Fall/Winter 2012 - Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern


Fall/Winter 2012 - Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern
Fall/Winter 2012
“Home for the holidays” is a strong universal desire – aer all, home is where the heart
is. e hearts of those we serve are appropriately tied to their critically ill child receiving
the best possible medical care in area hospitals. Not one of whom has asked for disease
or illness to come – not for themselves - and certainly never for their children.
20th Annual Cameron
Memorial Golf
Tournament and
Upcoming Events
Our Fabulous Partners
Despite their best hopes, life has come our family together?” It was taking a toll on
unraveled for over 8,000 families who’ve this young family. Finding a home at the
called our Ronald McDonald House their Ronald McDonald House allowed Steve,
home-away-from-home. For the last 25 Jane, Jonathan and younger brother, Jason,
years, staff and volunteers have lovingly to stay together. All of their needs were
come alongside these families, repairing taken care of; they were able to be close,
their frayed edges (and nerves) with supporting Jonathan as his larger than life
encouragement, love and compassion. spirit tackled the disease raging in his little
We’ve supported them, providing for their body. Jane said, “Truly, the Ronald
McDonald House saved our
needs and giving them the
lives by removing the
gi of togetherness, which is
burdens of the unknowns of
medically proven to help
where we could be close
sick children cope better
enough to be with
and heal faster... because the
Jonathan, and still get rest
thread that sews families
in a place that wasn’t the
together and helps them
heal is the gi of time.
Unfortunately, Jonathan’s
teve and Jane Gabriel felt
valiant fight ended just one
blessed to be the parents
aer he bravely tackled
of their outgoing, exuberant
son, Jonathan. A delight to
treatment advancements
their hearts, he was
and receiving the best
everything they wanted possible medical care,
everything they desired in
Jonathan perished from
their first born.
And then there was that day.
leukemia when he was five.
Jane’s voice drops. Jonathan
“And then there was that
was just four when the
day..” Jane’s voice drops.
diagnosis came- leukemia
Jonathan was just four when
their heartfelt thanks to the
leukemia. “No one asked for it or saw it Ronald McDonald House, as their stay there
coming. is was not part of our plan.” Steve afforded them gis of time and togetherness
- precious memories with which they’ll
e reality of what was before them – their never part.
young son, the seriousness of this disease, Years have passed. e Gabriel’s continue to
the treatments, the long hospitalizations, lend their emotional and financial support
along with their questions of “Where will we to Ronald McDonald House Charities of
stay? What will we eat? How can we keep Southern Colorado. April 19th and July 31st
Dillard’s Cookbooks,
Gingerbread Village
and Indy GiVE!
25th Anniversary &
continued on page 3
House Charities
of Southern
Colorado lifts
children and
families in
need to a better
Team from anks Troops Foundation
20th Annual Cameron Memorial Golf Tournament Sponsors
Vice President
Tammy Rivera
Marge Colgan
Katie Schaffer
Past President
Bob Limpert
Board at Large
Ashley Johnston
Bob Stephens
Brian Stewart
Cory Leppert
DJ Mitchell
Don Spicer
Doug Wells
Earl Patterson
Erin Turner
Gene Sanchez
Jeff Ansted
Jill Woodford
Kate Sakel
Laura Boschert, MD
Sharon McDermott
Stacey Knott
Travers Hyde
Treasure Davis
ese businesses made the 20th Annual Cameron Memorial Pre-Tourney and
Golf Tournament a huge success! When you visit them, please thank them for
their support of the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado!
We couldn’t do the work we do without them!
Children's hospital Colorado
MCdonald’s southern Colorado Co-op
Kuni lexus of Colorado springs & lexus ChaMpions for Charity
Penrose St Francis Health Services
McDonald’s Corporation
– Rocky Mountain Region
ANB Bank
RMJ Capital
United States Olympic Committee
Don L Spicer, P.C.
Lamb Weston (Goodie Bag)
Taylor of the Rockies
Tyson Foods
Wells Fargo
Coca Cola
ompson Management – dba McDonald’s
TOPS Printing
Dr Pepper
Eastern Colorado Bank
Employer’s Resources of Colorado
McDonald’s – L & S Enterprises
Earl Patterson
anks Troops Foundation
Insurance Services
Stewart Business Solutions Group
Collins Wealth Management
Systems and Technology Group
Mile Hi Frozen Foods/East Balt Bakery
Bob Limpert
Central Capital – Tom Wells
e Gazette
Sherri Wells
Executive Director
Development Coordinator
Family Room
Volunteer Coordinator
Beth Alessio
Sam Rush-Walton
Tina Dewar, Manager
Ronda Riley,
Lyn Hale, Manager;
Debby omas,
Night Manager,
Dona McConnaughhay,
Ashleigh Larson,
Bekah Gans,
Diana Phillips
Weekend Managers
Fall/Winter 2012
Copyright © 2012, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado, 311
North Logan Avenue, Colorado Springs, Co 80909. All rights reserved. Heartstrings
is printed two times a year by the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern
Colorado, 311 North Logan Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80909-5608.
