Annual Report 2008-2009
Annual Report 2008-2009
REPORT AND CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 2008 2009 Futebol clube do porto - futebol, s.a.d. A3 Evolution of Company Business 6 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD 7 Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 8 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 FUTEBOL CLUBE DO PORTO - Futebol, SAD Public Company Capital: 75,000,000 euros Capital: 15,880,863 euros (approved by the General Assembly of November 13, 2008 Head Office – Estádio do Dragão, Via FC Porto, 3rd Floor Poente Registered in the Oporto 1st Commercial Registry Office, N0 5745 Corporate Fiscal (Tax) Number 504 076 574 9 A3 Evolution of Company Business 10 A Management Report 1 President’s Message 2 Governing Bodies 3 Evolution of the Company Business 4 Other Facts Occurring During the Year 5 Material Facts Occurring after the Close of the Year 6 Prospects 7 Information about shares 8 Declaration of the Management Body B Consolidated Financial Statements and Appendices 1 Consolidated Balance Sheet 2 Consolidated Statements of Results by Nature 3 Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity Capital 4 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 5 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 6 Certification of Accounts and Audit Report 7 Report and Opinion of the Statutory Audit Board C Report on Corporate Governance 0 Declaration on Compliance 1 General Assembly 2 Governing Bodies 3 Information D Qualifying Holdings 11 A3 Evolution of Company Business 12 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 A 13 A 1 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 14 The fourth championship and the Cup of Portugal are the highlights of another successful season from FC Porto - Futebol, SAD. And if we add the excellent performance in the Champions League, in which we won again in our group ahead of Arsenal, and that we just got out of the scene in the quarter-final with Manchester United in a round that could have swung to the blue and whites’, the sense of accomplishment is further strengthened. The season was filled. The first team has enriched our parchments, but the young ones also inflated our pride. FC Porto won the Liga Intercalar and the Under-17 Championship, proving the correctness of the path taken in the detection and preparation of young athletes. And, as it has been the norm in recent years, our assets were again the most requested in the international scene. More than all the foreign journalistic works on our valorization process, which is a proficiency certificate across borders, is the certainty that it is possible to maintain the tone of success, year after year, transaction after transaction. A final word for the 2008/09 season, which reserved an enhanced page to the first year of the Dragon Force. Our project is for the young ones. It is already a success. And it will continue to be, growing under the progression pace of the FC Porto brand. Jorge Nuno Pinto da Costa 15 A3 Evolution of Company Business A 2 GOVERNING BODIES 16 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 General Assembly President - José Manuel de Matos Fernandes Secretary - Rui Miguel de Sousa Simões Fernandes Marrana Board of Directors President - Jorge Nuno Lima Pinto da Costa Adelino Sá e Melo Caldeira Fernando Soares Gomes da Silva Reinaldo da Costa Teles Pinheiro Jaime Eduardo Lamego Lopes Supervisory Board President - José Paulo Sá Fernandes Nunes de Almeida Armando Luís Vieira de Magalhães Filipe Carlos Ferreira Avides Moreira José Manuel Taveira dos Santos (suplente) Statutory Auditors Deloitte & Associados, SROC SA, represented by Jorge Manuel Araújo de Beja Neves Company Secretary Daniel Lorenz Rodrigues Pereira Substitute - Urgel Ricardo Santos Brandão Horta Martins Advisory Council President - Alípio Dias Álvaro Pinto Álvaro Rola Américo Amorim António Gonçalves António Lobo Xavier Armando Pinho Artur Santos Silva Elisa Ferreira Fernando Pimenta Fernando Póvoas Ilídio Pinho Ilídio Pinto João Espregueira Mendes Poncio Monteiro Jorge Armindo Jorge Nuno Pinto da Costa Ludgero Marques Rui Alegre Remuneration Committee President - Alípio Dias Joaquim Manuel Machado Faria de Almeida Fernando Freire de Sousa 17 A3 Evolution of Company Business A 3 EVOLUTION OF COMPANY BUSINESS 18 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 The FC Porto - Futebol, SAD meets its obligations by providing economic and financial information about the financial year of 2008/2009, between the period of 1st of July 2008 to June 30th 2009. This document was elaborated according to the present statutory law, indicated in the “Código das Sociedades Comerciais, Código dos Valores Mobiliários and Regulamentos da Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (CMVM).” As stated in the European Parliament’s Regulation, the societies with real estate values in regulated markets inside the European Union (EU) must use, in its consolidated financial statements, international rules of accountancy (IAS/IFRS) adopted by the EU, for all financial statements started on or after the 1st of January of 2005. In the case of F.C. Porto – Futebol, SAD, these rules were followed in the 2005/2006 statement. Accounts presented in all trimesters, as well as in this report of annual statements, were made according to the international rules of accountancy. SPORTING ACTIVITIES In the wake of recent seasons, the 2008/09 season of the professional football team was full of titles and high-level exhibitions. The 24th national champion title allowed FC Porto to directly qualify for the UEFA Champions League 2009/10, all in a year where only the first in classification would guarantee its qualification. In symbolic terms, it was also a title of great importance, since it represented the second time that FC Porto won the championship for four consecutive times and the sixth League title won in seven years. However, the team’s career wasn’t depleted in the Portuguese League, as the Dragons added to their list of successes the Cup of Portugal, with a victory over Paços de Ferreira in the final at Jamor. It was the sixth ‘double’ (winning the Championship and Cup in the same season) and 14th Cup, in the culmination of a season that proved once again the enormous capacity of the club to shape and project football players of the highest worldwide level . In this field, the ultimate test is the Champions League, where FC Porto fell in the quarter-final at the foot of the then European Champion title, Manchester United, and by a tangential margin (2-3 in two rounds). The exhibition in England, where the blue and white team got a draw (2-2) and a superb demonstration was essential to sharpen the desire of great European teams for various elements of the team, which provided a high return by selling their passes. But the career of FC Porto at the most competitive media world club also had other moments of high level, with the first group stage (ahead of England’s Arsenal) and the elimination of the Spanish Atletico de Madrid in the knockout round finals. The Dragons have, in fact, a record-breaking attendance in the UEFA Champions League alongside Manchester United, with 15 participations. This is only possible thanks to the careful selection of players for the professional team, later boosted by the work and overcoming philosophy of the club. 19 A3 Evolution of Company Business Today, the creations of FC Porto are praised in the most demanding catwalks of Europe. Cissokho, Lucho Gonzalez and Lisandro Lopez helped to strengthen an already extensive list of athletes created / discovered and empowered by the Dragon. In the preparation and during the 2008/09 season the athletes Rodríguez, Rolando and Cissokho were recruited, safe values as players and knowledge holders of Portuguese football (the French left back would assume himself as another important process of appraisal of assets), and Tomás Costa, Guarin, Hulk and Sapunaru, athletes with unquestionable quality and remarkable margin of progression. Despite the present success, we must also ensure the future. As to what concerns training, the National Championship Under-17 League title and the Liga Intercalar confirmed the vocation of FC Porto to “train to gain” by keeping the good performance of logic and consistency of a rich track. The participation in renowned soccer tournaments (especially the victory in the Tournament Dani Guenes Under-14) enhances, on the other hand, the international blue and white prestige. The football school Dragon Force, which fulfilled its first year of operation, is an important step in that direction. Its implementation was made possible due to the investment at Vitalis Park (formerly Campo da Constituição), with an elite infrastructure, where a pitch of synthetic grass for football of 11 and a pitch covered with synthetic grass football seven stand out. This was a significant step towards the projection of the FC Porto, particularly among the young, opening new possibilities in terms of scouting and later development of young talent. ECONOMICAL ACTIVITY Following the good sporting performance, the Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD has also been successful in the economic and financial dimension, consolidating its capital structure. After the negative result obtained in the financial year of 2005/2006, this is already the third consecutive term with positive results, a direct consequence of an increased concern with the combination of sporting success and economic viability. In this report we analyse the consolidated results, i.e., the results obtained through the participation of individual companies included in the consolidation, net of transactions between them. But of course these are the individual results of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD that contribute significantly to the consolidated results. The year under review accounts for the second year, with the inclusion of the business exploitation of PortoSeguro, the company gained 90% on 28 June 2007 for the consolidated result. Later in this report it will be presented an overview of the results obtained by each of the subsidiaries individually, so now we will concentrate on the analysis of the consolidated results. As shown in the chart below, the net profit in the last three years reflects operating surpluses. 20 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Net Result 30.06.2008 30.06.2007 30.06.2009 2,3 8,0 5,1 From a more financial approach, which is increasingly essential to analyse the health of companies, we found that, despite the fall in net profit compared with last year’s, the cash-flow has been steadily increasing in recent years, reaching the year in analysis 38.1 M €. EBITDA - Earnings before interests, taxes, depreciation and amortization 30.06.2008 30.06.2007 30.06.2009 28,5 33,4 38,1 The strong growth in cash flow, measured by the operating income, net of depreciation, impairment losses and provisions in the order of 34% in two years, allows the company greater self-financing ability. 21 A3 Evolution of Company Business Despite the serious international crisis that affects in a more or less relevant way the activity of the companies, the group knew how to increase its revenues over the last year. Even removing from this analysis the proceeds from transactions with the passes of players, also constituting revenues but more unstable and uncertain, there was an increase of 13.2 M€ in this indicator, reaching 68.1 M€. Revenues 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 14,1 12,5 13,4 7,2 7,1 8,3 UEFA Competitions 12,6 11,6 16,2 Advertisement and Sponsorship 11,4 13,0 13,6 2,4 2,0 2,0 Tickets TV Corporate Hospitality Other Revenues Revenues excluding transactions with passes 7,3 8,8 14,7 54,9 55,0 68,1 Examining each of the items that are operating revenues, excluding transactions of players passes; it appears that all, without exception, have grown in the previous period. The box office, which includes the marketing of Dragon Seats (seats per year), tickets sold per match and part of the dues paid by members of the FC Porto which are in the benefit of the sporting society, was influenced by the achievement of UEFA 1/4F Champions League at Estadio do Dragão, considering that in the two previous years, the team stood at 1/8F of the competition. The sale of individual tickets for this game, played with Manchester United at Estadio do Dragão, contributed to the growth of the gate receipts at about 0.9 M €. Regarding television revenue, there was an increase of 1.2 M €, which derives from the contract signed on July 4, 2008 between FC Porto - Futebol, SAD and Olivedesportos - Advertising, Television and Media Limited. As communicated on time to the market, the two companies prorogated until the 2013/2014 season, the transfer contract, on an exclusive basis, the rights of audiovisual media, national and international games played for FC Porto for the main competition Portuguese League for Professional Football as the home team. In return for this agreement, the FC Porto - Futebol, SAD obtained additional revenues of € 1M in the year under review. In addition, and reflecting the growing interest in the work of FC Porto, there was an increase in revenue from the sale of television rights to pre-season games. For the UEFA Champions League, the company obtained a much higher business ratio than the previous season as the team had a more positive performance in this competition. FC Porto passed the 1st stage of the competition, played against the Fernebahçe, Dynamo Kiev and Arsenal, getting the 1st place in the group. In the 1/8F eliminated Atletico Madrid, according to the 1/4F, where it found the at the time European champions, Manchester United, defeated by 2-3. Even if it is negative for Portuguese football, the presence of two teams in European competition without the presence of SL Benfica and in 2007/2008, has enabled the company to obtain additional € 0.4 M in the UEFA Market Pool. It was still registered as a 22 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 revenue of this exercise, the guaranteed access to the 2009/2010 edition of the UEFA Champions League, which provides financial compensation to the participating teams, about 30% higher than the previous edition. The income relating to advertising contracts and sponsorship comes mainly from advertising in the official equipment of F. C. Porto, by its main sponsors, which in the year under review were Portugal Telecom, Nike, and BES. The contract extension with Nike, signed on 25 October 2007, valid for four years 2008-2012, along with royalties and the prize for sporting performance given by this renowned brand of sports equipment that will continue to dress all blue and white teams assured the FC Porto - Futebol, SAD an additional income of around one million euros. However, a reduction in the same line, in PortoComercial, led to the overall increase to be located at 0.6 M €. The operating results of Corporate Hospitality business, which briefly consists in providing a range of products and services for corporate clients, which include the rights to use of boxes and seats for companies in the Dragão Stadium to watch the FC Porto games, are directed to the company EuroAntas held by FC Porto (club), which uses this cash to meet debt service contracted to build the stadium. The model is designed such that FC Porto - Futebol, SAD, after having honored all of its obligations under the Project finance, guarantees itself the distribution of the excess amount from the management of this business. The value obtained in this space remained virtually unchanged, contributing to the result of the company with 2M €. The item “Other Revenues” has increased, when compared with the previous period, 5.9 M €. This increase was due mainly to two factors. First, here are encompassed the sale of merchandise, a business area that was further explored by PortoComercial, as explained later in this report, which contributed to the consolidated business ratio of 2.1 M €. Moreover, here is also reflected the effect of accounting for the overall benefit of the unilateral termination of professional football coach Co Adriaanse and his assistant coach, as decided by the CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport). Additionally, this item includes revenue from the participation of FC Porto in friendly tournaments held in pre-season in the Cândido de Oliveira Super Cup and the Cup of Portugal, which this year awarded its winner FC Porto, a 500 thousand euros prize. Here are also encompassed the incomes arising from PortoComercial, not included elsewhere, including the guaranteed revenue contract with TBZ, which was obtained before termination of the same (according to the above analysis of the activity of PortoComercial). This item also includes the revenues of other companies in the consolidation sphere, PortoEstádio, the PortoMultimédia and PortoSeguro. As a result of the given data, the operating income excluding transactions Passes players increased 24% over the previous period, as shown in the chart below: 23 A3 Evolution of Company Business Revenues excluding Passes Transactions 30.06.2007 30.06.2008 30.06.2009 54,9 55,0 68,1 Analysing the cost structure of the society, there is an increase of about 27% when compared with 2007/2008. When observing the table below, we find that this increase is based largely on increase at the staff costs level and other costs pertaining to ‘other operations’. Operational Costs 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 External services and suppliers 16,1 16,9 20,2 Costs with staff 34,0 38,7 47,5 Amortization excluding devaluation of passes 0,9 0,9 1,0 Other operational costs -2,8 1,0 4,5 Operational costs excluding passes transactions 48,2 57,5 73,2 Labor costs, which have large representation in the cost structure, as it is typical in this activity, were higher by about 8.8 M €, largely because of prizes paid to the team for good performance in the disputed national and European competitions. Note that 25% of total staff costs are presented for a variable component related to the individual and collective performance of the team. On the other hand, the company bets on the investment of the team with players of high quality, most of them international with their national teams, to ensure the best sporting results, which necessarily requires adequate compensation to their status. Additionally, it is the company’s policy to ensure the continuation of key players in the squad. Thus, in order to safeguard the ‘Webster Law’ (Article 17. Of the ‘Regulations on the status and transfer of player’, which allows a player to unilaterally terminate the contract after three years in a club, or just two if he is over 28 years, to represent a foreign club, and to compensate the club for the value of salaries that would have been entitled to receive for the years he had in contract) and FC Porto - Futebol, SAD renewed, even in the sporting season 2007/2008, the working contracts with various athletes, and payments and conditions were improved, a situation that obviously had an impact in the season in question. 24 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 The item Supplies and Services noted a considerable increase of about 3.3 M€, distributed by various companies represented in this consolidated report. FC Porto - Futebol, SAD, in order to be able to meet the increasingly varied needs for work, had to spend an amount higher than current costs. There was also an increase in this rubric with PortoComercial and PortoEstádio in order to accommodate the organized events, with the usual quality. The costs pertaining to ‘Other Operations’, shown in the table above, were increased by 3.5 M€. A total of € 4.5 million presented, are included impairment losses for receivables, amounting to 2.2 M € due to failure to meet deadlines on receiving credits from various entities. In addition, it also encompassed the cost of goods sold by PortoComercial, amounting to 1.4 M€, which did not appear reflected in the previous two years, since the exploitation of the commercial areas of the FC Porto was carried out by the end of the previous year by TBZ. The combination of factors presented led to obtaining Operating Income, excluding players transaction Passes of a negative 5.1 M€. It is important to add to this analysis two items of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD that have an undeniable weight, the amortization and impairment losses with passes of players and the outcome of players transactions Passes. Contributing negatively to the outcome of the society, the amortization and impairment losses with players passes registered a value of 23.8 M€, representing an increase of € 3.7 million from the previous period. The increase in depreciation resulting from contracts signed with the players and the investments made in the acquisition of sports rights, reflect the investment in the team, while the increase in impairment losses is related to the increase in economic costs with the deduction of the players pass in assets. The result of the players transactions Passes which includes the costs and revenues resulting from loan sales and players sports rights has traditionally been a positive item in the financial statements of the group. Here are encompassed capital gains from the sale of players sports rights that have played a substantial part of the proceeds from FC Porto - Futebol, SAD and in a broader perspective, of many companies in this sector of activity that in this way balance the exploitation results. The 41.5 M€ of capital gains arising from transfers (to the value of the sale must be subtracted the costs of each business and the net book value of its sports rights) and loans are derived largely from sales of Quaresma’s Players sports rights to Inter Milan for € 24.6 M, (held at the beginning of the season) and the pertaining prizes of contract objectives of Lucho to Marseille for € 18M and Paulo Machado to Toulouse, for 3.5 M€. The result of the players’ passes transactions presents, therefore, a net value of € 40M . 25 A3 Evolution of Company Business Results with Transactions with Passes 30.06.2007 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 24,3 35,3 40,0 Based on the graphic above, it is clear the influence that the income generated from the transaction of the players’ passes has in the total obtained in operating income. The focus on equipping the team with good values, in addition to contributing to the sporting success, also make possible to obtain important gains for the society itself. Despite the operating profit excluding Passes Transactions being negative, the addition of these two items related to transactions of players passes, allowed achieving an operating income of 11.2 M€. Operating Results 30.06.2007 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 9,4 12,7 11,2 In addition to the operating results, it is necessary to include the financial results to obtain the net result. In this exercise, the financial results worsened in 1.6 M€ not only by the increase in financial charges arising from more difficult access to credit, but also the effect of the adjustments required 26 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 to the level of international accounting standards, relating to the updating, by bringing the payment terms, and accounts to be paid by the society. As an epilogue of the analysis, and after deducting the calculation of tax liability of € 0.6 million, the consolidated net profit of the society was, as mentioned above, 5.1 M €. Still considering the annual exploitation of the company it is important to present a key indicator in the activity, which reflects the weight that staff costs have on the income. Using the indicator commonly used by experts in the analysis of the finances of football, this ratio, which should not include the income from transactions with passes of players must be below 70%, as recommended by UEFA. As you can see by the chart below, the company has managed to keep the ratio within the recommended levels, despite the constraints that FC Porto has, as a club from a small country, the raising of traditional revenues (box office receipts and television advertising), for major European clubs, given that to maintain the same level of competitiveness it has to pay similar wages. Salaries vs Operational Income excluding transactions with players’ passes 30.06.2007 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 62% 70% 70% Moving to the patrimonial position of the company on 30 June 2009, it is highlighted the fact that the total accounting assets amount to €183.6 M, representing an increase of 16% compared to June 30, 2008. This increase is supported not only by an increase in the value of the sports rights of players, due to the investment made in strengthening the squad, but also because of the receivable amounts from the sale of players are prolonged in time, reflecting the agreed conditions. 27 A3 Evolution of Company Business Assets 30.06.2007 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 126,3 158,8 183,6 The company’s total debt amounts, on 30 June 2009 to 160.8 M €, with a strong connection with bank loans, because the accounts are disclosed in accordance with international accounting standards (IAS / IFRS) , include the value of discounted bills. Contractualised Financial transactions are secured with collateral of receivables by the company. The structure of the penalized liabilities appears, on June 30, 2008, solely due to the proximity of the deadline for repayment of the loan, which will be undertaken at nominal value, at once, on 15 December 2009. However, the company has already prepared a financial transaction to restructure the liability so as to become a significant part of its debt in the long term. Liability 160,8 141,1 116,6 30.06.2007 30.06.2008 78,0 98,8 124,6 38,6 42,3 30.06.2009 36,2 Non current liability Current Liability 28 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Concerning the company’s equity capital it is possible to verify that the results obtained in recent years have improved the pertaining structure. Equity Capital 30.06.2007 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 9,7 17,7 22,8 In this analysis one should not overlook the financial statements that may not be able to reflect the fair value of the company, mainly due to the fact that some assets are recorded in the accounts for values significantly below their market values. With regard to the book value of the squad, it is clear that this does not reflect its fair value, because if the “passes” of the players of the squad were recorded at their market value, this asset item would be considerably higher. Each year, the company has obtained very significant gains on the sale of sports rights of players of the squad, which clearly shows that these assets are deflated in accounting. However, and since the equity capital is less than half of the capital, FC Porto - SAD is under the provisions of Article 35 of the Companies Act. The Board of Directors of FC Porto - SAD believes that, depending on the profits of the year 2008/2009 and budget estimates for fiscal year 2009/2010 to be presented at the Annual General Meeting, the capital structure of the society will appear naturally reinforced. Even without reaching the objective of the meeting referred to in Article 35 of the Companies Code, this Administration is convinced that the economic and financial performance improvement will continue in the coming years, and so complying with that Article. Moreover, the Board provides that the publication of the results for the 1st quarter of 2009/2010, are now presented results of operations enabling the company to come out from under that article. Even so, and in the assumption of quickly complying with this requirement, the Board has been studying other solutions that will enable to strengthen the company’s capital. 29 A3 Evolution of Company Business The Board of Directors, besides looking at the analysis of this issue at the General Meeting of Shareholders for approval of the accounts for this year may also convene an Extraordinary General Meeting for discussion and approval of proposals that may be presented, which may pass the following alternatives: * Reduction of share capital amounting to not less than the equity of the company; * Development of capital entries by members to strengthen the coverage of the capital, and * The combination of the two alternatives. OVERVIEW OF THE COMPANIES INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS BELONGING TO THE CONSOLIDATION REPORT PERIMETER PortoComercial PortoComercial is the operator of the brand FC Porto, which develops the commercial component of this activity in its various areas, such as merchandising, sponsorship and licensing, and is owned 93.5% by FC Porto - Futebol, SAD. By decision of the Board of PortoComercial, the contract concluded on 31 March 2006, with TBZ - Promotional Marketing, SA, for providing the commercial exploitation of the brand and the shopping areas of FC Porto, and that was the target of amendment on June 30, 2008, failing to include the management and operation of shopping areas, it was terminated for just cause due to failure to comply with obligations on 4 December 2008. These facts have caused major changes in the income structure of society, as shown in the table below: 5% 13% 12% 1% 5% 0% 14% 22% 7% 17% 2% 21% 13% 60% 67% 43% 2006/2007 Sales Licensing 2007/2008 Advertisement 2008/2009 Brand Transfer Other Services 30 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 The immediate effect was to decrease the item of income, “Transfer of the Brand,” by decreasing the minimum guaranteed income for the change in contract with TBZ at the beginning of the fiscal year. The effect of termination, with the disappearance of this income and to take the business license for PortoComercial, had only visibility in the 2nd half of this fiscal year, to the extent that the contract was terminated on December 4, 2008. However, this impact was compensated by the development of other business areas within the PortoComercial. The business ratio of the company increased 32%, driven by the fact that the sale of merchandise, which contributed 2.1 M € has returned to be managed by the company. The successful marketing of the concepts of “Corporate Hospitality” continues to have strong representation in the income structure of the company, but remained stable in value terms over the financial years since its marketing has always led to an occupancy rate close to 100%. In early October 2008 there was another change in the business PortoComercial, as it became responsible for marketing services in non-sports events held in the Estádio do Dragão, prior activity within the PortoEstádio. This service, although it was already assigned to PortoComercial during the year under review, had a considerable impact on the income structure of society, since it contributed with more than one million euros for the business ratio. Thus, the activity of PortoComercial during this financial year recorded a total income of 11.2 M €, representing an increase of 32% over the same period last year. values in milliards of euros Porto Comercial 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 Turnover 6.752,3 8.435,3 11.171,1 Total Income 6.814,0 8.553,1 11.280,8 Total of Costs before taxes 6.664,4 6.379,6 10.673,5 Period Result 103,5 1.597,2 396,7 Cash-Flow 388,6 1.717,7 921,5 Alongside the alteration in the income composition, also the cost structure has underwent some alterations. The cost of goods sold, which had an almost residual value, is now responsible for 13% of operating costs of the company. Supplies and services also suffered a considerable increase in order to guarantee the usual quality in the organization of events held. There was also a significant increase in staff costs, given the increase in the number of staff needed to ensure the business areas that fall within the PortoComercial again. During this period they also recorded impairment losses to deal with bad debts of receivables and depreciation of goods, a total of 412mil Euros. The combination of these factors allowed the acquisition by PortoComercial, a net profit of 397 thousand Euros. 