The Integumentary System
The Integumentary System
Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Learning Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to: • Define the word parts used to create medical terms of the integumentary system. • Break down and define common medical terms used for symptoms, diseases, disorders, procedures, treatments, and devices associated with the integumentary system. • Build medical terms from the word parts associated with the integumentary system. • Pronounce and spell common medical terms associated with the integumentary system. 70 Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Worksheet 1 Phonetic Spelling Challenge Spell the medical term correctly in the space provided. 1.kar sih NOH mah ____________________________ 2.SEB or EE ik ____________________________ 3.peh dik yoo LOH sis ____________________________ 4.RIT ih doh PLASS tee ____________________________ 5.kair ih TOE sis ____________________________ 6.MELL ah nin ____________________________ 7.sell you LYE tiss ____________________________ 8.ak TIN ik kair ah TOH siss ____________________________ 9.EK zeh mah ____________________________ 10. imp eh TYE goh ____________________________ 11. soh RYE ah sis ____________________________ 12. al oh PEE she ah ____________________________ 13. KAR bung kl ____________________________ 14. der mah TYE tis ____________________________ 15. HER peez ____________________________ 16. KAP oh seez sar KOH mah ____________________________ 17. mell AN oh sites ____________________________ 18. ON ih KOHP ah thee ____________________________ 19. sklair oh DER mah ____________________________ 20. TIN ee ah ____________________________ © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System 71 Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Spelling Challenge These terms are spelled incorrectly. Spell each term correctly in the space provided. 1.tina capitise ____________________________ 2.shinngles ____________________________ 3.ackne ____________________________ 4.careatosis ____________________________ 5.folicullitis ____________________________ 6.systemic lupuss erythermatosus ____________________________ 7.hideradenitiss ____________________________ 8.empetigo ____________________________ 9.autograf ____________________________ 10. rhythidoplasty ____________________________ 11. melannin ____________________________ 12. endema ____________________________ 13. purrpurr ____________________________ 14. pusteule ____________________________ 15. allopechia ____________________________ Abbreviation Matchup Select and match the correct abbreviation to the definition. _______1.basal cell carcinoma _______2.squamous cell carcinoma body surface area _______4.systemic lupus erythematosus _______5.biopsy 72 Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System a.bx b.SLE c.BCC d.SqCCa e.TBSA © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition True/False Mark each statement as true (T) or false (F). _______1.Alopecia can be a sign of an infection of the scalp, of high fevers, or of emotional stress. _______2.As some people age, their skin becomes lighter in color due to reduced activity of the pigment-producing cells in the skin, the melanocytes. _______3.The condition psoriasis is a skin eruption caused by the female itch mite, which burrows into the skin to extract blood. _______4.Rhytidoplasty is the surgical repair of skin wrinkles. _______5.Liposuction is the removal of subcutaneous fat. _______6.Topical and oral antibiotics are used to manage infections, such as acne and carbuncles. _______7.Onychomalacia is an infection around the nail. _______8.An ulcer is an erosion through the skin or mucous membrane. _______9.A keloid is the common result of an injury caused by a tear, or perhaps a cut, by a sharp object with an irregular surface. _______10. A discolored flat spot on the skin surface, such as a freckle, is clinically called a macule. Fill in the Blank Fill in the blank with the correct medical term from this chapter. 11. ____________________________ is the yellowing that results from an abnormal release of pigments by the liver. 12. ____________________________ is the outermost organ of the body. 13. A clinical term for “scar” is ____________________________. 14. A localized elevation of the skin that is a sign of a local inflammation is a(n) ____________________________. 15. The clinical term for “pimple” is ____________________________. 16. Commonly known as a bruise, a(n) ____________________________ is a discoloration and swelling of the skin that is symptomatic of an injury, such as a blow to the body. 17. A closed sac or pouch on the surface of the skin that is filled with fluid is called a(n) ____________________________. 18. If an abscess is associated with a hair follicle, the local swelling on the skin is called a(n) ____________________________. