File - St. Luke`s Episcopal Church Powhatan, Virginia
File - St. Luke`s Episcopal Church Powhatan, Virginia
The Prescription “Seeking to bind your wounds and heal your soul” T h e N e w s l e t t e r o f S t . L u k e ’s E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h — Pow h a t a n , VA Sunday School - Building Faith and Community Our 9:00 AM worship service and Christian education program help many members of our church family in strengthening their faith, and their ties to each other and to our community. From the opening hymn until the last light is turned off and last door is closed, God’s work is being done with children and adults. The lessons we hear, the songs we sing, the conversations we have, the people we interact with, all help us as we work to build and strengthen our faith as we move out into the world to face the challenges that beset us. Needs are made known, prayers The Adult Forum listens to a presen- and assistance are tation by Brianna Merrell from the offered, friendships are Church of the Latter Day Saints created, lifelong bonds Our children learn and are formed, the Holy apply what they have bringing music to the resiSpirit moves, and hearts learned in interactions with- dents of nursing homes. and minds are shaped. in the community. We see Our adults, too, them singing in choir, reading lessons, working in the are engaged in atrium, engaging in lively lively classes that discussions in Rite 13 and utilize our own J2A. making lunches for the staff as well as Gathering, wrapping gifts for guests as leaders. Christmas families, and In the past several weeks we have had representatives of the Mennonite Church and the Church of the Latter Day Saints address Rowan and Brody prepare the altar in the adult forum Catechesis I about their faith and church life. In addiThanks to all who work to tion, Maureen Benway make this time together on who teaches a class on Sunday mornings so speterrorism at VCU has cial. presented on religious The children’s choir practices terrorism. with Miss Cathy February 2014 Volume 14 –Issue 5 The independently edited, local monthly newsletter of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church 2245 Huguenot Trail Powhatan, Virginia 23139 Published by St. Luke’s Episcopal Church upon authority of its Rector Inside this issue: Vestry Finance Report 3 Bishop’s Visit New Vestry Officers 4 Lenten Series 5 Healing Prayer; Health 6 Thanks from Becki Rite 13 7 Birthdays Calendar Dates 8-9 Monthly Calendar, Service Assistants 1011 The St. Luke’s Prescription Page 2 Bible Challenge Readings for February Bible Challenge Companions: I have “altered” the schedule a bit so we are in sync with Sundays beginning this month. You might have a bit of catch up on Jan. 30-31 and Feb. 1 but then we will have Sundays “off” the rest of the year. Feb. 15: Day 48 – Numbers 1-3, Psalm 40, Mark 14 Jan. 30: Day 32 – Exodus 31-33, Psalm 27, Matthew 28 Feb. 19: Day 52 – Numbers 9-11, Psalm 43, Luke 1 Jan. 31: Day 33 – Exodus 34-36, Psalm 28, Mark 1 Feb. 20: Day 53 – Numbers 12-14, Psalm 44, Luke 2 Feb. 1: Day 34 – Exodus 37-39, Psalm 29, Mark 2 Feb. 21: Day 54 – Numbers 15-17, Psalm 45, Luke 3 Feb. 2: Day 35 – Sunday* Feb. 22: Day 55 – Numbers 18-20, Psalm 46, Luke 4 Feb. 3: Day 36 – Exodus 40, Psalm 30, Mark 3 Feb. 23: Day 56 – Sunday* Feb. 4: Day 37 – Leviticus 1-3, Psalm 31, Mark 4 Feb. 24: Day 57 – Numbers 21-23, Psalm 47, Luke 5 Feb. 5: Day 38 – Leviticus 4-6, Psalm 32, Mark 5 Feb. 25: Day 58 – Numbers 24-26, Psalm 48, Luke 6 Feb. 6: Day 39 – Leviticus 7-9, Psalm 33, Mark 6 Feb. 7: Day 40 – Leviticus 10-12, Psalm 34, Mark 7 Feb. 8: Day 41 – Leviticus 13-15, Psalm 35, Mark 8 Feb. 9: Day 42 – Sunday* Feb. 10: Day 43 – Leviticus 16-18, Psalm 36, Mark 9 Feb. 11: Day 44 – Leviticus 19-21, Psalm 37:1-18, Mark 10 Feb. 12: Day 45 – Leviticus 22-24, Psalm 37:19-42, Mark 11 Feb. 13: Day 46 – Leviticus 25-27, Psalm 38, Mark 12 Feb. 14: Day 47 – There is no Old Testament reading assigned for this day. Please reread a favorite passage from the first three books of the Old Testament, Psalm 39, Mark 13 Feb. 16: Day 49 – Sunday* Feb. 17: Day 50 – Numbers 4-5, Psalm 