Creating Custom Signatures - Live


Creating Custom Signatures - Live
Creating Custom Signatures
Tech Note
Revision B
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Integer Contexts (Greater than, Less than, Equal to) ............................................................................................................... 4
ftp-req-params-len ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
http-req-content-length ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
http-req-header-length .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
http-req-param-length .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
http-req-uri-path-length ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
http-req-uri-tilde-count-num ................................................................................................................................................ 6
http-rsp-code ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
http-rsp-content-length ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
http-rsp-total-headers-len ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
imap-req-cmd-param-len ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
imap-req-first-param-len ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
imap-req-param-len-from-second ......................................................................................................................................... 8
smtp-req-helo-argument-length ............................................................................................................................................ 8
smtp-req-mail-argument-length ............................................................................................................................................ 9
smtp-req-rcpt-argument-length............................................................................................................................................. 9
String Contexts (Pattern Match) .............................................................................................................................................. 9
dns-req-addition-section ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
dns-req-answer-section ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
dns-req-authority-section ................................................................................................................................................... 10
dns-req-header.................................................................................................................................................................... 11
dns-req-section ................................................................................................................................................................... 11
dns-rsp-addition-section ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
dns-rsp-answer-section ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
dns-rsp-authority-section .................................................................................................................................................... 13
dns-rsp-header .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
dns-rsp-ptr-answer-data ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
dns-rsp-queries-section ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
email-headers ..................................................................................................................................................................... 15
file-flv-body ........................................................................................................................................................................ 16
file-html-body..................................................................................................................................................................... 16
file-java-body ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17
file-mov-body ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17
file-office-content ............................................................................................................................................................... 17
file-pdf-body....................................................................................................................................................................... 18
file-riff-body ....................................................................................................................................................................... 18
file-swf-body ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
file-unknown-body ............................................................................................................................................................. 19
ftp-req-params.................................................................................................................................................................... 19
ftp-rsp-banner .................................................................................................................................................................... 19
ftp-rsp-message................................................................................................................................................................... 20
gdbremote-req-context ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
gdbremote-rsp-context ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
giop-req-message-body ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
giop-rsp-message-body ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
http-req-headers ................................................................................................................................................................. 22
http-req-host-header ........................................................................................................................................................... 22
http-req-message-body ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
http-req-mime-form-data ................................................................................................................................................... 23
http-req-params.................................................................................................................................................................. 24
http-req-uri-path ................................................................................................................................................................ 24
http-rsp-headers ................................................................................................................................................................. 25
imap-req-cmd-line .............................................................................................................................................................. 25
imap-req-first-param .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
imap-req-params-after-first-param ..................................................................................................................................... 26
irc-req-params .................................................................................................................................................................... 26
irc-req-prefix ...................................................................................................................................................................... 26
jpeg-file-scan-data .............................................................................................................................................................. 26
jpeg-file-segment-data ........................................................................................................................................................ 26
jpeg-file-segment-header ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
ms-ds-smb-req-share-name ................................................................................................................................................. 27
msrpc-req-bind-data ........................................................................................................................................................... 27
mssql-db-req-body ............................................................................................................................................................. 28
pe-dos-headers.................................................................................................................................................................... 28
pe-file-header...................................................................................................................................................................... 28
pe-optional-header ............................................................................................................................................................. 29
pe-section-header ............................................................................................................................................................... 29
pe-body-data ...................................................................................................................................................................... 29
rtmp-req-message-body ...................................................................................................................................................... 30
rtsp-req-headers.................................................................................................................................................................. 30
rtsp-req-uri-path ................................................................................................................................................................. 31
smtp-req-argument ............................................................................................................................................................. 31
smtp-rsp-content ................................................................................................................................................................ 31
ssh-req-banner .................................................................................................................................................................... 32
ssh-rsp-banner .................................................................................................................................................................... 32
ssl-req-certificate ................................................................................................................................................................ 32
ssl-req-client-hello .............................................................................................................................................................. 33
ssl-req-random-bytes .......................................................................................................................................................... 33
ssl-rsp-cert-subjectpublickey ............................................................................................................................................... 34
ssl-rsp-certificate................................................................................................................................................................. 34
ssl-rsp-server-hello .............................................................................................................................................................. 35
telnet-req-client-data .......................................................................................................................................................... 35
telnet-rsp-server-data .......................................................................................................................................................... 35
unknown-req-tcp-payload .................................................................................................................................................. 36
unknown-rsp-tcp-payload .................................................................................................................................................. 36
unknown-req-udp-payload ................................................................................................................................................. 36
unknown-rsp-udp-payload ................................................................................................................................................. 36
Regex Syntax with Examples ................................................................................................................................................. 37
Table of PAN-OS Regex Characters................................................................................................................................... 37
Simple Examples of Patterns Using Each Supported Character .......................................................................................... 37
Common Regex Syntax Errors ........................................................................................................................................... 38
Custom Signature Examples .................................................................................................................................................. 41
Signature Terminology Refresher ....................................................................................................................................... 41
Example 1 – Integer-based Context .................................................................................................................................... 41
Example 2 – Matching Hexadecimal Values ...................................................................................................................... 43
Example 3 – Custom Signature Using a Qualifier............................................................................................................... 45
Example 4 – Combination Signature .................................................................................................................................. 46
Context Qualifiers ................................................................................................................................................................. 48
Table 1: FTP Command Qualifiers..................................................................................................................................... 48
Table 2: FTP Vendor ID Qualifiers .................................................................................................................................... 48
Table 3: HTTP Header Field Qualifiers ............................................................................................................................. 48
Table 4: HTTP Method Qualifiers ..................................................................................................................................... 48
Table 5: IMAP Command Qualifiers ................................................................................................................................. 48
Table 6: RTSP Method Qualifiers ...................................................................................................................................... 48
Table 7: SMTP Method Qualifiers ..................................................................................................................................... 49
Revision History .................................................................................................................................................................... 49
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
The following information was written based on a firewall running PAN-OS 5.0, but the information is also applicable to
later versions. The first section describes all integer contexts, which apply to the greater- than, less-than, and equal-to
operators. These contexts are available for custom IPS signatures, but are not available for custom application signatures.
