r-ffi1 - Gavatec A/S
r-ffi1 - Gavatec A/S
SEALED TIGHT! w ?w G-ST-Flange Gaskets G-ST-Profite Gaskets G-ST-Wedge Rings QN,4-System zertilizlert dLrrch r-ffi1 \cemryZ iso 9001 G-ST-Ftange Gaskets G-ST-Profile Gaskets G-ST-Wedge Rings Rubbersteel flange gaskets and adiustable wedge rings have been proven in use over many years in all areas of pipeline construction. Sleel n ll'. powe pld -\. pelro cheriro pl orr o( eutir dl industri"s as wetl as numerous gas and water companies at home and abroad value the advantages of Kro[[ & Zitler sealing products. Product Range Page G-ST For various appLications. G-Sr/GUSS ln special dimensions. For total covering offlange face. G-sr-P/s For various applications, top choice for ioints connecting non-metallic (ptastics or GRP) and steelflanges. G-ST-P/K suit ftange ioints connecting pairs of plastic stub ends. To G-ST-P/Kl{ For various applications, top choice for partialLy coated flanges and heavy duty services. G.ST-P/HTB For stee[ flange connections in Fire Safe pipelines. G-ST-P/OE FLexible design gasket with visible stainless steel insert. c-sr-P/GR To suit pipework with soft rubber lining and flange faces with soft/hard rubber coating. IF lF- F= I--r|H T G-ST-Profile Gaskets With *o yea ,- o'expel op6p ;n .o1u- ing individual sealing probtems, With steel insert Flange bolts center the gaskets we can provide you with a range of lange gaske : olexteplio ol oper ating reLiability. With Kroll & Ziller gaskets you can be sure of: .high efficiencV due to reduced operating costs 'reduced fugitive em issio ns Growing international competi- tion rnal(es cost rn in imisation t I in all areas of production nec- essary. Production d isru p tions and rejections, main- e and repa,'ro\ts must be prevented by renanc choosing the best possi ble construction m ateriaLs. The risk of possibLe environmentaI poLtution The rnüst be elirninatecl. policy of Kroll & Ziller \ over the last 15 years has been specialisation, research and develop- ment in close coLtabora' tion with a [arge number of customers. The wide range of standard gaskets available for sealing flanges allows top quality stan dardisarion. H;qh ef''rie"cV .. com bined with superb handling. The ease of instalLation to the rigid steel is attributed core even with ld ge nomindl w dlh\ dnd Jnder:' able stresses. lf you have a probLem in choosing suitable gaskets, the experienced KROLL & ZILLER sales team is here to assjst you. G . ST - 5 for SteeIpipes K for Plastic pipes KN for non load bearing flafge jo irts OE vlsibLe SS lnsert HTB for Flre saie GR ior Rubber lined p ipes P ST with Steelinsert G for R u bber maierial G-ST-Profile Gaskets Proven in practice Reliable sealing of flanged joints on p peli-es has been rrade po:si bLe by the developrnent of KR0LL & ZILLER G ST gasl(ets. Vutcanization p-ovidos a- exl-erlV good adhesion between the steel insert and the rubber sheath. Even when stressed to extrernes, separation or blow out' are ror po\\ible. Dimensions in accordance with slandd'ds prevents Ln-ecessary llowrale redurtions dJe to pdrlbLocked cross-sections. Additionatly, there is optimum handLing during ilsldlldliol, since the gas\et is self centering on the bolt circLe. The l: rl; '-#. combination of these features makes the G-ST gasket the right choice for you. The new generation The G ST P profile gasket range ilrustrdtes the techr ological p'ogress of KR0LL & ZILLER. The basic concept is very ctear in the graphic illJsträrion of rhe gacket rro<s\e( lion.l he G 5T rnain body is con bined with a round cord ring. This "O-ring" is the most static sealing etement. The performance of this 0-ring is almost miracutous even without a (osr-intensive g'oove. The G ST P profiLe gasket combines the advantages of its individual pa'ts. ligh sL'lace pressures transmitted from the main force of the fLow are absorbed by the rigid body o' lhe c 5l gaskel. he 'lal s[eel- ring, corrosion protected by being vulcanized in, absorbs with ease lhe reqlircd 1e<l pressure. Tl'e 0ring lying paratteI to the main force of the flow is ideatly compressed against the sealing faces even at low surface pressures. lrregularties and grooves, even slight misalign- ments are compensated. As well, the gasket shows insensitivity to lhe minimJm torq-es required dL' ing installation which spares the material. A degree of operating reliability - never before reached is assured. Once in position it is seated tight! These advantages are especially important