Add transitions - VO-raad
Add transitions - VO-raad
Gepersonaliseerd leren op de iPad KeesVersteeg Keynote: Een museum bezocht met fototoestel en video tas om de schouder? Een reis boekte bij een reisbureau? Geld haalde aan de balie bij een bank? Een cd kocht in de w inkel? Een lange brief schreef en verstuurde? Dat u bij een keynote zat zonder de mail te checken? H et gaat toch goed? De resultaten zijn toch goed? Daar hebben w ij de mensen niet voor! Dat w illen onze ouders niet! H et is een hype! Leeftijd? Getrouw d? Kinderen? A uto? Opleiding? Politiek? Kw aliteit? Leerlingenaantal? Financiën? ICT? H oe lang? 2000 iPads N etw erk Klas 1,2,3 volledig digitaal M inder methode gebonden Lerende organisatie Cultuur van vernieuw ing • Cultuur van het leren • Structuur van het leren • Menselijk kapitaal • Data infrastructuur • Feedback en toetsen • Financiering • Kwaliteitsbewaking • Breed eigenaarschap • Wet en regelgeving • Maatschappelijke discussie Het klaslokaal van de toekomst Werken in de cloud Gepersonaliseerd leerplatform Data analyse Open info / Kennis Leren met games Mobiel leren hiërarchie How to • Add slides by tapping the “+” button in graphs and charts, tap the “+” in the top the bottom left-hand corner right-hand corner profiel leerling • Deleteactief slides by selecting the slide you • ATo replace profiel pictures on Da slide, tap the leerling leerlijn want to delete, then tap the slide again circle in the bottom right-hand corner of and tap “delete” the picture • Add transitions by selecting a slide, then • To animate objects on a slide (e.g. text, tap the slide again andprofiel tap “transition” pictures, graphs, etc.), select the object leerling C gekoppeld • To edit text on a slide, double tap the by tapping it and tap “animate” aan leerdoel place holder text • To add additional objects such as 4 profiel leerling B 1 gekoppeld aan leerdoel Don’t forget to delete this slide before your presentation! gekoppeld aan leerdoel 2 3 5 How to • Add slides by tapping the “+” button in • • • • the bottom left-hand corner Delete slides by selecting the slide you want to delete, then tap the slide again and tap “delete” Add transitions by selecting a slide, then tap the slide again and tap “transition” To edit text on a slide, double tap the place holder text To add additional objects such as • • graphs and charts, tap the “+” in the top right-hand corner To replace pictures on a slide, tap the circle in the bottom right-hand corner of the picture To animate objects on a slide (e.g. text, pictures, graphs, etc.), select the object by tapping it and tap “animate” Don’t forget to delete this slide before your presentation! 24 How to • Add slides by tapping the “+” button in • • • • the bottom left-hand corner Delete slides by selecting the slide you want to delete, then tap the slide again and tap “delete” Add transitions by selecting a slide, then tap the slide again and tap “transition” To edit text on a slide, double tap the place holder text To add additional objects such as • • graphs and charts, tap the “+” in the top right-hand corner To replace pictures on a slide, tap the circle in the bottom right-hand corner of the picture To animate objects on a slide (e.g. text, pictures, graphs, etc.), select the object by tapping it and tap “animate” Don’t forget to delete this slide before your presentation! How to • Add slides by tapping the “+” button in • • • • the bottom left-hand corner Delete slides by selecting the slide you want to delete, then tap the slide again and tap “delete” Add transitions by selecting a slide, then tap the slide again and tap “transition” To edit text on a slide, double tap the place holder text To add additional objects such as • • graphs and charts, tap the “+” in the top right-hand corner To replace pictures on a slide, tap the circle in the bottom right-hand corner of the picture To animate objects on a slide (e.g. text, pictures, graphs, etc.), select the object by tapping it and tap “animate” Don’t forget to delete this slide before your presentation! How to • Add slides by tapping the “+” button in • • • • the bottom left-hand corner Delete slides by selecting the slide you want to delete, then tap the slide again and tap “delete” Add transitions by selecting a slide, then tap the slide again and tap “transition” To edit text on a slide, double tap the place holder text To add additional objects such as • • graphs and charts, tap the “+” in the top right-hand corner To replace pictures on a slide, tap the circle in the bottom right-hand corner of the picture To animate objects on a slide (e.g. text, pictures, graphs, etc.), select the object by tapping it and tap “animate” Don’t forget to delete this slide before your presentation! How to • Add slides by tapping the “+” button in • • • • the bottom left-hand corner Delete slides by selecting the slide you want to delete, then tap the slide again and tap “delete” Add transitions by selecting a slide, then tap the slide again and tap “transition” To edit text on a slide, double tap the place holder text To add additional objects such as • • graphs and charts, tap the “+” in the top right-hand corner To replace pictures on a slide, tap the circle in the bottom right-hand corner of the picture To animate objects on a slide (e.g. text, pictures, graphs, etc.), select the object by tapping it and tap “animate” Don’t forget to delete this slide before your presentation! How to • Add slides by tapping the “+” button in • • • • the bottom left-hand corner Delete slides by selecting the slide you want to delete, then tap the slide again and tap “delete” Add transitions by selecting a slide, then tap the slide again and tap “transition” To edit text on a slide, double tap the place holder text To add additional objects such as • • graphs and charts, tap the “+” in the top right-hand corner To replace pictures on a slide, tap the circle in the bottom right-hand corner of the picture To animate objects on a slide (e.g. text, pictures, graphs, etc.), select the object by tapping it and tap “animate” Don’t forget to delete this slide before your presentation! How to • Add slides by tapping the “+” button in • • • • the bottom left-hand corner Delete slides by selecting the slide you want to delete, then tap the slide again and tap “delete” Add transitions by selecting a slide, then tap the slide again and tap “transition” To edit text on a slide, double tap the place holder text To add additional objects such as • • graphs and charts, tap the “+” in the top right-hand corner To replace pictures on a slide, tap the circle in the bottom right-hand corner of the picture To animate objects on a slide (e.g. text, pictures, graphs, etc.), select the object by tapping it and tap “animate” Don’t forget to delete this slide before your presentation!