DDM - Diamond District
DDM - Diamond District
DIAMOND DISTRICT M O N T H LY 62 Vol.62 July 2015 Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer Meets With BID Leadership and Diamond District Community Leaders M ichael Grumet, BID Executive Director, introduced, Gale Brewer, Manhattan Borough President, to a meeting of the Board of Directo rs of the 47th Street Business Improvement District and other Diamond District Community leaders. “Borough President Brewer has a long history of serving New York City. Even before she was in the City Council, representing the Upper West Side she worked for previous Manhattan Borough President Ruth Messinger, who was instrumental in getting the 47th St. BID founded,” said Michael Grumet. The subject of the Ms. Brewer’s remarks was “Small Business Big Impact Expanding Opportunity for Manhattan’s Storefronters.” The Manhattan Borough P resident’s Office produced a report that is the basis of current legislation pending in the City Council designed to help small businesses thrive and grow in the City. Her interest in the small business community is economically based— because small businesses have historically provided the majority of jobs for New Yorkers and are a gateway to the middle class, especially for immigrants and ethnic communities. Borough President Brewer informed the assembled group Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer Continued on page 13 t Want a Better Work/Life Balance? Take Our Survey to Help! From the Office of New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer W e are excited to invite the Diamond District community to participate in an important survey focused on workplace scheduling issues, and the ongoing challenge of balancing work and family. We need as many New Yorkers as possible to fill out this survey—from all walks of life, across all industries and professions. Please go to the following website for the survey, https://www.surveymonkey. com/r/QMRTFPJ, the results of which will be kept anonymous. It should not take more than a few minutes. Through this survey, we hope to gain better insight into how flexible work arrangements are being used by businesses throughout the five boroughs, and to determine public opinion on matters ranging from paid family leave to advance notification of schedules. The tool was developed with A Better Balance, and our growing list of partners now includes Retail Action Project, Planned Parent- hood NYC, National Organization for Women- NYC, Women’s City Club, and PowHer NY, with more to come. NYC Comptroller Scott M. Stringer As you may know, last year my office issued a report titled “Families and Flexibility: Reshaping the Workplace for the 21st Century” focused on the challenge faced by working families in today’s economy. That report addressed flexible work arrangements and proposed “right to request” legislation. We followed up TO TAKE THE SURVEY GO TO: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QMRTFPJ that report with a conference in September featuring Anne-Marie Slaughter and a series of community advocates, business owners, and thought leaders to discuss how to address both flexible workplaces and other issues of importance to middle class New Yorkers—such as advanced notification of scheduling. This survey is the next step in our effort to get fair schedules for all, because work and home life are complementary and not competing interests. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Sally Frank at the New York City Comptroller’s Office. She can be reached at 212-669-7112 or [email protected]. Thank you for your support in this effort. MODELLPAWN.COM IMMEDIATE LOANS on DIAMOND and GOLD JEWELRY CASH • CHECK • WIRE TRANSFER ASK ABOUT OUR NEW CORPORATE LENDING PROGRAM AND STRUCTURED RATE PROGRAM FOR DEALERS. • NO CREDIT CHECK • BONDED AND LICENSED BY NYC • FAST AND CONFIDENTIAL • NYS APPROVED RATES • SAFE AND SECURE VAULT STORAGE • FULLY INSURED 21 W 47 ST • 2ND FLOOR (212) 354-4444 • [email protected] AMERICA’S LEADING JEWELRY PAWN BROKER 2 JULY 2015 DIAMOND DISTRICT MONTHLY DCA# 1287904 Legislative Update New York Enrolled in the National Popular Vote Compact A bill signed into law by Governor Cuomo enrolled New York State into