Company Profile - Aircraft Interiors Expo
Company Profile - Aircraft Interiors Expo
safety in test > safety in flight CO M PA N Y P RO F I L E TEST-FUCHS GmbH M A N A G E M E N T: Volker Fuchs CEO Thomas Koppensteiner Manfred Lösch Marketing & Sales Director Commercial Director Robert Hawel Financial Director Markus Nagl Technical Director Johann Bauer Quality Director Hans Joachim Sarnow Short description of the company The company was founded in 1946 in Austria, by Mr. Fritz Fuchs. In 1955 TEST-FUCHS started to design and manufacture test equipment. In 1950 in conjunction with the rebirth of the German aviation industry, TEST-FUCHS started to design ground support and test systems for the aviation industry. This activity has continued up to the present. Today TEST-FUCHS is one of the most important suppliers for test equipment, always meeting the high technical standards required by industry progress. Our equipment is also made and used for the automotive industry. In 1986 today’s Aerospace division was founded where TEST-FUCHS designs, develops and manufactures components for the Space Industry, as well as aircraft fuel and lubricating pumps for the Aerospace Industry, according to EASA PART 21G. TEST-FUCHS GmbH / Test-Fuchs Strasse 1-5 / A-3812 Gross-Siegharts T +43 2847 9001-0 / F +43 2847 9001-299 / [email protected] Within the Aerospace division TEST-FUCHS also maintains aircraft components according to EASA PART-145 / FAR-145, and is a Honeywell authorized AWARS center. In 2006 a TEST-FUCHS Standard Product Line was introduced successfully making the TEST-FUCHS product range more accessible worldwide. Today TEST-FUCHS still is a family owned company which delivers its products to Airlines, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and Maintenance Repair and Overhaul companies (MROs). > Number of employees (2014/2015): 400 > Sales (2014/2015): approx. Euro 45 million > Company area in Austria: approx. 25.000 m² WWW.TEST-FUCHS.COM Issue 01/2016 safety in test > safety in flight CO M PA N Y A C T I V I T I E S TEST SYSTEMS a) Design/Development and Manufacture of > Test systems for fuel components > Test systems for hydraulic components > Test systems for pneumatic components > Test systems for electrical components > Engine test stands > Ground power units > Small/Portable test equipment All the test units are designed for manual, semiautomatic or fully automatic operation. b) Logistic Support including > Training > Technical documentation > Installation and commissioning at customer’s premises > Provision of spare parts > Periodic maintenance, calibration and software support c) Manufacturing of sub-assemblies, like > Test cables, transformers, electrical devices, dynamic and static converters > Printed circuit boards, digital instruments > Precision angle gearboxes, actuators, high-speed power gears, torque measuring devices > Valves, cartridges, test blocks, flow measuring turbines Contacts Europe and USA Key Account Manager Military Mr. Thomas Koppensteiner Mr. Hans J. Sarnow [email protected] [email protected] France Mr. Sébastien Richer [email protected] Germany North Mr. Franz Neuwirth [email protected] United Kingdom Italy Asia Mr. Kevin Mackenzie Mr. Gaetano Zizza Mr. Oliver Santa [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] TEST-FUCHS