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System 73 Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition 19. A(n) ____________________________ is a general term describing any small, solid elevation on the skin. 20. ____________________________ is an abnormally pale color of the skin. Short Answer Write the definition for each of the following terms. 21. Ecchymosis _____________________________________________________________ 22. Onychomalacia _____________________________________________________________ 23. Debridement _____________________________________________________________ 24. Dermatome _____________________________________________________________ 25. Xeroderma _____________________________________________________________ Word Search Fill in the blank with the correct medical term from this chapter, then find those terms in the word search puzzle that follows. 1.The most life threatening skin cancer is malignant ____________________________. 2.The Latin word for a parasitic body louse is ____________________________. 3.The medical field that specializes in the health and disease of the integumentary system is known as ____________________________. 4.As the outermost organ of the body, the skin is more exposed to the extremes of the external environment than any other organ, subjecting it to temperature fluctuations, physical injury, and invasion by unwanted ____________________________. 5.The clinical term for a narrow break or slit in the skin is ____________________________. 6.The Greek word for “blush” is ____________________________. 7.Similar to a macule but darker in color, a(n) ____________________________ is a pigmented spot that is commonly called a mole. 8.A(n) ____________________________ is a general term describing any small, solid elevation on the skin. 9.A temporary, itchy elevation of the skin, often with a white center and red perimeter, is called a(n) ____________________________. 10. In general, any form of ____________________________ produces a sign of scaly skin. 74 Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition 11. A genetic condition characterized by the reduction of the pigment melanin in the skin is known as ____________________________. 12. ____________________________ is an inflammation of the connective tissue in the dermis. 13. In the condition ____________________________, the individual suffers from excessive perspiration. 14. In the nail condition ____________________________, a nail becomes buried in the skin due to abnormal growth. 15. The condition ____________________________ is a fungal infection of hair. L E W F R V Z Q B H D N Q R S G H R R Q I R Q R R E M R N U D F N Y D Q R S C L T K L W L M Z A L K T G L S N D F X U X B R M T M H Q H V A N U V M C J P R G O L E V Z B E Z R I J Q Z A K N Q M N B V H M M D E P R Z B P A F A X U L W S E Z H T X T Y B L J X S W W I P L G L T L T Y R E S M S I N A G R O O R C I M R M B M Q I T C E L L U L I T I S R T Y B N D E R M A T O L O G Y F R L J S I S O C Y M O H C I R T A H I D R A D E N I T I S G K H O N Y C H O C R Y P T O S I S H Q N D N X C S I S O T A R E K G © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Y Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System 75 Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Worksheet 2 Dictation Report Write each numbered term as you hear it, spelling each term correctly. This exercise will help you learn to hear, comprehend, visualize, and spell the new medical terms accurately. The medical field that specializes in the health and disease of the integumentary system is known as (1) ____________________________. A physician specializing in dermatology is commonly known as a(n) (2) ____________________________. Dermatologists see patients with many different types of skin conditions. But all their patients have a problem or concern with their (3) ____________________________. Some patients have infections such as a(n) (4) ____________________________, or a localized elevation of the skin that is a sign of a local inflammation. Other patients might have (5) ____________________________, or elevated areas of the skin filled with pus that carry bacteria. Still other patients have (6) ____________________________, which is the clinical term for “pimple.” Some patients have infection that spreads from the skin surface or hair follicles to the dermis, which is bacterial in origin and is called (7) ____________________________. Topical and oral (8) ____________________________ are used to manage infections, such as (9) ____________________________ and (10) ____________________________. Sometimes the dermatologist does not know what the problem is and decides to do a(n) (11) ____________________________, or minor surgery involving the removal of tissue for evaluation. This