Gー0baー ーmbaーancGS and the Gー0baー Financiaー Crisis= An
Gー0baー ーmbaーancGS and the Gー0baー Financiaー Crisis= An
525 Global Imbalances andthe Global Financial Crisis: An Examination ofUnbalanced Globalization and Future Prospects Kang-Kook Lee Abstract This paper examines the developments rent global financial crisis from the perspective lization resulted in higher income global imbalances. the us The aggravated the asset market are necessary in correcting and a change of the growth Key Words :The bubble been shrinking are uncertain. This of unbalanced inequality in both rising current account Global imbalances have prospects and interactions of global imbalances and paper the cur- globalization. Neoliberal the us and deficitin the us East Asia and exacerbated and foreign capital inflows to and its burst caused the global financial crisis. after the crisis,however it is stilllimited and argues that structural reforms global imbalances. A reduction strategy are necessary globa- of the us in excessive for more balanced and spending East future Asia in the us globalization. Global Financial Crisis,Global Imbalances, Globalization, Neoliberalism JELClassification : F30, F32, E20 I. Starting from crisis occurred countries very 0f advanced mid-2007, at the heart fast thanks emphasize tions based on argument Given of the core countries, that is the us, wrong and the scope countries as well after Lehman's explanations were theoretical models, and spread of financial globalization. It hit hard presented about the of financial deregulation, bubble, and so on. The of it is beyond market many the problems financial crisis has engulfed the global economy. to the development countries and developing ber of 2008. Already market the global Introduction lax too much monetary crisis was indeed for the stronger role of the government background in Septem- cause of the crisis.They policy leading to the real estate event and the full analysis globalization waned, became much more while the Keynesian popular. the critic againstneoliberal financial globalization,this paper examines important a11 it is clear that the strong belief in the free benefits of financial deregulation and global imbalances as an other almost risk-taking of financial institu- a highly complex of this paper. However, bankruptcy into The of the current financial crisis.We (1191) the so-called attempt to 526 The analyze and how how nium, Ritsumeikan imbalances in this contributed flowing from East stimulated domestic and the deep recession However, of the us, be grew No. 5・6) serious between economy kept increasing bubbles the us the beginning surplus countries to the us. This consumption and there should (Vol.58, financial crisis.After deficit of the us Asian and Review the global economy to the us the current account kept Economic in the us efforts of the us of the new with to have East Asia been We the growth as an essential factor to this global rebalancing。 strategy in East paper is organized focusing on its causes the development Asia changes of globalization and demonstrates role of East n. 1. The The us Financial on the The predominant Crisis and Modernization and brought banks Along with of East of global imbalances. It also Asia. examines Section presents IV the future prospects. We current underscore process. Financial Crisis after 2007 Its Causes financial deregulation financial architecture that was against the backdrop idea that the free financial market about institutional changes repealed and investment Act to introduce passed in the us the change diffe・rentthe effects of was a collapse of the new in 1999, the U. S・ government tions of commercial and the crisis and after the 1980s (Crotty, 2009). The example, was us Global financial crisis in the us grew a by indicating how Asia in the rebalancing established by several measures of ism about Section Ill criticallyevaluates the problem of global imbalances of global imbalances after the important and underscore and the effects on the global economy. were reduced. as follows. Section II investigates the current global financial crisis, discusses the political economy similar neoliberalism the crisis to bring rebalance of the global economy. This present future prospects millen- excessive liquidity overly. Along and Asia and international capital provided the global imbalances appear concerted and East banks. deregulation in the us the Glass-Steagal of neoliberal- is always efficient financial markets. Act that separated Also, an act called the Commodity for all transactions including For operaFutures financial derivatives congress in 2000. these rounds of deregulation, financial innovation encouraged the growth of securitization of debts and financial derivatives markets. Financial institutions started to operate the business dealing bubble with of the real estate market MRS (Mortgage went far to develop the to subprime Debt Obligation) then repacked them to sell in the financial markets. that divided companies, closely related to those investment ble, which did not reflect risk in reality. The between billion in 2004 to $520.6 2002 and 2006, when several groups, Thanks banks, evaluated amount of global was estimated (1192) about the an aggres- teaser rates and called a CDO called tranche, and to these measures, billion in 2006, and its market the amount providing securitization scheme debts into banks actively given institutions introduced borrowers by more complex (Collateralized $157.4 securities) very in the early 2000s. Many sive business strategy to sell mortgage so on. They based credit rating these assets very credi- CDO size grew issuance rose more $2 trillion.The than from 4 times progress of Global Imbalances