buena mano q2-2012 luzon foreclosed properties for sale
buena mano q2-2012 luzon foreclosed properties for sale
w w w .fo re cl o su re p hi lip pi ne s. co m u*[JH*tr# Q2-2012 Prcperly in covar photo (SFO-178) is FOR SALE. S€o Psge 32 for detEils. m co s. ne pi lip NAGA Elias cor. Caceres Street Naga City (0s4) 2388008 FM (02) 8169967 Ted S. Soliman 0927 6139668 Marck K. Soriano (02) 8169960 hi BACOLOD Araneta Street, Bacolod City (034) 4333481 FAX (034) 708s859 (o34) 7024790 Kelly M. Cumagun 0927 6139692 CEBU re p . Look for: 3F Ayala FGU Center Cebu Mindanao Ave. cor. Biliran Street Cebu Business Park, Cebu Qity 4032) 3601420 Bea S. Formoso-$walta 0927 6139706 su LIPA Ayala Highway, Lipa City JC C. Cornejo 0927 6139670 Von O. Temple (04317570469 cl o (o43r 4178677 FAX (043) 7s71OO3 Alfred R. Hernandez, Jr. (A32) . re SAN FERNANDO Olongapo-Gapan Road, Dolores (04s) 2868803 .fo City of San Fernando, Pampanga . (044) 2339933 MAKAT' Property Sales and Leases Ground FIoor, The Enterprise Center Tower 2, Paseo De Roxas cor. Dela Rosa St., Makati City 4157 627 Jose Marie P. Cordero (02) 8455806 Theodore S. Soliman (02) 8169960 Marcelino K. Soriano (o2l 8't69167 FAX No. (02\ 8169967 ,I'OTLA General Luna Highway, lloilo City (033) s149187 FAX (033) s099393 Nice T. Bermudez 0927 6139683 Chloe E. Adelante (033) 3366527 FAX (045) 9517795 w Tina S. Bacay 0927 6139640 w Raymund T. Pineda 0927 6139679 w Darwin M. Aquino (045) 9614288 DAGUPAN Arellano Street Dagupan City 2108172 FAX (07s) 5156250 Carlo R. Evangelista 0927 6139682 Wax Santillan (O75) 5236642 (0751 2 CAGAYAN DE ORO CM Recto Avenue, Lapasan Cagayan De Oro City (088) 291986s FAX (088) 8562904 Jenny C, Lui 0927 6319723 Ryan Acorda Where Good Buys Need Not Be Expensive (0882t. 2729469 DAVAO Davao-Agusan Highway Lanang, Davao City (082) 3309578 FAX (082) 23s35s7. Che G. Tabora-Gutierrez O927 6139730 Faye Y. Callao (082) 2363130 @ lozl 845saoo @ euet*[email protected] @ www.ebuenamano.com.ph m Propefties in the nert pages are color:coded to identily its classilication (Ereen Tag Prupefties, Yellow fag Prcperties and Bed Tag Prcpefies) Efeen Tag / co consolidated properties are real estate properties with Titles and Tax Declarations duly transferred under the name of the bank which foreclosed the property/ies. pi ne s. The bank holds possession of the foreclosed property/ies with its authorized caretakers, particularly those with improvements and can be visited / inspected anytime. lip YELLOW TAE PBOPEBTIES YellOW Tag properties are real estate properties with any of the following Eed Tag re cl o su re p hi "special concerns": Titles and / or Tax Declarations are still in process of transfer to the name of the bank which foreclosed the property/ies; Titles are already under the name of the bank which foreclosed the property/ies but the properties are still occupied by the former owners, tenants or illegal occupants; or there are property documents that still need to be updated. w w w .fo properties are real estate properties specifically with pending coun cases (under litigation) filed by the previous owners against the Bank. Titles of these properties are with annotations, Adverse Claims or Lis Pendens. I 0927 6139670 . (043) 4178677 / VON : (043) Lot 1 1-16 Block6, l\rkacle Heights Anlipolo Del Norte, Lipa City, Bahngas LA 1,440 sqm FA 872 sqm 't -storoy structure with attic Brgy Antipolo Norte, Lipa City H0usE & L,P-ffi6 LoT Lois 15 & 31, Gumamela St- & L'P-I B Lol427-A-2, CM Recto Ave. Lipa City, Batangas LA 571 sqm 2-storey commercial/residential - P SELLING PRICE: P 1,100,000 3,500,0q) 7 lots, Avida Residences Antipolo del Sur, Lipa City, Batangas lo Lot 22 Block 8. Acacia St. Hacienda Sta l\ronica Phase 2 LA 247 sqm SELLING PRICE: P 875,m0 LtP-013 I\,4t. Malepunyo w .fo Lot 5 Block 4, Acacia St. Hacrenda Sta lvlonica Phase 2 LA 257 sqm SELLING PRICE: P 900,m0 'SELLING PRICE: P 17,300,000 re Lot I, Block 3, Anahaw St. Hacienda Sta. Montca Phase 2 LA 282 sqm SELLING PRICE: P 1,100,000 cl o VACANT LOT su SEII|NG PRICE: re p hi Campanilla St , City Park Subd Lipa, Batangas LA 394 sqm FA 253 25 sqm 2-storey house & bungalow BUILDIIIE LtPln7 No.131 Villarosa Carmel Ave. Villarosa Subdivision, Antipolo Lipa City, Batangas LA 120sqm FA 113 50 sqm Bungalow with 2BB pi LoT lip H0ASE & ne s. co m Batangas LA 1,906 sqm FA 268 I Lot Block 5, Canelora St. Hacienda Sta. Monica Phase LA 337 sqm Vacant resrdential lot SELUNG PRICE: P 1,5{Y0,0('0 Lot 4 Block 8. Lantana St Hacienda Sta Monica Phase 2 LA 235 sqm SELLING PRICE: P 825,000 Lot 5 Block 17 Hacienda Sta Monica Phase LA 220 sqm SELLING PRICE: P 1,m0,000 w w Lot 13 Block 4, Mahogany St. Hacienda Sta. Monica Phase 2 LA 213 sqm SELUNG PRICE: P 750,000 4 1 1 oN ,As ls - WHERE ts AND'FtRsT-coME, F|RST-SERVED BAsrs PRoPERTIES MAY BEWTHDRAWN Prices are NOT applicbleto buyback transactions with former owners. Please callfor the buyback Prices ALL pRopERTtEs FoR 5ALE ARE wlrHoul PRIoR NorlcE . . (0431 4178677 / VON : (04317570469 Lots 5080, 5081 & 5082'A Along Brgy. Road, Bo. Pangao Lipa City, Batangas LA 2,148 sqm (3 lots) Lipa Country Side Estate Brgy. Bulacnin Lipa City, Batangas Selling Price 750 Lot3 750 Block m Lot Alea Lot / (sqm) Lot 5 Blk 16 P 1,000,000 Blk16 co Along G.A. Solis St , Poblacion Lipa City, Batangas LA: ranges from 28 to 51 sqm l6lots (8lots wlth townhouse units) JC : O927 613967O P 1,000,000 1,149 Lot6 Blk20 P 1,500,000 Lot 8 Pi Blk16 I0T LtP'o1z VACANT LOT 13lots, Villa Classica Brgy. San lsidro Batangas City re p hi lip Lot 1-A, N. Velasquez St. Brgy. Pallocan, Batangas City LA 364 sqm FA 37.50 sqm LIP.O22 pi H0ASE & ne s. 750 LOf H0USE & uP-l$ TCT itv re T-52906 .fo PRICET P 1,600,000 w SEIING LoT w VACAllf L,p-o2o w Lot 2-A, Libjo, Batangas CitY LA 3,337 sqm Residential lol SE1IING PRICE P 2,flx),OOO #. Lot Blk cl o Lot 23 Block 3, San Agustin St su SELLING PRICE: P 910,000 T-52911 T-52914 T-52916 T-52918 T-52920 4 3 6 I 7 10 Area (sqm) Selling Price 2 195.00 840,000 TCT #. T-52919 T-52922 -l-52921 3 4 4 5 5 255.00 Lot Blk I 5 5 5 12 11 1,200,000 160.00 160.00 152.50 160.00 700,000 700,000 660,000 (sqm) Selling Price 152.50 660,000 160.00 700,000 152.50 660,000 '160.00 700,000 Area r-52935 r-5292A 7 14 7 I 152.50 660,000 T-52931 4 12 285.00 1,250,000 700,000 uP-ul VACAII| LOf Lot 1028-4 (LRC) Psd-21920 Rizal Ave., Extension Sta. Clara, Batangas CitY Batangas LA 2,000 sqm Lot utilized as bus terminal SELLING PRICE: P 20,000,000 NorlcE pRIcEs ARE suBJEcr ro CHANGE wrHour PRIoR Misorids and olher errors -''. .'dte uniEtended d.d do nol constitLie acts of misrepresentation PIFASE CONFIRM ENTRIES BY CALLING OUR HOTUNES f; p..ty aetair, and p,i.i.g. 5 JC t 0927 6139670 o (O431 4178677 MN z (O4317570459 Lot 28, B1k 7 Terrazas De Punta Fuego Brgy. Natipuan Nasugbu, Batangas LA 718 sqm ne s. co Lots 5, 6, 7 and Psu4A-003625 Sitio Matuod, Brgy. Binubusan Lian, Batangas LA 91,978 sqm Agricultural / commercial lot (used to be a prawn farm) L Pebble Beach Ddve Tali Beach Balaytigue, Nasugbu Batangas LA 1,513 sqm Residential lot (one of the poneer m o LtP.0n pi HOUSE & LOT Lot 2 Block 10, The Parks Maya Maya Hills, Natipuan Saratoga Hills Greenlands Nasugbu, Batangas Tanauan, Batangas lip Lot Block LA Sellinosqm Pfice Lot 7 Blk 2 478 500,000 Lot 8 BIk2 553_ 600,000 Lot 10 Blk2 659 700,000 Lot 12. Blk2 591 650,000 Lot 14 Blk2 567 600,000 Lot 16 Blk2 472 5OO,OOO re p hi LA 288 sqm FA 245.70 sqm 2-storey house with 6BR & 6T8 Lor HoUSE & LP.u1 up-u| .fo re Lot 1 Block 3, Ml. View Subd. Tanauan, Batangas LA 574 sqm FA116 sqm LoT Lot 3274 Along Barangay Road Brgy. Natastas, Tanauan, Batangas LA 855 sqm FA 116 sqm 2-storey house wih 2BR & 'lTB with ' frontage of 18.42m cl o fl0asE & su SELLING PRICE: P 10,200,000 w w PI.s CALL JOSE CARLO I0T up.o2i w VACATIT Lot 11745-8, Brgy. Boot Tanauan, Batangas LA 5,193 sqm SEII|NG PRICE: A - P SE]UNG PRICE: P 1,300,000 VACAIIT LOT LrP-026 Within Brgy. Santor, Tanauan Batangas LA 42,529 sqm Three (3) agricultural lots SELLING PRICE: P 14,500,000 H0USE & LoT uP.oz| Lot 3-D-1-D-5, Lot 3-D-1-D-6 & Lot 3-D-1-D-7, Brgy. Cawongan Padre Garcia Batangas LA 493 sqm FA 235.50 sqm 2-slorey house with 38R & 3TB 1,500,000 ALL PROPERTIES FOR SALE ARE ON 'AS IS - WHERE IS' AND 'FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED' BA5IS, PROPERTIES MAY 8E WTHDRAWN WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE' p.ices are NoT appticable to buybacktransactions with former omers. Please callfor the buyback prices. o JC z 0927 6139570 . (0431 4178677 I VON : (0431757O469 VACAtf lots, Taal View Heights Nature Villas' Brgy. Aya, Talisay, Batangas LA 216 sqm Vacant residential lot t co lnterchange Ltp-E Lot 5652 / Cad 51 1, Brgy. Maguihan Lemery, Batangas LA 1,802 sqm Beach lot m I L23 815 San Rafael Estate Ph3 Sto. Tomas, Baiangas CitY LOf Sto. Tomas s. Taal View Heights ure Homes ne SELUNG PRICET P 3,q)O,q,o Sambat Exit LIP-119 VACAII| LOT lip pi anauan-Talisay Road re p hi Within Bo. Laiya, APlaYa San Juan, Batangas LA 1,361,555 sqm 5 agricultural & separate mountain lots Lof uP.B5 LOf uP-ttl1 F (V-38) 2911-D, Natl Highway Puling Bato West Calaca, Batangas LA 6,666 sqm Agricultural lot LOT VACAllf up-n42 Lol26 Block I, Goldland Floyale Homes Subd.. San Antonio rtion with .fo re Lot 307-C-1 Provincial Road Brgy. Binobusan, Lian, Batangas LA 10,000 sqm Planted with sugar cane VACAflT cl o vAcAxf su SELLING PRICET P 25,000,000 SEIUNG PtdCE: P 4,000,0O0 sElltNG PRCE P 4dt 000 w w SElJll,lG PRICE: P 3d)O,0OO LtP-ltl:t w VACAIIT LOT Within Brgy. Mabato, Rosario Batangas LA 633,620 sqm 14 industrial unoevelopl2l SELUNG PRICE: P55,000,000 PRIC MispdnG and orh.. errors are /'7 -BRC uP-lu4 VACAT| LOT Within Birinayan, Laurel Batangas LA 355,981 sqm Agricultural/residential loi MATIGAYA (Batanga6 Racing SELLING PRICE! P 17,800,0(x1 ALIOFFERSARE .dH#frB",JiEX$ I roPertv detairs and .' Pricins ' o ,|0USE & Iof TED : 0927 6139568 o (054) 2388008 HOASE & L,p-a7 Ltp-rug MARCK : (02) 8169960 H0USE&LOT uplw Lot 7 Doha Mariquing St Teomora Vrllaoe Phase 1 Brgy. San Gab-riel San Pablo, Laguna LA 225 sqm FA 102 sqm 1 -storey house wdh 3BR & 1 TB Nralakas St., Farmnville Subd. Ph ll San Gregorio, Sn Pablo, Laguna LA227 sqm FA 248.70 sqm With 2-storcy building wfth otfice & P 4500,000 SELUNG PRICE: P 1,350,000 YACAllf Laguna LA 340 sqm With old commercial structure LtP-o,it Lot #2, Estiva Compound A. Mabini Ext., Poblacion pi 52 Colago Ave., San Pablo City Lof San Pablo, Laguna LA 1,311 sqm Lof VACAllf LtP.ott Lot #7, Estiva Compound A. Mabini Ext., Poblacion San Pablo, Laguna LA 1,311 sqm re p hi lip Along lvl Leonor St. San Pablo City, Laguna LA 439 sqm FA J,456 sqm 4-storey commercial building with ne SE]UNG PRICE: s. co m Lot No. 3 Estiva Compound A. Mabini Extension, Poblacion San Pablo City, Laguna LA 1,311 sqm FA 150 scim 1-storey house attic LOf Along M. Leonor St., Brgy. ll-D San Pablo City, Laguna LA 293.33 sqm FA 240 sqm 2-storey house w/ 3BR & 2TB / 3,2m,mo SEIJNG PRICE: P 3,200,000 su SELUNG PRICE: P Within Brgy. Concepcion San Pablo City, Laguna Wt*r Sabang Ro6d, &gy. Cd1cefdon San Pablo City, taguna LA 5,372.25 sqm .]$e w w w .fo re cl o LA 4,374 sqm lnterior lol FA 970.68 som turs used as hosoital LtP-l35 Lots 817+9 and 817-C-gA Luna St. 6dn., Brgy. Santissima Cruz Sla. Cruz, Laguna LA 5,484 sqm Resklential lot Within JRJ Country Homes Subd. Brgy. Callios, Sta Cruz, Laguna LA 847 sqm FA 341.42 sqm 2-storey house & warchouse E ALIPROPERTIES FOR SAIfARE ON 'AS IS.WHERE IS''AND 'FIRST{OME. FIRST-SERVED' BASIS. PROPERTIES MAY BE W'THDRAWN WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. Pric€s are NOT appli@ble to buyback transacrions with former owlrers. Please ell {d the buyback prices. . TED: 0927 6139658 o (054) 2388008 / MARCK: 7 lots within Villa Adelina lll Ph2 Brgy. Bulilan Sur, Pila, Laguna Area Lot Blk Pila, Laguna LA 445 sqm FA 400 sqm Resd'l bldg, hardware & warehouse m Selling Price 4 Blk4 Blk8 BlkS Blk 8 Blk 8 Blk 8 P 230,ooo P 335,000 P 230,000 P 2S0,000 P 825,000 P 230,000 P 230,000 w w .fo re cl o su re p hi lip pi ne Blk Within Diversion Road, Poblacion Don Manuel Subdivision Bulilan Sur, Pila, Laguna co # Along Diversion Road s. # 186 122 273 123 189 110 227 L21 759 L22 234 124 268 L25 (sqm.) (02) 8169960 w Lot 3725-D, Brgy. Labuin Sta. Cruz, Laguna LA 30,867 sqm FA I,607sqm Within Brgy. Dambo Pangil Laguna LA 7,551 sqm Along JP. Rizal St., BrgY. ll Poblacion Sta. Maria, Laguna LA 473 sqm Residential lot NOTICE. PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WTHOUT PRIOR ar€ unintended and do not constitde acts oflisrefresent Misorints and other ero.s PLEAE CONFlRlvl ENTRIES BYCALLING OUR HOTL rn 5 L ropertv details and Pricing . 0927 6139558 . (054) 2388008 / MARCK : (02) VACAII| LOT Along Provincial Road Brgy. N.4asiit, Calauan, Laguna 2,900,0q) Psd-127084 2,345 2,900,000 Psd-130121 1,272.5 1,600,(Xr0 3) Lot 271-A Lot9+&1 Psd-19d+a4 Along Maharlika Highway Brgy. San Benito Alaminos, Laguna LA 116,795 sqm Various lots SP 1,193 ZE,W Lof LtP-u6 Along Anacleta St , Brgy. Casa Real Pakil, Laguna LA 633 sqm With unfinished 1-storey house Lot 495-4-1 & Lot 495-4-2 Del Pilar St., Poblacion Alaminos, Laguna LA 7,822 sqm With gazebo type structure lip Brgy. Bagumbayan, Sta. Cruz Laguna LA 15,908 sqm FA 6,223 sqm LIP.'3O pi VACArlf ne SELLING PRICE: P 128,500,000 m sqm 2,386 94G Psd-127084 2) Lot 94'A 4) LA co 1) Lot No s. Lot (+1 SE]ING re p hi ,n"/ PRICE: P 350,000 H0ASE & IOf InasE & up-1sc su . JC:0927 5139670 . (0431 4178677 IVON:(O431757O469 Lof LtHnl 5,6 & 7, B 5, Villa Consuelo Subd Bo. lbabang Dupay, Lucena CiV L cl o Lot 1035-B-4 Along Provincial Rd lsabang, Lucena City, Quezon LA 3,499 sqm FA 475 sqm 2-storey house with 6BR & 4TB LA g0 sqm 3 adioininq lots; 2 houses with 2BR each ,IousE & Lof uP.o82 Lot'1 Block 3, Sto. Rosario Subd. up-o1i .fo re Poblacion, Lucena City, Quezon LA 530 sqm FA 87 sqm BUILDIIIG M Granja cor Lagos Sts. Lucena City, Quezon LA 247 sqm FA 294 sqm 2-storey commercial building SEUING PRICE: P s,s{Xr,q)O SELLING PRICE: P 3,500,000 SELLING PRICE: P 5,6d),q)o Block 11, Lot 5 Hermana Fausta Village, lsabang Lucena City, Quezon LA 175 sqm Lot 3230-C-2 7th St., St. Peter Subd. Gu{ang-Gulang Lucena City, Ouezon w w SELUNG PRICE: P 9,800,000 BUILDIIIE w Lot 2908-C, Lot 2825-4-1 Lol 2825- A-2, Lot 2825-4-3 Lot2825-8 L'P-081 CM Recto St. Lucena City, Quezon LA 1 ,029. 25 sqm (5 lots) FA 947.99 sqm 3-storey & 2-storey commercial / residenlial buildings with 5BR & 4TB SELLING PRICE: P 23,150,000 1 O ALL pRopERTrEs FoR 5ALE aRE oN 'As ls - wHERE ts" AND 'FtRsr-coME FrRsr-sERVED' BAsrs. pRopERTrEs MAy gE wTTHDRAWN Prices are NOT applicable to buyback transactions with former owneE. Pleas call tor the buyback p ces wrHour pRloR NorcE. . JC z O927 6139670 o (O43) 4178577 I VON : (04317570469 59 lots, Puerto Del Mar, Brgy. llayang lsabang, Lucena City, Quezon 313 126 135 127 Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot I 3 5 48 13 121 120 12O 12O 120 Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot 14 2 3 7 I Block No Sellino Blk 12 Blk'15 939,000 369,000 Blk 15 378,000. Blk21 405,000 381,000 BIk 25 Blk 25 Blk27 Blk27 Slk27 Blk27 1 363,000 360,000 360,000 360,000 360,000 m 828,000 612,000 828,000 927,000 ne 837,000 699,000 750,000 786,000 822,000 360,000 756,000 756,000 756,000 756,000 1,068,000 612,000 828,000 612,000 828,000 VACAllf 828,000 1,149,000 795,000 1,008,000 978,000 'l,098,000 855,000 867,000 720,000 705,000 546,000 669,000 738,000 7e2,O00 987,000 LOf Lots9&10,Blk up.osz 3, Along Road Lot3 Dalahican, Lucena City, Quezon LA 576 sqm 2 adioining lots cl o Lot 2159-A-2, lnterior lol Bo. lyam, Lucena CitY, Ouezon LA 2,096 sqm Access through pathwalk onlY 612,000 828,000 612,000 828,000 612,odo co 2o4 Lot 7 Blk 56 276 Lot 8 Blk 56 2O4 Lot 9 Blk 56 276 Lot 10 Blk 56 2O4 Lgt 11 Blk 56 276 Lot 12 Blk 56 204 Lot 13 Blk 56 276 Lot 14 . Blk56 30S " Lot 15 Blk 56 276 Lot 16 Blk 56 383 Lot 17 Blk 56 265 Lot 16 Blk 57 336 Lot 17 Blk 57 326 Lot 19 Blk 57 366 Lol24 Blk 57 Lot 26 Blk 57 245 Lol27 Blk 57 249 LoI28 Blk 57 240 Lot 29 Blk 57 235 Lot 30 Blk 57 182 Blk 57 Lot 3l 223 Lot 32. Blk 57 246 Lot 33 Blk 57 244 Lot 34 Blk 57 329 Selling s. 627,000 627,000 609,000 612,000 612,000 lip Lot No 792,000 627,000 627,000 hi LA sqm 756,000 756,000 Block No pi 1 4rd.