41, Mark 15 Feb. 18: Day 51 – Numbers 6-8, Psalm 42, Mark 16 Feb. 26: Day 59 – Numbers 27-29, Psalm 49, Luke 7 Feb. 27: Day 60 – Numbers 30-32, Psalm 50, Luke 8 Feb. 28: Day 61 – Numbers 33-35, Psalm 51, Luke 9 Mar. 1: Day 62 – Numbers 36, Psalm 52, Luke 10 Mar. 2: Day 63 – Sunday* *Enjoy hearing the Scriptures read aloud in church. Annual Council Convenes February 7 Linda Ricker and Rick Cole will join delegates from across the Diocese of Southern Virginia for Annual Council on February 7-8 in Williamsburg. They will join together with alternates, diocesan staff, ecumenical partners, and visitors for a yearly gathering is part educational forum, part family reunion, part business meeting, and prayerfully all worship and all for the good of the Episcopal Church in Southern Virginia. Business will include the election of Deputies and Alternates to the General Convention of the Episcopal Church (to be held in June 2015 in Salt Lake City) the election of new members for various diocesan offices, consideration of proposed resolutions,, and approval of the proposed diocesan budget for 2014. Also attending from St. Luke’s this year will be Sandi+, Steve Moore and Betty Estes, our Alternates, and John Rick who will be attending as a visitor. Dwight Zscheile, Ph.D. will be our keynote speaker at Council, addressing “Becoming Learning Communities.” Zscheile serves as associate priest at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Saint Paul, MN. A graduate of Stanford University and Yale University Divinity School, he is currently a faculty member in congregational mission and leadership at Luther Seminary. Zscheile is the author of People of the Way: Renewing Episcopal Identity. December 2013 Page 3 Vestry Update: Redefining our Vision “Without a vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18) And the corollary, then, is: With a vision, the people and the church thrive and become all that God calls them to be. It has been ten years since the Vestry and People of St. Luke’s have come together to listen to God, to one another, to our community and the world in an intentional way to discover fresh vision that will lead us into the future in mission. Our Vestry began that process while on retreat at Richmond Hill in early January. Here is our Senior Finance Repor t Warden’s (Peter Boone’s) summary of that process: Your vestry met on January 3rd 4th at Richmond Hill to explore the values, mission and vision of St. Luke's and the church. We were challenged to identify the core values that we believe to be the essence of our Christian lives as members of St. Luke's. After much discussion these are the values upon which we agreed: Christ Centered Community Outreach (accepting and welcoming) Spiritual growth Healing - body, mind, and spirit; the Prescription, “binding wounds, healing soul”) Youth (who they truly are) We will soon be asking you to join us in looking to that good vision and to all that we are blessed to share. We have begun the process of discerning vision with identifying our core values as a community. We are also studying the demographics and trends of our community, listening for how the Spirit is calling us to serve in this place at this time and in the future. Would you also think about what our core values are and let us know what you are thinking? As the Vestry, we want to invite you into this holy conversation we are having. We will schedule a “town hall meeting” in the spring to hear your thoughts. We are also considering the use of a new survey, The Church Assessment Tool (or “CAT”), as a way to bring all of us into this conversation. Look for more information in the near future. (see budget totals on page 4) Dec Actual Dec Budget Actual less Budget Total income 28,366 21,954 6,412 225,234 199,448 Less expenses (19,076) (17,448) (1,628) (217,622) (209,376) 9,290 4,506 7,612 (9,928) Net 4,784 YTD Actual 2013 Budget December income exceeded expenses by $9,290. Year end 2013, the income exceeded expenses by $7,612. The 2014 Budget is $227,876 or 14.25% higher than the 2013 Budget. The increase is mainly attributed to having a balanced budget in 2014. Thanks to all who have