wednesday 5/10 tuesday 4/10 - Primer Foro Mundial de Agencias
wednesday 5/10 tuesday 4/10 - Primer Foro Mundial de Agencias
TUESDAY 4/10 18:00 - 20:30 Registration and hand out of materials 20:30 - 22:30 WELCOmING COCKTAIL WEDNESDAY 5/10 8:00 - 9:30 9:30 - 10:30 Venue: Hotel Meliá Sevilla. Doctor Pedro Castro St., 1D. Seville. Registration and hand out of materials OFFICIAL OPENING EVENT Mr. Manuel Recio Menéndez. Regional Minister for Employment. Junta de Andalucía. Spain. Mr. Diego Lopez Garrido. Secretary of State for the European Union. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. Spain. Ms. Cécile Molinier. Director. UNDP Geneva Office. Switzerland. Mr. Francisco Toscano Sánchez. President. Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FAMP). Honorary President. Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity (FAMSI). Mr. Gregorio Serrano López. Delegate for Employment, Economy, Major Festivals and Tourism. Seville City Council. Spain. Mr. Fernando Rodríguez Villalobos. President. Seville County Council. 10:30 - 11:00 Break 11:30 - 12:45 INAUGURAL PANEL “CRISIS, LOCAL DEVELOPmENT AND TERRITORY: NEW GLANCES IN ChANGING TImES” Chairs: Ms. Carmelita Rita Namashula. Minister of State Administration. Republic of Mozambique. Moderator: Mr. Salvador Muñoz, Director of Co-operation Sector, Gender and Development NGO. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. Spain. Speakers: Mr. Ferdinand Poni. Deputy Minister of Interior. Albania. Mr. Mohammed Hamimaz. Head of the Administrative Coordination Division. Directorate-General for Local Governments. Ministry of Interior. Morocco. Mr. Carl Wright. Secretary General of Commowealth Local Government Forum (CLGF). Mr. Douglas Gardner. Deputy Assistant Administrator. Deputy Director of UNPD Development Policies Bureau. Mr. Luc Van den Brande. President. CIVEX Commission. Committee of the Regions. 12:45 - 13:45 DEbATE A number of interventions are under consideration Mr. Emile Lucner. Mayor of Belladere. Haiti. Ms. Lodovica Longinotti. Expert. Directorate-General for Co-operation. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Italy. WORKShOP/ 15:30 - 18:30 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ThURSDAY 6/10 WORKShOP 1 “PUbLIC POLICIES FOR TERRITORIAL DEVELOPmENT” Chair: Mr. Francisco Toajas Mellado. Mayor of Las Cabezas de San Juan (Seville). Spain. Moderator: Ms. Jocelyn Mason. UNDP Country Director. Mozambique. Speakers: Mr. Joseph Flagiello. President. Coordinator. Umbrian Fund of Local Authorities for Decentralised Cooperation and Human. Sustainable Development, Italy; Mr. Mamaou Dior Diaw, Director for Decentralised Co-operation. Ministry for Decentralisation and Local Authorities. Senegal; Mr. Guillermo Galván Bonilla, SubSecretary for Strategic Affairs of the Presidency. El Salvador; Ms. Rola Arouni, Head of the Agriculture Department. Chamber of Commerce. LEDA SUR representative. Lebanon; Mr. Enrique del Olmo García. Director. Decentralisation Programme. International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP); Mr. Juste Parfait Biyogo B´otogo. National Director. ART GOLD Gabon. Scheduled interventions: Mr. Pedro Maestre Sánchez. Managing Director. Sevilla Global. Comprehensive Urban Development Agency. Seville. Spain. Mr. Osmani Besnik. General Secretary. Ministry for Administration of Local Governments. Kosovo. Kosovo authorities. Mr. Kepa Korta Murua. Director Co-ordinator. DonostiaSan Sebastián’s Strategy Office. España. . 