\\ R&.46". \ re p FM LA Lot sqm No Selling Price su DwM LA Lot Block No sqm No 252 Lot 12 Btk 34 252 Lot 14 Btk 34 Btk 37 264 Lot 209 Lot 2 Btk 37 209 Lot 3 Btk 37 Btk 37 209 Lot 4 Btk 37 209 Lot 5 2O3 Lot 13 Btk 38 2O4 Lot 14 Btk 38 204 Lot 15 Btk 38 Btk 48 279 LolT 233 Lot 10 Blk 48 Brk 52 250 Loi 3 Btk 52 262 Lot 5 Btk 56 274 Lot Blk27 Lot 9 120 Blk 34 Lot 4 252 Blk 34 Lot 6 252 Blk 34 Lot 8 252 252 Lot 10 Blk 34 LoI2 Blk 56 356 Blk 56 204 Lot 3 Blk 56 Lot 4 Blk 56 Lot 5 204 Blk 56 Lot 6 276 LIP.OSg Lot 4484, Lot 4485 Lol449o-C-2-C Lot 4490-C-2-8, Lot 4490-A .fo re Diversion Road, Silangang Mayao, Lucena City, Quezon LA 48,079 sqm 5 commercial/ industrial lots w SElltNG PIICE: w LOf VACAII Lof uP-tts3 LoI 2054-A-2, Lot 1 I Block 7 San Antonio St., Lourdes Subd. lsabang, Lucena CitY, Quezon LA 2,749 sqm (2 lots) LtP-Ns Lot 2823-4-2-B-3-B-10 SE]IJNG PHCE: P 2.fito,ooo 5EI.!NG PR|CE P 1,91t0,000 w VACATT PRlc Misprints and other erors are Sto. Rosario Subd.. Poblacion Lucena City, Ouezon LA 578 sqm vAcAltf LoT LtP.tN Lot 2823-A-2-B-3-B-7-A Lot 2823-A-2-B-3-B-1 5-B Sto. Rosario Subd., Poblacion Lucena City, Ouezon LA 253 sqm (2 lots) sElllNG PRICE P P 500,(t00 LOf VACATT LtP.Iol Lot 3459-G & Lot 3459-F Brgy. Talao-Talao, Lucena CitY Quezon LA 2,367 sqm 760,(m l"p"tv a"t"l"'a p'i"i"s 1 1 . JC:0927 6139670. (043) 4178677 IVONz(04317570469 fl0asE OTHENS Lots 120GA Provincial Road llayang lyam, Lucena City, Quezon LA 1,559 sqm FA 825 sqm a) 2-storey house W 4BR & 4TB FA 320 sqm b)warehouse FA 315 sqm &LoT uP-121 s. co m Within Sta lsabel Village, Phase 2 lsabang, Tayabas, Quezon LA 143 sqm FA8l sqm Lo|14226-C-2 Provincial Road, Brgy. Wakas Tayabas, Ouezon VACAIIT LoT up-t2it Sra habel Mllh€ PtEse 2 lsabang, Tayabis, Ouezon Lot Blk LA sqm Selling Pdce 12135P540,000 98 140 P 560,000 VACAIIT su re p hi lip LA 3,757 sqm Lot C-l-B-8 & Lot C-1-B-9 Brgy. l\,lationa, Tayabas, Quezon LA 472 sqm 2-contiguous lots pi Lot 3, Block 8 Mabolo St. Sta. lsabel Villaoe Phase 2 Brgy. Isabang, iayabas, Quezon LA '186 sqm Residential lot ne SELLING PRICE: P l2,10o,0(xl LOf Phase 2 Par '1, San Juan Estates Brgy. lsabang, Tayabas, Quezon 1 re j Lof up-121 & Lot 16-B-3-C-4 Brgy. Gibanga Lot 1 Blk 27 Agoncillo cor. Aguinaldo Drive Sta. Barbara Homes lsabang,Tayabas Quezon LA 1 18 sqm Residential lot .fo llP-18 Lot 6, Btk LA 2iO sqm Vacant residential lot Selling Pdce: P I,AXr,(x)o cl o Lot 7, Blk W-lU LA 256 sqm vacant residential lot Selling Pric€: P 1,250,(X)0 YACAX| P 4o0,mo w SEUIt,l(i PflCE: I C5 EAILDIXE /Abng llational Highvlay w Lot 361 w BAIU)InE tn-fi| SilarEarE Malitoy, Pagbilao, Q(e2on LA 275 sqm FA 241 sqm Comrnercid lot sEulitc 12 alr t -storey cornmerDial shrc'ture wiltr 2BR &1TB 1 SEUNG PfdcE PRCE P z2oo,ulo pRopERnEs FoR saEARE oN .as rs P YACAtf up-tsg 831 -A Along Natlmal Highway Malinao llaya, Alimonan, Quezon LA 150 sqm FA 99.75 sqm Lot Lot 6-8, Lot 6-E & Lot 12-E-1 Brgy. San lsidro Road, Tiaong Ouezon LA 12,852 sqm FA 2,207 sqm L'P.tos Within Brgy. Lagyo Gumaca, Quezon LA 824 sqm SETIING PfUCE P 2OO,OOO 650,0(n -*HERE rs'AND 'FrRsr4oME, FrRsr-sERvED' BAsrs. pRopEKnEs MAy Ric-€s ale NOT applidble to hryba.ft t-ansa€tioG with former o\.me.s. Please Lof BE wTHDRAW\ wITHour pRtoR NortcE. 6ll lor the buyback pnc VACAII| LtP-||l LOT VACArlf up.t26 LA 1,210 sqm Lot A-16-F-4-E, Along Bo. Road Poblacion San Antonio, Ouezon LA 4,820 sqm Agricultural lot t--;;-_t SE]IING PRICE: gELIlNG PRICE: P 110,000 P 3,65O,00O re p hi lip pi ne SEI.IING PRICE: P 750,000 up.fll Lot 13-C, Hl Briones Subd. Pagbilao, Quezon LA 216 sqm G. Orda cor. Osmefra Sts., Poblacion, Atimonan, Quezon t-;;- LOT m Lof Lot 4-D-2-H-6 & Lot 4-D-2-H-7 Brgy. Buenavista East Candelaria, Quezon LA 1,814 sqm (2 lots) Riceland 0927 5139670 o (O43) 4178577 I VON z (0431757O459 z co YAeAflT JC s. . H0USE&L0r HoASE Aa"Nl Within Brgy. Bogtong Legazpi City, Albay o (054) 2388008 / MARCK z (O2) 8169960 su . TED : 0927 5139668 &Lof aa-nllt Lots 2, 3, & 4 Block 9, Sto Nino SuH. Taysan, Legazpi City, Albay LA 720 sqm FA 630 sqm 2-storey house with gBR & 7TB with 1-storey house mezzantne cl o LA 2,714.5 sqm FA 185 sqm .fo re Lot 85-8-1 and Lot 86-8-1 J.P. Rizal St., Cabagnan Legazpi City, Albay LA '1,056.50 sqm w w SELUNG PRTCE: P a25O,000 w Within Brgy. Mayao, Oas, Albay LA 3,487 sqm Residential/commercial Iot of 5 contiouous lots Within l.aya Norte, Oas, Albay LA 4,998 sqm Residential/commercial Iot PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE are unintended and do not connitute acts ot misrepresentation, . MisD.ints and olher erors PLEA5E CONFIRM ENTRIES BY CALLING OUR HOTLINES A L-p.rty a+"it" u^a p,i.t"g. 1 3 o TED: 0927 5139668 o (054) 2388008 / MARCK: (02) 81 VACAII| LOT 15 lots, Sols Subdivision Bitano, Legazpi City, Albay Lot no Blk LA no (sqm) 10 18 295 11 l8 281 12 18 29a 13 18 313 14 18 324 Selling Price P P P P P m Lot Blk LA Selling no no (sqm) Price 5 18 285 P 712,500 6 18 295 P 737,500 7 18 279 P 697,500 8 18 ,281 P 702,500 I 18 284 P 710,00Q 737,500 720,000 745,000 782,500 q10,000 pi ne 1 I I 3 4 BIk LA Selling no (sqm) Price 17 301 P 602,000 17 577 P 1,154,000 17 696 P 1,600,000 18 285 P 712,500 18 295 P 737,500 co no s. Lot Lots 932 & 888-E-2 Lakandula Drive Brgy. Gogon Legazpi City, Albay LA 1,781 sqm FA 945 sqm 2 lots with residential and warehouse structures su re p hi lip Pearl St corner Diamond St. lmperial Court Subdivision Legazpi City, Albay LA 3,540 sqm FA 3,610 sqm 6 lots with residential and warehouse structures aa4n3 VACAIIT LOT Doia Maria Subdivision, Brgy. Tagas, Daraga, Albay cl o l\ilalinao, Albay LA 2,373 sqm Lot No re 1 Blk LA No (sqm) 2 293 242 241 25 241 Price P 1,026,000 P P 844,000 844,000 \ w w .fo 1 Selling Within Brgy. Sto. Domingo Vinzons, Camarines Norte LA 788 sqm FA 147.6sqm w Within Brgy Bagasbas, Daet 14 Camarines Norte LA 240 sqm (2 lots) Flesidential lots oN ,As rs - wHERE rs' AND 'FrRsr-coME, FrRsr-sERVED' BAsrs pRopERTIEs MAy BEWTHDRAwN Prices are NOT applicable to buyback transactions with fo.mer owneE Please call for the buyback Pric4. ALL pRopERTrEs FoR sALE ARE ' Wilhin Floida Village Subd. Brgy. Lag-on, Daet, Camannes Norte LA 360 sqm Residential lols Within Brgy. Gahonon Daet, Camarines Norte LA 792 sqm Residential lot wrHour PRtoR NortcE . TED : 0927 5139558. (054) 2388008 Within Emerald Subdivision Brgy. Malasugui, Labo Camarines Non€ LA 240 sqm (2 lots) Residential lots MARCK z (O2l 8169960 Lot $&2-F, BEy. San Francisco Ocampo, Camarines Sur LA 2,780 sqm Lot s&z-E, Brgy. San Francisco Ocampo, Camarines Sur lA2,772qm m Within Brgy. San lsidro Daet, Camarines Norte / B-1-A to B-1-G, Bo. Binahan Brgy. Apd Ragay Camarines Sur LA 1 l,756 sqm (7 lots) ne s. co LA 7,112 sqm (2 lots) Residenlial lots cl o su re p hi lip pi Lot 14 Block 4, Ramaida Village Concepcion Grande, Naga Cjty