and the Global FinancialCrisis: An derivatives market was newly CDOs to 2001 to some a 0f %, all when recession stop However, to of purchase CDOs us financial the initial all asset No. Merrill mid-2007. the crisis, Lynch, CDS. any longer and and us the must in sector syste 「 in the financial serious the in of so it to sold CDOs estate price. us finally finanwith the willing in 2008 50 2001 happened to in the response when financial finance or for were prompt of large hard along crunch September the the collapse not after Arnerican institutions was almost real bubble model credit then, been by mortgage-based of bank and bailout in Lehman bubble Fed have dealt No received as this 2005 the financial in with trillion banking to by market sudden peaked l such growing 2000 drop estate After Citigroup it that investment bankrupt. S business in the policy government crisis went did from significant a related with though real the about The bank, AIG, the than Swap) dealt collapse. soared a that the ‘shadow the monetary part made brought of called institutions bubbles, securities 1nvestment in less 527 Default banks that together lax (Credit institutions Investment was estate without This that from of 4 least CDS from Vehicles) before real Financial and then markets at 2005. world. It The continue wrong, whole profitable of A financial skyrocketed happened market from market the sharply. this for Investment price would complicated. regulation. advance. mortgage-based burst Brothers, with and sour fall in deeply 1n and the to starting institutions default us trend to burst 2007 developments the started similar began CDS financial these this in the risk-taking In more (Special from growing that much insurance service of SIVs associated bubble expected cial of it was the size trillion freer market. after 60 highly course, estate The S indeed process provided utilized scale, was real as than actively huge and the and extent. more Brothers in made introduced Examination of Unbalanced Globalizationand Future Prospects (Lee) to Lehman institutions such to other institutions ].) faced with the situation a bankruptcy・ The crisis, from the irrational more though perspective financial time, the crisis could of the market efficient collapse and government the of a the growth its collapse which is development incapability thoughts and this deregulation, be of theory the new us in the financial from and retreat finally lax ushered markets and Future financial 2009). the a financial It policy. us as did financial Thus, the us system and neoliberalism play a serious reflection efficient with became only of financial such crisis institutions measures to government not a Rogoff, of in are of due contention the cycle monetary failure of financial by and it. Ideological the typical others, institutional system that (Reinhart innovation as an for end a overlending different monitor argue consensus bubbles, financial to to of not understood government demonstrated inherently and crucial in role. economic and proper regulation IS crucial. 2. Effects The of exuberance serious The it appears complicated, on the Global Economy effects of the financial crisisin the us the financial markets channels through in the world which the us cial institutions also exposed European were Prospects felt by other countries gravely are already globalized to a great extent. There financial crisisinfluenced themselves to problematic financial institutions reported a great loss because (1193) because are several other countries. First, foreign finanassets such as CDOs of the crisis.Second, hugely as the breakup 528 The Ritsumeikan Economic Review of the us financial market estate market and resulted in a global drop the stock market in most (Vol.58, No. 5・6) of asset market of countries. This prices including significantly shrank base of financial institutions in f oreign countries and again brought turmoil in the financial markets. ing and portfolio investment, Third, foreign investment, to emerging market countries in the midst on foreign capital including of the crisis.This Finally, the crisisnaturally resulted in a deep global recession largely. Many expect that the world of the crisis. Countries greatly damaged of GDP Japan that depended in 2009, as much even though Recently, the IMF countries would report estimates countries. The us since the export and already rates aggressively from countries quickly followed global economy. 2) Thanks many are worried However, a long estimation by UN. nomy, for the growth These were the global economy One higher than lower including the largest fall clear about financial integration and opening problem, to up the economy in Recovery Reinvestment also cut down mid-2009 several support and and interest provided programs. Other credit advanced crisis is the biggest that the economic than 5 。2% the growing next recovery of many former estimates one developed is now over to the Great would be very Depression. slow countries. The in 2010 1s 3.1% although by the IMF and take rnost recent and 2.4% reflecting stabilization of the global eco- in 2007. There are indeed fiscal deficit and government a lot of problems debts in many in coun- disorder of the global financial system. thing very should shock as $787 billion in early 2009 this crisisis that the current financial crisis became due to the progress of financial globalization. It is also ironical that the march we be be S 2.7 trillion(IMF, to prop as much to 0 。