9:00 - 10:30 Colombia. Moderator: Mr. Joaquín Rivas Rubiales. Director. Andalusian Agency for International Co-operation for Development (AACID). Junta de Andalucía. Spain. Speakers: Mr. Tarson Núñez. Secretary for International Relations. Rio Grande do Sur State.; President. Council for Development and Integration of the South (CODESUL). Brazil. Mr. Francisco Moza Zapatero. Director. Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). Spain. Mr. Gustavo Adolfo Bedón Tamayo. Sub-Secretary for Decentralisation. Ecuador. Ms. Wafa’a Dikah Hamze. Policy and Development Adviser. Ministry of Agriculture. Lebanon. 10:30 - 11:00 Break 11:00 - 12:30 PANEL DISCUSSION “LOCAL DEVELOPmENT STRATEGIES: TERRITORIAL PERSPECTIVE” Chair: Mr. Nelson César Antonio Toca Simo. Deputy Minister for Planning and Development. Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development. Dominican Republic. Moderator: Mr. Khalifa Ababacar Sall. Mayor of Dakar. Senegal. Chair: Mr. Manuel Obregón. Minister of Culture and Youth. Costa Rica. Moderator: Representative of FAL Network (Forum of Local Authorities for Social Inclusion and Participatory Democracy). Uruguay or Brazil. Speakers: Mr. Santiago Martín Gallo. Environment Committee. Paraná Legislative Assembly. Brazil; Ms. Mirela Koci. Director of AULEDA. LEDA of Valona (Albania); Mr. Emile Lucner. Mayor of Belladere. Haiti; Mr. Budhi Santoso. Director. Directorate for Regional Autonomy. Ministry for National Development Plans. Indonesia; Mr. Mohamed Mokni. Director General. Office for the Development of the South (ODS). Tunisia; Mr. Samba Khary. President. Regional Council of Louga. Senegal. Scheduled interventions. Speakers: Mr. Valeriano Gómez Sánchez. Minister of Labour and Immigration. Government of Spain. Representative of the Government of the Republic of Cuba. Mr. Alfredo Lazarte. Director. ILO Crisis Response and Recovery. Mr. Rodolfo Games. National Director for Regional Development. Ministry of Industry. Argentina. Ms. Rita Cassisi. UN-WOMEN representative. Mr. Carles Llorens. Director General for Co-operation. Generalitat de Cataluña. Spain. WORKShOP 4 “TEChNOLOGICAL INNOVATION AND SOCIAL INNOVATION” OPEN WORKShOP from 15:30. 9:00 - 10:30 Cultural Activity CONCERT bY SINGER-SONGWRITER JAVIER RUIbAL. Limited capacity. Anticipated distribution of tickets (free). Sala Joaquín Turina / Centro Cultural Cajasol. Laraña St, 4. Seville. PANEL “LOCAL DEVELOPmENT AND ECONOmY: ThE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION” Chair: Mr. Bruno Moro. Resident UNDP Representative. WORKShOP 3 “GOVERNANCE, INCLUSION, COhESION AND EQUITY” Chair: Ms. Eva Piñar Martínez. Director General for Information Society. Regional Ministry of Innovation, Science and Enterprise. Junta de Andalucía. Spain. Moderator: Ms. Najat Rochdi. Deputy Director. Policies, Communication and Operations. UNDP Geneva. Speakers: Ms. Mª del Mar Martín Rojo, Deputy Mayor for Enterprise and Employment Promotion. City of Malaga. Spain; Mr. Sergio Leonardo Ochoa Romero, Executive Director. Conquito Economic Promotion Corporation, Ecuador; Mr. Pablo Costamagna. Director of the Territorial Competitiveness Development Project at Santa Fé. Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Argentina; Mr. Mª Angeles Sallé Alonso, President of Directa Foundation. Spain; Ms. Tania Zapata. Director. IADH (Instituto de Assesoria para o Desenvolvimiento Humano). Brazil. Scheduled interventions: Mr. Juan de Dios García Serrano. Consultant. Spain. Mr. Oriol Homs I Ferret. Director General. CIREM Foundation. Spain. Ms. Ángeles Gil García. Director General. Cartuja´93. Seville. Spain. FRIDAY 7/10 WORKShOP 5 “EmPLOYmENT AND LOCAL DEVELOPmENT POLICIES” WORKShOP 2 “SOCIAL /SOLIDARITY /DEmOCRATIC ECONOmY” Chair: Ms. Bárbara Pesce. Resident UNDP Representative. Cuba. Moderator: PRODETUR, S.A. representative Speakers: Mr. Milford Bateman. Scholar; Ms. Ana Barbeito. Director-General for Social Economy and Entrepreneurs. Regional Ministry of Innovation, Science and Enterprise. Junta de Andalucía. Spain; Mr. Hugo Armando Rodríguez. Executive Director. ADELCO Network. Colombia; Mr. Azmi Thassim. President of Rueda. Sri Lanka; Mr. Jaroslaw Supera. President. Skpr (Leader) of the Polish-Spanish Foundation for Development and Co-operation. Poland; Mr. Roberto Ballesteros Ravone. President of IDEAS- Comercio Justo. International Fair Trade Network representative. Scheduled interventions: Mr. José María López Serrano. Consultant. Spain. WORKShOP/ 15:30 - 18:30 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 12:30 - 13:30 DEbATE A number of interventions are under consideration Mr. Pietro Accame. Milano Metropolis. Province of Milan. Ms. Eleftheria Kasoura. A number of interventions are under consideration (FOGAR). European and International Territorial Co-operation Officer. Provence Alpes Côte d´Azur Region. PACA Region. France. Representative of Colombia. Chair: Mr. Antonio Toro Barba. Director General. National Public Employment Service. Ministry of Labour and Immigration. Spain. Moderator: Ms. Alia Al Dalli. Resident UNDP Representative. Morroco. Speakers: Mr. Edgar Copa, President. Local Development Agency (ADECOM). Oruro (Bolivia); Ms. María Rosa Vallecillo. Universitarian expert. Spain; Mr. Pedro Benjamín Mancuello Pérez. Director. ITAIPU Binacional. Brazil; Mr. Santos M. Ruesga Benito. Professor of Applied Economics. Autonomous University of Madrid. Spain; Mr. Ali Hamdi. Director General. National Employment and Self-Employment Agency (ANETI). Tunisia; Mr. Alejandro Benítez Vasquez, Local Development Agency representative (El Salvador) Scheduled interventions: 9:00 - 10:30 Chair: Ms Elvira Saint-Gerons Herrera. Secretary General for External Affairs of the Ministry of the Presidency. Junta de Andalucia. Spain. Moderator: Ms. Coumba Mar Gadio. Resident UNDP Representative. Mauritania. WORKShOP 6 “LOCAL DEVELOPmENT, DECENTRALISATION AND GOVERNANCE. ThE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION” Chair: Mr. Richard Barathe. Resident UNDP Representative. El Salvador. Moderator: Mr. Marcello Faulhaber. Representative of the Executive Secretariat of Mercociudades. Municipal Secretary for Development. Belo Horizonte. Brazil. Speakers: Mr. Angelo Baglio. Head of “Civil Society and Co-ordinationa” Unit. EuropeAid Co-operation Office, European Commission; Mr. de Jochen Mattern. Co-ordinador of the Secretariat. Informal Donor Group for Local Governance and Decentralisation (DeLoG)-GIZ. International Co-operation Agency, Germany; Mr. John Alexander Campuzano Vasquez. Manager of CORPODET. Ecuador. Representative of the Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity (FAMSI); Representative of Angola. Scheduled interventions: Mr. Lorenzo Estepa Mohedano. ETEA Foundation for Development and Co-operation. Spain. Mr. Guido Milani, Director General. Provincial Fund of Milan for International Co-operation. Italy . Speakers: Mr. Juan Verde. Deputy Sub-Secretary for Europe and Eurasia. United States Department of Commerce. Mr. Angelo Baglio. Head of “Civil Society and Co-ordination” Unit. Europaid Co-operation Office. European Commission. Mr. Claudio Cortellese. Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Representative of Eastern Regional Council. Morocco. 10:30 - 11:00 Democratic Governance Group. UNDP Bureau for Development Policy (BDP). Speakers: Mr. Giancarlo Canzanelli. Eurada/ILSLEDA-UNDP. “LEDA experiences”. Mr. Manuel Redaño González. Coordinator. Organising Committee. First World Forum of Local Development Agencies. “Decentralised Co-operation: New alliances for Local Economic Development” 11:00 -11:30 Break 11:30 - 13:00 PANEL AND WORKShOP CONCLUSIONS Chair: Ms. Sandrine Salerno. Mayoress of Geneva. Switzerland. Moderator: Mr. Antonio Zurita Contreras. Managing Director. WORKShOP 8 “LOCAL ECONOmIC DEVELOPmENT AND EmPLOYmENT: PUbLIC-PRIVATE POLICIES AND INSTRUmENTS. ExPERIENCES OF LOCAL DEVELOPmENT AGENCIES” Chair: Mr. Francisco Alburquerque Llorens, Consultant to the Multilateral Investment Fund (FOMIN). Spain. Moderator: Mr. Pablo Villar. National Director. National Directorate for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Ministry of Industry, Energy and Minery. Uruguay. Speakers: Mr. Christian Saublens, Executive Manager EURADA; Mr. Francisco Martínez Ruiz. Secretary General. ADR Forum. Spanish Association of Regional Development Agencies. Spain; Mr. Augusto Uriarte Artamendi. President. Basque Association of Development Agencies (GARAPEN). Spain; Mr. Giancarlo Canzanelli. Eurada/ILSLEDA-UNDP; Mr. Joaquín Casimiro, Director National for the Promotion of Rural Development. Mozambique; Mr. Murat Ozkan, Co-ordinator. East Marmara Development Agency (MARKA), Turkey. Scheduled interventions: Ms. Jasminka Luković-Jagličić. Director. Regional Economic Development Agency. Sumadija y Pomoravlje. Serbia. Mr. Teodoro Garrido Curra. Director of the Institute of Employment and Socio-Economic and Technological Development (IEDT). Cadiz County Council. Spain OPEN WORKShOP from 15:30. ExPERIENCIES OF LOCAL ECONOmIC DEVELOPmENT AGENCIES IN ThE ART FRAmEWORK Moderator: Mr. Patrick Keuleers. Senior Political Adviser. WORKShOP 7 “GREEN ECONOmY: DEVELOPmENT AND SUSTAINAbILITY” Chair: Mr. Jesús Graterol. President. International Amazonian Parliament. Venezuela. Moderator: Ms. Ana Patricia Cubillo Guevara. Deputy Regional Minister of the Environment. Junta de Andalucía. Spain. Speakers: Mr. Jesús Laviña, Head of the Environment, statistics, civil defence and co-operation with local authorities sector. EUROPEAID. European Commission; Mr. Emilio Carrillo Benito. President. International Co-operation Network. Municipalist Ibero-American Union (UIM). Spain; Mr. Francisco Centurión Gezn. Manager. LEDA Rivera. Uruguay; Mr. Sheng Fulai, Research Manager of the Economics and Trade Section. UN-Environment Programme (UNEP); Mr. Fernando Barrenechea Elorrieta. Director General. Basque Environment Agency (IHOBE). Spain; Representative of the Government of Colombia. Scheduled interventions. PANEL “INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND LOCAL ECONOmIC DEVELOPmENT: GLANCES ThROUGh DIVERSITY” Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity (FAMSI). Speakers (Workshop and Panel Rapporteurs). Summary of conclusions: Mr. Giovanni Camilleri. Co-ordinator of ART-UNDP Initiative. Geneva Office. 13:00 - 14:00 FINAL DECLARATION CLOSING CEREmONY Mr. Antonio Zurita Contreras. Managing Director. Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity (FAMSI). Ms. Najat Rochdi. Deputy Director. Politics, Communication and Operations. UNDP. Geneva. Mr. Pedro Gracia Vitoria. Deputy Director. Andalusian Employment Service. Regional Ministry of Employment. Junta de Andalucía. Spain.