for flange ioints of thermoplastics (PVC, PE, Pq PVDF). The special KROLL & ZILLER gasket G-ST-P/S has the fotlowing advantages: . wlde seaLing surface area 'rectangular instead of round cross section near the 0-ring -hese all ributes prevent deforration of the flange adapters. The round cord ring reLiabLy fills the enlarged gap. Minimum req u ired tighlen "g torqJes proLect tha join;ng elenents from being over Loaded. G-ST-Profile Gaskets Benefits linked to G-ST-P gasket applications: .sealing u nder minimum bott .angte differences are more tighten ing ' com pensation im perfections easily compensated com pared to sim ple ftat gaskets of surface .ftange and bolt designs can be more lightweight . expensive machining of a 0-ring groove on the flange is unnec' essary . higher durabiljty of plastic ftange ioints Sealing thro ugh round cord ring system Absorption of Absorption of surface pressure in ner pressure by steel ring G-ST-profile gasket Electric characteristics of material used for gaskets The surface resistance Ro and the isolation resistance PD has been determined accordlng to DIN 53482, arrangement of electrodes styLe,,C". The desruptive voltage U6 has been tested due to DIN lEc 243-zlvDE o303, part 22 with direct current. (An electrode with a diameter of 25 nn conbined with grexnis6 p|a.trode with a diameter of 75 mm in accordance part with D N VDE oj03, 21.) The tests envolved items with thickness of r and 5 mm. (O) 1mm EPDM 0.45 x 103 NBR-DUO 3.30 (o) po 5mm 1mm 5mm 0.85 x 103 0.5 x 103 0.6 x 103 x 103 5.35 x 103 2.45 x 1011 2.35 x 101 1.5 x 2.55x1012 1.15x 1012 5.5 x FPM-S (o) Ro (O) Ro material a 10r0 1010 6.2 x 1o'g Po Test vottage (V) 3.2 x 101 8.9 x (kv) 1mm ud ud (kv) 5mm 10 10rD 100 7 4x1Oe 100 >15 >15 >15 nb = without results Gasket parameters due to DIN 28 o9o-1 due to ASME Code Section Vlll Div.r Tabte UA. 49.1 materials G-ST, P/S G-sT, P/5 P/K, Pi P/K, Pi 0E OE NBR FPM-S, CR, NR, EPDM, IIR CSM Pi KN P/KN c-5T, P/S, P NBR, CR, NR EPDM, IIR lK,P loE FPM-S, NBR, CR CSM NR, EPDM R, CSM FPM-S recommended flange face roughness Ra surface pressure N/mm2 imits for 20' C sudace I pressure mlts for 150' C 160 R. 2 15 m 9 4s0 v öeut (:2) öeo (5) (15) (435) Lrm N/mm2 övulr 6vo 160 160 2 10 p inch 500 psi 1.00 200 G-ST-Profile Gaskets Extra retiability The KROLL & ZiLLER gasket range was proven in the testing. 1 | ,.,., Test parameters: I 9o . medium: water 85 .temperature: zo'C I 680 8o F ? z .test pressure: ro bar / r43 psi -o Test sam ptes 2o" Gasket 70 = g60 a = G-ST ftange gasket b: NBR-DUO G ST P/S-proflle flange gasket NBR-DUO 'E lo c = Flat rubber gasket with textiLe insert NBR The resLlt ol lhe iest series is shown in the graph: Witl^ a pres\ure of ro oar / r43 psi o-lv a lrac lio r of t're req L red tightening torque calculated for the G'ST flange gasket is necessary for the 6-51-o/$ p'ofile gacket. H owever. use of the G-ST gasket with the higher vaLue is recommended during inslallation. lhe extra reliabilily ollsets nany Ln(erlainlies i- prarticp. lnner pressure p Water at 2oo C (bar) .+ a. = G-ST-Flange Gaskets b. = G-ST-Profile Gaskets für Zwei NBR.DUO zuqel. + gcprüft o.Ä &rr.*rd SUDDEUTSCH LAND Materials: CSM = Chlorosulphonated Monomer rubber NR = Natural rubber Temp. tmax.'3o...+ 60o C, Shore A hardness 6o Temp. Trnax. -22...+ r|ao r 5 F Temp. trnax. 2a...+ 72aa C, Shore A-hardness 7o Temp. tmax. -4...+ z48" F r 5 EPDM* = Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer rubber NBR-DUO = Acrylonitrile Butadiene rubber -KTW recommendation 1.3.13 in the areas D1 and D2, DIN'DVGW test mark, reg.no. NV 52614P1125 FDA approved acc.to 21 CFR Ch.I DR]NK NG WATER -KTW recommendation 1.3.13 in the areas D1 and D2, we as hVgienic test in accordance with DVGW code of practice W 2/o 'FDA, 21 CFR Ch.l (o4l2ooo), 5 177.26ao (o4/zooo), $ t77.z6oo t 5 FPM-S* = Fluorinated rubber acid proof Temp. tmax. 2o...+ 2ooo C, Shore-A hardness 8o t 5 Temp. tmax.-3o...+ rzoo C, Shore A-hardness 7o Temp. tmax. '22...+ 248o F as Temp. tmax, -4,.,+ 392" NATU RAL GAS Test approval by DVGW in accordance EN 3535, Part 3 (prEN 682) llR: with DIN no. NG 51134P1125 Temp. tmax. 25...+ 7ao C, Shore-A hardness Bo 1 HNBR : 5 F Steel lnsert Hydrogenated Acrylonitrile Butadiene rubber Ternp. tmax. -25...+ 15oo C, Shore A hardness 75 Temp. tmax. -13... + 302'F CR: lsobutene soprene rubber (Butyte rubber) Temp. tmax. -25...+ 12aö C, Shore A-hardness 55 Temp. tmax.-1j...+ 248o F reg. Temp. tmax. -13...