Living in the “green” state, we’re conscientious about the environment. If you’re interested in receiving HeartStrings via
email helping us save on printing and postage costs, send your email to us at [email protected]. Thanks!
Questions or comments: To request mailing change or about content, please
contact Sam at [email protected] or 719.375.3871.
Photos: All personal letters and photos have been used with permission and been
granted the non-exclusive right to use and/or reproduce the materials in any
manner and for any purpose. Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern
Colorado thanks Lynn Boutte, Lyn Hale and RMHCSC Global for their photos.
Other images, including stock, have been purchased from an image bank.
Volunteering: If you are interested in volunteering for the Ronald McDonald House
Charities of Southern Colorado, please contact Ronda Riley at 719.375.3871 or
[email protected].
Donors: We appreciate all your efforts in volunteer time and/or financial giving.
Donating Sponsor
Ronald McDonald House
Colorado Springs
Founded February 14, 1987
2 ♥
Typesetting donated in full and Printing services donated in part
by TOPS Printing 719.380.0161
FAll/WInTER 2012
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
continued from cover
mark their bi- annual pilgrimage to the House, bringing gis of comfort and love for the 11
families staying there. “Our annual financial donation along with donating goods and services is
our way of honoring Jonathan’s memory and repaying just a little bit of the kindnesses that came
our way when we most needed help.” Jane said.
Keeping Jonathan’s memory alive, Steve and Jane Gabriel are active in the Pikes Peak Chapter of
Compassionate Friends, a support group for bereaved parents. ey lovingly walk beside others
who have also lost a child. Little brother Jason is now grown, getting his Eagle Scout Award aer
eliciting a crew of 45 volunteers who collectively put
in over 300 hours restoring and beautifying the back
yard of the Ronald McDonald House, ensuring that,
for years to come, it would remain a safe place for
respite, reflection and rejuvenation where families can
just be. Jason is now a 2nd Lieutenant on active duty
at the Air Force Research Labs in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He continues to
organize and participate in numerous fundraisers for charities that fight childhood
Jane, Steve and Jason concur -- their memories of Jonathan – of his strength and
tenacity – the boldness with which he lived his short life, will not be forgotten.
Nor will the gis received from the Ronald McDonald House - a safe place where their family could be together- to laugh, to
cry and to make memories that have lasted a lifetime.
Summer Bash!
Oh, MY -- we DO know how to have a
good time! And, with the help of
Friends from Bite Me Gourmet Sausage,
Bristol Brewing, Brady's Rent All,
Cheers Liquor Mart, the Pikes Peak
Kiwanis Club, 4-H Hoppers, Ronald
McDonald (himself!), Olympic
Athletes from the OTC and the
Swinging Bar-H Wranglers, the
Summer Bash was a huge success!
Jaxyn Kloud Sanks
6/14/12 - 6/23/12
Bentley Ballin
7/25/12 - 7/27/12
Adan Garcia
8/8/12 - 8/20/12
supporters and volunteers enjoyed
Colorado's summertime weather. It
was perfect for lingering -- enjoying easy conversations while eating
delicious summer fare. Juicy burgers and sausages, potato salad,
chips, watermelon and s'mores satisfied our appetites while warm,
cuddly critters from 4-H Hoppers beckoned for friendly pets and pats
from passersby. Cowboy music and laughter filled the thick,
summertime air. Two of our favorite
young brothers had America's
favorite past time on their minds
and, thanks to the magic of face
painting, on their cheeks, as well!
anks for coming, all! It was a
smashing good time.
Search ronald Mcdonald house
Charities of southern Colorado on
facebook to receive updates and news!
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
FAll/WInTER 2012
♥ 3
Annual Cameron Memorial
th Golf
Tournament & Pre-Tourney
In our 25th year of providing services to families with seriously ill
children, we were excited to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the
Cameron Memorial Golf Tournament and Pre-Tourney, with 100% of
the proceeds staying locally, benefiting the cornerstone programs of the
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado.
e two day event was made possible by the support of our fabulous
sponsors, Children’s Hospital Colorado, McDonald’s, KUNI Lexus of
Colorado Springs and Lexus’ Champions for Charity. We are honored by
our long standing relationships with these community partners. Please
thank them with your patronage!