submitted their 2014 Covenant Cards to support the ministries of St. Luke’s in the coming year. It is not too late to make a pledge. Please contact the church office if you need a Covenant Card December 2013 Page 4 Bishop Hollerith to Visit St. Luke’s February 23 Our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Herman (“Holly”) Hollerith IV, will visit us on Sunday, February 23rd at the 10:30 AM service. (8 AM Holy Eucharist will also be held that day). Please make plans to join with us as we welcome Bishop Hollerith and those being confirmed or received that day. A celebration luncheon will follow the service in the Parish Hall. those who wish to be confirmed or received, or for anyone who would like to attend as a refresher, will take place on Saturday, February 1st from 9 AM – 3 PM. Please let Sandi+ know if you will attend or, if you cannot attend and wish to be confirmed. A one day preparation workshop for More Vestry News Officers and Commissions Chairs for 2014 The Vestry elected the following officers and commission chairs at their January meeting. Senior Warden: Peter Boone Junior Warden: Teno Bratton Treasurer: Lee Kramer Register: Janet Tucker Commission chairs: Buildings and Grounds: Teno Bratton Outreach: Jon Brew and Steve Moore Fellowship: Shelly Shock; Communications: Stew Wolfe Welcome to St. Luke's: Peter Boone Christian Formation: John Rick (with Teno) Finance: Cindy Coleman Worship: Sandi Kerner+ Stewardship (new in 2014) Ben Bruno. Commission chairs will be seeking others to serve in specific ways in ministries overseen by their various commissions. Just say, "YES"! Or, even better, offer your assistance as you believe God is calling you to do. 2013 Budget (Actual) You can give without loving. But you cannot love without giving. Amy Carmichael (1867-1951), missionary to India St. Luke's Cemetery For many years Larry Barden has been overseeing all matters related to our cemetery and burials. Thank you, Larry, for your faithful service on behalf of all of us! Dan Jones will now take on that service for St. Luke's with Hardman Jones continuing to assist. Budget Information Budget summaries for 2013 (actual) and proposed for 2014 are printed below for your information. 2014 Budget (Proposed) Income $ 225,234 Income $ 227,876 Expenses Administration Outreach Fellowship Property Maint. Salaries & Benefits Education Worship Altar Guild $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 30,765 6,647 2,050 43,956 126,695 2,001 2,895 1,229 Expenses Administration Outreach Fellowship Property Maint. Salaries & Benefits Education Worship Altar Guild $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 31,420 10,200 2,150 45,850 130,106 2,600 3,000 950 $ $ 1,386 217,625 $ $ 1,600 227,876 Membership Total Expenses Membership Total Expenses The St. Luke’s Prescription Page 5 Lenten Series Preview: Final Gifts Final Gifts, a book written by two hospice nurses, Maggie Callanan and Patricia Kelley, invites us into the intimate moments of dying and opens our eyes to the gift of this season of life. Do read this inspirational book! We will use it in our Wednesday evening Lenten series this year as a springboard to talk about dying, death, resurrection, and all the practical aspects of this season of life: hospice care, medical directives, making or updating a will, designating power of attorney, writing an obituary, planning a burial service, estate planning, and legacy gifts. Many of us have parents who are in or approaching this season of life; some of us have already walked through this time with loved ones; all of us will one day enter it. Lent is an appropriate time of the church year to talk about “holy living and holy dying”, a title borrowed from the works of 17th century Anglican bishop, Jeremy Taylor. Look for more details in next month’s Prescription. The series will begin on Wednesday, March 12th and run for a total of five weeks. Please put these Lenten events on your calendar! Tuesday, March 4: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper (sponsored by the Men of the Church) Wednesday, March 5: Ash Wednesday – Holy Eucharist with imposition of ashes at 