Add transitions - VO-raad


Add transitions - VO-raad
Gepersonaliseerd leren op de iPad
Een museum bezocht met fototoestel
en video tas om de schouder?
Een reis boekte bij een reisbureau?
Geld haalde aan de balie bij een
Een cd kocht in de w inkel?
Een lange brief schreef en
Dat u bij een keynote zat zonder de
mail te checken?
H et gaat toch goed?
De resultaten zijn toch goed?
Daar hebben w ij de mensen
niet voor!
Dat w illen onze ouders niet!
H et is een hype!
Getrouw d?
A uto?
Kw aliteit?
H oe lang?
2000 iPads
N etw erk
Klas 1,2,3 volledig digitaal
M inder methode gebonden
Lerende organisatie
Cultuur van vernieuw ing
Cultuur van het leren
Structuur van het leren
Menselijk kapitaal
Data infrastructuur
Feedback en toetsen
Breed eigenaarschap
Wet en regelgeving
Het klaslokaal van de toekomst
Werken in de cloud
Open info /
Leren met
Mobiel leren
How to
• Add slides by tapping the “+” button in
graphs and charts, tap the “+” in the top
the bottom left-hand corner
right-hand corner
profiel leerling
• Deleteactief
slides by selecting the slide you
• ATo replace profiel
on Da slide, tap the
want to delete, then tap the slide again
circle in the bottom right-hand corner of
and tap “delete”
the picture
• Add transitions by selecting a slide, then
• To animate objects on a slide (e.g. text,
tap the slide again andprofiel
tap “transition”
pictures, graphs, etc.), select the object
leerling C
• To edit text on a slide, double tap the
by tapping it and tap “animate” aan
place holder text
• To add additional objects such as
profiel leerling B
aan leerdoel
Don’t forget to delete this slide before your presentation!
aan leerdoel
How to
• Add slides by tapping the “+” button in
the bottom left-hand corner
Delete slides by selecting the slide you
want to delete, then tap the slide again
and tap “delete”
Add transitions by selecting a slide, then
tap the slide again and tap “transition”
To edit text on a slide, double tap the
place holder text
To add additional objects such as
graphs and charts, tap the “+” in the top
right-hand corner
To replace pictures on a slide, tap the
circle in the bottom right-hand corner of
the picture
To animate objects on a slide (e.g. text,
pictures, graphs, etc.), select the object
by tapping it and tap “animate”
Don’t forget to delete this slide before your presentation!
How to
• Add slides by tapping the “+” button in
the bottom left-hand corner
Delete slides by selecting the slide you
want to delete, then tap the slide again
and tap “delete”
Add transitions by selecting a slide, then
tap the slide again and tap “transition”
To edit text on a slide, double tap the
place holder text
To add additional objects such as
graphs and charts, tap the “+” in the top
right-hand corner
To replace pictures on a slide, tap the
circle in the bottom right-hand corner of
the picture
To animate objects on a slide (e.g. text,
pictures, graphs, etc.), select the object
by tapping it and tap “animate”
Don’t forget to delete this slide before your presentation!
How to
• Add slides by tapping the “+” button in
the bottom left-hand corner
Delete slides by selecting the slide you
want to delete, then tap the slide again
and tap “delete”
Add transitions by selecting a slide, then
tap the slide again and tap “transition”
To edit text on a slide, double tap the
place holder text
To add additional objects such as
graphs and charts, tap the “+” in the top
right-hand corner
To replace pictures on a slide, tap the
circle in the bottom right-hand corner of
the picture
To animate objects on a slide (e.g. text,
pictures, graphs, etc.), select the object
by tapping it and tap “animate”
Don’t forget to delete this slide before your presentation!
How to
• Add slides by tapping the “+” button in
the bottom left-hand corner
Delete slides by selecting the slide you
want to delete, then tap the slide again
and tap “delete”
Add transitions by selecting a slide, then
tap the slide again and tap “transition”
To edit text on a slide, double tap the
place holder text
To add additional objects such as
graphs and charts, tap the “+” in the top
right-hand corner
To replace pictures on a slide, tap the
circle in the bottom right-hand corner of
the picture
To animate objects on a slide (e.g. text,
pictures, graphs, etc.), select the object
by tapping it and tap “animate”
Don’t forget to delete this slide before your presentation!
How to
• Add slides by tapping the “+” button in
the bottom left-hand corner
Delete slides by selecting the slide you
want to delete, then tap the slide again
and tap “delete”
Add transitions by selecting a slide, then
tap the slide again and tap “transition”
To edit text on a slide, double tap the
place holder text
To add additional objects such as
graphs and charts, tap the “+” in the top
right-hand corner
To replace pictures on a slide, tap the
circle in the bottom right-hand corner of
the picture
To animate objects on a slide (e.g. text,
pictures, graphs, etc.), select the object
by tapping it and tap “animate”
Don’t forget to delete this slide before your presentation!
How to
• Add slides by tapping the “+” button in
the bottom left-hand corner
Delete slides by selecting the slide you
want to delete, then tap the slide again
and tap “delete”
Add transitions by selecting a slide, then
tap the slide again and tap “transition”
To edit text on a slide, double tap the
place holder text
To add additional objects such as
graphs and charts, tap the “+” in the top
right-hand corner
To replace pictures on a slide, tap the
circle in the bottom right-hand corner of
the picture
To animate objects on a slide (e.g. text,
pictures, graphs, etc.), select the object
by tapping it and tap “animate”
Don’t forget to delete this slide before your presentation!
How to
• Add slides by tapping the “+” button in
the bottom left-hand corner
Delete slides by selecting the slide you
want to delete, then tap the slide again
and tap “delete”
Add transitions by selecting a slide, then
tap the slide again and tap “transition”
To edit text on a slide, double tap the
place holder text
To add additional objects such as
graphs and charts, tap the “+” in the top
right-hand corner
To replace pictures on a slide, tap the
circle in the bottom right-hand corner of
the picture
To animate objects on a slide (e.g. text,
pictures, graphs, etc.), select the object
by tapping it and tap “animate”
Don’t forget to delete this slide before your presentation!