It was a packed house at the ProRodeo Hall of Fame for the Pre-Tourney
on ursday, June 7th. Nearly 300 stood and applauded aer the premiere
of the Bailey Family video was shown. e Bailey's are a local family
served by our Ronald McDonald House. eir story has become the
international face of Ronald McDonald House Charities. (Go to
youtube.com and type in Meet Elizabeth Bailey.) ere wasn’t a dry eye
when the beautiful seven year old Elizabeth walked to the front, thanking
sponsors and friends by presenting them with her original works of art.
Honored recipients were Children’s Hospital Colorado, Texas Road
House, ProRodeo Hall of Fame and the Ronald McDonald House.
e program also featured entertainment by the Jeffrey
Alan Band, fantastic prizes in the silent and live auctions
including Lexus’ Champions for Charities trip to Pebble
Beach, food from Texas Road House, beverages from
Bristol Brewing, Weber Street Liquors, RMC Distributing
and Coca-Cola and ice cream cakes from Maggie Moo’s.
e next day, a continental breakfast awaited golfers at the
Broadmoor. e weather was pristine for the 8 am
shotgun start. A day of golf on the immaculate East
Course was enjoyed by all, followed by an awards
luncheon at the Broadmoor. e winning team was Tom
Wells, Mark Lane, Todd Morris and Ray Beresford –
McDonald’s Southern
Colorado Co-Op
4 ♥
FAll/WInTER 2012
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
♥ When asked why they
choose to share their gis of
time with RMHCSC, our 200
amazing volunteer’s answers
are as varied as they are!
Common threads include,
“Being here gives me a sense
of purpose.” “I can help others
who are less fortunate.” “I love
the families and the babies!” “When I’m volunteering
here, my perspective shis in a really great way.” “Since
I retired, volunteering for RMHCSC allows me to stay
connected to my community and keep my skills up.”
“I like stretching and doing new things. Everyone
here is so nice and the families really appreciate
what I do.” “If I’m not there, the Family Room isn’t
open. I like it that I’m responsible for providing a
safe place for these families.” for these reasons, or
for your own, call ronda at 719.471.1814 or email
her at [email protected].
Partner with us
♥ Your ongoing financial support of the Ronald
McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado is
very much appreciated! Truly, every donation,
regardless of size, adds up and assists RMHCSC as
we serve those in need. Maintaining your trust is of
utmost importance to us. View our Annual Report
at www.rmhcsoutherncolorado.org. We know your
choices of where to give are many - thanks for
continuing to partner with us.
♥ Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern
Colorado is a chosen charity for the Combined
federal Campaign! If you or someone you know is
a federal employee, please consider designating
RMHCSC as your charity of choice - our CFC
number is 90242. Any and all monies received stay
in Southern Colorado, supporting the cornerstone
programs of Ronald McDonald House Charities of
Southern Colorado.
Dillard’s Southern Living Cooking for Christmas
They make GREAT GIFTS! Get yours today for just
$10 at any register. Containing 288 pages, this
hardbound cookbook is filled with fabulous holiday
recipes, color photos, menus, decorating tips and
entertaining ideas. Proceeds stay local, supporting
Indy GiVE!
Help support RMHCSC through Indy GiVE!
supporting Share-A-Night from November 1 –
December 31st. The more you GiVE!, the more
you’ll get, as area businesses are offering great
incentives! Go to www.indygive.com/rmhc for
more information. Your donations go further
this year, thanks to matching grants from PenroseSt. Francis Health Services, the Colorado Springs Osteopathic
Foundation and Kuni Lexus of Colorado Springs. Thanks, Partners!
Gingerbread Village
RMHCSC’s gift to our community over the holidays,
the Gingerbread Village is set up in Chapel Hills Mall
just outside of Dillard’s from November 23 –
December 9th. Come see why this free display, now in
its third year, is spoken of in hushed and reverent tones!
Festival of Lights
This annual holiday parade delights young and old
alike with bands, floats and even Santa and his
reindeer all decked out in twinkly lights! Join us
on December 1st at 5:50 in downtown Colorado
Springs! Give a shout out as the Ronald
McDonald Care Mobile goes by!
How Can Help us raise awareness of our mission and cornerstone programs. If you know of a group, business, corporation,
YOU Help? organization or service club that would like a presentation, our Speaker’s Bureau would love the
opportunity to share RMHCSC! Please call Sam at 719.375.3871 or via email, [email protected].
