NIGHTHAWKS NEWS 104 Alma Road, RR # 3, Westville, NS B0K 2A0 Tel: 902-396-2750; Fax: 902-396-2755 Principal’s Message – January 2016 NRHS Students’ Council To all members of our school community: Welcome back and happy 2016! I hope that you all had a great break and that you are well rested and ready for the mad dash to exams. I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who participated in the many fundraising and charity events organized by our staff and students in December. I am very proud that we, as a group, are able to give so much back to our community and show so much support for those in need. Please know that your efforts do not go unnoticed and that your compassion makes a huge difference to a lot of people. January is always a very busy month that can be quite stressful for students, parents and teachers. Please know that we have many supports in place to help deal with this stress. Guidance, the Teen Health Center, or the office are just three of the many places that you can go if you are feeling overwhelmed. Enclosed in this newsletter is a copy of the exam schedule. Please check it carefully and make sure you know when you are writing. Before we know it, exams will be over and second semester will be in full swing. Please take a few minutes to look forward at your second semester schedules and make sure that you know what courses you are registered for. This can be done on PowerSchool. If you have questions about possibly changing a course or what you need to graduate, you should book an appointment with someone in guidance as soon as possible. I would like to offer a huge congratulations to Bob Boardway who will be retiring at the end of the first semester. Bob’s passion and dedication to our school and students will be greatly missed. We are very happy for you Bob and wish you all the best with wherever life next takes you. With Mr. Boardway retiring, Mr. Trevor Foley has been awarded the position of Acting Vice-Principal for the remainder of the school year. Mr. Foley will be the administrator in charge of our Grade 9 and CEP programs and students. Congratulations on your new position Trevor! Cheers, Matt O’Toole Principal 2015-2016 Students’ Council Co-Presidents are Grade 12 students Kyle Vandertoorn (left) and Ali Aghayan (right). Hey there Nighthawks! December was the shortest school year month, and also the last; yet it was filled with many exciting activities! Here is December in review: We kicked off the month with the Christmas Dance spreading cheer for all to hear. The following week, talented Nighthawks spread their wings and performed at the NRHS Coffee House. It was held on December 9 with a great turnout which raised over $300 and also food bank donations for Roots for Youth. The encouraging turnout prompted Students’ Council to plan another Coffee House for later in the school year. Thank you to all those who participated, your hard work is appreciated. The second and final week of school in 2015 saw the Spirit Committee planning a Spirit Week with exciting activities every day leading up to our well-deserved Christmas Break. On the last day students enjoyed an activities afternoon featuring a singer/songwriter circle, lip sync battle, cookie decorating, hot chocolate, Christmas movies, Mario Kart, RCMP vs teachers’ basketball game (teachers won thanks to Glen Cox!). The final day of school ended with a concert by Dylan Holton. Throughout the month of December, students were given the opportunity to put a variety of useful items under a Christmas tree in the office. These items were donated to Roots for Youth. Thank you to Mrs. Ryan for dropping off the donations. We hope you had a relaxing holiday! Here is to an exciting new year! ‘Movember Fundraisers Students had several fundraisers to raise money for Prostate Cancer Research. The fundraisers were “Pie in the Face,” “Pancake Breakfast,” “Snowcone Sale,” and the most popular: James Lees cutting his hair (James is pictured at right with his before and after looks). James’ fundraiser raised $641.58, to reach a total raised of $745.68. Well done! NRHS Foodbank Donation NRHS Students of the Month for December NRHS sponsors the Students of the Month Program and we are pleased Subway will sponsor the Athletes of the Month Program. Students of the Month are nominated by NRHS staff according to the following criteria: --someone who is caring and thoughtful --someone who is a good citizen --someone who is an active participant at NRHS --someone who is achieving at his/her academic ability level --someone who demonstrates NRHS’s Guiding Principles (Safety, Opportunities, Achievement, Respect) Students who are selected as Students