Camarines Sur LA 1'11 sqm .fo re . PETE : (02) 845-5815 H0ASE&L0r u.t w w w sElrtNG PRtcE P VACAtfL0f E Lot 7-F PSD-4A-003612 Puerto Princesa City Palawan LA 7,094 sqm Lol5, Burgos cor. Manalo Sts. Poblacion Puerto Princesa City Palawan LA 305 sqm 3,00O,(m PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE, ' u.M Lot 8-B (LBC), Psd-233055 Bo. San Pedro Puerto Princesa City Palawan LA 3,333 sqm TELUNG PnCE: P 1,3OO,OO0 AI.I OFFERS ARE SUUECT TO MANAGEMEN'I.S APPROVAL PLEASE CONFIRM ENTRIES BYCALLING OUR HOTUNES ORSENDING AN EMAILTO BUENAMANO@b i.corn.Ph .I E . CARLO I 0927 6139682. (0751 2'108172 fl0asE & Lof : (075) H0USE & DtE-109 Lot l, Blk 11, Green Summetuille No. 101 New Lucban Road Extn Lucban, Baguio City, Benguet Bakakeng, Baguio City, Benguet sqm FA 382 sqm 3-storey house sqm LA 175 FA 388 sqm 1-storey house with 8BR & 5TB LA 578 / WAX LOf nal4 u' Within Roseville Cmpnd, Res SecJ. Balacbac Rd, Sto Tomas, Elaguio City Benguet LA96 sqm FA 18 sqm Sstorey house wih 5BR & 3TB co m Commercial/ s. SEIUNG PRICE: P 2"4oo,oqt ll0USE oAa4n| Along lnterior Gabriela Silang St. Hillside, Baguio City, Benguet IOf DAE-I tt6 #228 Angeline Court, Suello Village Marcos Hi-way, Baguio, Benguet LA 271 sqm FA 218 sqm 2-storey house W 6BR & 3TB Lot 26-B-4 Kamagong St. Woodsville Subd., Baguio City LA 168 sqm FA 300 sqm re p hi LA 220 sqm FA 165 sqm 1-storey house W 4BR & 2TB & pi Lof lip fl0usE & ne SELLING PRICE: P '12,00O,00O SEIUNG PRICE: P 3.(xlo,(xro Lot 2-A #70 Evangelista St. Leonila Hills, Baguio City Benguet Along lnlerior Jasmin St. Res. Sec. Upper QM, Baguio C:ty LA453 sqm FA 406 sqm With unfinished building BUIhDI,IG DAE-OIO No. 27 Add Boad, Baguio City Benguet LA086 sqm FA &51 sqm One &slorey & one 4storey buiHhgs BUIL0IXE DAarll Lot 2-R-5, Add Road Res Sec L, lrisan Baguio City, Benguet LA 346 sqm Lot with unfinished 3-storev buildinq SEIIING PRICE: P si{OO,(xD 5E[.|NG PRICE: P 2,3qO,O0O w w .fo re cl o su SEUING PRCE: P ZsOo,UXl w ntthin Res Sec "l", Add Road, (approx. 300€50 rntrs from Nagu ian Rd), Bag'.rio City, Benguet LA 500 sqm Lot 4-C-4-B-3-A-9-D-2 (270m from Dontongan Road) Sto Tomas Baguio City, Benguet Lot 3-C, Crystal Cave Bakakeng Central Baguio City, Benguet Within Goltuiew Subd, Res Sec L Baguio via Marcos Hiway, Benguet LA I,000 sqm lnterior lot ALL PROPERTIES FORSALEAREON'AS IS-WHEREIS" AND'FIRST-COME, FIRST.SERr'ED" BASIS, PROPERTIES MAY BEWTHDRAWN WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE Prices are NOT applicable to buybacttransactions with {omer owners. Please Gll{or the bu}ta<k prices. . CARLO:.0927 6139682 o (O75) 21Oa172 l wAx: VACAIIT Lot 2GL-8 LA 15,000 sqm lnteior lot Selling Pricer PLS CALL CARLO VACAT| LOT Within San Carlos Heights Baguio City, Benguet Address Lot area Gqm) m 335,000 315,000 320,000 448,000 462,000 co 64 64 66 2GL{ LA 12,576 sqm lntedor lot Selling Pdcar Pl-S CALL CARLO selling Price P Rd Lots4&6-H. St. Patrick G. 72 Lots 13-l & 13-P, St-, Anthony DAE419 185.000 P 145,000 su Rd re p hi B. 115 s. 67 63 Pricd ne 511,000 315,000 275,000 425,000 Lot Sellino pi 73 63 55 85 along subdivision boundaries lip L.A. LOf Celestial Vill., Crystal Cave Subdivision Bagulo City, Benguel 9 lots wiihin Suello Foad Suello Subd,, Bakakeng Central Baguio CitY, Benguet sqm (07515326642 VACATIr LOT 12.lots, Sunnyside Subd., Brgy. Fairview LA Lot 'Blk LA sqm 98800 10 8 800 27758 37750 re sqm .fo Lot BIK 58797 68797 78796 88796 cl o Baguio City, Benguet Lot BIK LA sqm 47750 28800 38800 48800 w w w PLS CALL CARLO Lot D-l-8. #63 Kitma Rd., Bakakend Central, Baguio CitY Benauet LA 7-89 sqm FA 313 sqm 044418 CARLO . 0927 6139582 o (0751 2108172 fl0ASE Lot '17-B, Brgy. Alapang La Trinidad, Benguet LA 285 6 sqm FA216sqm 2-storey house &L0f / WAX : (075) nai-tm Lot 3-C-3-F-1, Brgy. Paltingan Ambiong, La Trinidad, Benguet LA 330 sqm FA295 sqm 2-storey house with attic Lot 1 -4,/Lot 1-B #198 Halsema Highway Cruz, La Trinidad, Benguet LA 583 sqm FA 681 sqm m . co +storey residentialYcommercial pi La Trinidad Benguet LA 364 sqm FA 521 sqm 4-storey apartment building Whin Anudin Central, Tuba Elenguet # LA sqm Selling Price 3-B 500 P 600,000 3-D 500 P 600,000 Lot vAcAtT LOf DAE429 Lots 14, 16 & 18, Blk 2 Alphaville Subd., Tuding Itdgon, Benguet LA 510 sqm LoT DAa-|ft La Trinidad, Benguet LA 6,880 sqm lnterior residential lot SEI.IING PRKE: P EO'$,OOO Lot 4-B Sitio Lamtang BrgyWangal, LaTrinidad, Benguet LA &0 sqm Residential lot P eZX!,q)O w 5E|.!NG PRICE: .fo re Lol 2-g 1 /'-on 2-B-2JLot 2-B-g Brgy. Ambassador, Tublay, Benguet LA 3,000 sqm Residential/agricultural lot cl o VACAflf su re p hi lip 203 Km 5, Balili, Along Pico Road, La Trinidad Benguet LA 691 sqm FA 360 sqm 2-storey houseWSBR & 5TB ne s. structure Lof w H0ASE & DAa-117 w Lot 50'10-C, Along noad 34-B Gabu None, Laoag City llocos Norte -tA 343 sqm FA 119 sqm Bungalow ..';i,"-" 18 # 47 Zacarias Flores St. Laoag City, Ilocos Norte LA 400 sqm Bonifacio St. corner Zulueta St. Laoag City, llocos Norte LA 1,673 sqm FA 202 sqm Commercial lot M building ALL PROPERTIES FOR SALE ARE ON 'AS IS - WHERE IS' AND '' FIRST-COI\4E, FIRST-SERVED" BASIS. PROPERTIES MAY BE WTHDRAWN WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. Prices are NOTapplicableto bu)tact transactions with formerowners Please callfor the buyback Prices z 0927 6,t39G82 c (O7Sl 2108172 / WAX : (o75'l 5326642 DAE.BII VACAX| DAe-t2r LOf IAE4B Commercid lot pi Along Natiral Higlway, Pagdaraoan San Femando City, ta Union LA 2,2'17 sqm (15m frontage) Lot 3-C-3-E-3, National Highway Brgy. Sla Ana, Agoo, La Union LA 1,'105 sqm Residential / commercial lot re p hi Lot 697-Rizal Ave cor. Dna Paca St. Brgy llocanos Sur, Poblacion Dislrict San Femando City, La Union LA 371 sqm C,ommercial lot lip VACAflTLOT Lot 10630-C Brqy- 5 San Pedro Samonte St., Laoag City llocos Norte LA 221 sqm ne s. co m Along Gov. Agcaoili St. (back of tormer Paz Theater) llocos Norte LA 877 sqm (24.83m frontage) Commercial lot with bld structure su SEUING PRICE: P 9,3qt,OOO Lot 9055, Barangay Road Calumbaya, Bauang, La Union LA 22,599 sqm PRICE: P &o()odto LoT Dagupan City, Pangasinan 1A2,327 sqm FA 168 sqm lraatus lloUSE & Lot 1-C-2-E, Zamora St. ext Dagupan City, Pangasinan LA 425 sqm Lot with old structure .fo re cl o Within Poro, San Femando City La Union LA 3,651 sqm Commerciallndustrial lot f ronting SE]ING w SEUING PRICE: P Lof w lI0lISE & w D'E.IE APAN1METT oao-ta Lot 5 Blk 3, Cuison Road Tapuac Dist., Dagupan City Pangasinan LA264 sqm FA 364 sqm 2-storey residential struclure 25tmo Lot 4464-D, lnterior Tebeng Within Brgy. Salisay Dagupan, Pangasinan LA 415 sqm With old structure Dagupan City, Pangasinan LA 662 sqm FA 250 sqm 3-door apartment s€frE PrlcEr P agqrdto pRtcEs ARE suBJEcr Misorints and other erro6 are unirnended and PU' CALT. CARLO ro CHANGE do Fii:,asEcoNFrRM wllHour PRIoR NorlcE. resentation HoTUNES l** o"ou" 1 "no "no^n. 9 CARLO t0927 6139682o (0751 2108172 Within lnterior Tambac District Dagupan City, Pangasinan LA 209 sqm W h old structure /WAX: (075) lnterior podion of Brgy. Bonuan Gueset, Dagupan (back ot Anunciation Seminary) Pangasinan LA 832 sqm (interior lot) Besidential lot with old structure Along Rizal En., Dagupan City Pangasinan LA 1,440 sqm FA 375.50 sqm Residential building & office with open warehouse ne s. co m . Lof re p hi Dagupan City, Pangasinan LA 520 sqm Lot 4464-D, Pogo Grande Dagupan, Pangasinan LA 516 sqm pi Along Herrero St. lip VACAXf nAEtEl Lot 8, Blk 3, Trinidad Subd. Arellano St., Dagupan City Pangasinan LA 260 sqm su Pts CAII CARLO Along Provincial Rd, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan LA 3,209 sqm FA 113.40 sqm 1-storev house w/ 5BR & 2TB Brgy. Dilan, Urdaneta City Pangasinan LA 