31 A3 Evolution of Company Business PortoEstádio PortoEstádio, owned entirely by FC Porto - Futebol, SAD, is a company conceived and directed towards the management and operation of sports facilities of the FC Porto Group. Currently, the company is responsible for the Estádio do Dragão and the Center for Vocational Training and Sport, but also by Vitalis Park and the Home Youth Soccer, giving the daily exploitation of the latter a large percentage of its business ratio. Near the end of the period under review, April 23, 2009, the Dragon Box premiered, the new pavilion of the club, located next to Estádio do Dragão. This pavilion will play host to three sports modalities of the club (hockey, handball and basketball), and can also host other events of sporting nature and culture. This modern infrastructure, with capacity for 2007 seats, will also be managed and operated by PortoEstádio. To further rationalize the activities of PortoComercial and PortoEstádio the marketing of non-sporting events held in the Estádio do Dragão, previously performed by PortoEstádio, is now managed by PortoComercial on the understanding that the latter is more suitable for this activity. PortoEstádio maintains the responsibility of organizing the games and the performance of the non-sporting events. This, despite not having committed the revenue, since there was an increase of about 21% of the total income generated by the company, came to influence the outcome, since this is the only exercise in the last three years, which presents a result of practically zero. values in milliards of euros Porto Estádio 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 Turnover 5.990,8 6.666,8 7.904,3 Total Income 6.218,7 6.880,7 8.306,3 Total Costs before Taxes 5.928,1 6.788,1 8.285,8 Result of the Period 187,8 70,8 0,3 Cash-Flow 516,5 873,3 351,7 As shown by the analysis of the above table PortoEstádio showed a significant increase in the business ratio around 19% over the same period last year. This increase was due basically to the growth in revenues related to the events. Providing services in events, including football games remains the main portion of the income structure of the society. However, the non-sporting events continue to be very important, since the smaller events that take place daily, as some with more focus, are becoming more and more common in the Estádio do Dragão, as São João, or Festival Panda. In the year under review it was particularly important to conduct an event that needs no introduction, the “Race of Champions” an event that mixes top drivers in motorsport. This event, unique in Portugal, called for the construction of a real racing track in place of lawn, which reflects the enormous capacity and versatility that a modern and well-designed stadium can provide to a variety of audiences. 32 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 In terms of costs, there was a substantial increase, taking into account the business ratio, which is due solely to an increase in supplies and services to cope with the realization of events carried out, especially the aforementioned “Race of Champions “, which forced the company to have high costs. In the remaining cost items there have been no major changes made in the same period of the previous year. It is also reflected in these accounts, an adjustment of customers debts due to failure to meet deadlines for receipt of credits, as well as strengthening the provision made in 2007/2008, to deal with a case brought by a third party for the cancellation of the “Festival of the Dragon”, which should have taken place in 2005, totaling 190 billion euros. This is a transitional year in which the PortoEstádio stopped operating a business area from which he drew a considerable margin, the marketing of services in non-sporting events, now it only operates these same events, so the result of the society suffers this transition. Despite the net about zero, the PortoEstádio generated a cash flow, which reflects the cash flows for the business, of about 352 thousand euros. PortoMultimédia The PortoMultimédia is held directly and indirectly 70% by FC Porto - Futebol, SAD. The main activity of the company consists of editing, production and marketing of multimedia content management and commercial exploitation of products and services of the club through remote channels, which include the Internet, Mobile Phone and the production of periodicals and non-periodic digital format. In carrying on the 2008/2009 season, PortoMultimédia significantly expanded its level of activity in various business areas at the same time presenting novelties and new features in line with its strategy of continuous innovation. At the end of the season, to lead the conquest of the “fourth title” in the Portuguese Football League, a new official site started with completely new graphics, more appealing and more simple, particularly in terms of menu structure, thus increasing the levels of usability from visitors. In addition there was a presentation on the home page and on the main page of videos relating to special international achievements and the achievement of the”fourth title” by the first team. The new site also includes platforms that bring together members and supporters of the Club such as direct access to micro-blog Twitter FC Porto and the introduction of three thematic blogs (Dragon Seat, and Dragon Force Dragon Tour). There is also innovation in the area of video content, by entering into a partnership with an operator of television and two mobile operators which allowed for the first time in Portugal to view live coverage of some games of FC Porto., The Portuguese Football League, the Meo Mobile service. In addition to the renewed and adding content, there is a fundamental aspect: the English version of the site. At a time when FC Porto is the Portuguese club with the highest reputation on the international scene, and won more titles, publishing information in English has become essential, which 33 A3 Evolution of Company Business shows a clear commitment to the internationalization of the brand. The debut of the new layout, on 5 June 2009, was marked by a video message from the president of the club. With regards to available services in the Club media channels there was a very significant increase in transactions, particularly in the area of ticketing and payment of shares. The sale of tickets for games at Estádio do Dragão registered historical levels of sales in the Champions League European Cup, including the game quarter finals where the opponents were Manchester United. The system of sale completely integrated with the information system of the club showed a good capacity to meet the high demand and experienced the same thing with the annual renewal of seats at the end of the season. Also in the sale of tickets capital gains at the level of delivery service to the club associates have been introduced contemplating new local surveys with extended opening hours in commercial spaces. values in milliards of euros Porto Multimédia 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 Turnover 434,5 432,2 443,4 Total Income 440,4 432,2 443,4 Total of Costs before Taxes 467,5 477,9 488,5 Period Result -27,1 -45,7 -45,1 Cash-Flow -23,3 -42,9 -42,8 Moving to the results, it appears that there is little variation over the years, which derives from the fact that the accounts presented above reflect accounting movements inherent in the contractual structure of company activity. The structure of income, representing a total of € 443m, reflecting the expertise in the exercise of the advance received for supplying the Sportinveste Multimedia on an exclusive basis and for a period of 10 years, a set of rights capable of online businesses. With regards to costs, there is a slight increase due to the increase in supplies and services. The net result was, in this exercise, negative about forty-five thousand euros. PortoSeguro On 28 June 2007, FC Porto - Futebol, SAD acquired from FC Porto a 90% share of the capital of PortoSeguro, Ltd. This well known company engaged in the activity of insurance mediation was evaluated by an external entity, in 1.4 M €. The PortoSeguro represents many different insurance companies, particularly larger ones operating in the market in non-life and life, and its portfolio of companies consists mainly of individual customers, especially in terms of representing the Group Futebol Clube do Porto itself. Throughout the activity of insurance mediation and on the Ranking of the top 20 corporate agents “ PortoSeguro is located on the 19th being that insurance agents of collective people with corporate 34 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 headquarters in Porto there are only three, one belonging to a group banking (12.) and another of a large business group (15.). Please note that other companies are mostly owned by financial institutions and national and multinational car companies. There is in this sector a high concentration of companies with headquarters in Lisbon (11). Although the purchase price is already reflected in the stock of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD in the 2006/2007 financial year, the operating business of PortoSeguro on this exercise has not been included in the consolidation report. So, this is only the second fiscal year in which the FC Porto - Futebol, SAD consolidates its accounts with the PortoSeguro, so we will just present the figures for these two periods. values in milliards of euros Porto Seguro 2007/2008 2008/2009 Turnover 675,4 574,6 Total Income 710,2 588,4 Total Costs before Taxes 760,0 617,1 Period Results -52,4 -30,5 -9,7 8,3 Cash-Flow Regarding the financial situation of the company, it was verified during the period, a decrease in the business ratio of around 15%, which is derived not so much by the reduction in size of the portfolio of awards, but especially by margins earned. The year 2008 was marked by economic and financial crisis that began in the summer of 2007 and whose peak was reached in September 2008. Macroeconomic and financial climate, observed internationally, resulted in significant losses for some financial groups, in particular for the insurance ones. Add to that the domestic insurance market is also hampered by the international situation due to the urgent need to appeal to the world market reinsurer, with increased costs, reduced commissioning and lack of business placement. To make matters worse, during the year 2008, there was an increase of 20% of insurance agents, category of intermediary insurance which includes the PortoSeguro, which meant more and stronger competition in this market. The costs of the company suffered a proportional decrease in the order of 19%, thus achieving a positive cash flow, which allows the company greater ability to flow. Net income for the period was negative at around 31 thousand euros. 35 A3 Evolution of Company Business A 4 OTHER FACTS OCCURRING DURING THE EXERCISE 36 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 * On the 15th of July 2008, FC Porto - Futebol, SAD was informed of the decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport on appeals by Sport Lisboa e Benfica Futebol SAD and Vitoria Sport Clube with the decision rendered on June 13, 2008 by Appeals Committee of UEFA. The Court of Arbitration for Sport rejected the appeals. Therefore, it remained the decision of the appeals committee of UEFA that has confirmed the participation of FC Porto in the 2008/09 UEFA Champions League. * On the 13th of November 2008, FC Porto - Futebol, SAD voted in the General Assembly, the Audit Committee of the Society for the four years 2008/2011, on the death of the former President. The new Audit Committee is now composed of: • José Paulo Sá Fernandes Nunes de Almeida (President) • Armando Luís Vieira de Magalhães • Filipe Carlos Ferreira Avides Moreira • José Manuel Taveira dos Santos (Substitute) * On the April 3rd , 2009, the acquittal of the President of the Board of Directors of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD under the “Apito Dourado was known“. The multiple processes that were originated in the extracts taken from the “Apito Dourado”, was successively filed, and the chairman of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD was exonerated of any and all charges. * On April 28th 2009, FC Porto - Futebol, SAD and Unicer signed a partnership agreement, valid for the triennium 2009-2012. By this contract the society gives and ensures the status of main sponsor of the Professional Football Team, which allows them to advertise on the official equipment. * FC Porto - Futebol, SAD formalized on 3rd June 2009, the agreement to extend for a further two seasons, i.e. until 30th June 2011, the employment contract that binds the company to the coach of the first team, Jesualdo Ferreira. * On 4th June 2009, FC Porto - Futebol, SAD completed its acquisition of 80% of the sports subscription of the player Álvaro Pereira, for 4.5 M €. The athlete has signed an employment contract with a duration of 5 athletic seasons, to which a termination clause of 20M€ was imposed. The economic and financial effects of this acquisition will be the formalized in the year 2009/2010. * Under the scope of the society’s bond issue, it the payment of interest on the coupon No. 4 and No. 5, the “Bond Loan 2006-2009” on 15 December 2008 and June 15, 2009, respectively was done. The reimbursement of the operation will take place on December 15, 2009, as defined in the prospectus of the public offer. 37 A3 Evolution of Company Business A 5 RELEVANT EVENTS OCCURRED AFTER THE CLOSE OF THE YEAR 38 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 * On July 6th, 2009, FC Porto - Futebol, SAD bought for € 5M, the sport registration fees and 50% of the economic rights of the player Fernando Belluschi, to the Olympiakos of Greece, having the athlete signed a contract of employment lasting for 5 sports seasons and with a break clause of 30M €. * On 7th July 2009 to FC Porto - Futebol, SAD reached an agreement with the Olympique Lyonnais (Lyon) for the sale of sports subscription rights of the professional soccer player Lisandro Lopez in the amount of 24M €. The total amount to be received by this transfer may reach € 28M, depending on the sporting performance of the club that the athlete has come to represent. * On 15th July 2009, FC Porto - Futebol, SAD bought, 3.930 M €, the sport registration fees and 60% of the economic rights of the player Radamel Falcao, from River Plate, and the player signed a contract of employment with a duration of 4 sport seasons with a break clause of 30M €. * On 18h July 2009, FC Porto - Futebol, SAD sold for € 15M, the registration Sports rights of the player Aly Cissokho to Olympique Lyonnais (Lyon). The company has secured 20% of the added value that Olympique Lyon may get as a result of an eventual transfer of the player. * FC Porto - Futebol, SAD decided on 21st August 2009 to extend for a further two seasons, i.e. until 30 June 2014, the employment contract that binds the firm and its player of Givanildo Vieira de Souza ( “Hulk”) and changed its termination clause to € 100M. 39 A3 Evolution of Company Business A 6 PROSPECTS 40 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 With the accountability of 2008/2009, which for the third consecutive year shows a positive result, it is observed that the capital structure of the society has improved significantly, according to the results presented. The budget of the company for the financial year 2009/2010 announced a very positive panorama; this paves the greater strength and consistency in the capital structure of society, while maintaining the goal of competing at the highest level in 2009/2010. The added value of transfers already achieved with the sale of subscription rights of the sports player Lisandro Lopez and Aly Cissokho to Lyon in July, helped to ensure important revenue for the company and the prospect of a positive result next season. On the recurring question of compliance with the Article 35 of the Companies Act, the Board of Directors of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD believes that, depending on the profits of the year 2008/2009 and the estimate budget for the fiscal year of 2009/2010 to be presented at the Annual General Meeting, the capital structure of the society will appear naturally improved. Reinforcing this, the Board provides that the publication of the results for the 1st quarter of 2009/2010 will already provide results of operations enabling the company to get under that article. FC Porto - Futebol, SAD assured, once again, its presence in the most important competition of the European football, UEFA Champions League, thus maintaining its status of record attendance at the event. At the time of this report, FC Porto is placed 2nd in the group, led by the colossal English team Chelsea and thus with good prospects for following the 1/8F of the race. In addition to the direct financial results, awarded by UEFA, the presence of FC Porto in the great showcase of European football, where players strongly shine, it is essential their valorization as economic assets of the society. This is the vision we have for our future. Modern football requires sporting and economic efficiency. This is the fate of F. C. Porto - Futebol, SAD. That is why we clearly bet on the training of talents and in early detection of the best players. This is where we want to make a difference. 41 A3 Evolution of Company Business A 7 INFORMATION SHARES 42 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 FC Porto - Futebol, SAD has, in terms of consolidated accounts, 100 shares, valued at € 499. These shares, with a very small representation in the capital of the company are held by PortoSeguro, society in the consolidation, owned 90% by FC Porto - Futebol, SAD. The PortoSeguro acquired the 100 shares at the time of the formation of the Public Limited Sports Company in 1997 and has not since then sold or purchased any further stock. Thus, FC Porto - Futebol, SAD had consolidated in terms of both the beginning and the end of the period under review, 100 shares, with an acquisition cost of € 500. 43 A3 Evolution of Company Business A 8 DECLARATION MANAGEMENT BODY 44 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Under the provisions of subparagraph c) of paragraph 1 of Article 245 of the CMVM, the directors of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD, as responsible parties for the company, say, to the best of their knowledge, the information contained in the report management, in the annual accounts and other documents of accountability required by law or regulation, although they have not been submitted for approval at the general meeting have been prepared in accordance with the applicable accounting standards, giving a true and fair view of the asset and liabilities, financial position and results of the issuer and the companies included in the consolidation perimeter, when appropriate, and that the annual report faithfully exposes the evolution of the business performance and position of the issuer and the companies included in the consolidation perimeter, contains a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that they face. Porto, 6th of October 2008 The Board of Directors ________________________________ Jorge Nuno Lima Pinto da Costa ________________________________ Adelino Sá e Melo Caldeira ________________________________ Fernando Soares Gomes da Silva ________________________________ Reinaldo da Costa Teles Pinheiro ________________________________ Jaime Eduardo Lamego Lopes 45 A3 Evolution of Company Business 46 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 B 47 A3 Evolution of Company Business B 1 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS OF 30 JUNE 2009 AND 2008 48 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 1. Consolidated Balance Sheet as of 30 June 2009 and 2008 (Translation of statements originally issued in Portuguese - Note 35) (amounts expressed in euros) Assets Notes 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 NON CURRENT ASSETS Tangible assets Intangible assets - players’ registrations Other intangible assets Investments held for sale Goodwill Trade receivables Other non current assets 7 8 7 9 e 20 10 11 13 2,729,430 57,876,220 1,761,787 901,226 717,647 25,677,823 15,397,672 2,941,279 50,678,865 1,788,139 901,226 717,647 13,659,745 14,963,937 105,061,805 85,650,838 617,928 60,111,707 10,813,768 6,967,350 43,800 56,660,539 12,933,255 3,518,379 78,510,753 73,155,973 183,572,558 158,806,811 75,000,000 (499) 259,675 99,873 635,414 (58,495,252) 5,135,220 75,000,000 (499) 259,675 20,013 318,051 (66,063,620) 7,964,449 22,634,431 17,498,069 141,081 206,219 22,775,512 17,704,288 21,000,666 8,278,348 6,871,834 - 22,124,579 14,590,771 4,331,978 1,222,652 - 36,150,848 42,269,980 55,184,343 14,871,385 25,177,684 27,488,137 1,924,649 44,949,081 23,548,755 28,728,780 1,605,927 Total non current assets CURRENT ASSETS Inventories Trade receivables Other current assets Cash and cash equivalents 12 e 21 11 e 21 13 14 Total current assets TOTAL ASSETS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES SHAREHOLDERS’ FUND: Share capital Own shares Share issue premiums Legal reserve Other reserves Retained earnings Consolidated net result for the year 16 Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company Minority interests 17 TOTAL EQUITY LIABILITIES: NON CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank loans Bonds Trade payables Other non current liabilities Provisions 18 18 19 20 Total non current liabilities CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank loans Bonds Trade payables Other current liabilities Provisions 18 18 19 20 21 Total current liabilities 124,646,198 98,832,543 TOTAL LIABILITIES 160,797,046 141,102,523 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 183,572,558 158,806,811 49 A3 Evolution of Company Business B 2 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENTS BY NATURE FOR THE YEARS ENDED 30 JUNE 2009 AND 2008 50 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 2. Consolidated Income Statements by Nature for the years ended 30 June 2009 and 2008 (Translation of statements originally issued in Portuguese - Note 35) (amounts expressed in euros) Operational income: Sales Services rendered Other operational income Notes 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 22 2,122,361 62,338,766 53,411,763 23 Total operational income Operational expenses: Cost of sales External supplies and services Payroll expenses Amortisation and depreciation excluding amortisation of players’ registrations Provisions and impairment losses excluding players’ registrations Other operational expenses 12 24 25 7 21 Total operational expenses excluding expenses with players’ registrations Operational profit/(loss) excluding results with players’ registrations 1,561,010 54,972,773 1,430,271 20,171,298 47,542,521 964,835 2,180,174 922,419 16,871,976 38,703,730 921,140 (332,678) 1,338,307 73,211,518 57,502,475 (5,068,024) (2,529,702) Amortisation and impairment losses of players’ registrations 26 23,769,971 20,083,602 Income/(expenses) related to players’ registrations 26 40,007,626 35,320,259 16,237,655 15,236,657 11,169,631 12,706,955 7,149,406 1,682,162 5,013,048 1,140,071 - - 5,702,387 8,833,978 (555,094) (785,454) 5,147,293 8,048,524 - - 5,147,293 8,048,524 17 5,135,220 12,073 7,964,449 84,075 29 0,34 0,53 Excluding discontinued operations Basic Diluted 0,34 0,34 0,54 0,54 from discontinued operations Basic Diluted n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Total operational profit/(loss) Finalcial expenses Financial income 27 27 Investment income Profit/(loss) before income tax Income tax 15 Profit/(loss) for the year Profit/(loss) for the year for discontinued operations Consolidated profit/(loss) for the year Atributable to: Equity holders of the parent company Minority interests Earnings per share The accompanying notes form an integral part of the consolidated financial statements 51 3,682,367 68,143,494 A3 Evolution of Company Business B 3 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEARS ENDED 30 JUNE 2009 AND 2008 52 53 75,000,000 Balance as at 1 July 2008 Balance as at 30 June 2009 75,000,000 - Consolidated profit/(loss) for the year ended 30 June 2009 - Transfer to retained earnings - Transfer o other reserves Changes in reserves - Tranfer to legal reserve Appropriation of profit of 2007: 75,000,000 Balance as at 30 June 2008 - Consolidated profit(loss) for the year ended 30 June 2008 - Transfer to retained earnings Changes in reserves - Transfer to other reserves 75,000,000 Share capital Transfer to legal reserve Appropriation of profit of 2006: Balance as at 1 July 2007 (amounts expressed in euros) (499) - - - - - (499) (499) - - - - - (499) Own shares 259,675 - - - - - 259,675 259,675 - - - - - 259,675 Share issue premiums 99,873 - - - - 79,860 20,013 20,013 - - - - 4,069 15,944 Legal reserve 635,414 - - - 317,363 - 318,051 318,051 - - - 77,290 - 240,761 Other reserves (58,495,252) - 1,142 7,567,226 - - (66,063,620) (66,063,620) - (5,007) 2,178,667 - - (68,237,279) Retained earnings 5,135,220 5,135,220 - (7,567,226) (317,363) (79,860) 7,964,449 7,964,449 7,964,449 - (2,178,667) (77,290) (4,069) 2,260,026 Net profit(loss) Attributable to equity holders of the parent company 3. Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity for the years ended 30 June 2009 and 2008 (Translation of statements originally issued in Portuguese - Note 35) 22,634,431 5,135,220 1,142 - - - 17,498,069 17,498,069 7,964,449 (5,007) - - - 9,538,628 Total 141,081 12,073 (77,211) - - - 206,219 206,219 80,484 - - - - 125,735 Minority interests 22,775,512 5,147,293 (76,069) - - - 17,704,288 17,704,288 8,044,933 (5,007) - - - 9,664,363 Total Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 A3 Evolution of Company Business B 4 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2009 54 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 1. INTRODUCTION Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, S.A.D. (“FCPorto, SAD”, “the Company” or “the Group”), with head office at Estádio do Dragão Via F.C. Porto, Entrada Poente, 3rd Floor, 4350-451 Porto, was founded on 30 July 1997. The Group’s main activity considers the participation in professional football competitions and the promotion and organisation of sporting events. 2. BASIS OF PRESENTATION AND MAIN ACCOUNTING POLICIES The significant accounting policies used in the preparation of the accompanying consolidated financial statements are as follows: 2.1 Basis of Presentation The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis from the books and accounting records of the companies, adjusted to reflect International Financial Reporting Standards - “IFRS” (previously referred to as International Accounting Standards – “IAS”), issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”) in force on 1 July 2008, as adopted by the European Union. New accounting standards and their impact on financial statements Until the date of approval of these financial statements, the European Union endorsed the following accounting standards and interpretations, some of which were in force during the financial year ended 30 June 2009: With mandatory application for the financial year ended 30 June 2009 Effective date IAS 39/IFRS 7 - Amendments: reclassifications of Financial Instruments 01-07-2008 IFRIC 12 - Service Concession Arrangements 01-01-2008 IFRIC 13 - Customer Loyalty Programmes 01-07-2008 IFRIC 14 - IAS 19 The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, minimum Funding Requirements and their Interaction 01-01-2008 55 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 With mandatory application after 30 June 2009 Effective date IFRS 1/IAS 27 - Cost of an Investment in a subsidiary, Jointly Controlled Entity or Associate 01-01-2009 IFRS 2 - Amendments: Share-based Payment 01-01-2009 IFRS 3 - Amendments: Business Combinations 01-07-2009 IFRS 8 - Operating Segments 01-01-2009 IAS 1 - Presentation of Financial Statements (Reviewed) 01-01-2009 IAS 23 - Amendments: Borrowing Costs 01-01-2009 IAS 27 - Amendments: Consolidated and Separate Financial Statments 01-07-2009 IAS 32/IAS 1 - Amendments: Puttable Financial Instruments and Obligations Arising on Liquidation 01-01-2009 IAS 39 - Amendments: Eligible hedged items 01-07-2009 Amendments to International Financial reporting Standards (2007) 01-01-2009 IFRIC 15 - Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate 01-01-2009 IFRIC 16 - Hedges of a net Investment in a Foreign Operation 01-10-2008 The adoption of the amendments made to IAS 39/IFRS 7 and to IFRIC 12, IFRIC 13 and IFRIC 14 has not led to any relevant changes to the consolidated financial statements as of 30 June 2009. The standards endorsed by the European Union, mentioned above, have not been adopted by the Group for the year ended 30 June 2009, as its application is not mandatory for this financial year and the Group has decided not to early adopt them. The application of these changes will not produce material changes in the future financial statements of the Group, with the exception of IFRS 8 which will change the disclosures regarding segment reporting. As of this date, the following accounting standards and interpretations have already been issued but not yet endorsed by the European Union: Effective Date IFRS 1 - Amendments: Cost of an Investment on First-time Adoption 01-01-2010 IFRS 2 - Amendments: group cash-settled Share-based Payment Transactions 01-01-2010 IFRS 7 - Amendments: Enhancing Disclosures about fair value and liquidity Risk 01-01-2009 Amendments to International Financial reporting Standards (2008) 01-07-2009/01-01-2010 IFRIC 17 - Distributions of Non-cash Assets to Owners 01-07-2009 IFRIC 18 - Transfers of Assets from Customers 01-07-2009 The future application of the standard mentioned above, which have not been endorsed by the European Union, is not expected to produce material impacts to the Group’s financial statements as of 30 June 2009. 