the National Popular Vote Compact. The goal of the compact is to render the 226 year old Electoral College meaningless in the selection of presidents — without having to go through the laborious process of amending the United States Constitution. All states who pass this legislation agree to cast their electoral votes for whoever wins the national popular vote — regardless of which candidate wins the vote in that state. If enough states pass this legislation and join the compact it will make the Electoral College moot. New York was the 11th region to join the compact. This means the compact now has 165 of the required Electoral College votes of the 270 votes to elect a president. In addition to New York the following regions have also signed the compact; Vermont, Washington D.C., Maryland, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts, California, Hawaii, and Rhode Island. DIAMOND DISTRICT MONTHLY 580 5th Avenue, Suite 323 New York, NY 10036 Michael Grumet, Publisher [email protected] O.O. Barrett, Editor In all of American history only three times have the losers of the nationwide popular vote won the Electoral College vote and gone on to serve as president of the United States; in 2000 George W. Bush, in 1876 Rutherford B. Hayes, and in 1888 Benjamin Harrison. In 1824 John Quincy Adams lost the national popular vote and tied in the Electoral College vote, so as specified in the US Constitution he was elected by a vote of Congress. Natalia Cheviakova, Administrative Director [email protected] The 2000 election was the most recent incident of a candidate winning the presidency by receiving the greatest number of electoral votes while losing the popular vote, but this scenario has played out in our nation’s history before. Michael Mitchell, Art Director [email protected] Bernard Rapaport, Advertising Sales [email protected] P: 212-302-5690 F:212-302-7835 The Diamond District Monthly is published monthly by the 47th Street Business Improvement District. DIAMOND DISTRICT MONTHLY JULY 2015 3 LAW OFFICES OF LEONARD M. WEINER LLC 206 East 38th Street New York, New York 10016 Telephone (212) 370-1660; Fax (212) 370-1669 E-Mail: [email protected] Do you manufacture jewelry for the trade? Do you provide mountings to the trade? Do you provide loose diamonds to the trade? Do you provide loose precious stones to the trade? I PROVIDE LEGAL COUNSEL TO THE TRADE! UCC’s Corporate Formations Patriot Act Compliance Kimberly Compliance Shareholder Agreements Security Agreements Guaranty Agreements Partnership Agreements General Legal Counsel For a comprehensive understanding of the UCC, its impact on the jewelry industry, and the truly unique services we provide, visit us on the web at: Ucc4jewelers.com 4 JULY 2015 DIAMOND DISTRICT MONTHLY Executive Committee Harvey Nagin – Nagin Jewelry President Steven Grauer – Gold Art 18 KT LLC Chairman Michael Toback – Myron Toback Inc. Vice Chairman Dennis Marlow – Solitaire Creations Secretary Robert Hadi – ABS Partners Real Estate, LLC Treasurer Richard Winick – Manny Winick & Son Ken Kahn – KenArt Realties Richard Friedman – I. Friedman & Sons Ronnie VanderLinden – Diamex Inc. Jeffrey Mordekai – Petra Jewelers Board Members S. David Belsky – S.D.Belsky Associates Chair Audit Committee Jay Holzer – Dyckmans Chris Ipek – Altin Realty Raizy Haas – Extell Development Corp. Lucy Orozco – Valley National Bank Matt Selig – Leo Ingwer John Kocak – Unique Settings Yale Zoland – Zoland’s Danielle Azeroual – Premier Realty Adnan Aydin - Futurama Jewelry Exchange Jack Elo – The Elo Group Moris Yero Shalmi – ABC Marc Beznicki – Kingmark Jewelers Alon Mor – Mor Diamonds Jules Fleischer – Jewelry by Alexander Sammy Abramov – AA Pearl Michael Oistacher – Manhattan Gold & Silver Isaac Chetrit – Yadidi Group Sunny Yung – Central Management Corp. Memhet Gulay – City Property Development Adam Abramson – Abramson Brothers Bill de Blasio – Mayor Scott Stringer – New York City Comptroller Gale Brewer – Manhattan Borough President Daniel Garodnick – Council Member John Glaister – Resident Reuven Kaufman – Diamond Dealers Club STAFF Michael Grumet – Executive Director Natalia Cheviakova – Administrator Director Learn Diamond Grading from the Creators of the 4Cs. Enroll