and Meir for your hard
work and dedication to our children and teens, and for
each of you for your support of what we do here in the
Youth Department. Our Youth Commission headed by
Youth VP Sue Hetsroni has been fundamental to the
success of our program.
I look forward to more joyful, draining, and inspiring
weekends such as Convention with you and your
children in the years to come.
Alana Levitt
TBA Youth Director
Temple Beth Am Gratefully Acknowledges Donations through July 1, 2012.
Abbey Bachrach’s special birthday
Landon Micah Drozen
David Kaplan receiving Ben Siegel Community Service Award
Sarah Leider’s graduation
Rabbi Susan Leider
Rabbi Ari Lucas
Rabbi Jack & Margie Pressman’s 70th
Wedding Anniversary
Daniel Rabin’s graduation
Robert Ring congratulations on a job well done
Bonnie Sue Schwartz
Rabbi Ruth Sohn & Dr. Reuven Firestone
David Turkell’s graduation
Hilary Wolf Refuah Shleimah a full and speedy recovery
Eliahoo Azizi
Bella Goldroyz
Gloria Grossman
Paul Grossman
Mary Jannol
Rva Lovinger’s yahrzeit
Marcia Pflug
Clara Bustow Shuer
Arthur Stern
Sylvia Weiss
Sandy & Jim Wolchok
Rosana & Edward Chermisqui
Sylvia & Alan Reifman,
Lynn & Jeff Richamn & Family
Rosana & Edward Chermisqui
Rosana & Edward Chermisqui,
Barbara & Jerry Rabin
Sisterhood of Temple Beth Sholom
Rebecca Pilch & George Greenberg
Rosana & Edward Chermisqui
Rosana & Edward Chermisqui,
Judy Green & John Kilyk
Natalie & David Roberts
Rosana & Edward Chermisqui
Rosana & Edward Chermisqui
Sandra & Robert Braun,
Marnie Friedman
Marla & Stuart Weiss
Marla & Stuart Weiss
Marla & Stuart Weiss
Melanie & Barry Landsberg
Kelly & Michael Bluman
Mara Roshal
Melissa & Michael Berenbaum,
Debbie & Jeff Birns, Sandra & Robert Braun,
Rosana & Edward Chermisqui, Sherri & Mike Cohn & Family,
Wendy & David Klarman, Jack Lebovic, Judith & Andrew Loeb,
Markovic Family, Susie & Josh Pretsky Klara Rosenfeld
Angel & Alan Schneider
Melissa & Michael Berenbaum
Melissa & Michael Berenbaum,
Sherri & Mike Cohn & Family,
Rosana & Edward Chermisqui, Wendy & David Klarman,
Mallory & Greg Lee, Teri Cohan Link & Baruch Link,
Cipra Nemeth & Scott Shulman, Angel & Alan Schneider,
Gail & Fred Rollman, Dick Wollmer
Rabbi Harry & Kay Silverstein
The birth of Landon Micah Drozen
Alicia & Jeff Drozen
David Kaplan receiving the Cipra Nemeth & Scott Shulman
Ben Siegel Volunteer Award
The birth of Ronnie Roth
Sharon & Brad Grob
Batya Weinstock’s and Noam Srolovitz’s
Beverly & Michael Harris
Eliahoo Azizi
Stella Goldroyz
Gloria Grossman
Marcia Pflug
Suzie Temkin
Sylvia Weiss
Vivian & Ron Alberts
Vivian & Ron Alberts
Vivian & Ron Alberts
Vivian & Ron Alberts, Sharon & Brad Grob
Sharon & Brad Grob
Vivian & Ron Alberts
Susan & Dennis Bunder’s 50th wedding anniversary
Debbie Cohen
Talia Cohen’s graduation from Milken High School
Debbie Cohen
Nathan Doiev’s graduation from UC Berkeley
Debbie Cohen
Ami Fields-Meyer graduation from Milken High School
Debbie Cohen
Noam Fields-Meyer’s from Debbie Cohen, Roberta,
Pressman Academy
David, Adina & Sam Rosenberg
Leah Gluck’s graduation from Debbie Cohen
Milken High School
Tirzah Harris’s Bat Mitzvah
Roberta, David, Adina & Sam Rosenberg
David Kaplan receiving the
Debbie Cohen
Ben Siegel Volunteer Award
Rabbi Adam Kligfeld in appreciation
Roberta, David, Adina & Sam Rosenberg
The birth of Lev Yehuda Kligfeld
