Buena-Mano-Q1-2012-Metro-Manila-Catalog Buena-Mano
Buena-Mano-Q1-2012-Metro-Manila-Catalog Buena-Mano
.-,=1 ..F. t*ry QI-20t2 VVHERE GOOD BLTYS NEED NoT BE EXPENSIVE Propeny in cover pholo is FoR SALE See page 5 for details- co m es . pi n hi lip ur ep os cl re .fo w w w Properties in the next pages arc colnt-coded to idenffiy its claseitication (Ereen Tag and Yellow Tag Properties) PNOPENTY CLASSIF ICATION EBEEfl TAE properties are real estate properties with Titles and Tax Declarations duly consolidated / transferred under the name of the bank which foreclosed the property/ies. co m The bank holds possession of the foreclosed property/ies with its authorized caretakers, particularly those with hi lip fAE PNOPENNES ur ep YELLOW pi n es . improvements and can be visited / inspected anytime. os YELL0W fAE properties are real estate properties with any of the following "special concerns": Titles and / orTax Declarations are still.in process of transfer to the name of the bank which foreclosed re cl the property/ies; Titles are already under the name of the w w .fo bank which foreclosed the property/ies but the properties are still occupied by the former owners, tenants or illegal occupants; or there are property w documents that still need to be updated. t t/l /1,v.ebuenamano.com. ph floasE&L0f No l22lnterior Deparo Road, Deparo, Caloocan City Deparo, Caloocan City LA:315 sqm A-003 Lot 4 Block 3 No. I Balud St., Amparo Novaviile Subd , sqm FAr '184.5 sqm 1-storey house with 4BR & 2TB LAr 240 FAr80 sqm Lot 2 B ock 12 Along Jordan St corner Nazareth St., Natividad Subd., Phase 1, Brgy Deparo, Caloocan City LA 164 sqm FA: 96 sqm 1 storey house with 2BR & 1TB EoasE&Lof A-006 & 11 Block 5 , orn es . Lot 2 Block 1'1, Maranaw St co m SELLING PRICET P 1,800,000 st. Ma Lusa Subd . Caloocan City sqm FA:206 sqm Lot 458-D-8 pi n LA:304 Domingo Compound, FAr 64 sqm ur ep LA 170 sqm sqm hi lip Deparo, Caloocan Crty Lot 10 Block 5, Venus St, Villa Amor Dos Subdivision Camarin, Caloocan FA 180 sqm LA: 100 2-storey house with 4BR & 2TB os SELLING PRICET P 1,000,000 sqm FA 151 som re LA:240 Lot 10 Block I Athena St , North Olympus Subd, Novaliches Caloocan City LAr 164 sqm FAr '181.25 sqrn 2-storev house with sBFl & 2TB cl Lot 3 Block 1 Proqressive Subd , Llanb, Caloocan City FA.120 sqm 31'sqm w w w .fo 1-storey house SELLING PRICE: P 2,500,000 fl0usE & LOf A-016 H0usE & rof A-017 Lot 7 Block 27, Lots 30 & 31 Block 25 Campo lsagani St , Bankers Vilaoe Lot 8-D Along Exisling Road, Flamos Compound, No Bagumbong Caloocan City Calaanan, Caloocan Crty LAi 290 sqm FA: 185 sqm 106 Tahimik St., LA: 348 sqm lala, ualoocan rty LA 851 sqm FA: 195 sqm House with 2BR & lTB SELLING PRICE: P 1,50{t,o0o 4 SELLING PRICE: P 3,500,000 ALL PROPERTIES FOR SALE ARE ON 'AS IS . WHERE IS' AND 'FIRST-COME, FIRST,SERVED' BASI5. PROPERTIES MAY BE WTHDRAWN WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. Prices a.e NOT 6pplicable to buybad rransacrions with Iormer owners Please call for the buyback prices. niltsE & LOf Lot 3 Block 17 Bankers Village I, Bagumbong, Caloocan City LA: 360 sqm No. 1 lgnacio Compound, Lot 6 Block 43 Belorade St Lots 59 & 60 Block 5 Vista Verde, 'bitv Mrtr , Execdive Mllage, Llano, Caloocan City LA. 155 sqm LA. 338 sqm Sta Quiteria, Caloocan City LA: 150 sqm FA: 123 sqm 2-storey house co m SELLING PRICE! P 1,500,000 es . YACAXI LOf Lots 14 & 15 Block 2 Kabatuhan Road. Del Mundo Subd., hi lip Deparo, Ca oocan City Llano, Caloocan City PRICET P i,2oO,OOO .TENG:845-5229 os H ur ep LA: 220 sqm LA: 490 sqm gELUlF pi n Lot 440 lnterior Paulcor. Luke Sts., GMA, Cavite cl Jackson cor Ontaro St.. Area-J Bo J Lumbreras, sqm re LA: 180 FA:204 sqm 2-storey house with 48R & 1TB 428 Congressional Road, Gen l\/ariano Alvarez, Cavite LA: 195 FA: 288 sqm 2-storey house W 1BR & 2TB sqm Lot 19 Block 2 Niog St. Bo. Talaba, Bacoor, Cavite LAr 240 sqm FAr 190 sqm 1-storey house w w w .fo Congressional Road, Brgy San Gabriel, GMA, Cavte LA: 690 sqm FA: 94 71 sqm 1-storey house with 28R & 1TB som FA: 200 som holse with sBR & 3TB Lots 352 & 353 Tirona Highway, Bo. Salinas, Bacoor, Cavile FA: 313 sqm LA: 650 2-storey house sqm PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE ' Lot 24 Block I Phase 4, Citta llalia Subdivasion, Bacoor, Cavite FAr 99.55 sqm LA: 116 2 storey house with 2BR & ITB sqm WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. ALL OFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO N'ANAGEMENT'S APPROVAL, PTEASE CONFIRM ENTRIES BY CAI.IING OUR HOTUNES OR SENDING AN EMAIL TO BUENAMAN )@bpi,com,ph tt0usE Lot 6 Block 16 Bur Oak St , Oakridoe Subd.. Bo. Salawao Dasma;ifias. Cavite LA.65 FA: 83.46 sqm sqm 2-storey house with 4BR & 2TB Lot 2-A Mars St, Satellite Homes, San Jose, Dasmarifias, Cavite LA 171 FA: 250 sqm 2-storey house with 38R & 2TB sqm Lol & LOt DasmariRas, Cavite LA. 75 FA: 129 sqm 2-storey house with 3BR & 2TB sqm Lof 8-015 Lol 937-4-2, lvledicion 2-E, Lot 988 Bacao 2 Boad, 2-storey house with 4BR & 3TB Brgy. Bacao 2, lmus, Cavite LA: 207 2-storey house sqm sqm FAr 192 sqm Lof re cl OusE & 8-018 '1770-4-l Lot Along Brgy Capipisa Rd , Brgy. Capipisa, Tanza, Cavite LA: 2,300 sqm FA: 170 sqm illilEE&L0t B-02t Lot 18 Block 20 Lionroe Rd , Metropolis, Brgy. l\4anggahan, Cavite LAi 150 FA: 112sqm .fo sqm Lot 12 Block 6, Phase 2, Canyon Banch, Carmona, Cavite LAr 77 sqm FA: 56 sqm w w w SEL'llNG PiICE: P 5,Ofil-(XX) sqm P 2,00O,(X,O os SELU G PRICE: No 297 Anabu 2-F, lmus, Cavite LA 1,023 FAr 280 sqm 1-storey house ur ep 3-storey house with 4BF & 4TB SELUNG PRICE: P 3,15O,OOO hi lip Gen Trias, Cavite LA. '100 FA 271 sqm pi n Gen. Trias, Cavite City LA: 400 sqm FA: 147 46 sqm t es . ,loltltE & 8.013 Lots 9 & 10 Block 2 Dexterville Classrc, Sabang, Dasmarinas Cavrte LA: 451 sqm FA: 173 25 sqm 2-storey house with 4BB & 2TB co m SELUNG PRICE: P 1,5OO,OOO Lot 1876-4 Bo Tapia, floasE & Lof 8-012 Block 27 Butternut St , Greensborough Subd., Sabang, 11 2-storey house W 1BR & 2TB SELUNG PRtCg P 4OOO,0oo SELLING PRICE: P 1,5OQffXl coxoomilan B4n1 Unit 1.F Ridgeview Park Townhouses, Brgy. Crossinq, Lot 13 Block 6, Phase 2, Canyon Ranch, Mendez, Tagaytay City LAr 81 FA '160.4 sqm 3-storeyhouse W 3BR & 4TB sqm Unrt 217 2nd floor Unit 28-A Lower Bldg Manila Southwoods Golf 2nd Level, Cluster Loro, Carmona. Cavite Manors Condominium, Puerto Azul, LA 77 sqm Carmona Cavite Ternate, Cavite FA. 35 04 sqm FA: 62.89 sqm FA: 55 sqm 2'storey house W '1BR & 1TB Pu4@A4$Ri,lrJ cAsB{NA SELLING PRICE: P 1,600,000 5 ALL PROPERTIES FOR SALE ARE ON'AS IS - WHERE IS" AND'FIRST.COME, FIRST-SERVED' AASIS. PROPERTIES MAY BEWTHDRAWN WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. Prices are NOT applicable to buyback trans€ctions with {ormer Nners. Pleas€ call for the buyback p.ices. o TENG t845-5229 TACATT Lot 47 Block 5 Rosewood Niog, Bacoor Cavile :80 FAr 77.2 sqm sqm co m sELllI{G es . Lor 1 Block 15, Ayala Westgrove Heights, Bo. Muntrng llog, Srlang. Cavite LA: 375 sqm Lor 2 Block 15, Ayala Weslgrove Heights, Bo. Munting llog, Srlang, Cavite LA: 405 sqm I pi n cl 5 Dasmariiias, Cavite LA: 500 sqm .fo e6O0,000 SEIIII\IG Lob 17 - LA 3m sqm ' P 4l8,TiO x 498,750 49t tso 498,750 Lot 4 - LA: 8-034 : P 5OO,0llO tots 19 - LA 3m sqm - P 498,750 20 - LA 3m scrn - P 498,750 I P 50O,0OO Lot 11 Block 38 Lot 3591-F-2, F-3, F-4 & F-5 lnteriors Governor Drive, Brgy. Cabuco, Trece Martirez, Cavile City Sherwood Hills Estate, Trece Martires, Cavite LAi 416 sqm Block 6 Lot3 - LA: 3OO sqm - P ytcAnl0f lots, Bosque Cluster, Las Ouintas Residences, Puerto Azul, T€rnate, Cavlte Lots 18 - LA 3m sqm ' P Lors Wlthin Guadarama, Alta Mlra Subdivislon, Puerto Azul, Terndte Cavite Lot 2 - LA: 3OO sqm - P o,7U,OOO B.tilt7 Block 2 Texas St., C yview Subd., Paliparan, w w P w SEUl]{(i Pf,CE: P a ur ep Lot CE os yAcAnLu 8-038 P SELU re ItcAtflof Lot 7 Block 37 The Orchard Golf & Country Club, Salrtran, Dasmarinas, Cavile LAr 416 sqm B.AS Lol 2 Block 21 St Bonalice St , Windward Hills Subd., Brgy Burol, Dasmarinas, Cavite LA: 130 sqm hi lip Lot 6 Block 4, Ayala Weslgrove Heights, Bo Munting llog, Silang, Cavite LA: 370 sqm LOf Lots 7 & 11, Block I & Lot 53, Green Valley Subdivrsion, Bacoor Cavite LAr 5,58'1 sqm Lots 55 & 56 Block 6 Narra St . Sagana Remville Subd., Habay, Bacoor Cavite LA:178 sqm 2 contiguous residential lots Lot 3-B-2-C-2-B and 3-B-2-C-3-B Macapagal Sl., Zapote Village, Bacoor Cavite LA. '1,980 sqm 3m sqm - P498,75O Lot5 - LA: 3m sqm - P 496,750 Lot g - [A: 3@ sqm - P 498,750 PRICES ARE SUAJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. AI OFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO MANAGEMEI.IT'S PTIASECONFIRM ENTRIES BY CAIIING OUR HOTLINES OR SENDING AN EMAIL TO BUENAM APPROVAL i.com.ph Tt vAcAtf Lof vAcAtfL0f B-az Lot 38 Block 23 Brgy. Osorio, Trece Martrres City, Cavite LA: 1 000 sqm Trece l\,4artires, Cavite LA: 1,759 sqm SELLING PRICE: P Z,OfiI,O(X) SEIING vAcAxtLof 8-047 D.lt48 Lot 2 Block 27 Eagle Ridge Golf and Resrdential Estates, GeneralTrlas, Cavite LA: 680 sqm Lots 2271 & 2273 Provincial Road, Poblacion, Gen Trias, Cavite LAr 3,111 sqm PRICE: P 470O,OoO SELUNG PRICE: P 1,800,000 es . co m SELUNG PRICE! P 5OO,00O vAcAxTLof 8-043 Lot 2733-T Brgy. De Ocampo, Within Metrosouth Avenue. Metrosouth Subd. General Trias Cavite 21 Lots, Within Eagle Ridge, Gen. Trias, Cavite pi n Lot 34 Block 16 LA: 278 sqm Lot 36 Block 1 P 800,000 LA: 278 sqm P 800,000 Lot 38 Block 16 LA: 278 sqm Lot 40 Block 16 P 800,000 LA: 278 sqm P 800,000 hi lip Block 70 Lot 1 Block 31 865 Lot 70 LA: 483sqm - P 912,870 7 LA:376sqm - P 661,640 Lot 69 LA:486sqm - P 918,540 I LA:376sqm - P 663,640 Lot 68 LA: 509sqm - P 962,010 Lot 1 6 5 3 4 Lot Lot Lot Lot LA:373sqm - P 7(14,970 Lot 67 LA:554sqm - P 1,q!0,050 LA;4Oosqm - P 7aF,0(x) Lot 65 LA: 555sqm - P 1,044,950 LA:400sqm - P 706,000 Lot 66 LA: 596sqm - P LA:429sqm - P 730,710 Lot 71 LA: 587sqm - P 1,1@,4$ 1 ,16440 LA:465sqm: P 820,725 Lot 13 LA:4zsqm - P 9O1,5lI) Lot 30 Block 37 Road Lot 2, .fo Uniwide CoastalCity, Block 94 Uniwide Sales Coastal City, Dreamland Subd., 3 2 Lot 1 Lot Lot Timalan, Naic Cavite Bo Timalan, Naic Cavite w w LA: 251 sqm LA: 429sqm -P731,4/r5 LA:554sqm - P 1,013,820 LA: 578sqm -P 1'jJi7,74 w LA: 276 sqm 341 sqm - P @1 Lot 63 LA:479sqm - P 845F35 Lot Lot ur ep os cl I Block 75 LA:341sqm - P 601,865 Lot 0 LA: re Lot 9 vAcAtf LoT VAAfiLfi 8-052 LoI1457-G-3-2 Governor's Drive, Poblacron, Naic, Cavite LAr 869 sqm E-05!t Nos 972, 975,977 & 983 (Lot 889) Magallanes St., Bo. lvladuya, Carmona, Cavite LA: 1,443 sqm Within Rodeo Countrvside Estate Subd.. Brgy. Esperanza, Allonso, Cavite Lot11,Block5 LA: 1,000 sqm P 1,2s0,000 Lot 9, Block 8 L-A: 1,000 sqm P 1,000,000 SELUNG PRICE: P '1,824,9m I SELLING PRICE: P 2,600,000 IS . WHERE IS" AND 'FIRST,COI\4E, FIRST.SERVED' BA5IS. PROPERTIES MAY BE WTHDRAWN WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE, Prices are NOT applicable to buyback rransactions with lormer owners. Please call for the buyback prices. ALL PROPERTIES FOR SALE ARE ON 'AS LOT PLAN Within lsland Park Subd., o PETE : 845-5815 Lot 17 Block 8 Cardamom St , Jubilation East Subdivision, Brgy P atero, Blaan, Laguna LA: 280 FA: 161 44 sqm 2-storey house with 58R & 4TB pi n sqm ,t0ttsE & Lof c-099 Lot 23 Block 10 Pelota Drive, Pacita Complex Phase 38, Halang, Biilan, Laguna LA 150 FA: 99.15 sqm 1-storey house with 28R & 1TB sqm ur ep hi lip sqm c-094 es . E0a8E&L0f Lots I & '11 Block 4, Saint Francis Xll Subdivision, San Antonio, Biiian, Laguna LA 300 FA: 140 sqm 1-storey house with 4BR & 3TB co m Brgy. Paliparan, os SELLING PRICE: P t3OO,OoO cl Lots6&8Block4 Ciudad Grande Subdivision, Poblacion, Sla Rosa, Laguna LA: 300 FA 285 sqm re sqm sqm l.'n6iidiiv.'raouna som' 453 FA: 363 79 som torev house with 4BR & 6T8 : w w w .fo 2-storev house with 5BB & 5TB Lot 140-A No 263 S nalhan St , Brgy Sinalhan, Sta Rosa City LA: 317 5 FAi 200 sqm 1 storey house with 3BR & 3TB SELLI G PRICE: P 1,90O,00O ,roasE&Lot c-015 Lots 16, 17 & 18 Block 22, Sedon La Residencie D Sta Rosa Sta Flosa Citv Laouna LA: 450 som'FAr ,95 27 som 2-storey house with 4BB & 4TB ,tutsE & Lof sqm SELUNG Pf,lCEr P 7,/fiXr,OOO PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGEWITHOUT ' Pr c-017 Lot 4'16 P. Gomez St. Brgy lbaba. Sta. Rosa, Laguna FA 216.9 sqm LA.362 1-storey house with servant's quarter fl0ttsE & Lof c-091 Lot 11 Block 4, No 112 Dauphine St Sta RosaVillage 2 Phase 4'A, Sta. Rosa, Laguna LA: 132 sqm FA: 91 76 sqm 2-storey house with 2BR & lTB H0ltsE&LOf c-093 Lot 16 Block 89 No 57 Oceanside Drive, 119 36 som 3BB & 2Tb SELLING PRICE: P 1,6{Xl,Oq, PRIOR NOTICE. ALLOFFERS ARE sUBJECTTO MANAGEMENT'S APPROVAL F^sF c.oNFlRM ENTRIES 8Y CALUNG OUR HOTLINES OR SENDING AN EMAILTO BUENAMA {o€bpi.com.ph 9 Lof c-095 flousE&Lof c-tw Lol 35 Block 1 1 Stockton St . Laguna Be -Air Sta Rosa City, Laguna FA: 84 sqm LA 110 2-storey house with 2BR & 1TB Lot 8 Block 3 Terra Fortuna Phase ll, Malitlit, Sta Bosa, Laguna LA: 120 FA: 102 sqm 2-storey house with 4BR & 3TB SELLING PRICE: P 1,600,000 HoasE & Lof sqm SEltlNG PRICET P sqm om .B 2,t00,000 co m sqm Greatland Subd , San Antonio, San Pedro Laguna FA: 176.5 sqm LAr '180 1-storey house with sBR & 3TB c-073 es . floltsE & Lol S Block 5, N,4ayaman St., United San Pedro Subdivision, San Pedro, Laguna FA 415 98 sqm LA 326 2-slorey house with 7BR & 6T8 ur ep hi lip pi n sqm LAr 180 cl sqm HaasE&L0f Hongkong Vilage, Cabuyao, Laguna FA:360 sqm sqm sqm FA: 150 sqm 2.slorey house with 3BR & 3TB LA: 80 c-077 w w w .fo 2-storey house with 1BR & 2TB SELLING PRICE: P 95O,0OO Lot 5 Block '1, ELSoI Dream Homes, Brgy. Tres, Cabuyao, Laguna FA: 76.15 sqm LA: 100 1-slorey house with 1BR & 1T&B Lot 3 Block 34 Canton Road, , re Lot 6 Block 13 Brilliant St Shineland Village, Cabuyao, Laguna os SELLING PRICE: P 47OO,flrO HOi$E & Lof c-088 SELLING PRICE: P 900, BAtLDIte C-078 Lot 35 Block 83 Phase 1 Mabuhay City Homes, Mamatid, SELLING PRICE: P l,1OOOOO 10 Lot 23 Block 3 tMagkono St , Wood ands Subdivision, Brgy Viga Calamba, Laguna LA: 154 sqm SE1IING PRICE: P t,8oo,axxt SELUNG PRICEi P 3,5oo,qn ALLPROPERTIES FOR SALE ARE ON 'A5 IS - WHERE IS AND 'FIRsT.COME, FIRST,SERVED' BASIS PROPERTIES MAY BE W|THDRAWN WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. Prices are NOT applicable to buyb.ck transctions with former owners- Please callfo. the buyback Prices . PETE : 845-5815 YACAT| LOI Lot 26 Block 6 Kamagong St., Sta Ceciia Subd , Brgy. Parian, Calamba Cjty, Laguna vAcAtfl0f c-011 I LA: 188 sqm c-097 Lots 35 & 37, Block South Lake Subdivision Bo Bucal, Calamba City, Laguna LA: 240 sqm/lot Lot 3195-X-2-8, Brgy Tulo, Calamba City, Laguna LA 288 sqm PLEAE CALL! KAREN Lot 1 Block 10 The Country Club, Brgy. Sto. Domrngo & Don Jose, Sta Rosa Laguna LAr 1,m0 sqm es . co m SEUJNG PRICE! P /$O,oOO/!ot No 785 Lot 4-B Cuyab Boad, Brgy. Cuyab, San Pedro, Laguna LAr 329 sqm Bo San Anton@, , os ur ep hi lip pi n San Pedro, Laguna LAr 232 sqm Lot 30 Block 33 Dinagat St Southpoint Subdivision, Cabuyao, Laguna LA: 199 sqm lof vAcAxf Lot 3998-4 Along Brgy. Road, San Isidro, Cabuyao Laguna LAr 620 sqm VACATT cl re .fo vlcaflf Lof vAcAxf c-055 Lot2114-H-2 & 2114-H-3 Bo. of Canlalay, 8iian, Laguna LAr 3 335 sqm 2 parcels residential ots lot c-096 Lot 17 Block 6 Claremont St , Golden l\readows Subdivrsion q"*.. w w \, ,/'YX' Lot 3998-8, Along Brgy Road, San lsidro, Cabuyao, Laguna LA: 440 sqm residential lot w b",""' \ c--"i c-089 SELUNG PRICE P 7@,OOO SELLING PRICE: P 5,002,500 SELLING PRICE: P 75O,O0O LOf Lakewood Subdivision, Brgy. Tadlac, Los Bafros, Laguna c-065 c-066 c-067 Lot 4 Block 2, Lakswood Ave LAi 296 sqm P 1,500,000 Lot 10 Block 11, Timberlake St. LAr 354 sqm Lot 8 Elock 5 Marios Lake St., LA: 231 sqm P 930.000 , P r,420,000 PRICESARE SUBJE T TO CHANGEWIHOUT ' ptF^sF coNFrRM ENTRTES By PRIOR NOTICE. ALLOFFERSARE SUBJECTTO MANAGEI'JENT'S APPROVAL caLLrNG oud HoruNE bRSEND|NGAN EMAtLio BUENAMA,[email protected] 11 H0USE & LOf c-olt Provincial Road, Banay-banay Cabuyao, Laguna LA 701 F42,62267 sqm 4 storey commercial building Lots 5 & 7-Block 2 Rambutan corner LM Sacay St , Sacay Grand Villas, U P Los Banos, Los Banos, Laguna LAr 589 FAr635 sqm 3-storey residential SELLING PRICE: P 13,000,0q) with 10BR & ,.2 sqm Lot 3 Phase 24 lnnovation St , Carmelray lndustrial Park SEZ ll, Brgy. Canlubang, Ca arnba Laguna LA 3,825 FAi 2,'100 sqm es . co m sqm structure 8TB 1, os ur ep hi lip pi n sqm cl E-060 re Calamba, Laguna LAr 32,937 sqm Frontage of 220 15 meters along Road lot 6 w Calamba, Laguna LA 31,315 sqm 1, 1, Brgy Canlubang, w w Carmelray Industrial Park .fo Lol 4 located at ihe undeveloped porton at Brgy Canlubang, Lot 59-B corner of Road Lot 6 & Road Lot 1 Carmelray lndustrial Park . VACA|IT LOf PETE:845-5815 c-onz Within Jamaica Hills Subdivision, Los Baffos, Laguna Lots 1681-B and 1588-8 Brgy. Dita, Sta. Rosa, Laguna LA: 14,994 sqm SELLING PRICET P 24ooo,o0o residential iots Lot I Block 2 LA: 180 sqm P 7so,qto Lot 7 Block 2 LA: 180 sqm P 12 750,qlo ALL PROPERTIES FOR sALE ABE ON 'A5 15 WHEFE IS" AND'FIRSI<OME FIRsT-SERVED' BA5I5, PBOPERTIES MAY BE WIIHOBAWN WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE, Prices are NOTapplicabletobuybacktransactionswith fomerownets. Please callforthe buyback prices. DICK 845-5807 c-062 34 Lots, Promenade Subdivision, Brgy.San Jose, Sta. Rosa, Laguna Lot Lot 3 4 8 LA: 1,080 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm sqm - P 7,500 / sqm LA: 756 sqm -P7,500/sqm LA: 708 3 Lot 6 LA: 1 ,557 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm Lot 10 LA: 904 Block 2 4 sqm Lot 10 LA: 994sqm Lot 13 LA: 1,096 sqm Lot 21 LA: 602 sqm Lot 22 LA: 663 sqm - P 7,800 / sqm Block 5 LA: 1,088 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm Lot 2 . LA: 820 sqm - P 8,5q1 / sqm Lot Lot 12 LA: 915 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm Lot 10 LA: 1,362 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm Block 3 sqm 16 LA: 941 sqm Lot 15 LA: 803 - P 7,500 / sqm Lot - P 7,500 / sqm Lot Lot 20 LA: 1,018 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm Lot 27 LAi. 672sqm - P7,8qr/sqm Lot 3 I Block 6 LA: 1,001 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm LA: 1,280 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm sqm - P 7,500 / sqm ur ep Lot 10 LA: 867 29 LA: 680 sqm - P 7,800 / sqm Lot 31 LA: 953 sqm -P7,800/sqm Lot Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot I Lot 9 Block 15 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm LA: 759sqm -P7,500/sqm LA: 957sqm -P7,500/sqm LA: 991 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm LA: 967 L cocA coLAo ro recrvtrv o FONTAMARA NISSAN re o w w .fo METRO DRUG PROMENADE w I EAqF "TNFIPM FNYPIFq WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE, ALL OFFERS ARE NY'AI I ING OIIN HOTLINES OR SENDING SUB.JECT -P7,800/sqm -P7,800/sqm Block 14 o Y PRICES ARE SUBJECTTO CHANGE - P 7,500 / sqm LA: 1,326sqm _____-__________ cl os ( - P 7,500 / sqm -P7,500/sqm -P7,500/sqm Lot 10 LA: 885sqm pi n Lot Lot 13 LA: 1,450 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm 6 LA: 706 sqm - P 7,800 / sqm 7 LA: 738 sqm - P 7,800 / sqm 6 Lot hi lip Lot co m Lol Lot LA: 1,023 sqm - P 7,800 / sqm es . Lot Block 13 Lot 1 LA: 730 sqm -P7,800/sqm Block 4 Block 1 2 LA: 899 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm ]O MANAGEMENT'S,APPROVAL, AN EMAIL TO BUENAMANO@bP|.COM.Ph 845-5807 22 Lots, Country Club Estates, C-061 Brgy. Sto. Domingo & Don Jose, Sta. Rosa, Laguna Block Block 13 11 LA: 1,140 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm Lot 2 LA: 1,485 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm Lot 10 LA: 1,235 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm Lot 3 LA: 1,536 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm Lot 12 LA: 1,129 sqm - P6,500/sqm Lot 4 LA; 1,614 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm LA: 1,518 sqm - P 7,500/sqm Lot 5 Lot 13 LA: 1,357 sqm - P 6,000 / sqm Lot 4 IA: 1,247 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm Lot 5 LA: 1,337 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm Lot 6 LA: 1,357 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm Lot '14 LA: 1,187 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm Lot 7 LA: 1,222 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm Lot 17 LA: 1,490 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm Lol 8 LA: 1,391 sqm - P 7,500/ sqm LA: 1,476 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm Lot LA: 1,071 sqm - P 7,000 LA: '1,065 sqm - P 7,000 LA: 1,020 sqm - P 6,500 LA: 1,132 sqm - P 7,000 / / / / sqm sqm sqm sqm Block 16 Lot 5 LA: 1,581 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm ur ep hi lip pi n es . Lot 10 LA: 1,422 sqm - P 7,500 / sqm Block 14 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 co m Lot 9 i- t3 .t '.. J: :.