+ 15Bo F loroprene ru bber Temp. tmax. -25...+ g5o C, Shore-A-hardress Temp. tmax. -73...+ 2oj" F r 5 Standard: Carbon Steel Optional: Slainless Steel * also available Ch 5j I as "HP" (high purity) 5 t 5 G.ST EN 1514-1 slmitar to G-ST,Flange Gaskets Nominal Diameter Nominal Pressure DN 15 20 40 50 65 BO 100 100 100 125 125 150 150 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 300 350 400 400 400 400 500 500 600 700 800 T 000 1200 1200 1200 1200 1600 1600 1800 2000 Nomina DN Dimensions in mm Diameter drxdzxsj 10-40 22 x 10-40 27 x 10-40 34 x 10-40 43 x 1040 49 x 1040 61 x 1040 77 x 1040 Bg x 6 115 x 10-T6 1'15 x 25-44 115 x 10-16 141 x 25-40 141 x 1016 169 x 25-40 169 x 1016 220 x 25220x284x6 40220x290xG 10273x328x6 16273x329x6 25273x340x6 40273x352x6 6324x373x6 10 324 x 16 324 x 25324x400x6 40324x417x6 10 356 x 10 407 x 16 407 x 25 407 x 40407x546x7 10 508 x 40508x628x7 10610x695x7 1A 712 x 10813t917xB 10 1016 x 1-2.5 1220 x 6 1224 x 1A 122A x 16 122A x 2,5 1620 x 10 1620 x 10 1820 x 10 2o2A x 51 61 71 82 92 107 127 142 152 162 168 192 194 218 224 273 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 378 x 384 x 438 489 495 5'14 x x x x 594 x 810 x 1124 1290 1307 1341 1342 1700 1772 1972 2182 x x x x x x x x x 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 B B B B B 8 8 B B 50 100 100 125 125 150 150 175 175 200 200 250 300 350 350 350 350 350 400 400 400 400 400 450 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 700 700 800 800 800 800 900 900 900 900 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1100 1100 1200 1200 Nornina Pressure PN 10-40 10-16 25 40 6 10 16 6 10-16 10-16 40 10 16 25 10 '10 6 '10 16 25 4A 6 10 16 25 4Q 10 6 10 16 25 10 16 25 40 6 10 6 10 16 25 6 T0 16 25 6 10 16 25 40 16 25 25 40 1300 1400 T .i1 G- 500 10 Dimensions in mm drxdz\s1 57x107x4 108 x 162 x 108 x 167 x 141 x 1B2x 133x192x5 169x207x5 159x218x5 195x248x5 195x267x5 216x273x6 216 x 285 x 261 x328x 3'18x378x6 368x423x7 368x438x7 368x445xl 368x458x1 368x475x7 42O v. 473 x 42Ax4g0xl 42Ox497x7 420x515x7 420x547x7 470 x. 540 x 520x575x7 520x595x7 520 x 618 x 520x625x7 620x695x7 620x735x7 620x730x7 620x745x7 72OX7B5XB l2Ox810xB 820x890x8 820 x 915 x 820 x 910 x B20x940xB 92Ax990xB 920 x 10T5 x 920x1010x8 920 x '1040 x 1020x1090x8 1020x1120xlB '1020 x 1125 x 1020x1150x8 1020x1190x9 1120x1225x9 1120 x T260 x 1220 x T360 x 1220x1395x8 1320 x 1435 x 1420 x 1545 x 1520 x 1645 x 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 B B B I 8 B 8 8 B B DIN z69o Quatity requested by the trained Technicans QuaLity for skiLled technotogical progress does not stop in front of the pipe trench. However the stakes of an assemb[y job of a flange joint are stilt high. That is why the approved rubber steeL gasket concept cannot be matched by alterna- tive products. G-ST G-5T-Flange Gaskets in specialdimensions Nominal Diameter DN 15 20 20 25 25 25 25 25 25 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 65 65 65 65 80 BO BO 80 80 BO BO 100 100 100 100 Dimens ons n mm drxdzxsl '15 x 54 23x54x3 23x60x3 28x43x3 28x53x3 28x65x3 30x48x4 30x 71 33x70x3 36x50x5 3BxA2x4 43x55x3 45x85x4 45x92x4 45x1O2x4 50 x 100 52x7Ax3 52x78x3 55x69x3 55x112x4 57x87x3 57x95y.4 57 x 118 62 x 118 63x75x4 65x85x4 l0x1O7x4 11 \ 9T 71 x 137 80x104x3 B0 x 118 85 x 147 87 x 105 92x124x3 95 x 121 100 x 148 102x138x3 105 x 127 10B x 149 108 x 173 Nominal Diameter DN x 3 x4 x x x 8 100 100 100 100 100 100 125 125 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 3 3 150 150 150 150 x x x x x x4 x x x x 115 3 4 115 175 190 3 5 190 204 3 204 200 5 204 204 204 4 200 4 5 20a 20a Dirnens ons n Nominal ameter mTn D drxdzxsl DN 110x150x4 110 x 160 x 115 x 149 x 116 x 218 x 124 x 17O x 125x174x4 125x172x5 130 x T51 x 132x175x5 133 x 210 x 150 x 208 x 150 x 210 x 150x212x5 152 x 177 x 152 x 194 x 152 x 210 x '154x258x5 156 x 177 x 158 x 188 x 159 x 203 x 160x215x3.5 16Ox247x5 169x203x5 170 x 195 x 170x285x5 175 x 228 x 180 x 240 x 1A7x23Bx6 192x228x4 192 x 217 x 243x239x5 243x273x6 204 x 305 x 2ASx270x5 2QBx242x5 21Ax25Ax6 215x270x4 224x259x5 220 x 309 x 225x239x5 '10 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 3 3.5 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 G-ST-Flange Gaskets in speciaI dime nsion s, to suit pressure class PN 10 Outer diameter according to DIN 2590, special inner diameter Nom nal D arneter DN 4A 50 65 BO 100 125 150 200 250 12 Dimensions in mm Nominal Diameter drxdzxsl 17v.70x4 34x92x4 44x147x4 61 x 127 x 72x142x4 97x162x5 