The second section describes all string contexts, which apply to the pattern-matching operator. The third section details
the PAN-OS regex library of characters, regex examples, and common regex-specific mistakes you may run into when
creating patterns for custom signatures. The fourth section contains step-by-step procedures for creating custom
signatures of all types. The final section provides tables of all qualifiers available to various contexts. Qualifiers can be
used to further refine and limit the scope of a custom signature, and are context-dependent.
When creating a custom signature, you will start by taking a packet-capture of the traffic of interest. To analyze the packet
captures, we used the Wireshark application to help provide a simple reference when trying to understand what each
context provides.
Integer Contexts (Greater than, Less than, Equal to)
Description: Length of the arguments to an FTP command, not including the command itself
Example: This context provides the length of the text highlighted.
Qualifiers: This context can use FTP command (Table 1) and FTP vendor ID (Table 2) qualifiers to limit signatures to
specific FTP commands and known FTP clients.
Description: Content length of a HTTP request
Example: This context provides the integer highlighted in yellow.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Length of a HTTP request header, excluding method, path, and HTTP version
Example: This context provides the length of the text highlighted in yellow.
Qualifiers: This context can use HTTP header field (Table 3) and HTTP method (Table 4) qualifiers to limit signatures to
HTTP headers with specific values for select header fields and for specific HTTP methods.
Description: Length of the URL query string
Example: This context provides the length of the text highlighted in yellow (everything after the ‘?’).
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Length of the URI path, not including query string (up to and including the ‘?’).
Example: This context provides the length of the text highlighted in yellow.
Qualifiers: This context can use the HTTP method (Table 4) qualifier to limit signatures to HTTP headers with specific
HTTP methods.
Description: Number of “~” characters in the path (same path that http-req-uri-path provides). The following encoded
characters are included in this context:
Qualifiers: This context can use the HTTP method (Table 4) qualifier to limit signatures to HTTP headers with specific
HTTP methods.
Description: The number corresponding to the HTTP response code
Example: This context provides the integer highlighted in yellow.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Content length of a HTTP response
Example: This context provides the integer highlighted in yellow.
Description: Length of the HTTP response headers, not including the HTTP status banner
Example: This context provides the length of the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: Total length of all parameters of an IMAP command
Example: This context provides the length of the text highlighted in yellow.
Qualifiers: This context can use the IMAP command (Table 5) qualifier to limit signatures to specific IMAP commands.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Length of the first parameter of an IMAP command
Example: This context provides the length of the text highlighted in yellow.
Qualifiers: This context can use the IMAP command (Table 5) qualifier to limit signatures to specific IMAP commands.
Description: Total length of all parameters of an IMAP command, not including the first
Example: This context provides the length of the text highlighted in yellow.
Qualifiers: This context can use the IMAP command (Table 5) qualifier to limit signatures to specific IMAP commands.
Description: Length of the argument to the SMTP “HELO” command
Example: This context provides the length of the text highlighted in yellow.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Length of the argument to the SMTP “MAIL FROM” command
Example: This context provides the length of the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: Length of the argument to the SMTP “RCPT TO” command
Example: This context provides the length of the text highlighted in yellow.
String Contexts (Pattern Match)
Description: Additional records section if found in a DNS request (normal DNS requests should not have an additional
records section).
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Answer section if found in a DNS request (normal DNS requests should not have an answer section).
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: Authority section if found in a DNS request (normal DNS requests should not have an authority section).
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Full DNS request header (12 bytes), which includes the transaction ID, query flags, number of questions,
and the Resource Record (RR) values in a DNS request.
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: This context matches against the DNS questions of a DNS query, so that patterns can be written against
one or more domains in a given DNS query. It is a direct pattern match against the format of a DNS query, so patterns
must adhere to the DNS question structure. A recommended approach to create a DNS pattern is to capture the DNS
request with Wireshark and copy the DNS Request field (make sure to remove the ending period in the request).
Example 1: The following example illustrates how to build a signature for a DNS query for the domain
The signature pattern is:
\x 03 77 77 77 10 74 68 65 62 61 79 61 72 65 61 67 61 6d 65 72 73 03 63 6f 6d\x
77 77 77
74 68 65 62 61 79 61 72 65 61 67 61 6d 65 72 73
63 6f 6d
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Indicates this pattern is a hex pattern match
Indicates that the next 3 bytes are to be matched
[The period in the domain name is omitted.]