-:L:.!.i4_d,! 1. Block 7 w w sqm - P r,800,000 w Lot l3 LA: 427 sqm Lol 14 LA: 609 sqm Lot 15 LA: 449 sqm Lot 16 LA: 546 sqm Lot 17 LA: 774 sqm Block Lol I i I t 14 - P 2,562,000 - P 3,654,000 - P 2,694,000 - P 3,276,000 - P 4,644,000 1 24 LA: 772 sqm - P 4,632,000 Lot 25 LA: 517 sqm - Lot 9 Lots, Las Villas De Manila, Bo. Halang, Bifran, Laguna .fo re 1) Lot 10 LA: 300 cl I os o PETE : 845-5815 P 3,102,000 26 LA: 525 sqm - P 3,150,000 ALL PROPERTTES FOR SALE ARE ON 'AS IS. WHERE IS' AND 'FIRST.COME, FIRST,SERVED' BASI5. PROPERTIES MAY BE WTHDRAWN WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE, Prices a.e NOTappliGbleto buvback transactions with former owners. Please callforthe buyback pries . PETE:845-5815 20 Vacant Residential Lots, Makiling Heights Subdivision, Los Bafros, 'l LA: 200 sqm - P 600,000 Block 3 Lot 19 LA:212 sqm - P 650,000 Block 4 Lot 15 LA: 257 sqm - P 800,000 Lot 30 LAr 297 sqm - P 900,0d) Lot 97 LAr 292 UNIVEBSITYOF THE PHILIPPINES LA:249 sqm - P 1,000,000 sqm - P 900,000 LA: 222 LA:225sqm - P 900,000 Block 8 Lot 30 LA: 214 sqm - P 650,0(X) Lot 33 LAr 216 sqm - P 650,(xl0 Lot 6 5 LA:279sqm -P1,150,000 sqm - P 900,000 Lot 96 LAr 229 sqm - P 700,000 LA: 157 sqm - P 500,000 Lot'13 Lot 24 LAr 180 sqm - P 350,000 LAr 498 es . Lot Block 2 Lot 4 Lot 6 Lot I Lot co m 1 c-076 sqm -P1,500,000 pi n Block Lot 49 LA: 200 sqrn - P 600,000 Laguna Psd-04341100723 'l LA: 1,000 sqm - P 2,700,000 Lot 5 LA: 633 sqm - P 1,900,000 Lol 6 LA: 736 sqm - P 2,250,000 Lot 7 LA: 740 sqm - P 2,22O,OOO YAeAtfL0f os ur ep hi lip Lot c-tt98 ofrrERs c-0s2 Lot 5 Block 9, Generosa Village, Casile Malaban, B fian, Laguna LAr 300 FAr 211 25 sqm 2-storey house wilh 38R & 2TB; 1-storey 3-door apartment sqm w w w .fo re cl Lot 5 Block 10 Brookside St., Marymount Executive Village, Anos, Los Baios, Laguna LA: 165 sqm sELUNG PRICE: P 5OO,O0O SELUNG PRICE! P 2,10O,0O0 .TENG:845-5229 N ,t0,$E & Lol 10 Block'12 Pasonanca Park, eresa Park Subdivrsron. Las Pinas City LA 119 sqm FAr 333 sqm house with 7BR & 5TB Lof It-027 No 68 Nimbus No. 17 Torch Lrly St., sqm FA: 150 sqm LA:92 2-storey house W 4BR & 2TB SELUNG PRICE: P l,600,000 PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE ' WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. ALL OFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO MANAGEMENT'S APPROVAL PIFASF CONFIRM ENTRIES BY CAIING OUR HOII|NESOR SENDING AN EMAIL TO St., Moonwalk Subd , Las Pifras City LAr 180 sqm FA. 120 sqm 1-storey house wilh 2BR & 1TB Talon Village, Las Pifras BUENAM com.ph 1251 Corvette Street. 445 sqm 321 sqm FA: 640 sqrn torev house withl0BB & 7TB : BR & 5TB ,IOUEE Lot 46 Block 13 Turin corner TaipeiSts , BF Homes, lnt'l , Las Pinas City LA:287 sqm FAi w 0.012 sqm sqm BR & 2TB flOasE & LOT D-035 No 29 Kamagong St, Pilar V llage Las Plfras City sqm FA 196 73 sqm 1-storey house with 48R & 4TB LAr 280 L 2 ,tousE & Lof 0-01:l 30 CBNI Ave. cor CRM Nancy, BF Almanza, Las Piias City LA: 976 sqm FA 352 25 sqm 1-storey & 2-storey ho!ses with 6BR & 5TB ur ep hi lip 1-storey house &LOT Lots I & 10 Block 13 Taipeh St, BF lnternational, Las Pinas City FA: 341 sqm LA: 560 house with 58R & 5TB Gatchalian Subd , Las Piflas City 216 sqm FA 310 sqm torey house with 4BR & 2TB co m with Gatchalian Village, es . sqm F torev house Sts pi n :208 Lozada SELLING PRICE: P 4,300,000 fowxiloasE D-017 sEurNG PHCE P 9,0qt (xro fowtfloasE D-025 Unit 14-E lmperialSt, Unit 14-A lmperialSt, Greenview Village, Las Prnas LAr 85 sqm FA. 184 75 sqm 3-storey townhouse W th sBR & 5TB Greenview Village, Las PiRas FA: 182 55 sqm LAr 88 3-storey townhouse W 4BR & 5TB sqm w w w .fo re cl os SELLING PRICET P 5,50O,0O0 SETUIIG PRCE P f0ux,r0ltsE Lot 15 Block 4 (Phase 2) Veraville Townhomes Regenc Las Pinas Citv FA: 66.5 sq LA: 45.5 2-storev townhouse sqm Lol 22 Block 0-036 1 No 34 Molave Drive. CH Woodsrow Townhomes. Las Pinas Citv L A: 56 FA: 84 som 2-slorev house with 28R & 1TB som SELUNG PRICE: P 1,O0O,O0O 16 ALI pROpEtrItES FOR SAt! 4EX',O(n fouflnutsE 0-037 Unit 9 Union Villas Townhomes, E Yuhico St, BF Reso(Village Las Pinas City FA: 117 sqm LA: 70 3 2-storey house with 38R & 3TB sqm SELLING PRICE: P 3,50O,00O SEIL|NG PRICE! P 4,300,000 YACAX| Lot D-032 Lot 54 Block 25 f,4arcos Alvarez Exl. (San Gregorio), Talon 5, Las Piias LAi 356 sqm commercial lot SELUNG PRICE: P 3,60O,dX) .A5 tS . WHERE tS. AND . FTRST-COME, F|RST.SERI/ED' BAS|S. PROPERTIES MAY BE WTTHDRAWN WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE ARE ON pdces a.e NOT applic?ble to buyback rrans€ctions with former owners. Please call for the buyba& prices. . TRESSA: t TENG t845-5229 tAcAtf Lof D-tt33 Lot 6 Block 20, 3rd St , Golden Gate Subdivision, Almanza, Las Pi6as sEllt o NACE Pf[cE P 0.038 Lot 2 Block 1 Peach Boad, Camella Homes l, Las Pifias City With old structure LA: 216 sqm 1,56,m Along Alabang-Zapote Road, Brgy Pamplona, Las PiRas City LA: 1,000 FA: 405.35 sqm Commercial lot with 2 storey commercial office building sqm PLEASE CAI.I TRESSA co m lAcAtfl0l 2816-9370 GilDOffiilUN es . -l'/rllillllr ur ep hi lip pi n FA: 190.043 som Lolt tvge residential condo wilh ,hR R 2TB E.O'6 Unit M-103 lvlezzanine Floor West ot Ayala Condominium, Sen GLlPuyat Ave., Makati FA: 69.92 sqm Otfice condo; no parking slot os E-otg cl C0tD0tlMAM SELUNG PRICE3 P 3,500,000 re GMA Loubel Plaza, Pasong Tamo cor. Bagtikan St., San Lorenzo Village, Makati city 3,065,000 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue corner Malugay Streets, Makati City LA: 5,202 sqm Commercial Lot (Call ELLIE : 816-9954) w P w w IV-B FA: 76 62 sqm otf lce condo unit .fo FAt 14272sqm office condo unit W 1 parking slot P 6,110,000 Tower, Sen.Gil Puyat Ave MakatiCity FA: 69 05 sqm (Ottice Condo, no PRICES ARE SUBJECTTO ' CHANGEWTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE, ALLOFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO MANAGEMENT'S APPROVAL, PLEASE CONFIRM ENTRIES BY CALUNG OUR HOTUNES OR SENDING AN EMAILTO BUENAM i.com.ph Lol l-A-1-P2 Lots 15, 17 & 19 Block 4, Along Doaa lnes St , Lot E-4-A-1 Brgy Hulong Duhat, No 7 Road 2, M. Sioson Malabon City Dampal{, Malabon LA:357 sqm FA: 216.50 sqm LAr '196 sqm FAr73.50 sqm St., 2-storey house wth 3BR & 2TB Paez Village, Dampalit, Malabon LA: 702 sqm FA:673 sqm 2-storey house with 6BR & 6T8 co m & 2 other lots Panghulo, l\ralabon LA: 235 FAi 695 sqm 4-storey bldg with 8BR & TTB| sqm 1 1-A, with penthouse #55 llang-llang Street, pi n Lot 10 & Lot es . Lot 18 Block 20 No 7, Yakal St, Lot B-2-A-1 Gardenville, N/aysilo, Malabon City sqm Panghulo, Malabon FA: 92 sqm tA: 270 sqm hi lip LAr 114 os ur ep 1-storey house with 3BR & 3TB Unit 43 BSA Townhomes. *tri cl w w .fo re LA: 99.5 sqm FA: 163 sqm 3-storey townhouse with For details, \-/ w . {lltfir/lttif) ItIr lfilll I a I i0)l lrlr' I lllllr I I E{ : a4!i5goo EE : [email protected] NACE :816-937O rr0ltsE & Lot VANEflOUSE H-003 I Suite 320 Lot 32 BIock 12 Pilar St., Unit Manuguit, Tondo, lvlanila BPI Condominium, Plaza Cervantes St., LA. 279.70 sqm FA: 473.1 1 sqnl 3-storey house with 6BR & 8TB SELLING PRICE! P 8,500,000 Lot 6 Block 3 Along Dangal St , '1.015 Bacood, Sta. l\resa, Manila LA: 589 2 sqm FAr 500 sqm Binondo Manrla FA: 89 2 sqm Office condominium SELUNG PRICE: P 2500,000 ALL PROPERTIES FOR SALE ARE ON 'AS lS - WHERE lS" AND 'FIRSI4ON,IE, FIRST-SERVED" BASIS. PROPERTIES MAY BE WTHDRAWN WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. Price5 are NO l applicable to blyback transactions lqth torm€r owne6. Please call for rhe buyback prices. o TRESSA:845-5803 A Mabini St , lvlalate, Manila FA; 1,792sqm Office tloor with several paltitions 5F Echelon Tower, 2]00 8/F & 9/F (Unit 9C), Ground Floor (Units D, E, E G & H) A&TCondominrumBldg No 244 Escolta St , N/anila FA: 1,168 32 sqm ,t-ool es . C0IlD0M,flrUM pi n 3rd floor Stanisco Tower, P Gil cor F Agoncillo Sts Ermita, lvlanila FA: 566.5 sqm Condominium unit (whole floor) E-n4 cl BALDffiE os ur ep hi lip ' co m Commercial / Residential Condo Linits No 575 Carlos Palanca St, Ouiapo, lvlanila LA 732.30sqm Commercial Lot / Rectangular shape with a frontage of approximately 13 meters w w w .fo re Lotl-C/(LRC) Psd-230517 Along Rizal Ave. Ext., Sta Cruz Manila LA: 1,000 sqm 1-storey commercial building . JOANA:815-9727 Lot 7 Block 6 *19 Jade St , Concepcion Subdivision, Concepcion 1, Marikina City LA 260 sqm FA 159.85 sqm 1-slorev hoLrse with 38R & 1TB -l'/Tllill.llltll No 7 Countryside Homes Road, Countrysrde Homes, Parang, Nrarikina Cily LA 432 sqm FAi 204.8 sqm 1-storey house with 38R & 3TB PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO Lot 9-B #15 Angelito Slreet, Bayan-Bayanan, Marikina City LA: 93 33 sqm FA: 115 92 sqm 2-storey house with 3BR & 2TB Lot 13-A #40 Morocco St , Marikina Greenheights Subd Marikina City LA: 80 sqm FA: 135 sqm 3 storey townhouse CHANGEWTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. ALLOFFERSARE SUBJECITO MANAGEMENT'S APPROVAL PI-EASE CONFIRM ENTRIES BY CAiIING OUR