25 %in rate of the global economy stillmuch would and a11 G20nations are in collaboration to boost the despite international cooperation but were tries and expected in 2009 because countries of liquidity by introducing to these efforts,it is likely that the worst that the current it is commonly time the us, in of the crisis was limited. spent about紹00 billion this year. The Fed directly for financial institutions in trouble through others. that. of public money to spend 2008 10% to record would than collapse by enacting the American 5。25 %in early and decline is a huge a tremendous expansion decided dealt a hard to this financial crisisin all advanced the loss to be even more government 1n total to avert an economic of 2009 is expected that the loss due to the crisis was lend- exports demand Asian financial institutions because zero-percent interest policy and direct spending Act East be as large as $ 4 。1 trillionand that in the us policy response many will fall by about Japan as 6%, in the OECD 2009a). However, some estimate The export example, the loss of Japanese bank Iceland, Ireland and reduced on exports including by this naturally. For credit crunch and countries declined sharply by ‘deleveraging' of financial institutions in advanced the world the asset particularly short-term blow to countries that relied highly about the real may of the world economy with more economic be deterred by the current crisis.With truly global toward a total liberalization, deregulation respect to the current financial crisis, pay attention to the other global aspect of the crisis,that is, the global imbalances another important process up to now background was involved the financial crisis starting from with 2007 of the current financial meltdown. serious contradictions including had much (1194) to do with them. The globalization global imbalances, The next and section will Global discuss with Imbalances and the Global FinancialCrisis: An globalization and the imbalances of occurrence of the the current Globalization and ders of countries. It could and how these were associated crisis. Imbalances and the Financial Crisis of global integration be demonstrated tional capital movements. Along with of international trade and interna- opening and liberalization, especially in rapidly since the 1980s in developed countries also joined this march programs recommended of economic activities across bor- by the growth more economic capital accounts, globalization developed ral adjustment economy 529 Its Contradictions means a development then, developing global financial Ⅲ. Globalization, Global 1. Globalization Examination of Unbalanced Globalizationand Future Prospects (Lee) toward countries. After globalization together with structu- by international organizations, frequently after finan- cial crises。 ● ● Though more many economists benefits than encourage economic investment growth is also expected capital in developing these arguments policymakers by increasing to enhance stillbelieve that globalization would are still weak. majority (Rodriguez and the economic countries and through tion policy although trade and costs, its evidence is not clear. It is argued There 2001).ln and efficiency and growth spillover effects. However, of studies support Rodrik, size of markets is a question about growth the growth particular, it is produce that international trade should productivity. Foreign by providing empirical deficient evidences for effects of trade liberaliza- effects of de facto international never evident that financial globaliza- ・ ・ 1 ・ ・ ・ 1 1 ・ 1 ` 菅 ゛ ` ● 〃 ¶ - ` − 1 1 ・ ・ / . ア tion promotes economic growth in empirical studies as even the IMF et a1。2006).There are many reasons why investment fail to stimulate growth. bility of the economy thereby hampering Recently, within more countries number and more economic people growth (Rodrik inequality of studies point to technology skill and education, and wage countries worsening could of income developing play a considerable distribution, opposite that it is because the export labor that is relatively rich in developing Therefore, current countries became is bad globalization has gap larger and what 2009). increased and distribution countries. A large the premium countries. However, countries related to it is arguedthat foreign investment role too. Developing out of de- countries also experienced international trade theory. Many their comparative countries, while to income insta- currency, advantage the poor are uses semi-skilled farmers and the fact that globalization deteriorated economic to financial crises, which contradiction is an increasing domestic after the 1980s in most to the standard sector with skilled labor. It is also related with appreciate aggravate globalization affects income as its cause, which argue ity, leading rose may Subramanian, how inequality in developed the role of international trade with veloped and about admits it(Kose liberalization and international financial globalization may foreign capital inflows are concerned because income capital account For example, study non- instabil- distribution as always. several inner contradictions in its process. The between rich and poor we seen not 'convergence' have was (1195) countries. The income gap first among but ‘divergence' along 530 The with globalization. able that Because most the developing developed countries economic Ritsumeikan as growth they the Review e伍?cts countries, after order Economic of except 1980s. a Now recognized the (Vol.58, No. 5・6) globalization few East developing problems are Asian countries of not clear, ones, is to demand economic it failed fairer opening and understand- catch up international liberalization. second ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● contradiction IS worsening income distribution within countries. For the mentioned tive. above, If income domestic the many The third of capital flows The into