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
FAll/WInTER 2012
♥ 5
RMHCSC’s Generous Partners
Recycle That
Pot Pies--single serve
Cookie Mixes
Pizzas--single serve
Cake Mixes
Sandwiches--single serve
Icing in tubs
Burritos--single serve
Muffin Mixes
Easy Mac
English muffins
Trail Mix--single serve
Creamer packets
Fresh fruit
Granola Bars
Sugar packets
Fruit snacks
Pop Tarts
Sweetener Packets
Baby carrots
Cereals--single serve
Pledge dusting cloths
Tall Kitchen Trash Bags
Paper Plates
Powdered Bleach
Aluminum foil
Dryer Sheets
Dishwasher tablets
Air Fresheners-NOT electric
Safeway gift cards
King Soopers gift cards
Sam’s gift cards
Costco gift cards
Wal-Mart gift cards
Target gift cards
Office Depot gift cards
Home Depot gift cards
Lowe’s gift cards
Rubber backed bath mats-Beige
Fitted mattress pads-QUEEN
Zippered plastic-lined
pillow covers standard
Flat bed sheets-Beige-QUEEN
Blankets-Beige-QUEEN & Full
Fitted bed sheets-Beige-QUEEN
Zippered plastic lined mattress
covers-QUEEN & TWIN
Bed Pillows standard size—NEW
Copy paper—8 ½ x 11—20#
Postage Stamps—32¢ & 45¢
Dry Erase markers ALL COLORS
Pre-paid Phone cards-30 minutes
HP 95 Black ink cartridges
HP 98 Tricolor ink cartridges
HP 02 Black, Cyan, Magenta &
Yellow ink cartridges
One night lodging (our cost) for a family
at Ronald McDonald House--$40.00
One week lodging (our cost) for a family
at Ronald McDonald House--$280.00
Your generous support will assist the Programs of:
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
Our newest partnership began with a Grand
Opening on May 19, 2012, at our recyling
center with partner Recycle at. All items
donated to Recycle at, 535 North Murray
Boulevard, help support the programs of
Ronald McDonald House Charities of
approximately 85% of textiles end up in landfills every year – that’s
about 70 pounds of clothes per person! Our partnership with Recycle
at aims to lower that number. Accepting your unneeded and
unwanted donated clothing, shoes, books, cookware, linens, CD’s and
DVD’s keeps them out of landfills while re-purposing, re-using and
recycling them. Drop off locations are MANY! To find the collection
box nearest you, check them out at http://recyclethat.com/recyclethat-donation-collection-recycling.html or call 719.362.5490.
Handyman Connection
RMHCSC’s Corporate Supporter of the
Year for two years in a row, we can’t say
enough about the services offered by
Steve McCoy and Handyman Connection. Learning first hand that
no job is too big or too small for his skilled crasmen, we encourage
you to phone them at 88-handy with whatever needs you may have!
All About lawn Care
Steve Ledford and his crew at All About
Lawn Care have supported RMHCSC for
years. Regardless of season, they promptly
and professionally go about their business of
keeping the grounds beautiful at the Ronald
McDonald House for our families to enjoy. We appreciate their care
and dedication. We trust you will, too! Call them at 719.290.7618
or go to www.allaboutlawncares.com.
DreamMaker Bath
and Kitchen
We were delighted to be hosted by
our friends Mark and Deb Witte with
DreamMaker Bath and Kitchen for
their Fabulous Fall Festival on Saturday, October 13th. Howard with
Mobile Record Shredders was on site, shredding any/all confidential
papers, love letters and other sundry items brought out. Participants
donated $5 per box to RMHCSC. We ate our fill of Mark’s brisket,
learned about remodeling ideas and made new friends!
The Gazette
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
311 North Logan Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
6 ♥
FAll/WInTER 2012
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
Our ongoing relationship
with Colorado Springs
longest running daily
newspaper helps us raise
awareness with articles about the families we serve. We are thankful
for their support and sponsorship of events. Check them out at
Christmas Cookbook to Benefit RMHCSC
For 19 years, RMHCSC has benefited from Dillard’s efforts
to help raise support for our charities over the holidays.
Now in its fih year, Dillard’s is again offering the hugely
popular custom edition Southern Living Christmas
Cookbook. is exclusive, 288-page hardbound cookbook
is filled with fabulous holiday recipes, color photos, menus,
decorating tips and entertaining ideas.
Dillard’s O≠ering
Known to sell out early, this “must have” is available for $10
at every register. You can also purchase online at
www.dillards.com. Proceeds from the sale of the cookbooks
stays local, benefiting our local Ronald McDonald House. Get out and buy yours today! Great to give as gis or for yourself, you
won’t be disappointed by this beautiful cookbook!