HOTUNES ORSENDING AN EMAILTO AUENAM :om.ph , co m Km. 23 East Service Rd., South Expressway Brgy Cupang, Muntnlupa City LAr '18,420sqm Commercial / lndustrial The property consists of two (2) parcels of land accessible via the East Service Road, South Expressway, Brgy. Cupang. lt is located 1km north of the Alabang interchange (Call ELLIE : 81&9954) . TENG : 845-5229 J-006 es . vAcAtflof Lot 14 Block 4 Our Lady of Miraculous, Medal St, DoRa Rosano Helghts, sqm ur ep hi lip pi n Muntinl!pa City LA: 300 sqm Lot 20-B Luxembourg St , Betterlrving Subdivision, Paraiaque City FA. 401 sqm LA: 538 2-storey house with 8BB & 4TB flottsE & os SELLING PRICE: P 1,650'000 Lof x-tB0 re cl Lot 5 Block 12 Rainbow Drive, Goodwrll 2 Subdivision, Parafraque City LA:216 FA: 174 sqm sqm Paraiaque City LA: 480 sqm FA: 353 sqm 1-storey house with 4BB & 3TB w w w .fo 1-storey house with 3BR & 3TB No. 7356 Orchard St., Marcelo Green Village, SEUll,lG PRICET SELUNG PRICE: P 3,80O,0OO 20 AI! PROPERTIE5 FOff SAI,E AqE ON Ric6 arE 'A5 15 - WHERE 15" P 3,300,000 AND'FIFST<OME, FIRST.SERVED' BA5I5. PROPERTIES MAY 8E WITHOPu\WN W|T}IOUT PRIOR NOTICE. NoT.pplicable to buyback t-ansactions with former owners. Pleas€ callfor the buyt6ck p ces. Lof H0usE & x-013 No 1103 J Young St., Moonwa k Subdivision, Paranaque C FA: 333.5 sqm LA.365 2-storey hous with 6BR & 2TB sqm SELLING PRIGE: P 3,500,000 flaasE & Lof LoT x-a7 HousE&L0f No No 19304 Sampaquita St, N,4atado Homes, ParaaaqLle CltY sqm FA:23T sqm 2-storey housewith 5BB & 2TB LAi 286 SELUNG PRICET P 1,8dt (xto K-037 San Dlonisio Village, ParaRaque City 304 sqrn LA: 514 4BR & 4TB 2-storey house sqm F w SE]UNG PRICE: P 4500,od) HoasE&L0f x-034 HOasE & Lof K-016 No 9 San Francisco St, St, 18 San Pedro San Antonio Valley 10, Paraiaque LA: 1,306 s 2 storey ho FA 336.2 sqm wrth sBR & 2TB SELLING PRICET P 9,000,000 co m & ,F050 Lot 6 Block 8, No 6 Gold Lane, Silver Homes, es . HoasE MultinationalV age Paraiaque LA: 180 sqm FA wlth 8 37 sqm F & 4TB SELLING PRICET P 1O20O,o0O SELLING PRICE! P 3,5o0,qt0 os SE]UNG PRCE: P Z'lq),OOO ur ep hi lip pi n 2-storey house cl rst Plaza, condo wrth /ith andlparkinosot rrkinq slot Chateau de Bale Condo, loxas Blvd Paranaque CitY A: 95.15 s lesidential do with lBR & 2TB w w w .fo re City SELLING PRICE: P 4000,000 SELLING PRICET P 3,50O,O0O . DICK: COflI'OMITIUM Unit 1902 'H26 Bayview lnternational Tower lll, Roxas Blvd Paratiaque CitY FA: 195 sqm Lots 28 Block 3 & Lot 2-D Venice St , Betterliving Subd Paraiaque City LA: ,638 sqm 2 acent residential ots 845-5807 Tower, Pacific Avenue, As a World, , a SELLING PRICE: P 6,825,000 PRICES ARE SUBJECTTO " "'- - Fiinii CHANGEWTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE, ALL OFFERS ARE SUBJECTTO MANAGEMENT'S,APPROVAL Coi,jriRil Eiti-iiEe dVtA-LlrnG oudnorriNrsbn senorNc aN EMAIL ro BUENAMANo@bpicoh ph 21 x-046 VACA'IT LOf Blvd, Paranaque City 2247 AwotaBlvd commercial condo unit SELLING PRICE: P 14.300.000 NACE :8'16-9370 lof I-004 HousE &rof M-002 Lot 2-D-1-B-1 & Lot 2-D-1-B-2 Psd-326662, A ong Pr vate Rd , near A. e, Santolan. Pa LA: 288 106 sqm 2 storey house Lot 1525 Porvenir St., San Jose, Pasay City LAr 250 sqm Residentia ot es . vAcAilf Rodr sqm fl0usE Lot 14 Block &LoT M-016 2 YakalSt. Agapito Subd 4 Brgy Santolan, Pasig City sqm LAi 246 FA: 500 sqm 3-storey house w th 2BR & 3TB ur ep hi lip Unit BV-232 Flerida Block ll, Balaglas Vlllas, Aong Balagtas cor Leveriza Sts , Pasay Clty FA: i88 33 sqm SELLING PRICE: P 35,000.000 pi n . . San Roque, Pasay Clty LA: 1,411 sqm wth old structures FAi 340 sqm co m COt0OMnruM Unrt G-01 Bayview lnternational Tower '1 Roxas H0asE & Lot sELLING PRICE: P 6,000,000 os SELLING PRICE: P 3,000,000 M-018 ry (North Tower) FA: 97 91 sqm f0wnH0usE 1097 Skvwav Twin Capt. Henry Brov. J Oranbo (N6ith ier St asio Citv trA 62.44 sqm Towe0 M-022 Lot 13 Block 5 Pasig l\lillenium Garcien Jenny s Avenue, Nlaybunga, Pasig City LA:112sqm FAi '100 75 sqm 2-storey lownhouse with 3BR & 3TB w w w .fo 9qm nouse re cl Lot B-D-1 lnterior F Antonio St g Comp e,i, SELLING PRICE! P 3,000,000 SETING PRICET P a30o,0(xl SELLING PRICE: P 3.300.O0O TRESSA: 845-5803 vAcAnfLof 1y M-015 lnterior Sta I/onica Street, Pineda (l\,4FR Road) Pasig City LA: 400 sqm H0USE & LOf M-oo6 ock 12 between lst & 2nd Sts and 2nd & 3rd Ave R verside Village, Brgy Sta Lucia.PasgCty LAr 4,984 sqm FA: 461 sqm B 2-storey house with 5BB & 4TB , SELLING PRICE: P32,00O,000 SELLING PRICE: P 1,200,000 22 ALL PROPERTIES FOR SALE ARE ON AS 15 . WHERE IS AND "FIRST.COME, FIRST.SERVED" BA5IS PROPERTIES MAY BE WITHDRAWN WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. Prices are NOT applicable to buyback transactions with former owners Please call for the buyback prices . TRESSA: 845-5803 co m with 25 parking slots & 4 storage units es . M-013 OTHENS Lots 2 & 31 Block 2, Shaw Blvd. & San Rafael St , Kapitolyo, Pasig City LA:'1,'l29sqm ur ep hi lip pi n 2 parcels of commercial lots with Caltex Station Lease Contract to expire in 2020 -'lnfiFEnrfi-b re cl -TIrgifrforJx-002\ Lot 13 Block I Dao St , Gonzales Compound, Damong Maliil, Novaliches, Ouezon Cty FA: 176 LA: 176 sqm w w w sqm Novaliches Ouezon City FA 473 sqm LAi 272 2-storey house with 3BR & 2TB; with attic sqm LA: 232 sqm \ \ 93 Cenacle Dr, Sanville Subd., Tandang Sora, Q C FA: 513 sqm LA 530 2 storey house with 8BR & 5TB sqm PRICES ARE SUSJECT TO CHANGE ' PI FASE , Kaligayahan, OC E0asE & Lot 5 Block 3 #10 Fercon St., Delta Village, Tandang Sora, O C FA: 180 sqm LA: 251 'l-storey house with 3BR & 2TB No. 23 Lovebird corner Dove Sts., St. Jude Subd Greenfields 1, .fo 2 Block 26 Talisay cor Cypress Sts., Greenftelds Subd. 1, Novaliches Ouezon City LA: 207 sqm FA: 182 sqm 2-storev house with 4BR & 3TB os . JOANA z 816-9727 Lol ,t-015 #25 D Reynaldo Sl. Tierra Bella Subd , Tandang Sora, Ouezon City FA: 422 sqm LAr 958 sqm floagE&Lof SEUING PnCEi t 9.mO.0OO WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. ALL OFFERS ARE SUBJE T TO MANAGEMENT'S APPROVAL CoNFIRM ENTRIES 8Y CATUNG oUR HOTLINES OR SENDING AN EMAIL TO BUENAM ,t-068 No. 35-A Aono Street. NIA Village:Tandang Sora, Ouezon City LA: 120 sqm FA: 200 sqm sEtll{G :om.Ph F cE P 3,(10,000 JOANA | 815-9727 r-009 floasE & Lot t-010 Lot 42 Block 17 EoasE & Culiat, Ouezon City LAr 82.48 FA 180 sqm 2-storey house W 4BR & 3TB fl-014 Lof tt-047 SELLING PRICE: P 2,750,000 SEIUNG PRICE: P 5,5m,0m Lof HoasE & It-054 Lot 38 Block 23 Fonda St Filinvest 2, Capitol Dist., Ouezon City LAr 447 sqm 2-storey house LoT ,r0usE & Lot 13, Block 55, Unrubia St., Marilag, Project 4, QC LAr 182 80 sqm FA: 403 sqm 3 storey house & lot with 1OBR & 7TB , fl-069 No. 52 Chicago St , Brgy Pinagkaisagan, Cubao, Ouezon City FA:323 sqm LA 300 sqm ur ep hi lip sqm 10f co m SELUNG PRICE| P g,3M,q'O Lot 3 Unit 55 Las Villas Del Cielo, L4orning Star Drive, & sqm sqm SEUING PRICE: P 3,70o,OO H0asE Lot 6-8 No. 56 lgnacio Ave., Norih SLrsana Execltive Villaqe, l\latandang Balara, Q C LA: 117 FA: 216 sqm 2-storey house with 3BR & 4TB es . Lof pi n flOusE & 24D Aniceta St , Kainginin Rd. Brgy A Samson, Balinrawak, Ouezon City LA: 273 5 FA: 383 5 sqm 2-storey house with 3BR & 2TB os SELLING PRICE! P 4,500,000 P 6,,{00,000 nuBE & Lof il-072 HaasE&Lof.il-057 No 201-A lnterior Pluto St , (Along Goldkey) Bahay Toro, Quezon City LAi 248 FAi 128 sqm 1-storey house No.57 K-6th St, Kamias Unit 29D Quezon City FA: 105 25 sqm LA: 300 1-storey house Eashrobd Citv. Ba-oumbavan. OC FA 77 cl Lot 4 SEl,lJl,lG PRICET 29/F Olvmpic Herqhts Tower 3, s.lm' re sqm " w w w .fo sqm SELLING PRICE: P 2,500,000 SELLING PRICET P 4,500,000 No. 9 Eden cor. Acacia St., San Agustin, Novaliches, Quezon Unit 10-G Apartment'10 Jade Street, Cypress Village, il-025 lvlasambong, Quezon City FA '153 3 sqm 2-storey apartment Lot 139-4 Lot 139-G, LA: 41.25 sqm P 4 t2,500 LA: 41 .3 sqm P 413,000 Lot 139-B LA: 41.25 sqm Lot 139-H P 412,500 24 LA: 61.2 sqm P 612,000 Lot 139-E LA: 51 .25 sqm P 512,500 Lot 139-l Lot '139-F LA: 51.25 sqm P 512,500 Lot 139-J LA: 65 sqm P 650,000 LA: 55 sqm P s50,000 ALL PROPERTIES FOR SALE ARE ON "A5IS -WHERE 15' AND 'FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED' 8A5I5, PROPERTIES MAYBEWTHDRAWN WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. Prices are NOT aoolicable to buvback transactions with former owne6 Please call for the buyback prices . JOANA .816-9727 foww0asE T0wxnousE t-052 2-storey townhouse with 1 BR & 2TB Unit 22-E, Xavierville Ave , Xavierville SiJbd . Loyola Heights, Ouezon Crly LA: 42 FA: 77 sqm 2-storey townhouse sqm sqm SELLING PRICET P 3,1Oo,(XrO L structure PflCE P e0@,0(x' x-o6t es . BAIIDfiA il-059 SE1IJNG Lots 3, 4 & 5, No 46 Sampaguita St , Roxas C rcle Subdivis on Sauyo, Ouezon City LAr 965 FA:2,230 sqm sqm pi n BUtLIttfE Lot 7-8. No 214 Bonifacio Ave. Loma, Ouezon Crly L : 280 sqm 2-storey commercial /resldential t-049 Unit 20 Las Villas de Cie1o. Sunville Subdivisron, Culiat, Ouezon City LA: 58.14 FA:103 sqm 2 storey residential townhouse (m PRICE P 3,5(n No.96 lnterior Dom nga Road, Dominga Village, Baesa, Ouezon City ur ep hi lip 4-storey industrial / residential bldg. w oeck 2u rooms / unrls & 22lll SEllltilc co m Unit 22 F Xaviervi e Ave , Xaviervllle Subd Loyola Heights, O.C. LA; 39.7 sqm FA: 67 sqm os SELUNG PRICE: P 5,5d!,dX) vActlflof t-067 cl No 22 Antoinette Street, re Parkway Village, Brgy. A. Samson, Bairntawak, Ouezon Crly LA: 991 sqm YACAX| rof t-032 Lot 4 Pcs-3056, Phase 3 Empire View Park Subd , Capitol District Quezon City LA: 400 sqm .fo No. 25 Antoinetle Street, Parkway Vilage, Brgy. A. Samson, Balintawak, Quezon City LA: 360 sqm Ouezon City w w w LA: 120 sqm Residential lot SEIJIM! PnlCE P 9,qD,(n, SEIUNG PRICE: P i,2OO,OoO YACAttLof Lot 15 Block 21 North Olympus Subdivision, Zabarte Road, Novaliches, OLiezon City LAr '120 sctm Residential lot Lot 14 Block 23 North Olympus Subdivision. Zabarte Road, Novaliches, Villa Vienna Neopolltan Subd., Phase 1, Ouezon