12 Noon and 7 PM. Saturday, March 8: Lenten Quiet Day begins with Centering Prayer at 8:30 AM, followed by a brief instruction on walking the labyrinth as a spiritual practice. We hope to feature brief instruction on other spiritual practices so that participants can choose how they will use the morning in prayer and meditation. Look for more information in the March edition of The Prescription. Rite 13 Studies Prayer The Rite 13 class began a unit on prayer on the last Sunday in January. Students removed their shoes outside of the classroom and used linens, candles and flowers to create their own personal prayer space within our newly created "Holy Ground". Time for silent prayer was allowed. Following this, the students discussed what prayer is and why we pray. The insight and perception these young people displayed in their answers is truly remarkable. Rite 13 students will continue to focus on prayer for the next several months, exploring types of prayers, the variety of methods for praying and the importance of prayer to both the community and individuals. We look forward to the opportunity to walk a labyrinth as part of one of our lessons and to receiving instruction on healing prayer in another lesson. Our curriculum provides sample prayers for the students to use and we will also spend time writing our own prayers. Members of the congregation are invited to share favorite prayers of their own during this unit. You may leave a copy of your prayer in Anne Larrick's box in the office. The family of Ray Evans thanks all of you for your love and prayers these past few months. That final week was just right. All of us were surrounded with your love. God’s love certainly shines through all of you. Much love, The Evans family Page 6 December 2013 New Opportunities for Healing Prayer In addition to healing prayer offered on Wednesday evenings as part of the Eucharist, we will have healing prayer ministers available beginning in Lent for Sunday services. If you wish to receive prayer for yourself or ask for intercessory prayer for others, after you receive communion, you may visit the prayer team (two persons) who will pray briefly with you. You may choose to state your request to the team or just ask them to pray – they will take it from there! They will ask permission to lay hands on you (most likely on your shoulder or holding your hands) and to anoint you with oil. Both touch and the use of oil in healing prayer are outward, visible signs of the inner grace one receives in prayer. With touch those praying offer themselves to be vessels of God’s near presence. Oil for unction (anointing) is olive oil blessed by the Bishop during Holy Week and set apart for this special use. Oil has natural healing properties; thus, the grace of God builds upon nature with this special oil – it conveys what it signifies, to use sacramental language. You may request healing prayer for yourself or others as often as you like – there is no limit! Remember that healing can be physical improvement or cure, as we often think of “healing” to be, yet healing is also emotional, spiritual, and relational, involving our whole being. Perhaps it is more helpful to think of healing as “wholeness”. As you see this ministry going on during communion, join in the prayers silently from where you are seated and be the praying, healing community you are. At the 9 AM Holy Eucharist in the Parish Hall prayer teams will be located at the opposite end of the room from the kitchen. For all services in the church building, a prayer team will be stationed where the acolytes are usually seated, near the organ. During Communion, the acolytes will move to the chairs near the lectern to give privacy and space for this ministry. We invite your feedback and comments on this ministry as we “try it out” during Lent. Let us know what is helpful, how you are touched by God in this ministry, and how we can make it more accessible. If you are unable to come forward for communion or healing prayer and would like to receive this ministry, please let an usher or greeter know so that we can come to you! February is Heart Month All of us are aware of