in a GIA Diamond Grading Lab class. • Grade diamonds consistently and accurately • Practice with actual diamonds graded by GIA • Improve your diamond grading skills in just 5 days • New location at International Gem Tower Upcoming Classes in NYC Jun 1-5 Jun 22-26 Jul 6-10 Aug 17-21 Sep 14-18 Sep 19-Oct 17 (Sat) Oct 5-9 Oct 26-30 Enroll online at www.gia.edu A branch of GIA’s campus in Carlsbad. Licensed by the New York State Education Department. ADT150023_en_0415_DDD_DiamondDistrict_May_v3.indd 1 New York Education 50 W 47th Street, 8th Floor New York, NY 10036 T +1 800 366 8519 T +1 212 944 5900 F +1 212 719 9563 E [email protected] www.gia.edu 4/22/15 11:54 AM DIAMOND DISTRICT MONTHLY JULY 2015 5 Fine Jewelry Market Italy 2013 to 2014 (% Change in value of U.S. exports, HS Code 7113 articles of jewelry & parts, of precious metal or clad) TOTAL 82% 711319—JEWELRY AND PARTS THEREOF; OF OTH PRECIOUS METAL* 85% 711311—JEWELRY AND PARTS THEREOF; OF SILVER* -23% 711320—JEWELRY AND PARTS; BASE METAL CLAD W PREC METAL 444% YTD Export Value of HS 7113 Item YTD 2012 YTD 2013 YTD 2014 TOTAL 32,275,674 24,896,833 51,524,856 711319—JEWELRY AND PARTS THEREOF; OF OTH PRECIOUS METAL* 31,714,381 23,861,806 50,451,363 711311—JEWELRY AND PARTS THEREOF; OF SILVER* 517,768 1,006,450 910,255 711320—JEWELRY AND PARTS; BASE METAL CLAD W PREC METAL 43,525 28,577 163,238 Value in mllions of US Dollars 60 50 $51,524,856 YTD EXPORT VALUE OF HS 7113 40 YTD 2012 30 20 $32,275,674 YTD 2013 $24,896,833 YTD 2014 10 0 f US Dollars * HTS 711319 30 (Jewelry and parts thereof; of precious metal excluding silver) made up 73.5% of export value in Year to Date of 2014. HTS 711311(Jewelry and parts thereof; of silver) made up 25.96% of export value in Year to Date of 2014. $288,605,123 For more information about selling overseas please visit the U.S. Department of Commerce website www.export.gov 25 6 JULY 2015 DIAMOND DISTRICT MONTHLY 20 ANNUAL EXPORT VALUE OF HS 7113 Value in mllions o YTD 2012 30 $32,275,674 YTD 2013 $24,896,833 20 Fine Jewelry 0Market 10 YTD 2014 Italy Value in mllions of US Dollars 30 $288,605,123 25 ANNUAL EXPORT VALUE OF HS 7113 20 2012 15 $148,767,371 $158,778,327 2013 2014 10 50 0 ANNUAL Export Value of HS 7113 Item 2012 2013 2014 TOTAL 148,767,371 158,778,327 288,605,123 711319—JEWELRY AND PARTS THEREOF; OF OTH PRECIOUS METAL* 145,094,395 153,340,228 282,964,338 711311—JEWELRY AND PARTS THEREOF; OF SILVER* 3,371,881 5,124,515 3,933,649 711320—JEWELRY AND PARTS; BASE METAL CLAD W PREC METAL 301,095 313,584 1,707,136 Trade Shows in ITALY Name Date Link Description Fair of Shell July 4-5, 2015 http://10times.com/fair-shell FAIR OF SHELL is a 2 day event being held July 4th and 5th 2015 at the San Mauro Pascoli (FC) Center in Flori, Italy. The event showcases a wide range of products including furniture, rugs, paintings, textiles, sports memorabilia, toys, grandfather clocks, antique maps, etc., as well as various items from the gems & jewelry industry. Vienzaoro First September 5-9, 2015 http://10times.com/vicenzaoro-first Vienzaoro First is a 5 day event being held from September 5th to the 9th 2015 at the Fiera di Vicenza in Vicenza, Italy. This event showcases products from the gems & jewelry, gifts & handicrafts, and lifestyle & fashion industries. Roma Sposa October 1-4, 2015 http://10times.com/romasposa Many exhibitors will participate in Roma Sposa from throughout Italy and overseas, with a focus on linked industries including wedding planners and beauticians. The exhibitions will include jewelry, watches, books, bridal accessories, catering and banquet services, clothes, decorative products, beauty and hair care products, honeymoon destinations, airlines and travel services, etc. *HTS 711319 (Jewelry and parts thereof; of precious metal excluding silver) made up 73.66% of export value in 2014. HTS 711311(Jewelry and parts thereof; of silver) made up 25.69% of export value in 2014. For more information about selling overseas please visit the U.S. Department of Commerce website www.export.gov DIAMOND DISTRICT MONTHLY JULY 2015 7 Tremendous Increase In Point of Sale Malware: A Threat To 51.2 Million Point of Sale Devices in Current Use S ecurity breaches have occurred in such well