GmbH / Test-Fuchs Strasse 1-5 / A-3812 Gross-Siegharts T +43 2847 9001-0 / F +43 2847 9001-299 / [email protected] Germany South, Austria, Switzerland Mr. Pascal Le Merdy [email protected] Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg Mr. Ralph Wetzelaer [email protected] WWW.TEST-FUCHS.COM Issue 01/2016 safety in test > safety in flight AEROSPACE COMPONENTS a) Aerospace Production > Development and manufacture of components for fixed wing and rotor A/C, according to EASA Part 21 Subpart G, approval no. AT.21G.0003 b) Space Production > Development and manufacture of components for the Space Industry, such as valves and actuators for ARIANE 5 and satellites c) A/C Component Repair and Overhaul > TEST-FUCHS is an officially approved maintenance organisation according to EASA Part-145, approval no. AT.145.011 > Emission of a „Dual-Release“ Certificate i.a.w. FAA/FAR 145 with our partner Austrian Technik, approval no. AUXY103F > AWARS, Honeywell authorized warranty and repair station for various fuel control components Contacts Aerospace Components Mr. Roman Peichl [email protected] LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT Our innovative Customer Support Service includes > 24/7 hotline support > co-located support teams > on-site maintenace > on-site calibration Contacts Italy Mr. Gaetano Zizza [email protected] UK Mr. Paul Clark [email protected] TEST-FUCHS GmbH / Test-Fuchs Strasse 1-5 / A-3812 Gross-Siegharts T +43 2847 9001-0 / F +43 2847 9001-299 / [email protected] France Mr. Sébastien Richer [email protected] WWW.TEST-FUCHS.COM Issue 01/2016 safety in test > safety in flight LO C AT I O N S Headquarters AUSTRIA GERMANY - ERDING GERMANY - HAMBURG TEST-FUCHS GmbH TEST-FUCHS, Ing. Fritz Fuchs GmbH TEST-FUCHS, Ing. Fritz Fuchs GmbH Test-Fuchs Strasse 1-5 3812 Gross Siegharts Telephone: +43 2847 9001 0 Telefax: +43 2847 9001 299 E-mail: [email protected] Albert-Einstein-Strasse 4 85435 Erding Telephone: +49 8122 89207 30 Telefax: +49 8122 89207 37 E-mail: [email protected] Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 7 21629 Neu Wulmstorf Telephone: +49 8122 89207 51 Telefax: +49 8122 89207 58 E-mail: [email protected] FRANCE ITALY UNITED KINGDOM TEST-FUCHS SARL TEST-FUCHS S.r.l. TEST-FUCHS Ltd. Sogaris 115 94514 Rungis Cedex Telephone: +33 1 46 87 72 67 E-mail: [email protected] Fraz. S. Anna 57 14030 Rocca d'Arazzo (AT) Telephone: +39 0141 408 488 E-mail: [email protected] Eventus Innovation Centre Sunderland Road Northfields Industrial Estate Peterborough PE6 8FD Telephone: +44 1778 382 744 E-mail: [email protected] SPAIN SINGAPORE TEST-FUCHS S.L. TEST-FUCHS Pte Ltd C/Roble 3,1 28020 Madrid Telephone: +34 91 3600 367 Telefax: +34 91 3600 387 E-mail: [email protected] 4 Battery Road Bank of China Building #25-01 Singapore 049908 Telephone: +65 660 44 563 E-mail: [email protected] TEST-FUCHS GmbH / Test-Fuchs Strasse 1-5 / A-3812 Gross-Siegharts T +43 2847 9001-0 / F +43 2847 9001-299 / [email protected] WWW.TEST-FUCHS.COM Issue 01/2016 safety in test > safety in flight PA RT N E R S General Partners Hydro Systems KG Biberach/Germany E-mail: [email protected] Representative Offices In India LOTUS Aviation Technology Pvt. Ltd. New Dehli/India Mr. Vijay Kinra E-mail: [email protected] In Russia, Rep. of Belarus, Rep. of