Science Teaching – Innovative Practices in Germany


Science Teaching – Innovative Practices in Germany
Science Teaching
– Innovative Practices
in Germany
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
The Situation in Germany
•  educational federalism
•  16 federal states, 16 educational systems
•  constant discussion about national
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
Cooperation between the federal
government and federal states has been
banned since 2006. Most experts say this
was a great mistake. The German
Parliament now wants to untighten the ban.
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
STEM (German: MINT)
Initiatives in Germany
great number of iniatives
overviews (MINT-Meter, MINT-Atlas)
offers for teachers (e.g. teaching material)
offers for students (e.g. competitions, labs)
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
MINT Zukunft schaffen
•  association founded by the Confederation
of German Employers and the Federation
of German Industry
•  STEM-friendly schools, STEM
ambassadors, MINT-Meter, prizes,
conferences, “Political Vision for 2015”, …
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
Komm, mach MINT. (Go MINT)
National Pact for Women in STEM Careers
launched in 2008 at the instigation of the Federal
Ministry for Education and Research, part of the
federal government qualification initiative
180 partners (politics, business, science, media)
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
•  nationwide network of excellence for
schools with a STEM focus, founded by
the employer association
•  programme for students and teachers
(camps, trainings, conferences, …)
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
Nationales MINT Forum
•  association of 31 institutions
•  work groups: educational policy
recommendations, interbranch quality
standards, grant projects, …
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
Telekom Foundation
•  one of the biggest corporate foundations
in Germany (endowment capital: €150m)
•  talent development, scholarships, teacher
training, prizes, programmes, research, …
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
•  association of STEM teachers aiming to
improve STEM education
•  founded in 1891
•  network, trainings, events, publications, …
for STEM teachers
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
Awards for STEM Teachers
Schulpreis MINT von morgen, Ideen bewegen, Innovative
MINT-Unterrichtsideen, Klaus-von-Klitzing-Preis,
Archimedes-Preis, Johannes-Kühnel-Preis, HelmholtzLehrerpreis, Robert-Boyle-Preis, Eduard-StrasburgerPreis, Leonardo-da-Vinci-Preis, Friedrich-Wöhler-Preis,
Johannes-Kepler-Preis, Ursula Hill-Samelson-Lehrerpreis,
Wilhelm-Schickard-Förderpreis, ... International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
What are the distinguished
teachers doing right?
participating in competitions with their students
cooperating with universities and research
exploring expeditions, individual research work,
establishing labs, laptop classes, etc. at their school
integrating modern technology in their classes
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
Flip the Classroom
The idea: Instead of getting information
input from the teacher and then doing
homework all alone, students watch
learning videos at home and then do
exercises together at school.
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
LEIFI Physik
The idea: A teacher analysed every sequel
from “The Big Bang Theory” and uses the
video material to enthuse students for
physics problems.
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
The idea: Students get introduced to
quantum physics by participating in
interactive experiments online.
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
Offers from out-of-school
extra science expertise
state of the art in science and innovation
insight into the occupational field of science
extra resources
out-of-school feedback and recognition
ideas for school projects
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
Junior Science Café
•  students chose a topic and organise an
event where an expert visits the school
•  a programme by Telekom Foundation
and Wissenschaft im Dialog
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
Junior Doktor
students register for the programme and can
then participate in several events at science
institutions and answer questions, after the 7th
event they receive their ‘PhD’
a programme by “Dresden Stadt der
Wissenschaften” (“Dresden City of Science”)
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
Jugend forscht
biggest STEM competition for students in
categories: biology, physics, chemistry,
mathematics/computer sciences, technology,
geo sciences, working environment
founded in 1965 by journalist Henri Nannen
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
•  2-year-programme for grades 8 & 9,
integrated into the curriculum
•  70 schools participating in Germany
•  programme by Telekom Foundation, many
local partners
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
Ideas from the National
MARCH Workshop
internal student competition
project day(s)
reverse mentoring: students teach teachers
out-of-school activity, actively shaping the
town picture
video project
creating a project website
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
Inclusive Education
A field report
from Jürgen Kuhne & Julius Wittlich,
Freie Waldorfschule Kreuzberg (Berlin)
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015
Thank you for your attention.
International MARCH Workshop Lithuania March 24th/25th 2015

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