heart health practices such as a healthy diet, getting regular exercise and not smoking, but did you know there are some other “non-medical” activities that we can do to help reduce our risk of cardiovascular disease? Volunteer - Canadian researchers who studied volunteers discovered cholesterol, BMI and inflammation dropped after their opportunity for service compared to a group of their peers who didn't get the chance to give back. Laugh – Laughter increases blood flow roughly the same amount as as light exercise or cholesterollowing drugs would. Relax - People who are, in general, more relaxed, easy-going and down to earth have a lower risk of heart disease, according to U.S. News. See the glass “half-full” – Being optimistic has been linked to a longer life and a lower risk of heart disease. Have A Furry Friend – A recent study showed that pet owners with high blood pressure or cholesterol had a greater likelihood of surviving heart disease. Snuggle - Getting close to someone you care about benefits more than just your relationship. Cud- dling, hugging, kissing can reduce stress and lower blood pressure ( giving you a whole new excuse to schedule some quality time) You Sit AND Stand - People who sit for the majority of the day are 54 percent more likely to die of a heart attack. Get the right amount of Sleep - Getting too much or too little sleep can increase your risk of heart problems. Adults should get 7-9 hours of sleep. Those who get less than six or or more than eight hours a night were more likely to experience stroke, heart failure and heart attack. The St. Luke’s Prescription Page 7 Thanks for Your Support of the Gathering My Dear Friends: I cannot begin to thank each and every one of you for your love and support for The Gathering Place. You cannot begin to know the difference you all have made in the lives of the members of our Community. The open arms of all who participate in this ministry have reached farther and wider than any of us could have imagined. When we began 15 months ago we had no idea what the impact would be, if any. It is because God imagines so much more that, through St. Luke's, surround us every week, speak so loudly of your commitment to do the Gospel. I am abundantly blessed to be one of the recipients of your amazing love to the least, the lost, and the lonely who live on the margins of our society. Thank you and God bless you all. for us than we can ever imagine. The open arms of the love of God Faithfully, Becki Dean+ Are you looking for something to do on Valentine's Day? Some great fun and a way to support two Powhatan ministries? We have just the thing for you! The Free Clinic of Powhatan and the Powhatan Habitat for Humanity are sponsoring a Valentine's Day Gala on Saturday, February 15, 2014 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at The Mill at Fine Creek. The cost is $75.00 a person or $150.00 a couple. The evening will include dinner and dancing; a cash bar will be available. Black tie is optional. All net proceeds will be split equally between the Free Clinic and Habitat for Humanity. The deadline to purchase tickets is Saturday, February 1. Contact Rick or Pam Cole for a ticket application/RSVP card. Update for Children’s Prayer Partners Many thanks to all who volunteered to be an adult praying for a child in 2014. This important ministry serves to draw our congregation ever closer to one another. Several individuals who were unable to commit to pray for a specific child did let me know that they will be praying for the well being and continued spiritual growth of all of our youth. Believe me, the children can use all the prayer they can get! By February 1, all adults should have received the name of the child they will be praying for this year. Please make the effort to contact your child to let them know who you are by the end of February. If you do not receive the information about your child, please contact Anne Larrick (804-598-7679 or [email protected]). Parents, if your child does not hear from an adult by the end of the month of February, you can also contact me and let me know that. December 2013 Page 8 News Briefs The