Roberta, David, Adina & Sam Rosenberg
Sarah Leider’s high school graduation
Roberta, David, Adina & Sam Rosenberg
Rabbi Susan Leider in appreciation
Roberta, David, Adina & Sam Rosenberg
Zoe Lewin’s graduation from Debbie Cohen
Milken High School
Eitan & Coby Malkus’ 7th birthday
Debbie Cohen
Rabbi Mitchel Malkus in appreciation
Roberta, David, Adina & Sam Rosenberg
Rabbi Mitchel Malkus Roberta, David, Adina & Sam Rosenberg
Etz Chaim Award Recipient
Felecia Miller’s graduation Debbie Cohen
USC Master of Social Work
Madeline Miller’s college graduation
Debbie Cohen, Roberta, David,
Adina & Sam Rosenberg
Susan & Arthur Mishler in Debbie Cohen
appreciation & friendship
The birth of Ayelet Shira Rabin
Roberta, David, Adina & Sam Rosenberg
Rabbi Joel Rembaum in appreciation
Roberta, David, Adina & Sam Rosenberg
Adina Rosenberg’s graduation Debbie Cohen
from High School
Noah Rothman’s middle Roberta, David, Adina & Sam Rosenberg
Pressman Academy
Aaron Spiwak’s and Roberta, David, Adina & Sam Rosenberg
Alissa Heideman’s engagement
Sarah Spiwak and Roberta, David, Adina & Sam Rosenberg
Josh Gelbart’s engagement
Swerdlow Family in Debbie Cohen
appreciation & friendship
Batya Weinstock’s and Roberta, David, Adina & Sam Rosenberg
Noam Srolovitz’s engagement
Ali Zucker’s graduation from Debbie Cohen
Milken High School
Beloved mother & Bubbie, Helene
Roberta, David, Adina & Sam Rosenberg
Helene Goodman
Carla S. Loebman, Cheryl A. Rosen,
Angel & Alan Schneider
Paul Grossman
Debbie Cohen, Roberta, David, Adina & Sam Rosenberg
Stanley Klarman
Marcia Pflug
Rhea Rembaum
Julie Bustow Shuer
Jonathan Sussman
Sylvia Weiss
Roberta, David, Adina & Sam Rosenberg
Debbie Cohen, Roberta, David, Adina & Sam Rosenberg
Roberta, David, Adina & Sam Rosenberg
Debbie Cohen
Debbie Cohen
Debbie Cohen
Frances Friedman’s yahrzeit
Hyman Friedman’s yahrzeit
Robert Friedman’s yahrzeit
Suzie Temkin
Elaine & Larry Friedman
Elaine & Larry Friedman
Elaine & Larry Friedman
Mikie Bernstein
Marcia Pflug
Beverly & Michael Harris
Judy Kriger complete and healthy recovery
Beverly & Michael Harris
The birth of Oliver James Nimoy
Essia & Howard Fredman
Gloria Grossman
Marcia Pflug
Klara Rosenfeld
Suzie Temkin
Essia & Howard Fredman
Essia & Howard Fredman
Essia & Howard Fredman
Essia & Howard Fredman
Deb Kollin
Rabbi Mitchel Malkus
Susie Pretsky
Rabbi Chaim Tureff
Sanders Family
Sanders Family
Sanders Family
Sanders Family
JoAnn Colker-Arison a full Barbara & Jerry Rabin, Natalie & David Roberts
and speedy recovery
Dvorah Colker’s Birthday
Ellen L. & Martin Jacobs
Virginia Maas’ special birthday Dvorah Colker
Hilary Wolf a full and speedy recovery
Barbara & Jerry Rabin
Jack Colker
Wendy Harwood
Marcia Pflug
Suzie Temkin
Sylvia Weiss
Goldie Altman, Ruth & Milt Berman, Lonnie &
Jimmy Delshad, Dalia & Daniel Farkas, Beverly & Michael Harris,
Amy & Kenneth Katz, Jack Lebovic, Yehudith & Uri Lubliner,
Rabbi Jack & Margie Pressman, Angel & Alan Schneider,
Marlene & Alvin Solomon, Leona & Stanley Sperling, Janet & Harold Urman
Barbara & Jerry Rabin
Dvorah Colker, Barbara & Jerry Rabin,
Dvorah Colker
Barbara & Jerry Rabin
Continued on page 10
Kol Ha’am
David Kaplan receiving the Vivian & Ron Alberts, Susan & Arthur Mishler
Ben Siegel Volunteer Award
Gloria Grossman
Mary Jannol
Marcia Pflug
Sanders Family
Susan & Jerome Wasserman