121 x 192 x 149x218x5 196x273x6 250x328x6 4 5 Dimensions in mm DN dr x 300 350 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 299 x 329 x 378 x 485 x 587 x 687 x 786 x 884 x 986 x d2 XSr 374 ,<7 x7 xl x7 x7 XB xB XB xB 438 490 595 695 810 915 1015 1120 225 225 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 350 350 350 350 400 400 400 450 450 450 450 500 500 500 500 500 550 600 600 650 650 650 700 700 800 950 D riens ons n rnrn dtxd2xsl 225x2BOx5 230x267x5 255 x 295 x 255x312x5 267x342x6 274x364x6 300 x 345 x 300x349x6 300 x 365 x 300 x 378 x 307 x 353 x 310x35BxB 310 x 363 x 344x403x6 350 x 410 x 350x435x7 370x450x5 400x490x6 400x455x5 42Ax47Ax6 474x570x7 4BAx574x7 485x535x7 490x540x5 500x580x7 504t542x7 508x585x7 520x585x6 552x625x6 595x643x6 620x71Ax7 622x674x7 650 x 710 x 676x736x8 650 x 810 x 704x146x8 720x895x8 800x840x8 982 x 1050 x 4 6 6 5 5 5 7 B 8 8 G-ST/GUSS G-ST/GUS5-Flange Gaskets in special dimensions. For total covering of flange face. The right gasket for utility Flange gaskets for flange joints used in pipetine and facitity con struction works had been produced to match standards and directives precisely naming dirnensions for in ner and outer diameter. The way to determlne the inner diameter generalLv means that due 1o ils size a ronsiderabely big parli- tion olthe [ace will not be roverec. TypicaI scenery: . FFG-Pipe made of ductile cast iron with casted flanges and cement coating according to DIN 28 614, DN 8o, PN 10-25 . l/D pip": 78 mm ' O/D pipg= rll mm . area of ftange J66s= 9.rr5 mm' . Flange gasket DN 80, PN 1o-4o according to DIN EN 1514-1 ' l/D oio" oio"= 89 mm ' O/D p1p"= 1{2 mm . contact face with O lD pip" : 7 .672 mm' Naturally there are no additional restrictions caused by substitution. 0f course the gaskets will be made Rdsum6: approx. 16% of the flange face will not be covered! of N BR'DUO. This material is approved for water and natural gas Due to insufficient corrosion protection especially to be found in otd instaL tations an agglomeration of rust might occur occasionally whiLe deating with aggressive water q uality. The usage of KROLL & ZILLER-gaskets style TYP G-sT/GU55 shoots that or application (seeDVGW othe r international documents). A stressmark is linl<ed to the extended KTW requirements. problem! The worksheet W 2Zo "Approvai The in ner diameter will be determined by the nominal pipe size of commod- against microbiological disease" is ity pipe and fltting: mandatoryl KROLL Nominal Diameter Nom nal Pressure DN PN 40 50 60 10-40 10 40 65 10-40 65 BO 10-40 100 125 150 200 10 16 250 10 16 300 400 500 10 80 100 125 150 206 250 300 400 500 D Tnens 10 10 & ZILLER again is offering the taitor made solution. drxdzxsl 40 50 '10-40 10-16 10-16 10-16 ons n mm x91 x4 x '106 x x117x4 /, 126x4 x 142 x x162x5 x 192 x x21Bx5 x273x6 x32Bx6 x37Bx7 x4Bgxl x594x7 4 4 5 d2 d1 lt G-ST-P/S DIN 2690 EN 1514-1 G-ST-P/5-Profile Gaskets na DN Nom Diameter Nominal Pressure PN 15 10-40 20 20 6 10-40 25 32 32 10-40 6 10-40 40 50 50 10-40 65 6 65 80 100 100 100 125 125 125 10-40 T 0-40 10 16 25,40 '150 6 150 150 200 200 6 10-40 6 10-16 25-40 6 10 16 25 40 6 10-16 2AO 200 250 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 300 350 350 400 400 450 450 500 500 600 600 700 700 800 800 900 900 1000 1000 T 200 1200 1200 1200 1400 40 6 10 16 25 40 6 10 16 25 40 10 16 10 16 10 16 10 16 10 16 10 16 10 16 10 16 10 16 2.5 6 10 16 25 Dimens aF_ ons n mm d1 x d2 x s1/s2 22x 51 x 3/4 27x54x3/4 27 x 61 x 3/4 x 3/4 34x71 43x76x3/4 43x82x3/4 49x92x3/4 61 x96 x 4/5 61 x 107 x 4/5 77 x 116 x 4/5 77 x 127 x 4/5 89xT42x4/5 115 x 152 x 5/6 115 x T62 x 5/6 115x168x5/6 141 x 182 x 5/6 141 x. 192 x 5/6 141 x 194 x 5/6 169 x 2A7 x 6/8 169 x 218 x 6/8 169 x 224 x 6/8 220 x 262 x 6/8 220 x 213 x 6/8 22O x 284 x 6/8 220 x 290 x 6/8 273 x 317 x 6/8 273 x 328 x 6/8 273 x 329 x 6/8 273 x 340 x 6/8 273 x 352 x 6/8 324 x 373 x 6/8 324 x 378 x 6/8 324 x 344 x 6/8 324 x 40O x 6/8 324 x 417 x 6/8 356 x 438 x 7/10 356 x 444 x 7/10 407 x 4Bg x 7/10 407 x 495 x 7/10 458 x 539 x 7/10 458 x 555 x 7/10 508 x 594 \ 7/10 508x617x7/10 610 x 695 x 7/1O 610 x 734 x 7/1O 712 x 81A x B/T 712 x. 804 x B/11 813 x 9T7 x B/11 813 x 9T1 x 8/11 915 x 10T7 x B/T1 915 x10T1 x 8/11 1016 x1124 v. 8/11 1016 x 1128 x 8111 122A x129A x 8/11 122A x13O7 x 8/1 122A x1311 x 8/11 122A x1342 x B/11 142a x149O x 8/11 1 G-ST-P/S-Profi le Gaskets Nomina Diameter Nominal Pressure DN PN 350 350 350 350 350 400 400 400 400 400 450 450 450 