current market the the us the global imbalances is several crises the made the crisis If into of uncertain account the have may section. of us deter the we the and of because it saw so many and more The scale finan- contagion e伍?cts short-term ones, instability and through asset development increase in became economy the considerably. global especially to unbalanced. the the opening flows, global continuing global economy without in financial us current But the and because the Furthermore, instability the became very into imbalances capital world were not these support problematic frequently talk global imbalances demonstrate Imbalances and evidently. As 2000s before nomy accordingly・ The main addressed for it aspects Global of about more trade International Figure l reasons for the imbalances the Bush and and net government saving. We the large government the 1980s saw Capital the weakened it of in is were in global the due to finance as globalization' Flows future the the that is, overspending domestic deficit contributed (1196) even 2002). rising after early into the us of both new the private and private investment than investment cause eco- in the U. S and the recent to the current account offset by the private saving-investment 3) gap in part. These take situation of the world deficit kept are excessive consumption the fiscal deficit as a main we to the U. S. account can see that lower saving globaliza- If why (Stiglitz, so did foreign capital inflows the gap between of future. understandable and unsustainable the current administration, public sector. Figure 2 demonstrates be globalization, the precarious shows, successfully, could ‘discontents the current financial crisis and fiscal deficit under and next huge mismanaged financial in The 2000s, while nega- cannot imbalances in this feature of hence contributed This countries 2. sumption the this to and globalization economists economy with investment problems International because political of prominent This be illustrates. these conflicts is the it arguments. economy exactly foreign in have due system. of may globalization deficit global imbalances global. volatile, financial linkage related discuss market. and globalization and account the structural not countries financial with instability current by many would financial deficit, is domestic developing global close current tion in of anti-globalization the the crisis we that in stimulated reflect we more growing rise finance was as such, pro-cyclical current to e伍?cts along face rapidly ongoing explanations as globalized greatly us indeed globalization cial in is of distribution The reason we significantly・ financial in globalization will globalization global bubble have and contradiction Because that becomes so worsened support course economy. confirm distribution political current studies with due and saving, to overcon- deficit after the of the current account deficit。 twin deficits of the us lied at Global Imbalances and the Global FinancialCrisis: The Current Account Deficit / GDP Z66T 1. 9661 Figure An Examination of Unbalanced Globalizationand Future Prospects (Lee) in the us 531 (%) 1 0 1 −2 3 −4 5 −6 的︵︶︵︶J /︵︶︵︶z 900X 々︵︶︵︶z g︵︶︵︶内 sooz I︵︶︵︶N xooz ︵︶︵︶︵︶M j 呂凪% ぐ 8661 Account 9661 Current ^661 of Economic 8661 −《卜us Source :Beurau X661 1661 0661 6861 8861 Z86T 9861 9861 ^861 8861 X861 1861 0861 −7 Deficit/ GDP Analysis (BEA) Fiarure. 2 Investment and Saving in the us (%) 25 20 滋. 箆 ゛ . . . . . . 脂 畷 ・ . . . 蔡 弼 溺 穴 ・ 溺 鄙 聡 ・ 弼 ・ 眼 . . 顕 ・ 照 ‘ ゛ 鵬 . . . m 溺 . ゜ 聊 15 s . 聊 笥 ゜ ‘ ゛ ‘ 穴 ‘ 溺 ’ ‘ ゛ 濠 滋 . 聊 10 5 0 5 (1197) private government saving saving / GDP / GDP 800Z −儡卜Gross 心Net : Ibid. 900Z Source ににヽヽ (X) (恥 つ → C`バyっ 寸 LO Cいゴ一コい7 つ つ つ つ つ つ Cいコ一コ一7 つ つ つ つ つ つ ・一一一一一一らN CXににヽヽにヽに1 zooz / GDP 当た- Net personal saving / GDP 9661 private domestic investment 寸︵ざ︶一 £661 T661 X661 0661 6861 8861 Z861 9861 ベトGross 9861 ︸必9[ £861 T861 X861 ︵︶fぶ.[ −10 532 The Ritsumeikan Economic Review (Vol.58, No. 5・6) the core of the global imbalances. The surplus countries are mainly East Asian this recent period. These than domestic amount economy by purchasing from (Eichengreen, growth and the export-dependent crisis in 1997. They the U. S. treasury bonds. 2006). Optimists world, was on insisted that the underscored that American of supports more the gigantic than $2 trillionin 2009. from Woods both was of rational economists presented without concerns and dollars should course, the other pillar of global imbalances, East Asia, there has been 2006).ln fact, most an‘investment East Asian of the economy East exports tries including where markets Neoclassical the return 0f course, many Korea and not sus- that the U. S. to a large extent. 0f the ASEAN East Asian faster because opposite experienced crisis,in part domestic the level of return and hence capital may that countries that are really in need moved from with institutions, risk and not move move into poorer physical capital per financial development to poorer countries. However, of capital for development African countries lower became net do not have it is true creditors because they should their original debts with interests. This is unfair as well as inefficientin view growth by productive nomy, and the growth problem purposes. They stimulated of the econorny・ is that foreign capital flows into the us financed Americans' of recent bubbles affect benefits from pay back more serious was poorer coun- balanced The to had a rise in consumption states that international capital should factors including of the world due a to theoretical expectation, called the to capital is relatively higher capital inflows currently. Even were not be neglected. Concerning that foreign capital