2.2 Basis of Consolidation The consolidation methods adopted by the Group in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements are as follows: 56 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 a) Investments in Group companies Investments in companies in which the Group owns, directly or indirectly, more than 50% of the voting rights at Shareholders’ General Meetings or is able to establish financial and operational policies (definition of control used by the Group), are included in the consolidated financial statements using the full consolidation method. Equity and net profit attributable to minority shareholders are shown separately, under the caption “Minority interests”, in the consolidated balance sheet and in the consolidated income statement. Companies included in the consolidated financial statements using the full consolidation method are listed in Note 5. Adjustments to the financial statements of Group companies are performed, whenever necessary, and relevant, in order to adapt accounting policies to those used by the Group. Intra-group balances and transactions are eliminated on consolidation. b) Goodwill Differences between the cost of acquisition of investments in Group companies and the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of those companies at the date of acquisition, when positive, are shown as Goodwill (Note 10). Goodwill is not amortised, being subject to impairment tests on an annual basis. Net recoverable amount is determined based on business plans performed by the Group management or on valuation reports issued by independent entities. Impairment losses recognized in the period are recorded in the income statement under the caption “Provisions and impairment losses”. Impairment losses related with goodwill may not be reversed. 2.3 Main Accounting Policies The main accounting policies used in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements are as follows: a) Tangible assets Tangible assets acquired up to 1 July 2004 (transition date to IFRS) are recorded at deemed cost, which corresponds to the acquisition cost net of accumulated depreciation and impairment losses recorded up to that date. Tangible assets acquired after that date are recorded at acquisition cost net of accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. 57 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 Depreciation is calculated on a straight line basis, as from the date the assets are first used, over the expected useful life for each group of assets. The expected useful life of the main groups of assets is as follows: Machinery and equipment: 4 to 10 years; Vehicles: 3 to 8 years; Office equipment: 3 to 8 years. Maintenance and repair costs relating to tangible assets which do not increase their useful life nor result in significant benefits or improvements are recorded directly as expenses in the period they are incurred. Gains or losses arising on sale or disposal of tangible assets are calculated as the difference between the selling price and the carrying amount of the asset at the date of its sale/disposal; these are recorded in the income statement under either “Other operational income” or “Other operational expenses”. b) Intangible assets - Players’ registrations The caption “Intangible assets - Players’ registrations” includes costs related with the acquisition of players’ registrations, including intermediation service costs and signing-on fees paid directly to the players in accordance with item 4, article 3 of Decree-Law 103/97 of 13 September. When the percentage owned of players’ registrations is less than 100% (see Note 8), the Group is entitled to full use of the player’s registration, but has entered into an associated financial interests contract with a third party, which consists of an investment partnership in the registration rights, resulting in the proportional sharing of the inherent results in future the transaction of these rights. If a loss is estimated on realisation of a player’s registration (“impairment loss”), the corresponding impact is recorded in the income statement of the financial year under the caption “Amortisation and impairment losses of players’ registrations”. The identification and quantification of such impairment losses consider the carrying amount of players’ registrations as of 30 June 2009 of players whose labour contracts have been terminated up to the approval date of the consolidated financial statements. Costs associated with securing the extension of a playing contract are also recorded under the caption “Intangible assets - Players’ registrations”, added to the carrying amount at the date of the amendment and that new book value is amortised over the remaining revised contract life. Costs included in the caption “Intangible assets - Players’ registrations” are amortised over the period covered by contracts celebrated between the players and the Group, in accordance with DecreeLaw 103/97 of 13 September. 58 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Players on loan The acquisition costs of players’ registrations who are on temporary loan to other clubs are maintained in the caption “Intangible assets - Players’ registrations” and continue to be amortised over the contract period. If a loss is estimated on the realisable value (“impairment loss”) of the players’ registrations on loan up to the end of the contract period, the corresponding effect is recorded in the income statement of the financial year under the caption “Amortisation and impairment losses of players’ registrations”. c) Other intangible assets Other intangible assets are stated at acquisition cost net of depreciation and accumulated impairment losses. Intangible assets are only recognised if it is probable that future economic benefits will flow from them, if they are controlled by the Group and if their value can be reliably measured. Depreciation is charged on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of the assets as from the date the asset is first used (Note 7). d) Lease and long term rental Tangible assets acquired under finance lease contracts and the corresponding liabilities are recorded in accordance with the financial method, when complying with the requirements of IAS 17 - “Leases”. Accordingly, tangible assets are recorded as assets and corresponding obligations as liabilities in the balance sheet. Both the finance charge and the depreciation expense for depreciable assets, calculated as explained in Note 2.3.a), are taken to the income statement in the period in which they are incurred. Long term rental instalments on assets acquired under this regime are recognised in full as expenses in the period to which they refer. Determination of whether contracts relate to finance leases or long term rentals is made based upon the substance rather than the form of the contracts. Operating lease instalments are recognised as expenses on a straight-line basis over the rental period. e) Impairment of non-current assets, except for Goodwill Assets are assessed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. Whenever the book value of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount, an impairment loss is recognised in the profit and loss statement caption “Provisions and impairment losses excluding players’ registrations”. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and its value in use. Fair value less costs to sell is the amount obtainable from the sale of an asset in an arm’s length transaction between knowledgeable parties, less costs of disposal. Value in use is the present value of estimated future cash-flow from the continued use of an asset and from its disposal at the end of its useful life. Recoverable amounts are estimated for each asset individually. 59 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 Impairment losses recognised in prior years are reversed when it is concluded that the impairment losses previously recognised no longer exist or have decreased. This assessment is made whenever there is an indication that impairment losses previously recognised have been reversed. The reversal is recorded in the income statement caption “Other operating income”. However, reversal of the impairment loss is recognised only up to the amount at which the asset would have been recorded (net of depreciation) had no impairment loss been recognised for that asset in prior years. f) Borrowing costs Borrowing costs are recognised on an accruals basis in the income statement for the period in which they are incurred. g) Inventories Inventories are stated at acquisition cost or net realizable value, whichever is lower, using the average cost as costing method. Differences between cost and net realizable value, if negative, are shown as operating expenses under the caption “Cost of sales”. h) Provisions Provisions are recognised when, and only when, the Group has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as result of a past event, it is probable that a outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation, and a reliable estimate can be made of that obligation. Provisions are reviewed and adjusted at the balance sheet date to reflect the best estimate as of that date. i) Financial instruments i) Investments Investments are classified into the following categories: • Held to maturity; • Investments measured at fair value through profit or loss; • Available-for-sale Held to maturity investments are classified as non-current assets unless they mature within 12 months of the balance sheet date. Investments classified as held to maturity have defined maturities and the Group has the intention and ability to hold them until the maturity date. 60 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 The investments measured at the fair value through profit or loss include the investments held for trading that the Group acquires with the purpose of trading in the short term. They are classified in the consolidated balance sheet as current investments. The Company classifies as available-for-sale investments those that are neither included as investments measured at fair value through profit or loss neither as investments held to maturity. These assets are classified as non-current assets, except if the sale is expected to occur within 12 months from the date of classification. All purchases and sales of investments are recognised on the trade date, independently of the settlement date. Investments are initially measured at cost, which is the fair value of the consideration paid for them, including transaction costs. Investments that do not have a quoted price and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured are stated at cost less any impairment losses. ii) Trade receivables and Other receivables Non-current accounts receivables are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method, less any impairment. Current account receivables are presented in the balance sheet, net of any impairment losses, and are recorded at their nominal value, except when the effect of discounting is material, when they are recorded at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Accounts receivables are recorded as current assets, except when its maturity is greater than 12 months from the balance sheet date, when they are classified as non-current assets. These financial assets are included in the captions presented in Note 11. Impairment is recognised if there is objective and measurable evidence that, as a result of one or more events that occurred, the balance will not be fully received. Therefore, each group company takes into consideration information that indicates: • significant financial difficulty of the issuer or counterparty; • default or delinquency in payments; • it becoming probable that the counterparty will enter bankruptcy or financial re-organisation. iii) Financial liabilities and Equity instruments Financial liabilities and equity instruments are classified and recorded based upon their contractual substance. Equity instruments are contracts that evidence a residual interest in the assets of the Group after deducting all of its liabilities, and are recorded at the proceeds received, net of direct issue costs. 61 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 iv) Loans Loans are recorded as liabilities at their nominal value net of transaction costs directly related to the issuance of those instruments. Financial expenses are calculated based on the effective interest rate and are recorded in the income statement on an accruals basis. v) Trade payables and Other payables Accounts payables are recorded at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Current accounts payable are stated at their nominal value, unless the effect of discounting is considered material, when they are recorded using the effective interest method. The financing costs are calculated according to the effective interest rate, except for amounts payable to very short-term securities which would be to recognize immaterial. Accounts payable are classified as current liabilities, except in cases where the maturity is longer than 12 months of the balance sheet date, which are classified as non-current. These liabilities are included in the classes identified in Note 19. vi) Discounted bills Trade receivables represented by discounted bills that have not yet matured at the balance sheet date remain recorded in the balance sheet until they are collected. vii) Cash and cash equivalents “Cash and cash equivalents” include cash on hand, cash at banks, term deposits and other treasury applications which mature in less than three months and are subject to insignificant risk of change in value. In the consolidated statement of cash-flows, “Cash and cash equivalents” also include bank overdrafts, which are included in the balance sheet caption “Bank loans”. viii) Effective interest rate method Effective interest rate method is a method of calculating the amortised cost of a financial asset or liability and of allocating interest income or expense over the relevant period. j) Contingent assets and liabilities Contingent assets are possible assets arising from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not within the control of the Group. 62 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Contingent assets are not recorded in the consolidated financial statements but disclosed when future economic benefits are probable. Contingent liabilities are defined by the Group as (i) possible liabilities arising from past events, the existence of which will only be confirmed by the occurrence, or not, of one or more uncertain future events not under full control of the Group, or (ii) present obligations arising from past events, but which are not recognised because it is unlikely that there will be an outflow of financial benefits to settle the obligation or the amount of the obligation cannot be reliably measured. Contingent liabilities are not recorded in the consolidated financial statements. Instead they are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements, unless the probability of a cash outflow is remote, in which case, no disclosure is made. k) Income tax As from the financial year ended 30 June 2007 the below mentioned group of companies, which is dominated by Futebol Clube do Porto – Futebol, S.A.D., has been taxed in accordance with the special regime for taxation of company groups (“Regime Especial de Tributação de Grupo de Sociedades” – “RETGS”), with the exception of Porto Seguro – Sociedade Mediadora de Seguros do Porto, Lda., which joined the group in the financial year ended 30 June 2009.: Futebol Clube do Porto – Futebol, S.A.D; PortoComercial – Sociedade de Comercialização, Licenciamento e Sponsorização, S.A PortoEstádio, Gestão e Exploração de Equipamentos Desportivos, S.A.; PortoSeguro - Sociedade Mediadora de Seguros do Porto, Lda. Income tax for the year is determined based on the taxable results of the companies included in the consolidation and takes into consideration deferred taxation. According to existing Portuguese legislation, company’s tax returns included in the consolidation are subject to revision and correction by the Tax Administration during a period of four years (five years for Social Security), unless there were tax losses, have been granted tax benefits, or there are ongoing inspections, complaints or disputes, these cases where, depending on the circumstances, the deadlines are elongated or suspended. Thus, the tax situation on the years ended on 30 June 2006 to 30 June 2009 may still be subject to review and possible corrections. The Board of Directors of the Parent-Company and its subsidiaries believe that any adjustments resulting from review by the Tax Administration and the tax situation for tax-businesses, for the years in open, should not have a significant effect on the consolidated financial statements. Under Article 81 of the Tax Code the corporate income businesses of the Group, are subject to additional taxation on a separate set of charges at the rates provided for in the referred article. 63 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 Deferred taxes are calculated using the balance sheet liability method and reflect the temporary differences between the amount of assets and liabilities for accounting purposes and the corresponding amounts for tax purposes. Deferred taxes are calculated using the tax rates expected to be in force at the time the temporary differences are reversed. Deferred tax assets are only recorded when there is reasonable expectation that sufficient taxable profits will arise in the future to allow such deferred tax assets to be used or where there are temporary taxable differences that compensate temporary tax deductible differences in the period they reverse. At the end of each period the Group reviews the deferred tax assets and reduces them whenever their realisation ceases to be likely. l) Revenue recognition and accrual basis i) Sales of goods Revenue from the sales of goods (merchandising products) is recognised in the income statement when: (i) the significant risks and benefits of ownership of the assets have been transferred to the buyer, (ii) the Group does not retain continued management involvement of the asset sold to a degree usually associated with ownership or effective control over it, (iii) the amount of revenue can be reliably measured, (iv) it is likely that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the Group, and (v) the costs incurred or to be incurred with the transaction can be reliably measured. Sales are recognised net of taxes, discounts and other costs, including commissions, at the fair value of the amount received or receivable. ii) Sale of players’ registrations Gains or losses on disposal of players’ registrations are recorded in the income statement under the caption “Income/(expenses) related to players’ registrations” and are calculated as the difference between the selling price and the carrying amount of the player’s registration at the date of the sale and any other costs related directly with the sale, including intermediation service costs. Whenever relevant, the effect of discounting future receipts to its present value is considered in the determination of the transaction result. Gains or losses on sale of players’ registrations are recognised in the income statement when the significant risks and benefits of the player’s registration have been transferred. iii) Bonuses for participation in European Competitions Fixed bonuses for obtaining the right to participate in the UEFA Champions League are recognised in the period in which participation is guaranteed, which is independent of the performance in that competition. Variable bonuses depending on sporting performance are recorded in the period the matches are played. 64 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 iv) Other income Income relating to broadcasting rights, advertising and sponsorships is recorded in the income statement in accordance with the duration period of the respective contracts. Income relating to football matches is recognised in the period the matches are played. Interest and financial income are recognised on an accruals basis at the applicable effective interest rates. Other income and expenses are recorded in the period to which they relate, regardless of their date of payment or receipt. Differences between the amounts received or paid and the corresponding income and expenses are recognised in captions “Other current assets”, “Other current liabilities” and “Other non current liabilities”. m) Foreign currency balances and transactions All foreign currency assets and liabilities are translated to Euro at the official year-end exchange rates. Exchange gains and losses resulting from differences between the exchange rates in force on the date of the transactions and those in force on the date of collections, payment or the balance sheet date are recognised as gain or loss in the income statement of the period. n) Subsequent events Events after the balance sheet date that provide additional information on conditions existing at the balance sheet date (adjusting events), are reflected in the consolidated financial statements. Events after the balance sheet date that provide information about conditions arising after the balance sheet date (non-adjusting events), when material, are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements (Note 33). o) Judgement and estimates The most significant accounting estimates reflected in the consolidated income statements include: (i) Useful lives of tangible and intangible assets; (ii) Impairment analysis of goodwill, of intangible assets - players’ registrations (Note 2.3.b)), and of other tangible and intangible assets; (iii) Recognition of adjustments on assets and provisions; Estimates used are based on the best information available during the preparation of consolidated financial statements and are based on best knowledge of past and/or present events. Although futu65 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 re events are neither controlled by the Group nor foreseeable, some could occur and have impact on the estimates. Changes to the estimates used by the management that occur after the date of these consolidated financial statements, will be recognised in net income, in accordance with IAS 8, using a prospective methodology. p) Segment information Every year, the Group’s most adequate applicable segments are identified considering the developed activities. Information regarding income by business segment is included in Note 30. 3. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT Besides the risks inherent to the results of the sports’ activity and its’ impacts on the economic results and on the appreciation of its’ assets, the Group’s activity is exposed to a variety of financial risks, such as market risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. These risks are the result of the uncertainty inherent to the financial markets, which is reflected in the capacity to estimate future cash-flows and returns. The Group’s risk management policy seeks to minimize any adverse effects arising from these uncertainties characteristic of financial markets. 3.1. MARKET RISK a) Interest rate risk The interest rate risk is primarily result of loans indexed to variable interest rates. The Group’s debt is mainly indexed to variable interest rates, exposing the cost of debt to a risk of volatility. The impact of such volatility in the profits and equity of the Group is significant given the high level of indebtedness of the Group. Although the interest rate risk is significant, the Group does not, usually, use interest rate derivatives for hedging this risk. As of 30 June 2009 and 2008, the Group presents a debt of approximately 91,056 thousand Euro and 81,664 thousand Euro, respectively, divided between current and non-current loans (Note 18) contracted with various financial institutions. Sensitivity analysis of interest rate The sensitivity analysis presented below was computed on the basis of the Group’s exposition to changes in interest rate on financial instruments with reference to the estimate of average indeb66 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 tedness in the season 2008/2009. For financial instruments indexed to variable interest rates, the analysis was prepared on the understanding that changes in market interest rates only affect interest income or expenses of financial instruments indexed to variable interest rates. The referred analysis pointed out that if the Euribor had been 50 basis points higher and the other variables held constant, the financial charges for the year ended 30 June 2009 would increase by, approximately 215 thousand Euro (200 thousand Euro in the financial year ended 30 June 2008). b) Exchange rate risk Developing its activity, the Group carries out some transactions denominated in currencies other than Euro, namely transactions of players’ registrations. However, such transactions in foreign currency have been not significant, being the vast majority contracted in Euro, and residually in U.S. dollars. Thus, the Group does not use derivatives for hedging, namely exchange rates forwards. 3.2. CREDIT RISK The Group’s exposition to credit risk is mainly related with accounts receivable arising from the sale of players’ registrations and other transactions related with the Group’s activity, namely the sale of broadcasting rights, advertising and sponsorships. The credit risk refers to the risk of a counterparty defaulting on its payment contractual obligations, resulting in a financial loss to the Group. The objective of this risk management is to ensure the effective credit collections on established deadlines without affecting the Group’s financial stability. The evaluation of this risk is made on a regular basis, and the management’s goal is (a) to evaluate the counterparty in order to assess its ability to pay the debt, (b) to monitor the evolution of the amount of trade receivables, and (c) to perform an impairment analysis of accounts receivables on a regular basis. The Group does not consider there is significant credit risk with any entity in particular, or with a group of entities with similar characteristics, to the extent that accounts receivables are spread across various customers and different geographical areas. The Group asks for credit guarantees, when the financial position of the client recommends so. For customers with higher credit risk, these guarantees should be bank guarantees. Impairment losses related to accounts receivables are calculated taking into consideration: (a) the client’s risk profile, (b) the term of collection of each contract, which differs in each line of business, and (c) the customer’s financial conditions. Changes in accumulated impairment losses for the years ended 30 June 2009 and 2008 are disclosed in Note 21. As of 30 June 2009 and 2008, the Group considers that there is no need to book additional impairment losses besides the amounts recorded on those dates and summary disclosed in Note 21. 67 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 3.3. LIQUIDITY RISK Liquidity risk is defined as the risk of lack of ability to settle or accomplish its obligations on stipulated time and reasonable price. The existence of liquidity implies that management parameters are set which maximize the return and minimize the opportunity costs associated with the liquidity in a safe and efficient manner. The risk management in the Group aims to: • Liquidity - ensure the permanent and efficient access to funds to meet correct payments to the respective due dates; • Security - minimize the probability of default in the refund of any application of funds; and • Financial efficiency -minimise the cost of opportunity of excessive short term liquidity. The Group aims to make compatible the due dates of assets and liabilities through an active management of its maturities. As a rule, each contract loan is guaranteed by a receivable account balance (due to player’s registration sale or due to receivables amounts related to European competitions bonuses); additionally, the maturity dates of such loans match the due dates of the accounts receivables. The information considered in the notes to the consolidated financial statements, regarding the maturity analysis of financial liabilities includes the due amounts, not discounted, based upon the worst case scenario, which is, the shortest period in which the liability becomes due, assuming the compliance of all requirements set contractually. 4. CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND CORRECTION OF ERRORS During the year there were no changes in accounting policies or prior period errors. 68 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 5. GROUP COMPANIES INCLUDED IN THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The companies included in the consolidation by the full consolidation method (Note 2.2.a), their head offices and the percentage of share capital held by the Group as of 30 June 2009 and 2008 are as follows: Company Head Office Percentage participation Percentage participation held 30.06.2009 held 30.06.2008 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, S.A.D. Porto Parent company Parent company PortoComercial - Sociedade de Comercialização, Licenciamento e Sponsorização, S.A. (“PortoComercial”) Porto 93,5% 93,5% F.C.PortoMultimédia - Edições Multimédia, S.A. (“PortoMultimédia”) Porto 70% 70% PortoEstádio - Gestão e Exploração de Equipamentos Desportivos, S.A. (“PortoEstádio”) Porto 100% 100% PortoSeguro - Sociedade Mediadora de Seguros do Porto, Lda. (“PortoSeguro”) Porto 90% 90% 6. CHANGES TO THE CONSOLIDATION PERIMITER During the financial year ended 30 June 2009 there were no changes in the scope of consolidation. 69 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 7. TANGIBLE AND INTANGIBLE ASSETS During the years ended 30 June 2009 and 2008, the movements in tangible and other intangible assets, as well as depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, were as follows: Tangible assets 30.06.2009 Building Gross cost: Opening balance (30.06.2008) Additions Sales Write-offs Transfers Closing balance (30.06.2008) Accumulated depreciation and impairment losses: Opening balance (30.06.2008) Depreciation Impairment losses Sales Write-offs Transfers Closing balance (30.06.2009) Carrying amount Machinery and other and constructions equipment Vehicles equipment Office Others Total 771,225 40,373 - 2,313,865 136,888 - 1,224,489 429,167 - 256,000 - 6,502,951 752,850 (251,632) - - 1,937,372 146,422 (251,632) 39,750 - - - - 811,598 2,450,753 1,792,412 1,653,656 256,000 6,964,419 326,,858 76,485 - 1,211,884 247,451 - 1,157,167 304,981 (225,416) (39,750) - 735,093 279,399 - 130,670 30,167 - 3,561,672 938,483 (225,416) (39,750) - 403,343 1,459,335 1,196,982 1,014,492 160,837 4,234,989 408,255 991,418 595,430 639,164 95,163 2,729,430 Tangible assets 30.06.2008 Buildings and other Machinery constructions equipment Machinery equipment Others Total Gross cost: Opening balance (30.06.2007) Additions Sales Write-offs Transfers 767,588 3,637 - 2,288,142 25,723 - 1,860,590 312,158 (235,376) - 1,054,484 147,856 22,149 255,795 205 - 6,226,599 489,579 (235,376) 22,149 Closing balance (30.06.2008) 771,225 2,313,865 1,937,372 1,224,489 256,000 6,502,951 254,914 71,944 - 944,398 267,486 - 975,909 354,479 (173,221) - 561,306 173,787 - 100,283 30,387 - 2,836,810 898,083 (173,221) - 326,858 1,211,884 1,157,167 735,093 130,670 3,561,672 444,367 1,101,981 780,205 489,396 125,330 2,941,279 Accumulated depreciation and impairment losses: Opening balance (30.06.2007) Depreciation Impairment losses Sales Transfers Write-offs Closing balance (30.06.2008) Carrying amount Office 70 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Other intangible assets 30.06.2009 Industrial property Intangible assets and other rights Others in progress Total Gross cost: Opening balance (30.06.2008) Additions Transfers Sales and wirte-offs 2,339,706 - 11,488 - - 2,351,194 - Closing balance (30.06.2009) 2,339,706 11,488 - 2,351,194 554,878 25,450 - 8,177 902 - - 563,055 26,352 - 580,328 9,079 - 589,407 1,759,378 2,409 - 1,761,787 Accumulated amortisation and impairment losses: Opening balance (30.06.2008) Depreciation Impairment losses Sales and write-offs Closing balance (30.06.2009) Carrying amount Other intangible assets 30.06.2008 Industrial property Intangible assets and other rights Others in progress Total Gross cost: Opening balance (30.06.2007) Additions Transfers Sales and write-offs 2,339,706 - 11,488 - 26,800 (26,800)(*) - 2,377,994 (26,800) - Closing balance (30.06.2008) 2,339,706 11,488 - 2,351,194 532,723 22,155 - 7,275 902 - - 539,998 23,057 - Accumulated amortisation and impairment losses: Opening balance (30.06.2007) Depreciation Impairment losses Sales and write-offs Closing balance (30.06.2008) Carrying amount 554,878 8,177 - 563,055 1,784,828 3,311 - 1,788,139 (*) Amount reclassified to tangible assets The caption “Industrial property and other rights” relates to the right of use of the FCP trademark during a period of 99 years, and is being amortised over that period. 