450 450 500 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 600 6 10 16 dixd2xsr/s2 368 x 423 x. 7/10 368x43Bx7/10 368 x 445 x 7/10 368 x 458 x 7/10 368x475x7/1O 424 x 473 x 7/14 424x490x7/10 424 x 497 x 7/10 42O x 515 x 7/1A 42A x 547 x 7/1A 470 x 528 x 7/14 474x540x7/14 470 x 557 x 7/14 47Ox565x7/14 47O x 572 x 7l1A 52Ox57Ax//14 520 x 595 x 7/10 520 x 618 x 7/10 52O x 625 x 7/1A 52Ox62Ax//1A 620x680x7/10 620x695x//1A 620x735x7/1A 620x73Ox7/1A 620 x 745 x 7/14 720 x 785 x B/11 720 x 810 x B/11 720 x 805 x B/11 72O x B3A x B/11 720 v. 85A x B/11 B20xB90xB/11 B20x915xB/11 820 x 910 x B/11 820x940x8/11 82Ox97Ax8/11 920 x 990 x 8/'11 920 x 1015 x B/11 920 x 1010 x B/11 920 x 1040 x 8/11 920 x 1080 x B/11 1020 x 1090 x 8/11 102A x1120 x A/11 102A x1125 x A/11 1020 x T190 x B/17 1120 x 1215 x B/17 1215 x 1285 x 5.5/7 122A x 1395 x B/11 1280 x T380 x 8/17 1454 x 1540 x 8/11 6 10 16 25 40 6 10 16 25 4A 6 10 T6 25 40 6 TO T6 25 700 700 loo 25 700 800 800 800 800 800 900 900 900 900 900 1000 1000 1000 40 '1000 Dimens ons in rnrn 25 40 4A 6 10 16 700 6 10 16 25 40 6 10 16 25 40 6 10 16 40 1100 1204 1204 @ 40 1204 '1400 d2 d1 G-ST-P/S ASME G-5T-P/S G-ST-P/S-Profile Gaskets Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions in mm Pressure Class 150 lbs NPS di x d2 x 1/2" 21 x 45 3/"" 2t x s4 1" 33x 64 1 1/4" 42 x 73 1 1/t" 48 x 83 2" 60 x 102 2 1/2" 73 x 121 3 89 x 133 3 1/2" 102 x 159 4" 115 x 171 5" T40 x 193 6" T68 x 219 8" 219 x 276 10" 273 x 337 12" 325 x 406 14" 356 x 448 16' 406 x 5T2 T8' 457 x 547 2A" 508 x 604 /, x x x x x x x x x x x x D rnensions n Pressure C ass si/s2 drx 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 5/6 5/6 6/B 6/8 2Ax 27x 33x 12x 48 x 60 x 73x Bgx 1A2 x T15 x 140 x 168 x 219 x 273 x 325 x 356 x 406 x 457 x 508 x x 6/8 x7/10 x7/1O v.7/10 x7/14 d2x rn Tn 300 bs s1/s2 x 3/4 64x 3/4 70x.3/4 80 x 3/4 92 x 3/4 108 x 4/5 127 x 4/5 146 x 4/5 162 x 4/5 178 x 5/6 213 x 5/6 2,17 x 6/B 305 x 6/8 359 x 6/8 4'19 x 6/8 51 482 x7110 537 x7/10 594 x7/10 651 x 7/10 Nominal P pe Size Dlmens ons n rnm Dimensions in mm Pressure Class 150 lbs Pressure Class 300 bs NPS di x d2 x si/s2 di x d2 x s1/s2 24" 26" 28" 30' 32" 34' 36" 38' 40" 42" 44" 46" 48' 50' 52' 5,1' 56" 58' 60' x 772 x7/10 665v.832x7/1O 720 x 895 x8/11 770 x 949 x8/17 820x1003x8/17 865 x 1054 x B/11 g20x1114xB/11 965 x 1051 xB/11 61A x 115xl/1O x7/14 665 x 771 720 x 829 770 x BB0 820 x 937 865 x 987 920 x 1045 965 x 1T0B 1020 x'1159 x B/11 x B/11 xBl11 x 8/T1 x 8/1'1 x B/11 x B/1'1 T070 x 1216 x 8/11 1120 x1273 x B/11 1170 x 1324 x B/11 122A x 13A1 x B/ 11 127A x 1132 x 8/ 11 1320 x 1489 x B/11 1370 x 1546 x 8/11 1430 x 1603 x B/11 112A x1273 xB/11 1530 x 1711 x 8/11 610 xB/T1 x 8/T'1 x B/11 1170x1270x8/11 1220 x 1321 x B/11 1270 x 1375 x B/11 1320x1425x8/11 1370x14BgxB/11 1430x1540x8/11 1475 x 1590 x B/11 530 x'1641 x B/11 1020 x1111 1070 x 1162 1T20 x T216 T G-ST-P/S G-ST-P/S-Profi le Gaskets special dimensions Nominal Diameter DN 40 50 65 80 B0 100 125 150 '150 150 175 2OA 204 250 250 300 Dimensions in mm drx d2 x si 38x 92x 3/4 50x T07 x 66x 127 x 4/5 76x 142 x 4/5 81 x 142 x 4/5 100 x 162 x 4/5 125 x 192 x 5/6 150 x 2T8 x 5/6 156 x 218 x 6/B 114 x 218 x 6/B T75 x 235 x 6/B 182 x 275 x 6/B 240 x 273 x 6/8 228 x 328 x 250 x 328 x 6/B 275 x 3/8 x 6/B nal Dimens ons in mm DNdrxd2xsl Norn D arneter 300 300 x 350 285 x 350 330 x 350 340 x 350 340 x 350 396x 400 372 x :100 324 x 400 400 x 500 465 x 600 589 x 600 630 x 700 661 x 700 690 x 800 745 x 378 438 x 6/8 x7/1A 438 x 7/10 490 x 7/10 x 7/10 x 6/8 490 x1/1O 617 ,144 490 x7/14 490 x7110 595 x 7/10 695 x 7/T0 680 x 7/10 810 x 8/11 755 x B/11 915 \. A /11 G-ST-P/5-Profile caskets Dimensions for flanges of VCI-tanks, in accordance with code of practice C2.1.1 Nominal Dimensions in mm Diameter DNdixd2xsl 500 51A x 577 x 600 61A x 677 x 600 610 x 711 x 700 710 x 782 x 800 810 x BB7 x 7/1A 7/14 7/14 8/11 8/11 15 G-ST-P/K G-sr-P/K G-ST-P/K to suit flange ioints made of thermoplastics (PVC, PB PE, PVDF) For pressure piDeLines mrde oi FVC w th solventcemented flanse adaptors and ba.kine flanees, maiulartured in ac.ordance w lh D N 306l part 4, and aLso tor pressure pipeLines made of PE, PP and PVDFwith eLe.trofused nnnge adaptors and backing fLangesmanuiacturedina..ordan.cwlthDN16g62parrD(PP)andDN1696tpartfl(PE),akousabGrornxedflangesmade of PVC, PP afd PVDF. Can aLro be !5ed for intermedlate fLanee vaLves. D mensions ac.odife to DIN lS0 2io1PN 10. Outer O of pipe Flange ot,l ') Dimensions mm d1 x d2x (mm) 10 16 '15 20 25 32 20 25 x x x x 0x 50 x x 3/4 x 3/4 x 3/4 x 3/4 x 3/4 x 3/4 63 x 1Q7 x 4/5 75 x 127 x 4/5 90 x 142 x 4/5 110 x 162 x 5/6 125 x 192 x 5/6 140 x 192 x 5/6 160x218x 6/8 204 x273 x 6/8 225 x273 x 6/8 250 x 303 x 6/8 25A x32B x 6/8 2BA x32B x 6/8 315 x 378 x 6/B 355x438x7/10 4oo x 489 x 7 /1O 16 20 25 32 40 40 50 50 65 75 80 90 100 125 125 150 '110 125 140 160 200 200 200 225 250 250 250 250 250 300 350 400 sr/s2 280 3'15 355 400 DrN G-ST-P/K-Profi le Gaskets l- 46 51 61 71 82 92 / rso (PVDF) For pressure pipelines made of PVDF with butlfused flange adaptors and backing flanges. Flange dimensions according to DIN ISO z5or PN ro. F ange otrr ') 20 25 40 50 65 65 BO 100 100 125 125 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 250 t6 Outer O of pipe PN (mm) 16 16 16 '16 16 16 10 r 0-16 16 10 10 16 10 16 10 T0 16 1A 16 10 25 32 4A 50 63 75 75 90 110 125 140 140 160 160 180 200 200 225 225 280 Dimensions in mm SDR 21 21 21 21 21 21 33 33 21 33 33 21 33 21 33 33 21 33 21 33 a djx 24 30 37 46 61 73 69 84 x x x x x d2x sj/s2 61 x 71 x 82 x 92 x 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 5/6 5/6 5/6 5/6 6/8 6/8 6/8 6/8 6la 6/a 6/8 6/8 x x x 127 x x 142 x 1O4 x 162 x 123 x162 x 137 x 192 x 127 x 192 x 156 x21Bx 146 x 218 x 177 x 218 x 196 x 273 x 181 x 273 x 22O x 273 x 203 x 273 x 274 x 32A x 107 v. 127 O- G-ST-P/K DIN 16962 part + (PP) DIN 1696j part 4 (PE) G-ST-P/K Profile Gaskets G-ST-P/K Profi le Gaskets For pressure pipelines made of PE and PP with buttfused flange adaptors and bacl<ing ftanges to suit DIN ß962 paft 4 (PP) and DIN 16963 part 4 (PE). FLange dimensions according to DIN LSO 2501 PN10. F ange Outer Dimensions in mm O ofooe DN') (nT;) sDn':) '11 20 20 25 25 25 25 7.4 32 1.4 32 40 11 32 40 50 50 50 63 63 63 75 15 75 90 90 90 110 110 110 7.4 1T0 7.4 33 40 4A 40 50 50 50 65 65 65 BO BO 80 100 '100 100 100 100 100 100 100 125 125 125 11 125 125 125 125 140 140 140 17 11 7.4 17 11 7.4 17 11 7.4 1l 11 7.4 33 17 11 17 '11 7.4 33 17 11 dl x d2 x 22x61 24x61 2a v. 71 23x71 34x82 29x82 46x92 42x92 36x 92 58 x 107 53 x 107 45 x 107 69 x 127 63 x 127 54 x 127 A4 x 142 76 x 142 65 x '142 1O4 x 162 T00 x 162 93 x 162 B0 x 162 123 x 162 114 x '162 '105 x 162 90 x 162 137 x 192 127 x 192 117 x 192 DIN 16962 part 4 (PP) DIN 16963 part 4 (PE) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Flange Outer D mensions in mm O of oioe sr/s2 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 314 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 x 5/6 x x x x x For pressure pipelines made of PE and PP with buttfused flange adaptors and backing flanges to suit DIN ß962 paft 4 (PP) and DIN 16963 part a (PE). 5/6 5/6 5/6 5/6 5/6 x 5/6 x 5/6 x 5/6 DNrr (;;) 125 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 200 140 160 160 160 160 180 180 180 180 200 200 200 204 225 225 200 sDF'r 7.4 33 11 11 7.4 33 17 11 7.4 33 17 11 7.4 17 11 250 250 254 254 254 254 17 250 280 33 250 280 280 315 315 315 1l 355 400 400 450 450 500 500 560 560 560 630 630 11 254 300 300 300 350 350 400 400 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 600 11 T1 33 17 11 17 '11 11 17 11 17 11 11 17 11 drxd2xsj/s2 x192 x5l6 156x218x6/B 146 x 218 x 6/B 135 x 218 x 6/8 116x218x6/B 171 x 218 x 6/8 164x218x6/8 151 x21B x6/B 130x218x6/B 196x273x6/B 181 x 273 x 6/8 168x273x6/B 145x273x6/8 220 x 273 x 6/a 2A3 x 273 v, 6 /B 188x273x6/8 243 x 32a x 6/A 226 x 328 x 6/8 208 x 328 x 6/8 214t328x6/8 252 x 328 x 6/8 233 x 328 x 6/B 306 x 378 x 6/8 283 x 378 x 6/8 262 x 378 x 6/8 319 x 435 x 6/B 294 x 438 v. 6/8 359 x 4Bg x 6/B 331 x4Bg x6/B 403 )< 594 x 7/1O 372x594x7/1O 447x594x7/10 413x594x7/10 494x695x7/10 462x695x7/1a 451 x 695 x 7/10 555x695x7/10 519x695x7/10 101 \omi-al f.angp si,,e nay not be siTilar lo nom ina I pipe size. ')SDR: Standard Dimension Ratio (ratio between outer @ of pipe I wall thickness) d2 .11 77 G-ST'P/KN for non-[oad bearing flange joints G-ST-P/KN for non-load bearing flange ioints The successfut merging of two opposing sealing philosophies. The c ST profile gasl<et exhibits de[orn ing and no: ld ing rharac [erislit: wiIh nin ru-n su lare pressu re. When extreme stresses occur during instaLlation, the G-ST-P/KN offers the best solution. The outer steeL ring on the outside boxes in the surface lip and protects it fully. F_ ligh ,: fare p.e\<L e\ on 1l-e rubber lip or blow-outs under high 'FF' operaling pre\sJ'e are nor pos' ble. € kkF- FF-E-- the case of partcoated