known commercial enterprises as, Staples, Michaels Stores, Target, Neiman Marcus, PF Chang ’s, and Home Depot. These businesses have all become victims of point of sale (POS) security breaches which targeted consumer payment card data. POS attacks take place mostly as a result of malware infections. Malware families of viruses have come into existence; Alina , BlackPOS , Dexter, POSCardStealer, vSkimmer, ProjectHook, and many others. Often these malware can be purchased online. As reported in the 2014 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), 198 total incidents related to POS intrusions were reported. It has been posited that by the end of 2015 the total number of POS related security breach incidents with confirmed data 8 JULY 2015 DIAMOND DISTRICT MONTHLY exposure will hit 600. Smaller businesses that usually do not have dedicated information security staff to help protect their retail environments are at the greatest risk of suffering a malware breech of their data. Malware attakcks can be specifically targeted by deploying difficult to detect customized malware that use lateral movement to evade detection. Industry leaders such as Bit9 + Carbon Black , Check Point Systems, Cisco, Intel Security, Ingenico, VeriFone, Trend Micro, Symantec, Juniper Networks, Fortinet, HP, Palo Alto Networks, Dell SecureWorks all offer innovative and interesting security solutions aimed at the POS market. For a small business which uses a POS system it is worth exploring the options to secure your customers’ data. More Computer Security for Jewelers Microsoft’s “Hello” Answer to Biometrics P ublished reports from Microsoft state that the company has joined in to the industry trend and has decided to incorporate biometrics to a much greater degree than what existed previously in their products. The “Windows Hello” feature in the upcoming Windows 10 (which is reported to launch in July 2015) will incorporate a biometrics security component. “Windows Hello” will feature fingerprint authentication built on a foundation of NEXT Biometrics’ fingerprint sensor drivers, and iris and face authentication supported by Intel’s RealSense 3D Camera F200. Microsoft has also incorporated “Passport” security feature (also available on Windows 10), hoping to diminish the hacker-prone targets for network users. This will make jewelers’ computer security systems more secure. Only the people deemed appropriate by you will be given access to your records. “Passport” will be a programming system featured on Windows 10, developed according to the UAF (Universal Authentication Framework) FIDO technical specifications, it will allow IT personnel, software engineers, and developers to securely authenticate to networks, applications, and software without the use of password authentication. This means that network servers will not have a password trail which could be compromised. While that is a Microsoft has decided to incorporate biometrics with its “Windows Hello” feature. prudent move for Microsoft, it will be worth watching how their development team will tackle the biometric security issues when (or if) they arrive. Is your insurance broker a “vendor” or a trusted advisor? Call MJM Global and discover the difference. We provide superior risk management to manufacturers, diamond cutters, wholesalers, retailers, trade associations, contractors and designers in the jewelry industry. Our team of proven specialists will help you meet today’s challenges and plan for a secure future. Proudly representing: • Jewelers Mutual • XL • Hanover • Berkley • London and European Markets • Chubb • Fireman’s Fund • Travelers and others … Paul Silverman Renee Merhige Jerry Roth Adrienne Carreras Matthew Pitnick 25 Rockwood Place, #210 • Englewood, NJ 07631 • 201-720-7700 12550 Biscayne Blvd., #306 • North Miami, FL 33181 www.mjmglobal.com DIAMOND DISTRICT MONTHLY JULY 2015 9 JULY 24-27, 2015 M E T RO P O L I TA N PAV I L I O N Photo Credits: Cohen Pariser, Shreve, Crump & Low, YAFA , Pat Saling 125 W 18TH STREET NEW YORK, NY 10011 MORE THAN 100 DEALERS SHOW HOURS Fri 1pm - 7pm | Sat & Sun 11am - 7pm | Mon 11am - 4pm Tickets are $20. Buy tickets now at www.NYAntiqueJewelry.com 10 JULY 2015 DIAMOND DISTRICT MONTHLY ATM