71 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 8. INTANGIBLE ASSETS - PLAYERS’ REGISTRATIONS During the financial years ended 30 June 2009 and 2008, the movements token place under the caption “Players’ registrations” as well as depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, were as follows: Intangible asset - Players’ registrations Gross cost: Opening balance Acquisitions Sales Transfers (Note 9) Write-offs Closing balance Accumulated amortisation and impairment losses: Opening balance Depreciation (Note 26) Impairment losses (Note 26) Sales Transfers (Note 9) Write-offs 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 86.863.458 42.302.746 (23.815.948) (9.620.064) 76.314.034 39.872.772 (12.422.496) (4.441.026) (12.459.826) 95.730.192 86.863.458 36.184.583 22.080.849 1.689.122 (12.480.518) (9.620.064) 39.761.033 18.927.320 1.156.282 (7.647.395) (3.552.821) (12.184.593) Closing balance 37.853.972 36.184.593 Carrying amount 57.876.220 50.678.865 Acquisitions Among the acquisitions made in the year ended 30 June 2009, the following ones represent approximately 84% of acquisitions value: a) 70% of Cristian Rodriguez registration; b) 100% of Pelé registration, this acquisition was made under the sale of Ricardo Quaresma’s registration, as explained below; c) 50% of Hulk and Sapunaru registrations; d) 80% of Álvaro Pereira registration; e) 60% of Orlando Sá registration; f) 100% of Mariano Gonzalez registration; g) Charges for the renegotiation of the labour contract with Lucho Gonzalez. It should be noted that in situations where the registration is less than 100%, although the Group is entitled to full use of the player’s registration, it has entered into an associated financial interests contract with a third party, which consists of an investment partnership in the registration rights, resulting in the proportional sharing of the inherent results in future the transaction of these rights. 72 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 The remaining charges are related, mainly, with the purchase of Guarín, Maicon, Miguel Lopes, Cissokho and Beto registrations and with charges incurred in negotiating the employment contract with Varela and also other charges taken upon in the renegotiation of the labour contracts of Raul Meireles and Fernando, under which their term were extended. For the financial year ended 30 June 2008, the acquisition cost of registrations of Lucho Gonzalez and Lisandro Lopez (50% each), Stepanov, Farías, Tomás Costa and Bolatti represented about 82% of the total charges with acquisitions made in that year. The charges for intermediation services related with the purchase of players’ registrations in the years ended 30 June 2009 and 2008 referred above, as well as with the negotiation and renegotiation of labour contracts, amounted to, approximatelly 3,000,000 Euro and 1,265,000 Euro respectively. In the financial year ended 30 June 2009 these services were, essentially, provided by Schuchard SPI Services, Bedrijfsundig Adviesbureau A.L. Duivenboden B.V., Deaubert B.V., Onsoccer International - Gestão e Marketing Lda., Pacheco e Teixeira Lda., S Bass, Unifoot - Gestão de Eventos e Carreiras de Profissionais Desportivos S.A., Football - Assesoria Esportiva Ltda., Avendi 5L, and by the agents Victor Becali and Federico Martin Simonian. In the financial year ended 30 June 2008 intermediation services were provided, mainly, by HAZ Sport Agency, S.A., KFM, Onsoccer International - Gestão e Marketing Lda., Forsoccer S.A., Continental Services B.V., and by the agent Mohamed Afzal Mamade Sualehe. The amount of registrations’ acquisitions in the period ended 30 June 2009 considers the effect of discounting future payments to its present value in the amount of, approximately, 2,200,000 Euro, of the long term account payables balances related with the acquisition of the registrations of players, namely Cristian Rodriguez and Pelé. Sales Sales made during the financial year ended 30 June 2009 generated capital gains of 34,589,685 Euro (net of (i) intermediation service costs in the amount of 3,642,500 Euro; (ii) liabilities relating to the “solidarity mechanism” in the amount of 1,077,500 Euro; and (iii) of the effect of discounting future receipts and payments to its present value arising from these transactions, amounting to, approximately, 2,500,000 Euro), which resulted mainly from: a) Sale of the registration of Ricardo Quaresma to F.C.Internazionale Milano (“Inter Milan”) by the amount of 24,600,000 Euro, to which added the income related with the fulfillment of the objectives’ clauses considered in the sale’s contract in the amount of 4,000,000 Euro, net of: (i) costs of intermediation services provided by Gestifute – Gestão de Carreiras de Profissionais Desportivos, S.A.; (ii) liabilities related with the “solidarity mechanism”; (iii) the net effect of discounting the accounts receivable and payable in the long term that arose from this transaction to their net 73 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 present value; (iv) the carrying amount of the player’s registration on the date of sale; and (v) the annulment of under processing signing-on fees; b) Sale of the registration of Lucho Gonzalez to Olympique de Marseille (“Marseille”) by the amount of 18,000,000 Euro, net of: (i) costs of intermediation services provided by the entity LGH – Larkin Geaney Hughes Limited; (ii) the net effect of discounting the accounts receivable and payable in the long term that arose from this transaction to their net present value; (iii) the carrying amount of the player’s registration on the date of sale; and (iv) the annulment of under processing signing-on fees; c) Sale of the registration of Paulo Machado to SASP Toulouse Football Club (“Toulouse”) by the amount of 3,500,000 Euro, net of: (i) costs of intermediation services provided by the entity Forsoccer - Gestão de Carreiras de Profissionais Desportivos, S.A.; (ii) the net effect of discounting the accounts receivable and payable in the long term that arose from this transaction to their net present value; (iii) the carrying amount of the player’s registration on the date of sale; and (iv) the rescission of the purchase option with AS Saint-Etienne; d) Sale of the registration of Marek Cech to West Bromwich Albion by the amount of 1,700,000 Euro, net of: (i) costs of intermediation services provided by the entity Central Sports Management; (ii) liabilities related with the “solidarity mechanism”; and (iii) the carrying amount of the player’s registration on the date of sale. Also note that the sale of 15% of the economic rights of the player Pele to the entity Gestifute – Gestão de Carreiras de Profissionais Desportivos, S.A., did not cause any impact on net profit for the year ended 30 June 2009. Sales of the registrations of Ricardo Quaresma and Lucho Gonzalez contributed, approximately, to 90% of total net capital gains recorded in the financial year ended 30 June 2009. Sales occurred during the year ended 30 June 2008 generated capital gains of 37,353,362 Euro (net of, (i) intermediation service costs in the amount of 2,850,000 Euro; (ii) liabilities relating to the “solidarity mechanism” of 1,093,125 Euro and (iii) the net effect of discounting the accounts receivable and payable in the long term that arose from these transactions to their net present value in the amount of., approximately, 1,230,000 Euro) of which approximately 95% are related with the net capital gains from the sale of the registrations of the players Pepe and Bosingwa. 74 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Players’ registrations As of 30 June 2009 and 2008, the carrying amount of the players’ registrations, considering the different ranges below, is made up as follows: 30.06.2009 Carrying amount of players registrations Greater than 2.million Euro Between 1 and 2.million Euro Less than 1 million Euro Nº of players 11 7 20 30.06.2008 Accumulated amount 40.270.076 9.399.399 8.206.745 Nº of players 7 8 20 Accumulated amount 32.887.330 10.894.520 6.897.015 57.876.220 50.678.865 The carrying amount of Players’ registrations, as of 30 June 2009 and 2008, includes the following amounts related with the more significant charges incurred with the acquisition of players’ registrations which represent 86% of the caption balance: 30.06.2009 Player Cristian Rodriguez Álvaro Pereira Hulk Lisandro Lopez Pelé (*) Tomás Costa Orlando Sá Stepanov (*) Farías Mariano Gonzalez Sapunaru Maicon Bolatti (*) Nelson Benitez (*) Leandro Lima (*) Raul Meireles Renteria (*) Rolando Players registrations (%) 70% 80% 50% 100% 85% 75% 60% 100% 100% 100% 50% 50% 60% 50% 90% 100% 50% 80% End of contract Jun-12 Jun-14 Jun-13 Jun-11 Jun-12 Jun-12 Jun-13 Jun-11 Jun-11 Jun-11 Jun-13 Jun-14 Jun-11 Jun-12 Jun-13 Jun-12 Jun-11 Jun-13 30.06.2008 Players registrations (%) 100% 75% 100% 100% 60% 50% 90% 100% 50% 75% (*) Player loaned to another football Club or Entity during the 2009/10 season, but which loan’s period is not beyond 30 June 2010. 75 End of contract Jun-11 Jun-12 Jun-11 Jun-11 Jun-11 Jun-12 Jun-13 Jun-12 Jun-11 Jun-13 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 9. INVESTMENTS HELD FOR SALE During the years ended 30 June 2009 and 2008, the movements under the caption “Investments held for sale” as well as accumulated impairment losses, were as follows: Investments held for sale 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 Gross cost: Opening balance Additions Transfers (Note 8) Write-offs 901.226 - 1.013.021 888.205 (1.000.000) Closing balance 901.226 901.226 - 1.000.000 (1.000.000) Accumulated impairment losses: Opening balance Impairment losses Transfers Write-offs Closing balance Carrying amount - - 901.226 901.226 As of 30 June 2009 the caption “Investments held for sale”, besides residual investments in the amount of 13,021 Euro, considers 50% of the carrying amount of the registration of Helder Postiga, corresponding to the economic rights that the Group maintained in relation with that player, whose registration was sold to Sporting – Sociedade Desportiva de Futebol, SAD (“Sporting SAD”) during the year ended on 30 June 2008. In accordance with the contract celebrated in the financial year ended 30 June 2008, Sporting SAD has pledged to pay 50% of the economic rights arising from a future transfer of the player Hélder Postiga, if that transaction is held during the term of the labour contract that Sporting SAD has celebrated with the player (at least 3 years), including any extension of this contract, or alternatively, the amount of 2,500,000 Euro if Sporting SAD prefers to maintain the existing playing contract with the player and not sell his registrations’ rights. 10. GOODWILL During the financial year ended 30 June 2009 there was not any movement under the caption “Goodwill”. The balance of this caption as of 30 June 2009 is related with the acquisition of 90% of the share capital of PortoSeguro, Lda. during the year ended 30 June 2007. The Group carries out annual impairment tests on goodwill and whenever there are indications that it may be impaired. During the years ended 30 June 2009 and 2008, the Group has tested the goodwill impairment, not having estimated any relevant impairment loss. 76 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 For impairment assessment purposes, it was considered that the goodwill was allocated only to the Cash Generating Unit of insurance intermediation business. The recoverable amount of the Cash Generating Unit was calculated based of value in use, using the discounted cash flow method, based on the business plan developed by the company’s representative and duly approved by the Group’s Board of Directors. The key assumptions used in the referred business plan are as follows: Period used: 7 years cash-flow projection Growth rate (g) (1): 2.15% Discount rate (2): 12.5% (1) Growth rate used to extrapolate cash flows beyond the business plan period (2) Discount rate applied to projected cash flows The Board of Directors base on the discounted value of the provisional cash flows of the Cash Generating Unit of this business segment, discounted at the rate of 12.5%, concluded that, as of 30 June 2009, the carrying amount of the net assets, including Goodwill, does not exceed its recoverable amount. The projected cash flows were based on the historic performance and on the expectations regarding future development of the business. The Company’s management believes that a change in the main assumptions used in the calculation of the recoverable amount will not result in impairment losses. 11. TRADE RECEIVABLES Non-current assets The detail of non-current balances of “Trade receivables” as of 30 June 2009 and 2008 is as follows: 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 Trade receivables: Transactions of player’s registrations 20.889.500 - Trade receivables - bills receivables: Transactions of player’s registrations 6.666.668 14.998.332 (1.878.345) (1.338.587) 25.677.823 13.659.745 Effect of discounting trade receivables 77 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 The balance of “Non-current assets - Trade receivables” as of 30 June 2009 refers to customers’ accounts receivable related with players’ transactions, which due date is greater than one year. This balance is mainly consisted of the accounts receivable from Real Madrid, Inter Milan and Marseille related with the sale of the registrations of the players Pepe, Ricardo Quaresma and Lucho Gonzalez, respectively. As of 30 June 2008 this same balance refers mainly to accounts receivable from Real Madrid. On the balance sheet date, there are no non current accounts receivables overdue and no impairment loss was recognized, as there is no indication that trade debtors will not fulfill their obligations. Current assets The detail of current balances of “Trade receivables” as of 30 June 2009 and 2008 is as follows: Trade receivables - current accounts: Transactions of players’ registrations Current operations Trade receivables - bills receivable: Transactions of players’ registrations Current operations Trade receivables - doubtfull accounts: Effect of discounting trade receivables Accumulated impairment losses (Note 21) 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 24.072.536 25.561.582 19.998.229 14.609.362 44.070.765 40.170.944 6.866.666 6.816.666 9.270.000 9.815.016 16.136.666 16.631.682 3.839.845 1.829.730 64.047.276 58.632.356 (95.724) (151.591) (3.839.845) (1.820.226) 60.111.707 56.660.539 As of 30 June 2009, the caption “Trade receivables – Current accounts - Transactions of players’ registrations” includes the amounts of 10,000,000 Euro to be received from Marseille, 6,409,750 Euros receivable from Inter Milan and the remaining to be received from Athletic Madrid, Toulouse and Sporting SAD. The account receivable from Inter Milan is deducted from the account payable to the same entity and with the same terms, for the acquisition of Pelé’s registration. The caption “Trade receivables - Current accounts - Transactions of players’ registrations” as of 30 June 2008 includes the amounts of 16,500,000 Euro to be received from Manchester United, 5,000,000 Euros receivable from Chelsea and 3,025,000 Euros to be received from Sporting SAD, which with the exception of receivable from Sporting SAD, that hasn´t reach his maturity, have already been charged. The balance of the caption “Trade receivables - Current Accounts - Current operations” includes balances resulting from several operations, with emphasis on the balances to be collected from Futebol Clube do Porto (9,299,938 Euro and 7,235,802 Euro as of 30 June 2009 and 2008, respectively - Note 28), 78 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 from Euroantas, Promoção e Gestão de Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. (“Euroantas”) (4,013,755 Euro and 114,341 Euro as of 30 June 2009 and 2008, respectively – Note 28), from Portugal Telecom SGPS SA (2,460,000 Euro and 2,420,000 Euro as of 30 June 2009 and 2008, respectively) and from other entities, such as Sportinveste - Multimédia, S.A., Olivedesportos - Publicidade Televisão e Media, S.A., Sacentro – Comércios de Têxteis, S.A. and TMN - Telecomunicações Móveis Nacionais, S.A., whose aggregate balances amounted to approximately 2,100,000 Euro and 1,065,000 Euro as of 30 June 2009 and 2008, respectively. The balance of the caption “Trade receivables – bills receivable” as of 30 June 2009 includes bills not due at the balance sheet date, part of which were discounted (15,936,666 Euro and 7,223,700 Euros as of 30 June 2009 and 2008, respectively - Note 18). These bills are related with the sale of broadcast rights in the amount of 9,270,000 Euro and with the sale of the registration of Pepe to Real Madrid in the amount of 6,666,666 Euro, similar situation to the one as of 30 June 2008. The Group’s exposition to credit risk is attributed to accounts receivable relating with its’ operational activity. The amounts presented on the face of the balance sheet are net of impairment losses, which were estimated, based upon the Group’s past experience and on the assessment of the actual situation and economic environment. The Group considers that the book value of accounts receivable, net of impairment losses, reflect their fair value. As of 30 June 2009 there is no indication that the debtors of trade accounts receivable not due will not fulfil their obligations on normal conditions, thus no impairment loss was recognised. As of 30 June 2009 and 2008 the ageing of trade receivables are as follows: Due Date 30.06.2009 Trade receivables - current accounts Transactions of players’ registrations Current operations Trade receivables - bills receivable Trade receivables - doubtfull accounts Total - 90 days 90 - 180 days 180 - 360 days + 360 days 44,070,765 28,820,040 2,339,215 7,229,737 5,681,773 24,072,536 19,998,229 22,909,697 5,910,343 21,600 2,317,615 630,585 6,599,152 510,654 5,171,119 16,136,666 3,839,845 16,136,666 - 48,000 58,238 3,733,607 64,047,276 44,956,706 2,387,215 7,287,975 9,415,380 Due Date 30.06.2008 Trade receivables - current accounts Transactions of players’ registrations Current operations Trade receivables - bills receivable Trade receivables - doubtfull accounts 79 Total - 90 days 90 - 180 days 180 - 360 days + 360 days 40,170,944 29,847,587 4,206,425 2,640,191 3,476,741 25,561,585 14,609,359 23,154,965 6,692,622 1,853,771 2,352,654 2,84,089 2,356,102 268,760 3,207,981 16,631,682 1,829,730 16,631,682 480,043 162,500 - 1,187,187 58,632,356 46,959,312 4,368,925 2,640,191 4,663,928 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 As of 30 June 2009, the amount due over 180 days of the caption “Trade receivables – current accounts – current operations” is composed, mainly, by the accounts receivable from Futebol Clube do Porto and Euroantas, while as of 30 June 2008, the amount is composed mainly by the account receivable from Futebol Clube do Porto. According to the minute of the meeting of the Directors of Futebol Clube do Porto, held during July 2009, it has been reaffirmed the objective of paying the referred debt to FCP SAD in the short term, which will imply the disposal of non sporting real estate assets of that Club, namely a land and offices in Torre das Antas, as well as defining a debt settlement. In determining the recoverability of trade receivables, the Group reviews any change in the credit quality of the counterpart from the date credit was initially granted up to the reporting date of the consolidated financial statements. The Group doesn’t have significant concentration of risk credit, as the risk is diluted by a spread group of clients. Management believes the credit risk is not higher than the impairment loss booked for doubtful accounts, and that the maximum exposition to the credit risk is the amount presented in the consolidated balance sheet. 12. INVENTORIES From 1 July 2008, PortoComercial started to manage and operate directly the commercial areas of FC Porto, due to the amendment of the contract, signed on 31 March 2006 with TBZ – Marketing Acções Promocionais, S.A. (“TBZ”), of management and exploitation of commercial areas of FC Porto, on 30 June 2008. This caption as of 30 June 2009 and 2008 is made up as follows: 30.06.2009 680.237 Inventories Accumulated impairment losses on inventories (Note 21) 30.06.2008 43.800 (62.309) - 617.928 43.800 The cost of sales, for the years ended 30 June 2009 and 2008, were calculated as follows: Opening balances Purchases Adjustments Closing balance Impairment losses (Note 21) 30.06.2009 43.800 30.06.2008 44.703 2.037.198 (32.799) (903) 680.237 43.800 1.367.962 - 62.309 - 1.430.271 - 80 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 13. OTHER CURRENT AND NON-CURRENT ASSETS Other non-current assets This caption as of 30 June 2009 and 2008 is made up as follows: 30.06.2009 14.963.937 30.06.2008 14.963.937 433.735 - 15.397.672 14.963.937 30.06.2009 1.851.449 847.189 30.06.2008 1.478.653 1.067.756 7.100.000 238.007 137.725 639.398 5.400.000 616.000 3.679.971 141.357 549.518 8.115.130 10.386.846 10.813.768 12.933.255 30.06.2009 793,156 6,159,194 15,000 30.06.2008 556,680 2,948,699 13,000 Cash and cash equivalents 6,967,350 3,518,379 Bank overdrafts (Note 18) (17,032) (42,048) 6,950,318 3,476,331 Prepayment - rent “Estádio do Dragão” (Nota 31) Prepayment - rent Centro de Treinos do Olival Other current assets This caption as of 30 June 2009 and 2008 is made up as follows: State and public sector Other debtors Champions league participation bonus (Note 2.3. I) iii)) to be received Advertising revenue to be billed Euro 2008 players participation bonus “Lugares Euroantas” to be billed Deferred expenses - Assurance Other current assets 14. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS The caption “Cash and cash equivalents” as of 30 June 2009 and 2008 is made up as follows: Cash Bank deposits repayable on demand Treasury applications 81 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 15. TAXES The Group has not recognised deferred taxes as there are no significant temporary differences between the amounts of expenses and income recognised for accounting and for tax purposes, except for deferred tax assets relating to tax losses carried forward and non tax deductible provisions and impairment losses, which were not recognised for reasons of prudence. The tax losses carried forward of the companies included in the consolidation perimeter amount to 38,772,095 Euro and expire as follows: Amount Expiry date Generated in the year ended: 30 June 2004 88.959 30 June 2010 30 June 2005 2.001.166 30 June 2011 30 June 2006 26.004.394 30 June 2012 30 June 2007 27.100 30 June 2013 30 June 2008 105.830 30 June 2014 30 June 2009 10.544.646 30 June 2015 38.772.095 The tax losses detailed above do not consider any adjustments made by tax authorities to tax base, which were contested by the Company (Note 21) and where the outcome of these processes is still uncertain. 82 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Following is the reconciliation between profit before income tax and income tax for the year: 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 Profit before income tax 5.702.387 8.833.978 Impact of transition adjustments to IFRS 1.233.486 473.328 Profit for purpose of calculating income tax 6.935.873 9.307.306 Increases: Non tax deductible amortisation and depreciation 89.968 101.431 Non tax deductible provisions (Note 21) Taxable gains (1) Non tax deductible adjustments Other Decreases: Accounting gains (1) Reversal of non tax deductible adjustments Other 158.167 18.333.815 535.528 575.751 38.501.391 389.658 279.742 (37.034.489) (7.662) (38.669.740) (1.239.898) (1.420) Taxable profit (10.413.049) 8.668.470 - (6.427.036) (10.413.049) 2.241.434 25,00% 25,00% Offset of tax losses carried forward Tax base Income tax rate Municipal tax rate 1,50% 1,50% - 700.852 Calculated tax Municipality tax (2) 11.419 - Autonomous taxation 165.247 84.602 Provision for additional corporate income tax assessments (Note 21) 158.167 - Corporate income tax assessments (Note 21) 220.261 - Income tax for the year 555.094 785.454 (1) Calculating the taxable profit, the Group chose to consider the reinvestment of capital gains on the sale players’ registrations, in legal terms, wich allowed to deduct 50% of tax capital gains generated. (2) municipality tax of companies taxed according to RETGS and which present taxable profit for the year ended 30 June 2009 16. SHARE CAPITAL The Company’s fully subscribed and paid for capital as of 30 June 2009 is made up of 15,000,000 nominal shares of 5 Euro each. As of 30 June 2009 the following entities held more than 20% of the subscribed share capital: - Futebol Clube do Porto – 40% 83 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 The financial statements of Futebol Clube do Porto – Futebol, SAD as of 30 June 2009 reflect shareholders’ equity of less than half of the share capital, therefore Article 35 of the Portuguese Commercial Code (Código das Sociedades Comerciais) is applicable. As mentioned in the Board of Director’s Report, the Board of Directors of FC Porto SAD believes that, considering the profits generated in the financial year 2008/2009 and the estimated budget for fiscal year 2009/2010 to be presented at the Shareholders’ General Meeting, the capital structure of the Company will come out naturally reinforced. Even without reaching the objective referred to in Article 35 of the Portuguese Commercial Code, the Board of Directors is convinced that the improvement of economic and financial performance will continue in the coming years, and so will comply with that article. Additionally, the Board of Directors provides that in the presentation of the 1st quarter of 2009/2010 financial statements, the exploration results presented will enable the Company to comply with the Article 35 of the Portuguese Commercial Code. Even though, and with the goal to quickly fulfil this obligation, the Board of Directors has been analysing other solutions that allow the reinforcement of shareholders’ equity. The Board of Directors besides planning to review this matter on the Shareholders’ General Meeting held to approve the accounts for the year, may also call upon an Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting to discuss and approve the proposals that will be presented, which can include the following alternatives: • Capital decrease to an amount not less than the Company’s shareholders’ equity; • Capital increase paid up by the shareholders; and • A combination of these two alternatives. 17. MINORITY INTERESTS The changes in minority interests during the years ended 30 June 2009 and 2008 were as follows: Initial balance as at 1 July 2007 Net consolidated profit for the year attributable to minority interest Other changes 125.735 84.075 (3.591) Closing balance as at 30 June 2008 206.219 Initial balance as at 1 July 2007 Net consolidated profit for the year attributable to minority interest Dividends distributed of by Porto Comercial Other changes 206.219 12.073 (78.000) 789 Closing balance as at 30 June 2009 141.081 84 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 18. BANK LOANS AND OTHER LOANS The captions “Bank loans” and “Bonds” as of 30 June 2009 and 2008 are made up as follows: 30.06.2009 Amortized Cost Nature Bank loans Credit on current accounts Discounted bills (Note 11) Bank overdrafts (Note 14) Bonds Nominal value Current Non-current Current Non- current 34.930.645 4.300.000 15.936.666 17.032 21.000.666 - 34.930.645 4.300.000 15.936.666 17.032 21.000.666 - 55.184.343 21.000.666 55.184.343 21.000.666 141.871.385 - 15.000.000 - 70.055.728 21.000.666 70.184.343 21.000.666 30.06.2008 Amortized Cost Nature Bank loans Credit on current accounts Discounted bills (Note 11) Bank overdrafts (Note 14) Bonds Nominal value Current Non-current Current Non-current 35.483.333 2.200.000 7.223.700 42.048 15.457.913 6.666.666 - 35.483.333 2.200.000 7.223.700 42.048 15.457.913 6.666.666 - 44.949.081 22.124.579 44.949.081 22.124.579 - 14.590.771 - 15.000.000 44.949.081 36.715.350 44.949.081 37.142.579 As of 30 June 2009 the repayment schedule of the nominal value of non-current loans may be summarized as follows: 30.06.2009 16,532,666 4,468,000 2010/2011 2011/2012 21,000,666 The presented nominal value corresponds to the amount due. Amortized cost corresponds to the nominal value less costs incurred with the financing structuring. 