has to the us, theory a large actively・ of global imbalances is emerging ‘Lucas Paradox'. promoted assurned that neoliberal restructuring. China depressed were They and the risk of depreciation be depreciated rate after the 1997 together with rate but that of the saving rate was aspect to overempha- scholars acknowledged Asia, should the investment and tended Asian draught', not just a‘saving glut'(Leeand McKibbin, countries including significant decline of the investment structural changes arguments glut' of East that the global imbalances economy their spending deficit countries. Others to a‘saving of external debts in the U. S. economy to II that could be stable outside America. too high. Many reduce driven the rapid a serious instability. However, of the dollar to surplus countries was should and had countries. According System surplus owing and the problems continue somehow tainable since the burden consumption a lot of foreign reserve. These size the strength of the U. S. economy worker. strategy rather these dollars to the U. S. for other exporter features of the Bretton the basis global imbalances could countries growth in For instance, the foreign reserves of China markets global imbalances problem countries that tried to hold Another oil producers accumulated recycled than $1 trillionin 2006 and even providing global imbalances were number and some hot debates about this global imbalances problem a few years ago of the whole because it Asian such as China foreign reserves, and they $212 billion to more There were pursued after the East of trade surpluses jumped them, countries have demand ones the serious trade and consumption beyond in the real estate market (1198) had not been utilized fiscal deficit of the U. S. eco- their income. They and the stock market also encouraged at least in part. Global Imbalances and the Global FinancialCrisis: An The debt with continuous in the level us This economy flows economy and played that the be noted us were quite different.In the us, unequal income Thus, they households such derivatives, that is, CDO provided excessive and growth of sub-prime check cheap the growth imports weak regime. Foreign ies out of the us, regime, biggest for exports China which the us goods. This from other closely in the us. Neoliberal in the us growth were at the same workers' through After Asia dominant in administration financial deregulation debts even on though finan- the current account the early 2 000s, even poor loans to buy such houses easily・ as securitization and the wrong model encouraged and increased system to the us power seized by the excessive risk highly, mak- economy for long as these could after the early 1970s. and strengthening the neoliberal and the potential threats of transfer of factor- was crucial because countries, where changes same us the us economy multinational was the companies are were intensified by East they while global imbalances reinforced Asian Asian countries went hand in hand to increase exports to make countries observed for long after the 1980s, and Japan that income opening and to the us. China suffered from neoliberal reforms. globalization and time. strategy as they struggled growth∠Most with became this enlarged necessary worse after introducing more liberalization, and the poor and East suggests that neoliberalism, globalization and global imbalances 0n the contrary, neoliberalism in East late 1990s Asia efficient This provided backgrounds for rising global imbalances, neoliberalism, East and more in this market market consumption export for maximum more regulation using direct investment producing dependent and had been in depression interacted neoliberalism the called the‘threat effects',also led to this result. In this globalized neoliber- al accumulation market and to get mortgage is always International trade contributed to weakening accumulation market vulnerable. from of real wages, asset do flows imbalances of both in the us to more consumption and under very to by financial institutions in the deregulated lending in the mortgage financial system Furthermore, turned financial innovation CDS, the and policy after the Reagan lower continuously. the strong belief that the financial market ing the whole economic lenders became able Financial institutions introduced much capital partly・ political changes Americans rate went as subprime U. S. from the us distribution on one hand kept deficit because the saving the 533 Asia after the 1990s but its effects on external balances poor did not earn income enough, cial markets. flows Imbalances in conservative Consequentially, in stemmed had international global imbalances. Neoliberalism after the 1980s and East the other hand. capital that institutional and an interesting role in worsening binge crisis which distorted spending global of Global early 2000s, Thus, debt-driven international the us resulted in more after economy. current problematic both they the a . The Political Economy It should rose rapidly into aggravated suggests global economy 3 the capital global bubbles. of Examination of Unbalanced Globalizationand Future Prospects (Lee) a widening saw income (1199) use of globalization distribution became economic reforms following income gap between the rich distribution worsening Crisis-hit countries including worse distribution because of neoliberal economic with the export- Korea and Thai after the also went restructuring such as labor market 534 The Ritsumeikan Economic Review flexibilization,pushed by the IMF, more and increase exports 1998 with currency To East Asia, workers' low intensive with for economic depreciation and more and tion also repressed Furthermore, consumption and Asian ment considerably. Therefore, a draught of investment domestic neoliberalism and the external balance across the Pa Changfes After in Global and us account change the us 2008 % to 4.9% higher reduction the investment in the second than %in 0wing 2008 this change from −1.5% to expansive to 釘.4 Household saving tion out of GDP government to 3.2% spending of GDP continued domestic 1.2% in 2008. This debt-dependent was stillabout in 1998. 