Sandy & Mayer Brenner, Susan & Jerome Wasserman
Clara Bustow Shuer
Suzie Temkin
Sylvia Weiss
Susan & Arthur Mishler
Sandy & Mayer Brenner
Sandy & Mayer Brenner
The 8th grade graduates
Rebecca Cohn’s graduation from Pressman Academy
Rivka Grob’s graduation from Pressman Academy
Cheryl Hersh
Bella & Howard Kapp
Bella & Howard Kapp
Klara Rosenfeld
Suzie Temkin
Vivian & Ron Alberts
Vivian & Ron Alberts
Morah Monah Ahdout
Joelle, Daniel, Sadie & Max Gryczman,
Michelle & Dan Stone
Moreh Josh Bass
Michelle & Dan Stone
Jennifer Elad’s birthday & receiving the Ruth Award
Michelle & Dan Stone
Morah Aliza Grossman
Joelle, Daniel, Sadie & Max Gryczman,
Michelle & Dan Stone
Morah Rachel Klein
Joelle, Daniel, Sadie & Max Gryczman
Morah Lara Krinsky
Joelle, Daniel, Sadie & Max Gryczman
Morah Sherri Rabin
Joelle, Daniel, Sadie & Max Gryczman
Morah Monah Raoufpour
Joelle, Daniel, Sadie & Max Gryczman,
Michelle & Dan Stone
Suzie Temkin
Beverly & Michael Harris
Sharon Brooks receiving “Distinguished Volunteer Award”
Julie Lazarof receiving “Ruth Award”
Rabbi Jack & Margie Pressman’s 70th Wedding Anniversary
Eliahoo Azizi
Jack Colker
Efraim Goldstein
Gloria Grossman
Suzie Temkin
Janet Haiavy & Haroon Saghian
Janet Haiavy & Haroon Saghian
Ellen L. & Martin Jacobs
Mallory & Greg Lee & Family
Sheila & Alan Spiwak
Elbaz Family
Dina Helerstein, Pam, Amanda,
Lianna & Eddie, Mallory & Greg Lee & Family
Debra & Cedric Banks, Melissa & Michael Berenbaum,
Elaine & Gordon Berman, Rita & Charles Brucker, Rina Carmel,
Rosana & Edward Chermisqui, Sherri & Mike Cohn,
Caroline & Daniel Delshad, Lonnie & Jimmy Delshad,
Judy & Les Eber, Elbaz Family, Dalia & Daniel Farkas,
Elaine & Larry Friedman, Frances & Milton Goodman, Tatsuya Itoh,
Lynn & Bruce Kaufman, Mimi & Howard Landres, Mollie S. Levin,
James Levine, Nancy Levin & Daniel Caraco, Beverly Mintz,
Susan & Arthur Mishler, Amy & Jeff Rabin, Barbara & Jerry Rabin,
Angel & Alan Schneider, Tobie & Larry Schwimmer, Adele Shapiro,
Sheila & Alan Spiwak, Marsha & Jay Tanenbaum,
Janet & Harold Urman, Susan Wolf, Linda & Ron Zagon,
Rabbi Harry & Kay Silverstein
Frances Goodman
Goldie Altman, Miriam Wagman
Rhea Rembaum
Jeanette Polsky’s yahrzeit
Ronit Polsky’s yahrzeit
Harry Chait’s yahrzeit
Marcia Pflug
Kol Ha’am
Fran & Ivan Reed
Marcy & Andy Polsky
Marcy & Andy Polsky
Barry Rosenblatt
Sheila & Alan Spiwak
Robert Bird’s Hagbah & Aliyah
Robert Bird
Michael Harris Refuah Shleimah a full and speedy recovery
Jack Lebovic
David Kaplan receiving the
Sherri & Mike Cohn & Family,
Ben Siegel Volunteer Award
Rosana & Edward Chermisqui, Mara Roshal
Hilary Wolf a full and speedy recovery
Rosana & Edward Chermisqui,
Jack Lebovic
Helene Lebovic
Jack Lebovic
Robert Bird, Sandy & Mayer Brenner, Yelena Briksina & Mikhail Vakhlis
Shulamith Kustanowitz, mother of Esther
Arthur Stern
Mary Jannol
Gloria Grossman
Elilahoo Azizi
Rachel Sisk
Edith Stern
Henry Jannol
Sara Sanders, Brian Grossman,
Adam Grossman, Eric Grossman
Lisa and Larry Rosenstein
Lev Yehuda Kligfeld
Baby Kligfeld and Baby Drozen
Morris Immergluck
Jeff and Alicia Drozen
Reading Haftarah on Shavuot
Rabbi Kligfeld
Rabbi’s teaching at BAIT Sefer Amy Schwartz
Mara Roshal
The BAIT Sefer Study Group
Sylvia Weiss
Bev & Michael Harris
An Aliyah to the Torah Baruch Link
Grandson of Joe and Marizon Nimoy
Miriam and Herschel Elkins,