85 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 Following is information on the loans as of 30 June 2009 and 2008: i) In December 2006 FCPorto, SAD concluded a Public Subscription Offering of 3,000,000 “F.C.Porto – Futebol, SAD 2006-2009” bonds amounting to 15,000,000 Euros. The bonds bear interest payable in arrears on 15 June and 15 December of each year, the first payment having been made on 15 June 2007. Interest is at the fixed rate of 6% per annum, calculated based on a 30 day per month basis and 360 days per year. The bonds have a three year maturity, their nominal amount being repayable, in a single payment, on 15 December 2009. The Company has already prepared a financial operation to restructure this liability, so as to resettle a significant part of the debt in the long term. ii) The caption “Bank loans” as of 30 June 2009 includes the amount of 4,386,189 Euro (8,607,914 Euro as of 30 June 2008), related to a loan contract signed on 20 February 2003 totalling 23,201,305 Euros that was renegotiated in the first half of the year ended 30 June 2007. This loan bears annual interests at the Euribor 12M rate plus a spread and is repayable in successive equal annual instalments up to August 2012; however, the contract allows advanced amortizations, according to the season tickets’ revenue. Since the revenue from the sale of tickets in 2009/10 allowed the full amortization of the loan after 30 June 2009, it is classified as a current liability. iii) The caption “Bank loans” as of 30 June 2009 includes the amount of 3,300,000 Euro (4,950,000 Euro as of 30 June 2008), of which 1,650,000 Euro with a medium and long term maturity, relates to a loan contract signed in February 2006 in the amount of 7,950,000 Euro. This loan bears interests at a fixed market rate and is repayable in successive equal half yearly instalments up to January 2011. This loan is guaranteed by the amounts to be received from Portugal Telecom under the multi-annual publicity (Estádio do Dragão central stands Naming Rights) contract signed with that entity. iv) As of 30 June 2009, the caption “Bank Loans” includes the amount of 6,666,666 Euro (13,333,332 as of 30 June 2008), with maturity in the medium and long term relating to a facility agreement celebrated in 22 October 2007. This loan bears semi-annual interests at the Euribor 6M rate plus a spread and is repayable in equal annual instalments until July 2010. This loan, currently, has as guarantee the third debt security of Real Madrid concerning the registration of the player Pepe. v) As of 30 June 2009, the caption “Bank Loans” includes the amount of 13,400,000 Euro, of which 8,934,000 Euro with maturity in the medium and long term, related with the credit facility agreement signed in 15 September 2008. This loan bears monthly interests at the Euribor 1M rate plus a spread and is repayable in equal annual instalments until August 2011. This loan, currently, has as guarantee the account receivable from F.C.Internazionale Milano relating to the sale of the registration of Ricardo Quaresma, net of the acquisition of the registration of Pelé to this same club. 86 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 vi) As of 30 June 2009, the caption “Bank Loans” includes the amount of 8,000,000 Euro, related with the credit facility agreement signed in 20 November 2008. This loan bears monthly interests at the Euribor 1M rate plus a spread and is repayable in one instalment in July 2009. This loan, as of 30 June 2009, had as guarantee Bruno Alves’ registration. This loan has already been paid as of 6 October 2009. vii) As of 30 June 2009, the caption “Bank Loans” includes the amount of 6,878,456 Euro, of wich 1,750,000 Euro with maturity in the medium and long term, related with the credit facility agreement signed in 31 October 2008. This loan bears half yearly interests at the Euribor 6M rate plus a spread and is repayable in four half yearly instalments until June 2011. This loan, as of 30 June 2009, had as guarantee Lisandro Lopez’s registration. This loan has already been paid as of 6 October 2009. viii) As of 30 June 2008, the caption “Bank Loans” includes the amount of 4,000,000 Euro, of which 2,000,000 Euro with maturity in the medium and long term, related with the credit facility agreement signed in 5 March 2009. This loan bears quarterly interests at the Euribor 3M rate plus a spread and is repayable in four quarterly instalments from July 2009. This loan has as guarantee the sponsorship contract of senior football team signed with Portugal Telecom for the seasons 2009/2010 and 2010/2011. ix) As of 30 June 2009, the caption “Bank Loans” includes the amount of 2,000,000 Euro related with the credit facility agreement signed in 3 April 2009. This loan bears half yearly interests at the Euribor 5M rate plus a spread and is repayable in one instalment in August 2011. This loan, as of 30 June 2009, had as guarantee the fulfilment of one of the objectives of the contract for the sale of Ricardo Quaresma’s registration to FCInternazionale Milano. This loan has already been paid as of 6 October 2009. x) As of 30 June 2009, the caption “Bank Loans” includes the amount of 7,300,000 Euro related with the credit facility agreement signed in 9 June 2009. This loan bears quarterly interests at the Euribor 3M rate plus a spread and is due in October 2009. This loan has as guarantee the revenues from UEFA Champions League 2009/2010 - Note 13. xi) The amount recorded under the caption “Credit on current accounts” as of 30 June 2009 has as guarantee the accounts receivable arising from the final bend of the registration of some players, with the maximum credit line amounting to 5,000,000 Euro. The average annual rate of bank loans as of 30 June 2009 is 4.86%. 87 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 19. TRADE PAYABLES Non-current liabilities This caption as of 30 June 2009 and 2008 was made up as follows: 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 8.496.889 4.112.778 352.266 479.731 (570.807) (260.531) 8.278.348 4.331.978 Fixed assets’ suppliers: Transactions related to players’ registrations Other Effect of discounting trade payables As of 30 June 2009, the balance of non-current “Trade payables” is mainly due to the acquisition of players’ registrations mentioned in Note 8 – Tomás Costa, Cristian Rodriguez, Orlando Sá and Álvaro Pereira amounting to, approximately 6,400,000 - as well as intermediation service costs and other costs associated with sale of the registrations of Pepe and Quaresma, amounting to approximately 2,100,000 Euro. As of 30 June 2009 the repayment schedule of the nominal value of non-current liabilities may be summarized as follows: 2010/2011 2011/2012 30.06.2009 7.221.889 1.275.000 8.496.889 88 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Current liabilities This caption as of 30 June 2009 and 2008 was made up as follows: Payable to Trade payables - current account Trade payables - bills payable Fixed assets’ suppliers: Transactions related to players’ registrations Leasing Other Effect of discounting trade payables 30.06.2009 - 90 days 90 - 180 days + 180 days 7.496.498 50.000 5.157.944 50.000 1.483.894 - 854.660 - 17.322.535 206.487 289.371 9.092.414 40.236 69.195 250.000 40.236 17.802 7.980.121 126.015 202.374 17.818.393 9.201.845 308.038 8.308.510 (187.207) (68.246) (45.127) (73.834) 25.177.684 14.341.543 1.746.805 9.089.336 Payable to Trade payables - current account Trade payables - bills payable Fixed assets’ suppliers: Transactions related to players’ registrations Leasings Other Effect of discounting trade payables 30.06.2008 - 90 days 90 - 180 days + 180 days 4.082.588 - 4.082.588 - - - 19.088.701 184.290 193.426 12.729.461 44.377 174.466 4.389.992 46.072 8.623 1.969.248 93.841 10.337 19.466.417 12.948.304 4.444.687 2.073.426 (250) - - (250) 23.548.755 17.030.892 4.444.687 2.073.176 As of 30 June 2009 the main balances included in caption, current and non-current, “Fixed assets’ suppliers - Transactions related to players’ registrations” consider accounts payable to the entities Gestifute - Gestão de Carreiras de Profissionais Desportivos, S.A., Marítimo da Madeira - Futebol, SAD, Club Atlético Rosário Central, Club Atlético Rentistas, Play International B.V., US Citta de Palermo SPA, Rio Football Services Hungary, Sporting Clube de Braga Futebol SAD e S.C. CFR 1907 Cluj SA, which represent 77% of the total balance. As of 30 June 2008 the main balances included in caption “Fixed assets’ suppliers - Transactions related to players’ registrations” consider accounts payable to the entities Club Atlético Rosário Central, Gestifute - Gestão de Carreiras de Profissionais Desportivos, S.A., International Football - Gestão e Assessoria de Carreiras, Rio Football Services Hungary, KFT, Marítimo da Madeira - Futebol, SAD, IMFC Licensing, L&M Global Rights, União Desportiva de Leiria e Onsoccer which represent 84% of the total balance. 89 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 20. OTHER CURRENT AND NON CURRENT LIABILITIES The captions “Other non current liabilities” and “Other current liabilities” as of 30 June 2009 and 2008 can be detailed as follows: 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 1.192.302 444.445 479.532 778.207 Other non-current liabilities Accruent expenses: Cost of players’ transactions not yet invoiced Deferred income: Advertising Deferred broadcasting rights 5.200.000 - 6.871.234 1.222.652 State and public sector 2.447.699 2.378.308 Other creditors 5.016.165 4.831.810 7.463.864 7.210.118 Accrued payroll 738.365 569.914 Accrued interest 915.369 965.790 Cost of players’ transactions not yet invoiced 4.571.268 7.117.467 Competition prizes subject to processing 4.131.314 4.830.146 Other current liabilities Accrued expenses: Rescision costs subject to processing 657.347 - Other accrued expenses 241.244 68.133 11.254.907 13.551.450 Deferred broadcasting rights 3.050.000 2.660.000 Sale of season seats 2.328.017 520.867 Advertising 3.042.810 4.627.741 348.539 158.604 8.769.366 7.967.212 27.488.137 28.728.780 Deferred income: Other deferred income The caption “Cost of players’ transactions not yet invoiced” includes commitments assumed by the Group in transactions relating to the registrations of players not yet invoiced as of the balance sheet date. The balance of this caption as of 30 June 2009 includes, namely, amounts related with: (i) the acquisition of the registration and/or the renewal of the labour contract of the players Cristian Rodriguez, Lisandro Lopez, Pelé and Raúl Meireles; (ii) intermediation services costs related with the sale of Lucho Gonzalez, Paulo Machado and Pepe’s registrations; (iii) the cost of Paulo Machado’s purchase option cancellation with AS SaintEtienne; (iv) “solidarity mechanism” and other costs not yet settled, related with the sale and acquisition of players’ registrations. In the balance classification as non-current, which regards the signing-on fees, the agreed payment dates were considered. 90 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 The balance as of 30 June 2008 includes, namely, amounts related with the acquisition of 50% of the registration of Lisandro Lopez, which represents 72% of that balance, as well as “solidarity mechanism” related with the sale and acquisition of players’ registrations and other costs not yet settled, related with the signing or renewal of the labour contracts of other players. The caption “Other creditors”, as of 30 June 2009, considers the amount of, approximately, 1,400,000 Euro related with the wages of June 2009 that were settled in the beginning of July, as well as bonus to be paid to the players, in the amount of, approximately, 2,050,000 Euro which due date is on the short term. As of 30 June 2009 the caption “Competition prizes subject to processing” includes the amounts related with the bonuses granted to the players and technical team for the victory on the Football Championship 2008/2009 (Note 25). 21. PROVISIONS AND ACCUMULATED IMPAIRMENT LOSSES The changes in provisions and accumulated impairment losses in the years ended 30 June 2009 and 2008 were as follows: Opening balance 30.06.2008 Increase Utilization 1.820.226 1.605.927 2.113.816 62.309 318.722 - (94.197) - 3.839.845 62.309 1.924.649 3.426.153 2.494.847 - (94.197) 5.826.803 Opening balance 30.06.2007 Increase Utilization 1.000.000 1.229.805 2.580.712 655.356 343.260 (1.000.000) (51.686) - (13.249) (1.318.045) 1.820.226 1.605.927 4.810.517 998.616 (1.051.686) (1.331.294) 3.426.153 Accumulated impairment loss on investments (Note 9) Accumulated impairment loss on accounts receivable (Note 11) Accumulated impairment loss on inventories (Note 12) Provisions Accumulated impairment loss on investments (Note 9) Accumulated impairment loss on accounts receivable (Note 11) Accumulated impairment loss on inventories (Note 12) Provisions Decrease Closing balance 30.06.2009 Decrease Closing balance 30.06.2008 Provisions Tax litigation In April and June of 2007, following a tax inspection of the year ended 30 June 2005, FCPorto, SAD was notified of additional Corporate Income Tax (CIT) and Value Added Tax (VAT) assessments amounting to approximately 1,203,000 Euro and 490,000 Euro, respectively, including compensatory interests. Following an inspection of the fiscal year ended 30 June 2004, the Company received in November 2007 an additional settlement with regard to VAT in the amount of 801,021 Euro, and in January 2008 an additional settlement with regard to CIT in the amount of 2,338,331 Euro, which includes 91 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 compensatory interests, whose draft of Inspection’s Tax Report had already been received and reviewed in the closing and approval of accounts process for the year ended 30 June 2007. Finally, early in 2009, following a tax inspection of the years ended 30 June 2006 and 30 June 2007, FCPorto, SAD was notified of additional Corporate Income Tax amounting to 595,450 Euro, including compensatory interests. The Board of Directors and its legal and tax advisers, consider that the reasons given by the Tax Administration on the matters above mentioned are not in accordance with Portuguese law, so they submitted complaints to the additional settlements received, with the exception of part of the amount (220,261 Euros) considered in the additional assessments received in 2009, which was paid in early 2009. As of 30 June 2009, FCPorto, SAD has bank guarantees requested in favour of the Tax Administration in the amount of 4,315,195 Euro, related with the additional settlements for the years ended 30 June 2004 and 2006. In a cautious view and in relation with the situations mentioned above, in the year ended 30 June 2007, a provision was recorded in the total amount of 2,580,712 Euro. During the year ended 30 June 2008, the additional settlements of Corporate Tax and VAT received in April and June 2007 were decided in a favourable manner to FCPorto, SAD, and the Company paid only the amount of approximately 87,000 Euro. Therefore, during the year ended 30 June 2008, part of the corresponding provision amounting to 1,318,045 Euro was reverted. During the year ended 30 June 2009 the provision was increased in 158,167 Euro against the income statement caption “Income Tax” (Note 15), taking into account the additional assessments received for the years ended 30 June 2006 and 2007. In this way, as of 30 June 2009, the tax processes related with the years ended 30 June 2004, 2006 and 2007 are still to settle, and the global amount of assessments claimed by the Company amounts to, approximately, 3,514,000 Euro, for which there is a total provision of 1,514,094 Euro, that the Board considers sufficient to address the risk of an unfavourable outcome of those assessments. Other Litigations During the year ended 30 June 2008 a provision was also recognised for a judicial process underway brought by a third party against the subsidiary PortoEstádio, for an amount of 250,000 Euro, following the advice of its’ legal advisers. In May of 2009, the Judicial Court’s (7ª Vara Cível do Tribunal Judicial do Porto) decision was to condemn PortoEstádio to pay a compensation of 404,241 Euros, plus moratory interests calculated from the date of notification of the sentence until the payment of compensation. Despite PortoEstádio presented an appeal against the verdict, the related provision was increased in the amount of 160,555 Euro. 92 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Impairment losses During the financial year ended 30 June 2009 impairment losses related with accounts receivable were recorded in the amount of 2,113,816 Euro, of which 1,573,843 Euro are from other football clubs or sports companies that show difficulties in the settlement of their commitments. 22. SERVICES RENDERED Services rendered for the years ended 30 June 2009 and 2008 are up made up as follows: 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 Sporting income 31,460,733 25,082,266 Advertising 13,605,489 13,025,265 Broadcasting rights 8,302,000 7,050,000 Others 8,970,544 8,254,231 62,338,766 53,411,763 The balance of the caption “Sporting income” includes essentially: (i) the amount of 16,192,000 Euro (11,610,990 Euro for the year ended 30 June 2008) relating to premiums for participating in the UEFA Champions League; and (ii) the amount of 13,352,403 Euro (12,516,540 Euro for the year ended 30 June 2008) relating with ticket sales for matches played at “Estádio do Dragão” and season tickets, which includes 3,814,741 Euro (3,642,053 Euro for the year ended 30 June 2008) relating to the Group’s proportion on income from quotas of the associates of Futebol Clube do Porto. The caption “Others” includes primarily (i) the amount of 2,017,289 Euro (1,951,825 Euro for the year ended 30 June 2008) regarding income relating to “Lugares Euroantas” (Note 31), (ii) the amount of 2,664,722 Euro (3,312,334 Euro for the year ended 30 June 2008) related with services provided by PortoEstádio and PortoComercial, regarding events’ organization, room renting, parking lots, among others, and (iii) the amount of 1,424,642 Euro (1,422,718 Euro for the year ended 30 June 2008) related with corporate commissions fees charged by Porto Comercial to Euroantas under the commercial arrangement between the two entities. As of 4 December 2008, PortoComercial revoked the merchandising arrangement with TBZ celebrated on 31 March 2006 and amended on 30 June 2008, related with the commercial exploitation of trademarks and commercial areas of Futebol Clube do Porto, and became responsible for the direct commercialization of trademarks and/or the image of Futebol Clube do Porto (“licensing”). The amount related with the licensing business, registered under the caption “Others”, amounted to 895,049 Euros for the year ended 30 June 2009 (1,058,984 Euros for the year ended 30 June 2008). 93 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 23. OTHER OPERATIONAL INCOME On 3 December 2008, the Court of Arbitration for Sport issued a decision which condemned Jacobus Adriaanse and the assistant coach Jan Olde Riekerink to pay FC Porto, SAD the amount of 1,070,059 Euro. This process resulted from a formal complaint filed by the Company to FIFA, in August 2006, against the coaching staff (led by Jacobus Adriaanse) as a result of the breach of the employment contract, allegedly without cause. Thus, the caption “Other operating income” considers the amount of 1,070,059 Euros, related with the compensation stipulated as of that date, above mentioned (which was received in February 2009) as well as the annulment of the accrued expense recorded in previous years for prizes to be awarded to this coaching staff, amounting to 1,399,083 Euro. 24. EXTERNAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES This caption as of 30 June 2009 and 2008 was made up as follows: 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 Subcontrats 2.447.066 1.795.257 Rents 1.404.835 706.080 Sports equipment 430.653 312.060 Representation expenses 417.625 357.937 Communications 637.640 466.900 Insurance 880.871 730.255 Travel and accommodation 2.157.975 2.091.501 Fees 1.095.569 1.082.086 Repair and maintenance 570.538 590.914 Advertising 982.296 1.060.742 Surveillance and security 1.339.934 1.106.772 Specialised services 3.012.120 2.919.030 Organization costs 3.505.469 2.429.133 Office expenses Others 124.100 114.637 1.164.607 1.108.672 20.171.298 16.871.976 In the caption “Subcontracts” are included costs incurred in connection with the protocol signed between the Group and Futebol Clube do Porto, mainly related with the use of several facilities, as well as the utilization of the training center by the senior team, and also by the junior teams. The “Travel and accommodation” caption includes, essentially, the travels and related accommodation made by the football team during the national championship, the UEFA Champions League and training periods. The caption “Organization costs” considers various costs related with the realization of games and other events at Estádio do Dragão. 94 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 The caption “Specialised services” includes several types of costs associated with the Group’s activity, namely (i) expenses with market research’ services, (ii) costs with legal advisory services, (iii) cost with audit services; and (iv) expenses with financial advisory services. 25. PAYROLL EXPENSES The caption “Payroll expenses” for the years ended 30 June 2009 and 2008 is made up as follows: 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 Corporate boards 2.544.300 2.276.632 Football players 28.531.942 24.452.445 Technical and administrative staff 10.435.642 7.794.662 Insurance 1.805.309 1.433.875 Other costs 4.225.328 2.746.116 47.542.521 38.703.730 Net payroll expenses for the year ended 30 June 2009, of players on loan to other clubs, amounted to approximately 3,200,000 Euro (3,500,000 Euro on 30 June 2008). Payroll expenses for the year ended 30 June 2009 and 2008 include bonuses granted to players and technical staff for the wins in the Portuguese 2008/2009 and 2007/2008 football championships. The increase in the caption “Other costs” is due, essentially, to an increase in indemnities related with the termination of players’ labour contracts. As of 30 June 2009 and 2008, the number of people working for the Group was as follows 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 Corporate boards (*) 12 12 Administrative staff 94 91 Technical staff 19 9 Auxiliar technical staff 25 9 Vendors (stores) 24 - Football players 54 47 228 168 (*) Includes four non-executive directors 95 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 26. RESULTS OF TRANSACTIONS RELATING TO PLAYERS’ REGISTRATIONS The results of transactions relating to players’ registrations in the years ended 30 June 2009 and 2008 are as follows: 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 22.080.849 18.927.320 Amortization and impairment losses of players’ registrations Amortization of players’ sporting registration rights (Note 8) Impairment losses of players’ sporting registration rights (Note 8) 1.689.122 1.156.282 23.769.971 20.083.602 Income/(expenses) related to players’ registrations Losses from the sales of players’ registrations Costs relating to players on loan Others expenses relating to players Gains from the sales of players’ registrations (Note 8) - (53.125) (330.000) (1.970.000) (1.207.592) (1.297.419) (1.537.592) (3.320.544) 34.589.685 37.353.362 Income relating to players on loan 1.888.200 1.024.500 Other income relating to players 5.067.333 262.941 41.545.218 38.640.803 40.007.626 35.320.259 16.237.655 15.236.657 Impairment losses of players’ registrations rights consider the carrying amount of players’ registrations as of 30 June 2009 whose labour contracts were terminated by the Group until the approval date of these financial statements. The balance of this caption as of 30 June 2009 corresponds essentially to the players Kazmierczak, Claudio Pitbull, Adriano e Ivanildo, while as of 30 June 2008 this balance corresponded essentially to the players Alan, Paulo Assunção, Ezequias and Sonkaya. The amounts included in caption “Gains from the sale of players’ registrations” are net of the carrying amount of the players’ registration, intermediation costs incurred with that sales, and liabilities under the “solidarity mechanism” (if and when applicable) and also net from the discount effect of accounts receivable and payable related with these transactions (Note 8). As of 30 June 2009, the caption “Other income relating to players” considers the amount of 3,500,000 Euro, related with the compensation agreed with Atlético de Madrid and Paulo Assunção, for his early termination of the employment contract with the Company, in end of the 2007/08 season, to represent that football club. 96 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 27. FINANCIAL EXPENSES AND INCOME Financial expenses and income of the years ended 30 June 2009 and 2008 are made up as follows: 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 Financial expenses: Interest 5.500.908 4.469.952 Exchange loss - 2.031 Financial discount allowed - - 1.118.563 187.199 528.166 311.502 7.147.637 4.970.684 (5.512.231) (3.845.596) 1.635.406 1.125.088 Discount effect of accounts receivable Other financial expenses Net financial expenses Financial income: Interest - 1.552 Exchange gain - 60.458 1.635.406 935.996 - 127.082 1.635.406 1.125.088 Discount effect of accounts payable Other financial income The captions balances “Discount effect of accounts receivable” and “Discount effect of accounts payable” relate to interest for the period between the date of sale of several players’ registrations and the agreed payment/receipt dates. 97 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 28. RELATED PARTIES The balances and transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries, which are related parties, were eliminated in consolidation and therefore are not mentioned in this note. The main balances with related entities, identified below, as of 30 June 2009 and 2008 and the main transactions performed with these entities during the year ended as of that date, are as follows: 30.06.2009 Transactions Futebol Clube do Porto Euroantas (Note 31) Olivedesportos Sportinveste Sales and services External supplies Dividends rendered and services distribution 4,361,867 4,725,025 9,102,000 443,351 2,490,003 766,383 59,790 78,000 - 18,632,243 3,316,176 78,000 30,06,2008 Futebol Clube do Porto Euroantas (Note 31) Olivedesportos Sportinveste Sales and services External supplies rendered and services 3,963,181 3,377,837 7,675,000 432,203 1,826,124 1,514,025 59,773 15,421,221 3,399,922 30,06,2009 Balances Futebol Clube do Porto Euroantas (Note 31) Olivedesportos Sportinveste Accounts Accounts Other current Other current receivable payable assets liabilities 9,299,938 4,013,755 9,426,589 43,018 961,294 876,631 11,132 8,256,910 125,349 - 8,250,000 962,389 22,783,300 1,849,057 8,382,259 9,212,389 30,06,2008 Futebol Clube do Porto Euroantas (Note 31) Olivedesportos Sportinveste Accounts Accounts Other current Other current receivable payable assets liabilities 7,235,802 114,341 7,318,017 23,248 330,028 317,377 1,960,200 23,934 3,679,971 - 2,660,000 1,360,620 14,691,408 2,631,539 3,679,971 4,020,620 98 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Futebol Clube do Porto is the main shareholder of FC Porto, SAD (Note 16), and Euroantas is 99.99% owned by this entity. Additionally, information is displayed above of balances and transactions of the Group with the entities Sportinveste - Multimédia, S.A. (“Sportinveste”) e Olivedesportos - Publicidade Televisão e Media, S.A. (“Olivedesportos”), as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of these entities is a referral shareholder of FC Porto, SAD. The remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors of FC Porto, SAD and its subsidiaries, for the years ended 30 June 2009 and 2008 is as follows: Fixed remuneration (1) Variable remuneration (1) 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 1.634.300 910.000 1.578.954 697.678 2.544.300 2.276.632 The fixed component of remuneration considers social security costs. 29. EARNINGS PER SHARE Earnings per share were calculated considering the following amounts: 30.06.2009 30.06.2008 Net profit/(loss) considered for the computation of basic earnings per share Effect of potential shares 5.135.220 - 7.964.449 - Net profit/(loss) considered for computation of diluted earnings per share 5.135.220 7.964.449 Weight number of shares used to compute the basic earnings per share Effect of potential shares 15.000.000 - 15.000.000 - Weight number of shares used to compute the diluted earnings per share 15.000.000 15.000.000 0,34 0,53 Earnings Number of shares Earnings per share (basic and diluted) 30. SEGMENT REPORTING The Group is organized in two major operating segments: Segment A: operations relating to participation in professional football competitions, and the promotion and organization of sporting events. Segment B: activities relating to the sale of image rights, sponsorship, merchandising and product licensing. Other services: includes activities of the subsidiaries PortoMultimedia, S.A., PortoEstádio, S.A. and PortoSeguro, Lda. 99 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 Contribution of the main segments to consolidated profit/(loss) for the years ended 30 June 2009 and 2008 was as follows: Income External income Inter-segment income Total income Profit/(loss) Segment/operational profit/(loss) Financial expenses Financial income Net profit in associated companies Net profit relating to investments Income tax Profit/(loss) of ordinary activities Minority interests Net profit 30.06.2009 Elimination Consolidation 4.181.672 - 68.143.494 5.048.593 9.230.265 (8.830.429) (8.830.429) 68.143.494 (64.963) - 11.169.631 33.186 (210.568) 435.851 1.769 13.570 (22.196) (75.358) (1.122.000) (1.122.000) 7.149.406 1.682.162 (555.094) 5.147.293 - - (12.073) - 12.073 5.135.220 6.967.339 50.100 6.898.695 5.849 (371.525.518) (1.706.410) 5.944.851 5.348.624 (5.485.091) 114.132 117.571 141.997 295.913 182.671.332 901.226 183.572.558 160.797.046 160.797.046 43.055.596 23.045.684 Segm. A Segm. B Other services 42.880.043 5.888.052 2.482.754 45.362.797 374.756 6.262.808 10.464.892 2.133.075 4.952.596 1.124.534 (163.227) 6.473.603 - Segm. A Segm. B 53.519.883 10.441.939 2.976.182 54.496.065 805.654 11.247.593 10.621.361 613.233 7.147.637 1.635.406 1.122.000 (322.330) 5.908.800 - Other information Segment net assets 174.988.152 Investments 2.551.687 Total consolidated net assets Segmental liabilities 154.988.662 Total consolidated liabilities Investment in fixed assets and team 42.799.467 Amortization and depreciation for the year, including players’ registration 22.632.200 Income External income Inter-segment income Total income Profit/(loss) Segment/operational profit/(loss) Financial expenses Financial income Net profit in associated companies Net profit relating to investments Income tax Profit/(loss) of ordinary activities Minority interests Net profit Other information Segment net assets 150.579.136 Investments 2.792.230 Total consolidated net assets Segmental liabilities 137.917.742 Total consolidated liabilities Investment in fixed assets and team 40.320.744 Amortization and depreciation for the year, including players’ registration 19.382.375 Other services 30.06.2008 Elimination Consolidation 6.204.678 - 54.972.773 3.554.481 9.759.159 (6.411.991) (6.411.991) 54.972.773 108.988 - 12.706.955 18.088 554 (576.311) 1.539.230 42.364 14.983 (45.916) 35.691 - 5.013.048 1.140.071 (785.454) 8.048.524 - - (84.075) - 84.075 7.964.449 3.645.854 50.100 6.557.863 5.849 (2.877.268) (1.946.953) 1.862.100 4.199.980 (2.877.299) 3.201 111.424 38.406 354.661 157.905.585 901.226 158.806.811 141.102.523 141.102.523 40.362.351 19.848.460 100 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 31. “ESTÁDIO DO DRAGÃO” On 7 July 2003 a Cooperation Agreement was signed between PortoEstádio, Euroantas, Futebol Clube do Porto and Futebol Clube do Porto – Futebol, S.A.D. relating to the construction, financing, operation and utilization of “Estádio do Dragão” (“the Stadium”). Under that agreement, Euroantas, the present owner of the Stadium, transferred to FCP, SAD the right to operate the Sporting Area of the Stadium for a period of 30 years, in return for an annual, approximately linear, amount charged to FCP, SAD over the period, the total payment being divided into two components: i) An amount equal to the debt service borne by Euroantas during the first 15 years on the Loan Contract entered into for the construction of the Stadium and, in the last 15 years, a lower amount indexed to the debt service for the last year (2018) on the Loan Contract; and ii) The amount of 14,963,937 Euros, settled in the year ended 30 June 2003 and recorded as “Other non-current assets (Note 13), as a remuneration for the amount of the falling due rents during the 15 year period, determined from 2018. This amount will be recognized as a linear cost over the period of 15 years from 2018. In accordance with the agreement, FCP, SAD also retains the right to receive from Euroantas, any excess, determined annually, of the income, net of the inherent operating expenses, commercialization of Boxes and Business Seats of ”Estádio do Dragão” (“Lugares Euroantas”) over the amount of the “rent” mentioned above. The excess for the year ended 30 June 2009 amounted to 2,017,289 Euro (Note 22). 