Kazakhstan Equinet Technic Moscow/Russia Mr. Andrey Tomilin E-mail: [email protected] In United Arab Emirates M/s ALPHA SIERRA (FZE) Sharjah/UAE Mr. Rajan Khatavkar E-mail: [email protected] In Turkey In South Korea In Brazil ÖZZAIM Limited Co. Izmit/Turkey Mr. Esat Özzaim E-mail: [email protected] B&C Marketing Inc. Seoul/South Korea Mr. Hochil Chung E-mail: [email protected] Semac Representações Comerciais Ltda. Atibaia/Brazil Mr. Fredy Schneider E-mail: [email protected] TEST-FUCHS Company Sites and Offices Global Network of Company Representatives TEST-FUCHS GmbH / Test-Fuchs Strasse 1-5 / A-3812 Gross-Siegharts T +43 2847 9001-0 / F +43 2847 9001-299 / [email protected] WWW.TEST-FUCHS.COM Issue 01/2016 safety in test > safety in flight REFERENCES AIRLINES INDUSTRY AIR FORCES Austria Saudi Arabia Brazil Spain France Switzerland TEST-FUCHS GmbH / Test-Fuchs Strasse 1-5 / A-3812 Gross-Siegharts T +43 2847 9001-0 / F +43 2847 9001-299 / [email protected] Germany UK Italy USA NATO WWW.TEST-FUCHS.COM Issue 01/2016 safety in test > safety in flight A p p r o v a l s T E S T- F U C H S G r o s s S i e g h a r t s EN 9100:2009, DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 Design / Development of Hard- and Software, Manufacture, Installation and Logistic Support of Test Systems as well as Design, Production and Maintenance of mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical and electronic Components for Space, Aircraft and Defence AQAP2110 / ZDv A-1525/1 NATO quality requirements for development, design and production for military applications. Development, manufacturing and maintenance of military aircraft systems and equipment in accordance with §30 of the German Air Navigation Act (LuftVG) and in conjunction with Bundeswehr Joint Service Regulation (ZDv) A-1525/1, approval no. BAAINBw-9600L-T12/14/01 EASA Part-145 / FAR-145 Maintenance of aircraft components and issue of the associated release certificates by EASA FORM 1/COC, approval no. AT.145.011, or issue of a "dual-release" certificate FAR-145 with our partner AUSTRIAN Technik, approval no. AUXY103F EASA Part 21, Subpart G Production of pumps, cylinders, valves and complete units for all kind of aircrafts. Production of mechanical, electrical and electronic parts, approval no. AT.21G.0003 DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025 Calibration laboratory for electrical and mechanical measuring range, according EN ISO / IEC 17025, approval no. ÖKD 41 EN ISO 3834-2 Welding of pressure tanks and special constructions in compliance with the relevant standard quality requirements Special process qualifications ECSS-Q-70-08C, EN 4179 / NAS 410 (PT, MT), EN 473 (VT, PT, MT), EN ISO 9606-1, EN ISO 9606-2, EN ISO 13585, EC 2008/303 A p p r o v a l s T E S T- F U C H S E r d i n g / H a m b u r g DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 Installation, Maintenance, Calibration and Logistic Support of Test Systems as well as Maintenance of Components for Aircraft and Defence EASA Part-145 Aircraft component overhaul and repair, approval no. DE.145.0282 Ratings: C7, C9, C13 AQAP2120 / ZDv A-1525 Military aircraft component and test systems overhaul and repair in accordance with §30 of the German Air Navigation Act and in conjunction with Bundeswehr Joint Service