Gingerbread Village
‘Tis our third year of partnering with Michael Paradiso and his food
artists, students in the PPCC Culinary Arts Program for Gingerbread
Village. Together, they create the most amazing scenes featuring
intricate details that will stimulate your imagination while delicious
smells satisfy your olfactory’s! Using GINGERBREAD as their
medium, you’ll be amazed by the free display at Chapel Hills Mall
from Friday, November 23rd – Sunday, December 9th. Join in the
fun on the second floor, just outside of Dillard’s. We hope to see you
all there!
Indy GiVE!
We were chosen to partner with the
Colorado Springs Independent for the Indy
GiVE! Campaign from November 1 –
December 31st. Our hope is to raise
awareness, find new volunteers and get
donations for our Share-A-Night program,
as none of the 8,000+ families who have stayed
with us have ever been turned away from our
home-away-from-home for lack of funds.
Many families travel far to get treatment for their seriously ill
children. Oen, it’s a long time to be away from home. And, for
children facing a serious medical crisis, nothing seems scarier
than not having their mom and dad close by. SHARE A
NIGHT eases burdens and gives families the gi of
togetherness, as studies show seriously ill children heal faster
when surrounded by their family; that the love and support of
their family is as powerful as the strongest medicine prescribed.
Learn more at www.indygive.com/rmhc. e more you GiVE!,
the more you’ll get, as area businesses are offering great
incentives! Your donations to RMHCSC go further this year,
thanks to matching grants from Penrose-St. Francis Health
Services, the Colorado Springs Osteopathic Foundation and
Kuni Lexus of Colorado Springs. anks, Partners!
Beautiful Christmas
in honor of our 25th anniversary, we’re offering a
beautiful commemorative pewter ornament, measuring
1 ¾” x 2 ¾”. for your $25.00 donation, you’ll receive
our house to decorate yours! phone the ronald
Mcdonald house at 719.471.1814 to order.
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
FAll/WInTER 2012
♥ 7
25th Anniversary Celebration & 2nd Annual KLITE 106.3 Radiothon
e beautifully restored Mining Exchange hosted our 25th Anniversary Celebration on October
3rd. Out front, Jacob Herold played as 240 guests were ushered in to the festivities. Delicious foods
from Springs Orleans went well with plentiful beverages and the highly anticipated music provided
by Adam & Stillwagen. Opportunities abounded for great conversations with friends from a quarter
of a century ago. Pikes Peak Photo Booth invited guests to get silly with props, while out in the
courtyard, pictures were taken with Ronald McDonald by the incomparable Lynn Boutte. Just steps
away, enticing sausage samplers from Bite Me Sausages tempted guests
while lights sparkled from a tree, decorated with the House’s
commemorative 25th year Christmas ornaments – many guests
purchasing our House for theirs!
A short program began with Emcee Joe Cole from KXRM Fox 21
introducing Tammy Oakland and Captain Dan who encouraged listeners
Jacob Herold
to tune in to KLite 106.3 the next day for RMHCSC’s 2nd Annual
Radiothon. Next up was RMHCSC’s newest partner, Recycle at’s Deb Markwith leading us in a
champagne toast. Nancy Parker Brummett shared the history of how it all began, honoring Dr.
John Genrich and his wife, Karen, whose vision to open a Ronald McDonald House, with the
Joe Cole, KXRM Fox 21 ,
of many in our community, became a reality on February 14th, 1987. City Councilwoman
Captain Dan, KLite 106.3
(and past president of the Ronald McDonald House Board of Directors), Jan Martin shared her
excitement of being a part of something so vital for Southern Colorado. Executive Director, Beth Alessio, thanked the
sponsors who made both that evening and the next day’s Radiothon possible – McDonald’s
Southern Colorado Co-Op and McDonald’s Rocky Mountain Region, e Mining Exchange, Kuni
Lexus of Colorado Springs, KLite 106.3, Penrose-St. Francis Health Services, Recycle at and
Salim’s Silver Star Automotive.
Proud Supporters were American Furniture Warehouse, BKD, LLP, Boutte’s Photography, Chapel
Hills Mall, Cheers Liquor Mart, DreamMaker Kitchen and Bath, Eastern Colorado Bank,
Employer’s Resources of Colorado, Erickson, Brown & Kloster, P.C., Adam & Stillwagen, John and
Gretchen Wahl, Kaiser Permanente, Kate Sakal, Memorial Hospital, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
- Pikes Peak Group, Pikes Peak Photobooth, Safeway, Serrano’s
Coffee, TOPS Printing, United States Olympic Committee and
Walmart. We are so thankful for the commitment from these
supporters who help us sustain the ‘magic’.