Skimming Device Found at Hotel by Diamond District A hotel located near the Diamond District found a skimming device on their ATM. Skimming devices capture ATM card information and are used by criminals to then make illegal withdrawals from the bank account of the card owner. Please be aware that this type of theft is on the rise and you can prevent yourself from becoming a victim. To inspect your ATM, please check the card reader by giving it a tug to see if it feels loose or out of place. Be suspicious if you see anything loose, crooked or damaged, or notice scratches or adhesive tape/residue. Cover the keypad with your free hand when you enter your personal code. This will prevent the filming of your codes. Be aware of “Money Trapping ” where the criminal attaches a device to the cash dispenser “trapping ” the customers’ money and retrieving it after the customer leaves the ATM area. If the card isn’t returned after the transaction or after hitting “cancel,” immediately contact the financial institution that issued the card. With skimmer off Pinhole camera ATM panel before skimming device is attached Skimming device housing camera with pinhole camera shown With skimmer on ATM panel after skimming device was attached Skimming housing device cover ( backside) DIAMOND DISTRICT MONTHLY JULY 2015 11 w h at ’ s yo u r BUSINESS WORTH? We understand that it’s much more than diamonds, gemstones, finished goods, and business assets. It’s also your passion for what you do and the relationships you’ve built. We understand the value of your business. Protect it. JewelersMutual.com | 800-558-6411 FOR ALL ITS WORTH WWW.4MUTUAL.COM 212.768.0808 10 WEST 46TH STREET NEW YORK, NY 10036 MUTUAL HAS BEEN PROTECTING THE DIAMOND DISTRICT FOR OVER 25 YEARS Mutual’s UL and FDNY Listed Central Monitoring Station, situated in the heart of the Diamond District, successfully monitors thousands of burglar and fire alarm systems all day, every day. CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE SECURITY ASSESSMENT AND TO LEARN WHY YOUR PEERS HAVE TRUSTED MUTUAL TO PROTECT THEIR VALUABLES FOR OVER TWO DECADES. 12 JULY 2015 DIAMOND DISTRICT MONTHLY N.Y.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE ID# 12000316509 FINE ART, JEWELRY & SPECIE A SPECIALIST SERVICE FROM WILLIS . . . A new g enera t i o n o f a dv a ncem ent . . . Inf l uenced by deca des o f ex peri ence 5 8 0 F I F TH AV EN U E S u i t e #2906 New Yo rk, New Yo rk 1 0 0 3 9 2 1 2 - 3 8 2 - 2 8 8 8 ( o f f i ce) 212-382-3772 (fax) Full service brokers specializing in fine art, jewelry and precious metals. Contact us today for a free comprehensive analysis of your policy. Willis of New York, Inc. 1040 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10018 Tel: 212 730 5800 www.willis.com W W W.GE ML AB .COM Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer that, “Over the past few years, however, the future of the city’s small businesses—and specifically street-level retail stores and restaurants—has begun to look murky. High rents, corporate competition, and real estate development deals are creating challenges over and above the ones small businesses typically face.” She continued by saying that,” Supporters of small businesses note that commercial landlords regularly try to evict small businesses to make space available to corporate franchises or a national bank which has the deep pockets and ability to pay higher rents. Vast stretches where mom-and-pop stores once prevailed have disappeared from Clinton and Chelsea to Little Italy and the Bowery. Empty storefronts persist for weeks, months and even years, and more and more street corners are claimed by major banks and corporate chains.” Ms. Brewer made four recommendations to help small businesses: l) Have government help small businesses cope in the current real estate market. 2) Improve government interaction with small businesses. 3) Reform the city’s Commercial Rent Tax w hich unfairly targets only commercial businesses below 92nd Street in Manhattan. 