is an important test to conduct to determine if a person is suspected to have a cancer. (12) ____________________________ is a form of skin cancer arising from the connective tissue of the dermis. The most life-threatening skin cancer is (13) ____________________________. It arises from the cells normally providing the pigment (14) ____________________________. (15) ____________________________ and (16) ____________________________ are tumors arising 76 Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition from the epidermis that usually remain localized, although the lesions do spread and can become serious if they are not treated. Other parts of the integumentary include the nails, hair, and sweat glands. A loss or lack of scalp hair is a clinical sign known as baldness, or (17) ____________________________. In the condition of (18) ____________________________, the individual suffers from excessive perspiration, due to the inflammation of sweat glands. In general, a disease of the nail is called a(n) (19) ____________________________ The nail condition known as (20) ____________________________ occurs when a nail becomes buried in the skin due to abnormal growth. It is commonly called “ingrown nail.” People can have all kinds of things wrong with their integumentary system. Some are much more serious than others. Some conditions cause a rash or an (21) ____________________________, which is a general term meaning any redness of the skin. Others cause narrow breaks or slits in the skin called (22) ____________________________. Sometimes the environment can cause damage to the skin, as in sunburn. Even lying in bed can cause damage to the skin, resulting in a common form of ulcer arising from lack of movement when lying supine for an extended period of time, called a(n) (23) ____________________________. It is most important that we all take very good care of our skin to avoid serious damage. The use of (24) ____________________________ is recommended, especially in dry weather, as a chemical agent that softens, moisturizes, and soothes the skin. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System 77 Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Worksheet 3 Word Surgery Read the Medical Word. Break down the medical word into its word parts, and give the meaning of each word part. Then give the definition of the medical word. 1.Anhidrosis Definition: ____________________________________________________________________ Prefix and definition: ____________________________________________________________ Combining form and definition: __________________________________________________ Suffix and definition: ____________________________________________________________ 2. Onychomycosis Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ Combining form and definition: __________________________________________________ Suffix and definition: ____________________________________________________________ 3.Xeroderma Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ Combining forms and definitions: _________________________________________________ 4. Dermatology Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ Combining form and definition: __________________________________________________ Suffix and definition: ____________________________________________________________ 5.Subcutaneous Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ Prefix and definition: ____________________________________________________________ Combining form and definition: __________________________________________________ Suffix and definition: ____________________________________________________________ 6.Melanoma Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ Combining form and definition: __________________________________________________ Suffix and definition: ____________________________________________________________ 78 Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition 7.Keratosis Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ Combining form and definition: __________________________________________________ Suffix and definition: ____________________________________________________________ 8. Leukoderma Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ Combining form and definition: __________________________________________________ 9.Scleroderma Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ Combining form and definition: __________________________________________________ 10. Folliculitis Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ Combining form and definition: __________________________________________________ Suffix and definition: ____________________________________________________________ 11.Epidermis Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ Prefix and definition: ____________________________________________________________ Combining form and definition: __________________________________________________ Suffix and definition: ____________________________________________________________ 12.Rhytidectomy Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ Combining form and definition: __________________________________________________ Suffix and definition: ____________________________________________________________ 13. Onychectomy Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ Combining form and definition: __________________________________________________ Suffix and definition: ____________________________________________________________ © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System 79 Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Worksheet 4 Case Study Fill in the blank with the correct medical term from this chapter. Jane, who is 45 years old, is concerned about redness, itching, and scaling of her skin on her hands and arms. There are also small fluid-filled skin elevations. After several attempts at finding the cause for this condition and treating it, her family doctor refers her to a doctor who specializes in diseases and conditions of the skin. She is diagnosed with eczema, which is an inflammation of the skin caused by an immune system reaction. While she is at the specialist’s office, she has another concern that she brings up. She is noticing that her toenails are getting increasingly thickened and roughened. This is diagnosed as a fungal infection of the nail. What is the appropriate medical terminology for: 1.Redness of the skin ___________________________________ 2.Itching of the skin ____________________________________ 3.Doctor who specializes in the skin ______________________ 4.Fungal infection of the toenail __________________________ 5.Small fluid-filled skin elevations ________________________ 80 Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Worksheet 5 Medical Report Analysis Consider the following excerpt from a clinician’s notes following completion of a dermatologic examination. For the highlighted terms or word parts, provide the meaning. Patient exhibits urticaria (A) _____________________________________________ with pruritis (B) _____________________________________ probably due to allergic response to antibiotic therapy. Cellulitis (C) ____________________________ remains unresolved with marked erythema (D) _______________________________ noted and pustules (E) _______________________________ developing. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System 81 Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Worksheet 6 Which Term Does Not Belong? Circle the term that is not related to the other terms. Then explain why the term does not belong with the others. 1.Skin lesions a. comedo b. contusion c. integumenatary d. macule e. papule Why does it not belong? ___________________________________________________________ 2.Skin color a. cyanosis b. jaundice c. mycosis d. pallor e. purpura Why does it not belong? ___________________________________________________________ 3.Inflammatory conditions of the integumentary system a. adenitis b. cellulitis c. dermatitis d. onychitis e. pruritus Why does it not belong? ___________________________________________________________ 4.Word roots a. chymo b. folliculo c. hidro d. malacia e. onycho Why does it not belong? ___________________________________________________________ 82 Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition 5.Suffixes a. -itis b. -oma c. -osis d. -path e. -tricho Why does it not belong? ___________________________________________________________ © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System 83 Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Worksheet 7 Labeling Label the diagram below. 84 Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Worksheet 8 Key Terms Double Check Remember that the chapter’s key terms appeared alphabetically within each section of this chapter. This exercise helps you to check your knowledge and review for tests. 1.First, fill in the missing word in the definitions for the chapter’s key terms. 2.Then, check your answers using the answer key provided . 3.If you got the answer right, put a checkmark in the right column. 