City Lot 3 Block 96 LA: 300sqm Lot 4 Block 96 LA: 300sqm il-034 LotllBlock5 LoI 41 Block 222 Dofra Azucena St , Neopolitan Subd, Phase Vll, (Geneva Gardens), Greenfields 3 Subd Quezon City Novaliches, LA: 423 sqm O , C LA: 240 sqm SELLING PRICE: P 2,300,000 PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE q WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE ALL OFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO MANAGEMENT'S APPROVAL cv.at I tNG nr rA Horr rNFc oR SFNDTNG AN FMA io BUENAMA ,[email protected] 23 -045 33 Lots, Phase Vll Geneva Gardens Neopolitan Subdivision, Ouezon City 33 LA: 704 sqm - P 3,800,000 Block 191 9 Lot LA:300 sqm - P 1,600,000 Block 193 Lot 4 5 6 7 9 Lot 10 Lot Lot Lot LA: 494 sqm - P 2,700,000 Block 207 LA: 300 sqm - P 1,600,000 Lot 19 Lot I LA:315 sqm - P 1,700,000 Lot 11 LA:315 sqm - P 1,700,000 LAr 502 sqm - P 2,?00,000 LA:300 sqm - P 1,600,000 Lot 12 LAr Lot 11 LA:324 sqm - P Lot 10 LAr 365 Lot LA:300 sqm - P 1,600,000 LA:300 sqm - P 1,600,000 Lot LA:300 sqm - P 1,600,000 Lot 6 5 4 419sqm - P2,300,000 1,8OO,OOO sqm - P 2,000,000 Lot 9 LAr 363 sqm - P 2,000,000 Lot 1 LA:568sqm - P 3,1qt,qr0. Block 209 Block 205 LA: 300 sqm - P 1,600,000 LA: 300 sqm -P1,600,000 Lot 22 LA:300 sqm - P 1,600,000 LA:370 sqm - P 2,000,000 Lot 21 LA:300 sqm - P 1,600,000 LA:375 sqm - P 2,000,000 Lot 1l LA:300 sqm - P 1,600,000 LA:375 sqm . P 2,000,000 -3-:- w w w .fo re cl os Lot LA:300 sqm - P 1,600,(x)0 sqm - P 2,700,000 LA: 637 sqm - P 3,400,000 Block 204 1,600,000 LA: 496 co m Lot LA:300 sqm - P 1,600,000 LA:300 sqm - P 1,600,000 es . LA:581 sqm - P 3,100,000 4 3 2 ur ep Lot Lot pi n Lot Block 192 '10 LA: 300 sqm -P LA:400 sqm - P 2,200,000 hi lip Lol Lot Lot 2 Lot 1 Lot 3 LA:300 sqm - P 1,600,000 Block 196 5 4 3 Lot Block 206 Block 194 Block 178 Lot '12 26 IS - WHERE IS' AND 'FIRsT-COME, FIRST.SEruED' BASIS. PROPERTIES MAY BE WTHDRAWN WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE' Prices are NOT applicable to buyback lransactions with {ormer owners. Please €all for the buyback prices. AI.I PROPERNES FOR SALEARE ON 'AS . DAGUB t816-9956 WAilEH0USE t'ot7 BALDIilA Along Ocean Parl Ave , Brgy. Sauyo, Novaliches, Ouezon City LA:7,443 sqm FA:3,090 sqm 969 sqrr and 204 sqm lndustrial bldg , SELLING PRICE: P 55.000.000 warehouse and canteen il-018 Along Quirino Highway, Brgy. Gulod, Novaliches, Quezon City FA: 825 sqm LA: 23,372 4 lots improved with three (3) sqm single-storey commercial/residential bldg 250 sqm, 315 sqm and 260 sqm VAEAflT LOf co m SELLING PRICE: P290,0d1,000 es . fl-046 SELLING PRICE: P 30,000,000 pi n 600 Quirino Highway, Brgy. Bagbag, hi lip Nova iches, Ouezon Cily LA: 1,928 sqm cl os KAREN : 845-5804 w w .fo re Lot 8-A-3-PP-4-C A ong Sakura Road within Yupangco Cotton Mills Compound Brgy. Mahabang Parang Angono, R zal LA 24 468 sqm Rectangulsr in shape and with flat terra n Frontage along Sakura Road is 174 04 meters with an average depth of 140.59 meters. Lors 10, 11 & 12 Bock 100 No 18 Ope St, Vllage East Executive Homes Ant polo City LA: 788 sqm FA: 656 20 sqm 2-storey house with 11BR & 8TB w . ur ep cornmetcral lot Phillips Drive, Victoria Valley Subdivision, Valley Golt, Lot # Lot Area -A Psd-04-'127698 1-B Psd-04- 1 27698 1 -C Psd-04-127698 1-D Psd -04-127698 1-E Psd-04- 127698 1-F Psd-04-127698 1 -G Psd-04-127698 '1 LA: 2,502 LA; 2,000 LA: 2,001 LA: 2,001 sqm sqm sqm sqm LA:2,000 sqm LA: 2,000 sqm LA: 2,018 sqm Total LA:14,522 sqm PRICES ARESUBJECTTO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. ALL OFFERSARE SUBJECT TO MANAGEMENT'S , PLEASE CoNFIRM ENTRIES BYCALLING oUR HoTLINES OR SENDING AN EMAIL TO BUENAIV APPROVAL. com,ph rr-t Lots 1 & 3, ML Quezon Ave., and l\,laia Alta Subd Road., Brgy. Dalig, Antipolo City LAr 40,176sqm Lot 11-A Tricon St (Panganiban St.) Oro Vista Subd., Brgy. Mayamot, Sitio Tubigan, Antipolo City Antipolo City LAi 1782 LAr 253 sqm sqm Banker's Village lll, Antipolo City Phase 1-A. Bo. Bulao, Antipolo City LA: 120 5BR & 5TB Lot 14 Block 12, Garcia Street, sqm FAr 136 sqm LA: 300 sqm FA: 413 sqm 2-storey house W 7BR & 4TB &Lot 0-010 cl fltt,rsE os ur ep 1-storey house with 4BB & 3TB Valleyview Executive Village FA: 491 sqm 1-storey house with roofdeck FA: 180 sqm Lot 16 Block 2 No. 15 Avocado St., pi n Lots 21 & 22 Block 3, Onyx Street, es . RICKY z 915-9957 hi lip . co m residential lot Brgy. San Jose, Antipolo City sqm FA: 115 sqm w 2-storey house w/ 4BR & 2TB Lot 12, Pcs- 13620 Seagull Drive, Victoria Valley Subdivision, Bo. N4ayamot, Antipolo City w w LAr 166 re St. Gabriel Heights Subdivision, Lot 23 Block'l No. 22 Rosario St.. .fo Lot 2 Block 33 Daisy St., I Block 10 Oriole Street, Victoria Valley Subdivision, Bo. Mayamot, Antipolo City LA: 1,058 sqm Bo Mayamot, Antipolo City LA: 2,996 sqm LAr 1,482 sqm SELLING PRICE: P 1,l5O,O0O -u:l Lot Lot 7 Block 9 Oriole Circle, Victoria Valley Subdivision, ttlt ; t, I t I -It-gzg Lot 1-A, Pcs-04-007017 Lot 2 Pcs-0,1-001456 Lot 4 Pcs'04-001456. Along Oriole Street, Victoria Valley Subdivisicn, Bo. Mayamot, Antipolo City Onole Herghts, Red Finch Circle, Victoria Valley Subdivision, Victona Valley Subdivision, Bo Mayamot, Antipolo City Bo. Mayamot, Antipolo LA. '1,201 sqm LAr 1,512 sqm LAr '1,046 sqm C[y \ ALL PROPERTIES FOR SALEARE ON 'A5 IS . WHERE IS" AND 'FIRST.COME, FIRST-SERVED" BASIS. PROPERTIES MAY BE WTHDRAWN WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. Prices are NOT applicable to buyback transactions with former owners. Please callfor the buyback prices. RICKY LoI 47 ? 816-9957 -L-2-P Lot 2-B Eag e's Nest Drlve, Psd-04-002308 Sunbird St , Victoria Va ley Subdivision, Vlctoria Valley Subdivision , Bo lVayamot, Antipolo City Bo N/ayamot, Antipolo City Meroanser's Nest. Victoria Vallev Subdivision. - Bo. Maybmot, AntipoloCity LA: 1,124 sqm Lot 5 Block 10 LA: 1,497 sqm Lot 6 Block 10 P P P 3,735,600 3,665,200 3,293,400 LA: 1,698 sqm Lot 5 Block 1 1 LA: 1,855 sqm P 4,081,000 Lot P P 2,2O2,2OO 3,487,000 Lot 10 Block 12 LA: 1,451 sqm P 3,192,200 I Block 12 LA: 1,001 sqm Lot I Block 12 LA: 1,718sqm P 4,081,000 cl 0-019 Lot 13 Block 3 Lot 26 Block 5 Kirksville St Shrevport St Parkridge Estates, Parkridge Estates, N,4ayamot, Antlpo o Mayamot, Antipolo LA 610 sqm LA: 621 sqm Lot '1 '1 Block 5 .fo Town & Country Estates, Brgy. lVayamot, w w Sumu ong Hi-way Antipolo City, Fliza LA: 1 ,078 sqm 2,640,000 re vAcAtfL0T P Lot 6 Block 12 LA: 1,585 sqm os '1 Lot 4 Block 12 LA: '1,200 sqm Lot 3 Block 11 LA: 2,108 sqm P 4,637,600 hi lip LA: 1,731 ur ep 11 sqm P 3,808,200 Lot 4 Block 1 LA: 1 ,932 sqm P 4,250,400 Lot 2 Block Sand Pioer Drive. Victoria Vallev Subdivision. ' Bo. Mayamot, Antipold City pi n Blue Jav Drive. Victoria Vallev Subdivision. Bo. Mayamot, Antipofo City es . co m LAi 1,532 sqm Lot 4 Block 10 LA: 1,666 sqm Lot 22 Block 10 , Psd-04-0-44561, Bo Mayamot Antipolo City LA: 467 sqm w . SELLING PRICE: P 4,O0O,O0O Clifton St., Town & Country Estate, Brgy, Mayamot, Antipol6 City Block 7-A Lot 18 LA: 1,149sqm - P 3,450,000 Lot 20 LA: 1,072sqm - P 3,220,000 Lot 22 LA; 1,132sqm - P 3,400,000 Block 14 Lot 29 LA: 1,726sqm - P 5,200,000 PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE ' Town & Country Estate, Mayamot, Antidolo City Lot 15 Block 12 LA: 1,474 sqm 5,900,000 Lot 17 Block 12 LA: 2,093 sqm P 8,400,000 P WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. ALI OFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO MANAGEMENT's PIFASF CONFIRM ENTRIES BY CALLING OUR HOTLINES ORSENDING AN EMAIL TO BUENAM Lot 16 Block 12 LA: 1 ,724 sqm P 6,900,000 Lot 18 Block 12 LA: 1,160sqm P 4,800,000 APPROVAL com.Ph ,tirr 815-9957 38 Lots, Town and Country Estates, Sumulong Highway, Brgy. Mayamot, Antipolo City Block 2 Block 4-C LA: 917 sqm - P 3,392,900 Lot Lot Block 3 Lot 20 LA: 2026 sqm - P 7,091,000 Lot 3 1 3 7 8 Lot LA:1999 sqm - P 4,896,500 Lot 10 LA: 824 sqm - P 3,213,600 Lot LA:1058 sqm - P3,914,600 Lot LA:1323sqm- P 4,895,100 Lot Lot LA:1405 sqm- P5,198,500 Lot 15 LA:1699 sqm - 6 7 I 9 LA:1590sqm - P5,565,000 Lot 5 3 Lot LA:1150 sqm - P 4,613,000 LA: 970 sqm - P 3,997,000 hi lip Block 4-B LA:1074 sqm - P 3,759,000 LA:1146 sqm - P 4,011,000 re cl os Lot 10 LA:1168 sqm - P 4,088,000 Lot 11 LA:1256sqm - P 4,396,000 Lot 12 LA:1150 sqm - P 4,025,000 Lot 13 LA:1039 sqm - P 3,636,500 Lot 14 LA:1053 sqm - P 3,685,500 Lot 15 LA:1093 sqm - P 3,825,500 Pcs-25682 LA:1548 sqm - P 5,418,000 Lot '10 LA:2025 sqm - P 7,087,500 P 5,606,700 Lot 15 LA:684 sqm - P 2,394,000 LA:1474 sqm - P 5,159,000 ur ep 2 I Lot 14 LA: 815 sqm - P2,852,500 LA:1460 sqm - P 5,110,000 Lot 16 LA:1861 sqm - P 6,141,300 Lot 19 LA:1881 sqm - P 6,583,500 Lot Lot Block 9-A Lot 13 LA: 688 sqm - P 2,408,000 Block 7-A LA:1302 sqm - P 5,338,200 LA: 596 sqm - P 2,086,000 pi n Lot Lot Lot Lot LA:1142sqm - P 3,997,000 LA: 2117sqm-P7,409,500 Block 4-A Block 9 LA: 596 sqm - P 2,086,000 LA:1318 sqm - P 4,613,000 Lot 11 LA:1309 sqm - P 4,319,700 Block 7 Lot 2 7 9 6 I Lot co m 4 es . Lot 0-027 Block 10 LA:1691 sqm - P5,580,300 w w 3 9 LA:1249 sqm - P 4,371,500 w Lot Lot .fo Lot 16 LA:1211 sqm - P 4,238,500 -rnttmul-r0_1117 Lot 3 Block 11 N/lichigan St Palos Verdes Subdivision, Antipolo Cny LA 300sqm \ 0-097 Lot 27 Block 11 Delaware St Palos Verdes Subdivision, Antipolo City LA: 300 sqm residentiallot 0-036 , 9 Lots, Parkridge Estates, Antipolo City Block 13 LA: 3,789 sqm \ 2't Ot, ALL PROPERTIES FOR SAI..E ARE ON "AS IS - WHERE IS' AND 'FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED' BA5IS. PROPERTIES MAY BE W|THDRAWN WTTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE, Prices are NOT applicable to b'Jyback transactiohs whh former owne6. Please calllor the buyback pri@s. RICKY | 816-9957 33 Lots, Parkridge Estate ll, Brgy. Sta. Cruz, Antipolo o-tt47 Block 6 Lot LA:488 sqm -P 1,708,000 7 Block 10 Lot 13 sqm - P 1,725,5OO 12 LA:520 sqm - P 1,820,000 Block Lot Lot 18 LA:490 sqm - P 1,715,000 4 5 Lol 7 LAr 774 I Lot Lot 11 LA:490sqm -P1,7t5,000 2 3 Lot 19 LA:669 sqm - P 2,341,500 Block 8 Lot 22 LAr496 sqm - P'l,736,000 LA:475sqm - P 1,662,500 Lot 25 LA:476 sqm - P1,666,000 LA:570sqm - P1,995,000 Lot 26 LA:405 sqm - P 1,417,500 LA: 580 sqm - P 2,030,000 Lot 33 LA: 774 sqm - P 2,709,000 Lot 11 LA:461 sqm - P 1,613,500 Block Lot I Block 17 Lot 32 LA: 547,sqm -P1,914,500 Lot 17 LA:490 sqm - P 1,715,000 Lot Lot sqm - P 1,732,5OO Lot 18 LA: 664 sqm - P 2,324,oo0 LAr493sqm - P1,725,500 Lot 10 LA:476 sqm - P 1,666,000 Lot LAr 495 I Block 14 Lol 14 LA:485 sqm - P 1,697,500 sqm - P 2,709,000 LA: 702 sqm - P 2,457,000 LA: 701 sqm - P 2,453,500 es . LA: 493 LAr 433 pi n 4 5 Lot 39 hi lip Lot Lot LAr 512 sqm - P 1,792,000 sqm -P1,515,500 Lot 43 LAr 614sqm -P2,149,000 Lot 44 LAr 575 sqm -P2,012,500 Lot 12 LA: 510 sqm -P1,785,000 Block 7 Block 16 3 Lot LA:465 sqm - P1,627,500 co m Lot 1 Lot 11 LA:668 sqm - P 2,338,000 Lot 27 LA:372 sqm - P 1,302,000 "'nt' ill'',i,t*fl;no,?'f"tf3ijnooo'o (sprinter SlZ500 Lot 1 LA:479sqm Lot 11 LA: 375 sqm Lot 15 LI'r 375 sqm - P 9i17,500 Lot 18 LA; 312 sqm - P 873,600 w w Lot 11 LA:376 sqm - P940,m0 -P 33 Vacant Residential Lots (developed), Block 12 Block 8 (Arps st.) (Everest st.) .fo Block 3 re cl os ur ep Lot 18 LA:441 sqm - P 1,543,500 Lot 2 Lot 11 -P st.) 718,500 ' LA:3sd}sqm - P 529,5m LAr 375 sqm - P gYFm Lot 12 LA:425 sqm - P 1,062"500 w . 