Diapositiva 1
Diapositiva 1
Produzione di Idrogeno mediante microorganismi fotosintetici. G. Torzillo Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi Sede di Firenze Energia e idrogeno: Le esperienze e le strategie europee. Il nuovo bando energia del 7PQ. Le iniziative in Italia. Milano, 12 luglio, 2012 Metabolic pathways in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii - Gaffron and Rubin, 1942 Le nostre principali attività di ricerca svolte nell’ambito del progetto Hydrobio (FISR, MIUR, 2004-2009), EBH2 (Regione Toscana) 1) Selezione di ceppi di Chlamydomonas reinhardtii con elevati tassi di produzione di H2 2) Ottimizzazione delle condizioni colturali 3) Verifica all’aperto in fotobioreattori PsbA gene – D1 protein 153 294 (Courtesy of U. Johanningmeier) D1 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutants screened for the H2 production at ISE-FI 1) Photobioreactor;2) Intermediate bottle for gas-liquid conversion;3) Liquidaccumulating bottle; 4) Electronic balance; 5) PC with interface for data recording and storage; 6) - 7) - 8) Probes: Temp, pH, Eh; pO2; PAM-2100; 9) Magnetic mixing system. a) c) b) d) Produzione di H2 mediante batteri fotosintetici Brodi colturali arricchiti con acqua di vegetazione, quale sottoprodotto dell’industria olearia , sono stati utilizzati per la produzione di energie verdi Brodi colturali arricchiti con acqua di scarico, sono stati utilizzati per la produzione d’idrogeno. In collaborazione CNR-ISE- UNIFI ( Prof Roberto De Philippis). 2H2O PE = (8 photons) O2 + 4 e- + 4H + H2ase 2H2 237 KJ/mole H2 x 2 moles (209KJ/ mole quanta in PAR) x (8 moles of photons) = 28.3% 28.3 x 0.45 = 12.7% (of solar light) An ultimate potential objective might be to increase BioHydrogen production as close as possible to about 600,000 m3 ha-1 y-1, which represents solar light conversion efficiency to H2 of about 10% in sunny areas. 1) Torzillo G., Scoma A., Faraloni C., Ena A., Johanningmeier U. (2009). Increased hydrogen photoproduction by means of a sulfur-deprived Chlamydomonas reinhardtii D1 protein mutant. Int J Hydrogen Energy: 34: 4529-4536. 2) Giannelli L., Scoma A., Torzillo G. (2009). Interplay between light intensity, chlorophyll concentration and culture mixing on the hydrogen production in sulfur-deprived C. reinhardtii cultures grown in laboratory photobioreactors. Biotechnol Bioeng104: 76-90. 3) Faraloni C., Torzillo G. (2010) Phenotypic characterization and hydrogen production in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii QB binding D1 protein mutants under sulphur starvation: changes in chlorophyll fluorescence and pigment composition. J Phycol, 46: 788-799. 4) Torzillo G. Giannelli L., Martinez-Roldan A.J., Verdone N., De Filippis P., Scarsella M., Bravi M. (2010). Microalgal culturing in thin-layer photobioreactors. Chem Eng Trans , 20: 265270. 5) Torri C., Samorì C., Adamiano A., Fabbri D., Fartaloni C., Torzillo G. (2011). Preliminary investigation on the production of fluels and bio-char from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii biomass residue after bio-hydrogen production. Biotechl. Biores. (in press) Doi 10.1016/j.biortech.2011.01.064. 6) Faraloni C., Ena A., Pintucci C., Torzillo G. (2011). Enhanced hydrogen production by means of sulfur-deprived Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cultures grown in pre-treated olive mill wastwater. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 36: 5920-5931. 7) Scoma A., Giannelli L Faraloni C., Torzillo G. (2011). Outdoor H2 production in a 50-liter tubular photobioreactor by means of a sulfur-deprived culture of the microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii . J. Biotechnol. (in press). Doi: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2011.06.040 8) Scoma A., Giannelli L Faraloni C., Torzillo G. (2011) Sustained H2 production in a Chlamydomonas. reinhardii D1 protein mutant. J. Biotechnol. (in press). Doi: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2011.06.019 9) Scarsella. M., Torzillo G., Cicci A., Belotti G., De Filippis P., Bravi M. (2011). Mechanical stress tolerance of two microalgae. Process Biochemistry (in press). Doi: 10.1016/j.procbio.2011.07.002 10) Carlozzi P. (2009). The effect of irradiance growing on hydrogen photoevolution and on the kinetic growth in Rhodopseudomonas palustris, strain 42OL. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 34(19): 7949-7958. 11) Carlozzi P., Lambardi M. (2009). Fed-batch operation for bio-H2 production by Rhodopseudomonas palustris (strain 42 OL). Renewable Energy, 34: 2577-2584. 12) Carlozzi P., Buccioni A., Minieri S., Pushparaj B., Piccardi R., Ena A., Pintucci C. (2010). Production of bio-fuels (hydrogen and lipids) through a photofermentation process. Biores. Technol. 101: 3115-3120. 13) Carlozzi P, Scoma A, Pintucci C, Ena A. (2010). Co-production of bioH2 and biomasses rich in oil from two Rhodopseudomonas palustris strains: 42OL and 6A. In Clean Energy: Resources, Production and Developments. Ed: Aiden M. Harris, Nova Science Publishers Inc, New York, Chap. 13, pp. 163-178, ISBN: 978-1-61761-509-2 14) Carlozzi P., Pintucci C., Piccardi R., Buccioni A., Minieri S., Lambardi M. (2010). Green energy from Rhodopseudomonas palustris grown at low to high irradiance values, under fedbatch operational conditions. Biotechnol. Lett. 32: 477-481. 15)Rodolfi L, Chini Zittelli G, Bassi N, Padovani N, Biondi N, Bonini G, Tredici M R (2009). Microalgae for oil: strain selection, induction of lipid synthesis and outdoor mass cultivation in a low-cost photobioreactor. Biotechnol Bioeng 102: 100-112. 16)Tredici M.R., Chini Zittelli G., Rodolfi L. (2010). “Photobioreactors”. In: Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology: Bioprocess, Bioseparation, and Cell Technology, Vol 6. Flickinger M.C. (ed). J. Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, pp. 3821-3838. 17) Bondioli P., Della Bella L., Rivolta G., Casini D., Prussi M., Chiaramonti D., Chini Zittelli G., Bassi N., Rodolfi L., Tredici M.R. (2010). Oil production by the marine microalga Nannochloropsis sp. F&M-M24. Proc. of 18th Europ. Biomass Conf., 3-7 May, Lyon, France. pp. 538-541. ISBN 978-88-89407-56-5; DOI: 10.5071/18thEUBCE2010-VP1.3.53 18) Chini Zittelli G., Rodolfi L., Bassi N., Tredici M.R. (in press) Photobioreactors for microalgae biofuel production. In: "Algae for Biofuels and Energy" (eds M. Borowitzka and N. Moheimani). 19)Bondioli, L. Della Bella, G. Rivolta, G. Chini Zittelli, N. Bassi, L. Rodolfi, D. Casini, M. Prussi, D. Chiaramonti, M.R. Tredici. Oil production by the marine microalgae Nannochloropsis sp. F&M-M24 and Tetraselmis suecica F&M-M33. Bioresource Technology (submitted 12.12.2011). 20) Adessi, A., Torzillo G., Baccetti E., De Philippis R. (2012) Susstained outdoor H2 production with Rhodopseudomonas palustris cultures in a 50 L tubular photobioreactor. Int. J. of Hydroge energy; 21) Carlozzi P. (2012). Hydrogen photoproduction by Rhodopseudomonas palustris 42OL cultured at high irradiance under a semi-continuous regime. J Biomed Biotechnol (in press) 22) Samori C Torri C, Fabbri D, Falini, Faraloni et al., (2012) ChemSus Chem. (in press) 23) Torzillo G. Seibert (2012) Hydrogen production from Microalgae In Richmond ed. 2012 (in press). 24) Torzillo G., Faraloni C., Giannelli L. (2012) Biotechnology of hydrogen production with the microalga C. reinhardtii (The Science of Algal Fuels ( Gordon R., Seckbach eds), 2012 A collaborative research and development (R,D&D) program created in 1977 on a task-shared “bottom-up” basis H Y D R O G E N Task-21: I M P L E M E N T I N G A G R E E M E N T “Bio-Inspired Hydrogen and BioHydrogen” Subtasks 2010-2015 A. Bio-inspired Systems B. Dark BioHydrogen Fermentation Systems C. Basic studies for Light-Driven BioHydrogen Production D. Biological Electrochemical Systems E. Overall Analysis Michael Seibert, Operating Agent AN IMPLEMENTING AGREEMENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY IEA Support MIUR (HYDROBIO) Regione Toscana (EBH2; PROSEV; OLIVARE) BANCHE (CRF; MPS) ENEL Brindisi (CO2-capture) EU: Oli-PHA- European project (20122015) - AQUAGRIS; ALGINET, GRAZIE per l’attenzione 2H2O O2 + H2