32. CONTINGENT ASSETS AND LIABILITIES As of 30 June 2009 there is an ordinary lawsuit brought against the Company by a shareholder requiring annulment of the decisions of the Shareholders’ General Meeting held on 28 October 2005 that approved: 1. The Board of Directors’ Report and Non-Consolidated Financial Statements of the year ended 30 June 2005; 2. The Board of Directors’ Report and Consolidated Financial Statements of the year ended 30 June 2005; 3. The proposed appropriation of net consolidated result for the year ended 30 June 2005. The Company’s Board of Directors and its legal advisers believe that the reasons presented by the shareholder in the ordinary lawsuit are not in accordance with Portuguese legislation and therefore it has been legally contested. The outcome of this matter is not expected to have any impact on the accompanying financial statements. 101 B4 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2009 33. POST BALANCE SHEET EVENTS The following events took place after the date of the financial statement that, by its relevance, are presented as follows: i) Acquisition of 50% of the registration of Bellushi (5,000,000 Euro) and 60% of the registration of the player Falcão (3,930,000 Euro); ii) Sale of the registrations of Lisandro Lopez and Cissokho to Olympique de Lyonnais (by the amounts of 24,000,000 Euro and 15,000,000 Euro, respectively) - as a result of the sale of player Lisandro Lopez the bank loan that was guaranteed by his registration was paid (Note 18); iii) Renewal and extension of the labour contract with the player Hulk for over two sporting seasons, until 30 June 2014; iv) Celebration of a loan contract with Millennium BCP in the amount of 8,000,000 Euros, related with the account receivable from the sale of Lucho Gonzalez’s registration to Marseille and two loans with Banco Espírito Santo as current accounts related with the account receivable from Olympique Lyonnais for the sale of Lisandro Lopez and Cissokho’s registrations, with a credit limit of 14,000,000 and 10,000,000 Euros, respectively. 34. APPROVAL OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The accompanying financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 6 October 2009. 35. EXPLANATION ADDED FOR TRANSLATION These consolidated financial statements are a translation of financial statements originally issued in Portuguese in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS/IAS), some of which may not conform to or be required by generally accepted accounting principles in other countries. In the event of discrepancies, the Portuguese language version prevails. 102 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD 103 Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 A3 Evolution of Company Business B 5 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEARS ENDED 30 JUNE 2009 AND 2008 104 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 5. Consolidated Statements of cash flows for the years ended 30 June 2009 and 2008 (Translation of statements originally issued in Portuguese - Note 35) (Amounts expressed in Euro) 30.06.2009 Operating activities: Cash receipts from trade debtors Cash payments to trade creditors Cash payments to employees Other cash receipts/(payments) relating to operating activities Income taxes (paid)/received 67,254,565 (18,872,087) (44,246,792) 896,289 (1,332,789) Net cash flow from operating activities (1) Investment activities: Cash receipts arising from : Investments Tangible assets Players’ registrations Loans granted Interest and similar income Dividends Cash payments arising from: Investments Tangible assets Players’ registrations Loans granted 30.06.2008 48,354,110 (18,825,930) (37,665,348) 1,797,083 3,699,186 (21,608) 3,699,186 149,640 41,098,266 46,756 - 41,294,662 (762,173) (43,659,158) - Net cash from/(used in) investment activities (2) (6,361,693) (6,361,693) 142,982 20,397,765 16,535 - 20,557,282 (549,468) (36,348,840) (44,421,331) - (3,126,669) (36,898,308) (16,341,026) Financing activities: Cash receipts arising from: Loans obtained 136,573,734 136,573,734 142,685,823 142,685,823 Cash payments arising from: Loans obtained Interest and similar charges Dividends (127,462,385) (118,456,603) (6,209,879) (4,877,502) (133,672,264) (123,334,105) 2,901,470 19,351,718 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the financial year Variation of consolidation perimeter 3,476,331 - 6,827,332 - Net increase/(decrease) of cash and cash equivalents: (1)+(2)+(3) 3,473,987 (3,351,001) Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the financial year (Note 14) 6,950,318 3,476,331 Net cash from/(used in) financing activities (3) The accompanying notes form an integral part of the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year ended 30 June 2008 and 2007 105 A3 Evolution of Company Business B 6 STATUTORY AUDIT AND AUDITORS’ REPORT CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 106 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Introduction 1. In compliance with the applicable legislation, we hereby present our Statutory Audit and Auditors’ Report on the consolidated financial information contained in the Board of Directors’ Report and the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Futebol Clube do Porto – Futebol, S.A.D. (“Company”) and subsidiaries for the year ended 30 June 2009, which comprise the consolidated Balance sheet as of 30 June 2009, that reflects a total of 183,572,558 Euro and shareholders’ equity of 22,775,512 Euro, including net result of 5,135,220 Euro, the consolidated statements of profit and loss by nature, cash flows and changes in equity for the year then ended and the corresponding notes. Responsibilities 2. The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for: (i) the preparation of consolidated financial statements that present a true and fair view of the financial position of the companies included in the consolidation, of the consolidated results of their operations, changes in equity and their consolidated cash flows; (ii) the preparation of historical financial information in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union and that is complete, true, timely, clear, objective and licit, as required by the Portuguese Securities Market Code; (iii) the adoption of adequate accounting policies and criteria and the maintenance of appropriate systems of internal control; and (iv) the disclosure of any significant facts that have influenced the operations of the companies included in the consolidation, their financial position or results of operations. 3. Our responsibility is to examine the financial information contained in the documents referred to above, including verifying that, in all material respects, the information is complete, true, timely, clear, objective and licit, as required by the Portuguese Securities Market Code, and to issue a professional and an independent report based on our work. Scope 4. Our examination was performed in accordance with the Auditing Standards (“Normas Técnicas e as Directrizes de Revisão/Auditoria”) issued by the Portuguese Institute of Statutory Auditors (“Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas”) which require that the examination be planned and performed with the objective of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement. Such an examination includes verifying, on a sample basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements and assessing the significant estimates, based on judgements and criteria defined by the Company’s Board of Directors, used in their preparation. Such an examination also includes: verifying the consolidation procedures and that the financial statements of the companies included in the consolidation have been appropriately examined, assessing the adequacy of the accounting policies used and their uniform application and disclosure, taking into consideration the circumstances, verifying the applicability of the going concern concept, verifying the adequacy of the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements, and asses107 B6 Statutory Audit and Auditors’ Report Consolidated Fianancial Statements sing if, in all material respects, the consolidated financial information is complete, true, timely, clear, objective and licit. Our examination also includes verifying that the consolidated financial information included in the consolidated Board of Directors’ Report is consistent with the consolidated financial statements. We believe that our examination provides a reasonable basis for expressing our opinion. Opinion 5. In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to in paragraph 1 above, present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, S.A.D. and subsidiaries as of 30 June 2009, the consolidated results of its operations and its consolidated cash flows for the year then ended, in conformity with the International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union and the financial information contained therein is, in terms of the definitions included in the auditing standards referred to in paragraph 4 above, complete, true, timely, clear, objective and licit. Emphasis 6. The financial statements referred to in paragraph 1 above, still disclose that half the Company’s capital had been lost, and consequently the provisions of article 35 of the Commercial Company Code (“Código das Sociedades Comerciais”) apply, as well as present a negative working capital. As referred in the Board of Directors’ Report and Note 16 to the consolidated financial statements, the Board of Directors considers that, as of 30 September 2009, those legal provisions will already be fulfilled, taking into consideration the transactions carried out after 30 June 2009 (Note 33). In this context, the accompanying financial statements were prepared on a going concern basis, which considers the continued financial support of the financial entities and the success of the Company’s future operations. Porto, 8 October 2009 ______________________________________________ Deloitte & Associados, SROC S.A. Represented by Jorge Manuel Araújo de Beja Neves 108 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD 109 Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 A3 Evolution of Company Business B 7 REPORT AND FISCAL COUNCIL STANDPOINT - CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 110 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Dear Shareholders In compliance with the current legislation and in accordance with the mandate given to us, we submit for your consideration the Report and Standpoint which covers our activities and the documents of consolidated accounting of the Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD ( “Company”), with reference to the period from the 1st July 2008 to June 30, 2009. We follow the activities and operations of the Company and the firms included in the consolidation and considered with the necessary extension their accounting records. We were provided by both the Board as by the services of the Company and the various firms included in the consolidation all the information we need to carry out our duties. We verified the individual and consolidated balance sheets on 30th June 2009, the consolidated accounts and consolidated results by nature of cash flows and changes in equity for the year then ended and related Annexes. We carried out an analysis and revision of the Annual Report for the year ended on 30 June, 2009 prepared by the Board and reviewed the Statutory Accounts and Audit Reports on the accounts and consolidated accounts prepared by the Statutory Auditors on that date, which deserved our agreement. We also want to express our satisfaction with the sports titles reached this season by both the professional and training football. Therefore, taking into account the above, we think that the shareholders approve the Report and Accounts of the Company, individual and consolidated, for the period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June, 2009 as well as the application of results proposal presented by the Board. Under the provisions of subparagraph c) of paragraph 1 of Article 245 of the CMVM, members of the supervisory board of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD state that to the best of their knowledge, the information in the report, in the annual accounts and other accounting documents required by law or regulation, although they have not been submitted for approval at the General Assembly, has been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards, prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards, giving a true and fair view of the asset and liabilities, financial position and results of the issuer and the companies included in the consolidation, when appropriate, and that the annual report faithfully exposes the evolution of the business performance and position of the issuer and the companies included in the consolidation, contains a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that they face. Porto, 8 October 2009 111 A3 Evolution of Company Business 112 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD 113 Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 A3 Evolution of Company Business 114 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD 115 Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 C A3 Evolution of Company Business C 0 DECLARATION ON COMPLIANCE 116 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Introduction The revision of the Companies Act, through the entry into force of Decree-Law 76-A/2006 29 March, resulted in a profound change in the rules relating to the government of commercial companies in Portugal, particularly the overhaul of surveillance Corporations, by separating the functions of supervision and audit, thus reinforcing the independence and expertise of the supervisory board members. Consequently, the Annual General Meeting of 2007 decided to review the statutes that included the changes imposed by that law in this important matter. FC Porto - Futebol, SAD has always been trying, to follow the criterion of the shareholder interest and the market, to adjust their practices so as to continue to develop towards adopting the best practices, especially with regards to values of accuracy and transparency. In order to modernize its Statutes and consequently correspond to the most advanced practices in corporate governance, the adjustments considered necessary in related matters such as the regulation of postal voting and the adequacy of time for participation and suspension of General Assembly on the recommendations of CMVM were sought. These changes will be brought to the attention of the shareholders already in the General Assembly for approval of accounts 2008/2009. The Board pays particular attention to matters relating to Corporate Governance regarding that the Company’s policy is consistent with the best market practices and the functioning of its governance model is best suited to its dimension. This report is a pledge of this policy, regarding the Board of Directors that this reflects the proper functioning of the adopted model and current corporate law practice. No constraints on its operation were found in the Corporate Governance adopted by the Company, while observing the accuracy, honesty and trust, among others, as core values for this success. The dynamics of the world, economy, business and capital market factors are known, so that if there are any changes to create, to improve the governance model, it will be reviewed internally and then, if relevant, proposed to the shareholders. Chapter 0 - Declaration of Compliance FC Porto - Futebol, SAD, as the issuers of shares which are admitted to trading on the official quotation of the NYSE Euronext Lisbon (Eurolist by Euronext), prepared this report in accordance with the Code of Corporate Governance of the Committee Securities Market Commission (CMVM), CMVM Regulation No. 1 / 2007 (now amended by Regulation 5 / 2008), which amended and revoked the CMVM Regulation No. 7 / 2001. The regulation is available for consultation on the CMVM’s website on the following Internet address: The Company hereby adopts the recommendations issued by the Commission of Securities Market in corporate governance and stated in the afore mentioned Code of Corporate Governance. It is acknowledged however that there are recommendations that have not been adopted or were not adopted in full terms. 117 C0 Declaration on Compliance The table below identifies, in a diagrammatic way the CMVM Recommendations of the Code of Corporate Governance, mentioning, individually, the ones that have been adopted, not adopted and non applicable, and the reference to the text Report where it can be assessed the attainment or justification for not adopting these recommendations. RECOMMENDATIONS ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE LEVEL COMPLIANCE REPORT I.1.1 The chairman of the General Assembly must have the human resources and logistical support that are appropriate to his needs, considering the economic situation of society. Adopted 1,1, I.1.2 The chairman of the assembly remuneration must be disclosed in the annual report on corporate governance. Adopted 1,1, Not adopted 1.2. Adopted 1.2. I.3.1 Companies should not provide any statutory restriction on postal voting. Adopted 1.3. I.3.2 The period of statutory notice for the receipt of the vote by correspondence shall not exceed 3 days. Adopted 1.3. I.3.3 Companies must foresee in their statutes, that one vote matches each stock. Adopted 1.2 Adopted 1.2. Not adopted 1.2. I.6.1 The measures to be taken to prevent the success of takeover bids should respect the interests of the company and its shareholders. N.A. 1.5. I.6.2 The articles of association, while respecting the principle in the previous paragraph, provide the limitation of the number of votes which may be issued or exercised by a single shareholder, individually or in concert with other shareholders, shall also be documented at least every five years will be subjected to approval by the General Assembly to maintain or not this stipulation - no aggravated quorum requirements comparatively to the legal ones - and that at that meeting all the votes cast countwithout that limitation. N.A. 1.5. Adopted 1.5. I. General Assembly I.1. GENERAL MEETING I.2. PARTICIPATION IN THE ASSEMBLY I.2.1 The period of deposit or blocking of shares for participation in the General Assembly imposed by the statutes should not exceed 5 days. I.2.2 In case of suspension of the general meeting, the society should not force the blockade during the whole period until the session is resumed, while the ordinary notice required for the first ordinary session should be enough. I.3. VOTING AND EXERCISE OF VOTING RIGHTS I.4. QUORUM AND RESOLUTIONS I.4.1 Companies should establish a higher constitutive or deliberative quorum than the one provided by law. I.5. MINUTES AND INFORMATION ON RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED I.5.1 The minutes of the General Assembly must be made available to shareholders in the company’s website within 5 days, although they do not constitute privileged information, according to law, and should be kept in place a collection of historical records of attendance, of agendas and deliberations relating to meetings held at least 3 years in history. I.6. MEASURES FOR CONTROL SHIFT I.6.3 No defensive measures should be adopted whose effect is to automatically cause a serious erosion of company assets in case of transfer of control or change in the composition of the board and thus affect the free transfer of shares and the free assessment by shareholders of the performance of members of the board. 118 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 II. Corporate Management and Supervision II.1. GENERAL THEMES II.1.1. STRUCTURE AND COMPETENCE II.1.1.1 The board shall assess in its government report the adopted model, and identify possible constraints on its operation and propose measures which in their opinion, are suitable to overcome them. Adopted Introduction II.1.1.2 Companies should establish internal control systems for the effective detection of risks linked to the business, to safeguard its assets and enhance transparency of its corporate governance. Adopted 2.9. Not Adopted 2.1.4. Adopted 2.1.1. Not Adopted 2.1.1. Adopted 2.2. II.1.4.1 The company should adopt a policy of reporting irregularities allegedly occurred within it, with the following elements: i) the means by which communications of malpractice can be done internally, including the persons entitled to receive communications; ii) an indication of the treatment to be given to communications, including confidential treatment, if so desired by the person declaring it. Adopted 2.10 II.1.4.2 The outlines of this policy should be disclosed in the report on corporate governance. Adopted 2.10 II.1.5.1 The remuneration of the members of the board should be structured to allow the alignment of their interests and the interests of the society. Thus: i) the remuneration of directors to exercise executive functions must include a component based on performance and should therefore take into account the performance evaluation conducted periodically by the competent body or committee ii) the variable component should be consistent with the company’s long-term performance maximization and dependent of the adopted variables sustainability iii) when that is not a result of direct legal inforcement, the executive members of the board remuneration should consist exclusively of a fixed amount. Adopted 2.8.1. II.1.5.2 The remuneration committee and the board must submit to the annual general meeting of shareholders of a policy statement of earnings, respectively, of the administrative and supervisory and other leaders within the scope of paragraph 3 of Article 248-B of the Securities in this context the main criteria and parameters for performance assessment to determine the variable component should be explained to the shareholders, whether regarding prizes in equities, options to purchase shares, annual bonuses or other components. Adopted 1.4. Not Adopted 1.4. II.1.1.3 The administrative and supervisory bodies shall have operating regulations which must be disclosed on the website of the company. II.1.2. INCOMPATIBILITIES AND INDEPENDENCE II.1.2.1 The board of directors should include a number of non-executive members to ensure the efficient supervision, monitoring and evaluation of the activity of the executive members. II.1.2.2 The non-executive directors should tell if an adequate number of independent directors, taking into account the size of the company and its shareholder structure, which may in no case be less than one fourth of the total number of directors. II.1.3. ELIGIBILITY AND APPOINTMENT II.1.3.1 Depending on the model followed, the chairman of the supervisory board, audit committee or the committee for financial matters must be independent and have the skills to carry out their respective functions. II.1.4. POLICY STATEMENT OF IRREGULARITIES II.1.5. REMUNERATION II.1.5.3 At least one representative of the remuneration committee must be present at annual general meetings of shareholders. II.1.5.4 The proposal for approval of plans to allot shares and / or options to acquire shares or based on changes in share prices should be submitted to the General Assembly, to members of the administration and supervision and other leaders within the meaning of paragraph 3 of Article 248. of the CMVM. The proposal should contain all the necessary elements for a proper assessment the plan. The proposal must be accompanied by the regulation plan or, if it has not yet been established, the general conditions that it must obey. Likewise it must be approved in general meeting the main features of the system of retirement benefits enjoyed by members of the administration, supervision and other leaders within the meaning of paragraph 3 of Article 248. B of the CMVM. 119 N.A. 3.3. C0 Declaration on Compliance II.1.5.5 The remuneration of the management and supervision members must be disclosed annually in individual terms, distinguishing, where appropriate, the different components received in terms of fixed remuneration and variable different components received in terms of fixed remuneration and variable remuneration and the companies controlled by shareholders with holdings. Adopted 2.8.1. Not adopted Chapter 2 Adopted 2.1.4. II.2.3 If the chairman of the board of directors has executive functions, the board must find effective mechanisms for coordinating the work of non-executive members, so as to ensure that they can decide independently and in an informed manner and they must be applied to proper explanation of these mechanisms to shareholders in the report on corporate governance. Adopted 2.1.1. II.2.4 The annual report should include a description of the activities undertaken by non-executive directors with particular reference to any constraints encountered. Adopted 2.1.1. II.2.5. The board must ensure rotation of the member with responsibility for finance, at least by the end of each two terms. Not adopted 2.1.1. Adopted 2.1.1. II.3.2 The chairman of the executive committee shall refer, respectively, to the chairman of the board and, as appropriately applicable, the chairman of the supervisory board or audit committee, the invitations and minutes of the pertaining meetings. N.A. Chapter 2 II.3.3 The chairman of the executive board is to provide to the general and supervision council president and the chairman of the committee for financial matters, invitations and minutes of meetings. N.A. Chapter 2 N.A. Chapter 2 II.4.2 The annual reports on the activity of the board and supervisory committee for financial matters, the audit committee and the supervisory board should be disclosed on the website Internet da sociedade, of the company, along with documents providing accounts. Adopted 2.2. II.4.3 The annual reports on the activity of the board and supervisory committee for financial matters the audit committee and the supervisory board shall include a description of the supervisory activity and with particular reference to any constraints encountered. Adopted 2.2. II.4.4 The Commission for financial matters, the audit committee and the supervisory board, depending on the applicable model, will represent the company, for all purposes, with the external auditor responsible for, inter alia, proposed for these services, their remuneration, to ensure they are provided within the enterprise, suitable conditions for the provision of services, as well as being the partner of the company and the first recipient of the reports. Adopted 2.2. II.2. DIRECTORS II.2.1 Within the limits established by law for each structure of management and supervision, except under the limited size of the company, the board should delegate the daily management of the company, and the powers delegated to be identified in the annual report on Governance. II.2.2 The board management shall ensure that the company acts in accordance with its objectives and should not delegate its responsibility, particularly with regards to: i) defining the strategy and general policies of the company, ii) defining the corporate structure of the group; iii) decisions that are considered strategic because of its size, risk or special characteristics. II.3. CEO, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND EXECUTIVE BOARD OF DIRECTORS II.3.1 Managers who exercise executive functions, when requested by other members of the governing bodies must provide timely and appropriately to the request, the information required by those. II.4. GENERAL COUNCIL AND OVERSIGHT, COMMITTEE ON RAW FINANCIAL AUDIT AND AUDIT COMMITTEE II.4.1 The general and oversight Council, besides the compliance with the supervisory powers which they have been given, should play an advisory role, monitoring and continuous evaluation of the management of the company by the executive board. Among the areas in which the board and the supervisory board will rule include: i) defining the strategy and general policies of the company, ii) the corporate structure of the group, and iii) decisions that are considered strategic because of its size, risk or special characteristics. 120 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 II.4.5 The Commission for financial matters, audit committee and the supervisory board, depending on the model applicable, will annually evaluate the external auditor and propose to the General Assembly to sack them when there is just cause to do so. Adopted 2.2. II.5. SPECIALIZED COMMITTEES II.5.1 Unless presenting the reason of the small size of the company, the board of directors and general council and supervision, depending on the model adopted, will establish the necessary committees to: i) ensure a competent and independent evaluation of the executive administrators performance and to assess their own overall performance, as well as the various existing committees, ii) ponder upon the adopted governance system to check its effectiveness and propose to the competent bodies to be implemented with a view to its improvement. N.A. 2.6. and 2.7. II.5.2 The members of the remuneration committee or equivalent should be independent from the members of the board. Adopted 2.6. II.5.3 All committees will keep minutes of meetings held. Adopted Chapter 2 Adopted 3.8. Not adopted 3.8. III. Information and Audit III.1. DUTIES GENERAL INFORMATION III.1.2 Companies should ensure the existence of permanent contact with the market, abiding to the principle of equality among shareholders and preventing asymmetries in information access by investors. To this end, the company should maintain an office of investor relations. III.1.3 The following information is available on the website of the company and it will be published in English: a) the name, the company status, the headquarters and other elements mentioned in Article 171. of the Companies Act; b) Statute; c) Names of corporate officers and the representative for market relations; d) Office of Investor Assistance and their respective roles and means of access; e) Documents of accountability; f) Semester calendar of corporate events; g) Proposals submitted for discussion and vote in general meeting; h) Calls for the implementation of the general meeting. The Board Members, except for the executive members of the Board of Directors are considered independent, being its independence each time measured by an explicit declaration of the same. Members of the Board are not independent, in that all except for Jaime Eduardo Lamego Lopes, part of the Directorate of FC Porto, holds 40% stake in FC Porto - Futebol, SAD, and that on it has a dominant influence. Jaime Eduardo Lamego Lopes, executive director, is independent. 