0-0/t6 I Block (Alps st.) Lot 17 LA:410 sqm - P 1,025,qD Lot 18 LA:424 sqm - P 1,060,0m Lot 19 LA:397 sqm - P 9S2,500 Lol 20 LIU 397 sqm - P 9S2,500 Lot 21 tA:397 sqm - P 9S2"500 Lot 22 tA: 397 sqm - P 992500 Lot 13 LA: 475 sqm - P 1,187,500 Lot 23 LA:485 sqm Lot 19 LA:385 sqm ' P W,sOO Lot 39 LA: ,133 sqm - P 1,082,500 -P1,212ffi Lot 40 LA 469 sqm - P 1,172,5(n Lot 22 LA: 380 sqm - P 950,000 Lot 41 LA:4Sl sqm - P 1,132,500 Lot 30 LA: 388 sqm - P 970,0m Lot 42 l-A:451 sqm - P 1,122500 Lot 31 LA:369sqm - P92,ffi Lot 36 LA:510 sqm - P 1,215,ffi Lot 37 l-A: 4o2 sqm - P 1 ,m5,00o Lot 38 tA:46:| sqm - P 1,157,5m BABANGAY HILLS SUBDIVISION MAP - PRICES ARE SUBJECTTO CHANGEW|THOUT --- FLEnse CorlrrRM ENTR|E5 By cjLLtNG Lot 51 LA: 420 sqm - P 1 ,050,m0 Lot 53 tA:431 sqm - P 1,02500 Lot 58 LA:483 sqm - P 1,202500 Lot 59 tA:422 sqm - P 1,055,0m Lot 60 LA: 366 sqm - P 915,000 Lot 61 LA:,tOB sqm - P 1,020,000 PRIOR NOTICE' ALLOFFERSARE SUBJECTTO MANAGEMENT'S.APPROVAL ou( HorLrNEs oR SENDTNG AN EMAILTo BUENAM com.ph RICKY: 816-9957 Lots 6, 11 and 15 Block 2 Lol 8 Block Purok Bukal ng Buhay, I Pisces St , Upper Lucban, Brgy Dela Paz, Antipolo Brgy Dela Paz, LA: 900 sqm. Antipolo City 3 separate lots (300 sqm each) LAr 360 Lot2BlockSNo 7 Durian St Valley View Exec. Village, Forest Hills Residential Estates, Brgy San lsidro, Antipolo LAr '126 sqm LA: ,155 sqm es . pi n Lot 1025-D-2-1-10 Psd-04-032632 Mission Hills, Antipolo City 3 & 4-B Block 2 VictonaSt., . San Juan, Cainta FAr 373.5 sqm house wth 2BR & 2TB r477 sqm hi lip B Cupang, Antipolo City LA: 702 sqm Lot 28 Block 77 Phase 3 Antipolo City YACAI| LOf Lot 8 Block 2 Santa Monica, , co m Senora Dela Paz Subd., ur ep LA: 1,006 sqm cl os SELUNG PRICET P 3lto,mo Lots 3 & 13 Block 2 re No 1012 Birmingham St, .fo Brookeside Subdivision, Cainta, Rizal w w LA: 209 & 47 sqm FA: 20O sqm Lot 6 Block 3, 36 Citrus St Lot 5 Block 4, No 5 Parola St., Brgy San Boque, Cainta, Rizal LA: 190 sqm FA: 329 sqm 2-storey house 1-storey house wilh 3BR & 3TB Village Phase 7, Cainta, Rizal LA: 187 sqm FA: 340 sqm 2-storey house with 3BR & 2TB; w wth basement o KAREN : 845-5804 ,ililtsE & LOf 36 Augusta St. Vista verde Exec Village (Phase lV) Cainta Rizal LAr 265 sqm Lot 29 Block 2, No 2 Youngstown Ave. corner 4th Street, Youngstown Village, Carnta. Rizal LAr 220 sqm FA 320 sqm 2-storey house W sBR & 3TB SELUNG PflCE: P e90O. at aLL pRopERTtES FOR SAlr ARE ON .AS , Greenwoods Executive rS - WHERE rS' AND "FTRST4OME, FTRST-SER\r'ED. BASTS. PROPERT1ES MAY BE W|THDRAWN WTTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. Pric€s ar€ NOT applicable to buyback transactions with folmer owr'€G. Plaase call for the buybacft pric€s. 11 Lots, Tailor Bird, Victoria Valley Subdivision, Lot 1 Block Block Twin Bridge Drive, 2 Block 3 I lnt. - LA: 600 sqm - P 1,320,000 Lot 10 - LAr 639 sqm " P 1,405,800 - LA: 619 sqm - P 1,36'l,800 Lot 1 - LA: 669 sqm - P I Lot 5 '471'800 - LA:699 sqm - P'1,537,800 Lot 4 - LA: 913 sqm - P 2,008,600 Lot 6 Lot11-LA: 829 sqm - P 1,823,800 Lot Victoria Valley Subdivision, Bo. l\,4ayamot, Cainta, Rizal Block 5 Lot4 lnt ' Lot9 1 LotS tnt.-LAr i,42Bsqm-P3,141,600 Block6 Lot 6lnt.-LA:761 sqm-P1,674;200 KAREN : 845-5804 0fHEns sqm - P 2'211'000 '005 lnt. - LA: 1,196 sqm - P2,531,200 LA: co m LA: 882 sqm No. 177 Herrera and Belmont St., Brookeside Hills Subdivision, Cainta, Rizal es . . Bo. Mayamot, Cainta, Rizal '1 0-065 SELLING PRICE: P 14,500,000 1 LAi 307 sqm 2-siorey guest LAr 255 sqm swlmming LA: 265 sqm Psd-16078 Lot 16 Psd-16145 Lot 16 17 Lot 18 Lot house pool garage LA: 275 sqm 0-0c3 cl Constellatlon Homes Phase 2, Brgy San lsidro, Angono, Rizal FA 67 sqm Lot 4 Elock 29 Village East Homes Brgy San lsidro, Angono, Bizal LA: 400 sqm Lot 28 Block 176 Phase 4. Village East Exec Homes, Brgy Lunsad, Binangonan LA: 804 sqm w w sqm re Lot5Blockl,FoadLotl, LA: 118 Lot 3 Block lS,Hyacinth St., Primrose Hills Subdivision, l,4ahabang Parang, Angono, Rizaj LA: 110 sqm .fo LoT os RICKY 2816-9957 fl0usE & FA: 107 sqrn 1-storey house with 38R & 2TB w . FAr82.65 sqm ur ep Total LA: 1 ,380 sqm FA: 273.95 sqm hi lip Lot pi n LA: 278 sqm lmproved with: 3-storey residentia building FA: 202 50 sqm 1-storey residental buiding FAr 317 95 sqm 5 Lots in Block 2 SELLING PRICE: P 95O,OOO vAcAtf LoT 0-061 Lot 7 Phase . Brov. Lot 138-B Psd-129620 N,4e on Street. Dividend Homes, Taytay, Bizal LA: 170 sqm FAr 308 55 sqm San N,4 eo, Hi; LA: 178 som Along Sampaloc Road, .Brgy San lsidro, Brgy Montalban, SizaL Tar]ay, Bizal LA: 18,323 sqm P 2-storey house aza Aldea, LA: 1,302 sqm SELL|NG PRTCE: P 6,/t00,000 PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGEWTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. ALL OFFERS ARE -- FriiGi-ColiiinM er.rtnreieicAlarNc oud HorlrNEs oR SUB.JECT TO MANAGEMENT'S-APPROVAL. SENDTNG AN EMATLTo [email protected] 33 RICKY: 816-9957 Lot I Block 1 Cresdaviile ll Subd P. Velasquez, Taytay, Rizal LA. 152 sqm FA. 240 sqm , Lot 8-B-1 Cabrera Boad, 2-storey house and lot Sitio Burol, Brgy. San Juan, Taytay Rrzal LA: 277 sqm FA 165.66 sqm es . co m 1-storey house with 3BR & 2TB pi n Lot 24 Block 2, Saint John St., Lot 3 Block 4 Bajah Drive, Hills Subd., Brgy Dolores, Taytay, Bizal Taytay, Rizal hi lip Palmera Hills 3 Subdivision, LA: 180 sqm cl os ur ep LA: 552 sqm re 13 Lots, Maharlika Hills, Brgy. Dolores, Taytay, Bizal w w .fo Lots, Along Maharlika Hills Subdivision, Dolores, Taytay, Rizal Block 1 L6t 2 LA: 546 sqm - P 1,638,000 w Lot 3 LA: 528 sqm - P 1,584,000 Lot4 LA: 473 sqm - P 1,419,000 Block 4 Lot 4 LA: 412 sqm - P 1,236,000 Lot 5 LA: 413 sqm- P 1,239,000 Block 6 Lot 12 LA: 501 sqm - P 1,503,000 Lot 13 LA: 464 sqm - P 1,392,000 Block 76 Lot 15 LA: 514 sqm- P 1,542,000 Lot 16 LA: 546 sqm - P 1,638,000 Lot I Block 2 TCT:725616 LA: 464 sqm - P 1,113,600 7 TCT: 725615 LA: 475 sqm Lot 6 TCT:725614 LA: 495 sqm Lot 3 TCT: 725613 LA: 480 sqm Block 3 Lot Lot .17 - P 1,140,000 - P 1,188,000 - P 1,152,000 TCT: 725623 LA: 476 sqm - P 1,142,4OO Lot 16 TCT: 725622 LA: 485 sqm - P 1,164,000 Lot I TCT:725621 LA: 608 sqm - P 1,459,200 7 Lot 3 Lot 1 TCT: 725620 LA:785 sqm - P 1,884,000 Lot 12 fof:725612 LA:529 sqm Block 6 Lot TCT: 725619 LA: 394 sqm - P 945,600 TCT: 725617 LA:525 sqm - P 1,260,000 - P 1,269,600 Lot 16 TCT: 725624 LA: 491 sqm - P 1,178,400 Block 8 Lot 16 TCT: 725625 LA: 386 sqm - P 926,400' 34 AI.I PROPERTIES FOR SALE ARE ON 'A5 IS - WHERE IS' AND 'FIRsT4OME, FIRST.SERVED" BASIS. PROPERTIES MAY BE WITHDRAWN WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. Prices are NOT applicable to buyback transactions with former owners. Please call lor the buybaEk p ces. R|CKY.815-9957 Lot 13 Block 2 Lot 12 Block 2 Lot 36-E Sultan St Lot 14 Block 6 Dayang-Dayang Drive, Dayang-Dayang St cor. Maharlika Nrain, Maharlika Main, Maharlika Hills Subd Maharlika Hills Subd., Maharlika Hills Subd., Maharlika Hills Subd., Taytay, Bizal Taytay, Rjzal Phase 2, Taytay, Rizal LA: 394 sqm LA: 738 sqm LAr 257 sqm , Phase 2, Taytay, Bizal LA: 403 sqm , 0-0gtt tActxfrof es . YACAX| LOf co m . 8 [ots, Beverlv Hills subd, Antirlo/Tavtav, Rizal Bbek 15 Beverly Hills Ave. Ext.Nraharlika Hills Subd., LA: 1,508 Phase 2, Taytay, Rizal Lot Lot 6 P 1,025,000 P 1,250,000 5 LAi 456 sqm LA: 2,032 Lot I sqm 1,464,000 LAr 1,811sqm LA: 1,271 sqm Lot 10 P 875,000 cl os . TRESSA: 845-5803 re UnitsD,E&F, sqm 1,100,000 LA: 1,181 sqm P 11 P 851,000 Lot Lot 29 Block 13 Along LA. 3,069 sqm Lot I Cornelio Melendres St , Melendres Life Homes, P 2,063,000 Taytay Bizal LA: 1,243 sqm Lot 12 LA: 2,411 sqm P 850,000 SELUNG PRICE: P 6.