Louis and Judith Miller, Rachel Sisk
Grandson of Dale and Mark Bodenstein
Diane and Bob Roosth
Son of Rabbi Adam and Havi Kligfeld
Diane and Bob Roosth
Birth of Doron Boaz Metz
Diane and Bob Roosth
Abby Harris, for your service as Minyan Master
Susan Laemmle and
John Antignas
Marriage of Hana Askren to Noah
Cathie Lippman and Jules Kamin
Diane Roosth, for helping my mother
Jonathan Friedman
Library Minyan, in appreciation Charles Rosenblum
for Shabbat 6/8-9
Library Minyan Kiddush Fund
Anonymous, Lida Baker and Paul Nisenbaum,
Fran and Joel Grossman, Larry and Abby Harris,
Avi Havivi, Samuel Jason, Chaim Kline,
Laraine and Allan Kokin, Robert Malina, Dianne Shershow,
Rabbi Harry Silverstein, Carl Sunshine, Debbie Rich
My father, Avraham ben Ha Rav Pinchas Ha Levi
Rabbi Myrna Matsa
Helene Goodman
Laraine and Allan Kokin
Marcia Pflug, wife of Howard, Anita Happel, Jules Kamin
mother of Robert
and Cathie Lippman, Debbie Rich
Mother of Ellen Ackerman
Jules Kamin and Cathie Lippman
Arthur Stern
Haim and Lynn Beliak, Jules Kamin
and Cathie Lippman
Marlene Glaser 310-550-1738
[email protected]
Ricki Breskin-Kulkin 310-278-5585
[email protected] MAZAL TOV
Goldie Altman
Marlene and Harvey Glaser
Happy 90th Birthday!
Leona and Stan Sperling
Mikie Bernstein and Jerry Becker
Adrienne and Nate Stock
Granddaughter’s Wedding
Jennifer Elad Jessica, Mark, Chason and Eleanor Samuel
Ruth Award
Frances Goodman
Shirley Ashkenas and Family
Happy 90th Birthday!
David Kaplan
Miriam Wagman
Receipt of Ben Siegel Community Service Award
Rabbi Adam Kligfeld
Darlene and Abe Schlossberg
Happy Birthday!
Bernice and Arnie Loober
Tamara and Marvin Greenstein
Jordan’s Engagement
Rose Pilch
Faye Gelb
Rebecca’s Engagement
Pam Balton
Audrey Cohn
Rose Pilch
Miriam Wagman
Hilary Wolf
Jessica, Mark, Chason and Eleanor Samuel
Darlene and Abe Schlossberg
Continued on page 11
Temple Beth Am August 2012
Sisterhood Tributes, continued
Dvorah Colker and Family
Loss of Husband, Jack
Stella Goldroyz Ezros and Family
Loss of Mother, Bella Goldroyz
Rick and Andrea Grossman
Loss of Father, Paul Grossman
Teri Cohan Link
Loss of Uncle, Paul Grossman
Henry Jannol and Family
Loss of Mother, Mary Jannol
Ruth Moll
Loss of Sister, Ellen Silk
Leo Pearlstein and Family
Loss of Wife, Helen
Anita Weiss
Loss of Sister, Helen Pearlstein
Howard Pflug and Family
Loss of Wife, Mother and Grandmother, Marcia
Robert and Renalee Pflug
Loss of Mother, Marcia
Marshall Temkin and Family
Loss of Wife, Suzie Temkin
Bradley and Yana Temkin and Family
Loss of Mother, Suzie Temkin
Barbara Rabin and Family
Loss of Cousin, Suzie Temkin
Rabbi Joel Rembaum and Family
Loss of Mother, Rhea
Julie Shuer and Family
Loss of Mother, Clara Bustow Shuer
Miriam Wagman
In memory of Granddaughter Andrea
Tillie Barnett, Jessica, Mark, Chason
and Eleanor Samuel
Cathy and Jeff Turkell, Audrey Cohn
Shirley Ashkenas and Family, Tillie Barnett
Darlene and Abe Schlossberg
Audrey Cohn
Faye Gelb
Tillie Barnett
Tillie Barnett
Audrey Cohn, Marlene and Harvey Glaser,
Tamara and Marvin Greenstein,
Jessica, Mark, Chason and Eleanor Samuel
Audrey Cohn, Faye Gelb, Miriam Wagman,
Jessica, Mark, Chason and Eleanor Samuel,
Darlene and Abe Schlossberg
Goldie Altman, Shirley Ashkenas and Family,
Marlene and Harvey Glaser,
Tamara and Marvin Greenstein,
Marshall and Ricki Breskin Kulkin,