Deb Markwith, Recycle at
Recognizing past and current Board Members, everyone
applauded - nearly half of the room stood. It was a great group!
e Bailey family was showcased, putting a face to the over 8,000 families who have called
our House their home-away-from-home. We were overwhelmed when the Bailey’s
presented RMHCSC a check to thank us for giving them the gi of togetherness while
Elizabeth was hospitalized. Kicking off the fundraiser, Past
Dr. John & Karen Genrich
Board Member, Cally O’Donnell, presented RMHCSC a
check for $5,000.00 from the Allstate Foundation. Beautiful Elizabeth Bailey came back up,
helping us announce the winners of the door prizes! e evening was spectacular. We can’t
wait to do it again.. in another 25 years!
October 4th was our 2nd Annual Radiothon on KLite 106.3. From 6 am – 7 pm, live interviews
and vignettes from past and current families filled the airwaves along with great music. Captain
Dan and Tammy’s efforts were so appreciated as they pulled for the House. Community
members volunteered to answer phones and take pledges, including troops from Fort Carson,
Olympic Training Center Athletes and Walmart. When all was said and done, the Radiothon
raised just over $16,000.00 in support of the cornerstone programs of the Ronald McDonald
House Charities of Southern Colorado which last year served 5,000 local kids and their families. Jan Martin, City Councilwoman
8 ♥
FAll/WInTER 2012
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
Ronald McDonald House Charities
of Southern Colorado's Cornerstone Programs
Ronald McDonald House
e doors opened to "e House at Love Built" at 311 North
Logan Avenue in Colorado Springs, Colorado on February 14th,
1987. Since that time, our Ronald McDonald House has served
nearly 8,000 families with critically ill children who are receiving
the best possible medical care at area hospitals. Primarily, families
come from Southern Colorado, Northern New Mexico and
Western Kansas. e House allows families to be near their sick
child, which studies show helps them heal faster, as well as stay
connected to their child's medical team, understanding and
keeping up with complicated protocols and treatment plans.
In 2011... The Ronald McDonald House served 213 families
Ronald McDonald Family Rooms
When a child is critically or seriously ill, family and friends don't want
to leave their bedside as too much can change, oen quickly. e
Ronald McDonald Family Rooms located in Memorial Hospital, St.
Francis Medical Center and inside the new Children’s Hospital
Colorado Outpatient Specialty Care location offer needed amenities,
allowing families and friends to be within steps of their hospitalized
child. Open 365 days a year, 12 hours a day, the Family Rooms are
manned 100% by volunteers, who greet guests into a warm, homelike environment where they can relax and recharge. Amenities
include comfortable seating areas, food and beverages, laptops with
internet access, kitchens, play rooms, private lockers and showering
and laundry facilities.
In 2011... The Ronald McDonald Family Rooms in Memorial Hospital and St. Francis Medical Center served 1,674 families
Ronald McDonald Care Mobile
Our Ronald McDonald Care Mobile is the World's first "green"
Care Mobile. A collaborative partnership between Ronald
McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado and Peak Vista
Community Health Centers, the Care Mobile's mission is "to
provide exceptional health care to children and their families by
reducing community-wide geographic access barriers." Our 40'
Care Mobile travels to five counties along the Front Range, offering
both preventative and restorative medical and dental care to
children 0-21 who are uninsured and underinsured.
In 2011... The Ronald McDonald Care Mobile provided
medical and dental care to children 3,077 times
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