Regulation (ZDv) A-1525, approval no. BAAINBw-1280M-T04/14/01 TEST-FUCHS GmbH / Test-Fuchs Strasse 1-5 / A-3812 Gross-Siegharts T +43 2847 9001-0 / F +43 2847 9001-299 / [email protected] WWW.TEST-FUCHS.COM Issue 01/2016 safety in test > safety in flight REFERENCES in alphabetical order Our test systems are in use with the following customers: 328 SUPPORT SERVICES GmbH AART ELECTRONICS AIRBERLIN TECHNIK GmbH ABANTIA TICSA S.A.U. AERMACCHI S.p.A. AERO-DIENST GmbH & Co KG AERO LLOYD Luftverkehrs-KG Flugreisen GmbH & Co. AERO Vodochody Aerospace A.S. SIAE AIA - Atelier Industriel de l‘Aeronautique AIRBERLIN Technik GmbH AIRBUS Defence and Space GmbH AIRBUS Defence and Space GmbH AIRBUS DS GmbH AIRBUS HELICOPTERS Deutschland GmbH AIRBUS HELICOPTERS Deutschland GmbH AIRBUS HELICOPTERS ESPANA S.A. AIRBUS HELICOPTERS FRANCE S.A.S. AIRBUS HELICOPTERS CANADA Ltd AIRBUS HELICOPTERS CHILE S.A. AIRBUS OPERATIONS GmbH AIRBUS OPERATIONS GmbH AIRBUS OPERATIONS GmbH AIRBUS OPERATIONS Ltd. AIRBUS OPERATIONS S.A.S. AIRBUS OPERATIONS S.A.S. AIRBUS OPERATIONS S.A.S. St. Eloi AIRBUS OPERATIONS S.L. AIRBUS SAS, Material, Logistics & Suppliers AIRBUS (Tianjin) Jigs and Tools Company Ltd. AIR CHINA AIR FRANCE INDUSTRIES ADAC Luftfahrt Technik GmbH ALENIA AERMACCHI S.P.A. ALITALIA Maintenance Systems AMAC Aeroscpace Switzerland AG ANTONOV ARITEX Cading S.A. ARNO Italiana S.r.l. ASE S.p.A. ASG Luftfahrttechnik und Sensorik GmbH ATITECH S.P.A. AUSTRIAN AIR FORCE AUSTRIAN AIRLINES AUSTRIAN AIRLINES TECHNIK BAAINBw Bundesamt f. Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik & Nutzung d. Bw BMI British Midland BMW, Motoren Ges.m.b.H. BMW, Motoren Ges.m.b.H. BRAZILIAN AERONAUTICAL COMMISSION BRITISH AEROSPACE Ltd. BRITISH AIRWAYS Ltd. TEST-FUCHS GmbH / Test-Fuchs Strasse 1-5 / A-3812 Gross-Siegharts T +43 2847 9001-0 / F +43 2847 9001-299 / [email protected] Wessling Le Peca Berlin Madrid Venegono-Varese Nürnberg Frankfurt Odoleny Voda Clermont-Ferrand Düsseldorf Getafe Manching München Donauwörth München Cuatro Vientos Marignane Ontario La Reina Hamburg Bremen Stade Bristol St. Nazaire Toulouse Toulouse Getafe Hamburg Tianjin Peking Orly Aérogares St. Augustin Torino Roma Basel Kyiv Barcelona La Spezia Milano Weinheim Napoli Vienna Bratislava Koblenz Hounslow Munich Steyr Washington Warton Waterside Germany France Germany Spain Italy Germany Germany Czech Republic France Germany Spain Germany Germany Germany Germany Spain France Canada Chile Germany Germany Germany UK France France France Spain Germany China China France Germany Italy Italy Switzerland Ukraine Spain Italy Italy Germany Italy Austria Austria Slovakia Germany UK Germany Austria USA UK UK WWW.TEST-FUCHS.COM Issue 01/2016 safety in test > safety in flight BACE, British Airways Component Engineering BOEING Integrated Defense Systems BÖHLER-UDDEHOLM Precision Strip GmbH & Co KG BRUKER DALTONIK GmbH BUNDESMINISTERIUM für Inneres CARGOLUX Airlines International S.A. CENTRO Aviazione Guardia di Finanza CERN, Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche nucléaire CHINA AIRLINES Ltd. CHINA EASTERN AIRLINES CHINA SOUTHERN AIRLINES CHARLES KENDALL & PARTNERS COMAU Inc. CONDOR BERLIN GMBH CRMA CROATIAN AIR FORCE CRUISE AERO Ltd. CURTISS WRIGHT Antriebstechnik GmbH CZECH AIRLINES DAPA Defence Aquistion Program Administration DLR Deutsches Zentrum f. Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. DGA Ministère De La Défense DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. EADS SECA Groupe Aérospatiale ELAN GmbH ELBE Flugzeugwerke GmbH ELEB - Embraer Liebherr Equipamentos do Brazil ELEKTROMETALL Export GmbH EMBRAER EMIRATES Airline ERICS UK ESG, Elektroniksystem- und Logistik GmbH EUROFIGHTER JAGDFLUGZEUG GmbH EUROWINGS Luftverkehrs AG FACC AG FLIGHT REFUELLING Ltd. F.M.A. Fabrica Militar de Aviones GAMECO GENERAL DYNAMICS GERMAN AIR FORCE GLS, Gesellschaft für logistischen Service mbH GOODRICH Control Systems GmbH Graz-Köflacher Bahn- und Busbetriebs GmbH GTE, Global Tools & Equipment GmbH GTRE, Gas Turbine Research Establishment (Ministry of Defence) HAHN HELICOPTER HAWKER de HAVILLAND Ltd. HAL Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. HELI AIR Center HELICOPTER SUPPORT Inc. HONEYWELL AEROSPACE GmbH HÖRMANN Industrietechnik GmbH HYDRO Systems KG HYDRO Systems USA Inc. IBERIA Lineas Aereas de Espana INDONESIAN AEROSPACE Ltd. (IAe) TEST-FUCHS GmbH / Test-Fuchs Strasse 1-5 / A-3812 Gross-Siegharts T +43 2847 9001-0 / F +43 2847 9001-299 / [email protected] Harmondsworth Philadelphia Böhlerwerk Leipzig Vienna Luxembourg Rome Genève Shanghai Shanghai Shanghai London Southfield Berlin Elancourt Zagreb Rayleigh Neuhausen Prague Seoul Oberpfaffenhofen Clermont Ferrand Cedex Braunschweig Le Bourget Hamburg Dresden Sao José dos Campos Ingolstadt Sao Paulo Dubai Lancashire München Hallbergmoos Nürnberg Ried Dorset Cordoba Guangzhou Madrid München Neuss Graz Celle Bangolore Hahn Bankstown Kanpur Ljubljana Trumbull Raunheim Kirchseeon Biberach Auburn Madrid Bandung UK USA Austria Germany Austria Luxembourg Italy Switzerland China China China UK USA Germany France Croatia UK Switzerland Czech Republic South Korea Germany France Germany France Germany Germany Brazil Germany Brazil VAE UK Germany Germany Germany Austria UK Argentina China Spain Germany Germany Germany Austria Germany India Germany Australia India Slovenia USA Germany Germany Germany USA Spain Indonesia WWW.TEST-FUCHS.COM Issue 01/2016 safety in test > safety in flight INDUSTRELEC S.A. ISS Logistique & Production ISKRA Commerce Trgovina d.o.o. ITALIAN AIR FORCE ITP - Industria de Turbo Propulsores S.A. ITP M20 Planta de Ajalvir JAPAN AEROSPACE JET AVIATION AG JK Industrial Services GmbH JORDAN Aircraft Maintenance Ltd. KAWASAKI Heavy Ind. Co., Ltd. KNORR Bremse GmbH KONGSBERG Defence & Aerospace AS KOREAN Air KRAUSS-MAFFEI Wegmann GmbH LECHMOTOREN GmbH LIEBHERR-AEROSPACE Lindenberg GmbH LIEBHERR-AEROSPACE Nizhny Novgorod LIEBHERR MACHINES BULLES SA LTU Lufttransport Unternehmen GmbH LUFTHANSA Technik AG LUFTHANSA Technik AG LUFTHANSA Technic Maintenance International GmbH LUFTHANSA Technik AG LUFTHANSA Technik AG LUFTHANSA Technik Component Services LTCS LUFTHANSA Technik Milan S.R.L. LUFTHANSA Technik Switzerland GmbH LUXAIR MAGNA Steyr Fahrzeug Technik AG&CO KG MAGNET SCHULTZ GMBH & CO MANDO Machinery Corporation MARENCO Swiss Helicopter AG MINISTERO da AERONAUTICA MIRAJ Corporation MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES MTU, Motoren- und Turbinen-Union Friedrichshafen GmbH MTU Aero Engines GmbH MTU, Maintenance Hannover GmbH MTU Maintenance Zhuhai Co.Ltd. MURAKAMI Europe SARL