371 sqm FA 80 sqm w w w .fo re cl o Along Provincial Rd, Cayambanan Urdaneta City, Pangasinan LA 3,730 sqm FA 73 sqm 1-storev house W 3BR & 2TB SE]IJNG PRICE: P 7,000,000 A[ Within Dona Trining Subdivision Bo. Camantiles, Urdaneta City Pangasinan LA 372 sqm FA 310 sqm Within Brgy- Consolation Urdaneta City, Pangasinan (back of Consolation Elem School) LA 8,670 sqm Unfinished warehouse within Cabaruan Urdaneta City, Pangasinan LA 10,16'1 sqm (2 lots) PROPERTIES FOR sALr ARE ON 'AS IS - WHERE t5' AND 'FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED' BASIS, PROPERTIES MAY BE WTHDRAW\ Pyices are NOT applicabie to buyback transa€tilons with fomer owneG. Please call {or the buyback p.ices WMIOUT PRIOR NOTICE. . / WAX : (0751 5325542 CARLO I 0927 6139682 o (O75) 2108172 VAEAilf Within Cayambanan Urdaneta City, Pangasinan LA 7,563 sqm Residential lots Along Bo. Dilan Urdaneta City, Pangasinan LA 270 sqm Residential lot w/ old structure Within Brgy. Mabanogbog Urdaneta City, Pangasinan Along National Highway San Vicente Urdaneta City, Pangasinan LA 306 sqm Within Bo. Nancayasan (outside Villa Linda) Urdaneta City, Pangasinan LA 293 sqm Soloria St.. Poblacion Asingan, Pangasinan LA 1,329 sqm FA 113 sqm LOT DAE.rbs Along Urdaneta-Asingan Road Bayaoas, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan LA 970 sqm Along S. Alejo St., Asingan Pangasinan LA 636 sqm su re p hi lip pi ne s. co m LA 949 sqm ( FA 147 sqm) Residential lot w/ old structure Along G. Velasco St., Poblacion Asingan, Pangasinan LA 697 sqm Lot 1692, Along Provincial Road San Vicente, Asingan, Pangasinan LA 5,615 sqm Vacant residential lot w w .fo re cl o Lot 870, Along Provincial Road Brqy. Baro, Asingan, Pangasinan LA 1,251 sqm R6sidentiaYcomm'l lot w Bonifacio Sl., San Carlos CitY FA 126 sqm se (interior lot) VACAII| LOf DAa.ug Within Taloy District San Carlos City, Pangasinan PRICE: P LOT oaa.12o Brgy Narvacan l\,4agtaquing-Bacnar , San Carlos City, Pangasinan LA 2,540 sqm LA7,211sqm SE]ING VACAtf Lot 4523-lnterior, Agriculturallot 6,900,000 SEI.IING PRICE P 70,(M . CARLO t0927 6139582. (O75)2108172 /WAX z(0751 5326642 oaE-071 Lot 2-S, CountryVillage Subd. Bari, Mangaldan, Pangasinan LA 156 sqm FA 161 sqm 2-storey residential structure l\,langaldan, Pangasinan LA 905.7 sqm Residential lot w/ old structure Along Rizal St., Poblacion otarTa Within Sansano Subd., Carmay Rosales, Pangasinan LA 69'1 sqm Lot with old structure &L0f H0USE DAEosz AIong Villasis-Malasiquid Road Bo. Barraca, Villasis, Pangasinan LA 398 sqm FA 157.50 sqm 2-storey house with garage and H0ASE & LoT H0ASE & LOf DArlopg Within Pangapisan North DAE-tn Within Braganza Village, Poblacion pi Lof Alaminos City, Pangasinan LA 369 sqm FA 112 sqm 2-storey residential structure terrace Lingayen, Pangasinan LA 785 sqm FA 66 sqm 1-storey house w/ 2BR & 1TB gEUING PRICE: 600,000 LOf H0ASE DAE-ia 2,2lto,0qt sEurNG PRICE P 1,7sO,000 SELUNG PRICET P '1,100,0oo &L0T DAa.rn4 Bugallon General Hospital Poblacion, Bugallon, Pangasinan LA 1,375 sqm FA 900 sqm Within Brgy. Cawayan Bogtong Malasiqui, Pangasinan LA 2,506 sqm FA 80 sqm Bungalow PRTCE| P 1,800,000 SE]UNG PRICE: P 1,2fl),0oo w w sEtuNG .fo re Lot 1 Psd 11540 Along Maramba Boulevard Lingayen, Pangasinan LA 173 sqm (10.84m frontage) FA 144 sqm (1-storey house) P su flOASE & P cl o SEIIING PRICE: re p hi lip ,I0[ISE & ne s. co m Mangaldan, Pangasinan LA 1,178 sqm FA 688 sqm 2-storey comrnercial building w Lot 2-B-1 Along BIgy. Road Barangay Banaga East Bugallon, Pangasinan LA 5,924 sqm 22 ALL pRopERlEs FoR Lot 2 Blk5, Psd-170045 Liwanag St cor.llang-ilang St. Brgy. Station Dist. Bosales Pangasinan sAu nie or.t "rs rs - Within interior portion Poblacion Calasiao, Pangasinan LA 780 sqm wxeRE ts" AND 'FrRsr€oME, FrRsr-sERVED" BAsrs. pRopERTIEs MAy BE wtrHDRAwN prices are NOT appticabte ro buybacft transactions with former owners. Please call{or the buybad p{ie. wrHour PRIoR NorlcE. . CARLO . 0927 6139682 o (075) 2108172 / W;AX : (O75) 5325642 VACATT LOf LOf VACAtf ltAe-oc6 Along Provincial Road, Talogtog Pozorrubio, Pangasinan LA 595 sqm Residential lot with old structure ltaq-tt&t co m Within Bo. Caramutan, Villasis Pangasinan 3 kms from town proper LA 2,500 sqm (25.65m frontage) VACAXIL0T oAq.fll Within Brgy. Killo, Sison pi #103, Brgy. Banaoang Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan LA 310 sqm Vacant residential lot Pangasinan LA 22,451 Sqm FA 4,452 sqm PRTCE| re p hi lip 3-units pouftry house Wfarmhouse P'l60.mo w w w .fo re cl o su sEutNG SEUING PUCE: P 1,l0o,00o s. ne SEIUNG PnrcE: P 5OO,0OO Lot A PSD-229402 Provincial Road interior portion of Brgy. San Vicente San Jacinto, Pangasinan LA 7,635 sqm Commercial / Residential . TINA: 0927 6139680 o (045) 2868803 Lot 7-C Semilla St., San Carlos Mariveles, Bataan LA 120 sqm FA 283 sqm 2 storey house DARWIN : (045) 961 Lot 11 Block 3, Four Lane Heights uyo, Balanga City, Bataan Along Cabnlng Road, Hillcrcst ll Subd. Brgy. Cataning, Balanga, Bataan LA: 120 sqm per lot 11 residential lots LOf YACAllf sFo-or3 Lot 2009 Cataning Balanga, Bataan LA 1,804 sqm Aoricultural lot LOT sFo.lu Along Provincial Road Nagbalayong, Morong, Bataan LA 393 sqm lip Lot 1736 Tuyo, Balanga, Bataan LA 5,908 sqm Agricultural lot pi VACAfT ne s. co m Lot 10 Block 5, [.4e]-Luz Subd Balagtas, Orion, Bataan LA 303 sqm FA 210 sqm 2-storey with 3BR & 2TB / VACAIIT LOT sFo-Mi St Joseph Homes Orani, Bataan LoVBlk LA Sellrng Price 2 3 P 230,000 sqm 219 5 3 226 6 3 217 P 235,000 P 225.OOO SELt lNG PRICE: P 165,000 5E]!NG 530,qro RAYMUND T. PINEDA / DARWIN M. AOUINOT (045) 961'4288 su . PRICE: P re p hi H cl o Lot 15 Blk 3-A Camia St. Milfldra Subd., Sabang Baliuag, Bulacan LA'l24sqm FA 90 sqm 1 -storey residential structure Lot 1 Block 2 Bocka Avenue Rocka Village ll, Phase 5 Tabana, Plaridel, Bulacan Brqv. Tabang, Brgy. LA 141 sqm FA 206.50 Sto. Cristo, Baliuag Bulacan LA 179 sqm FA 83.75 sqm .fo re a) LA 351 sqm residential lot b) LA 351 sqm resdentiallot c) 1A309 sqm FA 203 sqm (House & lot) Lof lloUSE & sm-u1 Along lnterior J. Buison St. w SELtlNG PRICE: VACAnf w APANTMEIIf w Along A Luna St., Concepcion Baliuag, Bulacan LA 1,756 sqm FA 835 sqm Apartment units with 1-storey Along lrrigation Road & Canal Brgy. Pa:tan, Baliuag, Bulacan LA 26,726 sqm Agricultural lot P LOf 600,000 sFn-oto Lot 3343 Rizal Ave. Makinabang, Baliuag, Bulacan LA 2,792 sqm ,@ house O"Bffi^ SELLING PRICE: P 13,300'000 24 SEIIING PRICE: P 47(x),0(x) - ALL PROPERTIES FOR SALE ARE ON 'AS IS, WHERE IS' AND 'FIRST-COME, FIRST-sERVED" 8A5ls. PROPERTIES MAY BE WTHDRAWN WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. prices are NOT applicable to buyback transactions with fo.mer owners. Plea* call for the buyback Pdces. VACAIII sFo-ot4 (0441 2339932 IOf Mar-vic ville Subdivision P. Damaso St., Brgy. ConcePcion Baliuag, Bulacan Baliuag,Bulacan LA '13,352 sqm . Agricultural lot d I ,,0USE sFortT 240 240 240 2 3 2 200 240 200 700,000 Too,ooo 700,000 600,000 700,000 600,000 P 2,671,000 &L0I Price ne SEII|NG PRICE: sFo-oi' Lot 2680-4 to Lot 2680-F Psd-031421-037731 , Along Bo. Bo Magmarale, San Miguel, LA 55,946 sqm pi Lot 2 Barrio San Vicente Brgy San Roque 2 2 14 8 15 a L0T. Selling 11 * VACAllf Lot Block -LA No No sqm 13 10 .! Lot 2553 Bo Road, DARWIN : (045) 9614288 VACAIIT LOT sF0-ot6 Lot 2554 Bo Road, Brgy. San Roque Blk 5, B. Quirino Avenue Tangos, Baliuag, Bulacan LA 423 sqm / m Lof . co VACATI.T 0927 6139679 s. z Baliuag, Bulacan LA 28,730 sqm LA 1,736 sqm Residential lot hi lip Agricultural lot Brgy. Salangan, San lviguel, Bulacan 3 VACAllf P 5,746,000 LOf SEUJNG PRICE: P 5,500,000 su sEllNG PruCe A re p F VACAXTL0T sF042o Along Sioson Road, Sta. Lucia sFo.Mt BrgY Batasan San Miguel, Bulacan