VALENCIA。ΞⅠ Y日 0: 岁 百嬲 ::∶ :1社t;U扌 l:1糊 t烈gI甜 滏糨揣害 t:冤 留 I=∶ = Getting to know your mob"e HoW to use the phone kθ ys In any screen, “ Tap Tap“ 涩 ” ,to return to previous soreen ort° ” ,t° ex"the app"ootion return to the main menu =》 田 1to disp|ay the settings`option|ist ° tap the“ on`o仟 button,to turn on an o仟 the sCreen and bIock the screen tap“ θarphone jack 刍 Long ρress“ on/oΠ 卩to shut down orto res1art your mobile ” Press and hold the4on`o仃 button and then press the voIum° d° wn key to take a screen capture VsB inte汀 aoe Language 礻Please usθ thθ o臼 rρ in the paCkago h0nθ includθ d Taρ the setungs icon scro"down and tap the° “ language" Language and input” ,1hon Choose Ianguage in the field ■● 甲 3notification LEDs,new custom made D00GEE0s, your litue and personal secretaries or unread APP nouficau° ns,y° ur“ wm"ght up and remind you Misscd call ""e secretaries° Unrcad sMs Customized APP noti「lcations as Vse the baok touch pane boaled in lhe back ofthe phone forinlernet brOMlong,books reading,photos lakng etc,lu欲 ρhone with a s ngIe hand f that Was not enough, v"lopen any appⅡ cauon you。 hoose a simple double tap on the back ofthe phone or|ong pressˇ you woud do W"h the front screen,but W"h the easiness of hoIding the ¤⒔ The Va|encia2comes wⅡ h3nou们 cauon LEDs° n tho s de, each ofthem is conⅡ gurable through our D00GEE Os Wheneˇ er you have a missed ca",an unread message, Back touch panel,control at your fingers Xender2.O makes sha"ng eas1er HotKnot fⅡ o transfer technology No WiF ors丨 M card is required,fast data transfer beMeen di仟 erent deViCes w"h just one slide,ten HotKnot wireless伍 Ie transfer,transfer pictures,m° vies, "mes faster than B uelooth muoC,钳 es etc between恤 o phones Ⅱ⒍by touchng th由 r screens,no W卜 Fi required,w改 h speθ ds up1p54Mbps 3finger fast screenshot Guest account The Va|encia2Y100is equipped w"h fast sCreenshot Put3nngers on the soreen and draw them down and you WⅢ haVe a screenshotinjust one gest凵 re Your are notthe only one Who uses your phone,W"h the guest acco凵 nt,y0u can keep your Conversauons, res etc We"protected N0w you oan end your mob"eW"h° ut any wor冖 es contad,piot凵 IE"1safety Imf° rmat;on Please read t"s safoty lnf° rma"on c臼 refuIIy s° thatyou oan use yo凵 phoneis equiρ ped with a Gamera o闸 ighung device,do no1use“ be regarded as an aRernaⅡ ve ρan° (GsM+B vetoot⑴ 4 Hosp“ as∶ Turn your s° luuon Flyin° rρ h0nein compIθ 1e safety too nearch"dren o「 anima s ∶ Tum y0ur ρhone off When nying Remembertoturn your ρh0ne o仃 when yov arein a as汛 may cause nterfe「 enCe ρhone offnearany medioa|dev oos "s oxt「 to turn you「 ρhone o仃 in se「 vioe eme y dan° erous to氵 eaˇ e a phon° sw汛 Ched on near mod ca| ρarts of your ph° 5E ectr° nicimp|ants and ρacemakers∶ use「 s wh。 Weara ρacemakeror who are炳 tted w汉 u「 phone hane|ectronic imρ la∩ t must hoId tho ρhone the phone is dfoρ ρed oris svbleCtto seve「 e mpact Avoid dropρ n0y° ur ::黥 :as lhe呐 a唧 m创 冖 褙品 淡 茗1I∶ lIⅣ ∶ /瑟 ∶ sk of dect冖 C sho。 k I∶ 12Ma ntenance∶ stations Do notuse yourdev9cein a p0tfo|statjon ne日 「fVol ltis dangerous to u$oy° ne a`e madefrom0lass and m:ght break亻 |l⒊ th〈 d° no1vse a$oˇ ent suCh as benzene,ora coho) "you Wantto c oan yourhandset use a dry c。 `崔 钔灬 T:撒召、 ∶ 鞑罗渊 写生 摞 甯冕 糍△诎 窝 Ⅳ蚓 :s吊hl石 盅f%f客 『 l丁 i∶ :罗 :∶ c“