4) Maximize resources among government agencies. To obtain the entire report, contact: Gale A. Brewer, Manhattan Borough President, 1 Centre Street, New York, NY 10007, (212) 669-8300. After Ms. Brewer’s presentation, a lively discussion ensued — with the main complaint expressed from the commercial tenants in the District being that after many years of successful operation of a business in one location many property owners have recently given notice to tenants that the tenant must vacate their space in sometimes as little as 30 days. Ms. Brewer’s legislation would require much more lenient tenant notification terms and also call for mediation in the case of commercial rent increases. Commercial Continued from Page 1 tenants also complained that their square footage was often recalculated much to the property owners benefit without a standard form of calculation, which left them no recourse to challenge a higher rent based on a newly declared larger square footage of the commercial unit. Another complaint lodged to the Borough President by the commercial tenants was the City’s reissuance of licensure to comply with laws requiring repairs to facades but no requirement that the repairs be done in a timely manner. Borough President Brewer took copious notes from the commercial tenants present and promised to take their concerns into consideration in the legislation that is being formed. She also promised to continue the dialog with the Diamond District Community and use her powers to help this iconic economic engine of New York City retain its vibrancy and importance as a manufacturing, retailing, wholesaling and exporting center. DIAMOND DISTRICT MONTHLY JULY 2015 13 Jewelry Save the Date: Career Fair GIA’s Jewelry Career Fair Returns to New York Connecting talent with opportunity, July 27 WHO: GIA (Gemological Institute of America) WHAT: GIA’s Jewelry Career Fair, the gem and jewelry industry’s largest recruiting event, will return to New York’s Javits Center on Monday, July 27 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Representatives from gem and jewelry companies – ranging from marketing and sales to design and manufacturing – will be looking to hire hundreds of skilled and motivated professionals at every career stage. The event is free and open to job seekers. An opening panel presentation, “Job Success in Today’s Market,” will be moderated by Susan Jacques, GIA’s president and CEO, and feature Jeremy Dunn of The Rephinery; Rhonda Edelman of Tiffany & Co; Myriam Gumuchian of Gumuchian; Michael O’Connor of Style & Substance, Inc; and Lee Siegelson of SIEGELSON. Employers interested in recruiting at this year’s Career Fair should contact GIA’s Career Services office at (800) 421-7250 ext. 4100, or email [email protected]. Recruiter registration will open soon. WHEN: Monday, July 27 8:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. *Recruiting begins at 10:15 a.m. WHERE: Javits Center 1E Hall 655 West 34th Street New York, NY 10001 MORE: GIA, creator of the famous 4Cs of diamond quality (Color, Cut, Clarity and Carat weight) and the International Diamond Grading System™, has educated more than 350,000 gem and jewelry professionals worldwide. The 84-year old nonprofit institution is dedicated to ensuring the public trust in diamonds, gemstones and pearls through education programs, laboratory services and research discoveries. GIA has graded some of the world’s most famous diamonds and gemstones, including the Hope Diamond, Taylor-Burton Diamond and Centenary Diamond. GIA hosted its first Jewelry Career Fair in 1991 in Santa Monica, Calif. Since then, the event has expanded and linked gem and jewelry companies with future employees at more than 50 events in India, and in Las Vegas, New York and the GIA world headquarters in Carlsbad, Calif. Follow @GIANews #JewelryJobs for updates. 14 JULY 2015 DIAMOND DISTRICT MONTHLY Affordable Prices 50 Established Jewelers demonstrate their creations at FUTURAMA JEWELRY EXCHANGE in the heart of New York’s famous Jewelry District 66 West 47th Street, New York, NY 10036 FINEST QUALITY GOLD, PLATINUM, SILVER & WATCHES EXPERIENCE FUTURAMA’S UNFORGETTABLE DEALS Booths for Rent, Prime Location Office Space Available Contact Adnan Aydin Booth 3-4 212-944-1976 Email: [email protected]
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impact on the jewelry industry, and the truly unique
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