of the Month receive certificates and Mr. O’Toole will take them out to lunch. Students of the Month 9 10 11 12 CEP Alannah Peppard Mullen Boulter Hannah Mertin Jack MacIsaac Chris Russell Staff of the Month Mr. Bob Boardway Artist of the Month Jack Phillips October Artist of the Month Correction The Artist of the Month for November should have read: Beth McNeill Donation to Pictou County Food Bank On Friday, December 4, the Pictou County Food Bank picked up more than ten boxes and bags of food that the students with the We Scare Hunger Campaign collected. Great job! Roots for Youth Artwork Visual Arts student Natalie Fraser created a large scale mixed media piece for the Roots for Youth House as part of her work in Art 12. She incorporated symbolic imagery of flowers, colours, and animals in her optimistic and carefully constructed artwork! A special art piece for a special place. Important Dates for 2015-2016 Addictions Resource Websites 2016 January 25 – 28 – Exams January 29 – Marking and Grading Day – No Classes February 1 – Second Semester Begins February 8 – 12 – Winter Carnival February 11 – Winter Carnival Dance February 15 – NS Heritage Day Holiday – No Classes February 24 – Pink Day (National) February 29 – Leap Day Celebrations March 11 – Last Teaching Day before March Break March 21 – School Resumes after March Break March 25 – Good Friday – No Classes March 28 – Easter Monday – No Classes April 14 – Parent-Teacher Visitation – 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. April 15 – In-service a.m. - No Classes April 15 – Parent-Teacher Visitation – 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. – No Classes May 5 – Graffiti Dance May 16 – Site-based PD – No Classes May 23 – Victoria Day Holiday – No Classes June 1 – Grade 8 Orientation - No Classes for Grade 9’s Only June 1 – Junior Prom June 3 – Squawk’s 13th Birthday Party June 8 – Nighthawk Celebration June 10 – Grad Appreciation Day June 17 – June 22 – Exams June 22 – Grad Prom June 27 & June 28 – Marking & Grading Day – No Classes June 28 – Graduation June 29 – Last Day of School for Grades 9 - 11 NRHS Boys’ Hockey Team on Clean-up Duty The NRHS Boys’ Hockey team has taken on the duties of cleaning up the school parking lot for a 10 week period. The boys would like all students to be aware of their environment and ask them to please pick up after themselves and use the garbage and recycling bins around the school and grounds. Pictured from left above are Jeff Skinner and Ryan Dykstra. WEST PICTOU SCHOOLS CATERING SOCIETY – Cafeteria Menu Below is the two week rotating menu for high school for January and February 2016. Meal prices are $4.50 unless otherwise specified. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday WEEK ONE Egg Wrap & Small Tossed Salad Pizza Sub & Veggies Quesadillas & Salsa Lasagna & Garlic Bread Chicken Fingers & Oven Fries WEEK TWO Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup Hamburger & Oven Fries Macaroni & Cheese With Biscuit Pizza Slice & Small Caesar Salad Fish, Carrots, Potatoes Items Available Every Day: Sandwiches: Egg - $3.25; Turkey - $4.50; Tuna - $3.25; Lean Ham - $3275; Lean Ham & Cheese - $4; Grilled Cheese $3.25; (whole wheat or smart); Snacks: Yogurt - $1.10, Lrg. Apples - $1.25; Sm. Apples - $1; Crackers (pkg – 2) - .10; Nutrigrain - $1; Oranges - $1; Cheese & Crackers - $1; Cheese Strings - .80; Veggies - $1.50/$3; Baked Goods: Large Muffins - $1.25; Small Cookies (twice a week) - .60; Miscellaneous: Homemade Soup (Small) - $1.50, (Large) - $2.50; Cold 9” Veggie Sub - $4.25; Tossed/Caesar Salad (Small) - $4, (Large) $4.50; Rice $2.50; Large Wrap - $4.50; Hamburger - $3.75; Cheeseburger - $4; Caesar Salad with Chicken - $4.75; Small Deli Roasters - $3.25; Large Deli Roasters - $3.75; Pizza Slice - $4.50; 7” Garlic Fingers - $4.25; Toast - $1; Bagel - $1.25; Egg/Cheese/Ham on English Muffin - $2.50; Beverages: Milk - .40; Small Chocolate Milk - $1.50; Large Chocolate Milk - $2.25; Juice - $1.25; Water - $1.25 Pictou County Athletics 2016 Season Pictou County Athletics will be getting a running start in trying to defend both the Provincial and Atlantic Club Championships in 2016. Pictou County Athletics begin in the New Year by offering its winter training program. This program will be offered four times per week, with several indoor competitions throughout the winter months. This program is focused on training and conditioning for the upcoming track and field season. The winter training program began Wednesday, January 6, with registration from 7 pm – 8 pm and practice from 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm at the Pictou County YMCA gym. For further