4.If your answer was incorrect, go back to the frame number provided and review the content. Use the checklist to study the terms you don’t know until you’re confident you know them all. Key Term Frame Definition Know It? 1.abrasion 5.7 a common _______________ scraping injury to the skin ❒ 2.abscess 5.8 a localized skin elevation containing a cavity that may be accompanied by the production of pus, which is also known as _______________ ❒ 3.acne 5.36 a bacterial infection of sebaceous glands and ducts resulting in numerous _______________ ❒ 4.actinic keratosis 5.37 a precancerous condition of the skin caused by exposure to _______________ ❒ 5.albinism 5.38 a genetic condition characterized by reduction of the skin pigment _______________ ❒ 6.alopecia 5.39 baldness; may be a sign of an _______________ of the scalp, high fevers, drug reactions, or emotional stress ❒ 7.biopsy 5.64 a minor surgery involving the removal of tissue for evaluation; abbreviated _______________ ❒ 8.burn 5.40 an injury caused by excessive exposure to fire, electricity, chemicals, or sunlight, and measured by _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________, and depth of the damage ❒ © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System 85 Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Key Term Frame Definition Know It? 9.carbuncle 5.41 a skin infection composed of a cluster of _______________ ❒ 10. carcinoma 5.42 skin cancer; varieties include _______________ cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma ❒ 11. cellulite 5.9 a local uneven surface of the skin that is a sign of subcutaneous _______________ _______________ ❒ 12. cellulitis 5.43 inflammation of the _______________ tissue in the dermis caused by an infection ❒ 13. cicatrix 5.10 the clinical term for scar _______________ ❒ 14. comedo 5.11 a skin blemish that is a local elevation caused by a buildup of sebaceous oils; clinical term for a(n) _______________ ❒ 15. contusion 5.12 a discoloration and swelling of the skin that is symptomatic of an injury; commonly known as a(n) _______________ ❒ 16. cyanosis 5.13 a blue tinge to an area of the skin that is a sign of _______________ disturbance ❒ 17. cyst 5.14 a closed sac or pouch filled with _______________ ❒ 18. debridement 5.65 excision of _______________ matter and unwanted tissue from a wound ❒ 19. dermabrasion 5.66 a form of _______________ _______________ in which the skin is surgically changed to improve appearance ❒ 20. dermatitis 5.44 a generalized inflammation of the skin involving _______________ of the dermis ❒ 21. dermatoautoplasty 5.67 surgery in which the patient’s own skin is used as a graft, also called a(n) _______________ ❒ 22. dermatome 5.67 an instrument used to cut thin slices of skin for _______________ or to excise small skin lesions ❒ 23. dermatoplasty 5.68 the _______________ repair of the skin ❒ 24. ecchymosis 5.45 a condition caused by leaking blood vessels in the dermis, producing purplish patches of _______________ ❒ 25. edema 5.15 a condition of _______________ caused by fluid accumulating in a confined space, such as beneath the skin ❒ 86 Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Key Term Frame Definition Know It? 26. emollient 5.69 a chemical _______________ that softens or smooths the skin ❒ 27. erythema 5.16 any _______________ of the skin, a common sign of injury or infection ❒ 28. fissure 5.17 the clinical term for a narrow _______________ or slit in the skin ❒ 29. furuncle 5.18 an abscess associated with a hair _______________ ❒ 30. herpes 5.46 a viral skin eruption that produces clusters of deep blisters; major types are _______________, genital, and shingles ❒ 31. hidradenitis 5.47 excessive _______________ due to the inflammation of sweat glands ❒ 32. impetigo 5.48 a contagious bacterial skin infection that produces small vesicles with a golden _______________ following their rupture ❒ 33. induration 5.19 a local _______________ area on the skin or elsewhere in the body ❒ 34. jaundice 5.20 abnormal _______________ coloration of the skin and eyes, a sign of liver or gallbladder disease ❒ 35. Kaposi’s sarcoma 5.49 a form of skin cancer arising from the connective tissue of the dermis indicated by brown or purple patches on the skin; common among people with HIV infection and _______________ ❒ 36. keloid 5.21 an overgrowth of elevated scar tissue that is often different in color from adjacent, _______________ skin ❒ 37. laceration 5.22 the result of an injury caused by a(n) _______________, or perhaps a cut by a sharp object with an irregular surface ❒ 38. leukoderma 5.50 a condition in which skin becomes lighter in color due to _______________ activity of the pigmentproducing cells ❒ 39. macule 5.23 a discolored flat spot on the skin surface, such as a(n) _______________ ❒ 40. melanoma 5.51 a life-threatening skin cancer meaning “_______________ tumor” ❒ 41. nevus 5.24 a pigmented spot on the skin similar to a macule but darker in color; a(n) _______________ ❒ © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System 87 Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Key Term Frame Definition Know It? 42. onychocryptosis 5.52 a condition of a nail buried in the skin due to abnormal growth, commonly called a(n) _______________ nail ❒ 43. onychomalacia 5.53 abnormally _______________ nails; often a sign of calcium or vitamin D deficiency ❒ 44. onychomycosis 5.54 a(n) _______________ infection of