Indicates that the next 16 bytes (10 hex) are to be
Indicates that the next 3 bytes are to be matched
Ends hex pattern match
Example-2: Here you can see the Wireshark representation of this table. Everything highlighted yellow and blue is
provided by this context. The blue section is where the hexadecimal string is pulled from for the above table.
Description: Additional records sections of a DNS response
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: All of the DNS Answers section with the exception of PTR records. PTR records are matched in a separate
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: The complete authority section of a DNS response
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Full DNS response header, which includes the transaction ID, query flags, the number of questions, and the
Resource Record (RR) values.
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: FQDN for a type PTR DNS response
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Name, type, and class of the queries section in a DNS response
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: All email headers and the plain text email body. Attachments are not included in this context as they are
provided elsewhere.
Example: This context provides the text in bold.
Microsoft Mail Internet Headers Version 2.0
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft
Wed, 12 Dec 2007 13:39:22 -0800
Received: from mail ([] RDNS failed) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.0);
Wed, 12 Dec 2007 13:38:49 -0800
From: "Kelly J. Weadock" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Cc: <[email protected]>
Subject: Review of staff assignments
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 13:38:31 -0800
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 12 Dec 2007 21:38:50.0145 (UTC)
Check out this picture.
Content-Type: image/gif; name="world1.gif"
Content-Description: world1.gif
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="world1.gif"; size=292;
creation-date="Wed, 12 DEC 2007 07:29:14 GMT";
modification-date=" Wed, 12 DEC 2007 07:29:14 GMT"
Content-ID: <[email protected]>
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Full body of a flash video file, minus the first 9 bytes as they’re reserved for the header. Here is a
screenshot from Wikipedia detailing the 9-byte header:
Example: Using a cli hex-editor named xxd, we can view the header of the flash file.
Macbook:~ noob$ xxd -l 9 flash_video.flv
0000000: 464c 5601 0500 0000 09
Every byte after the 9 is provided by this context. Only the first 50 bytes were printed here as an example.
Macbook:~ noob$ xxd -l 50 flash_video.flv
0000000: 464c 5601 0500 0000 0900 0000 0012 0003 FLV.............
0000010: 4b00 0000 0000 0000 0200 0a6f 6e4d 6574 K..........onMet
0000020: 6144 6174 6108 0000 000f 0008 6475 7261 aData.......dura
0000030: 7469
Description: Full body of a HTML file, minus the first 8 bytes as they’re reserved for the header
Example: xxd is a cli-based hex editor; every byte after the 8 is provided by this context. Only the first 50 bytes were
printed here as an example.
Macbook:~ noob$ xxd -l 50 The_legend_of_random.html
0000000: 3c21 444f 4354 5950 4520 6874 6d6c 2050 <!DOCTYPE html P
0000010: 5542 4c49 4320 222d 2f2f 5733 432f 2f44 UBLIC "-//W3C//D
0000020: 5444 2058 4854 4d4c 2031 2e30 2054 7261 TD XHTML 1.0 Tra
0000030: 6e73
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Full body of a java file, minus the first 4 bytes as they’re reserved for java’s ‘magic number’
Example: Using a cli based hex editor named xxd, we can view the first 4 bytes of the java file:
Macbook:~ noob$ xxd -l 4 java_file.class
0000000: cafe babe
Every byte after the 4 is provided by this context. Only the first 25 bytes were printed here as an example.
Macbook:~ noob$ xxd -l 25 java_file.class
0000000: cafe babe 0000 0033 0047 0a00 1300 2107 .......3.G....!.
0000010: 0022 0a00 0200 210a 00
Description: Full body of a MOV file, minus the first 8 bytes as they’re reserved for the header
Example: xxd is a cli-based hex editor; every byte after the 8 is provided by this context. Only the first 50 bytes were
printed here as an example.
Macbook:~ noob$ xxd -l 50 /System/Library/Compositions/
0000000: 0000 0020 6674 7970 7174 2020 2005 0300 ... ftypqt ...
0000010: 7174 2020 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 qt ............
0000020: 0000 10ae 6d6f 6f76 0000 006c 6d76 6864 ....moov...lmvhd
0000030: 0000
Description: Full body of a Microsoft Office Document file, minus the first 8 bytes as they’re reserved for the header
Example: xxd is a cli-based hex editor, every byte after the 8 is provided by this context. Only the first 50 bytes were
printed here as an example.
Macbook:~ noob$ xxd -l 50 Word_Document.doc
0000000: d0cf 11e0 a1b1 1ae1 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
0000010: 0000 0000 0000 0000 3e00 0300 feff 0900 ........>.......
0000020: 0600 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 2000 0000 ............ ...
0000030: b20f
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: This context provides the full body of a PDF file, minus the first 8 bytes as they’re reserved for the header.
Compressed data is provided as decompressed data by the decoder.
Example: xxd is a cli-based hex editor, every byte after the 8 is provided by this context. Only the first 50 bytes were
printed here as an example.
Macbook:~ noob$ xxd -l 50 WildFire_Administrators_Guide-5.1.pdf
0000000: 2550 4446 2d31 2e36 0d25 e2e3 cfd3 0d0a %PDF-1.6.%......