1n 2009, the estimate sector was sti114% contributed with the sharp point lower stillmere The 70%,notchanging 2 .7% (1200) after 2008 officialfiscal from at all from saving the total investment 1.2% in fiscal year as 9 .9 %of GDP. in 2008, lower share of domestic of the total domestic than package that in 2008, as high consumption. fall of net debts. even more to the stimulus was 15.2 to the net saving that rose up to −4.7 that the fiscal deficit in 2009 trillion,three times larger than house- in the first quarter of to the financial crisis.The due out of their disposable income in the us of 2008. The private saving rate recorded government balance worsened in response in 2000s. the fact that the saving rate of the stillhigh level of household in 2008 of the there was a signification quarter is the lowest rate, 14.8% economy the quarterly changes and to rise from government announced enforced of the us rate fell after the beginning investment in 2007. The the us level in 2004, which 67% 2006 offset by the rise in government government up 2007. Furthermore, amounted was strategy・ Asia of the trade deficit significantly.This is closely associated deficit also went about from quarter of 2009. The that of the domestic growth that the serious global imbalances by the second asset value due to the financial c risis and However, and East recession. Figure 3 demonstrates hold saving rate out of disposable income Asia created opposite results in on the different economic deficit. It started to shrink rose while East globalization deteriorated global imbalances. after the global financial crisisis related with economy invest- the us decrease after late 2008. Its level in 2009 The corporate rise in the trade sur- extent along with the decrease in imports of the serious economic current trade surpluses. financial markets, distribution in in the political economy and open that grew Worse distribu- increasing the consequent out in late 2007, it appears started to be corrected to some because thereby competition economy. worse income ・ic,d epending Imbalances the crisis breaking trade surpluses after financial system, lowered IV ̄. GlobalRebalancing 1. market liberalized and consumption and of neoliberalism along with strove to globalize in the economy。 demand, the more style relationship-based suggests that similar changes development and they had increasing were requisite to export financial restructuring toward pluses. This countries more countries integrating into the world the old East The growth crisis.These structural changes wages from caused after the 1997 (Vol.58, No. 5・6) than the consump- 2003, higher rate including rate, although than the it was Global Imbalances and the Global FinancialCrisis: An Fiffure. 3. The Recent Changes Examination of Unbalanced Globalizationand Future Prospects (Lee) in the Current Account Deficit in the us 535 (%) 0 −1 2 −3 −4 5 −6 1600Z nrsooz 1800Z mzooz IZOOZ 11900?: 1900Z mgnoz ieooz nr^oo?: コ7︵︶︵︶z mcooz 007。 。 ISOOZ JI﹂Z007 17 miooz IIOOZ nrooo?: I︵︶︵︶︵︶z n1666T 1666T 1866T nr866T −7 。 −《》― C urrent Account Balance / GDP (%) Source :ibid. lower than the level in all years after 2003. Thus, the us should rely on continuously in 2009 because of the rise in the deficit of the government foreign saving balance in spite of the surplus of the private balance (IMF,2009b). Besides, it is not certain whether and overspending the us the reduction will finally end. The of the current account decline in consumption ary in the process of deleveraging of households and the economy again, another bubble stabilizes and late consumption opportunity growth of 2009 The grows of the us economy again for profit.In fact, the us rate compared after recording four foreign capital inflows financial institutions in the crisis.When and a bubble-led appears to begin quarter turned consecutive negative also changed might be just tempor- as the financial sector may economy with the previous boom could extent. Foreign stimu- consider that as an to recover positive to 2.8% quarterly growth to some deficit will continue as the quarterly in the third quarter rates. investment into the us, called net foreign lending, fell sharply in the recent period due to the drop of the current account deficit after 2007. The did not worsen that since then. There started to be reduce concerned dollar assets more by increasing negative international investment has been a change about as the us financial crisis and in the behavior depreciation economy of foreign central banks of dollars. They attempted to in their foreign reserve assets and diversify their reserve holdings the portion of other safe assets such the future position of the us currencies, especially in 2007. However, government foreign holding security became even of these bonds (1201) rose in 2008 the demand higher in the middle for of the significantly. Partly related to 536 The Ritsumeikan Economic Review this, the value 2009 that the dollar began supply help of dollars remained of the us the us abrupt changes to depreciate and weakening to reduce may higher than (Vol.58, No. 5・6) the common expectation. It is not until late considerably, reflecting the huge trust in the us economy. The increase in money depreciation of dollars might the current account deficit