Jessica, Mark, Chason and Eleanor Samuel,
Darlene and Abe Schlossberg
Jessica, Mark, Chason
and Eleanor Samuel
Marshall Kulkin and Ricki Breskin Kulkin
Faye Gelb
Tillie Barnett
Faye Gelb
Stuart Weiss and Family
Loss of Mother, Sylvia Weiss
Eleanor Klausner and Family
Loss of Husband and Father, Leo
Faramarz “Andy” Azizi and Family
Loss of Father, Eliahoo Azizi
The Pflug Family
May Marcia’s memory be for a blessing.
The Temkin Family
May Suzie’s memory be for a blessing.
The Weiss Family
May your Mother Sylvia’s memory be
for a blessing.
Fannie Rich
In loving memory of her yahrzeit
Kay Sternberg
In loving memory of her yahrzeit
Barbara Breger
May you have a speedy recovery.
Get well soon!
Stanley, Marlene, Jeffrey,
Rebecca and Emily Braer, Audrey Cohn, Marshall Kulkin
and Ricki Breskin Kulkin, Darlene and
Abe Schlossberg, Cathy and Jeff Turkell
Audrey Cohn
Shoshi and Isydor Wilchfort,
Audrey Cohn, Cathy and Jeff Turkell
Gabriela and Elie Litov
Gabriela and Elie Litov
Gabriela and Elie Litov
Rose Pilch
Rose Pilch
Gabriela and Elie Litov
On behalf of the Ezros and Goldroyz families, we would
like to offer our deepest gratitude to Rabbi Kligfeld, Rabbi
Leider, Cantor Fishman, Rabbi Rembaum, and all of the
Temple Beth Am family for their love and support through
such a difficult time for our family. We are so touched
by the warmth and generosity we received, the sense of
pride and community was so heartfelt. We are so thankful
to everyone for being there for our family and for the
contributions made in memory of Bella Goldroyz.
Stella Ezros & Family
Kol Ha’am
Dates to Remember
Selichot A Musical Service Under the Stars
Saturday night, September 8
Kol Ha’am (USPS 008-599)
Temple Beth Am
1039 S. La Cienega Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90035-2507
Periodicals Postage Paid at Los Angeles,
California and additional mailing offices.
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Sunday Night, September 16
Open seating in the Sanctuary for all ticket holders.
First Day Rosh Hashanah
Monday, September 17
Second Day Rosh Hashanah - Tuesday, September 18
Tashlich at Santa Monica Beach
Sunday, September 23
Visit www.tbala.org/family or call x215 for more information.
Kol Nidre
Tuesday Night, September 25
Yom Kippur - Wednesday, September 26
More specific details regarding High Holiday
services will be listed on the back of your tickets
or can be found at www.tbala.org/hhd.
Sunday night, September 30 through Sunday, October 7
Shemini Atzeret
Sunday night, October 7 / Monday, October 8
Simchat Torah:
Monday night, October 8 / Tuesday, October 9
Sign up for Sukkah Match at
Purchase Arba Minim (Lulav/Etrog)
at www.pressmanacademy.org
The High Holidays are
quickly approaching!
Please make sure to return your Membership
Renewal packet by August 15th, which
includes signing up for High Holiday seats! If
we don’t hear from you, you can expect a call
from our Membership Committee – so save
us time, and respond today via mail or online at www.tbala.org/renew. You can also
submit names for the Book of Remembrance,
purchase a plaque for the Hall of Memories,
join Mercaz, or purchase a Mahzor. Are you
interested in being involved with the synagogue in other ways
than attending services? Return the last page which includes all
the ways in which you can be involved in Temple Beth Am.