0000010: 3431 3332 2030 206f 626a 0d3c 3c2f 4c69 4132 0 obj.<</Li
0000020: 6e65 6172 697a 6564 2031 2f4c 2031 3237 nearized 1/L 127
0000030: 3834
Description: Full body of a RIFF file, minus the first 8 bytes as they’re reserved for the header
Example: xxd is a cli-based hex editor; every byte after the 8 is provided by this context. Only the first 50 bytes were
printed here as an example.
Macbook:~ noob$ xxd -l 50 /pentest/misc/exiftool/t/images/RIFF.avi
0000000: 5249 4646 b63b 2a00 4156 4920 4c49 5354 RIFF.;*.AVI LIST
0000010: 4601 0000 6864 726c 6176 6968 3800 0000 F...hdrlavih8...
0000020: 6a04 0100 c824 0300 0000 0000 1000 0100 j....$..........
0000030: e900
Description: Full body of a SWF file, minus the first 8 bytes as they’re reserved for the header
Example: xxd is a cli-based hex editor; every byte after the 8 is provided by this context. Only the first 50 bytes were
printed here as an example.
Macbook:~ noob$ xxd -l 50 Cinema.swf
0000000: 4357 530a bef9 3c00 78da c4bd 0778 1bc7
0000010: d52e 8c99 c562 b128 043b 2952 9229 773b
0000020: b624 cb89 132b 8e1d 8aa4 2426 5431 49c9
0000030: f697
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: If a file isn’t matched to one of our other contexts, you can use this context to match the file. This context
provides data after the first 8 bytes and up to 7 packets of an unknown file we couldn’t otherwise identify.
Example: xxd is a cli-based hex editor; every byte after the 8 is provided up until 7 bytes is seen. In the below example
the first 8 bytes are numbered to easily show what wouldn’t be matched. Next are “A”s followed by “shellcode” in hex. We
could for instance block this file by adding ‘\x7368656c6c636f6465\x’ in the “Pattern” field of the custom signature.
Macbook:~ noob$ xxd file.bin
0000000: 1122 3344 5566 7788 4141 4141 4141 4141 ."3DUfw.AAAAAAAA
0000010: 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
0000020: 7368 656c 6c63 6f64 65
Description: Parameters following an FTP command
Example: The context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Qualifiers: This context can use FTP command (Table 1) and FTP vendor ID (Table 2) qualifiers to limit signatures to
specific FTP commands and known FTP clients.
Description: FTP welcome banner shown before authentication
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: FTP server response code and the code itself. Note, that the code and the space can be used as part of the
required 7-byte anchor.
Example: This context matches the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: GDB is a process debugger that has the ability to debug across the network. This context provides the
request data.
Example: After capturing the GDB network data, follow the TCP stream to view the data. In this instance, everything in
red is the request data, and that is what this context provides.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: GDB is a process debugger that has the ability to debug across the network. This context provides the
response data.
Example: After capturing the GDB network data, I followed the TCP stream to view the data. In this instance, everything
in blue is what this context provides.
Description: Everything in the GIOP request
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Data after the GIOP header in a GIOP response
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: HTTP request header, not including the method, path, HTTP version, or host as those are provided
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Qualifiers: This context can use HTTP header field (Table 3) and HTTP method (Table 4) qualifiers to limit signatures to
HTTP headers with specific values for select header fields and for specific HTTP methods.
Description: Host field in a HTTP request header
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Qualifiers: This context can use HTTP header field (Table 3) and HTTP method (Table 4) qualifiers to limit signatures to
HTTP headers with specific values for select header fields and for specific HTTP methods.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Body content of a HTTP request when the body content cannot be recognized as URL encoded or MIME
type data using the Content-type field.
Example: This context provides the full body. I followed the TCP stream in Wireshark and only chose a portion of the
body for the signature to match.
Qualifiers: This context can use the HTTP method (Table 4) qualifier to limit signatures to HTTP headers with specific
HTTP methods.
Description: MIME header data in the body of an HTTP request, not including embedded file contents
Example: This context provides the data highlighted in yellow.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Query string as well as parameters in the HTTP body for a POST method (after the ‘?’).
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Qualifiers: This context can use the HTTP method (Table 4) qualifier to limit signatures to HTTP headers with specific
HTTP methods.
Description: Path in a HTTP request header (up to and including the ‘?’).
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Qualifiers: This context can use the HTTP method (Table 4) qualifier to limit signatures to HTTP headers with specific
HTTP methods.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Full HTTP response header, not including the HTTP banner
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: IMAP command used.
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: First parameter to an IMAP command
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Qualifiers: This context can use the IMAP command (Table 5) qualifier to limit signatures to specific IMAP commands.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Every parameter to an IMAP command, not including the first parameter
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: Argument after the actual IRC command and space
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: Data before an IRC command, typically used to indicate the true origin of a message
Example: You can see by following the TCP stream in Wireshark that there is data in between the IRC commands. It
appears this message was Proxied.
Description: This context provides all of the scan data within a jpeg file.
Description: This context provides all of the segment data within a jpeg file.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: This context provides the segment header data within a jpeg file.
Description: Full path to a file that is read or written using SMB
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: Data payload of a MS RPC Bind request
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow. The easiest way to find a pattern to match is to look at the
hex representation of the payload and pick at least 7 bytes to match on as seen below.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Request to a Microsoft SQL server, excluding the request header
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: This context provides the DOS MZ header and the DOS stub. These are located in the first 64 bytes of the
PE file.