fLanges the sensitive faces are protected. n E Typical applications are therefore: Systems operating at high pressure or Rubber-coated sub-assem bLies i- ci-enicol wo'1.: and powe' sto tio n s. Soft rubber 0-R in g Flatt ring section Steel support ring 19 c-sr-P/KN DIN 2690 G-ST-P/KN c-ST-P/KN for non'load bearing flange ioints PN 10 PN 1oo Dimensions in rnm 100 10 16 d1 d, d.1 d4 d1 d.1 d.1 si/s2 10 18 56 56 50 61 61 20 25 2A 45 50 60 45 22 45 50 60 70 45 15 5/3 5/3 5/3 70 7A 82 82 32 43 49 82 82 82 82 s2 147 127 92 147 127 92 107 142 142 162 192 162 192 21A T68 103 113 137 148 174 195 210 225 267 292 353 418 475 547 572 247 277 309 364 424 486 543 103 119 143 154 180 217 257 287 628 657 764 879 DN 35 40 50 65 77 90 11s BO 100 125 141 '150 169 195 220 274 325 368 420 470 520 175 200 254 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1204 1400 1600 '1800 2000 2204 2404 2600 2800 3000 620 120 820 920 020 1220 T 1420 1620 1420 2420 2220 2424 2620 2B2A 3020 214 248 273 324 438 490 540 595 695 810 915 1015 1120 T 340 1545 1770 1970 2180 2380 2590 2790 3010 3225 50 60 10 248 273 330 385 445 497 557 618 735 805 910 10T0 1125 1340 1540 '1760 1960 2165 2375 2585 2745 127 142 168 195 255 245 342 402 458 515 565 625 730 830 940 1040 1150 1360 1575 1795 2000 2234 60 92 147 127 142 745 850 970 1080 T 190 1395 1615 1830 9BB 1108 1220 1452 397 4sB 512 512 744 813 950 5.5/3.5 5.5/3.5 5.5/3.5 5.5/3.5 5.5/3.5 5.5/3.5 B/5 B/5 B/5 B/5 8/5 B/5 a/5 8/5 8/5 10/6.5 10/6.5 10/6.5 10/6.s 10/6 5 10/6.5 10/6.5 10/6.5 12/8 12/8 12/A 12 /B 12/B 12/B 12/8 12/A 12/8 d4 d1 c-sr-P/KN similartoASME B 16.zr for ASME B 16.47 Series A flanges (previous MSS 5P - 44) F: G-5T-P/KN for non-load bearing flange ioints CLass 15o Ibs - 600 lbs Dimensions in mm Class NPS 26" 28" 30" 32" 34" dl 46" 720 770 820 865 920 965 1020 1070 1120 1170 4B' 50" 1224 1274 52', 1324 1370 1430 1475 1530 38" 40" 44" 54" 56" 58" 60" 150 d4 d4 d4 d4 774 835 898 952 1006 1057 1117 1054 1114 1165 1219 1273 831 866 914 971 1422 1073 1130 1104 1155 831 882 939 990 1447 111 1 1162 1219 1276 1327 1384 1435 1492 1549 1606 1663 1714 1323 1378 1428 1492 1543 1593 1644 G-ST-P/KN 892 946 1003 1054 1117 1073 1132 1118 1231 1289 1346 1403 1454 1517 1568 '1619 16A2 simitarto ASME B 1215 1270 1327 1390 1447 1498 1555 1612 1663 1120 10/6.5 10/6.5 10/6.5 10/6.5 10/6.5 10/6.5 10/6.5 10/6.5 10/6.5 10/6.5 10/6.5 10/6.5 12/8 12/B 12/8 12/B 12/B 12/A 16.zr für ASME B 16.47 Series B flanges (previous API 605) F=r G-ST-P/KN for non-load bearing flange ioints Class r5o lbs - 6oo bs Dimensions in mm NPS dl d1 d, d4 d, s1/s2 26" 28" 665 720 770 820 865 725 776 827 771 746 800 857 88'1 939 993 1047 10s8 1149 1200 765 819 879 933 997 1441 10/6.5 10/6.5 10/6.5 10/6.5 10/6.5 10/6.5 10/6.5 T 0/6.5 10/6.5 T 0/6.5 10/6.5 10/6.5 32" 34" 920 38" 40" 42" 44" 965 1020 1070 1124 46', 1174 48" 50' 1224 1274 52', 1324 54" 1370 1430 1415 1530 56', 58' 60" 935 987 1044 1095 1146 1196 1255 1306 1357 1408 1463 1514 1579 1630 825 BB6 12s1 1317 1368 1419 1470 1555 1593 911 962 1022 12/B 12/8 12/8 12/B '1655 12/8 1104 12/A G-ST-P/Kl{ simitar to ASM E B non-loät bearirir$;,'' 16.zr for ASM E B 16.5 flanges : !l Ctass r5o lbs - 9oo lbs Dlmensions in mm '150 Class 400 600 900 d4 d4 s1/s2 63 5/3 5/3 5/3 NPS d1 d4 d4 d4 1/2" 22 47 3/4', 1" 27 34 43 49 57 53 66 66 82 82 a2 79 88 95 95 95 9B 111 111 111 142 130 149 165 180 130 149 162 177 212 247 130 149 168 1 1/4" 73 21/2" 74 90 76 85 104 124 136 3 1/2" 102 162 115 141 169 220 274 174 196 222 279 11t2', 2" 5" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" '18" 20" 6S 409 450 356 407 458 508 610 514 549 606 717 215 251 307 422 485 539 596 654 774 162 193 241 266 304 320 358 419 482 536 593 647 400 457 492 565 612 682 790 206 247 289 358 434 498 520 574 638 698 838 5.5/3.5 5.5/3.5 5.5/3.5 5.5/3.5 5.5/3.5 a/5 a/5 a/5 a/5 a/5 al5 8/5 8/5 B/5 10,/6.5 10,i6.5 10/6.5 Available materials EPDM N BR-DUO FPM.S Thrust Ring Stainless SteeI t.43ot I AlSl 3o4 Low Carbon Steel 1.oc:.9 l st 37 zincplated and gatvanized other materials on request + i G-ST-P/HTB VP 4o1l DIN EN 682 G-ST-P/ HTB G-5T-Profile Gaskets Designed for steel flange joints in Fire nected fire fighting systerns. - Thrustringstyte"KammprofiL",t.r+SZtlASl316Ti, te on both faces. Sealing lip made of Nominal Nom na ameter Pressure Class DN PN D D d1 25 32 10,40 10 40 34 4A 10-40 10-40 10-40 10 40 100 125 150 10-16 N B R-D Xdrx s1/s2 71 49 92 X 6T 77 107 127 B9 142 162 X 10-16 10-16 115 141 169 214 x 240 