FAll/WInTER 2012
♥ 9
Special Thanks to Our Donors
PIllARS $10,000 +
stan and Mary “ta” phillips
Children's hospital Colorado
penrose st francis health services
Jaqueline g archer trust
southern Colorado Co-op
ARCHITECTS $5,000 - $9,999
allstate foundation - Cally o’donnell
anschutz family foundation
Combined federal Campaign
grainger foundation
W. Bruce Kopper
Mcdonald's Corporation
Mcdonald's - l & s enterprises
taylor farms Colorado, inc
James Whitlock
CHIlDREn'S CIRClE BUIlDERS $2,500 - $4,999
employers resources of Colorado
Kuni lexus of Colorado springs
Mcdonald's - rocky Mountain region
Mcdonald's - Jason ompson
recycle at
10 ♥
FAll/WInTER 2012
5-1-11 through 10-15-12
SIlVER CIRClE $250 - $499
Agilent Technologies Employee Giving Campaign
Jeffrey Beard
Andrew E Jackson
Ted Tucker
America's Charities
Bryan Keys and Associates
Michael & Julia Christopher
Becky Clower
Vanessa Gomez
James Jaworski
Kiwanis Club of Pikes Peak
Retired Enlisted Association Colorado Springs
Sam's Club Foundation
Katie & Samuel Schaffer
School District 11 GO Club
Tracy Eckels
Derek Fraser
Matthew Rocha
David & Bonnie Baswell
Anna Bentz
Black Forest Lutheran Church
Elizabeth Bockstahler
Bryan Boyer
Bristol Brewing Company
Calvary United Methodist Church
Shirley Briggs
Nancy Cook
Judith Gearhart
Wanda Hughes
Jacqueline Morris
Ruth Valerien
Carpet Care Crasman
Chatfield Community PTSO
Gliceiia Costas
Susan Cuddeback
Darwin & Helen Dalzell
Harold & Vivian Darden
Richard Davis
Cindy & Richard DeMore
Linn Dougherty
John Eden
El Paso Corporation
Vincent Brindley
Holly Rigney
Karen & Harold Findley
Charles Frankmore
Bill Fuerst
John & Gloria Gardner
Donald & Barbara Gazibara
Handyman Connection
Larry & Lucie Haskins
Roger & Jennie Heersink
Susan Henderson
Patricia Knaus
Manish Kochhar
Shirley Kurie
Barbara Lewis
Toni Long
Christine McCoy
Eydie & Ken Mellin
Jenna Montanarello
Mary & Buddie Oulliber
Scott & Linda Perry
Karen & John Pinell
Cindy Puleo
Linda Ragley
Bob & Lisa Rennick
Barbara Rogers
Edward Rounds
Dr & Mrs Charles Ruggles
Security Lions Club
Mike Shafai
Charlotte & Nathan Sherman
Sigma Sigma Sigma
Gene & Fran Steinkirchner
Stewart Title & Trust of Phoenix, Inc
Jackie & Wayne Tedder
Pauline Watkins
Kathleen Winder
BROnZE CIRClE $100 - $249
Christine Adsit
Beth Allen
America's Charities
Sharon Ferriter
John Stambaugh
Clyde Baldwin
Michael Barrett
HElPER'S CIRClE Under $100
American Legion Auxiliary Post #5
Jean Anderson
Ruth Hodgin Archer
Ascension Lutheran Church
Renee Babcock
Marlene Baltazar
Susan Barnett
CHIlDREn'S CIRClE $1,000 - $2,499
Michael Ade
American National Bank
Chapel Hills Mall
Cita Corporation
Colorado Pumpkin Patch
Eastern Colorado Bank
Natalie Felt
Carole & Fredrick Freeman
Jason Gurtwright
Stacey Knott
Lamb Weston
Memorial Health System
Pikes Peak Area Rotary Endowment
Salims Silver Star Auto Sales
Serranos Coffee Company
Taylor of the Rockies
Type 3 Invasion
anks Troops Foundation
Tyson Foods
United States Olympic Committee
Urban Retail Properties
Wells Fargo Insurance Services
Sherri Wells
Michael & Elizabeth Welsh
James Wood
omas Zurenko
GOlD CIRClE $500 - $999
All Souls Unitarian Church
Alia & Joshua Bailey
BKD CPAs & Advisors
Dreammaker Bath & Kitchen
JD Epstein
Memorial Health Systems Marketing
Pueblo Community College Welding Club
Kate Sakal
Phylis Smith
Western Scrap Processing Co, Inc
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
Rita Bennett
Linda & Richard Benz
Kate & Phil Berkeland
Harvey Beyer
Robert Bickham
Mary Bigler
Andrzej Blazejczyk
Barbara Levinsky & Roslyn Blick
James & Sharon Brazell
Bridgepoint Education
Barbara Henry-Quinn
Ray & Tami Brown
Jim & Nancy Brummett
Inge Burnworth
Lewis & Doris Burton
Martha Ann Clark
Paul & Sherry Clarkin
Norman & Patricia Cole
Kristine & Paul Crawford
Kaki & Todd Crystal
Yadira Dante
Jean Davern
Dave's Asphalt
Davis Inc.