Example: This context provides the data in bold.
PE File Structure
DOS MZ Header + DOS Stub – first 64 bytes
PE File Header – next 20 bytes
PE Optional Header – next 224 bytes
PE Section Header – next 40 bytes each
PE Body Data – Rest of the file
Description: This context provides the PE file header. This is 20 bytes long and starts at the 65 byte of the PE file.
Example: This context provides the data in bold.
PE File Structure
DOS MZ Header + DOS Stub – first 64 bytes
PE File Header – next 20 bytes
PE Optional Header – next 224 bytes
PE Section Header – next 40 bytes each
PE Body Data – Rest of the file
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: This context provides the optional header of a PE file. This is typically 224 bytes long and starts at the 86
byte of the PE file.
Example: This context provides the data in bold.
PE File Structure
DOS MZ Header + DOS Stub – first 64 bytes
PE File Header – next 20 bytes
PE Optional Header – next 224 bytes
PE Section Header – next 40 bytes each
PE Body Data – Rest of the file
Description: This context provides the section headers for a PE file. These are 40 bytes each. Some typical sections with
headers are “idata”, “rsrc”, “data”, “text”, and “src”. However, each PE file may not include each section and they’re not
guaranteed to be in any specific order.
Example: This context provides the data in bold.
PE File Structure
DOS MZ Header + DOS Stub – first 64 bytes
PE File Header – next 20 bytes
PE Optional Header – next 224 bytes
PE Section Header – next 40 bytes each
PE Body Data – Rest of the file
Description: This context provides the body data of a PE file. This includes everything inside the file sections themselves.
The body data is located after the headers mentioned above.
Example: This context provides the data in bold.
PE File Structure
DOS MZ Header + DOS Stub – first 64 bytes
PE File Header – next 20 bytes
PE Optional Header – next 224 bytes
PE Section Header – next 40 bytes each
PE Body Data – Rest of the file
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: RTMP body up until twenty packets have been sent
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: Full RTSP request headers, not including the command line
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Qualifiers: This context can use the RTSP method (Table 6) qualifier to limit signatures to specific RTSP methods.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Path of an RTSP request, not including the command line
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Qualifiers: This context can use the RTSP method (Table 6) qualifier to limit signatures to specific RTSP methods.
Description: Argument of a SMTP command
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Qualifiers: This context can use the SMTP method (Table 7) qualifier to limit signatures to specific SMTP methods.
Description: SMTP server response content
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: SSH banner of the client, not including comments
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: SSH banner of the server, not including comments
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: Certificate request message of a SSL negotiation when initiated from the client
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Client hello message of a SSL negotiation
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: Random bytes field in the SSL client hello
Example: This value is already hexadecimal; you’ll need to write the pattern in your signature as such (enclosed in \x).
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Certificate subject public key that’s part of an SSL server hello handshake
Example: This context matches the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: Certificate response message of a SSL negotiation from the server
Example: This context matches the text highlighted in yellow.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Server hello message of a SSL negotiation
Example: This context provides the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: All telnet data for traffic originating from the client
Example: This context matches the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: All telnet data for traffic originating from the server
Example: This context matches the text highlighted in yellow.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Description: Full TCP payload for unknown TCP traffic originating from the client
Example: This context matches the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: Full TCP payload for unknown TCP traffic originating from the server
Example: This context matches the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: Full UDP payload for unknown UDP traffic originating from the “client”, which is the initiator of UDP
Example: This context matches the text highlighted in yellow.
Description: Full UDP payload for unknown UDP traffic originating from the “server”, which is opposite the “client”
Example: This context matches the text highlighted in yellow.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Regex Syntax with Examples
Regex, short for “regular expression” is a very important tool for the more complex custom signatures. A regular
expression is nothing more than a sequence of characters that form a search pattern that is then used to match strings.
Using the regex library allows you to create signatures that match dynamic strings held to some sort of pattern instead of
only matching a never-changing static string. Hopefully the examples below will help formulate a basic understanding of
regex and how to use it with PAN-OS.
Table of PAN-OS Regex Characters
This table contains the fundamental characters that are used to create a search pattern.
Syntax Description
Match any single character
Match the preceding character or expression 0 or 1 time; the general expression MUST be inside a pair of parentheses, e.g. (abc)?
Match the preceding character or expression 0 or more times; the general expression MUST be inside a pair of parentheses, e.g. (abc)*
Match the preceding character or regular expression 1 or more times; the general expression MUST be inside a pair of parentheses, e.g.
Equivalent to "or" as in this example: ((bif)|(scr)|(exe)): match “bif”, “scr” or “exe”. Note that the alternative substrings MUST be in
Used to create range expressions as in this example: [c-z]: match any character between c and z INCLUSIVE
Match any, as in this example: [abz]: match any of the character a, b, or z
Match any except, as in this example: [^abz]: match any character but a, b, or z
Min/Max number of bytes, as in this example: .{10,20}: match any string that is between 10 and 20 bytes. Note: Must be directly in front of
fixed string of at least 7 bytes, and only supports “.”.