Children’s Choir will have a Pizza Party at 11:30 AM and be singing at Beaufont Towers on Sunday, Feb. 2 at 1:30 PM. Come and be a part of this special ministry, Eucharistic Visitors bring communion to Beaufont Towers on 1st Sundays, The Meadows in Goochland on 2nd Sundays and Beaufont Healthcare on 4th Sundays. If you would like to assist For our Youth — Mark your calendars: Happening #61 - March 7-9 (registration deadline is Feb. 10): May Weekend - May 16-18 (registration deadline is May 5) in this ministry, let Sandi+ or Thom Estes know. Helpers are also welcome, those who can help residents to these gatherings or provide a snack following. The Altar Guild needs new members to assist on a team monthly to prepare and restore the altar and church for worship. See Joyce Evans if you can help. Add these dates to your March calendar: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner - March 4 @ 6 PM; Ash Wednesday Services March 5 @ noon and 7 PM Food Pantry Our local Food Pantry needs ketchup and canned meals and meats, such as tuna, spam, and Vienna sausages. St. Luke’s has donated a total of 56 Thanksgiving bags this year! THANK YOU to all who contributed in any way! Februar y Bir thdays Joyce Evans Sally Silvey Jeanne Wolkiewicz Pam Cole Shepherd Akins Jessica Evans Sullivan Young Ben Bruno Ken Sutton William Kimbrogh Jennifer Kapasakis Randy Watts Steve Larrick Lauren Richardson Rowan Danielsen Steve Moore Betty Jean Moncure 2/1 2/3 2/8 2/10 2/10 2/11 2/12 2/12 2/13 2/12 2/13 2/13 2/15 2/15 2/15 2/16 2/16 John Carmack Annie Kelly Alexandra Kapasakis Destiny Hunt Susan Partridge Jack Hatfield Howdie Markowitz Jennifer Pipjunge Katherine I. Lucas Sally Schmidt Alison Partridge Stan McFadden Carroll Barr Taylor Germain Betsy Moore Isabella Worrell 2/16 2/17 2/18 2/20 2/20 2/21 2/21 2/21 2/22 2/22 2/22 2/23 2/26 2/26 2/26 2/28 Watch over thy children, O Lord, as their days increase; bless and guide them wherever they may be. Strengthen them when they stand; comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall; and in their hearts may thy peace which passeth understanding abide all the days of their life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The 122nd Annual Council of the Diocese of Southern Virginia will be February 7-8, 2014 at the Williamsburg Lodge Convention Center. Spring Vestry Training Days February 22 at St. John's, Chester and March 1 at All Saints', Virginia Beach. Workshop will be 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. each day. The cost of the event is $15, which includes lunch. All current vestry members are welcome to attend. Online registration coming soon. The deadline for registration is one week prior to the event. Cursillo: Men's Weekend April 24-27, 2014 Women's Cursillo Weekend - May 1-4, 2014 Cursillo is an adult retreat designed to help us grow closer to Jesus Christ. It's also a community where we're encouraged to live joyfully and serve faithfully in grace. For more information on Cursillo or to apply to be a candidate, please see Sandi+ or visit the Cursillo website at (Both weekends are at Chanco.) Page 9 The St. Luke’s Prescription Regularly Scheduled Weekly Activities Each Sunday 8, 9 & 11 AM Holy Eucharist (on combined service days, services are at 8 and 10-11 AM Christian Formation 11-11:30 AM Beginning Sept. 15 -Children’s Choir practice (except on days of 12 PM 1:30 PM 2 PM 2:30 PM 5 PM 3:00 PM 4th Sun. Each Mon. 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 7 PM Communion service at Beaufont CEWL Lee Kramer, Treasurer Jeannette Pugh, Intake Treasurer Sally Silvey, Endowment Treasurer Vestry Teno Bratton, Junior Warden Communion service at The John Rick The Gathering Place Ben Bruno CEWL Steve Moore Communion at Beaufont Healthcare Center Taize service Shelly Shock Cindy Coleman FOOD PANTRY SUNDAY Jon Brew Stew Wolfe Bible Study EachTues. 