cl o San Miguel, Bulacan LA 2,545 sqm Lot 8 Block 4 LA 360 sqm P25zW sF0.022 Within Lot 29-G Barrio Sta. Lucia Mun. ol San Mlguel, Bulacan sqm na 1,271 1,353 6S2 752 653 Lot Area Selling Price P 90,000 P P 160,000 155,000 P P P 85,000 95,000 80,000 w w .fo re Lot 2 Block 4 LA 360 sqm P 252,@0 VACAIIr LOT VACAIILOI VACATJ| LOT sFo-M4 w 5 lots within Brgy. Malibay Sta. Lucia, San Miguel, Bulacan ' ' P No 17 20 23 26 34 4ilz50o PRICES ARE Bulacan LA 1,926 sqm FA 515 sqm Residenlial lots wih various struciures Loi SEUING PRICET sF0-u5 Brgy. Salangan, San lvliguel Lot 5 Block 4, Brgy. Batasan San Miguel, Bulacan LA 625 sqm Residential lot LA sqm Selling Price 1,000 P P 1,466 P 118,000 1,080 P P 1,000 1,000 80,000 80,000 86,400 80,000 sUzuEqI TO CHANGEWTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. ALLOFFERSARE SUBJECTTO MANAGEI4ENT'S pr FASF coNanl,l i^rrires ev caLUNG ouA HorLlNEs oR APPROVAL SENDING AN EMAIL To BUENAMANo@b i.com.ph 25 o RAYMUND , 0927 6139679 . (0441 2339932 / DARWTN : (045) VACAtf 019-A Purok 4, San Floque San Rafael, Bulacan LA 81 0 sqm FA 35O-Z sqm '1 -storey residenlial structure with Within lvlabalas-balas San Rafael, Bulacan LA 2,683 sqm FA 1,625 sqm Lof sm.B2 Lot 188-8-1, Barrio Paco San Rafael, Bulacan LA 1,828 sqm Brgy. San Agustin San Rafael, Bulacan s. co m Schoolbuilding LoT Lot 10 Block 1 Queen St. Casa Royale Subd., Sapang Putol San lldefonso, Bulacan 2,8150q) Lot I Block 1 Oueen St. Casa Royale Subd , Sapang Putol San lldefonso, Bulacan LA 225 sqm Lot 1878-E. Alono Bo. Road Bo. Macapilapil, San lldefonso Bulacan PHCE P 5,0@,00 su sElltirc re p hi lip Brgy. Gulod Maguinao, San Rafael Bulacan LA 37,910 sqm Agricultural lol pi vAcAff sFo.l7j Lot 869-8 along Brgy Road P ne SEII|NG PRICE: Lot 3 (LBC), Psc-12405 Along Bo. Hoad, Bo. Macapilapil San lldetonso, Bulacan LA 1,288 sqm cl o Lot 1878-F. Alono Bo. Road Bo. Macapilapil, San lldefonso Bulacan Commerciallol floASE&L0f uottsE & sFo.uo Lot 19 Blk 77 No.2751, Eadh St. Rocka Village 2 Phase 4 Brgy. Tabang, Pladdel, Bulacan LA 120 sqm FA 150 sqm sFo.185 A\@do Niio Sh Monlra, Brgy. Sro. S]s. PlariJel, Buhcan LA 256 sqm FA 3O0 sqm 2€torey house wih 5BR & 3TB w .fo re 2-storey resdl struc w/ parking spac€ LoT Lot 33 Block 8, Chico cor. SEIING w . vAcAxTLof Along Rizal S't., (Nat Highway) Brgy. Longos, Pulilan, Bulacan LA 8,841 sqm FA 5,592 sqm 2-storey bldg Os'ld W basement & 1 -storev bho wbasement w A[ SEUJNC PRICE! P 3,O15'(X'O sF&@3 Within Brgy. Kalawakan Dona Reriedioq Trink ad, Bulacan Lot/B k LA Price ,| L4 82 975 P L't2 92 ,209 P 1 26 PRICE: P 1,749,000 pRopERflEs FoR sAtr ARE 192,i150 61,m0 .".*f^.,'.,, Brgy. Malamig, Bustos Bulacan LA 15,665 sqm FA 1,765 sqm Commercial building rs - vwERE rs' aND 'FrRsr€oME, FrRsr-sEruED' B,qs6. pRopERTlEs MAy BE *THDRAWN are NOT applicable to tuybacft transa<tions with {ormer omer' P{ease call for the buybad prices. oN 'as ft*t6 /.^:,.:.. Along Malamig St. wrHour pRroR NotcE D z 0927 6139679 o (Q44) 2339932 / DARWIN : (0451 9614248 VACAllf Within Brgy. Alabug, Tua Cagayan LA 3,049 sqm FA 1,408 sqm Along L..Beltran St., Poblacion sFo.a6 Tuguegarao City, Cagayan LA 909 20 sqm Residential lot co m Bustos, Bulacan LA 14,801 sqm Commercial Lot Lof Within Brgy. Alimanao (Cagay) sFo.rug No. 26 Carnation St. Lot 1791 near BJMP Catagamman Pardo Tuguegarao City, Cagayan LA 3,592 sqm Lot A-4-E-2, Baptisla Village Ph 2 Calao East, Santiago City, lsabela LA 700 sqm Residential lot Lot 9531, Along Provincial Road Brgy. Calao, Santiago City lsabela I0T VACAIIT VACAIJ| LOf sFo-166 Wtthin Brgy. Sansayon Santiaqo City, lsabela LA 775 sqm Residential lot PRTCE: P 'l,(xro,(x)O su SE]IING SELUNG PRICE: P 898,q)O re p hi Baplista Village, Brgy. Calao East Santiago City, lsabela LA 225 sqm FA 195 sqm Bungalow pi LOT llOUSE & sFo-a7 lip LoT VACAllf ne s. SE]UNG PRICE: P 750,000 sFo-t VACAIIT LOT sFy-oi2 L35 B22 Valley Homes Subd. Patul, Santiago City, lsabela LA 220 sqm Within Patul Rd. cor. Espiritu St. Plaridel, Santiago City cl o t lsabela 3 residential lots Area sqm 434 Selling Price PRICET 445 453 ? 2,000,000 P 651,000 P9zqpqo P 680,000 SELLING PFICE: P 396,000 w w SELUNG .fo re Lot ' 0THEBS (2 residenhal lots near Lasalette Seminary) Selling Price LA 6 w Within [/alvar, Santiaqo City, lsabela Within Balintocatoc (sqm) 100 400 poultry warehou sFo-055 Lots B-2-A-9 & B-2-A-1 0 Alonq I\raharlika Highway Pobhcion, Cauayan CitY lsabela uses, 1-storey & otfice Along Air Port Road San Fermin Cauayan City lsabela P 150,000 P 600,000 SELLING PRICE: P tl(X),(x)o vsorimsandorhereriorf:5::ffi'":y.'":fl.1?i:3*-1'"Y'J*""Y'"1*!?1"|9Jf"';1i'.?f5.'f.l5lY3i,1!]i"!Sti"""T''iliili.l9Yti;,.*..rait,"nap."ns " - - -' - iii,{siabNFtiv er.irirrls eV carLuNc ouA soruues on ser':orNc AN EMAILro BUENAMAN @5 i.com.ph 27 . VACAllf RAYMUND I 0927 6139679 o (044) 2339932 IOf sFo061 Along NationalHighway Nurignungan ll, Cauayan, lsabela lof DARWIN : (045) sFo.o62 Along NationalHighway Minante ll Cauayan City, lsabela LA 8,000 sqm Lot 9-A to 9-H National Road, Minante Cauayan City, lsabela Marabulig Road, Prenza Cauayan City, lsabela t6OO,0Oo Lot 8, Lot 9-A & Lot 9-B Valle St., Prenza lsabela LA 639 sqm (2 lots) Cauayan city, lsabela su re p hi lip Lot 8-2-8-8-4-6, Lot B-2-B-7 Valle St., Cauayan City ne P pi SEUNG PRICE: SEIIING PRICE: P l,95o,o0o s. co m LA 3,912 sqm (6 lots) VACAllf / Within Bo. Silawit Cauayan, lsabela e_ cl o B 750 sqm Lol1O42-A-2 375 sqm 400 sqm Lot 1042-8 400 sqm Lot 1042-C 1,925 sqm Total .fo Residential house FA 200 sqm Warehouse FA 168 sqm LOT sFo.ttsl LOT VACAllf sFo-n7o Along National Highway Calamagui 2nd, llagan lsabela LA 752 sqm --. re Lot 1041-A & VACAllf Lot 457a-R-2-A-2-C Psd-2-02-026350 Brgy. Ramos, San lsidro, lsabela LA 412 sqm P 4!i0,000 SEIIING PRICE: P 1,700,m w SElllNG PRICE: LOf w H0USE & sFo-u1 w Calle Oscariz cor. Beal St. Brgy. Cabugao, Echague, Isabela LA 222 sqm FA 344 sqm Bungalow Within Brgy. Tuguegarao Echague, lsabela LA 294 sqm . *,:&:" SEIUNG PRICE: 28 P 2,750.000 VACA'IT LOT LA (sqm) Selling Price 400,000 49S 4S9 499 499 499 300 300 300 300 300 10,000 11 lots within Brgy. Castillo 9p9.473 Echague, lsabela 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 150,000 150,000 '150,000 150,000 150,000 400,000 WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE ALL PROPERTIES FOR SALE ARE ON 'AS IS - WHERE IS' AND 'FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED 8ASiS, PROPERTIES I'4AY BE WTHDRAWN prices are NOT applicable to buyback transactions with former owners. Please callforthe buyback Prices UND : 0927 6139579 o (0441 2339932 fl0ASE&Lof / DARWIN : (045) 9614288 sFo.m6 sm.offi Lot D-l Barrio Road Cutog Grande, Reina Mercedes -ob 2 & 3, Natl Road, Bey. San lriguel fomedy pan ol BEy. Dapdap) Luna lsabela LA 56,389 sqm FA 4,142 sqm Warehouse buildino W residentjal area lsabela LA 3,098 sqm FA 72 sqm 2-storey house W 3BR & 2TB m Lots B-3-B-3-8, B-3-B-2 & B-3-B-1 Bo. San Fermin lsabela co LA 28,851 sqm FA471 sqm s. 6-.