10-16 22A 200 250 25 224 273 BO '16 layers of expanded graphi- mensions n mm X 65 DVGW approved up U0. a2 50 to 5 bar accordlng to VP 4o1 Safe pipesystems as well as con' 273 284 329 5.5/4.5 5.5/4.5 5.5/4.5 5.5/4.5 5.5/4.5 5.5/4.5 a/6 8/6 a/6 a/6 a/6 a/6 d1 ' F-r^ G-ST-P/OE G-ST-P/OE G-ST-P/OE:Profi le Gaskets Proflles availäble currently Due to their innovative design, profiLe gaskets are the first choice to provide retiabte sealing for flange joints with low static capacity. For example, the construction of an apparatus and containers will often combine sLim flange faces with a small amount of botts. Those and similar applications are perfectly covered by the type G'ST'P/OE. We will match your request through the right combination of elastornerlips and stainless steel inserts. Profiles Elastomerlips '18 10 =l F:s-l Available materia[s EPDM NBR-DUO FPM-S Steel insert made of r.43or/AlSl 3o4 Others on req uest .. 'lt r- 25 _ 13,U _ -Y^ 35 =l ts:N?^ 45 33.5 -Y^ 24 Minimum inner diameter = 2oo mm 'l'o' G-ST-P/GR G-sT-P/G R G'5T-P/GR-Profi le Gaskets in accordance with directive FDG - ol89 to suit flange joints with soft/hard rubber lining. Nom nal Diameter Dimensions in mm xd3xsr/sz DN 25 32 40 50 65 BO 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 600 700 800 s00 1000 1200 2a x 37x85 43x95 54 x 7A x 82 x 101 x 132 x 159 )< 207 x 264 x 310 x 341 x 392 x 494 x 595 x 695 x 800 x BS5 x 1000 x 12AO x 74 110 130 145 165 195 221 276 330 380 440 491 596 698 813 920 1020 1127 1344 x54x3.5/3 x64x3.5/3 x70x3.5/3 x 82 x x 102 x x114x4.5/4 x 140 x x 163 x x 192 x x24Ax5.5/5 x293x5.5/5 x342x5.5/5 x373xB/l x430xB/l x532x8/7 x635xB/7 x735x9/8 xB40x9/B x940x9/B x 1040 x x1245x9/B 4.5 / 4.5 / 4 4.5 / 5.5 / 5.5 / 4 9 / 4 5 5 B d2 d3 d1 25 G-ST-Wedge Ring G-ST-Wedge Ring Outer diameter accord ing to DIN 2632, ASME B 16.5 PN 10 Wedge Ring infin itly variable na Diameter Norn DN D rnensions in mm sat0' d2 89x 142 127 142 162 152 218 273 328 378 438 490 595 695 810 917 1015 4A 50 65 BO 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 600 700 800 900 weight x 45 58 x x B9 x 108 x x 133 71 x 163 216 267 318 368 420 520 622 x 710 x x 808 910 x x x x x x x23 x24 x25 x27 x27 x30 x33 x37 x41 x45 x53 x57 x66 x73 x84 x92 x satS' kg 29 31 0.6 0.8 37 1.7 3B 2.0 1.4 43 4B 4.1 56 5.4 7.7 9.7 17.6 64 71 a4 91 19.3 108 120 32.1 141 '156 100 171 40.3 76.0 99.0 121.0 The quicl< answer to sealing problems The Kroll & Zilter G-ST wedge ring is ideally suited for solving alignment problems during assembly or for filting large gaps in installation. The shell structure with inner elastomeric flat gasket - combined into one unit with pins provides the posibility to solve misalignments from oo to B" without ste ps. The ideaL com binatio n with G-ST-P gaskets is approved for gas and drinking water and is a must for the practical engineer. Time is saved during assembly and flanges can be reliably sealed for service. G-ST-Wedge Ring Class r5o Wedge Ring infinitLy va riable Nominal Pipe Size Dimens ons tn mm NPS 1O2 121 133 111 219 276 337 406 2" 2 1/2" 4" 6' B' 10,, 12" x x x x x x x x 55 68 84 weight sat0' satB' 24 27 31 kg 0.92 1.39 1.54 28 35 37 110 29 41 2.61 163 214 35 50 39 5B 268 43 49 67 3.89 6.16 9.50 T 5.90 320 77 Materialr Carbon steeL (1.ool7), galvanized, electro coatecl with epoxy polyester powder coating (potäble water approvaL), colour acc. to RAL 501o, blue. I 26 The companies within the ZILLER-Group NILtrs NILOS@ HANS ZILTER GMBH & CO. KG Conveyor belt - equipment Conveyor belts and connections, vulcanising equipment, coLd bonding adhesives TOPGUM, NIL0S friction, reflex and wear protection coatings, knife cteaning devices, moutded articles, sieve ftoors, sieve machines with new processing technoLogy, planning and supply of complete conveyor belt repair worksho ps. NII.OS.HINE ZILLER GMBH & CO. KG Ro[ler bearing gaskets NIL0S rings for ball and roLLer bearings, Z and RS bearings, labyrinth gaskets NlL05 ring LSTO, spacer rings. KROLL & ZIttER GMBH & CO. KG G-ST ftange and profile gaskets, other flange KB0L[aZlil.EB gaskets and packings Ask for the complete brochure. 1üB qel'fur F*fk t t a , t --> -.: - $s's $*-t,il' KROLT & ZlttER GmbH & Co.KG Reisholzstrasse 15 D-40721 Hilden/Germany lnland/Domestic: Tet: +49 (0)2103.951-516, .5o7 Fax +49 (o)21o3-95i-5o8, -5o9 Ausland/Expod: Te[: +49 (o)zro3-95r-5u, -5r5 Fa* +49 (o)2103-951"510 [email protected] www.Krolt-Zilter.de
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