one or more nails ❒ 45. pallor 5.25 abnormal _______________ color of the skin, a sign of a condition causing decreased flow of blood to the skin ❒ 46. papule 5.26 any small, solid elevation on the skin, such as a(n) _______________, or pimple ❒ 47. paronychia 5.55 a condition of infection alongside the _______________ ❒ 48. pediculosis 5.56 a condition of head _______________; may also be found in the pubic region and other parts of the body ❒ 49. petechia 5.27 the rupture of a small blood vessel supplying the _______________ of the skin, a sign of a circulatory disorder ❒ 50. pruritus 5.28 a symptom of _______________ skin ❒ 51. psoriasis 5.57 a painful, chronic skin disease characterized by red lesions covered with silvery epidermal _______________ ❒ 52. purpura 5.29 a symptom of purple-red skin discoloration usually the result of a broken _______________ _______________ ❒ 53. pustule 5.30 an elevated area of the skin filled with _______________ ❒ 54. rhytidectomy 5.70 a(n) _______________ _______________ in which skin wrinkles are surgically removed ❒ 55. scabies 5.58 a skin eruption caused by the female itch _______________ ❒ 56. scleroderma 5.59 abnormal _______________ or hardness of the skin, caused by overproduction of collagen in the dermis ❒ 57.systemic lupus erythematosus 5.60 a chronic, progressive disease of connective tissue in many organs including the skin; commonly known as _______________ ❒ 88 Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Key Term Frame 58. tinea 5.61 a fungal infection of the skin that is often called _______________ ❒ 59. trichomycosis 5.62 a fungal infection of _______________ ❒ 60. ulcer 5.31 an erosion through the skin or mucous membrane; a sore that arises from lack of movement when lying supine for an extended period is a(n) _______________ ulcer ❒ 61. urticaria 5.32 a common allergic skin reaction to medications, foods, infection, or injury that produces small fluid-filled skin _______________; also called hives ❒ 62. verruca 5.33 a wart that is a sign of infection by a papilloma _______________. ❒ 63. vesicle 5.34 a small elevation of the epidermis that is filled with fluid; an example is a(n) _______________ that results from injury to the skin ❒ 64. wheal 5.35 a temporary, itchy elevation of the skin, often with a(n) _______________ center and red perimeter ❒ 65. xeroderma 5.63 a disease characterized by abnormally _______________ skin and caused by hyposecretion of oil glands ❒ © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Definition Know It? Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System 89 Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Worksheet 9 Crossword Puzzle Directions: Fill in the crossword puzzle with the words missing from the sentences below. Match the number of the sentence to the boxes placed across or down the grid. If filled out correctly, the words will fit neatly into the puzzle. 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 ACROSS 2 A general term for a disease affecting the hair is ___________. 7 The ___________ system forms the entire surface area of the body. 8 ___________ is a superficial form of dermatitis, with flakiness of the epidermis as the primary sign. 9 Actinicis ___________ a precancerous condition of the skin caused by exposure to sunlight. DOWN 1 The clinical term for “pimple” is ___________. 3 A common injury to the skin caused by scraping produces a superficial wound called a(n) ___________. 4 ___________ is an abnormally pale color of the skin. 5 If an abscess is associated with a hair follicle, the local swelling on the skin is called a(n) ___________. 6 A(n) ___________ is a minor surgery involving the removal of tissue for evaluation. 90 Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Worksheet 1 Answers Phonetic Spelling Challenge 1.carcinoma 2.seborrheic 3.pediculosis 4.rhytidoplasty 5.keratosis 6.melanin 7.cellulitis 8.actinic keratosis 9.eczema 10. impetigo 11. psoriasis 12. alopecia 13. carbuncle 14. dermatitis 15. herpes 16. Kaposi’s sarcoma 17. melanocytes 18. onychopathy 19. scleroderma 20. tinea Spelling Challenge 1.tinea capitis 2.shingles 3.acne 4.keratosis 5.folliculitis 6.systemic lupus erythematosus 7.hidradenitis 8.impetigo 9.autograft 10. rhytidoplasty 11. melanin 12. edema 13. purpura 14. pustule 15. alopecia Abbreviation Matchup 1.BCC 2.SqCCa 3.TBSA 4.SLE 5.bx True/False 6.T 7.F 8.T 9.F 10. T 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System 91 Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Fill in the Blank 11. Jaundice 12. Integumentary system 13. cicatrix 14. abscess 15. comedo 16. contusion 17. cyst 18. furuncle 19. papule 20. Pallor Short Answer 21. A condition of the skin caused by leaking blood vessels in the dermis, producing purplish patches of purpura larger in size than petechiae 22. An abnormally soft