*'" YACAI| LOf sFtt-ml Within Brgy. Bagong Unis Poblacion, Aurora, lsabela 14287.50 sqm FA,18 sqm lnduslrial warehouse sFoen lip Aurora, lsabela LA '1,175 sqm VACAX|L0| Within Brgy. Bagong Unis Aurora, lsabela LA 1,175 sqm pi WAnEnUISE #o.nst Lot 2982-A Bangui St. cor Sanat St. ne SE]JJNG PRICE: P 6191600 P - 510,(m YACAXTL0| SH.ING PnlCE: P &lo,o(xt su sElltNG PRCE re p hi stI.E Within Brgy. Kalaocan, Alicia lsabela Beside Faith Christian Academy LA I,'l9E sqm sFo.o4 Lot 3067-A-3 Maligaya Echague, lsabela LA 7,400 sqm cl o Along Provincial Road, lpil Echague, lsabela LA 1,693 sqm Residential lot VACAX| P & LoT t00O sFo-o&t vAcAtf Lof sF0.a5 Along National Highway Along National Road, Bantug Roxas, lsabela Bantug, Roxas, lsabela LA 794 sqm Residential lot LA 1,900 sqm .fo re A0ri-lot SELUMi PRrcEr SELlJtlG PHCE: P LOf w YACAtf w SEUING PRICE: P 2,5t1{1,(x)0 sFo.tw Along Luna St., Vira, Roxas w lsabela LA 3,627 sqm Residential lot SElIlN(i PflCE P 1.904,mO VACAXT PTEASE sFo-ttfi Within Brgy. Luna, Centro Boxas, lsabela LA 984 sqm SEUIi(i PflCE PRICES ARE SUUECT TO . LOf P 4I:',OOO CMNGE WTHOUT CoNFIRM ENTRIES BY CAII.JNG eru,o(,o VACAUTL0T sFo4BI Comer of Del Pilar & Bonifacio St. Brgy. Centro, Roxas, lsabela LA 752 sqm Residential lot gElllMi PflcE P SEU|NG PRtCe P 417,000 Wrhin Bo. SurEoc, Naguilan, lsabela lndustrial lots sqm 2,655 1,276 Lot Area Selling Price P 1,600,q)0 P e4OO,(m PRIOR NOTICE. ALL OFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO MANAGEMENT'q APPROVAL, oUR HoTUNES OR SENDING AN EMAILTO BUENAMANO€bPi.cofi.Ph 29 . RAYMUND .0927 6139679 (0441 2339932 / DARWIN Within District #1, San Manuel lsabela LA 374 sqm FA 299 sqm house with warehouse / DARWIN | (O45) 9614288 ne TINA : 0927 5139680 o (045) 2868803 pi o s. co m Within Brgy. District 3 San Manuel, Isabela LA 308 sqm Flesidential lot . Lot 3 Block 12 Doia Adela Subdivision Cabanatuan Bos DS Garcia, Cabanatuan City Nueva Eciia LA 128 sqm FA 126 sqm Bunoalow with 3BR & 2TB AkrE Cabanah€rFFod Magsaysay Rd Kalikid Sur, Cabanatlan Nueva Ecija Within Sta. Clara Heights Bo. Pangatian Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija LA 33,341 sqm 157 residential lots w w .fo re Melencio St., Cabanatuan City Nueva Ecila LA 604 sqm FA 196 sqm cl o Along Sile of Kam Lang Restaurant su re p hi lip City, Nueva Eciia LA 720 sqm FA 631 sqm 3-storey with 16BR & 16T8 w Lot 862-J-1-A Maharlika Highway, Bitas Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija LA 500 sqm VACAflf LOT Along Provincral Foad, Magsaysay Park Kalikid Sur, Cabanatran City, Nueva Ecija Blk LA Price 2 5 390 sqm P292,500 4 5 330 sqm P247,500 5 5 390 sqm P292,500 Lot Lol746-C-2, Brgy. Kalikid Sur Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija LA 300,000 sqm SELLING PRICE: P 37,700,000 30 AL pnopenrtEs ron slLE WFHOUT PRIORNOTICE. ARE oN "As IS - WHERE tS' AND 'F|R5I-COME, FTRST-5ER\/ED' BASTS. PROPERTTES MAY BE WTHDRAWN ' prices are NOT applicable to buyback transactions with former owners. Please call {or the buybad( prices. 927 6139680. (045) 2868803 Within Luclry Homes, Kalidkid Sur Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija LA 375 sqm Residential lot vAcAIT LoT Brgy. Kalidkid Sur Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija 3 residential lots Area sqm 350 Selling Price Lot P 105,000 350 350 P 105,000 P 105000 s. ' SELLING PRICE: P 2,500,000 SELLING PRICE: P 75,000 lloasE & Lot t-F Melencio St. Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija LA 221 sqm lnterior comm€rcial / residential Lol 12 N.4aharlika Highway San Pascual, Talavera, Nueva Ecija LA 7,109 sqm FA 336 sqm Residential / commercial shucture re p hi 258 sqm deducted sFs-l$ pi v. Mavaovao, Cabanatuan Lof Lot 262-E-3-C & 262 E-3-A-4 Maestrang Kikay,Talavera Nueva Ecrja LA 629 sqm FA 126sqm lip 2376-8-3-A & 2376-84 sF0.101 VACAIIT LOT sFo-105 Lot 15F, Central Terminal Bo. Barrera, Cabanatuan City Nueva Ecija LA 625 sqm Lot used as gasoline station m sFo-|oo co LoT (045) 9614288 ne VACAllf / DARWIN: su SELLING PRICE: P 1,6OO,0q) LoT LoI VACAtlf sFo.112 Lot 4-8, Brgy. Calipahan VACAllf sFo-1.8 Within Bo Liway\tay, Sta. Rosa Talavera, Nueva Ecija LA 250 sqm Residential lot Talavera, Nueva Ecija LA 1,057 sqm lnterior lot Nueva Ecija Agricultural lots cl o VACAllf LOT sFo.ll1 Lot 288-B-4-A Poblacion Lof sFo-i1s Lot 624-4"1, Brgy. Tramo Sta Rosa, Nueva Eciia LA 4,702 sqm Residential lot LA 2,500 sqm Pl15,0oo P 21O00o SE]I|NG PRICE: SELLING PRICET P 595,000 P 3,074000 w w sEL NG PRICE: .fo re LA 2,500 sqm P115,000 i VACAIIT w 17 lots within Rosemar Village Carmen, Zaraqoza, Nueva Eciia Subd., Abar lst, San Jose CitY Nueva Ecija LA 376 sqm FA 424 # Blk # LA Selling sqm Price __ Lot1 Blk2 391 P 200,000 Lot3 Blk2 314 P 130,000 Lo124 Blk 2 254 P 105,000 Lot3 Blk3 250 P 125,000 Lot 6 BIk3 240 P110,000 Lotg Blk3 240 P110,000 Lot 10 Blk 3 240 P 110,000 Lot 13 Blk3 240 P'110,000 Lot 14 Blk 3 240 P 110,000 Lor NOTICE Misorints and other pRtcEsARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WTHOUT PRIOR unintended and do not constitute dcts of misrepresentation' PI FASE CONFIRM ENTRIES BV CALLING OUR HOTLINES e-'' ors . . are ' 17 18 21 Lot 24 Lot 13 Lot Lot Lot Blk 3 Blk 3 Blk 3 Blk 3 BIk 6 1 Blk 10 Blk 10 Lot I Lot 10 Blk 10 Lot 240 P 110,000 240 P I',l0,000 240 P 110,000 269 P 135,000 240 P 120,000 346 P 70,000 304 P 65,000 323 P 70,000 Lrop".tyaet"ir,"ndp,i.i"g.31 TINA: 0927 5139680 . (045) 2858803 / DARWIN Lof VACAtf sFo-lz| Along L.P. Rizal Street Gen. Tinio, Nueva Ecija I0T sF0-121 Lot 1921-N-4 & Lot 1921-N-3 Bagong Sicat, lvlunoz Nueva Ecija LA 1,096 sqm LA 5,000 sqm Residential lot VACAIIT LoT VACAllf sFu-ta Lot 160-D Poblacion, Rizal Nueva Ecija LA 10,027 sqm Residential lot ;9 tEr 6Y s. SEUING PRICE P E6(X',OOO ne SELUNG PRICE: P 320,0q) OTHEES sFoi2i co [: SELUNG PRICE: P 1,653,000 Lof Within Poblacion / Magtangol Bongabon, Nueva Ecija LA 7,795 sqm (28 lots) Rawland m YACATT 96142A8 sF0-126 pi 5 lots within Brgy. Alua, San lsidro, Nueva Ecija lip With 2-storey office / residential structure su re p hi LA sqm FA sqm Selling Price 10,156 3,610 P 4,480,000 LAM 3,499 P 4,340,000 43.398 15.426 P',l9,130,000 3o,oo0 10,663 P 13,225,000 56,262 '19,998 P 24,800,000 G't 2 Blk 2 Rockwoood Homes L1 1 86 Zamora St., La Casa San Agustin, City ol San Fernando Pampanga Pampanga cl o Brgy. Saguin, City of San Fenando LA 54 sqm FA 72.5 sqm 2BR& 2TB Pampanga LA54sqm FA 61 w w .fo re LA 175sqm FA 192.75 sqm La Casa Nueva Homes San Agustin, City of San Femando Lot I Blk 2, La Casa Nueva San Agustin, City of San Fernando Pampanga LA 85 sqm FA 85 sqm (3BR & 2TB) w 122 87 La Casa Nueva Homes San Aguslin, City of San Femando Pampanga tA 62 sqm FA 72.5 sqm (3BR & Unit 7 Blk 2 Golden Queensland Townhomes Dolores City of San Femando, Pampanga LA 60 som FA 60 IS -WHERE IS" AND'FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED" BASIS, PROPEFIIES N4AY BE WTHDRAWN WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE prices are NOT applicable to boyback transactions whh former owners. Please callJorthe buyback Pdces. ALL PROPERTIES FORSALEAREON 'AS NA : 0927 5139680 . (045) 2858803 / DARWIN : (045) 9614288 sF0.136 Gamer cor. Djamond St. St. Augustine Village City of San Fernando, Pampanga LA 204 sqm FA 251 sqm 2-storey residential building Within Greenville Subd., San Jose Lot 1 & 2, Mc Adhur Highway Del Pilar, City of San Fernando City of San Fernando, Pampanga Lot l3 Blk 15 St. Francis Villagd pi City of San Femando, Pampanga LA 525 sqm ne s. co m Lot 16 Blk 7, La Casa Nueva City of San Fernando, Pampanga LA 54 sqm FA 79 sqm structure with 3BR & 2TB Pampanga LA 600 sqm su re p hi lip Residential lot Dolores, City of San Fernando APA|TMEII| Blk 1 Lot 24 Trinity Triangle Villa Anqela Subd., Angeles City Pampanga LA 53'1 sqm FA 442 sqm sFo_tilu Lot 42 Blk 11 Green l\,leadows Subd., Mabalacat, PamPanga LA 41 1 sqm FA 248 sqm w w w .fo re cl o Along Olongapo-Gapan Road Brgy. lvlanga Cacutud, Arayat Pampanga LA445 sqm FA 5'10 sqm 33 . TINA . 