further,but it should be noted that too bring about a collapse of the dollar value and a serious disorder of the global economy・ Thus, a change in global imbalances occurred after 2008 along it is stilllimited. Besides, there is high uncertainty in the future. It would may will finally lead of the us be fair that we about the correction of global imbalances not say that the recent change due to a resolution of global imbalances because economy is stillpowerful is necessary. Regarding the us and it is highly likely that another sumption dependent on operation of the us economy all firms in the us debt will be economy, bubble-led 15.3% in 1980 to 33.3% is relatively high by and policy making in the us, a constant check financial institutions will be that there is already the interest of financial capital boom that will induce became overcon- dominant in the very hard. In as complex in 2003. The share of value added politics shaped of lending and measures of the Obama tight regulation of a development financial derivatives will be never criticism that the political economy debts and particular, regulation financial sector are neither comprehensive of so-called the financialization process. Con- Street that has great influence in us such to the crisis structural transformation stimulated. Finance already sidering that Wall financial products more as the share of profits of financial institutions out of profits of rose from the financial sector in GDP with the financial crisis but easy. It should administration nor effective although the us of in new be noted to regulate government the spent 4) huge money to bail out financial institutions in t rouble. 2. The Role of East Asia for Balanced Globalization It is certain that structural changes in both are necessary for correcting imbalances in imbalances indeed pluses and surplus lied in other recycled countries strongly encourage their growth strategy. Although across the Pa such as China Global domestic imbalances will demand share of exports in total GDP Meanwhile, the share of dornestic consumption lower about than and even 45% from higher in China in 2001 the late 1990s other countries, let alone the us. As Asian we saw, increasing exports depreciated tive peg most East countries to the us. That for export promotion. system between than the RMB 30.7% was not disappear unless higher than as high as 33% out of GDP trade sur- by in China to the early 2 000s, and in China that in the early in 2008, much it fell from 36 。5% the export-dependent lower the Chinese government and dollars until mid-2006 (1202) after which in 2008, than growth maintained that of strategy by required these countries to keep their currency For example, higher in 2006. was sti1136.8% much those changing surplus out of GDP in 2004, though pursued cause of global huge as a source of growth the size of the current account than 20.1% The that accumulated slightly fellin 2008 because of the crisis,the level is stillmuch 2000s. The ・ic,n ot just the us, the current global economy. economies dollars into the us. economies relatively the effec- it introduced more Global Imbalances and the Global FinancialCrisis: An flexible exchange rate system ged rate of the exchange exports. This succeed. It strategy is not and the likely is why to many These countries be engine of of growth nation the by up process too. for To in tic demand is demand bad income tenet more of of the us assets. would A to this be more bubble current crisis. flows much of East may Asia reserves more tion of plans regional to pegits harder us to economy in strategy demand in and the East region introduce more emphasizes more for or later into power to first. It recent change distribution to the still taking an opposite change China recognize this is progressive and The better time make could contribute to should coalition. Asia. purchasing Asia this that East distribution, and take of and stimulate income Korean government But Asian called the between imbalances there destabilize the directly is a danger the global countries dollar to economy poorer the and adheres account of and domestic problems to of the domes- promote serious Chinese RMB as of it an will too economy. because trap, More countries us under desirable more into the global the the of neoliberal reality If orderly and the of us decrease imports fast they as form key of way bad and it disorderly occurs, hold it and slow when the the us depreciation will gigantic dollar of incur serious arnount of depreciation dollar of dollars establish economy. finance. East For not in us, in they Asian may imbalances, thereby need too. of Asian Since countries basis of which should of international investment. becoming International worsened a direct development the asset background of international capital finance, to the set countries (1203) help up region from which to developing a new regional already achieved a the way cooperation dollars Monetary holds devise financial finance Asian this should more reserve holdings instance, foreign globalization this, the institutions receive benefits may the need (Ocamp0,2009). East on only global the countries 豺trillion, productive did financial system part realized current in financial a be that the developing can play to could overconsumption to some extent and development will especially of us. should not only diversify their the to political sooner East global reserves as much think again encourage desirable. went market the situation spread a reform the growth currencies broad Party emerge rates, other balanced investment need economy It the improving neoliberalism sense. resolution which In investment to harder and of domestic They and end conservative