(X!O,OOO . c0iltattxtuu P-002 Un( 9A Goldland Tower, Eisenhower St , Greenhrlls, San Juan, Metro lvlanila FA: 160 5 sqm vAcAxflof 0-0a Lot 35, lnterior Lapu-Lapu St., Upper Bicutan, Taguig LA: 161 sqm residential lot .fo Besidential condo unit NACE .815-9370 w w w 9/F Goldland Tower, Eisenhower St , Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manrla FA: 375 00 sqm 3 condo units converted to 1 whole unit with sBR & 4TB; 2 servant quarter (no parking slot) LA: 1,622 Lot 7 ur ep P sqm Lots 35-A 35-8, 37-A, 37-B & 47 Block 3 and pi n , hi lip Lot 33 B ock 3 Sultan 51 0-u92 . SELLING PiICE: P 6,520,000 SELLING PRICE: P 800,000 NACE : 816-9370 HousE&Lof 0-007 Lot 17-8, Block 41, Sparrow Lane, Bay Breeze Subd-, Taguig Cily FA: 197 sqm LAr 120 sqm coilt0finuu Q-006 Unit 373-4, 3rd Floor, District 2, Serendra, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig FA: 40 sqm studio type with no parking slot @r '@:;- vAcAtf Lof ofnEns 0-005 Psu 243692,lnterior of C-6 Road, wthin Sitio Kawit, Brgy Hagonoy, Tagu'g City LA: 11,447 sqm landlocked residential lot t_ 0-003 Lot 10 Block 129 Sitio lmelda, Purok 6, lJooer Bicutan. Taouio Crtv LA: ZOS t t sqm FA {60 sbm 2-storey house and 8-door apartments \\ SELLING PRICE: P 2,8oo,0oo SELLING PRICE: P 3,600,000 PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE ' PLEAE CoNFIRM ENTRIEs SELLING PRICE: P 6,000,000 SELLING PRICE: P 3,300,000 WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE, ALL OFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO MANAGEMENT'S APPROVAL BY CALUNG oUR HoTLINES OR SENDING AN EMAILTO BUENA[,[email protected] 35 816-9267 Lot 4 lntenor A Lozada St., Brgy Palasan, Valenzue a City sqm St, Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City LA: '1,000 FA: 499 sqm 2-storey house with 3BR & 1TB , pi n sqm Lots 1328 F-4 A-7 B-2 B-1, lnterior of Quadra St S. Bautista es . No 4512 co m LA: 163 FA: 113sqm 1-storey house with 4BR & 1TB Bo Ugong, Valenzuela City sqm wih 2BB & 1TB os ur ep 1-storey house FAr 60 sqm sqm hi lip LA:200 No. 112lsla Road, Brgy lsla Valenzuela City LA: 275 FAr '129 sqm 2-storey house cl #14 Encarnacion St, sqm FA:447 sqm Lot 3 2388 4-8, Brgy. Pasolo, Valenzuela City LA 4,426 FA: 98.71 sqm sqm w w w .fo LAr 491 re Marulas, Valenzuela City floasE & Lof n-u, Lot 2 De Gula St., Marulas, Valenzuela Ctty LA: 146 FA: 276 sqm 3-storey 10 door apartment gBR with & 9TB Zamora St , Fortune Village 7, Brgy. Parada, Valenzuela City FAr291 sqm LAr 225 2-storey house with sBR & 3TB sqm sqm Lot Lot l-J-4 Psd-300740 and gC Psd-007504-025890-D Wthin No 38 EN,4's Compound, Lot 1 Coloong 2 Brgy Coloong, Valenzuela C[y sqm LA: 1,855 FA: 539 sqm Lot with unfinished townhouse Brgy Marulas, Valenzuela City sqm LA:357 FA 286 sqm 1-storey 3 door apartment & 2-storey 2 door apartment SELLING PRICE! P azOo,OOO AA ere ALL PROPERTIES FOR SALE ARE ON 'AS P.ices are IS - WHERE IS' AND 'FIRST-COME, FIRST.SERVED' BASIS. PROPERTIES MAY BE W]THDRAWN WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE, Please callforthe buyback pices. NoTapplicableto buyback transactions whh former owneE. 163 M.H. Del Pilar St., Arkong Bato, Valenzuela City LA '120 sqm FA: 400 sqm Residential/Commercial Building No. 80 P Jacinto St, Brgy Bagbagurn, Valenzuela City LA: 1,645 sqm FA: 1,350 sqm Lot 2753-8 lnterior E Esteban South St, Brgy. Dalandanan, Valenzuela City lnterior M.H. del Pilar St Lot 2 Block 5 St., Jasmrn St. Balangkas Subd Lots 1057-8-1-8, 1057-D-1-C, 1057-D-1-B & 1057-D-2-C-2 lnterior pi n Lot 3 No. 5 Libiran St.. Malanday, Valenzuela City LAr 513 sqm es . co m LAr 547 sqm F Lazaro , Brgy Canumay West, Balangkas, Valenzuela City LA. 2,346 sqm Valenzuela City LA: 363 sqm hi lip Malanday, Valenzuela City os ur ep LAr3,053.71 sqm cl No 478 Santiago St., Br9y. Coloong, Valenzuela City LAr 349 sqm with very old structure re Lot 1296 lnterior Lot 1368-D-4-C-1 Ugong, Valenzuela City LA: 500 sqm w w w .fo La l'/esa Road, Along Private Road, Brgy. Ugong, Valenzuela City LA: 3,578 sqm . DAGUB: 816-9956 o 8-Ut E-002 Adjacent Lima Technology National Road, Brgy. San Fernando and Santiago Malvar, Batangas LAi 33.3 hectares lndustral Property is idealfor industrial park or residential use slighlly rolling terrain W a access road irom the national highway. Water is supplred by (bep \,1d1 as \,\dl as local v€ter \,rcJk$ Center l\,lalvar Batangas LA: 1,004,591sqm Vacant industrial lot covered by 47 titles Access to the property is within Lima Technology , PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE ' DICK: 845-5807 Center or a barangay road connecting to the old highway WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. AU OFFERS ARE SUBIECI TO MANAGEMENT'S PLEASE CONFIRM ENTRIES sY CALUNG OUR HOTUNES OR SENDING AN EMAILTO BUENAM APPROVAL com ph -.. fl048E t Lof il0ttsE & f-005 Lot 10 Block 24 Road 3 Nrrnuyan Area A, San Jose Del Monte Crty. Bulacan LAr 882 FA: 99 sqm 1-storey house with 28R & 1TB sqm Lol f-006 Lots 1-C & 1-D Kaypian Bd., Brgy. Kaypian, San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan LA: 1,000sqm FAr 183.1 sqm L< 'l t= No. 128 A Ouezon St., Ana N,4aria Village, Brgy lba, Meycauayan, Bulacan LA: 232 sqm FAr 464 sqm 2-storey house with 1oBR & 5TB Evergreen Heights, Gaya-gaya, San Jose del Monte, Bulacan LA: 223 FA: 120 sqm 1-storey house W 2BR & lTB No. 17 Kingfisher St., St. Francis ll Subd., Pandayan, I/leycauayan, Bulacan LA 446 FA: 450 sqm 2-storey house with 4BR & 3TB sqm ur ep hi lip sqm es . t-106 pi n fl0asE&Lot Lotsl&2Block26 SELUNG PRICE: P e2s0,o0o co m SELLING PRICET P '1,400,000 LOt 187 Pine Needle St.. Pinesvrlle Subd., Brgy. Lawa, Meycauayan, Bulacan FA: 62 sqm LAr 180 1-storev house with 2BR & 1TB sqm ilOttsE & 7-019 No 250 Pinecone St., Pineville Subd , Brgy Lawa, Meycauayan, Bulalcan LA: 383 sqrn FAr 112sqm w w w .fo re cl os SEUJNG PRICET P i,40O,0OO SELLING PRICE: P 2,@0,000 ,MBE&LOf f-'t07 Lot 4747-8 Along Brgy. Road, Brgy. Marungko, Angat, Bulacan LA: 2,361 FA:150.5 Alono Genesis St.. Bo. san Agustin &Caingin. l\.4alolos, Bulacan LA: 210 sqm FAr 189 sqm sqm sqm 2-storey house w/ 2BR & 2TB 2-storey hous€ wifr 4BR & 4TB #58 Lugam St., l\ralolos, Bulacan LAr 225.59 sqm (net of creek easement of 49.11sqm) FA: 166 sqm l-storey house with 2BR & 1TB Lot 3 Block 1, Balite, l\ralolos Criy LA 299 sqm FA:203 sqm 2-storey house with 5BR & 3TB SEII.|NG PnCE: P t5OO.0OO 38 At! PROPERTIES FOR sArf 'A5IS -WHERE IS'AND 'FIRST{OME, FIRST.SERI/ED' BASIS. PROPERTIES MAY 8E WTTHDRAWII Rices are NOT applicable to buybad transactions rvith {ormer ownerc. Please call for the buyback pdces. ARE ON WIHOI'I PRIOR NO]]CE. JEFF : 816-9267 Lot 4 Block 23 Grand Royale Subd., Phase 1-8, Malolos City, Bulacan LA: 108 Lot 3-A Brgy. Bungahan, N,4alolos City, Bulacan LA:456 sqm sqm FA:84 sqm 2-storey house with 3BB & 2TB Lot I Block 20 Jupiter St , San Felipe Subd., l\4ojon, l\,4alolos, Bulacan FA: 150 sqm LA: 240 sqm 2 storey house wilh 3BFl & 2TB Lot 2 Block 16 Camel Back St cor. Prairie St , Menzyland Subd., Brgy. Sta. Mana Trinidad, Malolos sqm sqm FA:240 FA: Z4U sqm LA: 136 2-slorey house with 7BR & 3TB FAr 86 sqm Lots 27 & 29 Talisay Boad, creen Plains Subdrvision. )=". Gravador Compound, Catmon, Sta Maria, Bulacan FA:2 sqm LA: 802 2-storey house with 48 sqm FA: 149 sqm os ur ep FA: 329 sqm 157sqm hi lip LA: Calumpit, Bulacan sqm Brgy. Sta Clara, Lot 2089-4-1 Sta. lvlaria, Bulacan Brgy. Pio Cruzcosa, LA:460 342 Kamagong Street, pi n No 444 Brgy Sta Clara, Sta. Maria, Bu acan LAr 285 sqm FA: 120 sqm 1-storey house with 3BR & lTB es . co m 2-storey house with 4BR & 2TB H0asE&LoT f-034 cl Lot 16 No.45 Sampalok Constantino Subd.. Pob ion 2, Marilao. Bulacan FA: 403 sqm LA: 334 2-storey house with 8BB & 3TB Sta Maria, Bulacan sqm LA: 295 2-storey house sqm FA:301 sqm w w .fo sqm #306 Parada, re Lot 770-4-10-B Gravador Road, Bo San Jose, Patag, Sta l\,4aria, Bulacan FAr 170 sqm LAr 1,200 w o Misorints and other SELLING PRICE: P 3,000,000 1650A&VSubdivision. Brgy Bambang, No'1664A&V Subdivision Phase 2, Brgy Bambang, Bocaue, Bulacan FA: 186sqm LA: 164 sqm 2-storey house wilh 4BB & 1TB LA: 271 Bocaue, Bulacan sqm FA: 126 sqm 1-slorev house with 3BR & 1TB Lot 3-l-1 Brgy. N,lalibong Matanda, Pandl, Bulacan LA: 578 1-storey house sqrn F enor!:["'"fli5:5":fi:?f,Bll?fi^:']x3$"i,$L?TJL%f,5;i'*,."*i5.'f;,,t15 - - - - - FLEasi CotrrtRM CALLING ouR HorLlNEs oR SENDING AN ENTRIES BY with 220 sqm BB & 3TB perry detai,s and pricins 39 Lot 13 Mangga St, Constantino Subdivision, Poblacion 2, Marilao, Bulacan LA: 221 FA:316 sqm 10-door apartment building Lot 7 Block 2 Sampaguita St., Sta. Rita Village, Sta. Rita, Guiguinto, Bulacan LA:80 FA: 125 sqm sqm sqm Pulong Buhangin, Sta. lvlaria, Bulacan LA: 221 sqrn , Lots 4981-E,F,l Psd 03079796 Gulod, Brgy. Bulac, Maria, Bulacan LA: 6,756 sqm S S vAcAtf Lof T-055 Lot 2089-8, Psd-03-013736 lnteriol Natlonal Rd , Gravador Compound, Brgy. Catmon, Sra Mar a Blllacrn LA. 2,9'15 sqrn os ur ep hi lip Cityland Greenbreeze Vrll., Puiong Buhan n, Sta. l\.4aria, Bu can LAi 200 sqm es . co m wilh ol.l skrrclure Cityland Greenbreeze Village, pi n 19 Tomas Mapua St Lot 20 Block 19 Tomas Mapua St., Lots 919-B-2-A and B-2-G Brgy. Sla. Clara, Sta. Maria. Bulacan LA: 7,172 sqm with very old skucture YACAtf cl Sitio Talisay, re Brgy Dulong Bayan, San Jose del l\lonte, Bulacan Lof f-100 vacaxf Lof r-050 Lot 7 National Road, Lawang Pare, Area 1, San Jose del Monte, Bulacan LAr 518 sqm Lot 92 Block 2 A ong l\,4inuyan 3, San Jose Del l\,4onte, Bulacan LA: 797 sqm SELLING PRICE: P 1,350 0OO SELLING PRICE: P 600,000 w w w .fo LAi 1,977 52 sqm SELLING PRICET P 3,500dt0 Lot 377 Chico St, Sto Ninol, Lot 4 Block 59 King George St Brgy Sta Cruz, Area D, Sapang ay, San el Monte, Bulacan LA: 220 sqm Jos , lnterior Genes s St , Brgy. Kaypian, San Jose Del l,4onte City, Bulacan LAr 1,060 sqm YACAX| Block2Lots4&5 T1n4 Within lVaMlle Subdivision, Brgy Sto Cristo, San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan LAr 480 sqm Sapang Palay, San Jose Del l\,4onte, Bulacan LA: 185 sqm SELUNG PRICE: P 40 5/ t,OoO ALL PROPERTIES FOR SALE ARE ON 'AS IS . WHERE IS" AND " FIRST.COME, FIRSI-SERVED" BASIS, PROPERTIES MAY 8E WITHDRAWN WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE Prices are NOT applicable to buyback transactions with {ormer owners. Please cll for the buyback prices. o JEFF: 816-9267 YACAfltLof f-067 Lots 1305, 1306 & 1307 A Bijasa St., Gaya Gaya, San Jose del Monte, Bulacan LA: 17,099 sqm Lot 46 Block 5 Lot 31 Block 4 Vermil|on St , Pecksonville Subdivision. Tungkong Mangga, San Jose Del Monte. Buiacan illa^6 Panique, San Jose, Bulacan, LA: 2,979 sqm an LAr 2,+0 sqm LAr 384 sqm r4n8 Lot 7 Block 2 3, 4, 17 & 18 within n Kav Parano Resorl & es . Lol 4 Block 3 Samaka Road, Kaybanban, San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan LA: 987 sqm Along Gumamela St., Town & Country North Phase 4 Lolomboy, Bocaue, Bulacan LA: 340 sqm Lots 2-C to 2-G Brgy Batia, Bocaue. Bulacan