1 9 vo\ - Bardstown Kentucky Injustice
1 9 vo\ - Bardstown Kentucky Injustice
MKES,NELSON OUNTYCI JUDGE ATTORNEY,J JUDGEDEAN F NELSO ILY J ATT$ ARE GUIL TEFBY DECMP AFETO AT OF LIMITA 19 vo\ 18, 2013 Septembrer WITH N{ILK ROUTEJIJDGEM NT SONNY WOULDHADNOTHING COM (3N 2005 SETTLLMENT. (EXTORTIOI'{ WITH N4YMILKROUTE JUDC}I4ENT NOII RENE\\TED SONNY'GOT2 CHECKSIN 20 , DATED 6'.29. (COPYENCLOS ) PArD HISI 05 $12,(;39.07 DEBThT WILSONBANK. DATED 6-29-05(C PY ENCLOISED) $229,528.77 SONNY'PAIDHIS DEBT TO F RMERSTO'U,rN AND C(fLTNTRYBANK. SO Y OWEDA LARGEAMOLTNTTO DAD'S TATE. DhlD'S GOTNOTHNG FRO S,ONNY ESTAT]E I2-9-2U05DEAN WATTS STAT D CHARLTiS E,MENT MONINI AGREES THAT THE A.GANST SONNY MONIN IS ROPPEDAND PRINCIPALAND NTEREST S ALL BE FORGIVENAS PART OF THIS (SREEME\IT. Lie(ATTA(IHEDORDERENCLOS D) "Bio-f" "t lff tF- furn ,Cfta,,b7n"r* HEI.{TUCKY NELSoNCouiqrY ffi Exrcuti'e I ll@El!I pnarqI./AJTS;ccuntyJucge I I . lr3EAsrsrEpHEN FosrERA IlllEl$llI on Box578 4000-+-0s?8 I lllglffilll iioroifowN,KENrucKy ililBtffiil t :."'"".-_ r n o n e :t - : u ; ) 3 4 8 - 1 8 0 0 ! nrrEu! l HtfltmE rEse.E@{-l _ .-^^. ^ Far: (502) 3{8-1873 (]R'ER AGREED Lq*{- d,c${e'tzncuo{ thz {inandaL wil-L 'se-t't'Leorcde.L The.(oLt-ow.Lng Fan.ilq. u MowLn 0)enupec.t{u.t.t-qnzqlue'stJudgz RaLLzut'o ttein's 60.02(tl . Lvi]- Ru.Lz e.Moninl nm.tu llonin ltt'utouyfuh'i's ch'LLdnenllLa'ndE Aul a,toL, BJ,I-L, Sonng, L[nda, ALvLn, Matutha a'nd Ra Lvlded ectu.ql-Lq\dctnfthein LnLutut in llonin, 1 ua/-ng eglLuzto Paq Pau-t-, 8l:.$2,28CI , ooo lto bo ta-ti's6iu oupuwt Tho aat ted Ln tuLgilLdAto th'ts ludgenznta, nenlA| inturtut, donagu o[ e-. nogo,tLzgge't't'p{ez lalf- count eotL\.netn I and ne,cnttn.tenznt 'eortponntion monQ,Ut how in lwnds od dou sne to bz tnhen .{non.tl'te e1. ,sha.LLbe d'Lvldzd6014 eout-tl. AnAnwna+LnduL Itnoqt's 6etu, tnxe,s (neal', AI-I- panLLQAilLe, n%Pon'sLbLo {on thein 0wn z, LnhwLtaneld, eaPi.tal gaint on otLtu'sl ',s ehac.h..t to i.nd'Luidual Sattlenent pt"qnen{wi-l'L be Ln the [onn od cu Q,A, ats Le64Ln tlle utate tha,t CLLM'LLIand 0on hnve ALI pa&ie,t a.gtLQ.e to then. be,Long Chan-t-uMonin agnqu tLn't tl'tz judgenent ag bo AonqLvznaa anc{Lnlenut ArLa'LL I' 'biafan'lnUe e,X^il-* + AW iudgene.nt'sLn l:h'trs ea'sz wi!''L bz LOYL 6u.LU .tl'tatt- bo nptunnzd to ChuuLe'so-nd $prynAMonin t,s dnoPPedo"nd od th't,s sgneenznt (a.ttaclted ) S-7 tg 7"43 d,azt'tLed1tlte'tz{one a.ll a' \'l-'' ondut: Th.z doX'Lowingcon(t tlo nz atta.lL bzeonz'patL o thlt a-gnzzd net't L'<.tigo'tion agaira:t 1, Antlal.tunPt to 6w'tthe.t{-iLLga-tz thit ca'se o bninq co enytt o{ ePutr-tand o" benclt a dan'tlq menbenht1anq pant4 ahalt- mQ,&n wa,tnant.slw.'Ll-bo 'Lt'suzd don thdn a^/Lut. e , o,nother"mwr6 'sltt"U2. Anq ottenPt to h"Pnnastbq trLgu, ph-onej-sdu dr,nth-e)n annut. eontenPt od cou'n'tand a benclt wanstant Monin a tigh-ts to Li,tigat'z \Jal-Mo"ut 3. Thi's on-de'tdou ytot tnhz utaq ' ttLeL rul4hL o{ dttzo aPezcft. and a{-L Par'-tiu fSrce wi!-L not :iii:i: ----t- : 22597 6/29,05 o o ***** ** *'*ttrt *** Slltirsgtoz 6 6 p * :h***** 6 g DOLLARS d U 5 Dp^ TO ill $sr ?16 19.07 t'YN ffT I E R ' S C H Ec K WITHOL'I WILLBE'ISSI.JED BbND ENTANDSUFTETY ., ,L/, ; sHAdnffU pglr aRS NONZNEGO:[IABI-,Ei /li*{-/t.urt --z .*u?l:_ ': r:&, *eF* iH= t Htldrgd & MUrRsiu{K o rRusr coMpArvr Ttnentyt'irrrt eSgB :Truent 't22,9,S2g ..t7 $ .".Eight and 77 /.L00t,* glqgrnn,a'srFUNDSnoR , {9_sjpu E. MoNrNAr.rbg9II s.. KELLEv, inl:, Arry.. MoNrN, rhqc., sntrl,Euei6: l i l . Oa a 5 8 8 i l . e o li 6 3i ' d @ A L.LJ t l O BI l 0 t O L r . . r ! 