MURAKAMI Jitsugyo, Inc. MWB Elektrotechnik Service GmbH NAEWF, Nato Airborne Early Warning Force E-3A Component NAMSA NIKI Luftfahrt NETMA NIGERIAN AIR FORCE NORD-MICRO AG & CO OHG OMA S.p.A. ÖRLIKON-BOHRINGER GmbH ÖBB -Technische Services GmbH PANKL Fahrwerke und Antriebssysteme GmbH PANAVIA Aircraft GmbH PATRIA Aviation Oy PFALZ FLUGZEUGWERKE GMBH TEST-FUCHS GmbH / Test-Fuchs Strasse 1-5 / A-3812 Gross-Siegharts T +43 2847 9001-0 / F +43 2847 9001-299 / [email protected] Sartrouville Colomiers Ljubljana Madrid Madrid Tokyo Basel Kempten Amman Kyungnam Kematen/Ybbs Kongsberg Seoul München Altenstadt Lindenberg Nizhegorodskaya oblast Bulle Düsseldorf Berlin-Schönefeld Frankfurt / Main Frankfurt / Main Hamburg Sofia Tulsa Somma Lombardo Basel Luxembourg Graz Memmingen Anyang Niederurnen Rio de Janeiro New Jersey Nagoya Friedrichshafen München Hannover Zhuhai Clichy Tokyo Bremerhaven Geilenkirchen Capellen Wien Unterhaching Frankfurt Foligno Göppingen Wien Kapfenberg Hallbergmoos Halli Speyer France France Slovenia Italy Spain Spain Japan Switzerland Germany Jordan Korea Austria Norway Korea Germany Germany Germany Russia Switzerland Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Bulgaria USA Italy Switzerland Luxembourg Austria Germany Korea Switzerland Brasil USA Japan Germany Germany Germany China France Japan Germany Germany Luxembourg Austria Germany Nigeria Germany Italy Germany Austria Austria Germany Finland Germany WWW.TEST-FUCHS.COM Issue 01/2016 safety in test > safety in flight PFW Havacilik Sanayi ve Tic. Ltd. PILATUS AIRCRAFT Limited PREMIUM Aerotec GmbH PREMIUM Aerotec GmbH PREMIUM Aerotec GmbH PREMIUM Aerotec GmbH PZL Mielec QANTAS Engineering QATAR Airways RHEINMETALL LAND SYSTEME GMBH ROYAL AIR FORCE RR, Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd. & CO.KG RUAG AEROSPACE Schweiz AG RUAG AEROSPACE RUAG AEROSPACE RUAG LAND SYSTEMS RUSLAN SALIS GmbH SAMSUNG Techwin Co.Ltd. SBB Schweizerische Bundesbahnen SECONDO MONA S.p.A. SHANGHAI AIRLINES SKD Niessing GmbH S.I.A. Engineering Company SIKORSKY SPHEREA Test and Services SR Technics AG SUKHOI STEYR-DAIMLER-PUCH Spezialfahrzeuge AG STRABAG AG STRATA Manufacturing PJSC SWISS HELICOPTER SWISS international Airlines Ltd. TAROM Romanian Air Transport TECHSPACE AERO S.A. THE FLYING BULLS GmbH TURKISH AEROSPACE INDUSTRIES TURKISH AIR FORCE TURKISH AIRLINES TECHNIC TUSAS Motor Sanayii A.S. VECTOR AEROSPACE VDO-Luftfahrtgeräte Werk GmbH WOODWARD Inc. TEST-FUCHS GmbH / Test-Fuchs Strasse 1-5 / A-3812 Gross-Siegharts T +43 2847 9001-0 / F +43 2847 9001-299 / [email protected] Izmir Stans Augsburg Varel Nordenham Braşov Mielec Mascot Doha Kassel Oberursel Emmen Interlaken Oberpfaffenhofen Thun Schkeuditz Seoul Zürich Somma Lombardo Shanghai Duisburg Connecticut Dorset Zürich Moskau Wien Linz Abu Dabi Bern Basel Otopeni - Jud Ilfov Herstal Salzburg Ankara Istanbul Eskisehir Almondbank Frankfurt/Main Loves Park Turkey Switzerland Germany Germany Germany Romania Poland Australia Qatar Germany UK Germany Switzerland Switzerland Germany Switzerland Germany Korea Switzerland Italy China Germany Singapore USA UK Switzerland Russia Austria Austria VAE Switzerland Switzerland Romania Belgium Austria Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey UK Germany USA WWW.TEST-FUCHS.COM Issue 01/2016