To perform a literal match on any one of the special characters above, it MUST be escaped by preceding them with a ‘\’ (backslash)
& is a special character, so to look for the "&" in a string you must use "&amp" instead
Simple Examples of Patterns Using Each Supported Character
This table gives a simple regex pattern, possible strings the pattern would match, and a short explanation of why it
matched for each character in our regex library. Regex patterns can get quite a bit more lengthy and complicated, but the
basics must first be understood. Hopefully this table will help enforce the basic usage for each character. Once you’re
comfortable with the table below, you can begin to add complexity by utilizing multiple regex characters in combination.
Pattern Example
Possible Matches
Malwares, Malware1
Copyright, Copyrights
Payload, PayloadAAAAA
Networks, Networksssss
Copyrights, Copyrighted
Shellcodea, Shellcodec
Customer1, Customer2
NetworkD, Networkz
AnchorsAB, Anchorscdefg
The ‘.’ Matches any character except for a newline ‘\n’
Matches singular and plural Copyright
Matches without the ‘A’, with the ‘A’, and with multiple ‘A’s
Matches with a single ‘s’ and with multiple ‘s’s
Matches plural and ‘ed’ suffix
Matches Shellcode followed by the letters ‘a’ through ‘d’
7-byte anchor is ‘Customer’ – Matches Customer if ‘1’or ‘2’ follows
Matches Network followed by any character except for ‘A’, ‘B’, or ‘C’
Matches Anchors followed by anything as long as it’s 2-5 bytes in length
The dots are escaped since they’re a reserved regex character
Potentially used to block clear-text authentication attempts
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Common Regex Syntax Errors
1. Every pattern you create must contain at least a 7-byte string with fixed values.
o The 7-byte fixed string can be anywhere in your pattern.
o The 7 values must be fixed, this means no ‘.’ (dot), no ‘*’ (star), no ‘+’ (plus), or other wildcard characters
within the 7 bytes.
2. Incorrect character case when defining pattern matches in the application signature.
When defining the traffic pattern to match on when writing a custom application signature, the application decoder
may or may not be case-sensitive for a given field, depending on the decoder that the firewall uses. Because of
this, you may need to define variations of the pattern. For example, if you match on the pattern .\.cnn\.com, the
same application may also use the pattern .\CNN\.com. In this case, you will need to define both versions in the
signature to ensure that the signature functions properly.
The following lists the current string contexts that ignore case:
Note: This information is based on PAN-OS 6.1 and may differ in other releases. For JavaScript, the name is filehtml-body and it is not case sensitive.
entry alias="rtmp-req-body" name="rtmp-req-message-body"
entry name="http-req-headers"
entry name="http-req-host-header"
entry name="http-req-params"
entry name="http-req-uri-path"
entry name="http-req-message-body"
entry name="imap-req-cmd-line"
entry name="giop-req-message-body" alias="corba-req-field"
entry name="giop-rsp-message-body" alias="corba-rsp-field"
entry name="imap-req-first-param"
entry name="email-headers" alias="panav-rsp-email-headers"
entry name="ssl-req-random-bytes"
entry name="ssl-req-certificate"
entry name="imap-req-params-after-first-param"
entry name="smtp-req-argument"
entry name="smtp-rsp-content"
entry name="rtsp-req-uri-path"
entry name="rtsp-req-headers"
entry name="telnet-req-client-data"
entry name="telnet-rsp-server-data"
entry alias="unknown-req-text" name="unknown-req-udp-payload"
entry alias="unknown-rsp-text" name="unknown-rsp-udp-payload"
entry name="unknown-req-tcp-payload"
entry name="unknown-rsp-tcp-payload"
entry name="ms-ds-smb-req-share-name"
entry name="ssh-req-banner"
entry name="ssh-rsp-banner"
entry name="msrpc-req-bind-data"
entry name="mssql-db-req-body"
3. The “Pattern” field in the condition window has a limit of 127 characters, but what if your pattern is
o The solution is to ‘AND’ them together as shown in figure 5. You can even leave “Ordered Condition
Match” selected, so it must see them in order to perform a closer match to the full string.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Figure 4 – Too many characters in the “Pattern” field
Figure 5 – String split in half with ‘AND’
4. Error – “can’t support repetition without string pattern behind it in pattern”
o This error indicates that we need 7 bytes after each repetition element. If we were to add three more ‘B’
letters to the end, there would be 7 bytes instead of 4, and the signature would be valid.
Another work-around that is possible in some patterns is to just write out the ‘.’ (dot) characters instead of
using the repetition. ‘{4}’ would become ‘….’ and there is no repetition requirement.
Figure 4.1 – Invalid because only 4 bytes, ‘BBBB’ follow the repetition ‘.{4}’
Figure 4.2 – Valid because 7 bytes ‘BBBBBBB’ now follow the repetition element
5. Error - “can't handle two dfas next to each other in pattern”
This error indicates the pattern entered contains two strings that are both less than 7 bytes and are
separated by a regex wildcard element. An example of this is like the one seen in Figure 5.1. “pan” and
“net” are both less than 7 bytes each and are separated by the repetition variables, ‘.{4}’ which is
considered a wildcard element along with ‘*’ start, ‘.’ dot, and so on.