8 PM Education for Ministry (EfM) @ Manakin Alcoholics Anonymous 1st Tues. 6 PM Worship Commission rd Interim Organist/Choir Director, Sumner Jenkins Peter Boone, Senior Warden 12 PM 3rd Sun. The Rev. Sandra B. Kerner, Rector Seasonal Adult Choir 1st Sun. 2nd Sun. Rector Pam Cole, Health Ministry Joyce Evans, Altar Guild Anne Larrick, Youth 3 Tues. 11:45 AM Each Wed. 7 PM Eucharist and Healing Service Rick & Pam Cole, Newsletter Editors 7 AM Men’s Group (“Holy MOCs”) E-Mail: [email protected] 1st 3rd & 7 PM Home School Co-op meets (begin Sept 12) Order of St. Luke Healing Course (except for 3rd Thurs Vestry Mtgs) Knitting Guild 3rd Thurs. 7 PM Vestry 2nd & 4th 8:30 AM Each Thurs. 9 AM-3 PM Seniors’ Luncheon (except Jan.) Janet Tucker, Vestry Recorder Centering Prayer Group Betty Handy, Architectural Review Lizzie Shock Destiny Hunt Mary Lisa and Randy Watts Ella and Amelia Thomas Rick and Susie Thomas Ally Kapasakis Mikaela Benway Teeno Bratton Acolytes Greeter/Counter Bill and Betsy Moore Hannah and Laura Bratton Peter Boone Elizabeth Forrest Team # 2 Peter Boone Mimi Ziletti Taylor and Peyton Worrell Isabella Worrell Betty Estes Team # 1 Acolytes Lector Eucharistic Min. Altar Guild Holy Eucharist Ushers Holy Eucharist Kakki Rogers Service in Sanctuary Linda Ricker Flowers 11:00 AM Service Destiny Hunt Amelia Thomas Mikaela Benway Team # 3 Betsy Moore Connie Harriss Jean Wolkiewicz Henry Ziletti Mary and Larry Barden Holy Eucharist Lizzie Shock Lector II-2nd Lesson Ella Thomas Ally Kapasakis Lee Kramer Holy Eucharist Don Morris Holy Eucharist The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany Lector II- Psalm Savannah Adkins Holy Eucharist Paul Pugh Holy Eucharist The Fifth Sunday after Epiphany February 16 JoAnne Stephenson Holy Eucharist Rick Cole Holy Eucharist The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ at the Temple February 9 Lector I/ Euch.. Min. 9:00 AM Service Lector I/ Euch. Min 8:00 AM Service Service/ Role February 2 Team # 4 Linda Ricker (Church building) Peter Boone and Anne Holliday (Parish Hall overflow) See above See above 10:30 AM Service Nancy Hakala Will Moore Holy Eucharist For Parish Hall Overflow: Carroll Barr Olivia Stokes Abby Timmons 10:30 AM in Sanctuary Abby Timmons Olivia Stokes Stew Wolfe (Lector only) Holy Eucharist 10:30 AM Service Larry Lyons Holy Eucharist The Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany February 23 Service Assistants Calendar for February 2014 February 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Confirmation Workshop 9 AM– 3 PM 2 Holy Eucha- 3 4 5 Holy Eucha- 6 7 8 Centering rist @ 8, 9, & 11 AM; Beau- font Towers 1:30 PM EFM @ Manakin 7 PM Worship Commission 6 PM; AA 8 PM rist & Healing Service 7 PM Annual Council Prayer 8:30 AM: Annual Council 9 10 11 12 Holy Eu- 13 Men’s 14 15 EFM @ Manakin 7 PM AA 8 PM charist & Healing Service 7 PM 16 Holy Eu- 17 18 19 Holy Eu- 20 21 22 charist @ 8, 9 & 11AM; Beaufont Towers 2 PM; The Gathering 2:30 PM Office Closed Ultreya @ St. Davids’s 6 PM; EFM @ Manakin 7 PM Senior Luncheon charist & Heal11:45 AM; ing Service 7 AA 8 PM PM Men’s Group 7 AM; Home School Group; Vestry, Knitting Guild 7 PM; 23 Bishop’s 24 25 AA 8 PM 26 27 Holy Eucharist @ 8,9, & 11 AM: The Meadows 2 PM Men’s Group 7 AM; Home School Group; Knitting Guild 7 PM; ; Group 7 AM; Home School Group Centering Prayer 9AM; Parish House Clean-up 9 AM-Noon 28 Visit, Confirma- EFM @ ManaMen’s Group 7 tion; Holy Eucha- kin 7 PM AM; Home rist @ 8 & 10:30 School Group AM; Confirmation Luncheon Beaufont Towers Company of Emerging Worship Leaders - Feb. 2 12 PM 3 PM Company of Emerging Worship Leaders 5 PM Jan. 19 Christian Formation—Every Sunday @ 10 AM Christian Formation—Every Sunday @ 10 AM Children’s Choir practice – Every Sunday @ 11 AM, Children’s Choir practice – Every Sunday @ 11 AM, Feb. 23 — Food Pantry Sunday; Taize Service - 5 PM Jan. 26 — Food Pantry Sunday; Taize Service 5 PM The Newsletter of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church—Powhatan, VA 2245 Huguenot Trail, Powhatan, Virginia 23139 Office: 804-794-6953 Fax: 804-794-6532 E-Mail: [email protected] On the web at Worship Schedule 8:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Service (no music) Service (nursery) Service (nursery) Mark your calendar for Bishop Hollerith’s visit and Confirmation Sunday, February 23 at 10:30 AM Lunch to follow
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