nail 23. To clean a wound 24. An instrument used to cut thin slices of skin for grafting 25. A disease characterized by abnormally dry skin Word Search 1.melanoma 2.pediculus 3.dermatology 4.microorganisms 5.fissure 6.erythema 7.nevus 8.papule 92 Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System 9.wheal 10. keratosis 11. albinism 12. Cellulitis 13. hidradenitis 14. onychocryptosis 15. trichomycosis © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition L E W F R V Z Q B H D N Q R S G H R R Q I R Q R R E M R N U D F N Y D Q R S C L T K L W L M Z A L K T G L S N D F X U X B R M T M H Q H V A N U V M C J P R G O L E V Z B E Z R I J Q Z A K N Q M N B V H M M D E P R Z B P A F A X U L W S E Z H T X T Y B L J X S W W I P L G L T L T Y R E S M S I N A G R O O R C I M R M B M Q I T C E L L U L I T I S R T Y B N D E R M A T O L O G Y F R L J S I S O C Y M O H C I R T A H I D R A D E N I T I S G K H O N Y C H O C R Y P T O S I S H Q N D N X C S I S O T A R E K G © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Y Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System 93 Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Worksheet 2 Answers Dictation Report Write each numbered term as you hear it, spelling each term correctly. This exercise will help you learn to hear, comprehend, visualize, and spell the new medical terms accurately. The medical field that specializes in the health and disease of the integumentary system is known as (1) dermatology. A physician specializing in dermatology is commonly known as a (2) dermatologist. Dermatologists see patients with many different types of skin conditions. But all their patients have a problem or concern with their (3) integumentary system. Some patients have infections such as an (4) abscess or a localized elevation of the skin that is a sign of a local inflammation. Other patients might have (5) pustule or elevated areas of the skin filled with pus that carry bacteria. Still other patients have (6) comedos, which is the clinical term for “pimple.” Some patients have infection that spreads from the skin surface or hair follicles to the dermis, which is bacterial in origin and is called (7) cellulitis. Topical and oral (8) antibiotics are used to manage infections, such as (9) acne and (10) carbuncles. Sometimes the dermatologist does not know what the problem is and decides to do a (11) biopsy, or minor surgery involving the removal of tissue for evaluation. This is an important test to conduct to determine if a person is suspected to have a cancer. (12) Kaposi’s sarcoma is a form of skin cancer arising from the connective tissue of the dermis. The most life-threatening skin cancer is (13) malignant melanoma. It arises from the cells normally providing the pigment (14) melanin. (15) Basal cell carcinoma and (16) squamous cell carcinoma are tumors arising from the epidermis that usually remain localized, although the lesions do spread and can become serious if they are not treated. 94 Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Other parts of the integumentary include the nail, hair, and sweat glands. A loss or lack of scalp hair is a clinical sign known as baldness, or (17) alopecia. In the condition of (18) hidradenitis, the individual suffers from excessive perspiration, due to the inflammation of sweat glands. In general, a disease of the nail is called an (19) onychopathy. The nail condition known as (20) onychocryptosis occurs when a nail becomes buried in the skin due to abnormal growth. It is commonly called “ingrown nail.” People can have all kinds of things wrong with their integumentary system. Some are much more serious than others. Some conditions cause a rash or an (21) erythema, which is a general term meaning any redness of the skin. Others cause narrow breaks or slits in the skin called (22) fissures. Sometimes the environment can cause damage to the skin as in sunburn. Even lying in bed can cause damage to the skin resulting in a common form of ulcer arising from lack of movement when lying supine for an extended period of time, called a (23) decubitus. It is most important that we all take very good care of our skin to avoid serious damage. The use of (24) emollients is recommended, especially in dry weather, as a chemical agent that softens, moisturizes, and soothes the skin. © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System 95 Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Worksheet 3 Answers Word Surgery 1.Anhidrosis Definition: A condition characterized by a lack of sweat production Prefix and definition: an-, without Combining form and definition: hidr/o, sweat Suffix and definition: -osis, condition 2.Onychomycosis Definition: Fungal infection of the nail Combining form and definition: onych/o, nail Suffix and definition: -osis, condition 3.Xeroderma Definition: Condition