can of China and more The the exports dollars, to us. domestic a of encourage political on this exchange helpful increase cost be collapse it order poverty・ Adjustment and However, 1n would the Chinese government appears to opposition distribution and be the the Democratic in but change to of based the distribution. but must policy to it to RMB. mid-2008 but due welfare should Japan enough to social end, meaningful more the after past fundamental Appreciation this economic government a exports needed that these countries Keynesian any of dollar the more efforts of now. us in feasible enhancing to appreciation the 537 us. make instead people strategy this call should to successful 5) the rising pressure from the This allowed RMB was Examination of Unbalanced Globalizationand Future Prospects (Lee) other to an agreement make use of currencies, as well (AMF)may development foreign (Lee,2007).They countries Fund largest as have bank upon but also to stabilize this func- encourage the plan to 538 The Ritsumeikan set up a multilateral fund regional economic economic developing Review strategy and assist developing great contributions to the (Vol.58, the Chiang cooperation is called on. If East growth will make by Economic Mai Asian No. 5・6) Initiative in 2009, but more countries change close their course of the countries by utilizing their foreign reserves, it correction of global imbalances and more balanced globalization. V. The global financial crisis after 2007 lanced globalization that has imbalances in the global market economy countries rapidly economy This was paper made with became light on the problematic huge current the us spread global imbalances. Growing account the asset market features of unba- deficit in the bubble to other and became developed us and one cause and emerging truly global because financial instability in the world serious by has examined the exacerbated crisis from and highly has shed several contradictions, especially foreign capital flows into the us of the financial crisis. The Conclusions financial globalization。 the current global financial crisis and global imbalances by criti- cally investigating their developments and relationships under unbalanced globalization. Neoliberalism they and globalization have failed to bring about developed stable economic globalization led to higher inequality were related with its political economy bubble and and lax finance-led growth monetary policy but burst of the bubble in complex After also by and the us and more global imbalances, not only by capital inflows financial crisis,there us late 2008, however still their size and structural transformation us current account of the us economy has from financial deregulation surplus been a correction capital inflows trade surplus reduce excessive that more growth the whole spending with distribution and reduce country. East recycling Asian damentally what is to be is an effort for more balanced done the countries should growth strategy of dollars to the us. Many effective financial regulation in the national and global level is necessary future financial crisis.However, is hard debts and reduce strategy to a domestic-demand-based income fell rapidly after are historically large. Without change their export-dependent that dealt of global imbalances to a to the us and more equal countries. The in the us deficit in households, the government with which real estate market and East Asia, the resolution of global imbalances should but fundamentalism。 deficitand China's economy countries. Neoliberal in the end caused a collapse of the financial system of the market world and East Asia. The were stimulated ongoing in the convergence of countries in both limited extent. The to be realized. The growth within in the us derivatives, seized with the global after the 1980s to stabilize the global argue to prevent economy fun- globalization to correct global imbalances. Notes 1) After the bankruptcy of Bear Sterns in March us, the fourth largest, Lehman 2008,the fifthlargest investment bank in the Brothers and the third largestinvestment bank, Merrill Lynch, (1204) Global Imbalances and the Global FinancialCrisis: An went had bankrupt not in effect. The so much 2) Fortunately, Although is Depression. pressure However, (S−I)十(T―G). private 2000s and aggravated 4)Nobellaureates criticized about the the current the current Times, July York countries American' economy, would Stanley clause in the us, different from we the time the us be seen more rephrase deficit could and there of the China and frequently・ this equation, (X−M)= be decomposed into two parts, the the early deficit in the us. progressive administration 16, 2009, and account account and harshly the Positive,”New Morgan balance. Both balances recorded negative after the effort for the financial reform PaulバStressing 5) of surplus government in economics Bush as the 'Buy global is C十S十T=C十I十G十(X−M).lf the and assets. it is highly likely that trade conflicts between Therefore, balance and such will ruin the currencies 3)The identity of GDP Sachs 539 to protectionism after the global financial crisis. measures protectionism to appreciate largest ones, Goldman subprime serious move countries introduced that second problematic there was no a consensus Great first and exposure to some Examination of Unbalanced Globalizationand Future Prospects (Lee) and economists such as Krugman and supported Obama, presented by the Obama York Times, Stiglitz, Joseph. administration. disappointment For instance, see Krugman, ]May 7,2009, and “The '‘Obama's Ersatz Stiglitz, who a Joy of Sachs,”New Capitalism,”]March York 31, 2009, New Times. 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