To fix this, you need to increase the size of at least one of the strings to 7 bytes or more. Figure 5.2
shows a fixed signature by changing “net” to “networks” which is at least 7 bytes.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Figure 5.1 – Invalid because there are two strings less than 7 bytes separated by a DFA
Figure 5.2 –Valid because there is only 1 string less than 7 bytes now surround the repetition element
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Custom Signature Examples
Given the amount of flexibility and specific terminology related to custom signatures, it’s easy to feel lost or not quite know
how to apply your knowledge to actually creating a signature that performs the exact task you’d like it to. For that reason,
four examples with detailed screenshots are included in this section. However, it’s best to familiarize yourself with a few
keywords before going through the examples so you don’t get lost in the signature-specific terminology.
Signature Terminology Refresher
Scope – The scope defines how your signature is applied to the traffic. You have two options when choosing your scope:
transaction and session. An example of a transaction is a HTTP request and response. You can have many of these
transactions in one single session. You’ll need to write your signature conditions accordingly. If, for example, you wanted
to match a single POST request, transaction would be best. If you wanted to match only when two different POST
requests were both seen in the same session, session would be required.
Qualifier - Qualifiers can be used to further refine and limit the scope of a custom signature, and are context-dependent.
They often limit the scope to an individual command or header type.
Aggregation Criteria – This is a setting found in combination signatures used to granularly aggregate the number of hits
per second. If for example you wanted to alert only after 25 POSTs have been seen in 60 seconds and only when going to
a certain destination IP, you would set the aggregation criteria to “destination”. Only a POST to that destination would
count towards your limit of 25 POSTs. You can also choose “source” or “source-and-destination” to aggregate the number
of hits differently.
Context – After the decoder decodes the protocol or file, it separates each portion into a context. Each context provides
certain portions of that file or protocol. We then specify the context where we expect our pattern to be.
Ordered Condition Match – If your signature has multiple conditions and the order of which the conditions are seen is
important, you can enable this setting. (The list of conditions uses the top-down approach, meaning it matches in order
from top to bottom.)
And / Or Conditions – Just like any other Boolean conditions, “And” matches the first condition and the second condition
and so on. “Or” matches the first condition or the second condition. “Or” conditions broaden the search, while “and”
conditions narrow the search.
Direction – Found in the configuration tab of a custom signature. This indicates whether the threat is assessed from the
client to server, server to client, or both.
Affected System – Found in the configuration tab of a custom signature. Indicates whether the threat involves the client,
server, either, or both. This applies to vulnerability signatures, but not spyware signatures.
Example 1 – Integer-based Context
Integer-based contexts only have the ability of looking at a numerical value within the given context and determining if the
value it sees is less-than, equal-to, or greater-than the value you define. Here is a step-by-step example on how to create
one of these types of signatures. We will use the http-rsp-code context, which looks for the numerical HTTP server
response code. The signature is set to alert if the response code equals “404”.
1. First, you’ll need to go to the Objects tab -> click Vulnerability under the Custom Signatures section -> and click
2. The only required fields are Threat ID, Name, Severity, and Direction. Ensure the Threat ID is between 4100045000.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Figure 1 – Configuration Tab
Figure 2 – Completed Configuration Tab
3. Next, you’ll need to click the “Signatures” tab. We will cover combination signatures in a later example. For now,
leave it at standard. Click “Add” at the bottom of the window to bring up the “Standard” window.
4. We start by giving this signature a name. This example will only have one condition; therefore we can ignore the
Ordered Condition Match setting. Also, we only want to alert on a single transaction and not the full session, so
we will leave the scope at “Transaction”. Finally, click “Add And Condition”.
Figure 3 – Signatures Tab
Figure 4 – Standard Window
5. Since we’re looking for the exact value of “404”, choose “Equal To” from the “Operator” drop-down menu. You’ll
notice that the entries in the “Context” drop-down depend on your “Operator” selection. If for example you were to
choose the operator “Pattern Match”, it would contain contexts based on a pattern, not an integer. Knowing this,
select the “http-rsp-code” context from the “Context” drop-down menu. Next, enter “404” in the “Value” field.
6. The completed condition should look like “figure 6”. Click “OK” on each of the signature windows, commit, and
test your new signature.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Figure 5 - New Condition Window
Figure 6 – Completed Condition Window
Example 2 – Matching Hexadecimal Values
Any signatures requiring hexadecimal matching must have the hexadecimal values enclosed in ‘\x’. This tells the
signature engine to start matching hex and also when to stop matching hex and go back to ASCII if needed. For this
example, let’s create a signature using only hexadecimal values from the flash video context mentioned above named
You can use any hex-editor to view the hex contents of the file. I chose to go with xxd, a cli-based editor. By reading the
“file-flv-body” context example in the contexts section above, we know that this context provides every byte after the
header. Everything in bold is within the context, so we can write a pattern using those bytes.
Macbook:~ noob$ xxd -l 50 flash_video.flv
0000000: 464c 5601 0500 0000 0900 0000 0012 0003 FLV.............
0000010: 4b00 0000 0000 0000 0200 0a6f 6e4d 6574 K..........onMet
0000020: 6144 6174 6108 0000 000f 0008 6475 7261 aData.......dura
0000030: 7469
We pick ‘0a6f 6e4d 6574 61’ as our value to match on. Keep in mind that every two alphanumeric values represent one
byte, so this pattern just meets our 7-byte requirement. Let’s pretend we’ve identified these bytes as malicious shell-code
that we don’t want passing through our firewall. Let’s now walk through the process of creating the signature from start to
1. Add a new custom vulnerability signature and fill out the mandatory fields.
2. Click the signatures tab and click “Add” to bring up the “Standard” window.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Figure 1 – Completed Configuration Tab
Figure 2 – Default Signatures Tab
3. Fill in the “Signature Name” field and leave the scope as transaction. We only have one condition, so we can
leave “Ordered Condition Match” alone. Click “Add And Condition”.