5 E B E O? Wnson & MurnBeivr & Tnus Co. lSannStOrylw,ISr. SALTSMA$ & I,ru.tETT, P6C DRl'If,N l\O $; DOLI,ANS C A S H I E R ' SC H E C K cHEpt(WLLBEtSsuED WrHour llltCEMENT lNDEMNrry AGREEMENT ANDsuBETy B'ND l' | P/):DlyGorrAtsr,E pnrsrurllr . ,/ i /ra..t . I f-'/ SEtnnolt Jr lifa: t a q L ? L mr : o E l T o? o r , r . r !q e o I lo , 2 o ^ q o g -Z Z Srt' J d, ? -5-*xr-,T / K t;$I,*1 5nwfrkg m -&Y'*,I bI,sq I n 8,oaa % [7^'|n .,2 &_p-*n a 2:?. "'""*'-zzrsBg 6/ 2 9 , 0 5 3 ',s;28','77' g *??,9 I o c; ;il7 /'L00r,.t, g .E CASITTER JOSEPH JOHN S. ItoNINr:, 'a n U nsor\ & X{ TCo. sal.r8ltAlr & [lItl,ETTr PgG S_ rzq^szn-rz DOLI,ARS Pi)f parsrumrr orIAtsLE I U t!^or{ro -tY-t1 $u,,$tb,#n4 l,rry pofa, lQ.(-Pi,,luril7,tt 4fu*-.rt w a.rt* (I-n*r*,-t e'ga*taf vrl ACTIONNO.85-CI-021 t|l'-€ ELSONCIRCUITCOURT PLAINTIFF ARLES MONIN EPI{ E. MONIN no"f 6 W,o DEFENDANT the Defendantto alter, amendor conduqtedthe hearingon same missedthe hearingon the NOW THEREFOREthe enteredMarch 23,2A04,is herebY out in the motion of the Defendant KRS 413.090to Renewthe ion on Remand enteredNovernber , 1990,andthe court finding the y advisedin the premises; that saidJudgmentand Cqst rence and renewed pursuant !o KRS SONCIRCLIITCOURT r0/ L/oa I M Page o i :i l > KY Rulesof Civil P ) Resources ky tsarAssociation Report Compensation Limit on cornpensatiorg Accounting Judgments; costs .or Definition and construction Judgment upon multiple claims or involving muitiple pa Demand for judgment Costs Default or Judgment Setting aside default Plaintiffs, counterclairhants, cross-claimants Judgment against the Commonwealth or the United Sta Summaryjudgrnent .o1 For claimant For defendingparty Motion and proceedingsthereon Casenot fuIIy adjudic4tedon motion Form of affidavits; fu4her testimonY When affidavits are unavailable effidavits m.adein badfaith Declaratoryjudgments Signing and enlry ofjudgpents and orders in trial courts New trials; amendment of judgments Grounds fime for motion Time for selving affidavits On initiativr: of court Motion to alter, amen{ or vacate a judgment Preservation oferror Proceedings in lieu of pew trial t-# CR / 0 Relief from judgment or erder r Clericalmistakes Mistake; inadvertencq; excusable neglect; newly fraud, etc. Independent actions When appeal pending Writs abolir;hed C R 6 Errors;harmless;substa4tial CR .or Harmless error Substantialerror Stay of proceedings to enforce a judgment .o1 Motions after verdict or judgment Pending appeal of injunction judgments Pending ap:pealof judgment other than injunction j Stay ofjudgment upotrtmultiple claims M/t'l TeresaGaither P.O.Box430 Valley,Ky.40056 Pewee tso?\2414072 Mr. CharlesMonin P.O.Box 306 Bardstown,Ky.40004 /0* -/o RE: Files DearMr. Monin: to1lre pertaining to-th files pertaining cfntaining files boxos cfntaining receipt of 5 boxos I am am in receipt files fik These These yeary' years' you you over over several several performedfor for Gaither,performed Gaither, obtaining no particularorder. If you sfitt areinterestedin *r .* negotiatea price. Yfu may reachme either at the my answeringmachine. Sincerely, /.1 - .{ ,-7j/L{,e-/,- Pea*'^- ouscasesmy husba4d,Marst of no useto me, and theYate pleasecontactme and addressor leavea message / TeresaGaither [r/yn fmusT-+: I tr f"b,b MJ f^'u A I 37A9 g oo o8o o 7oo /@-/6-ts ! azl &/, I /-z/r'1- /2t -ea/ / i/{ rnkW.r* % //k a// 'z'd L e Vpzzlta"M' ,2/J* lryt-
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