121 A3 Evolution of Company Business C 1 GENERAL ASSEMBLY 122 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Chapter 1 - General Assembly 1.1. Members of the General Meeting The General Assembly is the highest organ of the Society, consisting of the universality of the shareholders. Shareholders at their annual meeting take decisions on statutory changes, to conduct an examination of the management and supervision of the Company, discuss the annual report and accounts, to elect the governing bodies of their competence. In general, the General Assembly also decides on any issue that has been convened and on all matters that are specifically assigned by law or by agreement of the Company and which are not included within the remit of other bodies of the Company. The General Meeting held on February 29, 2008 decided the election for four years 2008/2011, of José Manuel de Matos Fernandes as Chairman of the General Assembly, and Rui Miguel de Sousa Simões Fernandes Marrana as Secretary of General Meeting. The members of the General Assembly of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD are not paid for performing their functions in society. The Chairman of the General Assembly provides human resources and logistical support appropriate to their needs and to fulfill their duties, considering the size of the Company, including the support and cooperation rendered by the Secretary of the Company, the Legal Office and the Office Management Control of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD. 1.2. Participation in the General Assembly FC Porto - Futebol, SAD, prior to each General Assembly, and respecting the legal deadlines, makes the publication of the notice of meeting, including on the site of the Company ( In accordance with the provisions of the Association Articles the shareholders entitled to vote may participate in General Meeting, showing their status as shareholders in a letter issued by a financial intermediary, with its block of shares for participation in the assembly which is received at the headquarters of the Company within eight days before the date of the General Assembly. In the accounts approval General Assembly 2008/2009 an amendment to the statutes for the shortening of this notice to five days will be put to the attention of shareholders, as recommended by the CMVM. However, the past Presidents of the General Meeting have understood that taking into account the issues associated with the time of receipt of declarations for blocking shares, whether to accept those whose copies are received by fax or e-mail to the period specified in the Constitution and confirmed by the receipt of the documents until the day before the General Meeting. Shareholders who are individuals may be represented at meetings of the General Assembly under the conditions defined by law. Legal collective persons will make themselves represented by a person designated for that purpose and their authenticity will be appreciated by the Chairman. 123 C1 General Assembly The Company makes available to the Shareholders a form of letter of representation that can be obtained by request addressed to this Society, by phone (+351225070500) or via e-mail ([email protected]). The instruments of voluntary representation should be submitted to the head office, addressed to the Chairman of the General Assembly at least three days prior to the date of the General Assembly, and by specifying the meeting to which it relates, the date, time and place in which it is conducted and their agenda, verify their clear mandate to the representative, with proper identification of the latter. In case of suspension of the meeting of the General Assembly, and given that there is no provision in the Statute obligation of the Company, considering the view expressed by the Chairman of the General Assembly, the Company considers adopted the understanding contained in the Recommendation I.2.2 Code of Corporate Governance CMVM about not being required in the event of suspension of the meeting of the General Assembly, blocking the entire period until the session is resumed, and sufficient advance required for the first ordinary session. In any case, the amendment of the Statute that will be put to the consideration of shareholders at the General Assembly for approval of accounts 2008/2009 will rectify this situation. For the purpose of exercising the right to vote, each share has one vote, and the presence in the General Assembly is not subject to imprisonment of a minimum number of shares. In accordance with article twenty of the Statute, the General Assembly will act regardless of the number of shareholders present or represented, both in first and second call, subject to the statutory requirement for certain constitutive quorum for certain actions and, in particular the need in the the first call, are present or represented shareholders with at least two-thirds of the votes for the Assembly to authorize any of the acts referred to in article thirteen, number two, of these Statutes ( “They need authorization from the general acts which exceed the forecast in the budget by resolution passed by simple majority, and the alienation and encumbrance of any type of assets making up the estate of the Company, by resolution approved by two-thirds of the votes cast “). The minutes of the General Assembly and the historical collection of primary information on these meetings have been sent to shareholders who request them. Currently, the Company is preparing its website to disclose this information. 1.3. Exercise of Voting Rights by correspondence and by Electronic Means There are no statutory rules that prohibit the right to vote by post. It is allowed under the provisions of Article 22 of the CMVM, the vote by correspondence, and explanations of vote, addressed to the Chairman of the General Assembly, delivered to the Society’s headquarters, located at Estádio do Dragão Via FC Porto, entrada poente, 3rd floor, in Oporto, up to 18 hours of the 3rd business day preceding the day appointed for the General Assembly, in a sealed envelope, with signatures of Shareholders to be notarized or certified by the Company. In any case, the amendment of the Statute will be put under the consideration of the shareholders will regulate this at the General Assembly for accounts approval 2008/2009. 124 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 In order to facilitate voting by correspondence, FC Porto - Futebol, SAD provides a model ballot paper for this purpose and can be obtained by request addressed to this Society, by phone (+351225070500) or via Email ([email protected]). The possibility to exercise voting rights by electronic means is not yet foreseen. 1.4. Intervention by the General Assembly regarding the Remuneration Policy of the Company It was not submitted to the Annual General Meeting of shareholders, until the date of this report, any statement on the remuneration policy of the Company or on the performance evaluation of board members. However, given the publication of Law No. 28/2009, the Remuneration Committee must be approved by the General Assembly for the year ending on December 30 2009, a statement on the remuneration policy for members of its Board of Directors and Surveillance. In the General Assembly for approval of accounts 2008/2009 the afore mentioned declaration will be presented and put under consideration of the shareholders. Also note that, although no member of the Compensation Committee was at the last General Assembly, it is expected that this situation will change during the next Assembly. 1.5. Measures concerning the change of control FC Porto - Futebol, SAD did not introduce any defensive measures designed to have the effect of an automatic and severe erosion of the assets of the Company in the event of transfer of control or change the composition of the board and thus affect the free transfer of shares and discretion by the shareholders of the performance of board of directors. In particular there are no significant agreements to which the Company is a party and which take effect, alter or terminate in the event of a change of control of the Company following a takeover bid, or agreements between the FC Porto - Futebol, SAD the members of the board of directors or employees providing for compensation in case of resignation or dismissal of members of the board, or in case of resignation of the employee, unfair dismissal or termination of employment, following an offer takeover. Similarly, FC Porto - Futebol, SAD did not adopt any measure which aims to prevent the success of takeover bids that violate the interests of the Company and shareholders. In any case, the existence of legal restrictions on the ownership of shares representing the share of FC Porto Futebol, SAD is notorious, arising from the special demands of the sport that is their primary purpose. Sports societies are governed by special legal regime established by Decree-Law 67/97 of 3 April according to the changes that were introduced by Law No. 107/97 of 16 September. Among these characteristics is noted: • The existence of two classes of shares, considering that Class A shares are those subscribed and held at any time, by the founder club, which are only liable to seizure or encumbrance in favour of legal persons of public law; 125 C1 General Assembly • The special system of company loyalty to the founder club, reflected in particular by the club’s obligation to maintain a minimum holding in the Company (not less than 15% nor more than 40%), the granting of special rights to the shares held the club founder and the creation of encumbrances in favour of the club members; 126 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD 127 Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 A3 Evolution of Company Business C 2 GOVERNING BODIES 128 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Chapter 2 - GOVERNING BODIES The Governing Bodies of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD are the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee, Statutory Auditors, the Company Secretary, the Advisory Board and the Remuneration Committee. General Assembly Advisory Board Statutory Auditors Remuneration Committee Board of Directors Audit Committee Company Secretary FC Porto - Futebol, SAD has no executive committee, given its small size, considering the Management Board responsible of ensuring the daily management of the Company. The members of the governing bodies have a duration of four years, and may be re-elected by one or more times. 2.1. Board According to the Articles of Association, this one is managed by a Board of Directors, composed of three, five, seven or nine members who must compulsory be, professional managers, elected by the General Assembly, which will designate the president if he has not already been appointed at that meeting. This body is currently composed of 5 members, 4 of which executives, who are responsible for the management of the Company. 129 C2 Governing Bodies The replacement of an administrator will take place under the Companies Act, and there are no statutory rules on this subject, occurring at one of the following: lack of Substitute directors, the Board may proceed with the co-option of an administrator, which must be subject to ratification at the next General Meeting or, where provision is made for co-option within 60 days, the supervisory board administrator designates a substitute, which shall also be subject to ratification at the next General Meeting if it does not occur replacement far will be through the election of a director by the General Assembly. 2.1.1. Division of powers between directors The current Board consists of five members, four officers and one non-executive, although in the General Assembly for the election of governing bodies has not been identified as such. Their positions are distributed as follows: Board Jorge Nuno Lima Pinto da Costa Chairman of the Board of Directors Reinaldo da Costa Teles Pinheiro Football Area Fernando Soares Gomes da Silva Finance and Administration, Capital Markets Adelino Sá e Melo Caldeira Legal Marketing and Public Relations Jaime Eduardo Lamego Lopes Non-Executive Administrator Members of the Board, with the exception of Jaime Eduardo Lamego Lopes, are not independent, as they are part of the Directorate of FC Porto, which holds about 40% stake in FC Porto - Futebol, SAD, and to which it exercises a dominant influence. Jaime Eduardo Lamego Lopes is currently an independent member. FC Porto - Futebol, SAD does not comply with the recommendation II.1.2.2, which recommends at least a quarter of the total number of directors to be non-executive and independent, given the small size of the Board of Directors, and because of their executive members they are very devoted to the management of the company. The executive director has performed his duties not only in attendance at meetings of the Board, but also through monitoring and continuous supervision of the work of the executive administrators, upon presentation of coordinated and efficient requests for additional information connected with issues raised in the Council of Directors, among which are the subjects related to the financial aspect, the material and governance matters relating to regulatory issues. Note that the non-executive administrator has not encountered any constraint in carrying out their duties. Whenever requested by other members of the Governing Bodies, the information has been provided by the executive directors in a timely and appropriate manner. 130 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 The Company does not meet or agree with the recommendation II.2.5.’s Claim that the Board of Directors must ensure rotation of the member with responsibility for finance, at least after every two terms. First, the goal of that recommendation is not seen. It is a matter of strategic interest to be determined by the Company and its shareholders, according to their specific model of government and the practical application of which it is done. The finance function has special features of each type of business and cannot be carried across without regards to the characteristics of the areas where the companies are active. Most times, this experience takes more than a mandate to acquire. To claim that after the integration period, the member with responsibility for financial should cease these functions, in terms of the deal, an option that can be counterproductive for society. It is known that Portugal is a small country with a peripheral economy and unattractive labor market when compared with the countries of Western Europe. Moreover, the regime of incompatibilities and independence referred to in the Companies Act is particularly heavy. The combination of these factors is already limiting the choice of members of the administrative and monitoring bodies. Adding the observation of the recommendation in question, it seems that it is alienating the very latitude that a society should have to choose the best people for certain positions. Moreover, the recommendation seems to suggest that within the Board of Directors there is no rotation of the financial portfolio, i.e., in the same universe of managers. In the particular case of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD, adopting this recommendation would be seriously detrimental to the operational management of the Company, as each member of the Board assumes the portfolio that best suits their skills and experience and carried out activities. The CMVM should therefore adjust this recommendation and adapt it to the type of company involved and the practice of national societies. 2.1.2. Functions Performed by the Members of the Board in other companies Jorge Nuno de Lima Pinto da Costa • Chairman of the Board of FCPorto • Chairman of the Board of InvestiAntas, SGPS, SA • Chairman of the Board of EuroAntas, Promoção e Gestão de Empreendimentos Imobiliários, SA • Chairman of the Board of PortoEstádio, Gestão e Exploração de Equipamentos Desportivos, SA • Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fundação PortoGaia para o Desenvolvimento Desportivo • Chairman of the Board of FCPortoMultimédia, Edições Multimédia, SA • Chairman of the Board of PortoComercial, Sociedade de Comercialização, Licenciamento e Sponsorização, SA • Chairman of the Board of Futebol Clube do Porto - Basquetebol, SAD 131 C2 Governing Bodies Adelino Sá e Melo Caldeira • Vice-Chairman of the Board of FCPorto • Member of the Board of Directors of Investiantas, SGPS, SA • Member of the Board of Directors of EuroAntas, Promoção e Gestão de Empreendimentos Imobiliários, SA • Member of the Board of Directors of PortoEstádio, Gestão e Exploração de Equipamentos Desportivos, SA • Member of the Board of Directors of FCPortoMultimédia, Edições Multimédia, SA • Member of the Board of PortoComercial, Sociedade de Comercialização, Licenciamento e Sponsorização, SA Reinaldo Teles da Costa Pinheiro • Vice-Chairman of the Board of FCPorto Fernando Soares Gomes da Silva • Vice-Chairman of the Board of FCPorto • Member of the Board of Directors of EuroAntas, Promoção e Gestão de Empreendimentos Imobiliários, SA • Member of the Board of Directors of FCPortoMultimédia, Edições Multimédia, SA • Member of the Board of PortoComercial, Sociedade de Comercialização, Licenciamento e Sponsorização, SA • Member of the Board of Directors of PortoEstádio, Gestão e Exploração de Equipamentos Desportivos, SA • Member of the Board of Directors of FC Porto - Basquetebol, SAD Jaime Eduardo Lamego Lopes • Managing Partner of Fitout Unipessoal Lda 2.1.3. Professional qualifications, tasks, mandate and shares held • Professional qualifications and activities carried out in recent years Jorge Nuno de Lima Pinto da Costa • Education: Secondary complete • Other positions held at FC Porto Group, referred to in section 2.1.2. 132 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Adelino Sá e Melo Caldeira • Degree in Law in 1980 • Lawyer since 1980 until today • Member of the Law Firm Graça Moura & Associates from 1996 to 2005 • Member of the Law Firm Gil Moreira dos Santos, Caldeira, Cernadas & Associates since 2005 • Other positions held FC Porto Group, referred to in section 2.1.2. Fernando Soares Gomes da Silva • Degree in Economics in 1976 • Other positions held FC Porto Group, referred to in section 2.1.2. Reinaldo Costa Teles Pinheiro • Education: 1st Cycle of Basic Education • Other positions held FC Porto Group, referred to in section 2.1.2. Jaime Eduardo Lamego Lopes • Enterprise Manager, was for 14 years manager of Amorim Imobiliária and CEO of Chamartin Imobiliária • Master in Science in Management (MsC) pela London Business School com tese sobre “Real Estate Valuation - Analysis of the Main Methodologies” em 1996/98 • MBA from the University of Porto in 1989 • Degree in Economics from the Faculty of Economics of Porto • For ten years, Professor responsible for the subject of “Analysis of Investment Projects” (Project Analysis and Capital Budgeting) in the Faculty of Economics, University of Porto • Other positions referred to in section 2.1.2. 133 C2 Governing Bodies • Shares held and mandate Name No. of shares held Date of 1st appointment Expiry mandate 175.000 23-Set-1997 31-Dec-2011 0 23-Set-1997 31-Dec-2011 960 30-Oct-2000 31-Dec-2011 9.850 23-Sep-1997 31-Dec-2011 0 29-Feb-2008 31-Dec-2011 Jorge Nuno L. Pinto Costa Adelino S. M. Caldeira Fernando S. Gomes Silva Reinaldo C. Teles Pinheiro Jaime E. Lamego Lopes 2.1.4. Duties of the Board of Directors Notwithstanding the other powers conferred by law and the Statutes, the Board is responsible for the management of all business and conduct all operations relating to the objects in which they were granted the broadest powers, namely: a) Represent the Company in and out of court, propose and contest any action, compromise and give up themselves and engage in arbitrage. To this end, the board may delegate its powers to one representative; b) Develop the company’s budget for approval by the General Assembly; c) To acquire, dispose of and encumber or lease movable property, including stocks, shares, bonds and rights of registration of players; d) Enter into employment contracts and contracts for sports training and provide for their termination, either unilaterally or by mutual agreement; e) To acquire real estate; f) Decide that the Society will join with other under article four of the Statute; g) Decide to issue bonds and borrow on the domestic or foreign financial market and accept the supervision of the various lenders; h) Appoint any other person, individual or collective, for paid positions in other companies. 134 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Any increase in capital needs deliberation by the General Assembly, and the class A shares, held by FC Porto (Club), always confer the right to veto decisions of the General Assembly designed to, inter alia, a joint capital raise or reduction. The matters discussed in this body are of sensitive nature and its members must respect this principle. The bodies of supervision and administration of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD do not have operating regulations formally adopted given the small size of the Company. However, the Company is preparing to draw up such regulations, intending to make it available in due course in its website. There is a list of incompatibilities defined by the board, nor is it defined a maximum number of positions that may be directors on the board of other companies. This year the Board of Directors met 15 times. 2.2. Audit Committee The supervision of the Company’s activity is the responsibility of the Audit Committee which, according to the Bylaws of the Company, It has the powers specified in the Act. With the entry into force of Decree-Law 76-A/2006 29 March, which now offers three ways of organizing the administration and supervision of companies, FC Porto - Futebol, SAD changed their statutes in administration and supervision in order to adopt one of three methods provided in paragraph 1 of Article 278 of the Companies Code. Consequently, the Company, in the General Assembly of 30 November 2007, approved amendments to the Statute, and elected until the end of the mandate of the governing bodies that was open until December 31, 2007, members of the Audit and Statutory Auditors. At an Extraordinary General Meeting held on 29th February 2008 for the term 2008/2011, the following elements to join the Supervisory Board were elected: Audit Committee • Adolfo da Cunha Nunes Roque • Filipe Carlos Ferreira Avides Moreira • Armando Luís Vieira de Magalhães • José Manuel Taveira dos Santos (Substitute) However, on the death of the President of the Audit Committee, Adolfo da Cunha Nunes Roque, on 22nd September 2008, a new Audit Committee was elected at the General Assembly on 13th November 2008. 135 C2 Governing Bodies The current supervisory board of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD is composed of the following members: Audit Committee José Paulo Sá Fernandes Nunes de Almeida President Armando Luís Vieira de Magalhães vowel Filipe Carlos Ferreira Avides Moreira vowel José Manuel Taveira dos Santos Substitute It is mandatory that one of the members of the Audit Committee is a statutory auditor (or auditors societies). There are potential conflicts of interest between the obligations of any of the people that make up the administrative, supervisory and senior management for the Company or any of its subsidiaries and their private interests or obligations. The Fiscal Council is reviewing the activities of the Company, in full compliance with the strict law and the Statute. As a result, the Audit Committee shall, on an annual basis, report on the action and issue an opinion on the documents of accountability and the proposed appropriation of results, presented by the Board to the General Assembly. It must also represent the Company for all purposes at its External Auditor, responsible for, among others, propose the person responsible for these services, their remuneration, to ensure they are secured within the company, proper conditions to the provision of services, as well as being the partner of the company, as the recipient of the reports at issue, together with the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee, whenever appropriate, meets with the External Auditor not only in its own name but also in the Company’s, pursuant to its powers. It is not under his role, however, to propose the provider of the External Audit, given his recruitment precedes the appointment of a separate Audit Committee of the Statutory Auditors. The outside auditing services have been analyzed independently and standing by the supervisory board, issuing an opinion on the annual activity of the Auditor during the year and making mention of facts which could hinder the continuity of the office for cause. The Audit Committee is, together with the Board of Directors, the first recipient of the reports issued by the external audit firm. This year the Audit Committee met on 4 occasions. The annual reports on the activity of the Audit Committee are disclosed on the website of the Company, together with the documents of accountability. 136 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 2.2.1. Functions Performed by members of the Audit Committee in other companies José Paulo Sá Fernandes Nunes de Almeida • Managing Partner of TRL - Têxteis em Rede, Lda • Managing Partner of Expomoda - Têxtil e Representações, Lda • Vice-President of the Board of Sport Club do Porto • Member of the Executive Board of the Project Portugal Fashion • Member of the Monitoring Committee of the Prime - Programa de Incentivos à Modernização da Economia • Chairman of the General Assembly of AAJUDE - Associação de Apoio à Juventude Deficiente • Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Associação Fórum Manufacture Portugal • Chairman of the General Council of PortoLazer - Empresa Municipal • Member of the Advisory Board of Fundação da Juventude • Vice-President of the General Council and the Board of Directors of AEP - Associação Empresarial de Portugal • Chairman of the Board of EURISKO Estudos, Projectos e Consultoria, SA • Member of the Associação para a Feira Internacional do Porto - Exponor • Vice-Chairman of the Board of Europarque - Económico e Social • President of the General Council of Exponor Brazil - Feiras e Eventos, Lda • Chairman of the Board of CESAE - Centro de Serviços e Apoio às Empresas Armando Luís Vieira de Magalhães • Member of the Audit Committee of Sonae Indústria, SGPS, SA • Member of the Audit Committee of Sonae Capital, SGPS, SA • Member of the Audit Sonaecom, SGPS, SA • Member of the Audit Committee of the Fundação Eça de Queiroz Filipe Carlos Ferreira Avides Moreira • President of the General Assembly of the CPC AFRICA, SA José Manuel Taveira dos Santos • Currently not belonging to the governing bodies, nor performing any executive functions in other societies to which he belongs. 137 C2 Governing Bodies 2.2.2. Professional qualifications, tasks, mandate and shares held • Professional qualifications and activities carried out in recent years José Paulo Sá Fernandes Nunes de Almeida • Degree in Economics from the Faculdade de Economia do Porto • Technical Sales Department at the Banco Português do Atlântico from 1982 to 1984 • Director of the Company Sofite - Sociedade Industrial de Fibras Têxteis, SA from 1984 to 2005 • Partner - Manager of the ATM - Gabinete de Gestão, Lda from 1984 to 2004 • Manager of the Gorem - Sociedade Técnica de Serviços, Lda from 1990 to 2000 • Administrator Risfomento - Sociedade de Fomento Empresarial, SA from 1991 to 1993 • Managing Partner of theCompany Ninfamar - Indústria de Confecções, Lda from 2002 to 2004 • Vice-President of ANJE - Associação Nacional de Jovens Empresários 1986 to 1996 • President of the General Assembly of ANJE - Associação Nacional de Jovens Empresários 1996 to 2002 • Director of APET - Associação Portuguesa dos Exportadores de Têxteis from 1991 to 1994 • Vice-President of the General Council of the APT - Associação Portuguesa de Têxteis e Vestuário from 1994 to 2003 • Member of the Economic and Social Council from 1996 to 2000 • Director of the Associação Comercial do Porto - Câmara de Comércio e Indústria do Porto from 1997 to 2001 • Member of the National Commission for Monitoring the IMIT - Iniciativa para a Modernização da Indústria Têxtil from 1997 to 2002 • Member of the Audit Committee of MTV - Movimento do Têxtil e do Vestuário from 2001 to 2003 • Chairman of the General Office of the Associação Gabinete de Desporto do Porto from 2002 to 2006 • Chairman and CEO of ATP - Associação Portuguesa de Têxteis e Vestuário de Portugal from 2003 to 2008 • Vice-Chairman of the Board of the CIP - Confederação da Indústria Portuguesa from 2004 to 2008 • Member of the General Council and the Board of Directors of AEP - Associação Empresarial de Portugal from 2005 to 2008 • Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the FC Porto from 2007 to 2008 • Other positions referred to in 2.2.1. Armando Luís Vieira de Magalhães • Executive MBA - European Management (IESF / IFG), completed in 1996 • Degree in Economics from the Faculty of Economics of Porto, completed in 1972 138 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 • Degree in Accounting (former and current ISCAP ICP), completed in 1972 • From 1964 to 1989 he pursued his work in Portuguese credit institution and has held the following functions: * Technical Analysis of the Department of Management; * Head of Office of Planning and Management Control in the Northern Region; * Head of Services Department of Accounting; * Deputy Director; * Deputy Director, appointed to head the department Executive Operation North. • Certified Public Accountant since 1972 • Statutory Auditor, individually, since 1989 • Statutory Auditor, integrated in society Santos Carvalho & Associados, SROC, SA since 1989 • Other positions referred to in 2.2.1. Filipe Carlos Ferreira Avides Moreira • Frequency of Graduate Public Law - The New Legal Director, Catholic University of Portugal, during 2002/2003; • Accounting Course for Lawyers and Engineers Portuguese Catholic University, concluded in June 1998; • Postgraduate in European Studies at the Center for European Studies, Faculty of Law of Coimbra, concluded in December 1997; • Course of Commercial Law (Public Company) at Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Roma “La Sapienza” (Italy) - in the 1st semester of 1995/96, under the ERASMUS project; • Degree in Law at the Law Faculty of Coimbra, concluded in October 1996 • Associate Attorney of Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira & Associates, since 2009.; • Instructor of the Law Bar, District Center of Porto, in the module “Company Law” since the year 2006; • Practiced as a lawyer in a law firm in Oporto (in his own name and as a collaborator / associate of the Society of Advocates Cerqueira Gomes & Associados) from 2001 to 2009; • Lawyer of Porto City Council of March 2003 to June 2004; • Practiced as a lawyer in law firm in Macau (Drª Manuela António) from April 1999 to April 2001; • Practice as a lawyer in a law firm in Oporto since February 1999; • Service provider of forensic and legal counsel in his own name and as a contributor of lawyers / Law Firm aforementioned interventions in the areas of law, civil and commercial matters; • Other positions referred to in 2.2.1. 