4. Choose “Pattern Match” as the operator, then find “file-flv-body” from the “Context” drop-down, and enter the
pattern we found earlier with ‘\x’ before and after the pattern to indicate we’re matching hexadecimal. (See Figure 4
Figure 3 – Standard Window
Figure 4 – Condition Window
5. Click “OK” on each of the signature windows, commit, and test your new signature.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Example 3 – Custom Signature Using a Qualifier
Some contexts have the ability to also use a qualifier. Qualifiers limit the match condition for the given context so that the
signature will only trigger if the pattern is seen in the defined qualifier. This example will use the “http-req-uri-path” context,
which as the name implies provides the path in the HTTP header of a request. The goal of this example is to alert on any
WordPress blog logins. When testing the login and taking a packet-capture, we can see the following HTTP POST. (In bold
is the portion of the POST that is relevant to the context we chose.)
POST /blog/wp-login.php HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv:
Gecko/ Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
1. Create a new Custom Vulnerability Signature and fill out the needed fields in the “Configuration” tab.
2. Go to the “Signatures” tab, leave “Standard” selected and click “Add” to bring up the “Standard” window.
Figure 1 – Configuration Tab
Figure 2 – Signatures Tab
3. Enter a signature name, leave the scope as “Transaction”; again we only have one condition so the “Ordered
Match Setting” can be ignored.
4. Click “Add And Condition” for the condition window to open. Here, choose “Pattern Match” from the “Operator”
drop-down menu since we’re matching on a string. Select “http-req-uri-path” from the “Context” drop-down menu
and enter the pattern “wp\-login\.php” (without the quotes as seen in figure 4). We escape the ‘–‘ and ‘.’ characters
with backslashes since they’re part of the regex library and we want a literal match on those characters.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Figure 3 – Standard Window
Figure 4 – Condition Window
5. Last, we’re going to click “Add” on the condition window from step 4 to add a qualifier to the signature. Choose
“http-method” as the qualifier and set the value to “POST”. This way, our pattern only matches if it’s found inside
of a HTTP POST message.
Figure 5 – Completed Qualifier Window
6. Click “OK” on each signature window, commit, and test the signature.
Example 4 – Combination Signature
A combination signature allows you to use an existing signature in combination with a time attribute. The time attribute
allows the signature to only trigger when the pattern is matched x number of times within y number of seconds. You can
narrow this down further by using the aggregation criteria. In this example, we’ll use the signature we created in example
3, but convert it to a combination signature. With this, we’ll be able to alert or drop if we detect a WordPress login bruteforce attack occurring. (Note, only a standard signature can be converted into a combination signature. You cannot combine two
combination signatures.)
1. Create a new custom signature and fill out the needed fields in the “Configuration” tab.
2. Click the signature tab, choose “Combination” and click “Add And Condition”.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Figure 1 – Configuration Tab
Figure 2 – Signatures Tab with Combination Selected
3. In the condition window, you first name the condition. Then choose the threat ID that will be used. Here we chose
Threat ID “42100” which is the WordPress login signature we created in the last example.
4. Click the “Time Attribute” tab. These settings are what make this a combination signature. We can monitor the
matches on this signature and only alert or drop if the number of hits reaches our maximum value within our
defined amount of seconds. You’ll also want to choose your “Aggregation Criteria”.
Figure 3 – Condition Tab for Combination
Figure 4 – Time Attribute Tab
5. Click “OK” on each of the signature windows, commit, and test the signature.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Context Qualifiers
Table 1: FTP Command Qualifiers
FTP command qualifiers can be added to custom signatures that use FTP-related contexts to limit a match condition to
specific FTP commands.
Table 2: FTP Vendor ID Qualifiers
FTP vendor ID qualifiers can be added to custom signatures that use FTP-related contexts to limit a match condition to
specific FTP clients.
Table 3: HTTP Header Field Qualifiers
HTTP header field qualifiers can be added to custom signatures that use HTTP-related contexts to limit a match condition
to HTTP headers that have specific values for select header fields.
Table 4: HTTP Method Qualifiers
HTTP method qualifiers can be added to custom signatures that use HTTP-related contexts to limit a match condition to
HTTP headers that use specific HTTP methods.
Table 5: IMAP Command Qualifiers
IMAP command qualifiers can be added to custom signatures that use IMAP-related contexts to limit a match condition to
specific IMAP commands.
Table 6: RTSP Method Qualifiers
RTSP method qualifiers can be added to custom signatures that use RTSP-related contexts to limit a match condition to
specific RTSP methods.
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Table 7: SMTP Method Qualifiers
SMTP method qualifiers can be added to custom signatures that use SMTP-related contexts to limit a match condition to
specific SMTP methods.
Revision History
April 22, 2015
July 26, 2013
©2013, Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Added information in the “Common Regex Syntax Errors”
section that states that when writing a custom application
signature, the application decoder may or may not be casesensitive for a given field, depending on the decoder that the
firewall uses.
The first release of this document.