0927 6139680 . H0ASE & (O45) 2868803 / DARWIN : (O45) 961 LOT sF0-149 JRT Building 1-storey old structure M.H. Del Pilar cor. Hilario Sts. Tarlac City LA I,405 sqm 4 lots with 2-storey commercial building and 3-storey ofiice bldg with roottop co LA 295 sqm sFo.lsg VACAtf LOf sFo-1s4 pi LOf Lot 373, San Nicolas (near Zaliro St.) Tarlac City, Tarlac LA 250 sqm Within Brgy. San Vicente Tarlac City, Tarlac Selling Price Lot / Blk LA '1471-8-5 352 sqm P 125,000 lip VACAllf Lot 1'6, Blk 6, Country Hills Subd. Bomulo Highway Brgy. San lsidro, Tadac City Tarlac LA 270 sqm ne s. San Boque, Tarlac City LA 706 sqm m sFo.toz Within l\ragsaysay Village San Roque, Tarlac City 350 I sqm P 125,000 vAaM LOf su re p hi 1471-C Lof vAcAflf sFo-1frt Lot 3,4,6 and F. Tanedo St. San Nicolas, Tarlac City LA 327 sqm 176 sqm deducted - right of way sFo-156 # Selling Price 25O LoI372 1,235,000 193 Lot 371 954,000 LA 2,716 sqm 14 TCTS, lnterior lot A) (sqm) Selllng 3,594 B) 3,59s Price P 9,650,000 P 9,650,000 w w .fo r{4 Lot Area 6,000,000 sF0.161 2 lols along McArthur Highway Sto. Domingo, Capas Tarlac re LA sqm Lot VACATT LOT Within Bo. San Roque Municipality of Bamban, Tarlac cl o Wilhin San Nicolas Tarlac City, Tallac SELJJl,lG PRICE: P DAG|N w VACAX|LOT Within San Manuel, Tarlac LA 803 sqm Residential lot with old structure PLS CALL CAFLO (o7s) s23-6642 SEII|NG PRICE: P 114O0,000 34 A[ PRoPERTTE' FoR sArE ARE oN "AS IS-WHERE 15'AND "FIRST'COME, FIRST-SERVED' 8A5IS, PROPERTIES MAY BE WITHDRAWN WTHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. Price6 are NOT applicable ro buybad transactions with forme. oM€6. Heas€ c?ll lor the bu!6acj( Prices. v^cAtr Lof 645 217 '180 237 470,000 1,300,000 550,000 450,000 490,000 pi 570,000 410,000 201 A sqm 241 180 180 217 331 224 239 Sellinq Price490,000 450,000 3_, 450,000 550,000 830,000 460,000 480,000 lip 224 L Pricd VACATIT LOf sFo.l l^rrtf n sitio Tubotubo, Brgy. Lomboy Sta. Cruz, Zambales LA23, 3 sqm Agricuftural land hi Sellino re p A sqm sF0-162 within Brgy. Sta. Bita Olongapo City, Zambales 14 lot6 SEIIING PRICE: P 3,531,5(X) su L ne s. co m ItO : O9ZZ 6139679 r (044) 2339932 / DARWIN : (045) 9614288 VACAT| LOT Selling Ar"" Price sqm A ,1 16 P 2,120,000 B 10j42 P 1,724,000 c 9,329 Pl2,251 ,000 re Lot cl o sF0.tH 3 lots within Bo. Sta. Rita Olongapo City, Zambales w w w .fo 1 pRtcEs ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WTHOqT PRIOR NOTICE. and do not constitute acls of misrePresentalion Mi.brints and other errors are - - unintended iidsrcotlRnu eurRlEs BYcALLING ouR HorLlNEs AL L-p".ty a.t"ir. ,na p,u"g. 35 w .fo w w s. ne pi lip hi re p su cl o re m co BPI FAIUILY SAVINGS BANK, INC. PROPERTY SALES AND LEASES (PSL) G/F, The Enterprise Center Tower 2 Paseo de Roxas cor Dela Rosa St. [4akati City Email: BUENA[,'[email protected] Lipa [,4akati ( (043) 757-1003 Bacolod (034) 708-5859 Davao (0B2) 235-3557 02) 816-9967 Dagupan (075) 515-6250 (033) 509-9393 lloilo Genflemen San Fernando Cebu Cagayan de Oro (041) 794-4155 (032) 415-8384 (088) 856-2904 l : I offer to buy your property on an "as-is, where-is" basis, located at for the price of: PESOS via the folldwing payment scheme n tl I] I] I] (P : 00) Cash Loan (Specify banUfinancial institution) Other schemes, please specily : I'm a Diaecl Buyer and I came to k4ow aboul this property through: Buena [rano Catalogues X n Property was reforred to me by (Pleas€ select one): tl A Unibank (BPI/BPIFB) employee X I] Your Bank's Accredited licensed Bmker {please indicate the name) Buena I\,1ano Classified Ads lnlernet For Sale Sign on the Site Jose Dionisio R. Castillo (please indicaie the name) whose sisnaturc app€aG below and whom I understand your'firslcome, frst-served" policy and agree that the Bank is not under any obligation to accept any olJer whatsoever. I have read and undersiood the rules goveming Offer to Purchase which is printed at the back of this form. I Thank you. Verytrulyyours, Contact Details: Mobite ,umb€r' (PRINTED NAME AND SIGNATUREOF BUYER) (ADDR€SS OF EUyER',S OFFTCE / RESTDENCE) 0917-8843882 / 964-9489 [email protected] Jose Dionisio R. Castillo D NAMF AND BRAflCHDEPARIMENT E PCC CODF S/6M7URE fiontand back pages, duly signed, c.n b6 6ent by FAX, COURIER (indicate in the €nvolope "Otfer To Purchase"), 6r .3 altachm€nt to an EMAIL; or can bs Plea6e complete allinformalion requir€d. The personally submitt€d to the CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE ot Proporty Salos ancl Leases. OFFER TO PURCHASE FORM PAGE 1 of 2 (l) CONFIDENTIALIW. BPI Family Savings Bank, lnc. {BFB) shall ireat all informaiion in the Offer to Purchase in strictest confidence. BFB shall dea{ exclusively with the Buyer and/or his/her attorn€jy-in-fact / authorized broker accredited by BFB, if any. (2) OFFER TO PURCHASE. o All offers must be submitted in the official Offer to Purchase Form, duly filled oul and signed. The said form may be submitted directly or sent through fax or emailwith attached scanned copy ofthe s'gned Offer to Purchase form (front and back) to the CUSTOMER CARE DESK ol Property Sales and Leases. o When the form is faxed or sent via email, the date and time stamped on the email or fax shall be considered the ofllciar time a1d daLe oI receipt. (3) FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED POLICY. Firsl-come, firsl-served is the service policy of BFB whereby the offers to purchase are attended to in the order lhat they are received without other biases and preferences. This policy ShqllApdL on y to ol&Iqf4[!q!3l9€q!q! t9lll]gher than BlB s qslttg piicg, (4) SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTS. The following documents must be submitted by ihe buyerwiihin 7 banking days from date of notice; oiherwise, the buyeis priority under the "First-come, First-served" Policy shall be losl: a a Fully-accomplished Buyefs lnformation Sheet (BlS) a ln case ouycr rs a corporalio,r: SFC Regisrralion, Aiicles of Incomoralion. 8y-Laws. Board Resoluiion / Secretary's Certincate Aulhorizing the Purchase ofthe Property and specifying the Authodzed Signatories, who shallalso submii copies ol GovernmenFissued lD s Governmenlissued lD s of Buyer and Spouse (ex. Passporl, Dnver's License. Postal lD, PRC lD, elc.) (5) LETTER ADVICE. BFB shall send a letier advising buyer on the Bank's action on the Offer to Purchase. {6) AS-|S, WHERETS POLTCY. o BFB is selling the property without warranties as to the condition or any aspect of the property except its right to sellthe same. The buyers are solely responsible for examining and judging the property fortheir own proleciion. a For properties $th specialconcerns (such as ihose with ongoing case/s, illegal occupants orihose with documentary deficiencies, etc), the buyer shall rely solely on his / her investigation ofthe propefry and not only on information provided by the handling sales officer or accredited brcker, and he / she is willing to assume all risks attendant to such concerns. a BFB and its employees shall noi be bound or liable in any manner by the representation ofihe accredited broker or any private arrangemenls between the buyer or third parties, such as lhe folmer owner(s), attorneys-injact, brokers and/or other persons. (7) RESERVATION. BFB has no obligation to accept any ofter and reserues the dghito accept or relect the offerwithout any obligation to disclose the reason for its decision. BFB likewise reserves the rightto revise allor any part9ltheEe lldci includinq going into sealed biddins, oj€! e!G!!ar,a!d eans to sell any q! all of its prooerties. (8} STANDARD POLICY ON PAYMENT OF TAXES AND FEES INCIDENTAL TO A SALE OF ANY OF THE BANK'S PROPERTIES: Crediiable Withholding Tax: Real Estate Tax, Association and/or Condo up to the dale oI sale: Business Tax. if any (tor the sale of the property) dues I Documentary Stamp Tax; Transier Tax; Registration Fee; Notarial Fee; Real Estate Tax, Association and/or Condo dues after the date of sale; VAT, ifany I attest that I / we have read and understood the above rules. Buyer's Signature OFFER TO PURCHASE FORM PAGE 2 of 2
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