of excessively dry skin Combining forms and definitions: xer/o, dry; derm/o, skin 4.Dermatology Definition: Medical specialty that deals with the integumentary system Combining form and definition: dermat/o, skin Suffix and definition: -logy, the study of 5.Subcutaneous Definition: Pertaining to the tissues underneath the skin Prefix and definition: sub-, under or beneath Combining form and definition: cutane/o, skin Suffix and definition: -ous, pertaining to 6.Melanoma Definition: The most malignant form of skin cancer caused by the proliferation of pigment producing cells that forms one or more raised, black irregular lesions on the skin Combining form and definition: melan/o, black Suffix and definition: -oma, tumor 7.Keratosis Definition: Condition characterized by excessive scaliness of the skin. The term technically means “condition of keratin” a protein found in hair, skin and nails. Combining form and definition: kerat/o, keratin Suffix and definition: -osis, condition 8.Leukoderma Definition: A lightening in the color of pigmentation of the skin due to the underproduction of skin pigments that sometimes accompanies the aging process Combining form and definition: leuk/o, white; derm/o, skin 9.Scleroderma Definition: Hardening of the skin tissues Combining form and definition: scler/o, hard; derm/o, skin 96 Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition 10. Folliculitis Definition: Inflammation of the hair follicle Combining form and definition: follicul/o, pertaining to the pouch or pocket from which the hair grows Suffix and definition: -itis, inflammation 11. Epidermis Definition: The outermost layer of the skin Prefix and definition: epi-, upon Combining form and definition: derm/o, skin Suffix and definition: -is, pertaining to 12. Rhytidectomy Definition: A surgical procedure to remove wrinkles Combining form and definition: rhytid/o, wrinkles Suffix and definition: -ectomy, surgical excision 13. Onychectomy Definition: Surgical removal of a nail Combining form and definition: onych/o, nail Suffix and definition: -ectomy, surgical excision © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System 97 Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Worksheet 4 Answers Case Study 1.erythema 2.pruritus 3.dermatologist 4.onychomycosis 5.vesicles 98 Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Worksheet 5 Answers Medical Report Analysis A.Hives B.Itching C.Inflammation of cells within the skin D.Redness E.Raised lesion containing pus-filled exudate © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System 99 Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Worksheet 6 Answers Which Term Does Not Belong? 1.C 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.E Integumentary is a body system not a skin lesion. Mycosis is a fungal disorder of the skin rather than a skin lesion. Pruritus is itching of the skin—a symptom rather than an inflammatory condition. -malacia is a suffix that means softening. Trich is a word root meaning “hair” rather than a suffix. 100 Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Worksheet 7 Answers Labeling Sweat pore Hair Epidermis Partial thickness, superficial Partial thickness, deep Dermis Full thickness Subcutaneous layer (adipose and connective tissue) Blood vessels Nerves © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Sebaceous gland Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System 101 Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Worksheet 8 Answers Key Terms Double Check 1.superficial 2.suppuration, purulence, or pyogenesis 3.comedones 4.sunlight 5.melanin 6.infection 7.bx or Bx body surface area (TBSA) 9.boils 10. basal 11. fat deposition 12. connective 13. tissue 14. pimple 15. bruise 16. cardiovascular 17. fluid 18. foreign 19. cosmetic surgery 20. edema or swelling 21. autograft 22. grafting 23. surgical 24. purpura 25. swelling 26. agent 27. redness 28. break 29. follicle 30. oral 31. perspiration 32. crust 33. hard 34. yellow 35. AIDS 36. normal 37. tear 38. reduced 39. freckle 40. black 41. mole 42. ingrown 43. soft 44. fungal 45. pale 46. comedo 47. nail 48. lice 49. dermis 50. itchy 51. scales 52. blood vessel 53. pus 54. plastic surgery 55. mite 56. thickening 57. lupus 58. ringworm 59. hair 60. decubitus 61. elevations 62. virus 63. blister 64. white 65. dry 102 Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition Chapter 5 The Integumentary System Worksheet 9 Answers Crossword Puzzle Solution: C O N Y C O P A T H Y M B E R P D A A F S L U I L R O O O B I H N T E G E S Y © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. M E N T Z E M A R A T O A R Y S I S N O P U C L K E Chapter 5/ The Integumentary System 103 Wingerd, In-Class Activities to Accompany Medical Terminology Complete!, 2nd Edition
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