L-A: 834.67 sqm 5 lots ur ep hi lip pi n vAcAtflof co m SELUNG PRICE: P 72O,OOO YAAn 1 LOf f.tot wilhin Sitio Malaoanit, Lot 21 Block 15 North Highlands Subdivision, Brgy. Barihan, Malolos City, Bulacan LA: 60 sqm cl Lot os SELLING PRICE: P 3{lO,00O .fo l.z Kentucky and La Crosse Sts LA: 390 sqm 3 lots SELLI G PRICET P 4t00,00O YACAIrL0T f-077 , Provincial Fload, Atlag, Malolos, Bulacan LAr 902 sqm l\rojon, Malolos, Bulacan w SELUNG PRICE! P Lots 26, 27 & 28 T-076 Menzyland Subdivision, w w wil€i,ffi"8ffi re Brgy. i,,latictic, Norzaq-aray, Bulacan LA: 20,477 sqm l cfrf Lof YAcArtL0t 2,5OO,OOO r-078 Lots 23-B & C Terah St., Metrogate Subd., Lambakin, Marilao, Bulacan LA: 334 sqm Along Provincral Road Lot 4l-C-1-E-1-A Brgy. Bulihan, lnt. Malolos Hagonoy Rd, Mololos, Bulacan Sitio Malanggam, Brgy Bulihan, LAr 300 sqm Mololos, Bulacan Lot 101GD-4-A. Along existing road, Brgy. Sta. Rosa ll, Marilao, Bulacan LA: 1,848 sqm LA: 1,339 sqm SELLING PRICE! P 1.30O,00O SEtllNG PnrcEi P 1,30O,0O0 PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE ' FEASE CONFIRi, ENTRIES WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE, AI.I OFFERS ARE SUUECT TO MANAGEMENT'S APPROVAL SY CAUNG OUR HOruNE OR SENDNG AN EMAIL TO BUENAi/h {o€bpirom.ph 41 Lot 1193 Lots 30, 31 & 32 Block Along lrrigation Canal, Lim Compound, Brov Tuktukan, Guiguinto, Bulacan LA: 15,630 sqm 11 95 Saint Lorraine Village, llang-ilang Guiguinto, Bulacan LAr 240 sqm / lot a,ii d6 No 119 Pag-asa ptune St., Mojon, St., Banga, Meycauayan, Bulacan som LA: 240 FA: 191 som Lot with urifrn shed 2-storey house 0filEns f-090 Lot 2 Pulo Loob (Bulihan Fload) Brgy Bulihan, Malolos, Bulacan LA: 113 sqm Lot with old structure ur ep hi lip LA: 16d sqm es . Lot 603 r-085 pi n vAcAtflof co m 3 lots SELLING PRICE! P 5OO,O0O APAB|METf os KAREN:845-5804 cl f-019 , Alono Rizal St.. fNational Hiohv LA: 9841 FA: 5.592 s( Consists of three concrete Stru orev buildino basement tordy burldrn! W basement som Brgy Longos, Pulilan, Bulacan 2 1 w w w .fo re Lots 779-G, H, J, l:L, M, N & O Psd-37440 Constantino Ave Constantino Park Subd., lvarilao, Bulacan LA: 2,728 sqm FAr 1,070 sqm SELLING PRICE: P 550,000 No 219 Sentinela Road, Brgy Pulong Yantok / Encanto Lot 1505 Along McArthur Angat, Bulacan LAi 40,748 sqm (38,568 sqm - net of undeveloped lots) Hrghway, Abangan, Marllao, Bulacan LAr 12,126 sqm ALL PROPERTIES FOR sAI..E ARE ON 'AS IS. WHERE IS' AND 'FIRST-COME, FIRST.SERVED' BASI5. PROPERTIES MAY BE WITHDRAWN WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE, Pdces are NOT applicable to buyback t ansactions with tormer owlrcls. Please call for the buyback prices. I(AREN : 845-5804 LOf A.UE YACAtt Lot 7-F PSD-4A'003612 Brgy. San Pedro, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan LA: 7,094 sqm A-U6 Lot 8-B (LRC) pi n Lot 5 Burgos cor Lof es . YACN| co m Barangay Bulihan, l\4alolos, Bulacan LA: 13,527 sqm Lot 2709D1 (Psd{78497) and Lot2To,gD-3 (Fishpond) Psd-233055, Puerto Princesa, Palawan Bo. San Pedro, Puerto Pnncesa City hi lip Manalo Sts , Poblacion, LA: 305 sqm ur ep LA: 3,333 sqm w w .fo re cl os SELU G PRICE: P 3,oOO,O(x, w . SEUING PRICE: P lFm,oOO REAL PNOPERTIES For details and other inquiries, contact our following offices: City (02)8169960/(02)8169167 FAX(02)8169967 Ted Soliman / Marck Soriano PAMPANGA Olongapo-Gapan Rd. Dolores, City ol San Fernando, Pampanga (045) 9616833 / (045) 9614288 FAX (045) 5617795 ur ep co m www.ebuenamano.com.ph LIPA Ayala Highway, Lipa City (043)7s70469FAX(043)7s71003 Jose Carlo "JC" Cornejo / Von Carlo Temple hi lip Elias Street cor. Caceres Street Naga : pi n NAGA : [email protected] es . [$ @ Ground Floor, The Enterprise Center Tower 2, Paseo De Roxas cor. Dela Rosa St., Makati City DAGUPAN Arellano Street Dagupan City (0751 5236642 FAX (075) 5156250 carlo Evangelista / Nifro Laguerta cl os Tina Bacay / Raymund Pineda / Darwin Aquino re BACOLOD LOTLO w w .fo Araneta Street, Bacolod City (034) 4333481 FAX (034) 7085859 Kelly Cumagun CEBU 3F Ayala FGU Center Cebu, Mindanao Ave. cor. Biliran Street Cebu Business Park, Cebu City TELEFAX (O32\ 4157627 Bea Suralta / Alfredo Hernandez Jr. w General Luna Highway, lloilo City (033) 3366527 FAX (033) 5099393 Venice Bermudez / Chloe Adelante CAGAYANDEOBO CM Recto Ave., Lapasan Cagayan De Oro City (08822)729469 FAX (088) 8562904 Jenny Lui / Kenneth Pacapac GE VEFAL satyros Pioneer Avenue General Santos City (082) 2353130 FAX (082) 2353561 Kokok Miles / Faye Callao DAVAO Davao-Agusan Highway Lanang, Davao City (082) 2353130 FAX (2353557) Kokok Miles / Fave callao DATE BPI FAMILY SAVINGS BANK, INC. PROPERTY SALES AND LEASES (PSL) G/F, The Enterprise Center Tower 2 Paseo de Roxas cor Dela Rosa St. Makati City Email: BUENAI\[email protected] Lipa ( 02) 816-9967 Dagupan (075) 515-62s0 (033) 509-9393 lloilo l\4akati Gentlemen I (043) 757-1003 San Fernando Cebu Cagayan de Oro Bacolod (034) 708-5859 Davao (082) 235-3557 (045) 961-7795 l (o32) 415-8384 (088) 856-2904 j : offer to buy your property on an "AS lS - WHERE lS" basis located at for the price of: PESOS (P .00) with the following payment scheme indicated below: Cash Loan Other I am tendering my offer as a: [ ] [X] Direct Buyer Referred Buyer by: (pls. indicate name) unibank employee accredited broker i I came Jose Dionisio R. Castillo whose signature appears below and whom I acknowledged as my official referrer. to know of your property through: [X] [] [] II Referror Newspaper Buena Mano Internet Catalogue [] For Sale Sign I understand your "FlRST-COl\4E, FIRST-SERVED" policy and agree that the Bank is not under any obligation to accepl any offer whalsoever. I have read and understood the rules goveming Offer to Purchase which is printed at the back of this form. Thank you. Very truly yours. Coniact Details: Mobile number: (PRINTED NAME AND SIGNATURE OF BUYER) Landline: (ADDRESS OF BUYER'S OFFICE / RESIDENCE) E-mailAddress:: CONTACT NUMBENS EMAIL ADDRESS A d d it ion Jose Dionisio R. Castillo D NAME AND SIGNATURE 964-9489 / 09178843882 [email protected] al I nform atian for I J n i ba n k e r: BMNCH/DEPARTMENT & PCC EMPLOYEE NUMBER ..Please complete all information required. The front and back pages, dqly 9!g4qC, can be sent by FAX, COURIER (indicate in the envelope "Offer To Purchase"), or as attachment to an EMAIL; oi can be personally submitted to the CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE of Property Sales and Leases. (1) CONFIDENTIALITY. BPI Family Savings Bank, lnc. (BFB) shall treat all information in the Offer to Purchase in strictest confidence. BFB shall deal exclusively with the Buyer and/or his/her attorney-in-fact / authorized broker accredited by BFB, if any. (2) OFFER TO PURCHASE. a All offers must be submitted in the official Offer to Purchase Form, duly filled out and signed. The said form may be submitted directly or sent through fax or email with attached scanned copy of the signed Offer to Purchase form (front and back) to the CUSTOMER CARE DESK of Property Sales and Leases. o When the form is faxed or sent via email, the date and time stamped on the email or fax shall be considered the official time and date of receipt. (3) FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED POLICY. Firstcome, first-served is the service policy of BFB whereby the offers to purchase are attended to in the order that they are received without other biases and preferences. This policy shall applv gnlylo_ nce. (4) SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTS. The following documents must be submitted by the buyer within 7 banking days from date of notice; otherwise, the buyer's priority under the "First-come, First-served" Policy shall be lost: a o a Fully-accomplished Buyer's lnformation Sheet (BlS) Government-issued lD's of Buyer and Spouse (ex. Passport, Driver's License, Postal lD, PRC lD, etc.) ln case buyer is a corporation: SEC Registration, Articles of lncorporation, By-Laws, Board Resolutron / Secretary's Certillcate Authorizing the Purchase of the Property and specifying the Authorized Signatories, who shall also submit copies of Governmentissued lD's (5) LETTER ADVICE. BFB shall send a letter advising buyer on the Bank's action on the Offer to Purchase. (6) ASrS, WHERE-lS POLTCY. o a BFB is selling the property without warranties as to the condition or any aspect of the property except its right to sell the same. The buyers are solely responsible for examining and judging the property for their own protection. For properties with special concerns (such as those with ongoing case/s, illegal occupants or those with documentary deficiencies, etc), the buyer shall rely solely on his / her investigation of the property and not only on information provided by the handling sales officer or accredited broker, and he / she is willing to assume all risks attendant to such concerns. a BFB and its employees shall not be bound or liable in any manner by the representation of the accredited broker or any private arrangements between the buyer or third parties, such as the former owne(s), attorneys-in-fact, brokers andior other persons. (7) RESERVATION. BFB has no obligation to accept any offer and reserves the right to accept or reject the offer without any obligation to disclose the reason for its decision. BFB likewise reserves the right to revise all or any part of these rules. including going (8) STANDARD pOLtCY ON PAYMENT OF TAXES AND FEES INCIDENTAL TO A SALE OF ANY OF THE BANK',S PROPERTIES: Creditable Withholding Tax; Real Estate Tax, Associatron and/or Condo dues up to the date of sale; Business Tax, if any (for the sale of the property) Documentary Stamp Tax; Transfer Tax, Registration Fee; Notarial Fee; Real Estate Tax, Association and/or Condo dues after the date of sale; VAT, if any I attest that l/ we have read and understood the above rules. Jose Dionisio R. Castillo Buyer's Signature
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