Frank & Deborah Dowis
Eastern Star Centennial Chapter #58
William & Patricia Eccles
Anthony & Patty Elia
Susan Fisher
Darrell & Kim Fleck
Clifford & Lola Gares
Grace Gerard
Beth Gorab
Rose & Willis Griffee
Dianne Griffith
Julia Guire
Audrey Guy
Yuta & Jeanne Hagio
Gina Harbille
Hewlett Packard
Sheryl Gunn
Don & Swanda Hinson
Eric Hollen
Beverly Holt
Ralph Hutchinson
Travors Hyde
Domenic & Catherine Incitti
Amy Doty
Amanda Rivera
Elizabeth omas Jones
Paul & Pat Kelly
Ann Kilpatrick
King of Kings Lutheran Church (LCW)
John & Sandy Kirk
Lyn Krause
KiAnn Kruttlin
Law Offices of Susan Marhoffer LLC
Cory Leppert
Georgia Lindt
Toni Long
Angela Lorek
Rhonda Maehara
Mark Elliott Conservator
Jan Martin
Marianne & Harry Martin
Michael & Maddy Mayfield
Sharon McDermott
Robert & Sally McDonald
Vada McNertney
Joe & Mary Mentek
Meridian Specialty Travel
James & Marilyn Miller
Cheryl Moore
Mary Morse
Donna Mumma
Marne O'Brien-Hillis
Lorraine Oliver
Matthew Parker
Susan Parks
Lyn Pelz
Stanley & Carmen Pesek
Becky Phipps
Leatha & Gerald Pierce
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Debbie Rusch
Gene Sanchez
Marge Sandoval
Jon & Shirley Sapp
Vincent Scully
Cindy Senger
Linda Shoemaker
Doug & Mary Lou Sieben
Silicon Valley Community Foundation Oracle
Matching Grants Program
Paul & Ellen Simmons
Erin Sokol
Shirley & Harry Sorensen
Don Spicer
John Stevenson
Lila Steyert
Gregory & Jennifer Stock
Anita Stubblebine
Jean Sudan
Carrie Sullivan
Jerry Tolve
United Way of Pueblo
Jalee Jones
Erica Valenzuela
Pamela & Gerald Varner
Christine Warfield
Cheryl K. Wells
A.E. & Carol Williams
Catherine & Jeremiah Wilson
Kathy Winder
Harriet Womer
Rob Wrubel-Cascade Investment Group
Robin Yamiolkoski
Zeta Tau Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha
Clara Madden
In HOnOR of
May 1 - October 15, 2012
serenity davis
By Cindy Cope
Jody gienger
By reuben Burr
dian & steve Mathesin’s marriage
By greg & lesley flaks
andrea piacentini
By nick & Mary piacentini
hunter presnall
By Marianne & harry Martin
Karolyn smith
By Brien smith
Corlyn Wolverton
By lyn hale
Carly Blake yocam
By Marion Werner
for a complete listing of rMhCsC’s goods and
services donors, visit our website
at www.rmhcsoutherncolorado.org
May 1 - October 15, 2012
aurora Jayne Benz
By linda & richard Benz
Courtney Brazil
By robert & Mary anne Brazil
ollie d. Burden
By shirley Burden
Walter Chase
By Vicki Chase
By law offices of susan Marhoffer llC
By William rudge & hannah polmer
sandra Marie Chastain
By William & norene piquette
James M. Ciccone
By Jeanette Ciccone
sterling Michael davis
By pamela & gary abbs
By dallas Cooley-gartner & Ben gartner
By Cindy Cope
sylvia diamond
By seymour diamond
Jonathan gabriel
By steven & Jane gabriel
eC & doris hammon
By pene’ Coplen
John J intfen
By nick & Mary piacentini
Justin Mayes
By Jim & tess Mayes
Jason McCracken
By Kenneth & Charlene ompson
lynn r. olney
By Wally & phyllis Mosher
anna Mae rounds
By Voni andrews
By roxanne Carle
By sandy eckert
By Jeff & Val fox
By ingersoll-rand Company
By Cathy Knight
By phyllis McClure
By Warren & Charlene sciumbato
By John shultz
By Joan Vance
By phyllis Webb
tanner alen lee salyer
By Bobbie & robert anderson
By angela & Marvin Boy
By darwin & helen dalzell
By loren & ellen einspahr
By Bud & nora hubbell & family
By lorraine & Mike McCullough & family
By linda Mowery
By Claude & Jane rasmussen
By lindsay & anthony salyer
By Janet shaw
By Mike shaw
By dorothy tanner
By Bruce Vanatta
By Myron & Jo ellen Vanatta
Jared shuey
By Willis & Janene shuey
lois snider
By rebecca & John sherman
Clara & henry Weimer
By Corlyn Wolverton
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
FAll/WInTER 2012
♥ 11
Non-Profit Org.
Ronald McDonald House
Charities of Southern Colorado
311 North Logan Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
U.S. Postage
Col. Springs, Co
Permit #816
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado (RMHCSC)
lifts children and families in need
to a better tomorrow.
♥ The Ronald McDonald House - a “home-away-from-home” for families of seriously ill
children receiving medical treatment nearby.
♥ The Ronald McDonald Family Rooms - retreats inside Memorial Hospital for Children,
Children’s Hospital Colorado Outpatient Specialty Care and St. Francis Medical Center
where families receive respite and regain their energy while remaining near their
hospitalized child.
♥ The Ronald McDonald Care Mobile - a mobile medical and dental clinic serving
children and families in the Pikes Peak Region, in partnership with Peak Vista
Community Health Centers.