139 C2 Governing Bodies José Manuel Taveira dos Santos • American Language Institute in 1984 • Course for European Studies, Faculty of Law of Coimbra, concluded in 1984 • Degree in Economics from the Faculty of Economics of Porto, completed in 1981 • Commercial Institute of Porto, completed in 1974 • General Course of Trade, Oliveira Martins School, completed in 1971; • From 1981 to 1983 he pursued his work in textile undertaking, in the administrative and financial • From 1983 to 2009 he pursued his work in AEP - Associação Empresarial de Portugal, having held the following functions: * Technical Office for Economic Studies; * Area Director of Training; * Area Director of Information and Business Services; * The Editor of “The Industry of the North”; * Director of International Area; * Director of Europarque - Congress Center; * Director of the Office of the Board of Directors; * Advisor to the President. • Entrepreneur-in services and consulting “Taveira dos Santos, Lda” since 2009 • Participation in various societies • Member of the Technical Commission for the Organization of 1. AND 2. Congress of the Business Council of America in 1982 and 1987; • Member of the Technical Educational Program insertion in the work of Young Technicians Industry, launched by the Ministry of Industry, 1985 to 1987 • Member of the Board of the Luso-American Institute for Training 1991 to 1994 • Member of the Board of the Council for Higher Education Cooperation Company from 1991 to 1994 • Coordinator, in Portugal, of the Program of Cultural Dynamism and Business promoted by the Hispano-Portuguese Foundation Rei Afonso Henriques 1996-1998 • Project coordinator, an e-market-place from 1999 to 2001). 140 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 • Shares held and mandate Name Nº of shares held Date of 1st appointment Expiry mandate 100 13-Nov-2008 31-Dez-2011 0 29-Fev-2008 31-Dez-2011 10 29-Fev-2008 31-Dez-2011 0 29-Fev-2008 31-Dez-2011 José Paulo Sá Fernandes Nunes de Almeida Armando Luís Vieira de Magalhães Filipe Carlos Ferreira Avides Moreira José Manuel Taveira dos Santos 2.3. Statutory Auditors It is the auditor’s job to examine and audit the Company’s accounts, which is necessary to review and legally certify the accounts. The post of Statutory Auditors of the Company is played by the Society of Accountants Deloitte, Statutory Auditors, based in Building Atrium Saldanha Praça Duque de Saldanha, 1 - 6 º 1050-094 Lisboa, Board of Statutory Auditors under paragraph 43 and registered with the CMVM under number 231, represented by Jorge Manuel Araújo de Beja Neves (ROC No. 746). 2.4. Company Secretary The Company Secretary and Substitute are appointed by the Board of Directors, hold office for the term of office of the board that has elected. The Secretary is primarily secretarial meetings of the governing bodies, make the acts performed by them and the powers of its members meet the demands of shareholders in exercising their right to information and make copies of records and other company documents. For the current term of office of 2008-2011, the Secretary and his Substitute are; • Secretary: Daniel Lorenz Rodrigues Pereira • Substitute: Urgel Horta Ricardo Santos Brandão Martins The Company Secretary and the Deputy Secretary were re-elected by the current Board of Directors. 2.5. Advisory Board The Advisory Board is composed of a maximum of twenty members and has no functions. To this body, responsible for advising the Board of Directors, there are no binding on the issues that this agency intends to submit for consideration. The current Advisory Council FC Porto - Futebol, SAD (four-2008-20011) is composed of the following members: 141 C2 Governing Bodies • Alípio Dias (President) • Álvaro Pinto • Álvaro Rola • Américo Amorim • António Gonçalves • António Lobo Xavier • Armando Pinho • Artur Santos Silva • Elisa Ferreira • Fernando Pimenta • Fernando Póvoas • Ilídio Pinho • Ilídio Pinto • João Espregueira Mendes • Poncio Monteiro • Jorge Armindo • Jorge Nuno Pinto da Costa • Ludgero Marques • Rui Alegre 2.6. Remuneration Committee The Remuneration Committee of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD has to fix the remuneration of the Executives of the Company and set the remuneration policy to be applied to the Board of Directors of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD. The present Remuneration Committee of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD (four-2008-20011) entails the following members: • Alípio Dias (President) • Joaquim Manuel Machado Faria de Almeida • Fernando Freire de Sousa The Remuneration Committee is composed by members independent of the administration. To that extent, the Compensation Committee does not include any member of another governing body for 142 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 which to set their remuneration, in which the three members have no familiar relationship with members of other bodies, including as their spouses, kin or straight line to the 3rd degree. This Society aims to encourage the presence of representatives of the Compensation Committee at the General Assembly so that they can, if necessary, intervene in matters within their competence. At each meeting of the Remuneration Committee the pertaining minute is drawn. 2.7. Other Committees Taking into account the corporate governance model implemented by FC Porto - Futebol, SAD, which includes a Remuneration Committee, which somehow evaluates the management performance, and the small size of the Company, it has been understood that there is no room for the creation of specialized committees with the sole purpose of evaluating the performance of the executive administrators or the activity of existing committees. On the other hand, the FC Porto - Futebol, SAD, for its specific operating field as a sports company, has in the exercise of its activity a number of obligations to comply with sporting bodies. In order to be able to participate in national and European competitions, the Company must demonstrate that it meets a number of requirements, with a strong focus on the financial ones, that somehow validate the competence of the administration, which if the stipulated conditions are not met, exclude the team’s participation in the trials. 2.8. Remuneration of Executives 2.8.1. Remuneration of the Board of Directors In accordance with its responsibilities, the Compensation Committee established the parameters of remuneration of the Board based on a fixed component and a variable, with the aim of making it competitive in the market and serve as a motivation for high individual and collective performance, which would establish and achieve ambitious goals, appropriate to what is required by key stakeholders. The President of the Board and the other directors of the Company are entitled to a compensation variable, depending on the sporting performance of the first team of FC Porto, made up of percentages of their annual gross salary: National Champion (75%) or 2nd and 3rd places of the National Championship (50%); Winner of UEFA Europa League (100%) or winner of UEFA Champions League (120%). However, the Board, in the General Assembly of 13 November 2008, declared and already released its renunciation of the prize for the2nd and 3rd places at the National Championship. The remuneration of the members of the board are not dependent on shares price quota or any other variable in addition to the profits made and sporting performance in each exercise. The Chairman of the Board and the other directors of the Company will also be entitled to receive, respectively, 2% and 1% of the profits made at the end of each financial year. 143 C2 Governing Bodies Members of the Board of Directors of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD are not paid by other group companies or companies controlled by shareholders with holdings. There is no defined policy or measure towards giving contract negotiated compensations in the event of termination of service or retirement. The remuneration during the year to members of the Board of Directors of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD, amounted to 1,915,815 EUR 1,075,815 corresponding to the fixed part of the fee and the variable portion 840,000. These earnings in the year in question, by all the members of the board, relates exclusively to the executive. Name Remuneration Jorge Nuno de Lima Pinto da Costa 700.000 Adelino Sá e Melo Caldeira 420.000 Fernando Soares Gomes da Silva 420.000 Reinaldo da Costa Teles Pinheiro 375.815 Jaime Eduardo Lamego Lopes 0 2.8.2. Remuneration of other Executives Bodies During the year which ended on June 30, 2009, the fees paid by companies belonging to the consolidation of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD to its Statutory Auditors and external auditors were as follows: 1. Service statutory accounts: 74,900 Euros 2. Other services: 72.500 Euros Additional services were performed by different business areas of Deloitte and using completely separate teams and technicians who perform these works who are different from those involved in statutory audits, so that ,we believe, it reinsures its independence. The remaining members of the Governing Bodies of the Company: Audit Committee, Company Secretary, Advisory Board and the Compensation Committee are not paid for performing such duties at FC Porto - Futebol, SAD. 2.9. System of internal control and risk management FCP-SAD does not have specific units dedicated to internal control, however, an Office of Management Control exists, which consists of two professionals who have responsibilities in the detection of risks linked to the company’s business. The control system implemented in the risk society is intended primarily to support the administration in the detection of relevant financial risks, mainly 144 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 by regular, comprehensive information for planning and financial control, including the business plan, operating budgets and treasury and its control, management indicators, among others. These procedures contribute to help the quality of disclosed information to the market. The Office of Management Control is a department that depends on the Board of Directors of the Company. The Board believes that FC Porto - Futebol, SAD is exposed to normal risks associated with its activity. Thus, the main risks to which the Company believes to be subjected to are at the financial level: market risk (interest rate risk and exchange rate), credit risk and liquidity risk. The mechanisms for monitoring these risks are described in the notes to the financial statements. In addition to the financial risk, the business of the Company is also very dependent on the sporting performance of its main football team. Sporting success is essential to obtain the traditional incomes and the values of its assets, which once transferred generate income that is essential to the Company’s business. The FC Porto - Futebol, SAD has a team of specialists whose goal is to get their athletes to give an optimum yield. For that it has at its disposal a technical team, able to evolve their athletes, a medical team and physical fitness to prevent diseases and injuries and a team of psychologists, who promote emotional stability and a winning spirit to its players. 2.10. Reporting of irregularities Although the policy statement of internal irregularities is not formally defined, taking into account the proximity of the members of the Board of the activities of the Company and its employees, FC Porto - Futebol, SAD considers that such proximity allows to whichever irregularities may appear they should be reported promptly to the Board, which ensures the implementation of procedures aimed at dealing effectively and fairly with any irregularities. At the level of expertise in evaluating ethical issues, the structure and governance of such functions are performed directly by the Board, specifically by the administrator, with responsibility law, which maintains a constant debate on the issue. Irregularities in the Society have ensured confidentiality and its sequel by any preliminary investigation of the responsibility of those who, to this end will be designated by the administrator. 145 A3 Evolution of Company Business 146 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD 147 Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 A3 Evolution of Company Business C 3 INFORMATION 148 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Chapter 3 - INFORMATION 3.1. Capital Structure of Company The joint capital is seventy-five million, and is divided into fifteen million shares of Class A and Class B (respectively 40% and 60% of capital), depending on the identity of its owner. The class A shares are only part of this category while in possession of FC Porto, or holding company of shares in which the Club owns the majority of the capital, automatically converting into shares of class B in the case of the sale third in title. For the purpose of exercising the right to vote, each share represents one vote. The class A shares always confer the right to veto the resolutions of the General Assembly designed to the merger, division, transformation or dissolution of the Company and amendment of its Statute, the increase and reduction of share capital and change in the location of the head office. 3.2. Qualifying holdings Under and for the purposes of Articles 16 and 20 of the Cmvm and Article 448 of the Companies Act, it is reported that the Company and / or individuals who have a qualified social participation that exceeds the 2% 5%, 10%, 20%, a third, 50%, two thirds and 90% of the vote, according to reports received at the headquarters of the Company to date are as follows: Futebol Clube do Porto N.º of Shares % Rights of vote 6.000.000 40% 175.000 1% Through Reinaldo da Costa Teles Pinheiro 9.850 0% Through Fernando Soares Gomes da Silva 960 0% 6.185.810 41% N.º of Shares % Rights of vote 2.718.185 18,12% N.º of Shares % Rights of vote 1.650.750 11,01% 980 0,01% 1.651.730 11,01% Directly Through Jorge Nuno de Lima Pinto da Costa Total Imobiliária Chamartín Through the company Aplicação Urbana II - Investimento Imobiliário, SA António Luís Alves Oliveira Directly Through Francisco António de Oliveira Total 149 C3 Information Joaquim Francisco Alves Ferreira de Oliveira N.º of Shares % Rights of vote Through the company Sportinveste - SGPS, SA 1.502.188 10,01% Note: The Company APLICAÇÃO URBANA II – INVESTIMENTO IMOBILIÁRIO, SA is owned 50% by CHAMARTIN IMOBILIÁRIA, S.G.P.S., SA The Company CHAMARTIN IMOBILIÁRIA, SGPS, SA is owned indirectly by Inmobiliaria Chamartín. 3.3. Special rights, restrictions on transfer of shares, shareholders agreements, rules governing the amendment of the Articles of the Company’s system of employee participation in capital There are no limits to the exercise of voting rights in addition to the rules outlined in chapter 1.5 of this report. The FC Porto, the main shareholder of the Company, has special rights, in compliance with the Articles of Association, and the legal system for sports companies. The shares held by this institution always confer the right to veto decisions of the General Assembly designed to the merger, division, transformation or dissolution of the Company and amendment of its Statute, the increase and reduction of share capital and change the location of the head office. The Board is unaware of any shareholders’ agreement with the nature of those mentioned in article 19 of the Cmvm regarding the exercise of social rights or the transfer of shares of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD. There is, in particular, no union vote or agreement of defense against a takeover bid (OPA). There are no applicable statutorily defined rules to the amendment of Articles of Association, so that to this subject the terms defined by law apply. The Company has not set any plans for the allocation of shares and / or options to acquire shares or based on changes in stock prices, to members of the board and / or employees, so there are no control mechanisms for participation workers in the capital of the Company. 3.4. Evolution of the share price of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD In this period the share price of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD remained fairly stable, with special emphasis to the maximum value that the shares have reached are only 16% distant of the minimum value. Even in times of dissemination of results, and / or privileged information, there were important fluctuations, which is a standard behaviour in company shares. The conquest of the fourth championship and an excellent performance in the Champions League had no impact on stock prices during this financial year, despite the sporting success of the club, it lost 9%, having closed on June 30, 2009 to quote in 1 , 34 Euros and with a market capitalization of 20.1 million. 150 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 2008/09 Business Quantity 1.361 Transacted Shares 767.428 Average number of shares transacted by business Net 564 1.075.920 Maximum of the Period 1,50 Minimum of the Period 1,29 Quotation at the beginning of the Period 1,48 Quotation at the end of the Period 1,34 Variation at h season -9% Stock capitalization However, when comparing the price of shares of the Company with the Portuguese stock market reality in the same period, it appears that its performance is much better than the benchmark of national equity market, PSI-20, which depreciated by 17% in the same period, and has not reached alarming levels due to more recovery in the last quarter. This difference in behavior in the stock market gains more significance when compared with the main index of the international football industry. Following the trend of the European stock markets, also the Dow Jones EuroStoxx Football, which the FC Porto - Futebol, SAD is a part, suffered a sharp drop of around 31% during the financial period 2008/2009, despite the positive trend verified in the last quarter. 151 20.100.000 C3 Information 3.5. Policy dividends The FC Porto - Futebol, SAD has defined the terms of its policy of distributing dividends, and since its establishment, has never paid dividends. 3.6. Plan allocation of shares and / or options The Company does not have at present any kind of plan shares allotment or options to acquire shares. 3.7. Company business with related parties There are no significant businesses in economic terms for any of the parties involved made between the Company and members of the administrative, supervisory, holders of qualified shareholdings or companies who are in a control or domination group, except as regards to the business or operations that are performed in normal market conditions for similar operations and are part of the current activities of the Company. 3.8. Investor Support The representative of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD for capital market relations is the privileged interlocutor of all investors, institutional and private, domestic and foreign. This representative ensures the provision of all relevant information regarding the key events, facts considered as relevant, quarterly results and responds to any requests for information by investors or the general public on financial information of public character. It is also in charge of all matters pertaining to the relationship with the Cmvm, to ensure the fulfillment of obligations to the supervisor of capital markets and other financial authorities. It is also his responsibility to develop and maintain the site’s Investor Relations web page of the company. Under and for the purposes of paragraph 2 of art. Article 226 of the CVM, the representative of FC Porto - Futebol, SAD for market relations is Dr. Fernando Soares Gomes da Silva, a member of the Board. For the effects of the exercise of their duties, the address, telephone number and fax number and e-mail address of the representative for market relations are: Address: Estadio do Dragao, Via FC Porto, entrada poente, 3rd floor, 4350-451 Porto Phone: 22 5070500 Fax: 22.5506931 E-Mail: [email protected] 152 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 The FC Porto - Futebol, SAD has an Internet site ( with a wide range of information on the Group. The aim is to enable interested parties to obtain comprehensive knowledge about the Group, its business areas, information of an institutional and financial nature. On the page dedicated to Investor Relations, you can see the results of periodic disclosures, documents of accountability, information on general shareholders meetings , including meetings and supporting documentation, and information on institutions, including the Statute and the identification of the Governing Bodies. You can also look up the holdings, all the inside information and other press releases issued by the Company. The Company, taking into consideration the recommendations of CMVM, is preparing its website, available as part of the information subject to CMVM recommendation in English. Services to shareholders and investors All public information on the FCP-SAD is available on the premises of the Company and may be requested through the following contacts: F. C. Porto - Futebol, SAD Estadio do Dragao, Via FC Porto, Entrada Poente, 3rd floor, 4350-451 Porto Phone: 22.5070500 Fax: 22.5070550 E-mail: [email protected] Information on the actions of FCP-SAD Today the capital of FCP-SAD is represented by 15,000,000 ordinary shares, nominal and shares, with a nominal value of 5 euros each. The market capitalization was on 30 June 2009. around 20.1 million euros. Bloomberg Ticker: FCP PL Ticker Reuters: FCPP.LS 153 A3 Evolution of Company Business 154 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 D 155 A3 Evolution of Company Business D QUALIFYING HOLDINGS 156 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Under and for the purposes of Articles 16 and 20 of the Cmvm and Article 448 of the Companies Act, it is hereby declared that the companies and / or individuals who have a qualified social participation that exceeds the 2% 5%, 10%, 20%, a third, 50%, two thirds and 90% of the vote, according to reports received at the headquarters of the Company, on 30 June 2009, are: Futebol Clube do Porto N.º of Shares % Rights of vote 6.000.000 40% 175.000 1% Through Reinaldo da Costa Teles Pinheiro 9.850 0% Through Fernando Soares Gomes da Silva 960 0% 6.185.810 41% N.º of Shares % Rights of vote 2.718.185 18,12% N.º of Shares % Rights of vote 1.650.750 11,01% 980 0,01% 1.651.730 11,01% Joaquim Francisco Alves Ferreira de Oliveira N.º of Shares % Rights of vote Through the company Sportinveste - SGPS, SA 1.502.188 10,01% Directly Through Jorge Nuno de Lima Pinto da Costa Total Imobiliária Chamartín Through the company Aplicação Urbana II - Investimento Imobiliário, SA António Luís Alves Oliveira Directamente Through Francisco António de Oliveira Total Note: The company APLICAÇÃO URBANA II - INVESTIMENTO IMOBILIÁRIO, S.A, is owned 50% by CHAMARTIN IMOBILIÁRIA, S.G.P.S., SA The company CHAMARTIN IMOBILIÁRIA, SGPS, SA is owned indirectly by Inmobiliaria Chamartín. 157 D Qualifying Holdings Shares held by members of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee Board Jorge Nuno de Lima Pinto da Costa Held on June 30, 2008 159,847 shares. In this period he acquired 15,153 shares, holding, on June 30, 2009 175,000 shares. According to Article 6. Of CMVM Regulation 24/2000 informed of the operations from 1 July 2008 to June 30, 2009: Stock date Operation Qtd. Price Amount (Euro) Balance 01-07-2008 Buy 120 1,48 178 159.967 02-07-2008 Buy 200 1,40 280 160.167 03-07-2008 Buy 130 1,45 188 160.297 04-07-2008 Buy 150 1,45 217 160.447 07-07-2008 Buy 160 1,33 212 160.607 08-08-2008 Buy 600 1,32 793 161.207 10-07-2008 Buy 100 1,32 132 161.307 11-07-2008 Buy 120 1,29 154 161.427 14-01-2008 Buy 169 1,3194 222,98 161.596 15-07-2008 Buy 100 1,3400 134,00 161.696 17-07-2008 Buy 270 1,3548 365,80 161.966 23-07-2008 Buy 100 1,4200 142,00 162.066 25-07-2008 Buy 100 1,3400 134,00 162.166 28-07-2008 Buy 230 1,3865 318,90 162,396 29-07-2008 Buy 100 1,3850 138,50 162.496 01-08-2008 Buy 150 1,3700 205,50 162.646 04-08-2008 Buy 100 1,3600 136,00 162.746 07-08-2008 Buy 150 1,4249 213,74 162.896 08-08-2008 Buy 100 1,4110 141,10 162.996 11-08-2008 Buy 100 1,4210 142,10 163.096 13-08-2008 Buy 205 1,3868 284,29 163.301 14-08-2008 Buy 305 1,3846 422,30 163.606 19-08-2008 Buy 10 1,3600 13,60 163.616 20-08-2008 Buy 100 1,4300 143,00 163.716 27-08-2008 Buy 155 1,4013 217,20 163.871 01-09-2008 Buy 10 1,4400 14,40 163.881 01-09-2008 Buy 1 1,3600 1,36 163.882 01-09-2008 Buy 100 1,4000 140,00 163.982 01-09-2008 Buy 100 1,4000 140,00 164.082 158 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Stock date Operation Qtd. Price Amount (Euro) Balance 01-09-2008 Buy 10 1,4500 14,50 164.092 01-09-2008 Buy 5 1,4500 7,25 164.097 01-09-2008 Buy 100 1,3800 138,00 164.197 01-09-2008 Buy 99 1,3500 133,65 164.296 03-09-2008 Buy 150 1,4500 217,50 164.446 04-09-2008 Buy 100 1,4300 143,00 164.546 05-09-2008 Buy 80 1,3500 108,00 164.626 16-09-2008 Buy 150 1,4233 213,50 164.776 17-09-2008 Buy 150 1,42 213,50 164.926 18-09-2008 Buy 100 1,3700 137,00 165.026 19-09-2008 Buy 200 1,4150 283,00 165.226 22-09-2008 Buy 100 1,4000 140,00 165.326 24-09-2008 Buy 100 1,3670 136,70 165.426 25-09-2008 Buy 100 1,3820 138,20 165.526 29-09-2008 Buy 110 1,3655 150,21 165.636 30-09-2008 Buy 100 1,4490 144,90 165.736 01-10-2008 Buy 100 1,3700 137,00 165.836 02-10-2008 Buy 100 1,4330 143,30 165.936 06-10-2008 Buy 105 1,3643 143,25 166.041 07-10-2008 Buy 180 1,3628 245,30 166.221 08-10-2008 Buy 505 1,3505 682,00 166.726 09-10-2008 Buy 100 1,4300 143,00 166.826 13-10-2008 Buy 630 1,4305 901,22 167.456 14-10-2008 Buy 215 1,3874 298,29 167.671 16-10-2008 Buy 100 1,3500 135,00 167.771 22-10-2008 Buy 100 1,3930 139,30 167.871 23-10-2008 Buy 100 1,4020 140,20 167.971 24-10-2008 Buy 200 1,3000 260,00 168,171 27-10-2008 Buy 465 1,2929 601,20 168.636 28-10-2008 Buy 140 1,3736 192,30 168.776 31-10-2008 Buy 100 1.3400 134,00 168.876 03-11-2008 Buy 40 1,4025 56,10 168.916 05-11-2008 Buy 100 1,3300 133,00 169.016 06-11-2008 Buy 100 1,4000 140,00 169.116 07-11-2008 Buy 100 1,3300 133,00 169.216 10-11-2008 Buy 190 1,3605 258,50 169.406 11-11-2008 Buy 115 1,3890 159,74 169.521 12-11-2008 Buy 100 1,3885 138,85 169.621 159 D Qualifying Holdings Stock date Operation Qtd. Price Amount (Euro) Balance 13-11-2008 Buy 105 1,4186 148,95 169.726 14-11-2008 Buy 100 1,3200 132,00 169.826 17-10-2008 Buy 100 1,4405 144,05 169.926 19-11-2008 Buy 10 1,3500 13,50 169.936 21-01-1900 Buy 105 1,3524 142,00 170.041 26-11-2008 Buy 110 1,3564 149,20 170.151 27-11-2008 Buy 120 1,3842 166,10 170.271 28-11-2008 Buy 620 1,4123 875,63 170.891 01-12-2008 Buy 90 1,3600 122,40 170.981 02-12-2008 Buy 200 1,3700 274,00 171.181 03-12-2008 Buy 100 1,4500 145,00 171.281 19-12-2008 Buy 200 1,4100 282,00 171.481 22-12-2008 Buy 399 1,4224 567,54 171.880 24-12-2008 Buy 120 1,4500 174,00 172.000 18-02-2009 Buy 200 1,4285 285,70 172.200 20-02-2009 Buy 130 1,3908 180,80 172.330 24-02-2009 Buy 70 1,4200 99,40 172.400 24-02-2009 Buy 100 1,4200 142,00 172.500 25-02-2009 Buy 10 1,3600 13,60 172.510 25-02-2009 Buy 10 1,3600 13,60 172.520 27-02-2009 Buy 10 1,4100 1,33 172.530 27-02-2009 Buy 10 1,4100 1,33 172.540 27-02-2009 Buy 80 1,4100 1,43 172.620 02-03-2009 Buy 10 1,4300 14,30 172.630 02-03-2009 Buy 140 1,4200 198,80 172.770 05-03-2009 Buy 200 1,4000 280,00 172.970 06-03-2009 Buy 100 1,4000 140,00 173.070 11-03-2009 Buy 6 1,3800 8,28 173.076 19-03-2009 Buy 10 1,4000 14,00 173.086 19-03-2009 Buy 114 1,4000 159,60 173.200 20-03-2009 Buy 10 1,4000 14,00 173.210 20-03-2009 Buy 140 1,4000 196,00 173.350 23-03-2009 Buy 10 1,4000 14,00 173.360 23-03-2009 Buy 100 1,3500 135,00 173.460 24-03-2009 Buy 10 1,4000 14,00 173.480 24-03-2009 Buy 90 1,4000 126,00 173.570 26-03-2009 Buy 10 1,4000 14,00 173.580 26-03-2009 Buy 150 1,3100 196,50 173.730 160 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 Stock date Operation Qtd. Price Amount (Euro) Balance 26-03-2009 Buy 10 1,4000 14,00 173.740 27-03-2009 Buy 100 1,3600 136,00 173.840 31-03-2009 Buy 50 1,4000 70,00 173.890 31-03-2009 Buy 50 1,4000 70,00 173.940 06-04-2009 Buy 100 1,4000 140,00 174.040 08-04-2009 Buy 2 1,3600 2,72 174.042 08-04-2009 Buy 98 1,4000 137,20 174.140 14-04-2009 Buy 10 1,4000 14,00 174.150 14-04-2009 Buy 10 1,3600 13,60 174.160 16-04-2009 Buy 20 1,3900 27,80 174.180 16-04-2009 Buy 90 1,4000 126,00 174.270 17-04-2009 Buy 10 1,4000 14,00 174.280 17-04-2009 Buy 10 1,4000 14,00 174.290 17-04-2009 Buy 90 1,4400 129,60 174.380 21-04-2009 Buy 10 1,4300 14,30 174.390 21-04-2009 Buy 75 1,3600 102,00 174.465 21-04-2009 Buy 5 1,4300 7,15 174.470 21-04-2009 Buy 10 1,3600 13,60 147.480 21-04-2009 Buy 10 1,4100 14,10 174.490 21-04-2009 Buy 10 1,3800 13,80 174.500 21-04-2009 Buy 5 1,4100 7,05 174.505 29-04-2009 Buy 100 1,3700 137,00q 174.605 04-05-2009 Buy 50 1,3700 68,50 174.655 04-05-2009 Buy 50 1,4000 70,00 174.705 13-05-2009 Buy 50 1,3400 67,00 174.755 13-05-2009 Buy 5 1,4000 7,00 174.760 15-05-2009 Buy 50 1,4100 70,50 174.810 15-05-2009 Buy 50 1,4100 70,50 174.860 15-05-2009 Buy 140 1,4100 197,40 175.000 Futebol Clube do Porto of which he is President of the Board, held on 30 June 2009, 6,000,000 shares. Fernando Soares Gomes da Silva Held, on June 30, 2008 960 shares. Not acquired or sold during this period any action, holding, on June 30, 2009, 960 shares. Futebol Clube do Porto of which he is Vice-President of the Board, held on 30 June 2009, 6,000,000 shares. 161 D Qualifying Holdings Adelino Sá e Melo Caldeira Does not have shares. Futebol Clube do Porto of which he is Vice-President of the Board, held on 30 June 2009, 6,000,000 shares. Reinaldo da Costa Teles Pinheiro Held, on June 30, 2008 9,850 shares. Not acquired or sold during this period any action, holding on 30 June 2009, 9,850 shares. Futebol Clube do Porto of which he is Vice-President of the Board, held on 30 June 2008, 6,000,000 shares. Jaime Eduardo Lamego Lopes Does not have shares. Fiscal Council José Paulo Sá Fernandes Nunes de Almeida Held, on June 30, 2008 100 shares. Not acquired or sold during this period any action, holding, on June 30, 2009, 100 shares. Armando Luís Vieira de Magalhães Does not have shares. Filipe Carlos Ferreira Avides Moreira Held, on June 30, 2008 10 shares. Not acquired or sold during this period any action, holding, on June 30, 2009, 10 shares. José Manuel Taveira dos Santos (Substitute) Does not have shares. Statutory Auditors Deloitte & Associados, SROC SA represented by Jorge Beja Neves It has no shares 162 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD 163 Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009 A3 Evolution of Company Business 164 Futebol Clube do Porto - Futebol, SAD 165 Report and Consolidated Accounts 2008/2009
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