information please contact Pat Carty by email: [email protected] Practices will continue as follows: Wednesdays – 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm – Pictou County YMCA gym Fridays – 4 pm to 5:30 pm at the Indoor Soccer Complex & 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm – Good Life Fitness Sundays – 3 pm-5 pm – North Nova Education Centre gym Registration for the full year (January – August) costs $275. This includes a mandatory Athletics Nova Scotia fee ($75) and also a pair of PCA warmup shorts. New for 2016 PCA will be starting an intermediate track and field program for athletes ages 10 – 12. It will operate two evenings per week and will offer indoor and outdoor competitions. The program costs $165 for the full year. The program will begin January 8, 2016, and will run until August 10. Winter cost (January to March 30) $95. Registration from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm on January 8, at the Indoor Soccer Complex and we practice from 4 pm to 5:30 pm - OR – 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm at NNEC gym on Sunday, January 10. Practice that day will run from 2 pm to 3:30 pm at NNEC. Both fees have Athletics NS insurance fee of $35 included. If you have any questions please contact Pat Carty by email: [email protected]. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leadership Group Raises $200 for the Aberdeen Mental Health Foundation The Leadership 12 Group Project raised $200 for mental health. Pictured from the left are Jeannette Millen, Emily Elliott, Chloe Marshall, and Susan Malcolm from the Aberdeen Health Foundation. Missing from the photo is Haley MacIntosh. The SPCA Christmas Drive Kneeling by the dog house overflowing with donations (from left): Kyla Watters and Raelene Collier; Standing (from left): Mrs. Cheek, Brittany Ward-Degaust, Lacey Allen, and Megan DeYoung presenting SPCA Manager Agnes Leavitt with the cheque. The SPCA Christmas Drive was a huge success this year. We were able to fill a dog house with food, blankets, toys, etc. Ms. Murray’s students raised $500. Many thanks go to Mr. Moore and his Grade 12 Math class who built a great dog house. Mrs. Cheek’s students organized the donations to which staff and students contributed. Agnes Leavitt, SPCA Manager, and Justin Kehoe graciously accepted everything collected on behalf of the Pictou County SPCA. Ms. Murray’s class pictured above with two of their SPCA fundraisers: the Bake Sale and the Reindeer Hot Chocolate Sale. NRHS JANUARY 2016 EXAM TIMETABLE MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 2016 Grade 9 Mathematics 9 Mathematiques 9 Imm Sciences Humaines 9 Imm - Int Social Studies 9 Morning Exams – 9:10 – 11:10 Grade 10 Grade 11 English 10 English Communications 11 English Pre IB 10 English Communications 11 IPP CEP English 10 Integrated French 11 CEP English 10 IPP CEP Oceans 11 Afternoon Exams – 12:30 – 2:30 Core French 10 Mathematics 11 Integrated French 10 IB Geography 11 Français Immersion 10 CEP English Communications 11 English 10 Plus English 10 Plus IPP Grade 12 Global Geography 12 IB French B HL 12 IB Geographie SL 12 IB Geography HL 12 Integrated French 12 Global History 12 IB Mathematics SL 12 TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2016 Grade 9 Mathematics 9 IPP Social Studies 9 IPP Morning Exams – 9:10 – 11:10 Grade 10 Grade 11 Mathematics 10 Chemistry 11 Mathematics at Work 10 Mathematics Pre IB 10 Science 10 Science 10 IPP CEP Science 10 Afternoon Exams – 12:30 – 2:30 English 11 IB English Literature 11 Grade 12 IB Chemistry SL 12 English 12 IB English Literature HL 12 English Communications 12 English Communications 12 IPP CEP English Communications 12 CEP English Comm. 12 IPP Pre Calculus 12 Mathematics 12 Mathematics at Work 12 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2016 Grade 9 English Language Arts 9 Integrated French 9 Français Immersion 9 Science 9 Science 9 Imm Morning Exams – 9:10 – 11:10 Grade 10 Grade 11 Mi’Kmaq Studies 10 Geography 11 Mi’Kmaq Studies 10 IPP Mathematics at Work 11 Geography Pre IB 10 Canadian History 11 Physics 11 IB French B 11 CEP Canadian History 11 CEP Canadian History 11 IPP Afternoon Exams – 12:30 – 2:30 Science Pre IB 10 Oceans 11 Biology 11 Grade 12 IB Biology HL 12 IB French B SL 12 Geographie Plane 12 Int Biology 12 Sociology 12 Academic IB Geography HL 12 THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 2016 Grade 9 English Language Arts 9 Imm English Language Arts 9 Int English Language Arts 9 IPP Morning Exams – 9:10 – 11:10 Grade 10 Grade 11 Afternoon Exams – 12:30 – 2:30 Science 9 IPP Grade 12 Law 12
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